Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1897, editorial Sheet, Page 11, Image 11
JA'NTTAK.Y a , 181)7. ) 11 feiife , i ! IN THE DOMAIN OF WOMAN. ! § - fea. Mimvivnmvinni.vcs. . No\cl mill ( 'hnrintiiu CoHdtniot I lie OrniiKu llloM > iiiiiN , NK\V YORK , Dec. 31.It la authorita tively staled nt proper Intervals that short sleeved and opon-ncckcd gowns will bo the approved faihlon for woddlng costume * . All royol la lies nre married tliu ? , but royal Initiatives are Invariably , In this re.'pect , cot nsldr by the good taste of girls of lower degree , who valiantly cling this season to higher collarn and longer sleeves than ever before. This Is quit" } < as It should be , though there Is no explaining that time-honored emblem of Hymen's rites , the orange blowm , Is being put-hcd out of sight and memory. Of the many dozeni of charmingly costumed girls , nho have gone to the altar since last autumn , not more than three or four ha\o worn any of theco flowers , though there Is revealed by a dressmaker the fact that on ever- while satin slie sends out for a bride , B Eprin of the orange bloom Is sewed souic- whcro amid the llutcn nnd laces. She Is or dered to do tills , not that the flowers may PRINCESS GOWN. ornament or even make any show nt all , but simply to satisfy a feminine superstition thnt to go to the altar without any of those mystic blossoms would be to court the worst kind of luck. To replace the long-respected wreaths and crowns of orange bloom , n half dozen rather good silbi'tltutcs have been brought prom inently forward. Costly whlto polar fox fur or beautiful Inexpensive white hare , Is ono of them. Ermine has too decided a yellow tlngo In It to bo quite appropriate , though It Is sometimes used , or all these furs nro Ignored for snowy bands of Arctic ducks' nnu wncn any ono 01 uicse iiin-u JHII- tcrlals servo ns trimming no flowers of any Itlnd deck the bridal toilet. Now nnd again one tecs a very delightful effect brought out In whlto silk brldo roses , but no ostrich feathers- are adopted , and on the whole a rule of splendid simplicity , re lieved by passementeries , governs the de signing of tlieso all-Important toilets. A PRINCESS GOWN. An exemplification of this Is the white eatln Princess suit inado for a January bride. This garment hooks together down the back , and Us only relief Is In the two bands of seed pearl passementeries that extend from shoulder to foot. Hero and there among the pearls small rhlncstoncn nro disposed and the design of the bead ing Is orange blossoms amid Ivy leaves , At the wrists of the clo o satin sleeves , at the elbows and around the collar such beading Is used again , while the veil drapes from a Jeweled ornament nnd tuft of white aigrette slips. This veil , by the wny , Is of a now silk tulle , that cornea woven In a very largo mesh and with the narrowest whlto satin sclvego. This Is not though ; BO great a novelty as the veil of enbroldercd tulle that has appeared recently in sev eral church aisles. This Is small , worn off the faro and either dotted over with little flvo-petaled blossoms , or has an elaborate orchid border. In which silver threads are much woven with the white silk needle work. These little novelties are especially pre pared for the use of brides who have not Inherited , or cannot afford , whlto lace veils , though considering their size there really Bcema no reason why every girl should not , at her wedding , now crown herself with lace. So much can be asserted lu view of the lately popularized lace hood veils , shown on one of the models given this week. The entire garment or garnish ment , as ono may think It deserves designa tion , Is scarcely larger than an apron with a bib , and the fact that a hood Is carried up from the shouldci nnd arranged over the long-established tradition that a bride intmt not go to the altar with her head uncovered. ELEGANT MODELS. The three remaining wedding frocks servo first to Illustrate the three most popular A GRACEFUL INNOVATION. materials of the now year. The first la a cream whlto hrocadcd satin , richly brocaded with much silver thread worked Into tlio figures. The second U a , dead whlto antique elllc , which In only another name for whlto bcngaltnu that has Httlo lustro and small conU , and the third example wliowa moat fanhlonablo of all a skirt front of cream whlto velvet and a lengthy train ot tmow whlto accordion-pleated tiatln , The hrocadcd satin Illustrates In Its bodlco a now typo of decidedly artistic toilet , for the short waist lacks the usual high collar and a most gorgeous result la nocurcd by the comparatively Incxpenslvo yolio made all of mirror bead * . These are small and sowed on a lat'o pattern , and tholr beauty rests In the fact that they pcom to bo inailci of sliver , polished to u dazzling brlchtucn * . They have uo facets like a mirror , And arc decidedly the moat beautiful of all tlio now and beautiful pnssc- mentrlos , cnpcclftlly for niarrlaqn rolics. 1'olnr fox fur Is the decoration of the next dress , while tlio third gown Is chiefly ill tinrtlvi > foi Itn lovely coract bodice , formed of beads of pcnrl passementerie and IU off-idling of brldo roses. A text to be tale"n , however , from this sketch , lies In tlio use , so nearly universal among billies of ' 97 of high Jeweled collars. This Is almost tlio only point ntvhlch tlio wo- i ni'n wear gem * with tliclr snowy nulls. j ' Gifts of brooches and long chains , dangling - ling wicatha of pearls , sun-bursts and the o\cr popular stars , are twisted , cnwroujht , or Incorporated with n thick glittering log collar , to concentrate all light and glory tight about the face of the newly wed. Whcro man } line stones are not counted amonij the bridal glfln , a collar of bright rhln < rtoncN U adopted , or a high fiatln nosh-band Is encrusted In pearl beading. Very lon'j trains , It la n. precaution to men tion , are not now on wedding dresses of the most approved conatr it'llon for the wise and woithy reison that a brldo Is usually ex pected to wear this gown , at her llrst housewarming - warming reception , where a eatln trail , sev eral yanU Ions , would be a decided nui sance. Five-button whlto suede gloves are In good fashion with the long close sleeves , the skill of the glove allowed to wrinkle around the wrist , but not In an awkward bunch. AH for bouquets , they are small. Ifl , In compailson with those that liavo gene before nnj the smart thing to cany l myrtle , mixed with delicate trails of Ivy , or a moderate bouquet of white orchids , nr white tullpfl with asparagus fern. There arc the brl-lffl , to be rut , who Btlll carry prayer book * , and If you want to know why , In KplscopaJ weddings , these appear to be such uniquely thin volumes , peep between the watered fillk covcro. There you will llnd only n few sllver- ciU-ed pirehmcnt leaves on which , In glorlotuly Illuminated lettering , nlmply the form of thd mairlagc ceremony is set forth. Latterly a few venturesome girls have gone up theal lw merely bearing Inrgo white ostrich ftatlicr fan * In their hand. ) , but that le only an Individual fashion , llko the prayer book or bouquet. TIIR BRIDESMAIDS. A brldo Is always expected to show her taste and Individuality 1m the schema of color , mode of hat and pattern of frock she selects for her attending maids , so that thcio are few hard and fast rules to bo Get forth on this score. For Instance , nt ono Important New York wedding last month the six maids appeared In scarlet tulle , black satin Bashes and wide black velvet hats loaded with jacqueminot roses. Another debutante , who took matrimonial vows , was followed by four fair girls with crjstul beaded lace , that one might easily liavo mistaken them for a twinkling con stellation. However , It Is now the mode to cut a bridesmaid's dress with a distinctly trained effect In the back widths and to give them hats , wide and plume-shaded , to match the prevailing tint In their dresses. An extremely pretty model for a maid of honor's toilet Is shown In figure five , whcro two shades of pink are the dominating color. The v-shaped under petticoat In this In- fltanco Is of what wo now rail pearl pink chiffon , draped on white silk. The four puffed rulltes nt the foot are caught , nt one slilo , by two silk bluah roses , while the princess back of the drcts Is of peach plnic satin. Satlit of the same sort composes the double-breasted waistcoat , decked with BRIDESMAID'S FROCK. two rows of largo pearl buttons , and the top of the bodlco and the alcoves are made from cream-tinted renaissance lace. The puffs on the shoulders are made ot chiffon and held by pearl ornaments anu the crown of BO much beauty Is n wide peach pink velvet or felt hat , enhanced by a panache of rose and whlto and pale green plumes. Without variation the sleeves to this , as to all other well cut gowns of the time known as the present , lit nearly skin tight and straight to the bhouldur , whcro a puff or a knot , or n couple of meager frills lend some small relief. IMPORTANT DETAILS. Ono of the oddities of the season In the way of things matrimonial , are the now bridesmaids' gloves of whlto or pearl gray auedo that are no long they reach quite comfortably up to the shoulder and there , by a few buttons , can bo attached to the shoulder straps. They are meant to form a sleeve and from the wrist to nrmholc wrinkle up slightly. Others are to be had quite as long but buttomlng the whole way up quite smoothly , with closebt round gilt billets. Fans , nnd feather ones at that , fill the hands of nearly all tlio bridesmaids who do not carry small bouquets and ono cannot fall to not how often fur appeara on their pretty costumes. Striking results are for example achieved In such a combination aa the sixth llguro shows. It Is ono from a scries of six brides maids' * toilets and nil of them alike. Palest corn-colored moire Is the chief fabric used , the lower half of the skirt silt In six tails , nnd every tab embrolded over In gold sequins. Between them falls out portions of an accordion-pleated underskirt of yellow chiffon and the back widths of the skirt are edged with n band of mink. Straps of so- quln-pcwdcrcd moire , over a chiffon undcr- walst , form the bodlco , while the uhoul- der straps are the slim bodies of two little minks. A yellow velvet hat , docked with fur and plumes tops oft everything ef fectively and pearl gray gloves stitched In yellow silk Is the last touch such a toilet needs. MILLICUNT AUUOWI'OINT. WOMI'J.Y AM ) Till : I'HOIT.SSIOXH. VliMVN of KiiriiptMiit TrnoliiTM tin Tlu-lr AllflfllllC III tilt * fil'll'IICH'H. Some time ago a Berlin Journalist , Arthur Klrchhoff , addressed a circular to over 100 ( Jorman profctnors ami men of loiters , re questing their opinion on the admission of women to university education. As regards admitting thorn to the same classrooms na mala etudei'U , ( hero In In Germany a gen * oral agreement om the part of the Qerman professors , Tlio objections are twofold- First , the danger lest the presence of young woiiK'ii should disturb the attention of the men etudonts ; and , secondly , the liability ot tlio professors to descend to the level ot their female auditors. In the domain of mcdlclno and eclcuco the Cloniian physicians are said In central to liavo little faith lu the possibility of women attaining superiority In these branches. "As the result of personal experience , " writes Dr. Frcund , director of the university clln- Iquo at Strasburg , "the aptitude of women for medical studies does not rlso beyond mediocrity. All that can bo done by zeal , application , order nnd perseverance they accomplish. They fall , to an extraordinary degree , In manual address. " Hero It should bo pointed out that , according to the testi mony of Dr. Johannes Orth , director of the I'athoologlcal Institute nt Oottlngcn , women are decidedly more adroit with their flugors than men. But Dr. Freund declares that "as practl- phM garters arc ornamented with the most fcUhlng climps of cairn germ or Scotch poo- bio net In old silver. Of course those who < ] ufford to be trulj oleisant rnra by theoo Lustuloufl ami prelt > devices , nnd Indulge In tlTo solid gold or Jeweled buckles , and thf number and beauty of these designs would w.'em to Indicate thn there are many such. TJio'fJiir-leafcd clover with perhaps n diamond Ucn the center , am the flcur de 11s are very''nl-orllo designs It gold ; or Just n. plain dnll old square with n glistening diamond horemmMhoro may provo euHlcIently alluring ; If not ! perhaps a scrol of red enamel with n griiVborder and n brll llant diamond In the center may do. These range all the way from $00 to JCO and are equally distributed bctwei-a the round ni sldo garter. v. > n' The suspender , however , la gaining the da > and Is Indeed much morc xvovn by the rcall > smart woman than the -round garter. The secret of which Is that ahi ) bus learned ti make It serve n two-fold Jt > uroose. The eli way of wearing these fluspt'n.lorn fastened to the sides of the corset has n tendency to cnl > push the corset out In front , but Is much worse to force the nbJo > iion forward But the clever woman has lilt i.pon a trlcl worth two of that : one ao simple that 1 seems strange she should have been so long JANUARY BRIDES. 1 - , - tloncrs , they have never risen above the ordinary standard. " "In science , " ho E.IJH , "It Is mediocrity. Until now n woman has never sot herself to solve n great scientific problem ; she has never found an original solution to even an easy problem. " I'rof. Adolph Gusscrow , at present nt the charity hospital In Berlin , taught for five years In Zurich , where there are many fe male students among his pupils. Ills ex perience wcs that "with a few exceptions all the women manifested much earncstncsu nnd application and displayed a sjrt of en thusiasm for their work. Ills astonishment was accordingly nil the greater when It turned out that , "with ono or two excep tions , the standard of their examinations scarcely attained the average of ordinary students. " Dr. Blrch-Hlrsbfeld , director of the Patho logical Institute at the University ot Leipzig , confirms the Imprefslon. "Even among our most capable woman students wo find a diffi culty to apprehend the relations of scien tific experiments ono with the other , and to bring them under general Ideas , although they ha\c a surprising faculty In accumulat ing a store of notions of details. " In other terms , "wcman lacks the faculty ot syn thesis , " and nearly all authorities consulted agrco on this point. They admit that women may become druggists or dentists , assistant doctors and nurses ; they will never become great physicians , and as for surgery , that Is not to be thought of they have not the necessary physical strength for that. " On the other hand , professors of mathe matics express themselves much more favor ably with regard to the aptitudes of women for these higher studies. They are said to have "marked dispositions for this most abstract of abstract sciences. " CAUTKUK AM ) ( JAUTlTlt IH'CIvI.HS. The Olil-Faxliloiiril niiiHtle Circle HUM Hail KH Diiy. Tnko a look at the latest creations In gai ter clasps and buckles. Even In HICEC trinkets are represented all the designs that liavo of late characterized the moro Impor tant departments of art. The combination of silver gilt with blue and whlto enamel In the quaint Delft figures Is among the very newest things In garter buckles , the whlto silk elastic being clasped with the most unlquo Httlo landscapes or figures In a1 flllgrced gold frame. Not only Is the round garter thus ornamented , but the same fas cinating decorations are applied to the bide suspenders. As these are of sterling silver finding It out. She has discovered Hint ono strap holds up the stofckirig' exactly as well ns two , nnd this she woaivs fastened to the front of her corset , JuM back of the eteol. the effect of which la to prtsa the abdomen back. Broad bands of elastic with blrong festcnlngs at cither end Como ready to bo worn In this way ; but there la a scheme even better than that , which Uny woman can make for herself. Take a' rather wide plcco of silk clastic , and encaseMt In two pieces ot ribbon stitched together.and ot the length of the clastic when stretched to Its utmost limit. Stitch ono cndiof this to the cornet Juat back of the steel. In the other nd work two strong cyelejs ; or-iJjottGr flMll , have two corset eyelets clamped ' In , through which to pasa a yard of ribbon. Then eew a loop of wash ribbon 'attached to the clastic and tie In a dainty bow. This is exceedingly pretty In effect , holds the stocking absolutely secure and keeps an obtrusive abdomen In place. If It needs anything moro to recommend It , let It be said that such an arrangement has Just been put upon n corset the exact counter part of the $200 ono worn by the duchess of Marlborough at her wedding. Of couiso the eyelets In this case were of gold , as were the eyelets and hooks of the corset ; but this Is fortunately not absolutely nec essary to the perfect security of the stock- Ing.If If the round garter Is tight enough to hold up the stocking without fold or wrln- klo It Is too tight to allow the blood to cir culate' unimpeded , and this stricture Is apt to bring varicose veins and kindred Ills. Whcro ono Is afraid to trust herself entirely to the security of the suspender , It Is a very good plan to wear also a round garter tight enough to hold up the stocking In case of accident , but not sufficiently so to affect the circulation. S 31 AH T IIOSii3HY. Tlio Triumph of Souloli I'lnltlH nt Uic SlnoUlilK' ' Coimtor. "Tho Campbells are coming , " leastways their plaldles are here , and furthermore they have come to stay. Futile attempts have been made for several acasons to stain the tide of popularity ot the ubiquitous black stocking , but It took the plaldlea to conquer , and when ono comes to BCD them In their manifold richness and variety one does not wondci' at their victory. They arc nil hues , the bright scarlet marked oft with Irregular bars of black aiul whlto ; ex- \ Jill - ju.i i < oa V- ' . 'I' ORNAMENTAL QARTERS. with triple gilt plate , anil tlio best of por. colaln , they are a possession for all tlino , niitl very pretty ones may bo had for flvei or six dollars. Exquisite Httlo miniatures lu both Oliver anil gilt frames are also among the most popular of the New Year novelMca , Of qulto a illffort'iit order , but as beauti ful In their way are the rather masslvo baa reliefs of horses heads poised as In racing. Indeed all sporting propensities are repre sented In ono way or another down to wicker , mullet and ball of the mild lltllu Rojiio of cromiet. The most striking of all the now depar tures are the gay conceits In Scotch plMd to match the ravishing now plaid liouo ; and to make the uchemo unlrjuo and consistent these tiulsltely blending fluadeu of dark green , blue and black enclosed In a larger bar of gold ; beautifully mottled whlto , plalded off with light bluea , greens and yellows ; in fact , all posslblo combinations of line and color that over graced cap or klrtlo liavo been reproduced In the Intercuts of now and gorgeous hosiery. Thrao exquisite Importations coma In all grades , the lineal quality aiul most brilliant colors running as hluli PS JO.CO In prlcu ; very lovely ones , howovor. may bo had for JI.50 , whilst the same uchemos are carried out In lisle-thread and very line cotton for on uvorago prlco of { 1,75 , Indeed , ono may find very pretty effects In cotton for S3 ccuta. Tbero Is also a large line ot wear with tlirlr plaid frocks , nnd innny of Iliom Imvo been manufncltircd ulth a portlculnr view to matching the new spring ging ham * . In fnrt , It Is c.xnocUd that the curr ent nprlng styles will bo marked by n rage for plnld hosiery. KVIJN'INO 110SIBUV. Holding only ft second plnco to these fflKclnaflnK nov ltl a nre brilliant effects In Hiiinsn ttrlpcs. Not time nor fnMilcm linvo ever been able to long bnnhii from our ken this charming design In one form or another , nnd Its reappearance In IIPW nnd lovely hosiery has met with an enthusiastic welcome. Stripes In the ono solid color running tip and down nre also among tlio recent Importations and find ready wlo among the. moro conservative , who , how ever , dcslro some change from the some what hackneyed black. It Is nt the nllernoon reception , tra , or even quiet dinner with low cut shoe and slipper that these charming color effects nro most In evidence , llnd the pretty Mrs. I.ndlnbcrg but thrust out the tip of her dainty too In your presence nt her recep tion the other afternoon In New York City , jou could not but have noted the gay nnd fetching plnld over the high arched Instep. And above the patent leather tlo of Mrs. Jack Astor might bo seen na she Mopped into Her carriage tlio rich but sombre blues nnd greens. Of course when It conies to evening wear , the pale tints In silk , elaborately open worked , nre do rlgeur ; nnd If one wants to go to the -uttermost limits of splendor there nre those with real lace let In over the In step nnd finished with exquisitely line embroidery. Such n combination In whlto silk with Valenciennes lace , costing nbout ? 20 , nro a part of n recently Imported bridal trousseau. If one will wear black , there nre beautiful creations In silk nnd lace , ns well ns novelties In black silk heavily ombroldorcJ over the Instep with Iridescent bends. MODEL STOCKING CASES. For shopping , however , black still holds Us own , and comes suited to nil grades of fastldloufncts. . There nro ninny women who can amply afford to wear silk to whom It Is exceedingly disagreeable , causing a ' con stant Irritation of the skin , and who nlao find llslo unpleasant. For thefo there Is a highly refined grade of cotton , selling at $2.75 and ? 3 a pair , nnd though they wear no bettor lhan the most ordinary 25-ccnt stockings , they make up the difference In softness nnd agrccableners of touch , nnd nro lu steady demand. There Is Indeed no part ot her wnrdrobo about which the dnlnty woman Is moro fastidious than her hose and the charming perfumed cases now used by n select few for their moro perfect care should commend themselves to every wearer of hose. Thin ease may bo made of satin. Bilk , brocade , linen or even beautiful cretonne and may bo decorated to null one's fancy , those of rm- broldcred white linen being especially pretty. No euch latitude In taste , however. Is al lowed for the perfume. Oirls root It Is , orris root It must be eo Balth the prophctu. Theae casra may bo made to hold four , eight or twelve palis of hcae , aa one may wish. Indeed It Is nn advantage to Imvo them of different sizes. To make such a case you have only to take an oblong plcco of ma terial and cross ways Us length , fasten four pockets ot a also to exactly accommodate the stockings when rolled. There may be two 01- oven three such rows of pockets. accordIng - Ing to the width of material. The back of each Is a enchet of orris root. Stockings when clean should bo rolled not folded and slipped Into these delicately perfumed re ceptacles. It is well to leave nt the bottom space enough for a little darning outfit. THO or three crosses of ribbon afford compact little pockets In which to slip card. ? of darning cotton , a leaf or two of flannel feather , s'Jtched on. servo for the different sized needles , while n couple of straps of ribbon Tlioy ere found to be very cosy nnd comfor table for cold weather , nnd they mnkeulk - Ing much easier. Coral color U very fashionable In dress trimmings , nnd coral beads In smooth shapes nre used In cotnblnallon with Oliver and pearls on both black nnd whlto net. Many of the fnnhlpnaWo bodices of the scnson for tiny wear represent n very short ulnglp-brcnsted bolero or other fancy J.tcknt , or n double-breasted shape , \\ulch reaches no lower than the bust. The Greek IVycho nnd Pompadour coif fures onch cnll for prnnmontn of n different Khitpe. nnd chnrnctcr , Just AS the tsnbclln stjlo requires Iho high Spnulih comb , nnd the most trying Itomau coif , with treRos raid In straight severity , Ocmnnds the fillet of pearls or gnM. Charming dresses nre nude of bhcfc Mech lin net. Innocent ot nny decoration except the finish of jct-itulnul ( ] trimming on the bodice. Three incurs ot the act set In ecv- cral Inches apart inai < > n pretty finish for the sUrt , and the ulrcvcs are double frills ot net nrarngcd very short , ns all sleeves nro In full evening dr-'ts. Hand painting Is ono of the recurring modes of decoration In evening dress which never seems to become generally populnr , but It has mndc its appearance again this scnson with moro chance of success , since nil the colors of the rainbow lu all their varying tints have n place In the Bchcmo of elaborate ornamentation. Novel shapes In combs , Mercury wings , tiara. " , pins , etc. , studded with scml-preclous ( .tones , nro chnrmlng for dress occasions. Kino cut steel Is used for the same purpose , nnd the dainty head ornaments In tortoise shell , amber , or Ivory set with brilliants' or enriched with sterling silver carvings and flllgroa work , iballlo description. Chiffon nnd mousscllnp do polo nro quite ns populnr ns ever , nnd there Is n new qual ity In the latter material which Is thicker In texture and more glossy than any wo Invo had before. It Is employed-for waists nnd trimmings of various sorts , nnd Just how we ever succeeded In getting nny pretty evening clothes without the nld of these diaphanous fabrics Is ono of the mysteries ot fashion , The general tendency Is to discard nil stiff Interllnlngs on the newest gowns. This docs very well where ono can afford a crisp taffeta ellk lining In each new dress , but when this Is not possible not n few women nre protesting against the tiso of nothing but n soft finished percallnc lining , with no sort ot Interlining nddcd even ns n facing. They argue , and Justly so , that n skirt so I'VinlnliicotcH. . The duchess of Marlbornugh's recent fes tivities at IllciUiclm castle cost $100.000. .Mrs. Linn Llnton Is of the opinion that 'a ' woman who wnnts to ride n bicycle must bo mentally unbalanced. " Mrs. Humphrey Ward Is hard nt work upon a Binnll play , to which hhe Is said to bo de voting some of her beat energies. Although the daughter ot CleorgoV. . Cable has recently married , she still keeps up her work of illustiatlng her father's writings. Miss Alice Snyder has been appointed as sistant to Dr. Moshcr , the now dean ot the women's department ot the University of Michigan. Mine. Felix Fauro nnd Mile. Lucle Fnure wcro regular nttcndnnts nt n culinary ex hibition recently given nt the 1'alals 1'ln- dustrle , Paris. 1'rlnccFs Ileleno , who recently became the crown' princess of Italy , has shown decided ability for literature , and has written some excellent vcrtis. Frati Wctto of Cologne , the distinguished librettist of "Hansel and Oretel. " has com pleted n new fairy opera , writing thei words In addition to composing the music. _ _ _ _ Queen Wllholmlna of Holland , having at- NOVELTIES IN STOCKINGS. will easily hold the scissors In place. Ily the addition of pretty ribbons these convenient eases are all ready to bo rolled , tied and slipped into the traveling bag or trunk when occasion requires. Of course every pair of hose must be prettily marked and carefully Identified as to its mate. The prevailing taste Is to em broider the first name , "Mary" for example In outline , and after It embroider a little flower. Twin violets may keep one pair to gether , forget-me-nots another , daisies an other , and BO on. It la always desirable whcro possible to liavo a fresh pair of host : every day , and I know some women who prefer washing a pair every night putting them on for the ttecond tlmo without washing. However whcro this docs not seem feasible , It Is a very good plan to turn the stockings wrong Blilo out and glvo them a goad brushing and a lively shako before putting them on. 3no who tries this for the first time will be surprised at the clouds of dust to which thl9 Httlo process gives rise. Whcro this method Is followed , stockings may often : ) o worn for three days without discomfort. However , If ouo prefers to wash out her stockings In her own room , very nlco plno Tonna are now provided upon which to dry them. In buying hose It Is always well to get them longer than the foot , and ono should never fall upon taking off the shoe to pull the stocking frco from the toes and the bottom of the foot. This will nave many a darn. Another very good point Is to al- wnys wash the stockings before ever wear ing them. This shrinks the thread and In creases their durability by a very largo jor cent. KlINlllllll \ < > ll' . The newest card cases are of mammoth proportions. Ermlno and sealskin and grcbo and seal skin are constantly used lu unison. Many of the uleovcs for evening gowns are very abort a mere puff or butterfly jow. I Baft Liberty wools and silk and wool mixed liberty crapes are much used for dressy , ea cowns. Duckies six Inches wide , and bent to fit ho llguro , are used for the backs of ribbon jolts. A gorgeous hatpin Is often the only touch of color on the fashionable chapcau ot the season , Jewels worn with a black and whlto cos- umo should bo diamonds or pearls , whlto onamcl , onyx or cats-oyes , Wide , full knickerbockers of serge , light weight chovlot and satin , with flannel lin ings that may bo ( . 'nelly removed , are much worn In place of tlio uuort flannel skirts. talncd her ICth year , has Just made her con fession of faith as a member of the Dutch Reformed church , and hat ) been confirmed. Mrs. Josephine St. I'lerro Huflln Is a prom inent woman of Rcstonticso name , so re ported , headed the ticket put out for school committee by the Uoatim silver democrats. Harriett Maxwell Converse , the Indian woman lecturer , has decided u-xm her sub jects for her approaching tour. They will pertain to history nnd traditions ot the red men. She la u fluent speaker. Mine. Hamlet , wlfo of the distinguished , novelist , has 'written ' her "Reminiscences" of n visit alio nnd her husband paid to Eng land. Mrs. S. Lowndes Is translating It Into EngMsh and It will bo handsomely illus trated. In memory of Mrs. William Waldorf Astor , Mr. W. W. Astor ban given | 50,000 to the Children's Aid society of Now York City. Work will bo commenced at once upon a now school building which will accommodate 50U children. The Marqtilso do Merluvlllc , who -was the American heiress. Miss Mary Gwendoline Caldwell , who recently brought her hnslmnd 400,000 , has received the order of the ( iolden Rose from the pope. Sim Is ono of tlio few ladles of royal birth thus honored , The highest paid choir singers In the world are two American women , Miss Clem entina Do Vcro at tlio I'axlou church In Now York , who receives Jl.GOO a year , anil Miss Duttou at a Ilaptlst church In the name'city , who receives $3,000 for her services. Queen Victoria U said to bo engaged In dictating and revising an autobiography which lu to bo published some tlmo during 1897. It will bo Interesting to read the story ot the longest reign In England's history and to U-aru what the queen herself thinks ot It. Miss Loulso Bonaparte , whoso wedding day has been appointed for the second tlmo to wed the Spanish Count do Mollko Hatzfoldt , Is a very beautiful girl. She Inherited her beauty from her great-grandmother , who married Jerome Donaparto and -wan ono of the famous bollcs of lialtlmoro. Mine. Marches ! has forblddeir her pupils riding the wheel , on account of currents of air produced by rapid motion ; also , the Inclination to stoop beliie detrimental to volco culture. AH Calve , Mclba and Do Rcsko are still dovoleca of the wheel , nho evidently hail no power over former pu pils. pils.Mrs Mrs , Louisa Agasslz , wlfo of Prof. Agan- lz , Is sometimes called the godmother of Radcllffo college , which la the woman's de partment of Harvard , It was Mrs. Agas- lz who flnt thought of naming the college - lego- for Anne Radcllffo , the flrat woman who over made a beijucat to the Institu tion. , . . Mine , Yale's Great Remedies. WHY EVERY WOMAN SHOULD USE THEM No onr > wilt ntlomtit to Olrputp the fnot tint It Is to a woman's mhniitiiKo to l > o Rood looking ; therefore U l nn iir i'ii ; nrcp sliv Hun every , woninn inakrs It n pmrllw to InKo rare of licr self nlul UFP every iiiennn Known to rnlmncc her phyMrnl iierfectufli. nnj thereby ictnln her self- lerpect ntul lin'i | > llic . The nilMinoeil nuthnils of liemitlflnK nn nuc- ce hfiilly cni | < lo > etl by Mine. Yule cnulilc every , uunuin In Inml to leKUliile her own beauty , nnil Increase her coed lenk exerj1 day. When Mine. Yale llrst mmle lier illemeries ulio < 1M not : . nek nny one to n o them until vhe lirrcelf Imd done KO. She cllil not make n chit in for them until flip heifvlf hail lieeome lieautlful fiom their IIKP , niul now , nt the n c of tniul nfler uMnir her own lemeilles for twenty-two yeatfl , ahe Id eelelirnteil ns the most beautiful wimian living. Is 11 Kriiml ilomonMratlnn of w'.tat her lemeillea will On ; therefore this la why every wnmnn lu the laiiil flmuU u e Mine. Ynle'n remedies , niul iipo plenty of them , anil nro\v beautiful ami be come happy. YALE BEAUTY PRICE LIST. Tnle's SUln I'ooil ( for wrinkle * ) 2 slze II..W nml | 3 CO n Ynlo'8 Complexion fieani l.eo a Jar Yale's Complexion llleneh " . " ' u Uottln Yule's i\eelntur : Hair Tonic l.n ) a liotlln Ynle's llalr Cleanser l.'il a liottlo Yale's l.n Kieikla ( for freeklcs ) I.IK ) a botllo Yale's Rprelal l.otlnnfor ( blackheads ) 1.00 a Imttla Yale's H | * elnl Ointment , ( for plmplei ami tMn tUreapes ) . . . . 1.00 n 'nr Yale' lliiml Whltener l.f'J n boltla Yule's K.iee 1'nwilor ft ) Yale's Complexion Soap r' > Yule's nilxlr of lleauty ( rkln Ionic ) . 1 on n lioltlo Vnli's'n I'Vttlllzer ( rules romtlp.itlon ) 1 f > 0 n l > > ttlu Yale's lllon.1 nml Liver Tonic 1 00 rt bottle Yale's Krulleiiin. ( for female wenknr ) 1.00 n botllo Sulil lij AM DrutrulMls anil Di-uU-i-s. Mme. Ynle's "Guide to Beauty. ' Will l > c mnllcil free W m application. AilJresi IMC. M. Y lo. Temple of lljauty. Chicago VOT unle by 11OSTON" STOUU Ultra UUl'T. , Omaha. Neb. \Vo roml Ilio 1 reach llcmeily [ CALT1IOS Tree. ( ODC.O.I ) . ) n < l p li'Kiil iiu.inuitiollmt CAITIIO.I ! U [ HI'OI' DlevhiirsinunJ lnil : luun. [ t'Ultl ! Hni rmitturrltciu YurU'oct'Ipfl and Ullsroui : l.uit Vl or. [ Use it and fay if satisfied. VON MOHLCO. , 332 1 CnrUnttl , I Most Complexion Powders liavo a vulgar glare , but I'OZZONI'S is n iruo bcautlflor , whoso effects nro lasting. NESS & HEAD NOISES CURED Intlumly. Our INMSIlll.i : lUlii ; Ciuliiun * IK In u lien nil duo falln , nn gl/ii help e tf. . . \oPnlo. Wbliptri ktirj. H ndtoCDCC C. Illicoi Co. , 811 ll' > r , N. 1. , fcr Hook and froufl F ULC R MORPHINE HABIT > PA1NLESSIY & PERMANCNTIY CURED r > rs. ss. n. PAINLESS ® Peyi3fi ANTIDOTE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE REMEDY. Discovered In 1868. "TIIERIAKI" Book Frco. Office 3 12. 78 Monroe Slrcct , riuriftft III P. 0. Drawer G53. MHLAUU , lido USE ANTI CORYZA T A B L E T fjncul cf.lj llut I l , vo etrr founrt , A TCI ? fe < r ilotn will uiu llyrn clocur . I ibouMnot irmtlnln.illi ul tlili run. edjihlljuthicj. " PflCO 2CC. ! ctul < l7 lltliuUli , Y purchnsing goods niticlo nt tht : following Nebras ka factork-s. If you can not find what you want , communicate with the manufacturers an to \v li a t dealers hamllo their goods. BAGS. BUItLAP AND TWINE. IIKMIS OMAHA HAtS CO. Manufucturfi or all klnJs of cotton and bur lap bugs , cotton flour uarki and tnlno a siiec- ialty. CK-C1C-618 H , lull St. OMAHA UItU\Vl.\i ASSOCIATION. Car lunil ililimicnts inudo In cur own refri * . irator cam. lime Illlibon. Kllte I iaort. Vliu * Export and I'mnlly inpoit ; delivered to all uanu of the clly. IKON wonica. UAVI.H .t Cim'dll.l. IUO.V WO UK * . Iron ami llruHk t-'oiimlurn. Manufacture ! * nnd Jobber * of Machinery , lien. < ral recalling a pecmliv. iMl. l ij and UOS Jickuori alrec : , OiunliA , Ntn , 1MUSTUIAI < IUO.V WOIIK * . ManufaclurlnR and repairing of all klnfla ot inacnlncry , tnuliiei , pump * , vlevuluru. IIPntlnff prcuei , hanger * , ihatitnK ana couplings. HJ anil UOS Hownid til. , Omaha. .t VIUUMM ; ino.v woaics , Manufacluien \rcliileciurai Iran Work. Geneial Foundry. Machine and Illarkumltr work * KnKliitciH anil Curitractoii for Kite I'roof Dulld- Inei. Ofllco and xvorkil U , I' . Ity. inJ Ho. 17th Btreet. Omnhn. NIQHT WATCH. PIKE 8KIW3E. AMIJIIIGAN IIISTHICT Tn The only perfect prelection to propirty. IJtnni- ( no'I. ' ilest thing on cartli. IteOucou Imuranca rotes. 1JO Doucliu street. BI11HT FACTOIUICS. J. II. ] 3VA.\.SM IIIIA3K/ . HII1IIU COMIMJVV. IIxcluilvo ciutom ilitrt lalloii. UV5 J'arDftia ,