Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1897, Part I, Image 1

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    " " ' '
M""V& , * -
Young Aristocrat Who Borrowed from Baron
Hirsch Will Settle.
William Prince Amasses a Fortune Selling
Liquor in London ,
Official List of Things Seen by a Naval
AVIll lie Conlliieil to Ifc-il for MoiilliN
u Ill-unit iif HIM A co I ( I i-lit
AVIillv KnllimliiK Ihe
lIllllllllN. , .
< Cop > rllit , 1517 , by 1'rcss I'ubllshlns Compnn ) )
LONDON , Jan. 2. ( New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) It Is an open
secret that among Baron I Orach's papers
were found several "I. 0. U.'s" for very largo
sums ho had lent to leading English aristo
crats. Hla executors were vested with dis
cretion to call In or cancel these obligations
na they might think best. As most of them
were debts owed by perrons Incapable of
repaying the sums lent , they have been
cello 1. But ono young nobleman , * leader
of English smart society , holding n
place In the present government , and
gencrallv supposed to have not only a largo
income , uui grcai accumuiaicu weaiiu , naa
bean called upon to repay a loan of 150,000
( $750,000) ) which ho obtained from the baron
during his mlnorltj' . As a result of this de
mand ho has been obliged to close his great
country mansion nnd enter upon n course
of rigid retrenchment ot nil ot his expenses
for several yearn to come. It should bo
mentioned to his credit that , although tory
easy terms of payment were offered to him
bjVho executors , ho elected to mortgage his
Income for a long period In order to raise
Iho sum requlr'ed to pay off the debt Imme
Sir Joseph Lister , who was rolscd to the
pecingc yesterday , Is the first English phjnl-
clnn ever accorded that honor , although thcro
nre baronets , like Lord Lclghton and Lord
Kelt on , representing art and science. This
peerage probably will expire with Sir
Joseph's death. Ho Is a widower and child-
lets. Surprise Is expressed that Herbert
Spencer gets no recognition. Prof. Huxley
was a member nf the privy council.
William Prlnco , the proprietor of a small ,
dingy wine bar on the Strand , known
as "Shoots , " has Just died , lenvlngpersonnl
property valued at 400.000 ( $2,000,000. ) Ho
mndo his fortune In thirty years , solely by
this bar , although , unllko other public
bouses , It was never open on Sundays or
holidays.This suggests the vast sums that
are made by the London publicans , and ex
plains how the liquor interest Is powerful
enough to give the conservatives , Its special
protectors , so firm a hold In all the great
centers of population , A strange authentic
story of Mr. Prince , which has not been
publlsncd by any paper here , has
como to my knowledge. Ho be-
jran life. as the manager of a
largo public house In the east end of Lon
don. It became his duty once to eject a
noisy , Intoxicated customer. The man , on
being thrust Into the street , fell , hitting
his head on the curb and sustaining In
juries from which ho died. This mishap
preyed on Mr. Prlnco all his life. He al-
wajs dressed In black and provided well
for the wife and children of the man he
accidentally killed from the time his means
enabled htm to do so. Ono secret of his
amassing so large a fortune may bo that
ho never quitted the money table at his bar
except for meals from the time It opened
In the morning' until It closed at midnight ,
A naval captain , Commander Hough with
a splendid record for cfllclcncy and gallantry ,
was dismissed from his * > hlp jcstcrdaj. A
court-martial found that In an attack of de
lirium tremcns on ship board he had many
hallucinations , among them thnt thcro vvns
nn organ plnjlng In the torpedo flat ; that
ho saw Satan como along the ship In a steam
plnace ; that the row of boats ho had were
dancing , and moving about and one pair
especially would not keep time with the
others , and that ho saw a bottle ot seltzer
water dressed up In n cocked lint.
The fortune left by the prlnco of Furatcn-
berg In personal property amounted to more
than $12,000,000 ; lite real estate to $80,000-
000. It nil goes to nn Austrian relative.
The prlnco wan a pronounced liberal In poll-
tics , and for several jcars had stajcd away
fiom Berlin to manifest his disapproval of
the kaisers autocratic policy.
The World's society correspondent tele
graphs tonight from , Deepdcno , where she
went to get the latest Intelligence of Lord
William Bercsford'a condition : "Lord Wil
liam Is out of danger. He hns been con-
cclous since lust night nnd Is cheerful , The
doctor snjs ho will bo In bed three months.
Lord William's brother Is with him. A
bulletin Issued today announces th'at the
patient passed 11 butter night and wns suf
fering less discomfort. Ho Is selling all
his hunters. His wlfo was hysterical on
Wednesday She sat up two nights and
was somewhat 111 today. The duchess ex
pects to become a mother next week. Her
nurse has been nt Deepdcno more than a
month , possibly because the duchess Is tei-
rlbly nervous on account of her health and
her age ( she confesses to 40 , but looks
older ) , but with her delicate health she
lias suffered a great deal from nervous
ness. Once she resorted to morphine for
relief , but of this habit Lord William has
done much to cure her that sha might live
through the ordeal. WUcn she was Mra ,
Hunmioisley she had expectations , and now
hub all the little baby clothes , caps and
laces prepared so long ago. All the household -
hold sees how she longs for an heir. Al-
, . T. though at court sha Is only Lady William
OBcrosford , her cards read 'Lily , duchess of
Marlborough1 and all her servants wear
MarlbarouKh liveries.
Some ouch casualty to Lord William was
not unexpected by those acquainted with
him , Deepdcno , near Dorking , Is approached
by a fine sweep ot carrlago drive , which ls
exceedingly steep. Ono ot Lord William's
KUltn once remarked confidentially to the
Tl writer , when driving up from the station ,
* > that lie expected that some day Lord Wil
liam would como to grief. According to
this Borvunt'H account , It seemed that oven
in diltlng a pair down bill UU lordship
was In the habit of proceeding at such a
terrific pnco that , although Lord Wllllnm
Is nn excellent whip , the flunkies regarded
It ns no pleasant duty to bo In the trap.
On another occasion , when the writer was
discussing Lord William's exploits In India ,
n personal friend said ho believed 'Bill'
Bcresford must have broken every bone
In his body. Most ot his accidents were
duo to his love of dare-devil riding , but
It must bo added that ono or two bones
were broken In vtell-meant efforts to put
out a fire , on which occasion Lord William
succeeded In not only getting on a roof , but
also In falling headlong off It. Ho had been
nlrcndy shnkcn up the day before this
Intcst accident by being thrown out of a
driving cart nnd badly cut about his face.
So many people nre going to Deepdcno to In
quire about Lord William that bulletins
nro posted hourly at the gate. No one Is
allowed to drlvo to the house. "
Young Mr. nnd Mrs. Cornelltn Vnndcibllt
sailed on the Majestic this week , nftcr re-
ninlnlng only a few dnya In London.
A representative called on William W.
Astor last Wednesday at hU estate at his
offices on the Thames Embankment , to ascer
tain what truth , If any , there wns In the
report published hero ihat ho had decided
to dispose ot his entire real estate In New
York. A copy ot n cable dispatch , taken to
Mr. Astor In his private room , was returned
with thla message : "I have nothing to say
on the subject. "
Magistrate Newton , who sentenced the
Ccstles" , has applied for retirement. Ilia
eccentricities made his bench a nuisance.
The London county council has Just de
clined to ask for bids from American firms
to furnish steam fire engines. The sugges
tion , I fee , was "received by the council
with n howl of disapproval , " jet I hnvo
been told by competent judges hero that com.
parlGon between the excellence of American
engines nnd their equipment , the speed , nnd
discipline ot firemen , is entirely In fnvor of
The financial papers note a steady decline
In prlco of American securities since the
election , nnd ecc no prospect of a recovery.
In fnct , they agree that bad trade reports
from the United States , and recent failures
have BO frightened Investors nnd speculators
alike , that practically nothing Is doing In the
American market here. On the other hand ,
It Is remarked that American exchange IB
low , and ns the United States as yet gives no
sign of buying foreign produce laigely the
balance of trade may continue for some time
In Its favor ; and , as the United States has
accumulated n largo amount of sterling ex
change , no Immediate prospect ot gold arri
vals from America can bo looked for. In
deed , wo may got well Into the spring before
shipments become necessary , and by that
time It Is possible that trade In the United
States will hnvo revived , that railway tralllc
will show Increases and that there may bo a
grcntcr disposition on the part of the Euro
pean public to Invest In American securi
l'iiNnnr > Piur 11 ( 'renli-r CatiiNroiIu- (
Tlinii HUH Alrciuly Ooflirreil.
( CoprlKlit , 18t7 , by the ABSoUntid I'rcss. )
LONDON , Jan. 2. The wlcrdncas of the
bog slider Into tbo Inkcs of Klllarncy , which
Is the sensation of the week , Is enhanced
bj' n story that about a week previously
uncanny noises were heard In the valley at
night time , which the peasants of that vi
cinity describe as resembling the wnlllngs
of a Lnnshee. These sounds , It appears ,
aroused .n feeling of tenor nnd numbers of
the peasants consulted their priests , who
endeavored to reassure them. The subso-
q.uent calamity , however , caused universal
consternation among the peasantry , who arc
seemingly convinced that thcro wns same
supernatural connection between the two
nffalrs. In the meanwhile , a great mass of
bog , covering 700 acres , behind the portion
which has already slipped Into the lakes ,
has begun to slide , and people are In dread
of n still "more terrible avalanche.
The letter which "Old-Fashioned Patriot"
wrote to the Times early In December last ,
explaining the patriotic Instruction given to
American youth and telling how not only
the boK but the girls In the United States
arc drilled Into giving a military salute In
the schools to the stnrs nnd stripes , and
suggesting that the same sjstcm bo Intro
duced Ini British schools , seems likely to
bear fruit. Lord Meath now writes to the
Times In favor of the patriotic dlsplajs In
the public Hchools here and suggests that ,
In the commemoration of the queen's diamond
mend Jubilee next year , n portrait of her
majesty nnd a union Jack bo placed In every
school class which has distinguished Itself
moil during the past week and It bo made
the custodian of the flag nnd portrait for the
following week.
E. T. Hooley , the millionaire who has at
tracted so much attention ! by his purchases
of stocks and country seats , has appeared In
a now character , that of propounder ot a
gu-at scheme for old ago pensions. Ho
suggcbts that a flxed duty of live shillings
( $1.25) ) per quarter bo levied on Imported
wheat , nnd that the proceeds * bo Invested In
a pension fund to provide all Indigent per
sons above CO years of ago with a pension
of 15 shillings ( $375) ) ueelily.
The French rowing men are apparently
determined to make a great effort to cap
ture the Thames challenge cup at the Hen
ley regatta this year. Their Paris eight Is
already rowing twice a week and will bo
out dally after February.
It U stated that the British admiralty In
tends to Introduce a now class of torpedo
dcstrojera of a minimum speed of thirty-
three knots. Twenty vessels , It bcetiis ,
will bo ordered Immediately of this class.
Nearly 1,000,000 ( $5,000,000) ) will bo ex
tending the docks at Antwerp In older to
meet the Increasing demands of shipping at
that port. The Imports of the last decade
have Increased 2,000,000 tons annually and
the minister of public works has decided to
extend the quajs 3,000 feet southward and
lo make a channel 200 feet wide and twenty-
four feet deep.
7 ho estate of tlui shah of Persia Is valued
at 40,000,000 ( $200,000,000) ) of which two-
fifths Is In cash and bullion , It la iiimored
that his successor will devote 4,000,000
( $20,000,000) ) to advancing the civilization of
'I'lirtiKrlfinlH In ll < > Ili-lil fur Llliel.
JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , Jan. 2. The with ,
drawal yesterday from the Three Friends
of an olllclal representative of the revenue
cutter Boutwell was only temporarj- , and
another olllccr icplaced him today. The
Tlirco Friends will bo held until libel rliull
bo served by the dlntrlct attorney. A dls-
intch says the Dauntless will transfer the
Three Friends' cargoes and men to the Com
modore , or some other vessel. It will 10-
turn to Jacksonville nnd load with a cargo
of arms for Nuevltae , Cuba.
Ciiniiilii liy nn l'iirHi < | iiiiU - .
OTTAWA , Ont. , Jan. 2. Ottawa was vis
ited by an earthquake ehortly after mid
night. No serious damage has been reported ,
but the ahock was distinctly felt all over
the city aikl caumxl considerable excitement ,
London Papers Criticize Lord Salisbury's
Foreign Policy.
St. James" " Qnzjtto Thinks Safety Lies in
Larger Army nnd Navy.
Pleased with Ynlo , with Public Lifo and
with the \7hito House.
ScuCcli Lllfriitcur DcNcrltM'N OU-\olnml
UN V 'i-j Able anil tloui-.Ml null Oliu-y
* liming it Strong mid
1'CMXM-flll IllU-ltl'L't.
( CopjrlsM. 1597 , by the Associated frees )
LONDON Jan. 2. Unseasonable weather
continues to prevail In England and on the
continent. In this country for several dajs
during the past week the temperature was
almost springlike , the mercury ranging from
50 degrees Ira the shnde , nnd In Paris on
Sunday last , the tables In front ot the
cafes and restaurants on the boulevards
were crowded with people breakfasting or
otherwise refreshing themselves. On the
other hand , along the Riviera nnd In Algeria
the weather has boon unusually cold , the
mercuiy nt Monte Carlo and at Algiers 10-
cordlng under 40 degrees.
Moat of the newspapers , la reviewing the
events of 183G , criticise tno nappy-go-iucKy
optimism of Great Britain's foreign pollcj ,
ns evidenced by the little effect It produced
during the nrmcrous menacing storms which
have mnrkcd the jear. They cite that the
Venezuela trouble was quickly followed by
the Transvaal dispute , and then came the
Insult of Emperor William In his dispatch
to President Kruger , and the Isolation of
Great Ilrltaln In the eastern , question. The
newspapers therefore , Insist that the for
eign policy of Great Britain Is behind the
times * and requites to take existing tacit
considerably more Into account or It may
expect Indefinite repetitions of loss of pres
tige , oroughl about by taking up a stnnd
which later It Is compelled to abandon
owing to miscalculation of Great Britain's
means of averting her resistance to the op
position of other powers.
The St. James Gazette makes special rcf-
cnco to Venezuela nnd Ba > s"If It Is right
no.v to arbltiato on the terms arranged by
the United States , It was right to do so u
> car and a half ago , when Lord Salisbury
emphatically refused Secretary Olney'a de
mand. " Continuing , the St. Jamra Gazette
asks why the marquis of Salisbury created
"an Impasse" fiom which ho could not es
cape without wnr or surrender. In conclu
sion the St. James Gazette remarks : "With
no nggrerslon or nmbltlous designs upon our
part wo have been within measurable dis
tance In n single year of war with Russia ,
Germany , America and the Transvaal. With
a few additional war ships and cruisers ,
some thoiicnnds more trained seamen and
stokers nnd an army capable of sending thiee
corps with artillery and transport , say to
Canada or Constantinople , we could face
such a combination as that with better con
fidence "
The Times , In its new jcar editorial re
viewing the foreign relations of Great
Britain , sa > s : "It Is peculiarly appropriate
that the jcar which will be distinguished
by the celebration of the diamond jubilee ot
the qlteen , should also bo marked by the con
clusion of a treaty of arbitration with that
other great nation of our race. We hardly
hope or drolro to ai range our dinicnltlcs
with other states In this manner , which
scents natural ami practicable when dealing
with n people clcscly allied by blood with
ourselves. "
During the last two montha Sir Donald
Smith , the Canadian high commissioner , has
began an exhaustive Inquiry Into the places
of destination of English emigrants who go
to America , wfth the view of diverting as
many as possible of the desirable ones to
Canada. In order to assist such a movement
ho has now arranged that more effective
publlcltj bo given to Intending emigrants
of the advantages of Canada.
The chief feature of the estate market
In tlio joar just closed was the largo num
ber of noblemen selling. The duke of Devon
shire sold a fine estate of 32,000 acres In
West Cork , Including the town of Vandon ,
to Sir John Arnot , for 250.000 ; Lord Ash-
burton disposed of n Wiltshire property ot
10,000 acres ; Lord Churchill sold the mag
nificent Corbury park , Charlt Bury , Oxford
shire , consisting of 5,000 acres , with the his
torical mansion which was formerly the
hunting Indue of Henry VIII , nnd the mar
quis of Qi.ccnsberry disposed of his vast
KlnuniH estate to n Huddcrsflcld manufac
During the past fifteen months nearly
15,000 persons have become converts to the
Roman Catholic church , ot this number
2,000 being In the dloceac of Westminster
"Ian Maclaren , " Rev. John Watson , D. D ,
who has just returned from his visit to the
United States , Is loud In his praise of Yale
university , which reminded him of ait Eng
lish university. He sajs the Yale professors
are most scholar ! ) and cultuied and adds
that the students are very bright , making u
splendid audience. Dr. Watson was nlso
much Impressed with the Important position
taken b > the Scotch In civic life In America
and ua > s that American women are a gieat
deal less part of public life than they tire
In England. In addition the Scotch diving
was. favorably Impresed with American
homo life , "because In all Its essential fea
tures It rcfcmblcs English life. " Dr. Wat
son Is further quoted ns stating that the
richest class In America amounts to a close
Imitation of EnglUh countiy house life. In
an Interview the popular preacher-author
describes his luncheon at the white house ,
where , ho said , President Cleveland Im
pressed him as a "very able and honcat
man. " The Impression loft In his mind 10-
gardlng Secretary Olncy wad that ho has a
"strong , powerful Intellect , " Both President
Cleveland and Secretary Olney , It appeara
from the Interview with Dr. Watson , ex
pressed satisfaction at the fact that the
diniculty between the United States and
Gieat Britain was settled. The patriotism
of Americans generally and their "attach
ment to tlu > central government" were other
features and that much Imprcmcd "Ian Mae-
Laron" during his sojouui In the United
States , In conclusion Dr , Watson In quoted
us saying that be found the Prcsytcrlan
church In America to bo strongly holding
Ha own.
STIAMIH coMMononnt tvitKcicnn.
OuJ of < ho Tnrifrr-KlRliI Men
on Iliiuril Are Ivnovviulo 'TUStiff. .
JACKSONVILLE , Kin. , . Jnn. 2. The
steamer Commodore , vvhlcu cleared from this
port for Clenfugca , Cuba , on TlUirsday , with
n cargo of nrma nnd ammunition , foundered
off New Smyrna at an early hour this morn-
Ing. Twenty-eight men were on board the
steamer , nnd BO far ns known only twelve
wcic saved. One boat was washed ashore
empty , nnd nnother ono landed with the
twelve men. The Commodore cnrrlod two
other boats , but they have -not been heard
from. The steamer Is reported to have sunk
about twenty miles out to sea. The Commo
dore struck twice while crossing the bar
nt the mouth of the river , and had been
leaking nlmost from the start.
Major Rtcardo A. Dolgado , one of the crew ,
arrived here this evening on the train from
Now Smyrna , accompanied by eleven other
survivors , all Cubai.s. Major Dclgado was
met at the trnln by J. A. Huny , Florida rep
resentative of the Cuban Junta , to whom ho
told the btory of the wreck. Dclgado re
ported that he was awakcncJ about mid
night Trldny by the report that the ateamoi-
wia leaking. The pumps would not work ,
nnd the men qct to work to ball the steamer
out This proved Ineffectual , and soon the
engineer reported that It wan Impocalble to
go any further , ns the water had put out
the flrea In the
The Commodore was then twenty mllra
out to sea , nnd was tunning toward Mosquito
Inlet light. The boats were lowered and Del-
gido nnd eleven others get Into one boat
and pulled away. The sea. was tough. It
was 3 30 n. in. , nnd everything dark. Del-
gado was ot the Imprcrslcif that the other
boils wete lowered at the eamc time , but ho
waa not certain. Ho knew nothing about the
sinking of the steamer , or whether any
others than those In his boat were saved.
Stephen Crane , probably the best known
American on board , was with Captain Mur-
ph > In one of the boats. They have not boon
heard from.
nit i vsi n < ; ivrs i.innr.u wins
G -n Tnl Auriilrrt-.Snt-eimiJiN < o Mitlarlnl
l'V\i-r In HIIMIIIII Province.
( CopjrlKlit , IS97 by 7'uss rubllslilns Compnnj. )
HAVANA , Cuba , Jan. 2. "General Jose
Mnrlo Agulrro , the last remaining Insurgent
leader In Havana province , has died of
malarial fever. He has a brother In Wash
ington nnd n nephew confined In the Cnbamm
fortrecs. Another leader , Sanchc ? , was
killed last week nt Cayo P < m.
General Wejler remained1 n't Bayato , ncnr
Candclarla , today. He was UHed yester
day by his political secretary , Senor Pal-
mcrola , who went from Havana on n special
train. General Ahumadn , the acting gov
ernor general , authorized me to stnto that
the report that people residing In Ciuana-
bacoa have been killed by order of the mili
tary commander there Is absolutely false.
AM. lll'T nVfil. VM HIMIIM ) Sl'.VIV.
iurni > eiin l' < mtrN Sultl fo'lliOjinniiil
lo ViiK'fli-im Ind'rffrciioo.
( Ci-PSilBlit , 1S07. by tlie Assrffnnlcil 1'ress )
LONDON , Jan. 2. The Socctntor. In nn
article on the position of tJiwUnltcd States
nnd Europe , 1.3 nffectcjl bye , Cuban ques
tion , after remarking tlia So Washington
government has ha/l mi unpleasant surprise
In the attitude ofthe EUrppean powers , pro
ceeds to explain Ihe reaeoni for the Euro
pean antagonhm lo the United States , and
points out that the great flnaneleni of 'France ,
who hold Spanish bonds , are alarmed at the
possibility that Spain , after righting to the
bitter end , might be compelled to suspend
pavmont , and , consequently , they are urging
the Trench government to Intervene between
Washington and Madtld. Emperor William ,
It U also said , npproves of this , for apart
from his dreams of colonial expansion , which
could bo best gratified In Brazil , ho U not
fond of American diplomacy. The Italian
government , according to the Spectator , will
au.iport Spain , "owing to the Italians In the
United States being treated ni It they were
ncgrora or red Indians. " The Spcctntor then
adds that the Austrian empc.or will support
Germany In maintaining the Independence of
Spain by weighty family reasons , not wish
ing to ECO the queen regent , who U an Aus
trian arcliiluchca , and her t-on , dilvcn out
of Madrid by a popular revolt , following the
less ot Cuba. The Drclbund , therefore , and
Prance , the Spectator eaja. are ready to
course ! President Cleveland to be moderate
and "avoid threats which Spain could not
tolente , and which might lead to widespread
maritime war. " The Spectator continues
"The United States could conquer any Amer
ican state , and might , It they exerted them
selves , defeat a single European power. Hut
they cannot defeat nil Europe , combined ,
even It England , from rcaa'ons of kinship ,
remains neutral. The fact IB patent to nil
that the United States will not be allowed
to order Spain out of her colony , without
a lemonatranco from continental Europe ,
which might be followed by the action of the
combined lleets of the five powers , and the
landing of armies In Cuba and the French
Wcat Indies. "
The Speaker Is deeply grieved at the attacks
on the UnlteJ States ambassador , Mr. Thomas
T. Bayard , which have appeared In the
Chronicle , and sajs he did great service In
pointing out hero the gravity of _ a situation
which the EnglUh thought was only a demon
stration of spread eaglelsm ,
CrimilH Set ( lie I'liiitoiiiliueN.
( CojorlRlit. 1S97 , by the As oilntcil I'rcsB )
LONDON , Jan. 2. The various pan
tomimes are attracting the usual crowds.
"Alladln , " while a fine spectacle , docs
not equal the usual Drury Lane
standard. "Betsy" was revived nt the
Criterion on Tuesday. Aubrey Boucl-
cault took the part of Dolly Blrkott on short
notlco and acquitted himself well. The other
theaters 010 doing a good holiday business
A curious rumor 1s current In regard to
the Lyceum and Sir Henry Irving. The lat
ter Is icporled to bo "progressing favorably ,
but ho tees no ono and la not likely to act
for n long time. " A revival of "Olivia"
at the Ljceum , with Brandon Thomas in
Irvine's part , Is said under considera
The Straml theater Is being entirely re
decorated for the new Icosce , John Sleeper
Clark , who has secured Florence Gerard
( widow of the late Henry If Abbey of Now
York ) as his leading lady. The opening play
will be "Tho Prodigal Father" and "Hpme ,
Sweet Home. "
George Alexander has secured the right
of "Loronzncclo. " In this play , Julia Noll-
son will appear In Sarah Bornhardt's role.
Dcfi-al for riillllijiliu' tiiHiirK 'M < H.
MADRID , Jon. 2. A dispatch received
hero from Manila says that a great battle
has been fought In the Philippine Islands ,
icsultlug In the signal defeat of the Insur
gents , of whom 1,100 wore killed.
The ( battle was fought at pulacun , a
town In the province ot Luzeii , located on the
river Bulacau , twenty miles northwest of
Manila , General Enicbro , a leader of the
Philippine Insurgents , la said to have been
killed In the conflict , Of this party twcnty-
flvo were killed and sixty-eight wounded.
It Is also reported that seven cannon -were
captured from the
Germany Figuring on an Increase in the
Strength of Army and Navy ,
Oaso of Von Tansch is Being Thoroughly
Number of Duels , However , is Shown to
Bo on the Increase.
lllH Iin-Ill Intervals Arc Snlil < o III-
.Moril'rciiHnt | 1'lniiN for i\U-n-
Nlti * Ami ) Miuit-m t-rtt In l.or-
rnlne 'I'llIt } onr.
( Copj rlnltt. 1597 , by the Associated Pro * * , )
BERLIN , Jan. 2. The news received here
from Paris that the Prcnch council of war
has ordered a Inrgc increase In the cadres
of the army , by which 145 new battalions of
Infantry will b-j created , has thoroughly
nroused public opinion here , especially In
view ot the announcement that the French
artillery Is nlrcad } partly rearmed with
quick-firing guns. France , under the now
HjHtem , will have 105 more battalions on n
peace footing than Germany , and the Ger
man military authorities now Intend to
hasten the equipment of the army with new
Krupp quick firing guns , nt nn expense of
200,000.000 marks. The German navy is
being rapidly provided with the same tjpe
of gun , not only In the case of the new ves
sels , but on board the older % essels. At the
same time a skillfully managed agitation has
begun , doubtless prompted by the govern
ment , in favor of n further Increase In the
peace cadres , so as to catch up with the
rrench. The campaign was started by the
seml-olllclal Cologne Gazelle nnd the Ham
burger Correspondent. The latter expresses
regret that the army Increases In Germany
and Trance nre like nn endless screw , nnd
maintains that It cannot bo helped , although
to Germany , with her 02000,000 population ,
It Is easier than In the case of Trance , with
barely 40.000,000 Inhabitants. The author of
this article , who Is supposed to bo a high
official of the general staff , oven speaks of
the necessity In the near future of rearming
the German Infantry with more effective
magazine rlllea and of reorganising the sjs-
tcm of formications.
Iho preliminary Investigation Into the case
of Von Tausch , the former commlsslo'ncr of
detectives , who is charged with perjury , etc. ,
has assumed larger dimensions than at first
expected , duo to the special order of Em-
peior wnilainlfial nothing bo overlooked.
Besides being tiled on four charges of per
jury , Von Tausch will also bo tried for les
majesto committed Jointly with Norman-
Schumann , a newspaper man of this city
The whereabouts of the latter Is at present
unknown , though he Is supposed to bo In
Constantinople. The relations of Von Taunch
with the press will bo thoroughly gone Into
Sl\ editors and correspondents have already
been summoned ns witnesses. Incidentally ,
iho charges of slnndcr nnd lea majcsto have
been pieferred against Ilerr Harden , editor
ot the Zukendt , based on comments on the
Von Tausch ccse.
Dr. Hollcnben , the Pruuslan minister at
the court of Stuttgart and formerly minis
ter to Washington , Is about to bs recalled
nnd transfeiicd lo a minor post as a mark
of the emperor's displeasure at Hollcnbcn'i >
serving as n second to Baron von Wangen-
helm In a disgraceful duel fought last week
near Cnnstntt. At n convivial evening
which the emperor spent on Monday
the officers of Iho Berlin garrison and his
alds-de-camp , his majesty spoke severely of
this duel and of duels fought on account of
escapades with women. Statistics Just pub
lished show that the number of duels In
Germany has doubled since 1SS9 , and where
as In 1891 sixty sentences were imposed for
dueling , 107 sentences for the same offense
wore Imposed In 1895 in various parts of
The feeling about the Brusscwltz case Is
still very strong. Some officers who entered
two of the leading cafes In Breslau wore
greeted with cries of "Here come the Brus-
sevvltzes. " As a consequence officers have
been forbidden to enter the cafes ot Ilrcslau.
Herr Bonua , the well known actor , and
Hcrr Loiter , the dramatist , Intend to form
n company with which tu tour Franco and
preaant German plays In Paris and other
towns. They will start early -in the year
* It Is rumoicd In court circles that General
von Hahnke , hitherto a powerful chief of
the emperor's private military cabinet , has
fallen Into disfavor and will soon bo re
The Imperial chancellor , Pilnco Ilohon-
loho , will celebrate his golden wedding on
February 1C.
Emperor William Is plarrlng n series of
special decorations , which are said to Include
a new honoivuy tlilo nnd a decoration to be
seldom conferred upon any but crowned
The health of the mad king , Otto of
Bavaria , has remaikably improved of lato.
His lucid Intervals arc becoming more fre
quent and longer , hit ) delusion of being a
stork and able to fly has ceased. Ho emokrs
no more cigarettes and has hardly any of his
former fits of fury , when ho tore and brolco
everything. But ho dUplavs an Inordinate
fondness for candles.
Emperor William will receive on February
8 , at the new palace the twelve aurvlvora of
the German war slilp Itlls , which was lost
In a hurricane off the coast of China la < it
year. i
Accidents to vessels travcmlng the Baltic
canal have been frequent of late , The Ham
burg steamship , Virginia , on her way to Now
Yprk , collided with the bank and had n big
hole utovo In her this week. A. coips of
oincora Is being trained to help vessels to
'avoid accidents.
It Is stated that big army manciuem will
bo hcjd this year In Lorraine , east of Motz.
Emperor William will reside at the Chateau
Urvllle , and the king of Saxony and the
grand duke ot Uadcu will attend the maneu
vers.An article has appeared In the Bavarian
Fatherland , tbo organ of Dr. Plgl , a member
of the Reichstag , presaging the downfall of
the German empire through the defection of
Austria from the Drclbund , owing to the
arrogance of Prussia. This has caused the
Hamburger Nachrlditcn , Prince Bismarck's
organ , to express the hope that Dr , Plgl will
bo driven out ot the RclcUiitaf , ' oa a traitor.
Wrnlhcr rorernrt for Nclirn l < n
Snow , rollovvcil by ClcntlriK , Continued Colil.
1. Onn of lllrnrli'H Debtor * Will l' y.
AVnr ClmuM of III" l.i t Your.
( Irrnmii ) to Ciitrli I'p ' rr.inrr. .
Itrjiin UtHirt tliti tloh lit Lincoln ,
i ! . TulU for TitrllT on 1'vvlnc.
Hunker llnmmomt Urmvim lllmtelr.
Sou Hi Uiikottt l. u iiiiikfru ( lutlicrliiff.
3 , Lincoln Wonmn 0:1 : u .Mn < Uiirrnili' | .
4. Lust Work III Omtht Sorlnl Ulrclt" ) ,
B. THO KoporN Hint Condemn Unwell ,
Onmlm S iv lug * It ink SmpPiuN.
illui Den Ihii'i Some Omul sliootln ; ; .
(1. Council IHnrr < l.ocul Mutter * .
rro t > pi-ts of the Nrur rutiirc.
7. Wcrklj ( lrl t of Sporting ( SosMp.
AtiiiiHi'iiii'iit No tot mill Comment.
H. IMioi't from Ante-ltiiii-n-i. .
AITiilrH lit Smith Omulii.
I ) , drouth of Heel Sticur Industry.
10. "Tlio Miilnliln .Mini } . "
It.omiin : Her Wiijn mill Her WorM.
1'j. IMItorlul mid Comment.
1 ! ) . II.vpnotlMii mill Mrillml I'riictlue.
1'iiKliliiK Hut l\\g \ Imposition.
1 I. In Iliu World of UhlrlltiiVlieiN. .
in. Common-tut mill rinmictiil NIMVH.
roHVvnn KILLS r\MILV OK nvi : .
AVIn-.s Arc UIMMI mill Kill I K.xd-nt of
( InllsiiN < ir IN Not Known.
MEMPHIS , Tenn , Jnn. 2 A tornado , leav
ing death nnd devastation behind , descended
upon the little tovvij of Moorlngsport , La. ,
at 3.30 o'clock this afternoon. The reportrt
from the stricken town are very meager ,
owing to the complete prostration of nil tele
graph nnd telephone wires , but n special re
ceived from Tcxnrkann nt midnight snjs that
four people were killed outright and three
are known to have been fatally Injured.
Moorlngsport Is a town of SOO 1,000 Inhab
itants , situated on the Kansas City , Plttsburg
& Gulf road , twontv-llve miles west of Texnr-
kana. ,
AdvlcM from southwestern Kansas state
that n violent wind nnd lightning storm
prevailed there this afternoon. Wires were
blown down , nnd , In some Instances , rallwn }
travel Is Interrupted.
A report from Bcnton , Ark. , on the Iron
Mountain railroad , twenty miles south of
Little Rock , says that a tornado struck that
place late today and twenty houses were
demolished. No loss of life 1s mentioned In
the dispatch. All communication with Hot
Springs has been cut off. At Cameron , a
small lumber station ten miles north of
TexurKana on the Cotton Belt ro'ul , the
storm raged furiously , doing considerable
damage. Ono man Is reported killed nt this
place. Uvcry effort has been made by the
telegraph companies to establish communi
cation with Lawlsvllle , McNelll , Magnolia ,
Pine Bluff nnd the larger towns located In
the southwestern part of the state , but no
reports have been received from that sec
tion up to thla hour.
SHREVEPORT , La. , Jan. D. Upon
receipt of n telegram announcing thc
disaster a large number of citizens volun
teered their assistance , and soon the special
train was ready to start. The relief train
was supplied with cots , bnndagcs , surgeons'
appliances and Instruments. The special
trnln left at C p. m. and renched Moorings-
port nt 7 35 p. m. , In n downpour of rain.
A relay wire wns rigged up , nnd nt n late
hour the report Is that four are dead , three
are fatally wounded nnd will die , and twenty
others more or less Injured.
The dead nrc : Willie nnd Maud Hall nnd
the infant son and daughter of Jesse Good
man , who Is also Injured , with his daughter ,
Alice , his wife and nephew , Claud. Their
homo Is a wreck.
The Injured nro reported to be : Mrs.
Efflo Morgan and Infant , Mrs. Glllam and two
children , Mrs. Thomas Agin , Thomas Elliott ,
J. D. Harris. Tom Teat , Mr . Teat and Joe
Rcdners , colored.
The buildings left standing nre W. H. B
Groom's store , J. S. Noel's store nnd resi
dence , the Methodist church , Mrs. Caldw ell's
residence and the railroad station nnd tool
house. The wounded will bo brought to this
city In the morning nnd will bo taken to the
hospital for treatment.
Tcrrllilo Condition of Hie LaliorliiK
CliiNNi'M fif Mi-iiriiniin.
( Coircfpondcnce of the Associated 1'repn. )
MANAGUA. Nicaragua , Dee. 17. A tcrrlblu
stnto oi affairs prevails In the labor market
here and the system of belling labor has
resulted In reducing very large numbers of
men , women nnd children to a state of
elnvery. Owners of coffee estates recently
held a meeting with the object of Influencing
the government of Nicaragua to establish
In Cuba a labor agency to Induce Cuba )
laborers to Immigrate to Nlcnrngun.
Men and women hero are now endeavorIng -
Ing by every possible means , except an armed
revolution , to escape from the servitude
Incident to the .ile of their labor , authorized
by the constitution of Nicaragua and en
forced , as vigorously as possible by mllltar >
power until the money for goods advanced
to them , Interest thereon and heavy fines
for delinquency have been paid In full b >
labor at low rates.
This j car's crop of coffee In Nicaragua Is
estimated at about SO per cent of a full
crop. The deficiency has been cauecd b )
Insulllclcnt rains during the jcar. The twigs
on which the coffco crop of 1897 are to bo
born are , on account ot the drouth , so email
end short as not to bo able to yield a full
crop In many estates In Nicaragua next
jcar. A number of persons In Nicaragua ,
especially In the eastern portion , are making
preparations to cultivate sugar cano Instead
of coffee as heretofore.
Ilnrleil n Wrel. , hut -liny III-
LONDON , Jan. 2. A special dispatch
from Wan > av savs a painful sensation has
been caused there by the alleged burying
allvo of a prominent society woman , the
Countess Helen Potocka , who died on the
25th and who was Interred on the follow
ing day. Persistent minors were circulated
that the countcus was not dead , but merely
In a state of catalepsy , and the fumlly , In
order to prove this statement baseless , had
the body exhumed yesterday ? 'ulicn It was
found it did not bear the appearance of a
corpse and that there was no uogn of putre
faction , The body wag then removed to
the family mansion , where It Is being
watched ,
BOMBAY , Jan. 2. Business U utterly par-
aly/cd , owing to the spread of the bubonic
plague. The volunteer artillery la attesting
the overworked health olllcurs In combating
the disease , ,
SITOII | > . | > III III London ,
LONDON , Jan. 2. Goorso A. Klrkpatrlck ,
nontenant governor of Ontario , IH In the
hoapltal hero diir.goiounly 111 and will buvo
to submit to an opciatlon.
Late Onmlidato for President Organizing the
Nebraska Legislature
Soft Mouoy Domoorats Got Little from
Their Eloquent Idoli
Believes Ho Has His Race for the Couato
Sccrotnrjsbip Woni
Holler ( lint Tlu-j CiHitil Oi-Kiinlrc the
HuiiNf , but \\lll .Not HiAI low -il
11 CnilXl-N Till-Ill ttl
I .Mourn.
LINCOLN , Jan. 2. ( Special Telegram. )
llio political pot Is bubbling merrily at the
Lincoln hotel , lm * W. J. Brjnn appears to
lie doing the stoking of the ( Ires from his
prlMito rcsldvnco. It la n trifle singular , but
the attitude of the late candidate for presi
dent nppenra to bo inure pleasing to the
populists than to the prominent leaders of
frco silver democracy. Mnny of the latter
arc this morning heartily cursing him under
their brc.ith. Yesterday nil old line whcel-
horeo of the Lincnstur county democracy
roasted Ilrjnn o\cr the telephone It seems
that Will Ilarton. a son of Patrick llarton
of this city , had been promised n place In
Jake Wolfe's plo wagon Yesterday n list
of Wolfo's ntmnltitiT ! ! wns iilvrn out Yoiinir
.Mr Barton's name did not lead all the nst.
In short , It did not appear nt all. When
lnter\lowed over the 'phone by the Irate
I'at Ilnrton , Mr Do an disclaimed nil knowl-
cdgo of what wns going on. "That's just
what I'm here to tell jou , " answered Bar-
"It seems n man must have had graduated
from Brj an's law ofilco to ha\o any show , "
sahl a free silver democrat this morning.
"Or a woman , either. " he ndded. "Tommy
Allen c"imc through from Drjnn's law olllco
Into the postolllce. Miss Mjrtle Shreve , sale
contract clerk In Wolfe a ofilco was Urynn's
stenographer , and now W. F. Schwlnd , nn-
other graduate of the same Institution , la
sure of the secretaryship of the sennto.
There la no doubt but Ilrjnn Is pulling the
strings for all populist manipulation up to
date. The combination which will likely go
through Is Oallln for speaker , Schwlud for
socrctsry of the senate , and W. H. Waldron
of Hastings , for chief clerk of tile house.
The latter Is GrandstaftVj "dark horse. " and It
IB plainly evident that what GramlBtaff says
goes with the populists. Helms oven been
Influential enough to swing Congressman
Sutherland of the Fifth district over to his
way or thinking.
Hcprescntavo Gaflln came down today nnd
registered at the Lincoln.
Samuel Whiting , president of the Ilryan
Traveling Men's club , Is elated na one ot
the new bank examiners. It Is said ho
raised $230,000 for Treasurer Mcsorvc's bond
contingent upon this position being given
The free silver democrats could make a
much stronger sho-vlnc ; nnd , piobably organ
ize the house , were they possccscd of a leader
who felt himself at liberty to net Inde
pendently nnd for the good of the party.
Much complaint Is heard nround the hotels
against the attitude of J. C. Dahlmnn , chair
man of the democratic state central com
mittee. It Is said that ho has been , tenta
tively , appointed to a sccrctnrjshlp on ( ho
Etato Hoard of Transportation , but that ho
Is afraid to take any prominent part In a
fight for the organlratlon because he has
not been confirmed en yet and might not
bo should he awaken any antagonisms on
the part of the populists. Thus the frco sil
ver demociata are , practically , drifting with
out rudder or compass , nnd the populists ,
seeing their advantage , are availing them
selves of the logic of the situation. Thcro
Is no doubt but that Edson Illch could bo
made speaker If ho would remain out of a
caucus nnd make the fight In the house. The
republican mcmbcra ay they would go to
him bodily In case It became apparent ho
could bo mudo speaker with their votes. A
prominent free silver democrat said today :
"Dahlman has secured a soft snap for him
self and laid down. "
Udson Rich came down from Omaha to
day , and Is at the Lincoln. II. A. Clark ot
Richardson county Is not considered a factor
In the spcaKcrshlp fight at present. If ho lian
over been. A. E. Sheldon of Davvrs county
Is also here , and his political chances are
not any better than Clark's The populists
say nothing can beat Gaflln and the demo
crats are sulky. They may show their teeth
> et before the matter comes to a showdown ,
I'rnnk Hansom of Omaha w&s today added to
the Oallln-Sclivvlnd-iWaldron combination.
Ransom would like to be made president ot
the senate nnd may go through In the deal.
Gcorgo Rclnhart of Valentino Is ostensibly
In the race for clerk , and another now name
was added today for this olllce , D. I ) , Car
penter of Cow Irs. Pour years ngo he was
bill clerk In the house , nnd It Is thought ho
may be found willing to make another com
promise this year. That Henry C , Richmond
is still In the field for chief clerk of the
house wan dcmoratratcd tonight by the ap
pearance of W. II. Thompson of Grand
Island. Ho came In today , nnd when ho
found that the Grandstaff cotcrlo had com
bined to down Richmond , ho wat > Indignant.
Ho Immediately went to work In Richmond' *
behalf and Is still working. lie called In
Congressman Greene , the two held a con
sultation , and are now both out for Rich
mond. These two , > vlth the asslstanco ot
Congressman Sutherland , ought to bo able
to pull Richmond's boom out of the doldrums
drums , and It Is a possibility that they may
do It. The move would not affect Schwlnd'a
chances In the senate , and It la given out
that Schwlnd would bo satisfied with any
body tor cleric , provided It was not a Lin *
coin candidate.
There was no caucus tonight nnd It la
said that Sunday night will wltncso n formal
fusion caucus. Populists nay this , while a
majority of democrats , when ijucstloncd con
cerning It , are extremely reticent , C. S ,
Jones , one of the delegates to the Chicago
convention , tonight made the astounding as
sertion that ho hoped the populists would
organize the house ; that oven If the demo
crats could do It with republican a sUtanco
ho would not , as a democrat , bo In favor ot
a move , Mr. JOIICH drawn bin