Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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"Wheat Varies Its Usual Conrso on the End
of the Year ,
Corn ( Inlet nnd u I'raollun AVntkor
inrly , but Sli-en ; lln-ii Iliter 111
S > nipnlliy ullli Wlienl'x
Iniirivlnpr Tom- .
CHICAOO , Doc , 31. Wheat today varied
Its usual course on the end of t'.io ' year and
managed to score a small advance , al
though trading was of an nnle-hoMilay
character. Holh foreign and doinMtlc
news Were encouraging ns a ruin. Corn ,
oats nnd provisions do not sho.v any sub
stantial change In prices.
The Liverpool wheat market was ap
parently reluctant to extend Its sympathy
to the full measure of yesterday's decline.
It opened ' /4d lower than It closed and re
covered one-half of that a little later In
the day. The opening hero was at a. de-
cllno of from -c to ' ,40. from HIP previous
day's closing price , thu reason for such
additional heaviness being not very clearly
npparent. Ilaln In India \vas said to have
Influenced some of those who sold at thu
opening decline. UuslnoHs was not en
larged by orders from outsldo sources. The
nhort session today and the holiday to
morrow led to n general local overling up
nnd as It turned out tlio shorts who wished
* n square accounts over the pending In
terruption to business proved to bo In the
inajoilty. The market was helped Rome-
what by the report that 2.0.00 . ; ) bu. nt Huf-
falo had been ordered forward to the sea
board by rail , presumably ror exi > ort. Min
neapolis and Dultith receipts were 281 cars ,
against 333 a week ngo nnd101 tincorre -
l > ondlng day of the year before. Chicago
received 27 cars , compared with 191 last
year , and 78,000 fill , worn Inspected out of
store. lixporl clearances of wheat and
Hour from the Atlantic seaboard were lib
eral at the equivalent oflOO.OOO bu. Inlient
iinil Hour , which Includes 115,00) ) bu re
ceipts of Hour from Newport News. May
wheat opened at from 2c to & 2ic. as
compared with from } > 2c to S5c yesterday
( iftornoon. The lowest quotation at the
start was Wiu bottom price for the day. A
fMibsequent rise to S3c was lirouphi about
nnd tliu closing price was" SlUJc , showing
Item Me toe Rain for the day.
Corn was quiet and a fraction weaker
early , but strengthened later In sympathy
wltn the hotter tone. In wheat , and the
close showed little change. In a general
nay the market was about featureless. At
lantic port clearances were liberal enouqli
to be a factor , amounting to 7G2.H12 bu. Mny
opened unchanged at 2."iMf , "old between
25Mo and 2.VHO. closing steady at from
Z5to to 2 , ' > rfic. ; For a short session thn oats
market was quite active nnd business mod
erately heavy- The parties WMO sold short
yesterday were heavy buyers today and
caused the feeling which was prominent
throughout. May opened at lli c , sold to
lD5ic and closed with l)14c ! ) bid.
As for several days back the business In
the provision nit consisted almost entirely
In changing January contracts to 'May. '
There was some llttlo selling by packer. * ,
which. In the absence of much demand ,
had to be offered down a little to find liuy-
rrs. The not rorult was n slight decline. .
Mny pork closed a shade lower at $7.77'i ;
May lard , 2Vic lower at $2.9. ) ; May ilba , a
shade lower at J.1.9r .
Ksllmated receipts for Saturday are :
"Whea't. 17 cars ; corn , 2CO cars ; oats , 225
cars ; hogs. 20,000 head.
Tlin leading futures ranged ns follows :
Articles. I OiieinJ Hlgh | Low. I CIOHO.JTIIUI-H.
'Wheat -
lieu. . . . 70t | so 7W !
liny. . HliK
July , . . 7h6
Dee. . .
Jan. . . J'JJt
May. . S315 -
July. . utiMisi
I-e . . . HI 111 l&U
May. . . . 1UJS 1V !
'Jan. . . . 7 BO 7 ; tn 717tt
May. . . . 7 80 7 77W 7 SO 7 faO
JatiT. . . 3 80 , Sfl--'H 0 77M 3 R3
Mav. . . . 1 00 -1,01) U U7M
Sh't Ulb < ' '
Jan. . . . 3 so 3 7u il'75 n 77 > j
' May. . . . y HTM .1 U7H a fir 3 113 II DTK
, No. 2.
. 'Cash quotations were ns follows :
J'JjOUR Firm ; winter iw.lcnU , JI.COiJ4.73 ;
etinlghts , JI.COfi4.73 ; rprlng speclala , JI.CO ; spring
jiatcnts , JI.150t.CO ; straights , J3.7C04.CO ; bakers ,
WHEAT No. 2 spring. 79TJi fSO'ic ; No. 3
eprlim , 7C077c ; No. 2 red , S4H 92c.
CORN No. 2 , 22i 23c ; No. 2 yellow , 23c.
OATtJ No. 2. ICIic ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 1S4 !
Ol ! > c ; No. 3 white. 17Jic.
- RYE-NO. 2. 37Vic.
1IAIIL15Y No. 2 , nominal : No. 3 , f. o. d. .
I3d733c ; Not 4 , f. o. b. , 23B24C.
FLAXSEED-No. 1 , 74'.i 7Cc.
TIMOTHY HEiD-Prlini : > . J2.70.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , JC.CO ; lard ,
tier 100 Ids. . J3.73fl3.fO ; short rlbt. sides ( loopc ) ,
J3.85 3.tO ; dr > ' salted shouldeiu ( boxed ) , JI.23W
4.60 ; short clear tides ( boxi-d ) , J3S714W4.00.
- DRESSED POULTRY Firm ; tuikeya. Ho ;
chlckfns. C0 Hc ; diirUi , OOlOc.
WHISKY DIstlllerM' HnUhed Rooila , per pal. ,
The following were the receipts nnd shipments
today :
On HIP Produce exchange ted ly the b liter mar
ket wan meadv : creamery , IfiA''Uu : dairy , HW
17o. HirgH , wo.ik ; frcHb , Itiijc. Cheese , tlrm :
Tour t'loNt-ft on
1 lo I Id u y S pi-oil Int 1011.
NEW YORK. Die. SI. The year closed on the
Block exchange with u typical holiday specu
lation. liiMne.s ! was at a inlnlmum and rep
resented chiefly the evening up of old contracts.
Tils fluctuations In'prUcs wi-rc trivial im a
rule , nnd the movement Im-nular. The railway
Hock weru practically neglected. The dullness
reflected the unwlllliutu-rh of the traders ta
carry contnicts over the holld.iyn. In thu hlgh-
pilci'd hidumrlala depression was quite maiked.
Thfi bears iK-prr sed Leather preferred 2\i per
cent nud the common Hi per cent , on thu news
of the death of Mark Ho > t , the president of
the company. In the subsequent dcnllugH recovery
iu-cuircd In each stock on -
ery of u point tup-
IKirtlnK orJi-rs. Tim early declines In them en-
oouruged a drive against the other Industrial
properties , with the main object ot forclni ;
cut long stock. Consolidated Oaa proved vul
nerable , and fell 3H per cent to 13U1. nud Dcl-
nwari ! & Hudson dropped 2V per cent on the
theory of Vunderbllt oppjaltlon to the payment
uf unearned dividends. Tobacco yleldel 2)i per
cent on realization , but later iccovered half the
loss. Tintcrlp wan offered freely , and left off
: vi per cent lower on ilUnilUfactlon over the
non-dcrlnrutlou of u dlvldeml. Sugar suffered
from Hie hick nf corrohorutlon cf bullish gos-
tip. nnd Manhattan yold off snarply un profit
takintr , folluwliiK thu Jump ot lr > i per cent on
the announcement of the denial of the motion
tn restrain thu dividend which la payublc on
f > Baturdny.
ChU'iigii Oas late In the day developed excep
tional strength , rUliiK P.i per cent on coveilnj.
Ixmu Inland luukit IV , per cent to 40Vi. but
nillleil to 13 on a transaction of 100 shares. The
pcnernl market cloned steady , but extremely
( lull. Coinpiirntlvu figures show fractional loaten
only In thn nillwaya , nnd romv material con
cessions In the Fpeclalllei. The bond market
was ulso ( inlet , the fluctuations In tin- speculative
lativeIrsnis being unusually narrow. The sales
were J'JSO.OOO.
( lovernmenlH were strong and higher on pur
chases of J30OU > . 'Ilie following tabld shows the
hlghcfl. lowest and llnnl prices of the prln-
cliul sluiieH fur thu year :
Name. Highest. Lowest. Final.
Bugar liH (
Tobacco M 7Mi
Chicago Cla 7S-U
Conaolldiited Oas 16S 13.1 13S
Unncral Eleclrla 30K 20
LeiithtT preferred t'JVi tW
Wc-xti'in I'nlon SOU 72
Paclllo Mall 31 15VJ
Ht. Paul , * 0 7314
: Iliirllnulon M ; C9V4
Rock Island "IK *
Lmilsvlllo & Nanhvllle UV 48
Iwiko Slioiu U'J ' 13IH 131
Mnnhiitliin WA 73'.i ' * (
Kinithcrn preferred MU UU 23
Missouri Paclfla S'J'i 15 20
Kunras ft Texas , 31' 10 2Si
New York Central UJVi S3 9.U4
HI. Paul & Onriha 491i 3014
llnlon Paelflo I2V
Ddlawiini . < < HudHon'Mi \ 118
Lackawanna IM 131 153
Rcudlnu 31H 1313H 15326J4
Npw Jeiscy Central 110 100
Thn Evening Poll' * I > ndun financial rahte-
crnm says : The stock markets wi-ru good today ,
xct > pt , iwitiapa , Americans. Dealer * hoisted
iirlcrs at the but moment of tlio old year , bo-
IliivInK that the puhllo will como In eurly In
January , An to that , wo shull soon see , The
point lo be uotud U that the outlook for very
cheap monry ls not co pronouncud as It wau
a year ago. while , with the exception uf mlnej ,
prlcei ara generally higher , and , In om eaten ,
nt record quotations. The coin and bullion In
the Hunk of England Increased thin werk 319.-
000. of which 93,000 was old Imported for the
wrtk. the detail ! being : Ot.000 Imiiorltd from
Amtriillu. 0,0 > X ) frum Rnumnnla and > .000
fruiii Portugal. The Increara of 1.011no ( In
other x-iiurlttti rtrprvnenta market borrowings ,
but , Inuimucli as nearly all thu flvutui In other
depotlti me up , tht rtturn Is much lrous r
than wan expected. The reserve Is 227,000.
Tim market probably lMirrowe.1 about 2.000.000
today fmm the bank , and this l not Incluiled
In the return ,
Hrlefly put , the position tn date between the
mnrket and the dank Is this ! IHnlnir the Inst
tlirwi weeks the mntket borrdweil W.OOi)90fl , of
which only about one-half has gone to swall the
other deposits. An cabled to you December 22 ,
Mirno of this liotnmlng will be spread ox-er tn
the cnod nf January , but the bulk of It will
prohadly be repnld lieforo the middle of the
month. Ill * Purls inntkot was quiet nnd the
Htrlln mnrket firm. It Is believed that. In view
nf lli oonvirjlon of the RiiFslnn 4 per cent
loan In January , the monetary po ltlon In HerI
lln will Im made ranlcr. Certainly no rise In
the llrrlln Imnk rate M likely under ordinary
clrrumslances , and a reduction Is more
. HoNdiii ( ( noltitlollN.
I10STON. Dec. 31.-Call loans. S * per conl :
thin ) loans. : )4'i4mi'jr ) cant. Closing prlaoi for
htuckH. boiulH and mining aliarct :
A.T. AS. P 13I < W. Kli > 5. pfl .10)4
Ainurlcitti StiiKir. . 11 OX Kd. KI02. Ill M3
Am. Siijr.-ir pM. . . 71
Hay State OIIH i ( Atchl'Oil 1 > M'I
Hull Tulephono. . . l03lfXow ! ! HiiKlairl Us. . lllHi
UoHton A Albany. . ' . ' 0. ) | li > u. Hoc. , ( is Ill )
lloHloiiA.Malno. . . Ilia' ' * Wli.CiMtt. IH : Hfc
C. . II. AQ l ! ! ) 'AllouozMlnlnCo ' HO
Fltcbbiinr - - '
nmilAtl-mtlo -J-
Ceneral Klectrlo. . : i'Jl ! llon'on A Monfini : uitj
IlllnolH Stuel its iRuttoA Rout n. . . . HIM
Moxlcnii . 7l Calumul A Ht-chi. . S2i
N. Y. AN. K til ) Ci-nti'iinhil i ! ( > i
Old Colour 170 Krinkllu 1O
Ou\ Short Lino. . . II IT
Rubber L'lSiOHsoola "O i
' ' '
tiiilnii Pacific. . . . . HIQtiuicy. ! . . . . . ! . . . ! ! l3tl'
Wcht Knit Ul'i TnmarHClt 1)1
Wt-Ht Knd pfil H5 Wolverlno 8f {
WeHllnch. Klec. . . -I I
San KrniiulMcn .tllnlut ; < lu < > tntliiiiM.
SAN KUANCISCO. JK-c. HI.-Tho offlelal cloilnr
aiiefitloiiHformlntii ; utaolti toJiy wjro ai fol-
Aim 3 1 lide A Morerosi. . 110
AlidiaCon II Kentucky Con . t
Andes 10 Muxlciu . 40
Ileloher 17 Con. . . . - ' - '
llest Alluleher. . . . 54 Ophlr . 100
llullluii 7 Overman . 10
C.iinnona 10 1'otosl
ChilleniiiCon II ) ill )
Chullar. Mi : Sierra -x-idi : : . 47
Contldi'iioo D3 Silver Hill . I
Con.Ml.AVa Ill ) Union Con . -i'J
Cn-i. Imperial. . . . . 1 Utah Con . 0
Crown 1'olnt ' "J Yellow
Jacket . . . . 23
( ioiild ACurrlo.I )
Silver barn. (13c ( : Muvloan dallnr. ) , C'33iaa. !
SIi.-litilr.iflH , 1'JHc : tolezr.iphlc. 13i ! .
I.iiiiiliin ijlock ( tiintiidonn ,
LONDON , Dec. 31. 1 p. in.
CIIHOH. : ! m'.v . 1 1 1 Jl St. Paul common
CuiiHolti.acu't 111. * N. Y.
Can.l'.iclllc r,7H Pennsylvania 4IIU
Krlo lYi lleaillnir ii' : ' $
Krlo Int pfd : i.V4 Mox. C n. now -IB. 70H
M.Cuntral Hs Atcldson 14)4
M ex I can unllnary. 1'- >
HAU 8ILVE11 M 13-lCd per oz.
MONHY I per cent. rate of discount In the open market for
rhort and three months' bills U 3ff3li per
cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nuiv Yoi-k Mining : < ttiontloiiN.
NKW YORK. DM. 31. The fpllowluz are the
clu.slni ; minim ; quotations :
Ilulwer : w Ontario NHI
Chollar. 73 Ophlr 83
Crown Point IS Plymouth 'JO
Con. Cat. AVa 15 Quicksilver 100
Deadxvood KM QntcliBllvor prd..l''l)0 )
( ionld A Curry ! ! 0 Sierra Nevadatil
Ilalo.t iVorcrOKs. . 103 Stiimlanl 120
llumo'.taki ) Ulli ) Union Con : I3
Iron Sliver. 100 Yellow Jncknt L'J
Mexk-uu 10
Kliiniiulnl Noit-M.
P.OSTON. Dec. 31. Clearings , 113,190,281 ; bal
ance ! ) , lt.9iVi.03l.
DALTIMOUK. Doc. Jl. Clearings. | 2:03.32S ;
bahinccH. J3IS.747.
Ni\V ; YOUK , Dec , 31. Clearlncs , | 100SIS,5:7 ;
balances , J7'J7S)1.
PHILADI'M.PHIA. Dec. 31. Clearings , J3.KO.-
1(5 ; balanccK , J,3oi ! : .
HT. LOUIS. Dee. 31. Clearings. J3.31S.719 ; bal
ances , $527,313 ; money. GW7 per cent ; New Yorlt
exchange , Uc premium bid ; r.Oc premium it ked.
CHICAOO , Dec. 31. ClrarlnK * . JH.fM.4S3 ;
money , utt-ndy , unchanied ; New York exchange ,
JOe iiremlum ; forelKn rxchange , steady ; demand ,
Jl.SOi ; Klxty days , J4.S3Ti.
Foreign Flnniirlnl.
DKHLIN. Dec. 31. KxchaiiKO on London , eight
days' right. 0 marks M pfc ,
LONDON. Dec. 31 - Jold Is quoted at Ducnos
Ayivn at 1S2.SO ; LUboii. 39 ; Home , 101.J.
PAII1S , Dec. 31. Tinve per cent rentcii , 102f
371c for the account. Exchange on lAindon ,
27f 23c for checks.
I ) NDON , Dec. 31. American caules uie quoted
by the Hank of Knxland ut 7Cs 7d and tn the
open market ut 70s M. .
NH\V YOUK. Dec. 3l.-COl-'KKt-Optl3ns :
openeil Ilrm at 15 to JO points advance on moder
ate foreign buying , steadier Hamburg eabtt ! ! ,
light Ilrazlllan rccotpUi and liberal \vaichouse
dellveilen , but later rated off n trllle and closed
quiet , with quotations 5 to 10 polnlv lu-t nd.
vance ; snln , 13.00 II.IK > , Including Jamiury , 19.79
< | 9.75 ; Mitrc.v I'j.inffJ.M. Bput rrlTre , Itle , nulet ;
No , 7. J10.12VJ ; mild , dull Cordovu , JU.Wi7.04i
nik' . V33 IUIKII wanhed Caiacai , 110 bags Porto
Cubello , "aO baes Jamaica. Total wntehauie de.
llvdiliu trmn the l.'nllod Slnle , 18,911 baits , In-
rludlnK 18,070 from Not' Yurki Now Yorlt etwk
today , Sit.Vf ) bags ; United States stock , so : , ; : ?
bags ; ulloat for the Unllod Hlati-n , 31C.WO bugs )
total Vistula for the tlnllt-d Suites , 73S , : : > boea ,
against (11,472 b.ign last year ,
HANTOd , D c. 31 , COFI'KB l-'lnn ; good aver-
i\to \ Hunton. .l.COO rels ; tiloeli. CIJ.OOO hag ,
IIA.MIHIIU ) , l > ec. 3l.-COl''I'iK-8toaily ot U
pfK. nilvunc ; sales , 17COO IMKS ,
UK ) , Dec. 31. fOl'TKE Quli-t ! No. 7 , 10,700
ruls ; exchange , b-.Vl ; rcliit8 , S.OOO bags ; stock ,
iC.I.OO' ' ) ban * .
HAVIU : , JJec.COlTUiOIoje4 qulfl at
% f advance ; sales , 19,000 bags.
Liverpool . > lirlcot ,
LIVUHPOOU D o. 51.-\VHKAT Slrany ; No.
t led. prlnn , 1 lid ; No , 1 Cullfcrnln , U 7Jd. !
l-'uturrs oiwncd steady.'with near und dlntunt
positions Ud lowrr ; cloxcd elendy.vlh | near
nnd dUlant pasltlom unchanged from yolrr-
ddy'H closing prlctsi buflnem about tqually rtli-
trlbutrd ; January , * SHd ; Mmvh , Ut liU'l ;
May. Ci HVtd ) Junt , nominal ,
COIIN Spot firm ; Anurkan mlx d. new , la
lOUd , Futurm opcnctl quiet , with near nnd ills-
tint poxltlotn unchnnRed to 'id lower ; buil *
ness rqually dlrtrlhutol ; January , ! 9Hd ; Keb *
niary , ! s * 4 < li Mnrch , ! lOa ; April and Mny ,
2.1 lOUd ; June , 2. < lOVtd.
PLOl'Il Steady ; demand poor ; St. I uls fancy
wltmr , m 3cl.
PHOVISIONS-llacon , quiet ; demand moder
ate ; Cumberland cut , IS to 30 Ibs. . 27s ; short
i rlli * . 20 tn 21 ll > * . . 27 * ; lotift rlcnr , light , M to
, 3 ! Ibd. , 27s ; long clear heavy , 4S Ibs. , ! ! short
| i cl ar bucks , light , IS Ibs. , 17s ; short clear mid-
l ( lies , heavy , 45 to M lb . , 28 : clear bdilei1.
I 11 to If. Itu. , m M. Shoulders , sqtiart , 11 to 1 ]
i ; ll . . 2s. Hnnn. short cut , 11 to 10 Ibs. , SSs C.I.
I ' Tallow , line North American. 1 ! > . . lltvf.trft
India mp ! ! > fis ( ; prime m ss , BW. Pork , prime
i mem , line woitprn , 4"is 9d ; medium \vi > st rn.
41s 3.1. Lird , dull ; prtmo western , 21s ; refined ,
In palls , 2 : * Cl.
rilKHSB l-'lrm ; demand mo.lerate : finest
American while and colored , Ht-pli-mlwr , Cls ,
1HTTTRH rinr t fnlted Slaton. ! > is ; cowl , COs.
OlljS-I.lnwciI , Cs. Petroleum , rellned , ( Hid.
IlKKIHOnUATOH I1KKK Kofiiuarlern , 4d ;
hlndquarteni. SSd.
HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , 3 CM.
Condition lit Triuli- mill ClitntiitlotiH
on S tuple nnd Kiiiu'y Prndiiee.
KOOS Kresli gatheied , weak ; ISglCc.
IIUTTUR fomnion to fair , 509ci choice to
fancy , roll , ngtlc : soiuralor creamery , 21c ;
Rntlicird cream. lSf20o.
QAMK Prnlrle chickens , per do . , JC.001JC.23 ;
quail , ll.OOtfl.SO ; blue winged teal ducks , Jl.Mt ?
1.73 ; green wlnu , J1.25 ; redheads nnd mallards ,
JJ.tfl ; small rabbits , 40RCOC ; Jacks , tl.OOOl.&O ;
squirrels , COffTSc ; deer saddles , 14 lCc ; caicasses ,
10'fllo ; nntelono raddlit. mfllc ; carcafses. ! ) e ;
Canada geese- , large , JC 00(17.00 ; small , J4.00flo.00.
niKEHB Domestic brick. lO c ; hilaui , per
doz. , J9.CO ; club houi-e. JarB. per doz. , J3.15 ;
Llniberger , fancy , per Ib. , ' .io ; Itoqucfort , Vt-lb.
Jars , per doz. . J3.CO ; YounR Americas , lone ;
twins , fancy , 104c. . .
VKAI * Tlinlco fat. 0 to UO Ibs. , are quoted at
7c ; Inrge nnd coarse. 43c.
DUKSSMD POULTHY Chickens , rJ7Cc ; tur-
keyn. lOiflSe ; geese. 7S ; ; ducks , 70Sc.
LIVR POPLTUY Not wanted.
PIOKONS Live , 7&90c ; dead pigeons , not
HAY Upland , JI.50 ; midland. JI.OO : lowland.
W.f.O ; rye utraw , JI.OO ; color makes the price on
hay ; light hM . sell the best ; only top grades
brim ? tup prices.
11UOOM COItN Kxtremely slow sale ; new
crop delivered on track In country ; c'.iolcc green
[ elf-working carpet , per Ib. , 2'ic ' : choice urecn.
running to hurl , S'.ict ' common , I'.ic.
SWEin1 POTATOKS On orders , per bbl. , J2.00.
ONIONS-Oood stock , per bu. , 40tfjOc.
LIMA HRANS Pi-r Hi. , to.
HRANS-IInnd picked navy , per bu. . J1--J- ,
OAHIIAOi : Rood stock , per hundred. Jl..o.
CRLKIIY Per doz. , 23O30CJ fancy , large , 4.O
r > oc
ocI'OTATOES OooJ stock , per bu. , 23o ; Wyom
ing stock , sacked , fJn ( rer 100 Ibs.
OKAPKS Crates , 15 pony baskets. Concords
and Catawbns. per crntr , J2.0.
MALAHA OUAPKS Per keg , 7.
CllANIlHHHIUS-Capo Cod. per bill. . JG.
API'I.KS Cooking , per Lbl.Jl.C51.7o ; fancy
" " >
N"cALlKOUNIA" PRAHS-Per box. J2.00 2.I3.
PINHAPPLES Per crate of two to three doz. ,
GUANOES Mexican. J3.73 ; California navels ,
LKMONSMcs'slnas , J1.50tf3.00 ; choice Cali
fornia , J3.rOJ(3.73 ( : fancy , JI. . . .
llt..N.rholcp. . large stock , per bunch. ; medlum-slri-d bunches. Jl.IOiT2.CJ.
HONHY Fancy white , per Ib. , 14c ; choice , 13c ;
Callfurnla , umber color , lOc.
CIDRU-ClarlllcJ Juice , per half bbl. , J2.50 ; per
bbl. , i4.COB4.2J. , . . .
MAPLi : HYIltTP I-'lvc-gol. cans , caih , J2.WJP
2.75 ; gal. cans , per doz. , J12 ; half-gal , cans , J0.2j ;
'juurt calm. J3.f > 0. . . . . .
SADEIt KRAUT Per half bbl. , Jl.u. ; bbls. .
klQS Imported fancy , 5 crown. 30-lb. boxcj.
15c : Choice. 10-lb. boxeK. 3-crown. He.
NUTS-Amonds. ! California , per Ib. . large
i-lze. 13c ; Urazlls. per Ib. , lOc : Lnsllsli wal-
uuts. per Ib. . fancy , snft shell , 12812HO ; aland-
ardi. 11B1H4C ; filberts , per Ib. . 10 < - : pecans , pol
ished. large. J310c ; Jumbo. llM2c ; large hick-
cry nuts , J1.25 per bu. ; small , J1.50 : cocoanuts , Jo
f > "Ch-
. .
SCificNo. . 1 dry failed SSc : part cured
hides. > .4e per Ib. Ices than fully cured.
BHRHP PELTS Orcen salted , each. 2fCOc ;
ororn Hutted , sheailiics ( fhort woolcd eaily skins ) .
each. 15c ; dry shciirlnBS ( Bhort wnoit-a carij-
sKlmi ) No. 1. each , 5c : < ! ry flint. Knn-us and
Ncbmska butcher wool peltx. per Hi. , actual
wctBht , 4JT3e ; dry flint. Kaiifas nnd Nebraska
Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight , 31T4c ;
dn- flint Colorado butcher wool polls , per II ) . .
actual weight. 405c ; dry flint Colorado Murrain
wool pelts , per II ) . , actual weight. 334c ; feet
cut off , as It Is Ufeleis to pay frrlsht on them.
TALLOW AND C1U13ASH Tallow. No. 1. 3c ;
tallow. No. 2. 2V4o : greaec. while A , 3c ; greape.
white 11 , 2c : Rrea i > , yeliow , 2c : grease , dark ,
l Jo ; old butler , 2ff2Wc ; beeswax , prime , ir.QSic ;
roiiRh tallow. Ic.
WOOI/-UnwnsheJ , flr.e. heavy. ( Oic ; fine , light.
Sftc ; quarterbloo. , l JT12c ; fcedy. buiry nnd
chaffy ' SI'c ! ; cotted nnd broken , eoarse , 7f(5c ;
cottod'nnd brnkcn. line. f Sc. Fleece Washed
Medium. IJlUSc ; line. HffllCc ; tub washed. ICWlSc ;
black. Se ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , 2ff3c ; dead
pulled , CiJC.- .
HONES In car lots , weighed nnd delivered In
Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton. } I2. ( > )814.00 ; dry
country , bleached , per ton , J10.0012 00 ; dry conn-
try. damp and meaty , per ton. JC.C05S.00.
I1EEK Good native steers , 400 to COO Ibs. , 6Vi ®
"cj western steers. 4V6liB1ic ; good cows and heif
ers , CfcSlic : medium cows and heifers , 4V4c ; good
fon-quartern cows und heifers , 4c , gtod fore-
quartcra native ulcers , Ke : good hindquarters cows
nnd helfera. die ; goo I hindquarters native Hirers ,
tc : tenderloins , 20c ; boneless strips , ! lc ; ctrlp
loins , To ; rolls , SVjo ; eliloln buttu , ! > Hc ; shoulder
clods. D'.ic ; rump butts , 5c ; steer chucks. 4c ;
cow chucks , 3jc ; bonelfiu chucks. 4e ; plates ,
: c : flank steak , Ce ; loins. No. 1 , 12c ; loins. No.
2 , lOc ; loins. No. 3 , So ; rib. ? . No. 1 , IDo ; ribs. No.
2. EC ; rllw. No. 3 Cc : rounds. 0)ic ; rounds ,
shank er rump off , r.i c ; rounds , uliank ami
rump off. 7c ; trlminlngH , 4c ; drains , per dozen.
3.V ; sweetbreads , per Id. , ICc ; kidneys , each. 3c ;
ox tails , each , 3c ; livers , each , 20c ; hearts , each ,
Cc ; tongues per Ib. . 12c.
PORK Dresfed hogs , 4 ic ; tenderloins , 12c ;
loins. 5c : spare rlba , 4c ; ham sausage butts. 5c :
shoulders , rough , 4' c ; shoulders. Hklnned , Cc ;
trimmings , Cc ; leaf lard , not rendered , BVJc ;
heads , cleaned. 3' ' , c ; snouts nnd ears , 3fcc ; l > .ick-
boiies , 3c ; neckbonm , 3c ; plga' tails. 3l4c ; plucks ,
eacli , Cc : chitterlings. DC ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per
dozen. 2."c : stomachs , each , 3c ; tongues , each , fc ;
kldncyn , per dozen , lOc : brain ? , per dozen , 13e.
MUTTON Dressed lambs. 7c ; droned sheep ,
Cc : nicks. 8Hc ; legs and paddles , 7Ho ; breastn
anil stews , 3c ; tongues , each , Cc ; plucks , each ,
( liiotatlciiiH of ( be Dity 011 Oenernl
C'lllMIIHXlIf le .
NEW YORK. Dec. 31. FLOUR Uccclpts. 10.400
bbls. ; exiiorts , 43.4SC bid * . ; maiket was steady ,
but Inactive ; Minnesota patents. Jl.43fft.70 ; Min
nesota bakers , J3.40fi3.03 ; winter low grades ,
12.73B3.C5. Ryu Hour , quiet ; superfine. J2.S533.03.
Huikwheat flour , dull ; J1.2I.
CORN MUAL Dull : yellow western. COc.
HARLIiY MALT Nominal : western , E > OB * > C ,
WHEAT Receipts , t/.200 ) bu. ; exports. 78,112
bu. ; spot , Inactive ; No. 1 hard. 97c. OptloiiH
opened weaker , owhirf to unsatisfactory cables ,
but rallied with a later Improvement abroad.
local covering and rcpbrU of foreign buying.
holding the advance until the last few moments.
when offerings of long wheat caused a break.
daring iinchangel' ' to lie decline ; No. 2 red ,
May , SS-Tag c , eloslni : S > 3 } o ; December , SOftl ?
! > 2Vic ; January , eloped , Miv. !
CORN Receipts , 87.700 bu. ; exports. 14,172 bu. ;
spot , dull ; No. 2 , : : ic. Options dull and quiet.
but fairly steady all day , without particular
featurea , closing unchanged ; January closed at
OATS Receipts , 131 , COO bu. ; exports , 10.UO bu. ;
spot , steady : No. 2. 22',4c. Options were dull
and unchanged ; May , 2JSc. closing 23Jici Jan
uary , cloicd. 22c.
HAY Dull : shipping , C2'ifl37iic ' ; good to
choice. C7'iH70c.
HOPS-Quiet ; Pacific coatt. 1SD3 crop , 31407c ;
ISl'O crop. 'JRI3c ; I indon , nominal. CCffSOc.
niDHS-Hleiidy ; California , ISijc ; , llucnos
Ayrc * . nomtnal ,
LKATHKR Steady ; hemlock kole , llucnos
Ayri-.i. 19liJ(20',4c. (
PROVISIONS Reef , quiet ; family. JD.50U
11.00 ; extra mess. J7.2Wil.03 : beef lianu. J13.W.
Cut meats , Ikr.i ; pickled bellies. Jl.2504.75 :
pickled fhoulilcrs , JI.25 ; pickled hums , JS.W.
ljiri > , steady ; western rtratn , JI.OH4 ; rellned ,
steady. Polk , firm : HUMS , } S.231)8,75 : short cUar ,
JS.75W10.SO ; family. JlO.COfflO.f.0.
JIUTTER-Rccelpts , 4,1 0 nkgs. : market
tteady ; wezlern creamery , 12fi21c ; Klglns , 21o ;
factory. 7fl'12c : Imitation. HOlCc.
CHEESE-Market qultt : state , large , 7H0
lOKc : small. 7Vi010 o ; part skims , 314 7lo ! ;
full vklms , I'&illic. '
EGOS Market dull ; lecclpts , 3.C03 pke > . ; state
and IVnnsylvanln , 2002le.
HlJfJAH Raw , quiet , steady ; granulated , 4ic.
lIOI-'l-'HK-Majkct quiet.
TALLOW Klrm ; city. 3 5-1Cc ; country , 3 7-lCc.
OILS Petroleum , cteady ; Unlle < l closed at ! > 0o
bid. Il'nln ' , flim ; strained , common to good ,
J1.72. Turpentine , Ilrm ; 2Ci027lic. Cottonieed
oil. dull ! prlma crude , 20i\
RICE-Qulet ; 3HS ' , io : Japan , 410iy4c. !
MOL.\HKis Quiet ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
' M ETA 1 Pig Iron , quiet : southern , J11.000
! ! . ! , northern , Jtl.OOtflS.CO. Copper , uteady :
brokers , J11.37VJ ; exchange. J11.CO. L ad , strong !
brokers , I2.M ; exchange , J3.0001.0S , Tin. steady ;
trulls , J13 ; plate * , quiet. Spelter , dull ; do
mestic , { 1,0004.10.
NEW YORK. Deo. 31.-The lait day of the
month and the ypar him been one of extreme
Inui-tloii In the wuy of purchanei , though consid
erable bunlnniii wai rompletcd a the reiult
( if dellvcrlrx on spring contracts und the charg
ing up nf ( nodi of memorandum , but other-
r/l a It wni not. Printing cloths weio dull at
frum i 9-lCa to 2H < ; .
I'ALL IIIVKII , Dec , 3t.-Prlntlnif clothi dull at
I 3-16v , nominal.
Oil ( , ttr .MnrUot.
OIL CITY , Dnc. 31 Cr Jlt baluicea. Kc ; cer.
linc lo . no tldi ; ihlpmenta , 19,33 : dbli , : runs ,
Hl,243 bbls.
Year Starts with Light ) . Hccoipti and a
Holiday Feeling.
Very KIMV OITcri'tll iiJllil All Tnkuli
l- nt .Siitlufne.tory 1'lnnrox
HORN .Sell .lltilpKIr "ml
SOUTH OMAUA , Jan. l.-Ilceclpts for
the days Indicated wore :
Cattle. Hog * . Sheep. Horses.
January 1 S112 3,108 1.80S . . . .
December 31 1.324 8.9M1 2,318
December SO 1,030 r..Ul l.SSJ
December 2U 2.1SI 7.5SI U'Ol 47
December 23 1.311) ) 2,74:1 : 3200
December Efi 1.0J1 4.1/9.1 202
I December 21 l.OiS 0,030 S13
December 2.1 1.3(51 ( 0,523 1.779
December 22 3,318 S.153 1,177
December 21 2,233 4,172 2,010
December 10 1,731 B,4S2 Cl > 2
CATTLK There were not enough cnttlo
here to mnho a nmrlsot nnd the trade wua
soon over with , every one going homo curly
to enjoy tlio holiday. The prices paid were
utrong nn compared with you t onlay , nnd
entirely satisfactory to tlio selling Inter
ests. There were a few pretty good tnttlo
among the offering : ! , nnd its high ns $1.33
wns paid for ono load. Itcprescnlnttvo
sales :
lliiiSTK13RS. : .
No. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r.
17. . . . 9 < 6 3 70 20..12M H 00 20..I20S JI 30
23..10CI 3 S3 SO. . . . 10.'I 4 li ) 10..1177 433
L. . . 9SO ISO 1..1220 SM 1..1I10 2 90
1..1I10 1 S3 2..1010 2 CO 4..12J7 2 HO
1. . . . 1'40 ' ISO 2..1200 263 L. . . 590 300
1..1010 200 2..1140 270 1..1030 300
1..10M 225 L. . . E20 270 2'J. . . . 919 300
2. . . . 810 223 2..11M 273 17. . . . 9sO ! 310
2..102.230 2..1173 273 10. . . . Ml 310
1..10SO 240 10..110S 210 11. . . . S12 320
L. . . ttO 240 5..112S 21.0 . 1..1120 3 23
2. . . . 870 240 10. . . . U10 2 S3 2..1125 330
4. . . . 973 2 50 6..1001 2 W
3. . . . 770 2'30 12. . . . 3:0 : 2 SO 7. . . . 4V 300
Efl. . . . C2I 2 CO L. . . 430 2 S3 19. . . . HIS 330
L. . . 710 270 2. . . . 540 300 1..1370 373
B..1472 240 1. . . .173i ) 2 C5 1..1230 273
2..1203 2 CO 1..1130 270 2..1033 310
L. . . 7CO 2 75 L. . . 40 3 10 4..1372 3 20
20. . . . 340 2 4' 7. . . . 313 3 70 1. . . . 170 4 CO
L. . . COO 2 BO 3. . . , Si3 300 1. . . . HO 450
L. . . 370 2 0
L. . . 400 275 29. . . . 402 35.1 13. . . . SOO 373
L. . . 040 2M 2. . . . 665 350 L. . . 450 380
2. . . . 400 300 C. . . . CGS-3 C5 5. . C34 380
2. . . . 64i ) 300 L. . . S.SO 3.05 3. . . . CM 3(0
L. . . 720 300 CO..1293 373 L. . . 430 383
2. . . . 410 300 2. . . . 723 373 20. . . . 910 363
17. . . . 511 3 20 *
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
4 cows 900 12 CO 2 calves 3 ) J3 SO
10 lielfcru C99 2(0 B feeders. . . . SIH 380
4 calves 332 3 CO
2 bulls 11CO 240 112 feeders. . . . 917 373
2 cows 1005 29) 23 frcilci-H. . . . 723 375
1 hoi I era 410 SCO , , Cp feeders..1COI 383
2 fcedeui. . . . S5 300 , , 5 feeders. . . . 4i 400
2 feeders..1050 3 23 ' "
McDonald HiW
1 feeder SCO 2 CO * 20 feeder * . . . . ESI 3 S3
1 feeder t-CO 3 00
1IOGH There were onlja - few IIORS on sale ,
nnd , with the dcmind KOOd , they were nil sold
In n very short time at prices that were a
little stroiiKcr , In n tc\v , cafrn possibly 5c
hlK'.icr. Heavy IIORS br6Ught 3.10f:3.17H. and
llslit nnd medium weights ? 3.20ffM.:5 , the top
being Cc higher than yesterday.
The year opens with. the. market nbout 20o
lower than It was ut tlupcnlnu of 1S9C. Reprc-
No. Av. Sh. IT.
20 378 120 3 10
19 415 120 3 10
29 3io
S3 370
20 3S1
23 SO
53 SSO
51 353
43 372
45 437
51 ! SOt
03 300
4i 317
C3 252
57 321
4 * 350
47 2S2
C3 291
51 SI.'J
M 235
50 5U9
59 327
74 303 SO 3 13
1 520 . . . 1 40
5 311 . . . 303
SHEEP The market was steady , with filr
receipts. Reptecentatlvc talcs :
No. Av. IT.
175 Mexican wethers ! XJ 10
02 Mexican wethers 97 3 CO
I'rict-M for Cnttlo Firm mill Sl
Id a Mlmilc HlKlH-r.
CHICAGO , Dec. 31. Prices for cattle were
firm nnd stronger to a Ehade higher for choice
llKht lots. Sntc.s were nt from } 3.M to tl. with
the- commonest Orcggod beef stccm up to from
15 to 13.35 for the ln > ? t shipping cattle , with
sales largely nt from $1.10 to T4.90 , nnd export-
era were Kood buyera nt from ( J.25 to H.DO.
There wns n KOQd Mocker nnJ feeder trade , sales
ranging lit from J3 to it. Calves sold ns hlKh
as )3.75. Tv.vas fed steers nriived In teed num
bers. nnd rolil freely nt from 13.45 to J1.25.
In IIOKH prices were fclroiiK nt an average ad
vance of 5c per 10-3 tta. Common to beat drove *
sold nt from ! 3.v5 to $3.50 , the Krenter part of
the IIOKH croi-rliiK the ton Ion nt from jj.25 to
J , ! . < 0. with packliiK hogs nclm ; larK''ly nt ! 3.15.
In xheup there was nn actlvu demand nn-1
prices wcie atronucr to lOc higher for choice
llorlts. Sale * were on n basis cf from } 2.25 to
> 2.50 for n few ECnlawas * . up to from J3 to
(3.50 for good to choice Itoclis of sheep , wcsleins
selling nt from (2.73 to $3.50. A few extra Hue
sheeji sold nt from (3.CO to $2.73 , nnd sales wcie
made of yearling * at from (3.03 to { 1.25 , nnd
Iambi at from to to f5.10.
Receipts : Cattle. 7.500 head ; hogs , 23.000 head ;
sheep , 0,000 head.
KIUIKIIM ( MO' < > Stcii-U.
KANSAS CITY. Jan. l.-CATTMI-Urcclpts ,
4.500 head ; xhlpmcnts , 3.400 head ; market rlcady ;
Texas Eteer * , i2.40Q3.75 : Tfxns ruwn , Il.05o2.70 ;
native Hccrs , t3.05fiiS.CO ; native cows nnd heifers ,
tl.C5'73.55 ; utocUern and feeders , $2.7593.HO ; bulls ,
51.75 d 3.30.
IIOClS-Hccelptg. 7.500 head ; shipments , 1.000
head ; rnatUot opened gtroriK to 5c higher : doted
weak ; bulk of tales. $3.20U3.o ; heavy. i3.2J' ! j )
3.27'4i packer. * $3.05 .1.30 ; mixed. i3.17493.30 ! ;
HRlitH , $3.2383.32 ; porUcra , J3.10ifJ.32'i ; pigs ,
{ 3.COS3.15.
HHHKI' Receipts , 1,000 head : shipments , "CO
head ; market steady ; lambs , (3.55Q5.15 ; mutto : s ,
SI. I.inilN Mv < " Sloi-lc.
ST. LOUIS , Dec. St. CAT'fl/K-necelpts. 2.500
head : market ncllvo mid aluht crudes lOc higher ;
native shipping steers , } 3 , f 53.IO ; stackers und
feeder * , $ : .1003.C3 ; cowa lOtHl hHfers , $1.75ff3.50.
Texas and In.lHn Mvrr * . f2.C00l.lA.
HOGS ItecelptK , 7.0M , iK'/i'l ; market 5c higher ;
mixed. J3,10ft3.30 ; heavy.oi3. < ! 13.35.
HIIICIJI'-Hecelpts. l.SCO/-hftd , ; market strong.
lOo higher ; muttons , i2U , ? 3.5 ; lambs , i3.00ir
Xi-w York Illvo , Stuck.
NEW Y01UC. Dec. 31.-JIKI'.VKS-necelpts , 523
bend ; no trading. CaUle t. < jW0 ! ' American steers
at lOWllc , drctscd wehjm ; .sheep ut SiiOitiac ;
refrlKerator beet nt 70S'iV. * *
SHIIKP AND I.AMIldi-mctlpts , C.133 head ;
dull : Mat ; lambs , lower ; titi'ku , 13.MS3.CU ; lambs ,
i5.COfl5.37'i. , . v
lloa.H-ltecelpts , 3.4C3 hep < | ; xtcady at $3.50 ®
.Stock iiSJKlit. | | ,
lleccrd of ioilp.s of live aleck at the four prln.
clpul markets for Thurednyf nccember 31 , H90 :
Jamie. Hoz . Sht-ep.
Omnlm tl.li1.320 S.M 2,31 ;
Chicago . . ( . . 7,500 25,000 0.000
Kansas City 5.000 12.000 3.000
St. J-ouU . ' , . 2&M 7,000 l.iW
Totals 23,320 43,950 12,613
Siiunr Market.
NEW YOIIK. Dee. 31. SUGAIt Haw , easier ;
fair refining , 213-ICc ; centrifugal , 90 tent. 33-K.o ;
refined , iUlct | ; mold "A , " 4 io ; standard "A , "
IV4c ; confectioners' "A , ' * 4Hc ; cut loaf und
ciuthrd , Sc ; powdered and cubes , 4c ; cranu-
Inled. 4).c : molativ * ill tmt , 2c.
I/3NDON , Dec. 3I.-HUOAU-Cnne , Moadyj
centrifugal , Juvu , 1U 3d ; llnncovado , fair relining -
lining , ' . ' Dd , licet sugar , quiet but ttcaily ;
December , 9J Hid ; January , 9s I'.fcd.
Tolc-ilo ( rriiln.
TOLEDO. Dec. : i.-WWAT-Dull nnd firm ;
No , ! ca h. tCoj May. 7c.
COUN Active und higher ! No. : mixed , 22c.
OAT -DUI | but steady ; No. 2 mixed , ISe.
UYE-QulBf. , Mu ,
CLOVER SEED lx > wer ; prime , Uecemcbr ,
15.33 ; March , J5.40 ,
( 'ollitn Miirlt > ti
NEW YOIHC , Deo. 31-COTTON-Clo ed
MDiidy ; middling gulf , 77lGc ; milen , 422 bole * ,
ruluicu cloioil firm ; al , IK.'tO Imlos ; January ,
| C.Wj rt-bruary , JG.H ; Jlurch , J7.t&j April , | 7.13 [
May , J7JO ; Juno , J7.JR ; July , I7.29 ! AllRUfit ,
17.31 : October , 17.07 ; November , II.W.
NEW ORLEANS , Dec. 31. OOTTON-Slfadyl
- - ROCK ! ordinary , 0V.
> VOOIi 91.\llicKT CLOSP.S DULL.
I.lttlc ere Inquiry for KU-occx of
Any Kliul.
ItOSTON . Jnn. 1. The Commcrclnl-llullelln
will pny tomorrow of the wool market : tl.o
year ROCII out under n cloud The mmll wile *
nrp brjtely compo j of foreign wool ? , notnldy
Auxtrallnn. There Is liltlc or no Inquiry fir
llfeces of nny kind. Toe Nilea of the wc1 ; nn
1.292.COO llii. ilom Atto i lid 74.000 lli. . ton pn ,
nRiihut l.WR.CW Ib. ' . ilcme-tc ! nnd MO.CVr. \ \ .
fcrelsn Inst week , nnd 7.MS.OOO lua. domcstlo
nnd 2.331,000 Ibs. foreign for the wuue week
lust yenr. The Fales to il.ite i how n ilecrwuo
nf 47,111,703 Ib.i. iloincstlo and 34.141,770 11 n.
foreign fiam the vales to the came ilulo In
HI * . The iwelpts to date uliow dec-reave of
1J9 3M lulen dnmi > . tlc nnd 117,051 Imlo.x foreUn.
11OSTON , .Inn. 1. Tlie Ainerlcnn Wool nnd
Cotton Hiporterays of the wool trade of the
past yenr : The yenr 1S98 Is destined to utand
out prominently In the nmmla of the wool
trnde. Hates of wool In the t.iree principal mar-
kt > t of the country to December 31 nRKregate
24l,21l,3tX > HIK. , an compared with 3ti.0fin06 | lti .
Dei-omher 12 , 1FM. nnd 201nii7,2J.t Ihs. Dwember
la in'i ne leading rveni 01 me jv r nun LK-UU
the closlnir down of n Uigi- part of the woolen
nnd worsted machinery of the country. This
movement began early in the year , and It Is a
con ervntlve estimate that by mld-vummer at
least 75 per cent of the machinery wns Idle.
A very noteworthy feature of the twelve month ! "
Just eloj'InB has been the speculative character
of the market. Prices liavo never. be n lower
on moKt grades of domestic wool than they
were during the late summer nnd eurly full
of 1S90. Hecelpts of domestic wool In llinton for
the yenr nitKresnted 131.730.300 Ibj. ; to this must
lie ndded 80.7CS.7S7 Ibs. carried over from the
prevlnus yenr , making n total of 212,507,173 His.
Sale * of domestic amounted to lll,7i > 0COO Ibp. ,
nnd In addltlun to thli nt least 2.WO.COO Ibs.
were f hipped nbrond. llecelpts of foiclgn wool
amounted to > 0,91iSOO ( lln. . to which mint IK >
ndded nbout 15.173.300 Ibs. In ought over from
If93. making a total of nbout 90,0 9,100 Ibs. Sales
of foreign aggregated 42,039.430 lb. < . llc-fldc's this
nmiiuni , ! 0.02KH ( ) llw , of Aiistmllan went dlr.-ct
to mills , nnd 5.C28.000 Ibs. of Australian were
reshlpp . Adding to the nbnvc tu ! > amount
of cnrpet nnd other wools wlileh went direct to
mlllv there wns left on hand at the end of the
year foreign wool to the amount of 15.ori.fiOo
lt < i. The stick of wool In lloyton , not Including
wool In vtore owned by manufacturers , nmounts
to M fOC.57S UNI , domestic and 15.04.V004 Ibs. for
eign , ns compared with FO,730S78 Ibs. domilitlo
nnd 15,120.700 Ibs. foreign a year ago. Stock
In IMIIndelphln nmounta to S.075,150 Ibs. ilo-
incstle , nnd 3,050,000 Ibs. foreign , ngalnst G.74 < .C09
Ibs. ilnmc ! > tle nnd 6s59COi ) Ibi. foreign n year
ngo. New York stocks consist of 7 , ! > Kl.5CO Ibs.
ilommtlc nnd 10 , C1,500 foreUn. nn compared
with 4.4S1.3W Ibs. domestic and C.C23COO Ibs.
fon'lgn n year ngo. Chicago's slock nmounts
to ll.2IOrOO llw. . ns compared with 1I.03S.OCO lb .
n year ago. Stocks In the three mar
kets HgRiegnte 11B.4I5.2SS Ibs. domestic nnd 2S.-
3SO 500 Ibfl. foreign , n compared with 90.MO.ICS
Ibs. donuiitlc nnd 2S.C03.SOO Ibs. foielgn last
year. _ _ _ _ _ _
SI. I.oitlx ( ii'iu-rul Inrkct.
ST. LOI11H. Dec. 31. I'LOUR Dull nnd weak ;
patents. J4.C05r4.73 ; extra fancy , $1.1091.20 ; fancy ,
$3.40ff3.30 : choice , $3.0 < V5f3.10.
WHKAT Opened dull and easier on account of
lower cables , the San Kranclsco slump , bearish
India reports nnd good crop reports. An ad-
vnnce pet In later nnd futures closed ? jc to ? ic
higher thnn yesterday. Spot , higher ; No. 2
red , cash , elevator , tine ; track , nominal ; No.
2 hard , casli , 83c n-ked : May , 9Hic ; July , 77c.
f'OHN Dull , icoelpts being very heavy , but
futures were Ilrm on account of the continued
export demand and bullish Argentine news.
Spot , steady ; No. 2 cash , 20ff20iic ; May , 20Jc
OATS Steady ; No. 2 cash , ISc asked ; May , tOo
HYi-24c bid.
11 A It L1JV Nominal ; 3010c.
I'LAXSKKD-HlRlicr : 73c.
TIMOTHYSKKD-Prlme , $2.40.
HAY Quiet : steady ; prairie , J3.40ff7.50 ; tlin-
titliy , JC.Mf < 10.50.
IHJTTUIl Dull ; creamery , lSff21Jo ! ; dnliy.
KOOS Lower : 12Jc. !
I.KAD-KInn ; J2.75ff2.S2V5.
8PKLTKU Dull ; J3.90 asked.
PHOVIS1ONS I'ork. Heady- ; standard sncia ,
Jobbing , S7.40f7.W. l.nnl. steady ; inline. I3.6VK :
choice , J3.72i . llacon ( boxen ) , shoulders , J4.50 ;
extra short clear , $4.C2V4 : rlhi. $1.70 : shorts.
JI.STVi. Dry Kalt meats ( boxe < l ) , shoulders , $1 ;
ribs. JI ; rhnrts J4.37'i.
rOlTLTUY Market quiet : spring. 5'ic : turkeys ,
steady , 9Hc : ducks , Clic ; geese , 5c.
HUTTKIl Market dull ; creamery , 18J21',4cj '
KOOS Market lower. 12VSc.
nnCKIl > TS Flour , 3,000 1.1)1 * , ; wheat , 1S.OOO
bu. ; corn , 22 * > , OCO till. : oats , 33.COO bu.
SHIPSIBNTS Flour , 3.000 bills. ; wheat , 13,000
bu. ; corn , 110.000 bu. ; oats , 12.0CO bu.
Kii'iHiiM City
KANSAS CITY , Dec. 31. WHn.VT-wActlve and
Bteady ; No. 2 hard , nominally 79fffOc ; No. 2
red. nominally 93c ; No. 2 iiprlne , T7QJe , latter
for fancy.
COItN rtather flow ; generally fractionally
lower ; No. 2 mixed , 17fl7ViC.
OATS Steady und iictlvc ; No. 2 white , old ,
20c : new , ISe.
HYIJ No. 2 , nominally " 2c.
HAY Steady and unchnnj. * ! .
IHITTKUVak and low-r ; creameiy , 17t ! ©
ISKjc ; dairy. ICCISc.
KGOS Weak nnd uncertain.
Print Cloth Murkct Dull.
FALL IllVBn. Jan. 1. Print cloths dull nt
25-lCc ; nominal. _ . .
'Frlxi-ii AVIn-at QiiotntlonK.
SurvIvorH of tinItcliillloii Iti-iiii'in-
lii'i-iMl liy ( Inf ; < -iu-ral < iiivi-riiiiu-iil.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 1. ( Special. ) Pen
sions granted , Issue of December 15 , were :
Nebraska , : Original Jlort A. Strayor.
Rokeby , Lancaster ; Don A. Kr-oney , IJo-
weeso , Clay. Itcstoratlon and rols'iue
Thompson Klmmell ( dpcras. . d ) , North Ilend ,
Dodfjo. Increase William J. Illff , Hcatrlce ,
GaRo ; William Irwln , West Jllll , Platte.
Original widows , etc. Murli : Lolinow. Nor
folk , Mndlson ; IJIeanor J. Klmmol , North
Ilend. Uodge ; Painella A , Parker , Llneoln ,
Lancaster ; Kstlicr II. Wood , Auburn , Ncm-
Colorado : OrlRlnnl Henry Atilt , Norwood ,
San Mifiiicl ; .Mariano Cordova , DuraiiKO ,
I/i Plata.
Iowa : OrlKlnnl widows , etc. Ilnchol JI.
Iloyle , Oiivcnport , S'c-ott ; Sarah A.
StraiiRO , Stiiart , Outlirle ; Koliecca McNeils ,
Hrlstow. liutlcr : minors of John II. Lough ,
What Chei-r , Keokuk ; ( reissue ) , Marg-.iret
Klt-nk , Oxford , JolmHon.
Issue of UffL-mber 10 were :
NobrasHa : Kenewnl Fredi'rlck Handlcn ,
North Platte , Lincoln. Increase LiiulwlK
IJae e , Maxwell , Lincoln ; ( spct-lal. Uecem-
her 10) ) , Henry Harvey , llarblne , Jefferson.
Orlclnal widows , etc. Elizabeth Klatcr ,
Tekamah , Hurt ; Margaret A. Ilarman ,
Arnpnhop , Fnrnas ; llebtcea II. Stratton ,
Llneoln , Lancaster.
Wvnmlnir : Orltrlnnt frtnonlnl nnnnitibnr Ifi *
Samuel P. Warden , Uenuu-li , Fremont ;
William W. I--.iIlon. Lone Tree. Ulnta.
OrlKlnnl widows , etc. Louisa V. 1'allon ,
Lone Trre , Ulnla.
Coloiado : Orlglnnl Albert 8. Clapp , I.oiiff.
mont , Iloulder ; John S. Oliver , Tlmnatli ,
Montana : llenewal nna reissue Adolph
J. F. Klirlrh , Helena.
Innuu of Dfcemlier 17 were :
Nebraska : Original Jnme.s W. Search.
Omalia , Douijlas. IncreaHe Stephen C.
lilood , Ccdnr Itaplds. Hoono. Original
widows , etc. Sarah A. Iteascr , Lincoln ,
Lancaster : ( relsiuie ) . minors of James K.
Gil more. Illanuhe. Clmso
North Dakota : Original nobcrt Douglas ,
F.-mjo , Cass.
WyomlnR : Additional Columbus Storms ,
Hulett , Crook.
Iowa : Orlijlnnl Necdham I'oRpra , Mount
Pleasant , Henry. Increase- William J. Car
roll , lied Oak , Montfjomery. Ordinal
widows , ote. .Mary A. Ashtenan , Marshall-
town , Marshall ; minor of Ijoimrd U.
Sweet , Storm Lake , IJnena Vista ; minor
of Ephralrn A. Jeffries. Tracr , Tama.
Colorado : Itestoratlon and reissue Peter
Schmltt ( deecased ) , Colorado Spring. K\ \
PBBO. Original \vl < lows. oto. Elizabeth J3.
Daniels , Denver , Arapahoc.
Plenty < if Trouble for CiiNry.
T. F. Casey , wlillo drunk last nlKht , fet
Into an altercation with Harry Frost In
thu saloon near Fifteenth anil Hartley
utrrets. Frost struck Casey over the eye
with a cuspidor and 'placed the optic In
mournlnff. In addition to raising n largo
liump over hla antagonist' ) ! forehead , The
pollco arrested Frost while Casey ad
journed to the next saloon down the Htroet
and found mori ) trouble In the persons of
W. C. Arnold and F. P. Ilooniy. The trio
were locked tip for fighting. Ohortly after
this W. C Harvey went Into the shop of
T. W. PoteiHon , at 600 Uouclati Hlreet , and ,
ufter calling tlio prdprlotor Heveral fancy
mniK'H , Htrnelc him over the heud with u
cnno. Hnrvuy was Intoxicated. Hu wua
locked tip for assault nnd battery.
Little Intervleiv Ciinn
It cost aoorgo W. Jlniy JM to take In n
Tow of the HlghU of Oimi'Jw Thursday
night , Hti alleges that ho mot a man on
tlio .street , who guided him to the cl'Jo ' of
n female. Thu three wont to u wlno room
and tliern the man loft Hmy and the
woman. Tito couple Htuycd together for
emu time , und then the woman departed.
When Imd gene Iiray dlncovcrcd that
hU roll of J10 was also gene , Jlray Is a
resident of Oakland , la.
liruy doncrlbi-d thu woman with whom
ho wnn us pockmarked , nnd yesterday
morning May William * , \vhono feature * nro
bady pitted , was nrrcatod on Husiilclon ,
Hrny has lik-ntlllcd her , A Third want ros-
tdont numcd Mc-Huynolilo lias altio been ar-
restnl on Hiisplclon of bclnp thu mini who
enticed IJniy Into the tvomun'.H company.
Millions Made in a Night and Promptly
Scattered to the Winds.
Tito Dp * mill l ) nvnof Philip
One of ( InArKi > iunit < 4 anil nil
AHMOOllllO \OVIldll'N
There Is little suggestion of romance about
old Philip Matter , plodding along tfio streets
of 1'lillailclplila , his broad shoulders bowed
under the weight of a heavy basket , winning
n hard-earned living as a peripatetic cheese
mcrelutit. Yet ho has been a snolled child
of fortune In hts time , relates the Phila
delphia Times , and his llfo Is a record of
peril and adventure. A California miner In
1S5S , and In the ' 70s partner with Kalr
& Mackay In Comstock and Ophlr ; rich
onoiiBh to buy them both ; a Colorado sheriff
nnd terror to the mountain desperadoes , now
a broken-down old man , making a poor living
by unremitting labor.
He Is a Prussian by birth , and came to this
country In 1S52. Kor a time ho was a fencing
muster In Now York. Then he went overland
to California. After terrible suffering ho
crossed the mountains nnd tried river min
ing , but his Ilrst good fortune came In a
very questionableshapu. . Mounted on a mule ,
ho was making his way through llynn's pass ,
near what Is now Placc-rvlllo. A shot was
flred and his nutlo dropped with a bullet
through his head. Philip lay quiet for n
moment , with his navy cocked , and a man ,
rlllo In hand , came creeping from behind a
rock In front. Although thirty yards away ,
Phil fired , the robber dropped , the bullet
having gone through his neck , cutting the
spine. Ho was dead when turned over. Phil
found his cache In the rocks and became the
owner of a quantity of provisions and a bag
of coin and dust worth $23,000 , no doubt the
brigand's plunder. The victor footed his
way across the range , and from that tlmu
had good luck In mining , lint ho lived IIUo
his associates , drank , gambled and juado
merry. So the money was soon melted away.
In 1863 Masler was on the Humboldt river
and hero met James G. Kalr. Ho was a big ,
boastful Irishman , full of push , and a hard
worker. Ho called himself a mining
engineer , although quite- uneducated , but he
know all about the operative part of mining
and was clover in his way.
Masler knew two German miners who had
found near the lte of Virginia City two
large masses of silver chloride , then a new
thing , but well known to trained miners.
Thcso they smelted with rich results , and
suggested that he should ! put up the money
for a smelting works. Ho agreed , but
shortly after both men were killed by a
cave-In. Masler coming to the place to in
vestigate , met Comstock , the original dis
coverer , nnd bought pa-t of hia claim.
Mackay was working In a shaft close by
for $4 a day , and Kalr was not worth more
than $1 , but they were hustlers , and Maaler
took them In at partners. Success was so
uncertain at first that Kalr took a Job as
superintendent of the Ophlr mine , on the
next claim. A sagacious and skilled Cornish
miner named Pennock was director and
general manager of the Masler mine , nnd he
advised deep shaft work. This was done
and rich diggings found , but no great body
of ere cropped out , Several other partners
wore taken In , who advanced money and the
wnrlr wont nil. Thn l
began to yield largely , but all at once grew
loan , or so the superintendents reported ,
and their stock commenced to fall. At this
time Klood & O'Urlcn kept n drinking and
gambling saloon on Montgomery street. In
'Krlsco. They were but llttlo respected ,
and were suspected of robbing their drunken
customers at carda. Jim Kalr was Intimate
with these men nnd communicated the fact
that In one of the crossheads of the Ophlr
a magnificent body of ere had been uncov
ered. It was to bo kept Kcrrot until he
could buy all the stock In sight. Ilia own
mine , the California , he spoke slightingly
of. Ophlr was $6 a share and California
$3.50. The syndicate bought largely of the
In the meantime Pennock had given Master
warning that from the presence of chrome
In the diggings they would In all proba
bility come across a pocket cither of kail
or silver ; If lead , goodbye to hope * of
afiluonce. At length Pennoclc resolved tn
blow up a mass of rock and earth at the
bottom of the shaft and make the future
working of the mine depend on the remit.
All this had been kept from Kalr and hr
never forgave any of the parties for It. He
had also kept his secret , and ordered a blast
fired late at night In the Ophlr to lay bare
his new prize. It was sent off and disclosed
a rich vein of galena that was S3 per cent
Next morning when the California men
went to work they found that the side of the
shaft near the bottom had caved In. Pen
nock and Mackay examined It.
"Is It rock ? " asked Mackay , ns ho looked
at the dull surface exposed.
"Hock ! " answered the Co nil shin an ; "no ,
mo boy , that Is chloride of silver ; that's our
bonanza. "
And so It was. Nothing In the world ever
equaled 11. A mass of metal 90 per cent
pure , shapcvl like a pear and worth $228,000-
000 of money. There was some Incredulity
when the news came out , but this v.-as dis
pelled In n week's time. It was six months ,
however , before the full extent of their geed
fortune came out. Then the camp went
crazy. Such a boom was never known.
Ophlrvtnt to $100 per share. California
now became Consolidated Virginia , paid big
dividends In cash nnd stock , and at lost
original shares worth J3.5Q In 1872 came to
represent $2,700.
Klood and O'Hrlen became directors , and
In conjunction with Kalr began to move to
get out the ethers. Pennock left with mil
lions , which ho spent in Chill. Stryker ,
after wiping uji the ronm with O'Hrlen at a
board meeting , left also. Masler went to
'KrUco In 1S7C with flvo millions an his
blmrc , and btxainc actcck spfculator , end the
Bonanza Four ruled the Hunan/a infncs.
Mackay was generally liked , but the others
pillaged everybody and never did a generous
Kalr had nn ontlro belief In hU good luck ,
and his success Justified It. Among his work
men was a Mlssourlan namixl Heald. One
day they quirreled , Hruld beat his boss , and
to escape the law bccamo a dangerous road
agon. . Ho van nhvnyi1 on the lookout for
Kalr. One day Kalr and bin brother took the
stage for 'Krlsco. After a mile's drive Jam03
Kalr got sick and took a wngnn back. An
hour later the express messenger was shot
off the top of the stage and the passengers
made to como out. Kalr'n brother had no
soon of touched the ground than ho was fchot
by the road agent , who was Healil. He
thought It was Jim. No wonder Ja'.nos paid
the posse that hunted down the murderer
Although partners , the four all envied and
distrusted one another , and the three united
In hating Muckay. On several occasions they
rigged the Block market for hla special ben
efit , hut he knew what he w < > a about and
kept away. One clement of aiiccnut common
to them all was that In a tlmo of killing
license and dissipation none of them drank.
Ten yea- ago there wan a wretched llttlv
man named Stockton wandering about the
Htock hoards here and In New York , living
by charity. In ' 70 he was a broker In 'Krlaco
and ono of the Ilrst. Among the thousands
of mining bills turned out at the clone of the
Bciulon at Sacramento wan ono authorizing
tlin Crescent Mining company to l mio addi
tional stock for purchase and development
of adjacent properties. It wan quietly
sneaked through and Boon forgotten.
Two ycara after the Crwcnt stock was
nelllng at $30 , Klood and O'lirlcn had nearly
all the stock and weru nailing for a now
election to have entire control. Mnckay wen
chatting the two at a meeting about their
speculation , affirming the ntock worthless ,
etc. Klood remarked ! "Well , we will take
all your stock at $100 anyway , HU you can
innko some money , "
"Hone " ald Mackay "I'll
, ; let you have
5.000 gharry at $100 , " The broilers settled
the matter , and Stockton , who represented
Mackay , began the. campaign , offering big
lota , always for future delivery. The part
ners were deceived. They believed that
Mackay wns short of the stock nnd must
come to them for It to deliver. In the meantime -
time the printing presses In New York were
nt tvork , and 200,000 shares of new Block
put out. Klood hid Crescent to $255 ; Stock-
ton's friends were let In. Finally n cer
tificate of the new stock came on the mar.
ket and the partners called In all their
purchases , and they came by the cord. The
story got out ; Crescent dropped to $1.1 ! ! > , and
no lakers. Klood nnd O'llrlen lost JS00.009.
nnd everyone was glad of It.
When Kalr was about to put the news of
his Ophlr find on the market the telegraph
ofilre nt Virginia was In charge of a stupid-
looking lad known aa Johnny Skae. Hut It
wns nil li looks ; a shrewder , quicker lad
could not be found osi the coast. Ono day
Kalr sent a inesKe to his broker In 'Frisco
nnd went out , leaving a paper on , the desk.
Skao gave a glance at It ana aw It was a
private telegraph code. In two seconds It
was eopled flnd replaced Just ns Kalr came
tushlng back. He got It and left. Johnny
had n friend named hind , who hail some
money , nnd between the two and Knlr's tele
grams a fortune was inailo for ouch. In the
coilo "Dolly" was buy ; "Molly. " sell. Johnny
quit the otllce , nnd. hating Kalr , determined
to do him some mischief. If possible. Kalr
had commenced a boom In "Crown Point"
and sent a llnnl order to buy 2OOD shares
as a starter. His writing was very bad and
with little- effort Skae altered Dolly Into
Molly. It broke the market , smashed the
boom and gave the telegraph speculator a ,
chance to load up with cheap stocks. Johnny
went Into the millions. Indulged In every
senseless extravagance , and then broke. In
1SS6 n party of miners on the derolato road
over the Sierras of Northern Wyoming came
across n small man seated on the ground , his
head pillowed on lih arm. He was dead. A
scanty minor's outfit lay near him , hut no
n.oney nor provisions were found. Ho had
starved to death. It was poor Johnny Skae.
Kalr Is gone. I In was not cold before the
fight over his fortunebegan. . There seems
to have been a curse on the early gold-peek-
crs , and old Master Is no exception. Ho
spent his mllllois In high living and extrava
gance , nnd after many vlrlrslludes reached
Philadelphia In 1S90 , penniless.
South Dakota AMHOclildnn Conclude *
tl lit-liKlliy Si'NNtoii.
VI2UMILLION , S. IX. Jan. 1. ( Special. )
At a late hour this morning the Teachem1
association of South Dakota adjourned Its
sessions until one year from date. Yestcr-
day being the last day , was crowded to
overflowing with work both of a literary nnd
business nature. It baa been a general re
mark that too much has been crowded lute
the four days of the session to give those
attending nn opportunity to hear every
thing. During each day two department *
and some of the tlmo three have held thcli
separate meetings , and often It has been ncc-
eivviry for the tenehcr to clioot\ > between
several very Interesting papers. It wag sug
gested by some thnt the regular tlmo U
the scfslon bo extended to n week nnd havi
but one department In session nt n time.
All of the exercises were greatly abbrevi
ated because of the shortness of the tlmo.
Several rapers wciv read which had been
left over from provloua cessions. In the de
partment of colleges nnd high schools Prof.
K. 0. Garrntt of Spearflsh , who hud been
detained at the Teachers' association meet
ing at Lincoln. Neb. , read nn able paper on
"Teaching Patriotism In the Public Schools ;
to be nn American Is Dot lor Than to bo a
King. " Ho brought with him greetings from
the assembly at Lincoln from a body ol
toacheiu 1,100 strong. An exhaustive paper
was read by Prof. A. Iledo of Hcdfleld on
the Btibjeet , "How to Teach Dakota Lac'u
to Uco Ooo.l Kngltah. " The dlseurslon wta
opened by 13. J. Qulgley of Mitchell. These
two papers were from the program of the
rtnv iH'fnro. "Thr Vrtllln of thp
Study of Literature" wns well discussed as
well as "The Considerations of Courses ol
Study. " The department of graded and com
mon schools had an equally Interesting pro
gram , which In.ited until the noon hour. In
the afternoon the chapel wnn well filled nnd
ono of the best programs of Iho acffslon cur
ried out. "Ideals and Ideals In Education , "
by K. 13. C. McClelland of Sioux Kalla. waa
heartily applauded , as was the paper of W.
I. Graham , president of the Mitchell college.
Owing to his Inability to bo present the
paper was read by President II. K. Warren
of Ynnkton college. A business meeting at
I o'clock animated things somewhat for an
hour or two.
Several Important questions worn dla-
cus.ird , one' being the advisability of ap
pointing a committee to wait upon the leg
islative body this winter In order to liavo
some needed changes made In the school
laws. The wheel laws are very complicated
nnd dlfllciilt to understand by the average
person. The chair appointed Measro. Mauek ,
Ilock , Wclutcr , Myershlnd , Klngnbury and
Salem as members of this committee. The
evening session wns opened with music , after
which Dr. Kratz of Sioux City was Intro
duced , who delivered lila fnninin lecture on
"Child Study. " Dr. Kratz was greatly
pleased to nddrera nn audience In the chapel
of the State university of South Dakota , be
cause It brought to him many plciinnnt rec
ollections of the tlmo when ho wnn con
nected with the college. The lecture WIH
exceedingly interesting , and was applauded
most heartily. A vote of thanka was ex
tended to the doctor by the audlenro for
the pleasant instruction which he gave In liln
lecture. The remainder of the ocoslon na
well ns the year was spent enjovabiy at
Kast hall. The Verinllllon orchestra fur
nished music throughout the evening. Re
freshments were served , nnd at a late hour
to the patriotic song of "America" and the
solemn hymn. "God bo With You Till Wu
-Meet Again , " the Teachers' ai < t > oclatloa
of 183C was concluded.
HrooUliiKN Comity Li-Kintal Ivo Content
PICIlItR , S. D. , Jan. 1. ( Special Telegram. )
The papers for leglalollvo contests by the
populists from Ilrooklngs county were ( lied
In the oflleo of the secretary of state today.
It was generally believed that Iho contest
from Sanborn county would ho the only
ono carried lrto the house , but thkrwoulil In-
Tl-OlltllfM III (111ItllNllllNM ( AVorlll.
MITCIH3LL , S. D. , Jan. 1. ( Special Tele
gram ) The Mitchell Dry QooJs company , an
old established firm , failed this morning , and
the Block Is In the hands of the sheriff. The
failure was precipitated by n demand of
the county treasurer for two years' back
personal tnxui. amounting to $533 , which
the firm wan unable to anett. They gave
chattel mortgage to the First National bank
for protection , which foreclosed Immediately.
The firm will not bo able to realize anything
from tlo failure. The firm Is heavily In
debted 'to eastern houses.
SAN KUANCI3CO , Jan. 1. Barrett &
Sherwood , the oldest and at one time the
largest retail Juwelry linn in California ,
have failed. The llrni was started over
forty years ago by Itobcrt Sherwood and
J. S. Ilurrctt. Itoth men became million
aires. Barrett died thirty years ngo nnd
Sherwood retired to devote his time to other
largo In ten-lit a. Ills nephew , W. J. Sher
wood , succeeded him , and baa since con
ducted the business. A long period of poor
business Is the cause of the failure. The
liabilities will not c.xcrcd $10,000 , must of
which Is owed to the Taaoiu Manufacturing
company. Wctmoro & Co. , and IWrseh ft
Hcynian , all eastern linns.
CHICAGO , Jan. 1. It Is announced that
the solvency of the Dime Savings hank lina
been secured by the Htockhoidns , who
have gone down Into their own pockets diid
paid an assresmcnt of about SO per cent.
13y this assc-ssmcnt the bank's caul ) reserve
lies been Incrcaucd to over 25 per cent of Itu
deposits , as compared with the legal reserve -
servo of 15 per cent for savings hanks. It
Is reported that the bank Is likely to bo
consolidated with ono of the ctrongcr Insti
tutions of Itu claes.
Tcluplioiiu 1UU. ; ) Oinalr.i , Nub.
< Hoard of Triile.
. rct wires la Chicago and New York ,
Z .rrr imndtntsi John A. Warrtn & C"
Illirheit muiltei prlcu paid and prauipl roturut
ItufcreiiccUmali.i NMloiml Maim
F. S. BUSH & CO. ,
No obinmlmlau , & 13 3. lUtli St. , Omaha , UeU