Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY 1JI3EOKIUDAY : , JANUAKi ! 1 , 1807.
Tire and Police Board Grants Ono Hundred
and Twenty-Six Licenses ,
llonnl SlnrlH In li Hour Tin-in I'lnccn
U'lili'li llnic \ < > l Yl Hi-ciirt-a u
MiMMine .NiittlU-il A t to UIIIMI
Tlil .Moriilnif.
Aljout fifty naloons will bo unable to dis
pense holiday cheer today , ns that number
liavo foiled to obtain legal licenses , filthcr
protests have been filed against the locations
ur the applicants have not yet published their
iiollcos for the two consecutive weeks re-
cinlrod by law. Such places were served with
n notice not to opan their places for busi
ness this morning. Dcrplto this fact , how
ever , there will be plenty of lliior ( | to be
obtained , as the Hoard of I'lro and Police
commissioners jcstcrday afternoon granted
licenses to the following , 12G In all :
1'nxton & Davenport , 1510 Karnam : Oood-
Icy 1. Ilriickcr , 218 South Fifteenth ; Krltz
Miller , 1721 Vlnton ; John Bockhoff , 113 South
fifteenth ; Joseph Havllcelt , HOI South
Thirteenth ; Charles H. Laiicr , 921 Douglas ;
Walter .Molac & Co. , 211 South Fourteenth ;
M. Wollstuln & Co. , fi22 South Thirteenth ; M.
Wollstcln & Co. , 402 North Sixteenth ; Hans
AVIggers , 1520 Dodge ; Henry lions , 501 South
Eleventh ; Krlck & Hcrbertz , 1001 Farnam ;
Leonard Klrscht , fir , 1011 , 1013 , 101G Karnam ;
Minna Wlrth , 334 South Tenth ; Albert E.
\Vylcy , 1513 Karnam ; Adler & Heller , 1200
Pnrnnm ; 0\ven McCaffrey , 111 South Six
teenth ; Henry N. Oerter. 1419 Douglas ;
Henry Holilff , 2423 Lcavenworth ; Julius
Trcltschko , 501 South Thirteenth ; Glaus
Hohwcr , Oil North SKtccnth ; Krneat
Hlocmer , 1802 South Twentieth ; Thco.
llaumcr , 223 North Tenth ; Oeorgo S. Cack
le ) ' , 123 North Sixteenth ; Thomas Cumlngs ,
3821 Sherman avenue ; Edward Maurer , 130C
Karnam ; John Carlow , 1C01 Vlnton ; T. C.
Douglas , 502 North Sixteenth ; Uzzlo J.
Dldarn , 2101 South Twenty-ninth ; John
Gulk , 2101 Cumlng ; John Gulk , 1821 Military
avuiuu ; William K. Qarrlty , 123 North Tenth ;
1'eter Gravert , 2814 Cumlng ; Domlnlck Hart.
123 North Fifteenth ; Andrew Hummel , 123
North Twelfth ; Chris Jonrcn & Co. , 502 North
Fomtccnth ; John A. Jensen. 2001 Ginning ;
Thomas Klrkland , 1113 South Sixth ; George
MuhlhaiiBcn , 1801 St. Mary's avenue ; Mctz
Uros , Brewing company , Seventh anil Leav-
cnworth ; Trcd Metz , 12C3 South Sixteenth ;
Charier ? Mctz , Twenty-sixth and Walnut ;
Charles Metz , 1315 South Thirteenth ; Arthur
Mctz , 721 South Sixteenth ; Charles Marcs ,
f.12 South Tenth ; Jerry McMahon , 1201 Caas ;
Andrew Nelson , 313 North Sixteenth ; Annlo
O'Hearn , 1002 South Tenth ; Henry Hocn-
fcldt , C23 North Sixteenth ; Sloup & Kruml ,
Fourteenth and William ; Harry L. Schmidt ,
1625 Howard ; Herman Schacffer , 324 South
Thirteenth ; Louis Schmidt , 1302-1304 Doug
las ; William K. Wcndhauson , Twentieth and
1'lcrcc ; James Adams , 101-103 South Four
teenth ; Walter Hrandcs , 1013 South Tenth :
T. J. Foley & Co. , 1412 Douglas ; Frank
Franel , 1502 William ; Kmll Gall , 902 Doug
las ; A. Gcttclman Brewing company ,
C24-G26 South Sixteenth ; Joseph Schlltz
Brewing company , 314-324 South Six
teenth ; Joseph Schlltz Brewing Com
pany , 2510 Cumlng ; Frank Ketch-
mark , 5210 North Thirtieth ; Michael
Mullen , 301 North Sixteenth ; Merrill &
Schlank , 1213-1219 Douglas ; Henry Osthoff ,
fi3 North Sixteenth ; Edward Qnlnn , 1102-
1101 North Sixteenth ; Ulley Bros. , 111S-1120
Farnam ; Bond & Uynn , C14 North Sixteenth ;
Christ G. KIsasscr , 233G South Twentieth ;
Fred Hunzlkcr1 , 1002 Howard ; Henry Heller ,
r.22 North Sixteenth ; Daniel Jung , BOO North
Sixteenth ; Hans N. Jensen , 410-112 South
, Eighteenth ; Charles Krug , 2G01 South Thir
teenth ; Jacob Hopalt , 713 North Sixteenth ;
Ernest G. Meyer , 111 South Fourteenth ;
Fred Metz , Jr. , 2122 North Twenty-fourth ;
Arthur Metz , 1600-1511 Harncy ; Charles Nor-
dcnberg , 312 South Fifteenth ; Dennis W.
O'Neill , 824 North Sixteenth ; Hans 1'etcrson ,
1502 Webster ; Thomas Rock , 220 South Four
teenth ; Henry Schroedcr , i'312 Cumlng ; Otto
Slcmssen , 124 North Fourteenth ; Albert
II. Sander , 2400 Cumlng ; John Wright , 105
South Twelfth ; Nicholas Yager , 1108 Far-
liam ; Charles F. Boufflrr , 1401 Jackson ;
Charles F. Boufller , 1924 Clark ; Henry
Dorndruck , 224 North Sixteenth ; Fred Krug
Brewing company , 1001-1007-Jackson ; Henry
Krug , C02 South Thirteenth ; Henry Krug ,
I20G South Sixteenth ; Fred II. Knig ,
Twenty-second and Poppleton avenue ; John
T. Kcr"s , 215 South Fourteenth ; Fred Ilclin-
fra. 26. J Leavenworth ; II. J. Symcs. 314-31G
South Fourteenth ; Charles Storz , Twenty-
fourth and Clark ; Anheusor-Husch Brewing
company , 705 South Thirteenth ; Robert W.
Clark , 402 South Thirteenth ; Gladstone Bros ,
company , 1308-1310 Douglas ; Dan Hcdgrcn ,
{ 02 South Thirteenth ; Thomas J. O'Brien , 324
South Fourteenth ; 1'ctcr Nlchman , 1513 Hovv-
nrd ; Anderson & Hclnhart , 124 North Fif
teenth ; Fritz Blocmcr , 1601 Leavenworth ;
John Buck , 12G4 South Sixteenth ; Max
Flotliow , 1415 Farnam ; James Frcdrlckscn ,
1707 North Twenty-fourth ; Max Flothow ,
101 South Ninth ; Mrs. Nellie Gulll. 223 North
Sixteenth ; Thomas Hart. 501 North Thir
teenth ; Fritz Hanson , 1124 Capitol avenue ;
Joseph Schlltz Brewing company , 1S21 South
Twentieth ; Anton Krecck , 1102 South Sixth ;
Lcntz & Williams , 1418 Farnam ; George
Mitchell. 1307-1309 Douglas ; Omaha Brewing
association , Sherman avenue , between Clark
nnd Grace ; George W. Tlerney , 102 South
Tenth ; Gcorgo W. Tlerney. 101 South Thir
teenth ; William J. Lcmp Brewing company ,
1517-1519 Nicholas ; Charles F. Weymuller.
1314 Douglas ; Charles F. Woyrnuller , 125S
South Thirteenth ; Nyberg & Berg , 111 North
Sixteenth ; J. F. C. Ilcmohr , 2125 North
Druggists permits wcro Issued to the fol
lowing ; IS. E. Bruce & Co. , 101-405 South
Tenth ; Bernard Robinson , 1102 South Thir
teenth ; Charles II. Schacffcr. 321 North Six
teenth ; Joseph Tuchcck , 2413 South Thir
teenth ; Aloe I'cnfold company , 1408 Far
nam ; William GlBdlsh , 102 South Twelfth ;
Mjcrs & Dillon Drug company , 1523 Farnam ;
John H. Merchant , 1601 Howard ; J. A.
Ilocdcr , 707 North Sixteenth ; Richardson
Drug company. 902 , 901 , DOG Jackson ; \V. U.
Dennett company , 1B02-1512 Capitol avenue ;
Stanley A. Bez.inek , 1402 South Sixteenth ;
Julius W. Clark , 1B01 South Twenty-ninth
avenue ; Anton Cajon , 001 Pierce ; John Hoist ,
267G Cumlng ; Julia C. Hoobler , 2121 Noith
Twenty-fourth ; Kuhn & Co. , 124 South Fif
teenth ; Peter Strausbough , 1822 Vlnton ;
August Schacfer , 2631 Sherman aveiuio ;
Sherman & McConncll Drug company , 1513
DoJgu ; Wllko & Sautter , 105G SouthkTwcn-
tlellij Frank W. Fogg , 124 North rHcUth ;
Guatave Hold , 1025 South Tenth.
The board also began the heating on the
protest against the Issuance of a saloon
llcenea to John Snydcr , who propose : ! to open
a talonn lit Clifton Hill , at 2200 Military
cvoiiiic , at the Junction of the Walnut Hill
nnd Benson Street Car lines. Seventy pro-
tenants alleged that between 1,000 and 1290
reputable people passed the corner dally ,
that the saloon would be directly In the
way of pupils of the deaf nnd dumb Insti
tute , If on their way to the city , that a
church was within 225 fret , and a Sunday
school within eighty feet of the location ,
' that Clifton Hill would require a police pro
tection , which It has not now , being a quiet
suburb , and generally that the residents of
Clifton Hill objected to a taloon near their
Tim following witnesses appeared : J. M.
Glllau ; Piof. Glllcsple , superintendent of
the school for the deaf and dumb ; Rev. Jainc.i
I ) . Kcrr of the Piesbjtcrlan church , nnd A.
1' . Tulioy. A dozen other wltnowcg wcro on
hand , but as their testimony was the t > amo
o that of the others , It was admitted as
cumulative evidence. This clou-d the case
for the protestants. Snydcr was given u
chance to Introduce his witnesses on Satur
day nftcrnpon at " o'clock.
On'next Saturday , also , the protests
against the applications of John Soinmer ,
013 Hickory ; Frank Sautter. 1931 Soulli
Tenth street , and Charles Loflmani ) , 1324
Howard street , will bo heard. The protest
lagjIiiM William McKcnna. 2801 Sherman ave
nue , was not eel for hearing.
Al Saturday's mcctliiK more saloon
licenses \\lll bo granted.
Ilcwaio of Imitations , Take no "Ju t aa
good. " See that you eel 'b ' scnuiiio Dr.
Uull'a Cough Syrup , the pcerlcm epucitlc ,
II < I.IOTTVS sTitn.uc OP i.ucic.
.luilirc- linker Cure Illtn to lliulprxtnml
Tlmt dip . .liirjSafil tllK Xfflt.
Judge Baker of the criminal court dis
tributed New Year's gifts with a lavish hand
yesterday morning. Ho announced a few
da > 8 ago thai ho would celebrate the in
coming of the new jcar by liberating a num
ber of prisoners from the county Jail , and
a number of the hangers-on about the court
house pre-empted front seats In the court
room In order that they might not miss any
of the ceremony. Eleven prisoners from
the county Jail wcro brought Into court nnd
wcro pieced In the Jury box. These were
called before the Judge , ons at a time , and
wcro given sentences "to fit the crime" as
nearly ns the law allows. Eight were or
dered released from the Jail In order that
they might take up their residence at the
state penitentiary , two \vcre sent back to
Jail to servo their sentences and one was re
leased with n suspended sentence.
The most Important case disposed of wnn
that of C'harles H. Elliott , convicted of mur
der In the first degree with life Imprison
ment for the killing of his roommate and
friend , Gay Hutsonpllltr. Judge Baker told
Elliott It was very fortunate for him that
the Jury had the right to fix the penalty ,
for had It bean otherwise the judge said ho
would have received the severest penalty
known to law. The court expressed the
opinion that the crime of which Elliott had
been convicted was the most cold-blooded
of any In the criminal calendar , nnd If the
death penalty wcro ever deserved by any
man It was by the prisoner at the bar. In
accordance with the finding of the Jury the
convicted man was sentenced to the peniten
tiary for life , and It was further provided
that at each aunl\ersary of the crime , No
vember 17 of each year , ho should be placed
In solitary confinement with bread and water
diet.Two colored women were sentenced to the
penitentiary for larceny from the person.
The complaining witness In each was a white
mun who wna robbed whllo enjojliig the com
pany and carcases of the dusky damsels. Hattie -
tie Jones will reside In Lincoln for the
next year and Lllllo Williams vylll receive
her mall at the same point for the next two
William Garllch , convicted of highway rob
bery , was sentenced for five years. His
"pal , " James Griffin , who was also convicted
of thfl same charge , was granted a new
Charles Johnson , convicted of burglary ,
was sentenced to five years.
William McVcy , n young man who has
been In the custody of the authorities more
or loss for the past few > ears for petty
offenses , was sentenced to the penitentiary
for two and one-half years for breaking nna
entering a house In the daytime.
Bert Marx , convicted of breaking and en
tering a dwelling house In the daytime , was
sentenced to the penitentiary for one nnd
one-half years.
H. A. Ross , n young man who was con
victed of stealing a bicycle , will reside nt
Lincoln for the next year and will not re-
qulro nny bicycle.
E. I ) . Glaze , who broke Into Dr. H. A.
Worlcy's olllco nnd stole a number of arti
cles , among them a bottle of morphine , for
which ho was convicted of burglary , was
suitcn-cul to six months In jail.
Bert Adams , one of the four boys arrested
for breaking Into Union Pacific freight cars
which were ntnndlng In the neighborhood
of Sixth and Pierce streets , waa sentenced to
the county jail for six months.
Frank Krcjcl , another of the snme crowd
of boys , wtu released from custody on a sus
pended sentence. He was too young to be
given n jnll sentence and promised to behave
If allowed to go.
SMI-M f r MenuInviMtoil. .
John W. Elghmy has commenced suit
agalnsl John Rush and W. 1C. Potter for
$1,000. Ho alleges that he purchased fifty-
eight shares of stock in the Nebraska Sav
ings nnd Exchange bank and charges that
the defendants misrepresented the condition
of the bank to him , thereby Inducing him to
purchiisu th3 Bald stock. Ho charges nlso
that the defendants wer ! guilty of misman
agement In the conductor the bank and makoa
n number of other sweeping charges , al
leging to have been damaged by their al
leged misrepresentations , 'for "which ho wants
redress. '
OliJcctN to 1'ajliiKT the Tax.
Thomas B. Patterson , a resident of New
York , has commenced suit against the city
to set aside the tax levied against n lot
owned by him In GIso's addition , which tax
ho alleges was levied to pay the cost of
opening Twenty-seventh street through the
addition. Ho urges a number of alleged
reasons why the tax Is Invalid , among them
being the btatcment that the notice of the
sitting of the Board of Equalization to levy
the tax In question was published only In
local papcis , and that ho had no notice of the
proposed action of the city council.
The AVhiile Slory
Of the great sales attained and great cures
accomplished by Houd's Sarsnpnrllla Is
quickly told. It purifies and enriches the
blood , tones the stomach and gives strength
and vigor. Disease cannot enter the system
fortified by the rich , red blood which comes
liy taking Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Hood's Pills cure nausea , sick headache ,
indigestion , biliousness. All druggists. 25c.
1101,1 , V SI'lllNOS ItOUTK TO I'l.OHIIJA.
ThrmiKh Sleeping : Cur to Jiiekxon-
> IUe.
The nbovo route will be reopened , , for the
season on January 3. Through sleeping car
from St. Loute leaves dally at 8 pirn. , via
the Illinois Central railroad , running via
Birmingham , Ala. , and Augusta , Ga. Par
ticulars of C. . C. McCarty , division passenger
agent Illinois Central railroad , No. 218 North
Broadway , St. Louts , Mo.
Niieeil "Mrn t < > Hold in .tlevtiiiK \ - \ (
M < > it ilny.
At yesterday afternoon's meeting of
the Omnha Fair nnd Speed association
It was decided to request the West
ern Race circuit that Is to bo
formed to fix the time for the Omaha
meeting for about July I. There -was con-
btderablo talk about the advisability of cut
ting do\in the amounts of the various purses
offered from $1,000 to $700 or $800 , but noth
ing definite was decided upon In this regard.
A meeting of the- secretaries of the various
speed associations In tin ? western country
will bu held at the Mlllanl hotel Monday
next at 2 p. in. for the purpose of organ
izing n western circuit to conduct the spring
Sir-Thirty 1 > . M. Tfiitn ,
of the
Ilcst hcrvlce ,
Dining car.
City office : 1504 Fnrnara.
IliirKr Ai're < ' < I In St. .Toseiih mill
UroiiKhC Ruck.
A. V. Burke , who wcs arraigned In the
federal court on the cntirgo of counterfeit
ing , pleaded not guilty , and was remanded
fortilal. He wan nrrcctcd at St. Joseph and
brought barl : for trial. Ho 1 * supposed to
be one of n gang which han been flooding
the Missouri towns with bogus silver money.
Thu < Stephoiu > on case was submitted Mill
Judge Mcllugh took It under advisement.
, 1'HtTnoii'h C'omUdnu I'rociirlnun.
Ucrnhard Pctmon , tliu paluter , whet feU
from n ecaffo'dli'g ' while ut work painting'
the iillroad viaduct on South Twentieth
sticet last Tuccil&y evening , it In a very
critical condition at St. Joseph'ti hospital ,
lie uustalnt'd seine fractured ribs and v
broken ankle , and In addition received Inf
ternal Injuries. Since his removal to the
hospital the latter Injuries lia\o developed
Into a norlous condition nnd Peterson may
dlo as a result. He lives near Fourth and
Elm streets ,
A I iTilol W Prolilonjj
cr to trko "NortuwMteitt Lino" No.
2'at 4ll ; > r. in. or No G at 0:30 : p. m. , Chicago ,
ward , "No. t' rtirhcs at Chicago at 7:45 : a.
m , and "No , G'1 nt 9:30 : a. in. Both trains
are models of modern art. nMII nnd luxury ,
CM ! RI the City Oflko , 1401 Furnom ttreet ,
ami talk It over.
J. A. KUIIN , General AuenU
0. F. WEST , 0. P. T. A.
Will Bo Placed on Sale Monday , January 4 ,
Without ,
\Vntoli Out for the MiiHt ScnnnUoitnl
iliKl MliirtlhiKlr > - CnoilH llur-
( lint n > er Cnine from
u Lucky I'lirelmxe.
Begins the greatest sale of partly wet and
cntlicly wet dry and perfect merchandise
ever bought.
Unnblo to come to n settlement with the
original shippers .after the accident on the
ferryboat , the transportation company soli !
all the goods ( n question ( the conteilts of 5
railroad freight cars ) for spot cash to the
quickest purchaser that Is Boston Store ,
In offering these goods to the public we desire
sireto call your attention to the beautiful
qualities of all the goods In this sale.
Nearly nil wcro des'lgncd for some of the
largest and most famous establishments of
the east.
Amongst the lace curtains are some fit to
adorn the homo of n millionaire.
There arc cases after rases1 of Imported
linens ot the finest quality.
There are thousands of yards oA dress
goods , both Imported nnd domcetlc , In plain
and novelty weaves , nil this season's styles.
Bales of velvet , moquette , tapestry nnd
Brussels ami Ingrain carpets , most of which
arc entirely dry.
An Immense lot of ladles' fine mackin
15 cases of ladies' cloaks. Jackets and
3 cases men's cans. (
12 cases underwear.
10 cases hosiery.
5 casert nlovtH.
12 cases laces and embroidery.
20 cases muslins , domestics , sheetings , etc.
All day long nnd Inte at night our large
force Is working hard opening , sorting and
marking these goods , bringing the most
wonderful bargains to light.
By Slonday everything will be In shape
and ready for the sale.
An Immcnsa force of extra help has been
engaged for this particular sale , so all can
be waited on without any trouble or delay.
Remember the sale begins Monday , January
1th , at
1C th and Douglas.
I will now close out my Jewelry store nl
auction sale , taking place on Saturday at
7:30 : p. m. and thereafter every week day
at 10.30 a. m. , 2:30 : and 7:30 : p. in. until all
'Is ' sold. Ladles and gentlemen desirous ol
buying at their own price are kindly invited
to nttend. Nothing but my own stock will
bo sold and every article guaranteed.
Very Respectfully.
Now , have your watch put In order. Lind
say , the Jeweler , 151C Douglas.
or.TTivc. FAIIMUHS i.NTniinsTnn.
Iloi-t Suprnr I'rojeet DlNeiiNNCMl at 11
Mi't'tliiK nt Ciiiiiinei'elal Club.
A meeting In the Intel cat of the estab
lishment of a beet sugar factory was held
at the Commercial club rooms yesterday aft
ernoon. A number of farmers from points
In this county as well as from adjoining
counties were present , and took an active
Interest In the piocecdlngs. As A result ol
the meeting a committee was appointed to
call upon the farmers of this and adjacent
counties and learn what support would bo
given the project uy the farmers , either In
the way of raising beeta or In subscrip
tions to stick In the factory. >
Those present were : William Flnnoy Wa
terloo ; M. A. Lunn' BelleVue ; Nols Johnson ,
R. B. Schneider , J. J. Hawthorne and L. D.
Richards , Fremcnt : T. H. Williams. Mun-
roe ; C. H. Cornell , Valentine ; E. R. Wil
liams , Benson ; W. G. Whltmoro , Valley.A. ;
Doll. H. T. Clarke. A. D. Merriott , E. Stod-
dnrd , W. N. Nason. County Commissioner
G. R. Williams , N. E. Adams. A. Hospe , Jr. ,
M. HemlrK , G. A. Forbca. W. R. Bennett.
G. W. Kelley , P. E. Her , J. Redmon , J. R.
Webster , Alvln Saundere , Henry Meyer , D.
Farrell. Jr. , and O. W. PIckard , nil of this
city. J. H. Dumont was chosen chairman
of the meeting.
Prof. Nicholson of the State university ,
who has made very extensive Investigations
Into the subject of raising sugar beets , was
Introduced to the meeting , and made a very
Interesting and Instructive address on the
proper cultivation of sugar beets , the pecul
iar adaptability of Nebraska soil , especially
the ea tern portion of the state , to the rais
ing of beets of high grade , nnd other details
in connection with the subject. <
After those present had questioned Prof.
Nicholson regarding certain details of culti
vation. Chairman Dumont called the atten
tion of the meeting to the matter of estab
lishing a factory , asking the farmers of this
vicinity to co-operate with capitalists In such
n movement. Ho stated that the Commer
cial club had appointed a committee to or
ganize such a project , and he asked the
farmers to appoint a committee to act ulth
the committee already appointed.
The matter was discussed from the farm
ers' point of view by W. G. Whitmore nnd
G. R. Williams , after which n committee ,
consisting of G. R. Williams , F. Schioedcr
and Frank Htbbanl , was appointed to call
upon the farmers of this \lclnlty and learn
what they would do In the way of cooperating
ating In the matter , cither In supplying the
necessary beets to oneratr * ihn fnrinrv nr in
taking stock In the enterprise , the commit
tee to report to the Commercial club com
mittee the result of Its Investigations.
Lcavo Omaha every Friday via the Union
Pacific. No change ol cars to Ogden , San
Francisco or Los Angeles , Tourist sleepers
dally to San Francleco.
Special attention paid to ladles traveling
alono. A. C. DUNN ,
City Pass , and Tkt. Agent.
1302 Farnam St
Kate of tlu < .lull Srlicine anil the Ilnr-
her Repair Claim.
The live question In city hall circles Just
now Is whether or not Mayor Broatch will
veto the city Jail contract and the com
promise with the Barber Asphalt company.
A great deal of pressure Is being brought to
bear on both sides , but It Is Intimated by
officials who have had an opportunity to
approach the throne that unlcra the mayor
changes his mind both measures will be
returned to the council next Tuesday night
with vetoes. In any case the action of
councllmen In filing notice that they would
move n reconsideration of the votes by
which the measures were passed amounts
to nothing. Both documents were sent to
the mayor by the city clerk , and as his
approval or disapproval Is the first order pt
business , the members will have no
opportunity to carry their good resolutions
Into effect. It Is suggested. * by certain
Individuals that the members were aware
of this fact before they gave the notice.
There Is a difference of opinion among
councllmen as to the duty of the * city clerk
In such a case as the one mentioned. The
rules of the council provide that any member
who voted wjth the majority may have a
vote re-considered at the next regular meet
ing by giving notice of his Intention. Under
tliu procedure of the city clerk this rule U
a farce , as , by sending the papers to the
mayor , no opportunity for a reconsideration
IsYafforded , Homo councllmen side with the.
city clerk , whllo others contend that ho had
no right to dliposc of the papers until after
( ho motion to reconsider had been acted on.
ThleveH Mrnl the
The street department ls having a good'
deal of trouble with tlilovei who steal anil
carry awny the board sidewalks In Uyj
H'tliienco districts. * i I
During the lu-t few nights a vast amount
of lumber lias been stolen and numerous
walKH that wore In excellent condition will
lm\o to bo partially replaced. Street Com
missioner Kufcpar advises property owners
who have wooden walks to at once bind each
end of tint planKu with fence wire. TliU
can bo done at an cxpcnie of CO cents for a
fifty-foot lot and effectually prevents the loss
of I bo boards.
Will replace the Cloajcs.
Ladies' Jackets and Cloaks.
Misses' Jackets and Cloaks.
j Children's Jackets and Cloaks ,
For IVSost Anything You Want.
Pictures , Tissue Paper , Toys , Stationery , Oils and Paints ,
Rockers , Center Tables , Baby Carriages. Pictures at IOG ,
one-half the price of the frame ,
LADIES' WORK STAND . . . 22c. *
LADIES' DESK , OAK . . . . $4.98.
Or a real good Lamp , or anything nice in Crockery , visit our
basement. We can certainly please you wich the large and ele
gant stock you have to select from , and the price being lower
than you can buy elsewhere.
We are headquarters for best quality and low prices in
Wl ? \ TRFNNFTT . J 1 - CO , ?
1,5th and Capitol Avenue.
] i 1 1 cut ! on II In u UN.
An enterprising resident of Omaha ,
who has taken more than a
passing Interest In the success of
the Transmlssleslppl Exposition and who
has already mentioned a number of Ideas In
connection with the great fair , has sug
gested to the members of the executive
committee the Idea of analtlng an effort to
peiuuadc the government to Issue a series of
TransmlfslEslppi postage etampa , much after
the same manner as was done In the cage of
the World's fair. The original act of con
gress providing for an appropriation for a
government exhibit contains a clause giving
the proper parties the right to have struck
at the government mints such medals In
commemoration ot the exposition and for
awards as may bo deemed advisable. This
section U construed to cover bouvcnlr
medals and the party In question argues that
a scries of eouvunlr postage stamps \\ouhl
servo as a mast effectual advertising medium
and at the same tlmo bo worthy of preserv
ing as souvenirs oC the occasion. The
matter will bo laid before the executive
committee at Its next meeting for considera
A contract was let yesterday to the
Festncr Printing company for printing the
application blanks for apace desirrd by ex
hibitors. These blanks will contain the rules
and regulations wUlch will govern exhibitors.
There will bo 100,000 of the blanks printed
and they Kill bo mailed to all ot the lead
ing manufacturers and prospective ex
hibitors as an Inducement to them to at
once make application and commence the
work of preparing their exhibits.
In O lilt * it Tim CM
People overlooked the Importance of per
manently beneficial effects and wcro satis
fied with transient action , but now that It
Is generally known that Syrup of Pigs will
permanently ovcrcomo habitual constipation
uell-lnforcmd people will not have other
laxatives , which act for a tlmo and finally
Injure the ejstcm.
CjiiiNlilornblr Time
Itumitwiy IIorMi * .
Jake Slosburg , a 12-year-old boy , employed
In a butcher shop near Sixteenth and Capitol
avenue , had an exciting experience \\lth a
runaway horse jesterday. Ho came out
of the affair allvo and uninjured , and there-
faro Ills friends bold that ho Is the luckiest
boy In existence.
Slosburg was driving a light delivery wagon
when the horse became f lightened at an cn-
Klno near Sixteenth and Nicholas streets.
The animal became frantic and dashed
down Sixteenth street without regard to the
boy'fl tugging on the. reins. The lad yelled
and guided the runaway rig OB best ho
could , but spectators sewncil to think that
U was all a Joke , ami only a few attempted
to stop the horso. These few failed.
At Sixteenth and Casi streets the runaway
collided with a pcddltir'B wagon , overturning
'It and scattering apples , celery , potatoes
and other products In ! all directions. This
accident acted Ilka o > spur upon the horse ,
and It quickened Its speed , It turned east
on Chicago and for the next fifteen min
utes wound along thei streets between Chicago
cage and Capitol avomit ) and Thirteenth and
Seventeenth. Finally at Thirteenth nnd
Davenport streets a./valiant citizen brought
the horse to a standstill.
Young Slosburgwas scared and some of
his hair had pulled Jttself out by the roots.
Ills lungs and throat/were also sere from his
yelling. Doyond tlfeso little Incidentals ,
however , ho was Uninjured.
Iliuiril of 11 m Illi ( Jot a Uiinriim.
The Hoard of Health managed to pecuro
a ( luortim yesterday for the first tlmu In
several months. No busincsH WJIH trans
acted except to approve tlio accumulated
monthly reports mxl adjust onq or t-wo
matters of an equally unlntercBtlng char
acter. Commissioner Blythln IH now nt
work on his annual report , which will bo
icady f r HubmlMlon to the mayor Home
Jlmu thla month.
AUJ3N-MIB. EflzaWli. tills morning , of
niioumonln , mother ot Mrs. owrt
IJompster nnd Miss HCBHO | Allen ,
Kuncrnl acrvlec-H nt their residence. No.
114 South 10th wtreot. Friday afternoon nt
3:20 : o'clock. Interment nt Qulncy , III ,
fur KxiioNllliiit Sllc-H ,
Members of the Park Commission hrld ti
meeting yentorday afternoon nnd pafH d
upon n number of WIN , after which they
pledged thvlr support to the Tranmnlsals-
Ft Chance
to obtain an Interest at
the great
n\p jears nuo a cattle pneturc , today the
prcntcst sold producing district on the Amer
ican continent. Thousands of people/ would
like to become Interested In these great fold
Melds and secure a share of the golden
riches , but cannot afford to spend the time
nnd money necessary to go there and look up
desirable mining properties.
Wo nre on the \crge of u great revival of gold
mining. Improved machinery nnd uiMly In-
crenscd facilities for luindllng the ore have
simplified the methods of mining and reduced
the risks , until It has become a strictly Imtl-
nens proposition , nnd , carefully nnd judiciously
conducted , offers today the safest and quickest
legitimate way to make enormous profits of
any business In the United States.
When we look around nnd see the fortunes lost
In what la termed legitimate business enter
prises , the manufacturing concerns , trust
companies , railroads and banks that have
fulled during the past few years , nnd then
ECC the great number of mining companies
working right along , unaffected by panics and
undisturbed by politics , the wonder Is that
there arc not more people already Interested
In cold mining.
We nre forming a company to operate nt Crip
ple Creek , nnd can offer those Interested ! n
splendid chance to obtnln a share of the
wonderful output of this great gold cump ,
without the expenditure of uny money for
traveling expenses or taking time from buR-
IIICFB. The amount required of each one will
be very tmall and liable to Jleld enormous
returns. If Interested , wiltc during next ten
da > a.
Look out for your bronth by
watching your tcotb , one do-
oaycd tooth will tnint the
breath. Gold crowns , 22k
85 to fJ8. Porcelain crowns , $5.
Artificial teeth , 65 ; best 87.50.
BAILEY , Denfisf ,
Ucl floor , lady attendant.
Tcotli extracted without pain.
With paBt nphlovomentB ,
tire ulvviiVB HlrlvlriK to out do our
former effortH to please- .
SHKIUDAN COAI , unil bo con-
vliiccd. chcnpc'tit nnd beat , equal
to litinl coal In icHUltu and coats
kTcl. 127 1605 Farnam
H ! Mil IJxpoBltlon. Tlioy pnHncd H roBulutlon
that under certain ruHtrlc-llonfl lo bu aBrcod
upon they would consent ttmt any or tlio
city purUu muy be utiid ux an cxjioaltlon
A Happy
New Year.
The Nebraska presents greetings
to its thousands of patrons and
thanks them their liberal V
B for very K
patronage during the year j\\st \ \
ended.n 7697 wc shall continue
to give the fullest measure of satis
faction with the altirnai\ve \ of your
money bach uithout wran ? ing.
Thafs the kind of a store you
ought to trade with , this ytar , next
year cv. ry year.
Stand nlono us the
Uncst nnd best base
burners in the world
O O easily control led I
tt therefore economical
low in price.
8 Stoves and Ranges
Are the World's Best.
& Sons ,
14th and
This Olmmlier Fct will be popular nH lone ns
comfort IB popular It will IIml itnily i > ur-
; : lmK < r.s juct ns loni ; mi men lire willing to hi.y
two ilullnrs * worth of comenlonce for one dollar
In money.
Think of your ilnlli plcnrure nml fr.tlnf.Kllou
In the poFPCFfflon at xuch a null nc dim , > ) > . -
elRlicil In tlie latest stjlu of til" piv'nt ira on
nnd oullltlcd wild p\try neuct-t liniro\unipnt )
which modern Ingenuity c.m ilovi--- .
No man uliouM use furniture Hint In 2" lo.irs
old unless he ni'KlectH nil tliu otli.'r liniinnenu'iitu
dtirliiK tlic hint quurlcr of n century. If you uuo
the telephone , flectilc Unlit , exprtin train ,
special mull delivery nnd nil tliu other modern
conveniences of life , wliy not enjoy modern fur
niture ?
It In a great mistake to think that furnlturo
1ms stood Mill while e\ir > thine elxc ! imi KOIIC-
iihend with jenpa nnd bounds The comfort und
luxury In our latest Chamber KetH In nH much
ahead of what you lire now enjo > lni ; as the Mtt
express of todii ) la ahead nf the tdnw-Ku
comirodatlun ( rain of twenty VJIIH ago.
Furniture , Upholstery and Draparlcs. 12tli and Douglas
NOTH Ucfure bujlns furniture lemember three points \Vo have the bo-U stock In Omaha.
We have the largest UKII In Nehnuka. Our pnccfc nre from 10 to SO per tent below other
dealers. .
Look Out
Far Our New Wagon
It comes out Monday moinlng
All orders dellvcied promptly
They wiy our JOe Coffee la the best there Is
Our Java nnd Moehu Mixture , 35e
All Coffees fie&h lonstcd ever } do >
1510 Dodge.
, , 'Ju'U ' . J ° J ucul u . "Em Vn
I But a
Woman ,
No matter how styllthly she may be
nttlrcd , docs not In her own mind
feel natUlled unless her shoes are the
very latcet Myle-for Iniituiicc-u
pair of our donuola kid lace or but.
ton-nil Ht le tois-lliat we cll for
3W-no matter who the lady may
be will feel dreened .with her feet
cncaird In n pair of there.
The e IIV ) ludleV donROln idiots
luce or Ijullnn narrow und * < | uare
toei-ato ( ho blKKCtt 11.10 worth IVtr
eold In this city. .
We've n men's calf S-folo-lncp
razor toe-lhut we tell for J3tO-you
can't duplicate thU shoe for ! >
than K.07.
107 S.'lOth Ht ,
Broke His Shackles
It was Impossible for us tn bold him nny
longer we mean our rthanchal loosterho man
aged to IIK nlc hlH heavy Iron maiklcu l.itt idiiht
nnd away he vvrnt-mnklnit u bc Una for Ihn
Ilco olllce Ho wns , hottevtr , caiitured by Mr
Ivlns , the Rentk'inun who pi elides over thrj ad-
vertlMni : on the l.tli Door nnd we havito piom-
leo that bo vvlll be Bwn In the columns ot The
lleo Sunday In the minntlrne we'll content
ourcelf to Fell Kooils at thcce prices :
I.'K > | > Lotus Cii'jin lOo
Ilnud's Hnreaimrllla u
1'iilno'u Celery Compound u'o
Williams' I'lnl ! 1'lllH 3Io
lllnio'B Catarrh Cure ZOo
Vine Kolafra 7So
Duffj's Matt Wlilfkey ( On
Warner's Hnfc Cure lOo
Onrlleld Ten 15o
I'lrrce's rnvorltc Pieiicrliitlon r2o
lYllows' HypoplincphlteH ( I ( .0
1'lnaud's iau de Quinine Kc and Mo
Jajnea' i\iioclnniiu : 7Ia
Nn fancy prolitH but
perfect mitlsfuutioii ,
fin Cups . 2u
Mouie Trapa . , , < o
Oil Htovei . . . . . Wo
Double I < oclc Ixiver - ,
Kkatcs . . . . . Ka Mf -
I'ockU Knlvei , If ,
lOc , lOo nnd , , , . , , . 25 °
Cnipet Hwteper . ! . W
Mr . I'olt1 Nlckil
I'latn ! Hud lions , per
get , , , , , . . .i Ma
I'KK' , per dozen . , , . . , . , , . . , . . , , . . . l ! > < >
licit Headlight OH , per nallon . , , , lOo
Ile t Uacolliir , per Billion. . . , , , . . , , . , , .1 , . . . . . . lOa
Chang & Hanborn Hlo folTcp , per pound . . . . IfJ
Chan * fc Hfinburn'n it. At J , coffee , pir pound , 3o
Z'I'oiind Can Corn . . . . via
3-I'ound Cnn Huston ( Scans , . , . , . Ida
llukcr'u Chocolate , JUT cal.u , , , . , . , 17o
S-l'ouml fan California I'cam . , . . . . ICe
8 lar ) Cudaht'H Hemp , . . , , , . . . . . . . > 5a
10 bum b'ood Laundry Uoap . . . . . . . "a
BIBuud fl.0 Ji IGtUtit. To ) , 1303.