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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1897)
THE OMAHA DAILY UEK : 3TBIDAY , , TA"NTTA11Y 1 , 1897. SPEG1RL NOTICES. AilvrrtlHriticnlN fur llii'M ) nlll lie Inkfii until I'JiiW p. in. , for 1liR i'Vcnliii7 unit until H p. in. fur the inoriiltiK "ml S n ttiln y uilllloiiN. AilviTllxcrniy \ rctiumtliiHr n tiiiin- liprril I'licuk , on n Iinvo niiHwiTH ml- < Ir * MN > il to iiiinitiiTcd li-ttrr In cure nt Tln DIMS Anmvcrii no nililn-nni'il it 111 1(11 * drll vrrcd < in ipri-m-ntiitlini of till ! ' | H''U Olllj. . Itiili'M , 1 l-lie u woril rirMt liiHi-rtlom Jo ii mini tlnTcuf IIT. XolliliiK InUi * " fur II-NM Ilinii il.'e for tinJlr l lii-n-r- tlldl. Tlll'Nl * III ) VLM'llHOIIielllH IIIIINt ) > < run SITUATIONS WA.VI'KU. WANTED. 1 OS1TION AS TRAVEI.INfl KALES. men. best of leference ; bunds furnished If de sired. Address C C2 , Ilee. A-M6KJ Jl M'AXTNI ) M A 1,1 } II KM' . WANTED. AN IDEA ; WHO CAN THINK OF acme simple thins to patrnt7 Protect your Ideas , they limy bilnff you wealth ; write John \\Vil.lcTliuin . & Co , , lcit. | V. , Patent Attoineys , XYnrtilngton , U. 41. , for their Jl.MO prize olTcr ami a list of :00 Inventions wanted. II G33 TAILORS WANTED. CONTINENTAL CLOTHIng - Ing Company. II Mlio WANTED , TRAVELING .SALESMEN FOR Ci gars ; old reliable house ; experience unneces sary ; extra inducements to customers ; 175 to II3U tier month unJ expenses. Clms , C. lllshop fc Co. . St. 1.UUIS. H-M320 J14 _ WANTED , A aboiJ IHJTCHKU ; sTuST HE llrnt-clnfs workman ; ale nhlo to buy butch ering stock ; German preferred , Addicss It , M , Wcstplialen , Atlantic , In. U-.MCSQ Jl 3 CARPENTERSINSIDE WORK : J HOD- carriers , hotel piistty coolc und bnltcr , Cana dian Utllcc , 1522 Douglas. IJ-.MC9.1 Jl BIDEI/INK. POCKETTREESAMPLES ( : cash coma. , forward dating ; llbornl creillt ; protoctcil route ; factory rated Cli several "sides" earn | 2i ) weekly ; communications con fidential. Side. 1' . O. 1171 , New York. 1J-70S ! \\'AXTKI > 11131,1 * . WANTED. A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 1021 Turk uvc. C34 31 * WANTED , EXPERIENCED LADY nooic- keeper nnd typewriter. Address C CO , Uco. C-MC90 J2 WANTED-GIRLFOUGENERALHOUSE- work. Mrs. Wright , ZC1I Sewurd t. c-c-J * HOUSES IN AM , PARTS OF Till : CITY. THE O. 1' . Davla Company , 1503 Furnain , D CJO jflOUSESj UKNISWA & Co" 103 X. ISTIl'ST. U-C37 J10DEU.V IIOUSHS ; 0. A. STAItll BM N Y MFK U-C3S ciioirnliousKS ANT > COTTACJKS AM , OVKU the city. ! 3 to CO. Kldullty , 102 V'arnam Ht. U-C33 1IOUHICS. WALLACE , UROWN 11UCK. 1CTH and DoiiKlns. D-CIO HOUSES. ntOM > 5 Ul' ; LAllOK LIST. Mc- Cauue Investment Co. , HOC Iodne street.D . DU A UBAX'TiriJMlOME ' IN UAKAYHTTE I'l.ACE 6 rooms , all mod.'in , Kplendl I romlltlon , never been lenlcd liefnic ; now utTirod at tt low rental to first flats tenant. Fidelity Tiust Cjnipany , 17W Kariinm st. U 012 HOUSES FLATS , QAUVIN 111103. 1013 FA It NAM U-01J T _ , . _ _ , _ rr L i j roil IICNT. S12 N' . J9TII ST. . 7-UOOM MODEHN hoiieo ; f20 per month. Ituiulru on premlsex. D-C1I A N1IJI11EII OF rKNTUAIAY I.OCATKI ) , C- rooin cuttORefl , city water In house ; J3.CO and Sl'J.CO. ' J. U. Kelkenncy , Korbach bloek. U-M2.U J10 FOR HEIIT IIYV."iT. . MEIii.E lST "jCA- . Hank lildi ; . S53J Dnvenport , 7'roomn , modern. $1 ? . 151(1 ( N. 19lli , 7 room. ' , modern. J20. 1310 Spencer. 7 room . modern , $13. D-331 HOUSES FOR Iir.NT. 11EM1S , 1'AXTON IIMC. roil iNT. iioiiT-uoosi MODEUN HOUSE with Iiain , C'Ul 1'lercc st. , dnlrnblc for South Omaha parties. Inquire next door cast. Ii 533 Jl 11ODKIIN C-HOOM HOUSE ; FINE CBNTHAI. , location. (31 So. 2Ut street. D-DSG FOU IlENT. IH.KOANT S-noOSI HOUSE NEAIl Ilnn com park ; mnilrni ; rplcndld nelKhbnrhood ; JM.OO. lllcKn. 3(0 ( N. Y. Life. 1J-M711 3 itiN'ri''iit\i.siii : : : ) HOO.MS. FUIlNiSHRD HOOMSi HOUSIIIvEEPINO. 2023 St. Slary's. K 11621 Jl 3NcK I rUUNISlIKI ) LIGHTHOUSE- kccplm ; . 1112 S. llth. K JIO'J2 JO * IJEAUT1FUI , . IAHOE FUONT HOOM ; HAY window ; modern ; with or without board. Gil North 10th. E-MG91 J3 Firii.Msiun noo.tis AM ) IIOAUD. Nn\VI.YFt' NISH Kt > OAS rrn , from $1.50 up ; gentloinvn preferred. 1S12 t. F .MI20 J2 * RENT. ROOMS WITH HOARD. STEAM heat. Utopia , 17SI Davenport si. F G54 Jl * THE ME1RL\M. 23TH AND F SIGH J9 * tmN7snEi7 iooM 8. WITH board ; terms leasunuble. The Al'.i.iny. 2101 Douglas. F MG81 JG * IIRVTFD ROOMS AND P.OARD ; | 3.50 UP. C1G K. 19lh. F M33C-J3 * single looms nicely furnished , C09 N. ISili ht. F-701-3 * iti-\fi't\i'riiM.sini ; ) TIIHEE UXFUUNlSlIin IIOOMS. 1013 I1OUC1- las. (1-M7H ! rou iiii.vr hToitis AXD FOR RENT , THE 4-STelUY IlltlCIv . - at 91G Fiirnam ft. ! . . ! luilldliiK has n fireproof cement liu'eniFiit , complete steam heutlni ; tlx- tures ; water on all Moors ; KUS. etc. Apply Ht the olllco of Thu Ilee. 1 910 COUNKH STORE OF I.ANGE I1LOCIC. FINEST location In city for drui ; storu. 1 333 J14 AUU.VI'S WAM'Ull. WANTED. l\\l'AIH.n AND SUCCESSFUI , DI8- trlct , opeclal mid local iiKtntH to represent the Manhattan I.lfcInsurance Company of New York In Ni-hra ka , Iowa nnd South Dakota , fpei'lal Ivrrttciy will In' Riven to each aent. with tlif inrnt liberal brokeiaKO , or a IOIIK and valuable contract , nnd with kticli fpe- clal help In the Held an wlll linure thu larKest menturn of fmcccs.1. For further Information ] ileniM > ndJronii J. V , ' . Dean & Sons. General AKents , life bldk' . , Omaha , Nrb. J-M256 J12 ItKI.IAIlI.i : MAN TO HANDLE AOENTS FOIt telephone tablet nivl tpeclaltlesj pays | 3KW.OO ( i\ years enclose stamp. . Victory MfR. Co. . Cleveland , O , J-703 STOIIACK. OM , VAN & STOUAQB. HIS FAUNAM TKU 1M9 M-013 903910 Jonts. Oencral Etoiuue and M-CIO WA.NTKI ) TO lUIVt WANTKD. HOOD BEONIMIAKD , ONK- hnr > nurrcy. Call or iitldrena 205 McCnuuo ' InilMliig , N-MCJT-Jl * WANTKlTrolTuY , Ni\V Oil SKCONn-IIANt ) cutter , AdJrcM C C7 , IU > c. N M6M j : * .SAI.Ii IIOIIS13S AM ) WAJS. . FOK SAI.R CIIKAI' , 0001) CAUT. HOUSE ami Imrtien. 4S39 riunklln nt. 1--C3J 31 * rou MALI : 3iiscii.L.\\ntiifi. CIIKAVJJST HAItnWOOI ) WOVKN" CO UN CIII11. Lolnit maa * . C. . Lee. Ml DoUBlni ) . Q-C18 IIOO-ND HAND 'M KOWI.KII , M ; 0x111:11 whorlii. 15 ta IW. Omalia Illcyclo Co. , Kt N. It. Q-ili _ JTOIt HALl : . AN OLD iHTAIlI.lHltii : ) IlKAL estate nnd tniuranre bunliu'n nt Houth Om&lia , Adilre C CO. lice. Q-MBI-J * KB\V YUAU'a I'HL'HU.NTS. NI3AT AND UBK- ful ; druwlnc liinrunwnln Jititl juaierlnln. Alv I. Q rover , 911 tioutu Uth itrcct , Q-Mtl ! t rou SAM : . \IIKOIII.AMOIS. \ : TWO OOOI ) INI ) HANI ) RAPK3 VKHV C1IEA1' . Inquire McL'ord llraily Co. Q-tf7-J2 SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER , IN c'ass condition , Addrciu U H. Comnn Fro. inotlt , Neb. O MG29-J4 FIIM ! & IltmOLAIl 8AKK3J NP.W & ZNtt Imnu ; > afo and lock repnlrlnRi combinations clutiKCd. J. J. Ucrlelit & Co. , lilt Kuninin. Q-MKM C ron sALtt , rnnsn JKIISEY cow. roc N. 2 > 1 et. Q-M70 ? ! LAUNDUV , OOOI ) WOI11C AND OOfin WAOK3 Is the motto of tlio city Steam I.outulry. 211 So. llth St. . Tel. ! 5I I1-U9-J5 CI.AUVOYAXT.S. MILS. riUTX. CLA1HVOYANT. IMS C nla. H-J54-J5 * MASSACK HATIIS , IVI'C. MMK. SMITH , 1121 DOtJOLAS. IIOOM T. : MAS- nnxo and bntlis. T MCOO-J2 MISS AM US. VAl'OU DATI1S , MASSAOI3. CO" S. 13th , room 3. T 1GS-JG' I'Ult.SO.VAL. itui'Tuitr : cuniiD ; NO PAIN : NO DP.TKN- tlon from burlnemi ; wo icfcr to hundreds of liutlentH cuieil. O. U. Miller Co. , 71 ? N. Y. Life bulldliiff. Onmlin , Nob. U-C19 I1AT1IS , MASSAOK. MMK. 1'OST , SlOW S. 1STH. U-MO VIAVI. HOMR TIIEAT.MINT von UTEIIINK trouliliti ; pliyslclnn In nttcmlnnee ; coni > ultii- tlon or lipulth buck free. 310-S lice bulldlni ; . U-C31 YKS. YOU CAN OKT SI1IUTS LAUNDEItni ) for Sc , but If you want ROOJ woik , Imvo them ilonu at the City Steam Laundry. 211 So. llth. Tel. 231. U-118 J5 CUT THIS OUT AND 1'ItESENT IT TO I'llOC- tor. CIG S. Ktli t. . with $1.00. and got 12 extra finished cabinet photos nnd one extra carbon finished panel ; 30 days only. U M1I9 31 IUJITUUB " I'BUMANIJNTLY CtTrtlCl ) ; PAY when cured ; no jmln , no detention from busl- Iiens. ridellty Hupturc Cure , 301 Itee bldB.Omaha U-C32 INKOIIMATION WANTED-I WILL PAY A 111 % wnnl of } W for lnforinitlon : of the present whereabouts of Peter Melen If living , or the proof of his death. This Information must lj ' hnd wit.lln six months from this dnte. Mcleett left Omaha November lit , 1S9I. Mrs. Alice Melcen , 2S12 Izard strct , Omaha. U-KC-J 1 GO TO C. OLSHN'S IJAKEHY FOU IIOMR- tnada bread , pies and calte.i. VCS North ICtX U M 3 5 J 1 WANTED , MEN AND WOMEN TO ADVRU- Use our goodH In every county In Nebraska ; iniotl pay : fend stamp for particulars. U. S. Co. , 1U19 Hartley et. , Omaha , Neb. U-C31 J2S MAHItY WHITE T HANDPOMB \IU13S or honornblo men ; many rich ; pend lee nrd Join correKpondlni ; club , llox 1313 , I''iucr , Colo. U M708 7 3IO.MJV TO I.OAX IIKAIj KSTATH. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y. U ; cjulclt money nt low rules for choice farm loans In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. \V-C33 CITY LOANS. C. A. STAItll , K N. Y. LIFE. W G54. MONEY TO L AN ON IMPUOVEI ) OMAHA real catute. Urennan , Love Co. , 1'axton block. W G53 LOANS ON ! MPltOBD & TINIMPUOVBD CITY property. W. Furnnm h'mlth & Co..1320 Fnrnntn. W C5G MONIY TO LOAN AT ixsw HATES. THE O. F. Dnvls Co. . ISO } Furnnm St. W G37 MONEY TO IXJAN ON OMAHA PHOPBUTY AT lowcat rates ; bliUdlnc loans wanted. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Fnrnam St. W CSS 'MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPUOVED OMAHA property. U. S. McrtBiiKc & Trust Company. Now York. Poiey & Thomas , Agent * . No. 207 First National Hunk Illdg. W 639 51W. * 3CO. OU MO , F. D. WEA1V1G & nOUOLAS. G PKn CnNT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA property , Neb. farms. W , It. Melklc. let Nntl. Ilk W GG" ) MO.\iV TO I.OAX CIIATTLI3S. MONEY TO LOAN ON FUIIN1TUIIE , PIANOS , horses , WOROIIS etc. ; nt lowest rates In city ; no iLMiiovnl of gooJa ; strictly ; you can pay the loan off ut uny tlmo or In nny amount. OMAHA MOUTGAtlE I/JAN CO. . sue so. mil st. X-GCl MONEY TO LOAN. 30. CO , 90 DAYS ; FU11NI- ture , pianos , etc. lulf Oreen room 8 llarkcr blk. X GG2 IHISIXKSS C1IAXCHS. FOU SALE. A110UT 2.00.1 LI1H. MINION TYPE. 700 ! bs. agate , 1W pair two-third cases , 40 double Iron stands for two-third rave * . Tills material was used on The Omalm lire , and Is In fairly good condition. Will be old cheap In bulk or In quantities to tult inn-dinner. Apply In person or by mnll to The lice Pub lishing Company. Omaha , Neb. Y 713 TO OKT IN OU OUT OF 11USINESS GO TO J. J. GllJ.ton , Gil 1st Nat'l Ilk. llulldlni ; . Y 3GG MEAT M AHKET. JSSOj'llECEHT.S 23 PEH day. J. J. Gibson , 511 First National bank. Y-M595-J 10 roil SALE. NEW8PAPEII AND JOII OFFICE known as the Ashland News ; Rood an new ; will Invoice $ l.COO.OO ; wll for ( l.M ; MOO cash ; for buElncrii ; the plant will have to be moved. Address George 11. 1'Ickett , Ashland , Neb. Y MS1 ( J3 FOU SALE. A FIRST-CLASS RETAIL OIL business ; n'o trades. Call on or address W. H. Gtmtcr. Fort Dodge , la. Y MC9I J7 * I. K.VCIIA.VGU. MONEY LOANED ON IIICYOLES WHEN poopU' expect to make an exchange In uprliiB. Neb. Cycle Co. , IStli nnd Hainey. VJ-21'J J9 FA11M NEAR SNO.HOMISH. " WAsTlUNOTOJc ! for property further vast. Sulby , 1C03 Farnum. X 3UI FOR EXCHANGE. GILT-EDGE HTOC1C DRUGS , paints , wall paper , luico line staple Koodn , liood stock stnplK patents. Will Involco JI.CCO to il.200. 1 can reduce to suit. Want clear Improved farm or rental property. Quick deal on cash basUi. Addresa M' . O. I nliart. Mis souri Valley. Iowa. X MG01-J2 IimEOATED NBlHASICA ) LAND. CLEAffpOR Equity In Omaha business block ; owner will be In city January 8. Call on or address J. J. Glhbon. Ml Ut Null Hang Itlcltf. Z-feS-JS KOll SALU HK.YL 13STATK. A11ST11ACTS. THE11YRON REED COMPANY. WE HAVE 11ARGA1NS IN HOMErf ; AUSO farms , and want more ; list your property with us. U. M. Nuttlnger & Co. . 1701 Fuinnm. HE-CG3 NICE COTTAGE AND LOT. ONLY Jl.MO. Cheap lot dope ti > car line , 1150 , M-ocro farm , with eooil bulldlncs ; only ten miles fioin P. O. In Omaha , tl.OOO. Finest residence lot In Omahu , 0x213 feet , facing llanscom purl ! . | 3UX ) . J7.200 house , modern , fplendld location , for quick sale at Jl.OvO. Splendid Investment , choice , Improved prop erty , will paj' 8 per cent on price. J3.COO. lleiiuttful ucre lot close to paved street ; Just the place for suburban homu ; If taken quick. only r-xj. Tun acriu , beautifully situated on the edno ot city , cu t exposure , handsome Hhude trees. paved ttrcct etc. ; will make an elrcant home , ami Is eipcclully adapted for small fruit. Price , 42. sou. (00 iicres. central Nebraska ; Jufct the place for ruUliiK cattle and hogs ; can sell for $10 per acre und take one-half purchase price In Kood city property or small Iowa farm. Choice reildcnce property ; two nla cottages ; very desirably loaaled ; price , Stt.DOO ; owner will tuku part In good viicunt or farm luiul. 4 > X > acres , centml Nebrarka , eplendlilly located and ndmlrably adapted for stock purposes ; price , only JS per ucre ; will take good furm or city properly as part payment. 10 valuable lou close to builncs * renter of Oinulm , fl2Goo ; all clear , for good Iowa farm. OIH-eilied bunliuss lot In butlness center of Omaha , JK.&W. clear , for Improved property , 30 el ma lit lots In Jlneit residence neighborhood til Umuha ; surrounding lots held at (3,000 to 11,004 ; can offer theiie lota for IGC.OuO ; owner wants lurico stock ranch , CO choice lots adjoining new mate fair crounds ; price , | 373 each ; can trade , all clear , for KOCH ] land. , HICKS' UBAL ESTATE AGENCY. 303 N. Y. Life bit's. IIE-7U 1 I1UV LAND ADJOINING OMAHA ; THE GREAT Trunsmlsilislppl und International Exposition of 'D8 will cause a meat demand for acres close to Omalia ; e can offer snverul rholre 10 and l'0-iicre tracts , right on the rdffe of the city ut prices that will astonish you ; cull und SMI u * . nr write. Gcoruu N , IlcM | , W N. Y , Llfo bid * . HE-7U 1 roil .SALIHI\L RSTATH. ( Continued. ) LOTS , FARMS , LANDS. I/JANS Gra. P. llemls Real Eslato Co. , Paxton blk. JO ACRES. CLOSE IN. . . M acres , near Omalm , 11,100.00. I 80 acr > . In Iowa' , isoo.JO , W ncren. In Iinvn , JI.MO.CO. 5,000 Brres , In I own , JIO.OO an acre. SO nciTH. In Snrpy county , 13,600.00. 1GO norod. In low , H.IW.CX ) . 40 ncrcK. In lows , MM.OO. 40 ncrrs , near Omnhn , I1.4W.M. { TO nrrcs. In Iowa , JIO.CO nn nore. ttn acres. In IOWR ( line ) , JI.WO.OO. 180 ncr4 , near Omnlm , JfS.W nn acre. M aerps , nfr Omahn ( tine ) , IVOOO.OO. acres , near Omnlm , J3.POO.OO. l.OflO Hcr < " , near lllalr , JIO.OO nn ncrc. ISO ncrrs. Wnnlilnntnn cminty , $23.00 an ncrc. SO nnet , near Lincoln , ll.roo.CO. 1W nrr , near Waterloo , t'.ooo.N ) . C. F. HARRISON. 912 N. Y. Life. RE-TU3 ! AlKSia. AHT AXIl IiA.VCCACK. GEollOE F. Oin.LBNIinric. lUNJoHil\NHoi lln nnil guitar teacher. Ilooin 412 Dee llldg. Tel. 238. 100 IIECHTOLD.PRINTER.DIIOWN 11L1C. TPI * 10IS. M237 J-ll KIXAXOIAL. LIFE INS. POLICIES UOUGIIT. W. F. IIOLDEN CCG MACI1IXKS AXI ) SUPPLII S. NEW HOMBJ HOUSEHOLD AND WHITE sewing machine cilice , 1314 Cap. Avc. Tel. l"4. GG7 .KAH.M KOll UK.XT. OOOI ) SO-AC'RE FARM FOR RENT. 3 MILF.S west of city limits ; lessee can buy the buildIngs - Ings nnd complete forming outnt for tCOO from present tenant. Itetnls , 1'axton block. M 511 LOST. LOST , ON DECEMPER G , ST. 11ERNARD I'UP ; 8 months old. J3.00 reward for his return to E. L. Robertson , 2Sth anJ Lenvenworth. * Lost MG11 ItlJILDIXC AXI ) I.OAX ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & II. ASS'N PAYS C , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old ; always re- Uccmahlc. 1704 Parnnm St. Nnttlnger , Sec.GG3 GG3 HOW TO GET A HOME OU SECURE GOOD Interest nil cavlncx. Apply to Omalm L. & II. Ass'n , 1701 Farnam. G. M. Nattlnger , Sec. CG9 \VA.\TI5I1-TO HOIlltOXV. TO ItORROW. J1SO.OO. SIX MONTHS. GOOD security ; good rate of Interest. Address C G3 , lc-e. ! ' GS9 :0- DAXCIXG SCHOOL. MR. AND MRS. JIOUAND JIAKE A SPE- cla'.ty by their o\vn method of teaching young nnd old to become graceful dancers ! n a few private or clap * lessons. New claries now forming. 131P Hartley. Ml J-l Kinixrrriti- : > ACICKI ) . GET M. S. WALKIN'S IMUfES ON FUUNI- turo pacltln ? , repairing , iipholcterlni ; ; mat tresses made and lenovuted ; 2111 Cumin ? . Tel. 1331. 674 ItATII UOOM.S. RUSSIAN. TURKISH , AND MEDICATED baths , r,0 cents ; nlso c.\elunlve department for lailles ; ovcrythlng new ; ladles' hair drassliiK nnd barber shop ill connection. 107 S. llth. G73 I'AAVMlllOKKHS. II. MARO'WITX LOANS MONEY. 41S N. 1C ST. G7L TYPHWIHTHHS. OUT Till : P.KST TYPBWniTiniS ; SUPPLIHSJ repairs. United Typmvrltcr & Supplies Co.v 1C12 Farnam St. C.O-Junc-0 IJHUSSMAKIXUT DIIKSSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. MISS Sturdy , 4201 llurJettc. > I 453-Jl'J * .SMOIITIIAM ) AM ) TYl'KWlllTIXa. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 5H N. Y. LIFI1 AT OMAHA UUS.COLLEC3K. ICTH & DOUGLAS. C73 SAKKS. NKW AND SnCOND-IIAND SAFKS ; SAFE IIH- palrlmr. J. J. DerlBht , 1116 Funiam. 31710 Jl SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICITOUS , Dee llnlldln : : , Omnhii , Nobr Advlco nnd I'nlent llooic KHEK. Stoi'kliiiliU-rH1 .tlcoUiif ; The Olilllliu & Iteiiulillc'iiii Valley Itallirny ( ' iiiiniiy. Notice Is hereby nlven tlmt the annual incotliiK of the stockholders of the Omaha & Hepubllciin Vnlley Hallway compisny for the election of seven directors nnd tlio transaction of such other business an may lawfully come before the meeting , will 1)0 held In the olllce of the general solicitor , Union 1'aclMu building , Oniahn , Nebraska , on Wednesday , the Oth day of Junuary , 1897. nt 10 o'clock a. in. Thn stock transfer books will bo closed ten days before the date of the meeting. ALEXANDER MIILAU. Secretary. Boston , Mass. , December 7 , 1S C. OlHco of Lee-Clarke-Andree. cn Hardware Company , Omahu , Neb. , Dec. 12 , 1MW : Notice In hereby Riven to the stockholders of the Lee-Clarkc-Andreesen Hardware company that the annual meeting of the stockholders of tlio company will bo held nt the ofllces of the said company , Nos. 1210. 1221 nnd 1223 Uarncy street. In the city of Omaha , In the stuto of Nebraska , on Tuesday , January 12 , A. D. 1S97 , nt 3 o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of electing n board of directors for the company , to servo dur ing the ensuing year , nnd to transact such other business us may bo uri-sented at such meeting. ( Seil. ) H. J. LISB. Attest : President. W. M. GIVASS. Secretary. Decl2d22t _ SToriciioim < : itN ( .IIIITI\ ( ; . UNION LAND COMPANY. Notice Is hereby that the annual mi-cling of tbu utockhbldurs of the Union Land company for the cle-cllon of live dl- lectors and the transaction of auch other luiHlni'ss us may lawfully come before the meeting will bo held at thu olllco of the general solicitor. Union 1'ucllle building , Omaha , Nebraska , upon Monday the lllh day of January. lsU7 , nt 10 o'clock n. m. AM5XAND13U MII.I.AH. Secretary. Iloaton , Mass. , December 7 , 1 'fi , D22 d22t .StoukliolcltTH1 luelliiK Dillon ICIf- viilur Coiiipiiny < if Oiiinliii. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Union Klcivalor company of Oinulm , for the pur pose of electing seven director * and such other business as may properly come before the meeting , will " ' -a held nt tlin olllco of the General Solicitor. Union Pacific building. Omaha , Neb. , upon Monday , the 1th day of Jnnuury , U ! > 7 , between the hours of 10 o'clock a , m. , nnd G o'clock p. m , The stack transfer books will bo closed ton (10 ( ; days before the date of the meet- Ing. ALISXAN'UHU MIK-LAIt. Secretary. Boston , Mass. , December 7 , 1VJG.DHilKt DHilKt ilcrK1 .M cell UK. OMAHA & ELKHOIIN VAT BY RAIL WAY COMPANY. Notice la hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha & Kllihorn Valley Hallway Company for the election of seven directors am ! the trannactlon of such other business ns may lawfully coma before the meeting , will bo held In the olllco of the general solicitor. Union Pacific building. Omaha , Ncbrnsltn. upon Wednesday , the 6th day of Jnnuury , 1S97 , nt 10 o'clock a in. Thn Etoclc transfer books will bo closed ten days bufore the date of the mt'etlng. ALKXANDKK Mil-UAH , Secretary. BOSTON , Muss. , December 7. 1H > 3. D10-d22t Sdiokluililt'rit' Tlio annual meeting of the stockholders I of Tlio Dee Building company will bo held ! In the olllco of The Omahu Bee- , Omaha , > Nob. , at 4 o'clock p. m. , Tue-sduy , January < 19 , 1M)7 , for the purpose of electing u board I or directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of other business ua nmy I properly como before the mtutlng. By order of the president. N , J' . FKII , , Bo rctnr blSdu m & this year in valuable articles to smokers of BlackweSTs , ; Gonulno Tobacco S You will find one coupon inside - § side each a-ouncc Img , nnd two a coupons inside ; cnch 4-oiuicc J * The Best bng. Buy n ling , rcndthcconpon SIS gSmokingTobaccoMadol nnd sec how to gut your share , g IS LIKE A GOOD TEMPER , "IT SHEDS A BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE. Pianos Below Cost ! _ _ We do not sell Pianos at cost or below /cost , nor do we ask from 100 to 200 pcr : cent profit , but we do sell Pianos at absolutely low er prices than any other house in the city. Lurgc Chickcrlng Upright . $155.00 McElron Upright . SltiO.OO Cabinet Organ . S15.00 High Top Kiinball Organ . $15.00 We arc the sole factory representatives for Ivors & I'oml , Vose Sons nnd Kincrson 1'ianos. WM H SCHMOT T 1PD CO mn FI-OGII , M'CAGUH iiLira , N. . - Will. H. Ol niUVLJwCK < \s\J. , w. Cor. 15lh nnd Dodge Streets. A. C. MUKLL-UU-Plano Tuner. RAILWAY T leaves IHUHMNQTON & MO. mvnu.iArrivcs Oni.ihnUnlon ( Bopot , IQlh.'fr ' Mnnon tji3. | Uninlm S : C."am . Denver Kxiiress . .79 : S3Tin 4:3Jinn.lilk : Illlls , SlontvAU > | iKct Slid Kx. 4:0imi : 4:3Jnu : | . Denver Kxprcea . 4OJpm : TOSpin. : . . .Lincoln Ixicnl ( ex Humluy ) . . . . 7:15 : | > m 2jiSl > m. . . . Lincoln lxcnl ( ux , 8uiulay.ll:30Jin : . X" & O.TAf | rlvS * OnialmtJiilun | " Deiiot , lCt4i-&Iaj .i > _ Sta.i Onulia 5:00i : > m . r . . .ChlcaKO VcatuKv . . . 7.T $ : OrlSnni . ClilcacoJ nreas . < : ir > | > m 7:50i > in. . Chicago & St juiijls Kxpresa. . SvOnin : llIOam : . 1'nclllo Junctrori Local . G:10pm : _ . . Fast Mull . . . 2SOj : > m Lcnves ICIIICAQO. 1IIU & ST. " I'AOlZArrlvc | . " OinalmUnlon | Depot. ICth it .Mafini rit. < j Onm.'m C:30piii : . ClilcnKO Eli itea . S:0nm : HOOam..ClilcnRO : Impress ( er. Sunday ) . . . 3:23m | leaves ( CHICAGO . * pUTlI\VK8T'N.Arrlvea | OinaliujUnlon Depot , lOtli & -M.uu.-l rittimalia | _ ) 1015am . . \K > isternRi > r ( > ? . , .j,7 3:40pm : 4 : < . Vi-KtlbuUir Limited . 5:4 < ) l > m C.r : > Cini ] . i..Kl. 1'nul I'xprcMn . 3:30 > ni C:4Uam. > . St. 1'uul I.tinlted . 9K : ( > i > m 7:0am. : . . .Carroll & Sioux City Ixjcal..ll:10pm C:30pni : . Omalia C'lilciiBQ , Special . _ . _ . . . . . Missouri Volley. Loca | . . , . . . , . 9:30am : Leaves ICHICAOoT H. I. aTi'ACIFIGJ Omaliat | > nlon Depot. 10th & Ma on Stg.f _ KABT lOMOnm. . Atlantic livpress ( ex. Sunday ) . . 6:3iim : 7:00iin : | . Night i\prcca . S:13ani 4iU : | > in..ChlcaKO Vettlljuled Limited. . . . lI3pm : 4:5Ciin..St. : | 1'aul Venttbuled Limited. . . . l:3jj > iii WEST. 1 : 10pm . . . .Colorado Limited . 4:00nm " " " " iJeaveaTl C.7"ST."rTr"M. & ' O. JArrlves" OmaliafUnlon Depot , 10th & Mnron Sts.f Onuiliu 12:0nn..SIoux ] _ _ City Kxprexn ux. Sun..llU.nn ) SMCam. . . .Sioux City Accommodation. . . . fi:00pm : Cipm. : . _ . . St. 1'aul Limited. . . . . . 9liam : ( " " F.7n. & Mo. VALLEY. ( Arrive Omahaf Depot. ISth nnd Web tvr Sts. | Omalia 3:00pm : Fast Mull and Kxpresa uCOm | ) 3Cupm.ex. : ( Sat. ) Wyo. Kx. ( ex. Mon. ) . . 0:00pm : 7SOam..l'icmont Ixicnl ( Sundaya only ) . . 7SOam..Norfolk : Kxpresa < cx. 8un.103am : G:15pni : St , 1'aul j\prcas 9:10am : Leavea I IcT'c. . ST. J. & C. u" fArrlcveT OmaliaUJnlon Depot. 10th & Mnaun SlH. | C'r.'ti.a < 9OSain..Kon5nB ; Clty Diy Kxprens. . . . GMOpin 10OOnm.K. : C. Nlglit Kx. via U. I1. Trans. C:30am : Leaves. | JiiisTouTuT'ACIFIC. | Arrives" Oma.'ial Icpot , _ IJtli aiidVeb tcr Sta. j Omaha 3OOpm..TNclirafkix : & Kansas" uriiltei.lK5pm 9:0pm : KaneaH City l xprens 6:0nam : 2:13pm..Ncliraska Local ( * x. Sun. ) . . . . : S1UUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives Oinahaf Depot. 13th and Webster Sts , I Omaha GUpm St. Paul Limited 9:10am : LeTvveTl SIOUX "CITY & PACIFIC. lArVlves" OmaliofUnlon Depot. 10tliMnmn Sta. | Omaha 5:40am : St. Paul PasscnRer 11 : lOiim 7:30am : Sioux City Passenger 9:03pm : SUpm : St. Paul Limited 9:20am : UNION PACIPIC. Arrive * OmaliaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason St Omaha 8flam : ! Overlaml Limited. . . . . .71:43um : : | > ut'ce & Stromsb'K E * . ( ex Sun ) , 33Cpm ; u:3opm.Grand : Uland Express lex. Sun ) . 1 Sjpm 3:30jin : Fast Mail. . . . 10 WAHASII RAILWAY. | A-rl\cs OnnhalUnlon Depot , 1'JIIi ' , t Mason Sls. | Omaha 4:30pm : II .finin SPECIUI5IS IV Nervous , Cliroaio and 1 Private Diseases , WEAK MEH SrAUULY. Ml Private Il oa e , , , - , i' l Dlnordcrsof Men uSWajj Treatment by mall iSfSiiSH-Ciiiisiiltutlon free SYPHILIS Cured fur life and lhevpolaon thoroufrbly cleansed from the system.-P1LE3. FISTULA and RECTAL ULCI-MWX IIYDKOCBLKS and VAIUCJOCELK pannonciitly and auo- ceanfully cured. Method/now und unfalllnff STfllCTUBEAHD.BLEErnfroS. ! ! Dy now method \vilBOUt pain or cutting. Call on or aJdrcss'wItli ' etnmp. Dr. Searlcs & Searlcv " " " " WOMAN ne < xi a rrllabl/ inuntlily ' rfgulatln { ; incUIcIcf 'DR. PEAL'S _ PENNYROYAL PILLS , Aiaprctn [ > t. naft > nrul I'ortaln In remit. Tlio k'f civ bo ( ih : iVal'v ) iinvtrdli < aDiMlut , B.iacnnnvuoi-a 11.00 Sherman & McCoimnel Drui ; Co. , 1113 UuUgo ptrcet Qmaha. Ncs. .Vollciof IrrlKiitluu Iliiml Snle , The directors of the Mlddlo Lotip Val ley Irrliratlun dlntrlct Invite Healed pro- tioaals for J1CO.OOO (111 ( part or whole ) of boiulii of waId district up to 2 p. m. of Jan uary 19. IS'JT. AddrnH. * , CHAIILE3 N1COLA7 , Secretary , 8ar unt. Neh. l)2IU Ot DUFFY'S PURE HALT WHISKEY Alt Druggists. AMl'SUMIi.VI'S. ' NI5W ' HAPPY THU ATI-If f NRW YBAR L. M , CUAWFQUD , Manager. \ow Ycnr'N .llnlliu-o Tiidny lit i.'IO Ilvriiliiu- Silo. Win. Calder's Great Scenic Drama SAVED'FROM THE SEA Hegnlar Prices First Hoer , nil peats 73o and 60c. Alt balcony seats , ZZc. Caller ) * , Kc nnd lie. J NEW I One Wool.- , THEATER ( Opening Sunday Mnllni'c. Jiuiiiiiry it. Tlie only twin Htars In the world , AYmiiril M3YVI3M.Vlllln in. Ill "THU COHSICAX IlltOTllKItS. " In conjunction with Forelfjn Views Ll/'SIMJUH'.S Motion Picture- . C I X i : . " ! A T O CS It A l II 13. negtllnr prices. Jan. 10 , "ALABAMA. " rcl-mi- THE GREIOTOJ - Pdnton 5 Iljrjosi , Miinagcrs. HAPPY NEW YEAB ! TODAY 2:30. : TONI6HT 8SO : Pri'scntlnc this nftornoon , The Little Trooper TonlKlit FOS. FLKUU Uli LIS. Prices , 2Zc. 50c. 75c , Jl.OO. J1.50. Jan. 4. Chicago University Glee & University Club. MOKAN'S PAXCIXO .SCHOOL , ir.10 IIAUXI3V STUKICT.VILL ItHCIX XKW CLASS THIS WUHK. JO1X XOW AXD YOU WILL LKAKN TO DAXCK GHACKKI'LLY IX A FK\V I'UIVATK OU CLASS LKSSOXS. CIIILDItKX SATUHOAYS ; ADULTS , TUESDAY AXD Kill DAY , S P. M. IIOTKLS , BARKER HOTEL. TIIIKTHKVril AM ) .IOMOS STUICHTS. 110 rooms , baths , steam lie.-it nnd nil mojorn convciilenccs. ltuto . ( I.CO and J2.00 per ilny. Table unexcelled. Hiieclnl low nil en to regular Ixanlcn. KHANIC IIILDITCII. MKr. NOTICB TO STOCKIIOLUBHS. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockhobJcrs Of the Omuliu Union Depot company will bo held nt. the otllco of the Union Depot company , nt the headquarters of the Union Pnclflo Kallwny company. In the city of Omahu , on the llth day of January. Ii97 , nt 11 o'clock , n. in. for the election of directors nnd trans- notion of any other business that may legally come before the meeting. .Omahu , December Si , ISM. J. G. TAYLOR , Sec. Omalia Union Depot Co. D 22 J : ot n A'K\o\vi.iiis : TIII ; iiiiiiu : CiihtAKiiliiHl .luliii Wniiiiiiiiktr < H .IIiui- IIKIT Toi'inliialrH Alirnptly. POTTSVILLE , 1M. . Dec. ' 31. Some start ling testimony wca given today at the pre liminary hearing of B. A. Van ValKenburg , \vlio hits clmrgo of John Wanaiuaker's sena torial campaign nt Harrl3burg , and who was arrested last night charged with attemptIng - Ing to bribe llcprraonatlvo Webster C. Welsa of Northampton county to vote for Mr. Wanamalter for United States nenator. After Mr. Van Valltenburg had been called and pleaded not guilty the prosecution called J. Tlllard , who eald he vras employed by the Interstate detective agency of Scran- ton. Tlllqnl said ho was sent to the Wana- niaker people early In the summer to hire out to them and then disclose all Informa tion ho could get to his superlora. Ho de scribed Interviews ho had with Mr. Van Valkcnburg. Ho said It was agreed that ho was to help the latter secure votes nnalmit Senator Quay's candidate for United States senator. Ho told how ho had consulted with him and Induced Van Valkenburg to give him money to bribe people In various parta of the state , notably In Luzcrnc. Showing a photographic receipt from Dr. Mackoy of Luzerne county for $1,2CO and pledging him self to vote for Wunnmakcr. Tlllard ac knowledged that ho had kept $ ! > 0 out of the original sum , which was $1,300. Ho oald It had been given him by Vnn Vnlkcnburg. The defendaut'fl counsel objected to the tes timony as having no bearing on the WcUs case , but the Justice admitted It. A rcceoa was then taken , The trial terminated abruptly this after noon when the defendant waived a further hearing and entered ball , Thla was done because of the admission of Detective Til- lard's testimony , regardless of the objection of the defense. Shortly after leaving another warrant was served upon Mr. Van Valkcnburg , charging him with conspiracy to bribe Dr. N. J. Mackey of Lackawanna. Hall was entered. After the withdrawal of the defendant and his counsel the taking of testimony was pro ceeded with In their nbnence , Tlllard swore he had received JHOO In five noteo of J100 each to pay to Mr , Weiss , Ho fa Id the money was given to him by Von Valkcn- burg. Ho subsequently recelviftT live other note * from Scrauton anil returned them to Van Valkcnburg. who afterward acknowl edged their receipt/ lloli-l I'rniirlHorrnrly ICIIIinl , * NASHVILLE , Tonn , , Doc. 31.-H. P. Mil- Icr , proprietor of the Southern Pncldo hotel nt Milan , was assaulted by some unknown person early today and fatally Injured , His skull wax fractured In two plucc . Mr , Miller wan found In an unconscious condi tion In nn unused room , where ha hud boon by his assailant. YEAR'S ' RECORD OF FAILURES Increase of Twelve For Oont Over Eighteen Ninety-Five , AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER WORST MONTHS Cdiulltlonllotv > vt > r , Dim Snyit Arc A'ow SiiL'li IIM < o ( Jniiir Alinoit Coiillileiu'o In n Hcvlvul. NI2W YOIIK , Dec. 31. U. 0. Dun & Co.'s Weekly lluvlow of Trailo will Bay : Tli pro liuvo been inoru comntcrclnl foil- liri-s In UW thnit In any previous your ox- ecpt 1N > ,1. nbout 14S1K > , aptlnst ' : l'l , ' ' "S,1 , year. lth llnbllltl t of iihottt . . . ( XXl.O' ' O. nirulnst $173,1 ! , WO lust year , nn Incrouio In number of nbout 12 per cent and In lln- bllltlea of nbout 23 iH r cent. The liolltlay iimkes It Impossible to nlvo oxixct figures until next week , but the monthly > ; < H" ' " 2 hcretoforo iirrpurcil show that $30,000,000 of the excess ever lust year was In two months , August anil September , In which inumifncturliiK llabllltlus were $ IS.WO.)1io ( ) larKcr than last year. tratllnK JlO.lOvt.OiW ami brokers and other commercial trailers ? U > . - 300 000 larser. Of the latter class $11,011,410 out of about JlS.noo.OW were In these two months : of the inanufncturhiK clans $21.910. . SM out of about $98,200.000 In the wliolo year \\crc In those two months , nnil of the trnilhiB class J21.S31.SSO out of uliotit J10S- 600.000 In the whole year. The ratio of de faulted liabilities to clcnrlnt ; IHIUBO < ; x- chantres was $1.37 per $1HH ( , against $ ; ! . . ' . < last year and JS.35 In 1S9X The uvcrttKO of defaulted liabilities per Ilrm In business was $190.57 , against $ H5 last year and $ 'SO.l.j Tlio year closes with nn rpldcmlo of fail ures. mainly at the west and In bunks , loan and trust coinpanlps , or concerns dependent on them. The action of clearliiR houses In various places Indicate * no want of con- lldencc , and several banks which have failed will bo enabled to pay In full , but disclosures of unsotindness In a few widely known Institutions , In the abnormal state of popular feolhiR after an exciting con test on monetary Issues , has caused dis trust and suspicion where It Is frequently undeserved. There has been no monetary pressure to cause the trouble , nor have Important western products dt-cllned In value. There has evidently been too lib eral assistance Riven by some fiduciary concerns of speculative operations. No drain on eastern funds has resulted Blnco the llrst alarm at two larse failures , and the money has been returned. Failures grow more frequent as annual settlements approach. Holiday dullness has bfvn In- tensllled by the failures and the efforts of jirout combinations to make new arrange ments. With Iron , coke , wool , cotton nnd hides all somewhat lower , there Is almost uni versal confidence that business will noon become larger and safer than before for a long time , ami several large establishments , which employs 7,000 hands when full , nnd the- Maryland Stool company , will now start operation ! ) . Cotton inlllM have on hand large utookH of unsold goods In sonic lines , the surplus of print cloths being the largest ever Known , and was the quarter of a year's consumption. Wool sales de creased 21 per cent In the llrst four months and were smaller than for live years ; do- crenseil 55 per cent In the second Inur months , when now wool was coming for ward , and wore much the smallest ever Known , except In tin * panic of 1S73 , but enormous sales , mainly speculative , made the aggregate during the last four months nearly equal to that of lust year. Wheat has risen to the highest point since June , 1S02 , because western receipts In live weeks have been but 13,230,003 bu. , against 22.COfi.3fl7 last year. Atlantic ex ports. New York Included , have been In live weeks 9000OfO bu. , against 10.613.219 last year. The exports from New York In De cember were u per cent larger and Im ports 12 per cent smaller than lust year. The aggregate of gross earnliiKS of all the railroads In the United States report ing for December Is J21.92.1.S3I' . a decrease of 4.1 per cent compared with hint year and of 93 per cent compared with December , 1S92. Thu loss on western roads , especially thf grangers , compared with 1SU ! H Bllll much greater on roads In other nectlons. A review of the year shows a larger move ment than last year , except at Indian apolis. Eastbound from Chicago this year's tonnage la below 1S92. In comparlHon with last year , tlio sain was largely In the flist hilt' of theyear. . In the last quarter there has been a decrease at each center except at St. I.ouls SPISCI'I.ATIVn ' KISKMXtt IMIMIOVHS. Trail I ncr nil HitXtw Sl u > k i\c-liiuiKO Mlill lliitlri'ly Professional. NEW YORK , Dec. 31. Hradstreefs review of the stock market tomorrow will say : Trading on the Stock exchange continues to bo entirely profcfuloiml In character and origin. There * has. however , been a notice able Improvement In speculative feeling , which showed In pplto of the prevalent Inactivity. The situation at Chicago and 'Minneapolis and the Idea that the col lapse of Inllated or weak banks and busl- ne > ss enterprises may cause further and more serious trouble there has been held steadily before the street , while the un favorable character of railroad cnrnliiKR returns , In particular the St. 1'aul road's November1 statement of gross nnd not rev enues , furnished bearish arguments In the market. In spite of these facts , prices have displayed considerable ) resistance and bear ish attacks fall to dislodge long stocks , l.liiuldntlons seem to have been completed and securities have passed Into strong hands , while there Is a disposition to look forward to a better speculative situation with the progress of the new year. Among the factors which have contributed to create such sentiments Is the more favor able tenor of Washington news In regard to the Cuban situation and other matter : ) . Washington , In fact , supplied some buying In Sugar stock , on the apparent theory that any revision of the tariff may result to the benellt of refined Interests. Tt may bo mentioned In thls-connncctlon that some attention Is paid to the prospect of an extra session of congress after March I , but consideration of the matter has not assumed a form discouraclng to Hjiecii- hitlve activity. Kuropi * lias taken little part In our maiket , but tlu > completion of the fortnightly account there and the fact I that money there BIOWH ! Indications of be coming easier after January 1 , must be reckoned among the favorable InllucnceH of the moment. In this connection also , It must be noted that the street Is at last awakening to the Importnnc-o of our favorable - vorablo trade balances for the past year , n very dti'llilng evidence of which is afforded by the wenkiu'ss of the exchange market , in nplto of the easy condition of the money- market. With reference to the WHtern Ilnanclal troubles , It may be said the dis position of this market to disregard them arises In part from the fact that there has been practically no disturbance of money rates or loans on that no.omit , and , fur thermore , hce-nusc of the evidence that the disasters themselves have been in the main confined to concerns which wt-ro manifestly unsound to the core. Investments are for the moment quiet , though lionet values arc well maintained , and n good deal of stress may bu laid upon the expected develop ments of n much more pronounced Invest ment demand. Sug nr has been the lending feature of the market. The Interest taken In the details of .the conlllut between the Sugar people and the great Arbucklo coffee house has not had much Inlluencn on Hpecnlatlon and manipulation In the Sugar company's stock. Knr more Importance In this connection was attached to the hearing before the ways and means committee at Washington of the migar producing Interests , and Washington piircliuHlnir , based on reports that a favorable view might be taken of the claims of the refiners to protection ngalnsl sugar from countries that pay an export bounty , resulted In buying1 and short covering. IHIMSTVKIIC ; i.v A HUM , SKASO.V. I'rt-iiiirntlniiM for 'Invcnlory llnvi * ICi-pt HIIHIIC | N NKW YORK , Dec. 31. Drailstreet's on Saturday will say : Gqneral trade had been rather more quiet nnd thlH week proven one of thu dullest of thu dull Hcason which Ims followed the fortnight of revived demand curly In No vember. The uneasiness Inst week canned by northwcHtfrn bank failures In contlnuul by similar embarrassments lit Chicago nnd Minneapolis. These bank failures nceni to ho tlio outcome of condition ? originating In the Imnku nnd not duo to the xltimtlon of general trade , UnsenHonable weather , the marking of Inventories and the customary ulmcncu of Bales In wholesale linen , hnvo combined to produce more than the URiial holiday dull- Dem * . More favorable reports Include heavy exports- Hour and merclninrllse from Tu- comu to China nnd Japan , the receipt nt Chicago of /mtlufnctory amount of or- dera for dry goods for fprlng delivery , and an Increased total volume ) of huxIncH * In ISM among' St. I.oiilH xhoo manufacturer * ! and Jobbers und jobbcm of dry gauds , UH compared with H95. Kxportu of wheat , Hour Included an wheat , from both conxtii amount to i,707TOI ! bu. , ax compared with 2.111,000 lust week. 3.457.00Q In tlio week a year eye , 1,811,000 two year * * ago , ami with 202i1,000 In the corro.ipondlnit week of 1S9.1. KxtHirtM of Indian corn thin week amount to 2.GSA.U9I bu. , against 2.4RV 000 Inst week , l.SWOd In the week n year ago. Glfl.OOO two years , sis.oo ) three yearn ngt ) , nnd an compared with 211,000 In the like week of 1S92. Total hnslnwft failures In the United Slates In ISM ( in which liabilities exceed assets ) number 15,112. an lucreaso cf 18 per cent over 1S93 , when the total Increase was 2 per cent compared with 1S9I , In which year failure * fell off IS per cent from 1S93 , when the total was 15 , : t'0. the largest on record. Total liabilities of thosa falling In ISM amounted to $217.000.000. Ki per cent more than last year , and C5 per cent moro than In the jear 1S9I. belm ? ex ceeded only by total liabilities In the year 1M13-I02,000OCO , The ratio of assets to lia bilities among these falling In IS9C was fiO per cent , an ovldeticn of nn unusually high rate of mortality , which Is exceed only by the corresponding exhibit for 1SJI3. The commercial death ruto In m ; was 1.40 per cent , by which It Is meant that 140 per cent of every 100 Individuals , ilrms and corporations In business last year failed. This death rate was cxcoed-d only by that of 1S93. when It was 1.51 per cent. In ISM the commercial death rale was 1.23 and In 1NU 1.21 per cent. There are 2,17' ) business failure n potted from the Dominion of Canada for ISM. nn Increase of SOX The largest proportion of the gain Is accounted for by an Increase of ISO business failures In Ontario anil twenty-one In the province of QiMb-n' nud forty-one. In Nova. Scotia. The Incronso of about 14 per cent In the number of Itsl- ness failures In the Dominion Is .it-corn- pauled by a gain of only 7 per cent In ng- Kregato liabilities , which In ISM amounted Kifumis < VKAUVS i > iucis. WItont nnd Cotloii lllprli , with Corn , ( hits nnd Provision * Very I.otv. NKW YORK. Dec. 31.-Durlng the year Just prxssed there has been considerable change. In the complexion of the various tables on New York's commercial exchange. Wheat. Hour nnd cotton have enjoyed pronounced - nounced advances , while corn , oats and provisions have touched the lowest quo tations on record , and coffee has also been weak nud 'heavy. ' The advance In wheat cnmo chlelly In September. October nnd November , followed by a sharp reaction and another recovery to the present fig ures , which Is almost top for the year. Corn and oat. " In Chicago have touched n lower iiolnt than ever before since 1W1. Cotton prices have been Inllttenced by short crop talk and enormous exports , reaching a total on December 31 probnhlv ne\vr be fore exceeded. Hog products have lately been a I ttlo steadier. Ocean freights had u big advance In the fall , but have lost nL-out one-half of the advance derived. Tlio total transactions In wheat futures on the Produce exchange during the year have been 1,129,000.000 bushels , against I.fWo.OOO.OCO bushels last year and l. l.TflisOW bushels In 1SPI. Corn sales foot tip yO,400.000 bushels , against ir.7sri.000 bushels last year. Tha sales of oats aggregate 37.WO.OOO bushels , against r > 7GW.OOO bushels a year ago. Uyn sales were 1.411,000 bushels : barley , O.OM.OCO bushels , against I.IM.OOO bushels In isrc.j pork , 65.000 barrels , against 79.W : barrels last year ; lard. 101,000 tierces , against 114.- 00 tierces last year : tallow , 21.500.000 pounds , apalnst 16,161,000 pounds ; Hour , 4- IM.OOO barrels' , against 5,530,000 barrels last year , The range on No. 2 red wheat dnrlmr thn year 'has ' been C2V , cents to Jl O7'i ; No. 1 northern. COV * . cents to 92H cents ; No. 2 mixed corn. 2"iH cents to 41 cents ; No. 2 cents ; rice. 3 cents to 416 cents ; granulated sugar , 4'4 cents to r > > 4 cents ; Liverpool freights , 1 cent to O'/i ' cents , and Antwerp , Hi cents to C cents. \.MIIt 101) llT I.AlHiKIl IMILUIIKS. Sei'iiniliitloiuil llnnlc of nriind Forks , X. II. , Closes UN Doors. ST. PAUL. Dec. 31. A Grand Forks. N. D. , special to the Dispatch says : The di rectors of the Second National bank of this city this morning decided not to open for business. The following notlco was Imme diately posted on their door : On account of recent heavy withdrawals of deposits and the Impossibility of realiz ing upon our assets. It lias been decided by our board of directors to suspend and the comptroller Is advised of our action. Tlio olHccrs of the Imnk were Interviewed and Wire not prepared to make any state ment until the comptroller and bank exam iner couhl bo heard from. It U sa'ld by the olllcers that Immediately following the fall- uro of the National Flank of Illinois and tlio Dank of Minnesota the bank has sustained A shrinkage of $40,000. while their de-pro Its amounted to about $17,000 during the past fourteen days. On last Monday the bank published a Rlatenieut of Its condition at tlio close of business December 17 , which showed : Leans and discounts , $158,080.92 ; duo from national and state banks and ap proved reserve agents , $9,242.59 ; due to banki and depositors. J179.719.7C ; rediscounts , $4- COi ) . The capital stock paid In was $50.000 , with undivided profits amounting to $40,000. GALVESTON , Tex. , Dec. 31. Pell man & Grumbach , dry goods dealers , have ( lied a deed of trust to I. II. Kcinpncr of this city on all the flrm's business. In addition , L. Fellnmn personally conveys all his real cs- tate In Galvcston , over 13,000 acres of land In dlflercnt parts of the state , 500 lots In Austin , and 700 shores of Houston & Texas Central railway stock. The preferences amount to $193.3GO. When Frecberg , Klein & Co. failed , three years ago , Fellman & Grumbach were on their paper for $78,000 , which they paid. They preferred to assign rather than try to worry through another year. , Wls. , Dec. 31. Unfounded reports - ports have gone out from Chicago regarding the whereabouts of John S. Van Nortwlclc. Ho has been at his odlco here continually every day since Tuesday morning , transact ing business as usual. Ho Is cheerful nnd confident of a favorable settlement of at least his Interests In thu joint properties of the brothers. Reports of his being broken physically by the failure arc unfounded. CHICAGO , Dec. 31. Attorney Charles Quarlea of Milwaukee , who represented John 8. Van Nortwlck's Interests In the con ference held hero yesterday between Wll- lltim Van Nortwlclc , Congressman II. Hriji- kins of Aurora and Attorney Green of this city , has gone to Applcton. Wls. , to confer with hU client regarding the future courno In the matter of assignment. Various rti- mors to the effect that Van Nortwlck and [ loss were at loggerheads juivu been ac tively circulated bath In Chicago and Kane county , nnd If these report.- ) are true an interesting conversation may take place be tween Mr. Queries ami John S. Van Nort wlck. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Haulier Ilrcyrr Si-rloiiMly 111. CHICAGO. Dec. 31. K. S. Droyer of the banking . of R S. Dreycr & Qo. , which was dragged down by the of the _ National IJank of Illinois , 1.4 very lck with inflammation of the kidneys and not even the members of his family arc allowed to ace him. The recant financial troubles ho : ias passed through have aggravated his con- lltlon to such an extent that grave fears are entertained for his recovery. Aiiiinill drill-In lloiiHv Slntemi'lll. NEW YORK , Dec. 31. The clearing house statement for the year shows : Kxchange , $28,870,775.056 ; decrease , $971,021.SCS ; bal ances , $ l,792C86.iSO ; decrease , $1C ; ,39I.53S. The balances thin year Include $970,055,000 legal tender ccrvlllcatCH , $813,160,480 legal tenders and change and $9,395,000 clearing liouso ccrtlflcatcti. Tim banks In the asso ciation number sixty-live , vVlth an capital of $60,772,700. _ Will < ; < ! Tliclr Money. CHICAGO , Dec. 31. The directors of tlio Dime Savings bank of this city have been engaged for novcral ilnyo In the considera tion of the future of the bank. They huvo finally perfected arrangements for the pay ment to all depositors of the face of their claims. The details of the Hclicmo will bo made public today or tomorrow. Whether the bank will continue In business or nets , s a question. _ Implement HIIIINCCIN | < * H. WAUSA , Nel ) , , Dec , 31. ( Special. ) TJi mplcmont business of W. H , Waterman & Co. of this city WAR by a bill of ealo taken [ losHCDBlon of by KliiRinan & Co , of Omaha iVedncsday , Slow collection ! ) nnd poor paper H In part responsible for the failure , The assets are expected to moro than cover tin ) liabilities , and the firm will undoubtedly reopen In the near future. To 1'ay a I'iMinllx fur DlnhlK Js rather hard , Imi't U ? Yet how many nro compelled to do Hi la after every meal , Dys- pcpula , that Inexorable persecutor , never cesses to torment of Its own volition , and rarely yields to ordinary medication. Hut tramiulllty of tlio titamach IH In ntoro for those who puriiuo a cotifflo of Ilaitotter'n Stomach Illttoiu. Thin Hue corrective aleu remcillou malarial nnd kidney complaints , rheumatism , conatlpatlon , Ullounupw nod ftcrvoutmira , \ i