THE OMAHA DAITA" Ifl'lR : I'll U > AY , JANITA1Y 1 , 1897. Tim OMAHA DAILY BEE I ! . noSRWATKII. IMIIor. TCItMfl OP nail ) ' tire ( Without Suinlny ) , OIK Yrnr ( A Imliy Ilw ninl Hun < l * ) > , Ono Year 8 Hlx Month * ' . i There Mnitttt * 2 flun < lnx liOno Year Z HnMirday lf. ' . On * Year 1 Wrfkly Dec , 0ns Your OtTICKB : Omnhn : Tha lire Iliillitlnit. H'.utli ' Omnhi : fltnmr Illk. . Cor. N itnJ Jlth SI e-o'inrii IMiifTi : 1 ? 'ortli Mln fllr t. eiilr.iRn Offlr * : 317 Cttnmlwr of Commtrce. New Yrtrlj : ItnoinR 13 , H ftnd IE. Tribune ItlJ Wanlilnctont HOT K . trtct , NV. . CORIinxi'ONIiKNCR. All rommunlaitlnnii rclntlnic to IIOWK nm1 < H lorlnl mnllcr nhntilit Im niHropoeJ : To the KdlU IIU < MMHS inTTiifl. All Imiilnpu letters nnd i inlttunrr * ( linuM ' nii''ir.-KMl to The ll I'uljlldliln ? Compnn Uinnlia. Draft * , chsckii ninl povti > nire orrt r lp innjf Mynbli > to the order of the company. TI1K 1IKK I'lTIIMAIIINO COMPANY. cnntj.vno.v. EtiiU' of Nelnmkit , I II..IIKH * County. ( ( Ici-rxw II. TwchncU re rtt rj' of The l.ce I'u 111. Itv rompitny. l lnu Only sworn , tuy * tlmt tl ni-tiinl nunlorof full nnd complete or plm of Tl Dally Mcrnlnir , UrenlitK ninl Stmitny Hoc print' ' during the munlli ot Nov mlr , IJW. wu a * ft . deductions for unsold nnd returned 12,7 . co | > le * Totnl net mle * . CIT.K Net dully n vertigo . 21 , o ouoiicitn. . TSMfiiucii. Snlircrlhcd In tny iinwnee mul aworn to liofui mo till. ' lit day of December , IM'fi. ' N. I * . Knit * . ( Soal. ) Notary 1'uhllc. THU MKX WHO MAKK OUR I UV THE OMAIIADAILY BEE _ Till : OMAHA DAILY IIKK OP NEXT SATURDAY. JANUAHY 2 , WILL PRINT A COMI'LKTK LIST OP Till : MKMniSHS OP TI1K INCOMING NKHUASKA LKGISLATURi : WHICH IS TO MHKT AT LINPOLN NEXT WKKK. THK AUTICLE WILI/ TBLL ALL AI10UT Tlin MKN WHO A1113 TO MAKi : Ob'H LAWS AND (1IVK OTHKU 1N- KOIIMATION USKPUL TO ONK WHO WISH 123 TO POHM AN OPINION OP TUB CHAUACTBIl OP THi : NBW LKOISLATIVR I1ODY. KXTHA COPIKS MAY Hi : OUDKUKD IJY ADDIIKSS- INO THK HUSINKSS OPPICK OP TUB II1SB. THE UMAIJADAILY BEE. OUR NHXT I Happy Now Ycnr ! to tla > lonp .viwr slrl Iloru's that 1S07 inny brlns ns nuuv prosperity as tSUl ! biuuxlit atlviTslty. Not another c'lmnco for U''iii year pn until elwht loiir yours roll piRt. : Pi'hnvarc Is pretty small to stnml tw legislatures at one and thu sainu time. To uuMiiliLTS of the Incoming ; legh latun Don't all speak for the speakei nhIp al once. The ratio of Kt to 1 Isn't In It aji parently with tht ratio of applicants fo appointment to jobs within tlm gift o the new h' l D Is boiuiil to be at the top Here we have Chicago footpads holdln ; their victim up In an elevator. There li iiolhliiK like elevating the profession o burglary. iK yon for your patronage am favor during the past year wo wish t ( Klve assnraiii'e that for 1S')7 ) you wll Hud The llec a brighter , better , newslei paper , If that Is possible , than ever. The Ki'owliiK demand lu Spain for tin recall of Weyler Is likely to be at1 ( pilesced In with greater alaerlty by thai warrior should the news of MIIUUO'H hit est restirreetJnn from thu dead prove mi theiitle. Senatorial lire-eaters will Had a fresl oasus belli In tbe arrest of an America ! cHiy.en In Spain. It Is true the Amerleai bad forged a draft for a large number ol pesetas , but a little thing like that shotili : make no dllVerenee. Governor-eleet Tanner of Illinois wants It distinctly understood that it Is not every one who can be elected to the highest executive ollhv of n great state and win a bride all within the short period of two months. Po the caucus system Is to prevail from the beginning lu our reform legislature , " \Vo thought one of the reforms orlghmlly proclaimed by the people's Independent party was the abolition of secret political conclaves and star chamber legislation. Scuor Cauovas announces that Spain will crush the Insurgents before listening to any proposition looking toward media tion. There Is one thing , however , that Spain will have to do before she can crush the Insurgents , and that Is to catch them. The llee , as usual , will excel all com petitors In publishing prompt and com plete reports of the pioceedlngs of the Nebraska state legislature. To keep fully posted on the doings of the law makers you will have to rend The Uee regularly. President Cleveland has extended the civil service rules to the olllcliils of the federal penitentiary service Just to pre vent Major McKluley from sending any recalcitrant olllceseekers fo prison with out the formality of passing a successful civil service examination. Don Carlos Insists on talking for pub lication just often enough to keep the Spanish government Informed that there Is such a thing as a Carllst party In Spain only awaiting thu opportunity that promises success to raise the stand ard of the pretender again. Foot ball Is gaining ground In Mexico , and It Is wild to be only a question of time when U will bn Introduced Into Cuba. Thu civilizing Inlluencu of this ImmuneAngloSaxon sport will no doubt work wondt'rs In the uplifting of thu laud of thu bull-light and the muchute. Tin : A'Ktr r.i/f. ; In the procession of the years anothe milestone bus been passed and we we ! come tin1 advent of the New Year , In th conlldrnt hope tlmt It will bring It : crease of prosperity and happiness to a ! the people of Ibis land. What Is < h pinmlito of 18117V Is there to IIP a con tluuanre of the unfortunate condition of the preceding year , or Is tlu re to be : change that will dlsxlpnte the clouds o depression ami revive all those ajronele and InstrumputaHllcs whlrh coiitrlbut to uatlonnl progress and prosperity Shall we gropp along for another twelve month In the way we have been Rolni for the past year , or will ihnre come be fore lb ( > new year has run Its course ! restoration of Industrial and business au tlvlty , a demand for labor and a fair re turn on nil Investments ? We think the promise Is favorable Why ? llec'atise In the tlrat place the na tlonal government will pass Into rcpub llcnn control , which Injures sound ere uomle and llnanclal policies. The gov eminent will bi > provided with sullli'len revenue and the Industries and labor o the country will be given judicious pro lection. Wo shall return to condition : which have been most fruitful of bi > nMl clal results In the past ami therefon may be contldenlly expected to agali produce like results. It Is not posslbl to escape al a bound from the Injurle Intlli-ted byJ false and destructive pol Icy. It talii time to remedy the 111 ef foots of mlsfiken legislation , continue ! through an e\tondVd period. It canno reasonably be expected , therefore1 , tha the new year will show at once suel changes for the bolter as everybody 1 hoping for. There must be a change o policy , but with this assured there Is rea son for wnlldoneo In thu future. Wi know that a process of tearing down Is U be succeeded by a course of building \ \ \ anil Dial this Is to come In the year upoi which we now enter. Hence there I warrant for the belief that 1S)7 ! will give this nation greater progress and pros porlty than It has known for severa years , In which all Its people will share Tliero is another reason for regarding , the new year hopefully and thai Is tha it will be free from political turmoil. Tin. people , fully recovered from the disturb Ing and unsettling effects of an Intense political contest , will devote thonisplvof more closely to the affairs of business With a policy designed for the develop input and upbuilding of the country , cap Hal will seek Investment , energy and en terprlse will lie brought into play am new lify will be Infused Into all the nr lories of trade and commerce. The onlj tiling that threatens to interfere with the realization of tills Is the Cuban issue , bit we believe the next administration cai be trusted to deal with this wisely am conservatively. Thp promise of 1S07. therefore , is sticl as to Justify giving It a most cordial wel ronie. It will mark the beginning , there is every reason to Ix'llove , of nn ex tended period of prosperity for the American people. no ux Will the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition be a paying investmentV This que'stloi is being asked now by almost everybody ami especially by members of our legls lature. The tidal wave of mlgratioi which began to turn westward in the 70's was not an accident , nor was it a natural overflow of people out ot thickly .settled states. Those who are familiar with the facts know that It was the result of organized effort on the part of the great railways which had become possessed of millions of acres of land , worthless un less It could be brought under cultivation by thrifty settlors. Millions of dollars were expended In advertising hoine-s fet the homeless In Kansas and Nebraska , and later on In the Dakotas. Special excursion trains were run , agents were sent abroad to advertise the trann- misslsslppi country far and wide as "tbe future gioat , " and It proved to be a very Judicious Investment. The Transmlssisslppl Kxpositlou is the biggest advertisement that has ever been attempted for Nebraska , as well as for Ibe states beyond the Rockies. It is not a visionary , sky-rocket scheme , but a well-planned and well-matured effort to give tlio widest possible publle-ily to the idvantages offered In this section to capi talists and hume.eckprs who have money with which to buy land and en gage In industilal enteiprises. A moderate estimate places tbe num ber of people who will visit the fair at from ! i,00t > , < ! ( )0 ) to lM)0X)0. ! ( ) ( ) The lowest amount which these people will spend at the exposition is : ? 10 per capita. That means from twenty to thirty millions sf dollars of money passing into Ne braska through the gates of the exposi tion , lint $10 each is a very low esti mate. Thousands will remain throughout Iho fair , each of whom will spend from $ U to * > per day , and thousands upon thousands will pass beyond Omiilia to the Rockies and the 1'aclllc : oast. It Is safe to compute that thu fair will bring about the circulation of :100,000 : , < K0 } In the traiismlsslssippl coun try , which will be expended for trans- .mrtatlon , lu the purchase' supplies ind in permanent Investments. Thou sands of people who visit the exposition tvlll not stop at Omaha , but , having traveled that far , will venture beyond : ind take In such parts of the country as ifford Hie most attractive Held , measured > y the exhibits at the fair. What will Nebraska get out of It ? i'Mrst ' and foremost , it will bring mil- Ions of dollars Into the metropolis that vlll In- paid out to supply food and drink 'or man and beast. Who will feed the uultltude ? The people of Nebraska. The erection of gieat buildings and the mblle Improvements In Omaha will .fford employment to thousands of work- ngmen , and they In turn will become irolllable consumers ot the products of ho farm , orchard and garden. By far lie greatest and most lasting beiieiit vlll be the Investment ot capital In f an odes and mills and the advance In iroperty values that will precede the loldlng of the exposlton and continue lornianently with the tide of prosperity vhlch will How In the wake of the expo- Itliin , Thu Increase In property values u Omaha will lift the burden of taxation iff thu balance of the state and make nero valuable the property of n large1 Kjrllou of thu region tributary to UK city. In this way alonp the total outla Incident lo the exposition will b. r turned to the people of Nebraska wltlil a few yours. It Is a matter of history that tl Centennial exposition of 1S7I ( Increase' ' the population of Philadelphia by froi two lo three hundred thousand. Tl Now Orleans exposition of 1SS2 wi : llko.n Irtimp of Oabrlol to the dead. 1 resurrpclod Now Orleans , which bail f y < - ar.boin going downward ; arouse Its olttaetts to iiin'su ' marked Improvi inputs In Its streets , buildings , parli nnd suburbs. From that tlmp to tbi Now Orleans has continued to prospc and prow. The Columbian exposition Increase tlio population of Chicago by fully hal a million , and It added not less Ilia ? iii.0 : ) < iO , .fif ) to pormiuipiit proport values In Chicago. Within llvo year the most colossal buildings In the worl have btcn oreeteit In Chicago. Tlipr parallel to tin- wonderful advance incut made by Chicago since propavr tions for the World's fair bpxan. N otht r city in the world has experience such n marvelous transformation with ! a similar brief period. The crash o IS'.VI ' did not Mopui to affect Chicago lu cause the llond-tlde of money was poui lug In from all the adjacent states an from .remote parts of the world. The San Francisco Mid-winter fa ! followed closely upon the heels of th Columbian exposition , and , although i was practically coulliied lo California , I proved to be llnanelnlly and economical ! ; a great success. It panned out. as wel as any oilier Investment on the I'acill coast. The Atlanta exposition did not yleli as great returns on the amount Invested but. it awakened an Interest in the no\ south tlmt bus drawn millions of capita Into the southwest and advertised th resources ot tlio cotton states as neve before. The Atlanta exposition wa handicapped by Its environment am by the scant support it received fron the people of adjacent states : Nov York , Pennsylvania and Now Kuglaiu put more money Into tlio Atlanta exposl lion that did Alabama , < U > orgia am all the other states of the south. Al though more Until half the populatioi within a radius of IIOO miles Is made u ] of poor negro plantation hands , 100 , 0(10 ( people passed through the gates a Atlanta , and the enterprise has dom more to awaken the latent energies o the now south than anything Hint cotili have bpon devised. With Ihoso facts before us Ihere cai be no ipiesllon Unit tbe great \yest , will Its limitless energy and its 'reslstles : push , will. In ISSiS present an exposl tlon to the world the success of whlcl will more than justify the most llbera appropriations-lids and other weslen states may make. A niMKT.lIIO COXFKUKXCR. The committee appointed by the legislation looking tc i-aueus to propose nu International conference on bimetal llsm has completed the task assigned t < It and will submit Its proposition to an : > llir senatorial caucus to be held on tht reassembling of congress. As stated ii the dispatches the proposed legislatioi jimply authorizes the president to up mint delegates to an International mone tary conference whenever lie shall set lit to call ono , or when ho sou lit to re < pond to the call of some other eountr.v for mieh a conference. It Is not con [ emplalod to request the president U invite other countries to join with the I'nlted States In considering Iho subject > f International bimetallism , but the liioslIon of doing so Is to be left entirej ! vlthin bis discretion. According to Senator Wolcott. the lialrman of the committee , who recently , -lslted Major McKlnley , the president- loot Is favorable to the proposition. He iiiid in an Interview : " .Major McKlnley s cordially In favor of making good the iromises of the party and seemed pro- 'oimdly Interested lu the bill and what , vas said about It. lie Is In thorough larmony with the party and his main mrpose is tbe good of the country. " riio republican national platform iledgod the party to promote an Inter- latloual agreement for the free coinage if silver. It would seem safe to assume1 , lieroforo , that if the proposed legislation s cimclcil the next administration will let upon it and that during the present ear another international monetary ( inference there have been live will be leid to consider what may be done for liver. Tlio question that naturally presents tself Is , What prointso Is there of any u-aetlcal result from a conference ? U'o there any belter ro.isvis now than hero were lu IS'.tt , when Iho inst con- erenco was held , for believing that mother International discussion of bi- iiotallism would amount to anything uore Until the ono of four years ago id ? Senator Wolcott say.s that sentl- iient in Knrcpo In favor of an Inter- tatlonal understanding In reference to he disposition of the silver ( iiiesilon is ; rowlng and aggressive ; Unit France .ml Germany both fool the importance T tlie issue and Kiigland read an obi - i < ct lesson In our late campaign and lection. Rut where Is the evidence of his ? Unquestionably there are very arncst blmetalllsts in all the European minifies. There Is a considerable lumber of Ihem In Kngland , they are lore numennis In CJermany and France ml they are to bo found olsewheiv , ut they are not a controlling force in ny of the governments , nor ft re thpy koly to bu In the near future. Only \vo \ or three really InHuentlal voice's avis been heard recently- Kuropa i favor of bimetallism. M. Moline in 'raiico ' and the Dutch minister of nanco have spoken In favor of that ollcy and their utterances have been lie mosl Kignlllcant that have been card for a year past , though they do ot appear to have produced any nirkod effect. As everybody kiunvs , ie Kngllsh government stands llrmly i thu position announced by tlio chan- isllor of the exi'liequer when the qiios- on of Kngland being represented In n international conference was pro- snted In thu House of Commons a year r moro ago. It will have nothing to 0 with bimetallism. Germany will ike no stop in the matter Unit Kngland 1 unfavorable to. Without tlieso im- Units no TT ii. eiui'iit would have nn vnhu > . H'H Tlie1 rppi&H&in puny ImvliiK pU'tlw ItHt'lf to it iiiti' nn lnti > rnntlonnl u > : i'ivt iiioiit rpgnwsl ' , silver will undonlitctll uiiiku all i ; f ? > ! ; ) ! > olTortIn tliut d rcctton. ijp tlmt tlte nc.N admhilstrifi will Invite a conforeiiei If It ilF il tliat tli 're is tlie chatici' ofSiccouipllshlng L anything b doing so. IBUC a careful survey of 'it ( Mfitjuly offers n e-ucourn 'or UJnfvliw that another ini atlonal e.foarfrrenco nt present weave ave any l > finnle'iil result. J. n. Af' < bh Thp prufcmtlnn-nf American journal ! lost ono of Its ablest members in th iU ath of .T. n. MCCullash of the St. Lou ! Cilobe-Deiuoetnt. lie had linen Ideulluoi with newspaper work feir more limn i third n't a century and throughout h ! catvpr wni known as one of Iho mos cai > alle ) and Industrious men conuectei with the press of this country. Ill journalistic fame Is chletly. associate ! with the great paper whose elib'f edlto ho was for many years and In tlio con duet of which his great and versaUl < ability found "ample scope , but lie bai made u national reputalioii before hi wont to tlie Globe-Democrat. Ho was highly successful as a war correspond cut. whllo his political contributions tt tlio Cincinnati Commercial , over the non do plume "Mac , " were one of the strong est feature's of that paper. Mr. McCu' ' high was a victim of overwork , wlilc shattered both body and mind , lie bad genius for Journalism and his love fo It was attested by his intense' ami hide fatlgablo devotion to Its exacting duties Ills death , under circumstances the mos pathotlo , will be profoundly regretted bj the newspaper fraternity of the nation. Tlio olllcors of the different stale dp posltory banks In Nebraska proceed 01 the theory that the deposits of slat money in their institutions concern oiilj themselves and tlie state treasurer am are not proper matters for inquiry b.\ the taxpaylilg public. There Is no rea son whatever , why every bank aeeoun testing on public money should not b as much of public record as the book in the treasurer's olllce. If the banker object to giving out Information regard lug state ' , funds in their custody It ougb to lie made Incumbent upon the state treasurer to publish periodically state incuts showing just where the mono } in ills keeping _ IH deposited. Such i statement 3'bud } unquestionably prove a healthy ctieclijupon the kiting of stall funds fronton * bank to the oilier am their undiip at > ciiniufaUon in specially favored liaUks. j Western ravijling men are said to be lhroitenlntfa : ; general agltallon for li cont-i-mloKpissL'iiger : ! : fares unless the ralhoads sbrytng their territory give , them a 5o5o-hille Interchangeable mileage ago ticket. * W < 4do not believe tlie Iravel lug men ares les ! s anxIous'Tor concessions lo the gonrjii'travcllng | public than to tlipinselvesTal'tlioiigh a light on tlie line , indicated might leave tlrtft impressioif If tlie traveling men gain-their point it will clear the way for an open l-ccnt-a mile fare as soon as good times art , fully restored. Postmaster Hosing of Chicago has do dared his unqualified approval of a pos tal savings bank and says Ids expert once * justlltas him In saying that sue ! a plan would bo an immediate success The postal savings bank Is an cstnb llshed feature of the PostoIIlcu depart ment In nearly all the most progressive , countries of Knrope , and It is only a question of time until the United States enlarges its service to meet the con stantly growing demand for a safe place for savings deposits. A Chicago paper Indulges In the re mark thai ono alderman in that city has been indicted for murder and anothei for the United States senate. The ques tion is , Is this a slur upon the Chicago i-lty council or a reliectioii upon the upper house of the national legislature ? "On to Cuba" is the battle cry of Oca- ral Colby , the battle-scarred warrior of Ihe state of IJeatrlce. \0-\V l.lHt ( O TIllM. . ChlcaKo Tlimii-llcmltl. Leap year Is a fraud. Thcro are now ' ,000.000 'bachelors In this country and tlio iinplus of jraw matrimonial material la jonstautly growing. The now woman , mat- iraonlally considered , is not to effective as ho old woman. AVarni Ciiiiii Chlctifo News. A npcclal Cuban correspondent writes that 'General Hoinola Is sweeping down > from the mat. " It Is understood that General Mel- inlzo In brushing the cobwebs of the west vhllo Captain General Wcylcr Is putting a latent-leather llnleh on the north. ( inoil AVoril for the Janitor. New York Herald. The heroic janitor who made a banner out if his body so that tha frightened tenants ould crcapo fr&'I ' ) the burning building at ho early njprjilag lire , the other day cx- ilbltcd the siu/ie qouragc and faithfulness to luty that huvj ; glorllluil many battlefields. Muui'-lli'Hevo Win- . IJufTalo ixprcc3. The war bolwtiuu thu Sugar trust and the offce men rwOlir- looks as If It were serious. t will cud , probably , as did the war between : inus Sprockets1 iml the trust , In the nb- orptlon of lliointw refinery , but whllo the ght U on , tlio 'peoplo ' may expect to profit ' r Own Infill- . ll imtuh. The fight tn' ' tlio coffco and sugar trade , I'lilch has bech'liiaugurated as a means of ustalnlng th * Sugar trust's exclusive con- rol of the HagVr' re fining trade , Illustrates , , -ltli the utmost clearness , the falsity of lie stock deutrtlctlve nature of competition , nd the necessity of combination to pro- ent business men ( ram ruining themselves Imply from love of price-cutting. act | i IliiHtliOn. . riillmleliriila Tlnicg Worn. ) The business Interests will bo wlso to ssumo that tliqro Is not to bo any rcvo- Jtlunary tariff legislation and that coming uslncss must bo adjusted In the main to xlstlng tariff conditions. If this ls as- uineil nnd the business Interests nt once roccod to malto the moat of present con- Itlona conducive to a business revival , the ovlval will come. The way to restore con * denco Is to bo confident , and to bo con- dent today , tomorrow and all days In the aturo. I'eoplo should stop croaking , stop omplnlnlng of dull times , and dlsappolnt- umt at the failure of trade by making oed gooda and putting them upon the mrliot with dUcrotloii and energy. TIII : .sroAit noi'vrv. ' KM Hi'itpnl 11 DlNtlnot linn * to tli Minneapolis Journal , The wajxi nntl moans cor.imlttcovl much ( ho consideration of Iho sugar nchfi ulc thki week In the tariff hearings , nr In.TPiU'pit duty on raw mignrs ninl the rex ( oration of the augar bounty are tnlUctl o It In well known that the- democratic 01 a : i < rtht upon the stiiw bomillea In ISO I ni rraietl the strong progress toward homo pr < durtlon of align ? sufllclcnt to supply the eli runnel. Much money wni ittldlttonnlly It veiled In ouno sugar making machinery nn In the ptirchroe of sURaf lamM In Lonhkin ; n-hlle a great stimulus wu > Riven to augai txet Rrnwlng by farmers aiul to the jrt ) ductlou of brct ettgar. The bounty aystei 8tlnntl trtl iiitpnno Intenit In the nbje ? Itvouhl lie of great national bcnoHt to n clore the miKar-hotinty Ayttem. In th country \ve consume2,000,00. . ) tons of aus.i a year , nnd the homo production Is less tint 400,000 'ton * , Icftwing its dopendenl tiiwn foi oi-n ! riugar-produelng countries for foui fifths of tlin nrnuiint consumBrt.- This ilt ppitdcnce on thu outclde woild la not neon nsry , ns we can ratio easily every poun of flURar ccnaumcd In the country. Lac year the sugAr we Imported coat $110,000 OM. or the 377,000 tors of sugar raised I the United Stales last year. S24.000 ton was cano pugnr nnd 30,000 tona beet sug.n the ix iilue I ) ] HB tuaiilo nnd norshum. Thcr are , ncoordliiR to the recant Rovcrnnicnt vt port , eevon Inrso beflt-s'ignr ' factories In th country , located In CallCornla , : New Mexico and Utah , focMdcs ome amallo concerns In Virginia and Wisconsin. In Me braskn the ranueui get $5 n ton for thcl boota delivered at the factory , nnd the prlc pays them well If they llvo near enough t haul the beets to the factory. The cost pc aero la ? SO mid the yield in Nebraska I twenty tons pur cere. Germany , whose sugar bounty syatcn soon expires by limitation , has now n bee sujjar product far beyond the needs ot th homo population nnd nn Immense quantlt has been exported to other countries , ijrent deal of It hnvlnj ; been shipped over year to our own country. Hnd the sugar bounty system of th tariff act of 1S90 been maintained , thl country would , at least by 1905 or 1910 hnvo been entirely Independent of the sugn of foreign lands. A nation which consume more than 2,000,000 tons of sugar a year and Is annually Increasing Its consumptloi ought to exploit its own sugar-producin resources. The soli ami climate of all on states are not adapted to the growing o sugar beets , but in the west especially th conditions nro generally favorable , notabl In the lands which have to be Irrigated , fo It has been found that the finest beets nn the largest product per acre come from re glens HUe Now Mexico , where Irrlgatlo brlnga a constant and uniform supply o water. The sooner the sugar-producing cnpnclt of our country Is recognbed nnd stimulate the better.'o can keep the $100,000,00 nnd moro wo pay for foreign sugar at homo IJOVTS vim TIIK rv YKAII. Don't swear at Iho old year. Tlmca wer hard , but they might liavo been harder. Don't one the old year out BO hllarlousl that you have to be carried Into the new. Don't forget that the rend to perdition I paved with the good Intentions of the no\ year. Don't forget If that Increase In salary drop through that you're no worse off than yol were before- . Don't believe that a good resolution whtcl lasts only a month la no better than n resolution at all. Don't try too much at one time and ruak ! 0 many good resolutions that there la noth Ing left to live for. Don't let It slip your mind that n Now year's dinner can cause CB much dyspcpalr 13 the ChrUttnss one did. Don't spend your Inst cent oira. tin horn ivltli the Idea that without your help the rear will never get hero. Don't weep because the old year left yoi , n n bad fix. The new year la designed as at ipportunltv to right yourself. Don't believe that a new year revolution zca everything. If It wcro not for the : .iemlar ! you couldn't tell it from the old. Don't think that every one Is down on you jecause the bills you left unpaid In 1890 : omc In a bunch at the beginning of 1807. Don't comment on the shortness of the las rear. Many men have found It a long 0110 .hough the rent days did come moro rjulcklj .ban usual. Don't glvo up all your bad habits slmpl > jecauso the world seems to experience n sud len reformation. Walt , and the world wll : omc back. Don't become soi engrossed In the content ilatlon of what the end of the year may noli hat you forget to look for what the llrot o ho year has brought. Don't believe your wife If nho tells yoi hat giving up tobacco Is a method o icononiy. The savings would all be wastei > n gloves or some other ornament. Don't look upon Now Year's day as Just Iko every other. It Is the 0110 way In whlcl nan shows his appreciation of the fact tha ill eternity 's getting hero as rapidly as I : an. _ IMSItSOXAI , AMI OT1II1HWISI3. The New York courts spend more thai :100.000 : a year for expert evidence and give t to a $2-a-cay ! Juryman to pass upon. White Ohoat , the Sioux , Is In Washington lo is trying to touch his Uncle Sam for n hort loan of the money Uncle Sam owes ilm. ilm.Tho The wlfo of ono of the new congressmen Is aid to bo easily worth 125,000,000 , and on ho wedding day she gave her husband a heck for the beggardly sum of a million. The Chinese nro very particular to pay all heir debts on or before New Year's day , but f course this Is not a hint that the proud ! aucaslan should copy Chinese customs. The city of Boston recently fold $1,890,000 t 3'/6 ' nnd 4 per cent school house , highway ml public park bonds , running from ten to hirty years , at a premium on the whole mount of $5I,2SS. Lily Devereux IJlako contends that the llgrlm father ? were "merely accessory to the llgrlm mothers. " And It jnust bo lul- ilttcd that but for the pilgrim mothers the iul la us would have made a speedy end to lie race of pilgrims. One of the most famous of the Sicilian andlttl has lately bet his death at the ands of the gendarmes , nnd lila band has een annihilated nlmoat within sight of alermo. Ho was the brigand Collottl. Ills rother and Cicero , his lieutenant , upon hose heads the price of 25,000 lire had been 3t , were captured In the same conflict. J. H. 'Myers , the Inventor of the ballot lachlne , has written an open letter , com- lalnlng that he Is bavins the usual hard ick of Inventors. Tiiu company which lanufncturecl the machine baa recently sold nt to a new concern. Mr. Myers Is no > nger president , and his name has been ropped from the company , which Is now nown as the American Ilallot Machine coin- any. lio.ston , which has heretofore compelled er municipal legislators to work without Hiiponsatlon , will with tlio new year com- in co paying aldermen each a salary of 1,500 ptr annum and councllnien $300. 'hue no charges of hoodllug have been i&de , It 1 claimed that the city fathers ivo run up tcamlaloua bllU against the city ir pcrronal expenses , such as carriage [ re , lunches , etc. , and the people have como i the conclusion that It would bo cheaper i pay salaries than to allow cxpcnso icounts. 1'rolllM oil lli-i-t llonton Globe. The great progress of beet sugar raising i Germany Is shown by Consul Monaghan I Chemnitz. In a report to the Statu tic- irtment ho says that ur > Sli:8 : tons wcro cx- jrtcd In the last fiscal year , the homo mBUinptlon being estimated at CCS , SCO tans , it Incrcaso over the previous year of 11C- ij tons. The consul declares that the Industry has ado hugo strides In n dozen years. Ho links beet planting , particularly In Ohio id Nebraska , uhould take the place In irt of the raising of meat and grain , where mipctltlon Is sharper , and that the United ' tales ought to supply Its own sugar , If Germany can innko money at this owing Industry why cannot this country ? ow that the raising of cano sugar la ircatpned with almost total destruction In uba the best way to got square with the criiian empuror U to malco It unnecessary r him to pass the sugar this way. PIT IfPH OPXT I TAI\fA 1\T T H I Pltl SILVER SENATORS IN LfcACUl Hefuso to Veto to Confirm Ofilcinls Appintc by the Prosidout , WANT TO INVESTIGATE THE REMOVAL Where Silver .lien Iliive lleeii IMil Oil fur Tn HI n iv Purl In Catit | > nluii Tlu-lr Siioei-NNOfM Shall Xot lie C/iiiIIrinnl. WASIIINCITON , Dec. 31. The silver fcna tors have b en considering ntnong themselves solves during the Christmas teci'fs the u.ue tlon of the attitude they shall assume 01 nominations to office made In place oLrllvc men who were removed because of thcl alleged participation In the recent campaign and Imvu decided , with practical unanimity to oppose conllrmutlon. Just how many nom Inatlons there arc of this character no on < seems to know or to have taken the troubli to determine , but the matter has been plncci largely In the hands of Senator Jones o Arkansas , because he Is both n silver ad vocatc and chairman of the national demo cratlc committee. Senator Jones says that while ordlnnril ; ho hay no disposition to Interfere with tin presidential prerogatives , ho thinks tha In cases where there has been removal , jus tire to all calls for nn Investigation of th charges made. It looks as If the situation which the : will raise may ho the first nlnco the clectloi to cause nn alignment on the financial nucs tlons. The Indications arc that tlie silver re publicans who bolted the St. Louis convcn lion and the populists will stand with tin silver democrats In opposing confirmation while It Is probable the republicans and gok democrats will support the president's ap polntees In such cases. Some of the rrpub lloans are not very zealous In their support for the reason that they realize that the fall tire to confirm democratic nominees wll throw the nominations to their party nftci March 1 , and thus Increase the republlcar patronage. The ofllccs at stake are In most case ? pMtmastershlpa In the Mississippi valloj statw , and include such offices as Spring' field , Wnukegan and Kvanston , 111. ; Iloono la. , and Henton Harbor , Mlcfi. At llentoii Harbor the postmaster , Hainan Jnrvls , was removed because he became a candidate foi congress , and was on the stump In his own Interest. In the case of Henry Clavoncll. district attorney for Alabama , bla successor , George V. Moore , Is finding dllllrulty In securing con firmation bcrauco he la opposed by sllvci men. The silver men nsse-rt thcro ore In stances In which olllcelioldcrs of gold pro clivities participated In the campaign as ac tively ns did the silver men who aroused the displeasure of their superiors at Wash ington. In remonstrances sent to senators against the confirmation of the appointees from the Illinois ofilce , made vacant because 'of "per nicious political activity , " It Is urged that the men removed participated In the cam paign to no greater extent than did Secre tary Carlisle , Comptroller Kckel.3 nnd Port- master He-slug of Chicago , and hundreds of Dthcr olllclals. Senator Jones says be docs not want the nominations plsoon-holcd , or conarmatlons ilefe-ated In any Indirect way , but that be wantn them voted upon In the senate and illrcctly confirmed or rejected. Ho thinks the senate should pass upon the question Involved In the nominations. SKMSCTIOXS KOIl THIS COMMISSION Men AVIi > Will I'rolialily Ut'preNenl the CiiVfriiiiiout nt K.MiiiNKIiin. WASHINGTON , Dec. 31. ( Special Tele- ; ram. ) It Is probable that the government : Gmmls.ilonc.r3 for tha Trau&.iilssisalppl and International Exposition will bo named In a short time , and certainly before the pros- : nt administration goes out of power. The Dee correspondent was today reliably In- 'ormcd that the .members of the cammlexlon vould probably be Chief Clerk Ilenlck , for : ho Stnto department ; Charles 13. Kcmper , ; blef executive ofilcer of the supervising irchltcct's oHlcc , representing the Treasury lepartment ; P. W. Clarke , for the Interior Icpartmcnt ; W. Do C. Uavcncl , for the FUli : ommlsslon ; Prank Strong , for the Depart- nent of Justice ; Third Assistant Postmaster jcncral Kerr Craig , for the Postofilco de- lartmcnt ; Captain Harry , U. S. A. , for the kVar department ; Commander Train , U. S. M. . for the Navy department. The repre sentative of the Department of Agriculture ivlll probably be Assistant Secretary Charlrs iV. Dabney , Jr. The representative of HIP Smithsonian Institution has not yet been Hscussed. There may bo changes In thlB 1st , but It Is not believed that there will je moro than ono or two who will seek to ; vndo the new duty. After the appolnt- ncnts are officially , made President Clove- nnd will name the chairman of the commin- ilon. \UIUTKATIO.V TIIHATY IS IMSI.AYKI > . .SallNliury KlnilN .Some Plnn-N ninl I ( Caiin 111 He SlKnoit .lusl Yt. . WASHINGTON. Dec. 31. The now treaty jotwccn the United States and Great Hrltai-1 , jy which all dlffcrcncca between the coun- rics for the 'next five years are to bo referred o arbitration , will not bo signed at prcs- int. Mr. Olncy nnd Sir Julian Pauncefoto : losod the negotiations about ten days ago nd the final draft was raado and forwarded o Ian ] Salisbury. As It Included all the catures which had ben ugrnod on between ho negotiators no doubt was felt that a pocdy approval would bo given by horil Sol- sbury nnd that the signatures to the Instru- nent thereupon would bo nlllxed at Washlnc- on. It was expected that the document rould bo signed coincident with the now ear , but this expectation will not bo real- jd and the signatures , It la now stated , annot possibly bo nlllxed before the end of ext month. The causea for the dclny cnn- ot bo Htatcd , but they are sulllclont to defer ho consummation of the treaty. In the icantlmo there Is no reason to bcllcvo that ho prospects of ultimate agreement are less avorablo than they have been , the delay oubtlcss being duo to some unessential ucstlon , as there Is a complete undcrstand- ig on all material points. IISKL'SKS I AIU > 0.TO AX KMIIK//.I.Ull 'rcNlilvnt ' SIIJ-M Duty lo Pnlilli1'nlcrn I'ri lenee t I'lly. WASHINGTON , Deo. 31. The president as denied the application for pardon In the iso of Joseph II. Wilson , convicted In llnols ( but sentence not passed ) of cmbcz- ( nncnt of national bank funds. In his cn- irscmcnt the president says : "Thin appllca- on appeals very strongly to my sympathy , nl , It I owed no duty to the public I otild unhesitatingly yield to the pity otiscd for the convict and his family , but y rt'sponslblllty to the public and the care should have for the Integrity nnd safety ' , our nntlonal banks , as well ns n duo ro- > nl for ( lie just and Cual | nilmlnlstratlon ' the lawn passed for their protection , ro- raln mo from granting a pardon , oven jforo his sentence , to this convict , con- idudly guilty of embezzling the money of n itlonal bank whllo In Us entrusted om- oy. " H\V XATIOXAI * IIAXIC TO OI'KX. oniplrolli-r ie ! . | N Aiilhorl/.i-H One to Slnrt ni TliiiiiijiHon , In , WASHINGTON , Due. 31. ( Special Tclc- am. ) Camptrollor Gckcls today In sued his irtlflcato authorizing the First National ink of Thompson , la. , to begin business , 1th a capital of fCO.OOO. C. H. Kulloy Li otldcnt and P , A. Thompson catlilcr of 10 new bank , I'ottmattcr General Wllon to-lny Issued fraud order against the Retail Oroct-ra' iHodatlon of Dot Moliiea , la. It was largcd that the association nought to col- ct dibit ) by throats , In violation of the istul laws. H. P. Snyder wan today appointed pot- astor at Vcrdurotto , Hlicrmnn county , Nob. , co J , M , Snydt-r , it-signed , and \4 \ , I ) , Guild HH appointed at Port Urldgcr , Ulnta county , 'yo. xiw vi-vvn OIIAKK. Chicago Tribune ; "Truth inny bo Ptrntirof tlmti Mellon , " Miild the book nKi'iit , looking throiiRh bis vnlho nnd noting the fuel tlmt ho hntl Bold llftccn copIrM of "Arablnn " "Asueiit of Mnn , " Nights" to one of the "but there's n heap Icua money In It. " Detroit Prep Prom : "Say , Wrttely. how did tftnt funny story of yours end ? " "In the waste basket , Just llko the rest of them. " Philadelphia Ileoonl : Tucker Thnt null- or.V chortin was awful.Vlmt was the mut ter ? Stiifro Mnnnxor The turn couldn't get the rlKht pitch. Chlengo Post ; Tlie Sri In the box coat noticed the llttlo ilowor Hill ey.'lnK lur rather closely nnd she tlnnlly asked In u patronizing way what It was that c.illcd for HO much intention. "Dat cout.vns the prompt reply. "Ah , yea1 ! nld tftp girl In tb > - bos co\t : , "It 1.4 a liHiidKomo eont , Wn'l I1 ? " , , "Sure t'liig , " nnsweri'tl the ilowor girl. "Too bad It doesn't lit yer , ain't It ? " P.rooklyn I.lfe : "I'liole Jnlhifi , wlint Is nppri'rlatlon ? " "Apprecliitloi.V ! ! ! , I' li a miner old tblnw , xomcthlnc llKiuu'ail.i ; people ahvnys sot It nwny from home SelfSarrlllceAir' ' n'r" " Potrolt News : Self-Sarrlllce - pnspcd the dylup man. The brno ghi ii < acd him tind ncM'itlpd not a i . > -i > ut Leaping from her wheel sht > puncturoo both her tires with nil posHlblo luinto. rinrlanntl IZnqulrer ; "What lit this re > port about your bolng nsflaulti .1 by ur cli'vntor mini heoauso you rofus.-d to rldo ? ' "Uy an elevator mnnV Oh ! Oh ! It win thin way : 1 chose to walk to the tlttli story , to my olllce , and tbe man In th elevator beat mo up ; that's all. " A PAI.U 1 hnd a. frb-nd whose words were wlso , Whose deeds were nlwnya Ri-and , And who. It seemed to me , had been. Kor some great purpose planned ; Hut. on the day be fell In love , Whereat bis wisdom lied Alas , for all tbe foolish things That then bo did and said I 13IUHTUHX-XIXISTY-SUV13N. A XYV Your. Written for Tlio Ilcc. Sinn and sorrows of the past Stagger Into view ; Hopes tlmt were too dear to last Como before mo , too. Days Hint were so awcet nnd Bind Have pnssctl away , And HO my heart Is very sad On New Year's day. Unstained hours gleam for nil Where tlio luturo lies , There do living waters fall Wall-bed by tender ryes : Changing skies of blue are cul ! In gold or gray , And uo tny Inmost soul 13 uhul On Now Year's day. U1CLL.U WILLISY GUE. Wlnslde , Neb. A CreelliiK. Nfcw VurU Hull. Walk In , U97 ! Got it right the first time ! Novi-r mlnil the tin horns. Take u cheer Tlireo of ihem , If you llko. or do you prcff-r A cradlu ? You came , presumptuous young , ster , ICxactly on time. Kvcn ns we fired Old 't i Into tlm giiibnee box Of the dim Pant you came a-snraklng In At tlio front door. Little one , bad you ar rived Too soon there would have- been a rumpus. A million astronomers would have kicked You back. And bad you been ono moment late You novcr would have como at nil. 'Twould not Have been llsh-horns tlmt broke upon the ear. It would have been the born of Galu-lol. That's what you owe the Now Year , all yo peoplo. Ho camb on time. In honor of bin coming , Therefore , make things ns rnsy for him ns Von can. Hreak off your evil practices , Learn to bo good. Stop uht-.itlng , back biting , Lying , envying , and If you have strength Put off your llttlo weakness and the ulu That easily besets you. Hut don't Swear | Off. Illrtli of ( he Year. lloston Courier. Ovrr the snow-covered bills , Hear yo the bells of tlio morn. Speeding the shade of the past , Hailing the babe that Is born , Who , for the old and tbe lost , Dropped ! a sorrowful icarv Who , with a shiver and elgli , Welcomes the birth of the year ? Glad Is the singer whoso song Pralscth the tried and the true. Sweat Is the soul that with smiles , Llghlotb 'tho way of the new. White nr > the pathways of earth. White for thy coming , O , year. Angels and Holy Ones , pray , Pray for the watchers that fear. $ " $ wfci # % I % ( / T ' pf\EETirti \ ( ALL Whatever is seasonable in greetings or apparel we offer 'OU. 'OU.It It is the season of good /ishes and we heartily hope hat everyone may be well lothed. Seasonable clothing includes nch a variety of things that re can't mention them all. Jut we invite everyone who is i search of the ri ht thmp for r * c > is own adornment or for gifts 3 visit our store. Our lines of clothingfur - ishings , hats , caps , etc. , are s tempting for the new year s they were for the old. Thanking you kindly one nd all lor your past patron- e and an earnest desire for ature remembrance , With best wishes for a g'ad ' nd prosperous new year , Respectfully , 6ts I