Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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    i THE O FAITA DAlTjT BIDE ? TITUflSDAY , DECEMBER 1 , 1800. ilAi
I . L--J L. " ' , i - *
n. 1103U\VATBIl , LMltor.
I'um.isiinn 'ivinv MOUNINO.
Dullr 11 > ( Without SunJny ) , One Yc/\r.l < 00
Pally lire nnJ Sun.lny . , One Year. , . . , . I CO
HlK Month ! . 400
Thrcn Monthi . i 00
llunilnr Her. One Ymr . > . 2 00
Rntunlny lice. One Year . 1 &
Weekly Ucc. Ono Yenr . . . . . . . IM
Omnfin : Tlfo lloe lliilMlnp.
Huiltli Omnhfi : Hlneer Illk. , Or. X nnr ] 24th Stt
Council JUDITH : K. North Main gltNI. .
Uil.'iRo Olllc * . 317 Clinmlier of Commerce.
New Yorlc : Itnomn 1.1. II ami 12. Tribune Illdf ?
Wellington : 1107 f Atrtot , N. W. .
. . . .
All communlnitlonii relnttiiff to rirwn nml t < \ \
torliil mnllcr ulioulil b ( ncliltr fe' ' ) : To the K'lltor '
All IJU IMC. S itttrrs nn < l rcmlttiinces tmnuM b
oildroso.l to Tlic life I'ublMilns Company
Omalm. Drntta , check * nnd pontolllr * order * t
I be inndc paynlilc to th onler of th i-otnimny.
ix or
Btnto of NVIirmihn. I
\ Douglan County. {
( lour o 11. Txwliudc secretary ut The Hoc I'uli
llnhlnit company. living duly nworn. ny that tli
actual number cif full nml complete cnple" of Th
Dully Munilnir , KvpnliiR nml Sunday lion prime
during the month of November , li''J. wuti us fol
lows :
1 . 21,000 n
2 . 21,1(1 ( 17 20.CI
'S . 2I.4M IS W.4i
4 . ,2 J is
t. . 5 ! , 7 20 : o. ?
C . 27.M7
7 . ZIK
8 . . , . , , , 21 KM S3 20,072
9 . 20. w 21 SM.031
10 . 20,954 a 20,131
11 . 21,001 2B 1'J.Oil
11 W.776 27 20.1CI
, : o.sso 21 2i\015
. 2U 20.0M
15 21.010 30 20.023
Totnls CC0.34
I < em deduction * fpr unsold nnU returned
copies 12.7S
Totnl net fnleJ C(7M >
Net dnlly nvoince 21.58
OKOIlGi : 11. T/.SCHUCK.
Sub'crlbeil In my prc cnci > nnJ s orn to bcfor
mo till * lit ilay uf December , ISfHJ.
< ) Notary 1'ubllc.
Ton Is llio mystic number with whlel
to conjure In the Onmhti city council.
Vfv huvo Cadet Tnylor's word for I
111 that no liontl was really necessary li
awarding the jail contract.
The Spanish captain prnwnl In the
Philippines would SLMMII to Imvo Just us
good n typewriter ns Wuylcr's.
Wonder what was the nrKiiinont that
Iicrsuntled Peter Hlrkliiuiser to uhaiiKu
front on that Inflated Itarbor asphalt re-
pah' hill.
'There la no time to lose In Retting to
gether on the preliminary arrangements
If a blfj beet HIIKIU * factory Is to lie built
la Omnha ilnrhiK tin ; coining .season.
General AVoyler and his typewriter
liavo once more sought the rear just us
hostilities nro about to be resumed In
rinnr del Illo. lie really ought to ex
pose lilinsi'lf tn his baptism of lire and
get It over wllli.
The public expression of a council
man's willingness to be excused from
voting on a question which he knew
would pass by the requisite majority
without Ills vote savors decidedly of the
Congressman Mercer Is confident that
ho will save the old Korl Omaha grounds
to the city or state In some form. It
M'ojuhl certainly be u pity to destroy the
-Vafuo of this property by cutting It up
into streets and building lots.
Treasurer Hartley does not say any
thing In his last biennial report about
wiping out the Hunting Indebtedness of
the state In a few months. II made
ono disastrous guess two years ago and
prefers not to guess again In public.
The Spaniards and Cubans will do well
to adjust their differences as speedily as
possible If either desires any voice In
the settlement. General Colby of
Nebraska will noon be among them and
the matter will be taken out of their
bands altogether.
To be sure there have been a few un
fortunate bank failures since the elec
tion of McKlnley. Hut how many banks
nnd other Institutions would have gone
to smash by this time If the result of
the November vote had been dlflVreut
from what It wasV
Nebraska has the lead In the beet
eugar Industry. It can keep the lead If
It wants to notwithstanding the rapidly
Increasing beet sugar enterprises In
other states. Nebraska has a reputation
ns a pioneer in sugar beet culture which
it can not afford to have impaired.
i A man has Just died at the age of 70
years In a little Illinois town who
'boasted that he was born nml raised In
. thu township ami never lived out of It a
'elngle day. That man ought to have
lived a little longer and embarked In
tho'business of professional JuriK
Tim public will llnd 11 hard ( o under
stand why the council should cancel a
property owner's tax simply because a
cureless cleik failed to include It In a
. ( statement rendered of taxes due. .Such
.u policy opens up more than thu usual
ipportunltles for collusion in evading the
payment of taxes.
In view of it disposition which yej
lingers In certain quarters to characterize
the TrnnsinUslsslppI Kxposltlon as n
Kchenio to boom Omalm , It should be the
nlm of all concerned to emphasize the
fact that a successful exposition , whllo It
will doubtless advance the material In
terests of the chief city of Nebraska , will
also Impart a general upward movement
0 to the stito and tlio wuolu western
The recent bank failures have very
naturally created some distrust nut
efforts have been made In quarters fron
which It was to have been expected t
glvo'thcso failures n Blgnlflcanco they d
not have. Hence the statement made lij
the comptroller of the currency regard
| Ing the gcnrral banking situation I
timely and will bo reassuring. Tim
oiw'lnl points out , what must be nppar
cut to everybody who has given Intel
ligeitt attention to the accounts of tli
bank failures , that' these were du
almost wholly to lornl caiibcs.
The first of the failures was the out
come of reckless mismanagement am
could have been averted had tue dlrec
tors of the brink done their duty. Loan
to the amount of several times the
capital of the Institution were madt
upon more or less speculative ventures
ns to the condition of which there seems
to have boon no particular Inquiry 01
the part of those responsible for tin.
funds of tne bank. It was Inevitable
that the collapse of so old an Instltutloi
as the National Hank of Illinois , having
widespread connections , would bn fol
lowed by other disasters , but the damage
done has not been so great as nilgh
reasonably have been expected. As to
the failure or suspension of banking concerns
corns elsewhere limn In Illinois , none o
them has had serious consequences , ant
with a. few exceptions their collapse Is
accounted for by careless and unsoum
business methods. KNcesslvo loaning of
money on real estate , bolstering up un
prolltablo enterprises and Indlscree
operations of one kind and another ex
plain their troubles.
Undoubtedly there are still other weak
and mismanaged banks In the country
which will sooner or later be compelled
to close their doors and go out of busl
ness. It would be unwise to assume
that all of the nearly : i,700 national
banks are In a perfectly sound condl
lion. Hut none the less the assurance
given by the comptroller of the currency
whose Information Is derived from re
ports received within the last two weeks
that the general condition of the banks
Is excellent , may be accepted with con
fidence. Ho states that the average
reserve held Is considerably above the
25 per cent required by law and says
"On the whole , It Is evident that the
national banks today are as stable as
they ever'were and the sporadic fallnrt
of banks hero and there , through defects
peculiar to tlu > falling bank , Is of small
Importance and wholly without genera !
significance. " The ilnnnclnl and busi
ness Interests of the country will give
due weight to this statement.
The past two or three years , ami
particularly the past year , has been n
very trying period for the banks and the
fact that no more of them have yielded to
the strain Is conclusive proof of the
general .soundness and conservatism of
their management. During the year
ending October ! ! 1 , 180(1. ( receivers were
appointed for only twenty-seven banks ,
the aggregate capital stock of which was
$ : tSOr > ,000 and their circulation ? 7ilr.CO. (
This Is certainly not n very bad record
for a year of extraordinary financial
distrust nnd business depression. From
the strain of the last few years the
banks are not yet fully relieved , nor will
they be until there Is a complete restora
tion of prosperity. Hut It appears that
they arc , on the whole , In quite ns favor
able a condition as a year ago , so thai
with the assurance of stability In our
financial system the outlook for the
banking Interest of the country appears
to be encouraging. Hut eaioful and
conservative management must continue
to be the rule In this as In every other
Pensioners and those having , claims
to pensions will.Wi'lppme the changes
that nave just been inude simplifying
the procedure In certain cases. The pur *
pose Is to expedite the business and
there can be no question as to the desir
ability of doing this. The tedious de
lays Incident to the practice of the pen
slon otllce In some respects have unques
tionably worked serious hardships to
many claimants of the government's
bounty and this can hardly be justified
as essential to the protection of thu gov
ernment or to serve the ends of Justice.
As has repeatedly been urged the pen
sion machinery Is unnecessarily compli
cated and the changes now made can
fairly be accepted as evidence of this.
It Is highly probable that under a re-
[ ntbllcan administration , which will not
lie harassed with the fear that every
body who puts In a claim for a pensioner
or an Increase of pension Is bent upon
defrauding the government. It will be
found expedient to still further simplify
the rules nnd practice of the pciixion
ollice. Care and thoroughness are of
course to be desired In the work of the
ollice. No honest claimant of a pension
will object to this. Hut the rules of the
ollice should b ? of such a nature as will
cause the least possible hardship , by
reason of- unnecessary delay , to those
who have a.just claim upon the benefi
cence of the nation.
/.OSS PllUM U.\JiH\'ALUAT10XS. \
Careful estimates place the loss In
revenue through undervaluations at
from S'JO.OOO.OOO -Jr.,000GOO annually.
Taking the lesser of these estimates the
government has In this way been de
frauded of revenues since thu present
: arllf law went Into operation over
$40 , < XMI,00 < ) . That Is the price paid , so
far as the national treasury Is concerned ,
for the democratic system of ad valorem
duties , but It does not represent all the
wrong and Injury Incident to that sys-
oin. Honest Importers and American
n.inufacturers have suffered from the
llshonest practice of undervaluations ,
hough to what extent It Is Impossible
to ascertain.
The Hoston Advertiser explains the
general manner In which the frauds are
rans'actcd. A foreign manufacturer
Maintains In the- United States a busl-
less house , which Is ostensibly Inde-
icndent , but Is In reality merely a sell-
ng agency. Goods are nominally sold ,
nit really consigned , lo thu American
Irnj nt it price which often Is below the
ictual cost of manufacture. Sometimes ,
o make the deception more plausible ,
he agent In thin country makes n few
sales of goods at similar prices nnd he
exhibits these sales an proof positive
hut the goods tire uot undervalued.
These sales are accepted as Using the
value of the Imported goods and thus
the way lo defraud the government be
comes simple ntnl easy.
This system will give way to specific
duties In the new tariff and this change
alone will Insure an addition to the rev
enue of not less than $20,000,000 annually -
nually , or an amount equal to about
one-third of the estimated dcllclt for the
0111 rent fiscal year. He-sides this It will
reduce materially the cost of collecting
the customs revenue , the ad valorem
system requiring many more olllclals
than when specllle duties are employed.
The one plan Is an Incentive to dishon
esty nnd fraud ; the other Is fair , Just
and .secures the treasury against
loss of revenue from this source.
When the present tariff law
was under discussion In congress this
republicans pointed out the mistake of
adopting the nil valorem system. Had
their counsel been heeded the treasurj
would have been largely the gainer and
there would bo one less ground of com
plaint against the Wilson-Gorman tariff
The general sentiment among those who
have so far presented their views before
the ways and means committee Is In
favor of specllle duties.
ir/f./j HK srAfii ) iii' run UJU/M ?
In his Inaugural address as mayor of
Omaha , William .1. Hroatch pledged him
self to give the city "a careful business
administration. " If this pledge was
made In good faith Mayor Hroatch owes
It to himself ns well as to the people ot
Omaha to Interpose his veto upon the
two monstrous jobs that have * been engi
neered through the expiring council.
The council has by resolution , which
requires the mayor's approval , directed
the city attorney to confess Judgment
for the sum of ? : ! 5J7.S5 ( : ! In favor of the
Harbor Asphalt company. It'is a matter
of record that a large part of this claim
Is fraudulent. It represents charges for
repairs that were never made and work
that failed to secure the approval of the
city engineer or Hoard of Public Works.
Repented attempts to logroll this claim
through succeeding councils have been
frustrated by the vetoes of Mayor Hemls.
The fact that the contractors have not
dared to push their claim through the
courts should have been a sulllclent
ground for Its rejection by the council.
The trumping up of a letter professing
a sudden change of view by Peter W.
Hlrkhauser , ex-chairman of the Hoard of
Public Works , who formerly denounced
the bill as a gigantic swindle , merely
shows that the contractor's peculiar
persuasive powers have uot been ex
erted In vain.
AVhy was this proposition for the city
, o confess Judgment for . i5X ; ! ( ) ( ) held back
to the closing hours of the present coun
cil ? If the claim were an honest one
would not the Harber company have
forced It to trial years ago ? Is there
any valid excuse for a pretended com
promise that robs thetaxpayors _ of thou
sands of dollars ? These questions must
confront Mayor Hroatch when ho Is
asked to approve the Harber asphalt
resolution. If the city's affairs are to bo
administered'on business principles the
mayor will refuse to sanction what no
Imslncss man would fpr a moment enter
An equally pernicious measure was put
through the council In the shape of a
contract for the lease of a new jail. The
fact that this Is a real estate speculation
, n which one of the councllnien Is notori
ously Interested should In itself cause
Its summary rejection. With this Job
ns with the Harbor asphalt claim the
mayor Is as familiar as the public. As a
business proposition It Is utterly In
defensible. Hoth of these Jobs were tied
together to get the necessary votes In
the council and both reek with corrup
Will the mayor stand up for Omnha
mil redeem the pledge he made In his
naugural address by Interposing n veto ?
If lie does his.course will be commended
mil the service will be appreciated.
Have we a city charter which all city
ililcers , Including mayor and council , are
sworn to execute and obey , or Is the
charter merely enacted as a matter of
form to be Ignored at pleasure ? The
charter expressly piohlblts the raising of
salaries during the term for which any
otilcer or employe Is appointed. This
prohibition applies to the private secre-
ary of the mayor equally with any other
ippolntee in the city hall. Yet the coun
cil has passed an ordinance raising his
salary if'2 ( ) a month. It is not a question
whether the present salary Is in-
sufficient. , . The place , was accepted by
he present Incumbent with full knowl
edge of what the pay was to bo and also
if the charier prohibition against a raise ,
f thu law is In force for one class of
ollleors and employes , can It be SUH-
iciiiled at will for the benefit of an-
) thcr ?
One of Nebraska's new state senators
las a great scheme for the cstab'lsh-
neiit of state silver bullion warehouses
ind lh Issue of warehouse cc-rtlllcntiM
which could IID ueetl by the people as
noiiey. * Thu author of this proposition ,
lowover , forgets that them Is nothing
low to prevent private Individuals or
corporations from erecting and operat-
ng such bullion warehouses and In fact
he silver certificates dally quoted In
he New York money market are Issued
substantially upon this plan. Hut such
certlllcates would at best pass only for
the maiket value of the bullion which
hey represented and that Is not what
he silver Inflationists want. Nothing
ml making r.O cents worth of silver
i'cal tender In payment of debts to the
extent of § 1 will satisfy the silver mine
Wheat quotations maintain thu nd-
iince which was commenced back In
October and which apparently Is not
t ended , while the prlco of silver re-
mlns practically unchanged. Yet there
i I'D some people who still believe that n
mshcl of wheat and an ounce of silvci
vill always exchange for one nnotlK-r
And now the railroads are pointing to
hu hanging up of the Nebraska maxl-
num freight nile law as an argument
why oilier states should not venture1
nto the buslnesj of. fixing maximum
ales by legislation. While the Nebraska
uw has been luonoiutlve for over tlnx"
years , It lids' iiot yet been dollnltoly do
elded whetMIKH Is constitutional or no
Other stnteV ( tro therefore five to ox
perlment In the , smut * direction If so h
dined. If enough states enact maxlmui
rate laws Tnfit * ono of them may hi
upon the foifnuln which they will bo ui
held by the courts of last resort.
The city b'lihrtor Is very emphatic li
ptohlbltlng cinnicllmen from being In
terested directly or Indirectly In nn >
contract wltft the city. Violation of till
provision' Irflnirtle an offense puulshabi
by a line iYoF'Vxccodlng ? 1,000 or 1m
prlsonment not exceeding six mouths , o
both , In Uiu discretion of the court. A
few criminal prosecutions under tli !
section of the charter might work i
salutary change In the number of steal
and Jobs worked through the council.
The courts of Massachusetts ar.o to
have the responsibility of deciding wha
constitutes a sacred concert. In com
munltles where these entertainments arc
sanctioned It has usually been the ens
torn to Impart a religious flavor to tin
concert by Introducing variations 01
Pleyel's Hymn or a selection from the
"Stabat Mater" among the more worldlj
numbers of n popular program. This
device would seem not to be nltogethei
effective In Hostou.
The reassuring words of Comptrolloi
Kekels In connection with recent bank
failures will only substantiate the con
elusion reached by all thoughtful am
unprejudiced students of the preseu
financial situation. The banks whlcl
have failed have In almost every case
Jnvlled disaster by reckless misuse of
their assets. No general panic need be
feared so long as the genuinely snbstan
tlal financial Institutions of the coun
try remain unimpaired.
lii-nvo It Thorp.
riilliilclhla : | Times.
Unfortunately many accompany the turnIng -
Ing over of new leaves with a tear. Others
disgusted by former failures , cut the whole
i'Kiifnl OllU'lnl I.lfe.
Kansas City Stnr.
The vicissitudes of aldcrmanlc life In Chicago
cage are Illustrated by the Indictment of
ono alderman for murder and the conspicu
ous candidacy of another ( or United States
I'"nnnvay Sii
Iiiillanaiiolla Journal.
There ore thcso w.ho predict that' Senator
Hill will stand a better chance for the dem
ocratic nomination for president In 1900 than
Mr. Bryan. trangtr things have happened
In the demofratlc parly.
nioiipy 7oii tlii" Move.
C'lnclnnntl Tribune.
Senator-elect Money Is RolnR to Invade
Cuba on his 6ivn 'hook. In an effort to flml
out the real Cofldltlons down there. If ho
Isn't careful ' \Veyler will confiscate him.
Spain wants any old kind or cash just now.
to Hum.
The holiday recess of csnRress came op
portunely In the way of giving statesmen
with undelivered speeches In favor of Cuban
recognition a chapco to learn that manu
scripts of that kind are good things to burn.
A Hrx-al,1" ' Sll ' - ci * .
Clilcn'go Chronicle.
Senator Hill , ' hHs.aRaln cracked the silence
with which ho hn's bc n surrounded for many
months. This tlmo flio says ho Is not n
speculator , "although , " ho adds , "I am a
senator of the United States , " Which Is to
say that ho has no sympathy \vlth the war
antics of some of his colleagues.
of normally.
HufTulo Ixi < re s.
If American meats exported to Germany
really are of the dangerous character al
leged by the jealous Germans , the United
States Inspection service must have lapsed
badly under Secretary Merion from the
high state of elllclcncy to which It was
brought by Secretary Husk. It Is probable ,
however , that the chief trouble with Ameri
can meat Is the discrimination In the
United States customs lawa against German
tlio Mcrolintit Marine.
Wnslilnuton Times.
Rvcry stttcsman In the country agrees
with every other statesman that the ship
ping trudo of the United States ought to
lie built up again. They all concur that It
Is a sbamo that the American lias haa prac
tically disappeared from the seas. Unless
seen floatlm : from the masthead of some
American man-of-war It Is a rare spectacle
In foreign ports. U was different once , The
time was when the American merchant
niarlno outnumbered oven Great Britain's ,
when our clipper shlra were seen every1
where , and when American exports and Im
ports were carried In American bottoms.
It Is the eaddest kind of commentary upon
our shipping laws to think that the mar
velous progress the world has made In ship
building , and with the constantly Increasing
evidence that the United States can beat the
wet Id In the construction of the fastest
of vesocls of modern kind , this country
should stand at the foot of the list In ro-
spcct of the slr.o of Its merchant marine.
Tliolr KHtiilillHliniont n I'opulur niicl
lleiiollooiit .MraNiirr.
Chicago Itfconl.
It la a reproach to the government of the
United States that It has not established pos-
: al savings banks. U has the machinery ut
land for putting the system In operation.
The bencflu resulting would ho Incalculable.
S'o objection to the establishment of postal
savings banko that la worthy of serious con
sideration can bo brought forward. Con
servatives and radicals allUo must admit
their desirability. If congress really wishes
.o do something to bencllt the great moss
of the people and to allay popular dlscon-
cnt , particularly throughout the west and
south , let It establish poatal savings banks
'or the acconiVupda'tlon ' of persons of small
means. The ' -party just come Into power
could become u&pmialblo for no moro popular
Wherever tried npstal savings banks have
> roved lomarhnbl successful and popular.
Their Influence" * ! ! ! giving stability to govern
ment Is manifest. : : They encourage thrift
and Independence. Owing to the fact that
deposits are limited In amount there Is no
serious Intcrfe , ucto with the business of
private bankhm Institutions. The latter
deal with a'l entirely different class of
customers dc6fc.illms of larger means than
those who. aetho postal t > avlngs banks. By
encouraging sivlng. the postal navlnga banlca
oven have a tendency to Increase the num
ber of thoco who tmay and do become de
positors In private hanks.
All the leading nations of the world , with
the exception of-two or tin to , have poatal
fcivinga banks , and tall have better facilities
for the accommodation of savings' depositor.- }
than has the United States. While savings
dopoilts in this country have shown a
gradual Increase during the last quarter of a
century , the savings deposits and number of
depositors In countries having inatal savings
banlo liavo grown by leaps end bounds. In
the United States 80 per rent of the tavlnss
Lanka and eavlng * < ! C'i > oiltn are In the New
Knglnud Elates and New York. Throughout
thu and south , except In the great
centers of population , It Is Impossible for
tlvato rnterprlso to furnish saving facil
ities BuHUIcnt to meet the needs of tbo pee
ple. Dcaldes , tho' depositor of mnall means
frequently In uot able to pick out from pri
vate hanks those that are safe , nnd consequently
quently will trust none , whereas all could
liavo confidence In an Institution controlled
by the national government.
I'oatal aavliiEJ bank * would contribute
materially to the wealth and hnpplncig of
the people and to tbo rtablllty of the govern
ment. Congreis ihould cot delay longer lu
them. i
Cabinet Officers Picking Old Timora to Bo
Exposition Oommiuloncra.
Srorolm-y Morton SlKiilllcIJli Inten
tion toiiinv .tlf. DnlniL-Xf Who
Si-rvril nl Atlnntn , to It
rodunt Aurlcnltiirt ! .
WASHINGTON , Dec. SO. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Cabinet officers are expected to
name to the president the repriscntatlvca
of the various departments for appointment
on the TransmUslsslppl and International
Exposition commission within the next two
wcoka , or even leas. Secretary Morton has
slcnlllcd his Intention to nppblnt Charlc.i
W. Dabncy , Jr. , assistant secretary , as rep
rcdciitatlvo of the Department of Agrlcul
tnrc. This selection would seem tu Indicate
that rcprcscntntlves of the government scrv
Ing In like capacity nt Atlanta and Chicago
will bo called upon to perform like service
at Omaha. There may bo a few changes
In the personnel of the Atlanta commission ,
but on the whole the Omnha commission
will be composed of larccly the same men
who made the government exhibit ut At
lanta so magnificent a success.
The ways and means committee room
today looked like a small section of Ne
braska let' ' down In the heart of the capltol.
1'lcturcs of the beet sugar factories at
Grand Island and Norfolk were displayed
on , the long table around which sat the ma
jority of the members of the committee.
Sectional drawings of beet sugar machinery
In attractive form adorned the walls of
the room , whllo hero and there handsomely
decorated Jars containing the product Itself
gave a moat Interesting appearance to the
historic chamber , which for a generation
has been set apart for the uses of this vi
tally Important body of the lower house
of congress. Of the personal representa
tives of the Industry there wore present
Henry T. Oxnard , president of the factories
at Grand Island and Norfolk ; It. E. Allen of
Ames , H. R. Lcavltt of Grand Island , James
G. Hamilton of Norfolk , James G. Oxnard of
Norfolk and 13. Ham.
Henry T. Oxnard , In his own Interest ,
and as president of the American lleet Sugar
company , presented the sugar question
trom the standpoint of the producers of
beet augnr. His argument occupied an
liour. He was listened to moat attentively ,
not only by the committee , but by n room
full of the beat known men In the country
Interested In tariff matters. Mr. Oxnard
showed that while ten years ago two-thirds
of the world's sugar was produced from
cane , today that two-thirds was beet , showIng -
Ing the wonderful strides made In producing
a rich beet for sugar In the short space
of fifteen years. He made a very strong
plea for the repeal of the Hawaiian treaty
Df 1S7G , twice extended for seven years
and kept alive In the Wilson bill , which
remits the duty on sugar. Mr. Oxnard ar
gued that the Interests of homo or do-
nrstle producers of sugar were not Identical
with these of refiners of foreign sugars ;
that the latter went Into the markets of the
world and got cheap sugar to refine , whllo
ho homo producers employed domestic cap-
tal to nroduce from our own soil by In
vestment In labor , lands and machinery
lie domestic product.
n. E. Allen of Ames , president of the No-
> raaka Sugar licet coaoclatloiv , made In the
ow minutes still remaining to the beet sugar
> coplc , a running exposition of the bcnc-
lls accruing to various Industries from do-
ncstlc sugai production , presenting the sub-
cct as It affected the farmer , and as It might
) o made to Increase the meat supply now
restricted by foreign edicts. Ho especially
mpressed the committee with the agrlcul-
ural advantages of the Industry as It dc-
olopcd a better system of farming and ns
t flnancally benefited agriculturists along
other lines and dwelt on the safety of a beet
crops in siasona whcrj drouth prevails. Mr.
illcn labored under the disadvantage of being
compelled at a moment's notlco tu compress
an hour't ] argument Itnto ten minutes , which
orccd him to omit many points , and per-
taps injured the continuity of his remarks.
The sugar people tonight Nccm to feel
hat the hearing was ono of the most satis-
actory ever had here , but are of course In
ho dark as to what the committee will do ,
jut appear to think the rate of the tariff will
lepcnd on the basis of whatever revenue Is
o be raised from sugar.
Thu postoflicca at Dexter , Humeston and
Sutherland , la. , will bo raised from the
ourth clcns to presidential olllccs January
. The present Incumbents will bo rcnoinl-
lated next week and will receive salaries or
1,000 a year.
Fourth-class South Dakota postmasters
appointed today : Gale , Campbell county. W.
% . Varuuni , vlco J. 11. Varnurn , dead ; Slsseton
\gency , Roberts county. J. T. VanMetre ,
vlco .Miss S. A , Rico , resigned.
fop Hie Army.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 30. ( Special Tele-
grnm. ) First Lieutenant G. Halm , Third ar-
Illcry , Is detailed as professor of military
clenco and tactics at the Northern Illinois
N'ormal school , Dlxon , 111.
The following changes In stations of olll-
ccrs of the medical department have been
ordered : Major William R. Hall , surgeon ,
mm Whlpplo Barracks , Ariz. , will repair to
his city and report to the surgeon general
or assignment to duty ; First Lieutenant
rvlng W. Rand , assistant surgeon , from
Fort Clark , Tex. , will report at Fort Ilua-
huea , Aril. , for duty at that post to relieve
' 'Irst Lieutenant Alexander S. Porter , as-
Istant surgeon ; Lieutenant Porter , upon bo
ng relieved , will report at Whlpplo I3ar-
acks , Ariz. , for duty at that post.
Captain William II. Hahlwln , commissary ,
ms been granted fifteen days' leave.
Crriiinii } 'N Commercial Activity.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 30. United States
Consul Monaghan , at Chemnitz , gives some
urprislng comparative figures to show that
Iready Germany stands tecoml only to
England and much exceeds the United
tatcs In the value of her exports and Im
ports. For 18D5 thcso nRijrosfttcrt
.l25S02.fi50 { for Ocrmnny , $1,926,729.000 :
for the United Slates , 11,524,770.000. Ger
many has Alto gone ahead of Franco In ocean
tonnage , and Hamburg , her great stsiporl , Is
surpassed only by lx > mlon , and fihc has the
largest single steamship company In the
world. All this Is the work of little more
than twenty years and It grew out of almost
nothing. Now the Germans demand a
powerful navy to protect this m.ignltlccnt
merchant marine and prevent Its destruc
tion , as happened to Spain and Holland ,
IVDl.V.NS l-'Alli TO OUT T1I13 CASH.
Crow CrccU Sioux nclcurntloii Srnt
llnoUlth Part of tin * Inli > r 'Ht ,
WASHINGTON , Dec. 30. The Crow Creek
Sioux delegation of South D.ikohas ; not
gained Its announced object of nccurlng a
per capita cash payment of $187,000 , less
about J1S.OOO for expenses , now to their
credit In the trecsury , but they have secured
a payment of about $1 or $5 per capita ,
representing half of the accrued Interest on
the money. The delegates. White Ghost and
Wlzc. with their Interpreter and ugent , Leon.
had a final conference with Commissioner
Drowning * this morning. They recited the
circumstances leading up to the Sioux treaty
of l.S'JO. by which they ROVO up certain
lands , and for which an act was passed , giv
ing them ? tS7.000. Commissioner Drowning
explained that the money Is now In the
treasury drawing I per cent Interest , and
that payment must bo authorized by legis
lation by congress , nnd then ordinarily only
upon a representation that the Indians need
the money. Ho siiKRcstod that there Is llt-
tli ) tlmo left In the pi went session , ana
lhat the matter bo dropped for the present.
I'ayimont of one-half of the S9.000 Interest
now duo them on the pilnelpal , the other
half being reserved by law for educational
and clmllar purposes , woa offered andI ac
cepted. The delegation \\111 leave for their
reservation Saturday , and the tribe will pe
tition the next congress for the payment of
the principal. _ _ _ _ _ _
rim ci.osixo
KiiniiiiiK 1'orhoiilllL-ntlnii ofTime ,
Written l .v fieorite ! > I'l''iifh'o.
'TIs midnight's holy hour--and sllenuo now
la brooding , llko n gentle spirit , o or
The still and pulseless world. Hark ! on
The boll's deep notes nro swelling. 'TIs
the knell
Of the departed year.
Is sweeping past ; yet on the stream and
wm0melnncholy light , the moonbeams
Llko V pale , spotless shroud ; the air Is
As by a mourner's sigh , nnd on yon cloud.
That llo'its so still nnd placidly through
heaven ,
The spirits of the seasons seem to stand-
Young Spring , bright Summer , Autumn's
solemn form , . . . ,
And Winter with his aged locks-and
In mournful cadences , that como abroad
Llko the far wind-harp's * wild and touch-
A tncluncho'ly dirge o'er the dead Year.
Gone from the earth forever.
'TIs n time
For memory nnd for tears. Within the
Still chambers of the heart , a specter dim ,
Whoso tones are llko the wizard voice of
Heard from thfi tomb of ngcs , points Its
And solemn finger to the beautiful
And holy visions ( tint have passed away
And left no shadow of their loveliness
On the dead waste of life. That specter
The collln-lld of hope , nnd Joy , and love ,
And bending mournfully above the palo
Swoct forms that slumber there , scatters
dead llowcrs
O'er what has passed to nothingness.Tho
The Year
Has gone , nnd with It many a glorious
Of happy dreams. Its mark Is on each
brow ,
Its shadow In each heart. In Its swift
It waved Its scepter o'er the beautiful ,
And they nre not. It laid Its pallid hand
Upon . the strong man , and the haility
* . .
s fallen , and the flashing rye Is dim.
t trod the hall of revelry , where thronged
The bright and joyous , and the tearful
Of stricken ones Is heard , where erst the
And reckless shout resounded. It passed
The battle-plain , where sword , nnd spear ,
and shield
Flashed In the light of midday and the
Of serried hosts Is shivered , and the grass ,
Green from the soil of carnage , waves
The cTiishcd and mouldering skeleton. It
Anil fmled llko a wreath of mist nt eve ;
Yet , ere It melted In the viewless air.
It heralded Its millions to their home
In the dim land of dreams.
Remorseless Time !
Fierce spirit of the glass nnd bcythe !
what power
Can stay him In his silent course , or melt
Ills Iron heart to pity ? On , still on ,
Ho presses , and forever. The proud bin ) ,
The Condor of the Andes , Unit can soar
Through heaven's unfathomable depths ,
or bravo
The fury of the northern hurricane
And bathe his plumnga In the thunder's
Furls his broad wings at nightfall , nnd
sinks down
To rest upon his mountain crag but
Knows not the weight of sleep or weari
ness ,
And night's deep darkness has no chain
to bind
Ills rushing pinion. Revolutions sweep
O'er earth , llko troubled visions o'er the
Of dreaming sorrow ; cities rlso nnd sink ,
Llko bubbles on the water ; llery Isles
Spring , blazing from the ocean , and go
To their mysterious caverns , mountains
To heaven their bald and blackened cliffs ,
and bow
Their tall heads to the plain ; new empires
Gathering the strength of hoary centuries ,
And rush down like the Alpine avalanche ,
Startling the nations ; nnd the very sbirs ,
Yon bright and burning blazonry of God ,
Glitter auhllo In their eternal depths ,
And , llko the I'lclad , loveliest of their
Shoot from their glorious spheres , and
pass away ,
To daiklo In the trackless void ; yet Tlmo ,
Tlmo the tomb-builder , holds his llerce
Dark , stern , all-pltllcss , and pauses not
Amid the mighty wrecks that Htrcw his
path ,
To Hit and muse , like other ronauerora ,
Upon the fearful ruin ho has wrought.
The absolutely pure
ROYAL- the most celebrated of all
the baking powders in the world cel
ebrated for its great
leavening strength and
purity. It makes your
cakes , biscuit , bread ,
etc. , healthful , it assures
you against alum and all
forms of adulteration
that go with the cheap
brands ,
01,1) Y 13 All HMII.KS.
Chloaco record : "Tho stockholders In
our hank hold an nxtrn. meeting , "
"Yea , what did they do ? "
"They elected another board of dlroctora
to nmnngo the two typewriter Klrls. "
Cincinnati Knqnlror : "My dear. " Mrs.
Clmtl'H liuMiatid ilnnlly dared to remark ,
"there seems ( o bo but one end to youi
conversation , nnd that Is the beginning. "
Judge : Teacher Now , ThomnB , th
ttquaro of the hypotenuse of a rlght-nnelcd
tt ( angle Is equal to the sum of tito squarej
of the other two sides. Do I mnko my sol I
plain that way ?
Thomas I RUMS BI > ; ma saya too much
eddlcntlon Is what makes yon so homely.
Chicago Chronicle : U was n cnso ol
"dog eat dog" where tho- Now York woman
Kavo her poodles a Christmas trco laden
Indianapolis Journal : My young friend. "
wild tlio huge-faced Kenllenmii , "you
should not expect to be n millionaire In
n minute. You must begin nt the bet
tom. "
" ' tried that dealln' n hand nt pokjr. "
f .ud the discouraged yoiuiff man , "nn *
that's why I'm on me uppers. "
Detroit Journal : "UarlltiR. " ho cried ,
pnKslonatoly , "I itnow our troubles nro
great , but must you therefore leaver mo7
ion wild you would share my lot. "
. , . * ' " . .liul nothing- was said about ix
Job lot , she answered , with n sad , swcot
Somcrvllle Journal : Yon seldom see n
lawyer , no matter how eoneelted ho may bo
In other respect. * , who bo.ists of the beauty
of his penmanship.
ChlntEo Trlbuno : "Wo shall show , your
Ijonor. said the attorney for the plaintiff ,
"that my client Is entitled to a divorce on
the ground of non-support. Nofnlthslnnd
iiff the fact , as the evidence will prove ,
that her husband Is a member of six
"Tim application for divorce ! granted , "
Interposed the Judge. " "Call the next case. "
Indianapolis Journal : "Don't yon know ,
my besotted filend , " said the turnpennies
worker , "that the world would lie millions
of dollars richer If thcto wcro no rum ? "
"Thoy's too many durit rich men now , "
was all the besotted ono deigned to say.
New York Press : OfT-Hand-Spunk tha
children ? Oh. yes ; I Imvo to use tlio slipper
prcnHlonally , but .when It conies to rpanlt-
A wall p.amo from llio woodshed.
"My wlfn takes the palm ! "
* '
A JU'.KNniNO. '
Cleveland I.Mder.
The sun In small and far away.
Hut llio sky nliovo Is clear ,
And there Is la-en refreshment In
The biting atmosphere.
Mv love has color In her cheeks
Kach ono In HUe a rose ;
Hut I regret to have to say
Tlio same about her nose.
nnviins or TIII : SUASO.V.
Di'ltnrtlnu : I.cnit Your.
St. Ijoulfi ainlie-Drmocrut.
Sighing foftly , softly sighing.
Almost sobbing , nearly crying ,
As the leap year swift Is ( lying
With her chance a inun to win.
So her hrart Is parched nnd arid.
And she wishes she had married.
Not so stupidly had tarried ;
And riho sighs. "It might liavo been. "
llrr IMnry.
ChlcnRO Record ,
She bought a br.iiul new diary , most gorge
ous to sec.
Its cover was of turquoise blue , It closed
with lock and key ;
The edges wcro of burnl.ohcd gold , thfl
paper , cream laid ,
And iiroud of Its possession was the happy
little nrnUI.
"I'll kcop , " said she , "a record of llio doings
of the year
And faithfully set down each Joy , each
sorrow , hope and fcnr. "
She wrote up very nearly thirteen pagci
the Ilrst nlKht.
Then her reflections grew quite brief nnJ
resolutions "light.
The happenings of January 14 were most
concisely stated
And January 25 the last of nil was dated-
llMivt't'ii Tiro.
Goodbv. Roodby. Old Year !
Wo have boon friends together ,
Through sad and sunny weather ,
loot's part without n tear ,
Let's kiss without a sigh ,
Hero In thy low December ,
Jov only we'll remember ,
Good dicer ! Good chccrf
Old Year.
Goodby !
Hall ! Hall ! All hall. Now Year !
Wo turn to Rlvo theo proctlnK.
Our hearts -with high hope beating ,
Unx'oxcd by doubt or fear ;
Thy filcndshlp shall not fall ,
All hall !
Rot all thy Joy bolls ringing ,
AVi BO to meet thee , singing ,
Good cheer ! Good cheerl
New Year ,
All hall !
Whatever is seasonable in
greetings or apparel we offer
It is the season of good
wishes and we heartily hope
that everyone may be well
Seasonable clothing includes
such a variety of things that
we can't mention them all.
But we invite everyone who is
in search of the right thing for
his own adornment or for gifts
to visit our store. I
Our lines of clothing , fur
nishings , hats , caps , etc , , are
as tempting for the new year *
as they were for the old.
Thanking you kindly ono
and all for your past patron
age and an earnest dedire for
future remembrance ,
With best wishes for a g'ad
and prosperous new year ,
Respectfully ,
B.V > Cor.
Ifitlt and
Douglas 6tB