Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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    Til 13 ( TMA1IA DAILY 111313 : WON DAY , 1)130 IOM IS I3K 28 , 1800.
Sketch TJf The Beginning in Europe and
United States ,
rirnt I'popi . I liy Jiilin Ilullf-r , nn
IJnullxliiiiitii , Who \VIIM
A \Vimili-r * Ai't-oin pi lulu-it
] > y Miiilurn Jlt-llnnli.
"Speech ninl Speech Heading for the Deaf"
It tha tltlo of a pnpir by John Button
WrlRht In Iho current Century. The vv liter
treats of the hlilory , progress anil present
development of this branch of education as
follow * :
The earliest recorded attempt to found n
BPhool whorj the deaf could be educated was
made In tha ccrly part of the- seventeenth
century by the learned John Hutler , a con
temporary of Mlltoni and llacon. Ho. how-
over. a > s of the project. "I soon poicelvrj ,
by falling Into discourse with tome rational
men about fcUch n , design , that the attempt
Defined BO paradoxical , prodigious and Hy-
porbollcall lint It did rather amuse than
satlsno their understandings. " Indeed , It
was not until moro than a century later ,
when Do rnpcc. HelnlcUo and llraldwood
founded nchoola In Trance , Germany and
Orrat llrllaln , respectively , that any per-
inanout Instilntlons wore established for the
education of the deaf.
It Is a very rare occurrence when a dear
person Is mute for any other reason F.-UO
the lack of Instruction which a. heirlm ; child
rcrclvps throush hli ears H ropnlrltii ; this
fart , and that e.ctch Is the most distinctive
f Ift of man , Helnlehn and Ilraldwood devoted
tVm olvrs to ll'o ' IralnliiK of the vocal or-
KffA ? of their pupils , and to teaching them tn
read the upeerhes of others by noting the
movements of the lips and toi sue. On tno
other hand , the good Abbe do I'Kpoo based
his method of Instruction upon the- fact that
nil human beings , when dcpilvcd of speech ,
cither through deafnrsfl or Ignorance of the
language spoken nbont them , report to signs
to malto Itnoun their wants All sawio (
races have a code of signs by whlc'i they can
rommunlcatc with ono another and with
the mil rounding tribes. He , therefore , con
ventionalized and systematized signs and In
vttiled nc\\ ones v/hen natural geaturcs
fallid to convey the Idea.
With thl Idea of conventionalized signs ,
brought to this country by Dr. Thomas II.
( lallaudrt , n school was opened In Hartford ,
Conn , In the > ear 1817. It had been found ,
however , that the sign language did not
solve the problem of giving the deaf a means
of communication with the world In general.
Viry few people understood this language ,
while Its conslrui'llon , so far as there was
nn > , and Its cnnrlscncss a single Gesture
friMiuently rpMi-seiitlng n complete Bcntcnce
of HiinluMi vernacular rendered It unfit for
ropresc'inini ; gramnmttcally const ! ncted Ian
linage The nuthod of spelling the vvonls
with the flngcrB by means of a linger alpha
bet was thin pressed Intosorvlc ? In conjunc
tion with signs This Is the name as writ
ing In foreign characters on the blackboard
or upon paper , except that It Is moro rapid
and more convenient. In this way the read
ing and willing of grammatical nngllah
could bo laught and both the manual alpha
bet and the sign language are cmplojcd in
ccrtuln schools today.
1'or many > car after the founding of the
Hartford sehool no speech was laughl Ihere ,
though today the teaching of articulation
Is an Important factor In their work. In
1SR7. largely through the efforts of Horace
Mann , who some jeara previously had vis
ited the schools of Curope , tuo Institutions
wcro established in this counlry where Iho
draf could not only bo taughl lo speik ,
but be taught bj speech without the UNO
of the manual alpbnbcl or the sign lan
guage. One of ihcso was In New York
fiiy and Iho other In Northampton , Mass. ,
and they are today largo and flourishing
After the establishment of these Instltu-
tlon there cprang up In this country , In
the ranks of the teachers of Ihe deaf , a
division which nlready cxlsled In Hurope
On the ono sldo wcro the urdent advocates
of the sign language as a me ins of Instruc
tion and explanation , while on the other
wcro the opponents of signs who cmplo > cd
Iho manual alphabet , wilting , and apt-cell
only. The controversy has been waged with
moro or Icsa energy ever since ; but like
all the Ideas of a ciudcr and less advanced
age , the sign language has been gradually
crowded out , until now It Is entirely c\ >
eluded from many acools and need but spar
ingly In others.
A single argument brought forward by
the son of a distinguished advocate of the
ancient method In support of this language
Is enough to Indicate Its ultimate fate ,
though It has served n noble purpose In Its
day. He sa > s "It la a fact worth noting
that the algiiH used by the Indians of North
America are Identical In many Instances
with Ihoso cmplojed by the deaf mutes of
today. " No ono will question the truth of
tliU observation , nor deny that II Is worth
noting ; butvo have reached a stage In
the world's history when we can lay aside
the tools of savagery. Through progress
In enlightenment wo ate fortunately able
now to give our deaf children a better
means of communication with men than thai
cmplojed by the American Indian or the
African savage. It Is n friendly struggle.
In which the old-school advocates of the
filgn language- are tjie defensive party and
Hie orallsts the aggressors. Iloth are- , how
ever , engaged In Hie greal work of ameli
orating Iho condition of an unfortunate-
class , and have much lhat Is common ground
wliero they can clasp hands with hearty ap
In the schools of the deaf In the United
Slates today three sjstcms of Instruction ore-
Uhcd The methods emplojed are , In the
first sjstem , signs and the manual alpha
bet ; second sjstem. speech and the man
ual alphabet ; third system , speech only
Writing is of course cmplojed In all the
sj steins.
oMitiMtoiu : CTIOV or TIciiniif. .
BonnHIMIIIIKM on ( In- IVi-iilclitiis .
IK ll.i of TIMK-IK-I- KlH-torlt-M.
The president of the Indiana State Nor
mal school sajs In his annual leport lo the
governor that the state la Eiiffciltig from a
"Mirplus of teachers "
' "ho observation furnishes the Chicago
Test occasion for lemarklng that the suf-
feilng Is not confined to Indiana "It Is
also pertinent to e > bscrvo that the suffering
entalle-d by the vast overproduction of the
pedagogic factoilcs Is not felt by the schools
alone , hut bj Iho members of Iho ic.ichlng
'Tho facl of Iho matter Is the schools
are menaced by an o\ciproduction Of peda
gogues rather than teachcis Tor the last
twenty jears normal schools of e > vcry de-
pcrlpllon have- had a mushroom growth all
over the west The sons and daughters of
farmers have been dazzelcd by the tempt
ing advcrtUments and ' '
alluring 'annuals' of
'normal' and 'buslines' colleges lo forsake
HID bucolic solitudes ntuf Iho rural domestic
drudge'ry and allow lhi-60 pedagogic ma
chines to convert them Into full-fledged In-
Etiuctors capable of commanding n largo
salary In tlm public school * . Some of lhc c
concerns boisl of their ability lo lake a
raw and callow maiden from Iho village
or HIP farm and trani.form her Into a
finished fechool teacher In six or elghl
"Tho normal schools have been turning out
tlila product In large and Increasing num-
tiurs for twenty > eam or more , until lliero
are In each state etncril thousand so-called
'teachers' who are unable to eccuropeti
tions. Tor every vacancy lhat occurs from
fifty to a hundred applications are filed.
Among these are doubtless many teachers
who have rocoUcd training In addition lo
moro advanced preparation In high schools
and ncndt'mlfs. Hut their opportunities
lor cmplojmcnt are curtailed by Ihe repre--
hcnnlulo tendency of school boards lo jlcdd
to the prcfsuio of over-production and em
ploy a cheaper grade of ( cachet i * .
"Tho remedy for all this is the Insistence
upon a higher and broader scholarship on
the part of teachers who seek positions In
the public schools Such Insiltuilons ap
elate normal schools thai are supported by
the state should confer diplomas only upon
Ihoxo who have detnonntrnted marked
nalur.ll aptitude for the work , whoio at
tainment * represent wide culture nnd who
Intend lo make leaching a life profession
Instead of a stepping Btono lo eotno other
"As for the 'normal noliools' that nro run
purely for commercial purposes nnd which
draw their sup | > ort from those who arc
led to bcllcvo lhat teaching affords alluring
opportunities for leisure nnd enrichment ,
they should bo placed under state regula
tion and made to conform to certain fixed
standards before I'snlng diplomas. "
.S In it ill n u ; ut tinrronliine11. .
The following freshmen of the
Omaha High school made an average
scholarship of over 00 per cent for No
vember : Courlno Armstrong , Hllen Anlhes ,
Vera Allen , Ilcsslo Andresa , Grace Blgelow ,
Juno Dennett. Maud Ilrooks , Carrie llarbc-r ,
John Ujrno , Nora Illnsval , Mildred Clark ,
Cljde Coy , Uuth Cullra , Helen Crltm ,
Ocorgo Canflcld , Rather Curry , Martha Car
son , Mary Dietrich. Hdllh P.wcrs , Helen
IMwards. Allle nilsworlh. IJcrnard Killers ,
Mary Hlholm. Lucy I'mirer. Dorothy Fred-
crlekson. Stella I'lanaRan , Agnes Hughes ,
Clara Hervey , Agnes Herbert , Mabel Hull ,
Cairlo Goldsmith , Mary Grlfllth , Stella
Green , Iva Hart , IMIib Isackson , Arthur
Jessan , Anna Keith , Marie Koch , Hay
Knodc , Pannle Kracht , Helen Keller , Lester
Klrechbraun , Nina KlnKead , Katlo L > on ,
Augusta Lehman , Rmma Ixjrcnzon , Julia
Lanp , llachel Lav. Ion , RIllo Lcvoy , Rdlth
Lounslmry , Agnes McIJlrov , llobert Morto ,
Itobert Morseman. Kogi'iio Mu.isell , Maggie
McL'achron. Nelflo Morrison , Mnrlha Mar-
lensen , Ilrlgie MeArdle , Taullno Mads.u ,
nilzabeth McConnell , May Naudatn , Jeanettc
New lean , Nclllo OcanderHcrt'ia I'ampe-l ,
Rthcl J'nrtrldite , Ida I'cterson. Charles
I'rltehard. llcrtha I'hllllppl , I'lorcnco I'arm"-
lec , Dwlght I'lcrce , Taul Uoblnson , Helen
Ufdlnglon , Simucl Hces , Lillian Uoblnson
Henrietta Hees , Hmma Smith , Kntherliii.
Sharrock , rnnnlo Snooner , Rdna Sandetson
Adolphus Shank , Margaret Sharck , Arthur
Smith , Kay 'lajlor , Lula Tlllo'iion ' , Alfred
'lajlor , Lucy Warluy , Ilclh Williams , Mirj
Wood , Georeo Wnlteis , Huth Wilson. Law-
roico Whllly , Isabcllo Williams , Rll/abclli
I iliiiiilliiniiloUH. .
Galvcston has a Trench night school.
Haltlmoreans want negro teachers ex
clusively In negro schools.
Piof. Henri Molssan , the distinguished
chemist , who came to this country to lec
ture at Iho Princeton celcnrallon , sajs Iho
thing which has struck him most , apart from
Iho superb equipment for teaching , was the
feeling of affection between the students and
the profesiors.
A gift lo Iho library of Prlncclon unl-
vcrslly which will be especially prized was
announced recently. It Is the valuable col
lection of early editions of Virgil belonging
lo Jnnlus S. Morgan of NewYork. . It will
bo deposited with the university as soon
as the now library building Is finished.
Washington Duke gave $ S3,000 five jears
ago to secure the location of Trinity col'
lego , a Methodist institution at Durham
N. C. Last \vcck ho gave $10.000 toward the
endowment of the same Institution , on con
dition , that It should open Its doors to girls.
It ia generally believed that Ihe condition
will be accepted.
Princeton university has decided to de
velop the department of graduate work as
far as possible , worl.lng on lines somewhat
similar to those of Johns Hopkins univer
sity. Its work will bo more In the field ol
pure learning than In professional training.
An endowment fund of nubout ? t,500,000
has been subscribed for this new develop
The free lectures Inaugurated by the
New York Hoard of Rducatton wcro at-
Icndcd by100.000 people this year. Through
the excellent corps of lecturers , scientific ,
historical nnd literary facts arc- brought to
the , knowledge of thousands of the poorer
Inhabitants of .tho city , to whom , other
wise , they would remain clorcd books , so lo
Dr. Frederick Hancrofl , who Is lo lake
the place of Dr von Hoist , the famous hla-
lorlan. at the University of Chicago this
v Inter , Is a joung man of unusual atlaln
ments In his line. He Is well known In
eastern college circles Ihrough his connec
tion with Columbia and Johns Hopkins
universities. Dr. Bancroft was born In
Galcsburg , III , In 1SCO , and Is a graduate
of Amhcrst college and the School of Po
litical Science of Columbia ,
The present senior nlumnus of Harvard
Is Samuel AVard Chandler , of the class of
' 2J. The following members of classes
graduated slnco 1800 have been successively
the senior aUimnl : 1SO-I , Joeeph Head , died
1SS2 , 1S07 , William Thomas , died 1S ! > 2 , 1811.
William Perry , died 18S7 ; 1S11. William It
Saver , died 1SS7 ; 1815 , William Goddard ,
died ISSS , 1817 , George Dancioft. died 1S01.
1818 , Frederick Augustus Farley , died 1892 ,
1820 , William Henry 1'urncss , died January
30 , 1SOC.
Another "fad" Is about to get Its hooks
on the school treasury of Now York City
It Is a medical "fad " The New York
Health board has asked the Uoird of Kdu-
callon lo appoint medical Inspectors lo
visit Iho schools and Inspect Ihe scholars
In order lo delect and prevent the spread
of contagious diseases. The scheme con-
lemplalcs the appointment of 150 Inspcc
tors at a salary of $300 each for ten months
of the jcar and a chief inspector at a sal
ary of $2,500.
Angered al Ihe altcndance of Ihe joung
women school Icachors of Iho place al the
meetings of a dancing club , the school
board of Osagc City , Kan , passed n resolu
tion forbidding further Indulgence In E-uch
gajcty , on the ground that the influence
npcn Ihe pupils would not be good. The
lown arose and asserted Itself. The Knights
of I' } thins stood up for the teachers , and a
business men's meeting was held , at which
a resolution was passed that the members
of Ihe school board be ilnstruclcd lo re
frain from Iho use of tobacco as good re
sults to Iho pupils could not be accom-
plUhcd whllo such a practice was In
dulged In.
No useto deny the fact that Salvation Oil
Is fast taking Ihe place of all other liniments
r < MV I'fiiil | < - at the IIotHx.
Hotel people stnto llml they hnvo never
known irnvel lo bo so llghl during- holiday
week ns II Is nt present Tbero Is nrnrccly
nny one nt the botcls , nnd the few who
nio thorn complain nl liclng nwny from
homo and i > peml niosl of their tlmo wishing1
Ihey were there. What makes It appear
.so much moro lonesome Is the fact Unit
for ttio last month ot nix wrtkx business
lias been better tluin nt nny tlmo during
the je-ur mid n half preceding , or for two
> enrs for Hint mntlor There is every In-
dlcnllon Hint travel will pick up again IIH
soon as lhe > bolidnjH arc over and that Die
coirldors will resume Ihclr wonted np-
The Omaha Clly mission will give Its
annual Chrlslmas dinner lo Iho children of
Us Industrial and Sabbath schools at Ma-
sonlo hall Wednesday noon. December 30 ,
lb9C. Contributions ! of provisions may bo
oenl lo Masonic hall , Sixteenth and Capllol
avenue , on Wednesday morning , or will bo
called for It notice Is sent to Mrs. J. U.
Jardlne , Tlilrtj-third anil Dodgu strccls.
A I'lihl Train lor .Mniitiiim.
and Iho 1'acltlc Northwest leaves Omaha via
the Ilurllngton Houto nt 4 35 p. in. dally.
It U vcfltlbulcd. carries sleeping nnd re
clining chair caia and Is nearly n whole half
day quicker than pny other train from
Omaha to Helena , Hullo , Spokane , Seattle
and Tacoma.
Tlckels and Umo tables nl 1602 Faruam St
A -rjili-xliuf I'rulilciu.
Whether to trl.o "Northwestern Lino" No.
2 at 1 ib p. m or No 0 at 0 JO p m , Chicago-
ward. "No. 2" arrives at Chicago at 7-15 a.
m. and "No. C" at 9 30 a. m. Iloth trains
are models of modern ait , cklll and luxury.
Call at the City Olllce , HOI Farnaiu street ,
and talk U over.
J. A KUIIN. General Acear.
G. P. WRST. C. P T. A.
blx-Thlri ) I' . .M. Trnln.
of Iho
DoKt fccrvlcp.
Dining car.
City oilier : 1501 Karnam.
Hiit'llnutoil Itiiulillollilii ) Hale *
December 21 , 25 and 31 and Januaiy 1
bcUu-cn stations not more than 200 miles
apart return limit , January .
Call at ticket oiilce , 1002 Fariiant street.
Eev , Frank Foster Preaches Hia Farewell
Sermon at Iinmnnucl Baptist Ohurcb.
lint SPPII II Grow from n Allfmlcin T\lll
KlKlit Member * nnil No Alilillnir
I'lucito n MroiiK Cliure-li vvltli
UN ( lit ii IMIIluo.
Hev. Frank W. Foster , who has been HIP
pastor o the Itnmanuel Baptist church eve
slnco Its birth , preached his farewell sermoi
jestcrday morning. On January 1 ho wll
renso to be Its minister , his resignation tak
Ing effect on the last day of Hie year. The
congregation has not > et accepted the res
Ignatlon , although It has been In Us hand
for months. Once Ihey positively refused lo
accept It , but the preacher Insisted thai ho
must sever his connection with the churcl
nnd ho will conscquenlly vacate the pulp !
on December 31.
Ilcv. Mr. Fester Is one of the oldest minis
ters In Iho city. He came lo Omaha abou
len jcais ago , being then n Hold mlsslonarj
In the employ of the Haptlst church. Ho
organized a little mission , which years ago
use 1 to most in n vacant storeroom at'Joln '
Ing the present church edifice. About elgh
jears ago the church organl7cd and later It
Its history erected the building which I
now occupies al Tvvonly-fourth nnd Hlnncj
streets The conjugation has Increaiei
from an original membership of eight to 225
All thiongh Its hlstoty Ilcv. Mr Foster has
been the pastor of the church. Recently
ho decided that a change would bff boneflcla
both to himself nnd his congregallon and
consequenlly ho offered his reslgnallon.
The minister has been 111 for some tlmo
nnd at the services jcsterdav ho ohowci
the effects of his condltlin. Ho. neverthe
less , picachcd a vigorous sermon , througl
which n llnead of sorrow at his coming de
parture * was plainly lo bo discerned. Ho
seemed lo give seine hint ns to ono of Ihe
causes of his severance from the church li
his remarks. Ho stated In opening that Ii
was not only philosophical but also scrip
tural to look upon nllHctlon and censorious
criticism with Indifference. Iho flist refer
ence was to his own phjslcal condition. The
preacher explained the oilier moro fully. He.
stated that ho was moro Indebted to his
critics and enemies than to his friends , be
cause being conscious of his shortcomings
to some degree ho was grateful Ihal Ihej
wcro uolnted out more fully. None but a
fool would consider that a criticism did not
contain n largo amount of Judgment. Yet
dcspllo the largo amount of criticism to
which he had been subjected , ho did nol fee'
that he should bo looked upon as n sacrifice
or as a hero and ho did nol foci In need o !
Critics , he continued , were as useful ns
turkoj bU7zards , the scavengers of the south
They looked for the rough places nnd cor
ners of people and weio continually run
ning against them. Yet Ihoy wcro doing a
greal service every time they knocked ono
off these rough corners , thus making the
criticized moro perfect. Dcspllo this fact ,
however , Ihe preacher maintained that there
should not be too many critics In the world.
Then ho turned his attcnllon lo Iho pessi
mists and critics who bcllevo that there
Is nothing but fraud and falsehood In the
world and attempted to show that there
was much that was pure and beautiful
and virtuous In existence.
He said that ho was convinced of the
existence of truth through his experiences
with the members of his congregation. Jus
tice was also a fact , for although there
was btlll Injusllco he showed lhat Iho pco
plo were now living In an ago of compara-
llvely pure Justice when past centuries arc
viewed As evidence he cited the gradual
substitution of nrbltrallon for war In In-
tcrnatlonal disputes. He believed lhat there
was enough proof to cause a belief In the
complete reign of Jusllco In lime lo come
He also found much of pnrlly and chasllly
In Iho world Ho said lint Omaha was not
next door to heaven , but he rebuked
charges that vice was -predominant hero
Ho said that since his residence In the
city he has seen much purity and chastity
and nobility even In wicked men.
maintained lhat In the outside -world
Iho work of virtue was going on and he
cited as examples the endeavors to reform
Instead of to punish criminals , the cslab-
lishment of university jrclUemcnls and
other movements In similar waja ho
depicted other features of the brighter ? ide
of the world.
The prcnchor In conclusion ref rr ' to
the memories he would carry awiv with
him. Ho paid ho would rcin'mlc" the
glorious organization of the chuich nnd the
labor and love which held Iho lltlle congro-
galion logelhcr during the first months. Ho
would remember the sympathy and affcc-
llon ho had received since. Ho would re
member Die visits of thoFe who came in
sorrow or sin or nflllcllon , Iho deaths , the
baptisms , the weddings , Ihe birthday cele-
brallons nnd the hospitality of the members
of Iho congregallon.
The congregallon has not > el decided upon
the successor of Ihe vvilh'drawlng paslor
nnd will not do BO for some tlmo jet ,
allhough Ihey have several applicants
Services , however , will be held regularj !
every Sunday The resignation of the pastor
will be acted upon at a buslncbs meeting
on next Wednesday night and a special
pulpit committee will bo placed In charge
of the slluatlon. . -
Situation In HH- Hurl } Ci-iilurlos Com-
| iiiri-il rtllli < I'ri-Ki-nl. .
President McClelland of the University of
the Pacific , located In Oregon , occupied Ihe
pulpit of the Westminster Presbyterian
church jestcrday morning. He chose for
his text Romans I , 14 : "I am debtor both
to the Greeks and to Iho barbarians ; bolh
lo Ihe wlso nnd lo Ihe unwise. "
In opening Iho speaker described Ihe
condition of society In the early jears of
Iho first ccnlury , in Iho lime of Christ and
prior thereto , when the classes were nr
rajcd against each other and Ihe upper
grades of soclcly had no compassion for
Ihose beneath them In the social scale
Ho then spoke of the coming of Jesus
Christ , teaching Iho doctrine of brotherlj
love , and said that the cffejt ; of this doc-
Irlno In revolullonl/Ing soclcly might bo
learned by studying the history of the
past eighteen centuries.
Referring to the picsent condition of so
ciety , the speaker said that the terms pop
ulism and socialism were suggestive of the
leaven which Is at work and betoken Ihal
Ihe masses are becoming cnnseloiiB , not
only of their rights but of their power ,
and kings and potentates must recognize
Ibis growing power. The speaker further
asserted Ihal Iho voice of flic public Is
more disposed lo favor rlghleousncas now
than ever before. In thU growth which
has place In Iho Improving of so
clely the reverend speaker declared thai Ihe
pulpit had taken a prominent part and ho
hald that the power of the pulpit IH an over
mastering force when raUed In the support
of Iho broad doelilno of humanity
The province of Iho pulpit was declared
lo bo the uprooting of sin In eoclety and
great stress was laid upon Iho moral cour
age ) icqulred In being ouUpoltcn In exposing
sin In high places The speaker ald Ihe
organliratlon of society was not the cause
of mlbcry so much as wan Individual
wrong-doing , and he asserted lhat no mere
humanitarian motcmcnt would sufllco to rc-
llrvo the condition of eoclety , but lhat fill-
vation muet eomo through the gospel
from a new life ; It must come from wllhln
and not from HOIUO power applied from
In closing Prof. McClelland sold ho was
In sjmpathy with all good legislation , but
back of this must bo consecrated men and
women who have been regenerated and
have allied Ihcniselvcs lo God In Ills pur
pose to gave the vvoiId. ,
I'uiiernl of .loliii M. ICIlKi-iiiion ,
The funeral of John M. Ktlkcnon , who
committed suicide ChrlstmnH eve , nfte-r se
riously woundlnc rils wife , will inko plncn
fiom the POIOIIPI'S olllco Tuenday at 2
o'clock The funeral services will be i
preached by Rev. Mr B.ivldgp , wlih Inlcr-
ncni at Forest Lawn ccmctciy. j
IIOOMIMl ( ! ( ) ( ) ! ) iHOADS .MOM'.MKVI * .
Srerofnry Proi-inim .Toliiinoit llunll }
KiiKiiUPiliiln tinHnnl ,
Chnrlcfl Freeman ( Johnson of California ,
secretary of Iho National League of Good
Heads , who rcccntlr slopped off hero on his
way easl , Is doing'Rood work In behalf rf
his pel enterprise , and also advertising Iho
Tranflmtmlwdppl Imposition wherever he
goes. To the editor of The Heo he writes
thai ho has been micccflsful In forming a
combination between the league ho repre
sents nnd the United States department of
road Inqulrj , of which ho has been appointed
an Inspeclor. Ho nlso wrllca that he hopes
to sco the good roads movement represented
at the exposition.
Concerning the > movement for road Im
provement and the exposition , ho talked as
follows to a reporter for the Hartford , Conn ,
Com ant"There Is a wonderful awaken
ing throughout the middle west on Ihe < mb-
Jed , and Iho pe-ople of Omaha have a move
ment on foot which will be ono ot fho most
far-reaching eventa that has jet occurred
In the good roads work. They are organiz
ing a Transmlsdlsslppl International R\po-
slllon , lo bo held In 1S9S. Congrcra has
pawed a bill appropriating $200,000 for this
exposition , nnd HIP people have subscribed
over $400.000 In ndldtlon , so that they have
over $ flOO.OO ( > already In eight , out of $1,000-
000 which they proposed to ratee. The man
agers of the exposition have sent titllclal
communications requesting us to aid In se
curing for them the National Good Roads
congioss for ISIS , nnd the national meet of
Ihe League ot American Wheelmen for Iho
same jear at about that time. This would
bring an enormous body of good roods people
together at a central point , nnd If the gov
ernment would make n good roads exhibit
ns It did nt the Atlanta i\posltlon. It would
serve as a tremendous object lesson to the
whole western cotmtrj- . "
The Now- York Telegram hid the following
losaj concerning Mr. Johnson :
Mr. Jnbnuon last night showed n Tele-
jjiain niiorter n letler of Invitation from
tliero ( Itiilng the- progress of llie expo/lllon
Mr Johnson e.ild IIP thought It very Ilke-ly
thai the ponxe-nllon would go to Omaha nl-
' -
' '
tboupli that in.ifter liiid'iiot be-en do'eTdc-d'n's
\lt. lltlllVntllif tint Itn fnt. antitn .Int. ] . .1
least , llo was In Onulm n week , i-o ; tod.iy
nnd was muc i Imploded bv lie s uv
In Iho way of rrepur.illons for Ihe e\po l-
The people of Onnln nnd the surrounding
lerrllory hnvo nlrendy raised $ ! Ou.OCO toward
making the exposition n Biiec-ei * , and ns
L-ongrp's. has appropriated f.'OO OCO townid
the enterprise It ! thought the Omaha people
ple will have llttlo dlllli-uliv In r.iHInc the
lemnlndor of the $1,00(1,000 ( which it Is
thought should be on band before the big
Miovv starts Mr Johnson snj s the people
of Om iha nnd of the Trnnsmlssltslppl coun
lry aio quite as much Interested In the sub
ject of good road as are those of the
Thousands sink Into nn early grave for
want of a botllo of Dr Hull's Cough Syrup.
This greal remedy would have saved them.
The fame of the Howard Afhencum com-
rnny , which was remembered from former
visits as being among the best of the vaude
ville attractions , was suniclent to ntlract
two largo audiences to the Crclghton jcs-
lerday , where Iho organlzallon , as at present
constituted , opened a short engagement. The
afternoon nerformance was far from salls-
factory and did not Indicate that the old
standard of excellence had been kept up
The first "turn" on ( ho bill was omitted
without explanation , Iho mologrnrdi was rc-
fraclory and utterly ailed to work and Del-
more nnd Leo weie unable to appear by rea
son of Iho lale arrival of Iho company In
town and the Impossibility of gelling their
apparatus In order. The manager. In n speech
before the curtain , made such e\ctiso ns was
possible under the circumstances nnd In the
evening a more complete- and cnlovablo ex
hibition was given. .Tho company. Contains
some fairly clover people , chief among Ihoso
appearing al Iho mallnoc being Junnlo Gro-
> lnl awl Kdjth Murray , gjmnastlc dancerb ,
lien Ilarney In imitations of negro nongs ,
.viorion nnil .viacn tn irisn
. . comedy and the
l.ovlnos in their craj on-drawing spec-laity.
The cngagcmct closes with a performance
Yesterday afternoon Mr. W. T. Taber gave
an organ recital nt the first Congregational
church In the presence of a large and at-
lenllve n idlcnee. Mr. Taber Is an organlsl
of grc&v natural ability. Ills Ideas of reg
istration are original and consistent Hv-
crjlhlng he does shows a thorough knowl
edge of the Instrument. The building of
a tone picture by means of combinations
of stops Is no easy mailer , as Is so often
demonstrated by Iho many organists who
iry It and fall Mr. Taber's program was
varied and Inlcrcsllng and selected from
the works of Oullmani. Theme , Wagner ,
Mendelssohn. Dallslc and Gounod.
A fealuro of Ihe recital was Ihe remark
able singing of Mis. C. K. Squires. Her
selection was a very dramatic sacred song
by Ilandcggcr , entitled "Savo Mc , Oh God. "
and her rendering of It fulfilled every de
mand. Especially notcworlhy was Iho way
In which she developed Iho climax near
Iho end and Ihe volume of tone produced.
Mrs Squires Is surely one of Omaha's fore
most bopranos.
llobert P'tzslmmons , Iho heavy eight pu
gilist , Is en route from San Kranclsco lo
Now York , whcro he will arrange Iho de
tails for his fight with Jim Corbclt on the
17th of March next for the championship of
Iho world He 'will ' nrrlvo In this city at
4 45 o'clock this afternoon , accompanied bj
bis vvlfo and child , his span Ing partner
Jack Hlckey , and his manager , Martin Ju
lian. This Is the first visit of Fit/slmmons
lo Omaha and Iho most lively Interest Is
shown concerning his stopover hero nnd his
appearance at Iho lioyd this evening in con
nection with William Culder's scenic drama ,
"Saved from the Sea , " bj the largo sale of
scats that has alieady taken place The
report was current yesterday around tov.n
lhat "Iho house was told out. " but that
statement will not bo verified until this
ovenln : ; . when the big thealer will bo
l > acked from orchestra to the last scat in Iho
gallery. There are many deslrnblo seats jet
unfold , but they will all bo gone before
i-vcnlng. iithcr Iho pugilist or the drama
Is Btilllclcntly Etiong lo stand alone , but
when the Iwo are combined there Is certain
lo bo no lack of duo appreciation and palron-
Many lovers of comic opera will bo pleased
at the announcement that the Delia Kox
Comli Opcia company will be at the Orclgh-
ton Wednesday , Thursday and Trlday even
ings The company numbers over sl\ty peo-
j plo nnd prominent among the principals are
Riich artists ns Harry Macdonogh , Hugh
Cltllvcr * . Trank Illalr. Charles J Campbell
Charles ttungan , William Dudley and the
MlKjcs Nelly llragglns , Trtxlo Krlganra
riorlno Murray , Nathalie Alllon , Knlhrrlno
Ray and Pranklo Wotene. Tor each of Ihe
operas In the Fox repertory Iho complete
scenery nnd stage settings arc carried Noth
ing U eliminated or cut down , whether Iho
company plnjn two weeks or one night In
a city. "Tho Llttlo Trooper" will be sung
Wednesday outline and at the New Year s
matlnco nnd 'Tleur do" will be pre onted
Thursday nnd rrlday ( N'evv Year's ) nights
The Chicago University Oleo nnd Mandolin
club will glvo n concerl at Iho Crolghlon
Monday , January 4.
Itni-Kiiipii I'orni n t'ulon.
The Omaha haeknion held a meeting nt
1415 rnrtmni street , last Tue d.\y night for
the purpose of forming a union J
prn was olpeted president ; .1 M Oirnov vloo
president , A llusiell , seorctniv. nnd rinrloa
White , tiensiirer The now bodv I" eillnl
Ihe Omaha Hac-kinen's Protective a siii la
tlon , and Its object Is to establish n HI ale
of rates and form n moie filendly dNposl-
llon belwie-ii the men nnd their pitrnii"
than has formerlj1 exl lcd The association
slails In vvllh about tvv only-live incmborx
Prevent sickness and save doctors' bills at
this boaeon by Keeping jour blood rich nnd
pure with Hood's Sareaparllla.
Cormier to tnveHllunte ( In
Coioner Ilurket will bold nn Inqiii t th
moinlng nl 10 o'clock over Iho remilnx of
n 11 MclJIrath , Ihe tiavillng mnn who
pommlllcd suicide nl hi * resldcMioe 1MJ
Chicago .street , S.ituidny night A I UK' '
number of witnesses line IK en siiinmonid
In older to thoroughly Investigate- tin
I.cavo Omaha every rrlday via the Union
I'nclflc. No change of cats to Ocden , Pan
Ftanclscn or I.os Angeles. Tourist sleepers
dally to Pan Tranclsco.
Special atlcnlluu paid to ladles traveling
alonn. A C DL'N.V.
City Pass , and Tkt.genl
130J 1'arnain St.
, t-IK-c-lnl llollilny Itnlen.
The Chicago , St. Paul , MInncipolls and
Omaha Hy , will sell expulsion UrketH Dee
24lh , 23th and 31st , IS'JC , amf January Isl
1S97 , good for return until January 1th
1S97 , for ono and one-third fares for the
round Irlp. _ _
Dr. J. I. I < "ia of Chadron vvcs nn Omaha
Sunday visitor.
J. W. Megcalh has gone lo Denver , where
ho will visit friends.
Church Howe camp up from Auburn lo
spend Sunday in Omaha.
S. J. Weeks and John Sklrvlng of O'Neill
were in tlio city jcslcrdaj' .
W. 12 Alexander of Kdgemont , S. D , vvat
among the anlvals jcstcidaj' .
lion Joseph Oberfelder of.Sidney Is in Ihe
city. He Is enroute lo Lincoln.
C 12 Ilurnham , n banker from Tlldcn ,
was among Iho airivals jcstcidaj.
G A. IZcklcs , one of Chadron's leading
law j era , in the city j'cfitcrdaj.
J C. Spencer left last night for New
castle , Wjo. , lo remain n few dajs.
C II. Cornell , n Valentine Innkcr , wa. )
r6gltcred nl one of Iho hotels jeeletdiy
Sherman Canfield of Sheridan , Wjo , is
In tlie city on a short visit with friends
H. A. Holdrego left last nlglil for I hi
cage , whore l.e goes on a short biiBinrs"
Ilcunan Kountrc left lasl night for YnU
college , after spending Christmas with bin
S 11 Smllh of the Union Pacific legal
department returned home from Chicago
lasl night.
( T. C Hozelctt , clerk of Iho courts at
O'Neill , accompanied by his wife , wad an
Omaha v Isltor j cetcrday.
W. II. Hunter returned to Denver hst
night , to resume his woik there.after ar
ranging his nfialrs In Omaha.
Lester Urldaham , formerly connected with
the Mlllard hotel , now living In Denver ,
was In the city last nlghl while on his waj
Mr. J. A. Goodman and wife , Mr. Pain
Jones , Joe Mason and H. 12. 12arl are Kan-
can Clly , Mo , urilvnla blopplni ; at the
D. V. Sholcs , for many jears a prominent
reil estate man of this city , now n mine
owner of Cripple Creek , has been in the
city for heveral dajs. Ho returned home-
last nlghl.
Ncbraslnns at the hotels : n. C Calkins ,
Kearney ; A. 12 Upton , Lincoln ; r. Tloinej
and J. A Harris. Broken lion , W. II Shel
don , Hastings , W Jenkins , Kullcrton , DV
Schaff , Columbus , J. 11. Jones , \Vjmoie , L
11 Kenner , Hcmmlngford ; II. J. Nighten
gale , Loup City.
Mr. and Mn DolpH Lavlno , Mr. and Mrs
Sam Merion , Miss Molllo Thompson , Ml E
Jennie Gioxlnl. Miss I2djth Murray , Charles
Mack. Hen Harvey. George Delmore , Ollle
Lee , I2ddle O Dell James Hughes and Krunk
Townsend. comprising the Boston llouard
Athenaeum Star Specialty company , arc stop
ping at the Darker
Used l > y people of refinement
for over a quarter o si century.
Look out for your breath by
watching your tooth , ono de
cayed tooth will taint tlio
breath. Gold crowns , 22k
So to S8. Potcolnin crowns , $5.
Artificial teeth , Sf > ; best $7.5a
BAILEY , Dentist , Has ? "
3d floor , lady attendant.
Ti-otli uxtrnctod ulllioiit ii.iln
The English philosopher tells us that
who ° o lias sixpence is sovereign ever all the world
to the extent of that bKpenoo. In tlio hume wav
the on nor of this Chamber Set is Bovorcijrn ever
Comfort to the extent of ono Chamber Set.
There are three pieces in the set. The
wood is the darkest shmlo of San Domingo Ma-
hoffnny , and lookn two hundred joars old. This
idea of atro is hoi luhciicd by the design itself.
The tail tinted PUKK are the head marks of an at eh-
itcetuio that v\as old-fashioned n eonlury njfo.
These some tapering posts are on tiic
headboard and footboard of the bed , and on the
buck of the watihbland. There IdaUo a llute-d BCC-
tlon in the front jmrits of the bureau.
The gfreat popularity of this design has
led us to ropioduco a few ol tlicoo setn in untl.juo
oak at tlio very low pi-ico of Ji3 : , $ . " > 0 and ? OJ.
Lowest Prices on Furniture. 12tll and Boilglas.
im/manm m *
Hee > , December 21 * , IVfl ,
Not many of them , thank Good
ness. Whatever there is you will
f d M ° enough and cheap
enough * to buy , even if you have
to save il until next Christmas to
give somebody. There are some
fjnekid gloves for men at 75c ,
instead of the usual $1.25. Some
fine fancy silk neckwear at 75c
| ought to be $1.0O. Some fancy
, web suspenders at $1.00 , and &
some satin ones at 50c , and a few ,
of the choice Jigavy silk handkerchiefs - ,
kerchiefs at rfalf'sTdollar. Lots of
chances for shrewd bargain hunt &s >
ers in our Men's Furnishing de
partment between now and New
f5 > Year's. '
) id you get a Camera for Christmas ?
if not , hero's your chain o to got one by
Any boy or girl , manor woman sending subscriptions
to the Omaha Daily Bee under the conditions as given
below will deceive one of these beautiful and perfect
cameras free.
, ameras given away
Made ot stiong material ,
covered In blucK Iciitlurelto
nnd IB very simple In opi ra-
Uon. I'ai IB can bo easily
duplicated If lost never gets
out of order takes pictures
one Inch Hiumre or round , IIH
f how n below tUo of Comet
Ciiiiu ra lli'.ini\2 Inches and
n ounces a child can
vvoik It.
A HIGH grade camera ,
" takes photograph 3x3
inches Crescent Camera is
6\4x4 | in size and is equal
to any $ JO camera It's the
latest thing out and is im
proved up to date ,
Four new Mibrc-i ilers for thrco vvcoks each
Three now bitbseribei- four vvcoks encli
Two now subac-riberb for si.wcokh each
TTn < fir , n mlti Kf f nrctinid . nl . tbo rate of r renti n v\celf , paper to
ill lilt V Illclllcl KJOU , iL. , ii ) | \.rcil In Oiniili.'i. loiinull " -
Oinubu by cuiiler , or sent cUcwbcio lij mull Wu will gl\o 3011 u
Kight new subsoribci i for three weeks eacii
Six now btibai'i-ibpi-B for four weeks cacli
Fcur now biih'ciibora for six wpcks each
Thrco new fatib-.cribois for eitfht vvcoks oarh
Two now aiibjCribcM for twelve weeks ciioh
Prcpakl at the rate of l"i cents a week , papar to bo dolivorcd in Oinalia ,
Council HlulTh " or South Omaha by carrier or s nt elsewhere by mail wo
will ghoiou"a
fea <
in all subscrip
tions to the business
ofllco of The Boo , Boom
100 , Boo Building ,
Omaha , or No. 10 Main
Street , Council Blulls ,
Town , or address
1 lSrl ff > ji\ ifi " > . V.
5M'vl \ ' v -k 4-\ ' v N. B. A now Bub-
x ecribor under this oircr
\ \
: is ono v ho has not boon
taldnthoBco | through
our ofllco or its regular
ngonta later than No
vember S5 , 1800.
Ci.iMill fiiintia llilnlltf ,
Grand Chance
to Earn a
B _
Count t < il > "i Ihlnl'.n. tuinet t ll.cs tlit.i ilic ,
Address al ! communications to
Camera Department ,
Omaha Bee , Omaha