Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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"Ghojenno BoV Oivon a Brief Touch ol
High Life ,
Sniip Shots nt .Sonic of ( he IV
\Vlio .Vent nit it 'I IIPII I'lnil
Their \Vny lo the
( 'lt ) I'rlMon.
When the comrmmU. 'Tall In ! Left face !
Attention to roll call ! " wtre given by Cap
tain Klnj ? at the city Jail last Saturday evenIng -
Ing , thirty-two eloublc-bieastod RuarOianr nf
the peace fell Into line , nnsv\crc < l "her , "
when their tinmes were called , and saluted
when the captain announced "all iircncnt or
actountcd for. " A description bf n loit
mnnvn read and the olllccis notified to ro-
poit If ho lorated A clrculai lutltr
from the chltt of police of Denver was also
road , offcilng a tenant for the nppiclietinlon
of a man \\hoso description was given. The
circular vvns pisucd nlotiR the line , that
each officer might take a look at the photo
attached to the circular. Sergeant Mitchell
thru took thorno of his platoon ami marched
them out , while Sergeant Chamberlain did
the name with hlJ , the former going to their
lirntH on the cast nldo of Sixteenth street
and the latter covering the west "lde
\Vhrn I reported to Captain King early In
the evening , armed with proper ciedentlals
It from Chief Slgwart , dialing that 1 drwlrcd
| 1 to upend a few bourn with the patrol wagon
ho mild "Thli ought to bt n good night for
hiislMtsi , OH the streets arc lined with people
ple , but jou can't tell whit will turn up
SOUKnlghtn the wagon Is kept on the Jump
nil the tltno , and then again wo don't lm\o
ocnrcelj a run all evening. Just come down
ntrlr and I'll Introduce jou to the IIOJH In
the olllcc. and If we don't show jou a iiain-
plo of the nh.idy ldo of llfo It won't bo
through an ) fault of ourc "
' Evidently this was to be a quiet night
foi not a call for the ' hurrj wagon" bad
be-on inndi ! up to 9 o'clock I'rom 7 to 0
o clock a number of "vvtuy Wllllta" e.imt
In and asked for sleeping accommodations
foi the night When 'heir name- ? had been
entortd on ll > e register and 1'atrol Conductor
lledmann had beaichcd them , they wire
ronducti d to the room used as a police
couit , where cadi "lodger" selected a bench
and was eon In the arms of Morpheus , us
ing eo.its for plllowfl and newspaper for
llinlutR In looking over the register , I
foun ! tliiu as manj as thlrtj-flvc and fortj
nu'ii uric furnlulicd places to Bleep during
the winter nights and even In July and
August the rcglstci showed that frequent
rcqucHtH were made for empty bunches
Turning ovci thepagra I found tlmt the
applicant ? were from nil stations of life , the
bookkeeper mid the druggist and the tele
graph opeiator ocdipylng benches next to
IhiMo used by farmers , painters , butchers ,
cabinet maker.- ) bricklayers , porters and the
common , ever > day laborers , the Intter hav
ing thi highlit avuiage The men were
rairfullj nr.irchcil befoiu being allowed a
ben h ami at tlnifs the stock of knlvru nnd
raoi is suinclent to equip a flrst-cl.-un
pawiibioker'n window ' " man who Just
wont up stairs " slid SergeTiit Mltclicll ,
"has been coming hero evi ry night for the
last two woclfs. but he tells me be has the
promibo of n Job on Mondiy o I nupposo
be II soon change Ills hoarding house nnd
seek a softui bed at night "
"jjnu.iir AND
Whllo waltini ; for n call , my attention
vvaa attracted to two Scotch terriers 6urled
tip on one of the long benches "flint Is
'Nelllo and this h 'bmllcs , ' " said Captain
King "They both belong line' , and there
Ian t n man on the force who would not
pull off his coat and fight for them at the
drop of the hit ' .Mollle ' that's the mother
of tlieRo two camu drifting Into the stntlnn
ono cold night In the winter of ' 87 , nnd she
has made this her homo ever since She's
out now , making the rounds , nnd she won't
como In until she has rubbed against every
patrolman on duty She's the greatest dog
on earth and can drag a rat out from under
the sidewalk quicker than "
Just at this moment a double ring
Rounded on the 'phono connected with the
ollleo In the city hall , nnd while Jailer
Dooley answered It , Patrol Conductor Tleit-
mann slipped Into his big coat , got his
"billy" and palp of "como-a-longs , " nnd as
Dooley sang out , 'Tourtecnth and Douglas"
wo wcro half out of the back door , making
for the "hurry wngon" standing In the
barn leady for duty at any hour of the day
or night Driver Osbornc was waiting for
us nnd as Tlrdmann swung back the big
stable door the wagon passed out and vvo
dashed down the alley , out Into Koiiitcenth
street nnd headed north , the horses carryIng -
Ing us along nt a good clip People rustled
to the sldo of the street to get a look at
the wagon ax It passed , wondering , perhaps ,
who was to bo the unlucky Individual this
time It proved to bo a sneak thief , \\lio
was picked up by Detectives Hudson ami
Donnhuo nnd Sergeant Her Just after
snatching a pockctbook from a woman on
Douglas street. "This fellow , " said Driver
Osborne , as vvo were returning to the sta
tion "has qulto a hlstoiy Ho was brought
down hero from Chadron about a year ago ,
charged with Belling liquor to the Indians
Somehow they failed to make a case against
him nnd turned him loose Since that he
has been unable to get back to his home ,
If ever ho had one , nnd spends his time
loafing around and getting Into nil sorts 01
Wo had no sooner entered the station than
another call wan made from Fifteenth and
Cass streets , wliero wo picked up a whlto
man nnd a colored woman When wo got
them safely behind the bars , Captain King
Inquired of the man what watt the nature of
the double "Well , Sergeant , It was Just
like this , " ho Bald. "I was taking n stroll
through Jefferson square ? wondering how
It would do for a location for the Trnns-
inlsslsalppl. when along comes this veiled
prophet , wlio Induced mo to accompany her
to her rooms. I had J7 HO In my vest pocket
when I went In nnd not n cent when I came
out She. either 'touched mo' or had n fel
low under the sofa who went through my
clothes When I discovered that slip- had
donu mo up I called an olllcer nnd she dug
up ? 5 nnd wanted to call the thing bquare.
I wanted to let thn matter drop and go
homo and rock the baby to sleep , but the
olllcer said I'd have to go to the station ami
fllo a complaint. I'd like to go now. If jou
plenso , for I don't want my name In the
papers and I'm willing to drop the case"
Captain King , who recognized In ray
Smith alias Mrs Ilolden , one of the sharp
est "badger" workers who ever Infested
Omah.i , said , "What have > on got to say
for yourself ? " Looking up , as Innocent as
a lamb behind n four-board fence , Bhc snld
"Why I didn't do nothing to bo 'rested for.
I was standing on the corner , tnlklng to
Sister Ilccky Jones of our church , when
along comes this man with an ofllccr , who
Bays'Como along , I want you * I was
scared 'most to death , for I hadn't dona
nothing' , nnd this hero man lies when ho
Hts I got his | 7. I don't know him and
never saw him until ho came up with the
olllcer Ho's mistaken In the lady , for I
don't rob nobody , I don't. " NotvvltliHtand-
Ing her protest , she was "sent below , "
while the man who was out J2 GO by the deal
filed n bond for his appearance before
Jmlgo Gordon on Monday as complaining
witness and went homo to glvo his baby
a dose of paregoric before rocking It to
Ilcforo I had my overcoat off another call
was made from Fifteenth nnd Dodge , where
wo found three detectives In charge of two
colored women , who were charged with be
ing vagrants and tiusplclous characters
When wo wcro tnsldo the big Iron railing
nt the station and ths "colored ladled" weru
being booked by Jailer Dooley , a lawyer who
vvaa present , and who was sUled the
"Judge , " asked ono of the women how much
she expected to net Ibis time , "I'll let you
know that I'm Mlbs Ida Mitchell. " said the
ono whoso face was about the color of Now
Orleans molasses In January , "and I don't
want no Up from such whlto trash as > ou
I'm Just as good ns you are , sail , and I'vo
got two elstcrs that are whiter than you will
over bo , " "Miss" Ida Mitchell and her chum ,
who was booked ns "Mlw" Klla Whlto , wore
given n , berth In the "ladliw parlor , " where
they kept up ft continual chatter until long
after midnight.
llctwrcn f > and 11 o'clock a number of In
quiries were wade couccnilnt ; the old man
rti.irLd li i lull no rtf t hail been made
by the ntr Im n As the h nda of the blR
clock pmtiti 1 In 11 n nicely drc ncd unman
i ir/r rti hi g In an 1 n li .1 , f they had her
i -n h , K .1 tip She If laj nut reached
liuino a 1 shi. wai nfuil ho v. ns clttur H
I.M 1 company or h , d fallen Into the strong
arm of the \ . \ \ . Hio dtpuitcl with n mlle
uhu a "thank y < m" wl'i' Informed that Iicr
toy WAS not confined In the batiilo
At 11 OB another applicant for an empty
bench nut Me his nppenrance , having upon hie
coat tnreo buttons which read "Kiwi Mo
Quick " "Never Touched Me , " "I'm I'apa'fl
Only Hoy. " Ho was accommodated with n
newly painted bench , which na placed close
to the radiator , that pipn'n only pet would
not catch cold by ! ec | Ing In n cold room.
At 11 80. as wo were dashing pa t thu
cornet of fifteenth and Howaul streets , nn-
isweilng n cell fioin down town a man with
nn armful of bundlr > i and a wlfo nnd two
children standing on the corner rushed out
and stopped us by waving hln bundles , nay-
Ing , im Drlvir Onborne cloned up , "JJxcuso
me , 1 thought that was the South Omahi coming" Wo dashed on , leaving the
South Omaha delegation 'vailing for a car
At Sixteenth and Cnss streets we picked up
a fellow who vvjs charped with being drunk
and committing a nulsonco on the Mrtet
Ho was taKui boow ! and given n Pullman
bprth In ' Bi-ctlon I : . *
When a favorable opportunity presented
Itself I had an Interview with Matron Cum-
tilings , who has hern on duty at the Rtatlon
for the' past lx v ira and from whom I
seemed much Infomutlon regarding the
character nf the women t.ho Is obliged to
search before hi Ing placed In their cells
In answer to my ( jucntlon ns to whcthei she
expel iPticpd any trouble In searching woaien
( die paid "Not n bit In thp Rlx years that
I have been hero I have never hnd a woman
offpr to wtilko mo or glvo me any abusive
language They don t , as n rulp , care to
bo searched , but appear to reall/e that It Is
oneof th < * , u things which must be- done nnd
submit without troublp It occasionally hap
pens that 1 hear some veiy bad language
u cd by drunken men who are brought In ,
but no matter how drunk they may be , the
Invailahly ceite cursing and swearing th
moment tln-y discover my presence , show In
that no m itter how much n man may h
crazed with liquor , ho Knows enough to re
epect a vvumin and her feelings "
At 1 03 wo had a tall from Ucrnianla hal
where a dance wan In progress A tips
Ociman , who wnnted lo go down In th
basement nnd get another taste of beer , fe
H the lop of the stairway , striking the bac
of his head on the ste > p and cutting a hi
gash , which roquliied tevcral Mltchr" to pit'
It toi ethci He unit tukcn to thp statloi
notwlthstindlng his assertion that ho wa
a Oeimnii count In disguise and would mak
it warm for the police In the moinlng /
physician wni called , who pitched him up
after which he- left to get his forty-dolla
overcoat nnd felt ctown
AN AIM itiu * i.ocivirr.
"lol < > n 1 > > ii Ilnnillt In HI I'liso , ItVa
.VfliTMitrcl Itotnrni-il to IU OMIHM.
"I hid spent Hmnr.U vvpil.u nt horn
nftir uiadii.itlug from < o'lcgp ' , when my
fither , who was tvcccdlnily loud of travel
proposed our taking n few months' trli
through tinVnltid Suites. Canada , ntu
Mexico , writes n coi respondent of theI'hll
ailplphl.i Times " \Ve hnd . .ilrcadvlsltci
t'.p many points of Interest In the two
fotinpr countries and hint crossed Ihp Illo
( .irnmle to the city of HI Paso , where w <
nut with the thrilling experiences \\lilc-h
am nbout to n l UP on arriving In Kl Paso
we- register ! d nt thp - Housp , thp Urges
hotel In the town Though we InlrniUil ro
imilnliiK herp foi only thrcp or four days
WP w nfoiepd to lengthen our stav , owlnt ,
to a midden w.irm spell , wiile1'1 ' ! forbade our
Unvoting fnrtltpt outh for a few clavs
longer Quite , i number of Phlladelphlitn
weto stomiliiir nt the- hotel , nnd 11 Is need
kss to nay wo soon made their acquaint
iincei We wiru six days In 121 Paso whei
two gentlemen wanted us to neiontptity
them to thp swamp , the miles ouNlilp the
town In vvhlih RTI w n famous lu rb sup
pnsi d to havi1 great supernatural powers
o\\ng | to our momitotiouH surroundings , we
welcomed thu Invitation , ntnl at 2 n m the
following iluy we started out on horsebiek
wlti out IIPW friends We hid gone two
or thrcp mile's nnd were resting on the sum
mil of n hill , eiijovliiK thp fir fumed Mi-x-
lean set npry , when five men lushed out
from the brusliwooel ne.imy and suddenly
enlloel ' Halt1" Our two companions , seeing
the danger nnd being In ndvanee.purrei
theli home" * and made a desnente rush
down the hill. A shower of arrows follouoi
them ; but. owing to the -iwlftnesa of their
Hteeels tbev esi ipcd safe'ly from Ino ban
dits The latter then crowded nbout us ,
and In ono voice oidereel us to glvo up the
contents of our poekots Ilelng wlthoul
arms , -wo mnelo no resistance whatever ,
and the robbers were soon searching
through our pockets for booty Tor-
tumitely. our lives were not In peril , though
our molentcrs occasionally handled us
pretty roughly. They poke frequently to
us ; but my father , being overcome by
nerv oils pxhaustlon , made no reply At
last , when nn nttempt made to remove
n locket from his neck , 'ae ' > looked Implor-
ngly at the robber anil said "Take all bill
this , friend , ll's n picture of my eleael wife "
ThP tobher scanned the tlellcjte featuies
In the picture and hesitated but feeling the
eyes of his companions ocntereel upon him
ho cut the chain quickly , and took posses
sion of the Je > vvi led locket Was It Imagina
tion that made my father think that the
robber softly pressed 'Ms hand on leaving
ilm ? After taking possession of every
thing1 valuable nbout our person * , thp chief
of the handlts blew n shrill \\tiKtlo nnd In
an Instant his followprs wore lost In the for
ests of ii Paso With some dllllculty we
succeeded In finding the reid to the town ,
i ml had only proceeded half n mile whpn
we mpt a rescuing party coming to our
isslstnnce On see-Inn us both safe ami
sound the party gave > tnrto loud cheers ,
uid we were earrled back In trliiiniM to the
lotel. where the uupsts crowdeel about im
o hear our thrilling1 experience Jly
'alher soon recovered from Ihe effects of
the shock , and In n fovv days vvo proceeded
on our lounipy through HIP south Six
months later we were seated one morning
u our otllce on Walnut street when n dls-
: lngiil hed looking mnn , whoso face seemed
famlllir , asked to see my father privately
He was ushered Into fie Inner olllce As
soon ns the door was c'loscd behind him he
pullpel a pirccl from bis pockpt and silil
"Mr , thin pireel belongs to you You
will Ilml a note of explanation within "
Without further conversation he left the
olllee , nnd walked Into the street Hating
liparel what bad transpired , I hastened to
open the package , nnd , to my astonl li-
muit found the vulunble locket with my
mother's picture , which had been vvrunt ;
fiom my father's neck. Accompanying It
was the following note.
" 'Mr
" 'lle > ar Sir Enclosed flnd the locket HO
valu.ible to you Your long white hair and
plll.ihle eyes so touched n robber's lii'irt
that ho came from the forests of ii : I'aso
to lettirn the miniature of your bplovcd
wife. Jlost slneeroly yours , H S' "
roitncibT or 'IOI > A\'S WIVTIIIH.
Partly ricnul > an el ConUiiiiednriii
Sdlillie-rH ( ei 'e'Mle'i'H \ \ IllilN.
WASHINGTON , Dec 27.-Tho rorecast
for Monday Is. _
Tor Nebraska and Kansas Partly
cloudy , continued warm weather , boutherly
to westerly winds Monday
For Missouri mid Iowa Paitly cloudy
weather , warmer In eastern portion ; bouth-
erly winds
Tor South Dakota Fair weather ; warm
southerly to westerly winds ; probably
eolder 'luemlay.
Ilie-ill Ite-e-onl.
oFnci : or run wnATiinu nirnnAU.
OMAHA , Dec 27 Omaha reeorel of rainfall
mid temperature compared with cor-
re-spondlng day of the past three years
1S3B 1ST , 1MM 1S91
jrnxlintim tempernturo. . . 4J 40 G 42
Minimum temperature . . 27 20 S 30
Average temperature . . 3. > 2.1 2 3t >
Hnlnfall 00 .00 .00 0) )
Itecofil of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for thu day mid since March 1 ,
Cuba nutl Chicago Glvo Wall Street Several
Genres ,
In MINP < MINI > \Vhllr Mut
ter Unit Affet't Stoi-Ki llp cl lt
to Tlu-lr Nntiirnl DliiiiMt-
Hliiiin mill rore-c.
NHW YORK , Dec. 27. Henry Clews , head
of the banking house of Henry Clews & Co .
writes of the situation In Wall street
The Mist week , In Wall street , has been
n broken om > , with eoiuhlerable Irn rfu-
larlty In the prlecs of M-curltles Apart
from the disturbing Inlluences Incident to
the holidays nnd the- annual inaklng-up
nnd liquidation of accounts , there have
been pec-lnl causes of dlstinbunco , all more
or less calculated to un tile coiilldence
nnd to cheek Inlying opeiatlons.
The Introduction of the- Cameron Cuban
resolutions In the senate has n uurally
cniifed oino su pen- , which made Itsplf
fell nt the beginning of t lu week hiter.
however , this Inllueme spent Its force and
bee amp scarce ly a distinguishable element
In the matket At the moment , u more
Furious fie-lor Is the' outbn-ak of bink
failures After a series of siif-pc nsloiis of
country banks , mine on Mondnv the fnl'-
uro of the National Dink of Illinois , nnd
on Tuesday the suspension of the St Paul
Hank of Minnesota , the former being mi
Institution which has long enjoved a fairly
good tredlt nutl stands second In magni
tude among the b inks of Chicago , nnd the
latter being thp oldest bank In Minnesota
Tie Chle-igo Institution appeals to have
been rulneel by leckless lending , mid the
Insolvency of the St Paul bank In at
tributed to "dry rot" These unexpected
developments have cuised ome distrust
as to the condition of financial affairs In
thn west , and .UP regaleleel as Indicating
the nfter effects of the late years of stnln
In that section of the country , but they ein
hardly be te-gatded as having produced any
local shock , anil none of the New York
ngents of the failed Institutions have suf
fered , the main ptTeet of the occurrences
having been to cause free shipments of em.
rcncy to Clile tgo nnd St Paul In otelei to
strengthen the cash re-sources of thebtnk
of those cities With these exceptions , how-
pvet , the crop of failure-- * Incident to the
closeof the year has been smaller thin
usuil , which Is to be regarded as a sitls-
fae-torv symptom of the piesont condition
of eredlt.
Tie condition of our political relation"
with Cub i has for some weeks pist been a
really serious element of distrust so much
so as to prove an Important obstruction to
the reeoveiv of uotilldemo which set In
with the election It Is this fact which
cmise d the llt-U news of the ( \iiiuron reso
lution * * to have such an Important eflec-t
upon the prices of stocks The < e resolu
tions afforded a fair test of the sensitive
ness of Wall street upon this question , but
t'le-y ' have also serveel as a test of public
opinion upon this mibjeet , and with very
gratifying results The president's message
ul o was such a te" > t. nnd Its reception
pioved nt le-nst the sober class of citi
zens are In favor of u moderate and te nt i-
tlve policy Senator Cameron appealed di
rectly to the Jingo element nnd with re
sults Indirectly no IP S sitlsf ictory though
no doubt quite disappointing to the honor
able senator \Vlth rem.itkiiblc unanimity
publicists , the press and public opinion
have decided against Ml Cameron on all
points In the e ise , thin is (1) ( ) as to the
power of c-oiiuress to supersede the presi
dent's prerogative In catc of rcc ouiltlon
of national Independence , ( J ) < is to w lether
the Cubans have as yet won their Inde
pendence , ( t ) as to the prudi nee and pro
priety of our Interposing In the conflict In
Its present stage , nnd ( I ) as to the ihinees
of Spiln accepting our "friendly olllces" I"
the face of our concurrently pel fanning
an "unrrle ndly act" I'rom the manifest
tenor of public opinion. It Is very that
the public , and especially the letlectlng
mill responsible portion , arp strongly op
posed to any uuneee--sary Intrusion on the
sltiutlon Indeed the comparative silence
of the jingo agitators Is surprising , and
continsts strikingly with the belllgctont
outburst evoked by our action In the
Venezuelan controversy This e < imigei of
siiitlment seems to indicate that the ill -
eusslon to which our Interimtlonnl le'i-
tlons have been subjeete-il within the last
twelve months has modified the pisslon for
an exhibition of our militant ability and
produced a nnrked moderation of the ex
treme Ideas of foreign polle v towaid which
a rash and uninformed public opinion has
Inloly been carrying us Congrexs has
been quite ready to respect this new mod
eration of public sentiment ; for It now ap-
iH'ars likely that Hie senate may re\ect ]
Senator Cameron's resolutions , and their
acceptance by the house of representatives
Is very generally conceded to bo out of the
question. , , ,
This development of public opinion Is
most fortunate for the interests of busi
ness Tor , apart from our escaping the
chances of becoming' needlessly Involved
In n struggle with Spain , the adoption of
the Cameron resolution by both bouses of
congress would precipitate a conflict with
the preblclent upon a question of constitu
tional prerogative of the gravest character ,
and which could not have failed to produce
a \lolcnt upheaval In domestic politics : .
The specter of an Intrusive and bolllgeient
foreign policy , which has lately too often
made Its appearance In the hulls of con
gress , Is now dismissed by tbovoice of the
[ u-ople , and with no small Riun to the future
of confidence There Is really little to
e-hoose between the1 danger of the policy
of free coinage mid the haunting possibil
ity of becoming , at any moment , em
broiled In foreign quarrels The frequent
expressions of the Jingo spirit have cieated
a feeling of Insecurity , which has very
materially embargoed the 1 irgvr move
ments of capital and produced distrust In
countries In whoso confidence we nrc vitally
interested There now seems to bo good
renhon for believing that politic-il leaders
mvo become convinced tlmt It Is Impos
sible to create attractive Issues out of Inter
national embroilment : ) , mid this fact will ,
more than anything1 else , clear the way
for the national leeuperallon which set
.n with the election of Mr MrKlnley The
exhibition of this vv holchomf drift of pub
ic opinion Is perceived by Wall street , and
the strong feeling1 mid rising1 prices In the
stock market for the latter half of the
inst week Is to be attributed to that fact
The removal of the Cuban clangers has
produced a hopeful feeling as to the drift
if the Wall street markets after the ope-n-
ng1 of the new year In stocks there Is a
steady stream of buying , In anticipation
of January opening with a higher innge
of values and with a renewal of activity
n the commercial markets
The course of the foreign exchange * * con-
InucH to run In nn extraordinary degree
n our favor. The move-mint , however , Islet
lot nt all reflected in the rates of ex
change , for the reason that a large por-
lon of the current supply of export bills
s again going Into the hands of local
myers , Imitc-ad of being1 sent forward to
Hurope In the usual course Indeed , Lon-
lon Is now borrowing from New York
lirough drawing bills against eredlt , and
thobo transactions mo understood to bo
still quite Important In amount These
redlts and the export bills hold here make
i total of current eieellt to Kurope now
itlmnted as amounting to fiom $ ! 0COOXK )
o r- . " > ,000.000 This resource may be ex-
> eete d to offset the ndvcn > a balance of
orelKii trade which usually appears In the
Irst quarter of the year , and thus we are
Ikely to escape any Important exports of
gold during the next tluee months It Is
leedle-HS to sny that this condition of the
xehangcs Is conducive to the growth of
eonlldence In our financial markets while
o the l.uropcan centers It Is not hopeful.
STIUCTI itis uciiirvoo nvMviNc ; .
Ne-n 1 < irk llroUe-rx IMNCIINM \ < l \ < TNcl-
llftlioilN III VouiuIn \\lnd ) Cllj.
N13W YORK. Dec. 20-Wall street has
his week given little heed to anything
compared to the bank failure IICWH that
came from Chleago
That news started In most sensationally.
Vail street was dazed by some of the
ales that came crowding1 over the wires
nteiests far bigger than nny thnt really were put In trouble ) by the earlier
( ports , nnd on this account ninny stock
nnrket connections shivered. It was hoon
Isclohccl , however , that much of the stuff
o made current was without basis , and
1m result was n quick recovery from
right thnt had as Its foundation nppre-
icnslons thnt the very foremost financial
nteiests of Chicago were hurt , If not really
mperlled When finally the true state of
litngs became known the stability of
very substantial Chicago Interest got
gain beyond question U Is still nppre-
lencled here * , however , that the whole ef-
iLt of the Hinntm of the National Hank ; of
lllnols Is not yet known. Hankers hero
oln In thin uneasy feeling-
There Is here what almost amounts to n
nmpnlgn against Chicago. The collapse
f the National Hank of Illinois ban given
ew * strength to It. It hns developed Into
fashion for New York bankeis to sneer
t Chicago All that la reddens and dun-
crous Ih freely attributed to Chicago. Kven
luiHber Innuendoes go the rounds. So far
OCH thlH ndverso spirit run that even the
uiKiiltlccnt rally of Chicago banks to re
eve the clients of tills week's broken
Mink Is pooh-poohed ns liiHlgnlflcnnl , while
n como Instances It Is even pronounced
fake relief eume. Such are facts. They
Over $411,000,000 Paid to Policy Holders
- in Fifty-three Years !
RICHARD A. McCURDY , President *
Who will pay that mortgage
on your home if you die before
It's lifted ?
A life insurance policy will
do it , and the cost to you is
only the annual premium paid
to the company. It is like pay
ing a little extra interest on
your mortgage to insure its re
lease if you die.
The resources of the Mutual
Life of New York exceed the
combined capital of all the na
tional banks of New York City ,
Chicago , Boston , Philadelphia ,
St. Louis , Cincinnati and Balti
A duty delayed is & duty
shirked. Let a man convinced
of responsibility secure adequate
protection and at once.
rf * IN THE
A Policy of Insurance in the
Mutual Life is the quickest
asset vou can leave.
are put clown here wholly without malice
towarel a single C'hleigo Interest
1'erhaps a different record comes to you
in letteis nnd dispatches from New York
hankers themselves , anil perhaps Mich bul
letins and dlspitcbru arc honest in theli
cordiality , but the truth Is an I tell It ,
Chicago Is a placarded bugaboo hero light
now. The spirit may be unfair. I haven't
a single doubt on . .that score- , but don't
doubt that It Is n. spirit trill Isery real
with New York bankers without Chicago
bankers present to hear
And the why mid the wherefore of It
may not be far to seek. Chicago has been
making heavy Inroads on New York as a
banking center In the last half a dozen
ye > ars Ono evidence of this will bo con
spicuous when New York clearing house
figures are given out In the two cities n
week hence.
Incidental to the bink revelations nt Chl-
cngo , vvo have hnd abounding' rumors
touching1 -variety of Chicago local se
curities Chicago Has has been under sut-
velllnnco by t peculators , who have heard
that certain gas Insiders have been badly
caught In the recent failures It Is re
ported that one Chicago member of the
pool controlling Chicago G is Is obliged to
let go n long- line of stocks , Including1 a
batch of Chicago Gns. Governor Dower
and Anthony lirnily hay they know noth
ing1 of nny such Incident , but they appar
ently nro rather careless at the moment
UH to what may be gas stocks' ups or
clew ns
Diamond Slntch hns also been under pres
sure on rumors similar to those circu
lated ronccrnliiff Gas Such nelvlces ns
come to Wall strc-ot from trustworthy Chicago
cage sources do not eonform to the Ideas
which the stock market speculators are
basing1 theories upon
General trade reports arc not very In
spiring1 The year pops out with business
halting1. The revival nntlclp itccl so con
fidently ns an election sequel comes in
exceedingly leisurely fashion Yet on all
hides , from every part of the country , mid
from practically every commeiclnl , finan
cial and Industrial Interest Is lo bo had
confident ns iirnnco tlmt the new year
will proceed but n little way before we
have betterment so much yearned for
1 have seen today private dispatches tak-
IIIR this cncouMKlnK view from local au
thorities nt lioston , Piovidencp Sprlnp-
Jlclel. New Haven Albany , UufTalo. Cleve-
and , Cincinnati. St Louis , Atlalita , I'ltti-
buri ? , Philadelphia nnd Chicago.
Kour of Chicago's foremost financiers
were among those sending- these cheerful
dlhpatches They are men who have made
millions by rightly readingtbo business
future If they nro correct now. IK31 will
bo a year long remembered for Its gifts.
Minify Itnf.-N n < London rirm ,
Al > ll\C IllMllllllll.
LONDON , Dec 27 Money rates have been
firm , with a continued active dcrmnd for
gold for Germany and India The Stock ex
change business was the iimllest possible ,
KTlces bolng1 Kencrally good. Toielgncrs
wcro firm , Spinlsh securities showing n
i Iso of IK per cent , Uruguiy securities w cro
freely offered , having fallen heavily on the
news that there was a strict censorship of
telegrams reporting failures mid the poor
condition of the country Tor thp Ameri
can market biiBlnesa was vciy limited , the
Chicago bank troublon having put a sudden
stop to the upward movement , which hnd
commenced on the Ifattpr appearance of the
Cuban dllllcultles , litlt prices cloned from
h to 1 per cent bettor thun at the beginning
of the week. /i , i
finoil ' - .
Chicago Post : "ily son , " said the old
gentleman with n4kindly smile that de
ceived the boy , "I imnilerstand you have
mndo n great record on the foot bill field
during the season that hns Just closed "
"Well , I should rather tlilnk ho , " returned
the boy proudly "When It comes to tack
ling "
"That Just the point 1 wanted to get nt , "
Interrupted the old 'ninii ' ] Tackling Is Just
the point at issue. ' ! f
"I don't believe I rinltcj understand , " said
the boy .
"Why , there's n ton of coal out by the
front gate that wants 'to ' bo tackled nnd
rushed Into the cellar the worM kind of n
way" /
So It happened that the boy's training
proved u good thing for the old man.
Cure- fur lllec-oiiKliH ,
A man stepped up to the Hussell house
bar the othei day , says the Detroit Journal ,
and pressing one of hl.s hands against the
drum of each ear , mild to t-c b irtonder :
"Will you plcasa hold u glatiti of water
while I drink It/ "
The mixer of drinks did as requested with
out Indicating that the proceeding wau anything
thing- unusual , and thu man fulpeel down
the contents of the glass
"Thank you , " ho said , removing- his
hands from bin ears and walking away
"What's the matter with Wat fedlow'
IH lie foollnh ? " a bystander asked of thn
man behind the bar.
"No , " wn the answer , "ho had hiccough * .
That'll a Hurc curt. Next tlmo : ou cct 'cm ,
try U. "
That Does the
! The Mutual Life Insurance Co. , of New York ,
has paid $246,000.000 to its living members.
Has been the benefactor of women nid children
to the extent of $165,000,000.
Sf as [ mil § ts Eftemb6.T3 In aii over $4SS98088 !
Wanted in J3very County.
H. S. WINSTON , Special Representative. Omaha.
Week Closes with tlio Usual Light Bun of
H Cniiiprllril ( o UllMllefeir
( h < > rillliiLT < if Orelfi-N IldKH
Olie-n Slroiipr niiil Close
Hatlier l HKle-r.
SOUTH OMAHA , Dec. -Receipts for
the days Indicated were :
C.ittlc. Hog' ' ' . Sheep Horses
December 2(3 ( . 1,011 4l'U ) 1102
Detembei 21 . l.OSS O.UJO Hiu
December 2J . 1,301 C.S21 1,770
December 2J . 3.31G ! > ,1M 1,177
Deeembor 21 . 2.JJJ 4.17J i.,010
December 19 . 1,7.11 D.4S2 CGJ
December IS . 1.9IS D.947 1.0i7 . . . .
December 17 . 2,212 7,371 1,232 23
December 10 . 3.COI C.778 1,241
December 15 . 329 * S.41G 2'OO
December 11 . 3,103 2490 2,103
The number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
C. . M. & St. I > . Uy . . .
Mo. 1'ac. Hy . . ' . 1
Union Paelllc Hjstem. . . 17 IB 1
I13 , &M V. K. It C 7
C , St. ! . , M i O Hy. . . C
U & M. 11 U. It . S 21
C. , H. & Q Hy . 7
1C. C. K. St J . . .
O. . II. I & P. Hy. , west. 4 . . _
Total recclptn . 41 CO 1
The disposition of the day'a receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Huyera Cattle. HORS. Sheep.
Total . 818 4,077 202
ATTM : Arrivals today cro light , as
to bo e'xpectcd on the day following a
holiday , anel theio were not enough cattle )
of any kind to make avery good test of
the market. The elem.ind was of laigcr
pioportloiiH than the receipts and every
thing In thu jards gold eaily and was
weighed up long before midday.
The total recelptH for the week foot up
0.022 , ns against 15,116 last week , the- Inter
vention of it holiday and the Hhrlnkago In
the demand incident to the season being
the appai cut > of the fallliit ; off In
Considering the few cattle In the Mirds
thu showing of beeves was qulto large ,
there being hcveial bunches of pictty de
cent cornfcU Hteers Ono loael of 1.4S1-II ) .
Bteers sold up to $1 3" with quite a number
of lo.iels at $1 001(4 ( i" The market on
btcers wan fullj steady and In some cases
n llttlo stronger. Later on In the day
cMinu reports of bad markets In the cast ,
but the cattle hero were all sold , or the
market might iiosslbly have closed lower
Cows anel heifers were In aetlvo demand
and sold stronger , the few heio changing
hands early
Speculators were pretty well sold out of
stockers and feeders , and as a fair demand
is anticipated fiom the country for the
coming week they vvero good buyers of
that kind of cattle this morning Tlio
market. In conscejucnce , was active and
fully steady.
1IOOS lhere > wan n fair run of nous here con-
sldcrlnif the da > nniklni ; a total for the wi-ek
of 28.6i3 , ns compared wild Vi\il for the week
The market opened today n lltllej stroiujer , but
the strength lay immtly on the ine-dlum weight
load * . Ilc.ev ) packing lions and the hest llhht
Bold in about thu sum * notehen as on Thurfldu )
The nurket wus luthc. but h ) th tlmo half of
thi < receipts had ctmnmil hands the wire edge
\\ai4 olT and the clone was easUr
Heavy loads welKhlng 300 poundH and mer xold
very lurkdj at 3 IO'ei.1 IS. with an oetaBlonul
load OH lilHli an t j 20 The medium welhhtH for
th inemt part hruiibht J320i/31'j and thu light
loadH tJ 30if3 40
'Ihu IIOK market wan In fulrly natlnfactory con-
dltlon all the ) pant week. In that the demand
\VIIH nctUe und It v\an an emy mutter to ellrpouc
of nil arrlvala ( it current prlcpv The market
dll not nhow much rhuiiKe In valum , the lluclua-
tloim be Int ; very umall , no eluy plio lii UH much
an DC , In faet the prleeii paid were Jnut iihout the
same an durlni ; the pre vlou vuek , the week
doting about &c hlKher than It opened , not
unouKh Kaln to ho liardly worth mentlonliiK. The
prices paid durlnt ; the week huvu uvtiukcd about
20c lowir than a year UKO
HHIini' There wan only one load of nheep her *
nnd It "us conilgnrel direct lo a pucker , no that
there nun nollilni ; to make u tent of the market.
KANSAS CITV. Dec : C CATTI.I > - HfCelpU ,
1,20V head ; ehlrmentr , ttW hcuel. Market uteady
lo thiidc lower Texas fleer < JIOOHino Te\u
imvH JloOtiJTi. native j-tcers 11 S0 4 V , . n HIM
< WH and lulfi ru Jl SSQI70 , Hockcra and feeder * ,
| 200 < jT3lo , bill In. 11 COjiZW
IIO(1s-.ltirclitM ( ) K ( Xi ) head , p'llpmenlrt ICO
heil Market opened htronic lo Tc hlqher cUisi.l
we ik. bulk of Mies J3 2003 35. heiuj , J3 lO.f
T30 packers J31Vi130. mixed. $3 lr.j(3 37 > i.
llRhts , J3 lSf3 | Ti , Yorkers , J3 30S3 33 , pls , 13 W
hlinii > HeeelptB C.OO bend , shipments , 1 400
head Maikil pliont , , InniKi. J27i'jjCO , mut
tons , } 2CO325. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CHlU\Ci ( > 1.IV13 STOCK.
Neit u Very I'rKont Uoiniinil fur Cattle *
HOKH n Sluulo IllKlie'i * .
CHICAGO , Dec 2C The run of cattle today
vn larger than Is usual on Siturdaj There
was not a very urgent demand .md sales were
rather slow , hiijeiH hlddlni ; lOo lower for most
Kinds of cattle A few common dicpfccd hei f
stiers Fold at from JJ ' 0 to J4 hut rittle largely
sold at from ti DO lo ( D 25 for iin.MliliiK at all
ilcslrulik- , with the heist beeves at from } 5 30 to
' fO
I'rlees for IIORB v\eic n Rood , BtronR nickel
hlKher , nnd pome Mies thowed advances of from
7V4e to lOc per 100 Ib" o\er Thursd i > B iploln-
tlons 1'n lie } ' selected IlKhl IIOK.S and pigs told
up to 13 DO Trenn that llRtire orelertf vxeie male
nil the wa > elown to t3 05 for eoirfe , lunv )
hnKS , packing lotn polHK at fiom } 3 05 to JJ ' . ' >
I'lKM sold at from J.I to J3 r.O
In the rheep niaiket theie was n very Rood
demand at Blends prices Mieep were Fallible at
from K 25 to f 1 DO for the poore"t up to J3 S3 for
the best Kimhs Fold nt from J3 ' ( I to ! " 25 for
pnor to prime , nnd jearlhiKS at fiom J3 7" > to
1130 Heavy bhefp v\ent nt from $3 2" to $ t TO
and Kood to rhotce lluhtwclchts , 110 Ibs , told
from t3 ro to $3 S3
Itecelpts : C'nttli * 1,500 head , hogs , 15,000 head ,
sheep , 0,000 head
Clili'iiK" l.lii' Murk.
CHIC\OO. Dec -HOS-Ilecelpls , 15000
head , market fairly active , IlKnt , DftlOc hlulifr.
others stiunR to Dn hlhlnr. llkht , J3MjJ3.r,0.
mixed , { 325(1345 , hcav ) , } 3 03y3 40 , rough , J3 03
3 10
CATTI.i : HeeelptB , 4.DOO head , quiet nnd
bH13iP Ilecclptd , C.COO head , steady.
OM.MIV uisMJiiAiTliiAiucnr.
Ciuiilllloii < if Trail < nnil < tiiiitntloiiH
oil Miiplo unit I'lini-j l'i ml nee- .
inc5S rrtsn gathered , lS/lic
IIUTTnit Common to fair , f&Sc , choice to
fancy , roll , 13'ul c , separator creamery , 21c ,
eathered cienm , Jiii20o
QAMH-I'ralrlc chickens , per doz . JCCOBC25.
quail | 1 Cfli/1 ' ,0 , blue winged leal duck' , 11 DO'ef
175. Kreen wlnR , Jl J5 , redheadx and mulhirds ,
J3W. small rabbits , 40 | COc , Jaeks , ItCOblEO ,
Biiulrnls , C07rc | , deer siddlfs lliflCc , cdrenB et ,
lOiillc , antelope saddleH. I3 i c , carciiffes ! 'c.
Canadii Rteso , lare- , | C WM)7 00. small Jl 00 5 00
C'lllinsu Dmmstlr hrlek. lOVie. IMam , | > T
doz , J9 00 , club house 1 .b Jirs. per doz , } 3 13 ,
Mmherger. fancy , per Ih , 0".c , lloeiucfort , 'i-Ih
Jirs. per doz , 13 CO , 'iounir Americas , lO c ,
twins fancj , lo'je
ViAI < Choice fat , M to 120 lb , arc quoted at ,
7Sc , lurro and ceiarte1 , 4&V
iJiinssno roui/rity chicken" . DQCC , tur-
Kejs 'illlle , Reen 7ft Se. , duelts. 7S8c
I.IVn 1'OUI/llfi-Not wienlid
IMOnoNS Live , 7iaiOc ! , dead plficons. not
1IAV Cplanl Jiro. midland , J4 DO , lowland ,
JIOO , rje Mrau. 14 (11 , color in iki s thu price on
haj , llRlit hales sell the best , enl ) top crudes
bring top prlees
1IUOO-M ceiHN Hxlrcmely plow sale , new
crop , dellveied on tratk In eountr } , L lolcc Riecn
Fclf-vvoiklnir carpet per Hi. , 2'4e. choke Green ,
running to hurl , -'if , comniun IVlc.
SWKITT POTATOPS-On orutrs. per bbl , J200.
ONIONB Clood steele per bu , 40JfiOc
M.MA lIHANH-I'er Ib . 4o
IIHANS Hand pleked na > . per hu . $1 2j
CAIIIIAOi : Oodd stoek. per hundred Jl 23.
CIMHI'cr doi , ZSasOoj luncy , larec , 4C0
POTATOiS-Good uttwlper hn , 25c ; Wjom-
Ine stock , tacked , 60c per 100 Ibs.
fJUAI'is-Crates : , 15 pen > ImtkctB , Concords
und Cutawhas per crates , J2 DO
MAIA < 1A CHlAl'KS-l'er krif. J7
LMIANIIUIUtlUS Capo Cod. per bbl . JO
AI'i'I.I'H-Coeiklnb' , per bbl , J1 C581 73 , fincy
' " '
CAI.irOUNIA"'l1iAHH-I > r box. J2 00fl2 23.
S l'ir crate of two to three eloz. ,
OJtANOKH-MfxIcan , J373 , CullfornU navels ,
14 teedllnkH J3
l.KMO.N'H MesslnaK , K DOO5 00 , choice Cali
fornia I3DO&.I75 fancy. 51
IIANAKAHCholre lure" stock per bunch ,
I200flt25 ; medium rlied hunches , Jl toaz C
IIONir PUIIO white , icr Ib , Ho ; choice , 13o ,
Cullfurnla , amber color , luo.
Clliit-Clailllcd Juke , per half bbl , J2 CO ; per
bid Jl 006423
MAI'l.i : H\III'I' rive Kid ean , each , J2 DOW
Z7D , gal cur IK per duz , J12 , half-gal cans , JC25 ,
iiuurt cans 13 Do . . .
HAI7KH KUAUT-1'cr half bhl , U 75 i bbls ,
J3 00 3 25
TK1H- Imported fancy , 6 crown. SO-lb , boxei ,
ir.c chalet 10-lh boxes , 2-crown , He.
NU1H Almonds , California , per Ib larco
Ize , I3o , llruilli , per Ib. , Ida , nn.-llih vvul-
UUIH per Ih faney , fcoft nhell , I2 l2'4c ' , stand
ards HOll'ic , IIII/eTtn , per Ib . lOe , pecans , pol-
lihed 1uri.e , tttlOc ; Juml.o , ll 12o ; luite hick.
ory nuts , Jl 25 per bu. , imall , fl DO , cocuanutH , Cc
Hiri5f-No. 1 green hl < 3 , to : No. 2 Krccn
hlle , 4o , No 1 Klten tultril hides , 7c ; No. 2
crecn nailed hlJce. Cci No. 1 veul ralf , 8 lu 1 !
bn , "c ; No. 2 veul calf. K to K 111. , 4c | No. 1
: E
How much will your admin
islrator have to sacrifice your
estate to force quick assets ?
An Installment Policy for
$100,000 will leave your family
$5,000 yearly income for 20
years , in any event , and if your
stated beneficiary is then living
he or she will be paid $5,000
yearly during life ,
A 5 pr cent Debenture for
$100,000 will leave your wife
$5,000 yearly income either fo ?
20 years or until her death ii
prior thereto ; then $100,000 will
be paid in one sum. A possible
return of $200,000 ,
i 15 $1.500 $ , P0 , <
The true business man ada
oromptly. Get our rates at once ,
Telephone 10. ) ! ) . Oniiili.t , N b.
: PROVISIONS : AND : Sl'0.1(5
> Hoard of Trade.
Direct wires to CintaRu anil Ne.iv York.
CorrcftDondtnti : John A. Warren & CHIDES - _
Hlelii'ht innilce't iirlop pile ! nnd iiromiit return *
KLferLncuUnuili i X Uluiinl 11 ink
F. S. BUSH e& CO. ,
No commliHtou C1.19 1.1th St Oni ih i Nob.
dry Mint hides. ! > { ? UV No 2 dr > Hint lildes.
srric , No 1 ilrj mlted hide" Mi'ie pirt cured
lildtx. 'i' ptr ll > ICM < thin fulls turtd
Mll'ii' : l'IJI/1 Orci'ii milted cne-h ! 3JCOe ;
hrreii called , hlienrlnt" ( hiirt ttoolul enil > Bklns ) .
( aril 15edo pin in IIIKH Him I nnuled enrly
Fklim ) No I. t'lirh , li' . elr\ Hint , KIIIIFUH anil
NVlinicUu lintclipr < > ! pel IK. pi r ! ! > acliml
nclRht. 1'(7 > . ' ! rHint KiinsiB and Nilir.ihUa
Murrain \rnnl pe'ltH , pel Ih , aettinlelKht , 3fMc ;
do flint Colorado hiilclier noel pills , per Hi ,
nruml \ \ < > ltht. ttiTe. . ilrj Hint Oolnradu Murrain
wool poltR , per Hi , nctiiilelijit , 3jjli , fie.t
tut off us It l 111 lets to | iii ) liLl/ht / em tin in
TALLOW AND ( lltnAM : Tnllem No 1 3c ;
tallon No 2 2'io. RKIIFO. whiteA 3i MC.-IBO ,
whltu II Jt , Rie-asi. > eltm , 2c Mec dark ,
l\t , old hultrr , 2fo2lt-r , beeswax , prime' 1 { jJ2c ;
loiiuh tallon le
\\OOL rn ai.licl , flnp hen\j Cff'e line- , light ,
Ei ! > e , cuattcijoo | | ] < l. lOfilZp , ited > . lunrj anil
chan } 84l'T. e.ottrd and hruke-n eoirse TfjUc ;
rotted and hn ken , line C TSc I'leeee'ahlied - *
Modlum r > tlSe ? , line KSlCc. tub naMieel lOfdSc , , f-e , fiucltH. Cc , tut ; lueks , 21i''c ekail
pulled r.OC
IIONTB In car luts welched and ihlhmd In
Chliaho Dr > hulfalo per ton 112 ( "Hill 00 dry
connlij. lileaLhed ptr ton , SIO CuiJflJ III dr > cuun.
tiy , danip and meats per ton JC cUMb 00
I'nnbii MIATS. :
Iliir flood natlxe tteers , < 00 ( o TOO Ibi fi'ifi *
Te , wectein Hlieiv , l il''jC KOUI ! eoisv and licK-
ers. fftu'&c inedtnin t.o\\u nnd helfem 4 } t ooil
foieiiuarterH COWH and lidfcr.1 < c , Rued forc-
( liiartirB niitlir fteers , ii Rood hlndquarleiH e'ouu
and htlferf , ri < r , ( , ( ' " I lilndqii irltra native sUtiu ,
e , eoroundn , r\e , ow phites.3t4c honelesa
rluukx 4c , eeiw c'liieiis J'je. Mee r cliiukn tc.
lieef tcndeilolns , jji heef rolln honeliHS , SV-c ,
slrluln hulls lionHi t-x ti' , . ; . loin h.ieks lioiuleKH ,
' 'e. ' xtilp loins "e , row Hlis , Ne > . 3 C' ' o cow
loins , No 3. S'4e , heef tilmmlncH. 3' . < . lump
hutlt r.e , Fhoull. r ilodS'4c
1'OUIC Oren < ed JIOBB 4e. polk lulus Ce pork
tcndirledns lie. spare rlhs , Cc , ham i-aiikahv ,
IxittB , f.c. pork Fhouldeis , rouuli < i4n , pork hliuul-
ilerx , Plilniu.l .V pork trllnnilni , " , 6e. , kaf lard ,
not rendered , tUe-
MUTTON Dussed lamb , "c. elresBed mutton ,
Cc. racks mutton ' 4' , leu * , million 7".c tuj-
dies , mutton , 7'tc , slew , 3e , sheep plucks , SeA
A .vrittiT cit SCDMJ , i
Tin * Conillle'lor lriM\ ( lie- ( iliiri * < lf
\IIUIM Wllllll-ll.
Tlicycro two elcttrniliiul loolcliiR wo
men , anil when tlit-y got on tlio tar \\lih
Hlx uneasy lookliiK children , ultli unruly
lookiMK li.ilr anil e\ciely Hlilneel HlmtH , hei
antlclpntcel troulilu and Id.s lljis drew uit
In u tlKlit line.
"Walt till > ou Hce the Unlit. " lie halel to
n. ] > .iKsciiKti' an la , Hlarloil In Anil ho ael-
vantcil meekly U | > to thuvoinen. . "Kans ,
lileaHO " hu H.ilel
And carh weim.m elo\c dnun Into a largo
lilnik rptlrnlo nnd lirejiiijlit up n l.irKU ,
Hhlny purhc , Kae > him S iiennlcn , anil , turn.
IIIK to the otlu-r , Htaitcd In on a ll\uly
L'on\ci nation
'TareH , pltaKo , " rope-atoil the roiiilurtur
"What's the matter ? " eli'm.iiiili il om of
the women "Ain't that enoiiKh'hat
: irei jou uhaiKliiK now 10 eontH a ilde. ' " anil
looked over ut hui frlenel anil Hinllcel
"Vou'll ha\o to pay for those children , "
-aid thu eoneliictor
" 1'ay for them/ Well , I guei-a not Why.
I never IK aid of muli a tldnj , ' . 1 never
Imd to p.iy for- them hefore'l"
"Well , > on'll have to jiy for them now , "
mill the eoniluelor dryly
"Why , I won't do It. U'H OIIIKIKIUUH "
"Well , jou'll ha\e to uut off , thin , " u.ilel
: lie fondiicloi
"What'H thai' " atmrlly demanded the
itlu r woman "Bay Mi. Hnmrly , my hii8'
mud known a man that \vorlH fur Ilil.-i
oiiui.iny , and ln-'ll eei that > ou IOHP your
! oh Why , KOddiUKH KHicloilH , did you ever
tear of nucli a lldni ; ! " And uho Hcumitl
ierrlhly HhotMeel.
"Well , I ean't help that , " Hald the con-
Inctor. "you'll hate p.iy fate or jjeit
Dff , " and hu uatlad menacingly toward 7
Ihe ) bell rope
" 8a > , " walel the other woman Bnvatjely ,
IH Him reached for he < r punu amiln , "t
\\e\\ \ \ I \\IIH u man , I'd Hliow > onl" Anil
.hen they javo ; him 1r > pennleii aile | eo anel
isatehed him until he rang them uji
"ll-in , " nald the conductor , oxaHjieTat-
ml > , anel he Htaiteil away.
"That'H all rlKht , you hnite , "
ho woman "I'll teach jou bomuthhiK I'm
i lady , I urn "
"That no ? " mild the conductor. "l'ii
; lud you told tnu I wouldn't huvo known
t. "
"Oh ! oh ! " Huld the woman.
Anil the conductor wiint and utood on the
ilatfunn and mulled all thu wjillo until
hey not oft. ' "