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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1896)
t ' THE OMAHA DAltiY 11131 ? : "MONDAY , 28 , 1800. tract wns plain. H MUM n.vle n' rr til-- ruunlon In botli branches of HiC r.lsl.-i'iiK To retime to pay It would be nn nbf'jKftti ' ii of contract , anil thereby f ntMi Hie tiilRtim iion | llio stnto Druilii u < ( l liy this i-nornles of the In.-oniliiR a'ate ' administration The Rr- l.ortcr iloua not belleAe lit Riving a per- j.i. < ncnt Imuntr to thu HUR.U' maker * , but It doen brllevo Hint the mlslng of beets Hhmil-1 be encouraged until tlio mollind of mining beets It understood to the uxtcnt tnftt they enn bo r.ilsol profitably , for lo a in > noy tlmn In now paid. Dlvcralflpiitlnn of cropi I whnt Is needed In Nehrnska to mnk. ; fa ( tiling pru'liftblc ' , and us the iiBiuro of our -f roil is iiivortible to the raining of beets , that hxiustry klioiiltl be mltliMl to tlio raising of ceieala. which would make the jirlco of tlio InMiT crop better , by 1'onson of leadening IU jiroiluctlon Tbat Senator Allen's liloas upon tbia question nrc nound. all who have In- vrMlnated the mutter will ngrce. Fullr.rton News ( rep. ) : The re-cen' decision of the supreme court does not affect the xnMillty of the beet minr ( bounty , as has born popularly represented. It merely eels forth that the etale auditor can not lawfully Issue wfirranlii In payment of the same , In the absmco of a specific itpproprlatlon for that pnrpunp. All the warrant * her < toforo IsMiH nro valueless and If tbo Imomlpg legislature fa Ik' to make nn appropriation for tivlr ! payment thp law will bo a dead letter. Tut- bounty should bo paid. Thu Oxi-ard * have paid $5 per ton for beets o peetliiK to sot ( I bade In bounty. They hiivp aetel In good faith and the state should art In good faith with them. With out the bounty tbo fnrmprs would only IIIUP iccelvcd | l per ton for tholr beets. Wahoo Now Kra ( pop. ) : With hardly an ovcrptlon , our people's party state exchanges nro In favor of the Incoming legislature repealing tbo bounty on bcrts. We uuro- ncivpclly bellrve that It Is unjust to tnx the 10-ccnt corn ralaor to pay u bounty to tli brrt producer. Hut all questions have two side * , and It well not to bu earrli.-O r. iy In the advocacy uf a principle that In the abstract Is as true cs the ctcraal rerUn b-it v.hen considered in connection wl'.h other principles andv. pondltlona as.iumcfl finite another phase than anpcnrn at first V ) ' w. Whatever dlvptsllloa the products nf our rich and pioduotlvt soil benefits nil , nn.l ( 'IP lexscn'iig ' of the acreage In corn Is ( IcAlinbio , which no ono ! > s. Sec- or > 1ly , liu-reaaud inimbcra of laborers and otlur employes In redlining the product ol mini ! ' nilila to fhn number nf ronKiininrs ol fnnn and factory products. Thirdly , Is It ro.'l ' politic ? jtuit new to entirely wipe out the bounty on boot raining ? The law Is on our atnttito beoks by vepnhliean legisla tion , oHlPiislbly to cnconrnge a Nebraska Industry , hence the populist party U In no sense responsible for this legislation but by Its repeal would place In the hands of the republican ! ) a club that they would wield with a vengeance , saying : "There yon U ha > o a object l ( * > on of how the fu- sn.nitM avail themselves of every oppor tunity of striking down Nebraska Indus- tru-a. " The present law , however , shoubl bi amended fie that the bounty should never puss through the hands nf the Ox- tiardft or any other corporation , but be pah ! clireitly to the beet producer , and that nt the end of the season of 1S9S the bounty obould cease , thereby placing the responsi bility upon the legislature of 1S9D to reenact - enact the law If It has proven beneficial , liy thnt time , however , the sugar Industry In Nebraska would , no doubt , bo estab lished on no tlrm a basis that It could stand without any further state encouragement. Tim M'H.STHHX KAIMIKII. Ail IiiHlrncll.Slut * * IIIK Maili * liy Fnr- IjV" Money l.rtuliTM. rhilmli'lphla Recoiil. The London KconomUt. which la generally conceded to be the chief flnanclal newspa per of the British metropolis , recently pub lished a balance sluet of one of the princi pal money-lending firms of that city whose Investments had been mainly for the pur chase or Improvement of farms In our wt t- crn states , the sum of $1330,000 having been advanced on farms In Illinois , Kansas , Ne braska , MlnniGotn and the Uakotas. The Economist writer says : "Although the rate nf Interest la high , and the tlrm had transac tions with more than 4.001) farmers , the de faults leading to foreclosures have not quite reached $2o.OOO. " Snrh a allowing will be as Instructive to Englishmen as It will bo gratifying to Amer. leans. It Is at once the highest possible testimony to the honesty of the farmeru of the we.Ht , and the clearest possible proof that the farming Industry of that section , if not as remunerative us It might be. is payIng - Ing Its way , and moving along by the paths of solvency to the hotter conditions that must ultimately clown honest Industry and thrift. Itcassurlng as Is the balance sheet In II- t > elf. It gains In value for iu timeliness. It Is , Indeed , especially opportune , coming , ns it docs , HO close upon the heels of tlio re cent popocratlo canvass , which WSH essen tially a mad attempt to impeach the credit of the farming Interests of this country. This showing must further tend to neutral ize tbo baneful effects of popocratlc oratory abroad , and therefore Us later effect will as suredly bo to persuade foreign crfpltal that It has nothing to fear from the American farm er and that It may confidently trust him to 11 nil It profitable employment. Chicago Tribune : "Why do people lake so much Interest In what tboy cull Dark est Afrlcn , nnyhow ? " "I presume tbcy Imvo a kind of Idea It would bo a good thing to go- there and Bropu with tlio country , " 1 > . troll Free I'ress : 1'ollce Justice Why are you certain that the prisoners throw eggs nt you ? Tragedian I caught them In the act. I'blkidelpbln Nortb American : "You're not the only pebble on tbo , " said tbo rrucher to the blvnlve , Jocularly , "No , " replied'tho blvnlve-"but I um the only oyster In the stow. " T'p-to-Dato : Iwiwyor Witness , I bcllevo yon are the biggest llur In tbecountry. . Judge Sir , you forget thnt I am bore. New York Journal : May I wonder why It l that people nlwnys put the record of births In tlio Itlblo ? Marie Well , I don't know where It Is safer from human curiosity , unless In a safety deposit vault , do you ? Atlanta Constitution : "Want to buy Hometlilu' , lndy ? " asked tbo boy \vlio bud been put on for thu holidays. "No , " Hald the lady : "not today. I wns merely looking around u little. " "Oh ! Jlst rubberln' . " IndUrmpoIls Journal : Fuildy There's that Miss Ulxtcr over there. She Is rather good looking , but they say she Is very cold to the ini'ii she meets. Daddy Hut what could you expect from n young woman with a cool hundred thou sand In her own rlht ; ? \\iiHhlrmton Star " " : "Now , said ono pu gilist to another , " ( hero Isn't any useof our being brutal and nnrellneil and poundIng - Ing each other all around the ring.1 " "Hut the makes nro up. " "I know It. We'll have to give them a boNlng nmteh. Hut It'll bo much more cultured and hiinmnc- wo arrange rnat- TIIM rOMSIIKD HOOP. Washington Tlnipg. ila'"l U' ° bil11' ' lu > mk'd mun nt " ' 0 i 'MU ' frollt Vow > , wllor ( > lo"K ho has sat. better a pate that in not In the way Than the plumed of a theater lint. SKVriMHXT AXII .SUIISTA.VOIJ. New York Journal. Ere wo were wed sweet were our goldch Days Hpeijt m dreams of what the years Bright were the 'eyes so filled with tender gin noes , I'roml the fond hearts when Cupid's darts Home meant to us a pnrndMo of pleasure. uold was the droas of earthly toll and From IOVO'B deep glass wo quaffed n heap ing measure- ; ° tW ° f ° r w"ltor'8 wlml K ° fiuwlciT0 W ° l1 W ° lmVO " ° tlmo for , > ont In dreams would run us "ro not tnkll'B ' , , "ow ro bai1 " j "it Gold In Just now tlu > BUII of our exlstenco- 1 " " ' Place to linger In nt night : re'sls llijco1' Bttlluit wlllcl' ' " no Tell me O. married men und women , am 1 rl hlT Pulse of Western Progress. ' , ' k lrSfi5lrSffSfi2Th1 > JPr3 "In rexarJ to the mining district about I.iramlc I wish to correct a statement that hns gained currency to HIP effect that the ores are aieuiou . " said Mr. A. A. Johnson of I.aramlp , upc king to a representative of the iK'iivrr Republican. "In the Fremont mlnen. In I'm * City. Lewlston and Atlantic C'lty dUirlcts arsenic Is found In the ores , hut U Is not found In the mines In the Im mediate vicinity of Laramle. "Tho IIPW ( IranI ( Encampment district , on Grand iCnenmpmcnt creek. Is a branch of the north fork Of the 1'lattc and la the latest district to attract the attention of pros pectors. I have not seen the camp , hut from I have heard the ore deposits there mu t be phenomenal. I have n piece of cop per taken from a vein there which Is SO per cent copper and runs $12 In gold. An experienced miner who lately visited the camp told me that It was the largest ore chute ho ever saw , and that he would not bo surprised If depth should develop a won derfully rich /one of copper. "Another vein of free milling quartz In which the gold Is distinctly visible Is said to have beer traced for a distance of twelve miles. There Is not a hole on this vein over twenty feet In depth , and from every one comet ! the same report of ore running from $3PO to $20,000 to the ton. I saw one man ulituu I know very well and know to be rc- Ilnble , and he told me that In his claim on tbla vein ho Is down only twelve feet , and that ho has obtained returns of from $200 to $2,000 per ton. Accurate Information In regard to the district Is very hard to get , for U was only discovered In August , mid Itf now covered with snow , KO that nobody can get In. It M usually Kite to accept the stories In regard to new mining camiw with a very liberal discount , but there la certainly a remarkable unanimity In the assertions ivgarrtlng the Grand Uncampmont district that at least make It worthy of Investiga tion. tion."Tho "Tho district is about seventy miles from the railroad and of course ore will have to bo of reasonably high gradn In order to stand wagon transportation for that distance. The man who mndu the llrst discovery of copper in the ilUtrltt Is hauling ore to the railroad regularly. Ho was n poor man working on the railroad und when he found this vein dropped everything and went to work. Ho found pay oie In a very short distance below the. aurfaco and commenced shipping. That hU stuff Is valuable Is evi denced by tbo fart that he baa In the course of the few months that ho has been operat ing his property accumulated $13,000 or $11- OOU , and has IfiO tons of ore on the dump which has been paid for. NEW .MEXICO IN A NUTSHELL. James McCarthy , Denver's well known "t'ltz Mac. " has returned from a live weeks' sojourn in New Mexico , says the Denver News. He brings back with him a fund of chat which he delivers in his happy style to the ever appreciative friends who love to hear him talk. He is planning to write a resume of New Mexico and its re sources , which he wishes to miike mojt eon- else and complete. Kor the purpose of gath ering data he Qpcnt most of his time while there in the saddle. Grant county was his headquarters , and the climate of that portion tion of tlio countr ) ho states Is the finest ho ever saw. The. winter months arc all much the same ns those of Colorado in the fall. He was greatly Impressed with the mineral resources , and says that the Mexi can miner Is so inferior thnt ho Is not to be compared on the same daj with the gold-dig gera of Colorado. Bald he : "The Santa Hlta mine is one of the greatest producers in the southern part of the United States. The copper which comes from this mine is so pure that there Is scarcely any need of preparation to coin It Into cents at the mint. At lllacl Hawk there nro silver mints from whicl silver Is readily taken out In Its nativi state , and this is Immediately sent to tin mint at Silver City , only sixteen miles away Mr. Seldomrldge. who recently died at Cole rado Springs , was ono of the owners of a rich producer of Hlack Hawk district. " Fit ? Mac .states that not a hole In this district Is over twcnty-llvo feet deep , and that tlio on. brings over $ JO,000 per ton. There Is tall of a new railroad to connect these in Int. with the St. Augustine coal fields , eight } miles north. There Is a branch road of tlit Santa Ke connecting Silver City with IllacK Hawk. D. II , Molfat , Q. E. Itojs-Lewln um J. T. Graham of Denver are operating 01 a large scale In the Mogollon mountains In the northern part of Grant county. Their main property is the Independence mine and they have a line pan amalgamation plant on the White river. Some of the fin est milling plants In the world are In New Mexico , and they are worked at a gooi profit. The I'lnon Altos gold mines north of Sll- vor City arc well known. They were orig inally worked by a placer , but they are now operated In loJo claims and their depth Is considerably greater than the rest of New Mo-vlco's mines , but they are not as rich. The cattle ranges at present are In u verj line condition and the cattle are looking more prosperous than ho has ovt-r seen them during his fourteen years' familiarity with Now Mexico. WATER COMPANY FORFEITS TITLE- . The case Involving the title to the Grasa valley canal , which ease has been on trial before a Jury In the district court of Gar- flold county , says a Glenwood Springs dis patch to the Denver Times , has been decided and thn company must forfeit its title to the canal and pass Into the possession of the holders of the water rlshta. The Grass Valley Land. Loan and Irriga tion company owned the canal and reservoir and claimed an appropriation of water thore- for from East Hlflo creek. The company sold to various persons , who owned land under the canal , water rights to the amount of about thirty-eight cubic fuel of water per second of time , receiving upwards of $12,000 therefor. The company agreed thnt It would furnish thu water and keep the canal In repair , and that when It had sold water rights < o the estimated capacity of the canal to furnish water and two-thirds of thu contract prlco for the same had been paid In full , the owners of said water rights should have the tltlo to said canal. Tim e ompany fallwl to comply \vlth any of tbo agreements and on the 8th day of Sfptem- bor suit was commenced in the district court to have the tltlu of the canal declared to bo In the water owners. MILLIONS IN BLACK SAND. Sheriff M. N. Grant received returns from fniir imliMilK r\T htnrlr ft.ilid finnt In fhn T-n. glnccrliig and Mining Journal to be essayed , says the Laramlo lloomerang. The result shows that this sand run a $10.70 per ton In gold and $2.01 In silver. This assay was made In Now York. This Is another won derful now resource for this section. This black sand Is secured from the placer grounds In this section. The sand accumu lates In the ditches of the hydraulic works , or wherever the ground Is handled by means of water. U recently became known that this sand held and contained a great deal of gold and an assay was accordingly made at the university by I'rof. Knight for gold. Ills work showed that It contained $9.40 In gold to the ton , very nearly the same as thn New York assay , Mr. Knight did not make a test for silver , which It will bo Been adds considerably to Its value. The sand which was sent to Now York wns from the Albany placer company's ditches and was secured after they made their small clean up. The only expense to uecure the gold fcom this sand would bo In getting It Into tlii ( mill or to whatever process was used to work it. U Is estimated that U can bo worked for $1.7C per ton. There nro mil lions of tens of this sand In the placers of Douglas creek ami thu cthor placer grounds of this section. U will add a uowi value to all this ground. I'AIIADISE FOR WOLVES. The National park l said to be Infested with largo numbers of wolvea and coyotes , which prey unhindered upon the game ani mals In the park , writes a Livingston ( Mont. ) correspondent of the Anaconda Standard. So numerous have they become and o bold In [ heir attacks that elk and deer In large j.iiiila have sought refuge from them by leaving the great game preserve and rcu- U'zvous In thp vicinity of Clnnlbar , Gardiner and llorr , their natural timidity toward man bulng overcome by their abject fear of their carnivorous enemies , wboao frightful howls resound through tbo park lu 0110 continual . horns from the settlnK In of curb night un ill the breaking of thu dawn. The country for twelve or fifteen mllr- this gldo of thp park boundary Is lltrrallj itoeked with elk and deer , and It Is no trlek at all for the least experienced hunter to go out and secure fresh venison at any hour of the day. Some means should be adopted to rid the park of the-so wolves and coyotes. They nro Increasing rapidly each year , and at this time are even leaving the security afforded them In the park and following ns closely after their prey as their sneaking Instincts ami fcnr of men will allow. The state pays n bounty on them of $3 a head , and wolf hunting IIPS become quite a prolltable biisl- newj along the park border. Hut they are so numerous that the destruction of n few hundred does not materially reduce- their number. The bounty fund disappears , that's true enough , but the money Is paid out for nothing ; for by another season the Increase will bo much greater than the number killed for the bounty. Said a gentleman who came down from the park the other day , discussing how bes4t to get rid of them : "A systematic whole sale hunt would seem to be the only way to go about it. hut the park rulea appear to stand In the way of this , wolves and coyotes receiving the same protection as any other animal. If the people of the Upper Yellow stone were allowed the privilege they would bo only too KMto \ \ organize and exterminate the prsis. prsis.NOT NOT YET GOOD INDIANS. The band .of Ynklma Imllaiut who were re ported starving and freezing to death In the IJlg liottom Ulati-lct In the Cascade mountains , according to a Tacoma dispatch to the San Fraiiflsro Examiner , has bsen rescued by Agent Irwln of Fort Slmco ? , who orcfnizod n resent party under Ins'ructions from the Indian department at Wc.hliiRton city. Chief Charles Sklmmut of the Yakl- mas was the means of saving the party. After snow had fallen to n depth of ten feet In the Big nottom country a month ago and it had bee-jin ? Impossible for the band to escape ho Improvised a pair of snowshocs nr.d walked out , reaching Chcballs Ion elaya ago. llo reported that his people would s'.arvo or dlo from exposure if not rescued at once. He left seventeen Indians snow bound , among the number being several women and children. When h ? and A.TCIU Irwln returned with the rescue party they found eighteen Indians , Mrs. Caroline Secw having given birth to a boy In the snow bans ! of Mount Tacoma. She and the b. r are doing as well as If both had had nil th ; attention of civilization. They , together with ten of the moro helpless Indians , have been sent to Fort Slmcoo , on the cast side of the Cascade range , nil having been rescued by Chief Sklmmut and Agent Irwln. Seven bucks were left in the snow , after being amply provided with Hour and bacon , to se cure their property and bring It out In the spring. Nineteen Indian poults were starved to death during the storm. The Indians had been out on nn annual hunting tour and wore hemmed In by the snow falling a month earlier than usual. Deer meat secured dur ing the hunt saved many of them from starv ation. WATER FOR RANDSHURO. The great drawback to the development of the mines and consequent growth of the town of Raiidsbnrg Is lack of water. Every effort lias been made to IIml ajuipply in the neighborhood , but so far In vain , says the San Francisco Call ; every drop used has to bo brought from the cow wells at Garlock , near the base of lllack mountain , some twelve miles to the west on the road to Mojave , and us may bo readily imagined , It Is both poor and dear , costing for drink ing purposes some $2.60 per barrel , ami for other purposes from $1.50 to $2. The per manent character of the mines so far de veloped and the absolute need of a snlHclcnt supply of water and the certain return on money Invested In an enterprise looking to filling this need , has attracted the atten tion of capitalists. Two San Francisco men of abundant means and largo experience In minim : development left for Randsburg. where they will meet others from Los An geles , and with expert engineers the parly will go over the ground between that town and Owens Lake , some sixty miles to the northwest In Invo county , with a view of laying n pipe line to supply Rundsbiirg with water from the lake. The lower part of the lake , as Is well known , Is rather too alkn- llno for ordinary use , but at the upper and near the mouth of Owens river the water In sweet , fresh and cool as spring water. This Is the nearest point from which It la practicable to get water for the Hiindsburg district. The head waters of Kern river are hut little moro than half the distance to Owens lake , but the Intervening moun tains present difficulties which arc Insur mountable except nt enormous expense , for relay pumping stations. The slzo of the pipe line will bo the only limit to the sup ply , and there are no great engineering dlfllciiltics to bo overcome In securing It. The nrcwinrv preliminary Inspection lias already been made of the several routes to tbo lake , und the must practicable about determined upon , subject to the approval of the parties Interested financially In the promotion of the enterprise. Once a line of the proper size is laid the question of Us paying well Is settled. The charge for wa ter con bo made at Just what figure under the present prices the owners choose to Ilx. ID.UIO'S NEW RAILROAD. Colonel John E. Stearns of Nampa , Idaho , vice president and general manager of the Rolse , Nampa & Owylieo railroad , now In course of construction , is spending a few days in the city with Ills family , says the Salt Lake Tribune. "The railroad , when completed , will handle all the mining and stock business of Owyheo county , " said Colonel Stearns. "Although millions have been taken from the veins of Do La Mar , Silver City and Dcwcy during the past thirty years , only a beginning has been made to ward the development of the richly miner alized belt in which the thre-o camps are lo cated. There are vast deposits of low-grade ores which no attempt has ever been made to market , simply because of the lack of transportation facilities. All of theSb ore bodies will bo developed and a number of new producers and dividend-payers will be added to Idaho's long list. At present It Is only with dllllculty that one can get into the country , forty-eight hours of rough stagIng - Ing being required for the round trip to Dcv.ey In the best weather. Nothing but a hlt-'h-grade proposition can be made to pay , and Investors In consequence are wary of property In that section. From Rabbit Creek to Dtnvey will be the most dilllcult part of the road. Much rock and trestle work will be necessary , and for the twenty mile. ? the grade will average 3 per cent. Though the stage distance from Nampa to Dowcy U only forty-five miles , necessary detours will make our road sixty-one miles In length. From Dewcy to .Do La Mar Is five miles distant and Sliver City three miles , both accessible by need stage road. Flint Is distant twelve miles and South Mountain twenty-three miles. Neither of the latter two camps hc.1 bean developed to any extent , although prospecting has Indicated the existence of immense bodies of low-grade * silver-lead ores. With cheap transportation for timber , lumber , fuel and supplies , there ought quickly to be a big boom In mining In the en tire country tributary to the new road. " Colonel Dewey of Dewey , which Is known to old-timers as Uoonovlllo , Is president of the llolse , Nampa & Owyheo company. Ho la well known to u large crclo ( of Salt Lak ers , having been connected with various big mining enterprises of the west for ycaro past. TRY CO-OPERATIVE CANNING. A prominent representative of tbo Colum bia River Fishermen's union was In the city , says the Tacoma Ledger , and sayc that : ho union Is preparing to next season enter ute direct competition with other cannery- lien on the river. He aaya that $11,000 IBS already been subscribed toward the now iroject. and that actual work on construc- .loiuof the plant , which Is to bo located at Astoria , will ho begun In tlmo to enter busi ness with the commencement of the season icxt year. With thla end In view a com- iaiiiy of union men has been formed , known is the Union Co-operative Fishermen's I'ucU- ng company , with a capital stock of $20,000. The cannery la to have a twenty-four-hour capacity of " ,000 cases , of forty-eight pounds each , and will run night and day through ho entire Hi-ason , giving employment to 200 boata. U will bo twlco aa largo as any canary on the Columbia river. The visiting representative says the fishermen I Imvo diMcd that this , h the only methn.l they have for'-.ifull.v rnnipetliiR with their nonunlnii opponi niw and that the new I'Htahllshmcnt will be run entirely by iinloi men. It has the support of the federated trader , and unlniu have contributed nil the monr-y. It Is te be Tuft on the same plan as the camerles on , Frnfcr river , three ol which were put up lastseason. , The end of Chinook salmon flslllpij ; ' In the Columbia river Is only n few jewrs distant , t.nld the union visitor , as thji .fanioi * variety 1ms been caught so greedily that It Is rapidly becoming extinct. Iti fHto will bo the same an that of the sturgeon , which , ten years ago wns eo plentiful and now none can be found. OPENING THE MOTHER I.ODE. In connection with the Sierra Pacific rail road , which Is to run out of Stockton Into the mining section about forty-five miles eastward , another great enterprise- pro jected , says the San Francisco Chronicle , and one that will greatly tend to revolu tionize the present situation nloii'g the mother lode of California , extending through tbo counties of Amador , Calavoraa and Tuo- Inmno. The gn-nt factor will be the Im mense electric-power plant being put up on the Mokclumne river by an English syndi cate represented by I'rlnec Pnnlatowgkl. This will have a capacity s'ltilelenl ' to fur nish power for nil the mlniM ID that lo cality and also for the latcit project con templated that la , an electric railway about thirty miles long , to be operated between Jackson , Pan Andreas and along the inothe- : lode tn Mm nnrtb mill flnutli nf tbrsn fnxvna. The propo.'cd electric road will be topped by the Sierra Pacific railroad at n point somewhere between Jackson and ? ar > Andreas. J. W. Harlsell who has been en gaged to seeure rlght-of-vay / for the elec tric line , Is now In Sail FrancUeo on n busi ness visit. He Is meat enthusiastic on the subject. Ills headquarters are at Jackson. "Water power , " salcV Mr. Hart well , "hi now mostly used by the mines , ami the great trouble Is that this power lias always been controlled by the larger mines , and the nmaller mines and those In which prc3pect- Ing was to bo done have not been able to get rmfllclcnt power to properly operate them. This electric plant of the English syndicate will furnish all the power required. Among the towns that will bo Greatly ben.'fltert by thu now order of things are Jackson , San Andreas , Aimjdor City , Sutler Creek and , In fact , all the towns In that section. The building of tbe electric road will be very expensive , owing to the uneven charac ter of the country It will pass through. It will probably coat $10.000 a mile , but It will undoubtedly prove a paying Investment as It will glvo that section of country nn al most direct outlet to tidewater ami to San Francisco and make It possible to handle all the products of that region to much better advantage. It will also , of courae , greatly stlii't'lato development of all kinds In the counties through which the mother lode extends. " THE DAKOTAS. The new well at the Chamberlain mill baa doubled its power since last fall. It h rumored that the Milwaukee railroad intends to place lifty experiment stations In South Dakota to try a new system of subiolling. Aberdeen's new city , , directory , using the multiple system of estimate , ns employed nt Rloux City , St. Paul' and Omaha , shows a population of 4S'Jii , The controversy 9v rthp , ( railroad bridge at Yaiikton Is said Jo be about over nniV as soon as rails and tic's ran be had , early In January , the three miles of track to the bridge site will be lajil. rue niacK inns irrtsniicn arsociarlon lias ' been called to meet at 'Sturijls on the 2Kh ! and 30th of this month. Ex-Senator Man- dcrson and Govcrno'if flolcomb will bo pres ent and deliver adU'resJrs. It Is expected that nil of the Hlack Hills members-elect of the legl.slatuie will bo In attendance. A delegation of Sioux Indians from Crow Creek agency , with White Ghcst , their head chief , cs chairman , left for Washington to collect a bill of ( jbiiut $200,000 from the government. I est Match the tribe sent a dun to Washington by'telegraph. This not having been heeded , ( he Indians decided to interview the Indian bureau officials per sonally. It la authoritatively stated that the North ern Pacific will make two extensions In North l.akota as eoon ns the snow Is off In the spring. One will bo from Leeds to Dun- sc-lth , an extension of the Jamestown North ern , which will open the best part of the Turtle mountain country. A longer exten sion will be on the Fargo Southwestern branch from Edgcloy to the Missouri river via Kulm , Ashby and Eureka. There Is much excitement at Deadwood over tbe great strike at Ragged Top In the Dacey Shaft mines. The bed of ore contin ues to show evidence of fabulous wealth. It Is the scrmtion of the Dlack Hills , and hun dreds are flocking to the scene. It rivals In richness anything In the history of west ern mining. The ore Is running over $150 per ton. The rich drift was started on the fissure , and the wonderful bed of ore wcs discovered within ten feet. The wonder U owned by Kilpatrlck llros. & Collins. The local land office at Chamberlain has rejected the application of citizens of Greg ory county to make entry of the towrslto of Fairfax. The town was located several yearn ago , and aspires to be the county scat of Gregory county as soon ns the county Is or ganized. The townslte application was filed by the county Judge of Charles Mix county , to which Gregory Is attached for Judicial pur poses , through his attorney , John I ) . Rivers , and was rejected for two reasons. Ono rea son Is that the townsltors apply to make proof at once on ICO acres , and claim a pop ulation of only 50. Thla Is premature' , as final proof upon a tovvnslte cannot be made until after the expiration of three months. The other-reason is that 50 people cannot make proof on so large a tract as 100 acres. The case will be appealed to the commis sioner of the general land office. COLORADO. A recruiting officer to raise an army for Cuba has secured a number of volunteers In Our.iy. The Fanny H. , one of Cripple Crrck'a ship pers , contains ore which yields $20.000 per ton , from a narrow streak. The average product yields $230 to $300 per ton. Sam Twlfig made a rich strike In Water fall basin , near Ophlr Station , the character of the ere being that of very rich silver. It has not been assayed as yet. but Is of very high value. A vein of ore fifteen Inches In thickness has been discovered In the heading of the 400-foot level west on thft Centennial mlno which , accfcrdl'in to the mill run , In wnrih ' seventeen ouncp In gold to th ton. This level Is bc-lnn driven underneath the town- site of Georgetown. The strike has or ° tpd .onsl'lcrable cxrltetnent. A Denver man brousht In from Perry Park , lintiRlaa fnunty , wpwltneiw ff aurfnro ore which seem to curry K < 'ld. Spvc-rul claims have been t kcn up In the district and a town 1m been started. The dtatrlrt U known as Dak In. Work will be started on the lunni-i which enters siinub mountain on the north slope , on the first of the year. This prop erty tj under the management of W. H. Dorspy. and ha * obtained awmytj miming from $ S to $20 per ton. The production of the Mlcaourl mine , In Russell district , for November , was ? I,20i\ A full force of nipn ( a working In thlii prop erty , and a new strike hns been made In thn third level of n two-foot slreok of jiUH'RlnR ore , which asays $ S3 per ton. The committee appointed by the Northern Colorado Produce exchanRo to report on ihi > number of enrloada of potatoes In and about Grceley , report the number to bo from SOO to 1,000 fewer carloads than for many years previous. This means hlijh prices. The report of the legislative committee of the Arkansas valley Irrlgatloivlsts is In thp form of a bill and will ask for the ap propriation of $50,000 for the construction of the Twin Lakes rcacrvolr , and the appro priation of $20.000 for the continuance or the work of the state canal during the next two years. It wss deemed advisable to take no final action on the report at this time. Nearly all of the table lar.J on the west of the North Platte river , excepting that which ha * been patented has been staked off Into place.elolnw , and nil the gravel time far prospected Is gold-bearing , some run ning as high as $1S to the cubic yard. The Independence Placer Mining Company has already expended a large sum In ditches. In which to convey water to their dlgglnco , and will be In readiness to do n large amount of development work during the coming year. All of the lessees working at the Golden Age mine at Jamestown , are taking out tons of good ere and H runs from $ , .00 to $ < 1COO per ton. There are eighty-five men working nt this mlno , and the Nayno mine has about twenty men The latter are taking out ore that will no ftom $1 to $9 per pound. There nrc more prospectors lu the district now than have been before for fifteen years , mid there Is more development being done , with better success , than In any other camp In thu county. A cmal ! test shipment of ere from the Dictator mlno on Silver creek , according to a report from Idaho Springs , returned $11,1 for 113 pounds of the mineral. The owner claims to have a fair-sized streak In the upper level of the shaft. If this la true. It can be considered as nn Important strike , fnr the mineral Is worth $20,000 per tois. The mine has remained Idle for a number of years , cs are many others , hut It goes to show that there are ns many good lodes unprospectcd as have ever been opened. WYOMING. A steam sh-op fliparing plant will ho erected at Casper In the sprins. A discovery of free milling gold quartz is reported from Evanston. The find Is but eighteen miles from the city. It Is alleged that a pack of gray wolves attacked a ranchman named John Schoor- yans near Mcdlclno How and that he barely escaped with his life. It Is currently reported at Sheridan that Otto will contest the conn'y scat In the near future and that considerable money has al ready been raised to carry on the contest. A party of capitalists has been in Casper making arrangements for the development of a number of the bsst nil cla'lms. Men liavo been put to work cutting timber for lerrleks. Tlio Laramlo city council has ordered the survey cf a line of ditch from the city to the cast wall of what Is known as tlio blu basin. with the Intention of using water from the basin natural reservoir for mechanical pur poses. The Mctcotso stage driven has a very fine shepherd dog that killed a couple of porcu pines a day or two ago near the Y. U. ranch and the consequence was that his head mid mouth were completely filled with quills , so much so that the dcg resembled on animated pin cushion. The state of Wyoming , through Attorney CMicral Fowler , filed a suit against the county of Laramle to enforce payment of the state's pro raia of uncollected taxes for cho years 1SS9 , 1S02 , 1S93 , 1S31 and 1S93. aggregating , with Interest , over $5,000. A similar suit has been begun by the elate against Albany county and it may be that the two counties will combine In the test. A new strike Is roportcd from the Grand Encampment country. Robert Ilarrold of Laramlo Is the fortunate prrapcctor and the mineral found is u red honey-combed quartz carrying free gold. The * vein Is forty feet wldo. Tlio new htrllte Is south of the Summit mine , and In a locality con siderably remcvcd frtai the already de fined limit of the Grand Encampment gold belt. belt.A A force of men Is engaged putting In a boom at Green river , under the superltitend- cncy of Mr. J. II. Haggarty , who Is skilled n .that class of work , having had n llfr-lons experience. The bccm will bo 7F.O feet eng , requiring 2.000 legs and 1,500 stone lerches In its construction. The company will make a drive this coming spring of 2.000,000 feet , and the following year fi.OOO.- , 00 feot. The company will put In a mill , equipped with nil the modern and necessary nnchlncry to turn out lath , shingles ana umber of every description. W. T. Shaffer , editor of the Unlta Herald , roino time since secured a patent on a single all rapid transit railway , hU own Inven- lon. The mctlel has been thoroughly ex amined by engineers and exports , and lu In every way a complete success. Mr. Shaffer IBS , however , made some Improvements on the original patented Idea , and contingent upon patents bi'lng ' granted on the Improve- nents , ho has arranged to bell his rights o on ccstern city for $50,000 , and the work of constructing street railways will bo be- ; un as soon as arrangements can bo made. Mr. Shaffer declines to glvo further Informa- lon at present , but IB confident the deal will go through. The motive power used will bo electricity , and U Is claimed a very high rate of speed will bo attained. OREGON. Out on Fifteen-Mile In Wasco county , all ho farmers are busy plowing. The ground 3 In splendid condition , and a very largo area Is being turned over. The now bridge across the Wnlla Walla tver above Milton Is now ready for travel. Since the collapse of the structure , portions Ivlng up the river have been compelled to ord the river. When the Klamath reservation Is thrown open for settlement , It Is expected that good gold mlneo will bo opened up. Several finds with good prospects have been BLACKVYELL'S - WANT . KWflft A /\NDN / \ ° OTIEf | ? . - / \ < " V , P H" * f O . / V-4 SEE/ 'GCNUINE \ \ \ * I tt ll * / * Ikr Jia o DURHAM V\ > i\ X'v M ' ' ' . ' * ' . . dfc ; % T r - < < ; iC m ! W S VA ZAjfc - You Mill ilinl DIIO coupon ln > tilr rncli two nuticr III HI mill two i'im ] > ' iii litolilr rnch WJf I four niinrc twjj of ) llicl < - ' WiJ. = > \ ill's Dm hum , Hu.v a l'"f ? g'i1 . sra ifilJJ % /frr : = i oT thli nlrl > rated tobiirru * F"33 anil rinil tliv i-iitipnu Mlilcli WfiMY vi's n Ifst uf tnltiiitilr | ii-cs- r cuti nnil lioiv to ; : ot Ilioin. made on tlicsp Indian lands In the iast ! cr nf a cpiuuryliich are bold In seciory awattlns tin1 time when the reservation will ' . ' 0 thrown open. , T. II. Walker recently left at the Cottage Orovo Iweader omre a sample of line loaf tobacco , which ho raised In his garden thla year. Ho raised n'bmit 100 pounds , and will Iiavu his own smoking tobacco. Kully mo men are hard at work along the Alderbrook water front cutting wood for tholr wlntcr' isisajs : thp Astorlan. llnr- IIIR the recout freshet hundreds of conta of wood , and about 2,000 ahlnglo bolts from the Cowlltz river were thrown tip on the beach. Thu sturgeon catch Is Retting quite Kfod aK.iln , says The VUllos Chronlclo. Sixteen of the blR follows were shipped away the other day ; thp live larger ones of the lot nvcra ini ; " 50 pounds each. Klght. all nbant the samu slzoelKhcd nearly 200 pounds each. Heporta frnin Hood Illvep and Moaler In dicate that considerable damnKCvaa done to fruit trees by the recent cold snap. It camp so early that tlili year's growth of wood bad not * yet hardened , and the rranlt WP.S disastrous. An examination of the young orchards ahowa that the bark and turned black. The extent of the dam age cannot be told until later. A correspondent writes to the Kugen" Oiiard from Wedderburn coiiccrnlnR n I ine county boy , a son of T. J. Cook : "Master Harvey Cook and his dog went hunting tin- other day and killed a very large panther , measuring nine feet , and also two large will cats. Tlu-- brave Hide boy Is only 11 yearn old and Is n line hunter , lie has killed two bears and ten deer and quite a lot of small gann this winter.Vlmt county can produce a better record for a brave boy than Italic ? " Klsbor and William Logan , brothers , were caught out In the cold snap of last month In Crook county while driving cattle. They left Ihc'lr cattle and tried to roach the cabin that was their destination , but , thinking they could not flml It. they built a lire under a rlmrock and remained Uiero all night. It was the coldest night and oibers who were out sav It was SI degrees below zero. The men made themselves as comfortable as they could. They had no blankets and while sit- PEN PICTURES PLEASANTLY AND POINTEDLY PUT. Irex ) L. .Slioomiin ' . didn't ullp up on his Christmas present bocausu he had on a pair of whocs with "uovurnllp" soles on thorn ni'vi-f needs to wear rnlilu'i's Ui-ep feet dry you never fall down the pneumatic heels wo put on any kind of shoe are Kreat t < llp pre venters too those tire two of the neat est and most imeful Inventions in the shoe Hue. ' DREXEL SHOE CO , , 1411) ) PA UN AM STKIJKT Wo have placed a jood ninny cigars with Kentlemon who never did their Kinoklnt , ' with ns before and are they Hiitlslled wo Kiit-ss yes all our lives we've devoted to this business and we have a happy faculty of pleasing all who truilo with us wo wholesale and retail and we know the house Is not In existence that carries a better line. W. F. STOECKER , 1401DOUGLAS. . ting around llio are itotn roll asleep ami after a whllo young Logan was awakened by bis clothes catching on fire. On waking up ho found that both of lib feet were frozen. They also discovered when daylight caino that they were In sight nf the cabin. Hero Is n Umatllln reservation Indlau with no fondness for loud colors. Ho could not find a blanket or "Indian robo" of sobei hues In Peiidleton , so he went lo the olllce of the woolen mill company and told Mr. Foil that ho wanted fll blanket. Mr. Fell In formed the Indian that the company sold no goods nt retail and that ho must go to one of the Etorcs. Hut the Indian said ho wanted ono made to order and would have It no other way : and finally bo waa humored and hi. ? order taken. It was for n pnro white blanket , with a broad , dead black sti'lpo ' run ning across , about eight Inches from either end. This was made for him mid ho now proudly wears It on the streets as the only Indian In the world who does not like loud colors. WASHINGTON . A good many hop growers nronud 1'nyil- Inp nro making preparations to grow a crop of hops next year. There are still about 3.000.000 feet of loss In the Gray's river boom thnt were brought out by the recent freshets. The Talmcr Mountain Tunnel company has completc-d the workshops nt the entrance - trance to the tunnel , In Okanogan eountv. and boa put on au additional force of work men. men.A A change In the management of the Fair- haven & New Wlmleom street railway la under consideration , whereby C. X. Larrnbco will secure control of the road , flays the Wbalcom Reveille. The work of raising the Sturm ohlnglo and sawmill , at the mouth of the Arkansaw creek , which went into the Cowlltz river the other day , Is progressing slowly , owing to the water falling slowly and locso sand. Slnco January 1. JS9. > , 3B3 mining com panies have filed articles of Incorporation In Spohnnes with a total capital , according to the articles or incorporation , of $3Q0.02r > ,000. Thh Is seven tlme.s as many companies an U the three preceding years , and five times as much capital .stock. H U estimated Hint to build the telephone line from eastern Washington to it'uget GO n nil points It will take jr.,000 poles , 1.S3I mllea of No. 10 hard-drawn copper wire , 10,000 cross-arms and braces and 32,000 plna and InsulatoM. The estimated cc t of ma terial and labor la $72.000. In cutting wood , J. M. Halo of Calhlumel , felled a tree the. other day that proved to contain a warm of bees In Its hollow. Mr. Halo sawed oft a cut containing the bees , took the cut homo , set It ui ; , and now the beca are ns contented cii whin their homo was high In the big pine. About two years ago n number of Hol landers settled In Snohoniish county , pur chasing land In as largo tracts ns possible anil work-Ing thu adjoining farms together. The colony U gradually growing and almost without exception the Halo groups cf farms have prospered. A movement la now being started to bring over a number of colonials direct from Holland. The Hollanders have The perfection of swootm-xs n at tained In the tone of a Klmball piano Is Ihe llrst uroal feature uoU-d It's llio highest untile piano made It's the low est priced high irnde piano sold It Is sold on easier terms wo rent It and you can apply the lent to Its purchase If you afterward decide we trade It your old orpin or piano Is worth tiome- thine we'll ; lve you more than any body In trade have you ever heard one automatic piano play. A. HOSPE , JR. , 1513 DOUGLAS. taken up the matter of flax raising and will plant a great deal of flax this year. They have also encouraged their neighbors 'to do otherwise , and will probably erect n mill In that vicinity In time to-work nc.xt year's crop. Starhuck Is fully nbrcasl of the times when It comes to a diversity of amusements. The other day about twenty I'alouso Indiana catno to town and ongngo.l the e > era house for a war dance to bo given that evening , which was well a1 tended and much appre ciated by many who had never seen anything of the kind before. Cattle and bog raising -Is again coming to bo an Important Industry of Lewis county. Ten years ago it took a good start , but things appeared moro profitable and thcro enme n tlmo when farmers brought to market hardly enough fat stock to supply the homo dttnand for fresh meat. This year at least 1.500 eattlo will he shipped out and probably ! > ,000 or tl.OOO hogs. The last season's work nt Hall & Hlshop's logging camp In Clallam county , Is ono to bo proud of. At the beginning of the year two miles of railroad were put down and slnco then llio loggers have been busy gut ting out logs. The season's cut amounted to 7,00(1.000 ( feet , most of which was towed to lladlock and from there was distributed to different points on the soumi nnd llrllish Columbia. Korty men were employed In the camp throughout the year nt an average of $2.fiO prr day. The men paid $4.50 per week for board. David MoLood and a companion , whllo traveling along the state road In Sknglt i county , saw a bound e'-anluR a half-grown deer. The frightened animal dashed almost Into th"lr arms nnd then Bought shelter from the dog behind Mr. MoLi-od , who threw stones at the dog nnd drove him away. For this timely and Inimnno act the geiitht creature permitted himself to bo captured and for ten minutes eno > od helm : polled. When Mr. MoLcod and his companion started again on their Journey the young deer fol lowed for n considerable dlitnnco , then turned nsklo and laid down In the deep un dergrowth. MISCELLANEOUS. The natural gas supply near Salt Lake Is said to bo exhausted. Llko Colorado. Nevada Is now producing more gold than silver. A Japanese drummer was In Vlsalln. Col. , recently. Ho carried ten trunks filled with Japanese gooda. Lehml county , Idaho , talks nf Issuing $30,000 bonds to build a wagon road from Iho North Fork to Shoup. Utah Is to celebrate lln first iieltlemeiit with a aeml-rcnlennlal from July 20 to 21 of the coming oummer. firorgo Ilarveyi who was nn ( English nobleman nt Negates , has boon arrested ai a common thief nt Vsleta , Tex. The southern Kootemil , II. C. , uhlpmenln for l&afi amounted , up to the flrat of the month , to 27,200 tona. valued nt $3.016.507. The Tlmberliro coal mlnci , near 11 ) ; : - man , Mont. , which have been oyorai. 1 nearly thirty years' ' , have become oxhauiud. In a tunnel being driven on tbo exlon- ulon of the Alum lloek & San Jose railway , in Nevada , nn excellent quality of coal was found. Mnjovc county mines , In touthorn Califor nia , niw yet hardly moro than surface dig gings , but they have already produced $10- 000,000. A San Francisco cattle firm has bought hundreds of tons of hay In the Qnln Itlvcr valley , in Nevada , for $2 per ton , and is feeding SOO cows. Goo'l ' oil reports are coming 111 from Santa Durham county , Gal. A heavy pro ducer cf light gravity oil has just been opened at Sumnicrlnnd. Ilisbco has become one of the most Im portant cattle shipping points In Arizona. Moro-than 7,000 head were shipped from there In the month of November. Should Fort Wblpple , In Arizona bo re built , as recommended by ( leneral Miles in bis annual report , work will bo given about fifty men for an Indefinite period , A high diver saturated his elothea with kerosene oil , set fire to them and dived from the'steamship wharf Eovcnty-flvo feet Into the bay ut San Diego without Injury. A largo number of placer claims have * hern located on the Colorado river , below tln > mouth of the Virgin , which will be worked by .1 largo force of men before spring. The astronomers of the Lowell observa tory , who have been working " at Flagstaff , Ariz. , announce that slnco "Auguct 1 they have dlscoverewl 150 new stellar system1 ; . Sprlugvlllc , Utah , has shipped 320 can of sugar beets to the factory , receiving $1 per ton , or $27,000. This helps out a popu lation of 3,600 In thcflc hard times Im mensely. Two adventurers are looking for n Icalhcr each containing $20.000 In gold dust , which they claim lies burled samowhero along the bank nf Walnut creek , in Contra Conta county , California. On Grasshopper creek , near Ilannoclr , at the original Montana placers that yielded $30,000,000 , a boat with buckets on an ondlo.iH chain brings up the golden gravel thirty-five feel. Over $200,000 has been spent on thin new plan fnr placer mining , and big nmillu arc expected. of tlio dniiuTlcH nii'l rni'in'iiHvo ' areHliowIiiK now lire tin- must I'luliurute anil ni'tlHlle wo linvt1 cvor bwii iililo to procure tlicy arc nil iu llio lalost sluuluH dc.slKiiH mid iiovoHlf.s-aml can In1 HI-HI iiowlit'l'o ( 'Iso but at our store there hi not a poor quality UIUOIIK Ilium and thu prlco IH almost as much of a novulty i > u the curlahiH It's so low. OMAHA CARPET CO. , 1515 DODGE.