Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    1'T <
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o TJIE CXMA1IA DAILY 111313 : MOXDAV , D13C13M1SI3K 28 , IS)0. ! )
from where the engine fell. Ilk only Injury
wan n broken arm. He left the nrcnc fo
Illncloii on foot almost Immediately nfto
Iho wreck , apparently crazed with fright
Tlio o III o In to have not yet been nbl
to son him , ami get n statement.
THUKI : cmuHiKN sAvnn.
Of the clKht other survivors , three wen
children , nil of whom hnd thi'lr fcrt burnoi
anil initthetl , ntiil a womnii who hail hotl
feet crushed. Their namra have not ye
been learned. The other three were Hcnrj
Ilnmlherry , a conductor from lllrmlngham
who wan taking his wlfo and two eblldrci
out for a ride arontnl tin- circuit , and Wll
( Jaivlncr and Andrew Ilryson , minors fron
IIIoctnn. Ilaiidborry wee on the Name nea
with hln wife nnd children when the craul
came. The latter three were killed nnd ho
was pinned down and would have heel
burned alive had IIP not been rcaurd by
Ilroyson nnd Utirdner. Thaie two men nliii
mvod the unknown woman ani
three children , who were likewise
| ) lnnrd down nnd appealing plteourl )
for help , but by the time the >
had rtacued these IIVP persons , Iho hca
had hceonie so Intense that they were com
pollc.i to dpslnt In their work of rescue. It Is
thought fully tliree-i'ourtha of the ckad were
killed outrlKht In the crash , while the othei
five were pinioned down ami jrematod
Hardner and Drystni were both badly hurt
wlillo Ilandl > r-rry will probably die.
The llnmcR had complutcd the work of do-
Rtrurtlon before any help arrived. The
country around the mono : of the accident
Is sparsely fettled nnd the few fnrmcrn who
heard of the wreck and went to the Hceno
arrived too late to .bo of any assistance ex-
crpt to the survivors.
Dr. Hay , a Illocton physician , who at
tended Gardner , one of the Injured survivors ,
telegraphs tonight the statement made li >
Gardner as to the cause of the wreck.
Gardner says when ho felt the cars leave
the track he looked out and saw three savage
looking men rushing from a hiding place
down toward the water's edge , ami that
after the wreek they went through the
wreckage , robbing this dead and wounded ,
and then lied to the woods. They did their
work < mlckly. and offered no assistance
whatever In the way of rescuing the Im
prisoned and Injured passengers. This
story , however , has liot yet been corrobo
rated , but other fuels tend to show that It
was the work of train wrcrkcrs.
An examination of the engine- shows that
KiiKliipvr White had shut off steam ami re
versed before the engine went down , Indi
cating that he saw danger ahead as he np-
proaehed thu bridge anil tried to stop his
train. His charted bojy was found , with
his hand on the throttle. Tint survivors all
agree that the train left the track and
bumped along the ties , nnd then , with a
erash. plunged through the bridge , n.xpcrt
engineers say that there Is every Indication
that n rail was removed , which derailed the
train and caused It to pull down the bridge.
The cross ties show marks of the wheels.
To add to this. Is the faet that three men
tried to wreek a Southern railway train
near Henryellen. fifteen miles east of hero ,
live days ago , by removing a rail on n
trestle ninety feet high. The fast express
left the track , but the engineer managed
by superhuman efforts to stop It before It
toro down the trestle. This was regarded
cs n most remarkable escape. In this case
three men were seen running from the place
and a crowbar , with which the spikes had
IK en withdrawn. wai : found.
The scenes of both accidents nro In a
wild , mountainous country.
siv MiM-its sri > ii > : \i.v MI-IT IMIATII
t\liloillimr : CUM In Inilliinn ( 'IIUNCM n
NllllllM-r of I'lltllllllcM.
I'HINCETON , Ind. . Dec. 27. The explosion
of gas In the 1'rlnceton shaft last night was
not so serious ua.Eiippospd. Six miners were
killed.-while- Is missing and is believed
to bo dead. Eight men were rescued almost
lifeless , but It Is thought they will recover.
Tlie dead : , '
THEOnoilE ,
HOHEIIT MAUU- : , son of the preoldent
anil secretary , of Iho company.
Those rcficueil arc :
William Grill. Frank Turble. Thomas Thlce
( colored ) , William Ilaker , James Turner ,
David Nolan , Arthur Colgate ( colored ) , James
Cruse ( colored ) .
Mlsslm : :
Robert I'onclltc. head blacksmith.
Ti'o llrat men brought up alive were Wil
liam Grill , Frank Turble , Thomas Thlca and
William Hooker. They said the others wore
all dead. Then the rescuers brought up the
boil I'a of James Hell. Theodore Kaber. John
Holmes. Carl 1'onulltc and John Earnest.
These bodies were mutilated almost beyond
leeoKii'tlon. ' The next trip down the res
cuers reported thuy could hear groans. This
WPS Jovfnl news and hope again revived
The crowd waited In broathlcaa suspense
while the bucket cameup. . It contained the
almost lifeless bodies cf James Turner ,
David Nolan , Arthur Colgata and .1 nines
Cruse. The llrsl two were only slightly
burned , while the others were more serl-
ouoly Injured , sustaining several broken
bones , hc&ldcs thtilr aovoro burns. They can
give no account of the explosion. The body
of Itobcrt Maulo was found lying at the fon't
of the shaft with a hugo beam across his
breast , his skull crushed In ami numerous
hones broken. Hesciunt could not work long
At a time on account of gas and foul air
nnd search for I'onellto. which has contin
ued all day. has been of no avail. The In
juries of some of the rescued men nro very
serious , but unless complications arise all
will ultimately recover.
ItnIlMiiy Coiiiiin | : > SiiilVi-N CniiNlilcrn-
IlllI.OSH III ItlllilllllKH.
NEW YOUK , Dec. 27. Piro today de
stroyed the repair shops of the llushwlck di
vision of the Brooklyn Heights Hallway com
pany and a lour-Ktory frame building used
by Welz & SCerwIcks. brewers , as a storage
house In Hrouklyn. The total loss Is $3r..OOO ;
well Insurtd. The cause of the nro la un
1'OTSDAM. N. Y. . Dec. 27. The Windsor
hotel , four saloons , three clothing stores ,
three restaurants , ono grocery store , two
ll\cry stablCH and two barber shops , com
peting n largo portion of th ? buslines sec
t-ton of this town , were destroyed by llro to
day. The damage Is estimated at $103,000 ;
partially insured.
CHEIIOKEE , la. . Doe. 27. ( Special Tele-
firom. ) I'lro broke out in O. W. Hammond
mend & Co.'s millinery store at 7 o'clock thla
evening. The building was saved after an
hour's hard lighting. Tho- stock , valued at
? 3.000. was a total loss. There was $2,000
Insurance on the stoi-h and furniture. A de
fective title caused th ? conflagration.
A.MESHUHY , Mass. . Dec. 27. The post-
olV.eo block was budly damaged by lire to
day. The loss on the building and property
of. the various occupants will amount to
$60,000 ; Insurance about $40,000. The nro
probably caught near the bailer In the basu-
NKVr YOUK. Dec. 27. The handsome
country residence , owned by D. Marshall
and occupied by Duncan Elliott , located on
the Wcstchcstor club grounds , was destroyed
by flro to lay. Loss , $50.000.
A it 11 ni'n i\iiiiniiii : < iii.
'Washington .Star : "I don't know much
about the Hinge , " remarked the mlddlo
nsi .1 limn to the prlmn. datum , "but I
rim'I help admiring Mla8 Ullxlu Lcuds. "
"Indecil ? " and the liillectlon WIIH rather
"Yen. 1 don't iindertnko to criticise her
tut. Hut I obiorvo Hint you never Heo nny-
il-.lntf iibout her having joiilouMcs of other
i > i-rform--rw. or gi-ltlut ; ilit-orci'.l , or hr.\Iug
ti' v\lth her imimiser. "
"All , no. I'-ior thiiiBl She hasn't nnv
' " " - agent. "
Muscles , sti-.idy iii-rveH , good appetite. _
refreshing sleep come with blood nmde pure by
The Ono True Itlood I'lirllU-r. All druggists. SI.
Hood's Pills uro the butt iUlvr-Uiiiuer
Convicts Considered from the Taxpayers' '
Point of View ,
Siicl < M > V Dnty to Itxolf mill tin * Knet
Unit tln < Criminal .Mtixl lie
Dciill > rltli Afford the
OMAHA , Dee. 28. To the Editor of The
Dee : Just nt this tlmo some agitation of
the prison labor problem Is stewing In cor-
t.iln quarters. It Is claimed that Governor
llolcomb favors the abolition of Urn contract
ny tcm , nml It Is probable that porno members
of the legislature have a notion of auch a
system of prison regulation that all the con
victs will ho holy and only the guai-Js bo
vile. It appears to mo that this matter
hhouhl ho determined In the Interest of
throe concerned , and who have rights In the
premised the taxpayers , and thla Include )
all our people outside the criminal plaaaea
whether wagoworkcrn , financiers , manufac
turer or farmers. The lita no
rights which society Is bound to respect ,
nay , none which society nhould respect In
opposition to Ita own Interests , safety or con
venience , whether dealing with depravity
wo regard crime as a disease , an Insanity
or a vice. The strong arm of the law Hhould
protect the Inwabldlng citizen at whatever
cost to the criminal , and .this mewling men
tal dotage , miscalled sympathy , that looks
with pitying eye on the murderer taken
red-handed In hU crime , la both trying
and dangerous. Our prKsuna hold men dan
gerous to society , natures dwarfed by oln
Into the horrible monstrosity of crime. They
aie not refuged for unfortunates In life ;
they are bulwarks for the protection of the
thrifty , the pure , the gentle , the gooJ.
Men arc sent there for punishment , and the
regime Hhould do sufllclenily severs to make
n return of the prisoner when hlj term ex
pires , undesirable a thing to ho avoided ,
even nt the.cci.-it of remaining honest. Shorn
of the halo that too often surroundj him , the
criminal utamla confessed as ono who han
ruthlessly tvikcn ftom others their property ,
their virtue , or their life , who has volunta
rily put himself beyond the protection of the
laws , and ewcet charity has too many needy
gardens In which to plant IU beautiful llow-
ers without condemning It to the blistering
atmosphere of cuiulctcd vice.
What shall wo do with our convicts , not
In the Interest of the convicts , but of so
ciety ? H Is everywhere admitted , nt all
events by all people who may visit an In
sane asylum with safety , that the state
should hold Its prisoners nt the least cost
to the public. Taxpayers ore too heavily
burdened in the llrst costs of convicting
criminals. At the very end of this year of
grace. ISOfl , it took four able laywers. a
learned Judge and twelve good men and
true , not to mention court bailiffs , stenog
raphers , etc. , ten days to convict a man
who himself admitted that ho had brutally
murdered his roommate and then robbed
him , and who gave this precious assassin
a Christmas present of a life sentence In
the penitentiary , whither ho goes In the
hope that some soft-hearted governor In
the future will make him another Christmas
present of a pardon. Meanwhile the worms
are having n Christmas feasfon the body of
his victim , erstwhile his friend and bene
factor , whom his murderous hand
Hem to ( hlH ) account ,
\\lth all ( his ) Imperfections on ( his ) head.
And the taxpayers of Douglas county will
foot the bill to the tune of thousands of
dollars. Thcro Is no mistake about that.
Juries may disagree , astute attorneys may
quibble him out , the law's delay may release
him , governors may pardon him , and n
thousand and ono things may Intervene and
the criminal go unwhlpped of Justice , hut
thcro Is no escape for the taxpayer. Thrift
must pay the penalty of Its virtue , that
we may open every avenue of escape for
society's assassins. Hut now nnd then wo
do get him In the penitentiary , nnd then
what shall wo do with him ?
"Uefonn him , " shrieks the who
often lacks but courage nnd opportunity to
become a criminal himself , and so a "fellow
feeling makes him wondrous kind. " "Pun
ish him. " sajs common sense and If there I *
anything In him worth reformlnc It will
eomo out In the wash. It Is due the public
that he be made self-sustaining. If practica
ble. That his labor should come Into com
petition aa llulo ns posslbln with hone. , ' .
tc-11 oiitsldu goes without saying. It Is but
fair that the burden of his keep. If burden
It must be , should bo equally distributed
amons all our citizens. He should not bo
permitted to do In confinement what he did
when at large , prey upon society. Hut lie
muht bo engaged In some line of proHta'jlo
labor , and there Is no legitimate senKnuiit
In the matter. Which Is most prorttable to
the atate , the contract system or direct em
ployment ? This belne nnswered. the qu--s-
tlon should bo settled. It Is urged In name
iiunrtera that our convicts could bo profitably
employed In the manufacture of clothlriz.
shoes , etc. . for our state InstlluWoim nnd still
not eomo Into competition with honest labor.
I trust the people outslrto our state will no !
conclude from this argument of the screcchsrs
that Nebraska's feeble mlmled. in - > m <
paupers , etc. . In our public Institutions are
permitted to go shoeless nor compelled to
Hvo In a state of nature , nor to sleep on
: ho S'aro iround uncovered. If such were
tha case there would be meat In the ar u-
ment , and the plan be both sensible and
uimano. Where do the shoes , clothing.
jcddlng , etc. , and the houses our unfor-
: unatca live In come from ? With a bound-
les belief In the wonderful productiveness
of the soil of our beautiful state1 1 am still
.mwllllng to believe that houses grow up
rom our prairies nuc/lded. Nor la It prob-
aMe that In the morning after a shower the
attendants may go 10 the rain barrel nnd
Ind there the needed stockings , ccats and
all other wearing apparel , cut just to size
and beautifully made up for each Inmate. I
) ellcvo in Divine Providence , but In the
alucuro of evldenco to the contrary Iin -
cllno to the opinion that all these thlnga
are made by busy human hands. Where.
hen , would be the advantage , so far as
loncst labor Is concerned. In employing our
convicts on state work ? Tue result would
> o the same , with all the risk of loss to the
stato. All these things tned : by the com-
nonwealth in caring for its unfortunates ,
f manufactured oulslda the prison , give cm-
iloymont to labor nnd If we make thorn by
) rlson labor wo deprive the worklngmcn
and women who now manufacture them of
ust that much employment.Vu somewhat
hango the conditions , but not the result.
"Learn the convict a trade , that when ho
comes out lie may have a chanco. " I Hie
ho proposition still less , but granting Its
itlllty how arc you going to do It. unlcsu you
employ him ? It Is urged that by return-
tig to primitive methods this might be
one In such a way that his product would
be so small that It would have little or no
( feet on outride labor. In the llrat place
such n plan would bo unprofitable to the
state , ami Is quite enough to ilci'cat
It. Hut from the view of "giving
him a chance , " lin- much chance -Amild
he have ? The stutc pays annually a large
mm for publlo printing. Suppose the rute
deoldtd to do this printing In the penlton-
tlary. Let It buy Us type. etc. . In the old
way. and not so W < ] , cither , and teach the
murderers , the ravl'hcrc. the hotwchreakcrt ,
the pickpocket ? , the villains of every do-
reriptlon confined there to wt typo and
plill a Washington hand prcsi. It would
have the effect of depriving honest printers
ontbliliof that much employment they now
receive. ; but m.vcr mind , we will give
society's enemies a chanco. At the end of
his term the convict KOCH Into the world
prepared to print. Ho goes Into the- first
priming otllce ho pecs , and l > unable to
recognise It. The typesetting machine looks
about 113 much like n printer's cnie ai a
bothe does like n McCormlck elf binder.
There are hundreds of llrst r.iFn ! prlntem.
who flvo years and ICM ago , were earning
iood ; wage * , who art * In other line * of labor
became the machine has driven them out of
the line they have npont a lifetime in per
fecting. Tim convict Ii as bad off at > before
nil the printers worse , for the labor they
hnve lout , lint , suppose he Ii taught a
useful tr.-iJi-i Li that fair to the outside
inrvlianlci ? The ox-convict comes Into com
petition with him now with a vengeance
lie Ivas the alternative of taking thU re
leased Jail bird , with his foul prison
morality , Into the union or risking chance *
of his scabbing him out of his job , and
the more thoroughly the convict has learned
his trade the greater the datmer. The felon
can work cheaper than an man , for
what he don't earn by day he steals by
night. In any c.ino honest labor loses by
the transaction as well as the state nt
Wo hove had some trifling experience
Nebraska In the matter of purchasing peni
tentiary tools nnd the result was not happy ,
though less disastrous than might have been
expected. We purchased some asthmatic en
gines , a few well worn flies nnd sundry other
tools and things nt a cost of about $3r.MO , II
my memory serves me. It Is reasonably cer
tain the seller received their value. 01
course we Inspected thorn. If n btulnesa
man or a farmer should buy a pluco of ma
chinery he would consult aome ore familiar
with thai machine- give him Information
about It. Hut In hU superior wisdom the
governor appointed toInspect steam en-
rlnes and mcchatilrs' tools a farmer , and ,
trailing the same line of policy , If we
turned our prison Into an Immense farm
would doubtless appoint n mechanic to su
perintend the croi growing. This Is not
so much the fault of the governor as of
the system. The Idea that n public olllclal ,
hrcauso he 'Is ' a nuccessful politician , may
therefore successfully manage a business
about which he Icnuurf nothing , or a series of
diversified businesses , la th ? false founda
tion on which the whole fabric of the plan
of dlrc-et employment rests. If the peonlo
could bo absolutely sure that every olllclal
to be connected with the prison In future
would bo absolutely Incorruptible , still the
plan has 'In It. the Inherent weakness of Im
practicability. Prom tha constant changes
in administration , even If wo did find one
that know It all , how would wo bo able to
know of the future ? In any event , what
Ii Iho slate to gain from embarlilng iiiun
the uncertain sea of speculative manufactur
ing ?
H appears clear to mo that the only safe
and businesslike policy for the state Is to
get the greatest per diem cut of each Indi
vidual convict. The contractor thus takc.3
all the chances of business conditions , and
he Is pretty sure to bo a man who knows
more about the businers than any state
olllccr we could elect , and since ho under
stands how to get the money out of It , can
pay the state more than It could rerllzo In
any other way. A reasonable nuir acr of
hours could be agreed iipon , and certain
lines of manufacture which Interfered with
Nebraska enterprise be tabooed. If favorit
ism among the prisoners vrcrc then shown It
would bo at the expense of the contractor
or the Individual , It certainly would not
comu out of the pockets of the taxpayers
of the state. That the product of his labor
will to some extent go Into competition
with that of the honest toiler Is unfortunate ,
but I have seen no plan advanced as yet
to prevent that. It may be reduced to a
minimum , so far as Nebraska worklngmcn
are concerned nt least , and under the con
tract system better than any other. Prison
product Is notoi-lously Inferior to frco labor's
output , ami this will continue to have Its
commercial bearing.
* * *
Prom any point of view the problem Is
vexatious and unsatisfactory. It Is an out
rage that honest worklngmen must conic
Into the market against the labor of felons ,
but it Is very much bettor so than that
they should bo compelled to associate with
the felon himself , and no solution has yet
been reached or suggested by which this
competition may bo avoided entirely. One
way might be to make the name of the
prison a terror evil-doers by the severity
of Its rule ? , thus keeping the number of
prisoners to the minimum , and then If
jiiiles would send convicted murderers to
the gallows Instead of to the penitentiary
to continue to be a post that would also
.Small In Size mill Iti-.scmhlcH u
. Itont.
When on hla recent trip to the south
Victor Roscwater saw the steamer Three
Krlends , which has acquired so much no
toriety through Its filibustering trips to
"I was ou board the vessel whllo It lay
at the dock at Jacksonville. " Bald Mr. Rose-
water. "It was at that time laying up under
going repairs on ono of Its boilers. It Is
a small screw steamer , and In appearance
looks like an ordinary tug boat. H resem
bles the ships of the United States navy In
one respect the hull Is painted white.
"Tho Three Krlends had been suspected
of being engaged In the business of carrying
arms , munitions of war and men to Cuba
to aid the cause of the Insurgents on that
Island , and nt that tlmo thcro were three
revenue cutters lying In the harbor watching
the diminutive craft to prevent the loadIng -
Ing of any of the contraband articles or
Its clearing port If they were loaded. The
revenue cutters were finally ordered to some
other point to watch some of the numerous
craft which arc engaged In the same busi
ness , and they were linrdly out of sight of
Jacksonville before the news was tclc-
srnphcd out over the country that the Three
[ 'rlend.s had started on another expedition.
This was the trip which has caused so much
Fuss , and during which It was reported nt
one time that the boat had had an armed
encounter with a Spanish war vessel.
"The captain of the Three Krlends Is
named Lewlu. He Is a young man , not over
"C or 27 years cf ago. He Is of medium
height , slender , and I'.us a small , brown
moustache. The vessel Is owned principally
by the sheriff of Duval county , Florida , In
which the city of Jacksonville Is locate'i.
Everybody In that section sympathizes with
the Cubans In their struggle and aid them
In every way possible , making It easy for
the vessels engaged In the filibustering business -
iness to get cargoes aboard and get away
without trouble.
"In addition to their sympathy the pcoplo
engaged In this business manage to mnko a
neat little sum out of carrying arms , am
munition and men to Cuba. It Is currently
reported that for every cargo landed on the
Island the owners of the vessel receive n
bonus of $5,000. "
i > itisiitvi < : SACKED .MIMOIIII.S. :
Confi-ili-riitf V > tiiiiiH Will ISri-c-t nil
KilllU-e IIH n Hi-lit ; DepoNltdi- ) .
COVINOTON. Ky. , Dec. 27. The move
ment of the United Confederate Veteran's
association to erect a memorial Institute
edin > .e Is to bo pressed during the coming
year to a speedy conclusion. General John
C. Underwood , superintendent and secretary
of the Confederate Memorial association , has
located ofllccs here ami all communications
and remittances ante be sent to him. The
executive committee consists of Chairman
W. II. Jackson , Tennessee ; Robert Wb'te.
West Virginia ; J. V. lirlggn. Kentucky ;
L. S. ROSKS , Texas , and Prebldent W , D.
Ch-lpley , Plorldu.
The Fourth National bank of Nashville
Is treasurer and the executive ofllces will
be at Nashville. Comrade Charles II. Roust
of Now York has pledged $100,000 as BOOH
as the -ascoelatlon ralac.i an equal amount.
The trustees and olUccrs want to duplicate
i theUous.s flO'UiOO gift In 1S97 , and then
crr-tl the memoilal Inrtltuto edifice In which
to preserve all confederate relics and ar
It ls now urged by an olllclal circular ,
upon all division , brigade and camp commander - j
mander : , to provide for n money collection i
by ovcry confederate camp on January 19. I
the birthday of General Robert E. I/ce , and
every effort will bo made to have the Leo
anniversary ifxt month celebrated by a
successful r.tnrt injuring the duplicate of
the KOUSH lund.
Surll IIIIH. |
Among the foclcly notices nppearn the
announcement that u French poodle him
set the fashion for Now York's swell pupo
In the way of 14-karnt gold brncolotB ,
ablaze with J < > WI-H ! nnd Hp.ingleii , with
which to lulorn hi * high-born legH , iinii with
n collar and Khotilder hanioHH to correspond.
And yet 'Voelety" IK not nil hearth-sn ,
dt < jpltt > n fuel llko thU ami some pcoplu'u
I'nrtliMilin-M Di-Hlreil ,
InilliincipollH Journal : "If you don't got
out nf heir , " said the bartender , who WIIH
somewhat given to circuitous Htutinm-ntH ,
"It -\\lll become my p.ilnful duty to soak
you In the neck. "
" .Might I Inquire , " responded Iho gentle
man who linti ittood agalum tinHtovu for
two hour * , "might I Inquire If thin Is to be
tin external or internal treatment ? "
\ rrt
South Da'iotH'Omcos Sought for by Swarms
of Statesmen.
" '
K -I-IN III * ( HVII ( 'OIIIINI'I , llllt
Ilrlcf Hint * on Willed lloiei | for
Are llnlll l > > -
Strrrnl. '
SIOUX FALLS , S. n. , Dee. 27. ( Special. )
All populist routes these dayn lend to Ver-
milllon , and every man who goes thcro
wants an olllce. Hut Governor-elect Leo l.i
keepliiR counsel with himself and la very
reticent. It Is now pretty generally con
ceded that Thomao II. Ayera. editor of the
Vermllllon Plain Talk , will bo chosen as the
govenior's private secretary. Captain John
A. Stanncld. ex-auditor of Mlnnehatia
county , Is n candidate for hank examiner , but
It la more than likely that the governor has
decided to give the place1 to Harry W.
Sawyer , cashier of the Hand County bank of
Miller. Mr , Sawyer Is an experienced bank
man , whllo Captain Statidold has never had
experience In matters Of that kind.
There Is a great hustle for the oil Inapoc-
toiahlp. This onice Is generally regarded as
a snap ; the salary being ? 1,000 , and the
work not materially Interfering with other
business engagements. H. E. Parker of
Sioux Kails , L. C. Campbell , a life Insur
ance agent of Ynnkton , Arthur Linn , editor
of the Canton Leader , and W. T. DeWoody
of Aberdeen nro a few of tnoao who want the
place. In thla connection It may bo paid
that there has been , ami Is now. much com
plaint oven the- state on account of the poor
miallty of the oil sold In South Dakota.
Many people ore now burning tallow cau-
d cs , and they arc giving better light than the
oil sold here. It Is generally understood
( lint the oil rejected by the Inspectors of
Minnesota ami Iowa Is shipped Into South
Dakota , on account of the earole\-a inspection
here , whlcU Is partly duo to a faulty law ,
which will bo amended thla winter
There will bo a big light over the warden-
ship of .the state penitentiary If the popu
lists fmccoed In their plans of unseating the
present Hoard of Charities and Corrections
In order to give the place to one of the
faith and at the same time to punish the
present warden. N. E. Phillip , for offensive
partisanship. Cyrus Waltz , an old friend
of Senator Pcttlgrcw. has the senator's
promise that ho shall havei the place. John
A. Howler , chairman of the democratic
state committee , and ono of the most In
fluential of the free silver democrats In the
state wants the place and It Is In his In
terest , It Is understood that the removal
proceedings will bo commenced If they are.
Ex-Mayor Hey Williams , who bolted the
republican party under n promise that ho
was to have something , now wants It to
materialize In this appointment , whllo ex-
Sherlft John Sundback , who has for years
been Pettlgrow's lieutenant , is also after It.
Among the 'other candidates arc L. M.
Estabrook , chairman of the populist state
committee , and Joseph Lloyd , a well known
citizen or tins place. Tlio salary Is $1SOO
with rent , fuel , nnVl table free.
U. 15. Don-doll , who was defeated for the
legislature , vants , to bo secretary of the
Hallroad comuilulpn. Estahrook also wants
this place If lie 9an't get the wardenshlp
nnd ho Is beginning to think ho can't. H.
S. Volkmar and Fisher of Hedlleld are also
in a recetptlv.o mood so far as this ofllco
Is concerned.
U ,1s generally conceded that Stacey Cochran -
ran , editor of the Itrooklngs Individual , will
bo appointed commissioner of Irrigation.
Sioux Grijwby ' of Sioux Falls will bo
deputy attorney general for his father and
will move to Pierre. The attorney general
will make hfcj.-.hortie In Sioux Falls.
M o)1 ) tli j Tlmyor-tierinnlii Cnne.
SIOUX FALLS" , S. D. . Dec. 27. ( Special. )
Sheriff Nell of Coddlngton county , who camo'
hero to arrest Dr. W. A. Germain , for caus
ing the death of Mfs. D. 0. Thaycr of Water-
town. dU not arrest the doctor , eo far no
can bo learned. It was known here that
th" sheriff came to Sioux Fall.1 and went
back without his man , and ns Germain and
his attorney , both denied that ho had been
arrested , Sioux Fulls people were puzzled
a.i to Jrat what had been done. It Is now
learned that Germain's attorney wired to
Watertown and furnished the bond required ,
nnd that a postponement of the case was no-
cured until Monday , when the hearing will
take place at Watertown. An effort will bo
niudo to have the trial take place hero. A
question has artien Ei3 to where the crime ,
If any , was committed , the prescription hav
ing been written- and flllod here and the ad
ministration taking place In Watertown.
Dr. Germain 1ms been'ln active practice In
Sioux Falls for fifteen ye.ira , and ( s ono of
the biat known physicians In this part of
the state. His arrest has created n decided
sensation. D. O. Thaycr , who Is also In
custody , was n former resident of Sioux
Falls , nnd Is well known. Mr. and Mrs.
Thayer were married only three months rgo.
St. Elmo Cli-iump SiitlNfiuMory.
HILL CITY , S. D. . Dec. 27. ( Special. )
The cleanup Just made of a ten-days' run on
the St. Elmo property was the most success
ful since the mill started. The ere was
taken from a new ledge , Just uncovered , com
ing Into the other ledges from the east. H
Is ten feet In thickness nnd Is very uniform
In richness. It differs somewhat from the
other ledges , having more cf n rusty and
Iron-stained appearance. The whole body
of quartz IB very rich. The owners are
highly pleased nnd are now thoroughly satis-
lied that they have a permanent and very
largo body of ore , and nro making prepara
tions to Improve the property extensively.
Mr. Graves goes east In a few days to ne
gotiate for the purchase of a twenty-stamp
mill , with crusher and concentrator. The
owners intend to put n force of men sinking
on the Incline shaft and nhtit down the llttlo
prospecting mill , as the arrangements for
running It are not In such slmpo that It
can bo run in frosty weather , the water be
ing carried to the mill In an elevated trough ,
exposed to the weather.
MAM ; SOCIUTV "nuns. "
TinI'roml M poly f ll , , ,
Sex llmli-ly AHNiiIlcil.
If the blossoming of the female "bud
Into a flower of society Is a proper topic for
newspaper discussion , says the Haltlmoro
Sun , why should not the male "bud" bo also
honored with a detailed "write-up" In the
public prints , bb' that his charms may bo as
widely ndvcrtiBflfl as these of the attractive
| creatures who .defend upon him for seats.
at the opera 0,111 , ] partners at the german ?
l-.vldently thcro no Just reason for the dis
crimination from ftho point of view of a
Washington pafKir.hlch ' presents In several
columns the liOsY qualities of n number of
masculine "hurts"- Which are now full blown.
The proud monopoly which the fairer sex
has heretofore elijoycd Is thus rudely as-
snlled , and hereafter It would not ho sur
prising If tho.-'entorprlslng society reporter
has to give as much attention to these coy
young things Jliqt ( wear arcss coats anil be
long to the club m ; has heretofore been de
voted to thoa.drs. | | Whether this shall
prove to bo aniUll/utlon ( / remains to bo seen ,
but the novelty of the innovation will no
doubt lend sqiji ( ' ' .Interest nt first to the
apotheosis of.jtbo male "bud. " Hlond or
blondlno. limnetic1 , ' or strasvberry typo , ho
will bo pictured to us all In his stunning
beauty. The p"art of his hair , the length of
his collar and the brevity pf his top coat ,
the style of his boots and the color of his
gloves , the diameter of his eyeglasses and
the angle at which ho wears his allk hat-
all tlu'so details and many more not hero
not forth will be dwelt upon with the nice
analyEls and painstaking Industry of the so
ciety reporter. Eyelcshos. tooth , trim of
heard or moustache , none of Grecian or Ro
man typo , pornaps retrousse or expansive ,
will not bo neglected , of course. Great
things are promised for the exaltation of tha
main "bud , " and If he has heretofore blos
somed In obscurity , the tlmo of his apoth'o-
osU has coino. No longer will ho bo a
violet In modest nccluslon , but a sunllowcr ,
brilliant , If not gaudy.
" " " "
f'liiiHi * 'IVrrlltli * Atrent * .
CI5DAK HAPID3 , la. , Dec. 27.-iSpecal |
Telegram. ) Prompted by Jealousy Mrs.
LowU Marsh yesterday afternoon swallowed
four ounces of carbolic acid and a pint ami
a half of whluky. She died In turrlblo
at 8 o'clock this morning ,
lVft > lelhided ( Hit Man Dion Alitnr In
U Crerli Iteil.
LINCOLN. Dec. 27. ( Special Telegram. )
Ootlof Huthncr , an old man , 70 yonrs of
age , formerly residing at 10.1R South Sixth
street , was found dead this morning In n
creek near the Lincoln Hospital for the
Insane. Ho had evidently stepped from the
bank , and when discovered was nearly hurled
In quicksand. Huthncr was feeble-minded.
On last Christmas eve he wandered away
from home , and was not seen again tintII
his body was found this morning. The cor
oner will hold an Inquest on the remains
tomorrow morning- .
The funeral of Charles E. Alexander , late
city edl'or ' of the Evening News , wns held
this afternoon at the First Hnpllst ehurch.
Ilov. Mr. Hov.-l.ind9 ofllelnlliiB. There was a
largo attendance of societies. Including the >
Typographical union , Young Men's Hepuh-
llcan club , Sons of Veterans and Union Vet
eran Ite'puhlleaii club , which marched to the
church In bodies. Members of the city coun
cil. Young Men's Ilepuhllcan club and the
Union Veteran club decornted the casket
with elaborate floral offerings. Deceased
was 25 years of ago , and leaves n young
wife , but no children. The remains were
Interred In Wyuka cemetery.
llullilnyii a ) WliiMhle.
WINSIDE , Neb. . Dec. 2S. ( Special. )
Christmas trees gladdened the hearts of
the children of this place In 1S9C ; ono at
the Methodist Kplccop.ll and ono at the
Lutheran ehurch. Each wc.s enjoyed by n
large gathering of young and old.
A crowd of people attended the masquer
ade hall glve-n by the Wlnsldo orchestra on
Christinas night. The costumes were strik
ing and unique.
Farmers are burning corn Instead of coal
here , because the freight out on the one
and In on the other Is so great. Nature's
original plans are thus being net anldo
through necessity.
A line specimen of American eagle was
captured by Sam Stephens , obout three
miles north of Wlnslde Christmas day ,
The bird Is evidently some one's pet. for It
Is very tame nnd has been on a perch for
a long time as can bo seen by Its feet , H
In n beautiful and Intelligent bird , measur
ing over seven feet from wing-tip to wingtip -
tip , and shows the exhaustion of a long
DIX , Neb. , Dec. 27. ( Special. ) At the
home of the bride's parents at Dlx , Neb. ,
by Hev. D. H. Shultz of Potter , n. quiet
marriage took place Thursday , December
21 , nt noon , uniting Miss Fannlo Hrady
and Mr. John York.
Mrs. York Is the only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. V. Hrady. She Is also a nlcco
of Mr. John Hrady , of the firm of McCord
& Hrady of Omaha. Mrs. York Is a beau
tiful and most pleasing young woman , the
belle of the placo. The bride looked very
sweet gowned In a lovely changeable brown
silk and wool , wearing diamonds , the gift
of her parents.
The groom , Mr. York of Kearney , Is a
young man of stcarling worth and good
family. Immediately after the ccremoay
the newly wedded , accompanied by the
guests , partook of an elegant wedding re
past. After the collation Mr. and Mrs.
York took the 3:20 : train for Kearney , their
future home.
Km- Corn IN I.t-Kiil 'IViulcr.
STHOMSHUHG. Neb. , Dec. 27. ( Special. )
Last week was a biicy ono for the
Stromshurg merchant's. Most of them are
taking car corn In trade at 13 cents per
bushel , and so far about 50,000 bushels have
been cribbed In town. Lumberman J. W.
Hart weighed ninety-six loads lust Satur
day , and equally aa many the day before
Christmas.Business Is beginning to equal
that of ' 90 and ' 01 , and the different Ilrms
begin to feel encouraged In prospect of a
good trade all winter.
The different churches had their usual
feasts for the Sunday schools.
The Fire company boys will hold their
annual festivities Now Year's night , which
will consist of dancing and supper.
DiiilKi * C Mliit > 'M Corn Hitr-vcNl.
FREMONT , Dec. 27. ( Special. ) Corn
husking In this vicinity Is practically fln-
Ishcd. Considerable complaint Is reported
about the quality of the crop. Some of It Is
too soft to shell or to keep In the crib ,
though apparently fully matured. It Is re
ported that agents of a St. Louis distillery
are offering 8 cents a bushel for soft corn , to
be used In their business.
The beets which were siloed are being
shipped to the Norfolk factory. The Nor
folk company Is no.v paying $1 per ton for
beets of the required standard at the fac
tory. Nearly all the beet rakters here are
In favor of a bounty law. Meat of them
want the bounty payable to the farmer and
not to the manufacturer.
Vnrlc lliinltN Arc Solid.
YORK , Neb. , Dec. 27. ( Special. ) Th
Times of last evening devoted a column to
an Investigation of a rumor that the Yorl
banks held state money , which , If called fo
by the titnto treasurer , It would seriously
embarrass them to pay. U was learned tha'
none of the banking institutions hero heli
money belonging to the state , although some
hnd formerly held a deposit. Ono Lank o , "
the city which had been designated aa a
state depository , Immediately upon the elcc
tlon of Meaervo. sent In Its deposit of money
belonging to the state. The connervatlvo
policy of local bankers has materially
strengthened the Institutions under their
guidance , despite the past few years of flnan
clal dlfllcultlcq.
IctTiTKon County IllinetiilllNlN.
FAIIU1URY , Neb. . Dec. 27. ( Special. ) A
County Bimetallic league was organized hero
Saturday afternoon. W. II. Harnes was
elected president , and C. L. E. Hlauecr sec
retary. The following delegates were elected
to the state convention , to bo held at Lin
coin , January C : S. M. Hailey. C. E. Weeks ,
T. J. DoICalb , J. H. Hook , D. Kavanaugh ,
W. F. Houawltz , W. H. Harnes , II. J. Hurge.
W. T. Jeffreys and George II. Galbralth.
The delegates comprise four democrats , four
popullats and two free silver republicans.
He-solutions were adopted favoring the use iif
both gold and silver for currency and favorIng -
Ing the recognition of Cuban independence.
llli-UN1 Kail I'IMIVI-M CiiNlly.
DECATUU , Neb. . Dec. 27. ( Special. ) A
flno horse owned by John Hicks was killed
In n runaway yesterday and the buggy badly
smashed. Hicks and his chum had just
crossed the pontoon and both were drunk
They refused to pay toll. It made the gate
keeper mad. and he knocked Hicks out of the
buggy. The commotion frightened the
horses , and they ran away , the other fellow
falling out of the wagon. The team turned
a corner In the business part of the town
and bumped against a tree. It striking the
near horse full In the forehead. ( iilH Three VenrH.
YORK , Neb. , Dec. 27. ( Special Telegram. )
W. L. Lee , convicted on the charge of at
tempting to kill A. HlFHell , was sentenced
to thrco years In the penitentiary for the
crime. The motion for a new trial was over
ruled. Yesterday evening , upon the arrival
of Judge Sedgwlck. the sentence was pro
nounced. Thla la the end to an Intcrcntlng
trial. The attorneys for Leo will probably
appeal to the supreme court.
HcllrrtloiiM nf ll Iliii'liclor.
Now York Press : Some men never ask
you to have u drink unless they Imvo u
new Hplcy mory to te-ll you.
Women always feel most like praying
when they're happiest ; turn when thoy'ro
most mlxurnhlc.
The iiveniKO girl 1ms nil Idea that thn
men Hhe Known do nothing but Hit around
mill think bow they would like to love her.
When u woman getH nil Idea that n mail
IKIH been disappointed In love Him always
tries to look Had nnd ayinpiiUic-tlc when
she jfetH him ulone.
It mukoH u man feel terribly mortified to
Invite Homo women to his roonm iiml find
that ho bun forgotten to take the ( 'iirtoru
off. the guu fixture.
Tlu >
Puck : DcwBiinp ( pantlnnly-I ) HAW a po-
llei mini running a few mlnuU-3 IIKO , and
I Joined him , when , on hulling him , ho
Hiild tturo WIIH u fight.
HlratwhlHtli ) ( Interestedly ) Well , wns It
much of a Hemp ?
DeWHimp ( disgustedly ) Bernp ? I didn't
ecu any fight ! After tin1 policeman and I
Inn ! run uloni ; together for about ten mln-
ntcs for nil wo were worth , ho Hlowcd
down nnd snld It ought to bu nil over by
that tlmo , and that hu thought we'd bu
xafct If wo camu buck ,
Con-mi Meet * DcntliVlillr Attempt-
Inir to Hi-More tin * KlnKi
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. S7. The steamship
Peru arrived tonight from Hong Kong nnd
Yokohama. Although HIPSP 'ports ' have hern
declared Infected , the steamer wns not quar-
am Ined on her arrival here , ns she had a
clean bill of health. The Peru brings the
following Oriental news : One of the Coreans
recently arrested nt Seoul on the charge of
Attempting to restore tlte > king to the palace
from thu Russian legation , where hU ma
jesty Is now seeking shelter , -Is reported to
bnvo been cxecutrd without trial.
The China Gazctto states that n povere
fniplno prevails In Chuan-Tuue. Szcheuen
province , owlns to the disastrous floods ,
which ruined HIP crops. There has been Im
mense loss of life from landslides In the
Yokohama merchant * hnve applied to the
government for charters for two new steam-
ffh-lp lines , OHO to run from Hong KOIIR to
Son Francisco and th other btwoon Yokohama
hama and San Franc-lsco via Honolulu nnd
A Chinese paper ulntcs that Iho crown
prince of Corea , recently attempted to poison
himself , hut was prevented from doing so.
ATTACIJ THU rorvr oi < ' i-'ii. xx
I'roMlileiit of ( In- Cliiiintii-i-
SiiNieiiils | the Mlllnur.
LONDON , Dec. 27. A Dally Mall Hru.'fcl
dispatch says that In the Chamber on Frl
day on the vote on the civil list of tin
count of Flanders , Vnndorveldo complnlnot
that the count wns employing German keep
rrs and beaters on his Ilertogcnnwald shoot
Ing box. This led to a general socialist il
tack on the count of Flanders' private life
and amid a scene of uproar , M. Hern
maelt. president of the chamber , was obllgei
to surpcnd the sitting. The Mall's eorrc
spondwit adds : "The socialists threatens
to return to the charge another day am
to Include the subject of 'Cleopatra tin
second' the allusion showing that they art
aiming also at royalty. "
The allusion Is to n dancing girl In Paris
n Spi-eeli lli-fnrc li < - Trlliimu
Tr.illlLV II < T lliiNlnmd'H MiinlrriTN.
SOFJA , Dec. 27. Mine. Slambouloff , widow
of the murdered ex-premier , made a sheri
and Impassioned speech today before tin
tribunal which has been trying the mcl
charged with assassinating M. Stambouloff
She declnred the prisoners were Innocent
nnd that the real assassins were known U
the tribunal. This stntemcnt created a sen-
sat ion. '
I'rliuM-NM lii ii Mini llnl.
LONDON , Dec. 27. According to a Vlenn :
dispatch to the Standard , the prlnccM o ;
Chlmny and Cnramnn epont Christmas evi
in the mud hut of her future parents-ln-Ia\v
In the Euburlw of Stiilwokwonburg. She ha ;
presented them a pretty house , and with sev
eral acres of land. The gypsy bands of mu
sicians serenaded the couple on Friday ,
They will spend the winter in Hungary , ami
will go to the United States In the spring.
In llei-linaiiiiliinil.
POKANA CAMP , IJcchuaiialand. Sunday
evening. Doc. 27. There has been lighting
since noon and the rebel position has been
taken. Tlio principal station Is In flames.
The natives lost heavily , but are still light
ing In the hills. No casualties among the
whites. The bodies of three whltca unur-
dered In recent disturbances have been
found. _ _
I'rliK-t-SN Cliliiiny SIny f ! ' < n Dlvori-e.
LONDON , Dec. 27. The Hrussels corre
spondent of tuo Chronicle learna thcro will
ho no legal olu-taclcs to the divorce In the
case against Princess Chlmay and Cnra-
jnan , formerly Mies Ward of Detroit , who
eloped with a Hungarian gypsy musician.
Itoul of 'I'n ll ii ; r llc-lielx.
CAPETOWN , Dec. 27. The Taxing
rebels , whoso uprising had begun to assume
serious proportions , have been utterly routed
at Pokwanl. and the orders to the volun
teers to proceed to the reinforcement of the
HrllUh forces have beun canceled.
I -'In ill Wiirnlniv ( o Turkey.
sian ambassador , M. Nelldoff , has warned
the palace and the porte that If thiS reve
nues ccdcul for the service of the pnullu
debt are touched European financial control
In Turkey will become Inevitable.
OIMHINC n Ciolil CurriMiry.
LONDON , Dec. 27. The St. Petersburg
correspondent of the Dally Telegraph sa > :
The scheme of M. Dewltt to Introduce a gold
currency has been shelved.
DlhVOViTN ( III * HlrlllpllMM- Itllllllll ll.
LONDON , Dec. 27. A Tlmca dbpatch from
Calcutta says : The long-lost birthplace of
Huddah has been discovered In Ncpal-'feral.
M. I'n ii I Iliiiinu-r'H Appointment.
PARIS , Dec. 27. M. Paul , Daumor , for
merly minister of nuance , has been appointed
governor of Indo-Chlna. i
ltt-lu-1 lllrlll Will Die.
MANILA , Philippines , Dec. 27. The no
torious agitator , Itizal , Is to bo sentenced to
Jeath. _
iuuviTii-s. :
Mrs. Albert Ilrycon , 2022 St. JIary'H nv-
untie , started to go to church last evening
ihout 7:30 : , when she missed a seal skin
: -npo valued nt $85 which had been hanging
In the hall. > The article was stolen by somu
iiioak thief.
Jn an Item In the society columns In yes
terday's paper It was stated that Miss
Havens and Miss Stone would receive on
Sew Years' day at the honltt of the latter.
I'ho paragraph should have read "at the
ionic of the former. "
Fifty Years Ago.
Who could Imagine that this should be
The place where , in tllitccn | ninety.Hirer
That white world-wonder of arch and
fihould shadow the nations , polychrome. . .
Here nt the 1'alr was the prlru conferred
On Ayer's rills , by the world preferred.
Chlcnt.0-llUv , they n record show ,
Blucc they btartcd 30 yearn njo.
Ayer's Caihariic Pills
have , from Iho time of their
preparation , boon a continuous
success with the public. And
that moans that Ayor'o Fills
accomplish what is promised
for them ; they euro whore
others fail. It was flttiufr ,
therefore , that the world-wide
popularity o'f these pills should
bo recognized by the World's
Pair medal of 1803 a faot
which emphasizes the record :
50 Years of Cures.
I'reNOtilN Si-til In ( lulil Dein-
ocrntn from ICeiilneKy.
KANSAS CITY. I > efl. 2S.--Tho Times this
morning tolls of n Christmas celebration In
Dudley township , IIn < kell county , Kan. , ( 'hat
Is nn echo of the Into prcMdcntUI r--unp.ilgn.
Dudley towns-hip , It will bo remembered. -
enjoyed the distinction of hnvlnit been tlWJ "
only precinct In the Untied States that (
returned a pltiiviKty for the National demo-
erntlc ticket. H was In this Palmer nml
lluckncr plurality that the Clirlstmna cele
bration had Its origin. Though Dudley
township cast but six votes , three of these
wvro recorded for J'almer and llucknor ,
two for the republican nominees and ono
for llrya'n nnd Sowall.
A few days before Christina * County
Clerk S. 1-2. Cave of llaaficll county re-
reived n big Christmas Ixix. It contained a
trn-gallon cnsk of red liquor and n letter
from n Kentucky distiller Ntatlm ; that It wn
n ChrlMinns present for the gold * t.imlAnl
democrats of Dudley township. The next
lay came a letter containing n $50 bill , with
Instructions to turn II over to the n-no :
"noble band of imtrlots , " with the com-
pllmenU of Simon llollvar llurkner.
The Times' report stales Hint the liquor
nnd the money were placed In the hnnila of
two of the township's lending men. who
selected the school house for the celehrn-
tl'tn. 'Ilio ISO went for presents for the
women and children , nnd. ns for the men.
there was whisky straight. hot whisky ,
cold whisky , whisky punch , i-gg nog , torn
nnd jerry , nnd Just plain whisky. Hut , of
course , the women presided over the refresh
ments , and they were careful to sec ( lint the
almost unlimited supply of whlaky wns not
partaken off lee freely by the limited male
population of Dudley township.
A dance followed , and then the affair
wound up as nit public gatherings In Kansas
must wind up with the adoption of a set of
resolutions. Mrs. Hauthorn called Iho moot
ing to order , nnd Mrs. Acres offered the
resolutions. They declared In favor of the
freedom of Cuba , the appointment of a
woman In McKlnley's cabinet , the exten
sion of foreign missions , nnd against the
division of western Kansas Into four coun
ties. "Santa Clans" Huckner wns nlso j
thanked In proper and appropriate Inngungo.
KoofpiulN Millie u Itei-iiril for a Sutur-
iliiy M-lit' * linn.
KANSAS CITY. Doc. 27. Itobbors nnd
footpads made a record In Kansas City
last night and nil day reports have been
coming In of outlawry throughout the city.
1-3. C. IMchter was flood up by two whlto
men In his grocery store , S13 West Twelfth
street , nnd robbed of the contents of hU
cash drawer.
Two robbers entered N. Hanson's grocery
nt SOO Holly street , stood up the clerk and
robbed the till of $10.
Henry Thompson , a youth from Manknto ,
Minn. , wns stood up by two men on Fifth f.
street and robbed of nil his money. When J
ho resisted ho was t-hot In the left leg. Ho
Is In the city hospital.
A. Chndwlck. nn Insurance ngent , had a
desperate battle with three highwaymen on
Fourteenth street , but was lobbed nml
terribly beaten.
Hlaekburn Washington wns knocked sense
less In his own door yard on Central street
nnd robbed.
Ororge II. Stoner , a printer , was held up
on Campbell Blrect , but had nothing worth
Several burglaries nnd attempted bur
glaries were olro reported. The police ar
rested four suspects during the night and
odny arrested three local thugs , whom they
: lalm to have Identified as the perpetrators
of three of last night's holdups.
A lilli'rnry TreiiNiirr.
lion. W. Ij. MoKlroy of Mount Vernon ,
O. , Is the po.sxew.sor of n ruro llternry
roiiHure. It being none other than the
bird verpe. or ttequel to. Hums' poem ,
'John Anderson.My Jo. " H was the
iroperty of the lute Judge Cillmoro of
Joliimbus , written by u friend of his , nnd
recently secured by Mr. McKlroy. It r < ud4
us follows :
"John Anderson , my Jo , John ,
We win' no mill' that Hleop ;
The iruvo'n ; so ciinlil and .still , John , * * -
Our spirit * ciinim' keep.
Dnt we will wnkc In heaven , John ,
Where young again we'll grow.
And ever live In blissful lllvo ,
John Anderson , my Jo. "
No dinner I.nli-r.
Chicago Post : She had long wanted him
to give up smoking.
He had readily and steadily promised
that he would Home time.
"John , " Hhe said.
"Wi-ll , Mary ? " he returned.
"If you don't Htop smoking before death
yon c-ertnlnly won't aftur. "
Any way that hu looked nt that remark
It displeased him.
fiofl , whlto hands , Miapcly nulls , nnd limirlant
Imlr , with dean wholcnunioFcalp.Ufouiul in thu
perfirt nctlon of Ilio 1'onrs , prudiicrd by CUTI.
CUISA SOl lIho most clfcctlvo sUIn purlllcr.
nnd bcaullCcr la tljo world.
PnM lhr iihiint the world , l-orrtn nnpo
AUD Cuui-
ic.ii. Cuci-oiiiTio.x , Sole rnprlciori , lloiion"
ii-i. nit.
FHE CREiGHTGH I'dUnn A llurjoti ,
_ _ Miinnqers.
TONIGHT AT 8:15- :
uo\v MID A'nii\\it : n
Seats Now on S ih 23e , COc , "So , Jl.OO
- Mnri.
flirco NlKh'ii. fVinmsnuliiR
Only Mntlnpc Ni-w Year's liny.
'lie C'onilc ojH-iii Kutorlte
HCi II A I'rosuiulinr
UCJLLU 'J'ltu hit I lit 7Y o ; > or ,
FOX I'lour i/o I4ln.
ic-atit Now on Sato I'rlccx - , Me , 75 ? , 11 , Jl.tO.
3 n v n' cj fj EW I Illg
VJ Y U &
_ THEATER f Diiuhlo Hill
I. . M. rilAwrOlin , ManiiKi-r.
Incnjuiif > tlun vi nil Hi- , ' great uec-nlu Jiuma ,
1'rU'pn 5"i - . We , ' < - , 5) ) 00 P. utn vt-lllnc.
Jan. -'incnui nyiipiip nntl CK-inrnccnu CUBO.
1IOTKI.S. . _ .
TiiniTni-\Tii : AMI .II M.S : STIIIJUTH.
HO lounm , l.atlis. mcam lirut und nil inuilcrn
cunt unit nci-ii. llatcn. II SO nml J2 00 ta-r clay.
Tiil/lc iinexccllcil. Hiii-cliil luw rnlt-H to n-Kiilar
I-'IIANIC Illf.niTi'H. iliir.
.ViiMiiof IrrlHiitliin llunil Hull- ,
The itlrcetors of the Mlddlo houn
ley Irrigation dlmriet Invlto Hoalml
iioh.ilu tor ( in part or whole ) or
boiulu of mild dltitilrt up lo 2 p. in. of Jun.
Jttiy ll. ! 1M 7. Addn-HH ,
Barvmt. Neb.
tVlost Complexion Powders
havu a vulgar [ 'laro , but I'OZZONI'H U n trua
Ituautldvr , whoso nlfcctnaiulautlna ,