Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1896, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    TIMS CXMA1IA DAILY 1JI3I3'JBTXDAV : , D ISC'13 ' Mil 12 U 27 , 185)0 ) ,
nnd photo stippllm. 12 Pearl nt.
Deputy Collector J. C. Lange Is laid up
TV I Hi the grip.
Stewart Ycnnwlre of St. Joseph Is spi-ndlng
ft few dii > n with his grandmother. .Mm. Drew.
May Franrcn Fogg of Hoone. la. . Is vl lt-
Ing Mr * . John T. Tldd on Oakland avenue.
MM. M. J. Alworth and daughter lenvn
today for n visit to T.inm and Morihalltown.
Rev. J It. rfpock will preach al the Chris
tian tabernacle this evening. Subject , "Sow-
ItiK and Kt-aplng , "
II. N. Ellin leaven tlili morning for Little
Bloux to spend Sunday with relative * . His
Family will rctuin with him.
An adjourm-d nutting of the * lockhnldi > iH
of tlic Grand Hotel company will bo held
nt the hotel December 30 at 10 o'clock.
The many friends of .Mio. M. D Shaw will
regret to hoar ho Is still confined to her
bed from the fall she received Inpt week.
The llonton Comic Optra company will
tirciionl "Mascot" nt the Dohany this even
ing. The performance promises to be thor
oughly up to date.
The funcial of the child of Mr. and Mrs.
fieorgo Damon , which was ononcou-dy an
nounced to occur yesterday , will bu held this
nfternof.n ut 2 o'clock.
While the Indies nre busy making up their
party "llsti. " the your.g man miikcs up his
laundry "liM , " and sends his bundle to
the "UflRle , " 724 Htoadway.
There will bj a temperance meeting at
the Lalltr Day Saints' church tonight. There
will bo recitations and addresses on tenipcr-
tince and Mm. IlalHngcr will sine.
Rev. nnd Mrs McDonald worn generously
' remembered by their friend * In St Pnul's
church on Christmas. An elegant chair for
lhn rector's ntndy was one of the new ob
jects of his affection.
A tempctance meeting will he held at the
Fifth Avenue .Methodist church tomorrow
evening. Rev. J. II. Senseney of the llroud-
wny chiitch ntul othur ministers will apeak.
Tempcranco music will b ? a feature.
There will he Christmas services at St.
John's English Lutheran church , Metealf's
hall , 17 Pearl street , at 10:30 : a. in. und 7:30 :
p. in. Christmas communion at the mornIng -
Ing service ; Sunday school at 12 in. ; Young
People's meeting at 0:30 : p. m.
Three cigar factories In the United States
Halm to lia\o produced a C cent cigar equal
to the "Corner. " ( An eight cities claim to
1m the birthplace of Homer , but It Is now
known positively that only three of them
were rually so. ) Moore & Ellis.
Rev. und Mrs. McDonald dcslro to exprem
their thanks to their unknown friends In
.St. Paul's church , who contributed toward
the beautiful chair which was sent to them
ns well as to those who with Individual gifts
to bountifully rci'icmbered the rector and liU
An agreement wns reached yesterday by
the hardware men by which they will put
Into operation tin * umial early closing move
ment during the winter months. Hcglnnln
this week the stores will lie- closed at 0
o'clock each evening except Saturdays and
"Civilized man cnnnot live without cooks"
ipilto so. Hut always after the cook comes
the desire to enjoy a pleasant smoke. A
very few words stand for a Inng Ktory. If
you'to a judge of quality 'twon't take any
more talking. The celebrated "Sultana"
stands second to none. Moore & Ellis.
Augustus Thomas' piny , "Alrtlmma , " was
prchcntcd at the Dohany theater last night
to an appreciative audience. The dreamy at
mosphere of the south that pcivadcs the
hcuutltiilly depicted love story has lost none
of Us charm. The Clement Ilnlnbrldgu com
pany proved itself an aggregation of clever
The Council Illnffs Ministerial association
will meet In the Young Men's Christian ns-
xnelatlon looms tomorrow morning at 10:30. :
It Is expected that every- minister In the
city will bo present , for the subject for dis
cussion will bo the Interesting oneof "Citi
zenship. " The ministerial committee has
Issued a call that will bo read In all of the
churches this morning.
Hawkeyc lodge. No. 1S4 , has received a
magnificent silk ipiilt from Mrs. E. L. Ja
cobs of New York. For over forty years
Mrs. Jacoba' husband was a member of
Hawkeye. It was on account of the tender
care the members of the lodge hmtowod
upon him during his last Illness and lib
intcient In Odd Fellowship that his widow
rciiiC'inberrd It so well. Mrs. Jacobw Is over
70 years obi , and haa done all the work on
titt ! quilt. It will be i.cpt by the lodge and
lUcd In decorating Its new hall.
Patrick Golden , the young man from
Onuwn , was lined $10.70 at the morning ses-
lon of the police court yesterday. He was
kept nt the city jail until afternoon while
the police were looking up the men who
were supposed to have robbed him of hh
passes. During the day" the passes were
f > ent tu the chief of police by a saloon mini ,
who ald Golden had given them to him to
look at. and Immediately afterward left the
nnlion. The young man made another start
for his holiday visit In Michigan last even
C. II. Vlnvl Co. , female remedy. Medical
consultation free Wednesdays. Health hook
furnished. 30 ! ) .Merrlam block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 2uO.
ClirlNliiuiH MusicTnnluli ( .
At the First Congregational church to
night the regular services will not be held.
Instead there will bo u concert of Christ
mas music. The special services have been
contemplated for some tlmo nnd ample
preparation lies been made. Some of the
best local talent In the city will assist. The
program arranged follows :
Organ Voluntary . Jllss Oloason
Hymn .
gol'i ' . .Mr. C. S. Haverstoek
Kerlpture .
Quartet "Sing O lleaveim" . Tours
Jlr. . Welsh , .Mrs. VanConrt , Mr. Westcott.
Mr. Allen.
1 'rayer .
Duet "Christmas" . Shelley
Mrs. Welsh nnd Mrs. VanConrt.
Alolln Hoe ! . Mr. I'aul Tulleys
Offertory .
Quintet "Hark , Hark My Soul" .
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
JI rs , Welsh , .Mrs. s'w'ectinii. .Mrs. VanCourt ,
Mr. Weseott nnd .Mr. Allen.
bolo- " ( ) , Holy Night" . Adams
Mrs. Sweeting.
Quintet- ! Came Upon the Midnight
Clear" . Camp
Mrs. Welsh , .Mrs. VanCourt. Mr. 'Westcott
and Mr. Allen.
Hymn .
Organ . . . . . . .Miss Qleapon
Fine opal rings and pins nt Wolltnnn'8.
Cole * , .
Wo nro adding to our already complete
line of tinware. Here are a few new spe
cials :
Dread boxes , -13c.
Dread raisers , liSc.
Wash tubs. 55c. .
Wnsli Howls. 2flc.
Chopping Knives , 5c.
Tin cups , Ic.
Dlshpans , lie ,
Copper teakettles , 95c.
Mrs. Potts' llatlrons , C3c.
Dinner palls , llic.
Court \otcH.
A judgment ami foreclosure was entered
ycbtcrday In the district court against the
defendant In the case of Emma R. Alley
against Eninm E , llrondbeck and others.
A default was entered In the case of LUlla
P. Webster iignlnut Mary Stewart and Frnnk
An effort WOK madu by the defendants In
the cnbo of John Under ngulnst George L.
Smith und others to Bet aside the sale of
real estate under foreclcsnre on the grounds
of Improper service. Judge Smith overruled
the motion ,
In the superior court the case of the Hoag-
land Lumber company against Patterson WUH
argued and submitted. The suit Involves a
mechanic's lien on the olllcu building of Ross
Judgu Smith adjourned the district court
yesterday until January 2 , 1897.
HofTmnyr's fancy patent Hour makes the
best und most bread. Ask your grocer for It.
Ladles' gold tilled watches. Elgin move
ment , $12 , at Wolliiian's.
ny sendlni : forty Domestic soap wrappers
to L. Ilolton & Co , , Dei Molncs , la. , you will
get lx silver teaspoons free.
Two Statca Oontributo to the Latter Day
Saints' Meeting ,
Muny of Tlnixe liilci't-Mlvit from Io u
anil .Mlnnourl In Attendance at
tin1'Mrxl SrxNlou of the
Convention ,
The annual meeting of the Intel-state Sun
day School Institute of the Latter Day Salntu
convened In the church In this city yester
day , and will last for three days. The asso
ciation cniliraccti the churches In the dis
trict , comprising Iowa and Missouri. It was
expected that tifcvcral hundred delegates
would be present , but only about
halt the number expected reported
yesterday. The others were ex
pected to at rive on the late trains
last night and today. The work and dlucua-
slim mapped out covers a wide range , nnd
1'inbr.icca every feature of Sunday school
work und progress.
These attending the Institute from a
distance are ; Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hotigas ,
Henderson , la. ; W. N. Robinson , Kansas
City ; Mr. nnd Mrs. David Khroht , St. Jos
eph ; Mr. nnd Mrs. David Diner , St. Joseph ;
J. F. Minium , J. F. McDowell , Magnolia ,
la. ; S. D. Klbler , Dora Young , Woodbine ,
la. ; A. Ilodham and Emma Hougns , Hen
derson , Iu. ; G , Walling , Glenwooil , la. ;
Thomas Chapman , Persia , la. ; Ida Skank
nnd Ethel Skunk , Macedonia , la. ; Nora Gaylord -
lord , Henderson , la. ; Mr. and Mrs. William
Landers , Grccnlcnf , Knn. ; Alice Wntklns
and Elizabeth Watkins , Columbus , Neb. ;
M. A. Peterson , Missouri ; Joseph Roberts ,
Thurntan , la. ; Charles Fry , Tabor , la. ; Roy
Epperson nnd E. C. Howe , Ilartlett , In. ;
TillILMorris. . Little Sioux ; Misses M. nnd
A. Fry , Tnbor , la. ; C. O. Leckn , Thurman ,
la. ; Nellie Green , Enimn Ross and Emma
Greenwood , Tabor , In. ; Mrs. A. H. Rudd
nnd Stella Wood , Dow City ; Roxnnna Gaylord -
lord nnd Anna Salyards , Lainonl , In. ; Anna
Harrington , Shcnandoah ; Nullio Sales ,
Thurman. la.
The opening meeting of the association
wns held In the church building on Pierce
street ut 10 o'clock yesterday morning. The
delegates and the visitors filled the room.
Permanent organization wns effected by
electing T. A. Hougns of Henderson , la , ,
superintendent , and W. N. Robinson of
Kaiibas City , secrctnry ; James Roberts ,
cholrlstcr nnd Roxanna Gaylord organist.
After the organization Rev. T. W. Williams
dellver d an appropriate address of wel
come , to which T. A. Hongas responded
with. "What Wo Have Come For. " This
was followed by short addresses from the
delegates on Sunday school work In general.
A recess was then taken until 2:30 : o'clock.
The plan of the meeting contemplates the
Fi-lectlon of n leader or Instructor who
takes charge of the discussion and leads all
of the delegates Into It. At the afternoon
session W. N. Robinson was the Instructor
In Sunday school organization , and he man
aged to draw n general and very Interesting
discussion upon the duties of Sunday school
An evening session was held at 7:30 : with
Miss Anna Snlyard ns Instructor. The work
of Sunday school teachers. Its Importance
and htupcndnus magnitude , was the general
subject for discussion. She emphasized the
necessity for prayerful preparation and of
constant nttcntion to details. The necessity
of a perfect familiarity with the lesson
and the capacity on the part of the teacher
to draw out and develop the Intent qualities
of the child and get It to think were em
phasized us the essential aids to successful
Much stress was laid upon the necessity
of teachers' meetings , that a unanimity of
thought might bo obtained. Miss Salyard
succeeded In awakening a great deal of
Interest among the delegates and It was 9
o'clock when the session ended.
The program for today promises to be
especially interesting to Sunday school
workers. The services will be held at the
church nnd the opening at 9:30 : will bo
something In the line of an Innovation.
It will be n Sunday school prayer meeting.
The program for the remainder of the day
will he :
At 10:30 : a. m. . Instruction In primary
work by Sister Dora Young. The llttlo tots
will be present and Miss Young will show
the best methods to adopt to reach child
life In religious work. At 2:30 : p. m. the
Intermediate work will be continued by W.
N. Robinson and the senior work by Anna
Salyurd. At 7:30 : an Interesting temper-
once program will be remlercd , consisting
of nn address by a leading minister , a loin-
peranco essay by Mrs. H. A. llallenger of
this city , n recitation by Miss Nora Gaylord -
lord nnd appropriate music.
\\JllV WO.MA.V I'SHS Iinil ll.VMI.S.
MIH.V. . II. Mlfc'hrllHKiinllH Ovor-
xeer of ( lie Poor IllllitlnuIon.
Mrs. W. M. Mitchell , living on Grace
street , assaulted Overseer of the Poor HuntIngton -
Ington In his ofllco at the court house yes-
terdiir to enforce her dcTmands for an extra
supply of coal from the county. She cumo
to Huntlngton's headquarters yesterday
morning and demanded an order for fuel.
She was told that only one order n month
could bn given to any of the pensioners ,
nnd she at once Insisted she got her last
donation over a month ago. The ovciBcer
disputed the correctness of her statement
and looked over his recotds. All the tlmo
the woman rained n torrent of abuse upon
him. Ho discovered that he had made n
mistake nnd told her so , and wns gectlng
ready to write her out an order. This only
encouraged Mrs. Mitchell to upbraid the
overseer all the more and she accused him of
doling out the orders stingily and pocketing
the rest intended for the'poor. Hnntington
resented this charge and closed his order
book and told her he hud "taken about all
he would from a thing like her. "
In an Instant she had the overseer by the
throat und was crowding him Into n corner
of the room. Huntlngton IB a small man ,
nnd one of his limbs Is badly crippled. The
door of the ofllco was closed , but the noise
of the conflict attracted Judge Smith and
several attorneys , who were Just coming
down from the court room. They helped to
get the overseer out If his predicament , and
Mrs. Mitchell left without her order for coal.
Diamond rings at Wollmun's.
Tin' I'rl.iWinner. .
Prof. Hlsey announced his decision last
evening In the contest for the first correct
pronunciation of the word "machete , " nnd
awards the first prize offered by T. M ,
Hughes , the men's outfitter , 415 Uroadwny ,
to John A. Miller of East Omaha. Mr. Mil
ler's answer wns received December 12. 8:41 :
n. m. , nnd Is "mnh-tchny-tuy , " He Is en
titled' to a high grudo $2 necktie or Its equiv
alent In mcn'N furnishings. Other correct
answers were received from R. F. Rain ,
Grover Home , Clarence E. Weaver and E.
H. Tlpton. All sending In answers will bo
glvtn first choice of the finest line of inen's
furnishings ever Keen In the city all this
week. Remember Hughes , 415 Ilroadway.
Itenl i : > .lalc T m MM fern.
The following real mtuto transfers were
reported yesterday :
Chicago , Itock Island & Pacific Hall
way company to Adolph Klopplng ,
part of ei ! of gelj , 3-7G-42 , q o < ! . . . . $ 5
Sheriff to Council HluffH HavlngH
bank , part of no'J nw > , J. 31-75-43 , s d. . S.500
Ha mo to same , lot 8 and H 10 feet of
lot 9 , block 15 , Kiddles' subdlv , a d. . -I , go *
Three trnnsferi ) , total . . , $13,313
Only one more week of the Durfco Fur
niture company's great removal sale. Uar-
Fine livery for parties and dances. Ogden
Livery , 158 Uroadway , Telephone S3.
For Rent Modern cottage with barn on
Glen avenue. Inquire 2 < 2 Vine.
XOTKM or socun-vs DOI.VCS.
Holiday .SCIINOII llrliiirn Activity to
tin * Smart Set.
.Miss Edna Hunt of Avoca was the guiat
of Ml s Cecilia Wlckham last week.
Mr. and MM. W. W. Sherman left Friday
evening for California , where they will spend
a month In tiavcllng.
Mtas Graham of Omaha Is the guest of
Mrs. Charles Taylor on Seventh street.
MlM Eslclla Ilrown of Omaha visited with
Miss Grace Dccbo last week.
Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Ilurkely of Omaha
upcnt Christmas with" Mrs. llurkley'a
parents , Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Wlckham.
Mrs. J. J. Gravottc is home from an ex
tended visit In Philadelphia.
Mr. George Wlckham , who has been at
tending school at Atchlson , Kan. , Is spending
the holiday ! ) with his parents , Mr. and Mrs.
0. P. Wlckham.
Mrs. Ernest E. Hart and his mother , Mrs.
Henry W. Hart , left Monday for New York
Mr. Lon lleno Is home from "Shottuck , "
spending Christmas with his parents , Mr.
nnd Mrs. John Ilcno.
Mr. Charles Ilradley. who Is attending the
university at Iowa City , Is homo for the
Christmas vacation.
Mlds Male Wilson of Sioux City wan the
guest of Miss Moore last week.
Miss Jncoby of Philadelphia Is visiting
with Miss Key on Eighth street.
Mr. John Henderson has returned from
Gasconade , Mo. , where ho has been In charge
of a government surveying party for some
Miss Grace Heche entertained the Monday
Musical chin at her home on Glen avenue ,
Monday afternoon. An unusually good pro
gram wna piTsented.
Wednesday , Mrs. R. E. Montgomery enter
tained a number of friends at tea , from 5 to
7. The house was prettily decorated with
ferns , rcoca and smllnx.
The dancing party to be given by Mrs.
R. E. Montgomery on the 2Sth , has been
pctitponed until the 30th.
Tuesday evening at Royal Arcanum hall
will be given the second of the series of cs-
scmlily partlc by the Dancing club. A large
attendance Is nntlclpited.
Sntnrday evening Prof. Chambers gave
an enjoyable Christmas party to the children.
There wns a large attendance of the jonng
folks and grown people as well.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. P. Wlckham cntortalncd
nt dinner Christmas Mr. and Mrs. II. V.
llnrkley , .Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Shea and fam
ily nnd Mr J. M. Fonlon.
Mr. W. L. Douglass , H. S. Ogdcn. Miss
Sherman and Miss Keating were n pleasant
dinner party nt the Grand on Christmas.
Prof. Hnndo Is making preparations for n
leap year hop , to l > 6 given Thursday even
ing In his assembly rooms. Arrangements
have been made for nn exceptionally fine
orchcstiu , and It Is to be hoped It will re-
cclvo the patronage It deserves.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hondo's second grand assem
bly , given last Tuesday evening was an un
usually plcaoant and well attended affair.
The hall was artistically decorated with
palma. ferns , mscs and carnations. The
approbation with which the music was
received , was evinced by the repeated en
Cniiiicll lllnlVM Cliurc'lifN.
Services will be held In the First Presby
terian church today. Rev. H. C. Hughes
president of Tabor college , will preach
both morning nnd evening. The evening
service will be nt 7:3P. : It Is expected that
Rov. Mr. Unrncs. the newly called pastor ,
will occupy the pulpit on the following Sun
At the First Daptlst church the services
will be conducted by the pastor , Rev. V. C
Rocho. The subject for the morning ser
mon will bo "The Six Hooks nt the Judg
ment ; " In the evening. "What la Your Life ? "
The Sunday school will meet at noon , nnd
the Young People's society nt 0:30. :
At the morning session of the "Second
Presbyterian church the service will consist
of the pastor's greeting and the annual mes
sage of the church session. The evening
service will be In keeping with the holiday
season. A special Invitation Is extended
to the public.
At the Trinity Methodist church , corner
Fourth street and Ninth avenue , the pas
tor , Rev , C. W. Urcwcr , will conduct the
service. Class meeting at 9:40 and preach
ing at 10 a. m. The Epworth league meets
nt 6:30 : , and the evening services begin at
7:30. :
In the First Congregational church the
pastor , Rev. John Askln , D. D. , will preach
In the morning on the subject , "The Sig
nificance and Effect of Christ's Death. " The
evening services will be devoted to a con
cert of Christmas music.
At St. Paul's Episcopal church the rector ,
Rev. L. P. McDonald , will conduct the regu
lar services. Holy communion nt 8 a. m.
Morning service and sermon at 10 a. m. , and
Sunday school at noon. The afternoon serv
ice will be ut 4:15 : , and will consist of the
regular sermon nnd offertory solo by Mrs.
Wadsworth. Scats are free and all are wel
At All Saints' chapel , corner of Eighteenth
street and Third 'avenue , Rector McDonald
will preach at 7:30 : In the evening. The reg
ular Sunday school will occur at 3 p. m.
The regular services at the Latter Day
Saints' church will give place to the work
of the Sunday School association , now In
seslon. . The feature of the evening onrv.
lees will be temperance discussions and
The regular services will be held at the
Uroadway Methodist church. The sermon at
both the morning and evening service will
bo by the pastor , Rev. J. H. Senseney.
A novel featuru at the services of Grace
church will be the new vested male choir
consisting of twelve choristers , that was
formally Instituted last Thursday. This
choir will be Increased to sixteen male
voices in the near future * , and Is In addition
to the young ladles' choir , which remains
ns formerly. The services next Sunday will
be holy communion at 10:30 : , Sunday school
at 3 p. in. and evening service at 7:30.
Hli | > | illIllenileil. .
Wo venture to say that our store Is the
best arranged In the city , filled with rare
gems ot diamonds , fine jewelry , watches nnd
chains , silverware and silver novelties.
Wo make specially low prices on table cut
lery , carving sets and full tea sets , quadruple
plate. C. H. JACQUEMIN & CO. ,
27 South Main Street.
For Two W ' > Uw Only.
Reduced prices on all heaters , Oaks nnd
hard coal , to reduce our stock. See us for
prices. COLE & COLE.
KIIC'N OriliTH AVere Viillil ,
Justice Cook yesterday settled n case that
has been before the public for a long time.
Last summer when the mall cafrlera re
ceived their allowance for overtime W. II.
Rue , an ex-carrier , got a draft from the
Poutnl department for $296. The draft was
a long time coming after the notification was
received tlat the umonnt had been fixed.
During the Interval Rue gave an order to
James & Havcistock for . $144.4Q of the
amount and made an assignment to''thcm
of the entire amount the draft ,
the remainder to ha held In
trust to meet other claims. He next
gave an order to W. P. Ofllccr for $98 nnd
anotner to Nannie Nelson , a nurse girl , far
$50 , When the draft camu the assignees
took out tliclr claim und paid the order of
Olllcer. The order of MIE3 Nelaon wns ac
cepted , hut the young woman did not call
for her money promptly. In the meantime ,
two other creditors of Rue garnlshccd Jumco
& Havcrutock. The young woman has been
making a persistent effort ever since to
obtain her money , nnd the case has been In
nearly all the local courts In various
The final arguments were made be
fore Justice Cook. He took the. matter under
advisement , and yesterday afternoon ren
dered his dcclsloiu , oustalnlng the validity
of ihe orders given and accepted by Jainuu &
Haverdtock , and directing them to pay over
the money.
l.iilinrerN Waaleil.
We have for sale or rent several desira
ble fruit , grain , vegetable and htock farms
near Council Hluffs for 1897. Day & Hess ,
Rental Accnts.
I'ri't * Nllvprwnris
Ily sending forty Domestic soap wrappers
to L. Ilolton & Co , , Des Molnrs , la. , you will
get six cllver teaspoons free.
If you want a bargain In watches and dla-
inouda call at Snyilcr'i , 328 Uroadway.
IM : ) oi' , \ \vniiTti toi I'l'.t n.
\oled Colored Outlaw Shot anil Killed
Iiy IIIn Stcplirotlicr.
LVNCASTER , Pa. , Dec. 26. Abe llenson.
colored , one of thp members of the par of
thieves and outlaws v-ho rculdo on the WeUh
mountains In the caercrn end of this county ,
was shot nnd killed last night by his Mcp-
brother , Jerry Otton , who Is also a noted
criminal nnd member of the Fame gang.
Heiisun kept his horse nnd hariuss In
Green's stable , ana when he went for It
last night found 'Jbrr ? had the breast strap
and refused to gl\x It up. A dispute fol
lowed , when Jcrrx-jjn Into the house nnd
returned with his shotgun , shoved the muz
zle ng.ilnst Henson's breast nnd fired. The
lattcr's breast was practically blown away
nnd he wns killed Instantly.
After the shooting Green , In company with
his brother , drove tq the residence of 'Squire
Grlflln. Snllfllmry township , with the view
of surrendering himself , but when he dis
covered the magistrate waa In bed , he re
fused to awnkcn him nnd anld he would give
himself up todny. He also declined to re
turn to the mountains nnd walked away.
Nothing has since been heard of him ,
Henson Is 40 years old and single. He
ban figured on numerous occasions as de
fendant In the criminal courts of this and
the counties adjoining on the east and has
graced the jails ofill of the. Jerry Green
Is also colored and has figured even more
prominently than his victim as a lawbreaker
and resident of jails. He has always been
considered a desperate man. and carries a
number of scars of wounds received cither
In battle with hla fellow outlaws or while
followed his vocation of robbery and bur
glary. Doth men are members of the
famous Uuzzard gang , and since the Jailing
of those leaders Green has been practically
the head of the outlaws.
UciiiiitulN of Creditor * for Immediate
Settlement Korct * ( lie INNIII- .
SIOUX CITY , la. , Dec. 26. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Union Dry Goods company
failed today. The company was the successor
ser of the firm of Anderson & Mordahl , C.
N. Anderson being president and A. F. Mor
dahl secretary. This morning chattel mort
gages were filed , given by the company , as
follows : Northwestern National bank , $3-
350 ; Ncls Anderson , $1,450 ; Robert Heder-
bcrg , $1,500 ; Anderson & Hederberg , $3,530 ,
and H. A. Jandt , $2,500. At noon on appli
cation of William Peterson on a claim of
$500 Robert Hederberg was appointed re
ceiver for the company. The total liabili
ties arc about $20,000. and the stock of goods
Is valued at $35,000. The failure was brought
about by the failure of the Parson-Pelletlei
company last week and the demand of cred
itors for Immediate settlement.
YomlroHkl Jury IN Dl
MUSCATINE. la. , Dec. 26. In the famous
case of the state of Iowa against Adam Von-
droskl , the Jury was called lif today , after
after having deliberated twenty-four houra ,
at the close of a week's trial , and discharged ,
having failed to reach an agreement. Von-
droskl was Indicted for having participated
In blowing up with dynamite the homes of
John Mahln , E. M. ' Kesslnger and N. Rosen
berg , leading prphlbltlonUts , May , 11 , 1893.
The case will be/retried / next month.
Oltiiinwii iltMvrlry l-'lrin I'lillx.
OTTU.MWA , Hi. , Dec. 26. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Charles lachmnn , the oldest Jew
elry house in OUunjwn , was closed by the
sheriff today , pie /allure was caused by
the hard times and floso money market. A
mortgage was given to , a local bank nnd then
other creditors ; attached. Liabilities , $12-
000 ; assets will hardly be as much.
Four MlNHOiirl MIIKTN Murder a l.enil-
LEADVILLE , Dec. 26. About 2 o'clock
this morning four 'Missouri miners , em
ployed nt the llLson mine , who were on
their way home from dqwn town , met
Patrick Carney and his wife , who had been
attending a ball. The Ml&sourlans called
Carney across tlio street and talked to him
a few minutes. Then one of them shot him ,
killing him Instantly.
Carney Is an elderly man , well known In
the camp , and is a leaser , working on the
Star mine. The .Mlssourlans were all ar
rested , but It Is not known yet which one
fired the shot.
From the standing of Carney In the cum-
munlty It Is feared this murder will cause
considerable trouble , as the Miners' union
people nre highly Incensed over It.
Mrs. Carney Identified one of the Mlssour-
Inns named Evans as the man who killed
her husband. The prisoners say that Carney
was Intoxicated and attempted to arrest
them. _
Senator JOIU-N Hns Opposition.
CARSON , Nov. . Dec. 26. The Indications
are that John P. Jones will have to flght for
his return to tlio United States senate. It
wns supposed that he would have no opposi
tion on the sliver ticket and that but four
republican votes In the legislature would be
cast against him. He is the logical can
didate of the silver party , but a dispatch
from Wlnncmucca announces that George
Nixon , n banker nnd editor of the Sliver
State , a paper that up to now has strongly
supported Jones , announces In a card In hla
paper that he will also contest for the neat
In the United States senate.
Seymour SueceedH Iliirton .loliiiNiio.
.MILWAUKEE , Dec. 26. Edward J. Sey
mour , assistant general freight agent of the
Chicago & Northwestern railroad , In charge
of the Ashland division , has been selected
to succeed Itnrton Johnson , resigned , aiul
after January 1 , will be located at Chicago
an assistant general freight agent of the
road. The Milwaukee freight ofllco of the
Ashland division will bo closed and the
duties of Samuel Miller , now general agent
of the Peninsula division of the road , with
headquarters at Green liny , will bo ex
tended aiwl Increased.
.Mini DOK'H Illte IN Fatal.
BALTIMORE , Dec. 26. Conrad Ephcrs.
one of the eight boys who was bitten by a
mad dog a month ago , und afterward treated
at the Pasteur Institute , New York , died
this morning nt his homo In Woodbury of
hydronhobia. Ephcrs Is the second to
succumb to the dread disease , and Robert
Perry Is manifesting symptoms which lead
to the belief that ho will also die. All these
boys wore bitten about the head and face.
Those who were bitten in other parts of the
body appear to ba , dulng well.
Pool ltiii > ii\N \ .Iliint Close.
ST. LOUIS , iJecj 26. Chief Harrlgnn of
tlo : police dcpprjm nt has -warned the
proprietors of tlie . < four poolrooms that
recently startediup > bi Uils city , after a long
elotfc-down , that Mfthey continue open ho
will raid thelr'ipUces and prosecute them
under the law c.f"16 l.
The telegraph' podl room of "Texas Tom"
Walsh , the oniy > ' 0ntopcn today , wns raided
by the police at 2:30 : p. in. The proprietor
and all oihcrti connected with It wcro taken
to the Four Coilrls :
.Sined fi-iimi Death at Sen.
SAN DlEGO.IOal. , Dee. 26. The steamer
Carlos Pachccot'jliUlarrlved from Ensenada ,
brought Captnlil lYjUles Wilson and William
Llmlley , who wcfv * on board the schooner
Sailor Hey , whc.u fijiCvwas wrecked last week
near Ellda Island , ] , The men escaped In a
small boat to the mainland and walked to
RoMrlo , fifty miles distant. The country
traversed IH almost a dec-rt and they were
clincat starved when they reached Rosarlo.
Die * When IIIMf - I > ! I-N.
OHLANDO. Flu. . Utc. 2G.-Tho charred
remains of Dr. 1'llzer and his wlfo were
found near here yesterday morning In the
ruins of their home. The doctor had evi
dently Hliot himself , ax a pistol was found
near his body. llln wife had been sick some
( line , and he had said hu would not live
after she died , So , ut her death , he no
doubt fired their liomu as n funeral pyru
nnd then put n bullet Into his brain. The
couple cumo here several years ago from
Clip In I n anil Crrw Arc Snveil.
PORTLAND , Me , , Dee. 2C. The three-
masted Hchooner , Robert I. Carter , captain
Nathan Towne , from Perth Amboy , N. J. .
for this city with 1,200 too * of coal , went
ashore on Alden today and will be a total
loss. The captain and crew wcr brought
aahore. , . j
Alfred Holt is Lynched for the Murder of a
Police Officer ,
.Inllcr Thrown Off III * ( iiinril li > Strul-
CKJ niul Forced til lliind ( Ivor
Ivc ) H Primmer StriniK IP ;
In Court Vnrd.
OWBNSI10HO. Ky. , Dec. 1C. Alfrcl Holt ,
colored , nllns Alexander , the murderer of Po
lice Olllcor A.Vlilto. . was takm from Jail
by n mob nt 2:30 : this morning and hanged
to n tree In the court yard. I'ho lyneuing
wna the mont orderly anil ilet | : ever con
ducted In the state , anil , onlsltlc of
the participants , only those who had
business ai the court house knew of
It. About 2.O : o'clock two nun knocked
nt the Jail iloor , ami In answer ' .o n unostion
by Deputy Jailer Ashby , who isKed v.-'m '
had knocked , said they had , prisoner tney
wished to lock np for safekeeping. Thus
thrown oft Ills guard , young -\sliby openec
the door , only to lace two big tcvolvern. Ho
was overpowered before he cotill utter n cry
and the keys were taken 'rom him.
Pleading for his life , Holt was t.ikun out
of the jail , through the con it house yard
to the cast side facing Ilia Fttnlil hatiec.
Ho was given ample time to pray , when a
rope was placed n'uout his neck. At the
word of command ho was swim. ; high in the
air , and In ten inltuiios he was .leail. Mo
had strangled to death. When ilia mob
made sure that their work was complete
they mounted their horses in neighboring
streets nnd alleys and left the town as
quietly as they had come.
While there was much mob talk at drat. It
was generally thought that after much
damaging evidence had been brought iigalnst
Holt , the law would be allowed to take Its
course. The mob's coming was , consequently
quently , entirely unexpected this morning.
Holt'H crime wns committed on the morn
ing of November 11 last , after the .election ,
omcer White was killed with his own pistol
tel , which wns taken from bin pocket b >
a negro named George Dnskell and handed
to Holt.
Holt escaped , hut wns captured shortly
after al Lonlavlllo three weeks ago , Ills
trial was begun early this week , and the
commonwealth rested on Thursday , after
producing conclusive evidence of the negro's
Including Holt , seven men In the last
week have met death at the hands of mobs
In Kentucky. Lust Saturday Henry Kind-
ley was called to his door near Mayflelil
and shot to death by a mob of mnakcd men.
Two days before the Proctors , three In
number , were victims of a mob In Logan
county , two being hanged nnd the other
shot to death In his cell on his resisting
the mob. Sunday night Jim Stone wns
lynched at Maytleld after n pledge guaran
teeing his safety had been mnde by the
citizens. Tuesday night Will Suctt , a negro
boy , was brutally shot to death near May-
CINCINNATI. Dec. 20. A Times-Star
apeclal from Frankfort , Ky. . says : Com
monwealth Attorney Howe this morning
in ail o application to Governor Hradley ask
ing him to offer a reward for the lynchem
of the negro Holt who was hanged by eight
masked men at Owcnsboro.
MOODY is I\ < : A.II > iv xn\v YOUic.
It loll Men dull Together til 1'r'ovhlr
a .SerleN of Hrvlval S * rvliM > H.
NEW YORK , Dec. 20. The World will
tomorrow say that a number of rich men
who have been Influenced by the recent
.Moody meetings have provided ample funds
fpr a great series of revival meetings In
Greater New York. They have engaged .Mr.
Moody to hold Sunday meetings In Carnegie
hall. There will be meetings In churches ,
theaters and In the open air. The Academy
of Music In New York and the Amphlo
theater In Brooklyn have already been en
gaged , together with Carnegie hall for after
noon services Sunday.
DealliN < if n Day.
ST. PAUL , Dec. 2fl. Charles D. Kerr
judge of the district court of this district , I ,
dead. Telegrams from Mrs. Kcrr to Jndg <
Hrlll and Judge Otis , dated this morning
at San Antonio , Tex. , made the simple an
iiounuctncpt of Judge Kerr's death. Judg <
Kerr was well known as a jurist through
out the northwest.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Dec. 20. .Mrs. Ellzabetli
Ilrown. wife of the late ex-Governor and ex
Senator Joseph E. Ilrown , died this morning
at her home In this city. She was 70 years
old. She had just returned from a tour of
Europe and the Holy Land lasting a year
and one-half , when seized with her fatal 111
ness.PIERRE. . S. I ) . . Dec. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) II. L. Noemeycr of this city died
yesterday nt the Hospital for the Insane at
Yutikton. .Mr. Noemcyer was at one time
one of the leading buslners men of this city ,
but business reverses drove him Insane , and
he has been In the aeyluni for almost a
year. The remains will bo brought to this
city for Interment.
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 2C. Alfred Tubbs ,
president of the Tubbs Cordage company ,
director of the Southern Pacific Railway
company , trustee of the LclamI Stanford , Jr. ,
university and the owner of extensive vine
yards , died today , of heart failure. Ho was
09 years old , a pioneer of ' ) ! ) and prominent
In social and commercial circles.
PITTSI1URG. Pa. , Dec. 2C. Joseph I ) .
Weeks , editor of the American Manufacturer ,
died nt his home tonight from the effects of
a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Weeks was one
of the best known metallurgists of the
United States , and for years has held a high
position In the manufacturing and business
Apples , per bbl. . . . $ i 25
12 sticks of Candy . . 51
lolb. sackof Buckwheat 25 ]
Strawberries , per can . 10
French Peas , per can . 10
Currants , English , per Ib. 6
All linen Handkerchiefs , hem
stitched , each , 5c.
Also a lot of other styles suit
able for Christmas gifts ,
If You Want the Full and Unblasad Opinion ot Experlonoad Spec
ialists Free of Cluirg-o as to the Natura of Your Trouble
and the Possibility of a Cure , Wrlto Answers to
These Questions , Cut Them Out and Mall \
Thorn or Call at the Oflloo In Person , 7
Nlno-lonlhs of the people ilon'l know
what's the mutter with them when they're
sick. If they did they would p.iy more at
tention to their health. They think they
nre not very nick , nml will bo well In n
few days , niul the first thing they know
they're Inlil np In bed , or eluo they're so
inJsernbld they enn hardly draff them
selves nronnd. If they had jiono to n re-
llnble specialist In the first plnoo mid fonnil
out what wns the inntter with them the
chnttooH nre that they oould hnve been
enroll of their trouble In a very short time
nnd serious eonsoriitcnces would have been
nvertod. It won't cost you n penny to ROte
to Urs. ( "opelniul nnd Hhep.-ud's ollleen and
Mud out wlmfs the matter with you.
To enable every one to form nn
IntolllKont opinion of the nature of his
ease , Dra. Copt-land and Shepard have
pteparcd the following list of question * ,
bvery sick or Inllrin person should read
the. e question * earefnlly and place a mark
after those which- they iloslrn to answer
yes , and IINIVO those unaiiMwered which
do not apply to their case.
Cut out the lists ihui ainrked and lirlnp
them to thn olllees of 1 > r- . Copeland and
Shepard and obtain their opinion of your
ease and prospect of a eine.
If you oannot eomo to the ollleo send the
list by mall , belnu earcful to write your
name and address plainly , nnd n enreful
and oonsclentlons opinion of vour trouble
will be sent you by return mall.
The most prevalent form of eatarrh , and
ri-aults from noKleelcil eolds. Speedy nnd
liH-xiHMislve eiire by the Copt-land nnd
Shepard system.
"Is the breath foul ? "
"Is the volee huskv ? "
"Do you spit up slime ? "
"Do you nelie all over ? "
"Do you snore nt nlqbt ? "
"Ho you blow out srabs ? "
"If < the nose slopped np ? "
"Ooes your nose ilNehnrpo ? "
"Hoes the nose bleed easllv ? "
"Do erilsts form In the no. e ? "
"Is the nose sore and tender ? "
"Do yon sneer.e a ureat deal ? "
"Is this worse toward nlclit ? "
"Does the no . Iteh and burn ? "
"Is there tlokllnK In the throat ? "
"Ip there pah. across the eyes ? "
"Is there pain In back of head ? "
"Is your senseof smell IcavhiK ? "
"Do you hawk to clear the throat ? "
"Is there a dropplm ; In the throat ? "
When catarrh of the head and throat Is
left unchecked | | extends down the wind
pipe Into the bronchial tubes , and In time
attacks , the lungs. Sppedv and Inexpen
sive cure by the Copeland and Shenard sys
"Have you a cough ? "
"Arc you losing llesh ? " ,
"Do you cough at night ? "
"Have you pain In the side ? "
"Do you take cold cn-llv ? "
"Is your appetite variable ? "
"Have you stitches In the side ? "
"Do you have hcmonh.ines ? "
"Do you cough on going to bed ? "
"Do you longh In the mornlmrs ? "
"Is you cough short and bacUIng ? "
"Do yon rplt nn little cheesy lumps ? "
"Have yon a dl.sinst for fatly foods ? "
"Is there a tickling behind the palate ? "
"Have yon pain behind the breastbone ? "
"Do you feel you are prowlng weaker ? "
"Is there a burnlnpr pain In the throat ? "
"Have to sit up at night to get breath ? "
"Do you cough worse night and morn-
Catarrh of the stomach Is frequently
caused by swallowing poisonous inucns ,
which drops down from the head anil
throat at night. Speedy and Inexpenslvo
cure by the Copeland and Shivaid system.
"Is there nancea ? "
"la thi'te vomiting ? "
"Do you belch up gas ? " >
"Arc you light headed ? "
" 1 your tongue coated ? "
"Have you water brash ? "
"Do you hawk and spit ? "
"Is there pain after ntlnir' "
"Are you nervous and weak ? "
"In your throat tilled with sllnio ? "
"Do yon at times have diarrhoea ?
"IB theie a rush of blood In the head ? "
"In there constant bad tasteIn month ? "
"In there gnawing sensation In stomach ? "
"When you get up suddenly are you
"When the stomach Ih empty do you feel
faint ? "
"Do you belch up material that burna
the throat ? "
Webster streets , city , has been u skilled
employe In the Union 1'aeltle whops for
twenty-seven years- since 1S70. He Is well
known In Omaha , and today tlila
I'KTEIl IJt'FFY. U. 1 > . SHOPS.
"Since a brief course with lrs. Copolaml
and Shepard I have been enjoying s'lcndUl
health. Hefore my cure I suffered twelve
long years from Eczema or Salt Ithenm ,
The nmlady n ( Tec ted my face , giving met
fiery turtni ntx night and day. The Itch
ing and Hie Irritation were terrible In the
extreme , bint ring the sight nnd depriving
me absolutely of all comfort. My feet
and bands were sore. Inllamed and swollen
from the same affection. This condition
kept on year after year In spite of any
thing 1 could get from physicians for re
lief. A .short time under the care of Drs.
Copeland and Slupiml removed the dis
ease entirely , and 1 am now In perfect
health. Soothing local applications gave *
me comfort at once , and the use of cleans
ing remedies for the blood aided In the
thorough woik. "
II Mliniilil III * riMiirinlii-rcil Hint , ! > ;
men UN of a perfceleil mull Nyxti-iii.
tin * I'opeliiiiil anil Shcpuril treatment
IN now IIM dlreellj nvuIliiltlr ( o i > a
tlents a IlioiiNnnil mllcN away UN In
tliOKi * wliii vlull ( he olllee In Oinaliiii
Tin * HrNt N < II townril tiiUlnur a eonr * *
liy mall IN to ni-inl for Symptom
IManU oiiiitalnliiR full UN ! of IIIK-MO
lloiiM to In * nos\creil liy ( lie pntlciij
applylour for IreiUmcul.
W. II. rilPKI.AMl , .11. IJ. , , Consulting
O. S. SIIICPAUD , .M. I ) . , h'hysu-luns.
Ofllco Hours : 9 to 11 n. m.2 ; to 5 p. m. Eve
nlngs 'Wednesdays nnd Saturdays only-J
C to 8. Sunday 10 to 12 m.
Closing Out Sale.
Having concluded to discontinue our Onialin branch for tlie
cut , Mini lo avoid moving our lar e slocl ; of Pianos and Organs
bark to Council HlnlTs , In. , wo will sell for the next thirty days at
a discount of from I- lo no per cent in fact , regardless of cost.
Call early at 15'Karnam Street and secure a bargain.
At Our Council Bluffs , Iowa , Store.
We will continue our clearing sale to January 1 , IS ! ) " , during
which time yon can nccnro rare bargains , not only In Pianos and
Orpins , but In all kinds of Musical Instruments.
Onltars , $ ! ! . " . " > and upward.
Mandolins , . f.'t/J. and upward.
Violins , Accordeons , Drums , etc. Wo carry a very law stock
for the Christmas trade. ,
$ &
r Onialia , 1522 Farnani St.
103 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
The IQIIIC ] | | ( nil' ' ! most dream tollri In not
coinplrlo without a Ml nf jewelry. From tli
carllmt tlmo Jcwtla niul jewelry liavn alwuyu
Ijocii Hymliolli'iil of power unit royally. The
Ituinnns were not allowed to wrur jewelry , tx-
tTpl liy iwrmlisMnn of tliclr cimwror.
AH MII Xinui ilfc ; nothing could li murn | ilcn -
IIIK. Kucli n L'l'l would t6 UKtful anil urim.
inrnlal , H title tcfi'lng to It-call the elver unj
thu day.
Jeweler and Scientific Opticftin.
400 iniOADWAY.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , . . $100,000) )
Ann ICE on on wniTB.
OKO. A IIOWKN , Miuiiijrur. ' v" '
Two Nighty n * Popular Prlooa
WC , aSC , 'JbU UUll ItJC.
HUN1IAV AM ) .MONKAV , Duo. 27 unil 20.
Opening In "MnHcut. "
tJcufa op aalo at Sullcr'a drug store.