TIIRO IAITA MAV 27 , 1800. SPE-JIRli NOTICE : , AitvrrlliciitrnlM for tlivi > i > i-nlnnm nlll lie inkrti unlit latlto | i , in. , for ( ti rvi-tiltiir mill until M p. in. for th iiinriilnu ; unit .Miiitlii)1 pilllliinx. Ail re-rllm-rH , lij requesting n limn lirri-tl check , run IIIIM * nnmti-rn nil ilecxM'il to n iiiiiiui'.rcil It'lli-r In 'nr if Th ? HIMAuuvrirft no mtilrritr 11 III lIMIvvrnil III ! | irCNeIllllllnll ( I I lie cliecU mil ) . Hilton , I I-So n ivnrit flrM Inirrllon In n ufii-il tlu-i-cnf Icr. ollilnu tnl ' ( or lf n Hum U.'c for tliu llr l Incur linn. Tlii'KV iidvcl fUPIIICII | mil * I It run coiicculli cly. SI'ITATIOVS tt'AVri'.I ) . WANTIIIl. A HITI ATION AT ANYTlttNO hulfhcr by ttnili- ran furnl h Hr Ma it n tn rtiro * . Address II. M. Stilt , cure ofVnllac llron. , .So. Uinulm. A-4M WA.vni > MAI.I : 111:1,1' : . \VANTII > . AN II IA ; wno CAN THINK 01 mine simple tiling tu p.itcnt ? 1'iotect you Idi.K. they may hi In * you wealth. Writ" Joh MV.Mfiljiirn & Co. . Dcpl. V , Patera Attorn- ! W.irlunKtnn. 1 > . C , for iholr 11,500 prlie iiffe nml R list of ZOO linenllnnj wanted. 1I--8U aoo "CAN vAssiSifl WANTIIIJ AT isi r. HnlttijpuM wrrKly -MSMJ M \VANTi : ril : KnnlrprK. Clooil pny. V. K. Ilooto. lull rnrnnr Mrift. Umalin. Nth. _ H-MM3jll _ f r ov KMIM.OVMIN' ntnl wlllltm to work can leuin of u prrnriin-n tltiintlun nt Roo.l IVIIKCK by wrllliiR to r. V H . bo < ; M , AilguMa. Maine. ll-MMC 51 * TAII. < JltH \ \.NTKI ) . CONTINKNTAI. CI.OT1I Inn Cimriiny. 1I--MK8 WANTii > --TllAVKl.l.Vir8AI.i : . < MiN l''Oll Cl K'Hii. nM lelhihlc home ; fj.rCiciuc | ! utmeci'C linry ; vMrn Inilurcmeiils to iil lGiiiL-r * , IT ! t II .VI per month ami expenses. Clint. ( ' . lilfhn ft i-o. . ft. l.uiils. IJ MM Jll WANTKI ) . MKN TO LlTuiN ll.UUIICIl TIlAPn only eliilit uceK * lerpilred , nivl > c. can hnli nny i > n ltlnn ; yltuntloiiH or l > . < .itli iK KViar.in teed ; rniiiplPtv outllt of tiiolfl Klvcn each flu ilinl , i\nie Sulunlajfi wnlle U'MinliiK ; citta locupii inallnl free. Mold' * limber Cnllte ; , M' N. Hlli Miect. St. 1-otlls. 11 MM ! T MIN WHO WM.I , woniv ti A DAY ; HAI , my or ( ' ( .iMiiltfloii pnlil. Clifton Soup > % Mfe di. , Cllirlmmtl. . Olito. II- MKN AND \VOMIN : UOIIK KoTi r.sT\v 01 rvrnliiK nt th * Ir linim1 * ; nlcu plcutnnl wnik ; tu rnnvuHflni ; ; i'Xp rk-ncp n t llwOMiryvo ; p.i ] rnlnryi onrlnsc Mntnp for p.Mtlciilnrn. Htnmlnri Mfir. Co. , 14V , ! J,1 si. , New Yolk. II II0 IMU ! JIV ( C-Afll roll msTIUHt'TINI cliriilnrs ; cnrlofc Cc , U. S. DIMiltnilIni lliiienn , I'lilniK' ) . II \\-ANTir > . HAI.IHMICN TO HIM. CKSAUH ; ji'i Miniitlily nml cxiiein-os ; pxpprlrnca mineri-sniry. ( Mlntiiti Cluiir fu. . Clilraeo. II : < : i ! ; % VANTiu-iiiiiriiir : YOI-NC. "M"KN TO"iui : pure for cxiiinliniUnn mon to bo licM lit Oiniih | Mistnlllci > lor rleikt nml ciiirli'rp ; llmrouci rnurfi ? of Inmnii-tlon by mnll.Vc llKlit til way fnr linllaturH In follow. " rartlcular frrt * of Nntlonal i-oriPfpouilcncr Inittltiitt1. Dt pailiiHMit i : , WanlilnKlon. I ) . C. II 5CS 57' A HNAI'-I.ADIIM AND OlSNTl.KMKN MAKI J'r.i.o In JIO.iO | Kr iiy ) woilUiik' fnr u * ( UMrlhnt Inc clrcnliiiK ami collrrtlnK. 1'nitlculars fo otaiiip. Hutn > lilnc Co. , Des .Molne , la. IJ-M5T3 ! ! > _ \VANTii-T\VO : rjoni ) PANVAHSKItS , MAfTl nr ( enialc , to luKe onlcis f r thu letall KHH-ITM Maces , JI.OO per ilny. AnJlcfs a rl , rale o HPO. ll-r,7'.i ! 7 TIIAftl.INC ! S.M.MHMKN. TO SKI , ! . TO DUAL i'rs ' ; J1W ) inunlhly ami cxpvnnv ; experience mi. iiprffMiry ; uilio for partlculam. AIIIUt'lsni I'o . I'lilonKO. II sci- ! ! ; * wANTII > . j : i'nu Too"I-AiI > "Virm voiri ; iii'lKlibnrK' nil.lri' os ; Fcnil 10 O.'MIH for lil.int bor.k ami InKtriirtlniiH nn < l K to work at om-e J. II. llowell , Ilex S23 , Stntlon i : , ClileflK" . " HI ! YOl'll OWN IlOSfl ; DO .MAIL OltDKI bui < | r.esR nt borne ; make nioney e\py | tiny , lull or > . .ilnv ; vary ami nuie ; full parllciilarii : rent * . llo.C. . I'lalnvllle , O. II MM : * WANTKI ) . TO CONTHAf'T WITH THUKI : llml elni-s Hnlpunipn fnr UD7 ; | IRI | | rommli < < lei or ralary nml commli < Kloi > ; ttnplc line ; nUi referenees. International MaiiufaelnrliiR Co. , Iowa nty , In. It 5CO-57 * iNi-uniTii' FALKSMRN TO SIW."TIU : : llnepl line of oils , Kret.i'cs nml boiler eom pouniln In the market ; references renulreil Fiimplei" , etc. . ftp * . AcMrefs Sullivan Oil Co. 31 Maiket Rt. , ChtcaRO. II DW-27 * WANTKD. i\-piuuNrii ) SI-IV"IAIT\ hnlemnen to pell our new fpeclnlly ; only mei of iiniiie llomiblc ncorcl will bo roneblereil ; IK Klilo line neckers or boy neej npply. Ilex Ml ChlciiKQ. H-M4-27 * _ DON'T in : I'oou. i wouiv rou j. cinAY & Co. . ColumliiiH , Ohio , FPIIR | | | Ilojal IMaters , plntliiK l.nlves , forks , fpoons. ete. . iinlckl ) plateil by illpplni ; In melteil metnl ; line llnlfb plate Kiiaraiilceil r > to lu years ; maile $12 Hsi week thlH week } 5I ; i-nry Job ; i-oo < l pay ; wrlti for u place ; ever ) body ban i'ouilti to plate. l-'Oll A KK\V DOI.UAUS YOU I'AN STAHT A paying mall order hulilnexs. ln ! > < lnei < ii ( InliK Co. , Cincinnati , O. U27 [ ! IM A WKKK RAI.AUY AND KXPKNSIW 1'Alt : Halepinen ; experience not neeepi-ary ; permnncnl pofltlon. The W. l Kline Co. . St. l-onla. Mo. 11-MI1 27- . _ _ _ VVANTKI ) . A ItnUAIII.K T'lfllPON TO HIII' . recent our company In celllnc mlnliiK sterkx ; to handle only reliable nml dividend paying Mocks : iM'Bt of references miidt | M > furnlKheil. Address CuM Mines Developing Compnny. 717 I'lrst Ave. , Spokane , Wash. Il--iM7 WANTI-ID. MAN'AUKII KOH TmANfll" lire III Omnha. salary. } 7.i.0'i ' per month : refer enci'H and > 3'.o CO cash capital requited. Ad dress t : J. > , llee. H-MllS k * WANTKD. IIUIC.MT HOY KOH OKKICK ; SALary - ary , ( I2.CK ) monthly ; also stcnuKraplicr nol fully employed. Apply 2 p. in. . Monday. S. J , ( lordim , 522 SoUli IClh ft. H-6ia 27 . i\nimNcuD : : : SICOND ruteiviifte. 224 North ISIIi Bt. C MM9 . Clltllj l'-OIl OKNKHAI. HOt'sl work ; ( lerman pitferrcd. Mrs. Kendls , 1IJ4 So. _ 13lli H. _ C MS 2s I ADIKS-TO THY MY HK.MKDY pou SPI'KH- IhioiiH hair ; Mile , quick. permaiiPnt. hannlets ; many testimonials ; sample M'lU , seated , free. Hulli I * . DcVcre , box 491 , Philadelphia , I'a. _ _ _ _ C yorxa MAHHIKD I.ADIKS PAID CASH TO dlklrlbtile clreiihim or furnish desirable nnines. Artlele unlxersally wanted by married Imlli'i. Inclot-e stamp. M. Dubln Co. , Jackson. Mich. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jtl5LI ! _ \VANTii-AN KXIMCIHKNCKD SKCOND Olltf , best city rcfuencea leiiulred. Apply at 413 N. 2Mb St. . between 12 and 1 p. in. _ _ _ _ JL'-574 27 WANTKD. SMAUT YOI'NO I.ADY on OKN- llrmiiii with imo.OO to take an Interest In new business ; all olllce work ; salary , < GOO.OO a year or half share ; a rare chance ; invest iRiite ; no trlllers need apply ; position open for a week. Address C Ml. llec. C MC17 its' FOIl Uli.Vr HOUSKH. IIOI'SKS ' IN AI.M'AHTSOl.'TIli : CITY. TIIK O. V. Davis Company. IMS Karnam. D SIS 11OU.SCS , 1IUNI3WA & CO. , 108 N. l&TH bT. 110DKHN HOUSIiS O A. STAHH 92i N. Y. LIKK CIIOICK HOUBCS AND COTTAQKS AM , OVISH th city , IS to ISO. nUellty , 1702 Karnam. iini' 8K5wAM ACBlinOWN HLOCIC. 16TH nml Doiigla * . _ D 849 lToi'HE5i rHOM JS Wi IiAIlOB LIST. Mc- Cuiiuu Investment Co. , IMX ! Doduo Uruet. A IIKAL'TIPUL 110MK IN I\KAYKTTIJ 1'i.ACK : ( looms nil modern ; splu-idld condition ; ncter been rrnted before ; now offered at a low rental to Ural-claim tenant. FIJeMty Tru t Comiiuny , 170J Karnutn Ht , D SO ! " " , 1013 KAHNAM KOH HUNT. 12 N. MTH ST. . 7-HOOM MODI.'HN cm IIOUDV , KO per inc. Inquire on preinUei. U-MK3 _ A NfMllKH CKNTHAl.I.Y IXJCATKD 5- room cotliiKev ; city water In house ; SS.UO and 110.00. J. 11. Kflkenney , Kartncb Hlk. _ _ _ D-MZ2I J10 _ roii HUNT IIY w. n. MIIUI.I : ; , IST NATL Hank hid. 2533 Dnvtnport. 7 rooms inodcni , US. SilC N. lillli , 7 looms , modern , K'O. 3IC Hiii'iu-cr , 7 ruoms , modern , IIS. D-Sil _ " nousia : KOH HUNT. IIUMIS. i-A.vroN "III.K" D-M3C4 roil HUNT. KKHIT-HOOM MODKHN with barn , 2i'dl Pierce. St. , deslrnblu for South Omaha pal Urn ; Imiiilrv next iloor east. _ 1 > K3J1 r _ _ MODKIIN 0-Hob.M IIOITHK ; KINi : CKNTHAL l ( < callun. til So. : int street. D-UC KOIl HUNT. MODHIIN UOltHK ; VKHV DK- tlruhly locatfil ; near llnnfconi parli. Hick * . Kem. SOS N. V. Ufo lildB. - ! T l-'OI'll-UOOM COTTACli : ; CKU.AH. CIHTKHN. city water ; corner 30th and Sithlor ! > . ; only ( U.60 per iiionlli , Knuulrv 1318 Karnuin. u-eio : ; i on itr.vr it UM.SIII.D IIOOMH. I I ' I Mi 111 I' llOnM lUHoUlvl.l 1 IMI ' . . j . ' M ty it. K M _ „ . l.-t > ll IlI.NI' T\\ < I.U ll r.MUlVNT 1-U"N 1 r . .tnviih nil . nuniin . At Ihn Illll'lli isth mui li'i.igc. i ; . ; : . : ; AND rNl'l.'HNlHHKD IIOOMS m.Mrrn Rl'i * . lOlh. i-(7 t ; * foOMR. 8TISAM II MAT. THI.H | ihone. JIS Xoutli ifth. KA T PHONT ItOdMS ; fNK WITH AI.COVK HiiKtp or mute ; no other rooiners ; roferrnw C f,7. llee. K-60 < l ! 7 IIANIiSU.MKiY KrilNlSIII-D : KHONT 1lOf > J Hli.l nlro\e ; 1707 1'cnlKe ; i.rHate . fnmlly. K-6IS r ' IKIO.MSM ) IIDAHI ) . , MOD ern. from JI.W up ; Kcntlomcn piTterred. ISI ChlcnKO St. K-MISO JJ roii HINT : , A DKSIHAIIU : KHONT HOOM furnlsiinl , with alcove ; board. 3W H. 2CII street. K-.M5M J7 I OH HKNT HOOMS WITH HOAHlM HT BA bent ; Utopia , 1721 Davenport st. K-IM Jl nlslieil loom , with nlco\c ; reasonable rales with or without bonr.l. 114 S. IStli Ktreet. KHONI rooms ; bented ; board If desired. 409-111 Nortl ISIll street. K-COfi 57" I.AHOK , PI.HASANT HOOM AND 1IOAHD KOI to ; prlvntu bntli ; Kan nnU steam heat. ISI ( Jlilcniiu tit. K-577 27 240' , I'AI'ITOIj AVK.TA NICKI.Y KI'HNI IKI ! front room , with board , furnace , KIIS , bath small private family ; suitable for one or two KJU9-27 * _ _ riiKTTY SI.NIII.ISOUTH : PHONT HOOM with Fleam , telephone and llrst-clasn board central locatl'in ; references. i'U2 N. 18th St. K-CIS 27' Till : MKHHIAM. I-ITII AND I.ODrii : . K-MOU KOH Hi\T.iM'THMSIIii : : > IIOO.MS TllllKi : UNKb'HNISIIKD 1IOO.MS. 19H DOffl las. IJ-GO'J27 FUU ItK.NT STOUTS AM ) OFI.'ICKS. KOIl HKNT. Till : l-STiiliV HIIICK Ill'IMHNC ' at tl Kartmin SI Vhls ljIOln | has a llrepruo ci'inent basement , complete ( .team hentlnii lix turts ; wattr on nil lloors , cas. etc. Apply a the olliee of The lioe 1 910 rOHNBH STOIli : OK locution In city for drup store. 1 035 Jl | ACK.VTS WAXTKl ) . AOKXTM MAKI : $ n TO is "iTTxCY INT no durlnc the "fomct , " tr.e only } 1 snap sbo' ' camera mnde The RrenteH teller of the cen tury ; Rcneral and local m-i-iitr. wanted al over the worlil. Kxcluttse tertllory. Write to. day for teims nml samples. Alken-tllciiFor l.-o. . X ! S. Iji Croppe , WIs. .1 M,47 2 ! > WANTKD , 1'AI'AHI.i : AND srt'CESSKI'I. DIS trlet , special nml local HRents to reprsent the Manhaltnn Life Insurance Company of New York In Nclirnrkp. lown nml South Dakota special tcnltory will be islvcn to each iisent , with Hie most liberal brolieraHe. or n Innif ami valuable lenewal contraet. nnd with uuch rpe < clnl | IPI | In the Held ns will Insure the laruesl measure of success. Kor further Information , please iiddrtps .1. W. Dean ,1 Sun * . Oencral AKents , llee IlldB. , Omaha , Neb. J M2i J12 Aor.NTs MAKI : : : i > in lirNDHKD "coT. bctlnir imini'H nnd delivering eostly rouvenlr * nli-o live bran new novelties ; tells on slcht bin profits ; answer quick. Spencer Mfir. Co. Chic.'iKO. .1 r.TJ 27" WANTBU-ACIKNTS I-Oi Il ritory to takp nnlort , for lallorlmr. bv Chleaso'i larcest tailoring bouse. Mossier Uriia. , 3.-3. , ! Slate. Clilcntto. J 371 27 OAS I.IOI1T IN KVKHY HOL7Si : . NlTwi-SI thlnic out. Attaches to ordinary lamps ; n < chimneys ; safe , economical ; outllt fipe to nctlvi workeis. either sex. Standard DnisHCo. , M'frs ( \ivlnKlon. Ky. J S78 ! 7 HOYS AND dmi.s MAKE "MONEY IMNDINO innua/lnes and papers for tiieir frlem'ii wtlh Klip Hinder ; permanent business call be rslali- lli-he.l . ; blmlersery nlinplp ; easily adjusteil ; send twelve 2-cent stampx for samples and Instnirlloift ; acents wanted everywhere. New. Ion llros. , 720 Commercial bldR. , St. Louis , Mo J-D97 27 * _ " " ANTKD. AOKNTS To"snu. TIIR INDKLI- ble check perforator ; retails | 5 l ; law com- mlsrlon. Wesley Mfc. Co.Ji park How. N. Y AOKNTR AND for Hon. W. J. Hryan's book. "The First Hat. lie ; exclusive territory. Address the publish. ers , W. II. Conkey Co. , ClilmKO , III. . * _ J-COO-27 WAXTI.II.'OH ; SKPAHATK IIOOMS AND OOOD HOMn board wanted by two to nix ladles nnd Ken- tleincn. Heferences required. Addiess C 47. "eo. K-M.-.I3 87 _ _ WANTKD KI'HNIKIIKD COTTAQi : OK ( looms or that number of lurnlshed rooms In n dcslmblp Hat. suitable for light housekeeiilnB. Address C So , cale of Itee. K SiO 27 WANTHD. HOOM ANn"no7vilDTN rtTniCTIJY private family by tniini ; man nnd wife ; state terms. Aildies.s C tg. lice. _ K-C07 27' ST011ARK. OM. VAN & STORAGE. 1115 KAIIN'M. TKU 1559 ' M-839 _ m0 STOnAon , AND WAnuiiousiTcal Jones. Ccncinl etoraRe and forwardlnt M-SCI SIIOHTIIAMI AMI TVl'KWHITINfJ. A. C. VAN SANT-3 SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. _ ; _ _ ES3 AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEOE. 1CTH & UOUQI iA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .ES3 I-HTVATR LESSONS IN SHORTHAND. 2J Dcuglas. M C99-DJI * WANTUI1TO LIST CITY AND KAHM REAL ESTATE Oarvln Hros. . 1C13 Karnam street. N 6jl WANTKD. TEAM. WAGON AND HEAVY double harness ; niUit be cheap. Colonade hotel , N M2 27 KOH SALU SlISCHLLAXKOUS. CHKAPKST HARDWOOD WOVEN CORN CRII1. blng maJe. C. It. Lee , 001 Douulas , Q-4C2 KIRK & llt'ltnl.AH SAKES ; NEW & 2ND hand ; safe and lock repairing ; combinations changed. J. J. Dorlflit & Co. , 111C Karnam. Q-MSOO 31 : ilRIST.MAS PRESENTS. NEAT AND USEFUL ; drawhiB Instruments nnd materials. Alvn J. nrovcrg. 31S South 15th Hlreet. Q-MH8 31 ; 100-2ND HAND "jO KOWLr.R. JM ; OTHER wheels , J5 to | M > . Omaha Dleyclc Co. , 323 N. 1C. U-IH TWO OOOD 2ND HAND SAKKS. VERY CIIKAP. Inquire MrVonl Hraily C'o. y 187 J2 .MISOILL.\MOUH. .Al'NDIlY. OOOD WORK AND OOOD WAGES IB the motto of the City Steam Laundry. 211 So. lltn st. . Tel. 2.14. 11-119 J5 CLAIHVOYAXT.H. .IRS. . FRITZ. CLAIRVOYANT , 1M9 CALIFOR- nltt. S-2SI-J5' HA'I'IIH , IVI'C. MMIX SMITH. 1121 DOl'GLAS , ROOM B ; MAS- taK and eteiim bat.is. T MGCKJ J2 MISS AMES , VAI'OR HATIIS. MASSAOE , f,07 H. 13th St. . room 3. T-1CS J-C I'KHSOXAL. lUI'TURB CUREO ; NO 1'AIN ; NO DETEN- tlon fiom business ; ue refer to hundred ! of patient , cured. O. U. Miller Co. , 717 N. Y. l.lfu Lullillni.- , Omaha , Neb. U 8C4 IAT1IS MA8aAOB. MMli"I'QST. . 3I9V4 sT"j5TH. U-I > C5 'IAVI , HOME TREATMENT FOR UTERINE troubles ; physician In attendance ; connlutu. lion or health book free. 346-3 lite bulldlm ; . . U-SM E3. YOU CAN GET SHIRTS LAUNDERED for ( c. but If you want Rood work , have them done nt the city Steam Laundry 211 So. llth. Tel , m. U-.1S J5 CUT TIIIH OUT AND PRESENT rr TO IMIOC- tor , CIC H. Kill st. , with il.oo , and net 19 extra Mulshed cabinet photos and on extra carbon finished panel ; 30 days only. U M149 31 ll'PTURK l'K7lMANENTLY CUREI > : I'AY when cured ; no ruin and no detention from bunlne > . Kldellty Rupture Cure , 301 llee bulM. Inir. Omaha , U Mils NKORMATION WANTED-I WILL PAY A IIB. ward of JW.OO for Informallon of the present wherealioulii of Peter Melt-en , If llvlntt , or the proof of hl > drath. This Information must be iiii'l ' within six months from this dale. Meleen left Oinuha No\ember 19 , IkSI. Mrs. Alice Meli-fli , Ml IiarU meet , Omaha. , U-Wfr-Jl * I'I3HSOl , . if nt.t. i 1 > tie TO f ot.stNfl : HAKtmv von IIOMI : made Ir , , il pits nnd lakti. OOS N ri i Kill V Ms * ' . Jl PINT : LTOKVN ) < f M A N. J7."T N ' N H'K llf.SI tip * " , wlshtli mtrp'p < indpnre with stylish urn ri-nnH Indy of tnim * ; object matrtntony. Ail OrpM O 13. lln- . I'-MMt 27' iNf.AnnK""Y'orH ! III-STS 'LA"I"IUS. 4 TO V Ine im HI home , with Dr. Conwny'ii ( lust Tnb lobls , nt trllllnx cost ; It.fna for n cn > we can not. those de\elopr > d In purl 12 yrnm pro\p 'II permnnent. f en led fmti 4e. stamps , i-nnwn ) Hpeelllc fo. , ITJ Tiimonl H. , lloslnn , MRSS. f-4M 27 * sicxnv TO I.OAXIUAI. KSTATH. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y. L , quirk money at low rates for choice farm lonn in lov.-a. northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. W ? CT CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 9M N. Y. L1KI" W-SC9 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH. real estate. Uiennan , Ix > vc Co. , I'axton blocl : W 370 LOANS ON IMPROVED * UNIMPROVED C1T\ property. W. Karnam Smith & Co. , 13M Parnnm w.sl . MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATiSsl Till O. K. Davis Cj. . 1IOJ Knrnam st. W S72 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY" ; : 1 lowest rates ; building loans wanted. Kldollt Tru t company. W S7I MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED O.MAIL property , Pucey & Thomas , 1st Nat Ilk Hide W-S7S I1CO , J300 , OR UCO. K7T > . WEAD , 16 St DOUGLAS W 182-31 C PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA pioperty. Neb. farms. W. II. Melklc , 1st Null. Ilk W S73 JfOO PRIVATE MONEY G YRS. W. I. SELHY 331 Chum. Com , bldg. W Si WANTED , AT ONCE. APPLICATIONS KOI loans on Onmhn property ; J..CO up : don't wnl until your old loan explrea ; apply now , Kl tidily Trust Co. W M373 31 MO\ir : TO MIAX CIIATTKI.S. MONEY TO LOAN ON KURN1TUHE. PIANOS horscf , wacons , etc. ; nt lowest r.Mes In city no removal of Roods , strictly confidential ; yoi con pny the lonn off at any time or In nny amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 So. Kill St. X-S7C MONEY TO LOAN , 30. CO , 90 DAYS ; KURNI lure , pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , U.irker till X-S77 HUSINHSS CIIA.XCUS. KOR SALE , A11OUT 2.000 LUS. MINION TYPE 700 Ibs. HK.-UC. ISO pair two-third cases , 4 double Iron stands for Iwo-thlid cases. Till material was used on The Omnhn llec nnd I In fairly Rood condition. Will be sold clit.ip In bulk or In quantities to suit purclias'r Apply In person or by mall to The Ileo Pi b lUblng Compnny. Omahn. Neb. Y 713 TO GET IN OR OUT OK 1IUSINESS GO TO J. J GlbsonDi 1st Nnt'l Ilk. Y-SGG _ KOR SALE , FIRST-CLASS HAKERY AND restaurant ; only business of kind In town of 1.MO Inhabitant ! ! ; satisfactory reasons Riven. Frank Oruber. St. Paul. Neb. Y MMO JS GET RICH QUICKLY : SENI1 KOR "SOO IN ventlons Wanted. " EdRar Tale & Co. . 245 H'dway. N. Y. Y MONEY. IF YOU WANT TO LEARN HOW you can make money In Wall street on } 20 and upwards , fend for my plan of speculation ( free. ' E. Mortimer Pine , Hanker nnd llroker. 41 llroadway , New York. Y OSS 27 * WANTED , A PARTY WHO CAN KfHNISH jroo.fn ) for thirty ilnyir nt 10 per cent Interest ; Rood security nnd open for InvestlRHtlon. Ad dress C 56 , lice olllce. Y C03 27 * SPBri'LATORS ATTBNTfoN ! TRADE IN commodities dealt In up m the Chicago Itoarc of Trade. Send your orders through responsl hie bouse. Our nlllce neaieht pits. Wheat provisions , etc. , now offer exceptional oppor tunities for blR prollts. We have made mone > In speculation for our customers. Send for broklet or marKln IradlnK nil I statistics. Al i Dally Maiket Letter. Holh free. Write 11. II Ilaumnn K Co. , Chlrnco Hoard of Trade , rhl cauo. Y SI572 29 * HEKTArilANT , HKST IXCATION IN CITY , iloliiR the business. J. J. ( llbson..r > ! 4 Klrsl Nntlonal bank. Y MWI 2.1 MEAT MARKET , J3"0 ; RlCoTliT'TS 125 PER day. J. J. Gibson , Gil First National bank. Y M593 J10 TOR HXCIIAXOK. MONEY LOANED ON HICYCLES WHEN people expect to make nn exchange In spring. Neb. Cycle Co. , 15th nnd Hartley. 55 213 J9 FARM NEAR SNO1IOMISH. WASHINGTON. for property further east. Sclhy , 160J Karnam. Z-391 KOR EXCHANGE , AN ELEGANT HOUSE nnd lot In Omaha for ChlcnKO property ; owner chniiKcd residence. C 02 , llee. X M41S 2S KINE TEN-ACRE FRUIT KAHM NEAR COUN ell muffs , for pleasant Oinahii home ; centrally located , llcmls , Paxton block. Si M511 VALl-ARLE IT. S. PATENT. LATELY GRANT , i-d , for nil the states ; will trade one-half or the whole of It , for n Rood home In Omaha or Dcmcr , or a Kood farm. Address. O. P. , Colonade Hotel , 15th & Jackson sis , . Omaha . /-Ml 27 * KOR EXCIIANOK-OILT-EDOE STOCKTlHt'OS paints , wall paper , larcc line staple Roods , Rood stock staple patents. Will invoice II , K to Jl.2.10. I can reduce to suit. Want clear Improved farm or rental property. Ijulck deal on cash basis. Addrcts W. O. Lenhart. Mis souri Volley , Iowa. 55 MCOl J2 I-'OIl SALH UKAL KSTATB. AI1STRACTS. THE 11YUON 11I2BD COMPANY. IIC-S7S HOUSliS. LOTS , KAIIMS. LANDS. LOAN'S Ueo. 1' . IJemla Itcal Ketute Co. , 1'axtun bllt. IIB-S73 W U HAVEIIAUGA1N8 IN HOMES ; ALSO ( arms , und want more ; list your property with us. Q. M. NattliiKer & Co. , liOl Karnam. HE-SSO ' OKT A NICK NKW' ' HOME CHEAP. 1 will Lulld u house to suit you ; mnall payment ilimn , balance monthly ; lot (0x140 ; Walnut A. M. Cowle 211 So. 18th utreet. ' N. II. Don't wall until prlnn ; carpenters will be busy then and fents hluh r. Hi : JSS 57 TUB O.N'I.V Ni\V COTTAGES TO Hi : HAD IN the city nro on Ho. SMh rt. . between Mason nr.il 1'uelllu streetB ; they ate not only new hut lire Ktrlctly modern In iliDlcn , nrraiiKemcnt and equipment. Incluilliif , * elrctila Hchts. open lilutnblmr. gas , Kratea. quarter mw < d oak llnlsh ; nelKhborhood unexeelleil and the liest of It ls they can be had nn cheap an the KOC- onilhand bargains that are belUB olTered ; pleafe call nt onee for further particulars. Kldellty Irubt Co. , S. B. Cor. llec Ilhli ? . , Krouml Iloor. HK-IW 27 GA11V1N IIIIOS. , lCI3 KAlT.\7A"M ST. SO nereH. IoiiihiH ; county. JI.OW ) . k3 aeri-H. Sarpy county. I3.0UU.M ) W ucies. Mills Co. , Iowa , J2.MW.OO. Improved fruit and Kraln farms for sale and excianKf. : Hi : SIMS 118 lir.n.oo LIJHS THAN IL\LK lTs"vALt' | . : : LOT in lOlh nnd Onter , with unnll house ; on Kraile ; Kood nelKhhnrhooU ; only ono milt , from ? , ' ,0."rL "V1.,85 ! ? " " > ' u'rllls"yron " H'isllnKb , 213 K lllh tt. 1UC CIS 27 .MUSIC , ART AND LAXOU\CJI3. , C5EORGEK. GELLENIIECK. HANJO , MANDO- lln nnd guitar teacher. Room 412 lleo Hide. Tel. 23 * ing JECI1TOLD , PRINTER , DROWN I3LK. TEL1015 _ M237 JH ' i'Ol'R PIANO TUNED. ACTION RKGu'LATED. case polished , estimates Riven for repairs ; sat ! Isfnctlon Biiaranteed ; orders left with J S Cameron promptly attended to. 305 So. 17th. -M3S3 31 KIXAXCIAL. L.IKI : INS. POLICIES UOUGHT. w. K. HOLDEN JIAOIII.MS S'i\V HOME , IIOUriiTlOLD AND WHITE wlnr machine olllce. 1114 Cup. nve , Tel 1674 A.M ) LOAASSOCIATIOXS. . JIIARES IN MUTUAL I * & II. A8S'N FA Ys"6. 7. 8 per cent wnrn J. 2 , 3 years eld ; always re- ( Rentable. 1701 Karnam SI. , Nutllnger , Sec 8S7 _ 1OW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L , U. Ass'n , KOI Knrnum. U. M. Nattlnger , Bee. FARM FOll Hi.VT. 300D M-ACIIE FARM KOR RENT. 314 MILKS west of city limits ; lessee can buy the build- Ines and complete farmliiR outllt for ICOO from present tenant. Heroin , Puxton block. M Sit TVI'ICNVIUTKIM. n-rr TUB HEST TYPEWRITERS ; BUPPLIES ; repalrt , United Typewriter & Supplies Co. , ICi : Karnam street. iS3-jun U HASUMi SLIIIIOL. MR AND Mils' Mitl\NI ) MAKH A J PI in'ty by Ihcir > w mclni.d of tfaihlng yu n nnd I'M t'i ' 1'i'vinr crni'eful dnncrrs In n fe rrl\nte or i\nn 1 - miif. New classes no formlnc. l.M Untney. > 34 J-l PACICKII. GET M. S. WALKI.IN'8 PRICES ON PURNI ture packing , rrpulrftiB , upholsterlnB ! mai treues made anil r nuvatcO ; 2111 Cumlng. Te 1101. Ml II ATI ! ROOMS. RUSSIAN. TURKISH. AND MKD1CATK1 baths , (0 cents , Also exclusive department fc ladles ; cxcrythlnK new ; ladles' hnlr dtestln anil barber shop In connection. 107 S , lllh.SS9 SS9 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. MIS Sturdy , 4504 Hurdctlc. M 433 J19 1'A\VXHOHICKIIS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N. 1C 81 833 LOST. LOST-A HLACK COCKRKL SPANIEL DOC Return to 36JO Karnam street for reward. I.ost M7 2 LOST. A CHECK KOR $10.70 IN FAVOR O Nels Johnson ; return to First Nat. bank fo icwnrd. I est 5.5 1C * LOST. SILVER WATCH ; RETURN TO ENO ler , Adnm & Kelley , IClh nnd Charles streeti Lost 181 27 * for tcwnrd. > LOST , ON DECEMIIKR C , ST. I1ERNARD PIT S month * old. ( . " . ( it reward for his return t E. U Robertson , 2Sth nn 1 Leavenworth. Losl-MOIl .LOST. POCKETIIOOK HETWEEN AMERICA ; Kxpress olllce nnd Williams & Smith's store cenlalned. check , money , etc. Rewnrd for it turn to lice Olllce. Lost-C19 20 * MIMMCAL. LADIES ! CHICIIEKTER-H ENGLISH PENNY rosal Pills ( Diamond brand ) lire the best. Snfi reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps fn paiticulnis. "Relief for ladles , " In letter b return mall. At drupRlsts. Chlchesler Chcni Icnl Co. . Phllnilelpliln. I'a. Mention Hoc. met ciiKS. IIICYPLES ; CW KINE SECONDHAND WIIKEL ! nil makes , imtu be closed out. J.'i to $ | j , writ for descriptive 1UI * . F. T. Mead Cycle Co. ChlcnKo. SUES & CO. , t PATI'XT SOLICITOUS Oinnlia , Nub Ailvlco nml Paiont lion , KltKE. Ofllcc of Loc.Clnrkc-Atulrccscn Ilnnlwnr Company , Omaha , Neb. , Deo. 12 , 1MM : Notice Is hereby Klvi'li to the .stockholder of the Li'u-ClarUe-Aiiilrecscn llnrthvar company that the annual Hireling of th Htoekholdors of the company will bu hcli nt the olllcea of the said company , No * 1219 , 1221 and 1223 Itarney srrect. In the elf of Omaha , In the Htate of Nebraska , 01 Tuesday. January 12 , A. IX H97 , nt 3 o'cloc ! p. in. , for the purpose of eleetlni ; a boar < of directors for the cuinpany , to serve rtur Int ; the ensHhiK'year , nnd to transact slid other business as , may be iircsented at suel meeting. ' ( Seal. ) 11. J. IKB , Attest ; 1'reslilent. W. M. GLASS , Socretary. Ucc12d22t Union ICIe valor C < iiuiiiiiy | nf Oinnlia. Notice Is hereby ulveii that the nnniia MieellnK of the stockholders of the Unloi Kc'vnior ! roinpa'ny of Omaha , for the pur po e of electliiR seven dlfectorp and snel other business art may properly come liefon the meetlns. will liheld at the olllce of tin Omeral Solicitor. Union Pacific building Omahn , Ni-b. . Upon .Monday , Kie Jtli da' of January. 1 97 , beUveen the houra of 1 o'clock a. m. , and fi o'clock p. m. The stock transfer books will be closoi ten (10) days before the date of the meet Inf. AL10XANDKH SIIMn. . ' Secretary. Boston , Mass. , December 7 , 1S3G.DHJ22t DHJ22t Moc-UIi old ! ; ! Meet I UK. OMAHA & KUCIIOIIN VALLKY HAIL WAY CO-Ml'ANY. Notice Is hereby nlven that the nnniia meeting of the Htockholders of the Omali : & Klkhorn Valley Hallway Company foi the election of seven directors and tin transaction of such other business as ma ; lawfully come before the mcetliiR , will bi held In the ofllce of the general' solicitor Union Pacific building , Omaha , Nebraska upon Wednesday , the Cth day of January IM17 , at 10 o'clock a. in. The stock transfer books will be closei ten days before the date of the meeting. Al-KXANDKH MILLAR. Secretary. LiOSTON , Mass. , December 7. ISt'S. DIG d22t .STOCKIIOLDKHS * MKKTIXO. UNION LAND COMPANY. Notice Is hereby given Hint the annual mcvtltig of the stockholders of the Union Land company for the election of five di rectors nnd the transaction of such other Lmslness as may lawfully come before the meeting will lie held at the olllce of tliu general solicitor. Union 1'acllle building , Jmaha. Nebraska , upon Monday the llth lay of January. 1 > 97. at in o'clock a. in. ALICXANDKU MILLAH. Secretary. Hostoti , Mass. , December 7. IS'Jii. D22 d22t Notlre of Irrigation llnnil Sale. The directors of the Middle Lotip Val- ey Irrigation district Invite sealed pro- losals for $1WUOO ( In part or whole ) ol jondti of said district up to 2 p. In. of Jan- inry 19. 1S ! > 7. Add less , CIIAULKS NICOLAI. Secretary , Saraent , > feb. RAILWAY TIME CARD x.-avi-8 Ill'HLINGTO.V & MO. IllVKIMArrlvra Omaha .IJiiloiiJH'iiot . , loth ti MIIMIII J3lB.Oinalw | SE."am . Iit'iniT Kxprt'sn . 9:2Juni : 4Uiiu.llk : | | Hills. Munt S1'iirfot Sn.I 13.x. 4:0iuii : 4 :3.riiin . tJenvrr Kxpi nn . I : u.iiu 7u. : , | > m. . . . Lincoln I ieal ( ex Sunday ) . . . . 7l."iiin : ! iui > ni..l | iiculii l < ucal ( t > v. Sunday ) . . . .l . lirill.INOTON & Q. I AT rives" OmnlKijt'nlun Di'pul. H'lh ' < V Mu < n Sis. , Onuha 5:00iin : | . Chicago Vestlli | K > . . . . SU'inm BHSnm . ChlcaKU EXIUPHH . < : l.r.pm 7OOiini..Chk- : & HI Umila Kxprt'fcs. . SUU.nn : IMUani . 1'aclllu Junction l.ix-al . CIUiiu | . I.'IIM Mail . xnvei"irilK'AOO. . MIU & ST. PAUUAnlves. | Lniiihal'nton ) | lK | it , leth , v M.iioin riu j OuiiiMn G:3Uim : | . . ChlcaKo l.lmlti'd . 8:0.am : liWam. . . Chicago Kxpreeu ( i-x. tiumlay ) . . . 3:2uim : ] eave | iil'it'AUO : & NOIlTH\VK8T'N.Arrlves | OiiialKiiflilon Depot. 10th it M.I UI : , ! jlu. | Oiii.ihu D4. > uiu . KiiFtrrn i\i : > ris . 3 : IOpin IM.'jp.tn . VvstlUuli'il Limited . 5 MI pin : . " | . St. I'aul ixirc- : . . 9:30un : rIUani : . Kt. I'aul Limited . Uujpin : i:3uam..Oiiroll : Aj.8lmi.K City Local. . . .ll:10 : | > m GW : : | > m . Omaha i.'hli-aKO Spi-clal . S.OUani _ . MUhourl yollcy Ixjcal . aSOain . .caves"ClIIt'AaoI | U ir& I'AClKKv Arrives JiiialmL'nluii | DfiMil. I6th A : .M.mon Hln. | unuii'l ' _ _ 1JAKT. _ _ 0lOam. : . Atlantic Kxi > lis < t-x. Sunday ) . . 5rjnn : , S:15am : 40im..Chlcnm : | > Yri-tlhulfil Llinlti- l. . UUpm l&Ol > in..Kt.I'au _ ! Tcvtlhuleil Limited. ' . . . lSipin _ IMt'pin ' . . . . .Cnjorntlu Limited . . . . . . 4OUpm .cave * | C.T KT. " I'.T"M. . & " CX [ Arrived JnKilial'nloii | Dtinit ; 10th , V Maven Stt. | Oinahii ; :3 : iim..Kloux City Kxjm-x.s ( ex. Sun..ll ) ; am " il : ! > aiit..Hluux yily Accommodation. . K:00pin : 3l5jini : . St.riyjl Limited . :10am : < enven | ! ' . , U. & Mo. VALLiY. : { Arrive Jmuiiu ] Depot , liti ) , ; ul Welielur Ktn. | Omaha I:00ini : | . I'anf.Mall anil KMirers. . . CiOOpiii l00im..lrx. ! | Hatif\Vyo. ) I'.x. ( ex. Mun. ) . . 5:00i : > m 7iUam..rrenioiit : J.M'-il ( .Sundays only ) . . ' :5Cam. : . .Norfolk , lixinei-s ( ex. Kun.10:2.'ain : El'piu . Kl. ' I'aul Kxprcsn . 9:10jm : K7"t'.7"sf. . J 7ft "C. 1 1. | , \ \evri \ iilon Ut'iiot , 10th & .MaRonSti. _ | Or.-.i.a ! iQ.ain. . .KaiKaH CIIy Ha ixirosiiT.7rc:10im ) : Wpin.K. C. Nlnht Kx. via U. 1' . Trans. 6:30.im : 'nvi' H MnTsoT'lTl I'ACirie7 , .huaiini Deput , 15th nmlVilmlir fits. | _ Oinnlm " " lWim."Nclirnka : | A : "knnFiiiT LlmlUMl 12S.'pm ) : HOpm . Kiinras city IIxprcfH . G:00.un : : : ipin.NilnaBkii _ I.ucal ( ex. .Sun. ) . . . . 9:0)am : IVCB" | H'lOl'X CITY & I'ACIKIC. | Arrives ) nia.ia | Depot. l.Mh nnd Welmter Htx. I Uniiilia iIOim | . HI. i'uul Llmlled . tIOani ) : " " " " " , ive T | HIOl'X CITY "ft I'ACIKIC. ( Arrives" ) inalinllnlon | Depnl ioth & Mnmn HIB. | Oiu.ilm > : < 0ain . 81. I'aul I'ameiiKer . ItllOpiii :30am : . Hlout city I'axrFnKi-r . D : ( pm iiMpiii . fit. I'aul Limited . t0.im ) ; ruv * I t'.S'ION'l'ACIl'IC. JArrUViT 3maliarnlon | Dcpoi. 10th & .MMHOII Hl . | Omaha ! 0iiiu . OvfrUiTd"Llml.oil . T"4l5pTn : > :32pm.llitl'ru : & Klrunudi'i ; ix. ( ex Hun ) . 3:0pm > : Upni. ( Irand Iilaiid l-xpremi : ( ex. Hun ) . ; : M'in | ' 1 :50pni. : . rnsi Mull . lu-.d.im < - aBn WX7TA S 1 1 1 1 A lT\\-.VY ; | A.-rUm ) iiinhallnlon | Depot , lOlh & Manun Ht . | Omaha WINNIPS ? HowAtlnmrorcpniiflli's I . . . TT HI | H M m vJr - .i > tircus llorso Was . , . . i -r. * nv i. w. VACATION MOO. . . . . . ami . . . . i. There \v s trouble In the blp tent nt bil lowing while canvas Hint contained the elr- cim. Winnie , the prettiest ntul most graced ) ) of trick hoi-pcs , liiul been hurt. In getting oft n car which had brought them tu tb'.s Indiana town wlic hnl ullppeit and fallen ; now nil ? lay on her side behind the circus stable panting for breath and looking up with mute appeal Into the/ facet ) of those about her. Presently the surgeon came , nnd after lookIng - Ing Winnie over , shook his head. "I'm afraid It's no nee , " he said , "her bark Is strained , If not broken , and It Is doubtful If ehe will ever be able to Bland again. " As he finished upeaklng , a gray-haired man standing In the little group turned away and hastily brushed his hand across his cyrs. It was Adam Forepatigh , the owner of the cir cus , and of Winnie , who had uften watched her with keen pleasure ns she marched proudly behind the big band wagon or , went thratmh her clever exhibition In the ring. It was like losing a child to see her die. In a moment the grey-haired man turned about. "Adams , " he said , "get your pUnol and put the poor thing out of her misery , anyway. " Then Tom Wllsor clutched the big man's coat and quavered : "Please air. let mo have Hie horse. I'll try to make lioi1 well. " Tom was always the most excited boy In ilJaldwInsvillu when the circus paid Us yearly visit to the town. Ills mother's brown house stood close to the place where the swept Into her old place directly behind It , at the head of tha long line of animals nnd performers. In vnln did Tom pull on the bridle reins nnd urge the horse to onu stdo or the other. Winnie had xone back to thu old days and the old ways and pnld not the slightest attention to Tom's protests. III. Adam I'MrepaiiRh cnt In n holel window looking down nt the parade when suddenly he started up with n exclamation of sur prise at the sight of a sleek while horse with a barefooted boy on her back. The boy's stilt hnlr was sticking through holes In his straw lint and he lucked strangely out of place nmong the painted and gayly dressed riders , but Adam Forcpaiigh know that he could not be mistaken a lieu' the horse. It was his own prized Winnie , ami he hurried down to nml thi hnrefooted boy. without uniting for the r st of the pro cession to pass. Tom blushed with pleasure when he heard the great showman's warm prnlses for what he had done , but he cried outright and was not ashamed of It. when he came to part with Winnie. Winnie herself put her nose against Tom's cheek nnd paid good-by as lovingly as n horse can. That night nfler the big tent had been taken down nnd all the cages had rattled away oix their way to the next town Tom lay under the old apple tree and shook with ooKi as he thnught of his leal friend , nnd was not comforted even by the knowledge that $1,000 had that day been deposited III thu ll.tldwlnsvlllc National bank to the credit of Thomas Wilson as .a SHK SWEPT INTO HEU OLD PLACE. tent was always put up nnd Tom had plentj of opportunity to watch the men at theli work. Today he had been hovering nboul the beautiful white horse that lay In helpless pain In the shade of lil.-i own favorite apple tree. He had been almost ready to cry m ho watched her suffering , but not until lit learned that she was to be shot did he plucl < up courage to speak out the wish that was In his mind. Adam Forepaugh looked down at the cagei face beside him. "So you want the horse ? ' ho said , not unkindly. "What could yon dc with bur ? " "Oh , I'd feed her and take care of her , anil glvo her medicine until she got well , " began Tom , his fear giving way before his anxiety to save the ho'se. The showman's eyes twlnkle.d. "I'm afralil you don's know much about horses , " he said. said."No , I don't , sir. " said Tom honestly , " 1ml I love them , and this Is the most beautiful ono I ever i-aw. " Adam Forcpaugh hesitated a moment , then ho turned back , spoke to the surgeon again nnd called Tom to his side. "There Is a bare chance that the horse may get well. " ho Said , "now , I'll tell yon \\hat you are to do. Keep the horse for two weeks. If she Is not better at the end of that time take this pistol and shuot her there. " drawing his forefinger down the horso's head , and then across Just above the eyes , nnd Indicating the point where tha two lines crossed. "You will need money to buy feed for her , here Is $50. If the hjrso ( lives bring her to me when we come back next year and I will pay you well for your trouble. " II. When two weeks had passed Winnie Ktlll lay under the apple tree. Many tlmea had Tom taken down the pistol and planned ex actly how ho would do the. shooting when It should be necessary , hut when he looked Into Winnie's pleading eyes he knew that he would never have the heart to do It. At a t , however , the horse did begin to Improve , and one morning when Tom went out of the house , ho found hw standing up. Tom was i happy boy that day , and from that time on in and the horse were Inseparable compan- ons. Wlnnlo was nlwaya ready to display WINN1II. her tricks for Tom'w benefit , and Tom wa proud of his pet , who was the envy of the whole town. 80 thu days A-nre away thmtlgh autumn and winter until summer had come again. Winnie was perfectly at home In that little titahle behind the brown cottage , and had apparently forgotten all about the great tent that had once been her home. Tom had taken good care of her. her coat WUK nlcek and olilny and her Injured back was entirely well. well.One day some men appeared In Ilaldwlns- vlllo and covered the walls and fences with pictured of elephants anil monkeya and of ine.n and wumen flying through thu air. The circus waa coming again. Tom did not know whether to bu glad or finrry. He was pleased to be able to nliow that ho had pulled the homo through her alcluiei& , but tlm Ihought that he might havu to'part with her made him feel Ilko riding her nwny whcru they could not be found. Finally , however. Tom decided that he und Wlnnlo would go to the circus together. When thu parade marched through the Main ftreet of the town , Winnie , with Tom on her back , was among the ulght-tccni. Thu braying of the IIOIYICH and thu occasional roar of the lions kceincd to ntlr almoBt for gotten memories In Winnie's mind. AH the precision approached she picked up her earn and moved about uneasily. Then as the big bandwagon came opposite them she ' testimonial from his friend , Adam Korc- paugh , the showman. THU Sr.MIUAM MISSION. .V Ilnppy SnuurcNlluii for Helpful flilhlrt'ii. Tim Sunbeam mission IH the suggestive name of a mission which Is at present cheer ing and brightening thousands of sad little lives. It Is especially , though not exclusively , .1 "children's mission to children , " and Its ob. Jcct Is to draw young people In the uppei and mtddlo classes , toward the very poor , suffering , paralyzed and crippled children , and bring them In touch with each other. Members of the Sunbeam mission pledge themselves to send by post a maga/.lno 01 paper , monthly , to one- poor chlid , whose name and address , with a card of member ship and rules Is sent to ( hem on applica tion to the secretary. It Is further sug gested that , with the consent of their parents , members occasionally write friendly letters and send toys , garments and flowers to the little beneficiaries of the mission. At the Christinas holUays and Easter such gifts are usually Bent with the monthly paper. The Sunbeam mission was started four years ago , by an KnglUh woman. Mrs. Unthecombc , nnd in an In credibly short time after the work had been begun there were members In every county in England , and now iherc are members In Scotland , Ireland. Wales , the Isles of Jersey and Uturnsey , Krimce , Switz erland. Belgium , Asia , Australia nnd New Zealand. T'lero ' Is said to ho a branch of the mis sion In America , but Ju.it where it Is locale. ! . I do not know. Would It not be a noble woik for some young readers of this story to start a Sunbeam mission at their home ? The opening of a local branch entails no expense whatever , as all paper , cards and materials necessary for working n branch are supplied frcu of charge and all expenses postage and stationery Incurred by the hon orable local secretary ( the ono who starts a branch of the mission ) are paid from the cen tral branch in England. The duties of the local secretaries are to clrcilato the letter. ? to children and by.this means to try to obtain the names nf chlldrun under 17 , nnd others over 17 ( who may be come associates ) , who are willing to Join thu Sunbeam mission. Members pay nn ad mission fee nf sixpence , or about 12 ccntu ; and associates , one shilling , or about 21 cents , The secretary n ! o sends the name und address of a poor or sick child to each member , who sends that child every month a paper or magazine. Any ono who thinks of starting a branch of thu Sunbeam mission should write to the founder ami honorable secretary , who will forward all necessary papers and affiliation forms for starting a branch. Her address. lit as follcns : MHS. HATIISCOMIIE , Eastwood , Weston-supor-Mare , England. She will be very pleased , I know , to ren der any assistance ) in starting local branches and will send all necessary papers free of charge and defray all expenses to postage and stationery Incidental to ci-.n-ylng on the work. Among the patronesses of the Sunbeam mission nro the countess of Meath , who founded the "Ministering Children , " of which perhaps yon havn rend ; the countcm of St. Ocrmnns ; the Dovvnger Lady Aberdare , Ludy Victoria Huxton and the Dowager Lady Ilnxton. The mission has chosen for Its motto : "Inasmuch as Yo Havu Done It Unto One of the Leant of These My Hretliren , Yo Have Done U Unto Mu. " U U scarcely possible , in a short story lIKe this , to convey any Idea of the good results of IlilH work. Thousands of IKW , suffering children have been overjoyed at the altogether novel and unexpected visit of the postman to their doors , bringing a paper or u magazine , or a letter , or a parcel , di rected In their own names. To many It has been the first Utter over received , and the Joy and eagerness with which they watch day after day for another postman's visit Is eiutttt touching. Writing a letter to "my lady" for In many cases the children eml acknowledg ments of the receipt of packages IB a feat performed under thu greatest dllllcnlllet ) . with the lieln of a borrowed pen and bor rowed Ink , and sometimes after a long search for a corner of a table or a broken seat of which to make use. With IntcnsH eagerness , "my lady's" itiiHwcr IK waited for , and when the maga- zlno IR for any reaHon delayed , and no pott- iiuin tonic * for a long time , It In not Infrc- iltii'iH to hear a low neb , anil to sto a little tearful facu peering up and down thu long , narrow courts , while a sad little volca iinKo : "Will my Sunbeam friend never tend any thing to mu again ? " the chccrlnu of lacl live * , tbu re- 1 to the ; tuiiuer * of the mission lmv In < n an awakening of much Intent energy. Yiuii.K hearts ho Si eit ii Hi-hut wllh Iho flrn of enthusiasm nnd the longing to tnko Ihrii- rail in H'c OhrlMllkr1 work of chcer- Itiij. fcn.iihinn anil hclplns the sad nnd tor * rowfnl. l.ovlng mile * hearts are alwnyn planning smut new scheme by wbleh a fresh joy may lip shed over the life of "my Hun- tiMiin chllil. " KI.KAXOU U5X1NC.1TON. A ( 'in MIX ifIIV. . Hum III London nml llMillrcil | In ( lie .NlltlVO l''llllllllll. TheCingalese baby , who wan bor" at the- India exhibition , was named In the prescnco of n largo number of spectators , relates Ilia London Standard , The ceremony , which took pl.ico In Iho Kmprrtw theater , was very pleturcMi'io , and was en fnr removed from the xolemnity that tmtmlly marks such occa sions that epeclatnrH did nut scruple to ap Pl.ii-il the performances of Iho "devil dancer. . " A richly dMpcil attar , adorned with the 11 mi re of lluddlu and with vaces contitlnlng iloweiv , mood In the center of the slaw. The cluntiR having clianted nn ode , n ItroccMlon entered At the bend of It weTo two Uiiildhlflt priests , llehlnd these mine a boy cairylng n gilt bo\\l of rite petals that kervrd for sprinkling. ticnenth n Hilver canopy walked the mother , clad in a rone-covered skirl , with n loose while robe over her shoulders , her olsicr-in-law , who carried Iho baby , all lu white nnd another Cingalese lacewoman. Devil dancers , etlck dancers and other per- formeiH bronqlit up the rear , rhantlng nnd whirling about In n manner fa milieuto nil who have visited Karl' * ; court. Thrsit squatted In two diverging linen near the altar , in frnnl of which iho mother took her neat upon a stool. The other two women sat upon cushions before the altar , while Iho prltsts mounted the btooid nnd recited nn oilo In Snnnkrlt. The head priest then moved to the front of the ultnr , nnd from the elevation of hl.i stool proceeded to M't'lnklc rose leaves upon the mother and child , reciting the whiletil Sanskrit. Then ratlin the Invocation , In Sanskrit : "Iluddha wishes the child health , wealth and prosperity , hoping she will have no enemies nnd plenty of good luck , nnd bo n comfort to her parents to a great age. Aa pure and n lovely as these flowers are may ulio be , and 1 , the headman of the > Cingalese here present , according to the custom of our country , name the- child , after the > town In which she was born. . London llaml. " Koso leaves were hprlnklcd over the child ; the mother , handing her baby to the' ulster-Ill- law. received from the priest a scroll. boweeV thrice , and then resuming her seat , witnessed the performance- HIP danecis. Carolina , llaml , the mother , is a C'lngalitie lacewoman , aged 25 , nnd her daughter. London Haml , l said to bo the first Cingalese baby born In , the metropolis. nxiiArsTiM : Youth's Companion. "I'll make a poem. " said Itosalle Hell ; "Me make one , too , " said sober-eyed Nell. So Hose brought paper , nnd pens , nnd Ink * And they sat them down to think , think. . think ; Hut they thought so long nnd they thought so deep , ' That Nurse Adele found them fast asleep. IMl.VTTI.i : Ol ' TTfu YOl'X ' ST.3U.S. Down on the- south side there Is a mother- who believes her live children nro as bright and pretty as any children that over ex isted , relntcs the Chicago Chronicle. This Is n species of pride peculiar to mothers the world over , and one that the fathers sham In an e-qual degiee , and If they are wlso In their generation , will sedulously en courage. In the case of this speclllc south fclilo mother , however , them la good ground for her fulth , and many are the bright ut terances of the young ones that she laugh ingly re-gales her friends with. Ono or two. are worlhy of publication. George , aged 7 , and .Mabel , aged 0. hail said their prayers the other night nnd been put In their respective beds. Indications of sleepiness were lacking , however , nnd their mother sat down In the darkened room to. sec them safely off In slumber land. Mabel finally broke the silence by asking : "Mamma , did you ever nee an angel ? " "No. Mnbel. What made you ask such a. question ? " "Well , our Sunday school lesson was about angels , and I wanted to know how they dressed ? " "Why , " responded the mother , 'I've Been , plenty of pictures of angels , nnd they alt wear white robes. " George hail been Intently listening to thla conversation , but had kept silent. In a mo ment or two Mabel resumed : " .Mamma , when Christ comes to earth again , how will ho be dressed ? " The mother paused but a second for n re ply , but Master ( Jcorgo saved her the trouble by exclaiming with a scornful Impatience- at the Ignorance of girls : "Why In bloomers , of course ! " "Oh ! you wicked tiling ! " was the shocked : reply of Mabel , while the mother went Into , another room to have an undetected laugh. "I understand you were punished In school today , Thomas , " said Mr. Ilacon to his 12- year-old boy. "Yes , sir , " promptly replied : the Juvenile. "Kor what ? " "Kor telling- the truth , sir. " "Your teacher said it waa for sonic reflection you made upon her age. " "That's the way ho took it , father. You see , she dre.v a picture of a basket of eggs k-i the blackboard , and while ho was out of the room I Just wrote under them. 'The. hen what made these eggs Isn't any chicken ! ' " I Sunday school teacher ( who has told one. nf the new boys the beautiful story of C'hrlsU ( gt ' mas and hopes who has made an Imjiresti" Blon ) "I am glad to fpo you BO attentive , Jamie. Do you understand It now ? lo Micro any question you would like to ask mo ? " Now Hey Yi's'm. D'ye reckon Goliath uoiilil 'a' licked Jim Corbe.lt ? Tommy had been reprimanded by his. mother for playing In the dirt with the chll- Ircu who llvo down the street. "When I'so i man , " ho sobbed through ills tears , " ! 'BI > ; olng to bo a politician. " "What put that Into your hand ? " uskcdi ils mamma. "Uncle told me they arc always throwing nuil at each other. " Slll'2 WAS I'll. ' Iti'iinrlcr .M.-HIH Well , lull lie Kill led In I'li-iiHi- . Kven when her speech was obscured by lolw there was Humcthlng about her voice * hat showed she could sing high C and assert icr right to the center of thestage. . It wim lathctlc to see a strong woman so utterly ejected , ayn the Washington Star. "I want to see the horrid reporter who kTotc tint contemptible plcco about my mls- irable. suit for divorce , " she nalil , after her laroxysm of weeping had obate-d. " ' " Ihe and posltlvo "lie's out , wan prou pt inswcr of the editor , who IH a humaua nan. "Can't I see him later ? " "No. Ho took n week's salary and went n a vacation. lie said ho wasn't coming iack till bin money wa all spent , and wo lon't look for him In any tlmu le than Ix innnlhH. " "Perhaps somebody clso could attend to , fhut I want , although I don't supposii there H any USD In my nuking for Justice. . It uiiHt have been pure malice. " "You refer to thai Item about your dl- orco ? " "Ye * . " "Well , It HccniH to mo that you are cx- ecdlngly unfair to thu reporter. Why , ho Id his hccil to bo complimentary. No lens Imn thrco Union ho alluded to you an the fair plaintiff. ' " "Yes ; that was very nice of him. Hut read n. " "I doit't find anything that Is not In the anm vein. Ho nays : "Die lady's toilet had vldcntly been an object of much caret ; It > 'as a triumph of iho mllllnoiH' art und a lonumcnt of her elegant taste In uneli mut- ' " OIH. * - "That's the sentence ! " she exclaimed. rlB ' ng lo her fi-ct. Her Indignation dried \\Gi- \ \ pare , and , haklng tier clenched flngera nt ho 'nnHHpapcr , hn nalil : "What did ho lean by trylni ; to humiliate mo In thu eiyeu f all llioiio Kiiectatora ? How dared ho In- Inuato that thu common old thlngi ) I wont a that court room uru ( ho brat clotheii I lave. " I'll In Dnlc. Hero Is the latent revised edition of a tiur-X lago Invitation : "Mr. .lake LnuKhrldgo rer uemta the honor of ynur prtKcncu at bin mar- lugo lo Caroline Halibut , on Thursday oven. IK , iho tunth of Decuinbtii' , eighteen hundred ml nlnuty-ulx , ab eight o'clock , near I IKS. J'ruientH oxpecteil. I'leanu pay utui , eM I havu failed In buslntuj , "