Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1896, Editorial Sheet, Page 12, Image 12

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i : , U0alATLIl , LJlUir
Tm\t3 OP HCrmrntlTIOH.
lt"elilmut Sunday ) On Yc r HI
Dally ll ami Sunday , Oni Year 8 I
BIX Month * 4 I
Three Month * 21
Hnmlny 11 * One Y r 1 (
H tunl y lie * , Ono Ynr 1 I
VVwkly Jle . Ono V - r (
OinahnTh Utp IliilMlng.
Hoiitli Omnliti Xlnncr Illh Cor N nnd ! 41h Sti
Council Illiiffn is North Main Hlrrrt.
nilc in omi-t : in rhninlM-r ( if Commerce.
Nw lurk Ilonm 13 14 nJ 1C Tribune Hldi
WanhlfiRtnn 1107 r fltrwt N VV
- ' ' '
All rommunlentinns routine to new * ami til
lr.rl l mutter dimlM 1 * mlilrwiHl To lh IMItoi
.Ml ti'i lii < > m IMlc-ra and n-mllutiew should li
( i r. tr < | to flip lite I'ulillnhlnK e ompnn )
Onmlin Druftn tlieckt and poMulUr * ontois t
be maJ pfDHltr to tlio unltr of HIP rompunj
01 lliuf NVliin'kn , I
linUKlnK i-.iimty I
tlwirKf H Tx chiicK , ftcretnry of Tlie life Puti
lltlilni ; ii n n nj , | n > lnn iluljwurrt , ni Hint tli
nrtnnl nuinlx-r of full ami complete e < n > le of Tli
Unilj M rnlnr IJvpnWK nnil Hun-'ny life prliitc
durlni ; tlio mnnth of November , 15 % , WB ns fol
loti :
i : n
S'iiti'rrllip.1 In nu prennncc an I rwnm to foefon
me this 1st iiay f December. IWi
, , , N p rntu
( Scnl ) Nonry 1'iiblic
f'lnlstnism lm-4 conic nnil punliui
tlicehnilty It hioiiKht will live foiuvcr.
The Tliti'iPillnils npii.ircntly Inn
frh'iiiN both In Culu mid In tin * t'nlti'd
Mr HiMII ; Is now sliirlcd on HIP bnsl-
ness of c'oinliic Itrlmo Into ? 1 000 nny.
incuts vvltlmnt wiiltlng for tiniiitl 01
consent of any nation on caitli
\Miv aiu advi'itlsini ; columns wlilcli
i" ' fit . tore larKi l.\ ii.itioiil/-d . by pee
] ) lo with \\aiiN tli , in tHlu'itlsiiiK to- !
for a cli.iiK ( > Is inado ?
It Is sifo In say that the Indignation
of polite Itostonians at Inning toalk
about Hie city dtiiin-r the stn-et car
BtilUe e\picssi-d In ooil foidblr
Jiol > s.\lliibles.
If , as Is ciniGiitly leporteil , the
Snllhan Is uiNliiKhNKeis , It may bu
that helll lvo a fiee loin to liN iw- asjiliMtlons and sooner or Liter
Bland as a pug aiiinng tlio pops.
In view of the ieplt ( that Hon. M.
A. llanna Is snlTcrlng fioin insoinnli
It Is sn Kested that a person M > allllctcd
Is Jnsl the for appointment to an
olllco uheit > slueplesblf'llaiK'u is le-
In none of the reports of national
KatheiiiiKS of \ \ omcnlilch have nccn
pled the public mind of Lite has any
solution appealed ol the question \\liy
a unman always nets otr a street car
bacUwaidt ) .
The sultan ought to be most hoaitlly
In favor of an armed conflict bet\\een
the I'nlled States and Spain. Anything
to dlveit attention lioni Aimenia and
bis icpeatedly bioKcn piomlses of gov
ernmental tefoim.
Tlu si tepeated war sc.ucs aie
doing vvondeis In the way of stimulating
congress to make respectable appiopiia-
lions foi stlengthening our co-ist de
fenses and fniintentions and enlaiglng
and Imjuovlng our navy.
This is fast becoming an age of ic.soln-
llons. Public bodies and ell I/ens' mass
moetlngs icsoh-e upon the slightest
provocation. That Is why the annual
New Ye.u'.s icsnlutlnn is losing the
unliUi | > place which It onie ntcuplcd.
The lalboads s.ij Uiey mean business
this time in the matter of cutting down
the fiee luiiispoitatioi , list. Tliere Is
no time IlUe the ptescnt for good ri-so
Intlons Hut the tiee list alvvaj.s II.IR
to be cat down to Just about the same
The State Ho.utl of Iiilg.itlnn Is tryIng -
Ing to ilval the supieme couit In the
number of volumes of decisions pie
mnlgated In a jear and the number of
printed pages those decisions cover.
And the litigation boaid is still In Its
Infancy , loo. dim Ity by no me.ins ex
hausts a per.son'.s duty low aid his mote
unfortunate fellows. Good dei-ds ie-
dound to the ciedll of ( lie benefactor , no
matter during what season of the jear
pet formed , and the occasions lei them
aie moie numeions than all the days
of the jear.
The rutted Slates government ought
to elect a special building at Washing
ton to b > > used exclusively once In him
> ears for liniiiuiiiatlnn balls. That ap
pcais to bi about the onl.v way that
the icgnlar iiuadicnnlal light over an
appiopiialc ball loom can be peinia-
nuntly settled.
Mrs. Lease Is engaged to lectihe to
the students of a South Dakota school
If she te.iehes the joung South DnKnln
Idea to shoot with her own fantastic
notions on industrial questions , taxpay
Ing parents nu likely to wish that their
oltsprlng had devoted Itself sliictly to
foot ball and other legitimate sports.
The new Wisconsin leglslatuio Is
under solemn pledge to enact legisla
tion that will stop effectually the giant
Ing nnil acceptance of fiee nillioad
passes for the use of public olllclals ,
high or low. The fiee pass abuse Ih
wild to have been nothing short of a
scandal In the Hadgci state. It Is mine
or less of an evil In all the stales , In
which the tallioads attempt to hi fno-
low In politics.Ve Know of several
legislatures which will be tempted to
follow any legislative e.xample that
promises to do the wink.
History of far reaching Importance hn
been umdo In tlio year 181)0 ) This I
tHpcelally true of our own country I
whlcli a political contest , Involving tli
honor and credit of the nation an
which commanded the cnrncst attontlo
of the cIvlll/.L'd world , resulted In
.splendid victory for the party that stoo
for national Integrity and good fa HI
If It be said that the good effects e >
poctcd from that decision of the peopl
have not yet been fully icallxud. It Is t
be said on tlio other hand that a gren
threatened calamity to the iliiaucial an
business luteiests of tlio country vva
averted. If there Is still some depre *
fiton theie Is no trace of panic. If tli
rcall/allon of geneial piospeilty Is stll
In the fuluie IN coming Is asstiicd. Con
lldcncc In our llnanclal soundness am
stability has been restored , the comll
lions of our loielgn eommeice aie favoi
able , domestic IndiMrles aie mon > activ
thai ) a .venr ago and the full icsumptloi
of woik In ( he mills and factoilcs of tli
couuliy awaits onlj Kiich a change li
tlie tailtf policy as will give icasonabl
pioteetlon against damaging foieigi
competition. It Is unquestionable tlm
the triumph of ieiiibllc.iu | pilnelph > s a
the billet box has wrought a changi
for the belter and theie can be no tlotib
that when those pilndples become full ;
effective the countiy will enter upon i
period of gicat If not unpiccedentei
The year will be memorable In con
nectlon with our Inleuiatlomil iclation.s
Tlie amicable ai.ingement for settllnj
the Vcne/iielan bonndaiy contioveisy bj
aibltiatlon was a tilumpl
highly creditable to this government am
of gieat Impoitance as a piccedcnt. Tin
eoiues lon made by the Ililtlsh govern
ment involvetl a iccognltlon of tin
Mom or doetilne and the light of tin
Tnlted States to Intelvene In contin
ver.sies between the Independent conn
tiles of this hcmlsphci.t and Kuiopeai
nations , and while this lecognition 1-
not binding upon any other power thai
C.ii'.il Idltaln , theie can be no doubi
that the example of Ih it gov el nment w II
bo followed by oilier goveinments ol
Huiope If ever another occasion shall
ailse for the asset lion of the
duett Inc. Thepiogiess made in
lug a tieat.v of geneiai aibitiation lei
all dllTereiifes between ( iieat P.iltain
ami the I'nited States is a notable steji
in the dlieetion of seeming p imancnl
JIP.ICC iietvvoen the gic.-vt Kngllsh-speaK
ing nallons. ( hi1 ciedit lor whlcli 1
largely due lo this goveinment. The
f'uban ( | ueslloti. offcilng oppoitnnity foi
the giavest Inlet national complications ,
lias been treated with consei v alive w is-
dom and puidcnco by the national ad-
mlnlstialion and although it is still n
menace to the peaceful iclations of Spain
and the 1'nitcd Slates , owing to the dis
position uf men In congiess to urge ex-
Ironic action on the part of the executive
blanch of the government , theie Is
teason to believe that the Inlluenee of
I'onsprvallve public sentiment will de
feat tlie puipo e of those who would
lead the counlty to the veigeof war ami
perhaps Into war. Puisuant to tlie mil-
foi m policy of the gnvei nment since its
foundation , it has Kept aloof fiom all
ICmnpiMii entanglements , though theio
uts been a stiong Incentive to aggressive
ineasmcs for the protection of
missionailes and the piopeity of our
| ) coph > In the TuiKlsh empiie. While
liovvever. Hi inly demanding piotcction
I'oi our ciii/eiis and inteiesls liieie and
isKing repni.itinn for injniles sustained ,
liieie has been nothing done to involve
us In trouble In that qu.uter of the
ivoild or to Identili the United State > -
ivlib the complications existing theie.
In si vvoid , we have maintained filoudly
elallons with all the woiId ami the close
) f the ycai nnds tills icpubllc as Miong
n the respect of tlie woild as It has ever
teen In its history.
In tlio old w01 III the TniKish situa
tion has continued to bo of p.unmount
Impoilance. Tlie massacie and poise
. ntion oil the Aimeni.iii subjculs of
tlie Poite have not boone appalling
icentlv as they weio i-ailler in the
. , lint the situation of tlie unfoitu-
into Armenians continues most deplor-
ible. Tens of thousands of widows and
nphans aie suffeiing for the neces-
-aiies of llfi- the loimer liable to be-
ome at nnj time tlie victims of TuiK
sh liiutalily , while the latter loim
ibnitt as bi'.ists ol tlie Held , shelteile.s
mil staiving. Althoiigli tlieie has leen )
niich promise ol aggiesslve action by
lie poweis to i-ompel Hie sultan to In-
.lltiite the lefoims demanded by those
wvvcis , nothing lias been done , Jiec.uise
t seems Impossible to In Ing about con-
eit between the poweis not because
hey aie not agieed that something
night lo be done , lint for the ic.isnn
hat mutual jealousies and dlveislt.v of
nterest" pievent nulled action. Kx-
cpt the TmKlsli situation tliuie has
iceii no occniiency dining tlie .vear
niMiaciiu lo the peace of Kniope. All
if" the gieat poweis , however , have
idly maintained the stienglh of their
niiltary eslalillsliments and aie
ng their naval power pieiiar.itlons for
inssible war that m.iyeive to pic-
icrve peace. As to the Intel mil alfab. ?
if the various Kuiopean countilcs theie
lave been no pclltlcal changes of gicat
mpoilance. In Asiatic conntiles theie
lave been events ol Intelest , but not of
i'oi Idvv Ide toiiseqneiice.
On this continent , outside of the
'idled Stales , the goveinment of/Can-
da lias passed into Hie conliol of Hi pait.v , after'a long peiiod of
oiihi'ivallve admlnlstiation. Mexiu >
e elided DIapiesldent for the lli Hi
01 m and thai statcMimn has piomNcd
ne.isiui lor incic.islng tlio piospeill.v
if that icpnblic. The ciiatlon of the
itcater Uepubllc of Ceiitial AmeiKa.
iy the union of llonduias , Salvador
ml Mi.uagu.i , has received the iciog-
Ition of the I'lilted States. The Sonih
iineilcan icpnbllcs liave luu'ii fiee tiom
ny sciIons intoinal tioiiblesduilng tlie
ear ami aie genoially In a lalily pio. < -
eious condition , with tlie exception of
Haxll , which Is paying the pumltj of
n c.xceshlve Inllation of tlie cnrieiicy.
'nliu ' has been almost desolated by Hie
ibiiuccilon and the end of the woiK
f destincllon mi one can tonsee.
As lo all thosi > things which make for
ie moial and Intellectual Improvement
t mankind , Dane- has und < > ubtcd.v ]
eon inoficsa iu tlio jear 1SDU. The
world Is on the whole ulser nnil belli
than It was a year ago iSreat as lm\
been the calainltlis and the nilsfortuin
of the closing year , II lias nl o had I
blessings and Us compensations. Tl
world Is moving forward In clvllb.atlc
and enlightenment , Is steadily galnln
In all ways that make for the botto
ment and elevation of mankind. And I
this the year that Iu n few days wl
have become of the past has conti Unite
to no small extent.
H.I MO DUtKl'TOnS KXl'l.Altf.
It la ciedltable to the dlroctois of Hi
collapsed National Hunk of Illinois tlm
they sent a coninilttee to Washlugto
to confer with the comptroller of th
currency legaidlng the allalis of Hi
bank. It Is not the habit of the dliei
tons of a failed bank to do this and th
clicnmstance may somewhat mltigat
public condemnation , which has boo
unspailng , of those olllclals of tlie 111
mils bank. It Is tuui that the explain
lion they gave the comptioiler Is nc
entirely satlsfnctoiy. What they dl
after their attention had been called t
the bad condition of the Institution 1
their charge was well enough , but the
should not have pel milled the banK t
get Into such a condition and the comr
tioiler was light In Insisting Unit Hi
management of the bank bad been vor ,
This is the matter with which the pul :
lie Is concetned and for tlio conectloi
of which. If it be possible to coricct II
legislation Is demanded The people w h
pliue their money on deposit with th
banks assume that the dlicolors ai
vigilant and laltbtul gnanll.ins of till
money. It Is ( his Unit gives them conll
donee and a. sense of security. Lot It Id
undciMood that dlicclois do not dbcct
that they are simply ligniohoad olllclals
who know about the allairs of the Instl
unions with which they ate umneetei
only whal Is ( old them by the snboi
dlnate olllclals , and theie would be ;
geneiai feeling ot disliust ( hat would bi
very damaging to the banking business
Theie Is unquestionably a
fooling that something should lie dom
to compel bank dlroctois to dliect or ti
punish them for f.iilnio to do so. It I'
told of a bank dlieclor In an oasteii
city that be said be could not got tin
Inlormatlon he wanted without insnlllir
the piesldcnt and cashier by assuming
to question their statements. A man si
seiusltlvo as this Is not lltted for the ie
spousiblllty of being tlio custodian ol
other people's money. This question ol
the duties and lospoiislbiHUes of b.inl
dlieetois Is voiy likely to icceive the
seiioiis attention of congiess.
TUN < jp/sT/o..v : / op sPA'/ rrv /f.i/.s
Minlstoiial associations in several pait
of the countiy have locentiy dlrectoi !
their attoullon to abolition of Snndaj
funeials , with the result that resolution'-
have boon adopted in a number of cilic- :
for the puip.iseof dlsconiaglng the piac-
Hoc. It Is uiged that while the niecNc
time of death is largely a matter ol ac
cident over which wo have no ronliol
llxlug the da.v far the Is a purely
aibitiar.v act in which ( lie will of the
Individual decides. The choice of Sun
lay as the day for funoi.ils is said to lit' '
incieasing rather than del-leasing anil
with It the Inconvenience imposed upon
mlnisteis of Hie gospel who on that day
have oilier ami Important duties which
they cannot well neglect , it Is not so
niicli upon the gionnd of doseciating the
Sabbath , thereinto , as upon the ground
) f oveilinidonlng Hie cleigy Hint th"
intery against Sunday fnnoi.ils is being
Hut , looking at the subject fiom the
ithor standiioint , the objections to the
Sunday funeial lose a gieat deal of their
foieo. runeials may be noeessaiy evils
ml the.v should be made as small evils
is possible. Illness anil death alwajs
Mitall poenniiu.v haiiKiilp as well as
nontal and physical sulTeilng upon the
illllcted lolatives. Kconomy in tuneial
xpenses Is moie gonoially demanded
ban any other kind of fnneial lefoim
Hid it is questionable whether Hie aboil-
ion of Hie Sunday fun ial would
m a step In tills diiection. TIi < >
Sunday lunoial enables tlie people
vho wish to pay their las ) icspects to
he deccasi'd to do so without neglecting
heir dally woiK and many of them
amiot affoid lo nt gleet their woik even
or a day or a half iLi.v. There is no
; nnil leasoii why the wislies of the
tiitken family and their lileinlsaio to
n > weighed oil ag.iinsi the ' omfort of
lie minister and ids piofeience not lo lie
llstuilied on the Salibaih day. When II
nines to leform Hie wink of
Implilylng Hie costly lunoial Muvlce
ad of toning down b.iib.\rous monining
itsloms sliould have Hist place on tin1
iiogiam and the lellof of Hie bnideii on
h" minister can await Its tuin without
ei luns or loss.
MHTtnr si ST/.W.
The question of inlioducing the motile
yslem of weights and iniMsuies Into the
'tilted Slates been more or loss dh
1's.sed foi a iiumlier of je.u * and it lias
ol met willi much pudlic favor. The
yslem was adopted peimls-iively by an
ct of congiess passed In ISiJU. which
lovided : "It shall l > luvvful th.ough-
nt ( he I'nited Stales of AHUM lea to
mploy the welglits and nic.isuies of the
ictilu system ; and no conliact , or deal
! „ ' . or pleading in any iimrt shall b >
leemoil Invalid or liable to obj tlon
ii'iause the weights or measinos ex
icssi'd m leforred to therein aie weight *
r niLMSiues ol the motile systin. . " Tills
ct lias never lecelved any lecognition
loin the public.
At tlie l.isi Muslim of congress a bill
fas intiodiiccd makln ; . * the use of the
lolrlc t.ystiMii coiipulsory In the tians
ctlons of the I'lilted Stales and II was
iik"ii up for c-oiisldoiatlon. Theie wn. <
good deal of oppoiltlon to making 1110
ytileni the . .tandiud in pilvate tians-
( lions and the measure was Dually re-
iimmltted to the committee on coinage
eights and mcasiuc.s lor consldeia-
on and amendment , nrior soveial close
otes In tlio house. The chairman of Hie
iimmlttco o.xpects to lopnri the b'll ' ,
inbably In amended form , at the prc.-
nlM'sslon. It Is undeislood tint It will
rovlile for making tlie motile s.vslem tli- >
landaid In the tiansactlims ot the gov-
ininunt In any foim In which the bill Is
kely to be icportcd , but It may nut be
mile the Htandatd In private trans-
actions. It Js urged that It wilt be
considerable mJvnntaKc to Importer
and to tlio tvoa iry olllclnls to onforc
the motile sjrttom nt tlio custom hou i
for It Is Ihu fcysrtom already omplojet
In the nioasurqniont of Imports from al
leading oxpoitluo : countries except Grea
Hrltaln. ,
There Is umiiinstlonably much to b
said In favor f/f / t ie adoption of this sys
tern , at least so far a the traniaetlon
at the custom houses are concerned , bu
It Is Imidly proljnble Hint It will receive
public sanction for use In private trans
actions , it would necessitate a popula
education which the people would no
take kindly to and which business moi
would not caio to enter upon. The t ys
tern of weights and measures that every
body Is familiar with Is pretty sure to
bo continued , notwithstanding the fac
that the metric system would be the
safo.r one for the puichasor , when hi
undoi stood It.
w cpn.t .t nni'i'iii.iri
Ity far the ablest constitutional hivvyoi
that has occupied a seat In the I'liltei
States senate within the past quaiter o
a century Is Ccorgi ! * R IMmunds o
Voimont. Senator IMimilids , who w'as
and is still iccogiilml by his colleagues
as ant hoi Ity on questions of constltu
Uoiial and Intel national law , has this
to say concerning Cuban Independence
To recognize ns a separate and liulenciHlent
stnto an ) thing so mjtldcal as tlio republic
of Cuba would put tills country la a very
undesirable position , and one In whlcli no
civilized nation v\ould like to be placed
Should tlio resolution piss both houses , It
would result In clothing this political nijtli
with a reality which It never possessed , and
out KOVeminent would receive the minister
or the new state and send a mlnl ter and
consuls to that country and Its cities and
to\\a , If they have any. The republic of
Cuba has no stability , no atitononi ) , no or
ganization no capital. AVe may pity the con
dition of the people and deplore the atrocities
which aie being committed on the Island , butte
to go to the length proposed Is something
which no self-respectliiR nation toulil do
Should tlie prcsldint veto the resolutlc.i
and it be pished over the veto , It would be
a declaration ot congress , which , perhaps ,
would have the same effect as If the presi
dent had signed It. If he , as the executive ,
ihould deem It had that livvful effect Hut
if the president should be of the opinion that
tlio recognition of a new power was purcl )
nn executive fiiiiUloii and refused to carrj
out tlm Instructions of congiess there would
be nothing left for confess to do but to
cither unbuilt or Impeach him for high crime
and misdemeanor in refusing to obey what
congress regarded as a valid law. Hut I
have no Idea tlio resolution will pass , so
that question Is hardly likely to arise.
As to the right of congiess to act In the
matter. It might bo held that this privilege
was Included In tin1 constitutional provision
which gives congress the solo right to declare
war , as It might bo considered ono of the
elements leading to Dtich an event
Secretary Olncy pot only acted propcrlj
but It was a patriotic duty for blinl to make
the statement ho < 1M As the olliclal oJ ( the
government , Intrusted with the management
of our foreign relations. It was his ihitj
to cleat ly state the lesult of such action , and
I haveno doubt tint , If he had taken the
opposite view from that which he did , the
men who are now denouncing , him would
have been the first tli say he was acting In
a perfectly proper manner He did the only
proper thing He would have been neglectIng -
Ing his duty had he done differently.
Pioiii the jingo standpoint such ut-
toiancos may not be patilotlc. Cooige
IMmunds may oven bo accused of
siding with Spain against the Pulled
States , but Mr. IMmunds' reputation
for loyalty and devotion to his coimtii
will not suffer by lea-on of his clear
forcible and logical inosculation of tin
points at issue. To make an independ
out icpnbllc thoie must Hist be a natioi
and at least a do fnclo gov eminent siu-l
as the colonies had establlshoi
when they puiclalmed their Independ
oneotiom ( Itiilaln. i\en the south
oin confodeiaey hadall the nuchiner.v ol
a de taclo gov eminent when If askei
iccognitlon Mom Kmopean nations. I
is one thing to sympathise with tin
i pprossed Cubans , it is an cntliely
diireiont thing for the I'liiled Slate * ti
piovoke a war b.v attempting to uphohl
Cnlin ) independence.
Like the mammoth consolidated tent
shows tint used lo go by the name of
Hie cluns. the i'l.ingm.itlon fostlvilioi
at Washington lids year will be gloat M.
grander and better than ever. The In-
aiigiuallon displays aie Hie nearest wo
come t" tlie fetes of Kmop MII loyalty ,
though th > y h.ivo a demoi ratio llavor
that makes the difference quite notice
able. Tlie inauguial exeirises aie leally
liisloiic ontgiowths of the customs of
the ancient winld and they constitute
visible links between Hie nineteenth
centuiy icpubllc and the oldest govein
ments of li ! coco and Koine.
The Hoe gave an aicuiale forecast of
the showing of Hie state tieasuiy 10-
sonicosand llaliilltios made in Hie
nror's biennial statement two weeks bo
tore the icpoit leached the hands of the
governor. The Hoe then indicated that
the stale's lln.inccs called for sciioiH
allcnlloon Clio p.ut of the leglslatuio
and Inlonned 'the ' public of the dlill-
tiiltlos that would soon have to be met.
Pp lo the piorM'iil time no other new - , -
paper has had the courage to expose
the mismanagement ol tlie slate's icv-
enites and to dismiss this delicate prob
The fountaihi of poipetual youth has
again made Irs aiipo.iianoo this time In
( Mllfoinla and ; , ( > ahead ofi hednle.
The now dlsmvory is a method of Im-
munliig thi > liitina,1" , sy.stem against pu > -
disposition inJdUi\nse \ that will enable a
ma i topiolonghls life Indellnitoly Po e-
ile 1.4-011 wouhl'SuVply ' have alighted upon
this p'lnncea bail he nut made the ml ,
take of landing in Ploilda Instead of
.Vow Unit the Sugar tins ! has gone
Into the cut fee business ll.s next step
should bo to acquire the sonicos of the
country's milk supply. The llnlshod
piodnct lousumi'd at the breaktast table
u-qulres all tlnee of these lngiodlcnl.4
and to nionopoll/.e the coffee cup the
trust cannot stop half way.
Omaha must be a most cllldont train
ing school lor lallroad men , judging
from the number of local nillioad olll-
clals who have icceiitly been called
Horn this city to higher and more ie
Hponslblo positions In the railway woild.
While It Is gratifying from one poln
of view to note the promotion of met
whoso work hero 1ms commended Ilion
to their snpoilors , It Is from auothoi
point of view to bo logrolled that tltcb
rise In lallvvay circles takes them tc
other cities.
The late ( Joiigiossinan Hatch of Mis
souil , who died last week , was the
author of the olooniargnilno law and the
ngilcultural experiment station law , a
well as of the nntl-opUou bill that bom
his name. Ho assumed It to bo hh
special mission to watch over and pro
mote all proposed legislation designed
for the bonelU of Ihe fanning lutoiosts
and ho was at ono time piomlnontly
mentioned In connection with the .sccic-
tatyshlp of agilcuttiuo.
Ooiman noodles aie said to bo dilvlug
their English and Ametlean conipeUtoi" !
out of the wet Id's niaikets. Oennnn
needles , however , should go slow In
running up against niauii-
factureis. Pnder existing clrennistances
the diawlng of n needle might Kindle
the spaik that would start the com-
moiclal war. lest Hie sleol of Hie coun
try , open the eyes of the people and
bieak the ahoady sttuinoil tin etui of
diplomatic haiinony.
Another null-lynching ciu ado might
hi' a salutary check upon the appar
ently Increasing outbreaks of mob violence
lence In the southern and binder stales
A little agitation iinvv and then against
this b.ub.iious foi m of lawlessness can
do no baiin and may accomplish con
sldoi.ible good.
It Is said thattheio are congressmen
who aio actually aliald to go homo to
spend the holidays for fear Unit the
illlcosoekois among their constituents
might Insist on making life a bin den
for them at just the time when they
ought to be basking In sunshine and
Seiii | < of llie i\initllloii.
Denver IlepiililUan
H would be well to mnlcc the scope af
.ho Omaha exposlllon as broad as pcylhle ,
in that the affair may be reprcsenntlve of a
aige section of the countrj A bill to thh
effect has been Introduced In congress
lliM-iicx of tinfrlrnti llncf.
New \ ork Ti ilmnc
The list of heroes of the > Afrlran rare Islet
lot ovore-rowdcd and Macco llndb plenty of
oem on Us roster Irrespective- his race
ie will be eternally remembeied h > Cubi ns
ono of her martjrs and dellvercra Ills were
lie deeds that shine In the sudden making
of splendid name < ( , and Ills place In hlstorj
s In no need of a trocln to dofeiwl it.
'I iH'lf \-1 > OllllTN.
IlronUljn llisle
Congress Is not nlui\s a prett\ spectacle
) tit It Is a long time since It has given nn >
such exhibitions ns they had In the Italian
liamber , when a Foclallst expressed a be-
lef that kings were of not much use , and
is a re-mlt the deputies clutched t-ach
nthors' throats and fought and veiled and
loundcd. This was because the prince of
N'aplea wanted $ JOO.OOO .1 jeir for spending
none ) . Ho got It.
St 1-niil 1'lonerr Tntis
Under the accepted code of etiquette among
ihslclans a doctor Isn't permitted to pub-
Icl ) show the shortcomings of a fellow
irictlttonpr , no matter how Ignorant or
ow much of a blunderer the latter ma >
rove to l.avo been Tl-o wiser M I ) nny
oak his supcrlorlt ) , either sitting still or
'aniline up. but critical comment In public
3 Inadmissible This ancient superstition
as lati-1) been enforced bj a llrUtsh < lo-
I'lon v. here In one doctor received $7f dim-
ges ftom another for remarks derogator )
o the plaintiff's skill
A Chili-lit lull > llNillritti1. .
CliliaKu C ironli Ic
XIrs Annie Ui-sant makes a touching ap-
> cal In a Now York new "paper for famine-
trlckcn India , and it halt hhe i elate" l
ruu the comlltluns In some parts of tlm
otintrv are terrible , but we do not sec v\h )
\mcilca should bo called upon to iclleuills -
ress In a IlritUh province ( ircit Hrltaln
las milked ItuIU dr > for two genciatlons ,
nd her govetnment and people have been
tutted with xubstaiicc wrung from a proud
.plrltcd and comiuercd people If the 1'ng-
sh had spent half the inonoj the Indian
army has tot In building icservolrs and Ir
rigating ditches famine might have been un
Tin- t'urf.Iui > .
I'lillii leliihln 1'ri.tx
The peoplevho want a curfew law which
shall icqulrc children to go to their homos
when the curfew be-11 tolls have a
f > ipport : foi their proposition so far as It
alms to take unattended and unprotected
children off the stteots at a pioper hour In
the evenli'ig This la desltatile but unduu
Interference with parental coutiol of chil
dren and of domestic matters generally wl ! :
not go in this counti } The em few bell so
far as It Is morel ) a wholesome- police rcgu
latlon is not happll ) mined 'Ihe euifow
hlbtoileall ) Htiggosts cociclon lo Its mod
ern adaptation It huggims fad ami foil )
Iho city of Omaha Neb was Induced to
pass a curfew ordlnar o and i court of that
slate hen just dcclaicd II to uneonhtltu- -
tlnnal So in Omaha cm few will uot ring
M ) TMII : run nisi i ssiuv.
U < - > l\nllNl Vlooil > 'N 1'iilnli-il Hi-il | > lo
Inllilcl I linll < * iui > N ,
St I'nul I'limcer Tress
It characteristic of Hvangollst Moody
that he has refused to dlbcnss the merits
of Chilstlantty with a prominent secularist
member of the Manhattan Liberal dub , the
club having Invited him to joint debate on
that subject. It Is characteristic of him ,
not as a man who fears to imot an oppo
nent or evades a straight Investigation of
bis doctrines , but as one to whom the
tremendous Import of his work as an nj ent
of tlio world's greatest religion preeliide-a
tlm waste of time in anthing so liivlal as
dlbiusslon Ills icpl ) IH courteous but It
Is as plain and uneriilvocal | as dalight
.Moicover , ho invites his challengers to meet
him on his own grouyd , which Is not that
of discussion but of work. This Is a portion
tion of hla letter
"Hundreds and thousands of men and
women are diopplng into drunkards' und
harlots' graves ever ) ) oai rfwlit here la
New York Now let us all Join hands and
tiy to save them I will try to reach them
with the gospel I will tell them of u Sav
ior who came to seek that which was lost ,
who died a cruel death on the CIUSH In
order that tli fir ulna might be- blotted out
In Ills prcei-us blood If ( hero H any merit
in Infidelity let ) our mi-mbers likewise put
I' Into piactlie Lot them reach out a helpIng -
Ing hand to these unfortunates who are
sunk in vice nnd misery Thou , when they
jro restored to purltv of life wo shall have
tliiio to turn asideto discussion "
The most aceomplUhed of disputants
could not have framed a ln-ttur answer
The ono sufllclrnt , convincing rcanon , not
only for hla lefusal , but for his \er > ox-
Istenco. hrcathcn < n It Ileforo tin uncom
promising vitality the challenge of the
Manhattan club dwindles to puerlllt ) Mr.
Moody B best argument for Christianity Is ,
In his own devoted , unwavering , He-lf-Hacrl-
llclng life Ho may entertain theories , Htiil
oven cherish some out-worn domnax , but ho
hlmsulf Is a fact , and one that only Chris
tianity lonld produce Ho has tlio heart of
the matter other people may take the
whell and bandy It back and forth with ex
ponents of liberal religion Ho has otli r
uses for his time It Is well for the men
and w onion of whom ho Hpeaks that ho
early recognized and accepted this truth.
Souls have never been tmvi-d by argument ,
but heavun only knows how many poor
wretches have been dragged from the mlro
by Mr. MooJy'a muscular evangelism.
UI.AST.S ruovi uM'S nonx.
The most dangerous wrong ntcp la the first
ono ,
The roforaier Is living declaration ) of
war Truth nothing to fear from tlio fu
There la such n thing as having great In
fluence without having great talent.
A godly life ifl something proaclicn
when nothing In being ald In the pulpit.
The mnn who thinks for himself will nloo
think for the long procession tint follows
It Is a great mistake for HIP ) oung to do-
splno what the old have learned by experi
One of the worst thhiRB about a bad man
is that he leads a long pioccsslun of otliern
Into evil.
Chicago 1'ostIlio minister who Is under
arrest at 1'lttsburg chat god \vlth forger )
seems to have made a slip somc-whero. The
tistnl plea of unconscious assimilation will
not cover an offense of this character.
Detroit Krco Press An Kplscopal minister
of Siglnaw , Mich , has resigned his cli.irgo
to go on tha stage. It appears ho feels
"called" to poitray Shakespearean char
acters , and all ho needs now Is souio man
ager to make the "call" audible.
ChlMgo Tilbune Pour churches at Ish-
pemlng , Mich , have been sold for delln-
HUent taxes The eorgroKntlotu have In en
so bu ; y laIng up stoles whore the ) would
not bo ooiiupted that thev have oveilooked
the llttlu formallt ) of providing n mite to
ronclllite the municipal aiithorltlei
Oubmiuo Telegraph The case ( of Illshop
Uonacum ) is ot Interest to Catholics , nnd
It Is q'lito Important to the hlei ireh ) lleie'-
tofoio the blahopa have boon practically
nutounts. With the establishment of the
canon law nnd of a papd dilegatioiv to on-
foi co It , their rolgu as smh tcimlnates They
can no longei Ignore the rights of tlu-li-
subordinates , but must icspect thorn H Is
duo to the bishops to na ) that whllo they
havi had autocratic power , old ) a few of
them have used It ns autocrats Ilerraftor
the conditions will bo unfavorable to the
aurcc&sful cnictiieut of the rolo.
i\icor\s nn 111141 : ! \i > isn v.
rionccr 1'rrfS The Now York eourls have
unwisely given a Illllp to the 'new t-ectlon-
allsm" b ) refusing to recognise South Da
kota divorces
New York \Vmld 'Iho Dakota divorce
and the New York 'common law man lage"
may bo "iiccm-mi ) to civilisation. " Hut to
what kind of civilisation1-
Minneapolis Journal The Dakota dlvoico
Is having trouble in Now Ymk 'Iho com IK
there refuse to lecognlzc It H might go
to tin-hPitntP It will lecognUo aiithlng.
Indianapolis .lonrnal The decision of aNew
Now York Judge that a nlnet-dav Dakota
divorce case will not bold good In bis state-
Is llkel ) to bo .1 blow to a thriving north-
wcstein Industiy
Chicago Tribune Divorces with the South
Dikota tiado matk aie now thrown out of
court In New Yolk as nn Infringement of
the genuineaitlcle - \ Vcma ) now look for
a marked decrease ! in South Dakota's popu
Sioux Cit ) Tribune These men and
women who have heeurtd divorces from
North Dakota courts and then minted again
Und their domestic illations inui h ml\ed ,
and a decided cloud on thcli title It la
well that It is HO It nn
to the courts at homo will not fuinluh i
divorce it Is the bisl possible rcabun that
tlie bands should not be brokin
Philadelphia Inquirer A woman living
In NVw York Htato went to South Dakota.
Hoiund a divorce from her husband and tlie-n
man led again A New York Judge has
decided tint b ) the laws of the otato of
South Dakota she l.s the lawful wife In that
state of the second husband Ilv the lawi
of the state of New York ehe Is the lawful
wife of .the llrst According to this de-
cUlon , a man or a wonmn might have a legal
wife or husband In nearl ) every state of the
llrooklii Higlc We need a national
divorce law , or an agreement as lo a
method among thevarlotm nt.itcH Hero Is
a woman In New York who got a dlvoico
fiom her husband , going to North Dakota
for the purpose Out theio who mart led
another man. In Dakota hir second mar-
rluge still holds So , she Is a bigamist In
Now York but in Dakota she has enl ) one
husband Husband No 1 Is tilng to slmpllf )
things bj ilivorilng hoi In ono of out own
courts and If hid appeal Is granted none
of ULs motiev will to the woman 01 her
n-latlvrs while he will hcinre the cuatod )
of h'H chill
Washington Post Tindesliablllt ) of
uniform laws on the subject of niairiaun and
divorce Is universally conceded , and an
rffort to secure that desideratum , begun
some ) ear.s ago Is Htlll being pushed with
strong prospects of ultimate hilceess Tin-
only practicable way however. IH through
state legislation The people of the wtatia
would not consent to .1 transfer of this do-
inestii concct n to the nitlonnl anthoiit )
They prefer their fcmll ) alfalrs should bo
.subject to state rathei than national laws
This subject has been dltscussod in eongrom ,
and that body has ulodv declined to Inter
fere with existing conditions oven to the
extent of submitting an nmendmont of
the constitution to the states
i-iiisiiN vi , VXD ormit\v isi ; .
It Is not unusual for the duke of West
minster's charlt ) bill to amount to $100,000
a ) ear
Jacob romme has Just brought suit
against a Now VmU dentist to iccovci dam
aged foi pain sulfeied while being rut In
rt-adlncsi for faUo teeth
iila Wheeler llcox Is no longer ) onng
and gldd ) She has just celebrated her 4.1U
birthday The ' Poetess of Passion" was
born ncjr Madison , WIs.
Hobeit Collyor , the octogomilan t'nita
rlan pi earlier of New York IUH piactlrally
rotlrod from nelUe ministerial dulloj , ul-
though ho Is noniln.'lly still the Keillor pas
tor of the Chinch of the Mruilah.
Perhaps ns line an aiitoginph album na
thci-o Is Is the visitors buok at Ilawarden ,
whcieln tlio names ot Gladstone's guests are
rocoided It contains entilis as far back as
1M.O . The inoal iccont of conacuenco | M
that of LI Hung Chang
C Oliver Idelln isn't unite batlslled with
tlio victory of Defender and Ihe humilia
tion of Lord Dunraven but haw given ordeis
foi piob.ihl ) tlie finest seagoing jacht over
net allo.u It la to bo made of steel and In
this ho Intends to make a leisurely trip
a i on nil the world
In a speech at a Ixindon dinner party the
other night Lord Itobcrts tald that lie
"would prefer leading a force Into the field
to wilting a. book " Lord Itobeit.s Is the
littleredfaced man which la Hobs" and
there is no reason for him to unbnlm hlm-
H'lf In literature while Kipling mn.ilna to
do It for Mini
Di Thomas Dunn Kngllsh. the venerable
authoi of 'Hen Holt , " was violently ns-
laulted at his homo in Newark the other
d.i ) b ) a tramping woiklngman , who was
dUsiitlsllcil with his wage- for clearing tlio
snow off Dr nnglleh's sidewalk In splto of
his 7S ) oirs , Dr KnglUli tcl/od u thick
cane and laid on M lustily that the rulllan
took to flight
The district represented In congress by
John C Hell , ono of Colorado'tt two con-
gieggmcn. la nald to be equal In area to
the states of New York. Masfiehusetts , Con
necticut and Now Jersey Mr , Hell Is n
nephew of the John C Hell who was Lin
coln's opponent on the union ticket In 18GO
Ho liab the reputation of being the mot
popular populist In Colorado
Freeman O Smith of Haltlmoro took out
an accident policy for | rj,000 Afterward
1 i commenced wearing a pair of now sboc-a.
which proJuccd u iioto toe Tile naro grow
UOIBO und blood poisoning not In , resulting
in death Tilt * company refused to pay the
claim , but the Ohio court In which tlio ca o
WIIH tried decided that 11 wan nn i < cildont
and the widow gets th Insurance Tli In U
ono of thu most Interesting uccldunt canca
vet reported
President Cleveland Is really fond of hla
Mimmtr homo on Uu//anl H bay and ulioun
It by the eoiislderulili ) Improvements ho Is
having made there. A long tea. wall Is
loins built , which will reclaim 100 acres or
HO ; sand IilllH uro carted away for filling ,
loads are made through the woods , lily
ponds are constructed and new stables and
other buildings are iioliu ; up Mr. Cleve
land means to continue ) a uummcr citizen of
MatEACuusetU ,
or vi > .
Unrlpm I.lfo : "Pap-v , " snkt yomiR Mrs.
Hunker , "won't > oti please ? give Ueorg ?
nnd mo JIO-IKW"
" \\liut do you want Hint much money
for ? "
"We vvntit to bullil iv JS.OiW house. "
Clilongo TrlbunpKlvertI . CP liy n.
fnshlon Item In this pnpcr tluit shirt bo
soms are to be mndo Miortor.
Hi ooks That's n goenl thing. ! hnvo
often thought 5011 wore ) our shirt bosom.
too long.
Detroit 1'reei l'ie- : "They trll ' < %
Oimnpv , Hint ) our ilnughtci U vveddeil to J
inti'le ? "
"I should rny tlnvt she vvna fiom Iho
noise she miikc-i ; but 1'vo offered her $10-
000 to gel n dlvoico , nnd would double tlio
offer on n pinch. "
Itoston Ololie HP I hnvo your mother's
consent , nnd now
She -U cnn lu-vor lie , sir 1 highly re-
speot } ou , anil will bo a sister to you ,
Ho-Holil on ; you will ho n daughter
to mo I'm going to inniry jour mother
Atlnntn. rivimtltutlon : "Yon mlwht put
on thnr " suld the boroov-Pil hnibnmt to the
rural soulptor , "Hint Mho tiled ppnooful ,
n'i' tlmt we vvouUln't call her back"
"Anythingrise1" "
"She never pol o n oitiss vvoul In her
llfp , "
"All rlKht. "
"Hpln" ilenf nn' iliinib nil * of n quiet nn'
rolliln1 nntiu' . "
"Is Hint nil ? "
"Woll , > ou mlBhl tlnovv In n little pctlp-
lur' , l. t sny 'llor chlklren Use up an *
call her 1
AH.intn ronstiltnion : liny wp HIP riirlot-
iniibooki llbernlly , nnil no\t ) oar the
nuthori will got roj allies enough to dlno
at n loatuurnnt.
Chlcngo Pot"Old ) ou know tlmt the
brllllnnt Mr Whllo linn burl hlmsolf ? "
" sntcnatte' ) oung innn ? "
" \ > s "
"No , I Imiln't hcnid of It. How did It
happen ? "
"Wbv , 1 midet slnnd IIP nootilonl.itly fell
on one of IIM ! pojntoil lonmtka. "
NowYotk l'ro s "Illnd him' ' " cried tlio
Icnih-t of Iho liilgaiiiV , "ami nt tlio near-
< si vlllngo wo will ilemnnd n lldy i.insom ,
Mil , Im "
Tinraptmod trnvoler regnrdoil him
vag-iu-lv ' The lines , " ho said , "nro not
1ml. lint the ( lHlgn IM too conventional !
Yrs "
IVioPlvliiu tlmt they bad fallen upon iv
poster in list the bilgnndd lle-il In leiior
townid the mountains.
Ilnslon Tranrrrlpt
1 vvnntcil ) ou when the - > klci vvoto icit
And now ibo tkv Is grnv ;
I thought of vou vvhrn Mhndowi flr-d ,
Now falli HIP end of day ;
I fulled voti when Hie hlllt were llnmc ,
Ami now the bills nro biro ;
I sought joii when Iho siiowilrlfls came ,
Ami now the nuallows pilrl
rrnnk U Slnnton
Wion the lltllo ilrl went awnv from hoinf
In Iho mldnlghl ploom wo wepl ;
And U teemed that Htlll
Tor nil God's will- f
On her mother's breast she slept
Tor It did not SPPIH she oould go nvv.iv
Prom the kiss of her mother's lips that dnyli
'I lint day
Tlmt da )
That lotipsome div
When Iho lltllp gill wont away !
% V In n tlio little Klrl .vont awnv from home
\\hi-ro the ro os seemed no swet-t ,
Wo said thai day
"Slip hath gone tlio wiv
Wo must tread with weary foot' ' "
Oh , H did not seem she could leave us so
Tor her kiss was lee sweet for t'lo ' kiss o/
the snow ,
That ila )
Thai d.i ) '
That lonesome dnv
When tlio llttlo girl wont nvvnv !
Wb < n the llltlo girl wont nwny from liomi
Wo knoll 'noatji Ibo bonding skies ;
Hut Ibov onlv si-pinoil
( As wo pr.ivid and ilre.imod )
A inom'r ) of her blue oos !
Pen- v\o lould not think , ns wo knelt to
pi a ) ,
Hie would le.ivo her mother's nrms Hint
(1 ( iy ,
That day
That dnv'
Tli it lonrsomo day
When the llttlo girl went nwny !
Win n tlio llttlo girl wont nwny from homo )
Ab. mo1 for the we-nry ) ems !
Per Iho lonely Highs ,
Per tin- wooding eves ,
And life but n vale of te.irsl
Tor In daiknes's anil sllcneo the mother
wicps ,
Still still o'er fie turf where her little on ?
Hleep ,
In llfi-'s ovenlng t.i i ) -
As on Dial sad d i\
When thellltlo bill win ! iway !
Who arc such from habit , bu
their fault-finding rarely ac
complishes much. However ,
we rather like to encounter
them because the harder they
find fault with our clothing1 the
better friends and customers
they become when they dis
cover their mistake.
The fact is that in making
our Suits and Overcoats we
try to anticipate all the kick
ers , and , if possible , to leave
them without any ground for
complaint , either as to goods
or prices.
Come in and sec for your
self how well wo have cone ) it , " '
8. W. Cor.
15th and
Doujjluo Sta