Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1896, Page 7, Image 7
THE ( TMAHA IXAILV 1VIDE : a 2fi , 1800. SPEGIRL NOTICES fur tlii'Ne Tvlll tie ( iiK-cn uiidl lUittd p , in , , for Hie voiiliin nnil uiidl H p , in , for lliu iiioriilnur mill .Stiiiilriy < - < Ilf limn. AilvirflfU'iliy rcijtienlliiK 11 mint- In-rI'll rlicck , run IIIIM * IIIIHIVITH nil * f -t\i'i'MM > il lii a Miniim-rcil ICIT ( ( lii 'iiri ? iif Tinllrp , Anavruri. HII mlilri-isnl ivlll ln ili-llVIT-I ) nit jirrnniliilliiii nt llio vlifi'U < inl > , " Iliili-N , I l-Un a tvnril flrnt lnni < rtlnii | lo 11 troril ( lii-rciirtcr. Nodilntc tiiki'ii for II-NH tliiin ano for I Inllrnt liini > r- tlfltl. 'l'tll > NI > Iltlvi'l ( Im-llll-UlN IIIUHt III * \ run ronm-iMitlvt-ly. \VAXTi : _ MALI3 lini.I * . WANTED. AN IDEA ; WHO CAN THINK OK fomo simple thine to patent ? Protect your Idem , Iliry may bring you wrnltli , Wrlto John Wedderbmn & Co. , Dept. V. , Pnlern Attorney * , Washington. I ) . C. . for their II.MO prize offer ndn llstof too Inventions wnntcil. 11-SII WANTlS. 8ALl7sMBN rN UVKUV p"i.ACB" ; mlnry nml commission. The Hawk * Nurfrry Co. . Milwaukee , WU. II-M7IJ.DM * GOODCAN\'ASSEH3 WANTED AT IMC DouBla * . 5"'nfy ' Pl'i- ' ! " ' ! ' ] ! H-M82S IKS WANTED7 KllATi7HNAL INSUHANCB OH- gnnlzvn. Ooo.l pHy. V. V. Itoose , 1014 Kntnnm lrcct , Oinnlm. Neb. H-M3M 31 MEN AND WOMKN OUT OK EMPLOYMENT und wllllnc to work can Iforn of n permanent iilttmllon nt good W.TKM i > y wrllln to I1. V. II. , box 2SS. AiiRUsln. Maine. H M5I8 M TA1LOIIS WANTED. CONTINENTAL Cl-OTlt- InR Company. n Mnr. \VANTED-THAYEt7fNxfsALESMBN KOU CI- Kara , old reliable house ; experience unneces sary ; extra Inducement * to cuttomcin ; J,3 to JIM ner month and expenses. Chns. C. Hmiop ' & Co. . St. 1.0UIS. ll-M3r JU' WANTED , M15N TO I.BAUN DAUUEU THADE : only elBlit weeks required , and you can lioul nny position ; situations or locations Riiniun- trod ; complete otltllt of toola Klven each ntu- rtcnt ; wanes Saturdays while learning ; cata logues mailed free. Molcr's llarber College , S21 N. llth Sttecl. St. 1-ouls. ll-MSWi 27' HIDE LINE , POCKET , ( KitEE ) SAMPLES ; can't runs. , forward tinting ; liberal ciedlt ; protecled route ; factory rated Cl ; pveral "sh'es" earn J2t ) weekly ; communications con fidential. Hide. I' , O. 1371 , New York. 11 M5I1 25 * WAXTKD KKMALH HKI.P. 'riHUTV 1'HIVATi : FAMILY COOKS AND Kcncral IIOIIFC Klrls , Beconil Klrl und ten dln- IIIK room clrls. Conadlan Umploymcnt olllcc , 1S22 Iluuclnn struct. C M5I7 M \v'ANTKD-4V coMi'I-Tn.N-r aniL KOH HEN- eral li Mitcwork In n family of two. Call nt C3T > H. aili avc. . ' -531 51 WANTHIJ. nxpniun.vcKD sncoNn OIUL with li'ft'rclici-8. 24 North IStli at. C M539 KOU HK.VT IIOUSK8. HOUHIiaiN ALLPAUTSOKTlin C1TT. THE O. K. Davis Company. 1103 Kanuun. D sn " " " llOUHEA""i KNK\VA" & c6. . 103 N , IJTII ST. JJ 5IQ MOUi : N 1IOUSH3 O A. BTAUIl S N. Y. Lin : - noTclK"llOUSKS AND COTTAOIM ALL OVKIl \1B \ cUy. i to IM. ridellly. 1102 iloTTsKS. WALLACE , 11HOWN I1LOCK. 1CTII nnd Dounlas. 3slli. i KHOM 5 UP ; LAHOE LIST. Me invrcttnciit Co. , 1506 DiidBB street.D . D Sjl A 7iBAt'TlFUL HOME IN LAKAYETTE PLACE S-inunu. all modern ; tpk-idld condition ; nevci bt-cn tenti'd before ; now olfcrL-d at n low rentnt to llrst-clis * tenant. Kldeilty Trus Company , 170 ? Knrnatn Sl. _ " HOUS ES.Ki VTH. OAHVlN"uHOS , 16IJ FAUNA * D 8t > G I'OIt HUNT. 612 N. MTU ST. . 7-HOO.M MODHHN cm liuute ; CO per inc. Inijulrn un inumlises. D J171-2 A NUMI1EU 0V CENTP.ALLY 1AJCATKLI C room cottages ; city water In lioi c ; JS.OO and S10W. J. II. IvclUeimey , Kaibach 1111 : . p M221 J10 ron'iTiiNfliY w. IT MKIKLU. IBT NAT-I Hank bH. . 2r.M D.ivcnpoi t , 7 rocins , niojeni , J1S. 2516 N. lUtli , 7 rooms , modern , $20. 2316 Spencer. 7 rooms , modern , $15. HOU.SiS KOU HUNT. 11RMIH , 1'AXTO.V 11L1C D M3C1 KOU UUXT KUIlXISIllSn i FITltKISlIKI ) IIOOMS. HOUSHKEIM'INa. Iffl : St. Mary's. K MJSJ 27 * KUIIMKIIKI ) IIOOMS AM ) IIOAltl ) . . . , . . . . , . , AljhL 1V 1-441 f 1'IVt I.TI 1 t * .v i * ( r. ; smaller rooms , with boanl ; rates ienwmilile : The Hose. > 20 Harney. K M2i > 9 2G Ni\VLY KfltNISllEU. OAS. I-'fltNACIJ. MOD ern. from J4.W up ; sentlcmcn inelerred , 1S12 Clilenx" ' F-M42J J2 _ MKItlllAM. 1-1UST-CLAS KAMI L hotel. ! 3lh und Dodge "tieels. K Mill GJ IKATK IIOOMS AND HOAItD ; J3.CO III' . Cl N. 19th. r-M530S KOU ItliNT U.M'irU.MSIli : ! ) H00.1I.S iif uNi-'iTiiNisTiin ) itooMsT ni3 noiia Ins. G-M3IC 25 s. : j T trim ltUXTSTOl : S AMI OKKICKS. l-'OU HUNT. TUB 4-STOKV 1111ICK I1U1LD1NO nt CIO Kurnam SI. This Imllilliu Ims a llieproo i-emi'iit b.iheinent , complete cleani li'-utliiB IU turcn ; water on nil Moors , gat , etc. Aj-ply a Ilia olllee of Tlio lice. I 9 COHNUll STOIIB OP LANfli : JJLOCK. PINKST location In city for drutf store. I MJ Jll ARHXTH WAXTTJIJ. WANTlItT cTvPAllliE A ND S iji'c liissHJ f. DIS trlrt. | and lo."il inrcnlH In ieprccnt th Mnuluitlan Life Imfurann- C.-inii.'iiiy of Nr\ York in N'tbmckn. and low.i : rpt-clal ler.-ltcr v-lll bo itU'cn to each ugeni. with Ihe mop lllii-nil brvkeritRe. or n Inn and valuable re \\ulr.nilr.ict. . and with Mich u"i-lul ] help I the Held nti will Insuin thn lamest moiiMiro o me' - . - > . Kvr furtlier lurormatli-n. ple.isu nd ilrt'J. . W. Penn SHuns , Grnc-ral Awenln. lie llldS. . OtnMia. Ni'b. J-M2M Jt ! _ WANTED. TllAVEI.lNO SALES.MAN KOI 1'CiMl liiitt'.ii manufnctiirer ; can bn used Fl'ln lln" . Address C 3S. llee. J-nillO 2i \V.\.Vi'-JIK ! ) It UI3.VT. HOOMS- AND UOOD IIOMI boirdanted Ly twu lo t\\ \ Indies nnd Ken tlrmcn. llcfercnce * lt-iUlid. Address I ! 4i 1) ) 7. K-M5IJ : ? OM. VAN & STOIt.VClC. 1113 KAHN'M. TKL. 1S5 : . _ " " y ! " . rAt'iKK' PTOHAOK"AND"WAHUHOUSI : co" F0-10 Jcii'--i. Uennal i > : orui'e and ( orwnrdlnk. M SM SI10I1TIIAM ) AM ) TVl'KWIUTIXU , A. C. VAN SANT'8 SCHOOL , il'i N. Y. LIKli S83 ATrOMAHA IHJH. COLLEGE , Iffll .t 110Uai7.\ sso _ PIUVATP. Li soN3 "iN sirdivniANix ir - - - . * M-C3V-DII iY ; , 41S Nls tui TO niv. : LISP CITY AND KAIIM 11BAT. KSTATK VITI Oarvln lirt-r. . 1CU KamKin Hie t , NS < ! 1 KOU SALKMISCIH.AXI : ( > US. \ lKVKFT | 1IAHDWOOD VVOVK.N COHN CIUI1 mndf. C. It. Lee. Wl Dnii las. ni5& iiniaLAu BAKIW : NBW & linnd ; cafa und loci : ivpnlilni ; : conitlimtk'n chanueJL J. J. Ucrlvlu A. Co. , 111C Knrnam CIIIUHT.MA8 I'llKSKNTS. NI2AT AN'D Ufil'.KUI drawlne liiitrnmrnli and nmt rluU. Alva J arovem. 31 South Ulli sjrt'cl. ( J-MUS31 1100-JND HAND 'HO KOWLKU. JW ; OTIIUI , } 3 10 JM. Omulta llicyclc Co. , K1 N. 1C y tu LAI NDUV. GOOD \VOItK AND GOOD \YAflli Is the niotta nf the City tUeam I.atin.liy. : i Ho. lltO t. Tel. SSI , H-1W JS riUTZ. ClMVlllVOYANT. IW > OALIKOn cu. b-i-J MA.HH.UJU IIATIIH , I'.TCt IMM. BMITII. 1IJI DOUtlLAB , nOOM ! MAS- ftto und tmm bHth * . T mlM M * HHH A MRS. VAPOH IIATII3 , MAMAHK. MJ H. Uth 8t. , room 1. T 1JC PMHSOVAL. lUPTL'HK CUIIKB ! NO PAIN ; NO DBTRN- tlnn fmm business ; we refer to hundreds of imtlcnts cured. O. K , Miller Co. , 717 N. Y. LlfeJUlIillnt ( , Omalrn , Neb. _ JJ ML lATIia MA88AGB. MMB. POST , 3I3H S. IAVI. HOME THBATJIKNT KOU UTK troubles ; plijslcltn In ntti-ndfince ; c nslutn- tlon or health book free , 319-3 lleo building. tT-SW I5S , YOU CAN OKT SIllUTS LAUNDP.UED for < ic. but If you want Rood work , have them ilnno nt Ihn City Slenm Laundry , ill So. nth. Tel. 151. U 118 J5 _ ITT THIS OUT AND PIUSSKNT IT TO I'UOC- tnr , C1C S. ICth t. . with 11.00 , nnJ pet 12 extra rnbln t plintnn nnd one extra cntbon panel ; 30 days only. U-MIW 31 " " I'EHMANnNTLY""ctitUD ; PAY wht-n cured ; no ruin nnd nn dctentlnn from hunlni-iM. Kldellty lluplura Cure , 301 Dee build- in * , Omaha. U-M153 'Oil TIII2 ' COUliRCT PTYLK. KINISH AND lit , nf your lln n , ronnult the Klmbnll Luiiniliv. Shirts 12o ; collar * ! e ; cuff * Cc. U 331-21 O TO C. OLSKN'3 ItAIvBltY KOU 1IOMK- made bread , plea tin'd cakca. &Vi Norf.i Kth. U M3SR JI VANTKD. A ItHSI'T-irTAIILi : YOt'NO MAN wauM like to cnrrrapnml with reilned younit lady ; object , nmtrlmony. Address rli.irles A. Dunlap , genernl dcllvi-ry , Omaha , Neb. L'-M31S 2 " " " " ' INi"T.OOK"lNfl "MAN'7 37. 1N NICK HL'Sl'- nc H. wlshel , eorivFpnndencc v.-lth ftyllsh nnd refined lady of nicnnj * ; object matrimony. Ad- dremi O G3 , llee. U M5IJ 27 JIOXI3Y TO LOAN IIKAL I3STATI3. \NTIIONY LOAN & THttST CO. , 315 N. Y. L.J quick inonpy nt low ratca for choice fnrm loans In lorrn , norlhcrn Missouri , eastern Nebraska , W-SC3 CITY LOANS. C. A. BTAItU , Oi5 N. Y. LIKP. W-SC3 .tONKY . TO LOAN ON IMPUOYI3D OMAHA real estate. Drcnnnn. Ix > ve Co. , I'axton Ijloc ! ; . \V-STO .OANSON I.MPIlOVKD.t UNIMPHOVRD CITY liroiierty.V. . Karnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Karnam. W-871 _ _ _ MONUY TO LOAN AT IXW ) UATJIS. THE O. K. D.ivlc Co. , 1505 Karnnm at. W S72 MOS'BY TO'IJOAN'ON OMAHA rnopnitTY AT lowcrt rat I'D ; bulldlnc luun * wanted. Kldellty Trust company. \ \ ' S7t MONIY : TO LOAN ON uipnovui ) OMAHA property. I'uisex & Thomaa , 1st Nnt Ilk Illdg. W-S75 J100. I3CO , OH UOO. K. D. WEAD , 1C & DOUGLAS. W 1S2-31 5 I't:7f : CK NT ldONEY TO"LOAN ON OMAHA iiroperty , Neb. farms. W. II. Melklc , 1st Null. Ilk. W-S73 Kflo'HIVATi : MONKY 5 YI1S. W. L. SI1L11Y. 331 Chain. Com. bids. AV-C5I WANTKD. AT ONCK. APPLICATIONS 1'OU loans on Omnha pioperty ; JJW up ; < lon't wnlt until your old loan expires ; upply now. Kl dellty Triift Co. W SI373 31 MOXIIY TO J.OA.X CIIATTI-LS. LIONEV TO LOAN ON KUHNlTfHE. PIANOS. , xvnsons , etc. ; nt lowest i.itcs In city ; no lenioxal f Kooda : strictly comldentlnl ; you can pay the Ihun off nt nny time ft In nny amount. OMAHA MOHTGAUE LOAN CO. . 300 So. IClh St. X-S70 ONBY T , ; KUUNI- tuii ! . pianos , etc. Puff Clrecn , roam S , llnrker Jill : UIISIXI3SS CIIAVCI3S. KOIl HALE , AUOUT 2,000 LUS. MINION TYPE , 70' ' ) Ilia. nR.ite , 150 pjlr two-thlnl cases , 43 dniildo lion stands for two-third cni-cs. This niHtcrlnl wna Ufed on The Onmh.-i Itt-c and la In falily peed ctndltlnn. Will be sold cht.ip In bulk or In quantities to suit purchns-r. Apply In perron or by mall to The Uee Pi b- llPhlnK Company , Omaha , Nob. Y 713 TO OUT IN OH OUT OK BUSINESS GO TO J. J. Gibson , 5U 1st Nnt'l Ilk. - Y-3CO _ _ KOU HALE , KIHKT-CLASS HAKIIHY AND reitamnnt ; only buhlnrsH of kind In town of l.DCO Inhnbltants ; pntl.ifactory leaKnns Riven. Krank Clruber. St. Paul. Kelt. Y M5u 25 rt s7rLTf-UAKTTiY : FIXTUHES ) C Emerson ; exclusive trade of the trnvn. iood rcafoni for Felling. Address S. I , . S.irkett , Knirnon. Nub. Y 520 2I KOU MONEY LOANED ON IHCYCLB3 WHEN people expect to make an exchange In pprln I eb. Cycle Co. . 15th nnd Hunicy. Z 2ia J ! ) 450 ACUBS J10.CO ACHU AND JCOO.OO KOIl MDS. Address C 23. lice. 2 333-25 * KAHM NBAll SNOHOMISH. WASHINGTON. for property further cast. Soil1C03 Karnam. / 3 ! ) I KOU EXCHANGE HEAL KSTATE KOU JIBH- i-'iindlse. Kor particulars address Ilex 264 , Imperial. Neb. K-M401-2C * VO\l KXCHANoT AN ELEGANT" HOUSE nnd lot In Omaha for ChlcaRO iiroperty ; owner chained residence. C 32 , llee. X M418 M KINP. TKN-A"CUB KUUIT KAHM NEAH COUN- ell 1 Muffs , for pleasant Omaha home ; centrally located , bemls , 1'uxton block. K M5H 40 ACUKS CLEAH WILL TAK1-"TYPEAVHIT- er nnd cash , ( owner ) : also 72 acren near Coun cil muffs , very cheap , some trade. Address C 52 , Ilec. . / T.W 21 KOU SALK IIUAL KSTATE. A15STHACTS. THE I1VHON HEED COMPANY. HE-S78 " " HOUSES , LOTS. KAHMS , LANDS. LOANS Ueo. P. Ilemls Heal Estate Co. , Paxton blk. HE-SI3 WU HAVE IIAHGALS'S IN HOMES : ALSO fiuins. and want more ; list your property with u * . Cl. M. Natllncer & Co. , 1701 Kurnam. HE-SSO 46X140 ON KAHNAM ST. . NEAH 31ST AYE. , for few ilays , Jl.Oi0.V. . II. Gales , CIS N. Y. Life. HE 510 20 MUSIC , AUT AM ) LAXCU.VGU. y. GEI.I.ENIIECK. 11ANJO. MANDOlin - lin and guitar teacher. Room 412 llee HUB. Tel. I3j "X ) HECliTOLD. 1'UINTEH. IIUOWN 11LIC. TEL10U M237 Jll YOUH PIANO TUNED. ACTION HEGUI VTilD. case polished , enllmntcs Kit en for lepalrs ; sat- Isfncllon Kuuranteed ; orders left with J. a. Cameron promptly attended lo. 305 So. 17th. M3SS 31 KIXAXCIAL. LIKE INS. POLICIES UOUGHT. W. P. HOLDEN 3511 DAXCIXK SCHOOL. MH. AND WHS. MOUAND MAKE A "S elalty by their own method of teaching youne and oU lo become nruceful dancers In u few private or i-lnm lessons. New clashes now formlni ; . 1519 Unrney. 934 J-l KUUXITimU I'ACICKI ) . GET M. B. WALKLIN'S PH1CE3 ON KUHNI- lure packing , rrpalrlni ; , uphoUlerliiK ; mat- Irenes made and icnovutcd ; 2111 Cumlng. Tel , 1S31. 3i' .SliU'l.VG .II.VCin.VKS AM ) SUl'l'LIKS. NEW HOME. IIOUHSHOLD AND WHITI sewlny machine olllcc , 1511 Cap. ave. Tel , 1S7I DUILDIXO AM ) I.OAV ASSOCIATIONS bllAUKH IN MUTUAL I * Jt 11. ASS'N PAYS C , 7. 6 per cent wticn 1 , : , 'S years eld ; nhvuyr re- dccnublc , 1TOI Karnuni iil. , Nattlngcr , Sec.SS7 SS7 HOW TO GET A HOME Oil SECUHE GOOD Intercit on savlnes. Apply to Omaha L. & 1) . liOl Karnam. U. M. ! iattlnifir , Sec. SSS Il.VTII ItOd.MS. UUHfllAN. TUItKlSIt , AND JIEDICATED baths , to cents ; BJO ! T"luslve tleriirlment for laillei ; evcrylhlne nt-w ; ladles' hair ilienIiiL und Laibcr shop In connection. 197 S. lliu. lliu.iSJ iSJ TYI'I3WUlTiil9 , GET T11IJ J1EST TYPWWniTEHS ; HUPPLICS repairs. United Typewriter & Supplies Co. , ICC Karnnm street. ES3 Jun 30 DUESSMAKINQ. 11Y TUB DAYl WOHIC QUAH iinteeJ ; prices rruionatU ; reference , U 39. llee. M-4SO 25 DIIKti.SMAK1Ni , IN FAMILIES. MIK3 Uluitly , 4UI UurdclU. Jt-453 JU I'AltM KOU ltr\T. GOOD Sfl-ACUB KAIIM I'OJl IIBNT. 3' * M1L11S wi > t nf city limits ; lr > wf > , enn buy the build * tuts nnd rmnplel fnrtnltiK nut tit for | ttn fmm lir * ent tenant. lln'li > , Paxton block. M til LOST. IX3ST-OOLD BYE GLASSES. WITH PAIIT OK fhiln Mttacbed ; mltnble rewnrd. Mr ? . W. D. Crawford , HW Shernood nve. Lost 411 ! 4 * SUES & CO. , PAThXT SOLICITOUS , llcollultdlni : . Umnlm , Nobr Advluo nml Paiont llooK Kit KM RAILWAY TIME CARD vff IirilMNClToS' & MO. iUVKIt.lArrlvcn Omalinl'nli , > n I cpot. 10th & Mnfuii Sis. ( _ Oinuli.i Sain Denver Express 9:3tiam : 4.Vipm.lllk Hills , Mont A 1'URi-t Snd Ex. 4:05pm : 4Wiin : | Lenver Express 4:0ipm : Tt5pni..Llncun : ! laical ( ex Sunday ) . . . . 7:45pm : 2M : > pm..Lincoln ljcnl ( ex , Kuiul.iy.ll:30am ) : .cnvcVlCUK'AOO. liritUNOTON & Q.Arrive | * OaialiaL'tiluri | Depot , 10th & Ma .in Sts. | Oin.ilu Chlcngi VestllHlo fsbunm 9MSnni Chlcngo UxprcHK < : lt > i > m 70i : > m..Chicago el Si I til.i Kxprcits. . SiOOiun IMOam Pnclllc Junction Local BMOpm Past Mull 2:50im : .pn vc.rirlUCACIO , Mil * & ST. i'AUL.Arrlve. | . UmumUnion ! | Ucpol , lOlli & Mumui ril.vj Omn.'m ' "fi :30 : | > m 7.T.CH Icnjo LI ml toil . .T"s :05nm lHam..ChlcaK' : ( ) ' > KX | > ICES ( ox. .o.ivc.i H'HICAOO ft NOKTinVKST'N.IArrlveg OmnhUUtilim | iH-put , lOtli .t M.I.IUI : Stu. | Onulia Ol.'min Knstern Kxprcus 3MOpnt 4l. : > p.nt YoMlbuliM Llmltoil SMOpm : , : : . : i > m St. I'.iul nxpror * 0:301 : m BMOam St. 1'ntit Llmltr.1 9:05im : | 7:3iMin..rarroll : ft Slniix City I < : G:3t : > | > m Omnha Chicago Special SWun : : Missouri Valley 1/ocal y:30.un : ' " " " " LonveiT ICIUrAClO. "n7 ! . & I'ACIt-'IC.IAVrlvos OnmlmfUnlon Repot. IClh & " MJEOI SJaj " KAST. tOMOam..Atlantic Kxiiruss ( p.x. Sunday ) . . CX"pm : 7uOiim : Nlglit Kxprcea 8:15im : 1"OpiM..CIik-iiK' : ' ) Vcrtlliulcil Llmltcil. . . . l:3.iin : | 4Cini..St. : | 1'aul VentlbulcJ Llmltcil. . . . r.S3iin | WEST. lnpm : . . _ . . . , .Colorado Limited lj0j"i' Leaves ) C. . ST. P. . M. & O. ( Arrives UnmlmfUnlon Depot , 10th & Miuon Sts.j Oniiibn 12:30ptn..Sioux : City Express ( ex. Sun..U:53am ) : 8:15am..Sioux : Clly Accommodation. . . . S-.OOpm Cl5pni : St. Paul Limited. : Depot , 15th and 'Webster Sis. | Omnha Cipm : -rSt. " " " " " Leaves" ! K."C ST..L & "cril. , . . . . . v.- , OmnliniUnlon Depot , lOlh & Mason Sis.LT.-i.n | _ :05aiii.7 : KnrinR City Day Express. . . . OMOpm 10Oipm.K. : ) C. KlRht I'.x. % la U. P. Trans. CiSOtini leaves. | - AIfssotftM'ATIKIc" : . f.\rrlves Oinau : ( _ Dcpot , l.'lli nndWcl _ ter Sis. | _ Omnlm 3:00ini..Ncbinrltii : & Kansas Limited..123r.pni . ! ) : ; opm Kansas City Exprrsa C:0"am 2:1."pin..Nebraska : Local ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . 0:00am : U-UVCH | S10DX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Airlvc * Oina'.ial Depot , l-'lh and _ W lnter St . 1 Onmlia uiiin. . | . . . St. Paul : Lcnver | siOl7X CITY ft PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omaha | Union Depot , lOtli ft Mo ten Sts. | Uinalia B:4'Min ' St. Paul PaBscnser ll:10i > m T:30im : Sioux City Passenger : | r , : pn St. P.iul Llinlt''d 9i'JO.iin Leaves | tTKION' PACITir1. jArrlvi * OmalinUnlon | Depot , lOtli ft Mason Sts. ( Onulia 8:2"am : Overland Llml'-'il lV : > pm CrWpni.Iii'-ifce & Stromsb'K Kx. ( ex Sun ) . 3SOpm 5:3."pm.Urand : lelaml Kxprefs ( ex. Sun ) . ? .iVij > m 33Cpm | Fast ilnlL.j . . . . . rHi-ojm Loiives'lVAltAMiriiAILVAY. . [ Arrives Om-iliiill'nlon Deimt , lUtli ft Mason Hs. ( | Oinnlia 4:30nm : : ir.0am : DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY All Druggists. No. 3C11. Report of the Condition of THE SOUTH OMAHA NATIONAL RANK. At South Omaha , In the Stale of Nelirarka , ut the ClOfe of business. December 17 , 1800. Loam nnd discounts . J 491,787 4S Overdrafts. secured nnd unsecured . 4.0ID 1C 17. S. bonds to scciu-e cir culation . 23.00000 Premiums on U. S. bondi. . 2,000 00 Stocks , xcciirlllctt , etc . 21 , MG IS Hanking houxe , fuinlturc und flxtuic * . 25,332 09 Other real estate and inort- KaRes owned . CG.411 91 Duo from national banks ( not reserve iijicn'Ji ) . J 21.519 18 Due from elate banks and bankers . 2.717 13 Due from upprmcd rercrve. URents . . . . . . . 2JI.8C291213,12920 Checks und other casi : Items . 79.70673 Notes of other national hanks . 1.C93 00 Fractional paper currency , nickels anil cents . 275 Lawful Honey llcscrve In Hank , viz. : Specie . 32,87900 / Lesal tender notes . 13,624 C 123,107 48 Hedcmptlon fund with U. 8. treasurer. (5 ( per cent of circulation ) . 1,12500 Total 11,017.91020 LIAIIIL1TIES. Capital Sitock paid In * 100,00000 SnipltiB fund . ' . . . . . 75.0CO 00 Undivided prolltH. less e.x- l > rnsi > ! ) nnd tuxes paid. . . . 19.C35 Cl National bank notes out- gtunllni ; - 21.SSO 00 I nil. to other national banks. 92,031 31 Due to state banks nnd bankers 17,222 S3 Individual dcporllsubject to check 313,23092 Demand ccrllllcntes of ile- po lt 1.S7S 70 Time certillcaleu of de posit 28,202 2S ( \-rtined checks S.SCJ 15 Cashier's checks outstnml- Ins 2C2.WC 45731.494 CD Hllla payublu 20,000 00 Tot.1l Jl.017.910 39 State of Nebraska. Counly of Douglas. , KS : I , II. C. llastwlck , cashier of the ntiove-named bank , do solemnly Mvcnr that tin- above state ment Is true tu the best of my knowledge and belief. H. C. HOSTWICIC. Caflilcr. Subscribed and fworn to befoie me this 21th day of December , 1S8C. II. r. MILLKH. ( Seal. ) Notary Public. Conect Attest : J. II. MilIAim , THU.MAN lll'CK. OUY C. I1AHTON. Directors. NOTICE TO 8TOCKHOLDKKS. Notice la hereby Klvnn thnt the annual meetliiK of the stockliolderB of the Omnlm Union Depot comrmny will liu hulil ni. tin- olllco of the Union Depot company. t the hisiulqiinrtera of the Union 1'nclflc Iliiilway company. In the- city of Omnha , on the llth dny of January , Ib07 , at 11 o'clock : , u. m. for thu election of directors ana tntiiH- nctlon of nny other luminous thut may legally como before the meeting. Omaha , December 21 , 1MXJ. J. a. TAYLOH. Sec. Omaha Union Depot Co , n 22 d 20t E UNION LAND COMPANY. Notleo IK hereby ufven that the nnntml mc-etliiK of the mocKhoIclcrs of the Union Laiul company for the election of flvo di rectors and the transaction of such other buslncRH IIH may lawfully como heforo the meetlni ; will bo held nt thu olllco of thu Kcnoral Hollcltor , Union 1'aelllo ImllilliiK. Omahn. NcbranUa , upon Monday the lltli day of January , 37. at 10 o'clock a. in. ALEXANDUii MILLAH. Secretary , lioaton , Mass. , December T , HDii. D22 (122t .Sliu-Uliolili-rn .11 IT 1 1 n u. Olllco of Lce-Clarku-AndrcoHcn Hardware Company , Omaha , Neb. , Duu. 12 , HM : Notice IH hcroby Klven to the 8toekholdcrn of the Leo-Clarkc-Andri'csen Hardware company that the annual meeting of the BtoclihuIdiTH of the company will ho noli : nt the offices : of the ttnld company , NOH. 1219. 1221 and 1223 Hartley fureet , In the clt > of Omaha. In the xtatu of NobraHlm , on Tuesday , January 12 , A. D. 1S07 , at ' 3 o'clock p. in. , for the purporc of electing a board of directors for the company , to ervo dur ing thu ensuing your , nnd to trammel uuch other business as may bo presented at nucl meeting. ( Seal. ) II. J. LKE. Attest ; 1'renlilent. W , M. GLASS. Secretary. Decl2d22t _ WILQOX. COMPOUND. COMPOUND.s Bafu ami sure rrllt-r , nuver ( all. ( _ arolmltallimi. Alnlliru-Kht ] } . Wrllufur ir tiKin' triiarit rin'i : . Vvu.cox it EDI- CLNfi CO.i Sa bV. KltfUUlgt.i 1'illUtiu. , 1 % BAD FAILURES IDRT TRADE Holiday Buying Has I ! on Mostly in the Lower Fricec Goods. EFFECT OF HARD TIMES STILL APPARENT O IITII ItnllromlN SlnUi- the HM | Sli < > \ > IIIH : of KiimliiKN fur ttio l-'li-st Half of I > i < L-tMiiliri-U. ( i , Truile NEW YOUK , Dec. 21. 11. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Hcvlcw of Trade tomorrow will Buy : Tlio failure of twp Importnnt banks , tlio second in size of business nt Chicago nml the oldest nt St. rani , with sonic others dependent on them , closes not favorably a j month , which promised jo end with only mod crate commercial disasters. U does not lessen the effect of th'cse failures that ono was caused by enormous loans In aid of an electric railway and other concerns , and that the Other appears to have resulted from heavy ventures In unsaleable real es tate. Since several thousand business men nnd depositors are for the lime embarrassed as much as the speculators that cruised the trouble , the breakdown Is thu reverse ot iiopcful at present , although It comes when money markets nro well supplied and when no serious effect on business is to bo apprehended. Other Important events of the week nre .he failure of the billet and rail pools to Und a basis for agreement nnd the some what general discharge of hands or reduc tion of wages In the shoe manufacture. The iiollday trade has been.fair , but generally In articles of medium grade. The fall In steel billets from over $20 to about $10 nt Plttsburg and In steel rails from $2S net for mills to $25 , less brokers' commissions , produces so great a change In other prices nnd conditions of business that the meeting held hero tthls week for the purpose of reviving pools nnd fixing prices influenced operations throughout the coun try. Hut no agreement was reached nnd meanwhile contracts have been made coverIng - Ing the wants of most producers for three months nnd some for tlio whole- year 1897 , nnd It Is said that such large contracts have been mndo nt $ tcr at Plttsburg and $17.50 nt the east.Ucssomer pig hns de clined to $11.15. and gray rorgo to $9.G3 nt I'lttsburg. while bar nnd other finished prod ucts remain unchanged , though lOO'.flOO bundles of cotton tics have been contracted for at CO cents per bundle. The produc tion of coke Increases "rapidly , O.COO ovens bring In blast , with an output of 97,155 tons for the week. Scarcely nny business has been done In the minor ; metals nnd $11..17 Is quoted for lake copper$12.85 for tin and $3.05 for lead. ( In the cotton manufacture- there is further decline In some staple- goods and tak ings by northern splinters are disappoint ingly light. Print cloth ' ; ; accumulate nnd do not advance. Sales of'twool are restricted by the general conviction thnt prices asked by Interior holders camipt bo realized , nnd then * In considerable -disposition to unload speculative seaboard markets. Most manufacturers llavp' more wool than they have orders nuiL.atlurrs meet , as yet. no satisfactory tlemnnU Ici goods. Sales of wool were only 2.C33.noO pounds at the chief markets against f > 011,300 pounds for the satno weelc.lait year. ! ' * Wheat hns grown n little stronger In splto of the disturbance qflihc Chicago mar ket. Exports have been 1.471,413 bushels , flour Included , for flrcclnyp and 8.S92.6S7 for four weeks , against 8, ! > 9 for the same weeks last , year , v/hHo/from Pacific ports the Increase has been icfptc. Western re ceipts are still small , ; mnquntlng to 8-l5fi- C31 bushels .In threeweeks of the month against 11,3-14,559 last , yjjar. The volume of business ' ? advances considered , is not. large ; ' ' . ; / . . . - " , Payments through clearing houses have been for theweek 25 per 'cent ' less than last year and for the month thus for the dally average Is 9.8 per' ' cent less than last year nnd 20.8 per cent' less than In 1S92. Failures for the week have been 297 in the United States against 322 last year , anil forty-four In Canada against forty last year. Tbo aggregate of gross earnings of nil railroads In the United States Is $12,017,12(1 ( , a decrease of4.5 per cent compared with last year , and of 11.1 per cent compared with corresponding timeof 1892 , the latest period of ordinary business prosperity with which comparisons can now be made. Of the sections of the country In which rep resentative roads have reported , western roads , including the grangers , make the most favorable showing. Southern and southwestern roads report a small loss. In the other groups reports nre ns yet Incom plete. All clnssps of roads report a decrease compared with both years with which com parison Is made. Trafllc on nil roads has been far from satisfactory for several month < < nnd ns yet there is little Indication of im provement , but the heavy losses In grnss earnings reported by many roads are not entirely due to loss of trafllc. The falling off In traffic has been greatest In the blub class freights , nnd the loss In gross earnings Is consequently relatively larger than the loss in trnfllc. _ _ _ .STOCKS MAni : A KAPII ) liKC'OYKKY. ri'i'lN Suy the Krlwhl Over Culm PiiKMt-il A ny ( luli-lilj- . NEW YORK. Dae. 21. Ilradstreet's re view of the stock market will say : A rapid recovery followed the depression In stock values at the end of last week. The street quickly realized that the situation created by the senate foreign relations committee In giving a favorable report on the resolu tions acknowledging Cuban 'Inileiicndenco lacked the gravity of the Venezuelan matter a year ago. London failed lo show any fright nnd buying from thut quarter was supplemented by largo purchases to cover short contracts , no that on last Saturday the market regained more or less of the- ground It had so rapidly lost nn the break of Friday , tlio 18th Inst. The- current uosalp ascribed no small portion cf the bear covering to Washington Interests , which liutnrally tended to diminish the fears that the Cuban resolutions .would lead to Rerlnus action , and the fact that thu senate Itself on Monday laid them over until after the holi day recess , together with Indication : ) that the house would fall to concur in the pro- ooscd action , deprived the matter of signifi cance. The market consequently tended < o Improve uMll further , , during the earlier portion of the week ow continued short cov ering and en the boHef"that the adjourn ment of congress forltf two weeks' recess vould afford opportunity , , for a spcculalvo llscount of the Investment ! demand and im provement in business' that Is looked for \ftor January 1. This dlnpoaUlon was , however - over , checked by the development of bankIng - Ing troubles In the wcsOncludlng : the fail ures of the National nrtuj ; jof Illinois in Chicago cage nnd of the Hank of Minnesota In St. I'aul , both Institutions bringing down with hem a number of mlimr- banks nnd firms In their respective vicinities. The disturb ance In the financial situation nt Chicago bad , however , little or no Influence here , as the superabundant'tnipply of funda en abled the Now York'1 banks to render nil needed assistance to , their Chicago corre spondents without in any way curtailing their own loans , and while speculative in terests at Chicago nro naturally threatened ho fact that their activity 'has been con- Incd to local enterprises and was almost entirely based on local capital prevented the Influence from extending lo thla center. Prices were , therefore , only slightly effected , and at the end of the week thu market OB sumed a dull holiday appearance , the chief activity arising simply from tlio deslro of professional traders to close up contracts and stand clear of the market over the three TH' .MtM-lliiK Union iii > - viiliuCompiinx of Oiimliu. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Dtockholdcra of the Union Elevator company of Omaha , for the pur- poxo of electing HOVOII directors nnd mich other business us may properly como before the meeting , will L-o held nt thu olllco of the General Solicitor. Union Pnclllo building , Omnlm , Neb. , upon Monday , the -Uh ilay of January. lSfi7 , botw.eeu the houra of 10 o'clock n , in. , and C o'clock p. m. The stock transfer 'hookn will lie closed tea (10) ( ) days bcforn the Uato nt the moot- In ? . ALUXANUHH MILL Alt , BeiTctfiry , Boston , Mass , , December 7 , 1SW3.must must days' holiday , which results from the clos ing of the Stock exchange on the Saturday after Christmas. As there * Is a considerable short "Interest " outstanding , this tendency re sulted In a conilderablo covering nnd gave a tone of strength to the concluding trans actions of the week. NOTHING HUT HOLIDAY IH'SIM S. rprl'M Iti-iiorlM Kvi-n Hint In He llt-liMV HIP Avrrimr In Amount. NEW YOHK , Doc. 21. Hradstreefs to morrow will sny : The arrival of the holi days nml the period of annual stock taking have further cheeked the volume of whole sale business. Only filling In orders nre be ing received nnd trade is slow. Hetnll de mand for holiday goods has been active , but , It ' la for cheaper grades than In previous | years. In other Hues the distribution of merchandise J has been smnllcr at n number of distributing centers. Failures of Impor tant banking Institutions nt northwestern cities tend to unsettle confidence In com mercial nnd banking circles. Very few salesmen remain on the road , but most of them | nro preparing to go out within a fort , night. The moderate trade revival which ] followed j the last presidential election hr.fl been disappointing In that , ndo ! from j Christmas | , business has been more unsatis factory for n month past than nt n corresponding spending period In many years. The shake-up In the Iron nnd steel prices Is nearly complete , nnd quotations for Hesse- mer pig Iron nnd for steel have got down lo the level of those for other staples. The billet pool line been patched up nominally. Anxiety Is felt In the Iron and steel trade as to the uncertainty ot the price of lake ore utider the now combination to control that staple. Freer receipts of corn tend to encourage high crop views and account for the reac tion In price. Lard nnd petroleum nre lower. Unchanged quotations nro reported for wheat , Hour , sugar , pork nud coffee , as well ns for print cloths , although heavy , stocka of the latter nro having a depressing effect . on the market , and likely to cause a rc- stitctlon of output In the near future. Exports - ! ports of wheat , flour included ns wheat , from both coaatii of the United States this week amount to 2.111,702 bushels , against 3,512,000 last week. Exports of Indian conn this week head up well , the total amount being " ,179.000 bushels , as compared with 2,814.000 last week. 1.S39.000 bushels In the week ono year ago and with very much smaller totals In like weeks In the three preceding years. There nro 327 business failures reported In the United States , twelve less than last week nnd eleven more than In the corresponding spending week a year ago. There were forty-eight business failures Ira the Dominion of Canada this week , against thirty-nine laat week and thirty In tli'1 week a year ago. AIMMIOVKS TIIU CKUTIFICATKS. TroiiHiiry Ilt'imrinirnt AolH I'lioii Kx- position MiiHiT * . "John A. AVakefleld , Secretary Transmls- slsslppl nnd International Exposition , Omaha. The Treasury Department has ap proved the certificates and has notified Presi dent Cleveland that the exposition manage ment has compiled/ / with the act of congress. Merry Christmas. D. H. MEUC13H. " The foregoing Is a copy of a telegram re ceived at noon yesterday from Congressman .Mercer. The certificates referred lo are the documents forwarded last Saturday by the exposition officials to Congressman Mercer , containing the Information requested by the Treasury Department regarding the total amount of subscriptions to the exposi tion , the legal evidence of thu Incorporation of the association nnd similar Informa tion. tion.While While there la no legal requirement mak ing It obligatory upon the president to mike ofllclal proclamation to the world thnt Omaha Is to hold nn exposition In 1S9S , It 13 gen erally understood by the exposition officials that Congressman Mercer wll ) use every effort to Induce President Cleveland to immediately Iraue such a proclamation. The local olllclnls were greatly pleased with the information contained In the telegram quoted , heretofore , and say that this removes the lest vestige of doubt regarding the sup port ot the enterprise by the national gov ernment. HOOMI..n AN EXPOSITION SITU. I''air ' AKHiiflntlnii Will TontU-r I'NIof HIiiU- niljCJromiil.s. . The executive committee of the Omaha Fair and Speed association at Its regular meeting at the Commercial club yesterday decided to offer the use of the State fnlr grounds to the exposition association for the big show of 1893. The offer will be made subject to the contract with the State Hoird cf Agriculture. A committee was appointed to obtain the consent of this board to the offer. It Is understood thnt the state board does not intend to hold a state fair during the exposition year. The fair grounds will be offered with Elmwood park , as a oite for the exposition. The committee discussed at some length matters In connection with the race meet of next June. There was a little talk of re ducing the purses , hut no nctlon was taken. It waa nlso reported that steps hart been , taken to assist the state board in making up the deficiency which existed In Its treas ury after the atnto fair of this year. A special auditing committee reported that it had found that the accounts and reports of the secretary nnd treasurer wcro In excellent condition. The report was ap proved. Mui-ilcri-il liy Itoliliei-M. MILLINGTON , Mich. , Dec. 21. James Itrown. CS years of nge , died this morning from wounds Indicted by a robber who s'lot 'aim ' In his home last ulsht. The thief , with n companion , bound , uapged and chloro formed TIroivn and 111 * wife anil ransacked the house. On Urown'H offering Homo re sistance he was shot. The ball lodged In the left side. FOHIH'AST OF OIIHISTMAS WKATHI3U SIIIMV > ! ny IalI in South nnKoln , lint NfliriniUii AV1II Only Ilnvi * < ; iouix. ] WASHINGTON , Pee. 21. The forecast for Christinas day Is : For Nebraska and Kansas Increasing doudlucBS during the day , with warmer south winds. For Colorado Partly cloudy weather , probably followed by local showers In the afternoon or night ; warmer in southern portion ; variable winds. For South Dakota I'urtly cloudy and probably llKlit local IJIIOWH ; warmer In eastern portion ; south winds , shifting to west. For Wyoming Gcncrnlly fair ; south to west wind * . For Montana Fair ; west winds. For MlHsourr. Generally fair ; warmer ; south winds. For Iowa Fair In the morning ; Incnns- IIIK cloudiness ami probably threatening weather in the evening ; warmer ; south winds. Local Iti'i'onl. OFFICE OF TUB WI3A.THEH RUHKAU. OMAHA , Dec. 21. Omaha record of rainfall and temperature , compared with correspond- Intr day of the past three yearn : 1SOS. 1S35. 1S3I. 1893. Maximum temperature. . . 20 Si 37 57 Minimum temperature. . . IS III 2S12 Average temperature 22 33 32 50 Rainfall T T T .48 Itecord of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for the day und ulnco March 1 , 1S3G : Normal temperature for the dny 21 Deficiency for the day 2 Accumulated ilellulcncv since March 1. , 127 Normal precipitation for the day. . .03 Inch Deficiency for the day 03 Inch Total precipitation since Mcli. 1 31.92 Inches KXCCHH since March 1 -1.62 Inches Deficiency for cor. period , 1S93. . ll.Ollnchcu Deficiency for cor. period. IbOI. . II.7C Inches Til 13 HKAI.TY aiAIIKKT. , . INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thurs day , December 21 , 1S&0 : WARRANTY DEEDS. E. R. Fogir , rec. , to II. Hall , lot 3 , block 3 , Potter & C'x 2 < ! add $ 140 Same to Joseph Mitchell , lot 2 , blk .1 , Harno 140 Saiiio to William and Ciitiino Fltz- patrlek , lotI , blk 3 , Harno 110 S. 10. YoungH nnd husband to J , A , Sundoriund , lot C , blk 17 , Hunscom place CCOC F. T. IlnyoH to M. O. Hiiyen , mum of n 71 feet , lot 1. blk 3S , and u Cl feet lot 1. blk 33. Omaha 1 S. T. Atwatcr to J. It , mine , lot 4 , blk 1 , ThumiiE-on & O'H add 1,075 DEEDS. Sheriff to Samuel Hawyor. tola 1 to 35 , 33 to 52. Si to 56 , 58 to CO , OJ to Cl , O ) to 71 , Ka ; > er'n add , , , , -1,720 Total amount of transfer : ) , . . .JI1.722 UNION PACIFIC FINANCES Receivers Mnko Their Report for tlio Mouth of Ootohor , SHOW A DECREASE IN THE SURPLUS Jxornl Tluiio of Corrp- nliiiiiilliiur Miinlli Lust YiMtr , lint Are AliHiirliiMl liy 1 - l'ritNPi ! > The report ot tlio receivers of tlio Union I'.iclilo railway system for the inontli of October , ISUC , 1ms Just been iMiioil. The earnings niul expenses of the month nre eomparcil with the month of October , 1S95. The gross earnings ot the main line show nn Increase of $17CS1.-IG , but ns there \v a an lucrc.180 In the expense , cxeliulln ; ? tnxcs , of $1D.114.S2. ! the Increase in the sur plus amounts to only $1.250.01. The Krowa earnings of the main line for the flrs.1 ten months of the present year amount to $11- * SJ3.3C1.07an Increase of $12315.15 over the fjrcwa earnings of the name period of 1S95. The expenses allow an Increase of $1-11,161.21 over those of the ttrnt ten months of the preceding year , leaving a decrease In the Miirplus for the ten mouths of $12'J , 119.00. The Kress earnings of the Oregon Short Line Utah Northern railway In October , this year , were not so croat by $12,790.73 ns they were In October last year. While the earnings went down the expenses went up , the Increase In the expenses bolus $28,099.75. The decrease In the mirplua amounts to $70,890.48. The comparison In the carnlnjfl and expenses of the Short Mnc for the first ten mouths of 1S95 and 1S9G l more favora ble to this year. The gross earnings In creased $15C.-I33.47 during this lime , and the expenses Increased $100,222.31 , leaving an increase In the surplus of $30211.13. Kor the month of October the St. Joseph & Grand Island , now n separate railroad , showed an Increase ot $1S,017.SJ 111 Us grosa earnings , and nu Increase of $31,25S.S1 In Its expenses , leaving a ilccrcnBO in the surplus of $13.210.99. The gross earnings of the llrst ten months of the year were $ rl, > greater than they were during the corresponding spending period last year. There wan also an Increase of $32,411.G3 In the expenses , making the Increase In the surplus $29.51-1.02. The gross earnings of the Kansas rily & Omaha rend for October , 1S93. were $7.R3.r.2l. nurlug October , ISflfi. they wrrp $10i .4S an Increase of $3,878.27. or $1,043.08 more In the Increase than the entire carninpit ot October. 1S03. The earnings of this vo.iit for the first ten months of 1S ! > 5 \\o--e $ r.7.-tsfl.S Kor the same period this jenr thev were $02.351.58 nn Increase of $34.SC5.30. The ex penses Increased but JI.OS3.a9. malting an increase In tin surplus of $30.781.91. The central branch of the Union Tactile shotts an Increase ot $2.170.S ! ) In the surplus of October ISilfi. over October , 1S95 , nml an Increase of $ S8.17r.M ) In the mirplus for thi ll rat ten months. The leaseil branches of the central branch show an Increase of $10li"1.91 in the earnings of October. 1S9C , over those of the same month last year. The expenses decreased $800.21. making on Increase In the surplus of $10932.18 The comparison for the ten incntlis shown an Increase In the surplus of $23.358.20. The comparison between the inuntlxi of October. 1S)3. ! ) nml 1K % . for the grand total ot the entire oystem shews a decrease In the surplus of $ S9.595.SG. There wan nn Increase ot $ 19,378.rS 'u the gross earnings , but the expenses were Increased $138,974.-II. The grass earnings of October. 1S9C were $2.fi22.- 202.2(1 ( ; the cxpemca were $1-159.112.12. The comparison between the first ten months of the two ypara for the entire system Is very favorable to 1800. There Is nn Increase of * 5 > 1.H ( > 5.12 In the gross earning and an In crease of $132.939.01 In the cxpenaoR.lcavlng _ an Increase In the surplus of $108.063.51. MUST PAY Tlinili KAIII2 Oil WALK TltlifN lo "OnpHlM" of llnItnllrnnil Cinnpiuili-N lo Hi" Cii < < > ir. Asked If the railroads are going to keep the solemn vows registered t last week's meeting of the local pr.cs committee to hold down free transportation to close lines dur ing 1807. an omclal of one ot the prominent railroads of Omaha , who was present nt the meeting , yesterday answered a lice re porter like this ; | "Tho question of paises Is one that la greatly disturbing the minds of railway magnates nt this time. New Year's day Is a period ot good resolutions , nml , like hades , rail roads are filled with them. The fact about tl.Is pass matter Is that western communities have bccomo omo\vhat demor alized by the Is&uance of n much free transportation. On eastern lines there Is comparatively little given. "The railroads west of the Missouri river have been the principal sufferers by the de pression am" short crops of the past few y"ars , and It would have been to their ad vantage since 1893 had they not been ro- qulrsil to turn n wheel In the wcotern . states. The general managers of the west j ern lines met In St. Louis n ( short time ago \ I and ngrcrd to cut down their lists of passes j very materially. This action has been sup plemented by the local associations through out the west. The movement has been most strongly urged by the stockholders of tin- various roads , who are Insisting more than ever before on economy In this respect , , -if ttntil-irl V TJln t-PRtllt will 1m thnt .1 large number of people hereabouts who have ( lashed the convenient pasteboard for sonic years will now have to travel lcs > s or pay full fnrc. The railroads mean business this trip. " . _ DHXTO.V MAY .SUUCI5HII NXYDRIt. Spt'i'iilitdoo on Itoi'U iMliiinl'N Onniltit It U currently reported throughout local ra-Ilwuy circles that George II. Denton wll ! bo the new general agent of the lloclv Island's freight department In this city. Xo coullrmatloii ot this report can now be received at local olllces , as Jlr. SnytUr has not returned from Chicago. The news of Mr. Ucnton's appointment , however , comes from a reliable source and Is generally bollevc-d. Ho Is now stationed at Council muffs , having charge of the Hock Island's freight department there. Ho has been there for three yearn , bufore that time having charge of the Hock Island's olllco at Stuart. la. Ho la about 35 years of age and enjoys n high reputation among his fel low railroaders. , ( IvtH Another I'lniir. The many friends of D. L. Sturgls , for merly contracting freight agent of the Chicago cage & Northwestern In this city , will bo pleased to learn ot n deserved promotion he lias just received as a Christinas present. Advices received in Omaha last night nro to the effect that ho has just been appointed general agent In charge of the freight and passenger departments of the Kcnoslm & Itockford division of the earno system at Kn- clno. AVIs. Mr. Sturglu was located hero for seven years , und resigned last Juno because of un pleasant relations with a Biipurlor tifllcer. Ho Is n young man yet , having recently ee'.c- hrntod the thlrty-flfth anniversary of his birth. Ho commenced railroading an a fireman ; was later nn engineer ; \va soon nmde h conductor , nml then seeured n good hold In the freight department of the North * western. _ _ _ _ _ Sny Itntcn nri > \ \ > 11 Mnliilnliinl. CHICAGO. Dec. 21. The western Mllroad managers say that never before In the his tory of American railroading has there been a time when the rates , generally speaking , were ns well maintained ns now. The year has been full of the rtxirg.tnlrMlons ot the different an oolatlons. both for freight and IKtMCMKer * . nnd the reorganisations * cem to hnvo berne excellent fnilt. The year lini been n hnrd one for most of the roxds , but the malingers say that they have little to complain of. If only the volume of trnlllc were a little larger. That , however , l on the Increate. nd all of the roads are looking for larger trade nfter the holidays , 5 XVtv ( "omiuitiy Incorporate * . MNVOLN . Hec. 21. ( Special. ) The cer tificate of organization nnd Incorporation nnd articles ot association of the ( iv.uul la- land , Hastings A Southeastern Hallroad com pany were Died' today with the secretary of state. The new company , which yester day purchased the road nt a sale held In Hastings , la composed of Morris A. Heed , Michael A. Hnrtlgan. John J. ConouRhy , ( Jrnnt Forbes , William V. McGco nnd John O. Drew. The capital stock mentioned In the new articles Is $3,100.000. The highest amount of Indebtedness to be Incurred la $3.400,000. or two-thirds of the amount of the cnpltnl stock. Cut Itnli-i fiir n ( ' .vi-lo Slunr. CHICAGO. Dec. 21. The various passen ger agents have ngrccd upon a rate of cno fare and a third for the round trip for the cycle show to be held nt the Coliseum In Chicago under the ninplces of the National Hoard ot Trade of 'Cycle Manufacture. January 23-30 next. ItcKiilnr ( lum-trrl.v 1)1 vlili-nil. NK\V YOHK. Dec. 21. The directors of theDclawaro & I.ackawanna railway have declared the regular quarterly dividend ot 19i per cent , payable January 20. ltilUviivoUM nml 1'iTMonnlN. Qp'ieral Agent Nash'of the Milwaukee re turned yonterdny morning from Chicago. General Solicitor Kelly of the Union 1'a- clllc spent \Vcdncsdny In Lincoln on n legal errand. The freight department of the Klkhoro rend iont out yesterday nn nrttstlc reminder of the season , wishing thorn n merry Christ mas nnd n happy New Year. Assistant General Freight Agent Snydcr of tlio Hock Island will return to Omaha this morning , bringing his recent nppolnt- ment , as n Christmas * present , back with him. him.H H Is probable that the suit of the Clover Leaf roads against the railroads In thn Central Trnfflc association for unjust dis crimination against It will bo settled out of court. Krank Trumbull , receiver nnd general manager of ( he Union Pacific. Denver & Gulf , parted through Omaha yesterday. Ho Is on his way to Denver to spend Christmas with his family. The Union 1'acinc has just put ono of the handsomest little wagons In Omaha on the streets. It Is the new mall wagon of the company , and the Union I'aellle uhlcld on it can be Been for a couple of blocks. ( leneral Pntwonger Agent Ijbmax nf the Union Pacific , who recently returned from an extended trip through the east , nays that while the passenger Iralllc In the weal Is not heavy , It compares very favorably with the light trafllc of the east. All the ru > Ilro.ids In thoslato have agreed ta malto a one-fare rale for the round trip from nil points In Nebraska to Lincoln January -1-6. with final return limit on January U. The occasion ut the reduced rnto Is the In auguration of the new state olllcers anil a frea silver convention. I'KltSO.VM , I'AKAdt.VI'IIS. H. G. liny of Cheyenne r.-ns In the city yesterday. Charles H. Nelson of Deadwood was In the city yesterday. J. H. MncColl of Lexington waa an Omaha visitor yesterday. 13.V. . Nash returned from an extended eastern trip last nliht. Leo McShaiio Is home from school spend ing his holiday vacation. V. M. Stewart of Huffnlo Gi p , S. I ) . , was among yesterday's arrlvnls. 1) . T. White has gone to St. Joseph to remain over ihe Christmas holidays. Gordon Clarke Is home from Chicago uni versity to spend the holiday vacation. Captain Palmer , who has been In Lincoln for a few days , returned home lust night. Dr. Hcrt Nye left ln-t night for Valley Junction , la. , whcro no will rejoin hLs wife. C. II. HIanchard , W. S. Summers and W. 12. .Clarke wcro Lincoln people In the city yesterday. G. 1) . Miner returned homo yesterday from Phoenix , Ariz. , whcro ho had been for txvo months past. Ira Darling of Chicago , who lias been in Omaha for ' .lie past few days on business , left for * homo last n'ght. ' ' ( > . K. Lcmmon and wife , Miss Kilna I.em- ninli nnil Mlxa Unsn Hnn nf Hnnlil flltv worn Omahn visitors yesterday. W. C. Irvine of Hess , Wyo. , manager of the Ognllalu Land and Cattle company , waa an Omaha visitor yesterday. J. C. Overtoil of Chicago , Inspector for the Pullman comixiny , who bus been In thn city for a couplet oil df.yH , left for humu lust nlcht. Miss Alice llrome , stenographer for tlio Pullman company , has gone to Nor/oik , where she will vUlt lelatlvta during Christmas. Nebraskans at tlio hotels : L. Hand , Ne braska City ; 1) ) . W. Woolvorton , I'lurce ; J. M. Doughty , Lincoln ; George C. llarker , Hc- ntrk-e ; K. K. Krisble , Klgln ; O. Colt , 15o- atrice. A. C. Dunn , city ticket of the Union Paclllc , nud Actuary Alexander ot the mas- tur-lii-rlianccry's olllco of the same road , nc- compnulcd by their wlvta , went to St. Paul yesterday tu Hpni-l the holidays. LIICA2. IIKJJVITIKS. jj Them will bo u tama ot association foot it ball at the Young Men'n Christian nsKoclntldn park thin morning at 10 : i. m. The government Inspectors nro maklni ; their regular visit to the revenue olllcca In this city. The work Is being done by C.V. . Seawell and J. U. Kalvey. Holler Iimpcctor Unltt has caused the ar rest of Gcoigo DalluB , cnglnuor at the Young .Mim's ( 'hrlHtlan uasorlntlon building , on tbu charge of running his plant \vlthout a The postufllre will bo open today from 9 to 12 o'clock. The money order department will bo cloyed all dny. There will bo onu delivery and nne collection iu the morning by the carriers. Here is a picture that women will wonder at , one of these days. They won't understand what the woman ia doing. Even now it looks queer to the users of Pearline to see a woman doubling herself up over a wash-tub. This old-fashioned , backbreaking - ing way of washing clothes by/ / rubbing them to pieces over a wash-board can't last. It isn't sensible. The way that is surely taking its place the easiest , quickest , most economical way is washing with Pearline , No soap with it that's entirely needless nothing but Pearline. . , . * ' . _ " " " ' ' MI < M. A * iw * 1"ll'l""J"-f'J'-l -U 1\ \ i