Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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    'i ? r > AV. 2.1. isnn.
Sftlo of the St. Joseph & Grand Island
Attracts Much Attention !
, AVIII Ciuinollitnfp I lie IntiTPHl * l N < "
l.riiMkn nml KniiHiiM " " HIIOII HM
the Hcri-lvcru Are Itcuily
to Aft.
HASTINGS , Dec. 23. ( Special Telegram. )
At noon today , at the iiouth door of the
Ht. Joseph & Grand Island depot , In thin
city , the St. Joseph & Grand Island railway
wan field by Edward Slmmonton , mastor-ln-
chanccry , of St. Paul. Minn. , to F. P. Allcott
of New York City , for $3,000,000 , the decree
requiring a deposit of $100,000 In cash before
a bid would bo ccccptcd.
Tills ale Is made under a decree entered
by the circuit court of the United States for
the district of Nebraska , the circuit court
for the district of Kansas , nnd the circuit
court of the United States for the Western
district of Mlvaourl and covers all of the
property of the corporation In theoo three
Prior to the rale a new corporation was
organized for the purpose of purchasing and
rcciiilrliiR the property belonging to the road
In th" state of Nebraska by the following
persons : Morris A. Reed , Michael A. Hartl-
i-aii , Joseph A. Drew. Grant A. Forbes. John
A. ConoiiRhy r.ti'l William F. McGcc. A
like corporation will be formed In the state
of Knnaas. These two c.orporatlons will
'ITecl a consolidation and as teen ns the
bnslnejj of the consolidated conioratliin Is
brouKht In shape the property will bo turned
over by the receivers.
The property was ostensibly bought by
William A. Bull of New York City , who
represented the bondholders. The gentle
men present representing outside Interests
were Messrs. William Bull and Bonnor with
their attorney. Mr. Strauss of New York ;
Mr Calhoun , a member of the law nrm of
Butler , Stlllman & Hubbard of New York
filiy. who represented the Central Trust
company ; Hon. M. A. Reed of St. Joseph.
Kcnoral counsel for the road ; Mr. Robinson ,
general manager ; Mr. Drew , general au
ditor , and Mr. Adslt , general freight agent.
Coiii-liinliiiiH ItciifliiMl liy the Ciiiiiiner-
ohtl Club Comiultti-i- .
A committee of the Commercial club has
been conducting a quiet Investigation of the
project of a Yankton nml Norfolk railroad
that has been agitated with more or less
energy for sometime past. The committee
has about concluded that the enterprise Is
not favorable to Omaha Interests and that
the road has no more than a paper basis
anyway. It has been a general understand
Ing that the Great Northern system wcs
behind the project , but although the road
IIOH been wurvoycd and some grading done
on the linn by n company which failed ,
tl'o committee cannot find that there Is a
dollar back of the project which Is being
Bought to br revived.
The Idea acquired by members of the
committee Is that even If siilllclent capital
nhould bo Interested to build the road It
would never be a paying Investment for
the stockholders , and that Us Influence
would be In the direction of drawing busi
ness away from Omaha and to Minneapolis
and St. Paul. o far as freight business
Is concerned , It Is argued that It would be
Inconsiderable. The Hvo stock business
would be a largo Hem In the Nebrcoka
territory that It proposes to enter , and It
would scarcely be possible to got much of
that eort of buslnefH to go by the round
about way through Yankton to Chicago.
The tendency of grain shipments Is toward
the south and cast. Some wheat mlRht bo
Bccnrcd for Minneapolis , but neither Minne
apolis. St. Paul or Duluth provide n corn
market , and very little corn would bo likely
to go by that route. According to the com
mlttce , the bulk of the business of the new
read would bo such an amount of Jobbing
trade as could be diverted from Omaha to
St. Paul and Minneapolis , and the result
would bo that the road would be a loser
from the start , and Omaha would be a loser
to the extent that St. Paul business would
bo secured in Omaha territory.
MAY 111 II. ! ) SOMI-3 XH\V UOAl ) .
rroKiirrt of firent Activity In South
ern Wyiimlnw Xi-xl Year.
There Is a bright prospect for considerable
activity along the Union Pacific In southern
Wyoming at n no distant date. It Is quite
probable that a branch line of about twcnty-
llvo mllra In length will bo constructed
north from Rawlltm within a few months
The purpose la to invade a territory In
which rich beds of coal have recently been
discovered. Just beyond the right of way of
the Union Pacific.
The Wyoming Land , Iron and Coal com
pany Is the title of n now corporation that
lias Just been organized to develop the
mineral lands of nouthorn Wyoming. I-und
Commissioner McAllaster of the Union Pa
cific nnd of Omaha Is one of the directors
chcticn at the meeting held n few daya ago
and E. II. Satlel of Denver Is the president
The capital Block la $3.000.000 , The compaii )
owns nnil controls about 18.000 acres of land
bordering on the right-of-way land of the
railroad company. The general offices o
the company will bo located In Denver.
Mr. McAllaster yesterday morning , In
npcaklng of this matter , ald
"These lai'ds ' are situated north-
wrat of Rawllns. Thcro U no
railroad connection with them at present
but we expect to run a branch line over h
a short time. The deposits of Iron ores
cover C.OOO acres and are of the varieties
known as red and brown hematite , npcculai
and carbonate ores. Scml-bltumlnous coa
U opened by several tunnels , cutting veins
of coal live , fix and nine feet In thickness
Birmingham has been chosen as the naniL
for the new mining town and work on tin
mines will bo begun at once , "
MOMOII Mi-ll Will Ho I'nlil.
INDIANAPOLIS. Dec. 23. The new Monoi
Itallroad company had $00.000 In the Natlona
Bank of Illinois , which failed at Chicago
the other day. The regular pay day on tha
mail Is the -Sth of the month , the payments
bring nyido by chocks through local agents
There has been somu uneasiness among the
men xvho fenr that'this month's paynion
will bo deferrc I. Judge Woods of the Unltei
Stales court says the men will bo paid , ovci
Bhimld It he neceseary to Issue receiver's cor
Uneaten. u
Iliirllnuloti Iitiyn OIV n Trnlii.
The Burlington's fast mall train from th
eont will not fun west of Omaha on Sunday
hereafter , the change being effective De
ct'iuber 27. This Is train No. 7 , which or
rives In Omnlia from Chicago at 2:60 : p. m
dally , and U-aveH for Lincoln five minute
later. Hereafter the train will not bo ru
through to Lincoln on Sundays , Omah
bulng Its wrate'rn ' terminus on tliono days
Highest Honors World's Fair.
A purcGrapo Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
Ammonia , Alum or any other adullctant
40 Years the Standard *
I The schedule of the fast moll for week doya
will not ho altered. The mail on Sundays
vill bo taken through to Lincoln hcre.iftrr
n train No. 3 , leaving Omaha at1:35 : p. m.
linlrnuitt Donnlil linn n Stork of
r.IM > O-Mllr InliTolmnKi'iililr * .
CHICAGO , Dec. 23. Chairman Donald of
ho Central Pawcngcr committee today Is-
ued notice to all Intmwtcd lines that he
was ready to receive orders for the G.OOO-
nllo InterchntiKoablc mileage ticket * , which
ho roads of his organization for the moot
> art have determined to put Into operation
t the beginning of the year. The tlckeln
vlll be good over forty-two roads running
ast and southeast from this city. All the
oads over which the tlrkctfl are good nro
not membtro of the central passenger com-
nlttee , but all of them have constituted
Chairman Donald us tholr agent for the IMUO
and control of the tnlloaso tickets. The
Ickot will be of the photograph signature
orm , arid both ( signature and photograph
of the applicant must bo handed In at tha
Ime of application for th ticket.
Strlpi from the ticket will not bo accepted
or transportation nor for checking baggage ,
and In all main whore the ticket U need It
nust be presented entire. Before beginning
any Journey the holder of the ticket munt
ako It to the ticket agent of the road over
vhlch ho Intends to travel and the agent
vlll tear off the proper amount of mileage
and tesue to the holder a continuous passage
Icket to his destination. The nillcaRO book
s not transferable and. If presented by anyone
ono other than that whose photograph ap
pears on the book It will be taken up and
ho faro collected. Chairman Donald will
10 the only ono to Issue the tickets , and In
no ease will ho Issue n ticket until the full
irlco , $100 , has been pal'l for It. It Is likely
hat the western roads will hold another
ncctlng In the near future to consider the
idvlsablllty of Issuing nn Interchangeable
nlleage ticket. There is a strong clement
among the roads , however , that Is willing to
valt until the eastern lines have given the
lekot n trll.
; it.\itcr.s OK MAXii'tii.ATixc : IIATKS.
PiiNNeiiKer Mi-n of Sevi-rnl ItoiulH on
the I tin-1.- .
The local passenger association yesterday
afternoon held a lengthy session In the Klk-
lorn headquarters. Cases against several
of the local roads were ctnsldcred , charges
being preferred by J. H. Mcllrlde. The lat
er Is the special representative of the Wcat-
otn Pnysoiiccr areoclatlon sent out to Omaha
) > Chairman Caldwcll to learn whether nny
of the pateenger agentc hero were cutting
rated or dealing with brokers. His report
ihows such nefarious practices to bo much
n vogue. The investigation was not con
cluded at yesterday afternoon's meeting.
2ffor : will be made to secure further evi
dence nnd the conviction of the roads
chafed with violation of the assoclatlon'o
agreement. No report will ho given out
until the Investigation hns been concluded.
ItiiNNlnii Iliillivny for Chinii.
ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. 23. An Imperial
ordinance has been Issued to sanction a
lew east or n Chinese Railway company , with
a capital'of 5.000.000 roubles , to construct
nnd work a railway from the western fron-
ler of Hol-LunK-Chlang to the eastern fron-
.ler of Klrln , In Manchuria , to connect with
branches of the Siberian railway. It Is pro
vided that the holders of shares must bo
Russian or Chinese.
.Nut CoiiNlilfrcil SrriniiMly.
The scheme to build a railroad from
Omaha to Buffalo , N. Y. , Is not taken seri
ously In local railway circles. None of HIM
. corporators are known at any of the local
railroad headquarters.
Iliillnnyot < > M nml PerxounlM.
The Union Pacific has Just Issued In folder
'arm its map of all the mines located along
ts system.
General Manager Dickinson of thn Union
I'nclllc and family went to Chicago Tuesday
evening for a few days.
President Clark of ho Union Pacific hna
innu to his homo In St. Louis to spend
Christmas with his family.
C. A. Boies , assistant superintendent of
Iho t'nlon Pacific , who has been attending
the Investigation before Judge Cornish , re
turned to Pocatello yesterday morning.
W. H. Barcroft , superintendent of the
I'nlon Pacific's mountain division , and < S.
W. Keclcs , afalstant general freight agent ,
returned to Salt Lake yesterday mornliiK-
The cases of Carpenter , Grant el al , In the
Cheyenne land olllce , contesting Cfnlon Pacific
applications to patents to railroad lands
near Sherman because of alleged mineral
character of the land , have been decided In
favor of the railroad company.
Assistant Land Commissioner Lunger of
the Union Pacific has Ju t returned from
eastern Colorado. Ho has been Htipervlslns
the work of starting an agricultural ex
perimental Mallim there for the purpose or
finding how best to develop the arid lands
A faro of one and one-third for the round
trip will be put In from all points in Ne
braska lo Chicago and return , January 2G-
23. for the meetings of the National Dairy
association. The same reduced rate will
bo In vogue for the meetings of the Modern
Woodmen o : America at Dee Molnes from all
points In Iowa , February 1 and 2.
A vote Is being taken of all the railroads
In the state on a proposition to make a one-
fare rate for the round trip to Lincoln from
all points , In the state , January G-7. The
occasion Is the Inauguration of the new
state olllccrs and a silver convention. The
sentiment of the Omaha roads appears to be
favorable , and It Is generally thought the
proposition will go through without a dis
senting vote.
You Can lie \Vcll
When your blood Is pure , rich and nourl h-
Ing for nerves and muscles. The blood Is
the vital fluid , and when It Is poor , thin
and Impure you must either suffer from
some distressing disease or you will easily
fall a victim to sudden changes , exposure
or overwork. Keep your blood pure with
Hood's Sarsaparllla and bo K'cII.
Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pill
assist digestion , cure headache. 2C cents.
Have you seen those beautifully arranged
K'sliglobcs In oi.r window ? Don't require
.T.iy drainage of water. Price , complete
f loin 55c up. Gelalcr's Bird store.
Ihii'lliiulon II on to Cull for n In
A cheap and plenaant way to make the.
overland trip Is to take one of the Burling
ton's weekly personally conducted excur
sions to California. "They leave Omaha at
4:35 : every Thursday afternoon. Most In
teresting route across the continent- -
through Denver and Salt Lake City. The
schedule Is HO arranged ns to afford pas
sengers a daylight view of the wonderful
scenery of the Rockies. Cars are clean ,
comfortable , modern and not crowded. Bcsi
of care given ladles and children. Second-
class tickets honored. Call at ticket olllco
1502 Farnam street , and get full Informa
tion )
How lit a talking Parrot as a Xinan pres
ent ? ticiiler's Bird Gtoro sells them with a
guarantee to talk for only $6.
Slii'i-lul Holiday
The ChlcMgo , St. Paul , Minneapolis anil
Omaha Ry. , will sell excursion tickets Dec.
21th , 20th nnd 31st , 1SOG , and January 1st ,
1897. good for return until January -Ui ! ,
1S97 , for one and one-third fares for the
rottiid trip.
Six-Thirty l > . M. Train.
of ttio
Boat service.
Dining car.
City olllco : 1M1 Farnam ,
0i ! , that U what I want ! ono of those
eu'o little Pug Puppies ; only $5 at GeUler'a
HIM store. : '
" | -'IIN | Mull" niKjioiilliiiit > il
Commencing Sunday , Dec , 27 , the Bur
llngton'H 2r.,1 ; p. in. train for Lincoln wll
not run Sunday * .
Hun Sinulio M ,
The Ihirllueton'n 2:5D : p , m. train for Lincoln
What do 1 wish tor Xuiati ? One of those
Imported Utrnmn ivarbllne Canaryu ; cnly
13.50 at Clelalcr's Bird tor .
Wo'ro Going to Make Tomorrow the Grand
est f ale Dny of tbo Year ,
I'o rlnp Oul KviTj'tliliuv I" tlio SI U e
of Holiday ( JoixlN , ClirNtniliN
anil t'Ni-rul unit Sensible
1'roNfiilH Wf Will Otter.
Special bargains for every hour of the day
null 10 o'clock at night.
Your choice of all the finest and highest
nrado men's satin lined suits , overcoats and
listers that sell In any clothing store for
$25.00vo will sell at JU.9S , at JlS.fiO.
Men's flnc Imported worsted caHslmcro
nnd melton suits that sell olaewhcro at $13.00
and $20.00 , go at $7.50.
Men's all \vcol cnrslmcro nnd cheviot suits
hat Kcll elsewhere nt $10.00 and $12.00 , BO
nt $4.0S.
Men's Hue all wool beaver , satin lined
overcoats go at $5,50 and $7.50.
Hoys' line double brenstod suits go In 3
ots at $1.59 , $1,98 and $2.50 , actually ccat
loublc to make.
Hoys' nno ulster overcoats and reefers go
at $ l.ns. $2.50 nml $3.60.
< ADIBS' $2.00 KID GLOVES 5 ! > C AND 75C.
5,000 pairs Imported English and French
tld gloves , ordinary Foster's hook , clasp
iKluo Driving , walking and dress giovea in
all colors and black and evening shinies ,
vorth up to $2.00 , go at C9c and 7 , > c.
llotwccn now and Christmas eve every dol-
ar's worth of toys and della must ho sold
\Vo absolutely will not carry over any toys
or holiday goods Wo are the ono house In
Omaha which opens new , fresh toys , dolls
and holiday goods each season.
Positively none will bo carried over.
There never was man , woman or child who
lid not appreciate a pretty pair of shoea or
clippers that combined W.CBV , comfort and
style , when given as a gift or even bought
for their own money. -
That for bargains , real , true , money-saving
mrgalus In shoes and slippers , .has never
jeforo been known.
All at just about
With malice toward none nnd good will to
all other storcn , wo say positively that wo
will sell you anything you want In the way
of shoes or ( dippers at Just about half the
irlco jou can buy the eamc quality else
We'll refund yon your money on any kind
of excuse It you do not want our shoes , If
yon do not soil them.
16th and Douglas.
I'craonnlly Coiiiluclrd . . . . . . . . „ . „ . . „
Lcavo Omaha every Friday via the Union
Pacific. No change of cars to Ogdeu , San
Prnncltico or Los Angeles. Tourist sleepers
daily to San Francisco.
Special attention paid to ladles traveling
aloua. A. C. DUNN ,
City Pass , and Tkt. Agent.
1S02 Fnrnara St.
"Tho Merry World , " Canary & Lcdorcr's
popular New York Casino success , will bo
seen this week for the second time In Omaha ,
opening a three-night engagement nt the
Crclghton , with tonlght'e performance , when
Its denizens will desport themselves for the
delectation of our holiday pleasure seekers.
The play , It Is promised , will be even better
than when last seen here , many novel fea
tures having been added to a performance
that was thoroughly enjoyable. The com
pany , which Is n large ono , Includes a num
ber of those players who added
so materially to Us original suc
cess , ns well as many who have
succeeded In pleasing In other successful
productions. Two matinees will be given , n
special Christmas day matinee being an
nounced for tomorrow In addition to the reg
ular Saturday afternoon performance. New
and elaborate scenic effects. It is said , arc
Introduced and burlesques on the more re
cent comic opera successes added. A large
sale of seats would Indicate that the public
had not forgotten the favorable Impression
left by this production last season.
It Is not generally known that "Tho Shad
ows of a Great City" cornea to Omaha to
open Its season. The engagement at Doyd'2
will commence tonight and continue for four
nights , with matinees Christmas day , Satur
day and Sunday. The story is said to be
thrilling In the extreme , and In It are given
abundant opportunities for strong situations
and scenic triumphs. Lovere of stirring
molcdrama will probably find "Shadows of
rt Great City" much to their liking.
To Interpret the old favorite. It Is said , a
strong company. Including Julia Stewart as
Nellie , has been engaged.
Hob Fltzslmmons , the pugilistic Coinlsh-
man , and lila sparring partner .will appear
ai iioyii B iirxi .Humiiy : niynt in a glove
contest and bag punching exhibition , In con
junction with the four-act melodrama ,
'Saved ' From the Sea. " The play will bo
produced with what Is said to bo a strong
cast and splendid equipment of scenery , cos
tumes nnd so on. "Saved from the Sea" Is
said to bo highly sensational , but at the same
tlmo realistic to an extraordinary degree.
FItzsimmons will appear on Monday night
only , but " § avcd From the Sea" will con
tinue Its engagement for six nights , with
usual matinees. Seats will be placed on sale
Saturday at 9 a. m.
Seats will be placed on sale this morning
for the coining two-night engagement of the
Doston Howard Athenaeum company at ( he
Crclghton , which opens with a matinee next
Sunday. Molllo Thompson. Raye and Henry ,
Den It. Harney , the Mortons , Dolph and
Sus'o Lovlno. Grovlnl and Murray , Dclmoro
anil Lee , Eddie Odell , and Morton and Muck
will appear In specialties which arc said to
bo both novel and entertaining. The moto-
graph , the lakdt Invention for the produc
tion of animated pictures , will bo an 'addi
tional feature.
Delia Fox , supported by a large compjny
of comic opera favorites , will bo seen at the
Crclghton for three nights , commencing
Wednesday , Doc. 30 , during which engage
ment "Tho Llttlo Trooper" and "Flenr do
Lls" will bo presented. A special holiday
ma tin co will be given New Year's day. *
TIIK iiiiAi/rv M.UIKC'T.
INSTRUMENTS placed on rctiord Wednes
day , December 23 , IMG :
New England Loan nnd Trust com
pany to C 1. Peck , lot 13 , block 2 ,
Wnlnut 1II1I $ 1,000
A J Whldden nnd wife to I M Cronk ,
lot 14. block 5 , Central park 1,100
Union Htock Ynrdx company to Johun
Eturbn , Ms of lot 1,1 , block 13 , 1st
mid to South Omaha 2.10
Kinnia Kane to O W Morrison , lot 8 ,
block G , West Cumins nil 2T < 0
Albert Donnhoo nnd wife to I M Llv-
liiKHton , lots 1 , 'i , 3 , I ) 10 tun ! 11 , block
3 , JOIIOH' ndd to ICIkhorn 912
LoulM Kohrooder , tr. to Catherine. Dnrr ,
lotH 10 , 11 and 12 , block 4 , Clovciund
Place 2.000
N. W. Investment company to J 1 <
MediumlotH 3 nnd 4 , block 9 ,
CrelKhton Heights ; . . . . TW
Special nniNtcr to V a PHBO , lot 9 ,
J H Hllny'H HUbdiv. . . , 1.712
Hiuno to Union Trust company , tr ,
lotH 17. IS and 19 , block 13 , Wcdt
End add 17SIO
Shot Iff to II A Mni'kay. lot 14 , block
1 , Hnumlcra' & 11'n add to Walnut
Hill 1,200
Sheriff to Jofctph SolillU Ilrowliik"
company , lot IS , block 19 , Wllcox's
2d add 475.
Total amount of transfers $30,719
llluiiiK'ri'ii llrciiKn l.rir.
Cliurlutt Hlumjircn started tu board n
South Omahti motor la t night near the
Sixteenth Direct vluiluct. Ho loat hla bal
ance nnd wna thrown violently to the
ground. Itvns found thnt hln right leg ,
near the nnkte , hnil litrn fractured , nnd
nbo thnt he had mtutnlncil many brulei
and other Injuries , i ] Ivnn I taken In the
patrol \VIIKOII to hlH-nome , near Twenty-
ilrst nnd Elm Directs.-
l-'orinorl } ' l.lvcil'il : Oninliii Mint AM-
Itlrcil t I'nulllNlli ! Honor * .
Postal Inapcctor Sinclair has brought In
Charles De Witt , whom ho nrrrttod nt Mln-
den , on the charge of robbing the postonico
at Hartwrll on last Sunday night. Not much
was secured from the postonlco , ns the
postmaster ha I taken the precaution to
remove to some more s.ifo place all the
ttnmpa atrJ valuables. Only 79 cents In
fcnnles wca tocured. When arrested De-
Witt had on hlo person about fifty boxes of
cigarette * , which the authorities think were
the proceeds of some other raid.
DffWItt now claims Denver ns his homo ,
but was formerly a resident of Omaha. Ho
left hero ten or twelve yeare ago. When
hero he drove a hack , nnd was also known
In pugilistic circles. At that time lie was
not thought to bo raitleularly tough or
criminally Inclined.
.lury Klnilx ItlnUr Cnllly.
The Jury In the case of Elmer O. Hlnko ,
trh'd In the federal court on the charge of
embezzlement of postolllco funds , returned
a verdict of guilty last night. Hluke was
formerly postmaMer at liuttc. Neb. , and
disappeared after the shortage wns dis
covered. Ho was dually located In Okla
homa and brought back bore for trial.
.Judge Mrllugli discharged the Jurymen
tint ! ) January 4 to enable them to spend
the holiday.1 ! nt homo.
Koimil u IMiIr of ( ilovoN ( o Stilt.
John PoHtner , living on a farm near
llennlngton , went Into Hennctt'H store
yesterday afternoon , and , selecting a pair
of gloves from a counter , started to walk
out of the storo. without Ilrst paying for
them. Ho was arrested for shoplifting.
5. M. Chapman of Plnttsmouth wnH In the
city yesterday.
M. J. Hughes of West Point was an Omaha
visitor yesterday.
K. C. Moorchouso has gone to Chicago on
a short business trip.
Con D. Harrington , Nebraska City , Is reg
istered at the Darker.
George II. Thummcll of Grand Island was
In the city yesterday.
M. Palmer , a Bchuylcr1 banker , was one of
the yesterday arrivals.
John Epentcr returned from an extensive
western trip la t night.
li. M. Ormaby , a Casper , Wyo. , cattleman ,
was In the city jcsterday.
II. Everett Farnham of Tabor , la. , college
was In the city yesterday ,
J. P. Drown and Ed Perry arc registered
nt the Darker from Chicago.
M. Alexander of Buffalo Gap , S. D. , was
among the arrivals yesterday.
G. M. McClusky of Glenwood , la. , was
looking around the city yesterday.
J. M. Flowers went to Denver last night
to visit friends during Christmas.
E. M. F. Lefllng , a banker from Lexing
ton was ono of yesterday's arrivals.
John A. Ehrhardt , an attorney from Stanton -
ton , was an Omnha visitor yesterday.
Milton Doollttle of North Platte was trans
acting business In the city jcstcrday.
Paul II. Patton loft for Denver lost night ,
where ho will remain until New Year's.
I ) . J. Sinclair and Albert O. Swift , post-
ofllco Inspectors , were In Omaha ye-sterdty.
W. M. Duncan nnd J. F. Stewart are Cin
cinnati , la. , arrivals stopping at the Darker.
J. P. Abbott , J. W. Morrison and D. Corn-
man are St. Louis arrivals registered nt the
W < G. Reynolds , Surprise , Neb. , and W. H.
Wcltz , North Platte , are stopping at the
W. I. Hawks and wife left last night for
St. Louis , whcro they will remain during the
Miss Nina Carleton left last night for
Philadelphia , Pa. , where she will visit rela
tives for a month.
W. II. Gamble and wife have gone to
Denver nnd will remain in the mountain
city during Christmas.
A. N. Carpenter , a leading banker , and
Dr. Franklin R. Carpenter of Dcadwood ,
were Omaha visitors yesterday.
J. G. Shand of Davenport , In. , deputy sov
ereign of the Princes of Iran , Is In the city
on business connected with his order.
W. S. McCune , accompanied by his sister ,
Mis ? Jewel McCune. have gone to Pitta-
burg , whore they will visit relatives for a
short period.
Victor Ulerbower , lieutenant governor of
Idaho , who has been visiting friends hi
this city for n fortnight , left last night for
his home in Boise City.
0. T. Eastman , recrotary and treasurer of
Scarlo & Hjrcth company , Chicago , with the
wife and daughter , arrived yesterday morn
ing to upend the holidays , guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Burns.
Nebraskans at the hotels : C. E. Wcscott ,
Plattsmouth ; W. J. Biles , II. C. Thomson ,
Hastings ; G. E. Barber , George G. Furnns ,
Lincoln ; Frank Kruger , Wayne ; C. M. and
B. II. Murzbacker , Tllden ; II. C. Mason , Fre
mont ; G. W. Fox , Lexington ; F. J. Coatcs.
Washington ; T. S. Hanscn. Central City ;
Charles Inches , Scribner ; II. Dlerks , Lin
Armada Jcger has been granted a divorce
from Fremont Jcger on the ground of deser
Olllcer Kelly has reported that the family
of Jerry W. Bobber , at 1C12 North Twcnty-
flrst street , Is In destitute circumstances and
worthy of assistance.
J. G. McOcath has been granted permits
for the erection of two frame residences at
Martha street and South Thirty-fifth avenue.
They will cost $ LOOO , each.
United States Fish commission car No. 2 ,
In charge of Superintendent Lamson and
George J. Zimmerman , was In the city lust
night while on Its way from San Francisco
to Washington.
A baggage truck on which the vltascope
which has been on exhibition nt a local
theater had been loaded , was struck by a
train at the union depot yesterday morning
nnd badly smashed.
Ora Davis , a boarder at 2C19 Spencer
street , Induced his landlady , Mrs , Maggie
Burge , to allow him to try on her husband's
Sunday clothes , and since that time both
boarder and clothes have been missing.
Contractor Smith completed the task of
removing the election booths Tuesday night.
A number of the boothi begin to Buffer from
use , and some of them will have to bo quite
extensively repaired before they are uted
again ,
Mrs. Major Slllwcll of Kansas City will
bo In Omaha Saturday evening and deliver
an address at tha iUlvatlon army headquar
ters. On Monday icvenlng eho will speak
nt the Second Prerbyttrlan church , on North
Twenty-fourth street.
Fred Reynolds , ai messenger for the West
ern Union , went 'Into Jctt's restaurant on
Douglas street laitmight nnd left his bicycle
standing on the sidewalk. When he returned
some sneak thief hud decamped with It. The
wheel Is valued aB $100.
Chief Hedell of the flro department Is
working upon an estimate of the expenses
of the department during the coming
year. The eatlmato Is being made at the
request of the council and Is to be presented
to that body before the levy Is made.
Chief Slgwart received n letter from the
proprietors of the Lfadcr store of Perry , la.
last evening. In which a list of goods stolen
from It on the night of December 21 was
given. The KQQtla are valued at about $7D.
They were taken by burglars. The local
police are on the lookout for the perpetrators
of the Jot.
For Infanta and Children.
How to Got Yourself a Nice Christmas
Present for Nothing.
Only n Koiv Hour * Left , lull Time
KnoiiKli tuf You to 1'iilHII ( lie
CiitiilltlniiN Ili'forc We ( ilvc
V iu n Caiiicrn ,
Tlio IJco hns from time to time offered Us
subscribers many valuable premiums , but
all past efforts seem to liavo been completely
cast In the shailo by the camera offer. The
Uco Rives n\vny two first-class cameras , tlio
klnil Hint retail for as high as $10. One * of
tlicm , the "Comet , " takes a picture ono
Inch sijuaru or circular , one Inch In diameter ,
ami la given free to any one who will EC ml
or bring us
Two now subscribers for six weeks ;
Or three- new subscribers for four wecko ;
Or four new subscribers for three weeks
to The Dally Hee , to bo delivered In Omnha ,
South Omaha or Council llluffs. Tlicso Hub-
script Ions must be prepaid at the rate of
15 cents a week and must b new. not hav
ing taken the paper through ( he olllco or
through an agent since November " 5.
The large slzo camera , the "Crescent , "
takes a photograph throe Inches square ,
either from snap shots or time exposure * ) ,
and Is the most complete hlRh-irndo Instru
ment made.
Send or bring us
Six new subscribers for four weeks ;
Or three now subscribers for eight weeks ;
Or two new nubscrlbcrs for twelve weeks
and wo will give you a "Crescent" camera.
It Is an easy matter for you to gel two
or three friends to take thei paper. Others
arc doing It. Why not you ? Just try It
some afternoon when you'vo nothing else
to do. You will pet more real enjoyment
out of one of these cameras than almost
anything you can buy while this costs yon
Remember , all subscriptions must be pre
paid at the rate of 15 cents a week and the
now subscribers must not have taken The
I3eo since November 25.
Make all remittances to The Heo Publish
ing company and address all correspondence
or bring your orders to the Camera de
partment at The Dee's Omaha omce.
1'iiNt Mull" niNt'oiitliiiifil SiinilnyH.
Commcnrlng Sunday , Dec. 27 , the llur-
llngton's 2:55 : p. m. train for Lincoln will
not run Sundays.
IlonuMiiticr ( he Poor tit ClirlxtiniiN.
The Associated Charities will bo plen ed
to receive donations of dinners , provisions ,
clothing and shoes till noon Thursday , 24 ,
for distribution among the deserving poor
of our city. Our wagon will call on receiv
ing n postal card or telephone message , 1C 1C.
Should any lady prefer calling upon a
family with , the dinner , we will be glad to
glvo the name and address of those most
worthy of aid.
807 Howard street.
A I'erplpxliif ? I'rolilrm.
Whether to trko "Northwestern Lino" No.
2 at 4Mb p. m. or No Gat C:30 : p. in. , Chicago-
ward. "No. 2" arrives at Chicago at 7:45 : a.
in. and "No. G" at 9:30 : a. m. Iloth trains
arc models of modern art , skill and luxury.
Call at tlio City OfHce , 1401 Furuaui street ,
and talk It over.
J. A. KUHN , General Agent.
O. K. WEST. 0. P.JT. A.
IlurlliiKtoii Hotitr llollilny Itnti'M
December 24 , 25 and 31 and January 1
between stations not more than 200 mllcfl
apart return limit , January 4.
Call at ticket office. 1502 Fa roam street.
Ilimp U : > HO < .
A lump accidentally upset In the resi
dence of Charles KlKUtter , HOC South
Tenth street , called the firemen out > t
9:30 : last night. The llnmes were extin
guished without the nld of the llrumon ,
but not until about $50 ilunuigi-j hnd been
What an tiicrm-
sistent tl-.iiiif * hu
man bescK is. Men
KO with dread
through narrow ,
noisome titrecta ,
They wnlk wide
of the corners , nnd
look frequently
over their shout-
. dcrs. And the
things of which
they are most
afraid arc perhaps
a hundred times less dangerous than the
thing they think of not at all. The assas
sin's stiletto is less deadly than the little ,
insignificant , invisible germs , the bacilli
of consumption. This is the thing that
causes more deaths than all the wars nnd
pestilences. This is the thing thnt causes
one-sixth of all the deaths in the world. It
finds easy lodgment in n body rjadc weak
by wasting sickness or debility from lack
of proper nourishment. Impure blood is a
fertile resting and breeding place for them.
The man who allows his health to decline ,
who allows his blood to remain itnniirc. nnd
who feels that he is growing weaker every
day is holding out an invitation to consump
tion and to death. When signs of weakness
and failing first appear , they should be met
by taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. This Is a medicine for people who
have lingering coughs , whose lungs are
weak rither by reason of colds or heredity.
It builds up strength immediately. It puri
fies and invigorates the blood , tones up the
digestion , strengthens the nerves , mukcs
the sleep sound and refreshing. It assists
the body in throwing off all disease germs.
Druggists are sometimes unscrupulous
enough to try and sell something else in
its place. Nothing is "just as good. "
Nothing is nearly ns good.
No home library is complete without Dr.
Pierce's " Common Sense Medical Ad
viser. " This handsomely illustrated , thou
sand-page volume will be sent free , paperbound -
bound , to all who will send twenty - one
one-cent stamps , to pay the cost of mailing
onlv , to the World's Dispensary Medical
Association , Buffalo , N. Y. If a handsome ,
1'rench cloth binding is desired , send ten
cents additional ( thirty-one cents in all ) .
PATION I'orty suffar-coatcd granules , in n lllllc
two inch via the only safe and comfortable
cure for constipation Iiiliousticss. headaclie , sour
stomach , heart-burn , foul breath and palpitation
of the lienrt Tliev do not cripe , nor cause any
other unpleasant feeting One little " I'cllet" fa
n c.cnUr laiativt tvro a mild cathartic.
; ; Happy Days J
* arc those upon which sufferers experience the y
* return of lost strength , vitality and energy. * f
i i * , A
s \ i- * * *
' ' The famous Brain anJ Nerve Peed , trlnr ;
. ' about this happy result. Theycrcalehcalihy
i digestion , pure , rich blooj , firm muscles ,
1 ' rugged strength , steady nerves and a clear * f
< train , Drains checked forever ,
$1.00 Per Box , 6 Boxes , $5,00.
A lijnl Guarantee I" cure or refund the
inemev will i-vrrv WV rdcr Ail Ires *
Eiermon & McCoonell Drue Co. .
IMS Dodzo St. . Gmiha. NAB.
* mrr *
Look out for your breath by
watching your tcotl ) , ono do-
cnyod tooth will tulnt the
breath. Gold orowm , - k
85 to $8. Porcelain crowns , w.
ArUnclul teeth , ? 5 ; boat 87.5U.
nil iloor , ludy iiltuiiUunt.
null oxtrautuil wltliuiit pain
llci * . Dec. 'J I ,
Our store will be open this evening
until 10 o'clock. Aitcr that hour we ex
pect all of our patrons will have sup
plied their Christmas needs and that our
selection of holiday goods will be in very
poor shape , to say the least. To bring
about that desirable state of affairs , we
offer from 6 o'clock until ten this evening
the following inducements for people
who have a little small change still left
and who want every 50c to do a dollar's
worth of work :
Men's finest fancy si k Tics in
Tt c'\s l/our-tn-Hands and puffs
worth in some shops as high as
$1.50 tonight , here
Men's heaviest pnr silk Mufflers in
cream or black , 30 inches square ,
some j-cople think 'em worth $2 1 ]
our prlcj will b i only JLO
Men's finest silk Suspenders all
silk web , gold p'ated buckles , best
kid ends good enough to bring
$2.00 and § 2.50 elsewhere here
Men's fine Satin Embroidered SIH-
penders in glass case , handsome designs
signs , 5 different shades , such sus
penders as are advertised at gSc
Men's white and black Silk Mufflers
27-inch square , very handsome ,
very heavy , very good
Tonight they will be marked here ,
Men's fine muslin Nightshirts ,
Fully as good as the usual offerings
At GSc , tonight they will be here only
Evarytli Injj that n man or biy can wear at a lower price than else
where nn djvoiirjnoiioy bacloyhyii you want , jt. Tliut'd the way to buy
things for the holidays. Open tomorrow until noon.
The accepted arranccmcnt or nclieme of
furnishing In nearly every Hhrary today pro
vides for a line of low Book Casss , leaving
n wall Bpace for pictures ocjual to at least
three-fifths of the lolal height of the room.
Such low cases , finely made throughout *
and with little or no adornment , are rarely
found In the stock of an ordinary furnlturo
storo. They can always ho procured of uu.
however , nnd at about half the price you
would pay for huildhiK them to order.
They are very stoutly and strongly jolnuil
volumes. The doors arc tilplo hinged and
diiKlproof ; they close tightly against a center
mulllon , which obviates the clumsy | ui > lda >
hook or holt formerly used. Remember tbar
these cabinets are very Inexpensive. i
The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices -fid
12th and Douglas.
Orders are a special
feature of our business.
Trousers to order in i day.
Suits to order in 2 dp.ys.
Our superior facilities for
prompt work enab'e us to
give you well made garments
at short notice.
We sell for cash.
Pnnls to order $1 to ? 12.
Suits to order 810 to $50.
Samples Mailed.
nil Principal Cities ,
207 South IStli St ,
| Y purchasing goods Hindu
at the following Nebras
ka factories. If you can
not liiul whist you want ,
communicate with the
inaiiufitcturors as to
w h a t dealers handle
Mnnufuclure.-a of alt klnJi of cotton and bur
lap tugs , cotton Hour carki ami twine u upto
tally. CH-BIG-CIS B. llth St.
Car load ihlprncnta nmilc In our own refri-
tralor cum. lime Illbbon. Klltc Uxaorl. Vloin *
Kxiiorl and Family Export delivered la all pa'iu
of the city.
DAVIS .V : CuWlilKL , IHO.N U'OlUvJ.
Iron null Hr.iNk Kuunilorn. ,
Manufacture : ! ! and JoLburj of Machinery. Utn.
rul rrimlrlne a vpeeiniiv. Ml. 1MJ anil 1M
Jickaon eireet. OniuhAN'eD. .
Ilt0.WOHK.S. .
Manufacturing an3 repairing of all kln'Ji ot
machinery , eiiKlnefl. PUIIIDJ. tlevutors. pr ntlnic
prttJi's , hanger * , nlmtitne ana cuuplmij. UK an < J
HOS llnwnrd HI. . Omaha.
I'AATO.V fc VlliUI.I.Vfi IllO.V WOitlCS.
MnnufurliirPi * 01 Archlteanral Iran Work.
deneiul FuunJry. Alucnliii. and HlarkKinllr wo lit.
"Seini and CV.Mractoii for Kir * ITOJf llulld.
ln . Olllce and woiki ! U. I' . Ity Hid 150.
| 7lh Mreet , Oman * . _
The only | i fe = l prelection tu propdiy. Uxnm
Inn 'I. ' I IPS' tiling on enrlli , Itcdu . > liituronu *
ratoH. 1OI DoiiKlnn utrett.
Eicluilve cuttum ililrl Utlor Ult I'arnaiu.
' . Till ONLY
We tfcu b Pltordtrcrf
CO Oil Kiperlrncf ,
B la Ointka.
fl'xik Kite. Coniullitlno
ml Kia niinticm ri r.
| 4tli mtf rirnim Sit *