SPEG1RL NOTICES ii-iitN f ir nlll tic tnlicn until l iild p , in , , fur tlio evening nnil until H | i , in. for tliu iniirnliiK nnil .Snniliirilltlnnn. . Ailvi-rlUi-rn , hy rt'iiii > Nlnir ( it ntiin- lirroil < 'lii-i' | { , run | IIIM nnxtvcrn nij. i lrcHi i'il In n iiiiiiinnrcil litlriIn care 'r-'nl 'I lii llt' - . Alin cri. nn iiililrc-iiril I irlll ln ilcllvrf i ) on jircHctitntlnn nl flip elici'U only. Und-N , I l-Uc it vi-nril Hrtt Inicrflnni In H i\oril tliiTi'iiftiT. NntliliiK Inlti'ii fnr U-NN tlinii ur c fniho lii-Hl IiiHI-r- ilon. ' 1'lii'Mc iitlvrl flxi'ini'iiiM must he run \VA.TiilMAIii : \VANTIi : ) . AN IDEA ; WHO CAN Til INK OK fomiJ ftlntnle thlnit to [ ritcnt ? I'rotcct your Me0 , the > mny brlnz you wealth.Vilte John Wpdrirrbtirn li Co. , Dcpt. V. , 1'ntern Atlnrni-yn , VailniiKton. I ) . C , for thi-lr $1,800 prize offer nml n Hat of ZOO Invcntlnnn wnnted. 11-SU Mlnry nnd commlwlon. The llnnlti Nurccry Co , Milwaukee , Wla. H-M45.I 5 _ _ ' " GO'OD CANVABHims" WANT II D AT 1510 Iflutln ! . Hnlnry paid weekly 11 MIMJJIS " WANTii ) , FfATnllNAIi ] "iffsTfltANCK Oil Kanliern. Oood pay. ! ' . ! ' . Itooec , r-1 * rninura Omahn. Ncl ) . 11-M30I 31 _ AND \VOMIN : OUT OF HMPLOYMKNT und wlllInK to woik cun learn of a permanent Ituatlm nt uood wnncB b > v/rltlnu to 1' . V. H . Inot 21.1 , Aiicmtn , Mnlne. 1I-M51B 31 * TAII.O.l.WANTUIJ. . CONTINI2NTAI. CI.OTH- Inu Cumpatiy. ll-MiiG INQ HALEH.MEN POIl CI- Bnrs. old reliable hoiif" ; experience uuneces- - . . . „ , extra Inducement * to customers ; f75 tn fltO per month and expenses. Chns. C. Illahop fi Co , St. Louts. H M"I * . . MIN : TO I. AIIN only tlijht wceka rerpilred , nnd you can hold nny piHtlon ; eltuntlnna or locations Riinr.in- teed , coinplPlo outllt of tooln K'K-'n ' each stu- rlenl , wnies SalurdnyH while IcnrnlnB ; cnta- IOKUCB ninllcrt free. Moler's llarln-r folh-KP , N lull ttiect , St. I uls. nii KKMAI.I : 111:1.1 * . THIUTY IMUVATIJ TAMII.Y COOKS AND general hoiifp KlrH , Hecond sills nnd ten dln- Inir rinun ell Is. Cnnadlnn liniploynient olllco , 1222 street. C M517 13 WANTIU-A coMi'in'r.NT ami. rou niN- iTiit h' life-work In u fnnill ) of tuo. ( 'nil nt ts ; 8. CJth uvo. C 531 21 WANTi : tuMlY TO AIlHiHS : IJNVni/JI'KS ; llrtt cl ma penninnnhlp lequlrcd. Address , li own hundurltlng , Tiie Aincilcnn Colk-no To. Omaha. C 52S 23" \VANTit : > - A KIIIST-CI.ASS TOOK AND lAT'N- drvw , lofereiicea leqtilrcd. Mm. Geo. Tlld'ti 121 8 I"th Kt. C 12 ? 25 WANT I'M , IXPIIIIIX-II : ( : ) SICON nun. with irfcienet-H. " 21 North ISth U O MKi'J n.NT iiit.sis. ; HOt'P' ' J IN AM. PARTS OK Till : CITY. THK O. 1' Kit vis Company , 1D03 I-'nritam. D SI3 iiouBi.d , mN'i\VA & coT. 103 x UTH HT. D MS iioiiinN nousis o A. STAUII 9:3 N. Y. MKI : * * ! ) oil CUoinj IIOUSUH AND COTTAG1JB AM. OVUU tne city. J3 to 150. fidelity , 1JOS Furnum. " ifTnrpra WAM.ACC. IIROWN HI.OCK , ICTI nnd lim. 1J-S49 norns : , pitoxt J5 UP ; LAHOP : LIST , Me CaB'i Iiuestmcnt Co. , 15CU Uodue street. D-S31 A IHArnaji , IIOMK IN LAKAYKTTI : pt < Acn S-rooina all modern ; tplc'id/d / coiiulllon ; nuxei been tinted bifoiinow ; otTerci ! at u low rental to llret-clusa tenant. ridcllty Trui > O nii > my. 1702 I-'nrnnni St. _ " ' ilout > iu. KLAT D-S5G FOll HUNT , 12 N. 53TH ST. , 7-llOOM M'oDEIi : cm liougo ; KO per mo. Ineiullc uii piemlocs. 20S NOHTII 5iVUNTiKNTH. KOUHTEE.N roomi , llnt-sl roomliiB house In city. U M730 D24 A KUMIIIIH OP CKNTRAM.Y 1/JCATKD r. loom uottaHcs ; city water In lionse , JS Otf nn JIO.OO J. 1) . Kelkenilcy , IChrbach IJIk FdK HUNT I1YV. . II. MIMKLi : , 1ST NAT'l. Itanli bid. 23SJ Pa\iniort. 7 rooms modern. < 1S S51C N. Will. 7 rooms , modern , 120. 2310 Spencer , 7 rooms , modern , 13. D 331 HOUSES roit RUNT. IIIMIS , PAXTON IIM IJ-MGI l-'OR 111-NT Klill.MSIIUIl IIOO3IS. FPItNISIIKM ROOMS , HOL'SHKCCPINCI. 2W3 St. JUry'a. li SI333 27 l < MR.\I5llii ) > I100.1IS.VI ) HOARD. MICHIA KUHNISIIKD 1-'IIONT PAKI/JIl ; ALSO Bin.illcr rooinn. with boaid ; rulca icaxonnble The Hose , S020 Hurncj. K M2tf ! ) 2li f NKWIj Y I-TIINIHIIED. OAS , I.-l'IlNACIJ , MOD frum $1.50 up ; t ntleincii pieterrt-d. 1S1 ! t'tiliIBO St. P-MI20 J2 THi ; Mr.UIlIAM , PIIIST-CLASS PAMIIA li .id LJth and DodKC Btrri'ts. P--MI93 2G * III.ATKD ROOMS AND 11OA11U ; J3.W ) ITI' . OH N 10th. P M330 20 roil IlKVI' I'M'UIIMSIIK ! ) riutii ; i NKIRNISIUI > ROOMS. 1313 nora luu. G M3JS SI' run ST IIIS AMI Poll KENT. THE 1-STOHY 11111CK nl Slli Kama in SI. This hulldlnt ; has a tlreproo oinc.it ImEeiucnt , complcto b tea in heating liv lures , water on all floor * , t'as. etc. Apply u the pfllca of The llee. I 010 IXWM K STOIli : OK LANOE 1IIX CIC. PlNESl lu. aii'.u In city for druir ntoic. I 335 Jll \VANTin. CAPAIH.I : AND SUIVI SKPI * Dia trlit. fipeclnl and Iccal u entH to tepicbent the Alutin.iltan l.tfe Iimirnmt * Coinininy of Xe\i orlt In NibrufcUii mid lowu ; Fpetl.il territory ulll bi Kl\on to each ntu-nt. ullh the inos llbtnil hrt > lernKe , or n long and valuable le t-t \\iil innti.ict , and ulth sncli special help U the ikll n ulll Inmne the hirKe t meiisure o HIIIIL-V Kor further llif.n niHIUi. : plcasii- lid dri ? * J.V. . Dean A : Sona , General ARentn. lleo Hide Omaha , Neh. J-M200JU WAs-tin , TRAvnUN'd SALISMAN KOI Prnrl I in I ton manufacturer ; can be lined as M.lo line AddrwH C 3 , Hee. J mliO 2C OM. VAN & . ro7i Xa i5. "ms"K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PACIFIC CTOUAC.i : AND WAR1HOUHI3 : CO. DOS-JIO Jonea. Ucncial btoruse iinJ fonvnrUlii ; . . _ M-SCI hllOIfl'llA.M ) AMI TVI'H\VIUTIX . A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIFIJ _ - _ SS3 AT OMAHA HU3. COU.UQi : , UTII & 1)OUUIS _ _ i-iiUATi : I.ISSONS : IN SHORTHAND I * , uslaa i 11 MAHOW1TZ LOANS SIONI3Y , 4IS N 10 ST ss : \VA.VriJUTO IIIJV. LIST CITV AND I-'AIl.M 11HAI. IJSTATU WITH OiirUn Urns. , 1C13 rurnnm utrcct. N Sill cur vi IST : iiAiiuwuoi ) WOVKN COUN citiu. ting made. U. K. I.rc. VOl Douglas. Q-M _ ' rim ; A nriioi.Aii SAI--RS ; NI\V & 2ND \ Imnd. itufe nnd lock ivp.ilrlnR , combinations - . J. J. Derlght & Co. , 1110 Kurniini. ( i-.MWO 31 CIlltliiT.MAS I'llKSIINTS. NKAT ANP L'Sni'l/'L. ; ilr.i\\lni ; Initrunic-nla and niiitfilal' . Alva J. Clrnc , 31S South litli fltttl. U-M1B 31 i\i. ; : CIIIAI : , TitAixcn OO\T WITH cart end Imrncur. Addrf C , tliln ollk- . Q 315-JJ J100-INI ) HANI ) 'W rOWMIK. "jioT OTIIUK whcila , $2 to J.0 , Omahu Ulcjcle Co. , 313 N. 10. _ Q-5H IMI'NDIIV. 0001) WOltIC AND HOOD WAQKd U thn motto nf tha Clly SUam Lmmdiy. Ill B' . Iltft l. . Tut. J6 ( ll-lis JS ( JI..VI1U 0\A.VTd , IIIIS. ntlTZ. CLAIHVOVANT , UW Hit. } - -Ji JTC. MJin. SMITH , nn i > oraiAs. IIOOM 8 : MAS- BO nnd fleam Imlln. T-m ( ! .UHlTAMBS. . "VATOH IIATII8 , MAflSAOK. W7 s. inn at. , ro.mi , T-iw-j-4 * PRIISOVAI , . Ifl'TUIlK CUHKIl ; NO TAIN : NO DKTKS- lion from bu > ln > > > ! ! ; \vc rfer to hunrlrnlt of pnlli-nls curnl. o. K. Miller Co. , 717 N. Y. J.lfa building. " Omnlm. Ne b. U-8 l MAS3AaK. MMKT P05T7 519\4 \ S. IITII. U-S05 VIAVI , HOMi : TltEATMnNT FOIl tr u > ipn | , tdodcUn In attendance : cnn lutn- lion or health trook free. 310-8 Uce bulUllnr ; . YK3 , YOU CAN aBT8llnTS : , AUNIMmD : for V. Imt ir you want Rood work , Imve them done nt thn City Slenm I.HUtidry ! tl So. llth. Tel. 251. U US J5 CUT THIS OUT AND I'niwr.NT IT TO i-noc- lor. C1C S. Kth it. , with tl.OO , nnd set 1 ! cxiru finished cnblncl photoa nnd one extra cnrbon nn hcd panel ; 3 days only. U MM } 31 UtJI'Tulli : IT.ltMANHNTI.Y "cUUKUj PAY whpn curi-d ; no rain and nn ilctfiitloii from bURltii-m. I-'tdcllly lluiuurc Cure. Ml ll.-c liulld. In ; ; . Omnha. U MISS rou TUG coumcT : STVMr IFINISII AND lit , of your linen , comtult the Klmball l.iundry. Shirts io ; collars Jo ; cuffa Cc. U 3SI-24 00 TO C. "OLSUN'SJ IlAKiilY : "l-Otf HOM1 > mude bread , pies and ctiUcs. COS Nnrl'.i mill. U-M3SB Jl WANTI5I > . I.ADY 1'AHTNnil WITH IllNI- neas nblilty , cr lll marry If found ndeiiiinti' . Adiliess C 111. lice. U-M3i 2I WANTUI ) A IinflPHfTAlIM : YOfNfT MAN Wnuld like to cnrrni'pnnd wll'i ' rollncd yomiB lady : eilijpe-t , mntrlimmy. Addiess Charles A. Dunlnp , Kc-nernl dolhi-ry , Omaha , Neb. U-M51S 1C * JH/M'.V TO I.d.V.V UKAIj liSTATIJ. ANTHONY LOAN & TltUST CO. . 315 N. Y. L . niilck money nt low rates for choice form loans In lown , northern Ml pourl , castetti Ncbrn ! > kn. CITY LOANS. C. A. STAIHl. 915 N. Y. MKP. w-seo MONIY TO LOAC ON uii'iiovnF OMAHA ren.1 e-stalc. llrcnnun , Ixivc Co , , 1'axton liluo ! : . W S70 LOANS ON IMPIlOVr.n ft UNIMI'llOVHlJ CITY prupcrly. W. rnrnam Smith & Co. , 13-'i rninnm. W S71 MONHY TO LOAN AT LOW IIAT S. THI3 O. ID.lvlH Co. , 1503 Faniam bl. W S" ! MOVKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PnOPlMlTY lowest rnlca ; Lutldim ; loans wanted , l-'ld'-llty Trust company. \V-b7l MONIIY TO LOAN ON IMPnoVKD OMAHA ptopcrty. I'utey & Thomas , Isl Nat III ; llldg W-875 J100 , J3CO. Oil J5CO. P. D. WUA1) . 1C & DOUGLAS. W 182-31 6 I'nil CENT MONHY TO LOAN ON OMAHA properly , Neb. forms. W. U. MdMe. 1st Natl. Ilk. W S.73 . JCOO PIUVATI3 MONI3Y 5 YIIS. W. U. SlILllY , 331 Cliam. Com. lildg. -35I WANTED , AT ONCi : . APPLICATIONS KOIl Iwant on Omnlm property ; J5CO uji ; don't wait until your old loan expires ; upiily now. l-'I- dcllty Trust Co. \V-JI373 31 JIOXIJY TO IOAXCIIATTILS. : MONI3Y TO LOAN ON KUHNlTUlin. PIANOS horses , wnsons , etc. ; at lowest r.Mcs In city no romo\ul of Roods , utrlctly cnnHdrntlal : jou can pay the loan ore at any time e-r tn nn > amount. OMAHA MOnTGAUH UJAK CO. . SCO BO. ir.tii st. X-S78 MO NKY TO LOTN7"50. C07 0 DAYS ; KUllNI lure , iihinos. etc. Duff Green , room S , Marker ulk X-S77 IHISIM3SS fOU SALK , AUOUT 2,000 LUS. MINION TYPH T0 > ) ll > s nR.ite , If.O pnlr two-tlilrd case ? , 4 ( doiililu Iron etands for two-thjid cnses. This material was uted on The Omaha Hcc and Is In fairly BooJ condition. Will l sold cheap In bulk or In quantities to snll purclmy'r Apply In person or by mall to The lien Pib- llHhlni ; Company. Omahn , Neb. Y 713 TO am1 IN ou OUT op HUSINCSS GO TO .1. j Gllisun , CM 1st Nnt'l Ilk. Y 3CO " _ POIl SALH. riRST-CLAHS ItAKHUY AND ro'tnurant ; only business of kind In town of 1,500 Inhabitants ; wtlafactory reasons Klie-n. Prank Clruber. at. Paul , Neb. Y M520 ! ! , rOI SAI.l : HAKKUY AND PIXTPIIES AT Hniereon ; cxcIutUc Hade of Hie lo n ; Rood 1-oif.ons for Fcllbiff. Addicss H. L. HjcKi-tt Emerson , Ncl ) . Y SJs > 21 * i\ciiA.\ai : . MON13Y LOANED ON DICYCLnS WHEN people expect to make nn cxchnngo In spring Neb. Cycle Co. 15th nnd Ilarncy. Z 2W J9 4SO ACHES J10.00 ACHE AND JCOO.OO KOU MDs ! . \ddrees C 23 , lice. Z 353-23 * NEAll SNOHOM1SH , WASHINOTON , fur property further east. Selby , 1COJ Pninam. 55 331 KOIl nXCHANOE UEAI. HSTATE POIl J1EII- L-Tindlse. l-'or particulars address llox 2GI , Imperial , Neb. . 55 M101-2C * 1-OU iTxrilANOE , AN niJMANT HOUSE nnd lot In Omahn for rhleairo property ; owner ehniiKi-d residence. C 33. lice. Z M1IS 2 l-'IN'E TKN-ACIIK KUUIT l-'AUM NKAll COUN- cll llliirrs , for plcnrant Om ilm home ; central ! ) located. Id'inls , Paxlon lilocl ; . 55 M511 jo "ACHES"CLEAU WILL TAKE TYPEU'UIT- er nnd canh. ( owm > r ) ; also 72 acres ne.ir c'otm- cll Illuffs , very cheap , rumo Irude. AiMic.is C 5. , llee. 55 510 2l rou EXcii.\NnE. KO APIIES OF CLUAU land , for pleick of diuira or Jewelry. Addrcxs J. H. Kexlernin , Snpeilor , Neh X M.-S. II * SAI.n H13A1. AUSTIIACTS. THE 11YHON P.Ef-.D COMPANY. HE-S73 Gco. P. Hemls Heal Eatnte Co. , Paxton blk. nn J70 _ _ \vH HAVE ilAUaTlNH IN HnMi:8 : ALSO furms , and want more ; list your property with uj. O , M. X.utliio'er ti Co. , 17CI Faiinni. IK-SSO : , _ _ _ " _ SEVEHAl. TIIACT.S OlFl D"l iP KIIOM B TO Ml nm'B near tlio city , nt from 43' OK to 1110.00 per ncro. accoidlrt ; to location ; iiUo mau > iioiiEt-s of from 5 to 7 rooms In desirable loca tions fiom fl.GVO.04 tu J2.000.CO , nmont them the lollimliii ; : Pull ot and small hnuf.c on ISth stit-et. be- tiveen Pai-lllc bt. nud PoppUton a\c. . fl.2jO.00. Lot C0x27 ! fttt with 0 loom house , newly pa pered and paliilinl thloughout Inside , No. 2610 llccutur St. . fL.VIO.liO. S'toom hou tmo.lorn conveniences. 2C20 Cnld- well si. , will connileiuny ciikh olfer. POTTEIl & liEOIillE COMPANY. K.V. . Cor. 1'jtli and Puinnm Sis. HE ISC 2J LAND to near Omaha , Jl. 100. bO near Oin.ili.i , is.rco. W near Omnhii , fl.COO. 20 ctoto iii , $2ofo. so Haipy county , $3,0X1 , 230 In lown ( line ) . (10 nn acre. ICO In Iowa. S24 an ncie. 50) In Iowa , $ M un ncre. ISO In Washington county , 115 nn ncrf1. ICO In Hurt county , t'.O un ucre. 320 In Hurt county , } 20 an acre * . 2tO In Hurt county ( line ) , $35 an * acre. 40 In Douglas ci.UHty. $1,400. D.ltO In lowu , $175,000. SO near Lincoln. $1,000. 20 close 111 , $2,250. Mi near li \ltiKton. $5COC. SO III Iowa , { ICO. ( ' . F. HAItnib'ON , HE-M533 21 * Mi N. Y. Life. MUSIC , AIIT AM ) I.AXC.tJ Vf.lS , GEOItGE l' . OELLENflECJC. UANJO , > FAr lln und EUltar Uarh r , llooni 412 U-.a Tel. > . PIUNTP.n , UllOWN ULK. TUL1013 _ SI237 Jll YOPIlTMANO . , cu * pollxhrd , j-rtlmalrii ulveii for ri-pulrii ; > mt- Ufuetlon Ruarniitec.il orders left with J. 8. Cameron promp'lj attended to. S-J3 Ho. I7Hi. M.I-vS 31 I-'l.V.VXCIAU LIKE INrf. I'OLICIEB IlOUUIIT , W. Ho"u"iN : IIA.NCI.VR .SCHOOL. MR. AND MHH. MOIUND"MAI ! "A' HPE- clalty by their own m lhod of teurlilnc youiirf pud old to become ciac fut dniicern In n fen prlHitB or clim * Ir.'nons. New ciusiieii now fermlnc. UID llarney. MI-J.l Kl'UXITUHP. ' PAClvlID. OET Jl d. WALKLIN'S PlllcnS ON turu packlnc , ri'p'UrlniuuholtltrliiB ; mat- HTMC * maU and renovntcj : : ill Cumins. Tel ' " HI SnWIXO .MACIIIM-.S AMI bUl'l'LIliS. NEW iioiTiST"Hoij"s : iTui , " AND wiim : machlni olllce , UU Cup. u\u , Ttl 1574 , tit THE OMAHA DAHjV P EE : TI IV IIS DAY , HllLIMMi A\I > IO.ASSOCIATIONS. . SIIAIin3"lH MUTUAiru"ft7 . A88'N PAY9" , 7 , a per cent wh n I , 2. J > Mrs eld ; nln-nyo re- deenmult. 1701 Pnrnnm St. , Nnltlngcr , Pee.SS7 SS7 HOW TO OKT A HOME Oil SKC'JIIK OOOD ! nt rt nn rnlnits. Applv In Omaha L. A 11. Asn'n , 1701 Psrnnm. ( I. M. Knlllneer , Sec. IIATII IIOOMH. lll'SllAN , TPP.KIfn AND MEDICATED Imthi , RO re-nts. nlio o clu-l\o drp iniipnl for Indlri ; ver-llilnf ( n ; ladles' hair die tnif an 1 barber fhop tn connection. 107 8. Htli. Tvi'uv/nrmns. GET TUB Mt'ST TYPEWIIITKUP ; RUPPLIES ; reimlrs. United Typewriter & Hnppllfs C'o. , 1C12 Pnrnnm street. { 93 June 30 JUI. . .MVNC > . "HY THE DAY ; \VOUK m'ATl. anlecd ; prices reasonable ; reference. Cja , llee. MlErWMAKINO. IN 1'AMIIiIKS. Ml a Sturdy , IJOI Ilunletlu. M-IS3 J19 LOST. LOST , nin iitisu sr.rnm PPP. Aiint'i * o months old , with clinln attached to i-ipe collar ; nnswern to the name of "Uteri. " llcxvnrd for n-turn to Dal Jones , Western fnlon Telcjsrnph OtllCC. 1191 M5.lt4 MIMUCAI. . . cmniRSTKU's nNCiusii IT.NN\- n.ynl . Pill" ( Plntnond brand ) are the best , fnfo ; roll.ihlo. Take no other. Send -le stamps for tMrtlculan. "Ilellef for Ladle" . " In letter by return mall. At ilniBSl - < . < Idehcater chem- Iral Co. , Phtladelilila | , Pa. Mention J'w- SUES & CO. , PAThNT SOLICITOUS , Ueollulldlmr. Ueollulldlmr.Umaba. . Nobr Advlco and P.ttont Hook Wo cfnil Iho Preach Ilcmmly , , CALTilOS free , dwC.O. Il ! anil it fr'Wl E N11'rnl B ranlcoth tru.Tiio will XU \ HlOPDItrlmrcrcnnil IlmlMliins . 'L'ltn SprrlnntnrlhcnT > nrlcocclo md IlKsrOIlt1' l iit \ Igur. I'st it and pay if satisfied. VON MOIH.CO. , 332 B. irnrrlran icnts ( liHnnttl. Oilo. > lfarggg3m trinTXs ii.a.m'X- - - i , i lancm"- nil n M\IS' : a U It i in Ini'l nil nltiionl Ihf ttnoi lc < lcr ttf HIP imlli'iit in 'i Ifi" ti-a"i urli. lesnf foiMl. will elicit 11 pi-ini.ini lit nnd | 'i'ily i anuhi'thi'r thu lulu-lit i nn ili-i ilidiInK 'ri.r in nh iliollireiU II ink ilf pil'l nUli fli'l' , I" IK-lillil "f 1C 11:111 : A C'li. . 1Mi ! A l > inmlnpt . Onnliii. ; * ' ' GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO , , Prop's. Cincinnati , 0. o Tjr llirlr li ok on l.tt > ri > lilui.'UK it , niiilfJ rrtv. Sfoc'UlioIilor.M 1 ! < ( In ; : . Olllcc of Leo-Clnrke-Andrecsen H.irdwaro Company , Omahu , Nob. , Drr. 12 , PH8 : Notice 1st hereby given to the stoeltiiodcr3 ! of the l.ce-CIarke-Andreeseii Hiirdwtiro company Unit tbe annual meeting of thn stockholdt-rs of the company will be hi hi nt the olllces of the said company. Nos. 121P , 1221 und 122II H.irncy street. In the clt > ot Onmliii , In the st.ite of NebrnsU.i. on Tuesday , J.tnuniy 12 , A. U. 1M 7 , nt 3 o'clock I ) , in. , for the purpo o of electing u boird of directors for the company , to Hcrvc dur ing the ensuing year , nnd to transact stieh other huslncHS us may be uroscnted : it sucl niec'tlm ; . ( Seal. ) II. .1. I..KI3. Attest- PreMlili-nt. W. M. GLASS. Secretary. Uccl2d ! t K t'ulnti 13Ic- vn t iir Coinpiiiiy ii ( Oiniiliii. Notice H hereby given that the nnnun muutlng ot the stockholders of the Unloi n'.evntor t-onip.iny ot um.ihu , for the pur pose of fleeting seven director * und sucl other buslnesM ns may properly come before Iho meeting , will l-e held at the olllce of the Orncr.il Solicitor. Union Pnclllc building Omaha , Neb. , upon Monday , Kie 4th da > of January. 1S07 , between the hours of 10 o'clock u. m. , und C o'clock p. in. The stock transfer books will be c-Io ed ten (10) ( ) days before the date of the meet ing. ALI3XANDI3K MILI AH. aecrotary. Boston , Mass. , December 7 , 1SS3.DHdSt DHdSt Notice. The Pacific Hxpress Compnny , Oflloe of the President , Omahn , Neb. , December " , l"ifl. " Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders ot the com pany for the election of directors nnd the transaction of such other business sis mny properly come before It , will bo held nt the olllce. of tbo company. No. 1101 Hartley street , Omahn , Neb. , on Thursday , January 7 , 1SU7 , at 2 o'clock p. in. Uy order of the Hoard of Directors. K. M. MORSMAN. President. Attest : WIUJA.M V. UECMIKI , . See'y. Dee 3-10-17-2l-31-Jun 7. Notice Is hereby given that the Omaha HulIderM1 ami Trailer1) ' exchange had the following Indebtedness for ISM. ( $731.,0 ; seven hundred and fifty-one dollar- " and fifty cent.- ) . J. W. PHHI.PS , W. C. miLLARD , J. W. PKHCIVAU .1. II. HARTH. Dec2ldlt A. J. VIKRKING. \otli' < - of Irrigation Itoiul Sail- . The directors of the Mlddlo I.oup Val ley Irrigation district Invite sealed i > ro- no.fnl.s for JIOO.OW ( In p.irt or whole ) ot bonds of said district up to 2 p. m. of Jan uary IS , 1S97. Addiess , CHARL1CS NICOLAI SeenH.irv. Sartcnt , Neb. BAILBA1 TIHEARI ) Lei\ca IIILRLINUTON & Mo. HlVKK.iArrlvej OmuhatUiilon Liepot , ICth & Maeon tH . | Onuiia S.Slani . Denver i : prei . " . a 'Jail 4 : > pm.I2 > lt HIIIn , Mont & 1'ueet Sad L'x. 4OJpm : 4:3Spin . Ueiucr i\pie : s . 4Upm 7opia. : . ebniikii ! Local ( ex Sunday ) . . . THium . . . .Lincoln Local ( ex. Sunday ) . . . .u.-Juaiji 2:55pm..rnst : Mull ( for Lincoln ) dally. . . J.eaves ( CHICAGO , UURLINQTON & Q lArrlvcr OmuhaiUi.lon Depot , 10th i Alason.SU.J _ Omaha BCOiin | . T. . . .Chicago Vestibule . ' , ' , ' S.OOa'm SMVni-i . ChlcaRo i\prejk . , 4-15pm 7Mpin. . Chicago und St. Louii ixiirea3 , ! b.Wam ll:4Cam : . Puclilo Junrt'.on Local . C-IOpm _ . Fn Mall . 2:50pm : Leaves ( CHICAGO. MIL. & ST. PAUUIArrlica OmahnlUnlnn Depot , Kth & Mason St.i. | Oinjlia 6:30pm : . Chicago Llmllei ! . S-aim ll00. ; m..Clilgaio Hxprcsa ( ex. _ Sun Jay ) . _ . . _ j .ipn ; , leaves ICIUCAQO A NOIlTinvn.TT'N.T.UrlseT OmRhaUnlon ) Dcptt , 10th & Mason Sta.J Omaha 10:4Bnm . Kattcrn Kxprem . 3 : 0pm 4:45pm . Vestibule. . ! Limited . BMOn 6:5nm : . fit. Paul Kxpre.-s . 9-30n n B:40am : . St. Paul Limited . ' 9 0pm 7:30.im. : . . .Carroll & Hioux Cliv laical 11 C:30pm : . Omalii Chicago Special. . . . " " 8 _ . Mlnourl Valley I-oial. . . . . . S Lervea ICIIICAGO , R. I A PACIFIC. I Arrives OninlmlUnlon Depot. 10th & Muson Sta I Omaha " _ _ _ BA8T _ _ _ _ - lo.-loam. . Atlantic ixprc ( 7 SundTy ) . " ! 5:3'nm O Nleht Uxprem . . . . s15um ; 4:30pm..rhlcaBO : Vestlbuled Limited. . , . lS3nm : JGOpm..St.Paiil : " Vestlbuietl Llmlltd. - . . . l:3J.-rn ) _ - - WEST. l:40pm : . Colorado Limited . 4COom : Leaven | C. , ST."l M. & \f. iArrhes" Omaiinl Depot. 15lh nndVelisier fiiii _ I Omaha S:15am : . . . .filoux City AccommodatlonTT778COpin ; _ Depot , Uth and Webster His. oninhi > SiOtpin . Font Mall and Kxpresa..I7I 600um 3COpin.ex : Sr.lVo Kx ( ex Men ) . . . . CiOOum 7tO.Tin..ii'i : inciit Lotnl ( bunilaya onlj ) . . 7CCam : . Norfolk Hxpn-ii ( ex S.m ) . 10.13am Siltpm . Bt. I'sul Uxpri-sir . Siltiain I K. C. . BT. J. & C. . ( Arrives ClrnniaUnlGn ! | Depot , ICth i Mason St , | Omaha f.CSam . . . .Ivnnins City Dny Express. . . . . G.tlmni JojWpm.K.e.NlBht Ex. via U. K Trans. esso'ijn " Leaves I MIS8OUIU PACIFIC. ( Arrives" Omahal Depot , itiu sr.dV Uti-r .st > . | Omaha 3 GOpm..Nebraska K Kansas Limited..n.S3pm ; 3Cpm Kniifua City J'.xpreej 8:00ani : i-.lipm Ni-b.i ! K.i I.oc.il ( .vx. Sun ) . . . 9 cuam Leiivcn SIO1IX"C1TY & I'ACIK1C. " lArrlvuj _ OmahajI3triotl tli and " Wtlarter Sts. ) Omuh.i ' 'il'tfililnill ' ' " ' Paul" Limited 7r 90iirn" ; ! Leave. " f'siOt'X C1TV & I'ACIFIC. " I nlon _ D'jiot , lOtn & Mnnoii Sis. ) " . . . . .ht. Puurpii3'i i7Ki'rT..T.ai:10pm : 7.Mam Sioux City I'lien-n r g i rui _ : | _ . , . . . ; ! . Paul Llmltttl 0S04ni : rcuT < s T I'NION PACIFIC. " J7\nl r O.iiulmiUlilon Depot , K'tli ' & Mutton Sts [ Or.Ju ( . Wain Ofrrland Limited 4 : ! ' ! , .n 6:3Spm : .II # IT it &trom u'K Ex ( PX rtun ) . . JiCfpm ESini.lrunil : | lalonl Ekprcaa ( ex. Hun ) . . 3 Mpni ) " V'AIIAPH HAILWAY ( ArrlVi bii lVr"t 10th ft Mat' n StB. STOCK iintiitKits1 MIITI\J. ( UNION LAND COMPANY. Notice Is hereby clven hat Iho nnmml ncTtliiff of the Moi'KhoIde n of the Union I < nnd oompnny for the di f'tloil Of IlVO ill- lectors nnd the trniiMctlo i of nucli other liui'ltiei'8 as may lawfully onie liefore tlio meeting will ho hi III At QIC nlllco of the UolipnU KOlle-lteir , L'nloii rnrllli' liullillnR , Omnlm I-iilirnsku , upon Hominy the llth tiny of Jnnunry. I ! i7 , nt inji'doi-K u. in. At.KXANIJKIl MIMJKll. Sn-rotary. HoBton , Mass. , liecernlier ( ' , ! < ! ) . " - > 22 i122t . MIIOHT I.TNR ANI vv\ ntN RAILWAY CfUIPANY. In the Circuit noun of the Vnlted ttntc-3 for tha District of dn-ioii , In the Circuit Court of the United States for the D' 'rlct of Ii'Rho. In lUo Circuit Co rt of the United StntMfortho Dlatni't ol Montana. In the Circuit Court of thn United Slntca for the District of Vtnh. In the Circuit Court ol the VnltCKl S ntes for the District \Tromlue. . TIIE AMCIUCAN LI US ATIlUsr COMPANY , furnp'nlnaht , Tiin onrnox RJionr LiNE.fc UTAH xonTn- J'.IIN RAILWAY fOSIPAKY. Dofenitnlit. * liei"oi. At n terra of the Circuit Court of the united Mutes for Iho District ol lin-Bon , held nt thnllty of IMMInnd IncMd State on the ( If- Ifpulh ilny of July , IbO.l , nnd ct a term of tha Clraill ixmrt of ilia United Statci for the ! > ! trlct of Iilnho on the tnclflh dny of Dcccrnbcr , IblVi , nn.1 ntn tonu of the circuit Court of tlio United Stu'fB for thn District of Montiina on tha ? ? venili dny or Aiiguit. lh.O. nml ot a t/nn ot the Circuit iMurt of Iho United gtntes for the DlEtilct \vyomli.eon the twenty-seventh U.iy of Hoplemlior , IM > 5 , ai.d nt ft term of Jho Clrcnft Court of the Unlict t-tnti-s for the lUslrlot nf UUU on the first dny of Doomlit-r , IMIO. Uuracortnln aoveuil decrees wiroiliily entered In the iil'ove-ent.tlcd ra e > i then pending In inch of the Circuit l oitra ; aliovo mentioned , forrcles- Ing thnmori < r.i/3 | of lli'i defendant , tlio UrfRoii bhoit Llnott Ulnh NI rihi.nl llnilwny Company , co.nmculy Known M mid cnllnl Un Consolidated Murtcnuo , which tnotiKRCO benri iln'.e ihe 1st day of AUuuiii , H M > , r.nl whlch'suld mnitRnRO Is the ( VjiuolUuitcil lloiigusa of the suld llallnny Compnny rxeeturd to the coraplnln.mt In the nUuntlthd cnsis ns Trustee , nud which Is mnro pMlleuliuly mentioned nnd dese-rlbed In th toiiiplMrmtit's bill of complaint tiled lu the nl)0ve ) nt-veral curs ; nnd Whereas , It wr-1 In nnil by the f aid Ksvcral de.-n-es ontore-l , mlludgcd , nud deoreod Hint tlio cultl Coiisolidu'.o.l MoitK.1 3 eif lh Mid elofrmtftiit coiipnuv PCI forth In tlio billof eoinplRttit nfoio- Mid nnil fo nwdoniul execute 1m uioresalil nml LeiirlDg data as nloresald. wnt \nltd nnd cutj- DIS 11115 njoilKi ro and cousiltuli-d ft I.en upon tl o n.orltiiK ( t preailRt'3 , piopcity , nnd franrhlsia il.Honbcti 111i tbo said luongnge mid hereinafter devrlbetl : nnd . . . Wberenn , It wiis therein nnd In nna by snld fevernl eleoreeanforc'Bid further ndjudceil nnd decreed thut nil of i-ald prowitj , real , pt-rsonnl. nnl mUed , mcnt'oned r.ud ucicrlbed 111 Bnld moitca a , bo eolil uu cr the illrectlou of tl.o uiider kMioJ , John 11. Cluland , CommlMlouor n.imod lu and by the sildtoernl decreesnsnbo\o mnmloiicd , thoMtlu to bo nutdo sublctt tocenaln unilurl > lus mortifiBca upon coilnln parts of tl o mid properties which tire hereinafter specified ninl which mo llltcwlfo narlli-ulurly tpocllkil lu mid by t ie ml 1 dec-ico * . tru proc-cedtut filch silo m lx > applied m fatlffncllOH of t. efolel fcNfral ele K-ra lii-iclnbeioro mintloiicd , nil of which w-.o ilei-re"u for tl.o . pninudi-lil.nnd HiFntlsfoe-tlon of tl.o Interest thcrtou uud of the cojis of the enld Mlitfreas , Iilkewlso It wm provided In nud by Iho ti < rmn of tbo fald Lon'olldjlfd MOIIFIIRO nmonz other tlllnss Hint llio trutiro iminnt tin 10- 111 , to It , Iho Ami-r can Loan A- Trust Company , In thu ovcut of detaiilt 111 micro-1 upon thu mid Con olldntcd Jlortfape , miwhl In Iti discretion nnd upon ronuc st of the boldi ri of oi-C-tlflh pall of tlio Ixiiids Issued nnd ouUt.tiidlni ; recuied t'lerchv.hlch rpf.uest 1ms bicn duly ninrto. Bi.onlil s.-ll and ellsnoii.'of the sftlel i..ortnged urcnils s by public mict on at m.li tin e mid plnco in the City of Bill Lake , In tlio 'lirrlloiy of Utah ( now Stale of Utalu. ft3 tlio trustee inlcl t aetermlintnld liustee to lun'.o nn-li falo nftj-r It Bliall b vu Riven pi.bile notko thi-irof nrel of thu tlmo and p ncn tliirof by ndvt-rtlMnirnt pub lished In call of tlio cltlmof Kow Tutknml liorton not Ion tlinn tivlron week for fwireeui- B.cutlvu weelca ncjt preiedlUB tlio Bide In one or moro new simpers Ultra J ubjlbhed , with powirou tbo part nlnld tmste-o to aJljonui siuh snle from tltnito time nud Rive bitch notlicof ndjoiirnn.i'ut ther-nf ni llio trustee ml5lit. think miBujmblc un- Cer iho clrcinna nnro * : nnd Wliei.-as , It v.ns further ndjiulceil nnd elccrei-d Innnil bv the s.ild tovernl decrees ntovo men tioned In the nlioru rustled causes Hint Hie Raid ini'tue , tiio A.ajrrcn.i I.wii A 'liust liimrmiv. inljjlit li.ive lu-.ivt ) tu uiidflu ild Join In tliu enld cilu and In Uio notlcvs und njvrrtlFcinciit tin reef - of by thu n.iltl several dtT-rn .lelwrct-tl lo Ini lorele. Ilia itld calrfo to ho in-ilo tp l n niio firll.u iilrpjaol loreolrnllig thcfsnld ( .oirolltlnud Morljigo , In tt.corJaiifOvltli the Iciiusof the cnld sjveral de renniid ; Wh'ruin. It was lurtlicr ndJuilRtd nnd decreed bythesililMver.il dtcrccs Hint llio Fnld tiiort- ciitedprop-'rtloie iculd bo told nsnii eutInly mid lnon > lolat puulli ! cuctlon tp the lilt hi si bidder thBr.'for , uuilur tlm dlrcclloulof mid ut a dny nnd tl an to b ) named by thosDld r < > 'mnl Mc.i > crfn the rlty of Silt Iji'P.Iu tno Teirltory ( now fctnte ) I Uliii.unoii such terms nattl.u doinnilsiionermlclit niprjv > ! : U lioin ? llkL-ivria iioviOe-d tint public noilco of such saio nud tbo time ri.d pli'co Iliciiot b Rlvi-n by mlvertlro.iient tvrjco n week for four cotn.-outlvo ivecks in nol lets thru tno ni-na- fi.ip ia published In er.ch nf tlio cltlis of I\cw Vor < , lUi-o.i , Silt Lake , 1'oiil.ind , Hie ton , nnd Onilii.wllli power to ndloiun tuch fr.le from tuna to 11.119 ut the rt'TUe-t of tinrnld IruMeo ciraplnln.i-itiuci : notbo ol U.o nilleuiinunt to bo clvou n. the C'o.nml'islnncr mlchl Ihli.U iccsona- bio umlbr tlia cli-ciir.islftiif06ihe mid triiilec com- plainr.ut on Its put to Join ut tucli nuMce In nil iiotlusof sAleniid tha tiotlcx of nny Mich niljourn mint , ouch silo ou conflinisllon tlieirof to tier- potiully bar thu mid defcnrni.t K.illury Com- prfny , and all porjoiu clclmlnK by. thiotgh , or under It , from all right Bin ! Intcutt In tl.v unld r.illw.iy.ianl pn-mlsjs by the decrees on'eicd to bo ? . .nl , clthsrat Inw or In wnilly , It li'ln ; Ilke- wl ] decreed tint luon inch coniiiinntlbii uf tnle. the purelassr the rent , upon conplylnt' "Ith the terms ot tha sale , a'icnla Lo enillhd to rccrlvo Irani tbo sild Coinm isloner ni.d the nald truMea coaiplulnaut , tin Amerlrnn loin TiUft Company - pany , dsods conveying nr.d tmmfeirlng U.o Mild railways nnd premises to the ptircliawr.bnt sub ject UiccrtA In prior underlying iuorifcDti3ln.ro- laiftor mentioned : nnd Whorea.1 , It was further provided by Iho snld s'veral decrees that euch pale si nil be marie upon such tcnm us ibo Cuninlsidcrjcr rjilgl.t rip- jirovi'.any jiartle-s to tlio Milts ubmo mentioned or the holders ot eny of tfio Ci.nsorillnto.1 . Hands to sccuro which tlio conwlldiitxl iloncigo wni executed , to ba at liberty to bid aud bcccme l ur- chns' at eucii ule ; and Whereas. An upponl was taken bv tha mid dofeii'lint , the Oregin ( short Line A utnh North ern Hallway Company , from tl.o said elcireo In thOfuld causons inn-red In Iho District of Ore- Con , nnd from tl.o e.ald decree , ag emend In eald cause In the JJIttrlct of Montana , and from iho Mid decreons entered In suld cui BO In tht ? Dis trict of Wyoming , nil of which said several ap peals have boon duly clltmUsaed and hy the orders uid docroci of the Appellnte t'ourts to which the appeals wi.r taken In the mid cnrat-3 , the ld causal were rrm.inded tu Iho rvctul courts from nhlch the nald appeals ncru taken , with dlicc- tlons lo proceed In the cniiLC4 nnd to tbo on- foico mem of ea'.d elee ce , but reserving In the cour.s from vhlcli the nnjunU weio icipccllvely taken further Jurledlction In llo tover.U caiiM.9 for euili lurthcr ordora and de crees ntlho foot ot iho se\eral dccicos ns mlcht bo npplloJ lor HS to nil mniien imtudlu'llentod by tno durrecu , and fur ( uither rrdors and dliec- tloiu to thu L'omiulKaloiier tcuUuni ; the sitd sain or tha luruisund ctudllluiia thereof as might bo equitable ; mid whereas. Mandates from the eald Appellnta Couris h.wo been duly filed In the eovcrm cuiins Irom which the raid HPI c.ils ere token ellre.it- Ing cnforcemjut of the > a d eleirees , m.d precc. 1.di duly iMiied thereon Ir in each of the nn-d emu is , dlit-eted and dolUored to Ihn unler- tlgnc-d , the C'osnmisi oner Oiertof luii.rd In iho Bulddocreo > . for ilioirt ] | < or ci.fi rrcn.ciit ( hereof In i.crortlan n with th teiia.i of thOMilU dciiec- < ; Xt > vy , theieforc , > olliu Is lure'iy K ten hy the uutleis'Biiol ' , John 11. Clelnnd , the Coni- mlslonor ntmod by the sold ec < rceKiid by tna Auiorlinn Lon.i & TI" * ' Cunpi : uy , coitplnfuunt In t.o--iil : taus.-t and tmitco of IIH ! mild Consull- Calel Morlc.-je , ffia eat'truirca io.li nir litioln uneranti : imnuant to ino temij if end by thu ellrcctltin 01 the said c ei u PI nnd to. aui.o of ind by vlitnotif po.ver toil iiitri sled by the teni s r.nd conlltlo .u of Iho said ( omolli.ntiMl Woit- K'CQ , that nil and tlnirului- the ullucy iroicr- tie ) and nny and all other property of the i.ru. Ruuhliort Lin i A U'ah ' Konhoin liallnay Coin- iiany by It had or held on the l-t dny of Aui.ust. IfaoU , the ehtu of the f.ild Coital li'btii.1 ilort- pafo , nnd all after aciiilrcd | proicrtv thcieiittcr by Itnciiulreil an I reimprln.nx nil the rnilwayi and other property of thu mid Outon Hl.ejrt Liiie A Ulnli Kortiixr.i liailnay Cuirjany Inilu iat-1 Con < old ! ti 1 Nuit aiiO t-iprevid to Lo lonvtyod tlieroby to tli Amerhnn Loan iV'Inut lompun H3 Iru.toi ) , will hii > old on thoiiinth t'cof Jiinu- ary , A. U. IMiT. nt the hour of ti n o'clex-K , fore noon , nt halt lj.ko City in the " -tnto of utnh foitnorly Territory of Utah , ut the cior 01 tha Couit-hoUM ) of tno County of i-alt J.tke In tnl.l ulty , which mid iirmeny to to bo fold In do- vcrlbcd In the tnld tonsolidntod Jluitcato as "All that line of rollnajhecli n UK nt n ro nt on the Union racllio Hallway , nt up nco ini-oa Oran.'or , In tbo County nf bwcctWHttr , In ttyo- ( IncludlnK tirnuchoi to Ift-tl hum. tn the County uf Alturni. nnd to Iljlyw ( .liy. in iho County of Ada , In Idaho ) , and llicncu liio the County of i'-ikor , In uraon , mid Hanoi by such route or rout-s on may be ditumliuil l-y ilm Jlooid ot llrecuir ) of ( hi railway cun.runyto II u Colum- bin - , I'ligit bniini o/the ' lliyi-r ) , I'rclllo ( k-inn. And also all that line of r ilun\ . i.\icnillni fn.tnniiy feaslblo iwli.t or jmlnts upon tin mid rallna/ a norlhncst--r7y , V''st'rlv , orw.uih- wntorly illrvctlun , lutif nVul'il rLii.-li > u-i mn4. | Ut.\i , I'lalio , Ore im , Xciail-i , unJ California or any of thorn , to su h nln'XK/nin ! on surh rou in ne tha Directors naiolewor ( iKiniilne , lOFi-iher with such ' 'iteiis.o.i8 . or.hrniilhes , of nny ol a/id lines fro-n any eligible poinl or tiim , | , hv"1,5 IIIDS. fAuslblo route to eueii ulUcr i.lncfs . In n\6" inlilz , t'tali , Idiihii.MrtiilUna.AVuslilriTloii , OrfEf'n Uillliirnln. or Nuviuar ! buy n/Ihchi / . . llil It.i if * I r\t 11 , * k.if r- + Y-nr * , . i ' ' , . * . 11 o in jiwin. nml tiii-nca Miiei nnd tlirousl " ho OoiinllisofMiullsi.i. liMViniJIriul , t-ll"cr nml Icr lx.dgo , In Afonlcnq IJim . ; , i.nd iliinco trwtM * t _ nalK1i > w-fitttf * tt. > > . > . l. . rt ' ' ' v by _ lm < > . . . . . . . v luxtu ttiiwu n IJIU LCUIllV Ol J1 ] ! * BJUI.I. Ill Montuni , Into i Ml tlirruth liliilouiii Was ' inimon , an J llu-ii n lj m li n u o or rouicg nst'ionild lljurl of tlmo dcti-rmlno , In u Iilrrliird iifiienl m liny r.l.trly , vis'irll" I nortli fncrly : , or mutinm'irly i dlri-c IGII T , ! l-u/t-snni or to ll , Jlirllle. 'iVenii. l It'i liMii'-lica ' ef Ilm MJld IMIO rf u iiw'iy nlll j from u-iy fouBl.,10 | wlw iir point * mSni ? ; line of rullvuy In Mal.o.1 . .Voi.lulii . "IM"/I / or i ) o ; oi ! IQ > ii < h . oth . r | ijii.t ! rr ' t olnls I I i/l / ' JJoiiumi.Wuijili : | ! ( , , i > r . im' nil iho said liliccti i Uoardi f I - is ninv from I line i/ nwduii-rmlne. And nlco n liiuof ' rnlwav tnn Jlcf.imnnn. In tl-u cluiiiiiy ef ll'nisl'nni In Idni . ? fnn cun'-nil ' uout'irly illrieilnii , ihro tl lift ' Hllvcrl-ty , nnd Kur U.i , III UH. . Oe my of jiJh linil III hyraciiia , In iho l'n..iry of Viv . 12 ' Ill 1 lo. , | n.r with iucli Ijrniieli.n ir iJ JJ"ir.l of ' lilroctors tcnulni , . mid then b Iniiiiind mny from t. muiTli II ( " limy } > f Mnculii , In Novaila , to llu iouthwik u'rn ' 'iimidf ry Una of r.uu.dA , low t' ' rr w. . ' lu'i.c h Mid ' ! ! s" J""i' ' , ' ' ' < " " ? " ' , ° tV ' ! " 'l ' ofW I' nt f , H ovnd. . trihir wilhDiirh rail- , brnncl t-9. eir t jcd 1 1 Inns of Hi 8\id liiiri " , " l'ml1' > ' " ' ' ' ' UIr -m On "n f uiilii , rrnti nf | in.rti ilia i nutlul ia y iJctimlBC. AI-U ulsto ml ou J 2-1 , isoo. Binpi'nr UKK" I 'ne of ri\l'm nnei rxip.m iijiiicit-ol llml the Kmiwuj ( wnpiuiymir ln > r \ ilr eimslniTt or ruiiulro , nieiiom * fn.m . my IiM ililo point iir points upon nny ofni.ld . lln'fl by the * mint cllc'blu roulo or mite * to nnr or ni I of .iuh pin"s ! in ihaillrrcl'irt ut tha Itnli' nrif Cimpitiiy nny tin rmpownul In relict or il .rr nlll-hy vlrtun ul thn ilmllir or ititlrlmaf u-urpimilloil of Iho Ibilluay ( Vminny. ur miyof ltscnmmii"nt airnmiui" | conwlldMitl Into In * tlil.w.iy I'.impuir , or bylruie - t.f nriy imrlul. In > im itn'r.Hif. whlih timln line Slid In mi Ins nto * lr.Mir | Punslttie-lMl nnd inBUdrtid to tjire-itMil of 1 , . ! ; tu mllM of miielo tinrk or line1. And nlsin I und qliitfiiUr tltu liuids , rlxMi nf < w , ml r.'il aim Irnwliolil Kbit)1 nil-mil'nr here- nfi rt i tmnoitilred by the ltnll ny onrniiy , ninl il . < . ) nt liitcii.Icd li > he moil lur It.c snhl nhovc- dcw-rl " ! Ihii'i ot ritllnny , nr my Ilimli ( rrx- I'-iuUin t'irri-of ' , nr for lim | niri < on ifinnliinl nivomum I it hm , Mntloiii , uniclii ii'O. tnnililnn rlu jM , bull IHnrs. structure , ippum'ip , ntid mirkinr nlliwMii" , In rortm-i tlun ( Mill , or tot nny pmiMUM of siioh inllway , binni | i , or t lfli- don. An I nl o nil mid KinU'lnr il.c t Rlmn , t-nra. r.ililnc ril.i-1 ; . 1-0,111 ptni'nl , nmlilnciy , noli" , tntnli'nnnt * . , nmiitliiK fiirnluirefi.H , n-j pint. . mi. * i-i.'t tiiiit'tf , m'itiiiiii * [ to ttr I rrt'llllPT 10 bn niNiilKl | by Iho Itmlwy Coiiipnt'j , nid In liny w ly nppxrtimiiii ; to thu mid imlwi.js urni-y bniiii-h or e > tension tlii-rrof , nr to Hitumklnit of thn snrifl. And nKt nil nud JlnHlli.r tl.o fr.im'hlstright" , nnd prl % UOL-HI tl.nl tlir itnll * wiy Comp.my now lias , or tuny l.itratter icnuliv. for or In ri' p"t of tlio said ntio\e ilinrlh.il nMw.iy , nr ni.y br. nc'i or ixt-n lem tl.ruof , or lie ! roiisirtirlion , mahile-nniicv , In prrvi ri.rut , w.ir liit , nr iu > i of inn Mini' , t'-ci-tlur with nil ti'r.nliiiu nrcomnioilntlniis , gtattiiiii * . wtirrhi UM , iiiiciiliiti Khopi , bruits , iitiildtnj1 * , firm-tun- * , nppniidiig , works , prltl1 < KF > , rairiiifiit" , ni-1 n.'purti'njiicps to or with tincnlil prtmlKt * . or nny jurt thert-nf , now or nt nuy tlmo tlutlrc tin , cintl-iinnca of Hits Benurlly nviperlnliili.K . or flljovi'd. " Slid description bolnif Intci-ded to ilrrcrllio tlio rillways of tliu s.ilil lUllwiiy ( . 'e nipiiny us thn nimt art ! or liavu lu-ou nrtually con Hut-lid , nl > tlio ij.i the snmo may vary fiom tlio ruirril uiittn n'ojvo ' diMi-rlbod , which paid inojti itiis tn nli , M ilci-ribed embrice' and i-o\er tliu fidlowlift HM-I Pt riilwiiy octii illy rniiilruvtL'd nml lu use , and lie ciltK'd n.i foiliins : 1. Mo 11 no i of nilhvnv roM'l.'tlnn nf nhunl six hiinlrul nml eleven ( till ) mile * In bnilli , In i pit Hi ) pirts of tin ! Mild rallnujs o ! the tuld lltll\\iiv Ctunp.viiy oxtniidliiK fri in ( Irnr ; er tn W.omln ; ? throiit : ) ! Idnlo to lit tittnplm in tli S'Mo of Orion nnJ from t-hoi.lii.iio lo Kf'.t-'ium In Idaho wlilch , twld lltus of mil- way w-ni formerly tlio llm.i of inlluny of tint ci'rUln rtllwny rorpornlloii known HS nnd c.illo 1 tlio iirt'ifoii Short j.lnn Itallwny ( t mpi.ny. J. Thu rnllways and railway piopeillts con. Mttliuof Hhout four hnndn-d and tilxty-ilt nnd KXI-O-I'J ! oiio-huii'lri-iltlis ' (4t'il ( dli n lies in li'iutllluUn { t .o ii.irls u [ Iho SHliI rr.ilwaisof the add defendant lUiHw.iy ( ompnny exleiidliif ; IroniOjil-j-i. In Pttli , north rtI ) tlirni nil Idid.oto II irrli in III M.iilliini . , nnd lit in HIHrr llow to Hullo City In Montan.i .living II.e . Minx of rullwny form'riy vr-ttttl lut ci-itnlu rnllwny coicrnilon ] culi" I liie Utnh nnd N'ortlu-rn Itallwny tonipaiiy. U Thu r.illwavs nnn rntlwny piti-trtlis ron- tlVliuof about one hundred nud IIUMIH. ' . ) n lies In loiiKtli. In'ltu the parts uf tlio f..M mllnayt of tlii > said di'fetidaut ItitlliMiv Comrauy r li nnltiir. fm.ii .Silt I/i\u City to Juiib tu Umli.ntul Ii.rmi r- ly viiiloil In n rurtnln rnllnny nipoiutlou culled till ! I tali boulliern llnl Iroud ( omn ny. I. Tno railways and ullwny pi'-prrlli-s con- slstlus of aliotit onn hundred nud Iblity ( ! ! ! ( ) ) mill's In lemiih , nnd I'Oln ? ilumrls | nf the Kilil rallwavH of tlm dHft-iid.uit railway cnimumy ex- loiidln ? from Jnnb to Prlco In 1'tah , which urro foriurly veati-d In n ceitnln oilier inlluny mi- port'I m c.illcd Iho Utui ! bontheru llullroad ICx- tiiiiuu. ft. 'Ih * ml I way i nnd rni I way proper ! Irs consist- In ? ol nbout elfi * tie-il nud nlnoly-fnur onibun - " 'hi (18 ( 1)4) ) mllr.iln leiiKtli.bolni ; tl i > purls of r > tllun > s of the oVfcmlnnt lnllu.icV ) piny oxtumlln ? fi n Nanipn to lluKi' i'lty In 1 lano.iiml whlrh wore viiisiM In n ccrlnln O.IHT . Mlltvity rorpiintlon cullcil tlio liluliu fcntml Hi l ' , i > - Comtmny. il Tlio railways nml rallnny prop"rtlpicoml-.t- Inifof nbotit sixty-onenn.l llftcun oiinlMirititMliln ] ( ill.l. " > ) ml I os in Itiigtli , vMinil.nx Iiom I.tlil junction to Untie In ltniiwltli n iiiintli from Irjiiloi to SI I vr ( ) i y nml l-un-Kn iiiul tlio l.u- rrci mln i , furnuTly ml I oil tbo JMiU Jj.ko .t Wfttorn luilliy. . 7. T.io nil ! \\av. nn'l rnl'.v.ny prrr itlos ron l l- I'ljof utio'it thirty nliiomul Illlv cm liunilirilth (3) ( .VI ) inlli'i In lonulli , IcIiiK llu1 IKTII nf the rulwiy * of tlio ilclrndant JUnlupy C'onipiiny rx- lei llni frnii s\'t Kici' ' ' 'ty ' lo Termlniis In tic ti'D of Utili.wliii iv lircmfi , und ( uniirrl ) cnlkit Ilia Ufi't .t f. ' % .ulrt ll.i 11 ny. S. I'.io rnlluayi mid inlinny propi'ttlcs roiul t. In1'if u out tlvo ninl elclity-llvo oiio-liui'ilrMlths ( . "i.S > ) mlim In lon'th : , boln ttn > iiiitBol Ihurnll * \vjvi of tl.o D-fcnilant llailucy I' tnpnny t'\- U'liluu from y.xr.ii'ii'O Jiiuitlon wi"t iuily ! In IHvU' > i.uv III Utah , on.l luintTly cnllcil tlio Of leu A Hvrii'iiKe ltiill uy. 1) ) . Tli' riilnnvi nml nillwny propfitlcs ot nboit fnrly-llvo (15) ( ) mllcj III longlli , licltiK tlio piru oi tin iitil nt liv.iyn of the ralil ( lo.cmlniit Hillwiy ( . 'unpiny rxti-ndliu fiom Otrilin to Hilt Iki'lty In tlio Htau of Umli , nnU formerly c.ill ! tlio Utnli Contr.it l.nlho..il. W ilch paid llnoiof rnlluny nro In rnrt iroro pir'li-ii.irly iluscrttxM 111 anil mo n-ft-rriMl to nml .o. ' r-il In p.irt by tli' umlcrl > lnprlnr norlpuiji's horjin.i tor spei Illi-.l . , the proiulkd it rrib < il thuro lid'ttii ? In p rt the nnmo properties nbovo | ) irt.-tllnrl ' > ile'i-ilbcil. Tiij'fH-r with nit vhnncca of tlio lines Hiproof , nml ml llllmn und brnm IHM thereto nml to nil pn ti tlioreof , nt nny tin.o mAilu or romtrui IIK ! finer liy or lor nml In behalf of II o rnhl Uiciroii Hluirt l.lno nml riuli Noiilifin Itiillnny ( un- p.iny : Inclinllnif In the nfti r nciiir.i : ! priirty | tuhitloiitfil nito\o nil property , ie.il or pirsunul. nr.iiilr.i.1 In . ! . . , liF Ilin ( Irrr'nn Klintl I Inn nnil ULiti Njrtliern Hall * y Cooipany liy tliu rccolv- ert orot'ii-rulw. T 10311 1 ailo will bo made , however , nml li con.'trnv'd nnd pinelmtu irmle i-oioplrto by deeds , the title of gala merUaged pro | ntlii will \v \ nc- iiilrl | mbjectto the fiUlowlne underlying inert- gi oi np3ii sucli parts of the rnlil pr pertlo na nrcovrcl tlicroby nml cmbraceil the . > lntou'ti 1 'An In Isnturj ol raortg.it-o dntnl the met dny of N'ovambnr. 1H31 , nml inndo hy the Uucon B'mrt Line llalluny Uinrnny of the one putt nnd IVJlcrlck I * Amc * nml John r. union , tnntre" , of the oilier p.irt. noi'iirlmc nefotlnblo hcuda Ist'J. ' 1 an 1 O'.itltaiul lli un.liT tlio Mild ir.orltrgo us t > io ntioiint tliorcof may ho onvrtnlupil , nhlcti hoilsnra inynblo uii the lint day of Kihruaiy , 102i. with Inter'it nt lx per ctnt. per ntinuui , . . i. An In lonturo of mortKnco il led ttio first illof July , IH7H , nml niHdo li > lnci > n the Utah , t Nort'iorn r.illivny Company of the cno pntt , mil Jjy Ujulil ami Jo'upli lllchiirdvin.tr. tees. ot th 'Other ixirt.ROCUinuneirotlnhlc- Irtuoil Iheri-iin lor nril now onlHtmidli'K ' Ihtiion nn the nma nit thereof m.iy ho iiiTcrtniiinl , Mhlili bonds aroiuytblo on thu lint dny uf July , IbCtiltn Inturjil ut .iivon per cent , per uiiiiriu , iiayublo sjiil-'iiiniuilly. : I. An Indfnluro of mortpiRo dated the first dnv of Ijly , IW-rt. nml nuulu Lulu veil the I'lnh it Nortliurn lUllwny Company , of tlio uu > pntt.uml the Ani" " > rlain Ixrin .t Trii't C'ompiiny , diittre , of tli3nlli2r pnrt , te iirliiK neKUllnblo It.ncis Itrnrd mil outstanding llicri'iuulur u.-i the urr.omit Ihiirof miy t o iiiourUiino I , uhtch bonds mo pajtble rn thu lint d.iy of July , HUH , with Inttir.-t at the rotoof llvo per cent , per annum , piynblo cinl- aiiuii illy. 1. An Imlcntiiro of mort ngo dutfil the lint dnof Jniinnrv , 1H70. nml nint'o bctnern the Uta'i Ci'iitiul Kallnnl Coinpnnof thoom1 jnrt , nnlllora-o H. nii'rlilc'1 ' ainl Al ram O. Muot , lri > tij ) . of the other part , imiilnir nefotlnbln honli lawol mil oiitUan lin , ' thv.dim'er . ni the nuiujiit tlicr-'of may ho n-ioiliiliml , but \\hlch niio int so oitttnnlliu tlir.niindur ia It la rliarjiil In fid complain-in t'fl bill In this cnnso Is tlm s nn ol hlx Tiioii .ind ] iollnrtf , uhlch lends wcro pnya'ilo J.inunrr' flnt , 1M/I ( , n 'th intmst Kt elxp-TC'ii' p-r nnnirii , iimib'o ' n'ii.1 iinnunllv. ft. An liilfiiturj of n.oiKugo tnttd tl o i'r > t day of Julv , isri , mil m.ulo letnon the Ltiih ivj ithru U-ilIroiu Compnny , of tl i' one pnrt , nml Wllll.uu If lt.)0i'T ' and Henry II. Jni ! n oi.il , the ol'ier ' pnrt , Kinrlns msctluU honM U.uil and out tJlullin tin u under at the umount thereof mny l.o n-iorinlnoil. l.lih . hxmlj wire piyjblo on t'io ' llr-t dny of July , 1M)1 , with lnleros. nt th ( r.itiof t-urin IK.T itnt. perniinuui , n ivaiiio 8 "nlnnna nl I v. 0. Anlnleninrj of rnorlqnre Tnteu the llrst diy of J'llv , 1 7U. nnd i , add bi'lwini tin1'lnh hOJthorn Itillrom Company , of the unr part , nml Willl.ru 11 HoOiior and Jiiinca M. Hum , tn Fttvs , of fiu o' KT pin , H nrlns necollublo lond1" Is- cu"ilanl oust indliu II rreiim rr i a the aii.oiint fior.'of mibo r.trertulm it , wlilih lends urn piuiiluon till ) II t d.i > of Jill ; . , 1H.Ull \ \ lino- ro.tntilie rAte of K' en per cv.nl * per nntiiim , pa.'nblo ' .enl-.iiin Lilly. " , . An Ind.Mi' irj of mortqnpn ntcd the first ibyof Julv , 1S7U , mid m.id lutwicn tlio L'lnli i-oithorn Itillroul lAteii'lon , if Iho urnart. | . nn 1 tl'lltln.n H. ] ( nolrL-r nrtl Jnitiij * M. Hum. In a. f -S , of ih > othi-r Purl. tcitirliiH urgtilablo bjudi iK'ied ' nud otitst. ndlm ; tliiruuiidii ns Ibu u.iii itt'i-r nf miy liu us rrtalncd. uliltb I eindi u.-u piyatilc on tnu lln ; ilay of Ji- ) > , ll ( ! > , with lnfr-8t.it tlio r.ito tit locn icreci.t. iirniiuum , luruhlo iil-.iniii.nlly. ti. Ail In lo ilun of uoilir.'lKU e'ntcd tlio Ilm dny of J imury. 1HM7 , imd imulo Liluull llo Malm C-.iiril HilhwiJj'iipiny , of II cone pnii , nnd tt3 Aiiurlcm Lull it Tiu-l Company , tnihtec. of tin ot'i-sr pirt , s-M-uriiij no otinblo liotiili I'nicd nnl niitttnii Jim ; tln'rcn/nlri , us Ibo amount there of in ly ho n < 'iirt.il m-d , whlth I'diiila are pn.Miblo on tlid llr-it iliy of Jiinuuiy , 3017n lib Iniiii-M at the r it ) of six per cent. | cr nmiuui , pa atk * tcml- unirjally. T.i > piir-'us"r nt fl'i-h sale will lie icnulred to eliioilt with tlio UnniKilasluiiorIn iron > < y.ihi > rum of oui lum I Ml tlioiisnid ( llHI.lHilli dullnrs , n'lJ If t'tu pjrohnsiT Bluill fall to compnto llio p i roll iso lu ni-onlnuco ulth the- turns of llu ile , nil 1 lip ni itiiillrmailon Iberrol by t'io e-oiirts lli.br . wlmsi etlieetloii nud decieo tUuill i will bo mi I" , t.ie dtposlt bo Hindi' n.nll t'lrupjn b > forfnl.l ! . : and 11 ruth ILtlmll ! nol boon irn ) I by tlio court , pieli : 1)11 ) i.slt will Lc returned to the niirclut-i r. If conlirn ed. tht * di1 * pjilt s > main will bo aiceplrd nnd rn-elved anil applii-d it l n pill of tu ! piniha o prior. Ojni'jll liu-J lionl-i of tl.o Mid ( ueson Shnrl I.lno .in I Ul'lU .Norliii ill Hallway Cuirpany , rni ! H-oiru.l by the ronsolldilrd iieiilRnBiaftr'PAld m.iy b3tjnl < ral nnd will bo Tcicludonncicmito ) t'n bldof tin piin.-ln > 3r. but to iiuch nmoiuil on ) ; as'Viiuld ha niiiillc.iblii tluiblo Ly ibo tcmar.f llu decrees had thn cnllro purclinsi prl'-1 bei-n paid In nii'icyiOut ffiop-ircfiawr innrt IIKPWIRPII.-IV In in iii'y us n | iail 01 Ills ptirchnw prlco such oihi'i further sumi In moiit-y us the couit may tutcr If tlu > nlo sliall nn confirmed , nnd the piiiclinFo prlci inulo ojimdftj ly the pajmuit bytlmbli ) . di-rof the pun-Ins > pilco tlitn-nt , n eleeel ferll-n - - , - ! puri-iiscel will jirop-rtl-- bo e-xeriiltd lythn 1-oiniHdonor upjii Iho dlncllnri nud ilerrioeif Ibucouns then-lii. in whlcli il > t.l ti < Amrilran 1/j.iii A I'nut Oi'iipany. compljliunt nud liuatcg of tin' sil I ruiisoll.l.iti'il moniiIIPwill Join , ron- vt-yltif lo fie puic'injer Ibua M nillwniannd iiro'iiU-s , tlwrutlon of ivhlc'i liy tin'inld Trust Comiiiiiy wilt IM mido ruwnnt lo tin ) terms nud dlnctloiH nf tbo f.ifd decrre-s , and pii-MMMt to Ilia jiowr uud niilhoilly ul-oii It e-unf-rri'-l by 110 mid cjiiioJIilnti-il ii.ortrr.BC. whlcii de-eil , oo tn bo e.-scented , ulu-ll by llio trnn'l of lh said dt-cr ' ' t'ii coiivoytoth ) j.iul.iHt-i' Mid morlriioil ; : rallwa.m i rid pit pi-ulir , t-ji-t llo.Vi . 't-r. lo thi Illl'tullv 111.innrKit i ft fl/t l.in-iniirriiro rcfi-m'.l to. nod . to tliu nci iii > r. l'ilp rhnrgna Bud obllimtlnni Imri.i d by Ilm d"-ri'u , v.'hlch Mlti nnl dee > d by iha trini tif tli Mid doorfi'a nliall ri-rMiunlly lur t'i'i ' di-f.-iidiiit , the On-uoii Mimt llu < A t 'n'i Nortiicin juiluny i'onp. iiy , nud cM n-r- C ) f * rl ilmlnu by , iliri uili , eir unili-r It , fioi i i It rlrfjit . . on. ! Inttiiat in Iho said inous.ii-d prey. CURH YOURSSLFF . . . . ui.r iturul , liiiliimmitliuu. nuii..id or nticiatjunu in ni ou .n-iinliraiiHs. I uinlt- , nn i i.tH a lrjiu K il i-r r-iUi-iuili. toltl ll.r 't ' n < in plat I t Tll't'f , pi ' " I III BEGIN ACTIVE OPERATIONS Mngnltiulo of the Entcrpriso D.iwiis Upon tbo Executive Officers. EXPOSITION MANAGERS HARD AT WORK t of Promotion Put t lion ( lu * Tnxk of Inltietltiir Iit'l UliitorH of 'rriiiiiniUilMNliiiil Slnti'H In I lu > ( in-lit S lie iv. Tlio hoaOs of departments of the Tr.-ins- inlfslsslpiil anil Internntloiml Kxpwltlcm ns- sdclatlon nro dnlly liniirc8C't ' wllh tlio fact that thu exposition Is olng to he a inori- txtcnslve cntorprlso than they hail con- eolveil of. As the \\ork of the several de partments Is bclni ; commenced , this fact stands out above all others and the magnitude ot the affair Is almost overwhelm- In The managers are rlsltic to tlio occasion , however , and havp Individually determined to put the best foot forenioi and keep the tiling moving. Since the In formation lus Rene forth to the world thai the Transmlsxslsslppl Exposition was to he a "KO. " there has been an Influx ot men with experience In tno multiplicity of details , which KO to make up a successful exposition , and ( he several managers have been supplied with Information which has not only been of material advantage to them In avoiding serious mistakes , but has Im pressed them most forcibly with the magnitude of the work In which they are engaged. In addition to the II. 11. Hardt , referred to jcaterdaj as having been retained by Manager llruco of the Department of IJ\- lilblts , there are fcoveral men with more or less experience In exposition work who are seeking engagements with one or another department. The Department of Promotion commenced nctlvo work yesterday morning. Six typo- writ ra were InMnllod In a room adjoining the ofllco of Sec retary \Vakefleld on the third floor or The llco building and were started on the work of turning out personal letters to the etato officers and members of the legislatures of the transmlsslsslppl states. These clerks are under tlio direction of Chief Clerk Hunt and will bo kept hard at work for th ; next few weeks grinding out correspondence. Manager Mndsey of tlio Department of Ways and Means Is sending out letters to all of the real catato dealers In the city asking for the names of all nonresident real estate owners In order that they may be solicited for subscriptions to the exposition. It Is expected by this means to Increase the subscription list very materially. Other etcps are being taken lo re.ich other Indi viduals as well as a largo number of wealthy corporations which have not sub scribed. AMUSEMENT FEATURES I'UOI'OSEU. Manager A. LItceil of the Department of Concessions Is overwhelmed with applica tions of all kinds. A number ot inventors liavo applied for space for engineering novelties , and this feature ) of the exposition gives promise of forming a most attractive I'oitlon of the great fair. Prominent among Iho applications Is ono by un Omaha In ventor which has the merit of real novelty. The inventor proposes to construct a largo lake whlrii shall bo nt least thirty feet In depth. This is to bo Blocked with submarine foliage and fish of all kinds. In the center of this lake the Inventor Intends to have erected a tower several hundred feet In lieight , forming a double ele\ator shaft , on which shall be two clas-s cars , each capable of containing a number of people. The passengers will bo first treated to a jrd's-c | > o view of the exposition anil BUT- loundtng country by being carried to the top of the tower , and will then be lowered to the bottom of the lake , where electric Illumination will enable them to make In vestigations into the everyday life of the finny trlbo which will Inhabit the depths of the lake , as well as ot the beautiful foliage and plant life. The Inventor of thb novelty has taken steps to Interest local capital in the enterprise , and Is raid to ! mvo his plans la very satisfactory shape. Another engineering attraction for wlilcl space Is requested Is the Invention ot u Chicago cage engineer. He calls his contrivance a "soaring carousal , " but whether It Is a Hy ing machine , a dirigible balloon or BOIIIO other method ot visiting tha upper atmosphere phero ho does not disclose. Ho says , how- ex cr , that ho can carry parties of 200 people : o any desired hslght and can make three : rips an hour. He also says that ha Intends erecting his machine at the Paris exposition In 1900 , and desired to erect ono In Omaha flrst. flrst.Manager Manager Heed is considering the advisabil ity of establishing a blench oTOcetn Chicago cage for the purpose of better reaching the concessionaires whose presence Is most de sirable , especially those In the amusement Ine. Ho has been In correspondence will Chicago parties regarding this matter am says he will have u more definite idea when ho executive committee meets next Satur- lay. The duty of looking after the affairs of the Department of Concessions has become - come so onerous that Manager Heed ha ; appointed . II. Crary as his assistant , am ! Mr. Crary Is gradually assuming full charge if the Inimcns ? amount of detail work con- locled with this important department. The advisability ot sor.tllng a commissioner to Juropo to secure novelties such as the 'German village" at the World's fair ami attractions of a llko nature Is also being consld.red by Manager Uosd. WHEN THE SITE IS ORTHRMINKD. M-magcr Klrkendall of the Department of lulldlngs and Grounds Is making a thorough nvestisutlou Into the lust methods to be 'iiraueJ to si-cure the most effective admlii- 5tr.ilInn nt his ilinartmont. llo sa\s IIP vlll not con mcnco active operations until ho location of the exposition Is determined \H soon us that Is done the work of the lepiitment will be commenced in earn at. Manager Klrkepdall Btatcd ycster- Gladness Comes With ti better tiiKkrpiinulinf- tliu tvaiisiunt nature of tlit' ninny pliyg- leal ills , which yani.sli before proiicrcf- < . rightly dircctuil. Thruis comfort In the knowledge * , tluit hi niany forms of Mckno.sFi arc not duo to any iictiuil dis ease , bnti-imply to a constipated condi tion of the pyhtoin , which the iilcasant ffimily luxativc , Hyni of Fitrs. prompt ly ruiiinvcH Thut Is why it is the only runiudy with mllliuimof fiimilicN. nndiw ovcrywhern Chtcorned so hiirhly hy till whovaluo jjool Imnlth. Its In iiufluiul . TeetH urn due lo the fact , that it is Hit- one remedy whli'h promotes internal cleanlinoKii n-illioiil ( li-lillilntinp- ! , > orffiuiu tii wliii'h il acts. It IB tlieniforo all important , in ordoi' to get iln bt-m-- flclal nlVectfi. to note when you pur chase , Unit , you have the ir < MinIm > arti cle , which IK inniiiifiu'turcd hy the Cali fornia Kif , ' Syrup C'o. only and uold by all reputablerlrujf ( fists. If in the enjo.vincnt , of food health , and thn bi. item Is i-cf'id.ir , laxatives or otliet' roiiiedles 'in- then not needed If allllctud with any actual disi-iuc , onu may ho luimmendi'd to the mobt ( .killful pluMeiaiis. hut If In need of a laxative. cue should him- the host , and with Iho well-Informed < vn-yv hi ro , Syrup of l''ifrhlaudH ' hilu t aul In inunt hiruoly cUoii. tl.iy moruliiR tli.it the first stop woul'l ' piobsbly lie to employ nn oxpcrlonrcil rnRlnwr nml an architect ninl lie milled Hint the solertlon of Ilioso olll- clnls would be mndn with tlm RrontMt cnto. A nii'iitipr ' of nppllrutlon.1 for thmo po ltlntm hnvc boon ri'relvcil by Mr. Klrkomlsll. The iiiciubirs of tlio cxrcutlvp cotumlltoD cxprcsscJ tlnn-splves na bolng cutlrrly sath- tli'il with the nuieiuhuonU nnil nltrr.itlons innilo In tlio pxpcwltlou bill uon In HIP ImmN of CotiRrpshn nil Mercer. Tlio original Ornft was prepnieil In this city nnilvns tlrnwn In necnrilnuco with the result of the ilellbcrato conslilerntlou Rlvrn tlio innttor by tinexpcu - tlvo eommltiri' nt lt ilmt mortliiK. The nl- toratlons iletallcil In The lice's Washington dlsp.itclips will Imvo the effect of wltleulliK ttu > ccnpe of the bill In a fen minor pnrtlcu- lni\i. lint ilno * lint i'hnnet > IL t if > nnr.il M first drawn. It lucronses the nine of the boanl in be In rlmrgo of the Kovprnmoiit exhibit by providing for two mure tnetnbcra than was couteiuplnteil by thp bill , as drawn , niul alee niakrn pruvl lnu for liuilallliiK the KOveintnont exhibit , thereby providing for a largo Ilf in of o.xpciue which mtght liavo boon thrown ou to the exposition maunders. As tlio bill now stands. It provided for nil ap- propilatlon of $200,000 for n government liulldliiR and an additional mini of J00,000 ; ! tor a Koveniuicnt exhibit , but docs not carry an appropriation. iii < : iu > Mnoncns 'rni : M'ni'ou.VA. I'opiii'i-nl AvoIilM ( ! luu : 'roNdiiiuii- tinl l , < TUlntH < Cliiitrxt. The proceeillnga hi the leglslatlvo eouleat yostenlay morning eous'ritcd ' of the ovldi'iico of a number of for- clijnors who nworo that they uad been provided with naturalUatlon papcrn by tbo popocratlc county central committee. One of tbo witnesses waa Vincent 1Cbloilo , who t list HUM tbat ho had obtained lilo papers on an onler from the popocilitlc com mittee.Vhen the wltncja was asked how he voted ho oald Ibat ho "Justoted rlfiht down lllto A , I ) , C until tbo tlclu't was full. " I.eo llerdtnan , sccreMry of tlio popocratlo atale central eoiumltlee , had been sub- iioouaed by the rontcdtees for the iiurpwo of [ lulling out Hoinethlng about the a acssnientn Hint were levied on the popocratlc candl- lales. Ho evaded the summons by talcing a : ratu for l.lnconi and It Is now learned that Ho went from thi-io to Kansas. During the nfternoon session 0. M. Hitch cock \\.i.i called to the vtaud and questioned nt length In regard to bis liuonlcilgo ot the llnanr-lal featurca of Iho popoeratlc cain- ; ulgn. Mr. llitchcook stated tbat bo hail lioeii compelled to ralso $20.000 during the campaign will which lo take care of his meat pressing obligations , llo had bor rowed $1,000 of this amount from tbo pope cratlc statt > central crmmltteo. The source of tbo reu altilng $1G.OOO ho refused to dln- elose1. lie had gone to llulto to see Marcus Daly and other mine owners , llo bad talked with Tom I'nttorban of Denver. Senator Teller , U.ivld Moftnt and other mine owncre , tint In no case hail the subject of eiunal.in | runds been n entloncd In any of these con versations , llo had not received auy fund. ) 'roi'i any mine owneis nor from nny bi metallic organization. Mr. Hitchcock was asked whether It was lot a fact that n largo sum ot money hail been paid to the World PubllHhlng company ci3 an Inducement to chance the policy of the paper to support tbo free ami unlimited coinage of nllu'r nt tbo ratio of 1C to 1 nnd o employ Mr. Ilryan a nominal editor ol the piper. No , sir , " nald the witness , "that Is ab solutely false. There la not n sclntlllii of ruth In that story and never has been. " Mr. Hitchcock also denied that ho had over old Herman Knuntzo tbat bo expected a nrgo sum of money nnd that Mr. Ilryan v.na to becunc editor of his paper. Mr. Hitchcock testified that ho know lothlng of any money being used In the cam- lalgn except a matter nf $1,000 , which was raised by the World-Herald by popular sub- scrtitlon : nnd turned over to tbo state cen- ral committee. llo admitted that be bail been to KCO Guy Ilai-ton with referemio tea a camnalun siiliscrtntlnn. lint 1m rntitil tun remember tbo conversation. Ho bad been told Hint Mr. Uarton had contributed $ IGO to tbo campaign fund , but that was all bo knew anything about. When nucstloncil closely with itgard to conversations that ho might have had with varloui democrats in regard to campaign fund * Mr. Hitchcock pleaded forgctftllnrg. Ho said that he had K ) many conversations about that time wl.h his creditors who were trying to drive him to the wall tbat the others had passed out of lite mind. Ho finally remembered that ho had tilkcil with John I ) , tlowo and then ho refused to answer any further questions along that line. The greatest pain anulhllator ot the ago la Salvation Oil. It alwayn cures. I\\i.STI ATIOX "vTAIITS I.V TOII.tV. \VIII > .NH 'N \ol M i-ii ily ( o Apiirnr AuraliiHl IloMi-H Yfhli-riln.v. The councllmanlc Investigation of the . -barges against City Engineer Howcll la -scheduled at the committee- room In the city hall at 9:30 : this forenoon. Taylor , Unseal ! an.l Axford of thu committee met ycstcrdu > afternoon , and Mr. Howcll was present wltli his attorney. Chairman Taylor ntated thai Mr. lllerbowei- had oald that ho would ap pear before tbo committee this morning nnil ibo rdjournment was accordingly taken tc that time. As a side play Hnscall took occasion to take a few shots at Assistant City Attorney Pstcllo In connection with the water worlm 'njunctlon ' case. Unreal I declared that Ka- tello bad ciitereel Into a conspiracy to post pone the case until after the present council had gone out of olllco. Mayor Hroatch was al luded lo as the head of tbo alleged con spiracy , by which Hascall claimed the hear ing of tbo Injunction had been postponed without the consent of the councilmaulc do- fondants. llui-Uli-n'N ArnIt-ii Snlvr. The best Salvo In Iho world for cuts , urulses , cored , ulcers , salt rheum ftvcr Eoroa , tetter , chapped banels , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptions , and positively euros piles , nr lie nay required. It Is Kiiarantci'd to clvo nerfecl satisfaction or money refunded. Price 27 i-nts per box. IX TIIIJ I'.MTUII STATUS COURT. I'urlliNVlin SoliI lliiiir | lo Iiiillun * Ai'KiinvIilut > Tln-ir Ciilll. The time of the federal couit Is still occupied in bearing the case of the United Staler against diner 0. Dlakc. Itway ex pected the ease would go to the Jury yester day afternoon , but U was not completed at the ! -our of adjournment. Mm. Johnson of Chadron , who pleaded guilty to giving liquor to Indians , was sentenced to pay a line of $2f > and costs nud bo imprisoned for thirty days , thu Jail fciUenco to bo suspended In rase the line waj paid. She paid the flue and went on her way rejoicing. Thomas Wright of tbo came place , who pleaded not guilty Tuesday , changed liU plea to guilty and was remanded for Ma- ( once. . . IJ. : . fiinl'h pleaded guilty of disposing of liquor to Indians on the Wlnuchago rc. ° crva- ; tlou. Ho was remanded for hcnlcncc- . Mlll-l-lllffl' lll'l'IIHIN. Pcimlta to wed Imvo been ISHiicd to the following parties liy Hie county Judge : Numn nml UHldence. AQ. | AugtiHt Wegner , OreHkn , N. D . 43 Kimnic Hi-niy , Oniulin . . . . 21 IJdwIu f. IIoHletlor , Iluffulo Co. , Nob. . . 27 I , ulii Mght , Umaltii . St ; ii'orB" -Mi-r'nrty , I.OB Angeles , Cul. . . . 21 Mary Hllz.i liardwoll , Oinnhu . 2.1 fii'orifi- . OcliHeiibe-ln , Orniiha . " . 'I , M < 'iiu 1C. Ithoc-y , Omahu . . . . . . . . . . i.l Adi-n A. Mcflnnv , Oninlm . . . , . , , , ft" IJillan Cioodyear : , Omiilm . . . . 27 William West. Oiniiliii . Mrs. l.\y.\e \ \ .Miller , Umitlia . , -17 lohti N'flf , Oiniiliii . , . > 17 MM. Mary A. I.loberlinccht , Omnlai , . , , . . 24 ( > 'liuri'li unit lloini- ClirlNliuiihninliri - . The ChrlHtuuiH numb'-r of tbo Church mil Home , ilm parish publication , of Which lli'V. T. .1. .Muckoy IH editor , uppearo In n : } -poir.iiibleal style which would bo cred- tnl > Ii to a far mom protmitloiiH pul'llcn- tlou. Thn cover IH of heavy pink paper , iiihiiienlly I'DKniVfil , n well Illlcd ClirlHt- miiH ttcc ou the tltlo page bearing Ih'J < -iiiiplluR'iil8 of tliu HeiiHcm. Tlm liitorlor x Hflod with tbo tiHiml iilnt ; of breo/y par- ih liciim mid a uuinbur of very credit- ililii Bhort dtoilcH ufford vaik-ty ( u Hi 'J'l-iiohiM-M I'ny Hull Allnui'il , The Hoard of ICdueullon hold u Hlmrt adjoin ncd luei-tlng nl K o'clock yexUrday uf let noon. The only btiHliu-SH trausaotcii wu-i tlio pu Higi' eif the p.'iy toll , HO th tfiicheri ) ami JuultorH oould Imvo their L > o- cumber ualuilua bcfuro CJuIatnma.