Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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8 THE OMAHA DAILY 111333 : TIT33SDAV , DECHMUHIl 22 , 1800.
Exposition Matters Being Pushed as Eapidl ]
as Possible.
H of the Illw Sliinv I.IUrly ( i
tun-nil tin * IliilcM Hint They
Miiy SHi-cl Their
Km I > 1 < > ) < .
The work of getting the Transrnliwlfulpp
nnd International Exposition under way li
proceeding n rapidly as the magnitude o
the undertaking will admit. The memben
of the executive committee aru finding tha
the rukfl adopted for their government nt tin
meeting last Saturday are more of a eletrl
merit than anything else. The provision re
quiring each manager of n department tc
unbuilt the names of his appointees to tht
executives committee for lt approval neves
hllatts a serious delay In each cuso and pre
vents the work from proceeding as rapldlj
rin would be'the C.IBC If each manager were
empowered to employ a stipulated numhci
of persons at a stated salary In each case
Already sovcrn' of the managers are chafint
under the restraint they have thus Imposed
upon thcmnclvcs and some of them are talkIng -
Ing of amending tin ; rnle at the next meet
ing to modify this provision. Those win
have expressed thcmselvin In this regard BU :
they believe In allowing each manager tin
ntmoHt freedom In the personnel of ul de
partment , as he Is responsible for Its opera
tion and should not lie restricted In tht
exercise of hlz Judgment.
Manager Mnilaey of the Department ol
\Vays and Means announced yesterday
morning that he had made tem
porary arrangements with C. A. Starr ,
the well known real estate man of
this city , to act us bin assistant In organiz
ing the department. The appointment of Mr.
Slnrr will bo submitted to the executive
committee at Ha next meeting by Mr. Mndsey
and permanent arrangements will then bt
made. For "the present Mr. Starr will devote -
vote his time to making a list of pornoim
and corporations who have not subscribed
to exposition stock and will arrange for com-
inlttetH to call upon these parties and en
deavor to sccuru subscrlptlonn. Such com
mittees will visit Chicago and confer with
the authorities of the railroads and will also
vlalt the packers In South Omaha who have
not yet subscribed. Mr. Mndsey expccta tei
Efcuru large additions to the stock snkicrlp-
tlon list. Other plans will bo devMcel to
enlarge the Income of the exposition asso
The Department of Publicity has opened
temporary headquarters In room No. C01 , Hee
building , Mr. Hosewater having offered this
room , rent freo. until other quarters are
in-cured. In this room J. II. Hnynos , chief
of the prcrfl bureau , Is Installed and has
entered actively upon the work of the bureau.
Press matter and personal letters nro being
prepared and will bo forwarded nt once.
Manager Ilruco of the Department on Rx-
hlblts IB negotiating with an expert In ex
position affaire , hut said he had nothing
definite to say yet. The party with whom
he tun opened negotiations has had a wide
and varied experience In the minute details
of conducting a large exposition and many
of the present board of directors have Im
proved the opportunity offered by his pres-
rneo In the city to Increase their fund of
knowledge on a subject which presents so
many dllllcnltlea to the ordinary mortal.
Mr. Ilruce said his negotiations had not
progressed far enough to warrant him In
making pny announcement to the public.
Will Annlx ! Ill AilvorllNliiK ( Inirriit
At the regular meeting of the Heal Et-tate
exchange at the Commercial club
yesterday the body offered Its serv
ices to the Bureau of Publicity
of the TransmlsslEslppI Exposition
association In the task of advertising the
ir ; at project to the world. 13. A. llonson
was appointed chairman of a committee to
have the matter In charge. He was
authorized to select two associates. He
was also appointed a committee of ono to
write an article , urging the real estate men
to beautify the city ns far as possible In
tin ; way of planting simile trees , parking
streets and painting houses. The article
will have the mnctlon of the exchange.
The exchange decided to adopt a uniform
nnd short form of mortgage and deed for
the use of re-a ! estate men. The form
presented to the meeting was submitted to
two attorney ; , and by them was declared
In every way legal. The county commis
sioners have agreed to place a book of these
printed forms In the olllco of the register
of deeds thereby obviating the necessity of
copying the deeds or mortgages no used
In the past each real estate nun has used
his own form. It Is estimated that the
change will not only be n convenience for
real es-tato men- , but will alfo tave the
county the cxpente < ? two clerks who
1-avo been employed In the past In copying
deeds and mortgages In the records.
A committee was appointed to publish In
pamphlet fcrm the constitution and by
laws of the exchange.
Cirral liilrrcNt In MM Surci'NM Manl-
fi'NttMl by ( lit * ! Vo | lr.
Ocorgo 11. Scott , traveling staff corre-
Bpondont of the Hocky Mountain Husband
man of White Sulphur Springs , Mont. ,
stopped over In Chicago the other day. and
In a chat with a reporter of the Evening
Journal conce.ruing the Transmlsslsslppl Ex
position , said : "The miners , fn nil era and
stock ralters will all take an active part In
the Tfansmlssl slppl International Exposi
tion to bo helil at Omaha In 1S9S. Our people
ple , especially the miners and agriculturists ,
arc deeply Interested In the exposition. The
magic city Is a central point , for her rail-
loads reach to thu four cardinal points. Our
northwest territory Is In touch with the east
ami south today. At this point the world
can behold the products of the mine , the
neil , and thu range. It will familiarize the
peopleof the United States with the ro-
fcources of all the other parts of Uncle Sam's
domain. Samples of our mines , as well as
the products of our Irrigated lands , will
allow our unlimited resource. "
TinHiMi Way In Otiro
Disease Is to establish health. Pure , rich
blood means good health. Hood's Hnrsapa-
rllla Is the One True Hlood Purifier. It
tones up the whole system , gives appetite
and strength und causes weakness , nervous
ness and pain to disappear. No other med
icine has such a record of wonderful cures
os Hood's Sarsaparllla ,
Hood's Pills arc the bst after-dinner pill ;
assist digestion , prevent constipation. 25c.
Have you soon those beautifully arranged
Kluhglobcs In our window ? Don't require
any drainage of water. Pr.oe , complete ,
from 55c up. Uelsler's lllrd sture.
Highest Honors World's Pair.
A pur. Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
fioni Ammonia , Alum or any other aduUciant ,
40 Years the Standard ,
its I'fto.v ASK.MI > MSI
I'rrinirnllotiN Io Kill Ihr Mow I'lnco
In I'rliunry l ) < * | inrliiionlN ,
The special report on tenure of office wa
again sidetracked at the regular rncctlni
of the Hoard of Education last night. Th
commutes on rules , to which It had bcci
referred at the previous meeting , asked fo
further time to consider It. Tukey dc
clnred that this was an effort to smothc
the re'port nnd made n vigorous effort ti
bring it to a volt. Hej was beaten on rol
call by 8 to C and the matter went back t <
the committee.
Aside from this the most Important mat
ter that cnrno up was the recommcmlallor
of the committee on teachers and cxamlna
tlons that Mary Mttell. Ella Helfrlck. Con
1) . Sunnier , Annette Dellolt , Agnes Shop
land , Mary Navacck , l.ulu Hunt , Allci
Matthows. Dolly Church Karrabeo and Nov.
Shlphcrd bo placed on the assigned list n
teachers , thel.- services to bo used whci
required. This was on account of the reso
lutlon adopted at the previous meeting te
place ! the llrst grades i/n full lime Januarj
25. This would necessitate the use of tlf
teen to eighteen additional teachers. whll <
there were only fourteen now on the as
signed list.
Edwards moved that the names of Corr
D. Sunnier and Dolly C. I.arrabco be Strieker
from the list for llio reason that they were
married women. This was defeated. Ed
wards and Mint being the only members whc
voted In the affirmative.
I.owo then moved that the whole mallei
bo referred to the new board nnd this wcr
the subject of a rather monotonous discus
sdon. There the motion was voted dowi
and tl'u report was adopted.
The following communication , signed "A
Cadet , " waa laid on the table : "Heard o
Education : Dear Sirs In behalf of the schoo
children of Omaha , I ask you please lei
us out Wednesday out of respect for the
day bcfore > Chrlstmna It for no other rea
son. "
Treasurer Edwards' report Indicated a bal
ance of $ l < i-IS-1.09 In the school fund.
The resignation of Helen McCain as paid
assistant In the kindergartens was accepted ,
to take effect al the close of the present
The application of George W. Covell for
re-election as attorney for the board was
left for the consideration of the new board.
Dills aggregating $17,778.27 were ap
proved. Of these $11,037.05 was for Inter
est and exchange on bonds and ? l,53S.l" for
con I.
The secretary was directed to notify the
principals of all schools except the High
school that no teachers should bo allowed
to ri'qticst pupils to buy pencil tablets. Tills
was the result of an apparently well founded
report that certain teachers are In the habit
of compelling their pupils to buy these arti
cles at certain stores when they arc pre
sumed to be furnished free by the board.
A resolution by Tukey ordered that the
schools close for the holiday vacation
Wednesday night and that the board meet
on that evening to pass the pay rolls.
President Rhoades appointed Orattan ,
Handhauer and Anderson as a committee
to audit the books of the custodian.
Remember a pint of Cook's Imperial Extra
Dry Champagne "after a night of It" makes
the new day bright.
riiiiiiprc in tinrtciiff HOIKfit * .
At the mooting of thu I-'Ire nnd Police
commission last evening the appointment
of Hrlrk Miller , special policeman , wns
eonllrmcd. According to nn amendment to
rule 2fl of the by-lnws of Metropolitan
Policelli'llef association , Invalid pollremen
will receive$1 n day during the continu
ance of sle-kiu-ss after nix months. Patrol
man Ilrnry Hi'ltfcld was allowed twi-nty-
iiliHeluys' pay for Injuries received whllu
In tlu > pcrformaiR-o of duty.V. . II. Oal-
llgan wns on the- carpet for alleged dnink-
i-nnei s while em duty , and was elcprlveel of
hlH "otTs" for OIKmonth. .
Special low prices on Diamonds nnd
Jewelry. Going out of business. A. U.
Hiibcrmann , 13th & Douglas.
How Is a talking Parrot as a Xman pres
ent ? Gelslcr's Hlr < l store sells them with a
guarantee to talk for only $0.
llnrlliiKto" II < uiI < California
A cheap and pleasant way to make the
overland trip IH to take one of the Ilurllng-
ton's weekly personally conducted excur
sions to California. They leave Omaha at
1:33 : every Thursday afternoon. Most In-
crestlng route across the continent--
through Denver and Salt Lake City. The
schedule Is so arranged as to afford pas-
3cnge > rn a daylight view of the wonderful
scenery of the Rockies. Cam are clean ,
comfortable , modern and not crowded. Dcst
af care given ladles and children. Second-
: laBs tickets honored. Call at ticket otllcc.
1502 Furnaui street , and get full Informa
A Perplexing Problem.
Whether to trko "No-thwestern Lino" No.
! at 4lb : p. in. or No. C at 0:30 : p. in. , Chlcago-
vard. "No. 2" arrives at Chicago al 7:45 : a.
n. and "No. C" at 9:30 : a. m. Hoth trains
ire models of modern art , skill ami luxury.
? all at the City Office , 1401 Fariiarn street ,
mil talk It over.
J. A. KUIIN , General Agent.
G. F. WEST. C. P T. A.
Comliietnl nxenr l "ii
Leave- Omaha every Friday via the Union
'aclflc. No change of cars to Ogdcn , San
'ranclfico or Los Angeles. Tourist sleepers
ally to San Francisco.
Special attention paid to ladles traveling
ilone. A. O. DUNN.
City Pass , and Tkt. Agent.
1302 Farnam St.
Slx-Thlrly I" . M. Train.
of tbo
llcst servle-o ,
Dining car.
City office : 1501 Farnam.
What do I wish for Xmas ? Ono of those
mportcd German warbling Canarys ; only
3.00 at Gelslcr's Ulrd stcie.
I'iniSei.NAl , I'AltACllAl'IlS.
Frank C. Coo of Laramlo was In the city
C. E. Wlllslns , Philadelphia , Is stopping at
he Ilarkcr.
J. II. Darren of Lusk , Wyo. , was an Omaha
visitor yesterday.
J. M. Klngory of Harlan , la. , was among
the arrivals yeateulay.
II. L. Vinlng and wife , Cheyenne , Wyo. ,
ire stopping at the IJarker.
W. 0. Temple and wife of Rapid City were
imong the arrivals yesterday.
W. Lyle Dickey anj family have gonu
o Topeka , Kan. , to spc-nd the holidays.
E. S. D. Voorhees and John O'Domiell nro
registered at the Darker from Lincoln.
0. I ) . Mnnvllle , a prominent cattle man
from Tllden , was an Omaha visitor yestcr-
Hon. Charles W. Kaloy and wlfe > of Red
? loud are In the city , the gucsta of J. L.
Hon. L. P. Hammond of Chicago and his
laughter , Margaret , lull for home yi-ater-
lay , having visited a day or Iwo with F. .M.
Hammond of this city.
John L. Morrison , editor of thu Duluth
luHtlfr , was In the city yesterday en rnulo
o Tabor. la. , where ) he will spend the holl-
lays with his parents.
Rev. F. A. Warfieltl , pastor of the First
7ongregatlnnal church , left for lloston yes-
trday In response to a telegram announc-
ng the sudden death of his daughter-lit-
aw.S. . W. Rccles. general freight agent of
the Union Pacific at Salt Lake , and W. II.
.tancroft , general superintendent of the
nountalu division of the same ) road , with
ipadquartcrs at Ogelcn , were In the city
> 'ealcrday.
( Jporgo W. Vroman , formerly chairman of
ho grievance board of the Union Pacific ,
a In ( lip city attending the hearing before
\IaatcMn-Cuancfry Cornish. Mr. Vroman la
low Intcrenti'd In a co-operative railroad
vhlch Is being built out of San Diego.
Ncbraakans at the hotels : Will R , Mc-
vlm , Hurtlngton ; C. L , Ross , Hastings ;
. " , F , llentley and J. I ) , Gowcn , Grand
lalamli II , T , Catlln and wife , Lincoln ; G.
. ' . Powell , Hyunnts ; G , 11. Downing and
2. I ) , llensle , Kearney ; Frank 11 , Wilson ,
"l&ttcmouth ,
In Addition to Onr Mnmmotli Collection c
Useful Holiday Presents
Try to Do Your .SlionpliiK lit 111
Morning , So UN In Avolil ( lie llimli
Afti-iMvnrelM Wi-'rc Opou ,
Till 10 lit
Wo received this morning four Immons
lots of Roods , bought for spot cash at les
thnn hnlf tlu-lr value. They go o
sale ? toinonow ns follows :
Tliotmnmls of yards of now Imported sllkf
bought from the custom house , for fnnc
waists , trimmings mid fancy work , In broc
ailrs , changeable taffetas , Illuminated silk :
many of them worth up to $1.25 per yard
on tutorial saltat -I'-'c. '
2.1 plucra black silk , bought from the cus
torn house. In satin duchesao , extra wide cm
grains , I'cnu do Solo mid novelty silks , wort !
up to $2.00 n yard , on sale nt Se.
Children's nngora fur sets , whiles , blnclt
and two toned , at $ l.r)0 , $1.S ! ) and $2.50.
Ladles' electric seal muffa , $2.50 quallt :
on sale at 9Sc and $1.50.
$15.00 FUH CAPKS FOR $5.00.
$15.00 electric fur capes , all sizes , on sal
at $5.00.
500ladles' and men's fancy llk and Ball
embroidered and fancy silk embroidered an
hemstitched Japanese handkerchiefs , wortl
up to 50c , go at 15e.
25C HAXDKUUCniKI''S , 5C AND 7 > iC.
1,000 Imported Swiss embroidered am
drawn thread hemstitched handkerchiefs , In
eluding all linen goods , worth 25c , go at 5
and "Vjc.
1,500 boxes of the llncst high grade pape
and envelopes to match , worth 25c , go at 10 (
a box.
1,000 boxes finest quality Hake's fancy bo :
papers , worth up to $1.00 , go at 'Joe u box.
In the next three days wo will close on
every dollars worth of toys and dolls In ou
stock , as we absolutely carry over no toys o
holiday goods. Wo are th ? one house li
Omaha which opens new , fresh ( oys , doll
and holiday goods every season.
Itcmcmbcr mine will bo carried over.
ICth & Douglas Ste. bargains at Htibcrmann's total closIng -
Ing out sale In Diamonds and other goods
13th & Douglas.
Oh , . that Is what I want ! one of thosi
onto little Pug Puppies ; only $5 at Gclsler'i
IJIrel store.
Last evening at the Woman's club rex > ms
Mrs. Cotton , the well known soprano and
vocal teacher , gave her first pupils' concert
for the present season In the presence ol
a large audience. It teems that musical
appreciation In this city Is In proportion to
the frccuess of the performance. Last Juno
a pupils' recital was given In Crelghton
Lheater to 2,000 people ; last week a concert
Infinitely superior to It to 200. The differ
ence was 50 cents. Pupils pay their money
Tor lessens , and while they arc but puplln
: hey need experience and can afford to give
free performances , but there is little reason
why they should ? peml ? their 'money for
! e sons If , as soon as they charge for their
cervices , their friends Etay at borne and
refuse to patronize them.
The following persona took part In Mrs.
Cotton's program : Miss Myrtle Coon , Mrs.
Myron Smith , Miss Clara Palmer , Mrs. Fred
x > omls , Miss Sarah liowcn , Miss Gertrude
tountze. Miss Anna Hungate , Miss Florence-
Knox. Miss Myrtle Moore. Mlfo Elvo. Gib
son , Miss Louise Hultorf , Miss .Mamie Sulli
van and Messrs. M. C. Peters and George
Manchester. A pupils' rcoltal Is not prop
erly within thei province of criticism , and n
detailed analysis of the performance must
; o omitted. It Is a pleasure to bo able to
say that thu performers showed careful and
coiiEclentloiU' training. Some of them have
lolces that will become valuable additions
o Omaha's musical resource's. Mrs. Cotton
a doing a good work and deserves the credit
which flie Is receiving for her musicianship
3ml untiring efforts In the cause of musical
Icvelopmcrit In this city.
At last Omaha Is to 1 ave "The Lady
Slavey , " with Marie Dressier , Dan Daly
mil other members of the original cast ,
vhlch succeeded In making New York play-
{ ocr.s laugh during the extended run at the
vAslno. This popular play will be the
attraction ut the Crelghton tonight and to
norrow night , when large audiences should
vclcome a production which has met with
nthuslastlc endorsement In the many cities
n which It has been presented. The cora-
lany Is said to be both a large and compo-
t-nl one. Including , besides well known
irlnclpals , a chorus which is promised to be
lot enl > < talented but beautiful In face and
orm , as well. No mallnco performance
vlll be given.
The noted American play , "The Shadows
) f a Great City. " will be the attraction at
Joyd's for four nights , commencing Thurs-
ay , December 24 , giving the usual mail-
icc/i , with an extra one on Christmas. The
ilot Is said to be one of Intense Interest anil
me calculated to plecso the masses , an
omcdy and pathos are equally blended ,
'he company Is said to be a most compc-
enl one , and Is headed by Miss Julia Stuart ,
vho will appear In her original creation of
'Collie. ' The eccnlc effects are moat real-
stlc , especially those showing Hell Gate
ind the Brooklyn bridge.
Canary and Lederer's successful extrava
ganza , "Tho Merry World , " which met with
i pionounccd success In Omaha last season ,
vlll bo the Christmas attraction at the
'rclghton , opening a three nights' engage-
nent Thursday , December 21. The per-
ormanre , which It will bo remembered con-
Iptcil lasl year of brlghl burlesques and
urrent New York succerses , has been radi
ally changed and broughl up tu date , mak-
ng an enjoyable performance doubly so. A
pedal" matinee will be given on Chrlhtrnas
ay. Scats are meeting with a ready sale ,
'ho usual matinee Is announced for Sat-
The four-act melodrama , "Saved from the
sea , " by Arthur Shirley and Benjamin Lun-
cck , comes to Doyd's for on a week , corn-
ncnclng .Monday , December 23. U Is raid
ho authors of the new play have reartleu-
ated the joints of the old skeleton ofmelo -
rama and In consequence- have given us
omcthlng better than the ordinary ec-nsa- mlxcel-up bag of theatrical bones. The
ccntc effects , especially the deck of the
Dccun Waif , the change ) to the open ea
ftev the explosion , a tine wood re-ene , the
CHtructlon of the bridge and the prleon
ccno are promised to bo icvclatlons In
tugo intdmnlbin.
The Ho.vard Athenaeum Star Specialty
ompnny will be the attraction at the
Crelghton for two nights , commencing with
nmtlnco Sunday , December 27. This or-
.Hiilzatlou , which Isell known In Omaha ,
cttirns after an absence of several seasons ,
ml the management promUos an e-ntcrtnln-
ncnt fully up to the high atandaid eslab-
Ishcd during former seasons. The com-
i.iny Includes Molllo Thompson , Hen R.
larncy , Sam and Kittle Morton , Grovlnl and
lurray , the Lcvlnos , Eddie O'Dc-11 , Delmore
ml Leo and Kayo and Henry. Tbo moto-
raph , oneof the ! ate t devices for present-
ng animated pictures , It announced as n
ipeclal feature.
lloy4 lie-Ill to lluIllMtrlft Conrl.
Clmrle-H KlllH , Herman Alexander ami
Samiu-l Muzzn. charged with entering the-
: t.mly store of 1) . J. O'Hrk-n nt Flfte-omh
mil I'tiplto ) avenue hint Sunduy night nnd
alclng therefrom several IIOXI-M eif enmly.
vt-ro bouml ove-r In pollen court yesterday
n the sum of KOO each to appear In thu
IlKtrlct court. Clnnnco Ollmnio , wliowrin
ilwo Implleiited In the Job. wan held In J > J
' 'Ilrown's Ilrnnchlitl Tionlie ' arc cxco'lent
or the relief of Iloaraiiein or orc Throat
They are oxcen-dlngly effective , " Christian
Vorlil , London , Kag.
\ii\iin : : JTIV > o IHHUV
with ItiiMPil iif I'liltllo Work-
Over PnvlliK MnttPt-M ,
The- members of the Hoard of Public Works
arc at present In a mute of uncertainty nf
to whether they a-e to be allowed to per
form their functions until the new legisla
ture knocks them out of their official e < x-
Istcnco or not. It now appears that the
city engineer has 'duolde-el that lie Is a gooel
deal bigger man than the board and yes
terday ho proceeded i to virtually overrule
the action of the board , which had decided
to receive bids at once for repaying South
Sixteenth street.
Three weeks ago the engineer was notified
to Immediately prepare and submit the
plans nnd specifications , under which the
contract was to bo let. Yesterday afternoon
the board met to consider the specifications ,
but Instead found a communication from the
city engineer , In which he Informed them
that he had thought It best not to draw the
specifications until he had had a chance to
make nn examination of the street to sec
If the curb could not be lowered n little and
the concrete correspondingly reduced. He
had no time nt present to make such an
examination , ho concluded , but there wca
no hurry about It , as the worlt could not
be done until spring anyhow.
If anything was wanting to complete the
breach between the two offices It was here
supplied. The excuse of the engineer was
plainly a subterfuge for the general paving
specifications designate four and one-half
Inches of concrete , and the members of the
board were decidedly warm when the com
munication was read. They asked Indig
nantly whether the city engineer had sud
denly become the Hoard of Public Workn
ami referred the communication to the
chairman with full authority to take such
steps as he thought proper to bring the
engineer to time.
The only other business transacted wns
opening the bids for permanent sldewalka ,
which were referred for tabulation and will
be again considered at 2 o'clock today. The
bids were as follows : A. Stutzcr , artifi
cial stone , 10 cents per square foot ; Indiana
atone , three Inches thick , 24 cents for first
quality and 23 cents for second quality ;
four Inches thick , 30 cents and 29 cento ;
Colorado sandstoue , three Inches thick. 20-
0-10 cents ; four InchcM thick , 20 cents ; Kan
sas stone , three Inches thick , natural sur
face , ia',4 cents ; planed surface , 22'i cents ;
four Inches thick , natural surface , 25 cents ;
planed surface , 2S cents ; brick , four foot
walk , 10 cents ; | jj foot or over , 9 cents.
W. J. Welshans Artificial stone , 1574-100
cents ; Ohio stone , three Inches thick , 2S
cents ; four Inches thick , 34 cents ; Indiana
stone , three Inches thick , 2SVi cents ; four
Inches thick , Si\'t cents ; Kansas stone , three
Inches thick , 20 % cents ; four Inches thick ,
25 cents , brick , a 0-10 cents.
John .Mr. McGowan Artificial stone , 17
cents ; Ohio stone , three Inches thick , 27V-
cents ; four Inches thick , 34 % cents ; Kansas
stone , three Inches thick , 20 % cents ; four
Inches thick , 24 % cents ; brick , 8 % cents.
John Grant Artificial stone. 15 9-10 cents.
J. P. Connolly Crosswalks , per lineal
foot. 23 cents.
Il * vlvlitfr tin * KlrkrrN * OlilJi.
The old time Fifth Ward Kickers' club
held n mc-e-tlng at ICrlllng's hall last night ,
at which the dozen members who were
In attendance decided to appemr before
the charter committee nt the city hall
tomorrow evening ntiel express tlielr views
on proposed charter nrncmlmontH.
You need not despair ! Salvation Oil will
heal your burnt arm without a ecar. 25 cts.
\t-lii-iiNUn It AVI 11 lie- Pnlivltli
WlnilN from tlieVtNl. .
WASHINGTON , Dec. 21.-The forecast for
Tucselay Is :
For Nebraska , 'Kansas ' and Colonulo
Fair ; west to northwest winds.
For South Dakota Generally fair ; west I
winds ; warmer In e-nstorii portion ; cool-r
In extreme western portion.
For WyomingFalrrwest winds.
For Montana Fair ; west winils ; probably
coldc-r In northern portion.
For Missouri and Iowa Goni-rally fair ;
"Oilth to west wljiels ; warmer In eastern
> ortlon.
I.ocnl ltfCMir < l.
OMAHA. Dec. 21.-Omaha rccorel of rainfall
and temperature , compared with correspond.
Ing day of the past three yi-ars :
, 1STO. 1S93. 1S3I. 1S33.
Maximum temperature.14 -H 52 54
Minimum temperature. . . . 22 27 40 33
Average temperature 3 : ! 34 46 44
Rainfall 00 .00 .00 .00
Hecorel of temperature anei precipitation
it Omaha for the day and filnco March 1 ,
formal temperature for the day 25
Excess for the day 8
Accumulated deficiency since March 1. . 110
Normal precipitation for the day "Inch
) ellclpnry for the day 3 Ine-h
Total precipitation Htiice Mch. 1..31.92 Inches
Cxceas slnc-o March 1 5.01 Inches
:3t-lk-leney : for cor. period , 1893. . 10.93 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period , 1S3I..14.C7 Inches
HcporlM from .Seutlonx nt 8 p. in.
3 :
> Rinhn , clear | 401 44j .00
N'orth rlntle , partly cloudy j Kt CO00
Salt Lake City , ck-iir 3Ci 42 .e > 0
C'he-yriine , clear I 41 Mi | .00
< iiilil | City , cloudy | so ; 621 .00
luron , clcur 22 1'S.00
Chicago , cloii'ly : : : s | .wj
t. Ijouls , cloudy _ M M .00
St. rnul , clouely T 10 10 |
) nvenport , cloudy I 21 : ij .00
lelrnn , clear T UsT12' .ex )
< antns City , clear . I 40 & 2 | .00
lavre , cloudy j W , 6 ? * , w
llHlnnrck , clear j 3S 3 00
Vllllston , piirlly cloudy I 3C | 4i".DO
Ualvebton , clear . . .i [ & 2 | M _ .00
Indicates trace tit precipitation.
U A. WI2LSII , Ix > cul I-'orecast Olfk-Inl.
slmilaUng ihcroodatulHegulei-
tlng live Stomachs andEweis ( of
ncssnndncst.Contains neither
OpiutnMor(4tine ( nor Mineral.
Anerfcct Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca ,
Worms .Convulsions.Fevcrislx-
ncss andLoss OF SLEEP.
Pac Simile SiCnnturc of
How to Got Yourself a Nice Ohristmtu
Present for Nothing.
Only n I-'c > v llnum Left , lint Tlnir
KnoiiKli ( or Von lo I'ulllll ( he
CoiutlllniiM llefeireVe - lilvc
Voit a Cniue-rn ,
The Hoc has from lime to time offered Its
subscriber * many valuable premiums , but
all past efforts seem to have boon completely
cast In the shade by the camera offer. The
Hco gives away two first-class cameras , the
kind that retail for as high as $10. One of
them , the. "Comet , " takes a picture one
Inch square or circular , one Inch In diameter ,
and Is given free to any one who will sender
or bring us
Two new subscribers for six weeks ;
Or three- now subscribers for four weeka ;
Or four new subscribers for three weeks
to The Dally Dee , to bo delivered In Omaha ,
South Omaha or Council Bluffs. These sub
scriptions must bo prepaid at the rate of
15 cents a week and must be now , not hav
ing taken the paper through thu olllco or
through an agent since November 25.
The largo size camera , the "Crescent , "
takes a photograph thro ; Inches square ,
cither from snap shots or time exposures ,
and Is thu most completehighgrade Instru
ment made.
Scud or bring us
Six new subscribers for four weeksf
Or three new subscribers for eight weeks ;
Or two now subscribers for twelve weeks
and wo will give you a "Crescent" camera.
U Is an easy matter for you to get two
or three friends to take thei paper. Others
nro doing It. Why not you ? Just try It
some afternoon when you've nothing else
to do. You will get more real enjoyment
out of ono of these cameras than almost
anything you can buy while this costs you
Heim-niber , all subscriptions must bo prepaid -
paid at thu rale of 15 cents u week and thu
new subscribers must not have taken The
Hco since November 25.
Make all remittances to The Ileei Publish
Ing company and address all correspondence
or bring your orders to the Camera department
partment at Thi lice's Omaha office.
IlurtliiKtoii lloutc Holiday ItutcH
December 24 , 25 and 31 and January 1
between stations not more than 200 miles
apart return limit , January .
Call at ticket offlco , 1502 Farnam street.
I.OCAI , imivrms.
A benefit entertainment for Rev. J. J. II.
Hecdy will be given at Myrtle hall next
Monday night.
George Elliott , 3228 Emmctt street , lost a
valuable laprobe Sunday. It was stolen
from his buggy at Seventeenth and Karnam
Joe Perfctto , the proprietor of a stand al
Eighteenth and Karnam strccta , has reported
: o the police that u ease of candy was stolen
[ rom his place last Saturday.
The drainage ditch which has been dug
around thu new government building Is
being filled up , the tiling which has been
laid In thu bottom having demonstrated Its
ability to take careof the water.
Bddlo Malay , a boy about 5 years of age ,
was found wandering around the Doston
store last night In quest of Santa Clans.
Later his parents , who reside at 421 South
Twelfth street , celled at the station and
took him home.
Purifies and Beautifies
by restoring to healthy
activity the Clogged , Ir
ritated , Inflamed , Sluggish
gish/ Overworked Pores.
fold throujhoul Ihf world. POTTK D oo INU
Cniu. CORP. , hole l-rop . ItMlnn , U. S. A.
nj-"llow 10 Purify awl Uuutify the bllo , " milled free.
Wea'caeu & Disorder of
0 < Vcn Experience.
0 Vein io Omah * .
Rook Fne. Coniu ! tla
and Examination free.
| 4th nntf Fsrnam Sli ,
OU All A KU.
ir *
Oastoih la pat up ia cns-slzo bsttlti cnly , It
is not sold la balk. Don't allow anycr.o to tell
yen anything clto on tbo pica or promlto that U
ia "jutt ns gcfd" nad "will answer every por-
poic. " S3Bco that you got O-A-B-T-O-S-I-A ,
% & & * JE.
Arc great people. Tlioy can raise more cane , grow
more tea and make better silk handkerchiefs than .my
other race of people on earth. That's what they claim.Vc
didn't have anybody to send over to find out , so we
had to take newspaper reports for it , We've bought
a lot of Jap silk handkerchiefs , though , and as we
didn't think it would pay to send a man over to Japan
to buy 'cm , we bought 'em of a man who had been
there. He imported them. lie couldn't get 'em over
any otlnr way. He knew his duty and he paid it
and there you are. There arc plenty of 'em. Some
are all while , Some are with fancy borders. They're
very fine , fu'l size , hemstitched , good enough to blow
a half-dollar into , but 25 cents apiece will be the
price till they're gone. There are others.somc very heavy ,
some all black , some all white , some with tea chest la- >
belr. woven in 'cm and all sorts of impossible ( lowers in
some of tli2 others. These arc 450 to 950. We ii
also have a large assortment of beautifully embroid
ered silk and satin Japanese suspenders that were
made in Passaic , New Jersey , and New York City.
The Japs "ain't much" on suspenders in their own
country , so we have to have our Japanese suspenders
made at home. They arc 250 to $2.25. These will
be on sale every day while they last , and if the saving
of dimes , quarters and halves is any object you'll do
your share towards helping those good-looking fellows
behind the counter busy handing 'em out.
You will abe see several money-saving Christmas I
presents ranging from 150 to $1.00 , and if you get
sorry for buying anything here you can come in after
Xmas and get your money back , How many stores
wi'l ' sell you holiday goods on that plan ?
If you should sec on Christmas mornlns
In some's house , Ibis beautiful SOLID
MAHOGANY table with a polish like velvet ,
you would find It hard to believe his state
ment that It was bought for $5.00. The *
lower shelf alone ought to add that amount
to the price.
It is a fact , nevertheless , for wo are uslngr
this table at ? 3.00 to draw crowds to our
It la one of the cri-iUrrl haiKiilns of Hie lust
ten yciirv. It turn.In : o Im-hi-s In hclKlit ; tlio
top measures II lin-lics Miuuro. The lower iiliclf
IIIIH n crui-cful Khape nn.l will holJ e-noush to
double HID capacity uf thetable. .
The lowest Prices on Furniture ,
L2th and Douglas. Next to Millard Hotel.
WeVe GotJEm
We've got the men of
the town interested in
our method of making
garments to order at
popular prices.
They rea'izc ' the saving in
wearing our garments ,
Have you ever tried us ?
Pants to order $ I to $12.
Suits to order $15 to $30.
Samples Mailed.
HrauclicM In all Prlnclpil ClllcH
207 South 15th St.
Moot Complexion Powders
lnvo a vulgar Ktaro , but I'OZWNI'H Is > , rue
bcautlQorvhoaocUcctHaroluatlui ; .
) Y purchasing gnodH nnulo
nt thu following Nebras
ka f ictorius. 1 f yeiu can
not Hud what ye > ti want *
communicate with the
niannfactiircr.s as to
w h a t dealers hamllo
their goods. = _ = - = = r
Manufacture.- ull klnli of cotton and tiur-
lap lingo , cot tun 11 wr uaclo und twine u meo-
laliy. Cll-r.tC-018 8. lllli ft.
Car load uhlpmcnla inuuo In our own refni ,
frator cum. lime JttLlwn , IJIIle Kiaort. VlenA *
Export and Family Kipuit dellvciei ) to ull 11071
of thu city.
DAis A : cone ; 11,1 , iito.veittvi. .
Iron null Ilrax * Koiiniliiro.
Manufacturrm nnd JoLbcni of Mnchli , ry. lltn-
< rul repairing a | , cciuav. iLOl. JM3 und IWl
J'icKcon Btreet , Onuiliti , NeD.
Manuraclurlr.ic unj rcpulnnj ; of nil Mntla ot
machinery , enxlncs , IIUI.IUK. vlHtorj. . iirnilni-
prcsjp . ImtiK'era , thufiini ; una cuuplmi-j. 1411 nn j
ieos Howard Ht. . Omaha.
1'A.V'IOX & VIICKM.Ne ; IHOX " ( ) HICS.
Mnniifnclurcrs /irchltcc-ii-.rai Inn Work ,
ncneral Koundiy. Alachliit r.m ! IllackHinli ) work.
Kn lnccm and Contractoiu for l-'liv 1'roof flulld-
Inijs. Olllce and uotki : U. I > . y. < nd Ho.
17th itrrM. Omnhn.
A.MIOIIICA.V DIS'l'lllLT TI I j. I ; ( j It A 1-117
The only perfect prct'-clltn to prnptrty Uxurn *
Ino 't. lleit thlnfc on enrlli. Hetluco Iniurunc *
ratei. 1204 Douula * tre > t.
Excluilv * rtutom ililrt tailor * .
Look out foi- your breath by
\vutuliln * ; your teiotli , onu do
oaycd tooth will mint the
broritli. CJold urowiH , SJ k
$ .r ) to $ . Poreolulu urtiwna , W.
ArMllclut teeth , -55 ; bust * 7.fiU
BAILEY , Dcnlis , , ilV ; , ;
fill Hour , Inily iiltonilant
'li-utli i.vtincl ( ' ( | Hitlioiitiri ii