THE OjrATTA DATTjT T5E13 : TTfRSn/VV , iSPEGlKL NOTICES 0\U crtl-M-mrnln for tlicnc roliitiuiM III ln ( illicit nntll liJiao p. in. , for ( lie \i-nlnir iiiul inilll h p. in , for tin.- unit Sunday cillllnn-i , \ ITII-.ITH , tiy n-iiii-nllIIK | n ntim- I'lii'df , i-nn IIIIMimi - imi vi-rM nil- ini'il lo It liiiiniH-rt-il Ii'llnr In run- Tin' IIi'is AIIMM erf , nn uililrro-icil II lie ilHlvi'i-i > , | on iircxditiilliiii nl Ilr rli < > * . > { ritil } . ItiiliN , I l-'Jc n noril flrol liixrrtlnni c u uoril Ilii-n-nfliT. Notltlm ; tnl.en or II-HN tliiin an- , for < iic iir-l IIIHCT- ktlllll. TllI'MI' Illllt'l llxi'llll-IIlM IIIIINt 111' III ! ( Mll l-C1IllV'l- . \VTI.OM.VI.I : HII.I : > . OK f me n . ( .IP thing to patent ? Protect your 1 lilrnn th i rmy lirlni ? you wonllh. Write .lohil WiMlilrrtiurn ft Co . Dept. V. , I'nti-rn Attnrnoys , I \Vnnlnni.i.n I > C. , for tliclr Jl ! 00 t > rl - offr a int of too Invention * wnnf-il. 11 811 l\v\NTir > AI.IHMIN : : N HVI.KY I'I-ACI : ; Hillary nml c < mmlm > lrn. The Hnwlci Nutocry Co. Milwnuki-e. . D--M7IVD55' r \NVASSKIIS WAXTI3D AT 1318 IJoURlnn Kalnry | > iiM wre-Uly 11-MS2C tSS l\VANTI.Ii , rilATI'.HNAI , INHIJIIANCI. OH- Kiinl * rs Gno.l imy. r. F. Itoime , 1011 Kniiinm street CUn'm ' , Ncl ) . 1I-MD03 31 KN AM- \ VOM.N"OUT : OP IJ.MII YMINT mid wii'ini ' * to work cnn limrn of n pennnncnt Fltunti n nt iinoil WIIKOH liy wiltliiR to 1' . V. ; - i11,01 , CONTININTAI : , CI.OTII- Inis l' < ripany. H-M170 _ THAVIIIXCI SAMS.MIN rou ci- imra.It rrllnblc liouf. " ; cxpe'rlirco uniuvca- nry , , xtra InUiiccnirlit * to cUHlotiie'rn , 175 to tlM | IT inimtli unil cxpenecK. CliiiK , C. Illihos ) & I'o hi Louis. II-Mr. ' Jll | \\Avn-.t > MIN TO IIAUN : HAUIIIII TIIADP. : only i uhlroUM rriititie'I , nml ) ou e-nti hot I nny i nl > .n , t.lttiatluns or ImuitloiiH gunran- te-i-il. iniplptiuiltllt of tun Is KhiTl lilili111 ; - ilciil ,1-i'M h'lituiilnyHvlillc lont.illiK ; ciita- Ioiui"i inn lil l free. Motor's liarlier ( nllfRp , S''l N Mil nml. SI. I ouls. II MM 27 * \\ANTM > iiii.iAini : "MAN TO TiiAvi:7I ; IIH I HUT hiTita nnd inniuifnrtuicrti. MeOre-gor , 1130 ( uxton InillillMK. ClilCMfu , III. I1-MD07 K" l KI3MAM A ( loon sTiixomiAPiinii ; oxi : HIM I IIIIH hnd rxpcrlenre In ( lie IIIKIIIIIIICC olllro prnfpt < | slnto niilnry crcpocltvl. A ldroFvlth lofil.ii P. I' 42 , Itcc. C M1SO 22 * ami. oiNiiiA"iJTibusr\voiiK. : : : . AT : : oi OHIO mritt. C MJX ) ! 3" V \\TPIi. IAV ! WITH SO.MI } of ini , r | U rollclt for nswrlntlon ; Kuartmii cil to I lullt party. O 31. Hoc. C 001 21 VAVI i ii AN ixi'iiiiiNcin : : LAUNHUKSS I" IT.nit of city ; wngcs < JO per mo. Aililri-ii C' < 1 I ire. C SOJ 22 * \\AVII : . ! ( ) > ciiui. rou nixmiAi : < limir v rk. DIG Nortll 19lll HI. C 503 21 | V KOIl CJI3N- cio ] h < ti cooU. 2l ( . 'nns c HUH 8 IN AM. 1'AUTS OF THi : C1TV. TI1FS O 1 * Hails Cuinpany , 1D03 rnrnam. D--SI3 lIUl.Si S , li\iU'A ! & CO. , 103 X. 1STH ST. D-S4S \ lIOl-rfiS C A. 8TAIII1923 X. Y. UF1J 1J-M7 CM if I. H'liJM.rt AN'D COTTAORS AII. OVKIl tinii > (5 u > UO. KMcllly , liV2 F.iriKitn. D-SI3 HOI l S. V'AI.lCIJ. . I1I.OCK. 1GTII nml I'.niKlJ' . D-613 H'Tf - > , ri-f'M t ! UP : I.AUOI : J.IST. l7- C .iR"u InM lniPIlt Co. . l&OG Dodge etltvt. D-831 _ _ . - A IIIAI TIFUL HOMif itf i-ArAYirrri : PLACI. 8 i mi ul1 nioilc'in ; cplendlil condition ; never lie -11 iri > t'il liffuie ; now offtn > < : at a low Inninl to lirit-cl.iDs tenant. I'lUcMty Ttnct C'om/.i l.o ? Fainam at. O S32 UOLML.S i I.ATS. aAuviN imos. 1013 I-AUNASI U-S3G 10.1M"iI Mul > tilN : 11P.ICK. OAIv 1'lNIolI ANU mun'LiA r. uid on llrst llunr iu > % all connecttn : with larRe rlldliiK iloora. I.IUKO lauiulry inn tilffli-iii A iiuiiilnal rent It tfilifii by Ovcvinbcr 3Ut liuiuiru of uwnor , 1031 S. Mill Ave.UMG02 U-MG02 T. 612 N.jTlBT..7-UOOM cm liuujc , 1-U ; > cr inc. Inquire on premleea. FOUUTKIN looina. lluc'st rouinlni ; IUIUBO In city. U-M730-n2l A NL.Mill'II OF CnNTllAI.l.Y I-OCATIII ) C luuin . . .tluRca , city water In liousi , IS.CO and 110 00. J. 1) . Kclkcnney. Kin bach Illk. D-.M221 J10 rou HUNT nv w. n. Miuu.i : . JST NAT-I. Hunk tilil C > 33 liiuvnporl. 7 rocuiH , tnoilorn , ( IS. iic N mill , 7 rooms , modern , UU i'JIl. tiiiciicur , 7 ruunis , nioelcrn , { 13. D-331 I'Oll"IlKNTT TllFMls. - ' . I-AXTON J1I.K U-M30I HUNT. Ni\V HIX-HOO.M ItOl.'HH ; MOI- < -in. liarii , ne-nr Iliiiiftcnm iinrU ; ll < ) .00. Ktilnscr Agency , ls:2Lutltf ) Klrtol. 1) MIS1 22 ItOO.llS AM ) IIOAIll ) . Nirri.Y I-rllNIHIIRD FIIOXT I'AniJOli ! " ALSO tinuilliT IOOHM. with board ; latcti reiiRoniibl iiio iiuse. rojo Hurney. F siaa iti 2101 nouoi.AS , SPICIAI : , TI : to LI nilenicn for luoms with bunrd ; cxt'c locution. F-1IM7 jirvn ii iiooiis AND noAiii ) ; .5o up. MO X 191 Ii F-.M33S 23 * i7oi > MM siNirufou IN SUITI : ; WITH In.,11.1 101 ; South 20th street. P JHS2 22 * NP\M.V IM HNISIIEI ) , QAS , Pl'llNAri : . MOD. rii n in 14 'M up ; Bcntlemun preferred. 1SI2 i-.l ' 'I ' r SI 130 J2 TillMl KlilAM. FU 1ST CLASS PAMI1.Y l > i I . .ili .ui'l Doiluc nucilb. F MtW 2u' i'ii ( : ur.vr r.M'i'iiMMiii ' : > noons. TIIin i : I'XPt iixisniD IIOOMS , i9iiT > r rr ? lun. Cl-JlllO 22' roil ii.vr.-STi > iKS AM > OKKICI-JS. rou it i -NT. Tin : j-p'iouv iinicK lit : tu ixirn mi St. ThU liiillJIn ; lias n run .u lull , mint , complete Ftrnni huatlns llx tuna vt..lumi nil llnors , K f , etc. Apply nt tlie . 'I' . i- , , f The IPO | I-Oin i : op i.Axoi ; m < ocK. PIXIST liii.iu.'U ' lu city fur iliut.Etoie. . 1 3Jo.HI rou IUNT AT r.ii : > LIXIPII. xiu. , IJIIICK iHnii.iin it\l o , mill c-IIai ; lien lei < itlon. AdiilcrH Ilux 137 , lied Cluilil , IJ13UI 23 * i.ivr. PKOITJ : IN lt > nt i'.J'M norkly enlary und e\pei eB to luk orJi r mr rhrl tina xoodi. peiuianent cinplny- iiieni tr rUlit. Slunkfucttiivr , P. O Ilex &MS , H.IM n. _ SIu s. .1 StSil-DW OAPAIII.I : AND sro-i sri. uis- tilcl tpcilul Mini loral UKCIIIH to iepic c > nt the Manhattan Life Iniuniiuc Ciinip.ii y of .NVw < > rl In Ni-Uiuiik.i nnd Iowa , NI M.II | | Irrrllory will be Kl\rn to nuh nient. lth tin- most llhcrul lit lUera e , or n IUHK uinlaluable re * 11. wal c-untiiu't. and with Mi.-h vpcrlnl help In thf ( li-lil ax will Illume the I.iruent iin'imin. uf > U' ' i p"i" " For fuitht'i * Infium.itlon. plruso nd- < lre > i JV. . Dean & Huns , Clt'iiciitl AKHUK. IIPU HKIi ; . Omnlia , Neb. J-M25JJ1I AOPS-l-8 MAKi : JG TO } 1S A PAY INTIloT di.rlliK tin ) "L'oliK'l. " the only M Pliup liot camera ninde , the Krcalt-ht teller of the cen tury iciionil ; and Incnl iiKriitn wantnl nil liter t " wuiM. t'Xi'hiflM' leiillury ; urllu today for tfrnm nnd bainjilurf. Alken-lilo.ifun * "o , I.ii'r. - > . Wli. J MlltSS * WAN'TKI ) TIIAVKMNO HAI.KS.MAX I'OII Penil Hullin niiiniirnrtm r ; cnn In' n > rd nt Blilu lln AiUii'.B C 1 . liec. J mill ) y. ' w\vruu To 3 on i riiiNimiin : on uv. f..1'V'0"1" ' ; ' ! ? , . " ' " 'or ' iwui" . CIJM > * * i toe. 1C 43 * * OM. VANABTOUAQli. 1(15 ( KAH.VM. THiTlMJ ' M-Si ! > 1'ACJHCBTOUAOI5 AND WAKKUOUBIJ * S-,10 Joiu'f. Uirneiul Horace ati.l forward CO Int . I-SC J.HOHTHA.\M _ A A. C VAN 8ANT-H B ATOJIAHA ItUS. COLl.Uae iqTH IIi\VTI. ( J.US.-iy.Ntf IN SIlOHTIlANn : nTo nuv. WANTKf ) . TO I1UY SKCOXIMIAXP CASH rrgliter. A < lirM ) A. F. D or k , OM. N'cb. N-.MMI MfTfriTY ANirFAYtM llKAI/SflfATIt' nirvln liroti. , 1613 Fnrnnm itrp t. N--M1 IIOI'HR AMI > "l/JT IX OH XRAH KOUXTZC Pl.iin ; G to s r < > tn * , rnmlern iinpravcmcnti nml mutt ba a ImrRiiln. llemli , Pmton bli k NMJ15 \vn.i. OIVK iison TO n.wo r.\mi roii nop.-ir : nnd Ini , D io S r"om , muth of Maple nn 1 enut of Hh an. IMnl ! , Pnxton 1I1K. N 1 SAIIU.MI.SCIM : > AXIDUS. : IIKAI'IMT IIAHinVOOU WOVHX COHN CIIII1- lilng tnnile. C. II. Lee , Kl U ugla % Q-SCJ TltK A nrROI"ll SAKi : ; NR\V * CS'IJ linn , ) : unfa and lock KpnlrlnR. riimlilnniloni chnn&cil. J. J , Derleht & Co. , 1110 Fat until. . . XIUT AND usir : ; ; ilrawlng InmrunictitH nnd innterlnli. Aha J. Orover , 313 South IMh mrpct.MIIS 31 Pint BAI.n CIIHAP. TIIAINRD OOAT WITH curt and ha menu. AUdrp > 8 C 23 , this onice. Q-JIS-I3 on SAM- : , "m5\rTirfi. OP.AXGI : AIII > whltp HI. llcrnanl f nifile ; chtnp. run lie -cini lit 3ID2 Xorth 80th Mitel. -MJuO 22 I.AUNIJIIY , GOOD \VOIlK ANIJ OOOIJ WAOK.S Ii HIP motto 11 f the City Steam l/iundry. 511 So lltr. l. , Tel. Kl. 11-113 J3 OliAlUVOYAXTS , MIIS. FlUTX , CI.AIIIVOYAXT , IMS nla. MASDACI : HATIIS , r/rc. MM r. SMITH , 1151 DorOI.AS. HOOM f , ; MAS- and nti-am baths , T mlJ3 25 * H. 13th Ht. . roiini 3. T-1CS J-G IlIJPTUlli : CUlinO ; NO PAIX ; NO DHTHX lion from Iinslncis ; we icfer to hundred ! of patients cinwl. O. U Miller Co. , 717' X. Y. I lfc bullillng. Otnahn , Ncli. U-8CI _ ii ATI i S"MA ssTci K. SIMI : . rosTTSsw s. IITII. U 163 VIAVI. Iroulilei ; In ntlcnilnnce ; cnn lula. lion or lie-null uaoU free , 34C-S llec bullJInr ; . U-SGi. YIS , YOU CAX GIT SIIIIITS I.AHXDUIICD fur He , hut If you \\nnl Kood work , hnva them dane nt thn City Steam Uuuidry , 211 So. llth. Tel. 23 . U 118 JS CUT THIS OUT AND PIIKSHXT IT TO PIIOC- tor. GIG S. Hth St. , with 11.00. and ret 12 extra finished cabinet photoa anil ona extra c.ulion llnlsheil panel ; SO ilays only. U 11110 31 lirPTUIli : l'iilMANKNTLY : CUIliD ; PAY when cured ; nn rain nnd no dct ntlon fioni bimlneM. Fidelity Ilupturo Cure , 301 Ilec hulld- Itiff. Omaha. U M10S FOU TIIK"rouiircT STYI.H , FINISH AXO lit nf ynur linen. cNinsnlt tha Klrnlall I.nnniliy. Shirts 12c ; colUiH Sc , euffs Cc. U 3SI-2I oo TO c. oi.six's : itAKiniY rou IIOMI- maUc bread plea and cnltesi. COS Xort.i Kth. U M3S" Jl .IH/.VIY : TO I.OA.VIIIAI , ANTHONY LOAN & TUUST CO. , 313 X. Y. I .j nulclt money nl low rates for cholec farm loans In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nehrnrka. W-SG3 CITY LOANS. C. A. STAIIIl , 015 X. Y. WIT. W-SC5 SIONRY TO LOAN OX IMPROVED OMAHA icnl estate. Ilicnnnn , I\a Co. , 1'nxton bloc ! : . W-S70 LOANS OX IMPHOVKl ) & UNIMIWOVI3TI CITY iiropuly. W. Fiitnum b'inltli & Co. , 1320 Fiunnni. \V-S7l MONiV : TO LOAN AT LOW ItATKS. lilt : O. 1' . Davis Co. , 1503 Fjrnani t. W i72 MON'HY TO LOAN OX OMAHA PUOPnilTY AT lowest rntea ; bulldlni ; loans wanted. Fld liy : Trust company. W S7I MOXKY TO l.OAX ON IMPROYUft OMAHA property. 1'utry & 'J'lioinus , let Nnl III : Illdir. W-S75 jiw , jMio. on } 5co. F. D. WIAU , IG & DOUULAS. W 182-31 t'KIt CRNT MONCY TO I-OAN ON OMAHA propeity. Xtb. fnrms. W. U. MeiUle. lat Natl , llli W S73 JfW PniVATi : MONP.Y u YIIS. W. I * SP.MIY , 331 Cham. Com. bids. \V Sll \VANTI-U > . AT ONCi : , APPLICATIONS FOU lo.niH on Oinuha propel ty ; $300 up ; don't watt until jour old loan t-xpliea ; upply now. K dellty Trust Co. W J1373 31 JIOMOY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONKY TO LOAN ON FUHNITUHK. PIANO.- ) , liuihfavaKon , etc. ; at luwost ules In city ; no iemo > al of ioods. xtrlctly conflclcntlal ; you can pay the loan off at any time or In nny amount. OMAHA J1OIITOAGI2 LOAN CO. . 300 So. IGth St. X-S70 MONIY : TO LOAxT orco. SO'DAYS : FURNI. ture. pianos , etc. Uuff Qreen , room S , ll.nKer bile X S77 CHAXOKS. FOH SAW : , AIIOUT 2.000 LI is. MINION TYPH , TOO lb . a K.I to. ir.O pair two-tilnl : cases. 40 double Iron elands for two-third canes. TliU material was uied on The Omnha llec nnd la In fairly Rood c < million. Will be eold chtap In bulk * . ) r In quantities to suit purrha 'r. Apply In perjon or by mail to The HI > I > Pih- llBhlni ; Company. Omaha , Xob. Y 713 TO QIT ix ou OPT OF nusixiss : GO 10 j j. aibson. DM let Nnl11 III : . Y-SW SPKCI'LATOIIS-AITKNTION ! TllAI > i : IX coinmuillllcH dealt In upon the Chh4o Iln.ud of Trade. Send your onlers throiiKh rehpon- Rlble houco. Our olllro neatest pltx. piovli < loii , etc. . now offer exceptional oppor- tunltlee for bU proilts. Wo lm\e mndc itmney In epeculatlnn for our iilitc.nuif. 8 > nd for In ok- ht on mniKln tr.idlni ; nnd KtatUtlrn. A ) o ilully imri.ct Ictlir. Iot ! i free. Wilte II. II. ll.iuman & Co. , Cl.lcdgo Hoard of Trade bMij. Chleaoc. Y II.1 22 iron I.XCHA.MJI MOXKY IXJANKD OX 1HCYCLE3 WIIl.'N people cxpivt to innKe nn exchange In spring. Neb. Cj-clu Co. , llth and Harney. / zrj la " " ISO ACHKH J10.CO ACnU AND . \ililrcE3 C 23. Uie. S2 353-23" FARM NUAll KKOIIOMIFII. WASHINGTON for pibiierty furllit-r e.ul. Bclby. 1MB Farnnm. run i3xeiiANai-in.\i , HSTATI. 1'iandlhc. Fur i .ntlculatH niUlre-Mi Ilex L'CI Imperial , Ju'eU J5 JIIUI S8 * FOH T.\ciiAxai. . AN il.Krj7\T.-T liot'sf : .mil lot In Onmlm for Chli-.ico prancrty ; ounsr cliutiKcJ it-yldcnip. ( . 'S2 , llc-i- . 55 Mils 1' rixi : TIN-ACIH : : FIIUIT FAHM XHAH coux- cll lllulfn , for Oinuha home ; centrally located , llvmlr , PaMon block. X Mill KOIl .SAI.lItllAL AU.STIIACTS. TUB HYIION IlKKU COMPANY. HIC-S73 .y , I.OAX3 Uco. P. Ueinls Iteal Kutatc Co. , Paxton blk. lin-S79 _ _ " 8ALK-ilW J8"fni8 FOH JGOOOO ? ona nillo so'ith ' of court house , with binall cottaiic , on grade ; c mi nclchburhood. And ona lot , with four-nom IIUIIHP , KCO.CO , near Kouth Omaha car line , It ) lull K HanlliiKH , 212 H. llth St. _ H1J--M7I8 _ \VjJ lIAVlJ IIATuLMNH IX IIOMIH : ; Al O futiiH , anil want inure ; Il t your property with us. U. M. Nnttlnur & Co. , 1701 P.irnum. JIK-SSO Atrrs OF LAND OP FIIOM r > TO ian > luar th'i city , ( it from | 3' > .CO to JIOO.W pri * atle , iicciinlliif * to locatliin , nUo many iioiiiieji of { rotn A to 7 rooms in desli.tblo loca tions from Jl.tW.OO to ) , a mo in ; them the follow Ins : Pull ot und fnmll lioumt on 2th > tr et , be. tucui I'n.-lllo nt. niul Popp ! ion inv . ii.iw.uo. l.nt ftl\l.7 feet with 3 liK'lll hnine. n.'wly | ia- per , < il nnd painted iincuijhout InHiJe , Xo. 2C10 lierntur ! . , tl.'iOUOO. S-i > ' < iin li'mw , mnduin convvnlPiiei'K , Sf-'O Cald- tu-il ! . , will eoiiHl l r any ruth offer. poTTiu , v aioiiai : : CO.MPAXY. H. W. Cor. 10th und Ht . _ m-4o 23 IllILDI.SC AM ) I.OAV ASSOCIATIOXS. 8HAHKS IN MUTUAL U & JI. ASS'NT'AYsT 7. 8 per cent wnen 1. i. 3 > ear old , ulwayc rel ilvvinable. 1701 I'anum St. . Natllni-cr , Sec. Sec.SS7 SS7 HOW TO inn * A HO.MU on 8icinii : aooo Intercut 911 laving * . Apply to Omaha L. Sc II. AIUI'II , I7VI Farnam. O. M. Nultlnuet , Hec. kSJ HATH 110O.MS , HUH.HI.VN. TUIUvlHII. AND MJIPICATBU baths , 60 cents , alsu eirlunho ilfiaiintnt | [ for ladlrs. f\trytlilMk' new , ladles1 hnlr dti'KiIng km ] Laibtr uliup in coiinvilluu , H'a. / . llth llthM3 lA\riXO SCHOOL. Mil. AND MltS. MOIIAND MAKK A FPH- ctalty by their own tiietn < xl cf tmclilns young nil oM to IK-CO tno Krnccfui ilftnrtn In n few Ijrtviile or clMm lo-wnn . N w cln tmi now ormlni * . 151 Unrnpy. MI-J-1 1'ACKI.U. oirr M. . wAiTitus i-hfrRB ON ri.'HNi * lur | nc ! < ltiit. rpnlrltif. upliol-tcrltie ; mat * trfic nimlo und rcnoMitc-d ; : tll Lutnlne. Tel. mi. ssi \rni.Ms AMI SI-I NKW HOMK , IK > l'--IIOLn ! : AXP WHITi : cuing machine office. 1314 Cap. ave. Tel Iu7l. SM PAWMIOIIKHIIH. II. JIAlioWlTS'.I.OATi-S MONEY. " 418 N. 16 TYI'i\VlllTI3HS : , OiT THU IlliST TYPKWP.ITiilS ; HUPPLir.S ; r < | > alrs United Tjpcwrlter & Hupplles Co. , 1111 Farnnm street. S3 June 30 MISIU ; , AKT AXI > i.A rjioitcn : inni.LKxnr.cK. . IIANJO , MANDO- lln ntul guitar tcucher. Iloom 412 llec HUg. Tel. 23i | np iiiciiTOLp. riiiNTiii. IIIIOWN IILK. THLIOIS M237 Jll Yoiiu PIAXO Trxin : , ACTION UIUUI.ATKD. rare | illshed , I'fllniatrs Khen for lepnlra ; hat * Isfnctlnn guarnnti-ed , orders left with J S. Cameron promptly nttendi-d to. 303 So. 17lh. M3SS 31 PilVSIUAL CUl.Tl'ltn. IJLOCUTIOX , MItS. W. IJOIIW.\H , C23 X. 1'JTII M-GSI-Dl'l * KIXAXCIAL. LIFI : INS. i-owcins iiouaiiT. w. r. HOLDIX 333 l > ltr.SSMAKNO ! , 11V THIS DAY ; WORK CUTAU. iintt-cd ; nrlce-s rt-nsonablc ; refi'rcncc. . ( ' 3'J . , Hoc. .rrt n-- M ( SO 23 HHiffMAKIXO ! ! , IN FAMILIES. MISS Htutxly , 4WI llurdettc. M-133 .1111' \VA\TIITO noiio\v. WANTIP , TO iioiiuow. FIIOM pittvATi : party II.OOO ; teeurliy Walnut Hill , Omaha. Ini- pioxed propeity , worta JJ.CO1) . Addrtss C 4 $ , llec. M312 25 * .XIODICAL. s ! ciHCHKsrnn's iNawmi PICNXY- rojnl I'llli ( Illani'inil ' brand ) me the best , safe , reliable. Take tin other , i-en 1 4c ytnnips for pirllcnlnrn. "Hellef for Ijidles , " In letter by return mall. At driiKulKts. chloheMer Chpm- Ical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. Mention lire. -M303 22 LOST. I.O-5T. PAIU OF OOI.P-HI.MMnP HYH Blan.'ei , with diuall sold ehnln utlnc'ied. He lurn to Ilee olllce nml recelxo rewnid. I ist M30S 22 SUES & CO. , PATEST SOLICITORS , Ilcnllullillni : , unmliii , Nobr Advlcu nml P.Kent IIiio. < TIlKIi ciiiiiii r.i vulur Ciiiiiiiiiny of Oiiiiiliit. Nollco Is hereby Riven Hint the muulliiiT of the stookholilora of the Uniuii nievalur company of Unuxhn , for the pur pose of elect Ini ? HOVPII directors anil sueh other bii'ilness as tuny propelly come before the meeting : , will I'e holil at the olllee of the Solicitor. Union 1'acllle building. ( Jmahn , Neb. , upon Muiulay , the 1th day of January , 107 , lietueiii llio lioura of 10 o'clock a. m.r and 0 o'clock p. in. The. sMock tr.inxfor books will be clo ? < > d ten (10) ( days before Ihe dale of Ihe meet Ins , ' . UJCXAXDEH MIM..AU. Si-rrelary. Boston , Mass. , December 7 , li2C. Plld22t SlocUliolilci'M Olllco of Lee-ClarUe-Andreesen HnnUvaro Company , Omah.i , Neb. , Doc. 12. 1SW : Notice Is hereby Riven to the stockholders of the hee-Cl.irke-Andreesen Hardware company thin the annual meetliiR of the stockholders of the company will bo held nt the olllccs of the said company , Nos. 1210 , 1221 and 1223 Harney street , In. the city of Omaha , In the stale of Nebraska , on Tuesday. J.iimnry 12. A. D. 1S37. at 3 o'clock p. in. , for the purpose of electing u board of directors for the company , to serve dur- Ins the enstilniT year , and 15 transiiet such other business as may be presented at such mcctlnK. ( Seal. ) 11. J. I..KU. Attest : I'reslilent. W. M. OI > ASS , Secretary. Decl2il22t niHMiiliitliin Xiitloe. Notlco In hereby Riven that the two firms of AVIiulsor & Company and II. J. Windsor & Company have this day , by mutual consent of the undersigned , the members thereof , been t1' uolvod. Dated Omaha. Nebraska. December 1C , IS'JG. IIKNIIY \VINnSOIl. . HUUACi : C. 1'MJNKIOTT. DISdOtm CURE YOURSFLFI V-.i 1IIRM for IIIIK ituritl li'ilmrKiii , lnljiinii\lluiv ! | tiiilitliens or iirrr.itinuu : > i in n eous ivuiiLr.iiiua. ruinlf s , nmi i.ot iiniln- or rulruneiia. .Soli ! hy Drujjilsl- , wit In jiljln wrarior. < -\pr , ini'iMiil. fur - " . . , r X lii-tiln . : % BAIL WAX THE CARD Le i\e lUrivLINtVION & Mo. llIVUR , Arrl\ed _ Om.ihaUnlun | Uepol. Kill i. .Mu un st . | Omai ! _ S Tain Unncr i\iueaj. Tt 3'31aii 4. piu.L".l. Hills. Mimt & I'ujct and 1.x. l.Kpin Denver I.xiifb3 4.iuiini TOiipn : > . . .I.vbiakku L/jcal ( e.\ Sunday } . . . 7limn ; . . . .Lincoln Local ( ex. Sumluy.j . ; ( iaill " : Wpin..l'.ial Mull ( for Lincoln ) dully. . . Leaves ( CHICAGO. I1U1U.1NGTON & Q.IArrlvca _ OmaIinyi.Ion | Depot. ICth & Ma uiiolB.Onialu _ _ " : | ChlciiKo Vostibulo..y. ; . . . . S:00am : 9:4tom : Clilcnjjo Kxprc.s 4l5iiiu : 7.C"pm..Clilc.ieo "d St. LouH ixpre . . s.ctum llMOutn I'aclllo Junrtlun Local 0-10 Fast Mall { jljj Leaves { CHICAGO. MIL. & ST. V Omaha ) Union Pepot , 10th & Mazon Sts./ / Omaha 6:30pm . Chicago Limited. . . . . SOS.\m : 11. OOani. . . Chicago Hxprtsa tCN.SundniQ. _ . . 3:2pm : leaves ICHICAOO & NOIlTHWnST'X OmahajUnlon Pepct , 10th & aiason Sta. | Omaha 10:4"am : . Uastcrn Jxpresa..7.77 < : pm . Vcktllmloil Limited . 6:5.-pm : . St. Paul fixprcw. . . . . . . n-sohrn E : < 0am . bt. Paul Limited . . . 9:03Sm : ' ' 7:50am. : . . . Carroll & Sioux I'ltv fxicol. . GSOum : . Omaha Chlcaco Special. . . . . -Ma , , _ . MlMourl Vnlley L.ra ! Ixrves IC11ICAGO. n. I. ft PACIFIC.rrlvei ! OmahalL'nlon Pcpot. 10th & M.uon SU I Omaha " _ _ _ CAST. ' - 10:40am. : . Atlantic ixprcsj tex7 Sunday ) . . 7H : > pm . Xlsht Cxi.res. . . . : . 4SUptn. : . . .Chicago Vestlhulcd Ltmilnl. . . . l:33nm : -.CUpm..St. Paul " Vestlbuied UmluJ. . . . l:3Jpm : _ WL'ST. - li < 0'in | . Colorado Llmltcc . 4:00pm : Leaves I O. . ST. I . , M. & u. ( Arrives .OmahalDepot _ , lth nnd Webster fim. I Omaha SICnm . . .Sioux City Aceomniodatlon7.T S-OOnm I 2:3fpm : . .Hloux Clly Kxurru ( ox. sun..H:634n ) : , . . . . . . . . . .SI. Paul Leaves' ! " V. 'n. ft M O. "VALLnvT iArrive" pin ! i'ia ' | Pepot. ISlh nnd Webster Hln. I Omaha 3 : Jin | Fast Mill un < l l.xpnwii Clwlim 3COpm. : . .u-x Pal ) W-o llx lay. Jloii ) . . . . 6:0un : i : r.C.iin .i-'irinont L'jtul ( hnndi. > a uiil ) ) . . Ticnahi. . . .Norfolk Kxpremi ( 8un.Y..10:23am : 6Hpm : St. 1'aiil Leaves I K. C. , ST. J. & C. Ii , " lArrlTeT " OrnahaUnlon ] Pepot , 10th & Mason Sta Qomal "K.fCam . . . .Knni-as Clly Pay r.xpretj'.TT. . criOnn 100ppjn.K.CXliht | " Ex. via U. K 1'runii. 6:3qam : I.ea\es I MISSOU1U PACIFIC. " " lArrlver Omaha | _ Pcpot. Utli sr.a Webster His. I Oimilm 3'OOpni..7Xebruiiki ( A Kanras Llnilled..Tl2Mnm : 9 30pm Kansas C'ty Kxpress B:00am : 2Unn ; | Xebianka Local ( ex Sun ) n oojm Leaves I HIOUX'OITY & PACIFIC , ( ArrUea JJrnahal Depot. 13th and Web _ _ _ Bt Paul Limited. _ . . 9:10am : Leave * I BIOl'X'CITY & PACIFIC. fArrlv'cT Depot. ICtn & Mnsoii 8t . | Oma'ia ' tilOirm . St. Paul I'u Mr7i ; . . . . . . . . : 7.90am . Hlaux Clly I'unh niitr . 9:0ipm : IsKpm _ . _ . . St I'aul Limited . . . 9:20an : ! UNION PACIFIC. JArrlvr OmahuUnlgn | Pepol , 10th & Mason Rts.f Omaha C 20am ( netland Limited < : Cpin 35pm Heat'iu & Plnmisk'K Kx ( ex Hun ) . . iWpin : C :3Jini : | . ( Irani ) Ulun.l i : rii'i < a ( ex Hun ) . . - Mum Fan Mnll _ _ . _ . .10 _ I WAIIAKH ItAILWAY IArrivT Onmhall'nlun Prpot , 10th & Mason Sis.I MIITIMJ. fN'ION l.AND I'tUIl'ANY " Xollco H"hcreiiy lTlfnt tlio nnntml of the nto > kholi | | i of the I'tiion bund t'ompnny for the t tlon of flvo ( II * rectors nnd the trammel ofuu'ti other binlnesn n tnny Inwfull.M .OHIO iK'fOIV thO moctlna will be In Id nt tlic oilier of llio general nollellor. I'nlon I'm-itlr Omiilm Ni lirn-ikre , upon LMonilny Die llth day of Jnnuury , 1 * " ? . nl it oYloe-U n. in. Al.KNANPKR MII.t.AU. pi-orolary. Hoston , Mn8 ! > , lUfimlioj- , ! > ! > ' > . I l)221221 ' OIIKIION MIOUT I.I fiTANn TIT Ml . ( OKTUUUX K.UMVAV I'O.IIt'ANV. In thu ( . Ircull Court tit tbo rnlted states for llio Istrict nf Oregon. In the Cltcull Court I'fllie tnlte.1 States for the liiMrlfi of luilio , In Ibo Circuit Co in of tli United 5-tnlcs for Iho Dlslr.ct at Mntitnti : ! . In tbo Cltcult ( .oiin of Ihe fulled States for tbo lustr.ct of In the Circuit ourt e.f . thp United 8'ntcs fortiifl lU-trlct ( f MjonilliK. Tilt AMKUK-A-V L'JAX AT.It/s.T COMPANY , ( .elllp Ultl.itlt , Tlin OIIKOON MIOIil1UNI. . A trr AU NOnTH * iit.N : JIAIIAVAY l.OMl'AN" . lefi tiilnw. Vlieronv At n te-mi til the C-lnull Court Pf llio Unltid bifilis for tlio PMrlet < > t liriftuti , brH M tlio Uty of I'orllnn.l In said State nn the flf. ivcntli Any of July , ItM , nud nl r. Icim of Iho Circuit Onirt of i lie I'lillcit Mn'ei for the tm * trlit of li'.ntio on the twvllth day of IHrrnitror , If-tn , nndntntorm of Iho Circuit Court of the IJnlti d Mntrs fur Hi - lUstrlct ot Montana on Iho K'Vontli il.iv of August , lS.rt , mid atnte-rw of th Circuit Court uf lha Mutes for the Dl'trlct iif W umiiig on the t inl-B vi'iith d y of Hi'iucmbor , 1M , and nl n term of tlio Clre'tilt IVurtof the L'nliol suited for Iho Dlstrkt of Utah on llio lint iluy of tccimbpr , l.-lio , thpjoconnlti wveral dfrroepi wir diily entered In llio i.bovo-cuiillcd ca'os then prndlnK In rncli ol the Circuit I ours above rii-iiilnnid , loroclos * In , ' ; llin uiortp KC nf tha defendant , llio UriKOti Bhort Llnoit Vuili Northern luulwny Company , eoiiunonlf known tit Hint culled Us CoiiRoHilntcd Nor Kiifio. which tunr.ttiKO banrs ilnlo llio lei day ot Ausmt , 1HM ) , nn I nlilcli tnbl mortgage I * tbo Ooiisolldalnl JlnriK BO "f the said lullnny Cumpnay wiiim to complainant In the nliove-eiitlllcd e-n i ns TrrMce. niul which Is nion ) pnniculnrly mentioned mil d i-rltifd lu Ibocomplalnniil bill nfconiplnli.t ilU-d lu the above nuviTal cn i > s ; r.nd \\herrus , It us In Hnrt by IhesMil covornl elc.-rpo.i orduicil , i.djujfied , nml docrcoil Unit the mlrt Consolidate I MortcMro of Iho nalil iIcfciHlRtit rompnny tct forlh In the lilll of romplnlnt nforo- e\iilnna : so inuilo nnd executed ninioresaldun 1 lcnru < datp&3 nforcsalit. wtvin Mil id i n't ' nun * nls In ; tnortR.if.'u niul consttilled ! ft llun uiun the niortKiiKel premlxori , ptopeity , nnd tinnchUis ( Uti-rlbid In iho nnld mongngtj mid borulimltur described ; nnd \\licreun \ , It trail thoroln nnd In nnd by paid Mernl.dccrora . ntoru/nld furtliBr adJudKrit mid decreed Hint nil ofal'l proj-crty , rc.if , iwironal , nu I mixed , lueut'oncd nml nescrlbctt In unld inoi'.K.i'ip , bo "old uii cr thn itltcctlon of the nnde > r'lmioil , John Jl Clflntid , commissioner mined In ut.d bv tbo Mild laynrnldcciconnanbovo mcutloiifd , inn nlo to 1 > J n-.Hilo oublett ( ocennln un.k-rlyliK ; mo tiling PI upon tertaln pnrtsof U o enld projiorlloi nhleli nro hereinafter rr < clflt > d nnd wlildi nia I Ikon I o inrtlculnrl > pcvltUd In r.ud by l.1u i nld eli-crco , tl.o piacied * otin h B.ilo In bo applied In natlnfnctlon of trernld vcvcral ilCT'cn luielnbciori * m ntloncil , all of nhh-ll \vio decrci'A lor the FJIDIO dolit.tind UitAtlsfactlon of HIP Interest tlicrron niul of the CO-IS of tbo Bald Vhi'rcns , I.IKewUo It wni provided In nnd by the Iprrai ot the paid Coti olldnttd MortgHKO nmoin : otbor thlli"i ) liuil Iho tnii'eo nni'iul tin IB- Ill , lo wit , lie Aairi cnn ln i A 'Irmt Ccuiixuiy. Hi III''event of do. ult In liitcru t L | on tliu rnld Con ollitnted Mortt.lno , tniuht In Ha discretion nnd iipcn rfjunt ot llio lioUlrr uf ono-fltth p.ut of the bonoi Isrued nud out tnndlni * pcrutifl tncrtbv. rthlch reii".t | hnn been duly inm'c. Bhnulun.'ll und dltuou-of Ihn Mild ii.orUut.ed iTomlbiB by pi'bllc nuct on nt > ii > n thuu nnd plufo In the C'lty ' of bnlt laike , In the lirrliory of Utnh ( now tnto of Utnln. ivs tl P liis'.eo InlRlit diHi'ruilinsAut titiFUo to n-.nvo sacb ral'j rftpr It buill ! hnvo K'von public i.ctlce tboreof ni-d of the tlmonti I p ncj tlur of by r.dvi-rtlsiiniiit pub- ll'Sicd In cft-h of the clll'sot 2 > ow York and Iloitunnut ICM ttian Iwlcnn wceK for four ecu * B cu'.lro uot'kt n jt prbi dltiK the suln In cno or niuixnpnsiiapurs tin ro i ui > ll&bed , u Illi po\M'r on the purl < il tuld tru&teo to nfljuuin iuh tAte from I lulu to tlmo nnd B' ' " curb notice of ndjournnirnt thereuf nttho trn-ti'O uiltllt Ihluk ui.cuimUIo uu * derlliBclrcuinaniiiuJ : and Wlicre'M , It : * furthur ndjmlgcd and decreed In end by 1-iO cald several tli crees i.bovo men tioned In tin- i.l.i.o nitlllod ci..i-"i thHlllioiuld trmtefl. Ifio A'moi rcnu 1 j n < Y 'liu t Coupnny , mlilit lisvu li-a\o 11 n id tin ilil-jpln In tlui f.ild c.ilunn I In tlio i oilt-'g nulnhi there of by the mid dci'io. 11' . HIM ! 10 bn rur.iie. till mid sale 0 to be m.iclrtfl teIr.ndo fur the iiurpis ) of ( uro'loatng 4liv4ealil Ini pollilnii'd Mirtitiso , In a'oi Innioivlln thotctuiiof Ibo Dnld s vorul el iroe ; nnd Wlurujs , II WILJ litrtLrr ndluilKed nnd decreed by the Mid mviTi l eli < -r > e'i ihht tlio mid n ort- R.odprqi3rtloi a ioiUl : If will r.i nil entirely nnd In oni lot nt pubilj i.uctlon to ll.o hUhiBt bidder tlii'r-for , iiii.lor t.u : dlrccllou of nnd nt n ' .ii > nnd II ni lo&i ) imnioil tiy lliosnlil Coiiimilcn'rfn Iho City of h.\H J..Tio. HI t'io Tii-rilm ; . ( tion Finnrf ) Utuiiipon H icli ton. s n-i tl > t ) ( eintii Is--.oner niplil ] : It bom ; lllciv-j | itu\hied II.nt ( jul'llc nollcu nf Bjch KA o end tlie' tlmo rnd plrco llicifol b9 wlven by r lvcithenifr't twrcenveek for fwir K'lisjcutlvo ci'ki n. nof Ti s thru two ni - rnp.'rsiiiiijlIihed In c-c.'i ul tin clllis ol ISe-w Yorlc , 11 HMJM , Hill IJP : , l'orintU : , Oireoti , nnd OTiihi.n'ltli j > i er to niljuiiai tucli fnlo from tlmo to time nt the reqiR-t' ' ot the talil HUMro cimp.nlnitii.suoli notko of U ndjci imnriil to 1 * plvt-n as thu e.0-iriilssicmer n.lllil think riitnna- blt ) un lor Ibo cucimitnnrot.tbe rcld iruetet' coin- plHinr.nt on Iti to Join cs iueh tmsirc1 In nil n 'UcMof a lcnnd the ncilvi of Lnyti.ehnilourn- ] inmt , otich sale o i confirmutlon tl.iitof lo pci- IMIII illy imr tbo 8tld defrm'nr.t Hallnny Com- paiif , uiU all pardon * c.iilmliu by. tbioiigh , or UP. lor It , fro null rlrhtiiii. ! Hiteiert In Hie hald r.illir.iysatll prunls-a by the decrees onleied to bo Suld , oltbTct laiv or III c < ] tilty , It Leliu like- wlso door.-ud Uiol inch ( cntlinintlun of nile- , the puro'jasjr tha r-nt. tit jii reiirplrlig with tbo ti'nm of tu.i-.Mi' , H.iunla he ( milled to iictlve fro n ino HaM t'oin.n tsloner ni.d Ibo snld trui'leo conpUilui'it , tlu Aiiit-rlcnn Jctn A Tiust ( .01:1- : pnny. doodJ convey lug end tinnpfi'irlns ll.ofnld mllivay-nnd to the * . prenlwi ptirclm r.bnt flub * loct toevrtnln prior undcrl > ln n.origiigo lieie- Iniftor miatloued ; nnd \Viioreai , It v.-as further provldeil by the itil s'veral decrees Umi euch Kilo tl nil be mniio upineucli terms u > llo CLiiimlaalcner r.iltl t tp- pro\e . : * iiy parties to tlio suits nbovo ncnlluned or fbu bohUTI of any of the lisol'fUatcd IVjnds lo BCCUii ) which I'10 ' Cuiuol leiilid itorlCLKO ns oxi'cutc'J. ID bo it l'i ' > . uy to bid and buctiuo I ur- ciioa rjftt PHI'.i 8.1' ' ej i'ml Wtiereaa. An uppe-al was tBkn hv H.n unld dclnmlnut , thOrccrxn ahur. l.lno * Utah North ern llallivay Company , from tl.o said CivniIn Ihoiuld caui3 ns enured In the DIs rlct of Ore- Con , nnd from said dtcrce , us entered In eald cai'ra In Ibo District of Montnnn , nnd frnm II.u cald e'.t-civj ni e-titere < J In c.ild ciaao In tin.Dls - Irlul uf WyeMlui ; . nil \.blchuild several np- pcaMhnvo bi-'ii duly elltnihsul nnd by the-ordr-rs mid decrcot of tlin Appelhito Courts tu which tbo appOAli taken lu tbo mid counts , Uioxald cnu as were n la indod to Iho 8' vernl Ci.nrl.i from nhlcJi the raid oppenlim taken , with dlrec- tlons to proci'id In the inuei nnd to the on- rarnt of tald tee eei , but rcservliiB In Iho coiirin fr : n v.lncJi iho npiimls ucro ru-pectlvcly tnko-i furibur Jiiilfdlction In tlo oovt.rul CUUR 3 fur eueh fuithir orders end i'o- crcoH nt tl.o foal uf the ee\ernl dcciced ns Inlrbt ho npplloJ for iis to all maiiera n > I ndjudltnlod by tlicdorree" , nnd fur fuither trilers and ( ll-ec- tlom lo tin' CotmnlMloricr letuhlitB tl.o oald fl.ilo or Iho terms nnd cendltlous thereof asinlchtbo criult.iblo ; nnd Viieiciii , Mindnles frnn the said Appellate Counu Invo bee-n duly llli-d In the Bevcral count fmmvi.lch iho mid t.pi ouis ucro taken dlicct- Insenfarccinunt of Iho la d elcereci , and preev < l.fti duly l-kSiii-d thcie-on Ir in each of Iho > > ud ! courdlteit" ! ! mil I'cllxeicd to the ui.dcr- Lluned , ili > ) Cyinm'Si ' oner Ibt-ri-nf until In iho p-.ld uu-rcoi. ( or iho pri per eiiftricnnnl thereof In nr'on'.an o lu thu ( > u.s of tlio s .Id dericei : ! , tlii-ief'iro , > oieo Is hi it y L-i\en by the un.toin kiu I. Jolm 11. C'olim < ! . the vni- inliiliiiier n .mo I uytnoiM'l ' loirecsinil by tno American J/MII & 'J'lusi I'.miji' uy , ceuiplniniint lu Ibo niul ru'lM-i al.d tnntou ol L i said Oonsoll- il&to 1 Mortgage , tr.'i knrV lrii-1'O Joining Heroin im'oruiul iuii-.unnt . lo thi ) tcriri burn illrcctlcti ui ri.-i-r. 01 nn < l let mini ot i ml by vnttio uf p'i vir to it intinMt-il by Ihe teina nnd con lllloi.s of th Mi.d t on-ol tinted Won- K/fc-o , that all r.ii'l tlnRiili.1' ( ho ) . < ll .iv j roper- Ltonolltiu' < j I .Muitnn.otimnid'to lio'com iv < < < thereby to the Ainerl an Jxjcn AliuVt toiiiwnv ca tni-teo. will bo ( old on thoiilnth Ca\\"l \ faim. nry. A. JJ. lbl > 7. nl tbo hour of ten n'cfofk few * noon , at Salt Jjito clly In the Halo of Vioh Jnrmerly Torrltorv of Clnli , ol tla : i'ior 01 llio D.uil-hou-- iho Connij of l-nlt Jjikc In rni | city , when tn d juopertySp lo bo .old i do. Bribed _ in tbu mid Cuiuolldntud Jiuiteafco ns "All ihat Una of rnllnay. beKlnnlnc n * n rn'nt on tlio Union l-nclllc ItftTOny. r.t pruun'trill ? Oronsi-r , lu the County 0. l u'Un.'t.r , In iyo- uliiK.nn eijcte-ndlu- . niji In ! > _ , ; , neral wtprly curt nortlmisterly dlrectirui . , ami Ihrom h Iho County of L'lninh. li ! > , : .il. . . . nu I I "K , throiili the tViUnllc.1 of I'Au I t c Illn-lium Oiiol-Gi. Alturas. . , nrfl vl'hinuon. lu Ida ho ( liii'lidliiKl.r . noIioi to Kiflitini. In tiio Oiiiiit ? uf Altur.-w. nnd to 11 I ' t irV fn the' c-oiin v of A'ln , In Idaho ) , nnd Ihepra into tin , Co y nf linker , In ormon , nnd tliJni-u bj such riiutu nr rouf i. may bo dLtowiliuil ! > ' the IJomd f Dlrerlorj of llio rallv\ny-cw j nny.tu tl u Colum bia Kiy.r , I'uirrt fconii'J. or the J'j.clUo Or/Hn Ami nlio all that line ot rml a > . "ii ndlm' . Iror.inny f.'aiiblH | Klnt rir'ixdiits uiion inllnnIn n nnrtli tieslTly. " xicaiti rli or i. mi , estorly . liit.J&d { IhruiKl'i W v , n V.t' Ut.n , Idaho , Orenon , > .tvn > ra , nnd tnflfiriil7 , ' or nny of thum. to sii 'h pa"i.ninl ] on ml n , J - , . . . , . . „ , , . , . . . . u. . . . uiu r 1'iiun i.r i dints In MotUHin.Mnxliliiv'ioii. - , or Oiu-on , or of nny UK in nsthekuld , lluiiru of lilrrciiH | may from time ilcu-rwliio. And nlbo 11 lli.u of railway limit to NclMminu'i , In the County ( f lliiieham , In idnl.o from Inn Keni-rnl , foulli rly dlrrclfnn , llirciiKh Count h not HIM llliuluim nnd onuldu In , Idnho , mnl Ihoncu Into nnd throii.h Hi Hot . : idor , tteher , Dur H , wit Coiintli'scf Ink.i.ytah. tin Juib bo , Jlllltinl , H > 'uver , no i biii ruin , borler nnd Titoolu , In ll.ih , In'-ludint hn.r.c'tii , KtiuTy > , htocUUiti , Hi Iho County ' t < of'fwn'li' . nml lo Ullver City , nnd l-.ur Itn , In tbo County ot Tlntlu Jurib. nnd lo hyriu-iiK ) In to.other with euch , Ihu brnnchiH Cnuntyof or IWVIP , In riah rit lluurd mluni ofnnv of II.o ruhl 11 IK relciciitlonsoi H ( .a UiuMilil of IilriHiurs may from ilmo Hi llmoilo- tomilne. nnd ( - homo Into und thrauyli thn of IJiuoln , In Nnvaila , to Ihu outlnvuterr Cuinty lioundnry Mn ot .Vermin , tneelber with binucti llnrn u-tcii'liiw Into tlui Cuuntli'iiof'hlln \ 1'lne etiilKyc. In Novudn , to rthor wIlliKuch railways ways , - branchM. IhlohuA or cxlunldiisol ilia uld llnci through Utah , Nevada , ' Arlcmu.Orrron , and 1'nllfuinltt , or any of ilii-m , ca Uiollonrdol uutcivu owy ( UHcnaliie. UiJ ulw all uu. HUM rf mlin-jT nnil rii | iinsil ireol thnt ti.n Im.tnny ( x nipnny m y calli-r ronslru < .t or nr < vinT , rtipnilinit fr m my iKHillile IMH lit nr poinm upon nnv uf Md lin' by the rm > t eil ihln rorle or ronm to ny arn'lofKii.h plmis u tlio diiiHlnr-cf Ihu Ilnli- rtv t'.imprtny nny be empowered to * ptcl | or ( li'icrnln-ly vlrlui ) < . | thi" i iinrifr or nrtlplfBof 11 wiu-iitIon of tin' lli\il ny t > ta | HI y. or Miynl Itsenn'titni'iil ( < nmnani s ttp , > nd lul Imotlio Hi iw\y n < m | iir. nr hy MIIIIP < r ny KMICIH ) . mtiM ihT'iif. uhirh nml n liin < > i d I.IMU hm PIO hlr.'iil . ( Mnrurli ! > l nml i om | loud In Ihetuil of I-I > .ill mll > < of ulniiln imrk ur lino. Aril nlon I Hint slnsiilnr the lnd : < . rli.1 In nf n- , mil ll liiM-hnlil IHI rliindy cr l.db * ntt < r t t i itiulml hy the iHllnnv V < nT iiy , and M < I | nr Inleni'eil ' ' 11 | I > > II IH | Ini i.o MllnnUe - itei iPip-d Iliii-i of Hillwny , tir niiy I n.ih | r < x * Ionion i'n r.-of , or lor HIM | tiri < n ni i > umol.illons , slat loin , nuiiln IIMS. mni I Ino shnpi. imll'tlnii . fir iitiin-s , rppnnd IP , nml \Miiki ur oh'r\MK ! , In rotini'i Hoii nllh , rr lor PIIJ , HIIII M n | siii-ii iuilwai , brnni I. , nr < Mrn * > ion. An I nlvo nil nnd sinjt.lnr tl r rigti c , ram. Millie Mii-k , iipilpi'H-nl , amhlneiy , tud , lin ! ' "ii. < iM , null ilnl * , liirnliuri' , fi.i I , M nilir ; , mil elli T ctiaU ! , b > lnplri | ; to i r 11 iinltri to In miiinvil | by tli" lU.lnjy itnp. n % , nnd In nny \ \ iv uppi'rl'iinlui ! to thu paid\\iiM nr nny liraneliorpttviKtiin theieof , or lo llewnrklpij of the. mmt' . And nlo all rnd siiiLtil.r the frini'hlsi-i , rightnnd prlllrtm Hint the llnll * wiv ( 'o'iiMiiy | now hni , nr nut ) In rrnlti r nniinre , fur or In r.-iii"rt of Iho siild nhoxr di'irllnu rill .iy < , or nny branch nr iMi'ii'lvn II riraf , or Ini > nni'lrui'tion , in.ilnteimniv , IrrproVinrnt. n ir < lii { , or ii-n of Iho sntint > cethir Hlth nil I rnlnil lU-cimiuinbitlDii * , "tnllorp , "ilrliu-r * , iniclilmi uliopi. lirlilc" " , biiilillnt : * , nruuut- . uppmichi'S , wort ! % \iilxll \ < Ic < ' ! ' , ei'i'tatnts , M"I n piincnnnei1 tri \MthllinSNlilpriniUi ! ' , or n'iy inn thereof , now or nt nny ilmo iliirlni ; Ihn coml'itiiucd ' nt this seiurliy ni'iuTluliiItiK ur CIllilMVl. " ssild dixirhitlon helm ? Inln-ded tnilepcrll'O Iho r.nlhvav * of Iho "jilil Unllunv Cninpiiny si tin ) ! iuiu ain or liuve been netiuuly con-truitrit , nl * tbnin'i thu mime may vary Item the RI'III rnl mute R'ivi diMerllmlldrh aid | 'Kj ' < rilis no ntio ( let nh"d iMiiurira nti.l rotpr il' f < lion It K Iliicn of ra'lway ' actually contrueesl mid In ue , mid CoiC'tb * ! n < followi : 1 l' > i llnej nf r.illnnv con lstliiR of phoitt < lx htm Ire I and eleven ( Oil ) inllen In b nplh , hi'luii th" put * of thn fiilil rnllunjs of Ihn tulil llill av Company ctiiMidlm ; fipni ( Irnt ; IT In W-njilii7 iliroiiili Idaho in Iluntlii'tin In HID si uu of Oregon nii'l ' fioui Mimbinn lu Ketumnn In Mali' ) , which twin ) lli.i.r of rnll- ny w ni formerly the llms nf rnllnny of Hi it oerUIn railway lorponitlon I.noun n * oi.d c.ill-11 thn Oregon Slion I.llio Ha I Inn j ( < tip : liy. J. Vhii ml I nays mid railway impends ( on * pl-tlnif of nhotit four hundred and ltyMnml sltono otie-hundrfilllin (1(0 ( ( ( Hi n.llis In | etHtlihlntj t * p.iit of the snld rMlwnvs of llio ild defonil.itit Hallway ( titnpMiy cxlfmlluj Iro'ii ( Vdoii. In I'liili , northerly ll.roi Kh lih'l.olu ( tirrH > n In M.mtim.i , and ficm Silver l'o to Untie Cltv In Montana .t'Ollin II f llin < of u llwuy formerly vete.l In c Hnln nillnity coiinnttlon e I tlio Ulr.h nnd Northern Jt ll n > ( inipnny. a llto r.illw.i > s ntul r ll ny rrnpiitlii , con * Blitln'of n'juut oil" hunilred mid Ihu ( KI.M n llei Inli'tivtii. I'oltu tlin purls of thn vald HilU\n\aof the xald ilrfendAiil ItnllMav ( Vnnrnny i-xUMiillnu from Silt Inko City to .liinh In Ulnh.nlid former * ly voilcd Int rcitaln ra'lnoy ' urniidloii culled tlu I tali Houlhnrn llnl Imail ( unitiiiy. 4. Tlio rillwiiyn nnd railway pmixriles ren * Istlna of nbotit OH" hundred nnd thill } ( I'M ) mlli > s In liMKlh , mid boin the parts of lie mill rill'i'iys of tin ) defendant inll ny cnini'iiliy ' ex * tendltn from Jnnh to 1'rlpco 111 Vlah , unlch uoro foruTly v-'sted in u coitfiln other iHtl\Miy ciir- iviri'lon called the Utn'.l trullthtT.l Knllroad llx * tMislon r > . Ill rollwnyi and rnll\iny prnpprtlM rnn lft * hunt iiboiit c'u ti'Mi nnd ninety four niio him- .tr.'ltha (18 ( HI ) in. I on In letiKlh , being tl > pnifof Ih" s.ild rilluijrt : : of tlio defendant llnl Us ny Com- lany exti'iidln no n Nanipu to ltol t > ( Uy In 1 Idtio , in 1 whliTi w ro voinl In n rertnln other mllwuv corporation called the Central IU l aCe npuny. (1 I'hu rtll u > s nnd railway prorerlleicomlft * liKornhi. it nlxik oiiDand flfiren otie-hnndii-dili ! ! rat I"miles in iPHKlli , I'xU'tid'lic from I/rhl I'm ! m to'llntlc In ttah.wllh n brinuli ( torn Irj ito i t.i si iv..r Ci y mid iuri'la : : hnd the Ku- ri > x v in u H. f. nneriy called iha halt laiko > t We itr-n I tal I wnv. 7. r 11 rail ways nnd rallnny prop'tlbs conslft- In ; of I'M u thiity nine mid llfty oiu hnndtrdthi i31 .OH ) inlli'1 In li"r.-tii , Lelnt ; tl" ' pi.rl * nl Ihu mllvviv-of HIP iliii'iilnut JLulwny ( ninpiiny tx * ( cillntfnii s.i t l Cltv lo 'K'ruilmi : * In tba -tuii > ( tTti'i.rtlih it 1.1 niln , uud formerly ( nlled tliilTit'i ' fe N'\ ILilluny. H. 'Inn ralluuv * and railway piordtlesron'l > t- ln < nfn oit IK innd clj-hty-flvo niie-lniLdii'dllis (6.s ( , ) nillL > 5 in lenu'li , bi'ln ' the laitiol the- roll * wavof tin ) Ii-fondant llailnay t < e.\ * t . -I ! In , ' limn s\r.irino Jnntl"ii wi'twnnlly In ' Iltvl4r.ii.ity In' Utah , nnd leiimirly ciilltd the O/lJi > t s.-rAru'o Hall nny. u. Tun nll.vnn nnd rnllmiy iroiierllea of nbuut fiirty-tho i. fi ) lull.-D In leiiKtli , beliu' Iho pirn o , ih > * .ilil Iw lyn of Ihe mid iloliinlont iltlltviv Oi'iiiuny pxii'tidliii ! from ( ) Rdi n to i-'iM lil ; > city In Iho stntu of t'tiih , mid formerly call-1 I'm ' ftill l.allioid. Wal'"i nlil llnci of iall nyrro In flirt irnro turtli'Li iit'lv * ( tesrrlbed In nnd mo refrrrrd lonnd iivr.'d In part by tlin under ! } Irgptlnr irortyrKes hiTjiua t'T HpeiUle.l , Ihu propi illto ile-criliil therj n ii"n ! ? Ill p"tt the rame ptopcrlks nliovo pirtiruliitly d.Huibcd. TH jit ler with all ihnneci of the line" ! thei'cof. ' nnd ltd lltlnns nnd braii'hes thereto Mid to nil pa-t < th ri'of , nt nny time in.nlo ur urn-Inn U cl fhVrb ) or lor mid In be-hnll of tl otnld Oiocou Hh-Tt I.luo nnd Vta'i .SoilliLin llalluny H ra- piny tm-'iiillni ' ; In Iho iilur " | U r.d priprriy mi illoned ii'ia.o nil property , real itr iir-riinl , aci < ilr < * l In belinlf of tl.o Oregon hhoit 1.1 no nnd Uui'i ' Northern llnllwiy Company by Ihu rccelv- eis orot K * iisc. . I'toiil'l > lo will bi mada , hntvever , nnd II rin'lnn l nnd nnivliAka undo culm li'te by < ! ds , Liu till" ofilil inrliiii'il prof | rtler. will Le ac- qulr'l.'tibje tto th" following nnderljlncniort- 8K3I npiti siii'ti pirtiof tl'H tnld IT ( .cults 0.1 urjov , i I thi-ri-by and eaibniced the * > ln tijvilt : 1. An In 1nun 1 of mnrtgivn dated the llt t day of .V.ivo.n' > r , 1K-.1 , nml nmilo by the Uu'Kon M lort Line Hallway Ciiipiiny < if tt.e one tint nnd Kwlorlek U Ami" ! mil Jol-n r. lilllon , ( ii.sire , of thn other part , wcurlnit neyotlnblo tciidn Isiuj.l .tul out uaiul Ini ; under the Fiild inc.Hfi cu ill tin ) imjiint tlu-rcnf may be nni-nAliinl , which bn : I ) ivr.i i.iynlilo on thu Ili-l dny ol relirnnry , IIUJ. 'Vith Inter.-t nt six jior cent , per annum , n iv.i ! lri , -ntinilii | 11 v. J. All III lout IM of innrtgiieo dntnl bo first di.'uf.I ly. In'ri , nnd iiudo l.cluicn tb Utah it irth-rn H.llway Couipnny of ( h , me pnrt , au I J ly iliuld and Joseph Ulehnrd.son , tr. , lr < 3 . ot th'i.itlKT . pirtn.-vni nuni-fti'tlable hnnilu lirue d lln-r.iun I T un 1 now oulstiiiiillrK then on r thn nil ) int tlicn-of ii.iy : bit ni eitiilntd.hhh loni1 * nr.jpiyablo on the lint day of July , ItitH , with Inlaroit nt sven per cent , per luiui'm , injnlilo senl-.inntially. miy acerino , on uijno tin1 Ural day of July , 10JD , with Intrna nt the rate of ilvo ixir com. p r iinnuin , piyablo scral mriutlly. t * , ' , si x iir i"iit p-r nnniim , ( aiablo mnl nnnunlly. fi. An InliMiliirj of inoitvngo ( 'ntul the- fir > t ihtrnf Julv , 1471 , mil m.ido ii-tnee'ii tl.o ttah IvutliiTii Itillnu'l Cumpmiy. of the ompi.rtiiid ia n-.a. ( I. An In Inunird of innrtgaie ( 'ntcd ( ho llrsl day ot .lulv , 1H7II. mil i.iadu Ijetxvicn HID Vtnh Hojtln.'ni HillrJid Comrmiy , of tin' one pirt , nnd ii.i.nuio HI - . . ui-annuaiiy. 7. An ImU'iit ro of mortijniJ" I'nled the first diyof luly. lH7ii , and inadt * oeUMi'ti the Utah KoKbt'rn Uillmiil J.xttiiKloti , < f the cno I art , mil tvlllln'ii II. Hooper md Junijll. tria- t" i , of th i oilu-r nut , leiurlii inu'tlabo 1) i.nil . Hoio.1 an.1 outnlaiidlin ; lliri'nndir na Ibo ui.j int t'l-Teuf miy bo i s i rtalnid , whit h LoiuH UM piy.ililjoa tno of July.llf. . with intT'Sint tin * I'tto of > u > e'ii lercmt. i trannul.i , navahlH Ff-ml-annual 1 > . H. An IndU'iturj nf moitriiKu dated the lliFt ilny of Jmuiry. 1HS7 , nnd jnado l-itwien tie Idaho Central lulluii/ > uiiiiiy | , ofllmnno niirt , nnd the Amrl"in ! I itn it Tm > t Company , fiuiue. of tlis ut'ior pirt , B.x'iirlli'4 inKOtinblc liomls If.Mnd anl nut-itAn lln ; thnreiiii'ler , at thn uiiutuiit thtic- of miy toa-ortalni'd , which bunds inn ppyabla on thu IIrtt d ly of January , 1017v , ilh IntcriH at thu rat-j of olx per com. per nnnum , jjiyauli ; semi * mm iilly. Tn | iun-hi'jr ! nt snrh sale will bo refiulrcd to dj-pjiU wit i the CommlsiluiiGr.ln moiuy.thp mm of on ) luii'lrol ihousinid ( IWI.Ojd ( lollnn , mnl If I'm p iirhuwr Bl.all fall to cunipido the puri'iso ! In nn oriJanco with Iho H'ln-.i nf tli3 H.lo , mil up in eoullrinatlon Ihercol by the mart * u idor whoS ) dlri'etlou nnd ilirrco the iili will bo iiii'le , t in ( Upoilt t > o made i.lmll thnrjiipon bj forf < 'lti > a : and If fucli wile -hall not -'Jtillrau I by the cntiit , such < ! e | i sit will bo returned to tlio imicliiinr. If ccnfim.ed , the do- jujltrti male will bo mcepl"d i.nd rccul\cd nut ] uppllud ma pirt of thn i > imliiu > c jirlci1. Oiinoll li'ol Ixm'li ' of the nald uiegon Sliorl Llnonn I Uuh Is'orlhcni Hullwny Coiiijinny , nnO ni"irod hy the comolhUtid n.oilfrri ufuretalil. may hi ten lurul and will he recelM'd ( fiinceount ol fit hldol tlu pnrclinsor. but to such amount 011)5 ) ni would bj natillcablo Ihcrolo uyihn Htmacf tin decrees hid Ihoontlro imrcliiui' prln * IIPVII p l ( ! Him mcyn'it ; theptircfinser must mrvtfc > pav In ni'in > ui n part 01 his purchase ) i rlcu ouch oilier Iiirthor tiinii In money a3 the court may itlur- I1III13. If the MO ! snll ! ho eonnrmed , and the imrchr.80 prlo m-vlo cnmpleti ) I y the pavcium liy II o bid. dir of the puivhasi prlco Ibrrent , udcrd f , rlh liriipTtlon purchanoil will bo execuled liy the ' ( 'oiimlntlonor upjti tin ) illriUlon nnd dn-no of mid rnortf..icoil lAJlwnifi nnd pnpeitliif , enbjcrt hoivoM'r , lu Ihn , undcilylnmortriirfeo tin loon h ' ri'lnbeforn rcferiud ) and lo llio nceUer * oiM rl .Itulnit by. * hn ucli , or under it , from ail rljht und liiu-ri-i ) . In thu snld mortgagi-d prop * trthi. Dated thl i > litlith ' ilny of iv-cvmher , 1M I. JOli : , n. ( ! | .KI.ANI > . CiunmliBlniier. J1IK AMKII1CUN LOAN .t 'I ItUHT COMI'ANV IU ; W. JOHDAH. iu Artui. < nr. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY All Druggists. HOSPITAL FUND 1IANACE1IEXT Union Pacific Employes Got a Before Judge Coniish. SOME SENSATIONAL CHARGES HADE 'roxlltitony 'I'l-iiillnu ; lo Show ( lie .Money llun Hi-en | ) | M < I- ; I | lo IVIvnlo I'MC Viiui'lit'vt ll lulu Ciiiirl , Tlio licsirliifr of the Union r.iclllc emnloyw' jiotltloii nsldiiK for nn nrcoiiiHIiig of tits lioKpltal funil , lolilch they coiitrlbuio ceiiis n mouth , was bcKun yesterday inorn- ItiB btforo Mantcr-lii-rimnccry CornkOi. There \v a n Inrfie attcndanco of Intcrcgtcd railroad men prvsont. Oeiicrnl Malinger IMrk- Inson. U otic ml Supcrltitotulciit N'lrhols , SnpcrlntoiiikMit of Te > leKritph Korty ntul Ocn- orul Solicitor Kelly were nmong llio Union 1'n.elflc olHclnls present , llio lasl named rep resent Ing llio Interests of the com pany. 0 ! r.i tul Chljf I'owcll of the Order of Railway Telegraphers uas lliero from 1'corla , 111. Assistant Grand Chief Dolphin nett-d ns attorney for Uu telegraphers and sue- rcctlod In brltiRlni ; out sotno sensational tes timony. The llrst witness called by the petitioners wns R K. Glllllami , formerly employed by Iho Union 1'acltlc as stallon ngcnt nt 1'n- Iillllon , bnt who wns dlsclim-Rcd on May IS , ISOfi. His testimony merely showctl the origin of the Investigation Into the manner of handling the hospital fund , requested by hlms'lf nnd other contributors to that fund. Ho told how the petition hnd been made nnd how the inntter had been brought before - fore the court. W. U. Powell wns called to explain Iho alms nnd pm-posc * * of Iho order ofhlch ho I.I the chief executive odlccr. The Import of his testimony wns to show that the organiza tion had for Its chief object a fraternal protection of Its meiubem and aid to them when In sickness or trouble. Aslied If he knew of any dlssallsfactlon nmons the mpiit- licrs of the order cmiilo > ed on the Union Pjiclfic icqardlng the manner of handling the uMI'Hal ' fund he Raid thai ho had ivrolvoil ctlcrs from employes showing come griev ance' at the mnnngement of K.tld fund. He was rerjiiffllcd to produce llteso lettern al leging dU nllfifnctlon , but replied Hint ho could not because Ihoy were In hla desk In 1'corla. rilAHGUS MIUSE OK KUN'HS. J. K. McMtillnn of Chicago was then called by the petltloucrs. Until April lasl he was the rhlt'f clcr't ' to Chief Surgeon ( Jalbralth of the Union rncllle. I'rlor to that tlmo he was tin1 chief clerk to General Manager Hurl of Iho lilkhorn rnllroad In this city. Ills testimony conconilng the methods of the medical department of tlio Union I'aclllc pro- dtie'cd quite n stir In the- court room. lie sum that the hospital fund , when ho was laat In the employ of the department , April of the present year , nmotmtcd to $00,000. This money was deposited In nn Omaha bank , but was not drawing any Inlertat. lie had once asked Dr. Galbralth why the money was not placed somewhere where It could earn more money for the fund , and received the answer that It was more important that Hi" money should be In a safe place than thnt It fdtould draw Interest. Ho testified that whisky had been purchased nt Kolcy's for tise on n private car nnd charged tip lo the hospital fund. Surgical lexl hooka of the value of from $1 lo $ S each had been pur chased for Dr. Galbrnlth's uptown ofllcf and paid for from the hospital fund. It aas the etislom of Ihe medical department to have nil prescriptions filled at Ihe drug Btoro of J. IJ. Fuller. The witness said that between $120 nnd $130 wns paid each month for these prescriptions , no matter what number of prescriptions were filled during that time. Ho said he had told Dr. ( Jnl- brnlth onro that It would be cheaper to make a different arrangement with a phar macy , paying for Just what wns actually obtained. Mc-Mullcn teotificd that a man named Sweeney , the superintendent of a coal mine nil thn urslnrii nnrl nf * h moil v.o.1 i.nn > . paid ? 17f a month until the sum aggregated - gated nearly ? 1K > 0 , while he was sick. Swccnoy was In Kansas City , Hot Springs and olhcr places when the money was pnld him. Witness said that while ho uaa In charge of the ofllre , during one of Dr. Gal- hralth's hunting trips , he refused to approve a voucher for the payment of this monthly check In favor of Sweeney. He later re ceived orders from Dr. Galbralth to endorse nil such vouchers , Ihe chief surgeon saying that ho bad an understanding with Su perintendent Megeath of the coal depart ment on the matter. rilI.SI3.NTS TO KRH..VDS. The witness further testified to the pur chase of several sets of surgical knives by Dr. Galhraith. These knives were charged to the hospital fund , and wcio later pre sented by the chief surgeon to some medical friends. The witness said that ho was dli * charged from the service of the company In April. Dr. Galhrnlth told him thnt Ihere wns no cause for his dismissal. Ho did network work during the month of April , but re ceived $150 pay for that month. Ho had made an agreement before starting to work for the I'nlon I'aclllc that he was to have thirty ilajs1 notice of dlschart' ( . McMiillrii tefltllled that ho had told. Presi dent Clark of the Union Pacific of the cx- htlng condition of affairs. In the first Inter view Mr. Clark wns In a hurry , ns ho wns going to Chicago , hut he rc < iue8ted McMuIlun lo come hack at nnnthnr tlmn in tim u - J end Interview President Clark told McMnllcn that ho had looked Into the matter nnd hail found that Ur. Galbrnlth was In the wrong. MeMullcn raided that Prcs.dent filark had nald that If Galbralth did not act differently IheTC would be a chance In that department. NO ACCOUNTING TO TUB MUN. The afternoon session did not keep up thu sensational pace bd lu the morning. Iloth the hospital fund nnd the wage dclio'liil * cases were taken up nnd testimony in them taken together In order thnt the station agfiits who. called In from various points on the Nebraska division for Ihe oc casion could return to their posts on the ovenliij ; trains. Tha ngcnt at Ilenton testified that he had never seen nn accounting of the hc pltul funds. Ho had never received any aid from the same , neither had ho over Inquired Into the management nf the fundK. ) . A. Ilald- wln , agent nt Gllmoro , offered similar testi mony. Ho had nnvi-r any accounting of the funds Ir question , hut It hnd never oc curred to him to Inquire Into Iho matter. Agent Tomllnson nt Alva testified that ho had bean In the Union Pacific's employ for sixteen years. Ho lind never received nny benefit from the fund , neither had ho ever seen nny account of the mnnagement. Ho IUM ! never asked for either , and had never hpard any discussion about the hospital fund management until recently. W. L. llolleir , agent at Silver Creek , offcrej similar testi mony. In ( ho wngo schedule case Agent Italdwln lestlfld thnt his salary had been cut from $ H7 lo $35 n month last February. Ho offred another station at the snmo tlmo his salary was cut , hut he could not accept It until the following month. Agent Tnmlln- KOII bald that his pay hnd been ri'ducud from fi2 ; to ? : ; .r , a month , but thnt thcro hail been no chnngc In the number of hours he worked. This was from March until May , while the telegraph wire * ware out of iho ollico an I while ho wax not acting as telegraph oper ator for the company. Agent Heller nilI , that ho wns station agent nt Silver Cresk. Ho had bocn In the employ of thfi Union Pacific for thirteen years. Ho hnd iihUod to he promoted meted to the station at Central Clly. hut the position was given to another man. who hail been In the nervlco of Hi * company for a shorter period of lime. Witness said that Superintendent Suihnrland had ( old him tlio man appointed to the place una more com * pulcnt Attorney Dolphin cndeavoied to rhow tlial Heller was dlkcilnilnutcd acaltut hLT.iufif lie was Interested In a labor organ isation , Ihn place being given to a nnn- mumbnr nnd nn tnuiny uf Iho lelcgrnphorii' order. One of the reason * given by the Union Pacific for the dlKrnUaul of Agent ( illlllnnd from Paplllion was his "dUhnnorablu ticnt- menl of Ml.a Mabel Knapp " The mcscen- gvr boy who didlvaicd a fii-tltiotis telegram to Ml/iH Knapp. unit by Ollliland ( ratified to having delivered the note ( Jlllllnml wus placed on the Bland and recounted at souio length 111 * ronluct ( award Mls Knnpp and concomitant mailers. An rlllort lovnsh a Inrno bundle of rolled linen In court In con nection with this case was srnmshpd by JudRp Coriilnh , whs promptly threw out mich ohjectlonnl mnitcr M wn not directly con nected with lite cn. o under consideration. N roii Atinvr s > vm.n. ItocK I-lnnil tlci'iimilrct ( tic Alilllt.v of Aliollicr Omnlia Jliin , II A. Snyder , general agent of the- freight department of the ChleAK > \ Itock Inland & IMeltlo In this city , will on January 1. 1SD7 , become first nmltttint general frclghl ngpttt of the entire Hock Inland system. Advices to thin effect \\rrc. received In Omnha yesterday morning from Chicago. Mr. Snyder la nt present nl the Chicago head quarters , nnd nothing could bo learned ot the change nt the Ideal oillces of the road , The name of his successor Is not yet known. Mr. Snyder will , In hla new position , succeed 13. 11. Uoyil. The latter has been promoted to the pMlllon next higher than that of llrst assistant general freight agent , HHincly , general freight agent of the Hock Isl.ind MUCH \\cst of the Ml. sourl river. Mr. lloyd's new hcndiiunrlcrs will be In Topeka , nnd he rmccceds D. Atwood. It In said there will bo other changes nmong uoino high olllelal.s , but their nature Is not yet known. H. A. Snyder hns been the general ngent nf the Hock Islnnd'a freight department In Omaha for the past seven years , nnd hai been held In high esteem among both ship pers nnd rnllroadrrt ) . There was slnccro regret nmong the rnllroad olllclnls who learned ot Mr. Snyder's promotion ycatcrdny morning that ho was to leave Omaha , hut nil expressed thriraclviB well pleased that such n genial nnd competent man was to occupy the high position made vacant by Mr. lloyd's promotion. Mr. Snydcr is n Phllndolphlnn nnd n graduate uateof the Central High school of thnt city. He began hl railroad career there , his dipt Important post being with the Philadelphia & Reading rnllroad ns through freight ngcnt. Then ho wns trnniferred to Chicago , whom he represented the freight department of the samernllrond nnd looked after the Inter ests of the Philadelphia & Heading Coal ntul Iron company. In ISM ) lui accepted a posi tion wllh the Chicago. Hock Island & Pacltlc , and soon afterward was sent nut to Omnhn as the general agent of the freight depart ment , lie has held this pncltlou contin uously since then. He Is man led. , but linn no children. He will remove to'Chicago shortly after January 1. Ho will return from Chicago lo Omnhn In ttmo to oat Christmas , dlnner at home. H Is a nrlcworthy fact Hint both Mr. Iloyd and .Mr. Snyder , who have Just received thesn important promotions , nro comparatively vounc men. Xnllhcr has vet HPIMI lil 4 JOIh jear. The one Is about 35 years old. nnd tlio other Is his senior by two years. Iloth have been regarded an strong men In the Hock Island's freight department , for novural years past , nnd It is no great surprise that llioy move up n peg together. . ( . -.POUT (31VI..V ITTI.I. riu.nn.voi : . Aniilln-r TrniiNi'iiiilliioiidil ItinCun - nlili'fcil ( Inllc Iiiipi'iiliulilc , There Is not much ercdenco given nt tlio Union Pacific headquarters lo the report that Immediately after the sale of the St. Joseph & Grand Ifiland road there will bo n new transcontinental line pnrntloltug Ihu Union Pnrlllc nnd the Ce'titrnl P.iclfie nnd connecting with the Baltimore ! & . Ohio nt Ilcjrdstowu. Asked for his opinion on the matter , n I'nlon Pacific olllelal yesterday morning said : "I ahould , nay the scheme , at the moat , Is a very lomoto possibility. There are plenty of transcoutlnentul lines now nnd noun of them nro earning great profits. The ter ritory lu the southwestern part of the state , ncioss which the proposed road would have to build n lino. Is now prclty well covered by n network of Ilurlliigton brnnchcs. Fur thermore , Ibis transcontinental road nt St. Joseph would find olhcr transcontinental Hues nt Now Orleans , nt Omnha and St. Paul ready to ill puto Its every Offort to sfr- ctiro business and lo Impede Its progress. I think wo'll cee no now Iratiacontlncntal rail road In the Immediate future. " Iliick Inland I.IIJN OIY Tuo Tl'ftlns. Passenger trains Nos , 7 nnd 8 on the Chicago cage , Hock Inland & Pnclfic did not run aa usual yesterday morning. They hnvo uccn laucn oit uccauso they wcro not making expenses , nnd will not l.o placed lu service ngnlu until travel between Omaha and Hcllcvllli' , Kan. , picks up again. They hnvo been runnlui ; dally , except Sundays , for Iwo yenrs past , and were discontinue J yesterday morning. They dlil only the local work from hero west lo Ilcllcvllle , and the locnl travel for some tlmo has been exceedingly poor. HalMvnynlts niul IVrNiiniiN. Traveling Freight Agent Snvago of the Plant system waa In town over Sunday. J. S. Shropshire , formerly nn attorney ot the Union Pacific at llutle , Mont. , io In Iho clly. clly.Mrs. Mrs. Clinton Kranklln of the Union Pacific's division freight office- was nblo to be at bur desk nguln yesterday morning after a brief Illness. Division Freight Agent Lane of the Union Pacific nnd General Agent Kiiliu of the Northwestern have returned from a trip through the Hate. The Burlington's expcrlmcntnl agricultural stations receive cousldcrn'ilo favorable men tion In the lasl Issue of the Soil Culture and Farm Journal of Sioux City. Burton Johnson , second assistant general freight agent of the Northwestern , will on January I hocomo the general freight agent of Ihe Wisconsin Central , succeeding J. C. Macldnnon. resigned. Mr. Johnson had hueti wllh the NorthwGtern since * 1ST9. fi ; : ! ' Permits to wed hnvo been Is-tucil to lilt following pat lies liy the county Judge : Name nnd UfHldcnrp. Ago. Phillips , /.Ink , Oinnim ffi J'k'ilni.'ilin. Oni.ilm CC H.tns M. ll.iiihi'ii , Siinlh Oinuhu } Lena h. Mlllur , South Onuil.a Henry Norman , Omnha II Mrs. 131la .Mc.CiimnbeH , ] ( Gladness Comes With n better tiiiilerhinndliifi of ( lie transient nut arc of the ninny phys ical ills , which vnnitili before proper of- forth gentle ! cifortbpleasaiitclloiis rightly ilirectwl. 'I'ltere i ccunfoit in tlio ItmnvU'dgc , tliut M ) niapy form of fiiultnL'h.s niv not duo to any auttial dis * eiiBC , but hlinply lo a uoiihtiiKitcdcoiKli- * tiuii of tin' B ht'oin , whicli thu pluaHiuit family laxative , Syrup of FipB. promjit * ly ruinous. Thnt Is why il is tlio only remedy with niillloiiKof fninilieH , mid ill every whi'i'u ehtccitit-d f.o bi' lily by nil who value jfood health. P.l.c'iiclluiiil < JTccth tire iliio to the fact ' . Ills the OHO remedy which pronu ' . iultiriinl uleaaliui'ss witlioill ( lcl > htittluif tlui or/faun / on whicli it nets. It in tht'roforo all important , in order loiret its bene ficial ofTects , to uolo whuii you pur chase , that you huv ( ! llio ( loniiinci arti cle , whicli is manufactured by Ihu Call- foniia ! ' ! ( 'Hyrup Co. only anil hold by all reputabi ! ) dnijrpsts. | It lu thu enjoyment of ijooil health , find tlio syhtom is , laxativohor other remedies are then not needed. 'If nlllictud wltli any uctual dUuato , ona limy be commended to the most hlilllful phyhiuiaiM , but if In need of it laxative , out ) should ha\ < > the best , nnd with the woll-lnformed everywhere , Hyrup of Inchest and is inot.t liuwly