0 COMMERCIAL AND F1NANCIAI Wheat Holds Eemrirkably Steady tun Closes Olio-Fourth Gent Higher. BANK FAILURE DISCOURAGING FEATURI t'rnn InmiiK < < Itcpuit * An ; .Vo Lei AuiiH-i'iiiin 'I'lnui llrfnrc nml ( he Injury friini Unfit vtirnlilo , \VcnllnT In .Sirrndlniv. CHICAGO. Dec. 21.-H wns foreign new : mruliiHl thu loonl bank sucpunslon In tin wlient pit today , and thu former won Wheat held remarkably steady nnd closet only y4c lower than Saturday's limit ilRiires Tlio latgo export dumnnd ha n mnrkcil of foot on HtislnlnlnB the market. Corn nm out closed a shade lower and provisions un \Vlioitt K"t a 1'ody blow fi-om nn uneX' peeled iiunrtcr before Hie opening. The fall , uro of the National Hank of Illinois cntiu ns n preat surprise. It rntlHcd nil Immcdlatt drop of about ye pr bushel In whcnl nt thi opening. The failure of Ihc bank WJIH MIC eroded by rumors of further llnniii'la trouble , and the suspension of two jiilv.iU lunkH soon followed. Notwlthhtnndlnt -wheat made Its lowest price for the dny nl the opening , when May was quoted fron 7 ! > c lo 7aUc. It ro c to Thftu HOOU nfter nml Imil n long KiriiRRle between " 'J'.sc and 7U',4c before It finally rose nml struck n stronger upward Rait. The news otherwise regardlnc tlio wheat situation wns iironoitnced bullish The amount of vihoal on ocean pass.tRC was found to liiivi- been decreased 010,100 bu Hlnco Monilay taxi : the Hltiek sea portu ex ported lo Knropc 3C2I.FX ( ) bu. , compari'il will : fi,272H'0 ( ' bu. on tlie week b-fore , and thu I.lv- orpool grain innrket In eonscquoncu wa > fin in ' -.el to "id per cental higher nt the opening today than It closed Saturday. The receipts at l'lilciiio nml In the northwest wen- very light. Chicago not S3 cais1 , mvilnsl 2,11) ) last year , and Minneapolis ami Dnititli got Win. compared with S10 a woeh ago nml DW on the corresponding day of tin year before. The visible supply statement was somewhat of a disappointment. It wns generally expected to show a small decrease , . " , ( ) , ( iOO Im. or fio. but Instead there was an Increase of 87.000 ! Im , and was the cause ol one of the rather frorim-iit lluctuatlons. A great deal of the strriigth of wheat , In face of the bad Ilmmclal news , was accredited tn the urea I demand frora the t'nlted 'Klng- ilom for rash wheiii at the seaboivd and for May wheat here. New York had buylnn or. ders hero for May wheat before the opening nt 791111 , when they knew at the. same time that It was quoted at 71 ' ? c on the curb here. The buyliiK orders came In a Hteady stream from there all dny. t'rop dam.iKo reports were no less munerott.i than before , and tin' ' Injury from the prevnilitiR unfavorable weather appeared to bo s-preTdlnp. The world's exports to Knropp as ollU'lally re ported wen- only fi.7M.00) ) bu. The closing llKtires for Mav wheat were nt from 79&C to 7'JWe. aKiilnst 7 T < iC on Salurday. Corn was slow and weak early In sym pathy with wheat , and the causes which inndo that cereal weak but reacted some later when wheat Improved ni\d \ the finan cial skies became clearer. Trailing , how- I'ver , was extremely dull , and the variation In prices covered only a He range. May opened about It-Hie lower at ! ! V and fold to ftnm 2."i'e ' ( , to 2.V/C , closing steady at 2Vic. Oats weie weak and lower durlnu the early part of the session , but advanced later nml recovered the loss with n fraction In the bargain. There was considerable buy- IHK on the decline and a few short lines be- Hldes were covered. The heaviness was the most Influence through sympathy with wheat. May opened a shade lower at from IMjc to IJHic , sold no to from liJ4C ! to Ii7 e nnd rested at from lli e to K\c bid. The provision market was dull but llrm , nnd although prices at the close today were utmost Idi'iitlenl with Saturday's closing the tone of the trade was llrm. Kiilr support was given by packers , who are not anxious for a break In prices nt present. Mav pork closed unchanged at J''jai . : May lard a Hhade lower at Jl.02',4 ; May ribs unchanged nt N.fG'.A. . ICstlmatcd receipts Tuesday : Wheat , 5.1 cars ; corn , 12.1 cars ; oats , .110 cars ; hogs , SO.OilO head. Tin ? leading futures ranged ns follows : Artlclt'H. | OM'ii. | | HJKh. lLo\y l Wheat : lire. . . 7m ( May. . . ( 711 July , . . . 73J 74 H 74) ( , Corn- 22H Jan . . . . * ' May. . . . J5' J5U OatH- IH'c . . . 1ll' ' 1(14 ( May. . . . H'M ' Pork- Jan. . . . 7 no 7 no 7 07 ! $ Trt.l May. . . . 7 U'J.li 7 1)5 ) 7 DO 7 05 7 Ul''i ' Lar.t- JHII . . . .1 S''K 'I 85 3 ' . " 3 85 ; t 85 Mav. . . . 4 05 I 05 4 u'Jtt 4 115 Sh't Klhs Jan. . . . 3 S74 3 87H May. . . t ' . ' t 05 1 O'JK t OL'M 4 115 Cash nuotathms were as follows : FI.OUK--Easy ; ulnler patents , St.Wit 1.7. , ; IralKhti ; . $ I.5UU4.5 ; spring specials , 4.50 ; cprlliK Iiatents. $4.15fft.50 ; strulKhte , $3.75i4.00 { ; bakers , $3.10if3.l5. WHEAT No. 2 sprlnK , 7C4ii7CTic ; No. 3 sprint- . 72 i75c ; No. 2 led , U > ; Ub8 > ic. i-OUN No. 2 , 22S.U22-HC ; No. 2 yellow , 22H1 ? Z2ic. OATS No. 2. 16 ic ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 19if20V-c : No. 3 white , 17fI7ic. ! HYE-No. 2. 37c. IIAUI.EY No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , * 3 f34c ; Nu. 4 , f. o. b. . 20 25c. FLAXSHED-No , 1. 71',4 i73ic , TIMOTHY snED-l'rlmc , $2.05. I'ltOVlSIONS MCF.H pork , per bbl. . $6.S5fC.90 ; lard , per 100 Mm. , $3.77H 3.S.O . ; short ribs sides ( loose ) , $3.751j4.lO ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , $ l.251i4.M > : short clear sides ( boxed ) , $ I.OOQ4.it4. 1'OUl.TUY-Flrm ; turkeys , lie ; chickens. 6ST C'.ic ' ; duiks. 9 lOft WHISKY Distillers' llnlahcd foods , per gal. , JlilOi The followhiK were the receipts and shipments today : On the Product ) cxeh.iniro today thu hutti-r mar- Kft w.-m linn : cn-amery , l"j , ' 'lc : dairy. 10 17c. Egn , llrm ; ( nmli , ' 'Do. ChocBO , vteaily ; n't-itlo. NU\V YOIIIC JIAHKKT. < ln < iiitliiiH or ( lie Day on ( iriifi-iil ClIIIIIIKIlllllt'N. NU.W YOIIK , Dee. 21.-KLUH-necelpts , 31- 000 hbls. ; exports. 33,615 bbls , ; dull , with free offerings of spring patents ; Minnesota patents , $4.4JfH.C5 ; Minnesota bakers. $3.40ff4.00 ; winter patents , $ l.40foS.10. Ilyu Hour , dull ; KUperllne , $2.85y3.05. lluckwheat Hour , dull ; $1.30 $1.3" . HUCK WHEAT- Dull nt 2S 2S > , ic. COIIN MEAIYelhiw eastern , Me. HYi : Nominal : 40fj42e. IIAIII.IY : Dun ; isH2suc. 11AIII.EV MALT-Western. $5.3005.50. WHEAT HeeelptH. 130.400 hu. ; expoits , 2I.M5 bu , ; spot llimer : Nn. l hind , U2ic. Optlonn iipcned weak ami declined , owing to the Chi- rage bunk failure' nnd lh Inctease In the \ls- lbl supply ; later rallied sharply on large ex port orders , covering of nearby options and llrm cables , closing unsettled at ' .iW o advance im neaiby months and > ic lower on hue month. ; No. 2 led. May , S5MKc. ( closed at tsy.c ; De cember. gGKCinUr. close.l at k7e. COIIN Hecelpts , 7I.COO bu. ; i-xports. 6I.2S5 hu ; Hint steady ; No. 2 , 2s\c. Otitlons opened steady. mu'd off under tlull trading , rallied pat Unify nn covering of neaiby options , und closed VkO higher to Utt'in net lo er ; May , 31 l-lcisiUe , clusid at 3l < itv ; Dicembcr , closed lit "bKe. OATS llecelpls. 113.700 bu. ; exports , 33.531 hu. : spot. No. 2 , 22c. Options moderately ucll\o nnd llrmrr , ehisliiK paitlally ' .tiHe hlKher ; May. 23tf24'tc ; , clo > cd at S4c ; December , closed ut - ' - ' < > HAY Dull : shipping , $5.50fli.00 ; good to choice. $7.00 Ji 7.50. llOPS-Dull ; IM15 ciop. 307Hc ; 1S % crop. kfflSc ; I'arlllu const , IH * crop. 3U7'ic ; IWC crop , 9U13c ; Ixindun market dull. IIIDES-Dull : tlalveslon , lff3o ! ; nuenos Ayrcs. dry , nominal ; Texas , dry , 94c ! ; California , 15V. 1. KATIIEIt Steady ; hemlock sole , llucnus Ayies , light to heavy weight. 19VsC2 Hc. WOOIr-Qillvti lleece. 15li20o ; pulled , I501So. PIIOVISIONS Itcef hams , $ lsCo asked ; packet. $ S.l > 0 ill,50 , Cut inruU , quiet ; pickled bellies. M 36fi4.75 ; pickled thoulders , ( I.Mli/4.25 ; pickled lianm , 5S.MtiS.T5. Ijinl , Hteady ; western steam , 5I.IJI6 ; rellned , llrm. Prrk , llrm ; mess , $ S.2. > ii'S.5 : hhort clear , extra prime , 5 < .7W10.,0. Tallow , bteaily ; city. 3i3Uc ! ( ! ; counlry. 3' ' , fi3Sc. OILS Petroleum , dull ; united closed at Okbid. . Itofln , iiulet ; strained , common to good , 5I.K ) . Tiiipenllni' , quiet at 27i274c. Cotlonieed , nominally steady ; prime crude. :0c ; prime dim- uier yvlliiw , SJc , off summer yellow , 22ti023c. IltJTTKH Hecelpts , 3.r..i > pkcs. ; steady ; west ern creamery. nur.'c ; Elglns , rfc ; factory. 7U I.e. I.e.CHEESE CHEESE Itecelpls. 2.300 pkgs. ; inaiket quiet ; largo. 7i010Hc ! ; imall , 7ttK'iCj ! ' part sklinn , Slilit'.ic , I.HJdS-necelpIs , 3.067 tikKn. ; market steady ; Hate nnd Pennsylvania , SIlilBc ; western , 15j22c. IIK.T Hteady ; fair to extra , JliUC'.ic ' ; Japan , UIHC , JIOI.AKSIiS-Qulct : New Orleans , open kettle , Bootl lo choice , i'C03lc , for new crop. METAl.S-PIg Inm. cany ; southern , $11.00ff 12.S1 ; northern , $11.00ffn.OO. Copper , quiet ; hnikers , $11. S5 : pxchatiKr. $ HMRI1.50. Tin , steady ; utraltB 512.W. Plates , dull , SH | > lter , dull ut 5.i'iii ' ( . . l'\g \ lead shown flrninens , with offerlnzii small. HovltMV of Kiiroiit'iiu Cruim , LONDON , Dio. 11-Tho Mark Lane rifcrlti : I , dny IJ 'inp iuFp"tt flVhll the Wheat Is Fin.ruhnt Inlf III KfnlMI' , this I Hi , , h.i lmik. f'r n fn\.nllc r.mwlh t > f th nutUM.n soun wheat and rye Ir. ripo' ' ' ' ' ! f1'11' All the districts of ctntrtil Europe , but In Krone Innttirs iir * not nearly so mitlsfncloiy. Th wrulher In IIUFsIn Istty utiFfttled , frort un Ihnw rrlRnlnR In mpld succ sh > n , with 1m effect on the aiilumn sown mnln. The Aru-"i tine clop is nut t lought to 1 * \er > Inrnr. l i advices contllct. Kotr-mn wh at dors nni t * well , even at H decline , and every bo l > exK < t nn Inert tradn until after ClirHtmns. x'M bilfl hUFlness during liM hnt furlnlKht of .Innuarv. STtlCKS AMI IIOM1S. Si'i'iirlty .Mnrkcl Dfiillnux Clfnrl.v li Knvor of ( litllullit. . NRW YOIIK , Dec. ! 1 The stork marlift todn : WIIH t Ionrly In favor of the butK and n mini her of the hear piofecslonult and also hulls \\ltli nut stocks , mlFcnlculated the speculative condl HOIIF by hi'.i % > Fnles. In conr.ectlon with n west din bunk falluie. The financial community a large , houevcr , wns much more Impressed by Ih ahrence of n rente abroad on the Cuban Im bnnllo nnd the belief Hint t.iere was n < i POFSI bllliy of busty action on the patt of this fov eminent nnd by the nonnmterlnllznthm of th conlldentlnlly expected exports of gold to < Jcr mnny. The news that the Cameron Cubr.it reso lutlun had been hung up until after the boll days , thus affording ample time for fuli dellber atloti , and Incieasing Indications of protrnctci debate on the subject , resulted In thn txecutlot nf u larger proportion of commlFFl n olden thi.n has been nnteil for Feme tlm piirt. Londot prkes fcr Anurlcati securities innie hlKher an , { fnlily larg buying ordeix for foreign nccoun weru executed In this matkct. The bt-ais testci I the Fpecuhitlve spirit enily , but sunn pnve uj I thn conlrM nnd co.'ctcd extensively until tin I reported failure of thu National Hank of Illl IIOIH and two minor InMltutlons , canted the put ting out of fresh Fbort lines. The market win active , nct'irdlntf to recent a\eraRe. , nnd tin dealings well dlsti United , the more conlldent tern per being alto icllerted In decided strength In UK railway nnd miscellaneous bond markets. Tin course of prices In the forenoon was somewhai Irregular , owing to tha changes nf front by tin bears , and moderate liquidation rf long slocks. . In the specialties the bears made some sue. cetFes. Manhattan wns attacked , the price ! Jli'ldlng 2'i ' per cent to 85'4 ' , on liquidation ol long stock , Induced by the legal attack en th * company. The stock was well supported nt th < low level , and In the subsequent trnnsiictlum jumped to 0 , closing nt n net Improvement ol IS , per cent. The ( lould shales were especially strong , Improving stfndlly ns the dny pngrcsMd. and resisting persltent nttacks by the Interest ; that have recently been free sellers. Consoll. dated Oas moved violently , reacting 3 pel cent early , with a subsequent rally of 2 per cent. A favorable Impression wns created by the e.v change In the market In tinnflernoon nnd heavy liujlns was noted all around , with Sugar , Chicago Gas nnd the grangers leading the deal. Ings. HOUPCB with WnFhlnglon connections wert prominent In the ilse. The Inactive stocks ie- cclveil mi.ie attention than of late , and , an r rule , nduuieed sharply. In the active list , Hur- llngton. Western fnlon. Hock Island and To- Imeco scrip gained 2 per cent. The closing waF 'Btruiiff at slight recessions from the top llgures. The bond market displayed strength on u re newed Imtftment Inquiry , which Intioduced n large Multty of Issues. The sales were $1.12 .000. Some exceptions to the general upward tendency were lecorded , but the losses were generally u.i- Important. ( lovcmments ruled steady , except for the new 4s , which fell a sharp fraction In the early dealings nn heavy sales , a block of $1,000,000 of the coupons changing hands nt Ml. Subsequently n better tone developed , with the closing1 gcner- nlly steady ; large amounts were traded In over the counter , with the dealings ut the board footIng - Ing up $1,014.000. Thn Evening Post's London financial ca blegram says : The stock mnikets wen- Idle and of n holiday character , but with n cheerful tulle. Americans tnok , thelr cue this mornlnc from the tone of the Madrid cable dispatches and opened' llrm. They remained above the purity until New York prices were learned and then fell on the repoiled bank failure In Chicago. They milled npnln at the close , which was good. Spanish stocks were strong here and In ParK Mines were better. The Paris bourse uns steady , ns was also the llcrlln mar ket , where money Is easier. Th following were the closing quotations on II. " leading stocks of the New York exchange today : Tlio total sales of stocks today were 2.f.92" > ( hares. Including the following : Arnerlean SUKnr , 39.2H ) ; HnillliKlon , HI.WK ) ; General Elcc- Ille , 3,300 ; Chleaco ( las , ij.SOO : Ixiulsvllle , 10,000 ; Manhattan. 16.60(1 ; Ml-ronil I'aelllc. 3,700 ; Itend- Inc. 17.000 : Hock Island , 8.000 ; St. . Paul , 32.000 ; Tennessee Coal and Irun , a.dffi ; Western Union , 7,300 ; Wabash & Lake Erie , 3,700 ; Southern railroad preferred , 5 , > oi > . Xoiv Vnrlt .lliinoy. NEW YOIIIC , Dec. 21.-MONEY OX CAI-I - Easler at ISI'j ' per cent ; last loan , l'.i per cent , doced offered at 1 per cent. PKIMK MEUCANTII.E l'AI'EIl-4S5 per cent. STEIU.INO EXT'lIANfJE-Easler , with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.S7'i ' for demand mid $4.h3 i for sixty days ; posted rates , $4.&l't ( ? > I.W',4 nnd $ l.t7'i 4..s.si-j ; commercial bills , $ U2ii. 1IA11 SILVEU-65UC. SILVEIl CEUTlUK-ATr.S-65'.ifl65'Jc. ( lOVEHNMENT HONDS-Stcudy ; btatc bonds , [ lull ; railroad bonds , strong. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : 'OMAHA ' LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Offerings of Oattld of Generally Poor Quality , GOOD BEEVES BRING STEADY PRICES IJmlrr Crniti-N Srll I'rrHy nt Saiir ( ln > ' HIIKN Mart Illutu-r , lull llmlljClnnhiK Aliont Stonily. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 21-llcceliUs for the ilnys Indicated wcro : Cuttle. HOB * . Sheep. Horses. December 21 2,2,1) 4,172 2 , 10 December in l.Tfll 5.JSS Ci',2 iH'M'rnbor IS 1.1HS Ti.947 1.0S7 December 17 2,212 7.37D 1,232 23 December 16 3HI ) 0,778 1,244 December 15 3.2 8.110 Z.SGO December 14 3,103 2.41W 2,103 December 12 M2 3 , 23 77 ! ) December 11 1,314 4a ! > 0 729 December 10 2.3 J 6,303 f,4G December ! ) 3.52S 4..V.9 WM December 8 3.2SS 4,292 2,0" . BO December 7 2,700 1,730 S3.1 The olllclnl number of cn.ru of stock brotiKht In toilny by each roa'l was : Cattle. Hogs" . Sheep. C. . M. .t St. P. Uy C Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pnrlllc Hystem 42 1C S R , K. & M. V. H. U IS 13 C. , St. P. . M. & O. Uy 1 7 H. & M. H. U. H 13 12 1 ( ' . , H. * Q. lly . . C. . II. I. & P. Uy. . cast 2 C. , U. I. & P. Uy. , west. . . . 2 1 Totals 5 CO fl The disposition of tlio day's receipts was ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : llnyers. Cattle. Hoss. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1.US2 O. H. Haminonil Co no 1.2S9 Swift nntl Company 211 1,132 11 rtldahy Packing Co 410 057 311 U. llecker and Degan. . . . 243 Viinsant & Co 3i ! J. 14. Carey 13S l.obman Ai Uothschllds. . . . M W. I. Stephens 370 Hill & Lewis company. . . 10.1 lk-nton & Undcrwpod Ki Huston it Co C Hayes , Jackson & Helves 739 Other buyers 31 ! ) IS Left over 100 . . . . 916 Totals 2,158 4,178 2,010 CATTLE The week did not open with a very liberal run of cattle , the receipts be ing smaller than last .Monday by about 1,00'J head , and smaller than two weeks' ape by MO head. Hesldes being few In number the quality of the killing cattle was not good on an average , though there wire cattle here fully as good or better than anything on snle at the close of last week. The supply of dressed beef steers wa limited to a dozen or fifteen loads of corn fed cattle , none of them good or well finished. The market opened fully steady on handy cattle that suited the buyers' purposes , and some decent kind of stuff sold at M.OOfH.lO. The less attractive cattle were slow and the market was easier. Hatchers' stock , especially the better grades of cows and heifers , was In good request , and sold freely at last week's clos ing prices. All told there were about ten or a dozen loads on snle and the demand was sulllclently active to effect an early clearance of everything In the yards. The strength that was developed In the market for stockers and feeders last week still continues , and values today on that kind of stock were firm and the demand active. As showing the strength of the market , one bunch of choice feeders sold up to $1.00. The springers were all taken In good season. Representative sales : NATIVES. HEEK STEEIIS. v.Av. . Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. 7. . . . JO. " . } 3 15 2. . . .1000 J3 Ki S1..1070 $3 ! ' 0 1..1030 3 M 20..11C , 370 S2..1224 3 ! > 0 1..1400 340 44..1357 3 fO 17..11SJ 4 IK ) 40..130.- GT , 1..1200 3 f 5 1..12TO 400 1..1010 3 C5 10..1191 3 S3 10..1358 410 1. . . . 740 1 00 1..1I20 2 25 1. . . . 890 2 rs 1. . . . liOO 1 75 1. . . . 050 2 30 2..1130 2 55 1..1030 1 85 3..1010 2 30 3..12(0 ( 2 CO 1..1070 2 00 3..mo 2 30 1..1010 2 CO 2..1015 2 00 4..H15 2..10CO 2 CO 2..1110 2 00 1. . . . SSO 2 Ji 2..11W. 2 70 1. . . . U40 2 00 1..H40 2 40 25. . . . 818 2 73 1. . . ? SICO 2 00 3..117(5 ( 2 40 1..1000 2 H > 2..1075 2 00 2..12SO 2 40 11..1177 2 83 1335 2 10 2..1210 2 40 3..122li 2 83 2. 1030 2 10 C. . . . KlliS 2 45 7. . . . 8SO 2 90 1. 850 2 10 " . . . . 800 2 50 2..1210 2 'M 1. . . . 970 2 10 ' 1..10IO 2 DO 1..H90 2 90 7. . . . ! S4 2 13 1..1070 2 50 1C..1033 2 93 1..1020 2 15 L. . . MO 2 M 1..1350 3 00 1..10HI 2 15 2..11GO 2 50 2..1010 3 00 3. . . . ? CO 2 15 3. . . . sen 2 Ml l..110fl 3 00 1. . . . HO 2 : o 1..1100 2 f,0 2. . . . 794 3 10 II 1. . . . MO n. . . 785 2 F5 3. . . 753 3 10 . . 710 2 GO 1. . , 3SO 2 'J5 , 910 3 30 2 ! ! . .IOCO 2 G5 . an 3 oo , 405 3 CO 3. . . . 743 , 825 3 00 11. . . COS 3 CO 3. . . . DG3 2 73 HULLS. . .1515 1 00 1..I230 2 35 1. . .1410 2 CO . . MO 2 00 I..ltd ) 2 40 4. . .1200 2 05 . .1120 2 00 1..1IW 40 1. . .1350 2 C3 .1300 15 2..1525 2 43 2..1000 2 C3 1. . .1140 2 13 I..1530 250 4 1005 2 C3 I. . .IK'O ' 15 1..14(10 ( 2 CO 1..10V ) 2 G3 1. . .1300 2 25 2..1430 2 M 1..H10 2 M 20. . .1178 2 23 5..1MiO 2 55 2 tO 1. . .1050 2 30 1..11SO 2 C5 .1S30 2 ! )0 ) 1. . ,130V 2 35 2 CO .13SO 3 00 CALVES. 4. . , 300 2 fO 1. . . 220 3 00 5 23 1. . , : : , o 3 uo 1. . . 210 3 25 1. . r. 23 1. . , SO 3 UO 14. . . 342 3 tO 1. . 550 1. . , 90 3 00 1. . . ISO 4 00 STOCKEUS AND L'EEDEHS. .1100 300 17. , . . 747 SCO lC..52'i 3 73 1. . .lUSD 300 5. . . . M ; SCO 1. . . . 470 3 75 1. . .640 300 22. . . . ! > 02 3 CO 2. . . . 420 3 85 1. . .470 SCO 13. , . . 712 3 C5 1. . . . 400 3 M 3. . .1253 340 1. . . . 810 3 C5 4. . . . 470 3 93 7. . . C07 3 Ml 41..11SO 3 C5 1. . . . 420 3 93 3. . . 820 2 CO M1LKEHS AND SPHINGEHS. IT. 1 springer . $25 00 t co iv anil calf . 25 00 WESTEHNS. NE1JHASKA. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. I cow . 1000 | l 73 1 bull . MO $2 75 ll.llll . 1010 2 00 2 cows . 930 290 Scows . 11)50 ) 235 13 f eul < > rs. . CO 3 C5 3 bulls . 12CU 240 4 feeder * . . .1017 375 1 bull . 120 240 W feedei * . . . tb5 410 II. U. Itceil. 8 cons . 915 2 SO .21 lielfera SSO 2 SO COLORADO. 1 bull . 1110 ICO 1 bulls . 1077 2 CO 1 cow . 710 ICO f feeders 1053 3(0 2rous . 775 200 C'J calvcu 2'J1 325 2'J1Uii a bull * . iW 2 M C2 ffcilrrs. . . Uii 3 C5 1 bull . 12M > 2 13 33 fc-eilers. . . MK > 3 73 1 bull . 1130 223 70 riders. . . 603 3 S3 1 sir , tit ; . . . .lo0 WYOMING. 1 bull . 14.r.0 1 S3 2 Mecrs . 1243 SCO 3 COUBIXM 2 10 3 EU'frtt . 1310 3 CO 1 bull . 1300 240 2 ! ) feeders. . . 902 3 Do 10 cows . 1000 2 C3 21 feeiler8. . . .11SO 3 C3 1 heifer . D.V > 2 80 17 feeders. . . .10W ) 3 70 6 licireis . 9 S 3 00 00I I PA HO. A. M. Harris. 1 bull . 1670 220 103 feeders. . .1078 3 CS 4 COWB . ICO 220 C Fleers 1395 3 CO 10 feeders. . . .1130 310 41 feclers. . . ! 337 SSO SOUTH DAKOTA. 1 bull . 1330 180 1 bull . 1320 275 5 raws . lO..S 2 35 20 cow * . 10C1 2 S3 10 feeilers - 910 240 2 liclforn . 735 305 3 liullH . 9S3 240 23 feeders. . . . SS3 330 2 btfK. H3..1173 2 CO 23 feeders. . . . 772 340 18 heifer * . . .931 275 20 fleers . 133S 3 C5 UTAH. 3 cows . 00 21 heifers . CIS 2 SO 11 lu'Uers . C76 2 33 C4 feeders. . 437 3 C feedeis. . . . C1U 2 M 2 calves 115 415 21 hellers . 70S 2 70 .MONTANA. 2 bulls . 1315 175 J str , UK. . . . 1220 2 CO 3 cnws . 1)40 ) 200 1 sir. til ? . . . 1500 325 1 Htr. tin- . ! ' ) 200 2 feeilers. . .1010 323 bull * . U-.i : 223 93 fecileiH. . .1010 3 C3 ZU ctiw . 997 2 40 II. Thompson. 2 eows . 9W 200 1 Mr. tit ; . . . . 1220 2 SI ! S cows . 1030 2 C5 41 feeilers. . . . 10UO 355 11OC1H The receipts of tiuK were unusually InrKu for a Mamluy , the number here today hhow- Inx a Kit In cf l.ujo over laM ueck ami of 2 , IU ) as conipared v.ltli Moiitlay of two weeks ago. The larue run on a Mciulny , taken as an Indica tion of llbetul nml iiurvtbly very InrKe reeelpts th bnlunee of the week , was an element or weaklier * . Nolult.utamllnK that fuel , however , the iiuuket opened a mtlv flruimor and tlio trade was aeli\e. Koine of the heaviest buyers held biick , ami after the more urtent orders Here tilled , about half of the hogs belntr Mild , the trade uluekeiieil and the miirket dosed pretty cliru to Cc louer. The lout half of the market tvus slow , owliiir to the reluctuncn of riilfunen In aecept the pilces ofered , but In the end u gcoil clearaneu won effected and the trade was all mer within rearomtbly good i-cnton. Takhik t.ie market as a a whole , U would u\eraKe a thaila lower than Katurdny , thouKh the ranee of prices wan very nearly tlio Kama as pievulled ut the clouof but week. T.i limit bulk of thu heavy ) > OK sold at S3.10QI 3.15 , the name an on KiitiirJuy , while the mcdluni wilKhts und llfclit liud sold at )3.JOii3.1j ) , the top nules beltiK 2'jc ' higher limn on Katurdny. Not nlnee Monday u week UKO has the market rhown any decided char.ue In values , the u\ crane of nil the vales vuryliiK 1'Ut little from day to duy. The IIORS today rold only lOo loiter than u year nco. Itepreuentutlvu No. Av. Hh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. IT. IS 332 : 10 13 CO 36 . 1'TK HI J3 15 tj 317 SO 305 a . I'M 49 315 51 378 200 3 05 W . 321 315 378W ' 14 < W 40 3 M C3 . 300 1(0 315' 13 . 4(1 . . . 3 O7'i Ml . SM 10 315 W . 38S 240 3 C7Si 70 . 317 S 15 CO . 33 40 3 10 U . 2(5 3 IS it . : U tO 9 19 Cl . 302 2 15 Over $411,000,000 Paid to Policy Holders in Fifty-three Years ! THAT RICHARD A. McCURDY , President , YOU Who will pay that mortgage on your home if you die before. It's lifted ? A life insurance policy will do it , and the cost to you is only the annual premium paid to the company. It is like pay ing a little extra interest on your mortgage to insure its re lease if you dis. The resources of the Mutual Life of New York exceed the combined capital of all the na tional banks of New York City , Chicago , Boston , Philadelphia , St. Louis , Cincinnati and Balti more. A duty delayed is a duty shirked. Let a man convinced of responsibility secure adequate protection and at once. INSURE NOW j * i * IN THE MUTUAL LIFE. A Policy of Insurance in the Mutual Life' is the quickest asset vou can-leave. active * today , while the common kinds were In clined to drag a little. Representative sales : No. Av. Pr. 220 western feeders ! > S $2 Ml 209 western feeders 9ii 2 SO 210 western feeders 107 30) ) 237 western wethers 107 300 t native wether 130 SCO 207 Wyoming wethers / 107 3 10 10 Native lambs 91 C 25 CHICAGO I.IVH STOCK. A fir r Trnilc In CatlliAViiN Sdird-cl ( ii'iii-rnl Hun HiiU-il AV < * iik. CH1CAOO. Dee. 21. After trade In cattle was fairly Harted the Kenerul run ruled weak to from 5c to lOo lower , while choice dry fed beeves remained steady. Sales were on a basis of from $3.55 to $3.CO $ for the commonest beef steers up to from $5 $ to $5.50 for prime to fancy enltlo. with the hulk of the tradlm ; nt from $1.10 to SI.'O. ' lltilfhcrs' cattle weirIn Rood de mand at llrm prices , but cnnnlilf ; stuff was rather easy. Veal calves were rather easier. IMcoH were stronger to Cc higher for choice Unlit and meJIiim weight hogs. Sales wcio largely nt from $ .1.20 to $3.10 for all grades , moht of the receipts consisting of heavy hem > . Prime light and mediums sold easily at top price ? . The supply of sheep was large nml lambs sold off from lOc to 15c per 100 Ibs. , while prices for sheep were only sustained with dllllculty. Sheep were fairly active at from $2 to $2.50 for culls nnd Inferior lots , up to from 53.W lo J3.75 for choice wethers , with sales largely nt from $3 to $3.40 for westerns. Yearlings Fold around > 3.CO to $4 nnd lambs hold slowly at from $5.25 to $3.50 for the poorest up to from $1.75 to $5.25 for kuod to choice Hocks. Hecelpts : Cattle , 10.000 head ; hogs , 35,000 head ; sheep , 16,000 head. KiinniiH Cly Mvc Slock. KANSAS CmV'iJoc. 21.-CATTIE-Ileccpts. | 7.000 head ; shipments , ( XX ) head : maikct steady In strong ; Texas 'steers ' , $2.70fi3.60 ; Texas eows , $1.7r > n2.lH > ; native Fti-vrs. $ J.M5.00 | ; native cows and heifers , $ l.251'i'3.u ' ; : stockers and fieders , $2.50 V3.f > 5 ; hulls. $ ! .Mi/3irj. / HOOS-ltecelpt , , ; 9.iOO ( head : shipments. market steady fo.'Hr'ong ; bulk of tales. $3 20O 3.30 ; heavy. 13.00 3.30 ; packers. $3.IOf(3.2i4 ; mixed. 53.COf3.32Vi.lights. , . $2.'jOi)3.50 ) ; Yorkers. $3.25H3.30 ; pigs , $ l.dOl.15. : BIIKUP llccelit | > . .4.000 . bend ; shipments , MO head : market fettadyi' lambs , $3.5005.00 ; muttons. $2.2583.50. t'J XIMV 'Yurk l.lv - Hlarlf. NEW YOIIK , ; iVi" . 2l.-llEEVES-llecclpts. 3,231 head ; steers Flow nnd lower ; lough stock generallstemU' : bulls a trllle ( Inner ; steers , 53.fc7iia.VI/j ; staini .Hint oxen , $2.65iil..r,0 : hulls , l2.Wfi3.tO ; dry cows , $ l.iOi2.Kl ; cables < iuolc American uteeri * lit 10'.iW12c ' , dressed weiRht ; sheep. SfllOe ; refrlgciator btef , bjJSlic ; exports , 220 beeves. SHIIP AND I.AMIIS ueceipts , 9. 34 head ; arllve and llrmer for sheep ; ' .kti'if higher for lambs ; thetp. $2.50fi3.S5. IIOOH Hecelpts. 13,252 head ; weak at $3.5017 4.00. .HI. I.onU Mvi- Stud ; . ST. JXJU1S. Deo. 21.-CATTLE-llecepts. | 3,000 head ; market Krone for choice , others steady. HOaS Hecelpts , 7,0X0 head ; market steady for heavy and slow for light : IlK'.it , $ .3.15UJ.25 ; mixed , $3.0o $ i3.25 : heavy. $ J.WK3.o. HIIEIIP-Itecelpts , 3,0 ) head ; market steady. ' ' 8 'ocii'Tii SlKht. Ilecord of live stocj < received at the four prin cipal markets DccembtT 21 , | ti6 ! : Cattle. HOES. Sheep , South Omaha 2.1M 4.139 2.010 Chicago 16,001) ) 3S.OOO 16,00 < ) Kansan City 7,000 9.0CO 4.POO HI , Louis 3,000 7.000 3 , K ) Totals IMS ! Mi:3 Sioio VlNililiiralii Hiiiilr. | NEW YOIIK , Dec. 81. The Vlilhle supply of train Katurday , December 19 , u compiled by thu i.\w Verk 1'ruduco ticlianuc , WUM u lol- IS THE COMPANY the Most Good. IN TWO GENERATIONS 1843-1896 The Mutual Life Insurance Co. , of New York , has paid $246,000.000 to its living members. Has been the benefactor of women and children to the extent of $165,000,000. asi m over FLI FOB IOWA a.nci NEU3HA.GKA , FIRST NATIONAL BASK BD1LDIHG , SIXriI AND LOCUST STREETS , OMAHA. DES MOINES. Wanted in J3vexy County. H. S. WINSTON , Special Recresentative. Omaha. lown : Whcnt. C5.1C3.000 Jill. ; IncrpaFO , 879,000 hn. Corn. IS u74. < nm Int. ; IncreiifC. 612 000 hn Oats. 12,431,000 hn. ; IncicnKe , 1.075,00 hn. Hyo , 2.MI.OOO hn. ; InrmiFo. 2li ! ( W bu. llnrlcy , 0,130- 000 bu. ; decrease , 3C3.000 bu. OMAHA. UK.NKIt.Mi .M , \ It II 13T. Comlllloii of Truclt * nml O.uotnl < iiifi on Staple nml KninjI'roilncc. . HOOK Krefh Kathcri-d , 19fl20o. I1U7TKU Common to fair. SS9c ; choice to fancy , roll , 131/lT.c ; teparator creamery , 21c ; Kiithrrcd cream. lS)20c ) , QAMi : Pralrio chickens , per iloz. , JC.OOflO.25. quail , U.OOHI.CO ; blue winged teal duckx , Jl.SCltf 1.75 ; green wing , )1.25 ; redheads unu mallanli' , $3.50 ; email labhltx , 2540c ; jaekK , 75c ; pqillr nil , COS73e ; deer i-adcllc , 1IS16C ; carcnp e , 10 ® lie ; antelope caddlex , 13flle ; carcagyea , I'e ' ; CanaiU Keete , larKe , tC.OOiiT.l" ) ; Mnall , } 4.00Q5.00. ClIKKHi : Domestic brick , 10 > ic ; Kdam , per doz. , 19.00 ; club hoiihc , 1-lh. Jarn , per ilor. . . S3.15 ; J.lmherKer , fancy , per Ih. . y' ' c ; Hocpiefort , It-lb. Jars ! per doz. . JJ.GO ; Youni ; Americas , 105tc ; twins , fancy , lOiic. VKA ! . Cimico fat. fO to 120 Ibs. . arc quoted nl ' ( f'c ; lariie and coarse. 4iiuc. DIIKRSMI ) I'OtTl/TUY Chickens. K'-iQCc ; tur keys , lliilic ; iee. < ' , 7Sc | ; dueUs , 74iSc. I.IVK I'Ot'I.TUY Not wanted. PIOEONS Live , 755iOOc : dead plfconi not wanted. HAY t'planil , J5.00 ; mlilland , J4.SO ; lowland , 14 ; rye straw , )4 ; color makes the price on hay ; llRht hales cell the best ; only top graJej l > rlnB tup prlcee. TinOOM COI1N Enlrcmely B'OW sal * : new cr-in. delivered 01 ! track In country ; choice Bre n Fflf-worklne catpot. per Ih. . 2 c : choice srcen. runnlnc to hurl VSr : common , I'.ic VKOETAI1LES. 8WKKT POTATOHS On orders , per bhl. , J2.M. ONIONS Clood stock , per Lu. , 35S40c. LIMA IIKANB-1'iT IK. 4c. 1IMAMNS Hand picked navy , per 1m. . J1.25. C"A111IAOE Homo crown , per hundred. 90e fljl.00. CKI.EKY 1'er doz. , ZJSIOc ; fancy , large , 410 COc. POTATOES Oood slo"h. per bu. , 25c ; Wyora- Ins stock. FHcked. SOc per 100 Ibs. TOMATOES Texas , per bushel crate , J2.Z5. FHUlTsi. ailAPKS Crates. 15 puny batkcls. Concords and Calnwlinv , per crates , J3.00. MAI AOA nit.M'KH 1'er keR. J7. CItANlliUHlis-rnpe : Cod. per hhl. . JO. Al'I'I.KS Cooking , per bbI.J1.6jB1.75 ; fancy New York , J1.75. CAMKOUNIA I'RAHS-I'er box. J2.000.25 ; Nt > w Yolk , per bhl. . l3.60ff4.W > . QUINCES I'cr lihl. . 14 THOl'ICAl , FUUIT3. 1'INEAl'I'I.ES I'cr crate of two to three doz. , . UltANUKH Mexican , 13.73 ; California navels , 54. (10 ; Ucillands , $3.00i(3.25. I.U.MO.N'K Messlnap. (5.00 ; .choice California , J3.50S3.75 ; fancy , J4.00. \riAM.\r1 Choice , large utock. per hunch , t2.tOO2.25 ; medium-sized tnmcliea. U.W32.09. MIHCIOI.I.A.NI OUD. HONEY Fancy white , per Ih , , He ; choice , 13c ; California , amber color , lOc , CIOIHl-Clarlllcd Juice , per halt bhl. , $2.50 ; per bbl. , t4.25&4.(0. MAI'LE SYHUI'-Flve-g.il. cam. each. } ? . ; Kal. cans , per doz. . 112 ; nnlf-sal. cans. IC.23 ; 'j'.iart eanu , J3.W ) . HAIMOIl KUAUT-I'er half bbl. , 11.75. ; hbls. , J3.COfl3.23. FIGS Imported fancy , S crown , 30-lb. hoxej , 12c ; choice , 10-lh. boxes , 3-crown , He. NUTS Almonds. California , per Ib. . largo elzp. 13e ; Urazlln. per Ib. , lOc ; I.'UBllBll wal- unlB , per Ih. , fancy , soft shell , 12Q124c ! ; stand ards , IlCIlHc ; Illberts. per Ib. , 10 < > ; pecans , pol ished. Inrce , Ji10c ; Jumbo , ] ljt12c ; larco hick ory nuts , 51. 11 ; per bu. ; tmall , II. 00 ; cocoanuts , Cc each. HIDES. TAI.I/NV. ETC. IIIDUS No. 1 urcen nlaes , 5c ; No. 2 preen hides , 4c ; No. 1 Kieen salted hides , "c ; No. 2 ireen ; tailed hhlrs , 6e : No , 1 veal calf , S to 12 Ibs. , 7c ; No , 2 veal cnlf. 8 to li > Ibs. . 4c ; No. 1 dry flint hides , 'JJ/lOir No. 2 dry Mint hides. SJi9c ; No. 1 dry nailed hides , KliOe ; part cured hides , ' , io per Ih. less than fully cured. HIIEii' : YEI.TH ( Ireen salted , each. 25 COc ; ureen railed , shcurlnxs ( short wooled early Fklnt ) , each , 15c ; dry shfarliiRs ( short wooled early fklTu ) . No. 1 each. rc : dry tllnt. Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelt. , per Ib. . actual weight , 4fCc ; dry Mint , Kunfim and Nebraska Murrain wool pelts , per Ih. , actual welKht , 304c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool poltx. per Ih. , actual weight. 4Q ! > c ; dry Hint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per Ih. , actual weight , 324c ; feet cut off , as U IH urelchn to pay frclKht on them. TAI.l.OU1 AND nriEASE-Toliuw. No. 1 , 3c ; til How. No. 2. il'.Se ' ; Ricaie , while A , 3c : crwue , white II , ? c : Krenec , yellow , 2c ; ureane. dark. Bic ; old huttor , 2i < 2Hc ; beeswax , prime , I ! > ti22c ; rough tallow , 1c. WOOL I'nwaFlieil , fine , heavy. Cj7e ; fine , llRhl , SSJOo ; ( iiiarlerblcod , 10l-e. ( ; reedy , hurry ami chaffy. SfiOc ; celled and broken , coarse. 709c ; untied and broken , fine. CJffe. Kleece Wuthed Medium. ir.ijlSe ; line. UlilCe ; tub washed , inirlfci lilack , Sc ; bucks , Cc ; tun locks , 2S/3c ; dead pulled , ItON'ES In ear lots , weighed and delivered In Chlmco : Dry buffalo , pur ton. l2.00gi4.W ; dry country , bleached , per Ion , $10.00012.00 : dry coun try , damp and menty. per Ion. Cufl'i'i NEW YOIIK. HIT. 21.-COK'Ei-Tolal | : vare- IIOUFO dellveileH fu/m the United Sti < tes , V.4I1 naK , Including 7.72.1 buK from New York ; S' w Ycrk slock today , 2S0.230 biiKs : United itateH Kloek , 335.U6 ! JIILullout fur Hi" Untied Sillies , Sf.C.eirt hais ; tola ! vlnlblu for the United nnles , 701. 8SC bags , uKalimt 5SI.C72 ban * last GplloiiH | ) cned steady at 5 lo 15 points hlKher nn fuVornhlF Eurnpeun cables , and llnhter Iliu- tlllun inavemenlM. ruled quiet , tradlnt ; loonl , ind Ituutlon Kcnernlly feulutelemi ; t-liml yuiel anil tteady at t. lo Uc net advance ; sales , C.7U baKS , ncludlPK : IH-cenilxT , ! . ; March , $9.4M9.W. 4pot corfte , Itlo. dull. Mild , , quiet ; Cordova , ; | 5.IWf17.00 , HANTOH. Doc. SI.-COKl'KK-riim : BOOil 0V- rrttre Hnntos , 10 , COO r U ; recelptu , 19.000 hiicii : i lock , C8.0W buKi , Wt-tkly rtycrt ; i'lnnj uood per 10 kilos , 10.COO rcls ; tecclpls durlni tin. ' week , ( is.ioo h'lus ; slilnin nts to the ITnlloi States , 13.0IM ) hints ; slock. Mii.000 bans. HAMIiritti. Hen. 21. CO1-T12E Cjulct ut V pfB deellne ; fales. 7c' ' W bags. Kill. Dee. 21.COKKICEKlrm ; No. 7 Hli > 10.2O ) rets ; excliaiiKe. 8 15-16,1 ; receipts , 11.111 bans ; cleared for thu United Slates. 7,000 IIUKH fur Europe , 2,000 bass ; stoek , 312.00 < ) IUIKH Weekly report : Standard , 10,200 rels ; rerelpti durlnir the week. 71X'0 ( ' Lnus ; thlpmonts to tin fnlteil States , i'J.OOO lints ; stoek , 312.000 bnKS. IIAVUE. Dec. 21. fOI'KIJH-l'losvd htcaily nl ' .iSf net advance ; sales , 19,000 bans. SI , I.niilN Ci'inTiil ST. I/.1UIS , Dec. 21.-I-l/ril-Dull and weak ; patents , $ l.60iT4.75 ; extra fancy , } l,10ti4.20 ; fancy. $3.40 i360 ; choice , t3.fldfi3.10. WHEAT 1'nlmen opened somowliat ilepresrcd , owliiB to the Chicago hank failure , and declined , but the undertone was llrm and nn advance fol lowed later. The cloto wau fractionally below Saturday. Spot lower ; No. 2 red. cash , elevator. SOc ; track. H 93c ; No. 2 hard , cash , too ; Herein her , S9Jii- ; May , Sa'.ifiMHc. ' COIlN I-IUuri's , dull , weak nnd lower , on ac count of tremendous thlpmenls. Spot lower ; Ni > 2 cash. ZOVic : December. 20'iiMay. ' ; . 22',1iff22lse ' : OATS Hull , weak and lower ; No. 2 cash , 19c asked ; May , 20'ic. UYK Dull at 35c bid. ( IIAni.nY Dull at 30S40C. COIIN MEAI$1.35. . KIAXSiED I wer nt 71c. TIMOTHY SKED-l'rlme . . - , $2.40. HAY Dull nnd weak ; timothy , tC.00811 00 , prairie , $1.00fi7.50. KdfJS l > iwer at ICc. I'Ori.TUY-ClilckeiiH , dull ; old. 4' p ; FprlnK. Kc ; turkeys , llrm nt SiTSUc ; ducks , llrm at O'm ' ) 7e ; Kee > e. slow nt 41/5''c. ' WHISKY-51.1S. MUTAI.S-I.ead , strong ; $2.7522.90. Spelter , easy at $3.97 > . 1'HOVISIONS I'ork , steady ; standard mess , jobblwr. $7.2067.43. 1/ird. steady ; | iilmo steam. I choice , tJ.72',4. ' Ilacnn , boxed shoulders. $4.55 ; ex tra short clear , $4.C2'j ' ; ribs. $1.70 ; shorts. $4.S7'4. ' Dry i-nlt meats , boxed shoulders. 51 ; extta short clear , t3.S7 < , > , ; ribs. $4.2' ; hhorts. $ l.37'i. Itl.'CKll'TS riiiur. 5C ) bids. ; wheat , 2,000 bu. ; corn , 304.0110 bu. ; oats , 127 Om ) bu. riHir.MIJNTrt Klour , 2.0CK ) bhls. ; wheat , 13,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000 bu. ; oats , 4,000 bu. 1,1 v < Tinol | MnrUi'fN. I.IVEIU'OOL. Deo. 2I.-WH lIAT-Spot nrm ; demand poor : No. 2 led. winter , nothing dolm ; ; No. 2 red , sprintCs 9,1 , ; No. 1 hard , Mani toba , nominal ; No. 1 California. 7s Id. Kutmes opened quiet but steady , with near and distant positions } ; d hlKher ; closed steady , with near and distant positions 34,1 hlKher ; business heavi est on middle positions : December , nominal January , ( Is 7id ; Kebruary , Cs SVid ; March , April and May. Cs Mid. COIIN Spot steady : American mixed , new , 2s 10'Jd. ' Kutiires opened slendy , with near and distant positions unchanged ; closed steady. with near poFlllons unchanged and dlhlant po sitions > , iil hlKher ; business about equally dis tributed ; December , 2s 9'Jd ' ; January nnd l-Vli- ruary , 2s 9UJ ; March. 2s 94d ! ; April nnd May , 2.1 9 ; d KI.OI'11 Dull ; demand poor ; St. I.ouls fqncy winter , 9fl 2d. ritOVISlONS llnron , riulet ; demand poor ; Cumberland cut , 2S to 30 Ibs. . 2Si < : short ribs , 20 to 24 His. , 27s fid : lone clear , llKht , 35 to 3S Ibs. , 2S ; long elcar. luavy , 40 to 45 Ibs. , 27 CJ ; than clear backs , lhht. 18 Urn , 2f > s r l ; short clear mhldles , heavy , 48 to 50 Ibs. , 26s ; clear bellies , 14 to 1C Ibi. , 2 < is. Shouldeis , squall. . 12 to IS Ibs. , 2 ! > r. . Hams. Fhcrt cut , 14 to 111 Dm. , 39s. Tallow , line North American. l s Cd. lleef , extra India mess , 60s ; prime mess , WK IVrk , prime mers , line vcMern , 48s 9d ; nifdlum west ern , 41s 3d. Ijird , dull ; prime western , 21s ; reline - line , ! . In palls. 23s. rilBESIJ Steady ; demand poor ; finest Ameri can while and colored. September , Ills. HUTTKH Finest Untie I Stales , Ms : Kood , 55s. OII < S lyliikeed. 1CH M. Petroleum , rellned. i'Ud. HEFUmEHATOH HUKF Foreipiaiteru , 35d ; hlndn"arters , C'id , HOI'S At London (1'aclflc ( coast ) . 3 5 . ICniiNiiM ( ' ! ( ) KANSAS CITY , Dee. 21. WIIKAT Mniket Fteady , demand good : No. 2 hard , 7Uc ; No. 2 red , offered tit3c ! / : No. 2 sprlnir , " ! . COltN Market fractionally loner ; No. 2 mlxeil , nominally. ICCUTe ; No. 2 while , 2lc. UYK Market llrm ; No. 2. 32ihid. . HAY Market Heady ; choice timothy. $ S.003 8r,0 ; chnlce pralile , $5.0. IIITTIJK Market slow nnd weak ; creamery , 20c ; daily. le. EOOS Market llrm ; strictly fresh , He. I'rorlii Miirl. < ' ( " . I'EOUIA. Dec. 21. COIIN Market steady ; No. 2 , S04c. OATS Market quiet , easy ; No. 2 white , lR < 320c. HVE Market quiet ; N 37'iie. ' AVHIHKY Market Head ) linl.'hed goods on the | M | H of $1.18 for hlKh Mines. lticiilTS-C : : rn. Cii 700 bu. , oats , K3.150 bu. ; rye. 2.400 bu. : uhlrky , none ; wheat , l.SOO hu. SllirMENTS-CnMi. 7.751) bu. : oats. 71.750 bu. ; rje , none ; whisky , 775 gals. ; wheat , 1,200 hu , Colliiii ST. I-OUIS. Dee. ! ) . - COTTON-Dnll ami un changed : middling , fi 13-1Cc ; sales. 110 hales : re ceipts , 4.K55 bales ; shlpmcntv , 4,011 baton ; slock , 49.000 hulen. NI.'W Oltl.CANH. Dec. 2l.--COTTON-Kasy ; middling. C c ; low inlddllnif , C c ; good or li nn i y , C'.ii' ' . NEW VOIIK , Dec. SI. - COrru.Vquiet ; mid- dllliK , i'tc. ' _ Tolrilo ( Irnlii. TOMIDO. Dec. 2l.-WHiAT-lxiwer and dull ; No. 2 cash nnd December. M'.i1" ' . May , 945ic. COHN-Actlve , hut MlfHily ; N-i 3 mixed , 22Hc. OATS-Hleady ; No. 2 mixed. Ifc. ItViDull : und easy ; No. 2 cauli , 37'ic. OLOVKIl SEKD Active ; prime December , 15.40 ; March. 15.10. OH.S-North Lima , C2c ; Houtll Lima and In- illunu , Vic. Hiiirnr MnrUrt. NEW VOJIK , u c. : i.-auaAii-naw , YOU How much will your admin istrator have to sacrifice your estate to force quick assets ? An Installment Policy foi $100,000 will leave your family $5,000 yearly income for 20 years , in any event , and if youi stated beneficiary is then living he or she will be paid $5,000 yearly during life. A 5 p3r cent Debenture foi $100,000 will leave your wifa $5,000 yearly income either fof 20 years or until her death i { prior thereto ; then $100,000 will be paid in one sum. A possible return of $200,000. SS'OOO ' a p lo ion lof nl 11 11f ! f The true business man acts oromptly. Get our rates at once. JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone KM ! ) . Omaha , Nub. COMMISSION GRAIN : PROVISIONS : AND : SF03X1 . Hoard of Trade. Direct wlrfs to Chicago and New York , Ci.rr mx > nd nt : John A. Warren A C' HIDES WANTED. IIIshcHt market iirlco paid and prompt returns Ueferciico-Omaha National ll.mic F. S. BUSH & CO. , No commlaHlon. 01 ; ! S. KUli St. . Omaha , Kcb. Wu Feud the Trench Itcinedy CAUTHOS free , ( no O.I ) , H . ) .nj > legal BUarantrolbat CAI.TH08 will nTOI * Il > ehurcr > nud Ktut luti . CUKIl Kprrnuiturrbca. Viirlcuecle and ItCsrttlti : l.u.t Vlaur. I sc it atidfiayiftattified. VON MOIILCO. , 332 O , Holr im.rlf.n iir.U , ClDtlnntU. Oklo. Hit. ci itis : It can lie chen itlllionl tinliiiu li > ilii > t ( Inpiillcnl Inr.ill.e tea . , r artielen uf fmnl , will elleet a permanent mil ) i > | ) eelv iiire. whether patient Ua nn lenile ill inker uroii uh'ohull , wrecU. lloiik lif IxilllelllillH flee , t , , hi li.ld of Kiilin .1 < * o. , I.Mh A lluutflu MHllmnliH. . Nrb. GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. , Prop's , Cincinnati , 0. UO'Uilio Igr ihflt Puuk on il rillnv | llalili. ' luillrj ( r . fair rellnltiK. 27lr : rrntrlfiiKiil. M tent. 3Hc. Hc lincil , uuk't. innlil "A. " 4Si' : Maiulniil "A. " 4'4e | cuiifuctlonrrR1 "A , " 4'kr ; c-ut loaf anil rniched , 5c ; | owilrri'il anil riiht'H , 4fthP ; K'aiuiiatuil , 4c. I.ONDON , Dec. -HOAlt ! I'nnc. iimi'l : cm- trlfiiKa ) . Java 1ln : i'l ' ; Miitcovailu , fair ri'nnlni , ' , ! > .i : M. HiH't , ilnll ; Illlli' dohiK ; I'vccinhur , iiil l2il ! ; January , ' . 's l1 , ! . Iioiiiliin NIocU ( tlliillltlnill. LONDON , Dee. ' . ' ( I.- I p. in. cluKlntc : HAII SILVEK-2i'i'l ! ' per UUIK.C. MONEY 334 ! per cent. The late of discount In the ripen matkct for short and thice months' bills , 3Vu3t per cent. Dry CiiuilN. NEW YOIIK , Dec. 21. There were n few buyers In the market and on their part atten tion WIIH given to Mlcxlas and other linings , nnd Mime good sales leMiltcl , For other classeit of goods Hide was an li regular Inquiry , hut no settled business resulted. Printing clutha were dull and nominal at S 9-ICc , and odd goods , wld and narrow. Fold In fair quantities , but as low | iilies as ever were realized. KALI. IIIVEll. Mass. , Dec. 21.-Print clotlm dull at 2 9-lCc. nominal ; moderate culcn of odda on n basis of 3V u uie lepoited. KlKln llillliT Mlll-Kcl. EI/HN. III. . Dec. 21. lll'TTEIl Active ; offer. Ings , 74f > 20 Ibs. : Kales , 15.MG Ibs. at 20c ; 1'J.tW IIH. . nt 20Ue ; 17.i"00 h-ti. . lit 20'c ' : MMl Iks. ut 2Uic ; 1,200 Ibs. at Lie. MlimriniollH Wlit'lit. MINNEAl'OLIS , Dec. 2l.-WHEAT-Closed : December. 7VHc ; May , 7Sfi7HV4e ; on truck , No. 1 hnrd , 77 c ; No. 1 noithcrn , "G'.tc ' ; receipts , 407 cjru. _ . Oil City MnrlJ.'l. OIL CITY. Der. 21.-Credit balances , 05c | cerllllcates , no hlda ; shipments , 117,003 bbls , } runs. 185.112 bbls. 'I'VlNCII U'lll'lll. SAN KIIANCISCO , Dec. Il.-WHEAT-Dulll May , $ l.Ui. I'llllllM'lll I .Vllll'M. 1IO.-/rON. Dec. 21.-Clearings , $ U.C2C,180 ; bal ances , $2KXiOll ( , HALTIMOItK , Dec. 2l.-Cle.irlIB'l , J2.27C.W4 ; balances , 51Til. ! NIIW YOIIIC. Dec , 21. ClenrlllSH , 577,8I1',5S : balances , IDt > l2uOI. PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 2I.-Cln.lngx , i8r54- 'j3C ; | jilancc-i ; , 51WJ,47i. ! HT. LOIMS. Dec. 2l.-Clc-irlnr < 8',37Sf20. Ir.l. nnces , $4to,0)i2. ! ) Money , Ml7 p r cinf New York exchange , par hid : 25c premium nuked. CHICAfJO. Dec. 21.-Cleatlius , ll3.MMIi , .Money , steady nnd unchanged ; New Ytiik cx- c'.iiuiKO , no market ; foielgn cxchnnu" , t-ltudy. - Jlw , I'orrlK'i I'MniiiU'iiil. llllltl.IN. Dee. 2l.-ixchnngn : on I/jnUon , eight tlays' Fluht , 20 maikii 34 pfg. PAUIH , Die. 21. Three per cent rentes. 102C 45o for the account. Exchange on Ixjndun , 1'JC 2lc for checks. LONDON. Die. 21. liar geM Is quoted nt 77s lid nnd American eiigles am quoted nt 77 * t > d. ( lidd In quoted > ut lltienos Ayrva today at 17S ; Lisbon. .ISli ; Homv. 10I.77',4 ' , frtiin n Nrimlorlnl Hncir. V - " CIllL'AUO , DLC. 21 , Kx Congressman Ctorgu 1C. Adains. a prominent camlldato for tbn United HtatoH Henatt ) from llllnoli * , announced today that hu had withdrawn from thn racn and blH hcadquartcrx at thu Creut Northern liuvii been cliiHed. Ho gav us a reaHon for his withdrawal that Im hail ilr.clili'il to dvvoto his whole tlmu to Ills ' ( or Home tlmu to come.