Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1896, Page 3, Image 3
Til 13 OMAHA DAILY W5I3 : MO > f AV , DHCIOM HER 21 COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT All.NO It Mr.XTIO.N. I ' P.itnci-afl nnd photo supplied. 12 I'c.irl H. Drpity United State * Marshal Gnarled Hrailley returned Saturday from Des Molnes. W A Nrrthfiravo and I ) . 3. Young of Cart - twcro ) In the city Saturday on a business H V. Slnnd has returned from hte ttlp to Pouth Dakota and Nebraska Ills health II.IH been greatly benefited by his outing. \V II StankhousQ of IlurlliiRton , deputy Internal revenue collector for the southern district of Iowa , wan In the city yesterday. rint'nnatl ' lllock Coal. It's the peer of nil Iowa coalr. and It's only t3.7t > u ton , at llex'M , I.ea\o your order at wither ollice. Telephone 57. Thr pmscd f\s he reached for HOR- | nald'n dlamnid stud , speechless , In admira tion of his bountiful whirl front , recently laumlcicd at the "Kaglc. " 721 II1 way. "Who tavcn mnney makes money. " Use Karl Hilton Crushed Coke In your Hasc Ilururr and nave onc-thhd the cent of heal ing your home. It's $7.f,0 a ton at Hex's. Lravc your at either olllco. A finely bred bird dog died yesterday oflFi-noon on Hroadwny. evidently as the re- unit of a dose of poison ho had found fnnie- where. A largo crowd gathered around the pour brute and watched Its dying convul sions. Don't buy all your Christmas presents un til you eieo the collection of fancy drowsed dolls , fancy wnils , oprons , rug.i , etc. , at Trinity Ladles' Christmas Kmpoilutn107 Ilroadway , next door to lloston store. Tu.ii- day and Wednesday , December 22 and 23 , dinner and nupncr aerved each day. The body of S. R. Jossclyn , who died at New Orleans on Friday night , will arrive hero on ono of tlin late afternoon trains. The body will be taken to the residence of Mrs. 8. A. JoMClyn , the dead man's mother. 72(5 ( Flint uvenuo. where the funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock. The romaltiH will bo accompanied by his brother , H. S. Josselyn. general man ager of the Kansas City , Osceola & Southern Itallroarl company , The body will bo burled nt Falrvlew cemetery. C. D. Vlavl Co. , fcmalo remedy. Medical ronaultallon free Wednesdays. Health book furnished. 303 Merrlam block. N. Y. Dumbing company. Tel. 250. Will You Coiiicf A special Invitation Is extended to the ladlCH to visit Hughes' , the mcn'o outfitter , at 415 Hrnadway. Mouday afternoon. Ho will I ave on display Iho finest line of neckwear , mufllcra. handkerchiefs , slippers , umbrellas , etc . to bo found In the two cities. You won't have to buy , just call and see what he Is showing. You know every tenth cash purchaser of neckwear gets the tie they fcclcct free of charge. Air. , YVIiiTo Do You liny Your Shorn t Did you ever try Sargent ? Or don't you like Sargent ? If you don't ( mox nix OUEC ) jou are looking for the place where you tan get the most for your money. Look In Sargent's men's window and see the shoes you can buy for $2 and $3 , and every pair warranted. If you never have , try him now. It will make you money. You know the place where the Hear Is. Christmas turkeys , geeso. ducka , chickens nnd all kinds of fresh poultry. J. Zollcr & Co. WIIIIICII'N CluliM MnyVnrk TouoHior. There has long been a feeling among the club women of Council Dluffs that some thing In the way of n good course of lectures , or Instructive talks , by well posted per sons on any or all of the many subject' ) taken up by them could be brought about by co-operation. Hut no decisive action was taken In this regard until Wednesday morn ing last , when the leaders of all the woman's club In the city were requested to meet at the homo of Mrs. Marshal Koys. The call was fairly successful , the following repre sentative club women responding : Mrs. Keys , president of the Young Woman's Review club ; Mrs. Forrest Smith , president of the Woman's club ; Mrs. lllchardson and Mrs. Ktrfmt. iirfuiMnnt nml ctooratflry of the * Oak land Avenue club ; Mrs. A. A. Hazard and Mrs. A. II. Moore , president and secretary of the Itcscarch , a club of several years stand ing , devoted this winter to Hgyptology ami Physics ; Mrs , Thomas Metcalf , president of the Ideal club ; Mrs. Frank Drlndsmcad. pres ident of the Monday Musical club ; Mrs. L. Kvcrott. president of the Kvcry Thursday club ; Mrs. Dr. Montgomery , president of the World's Parliamentary club ; Mr . George 1'hclps , representing .Mrs. I'orterfield , presi dent of the Onward club , a college exten sion club , devoted to deep and thorough study. Mrs. Metcalf also represented the Cosmopolitan club for MI us Tale. The only conclusion reached after a great deal of picllmlnary skirmishing was the revolution to lay the federation proposition before the members of the numerous clubs .J and report at another meeting , to bo held I at the samp place Wednesday , December 30. All woman's clubs are requested to send a representative. Our Hour , "Ilcst of All , " Is suitable for all kinds of pastry. No finer made. Try It. J. Roller & Co Fine livery for parties and dances. Ogden Livery , IDS Ilroadway. Telephone S3. ( lint Wrnr. If you want School shoes for the children that will wear , buy Sargent's School t-hoes. They are stamped that way on the bottom and they are made especially for rough wear. Look for the Hear that's Sargent's. FretSllvt'rirnre. . Hy pending forty Domestic soap wrappers to L. Holton & Co. , DCS Molnes , la , , you will Cet PX ! silver teaspoons free. Drntli of .lames Tl. Hue. James I ) . Hue , aged 77 years , died sud denly last evening of heart disease at the residence * of his son-in-law , F. J , Day. Mr. Hue was In fairly good health until two weeks ago , when ho began to suffer severely from heart troubles. Mr. Hue has been a resident of Council Hluffs for nearly twenty- live years. IIo leaves four children , Mrs. F. J. Day , Mrs. George Metcalf , Mrs. C. G. Hoblnson and William I ) . Hue. The remains will bp Interred In Fnlrvlew and the funeral will bo held at the resi dence of Mr. Day , 203 Sixth avenue. The date of the funeral has not been fixed1. Have you over notlcc l the Hear on Broad way ? That's Sargent's Shoo Store , where you can buy the best shoo for $2 , $3 , $1 and $5 In the state. Look In the window when you are up the street this week ; It will pay you. We give a new pair for every pair that docs not "wear. At Sargent's. Hoffmayr'a fancy patent flour makes the best and most bread. Aslt your grocer for It , For fancy lamps and dlehcs of all kinds go to J. JColler & Co.'s 1'rlces will astonish you. you.For For sale at a sacrifice , my sealskin cloak. Mrs. 1C. H. Odell , 312 High School avenue. \Von ! > > ' Til roc lllrilH. A long and stubborn contest was waged yeitcrday on the shooting grounds In the western part of town between two teams composed of the beat local trap shooters. The contest Involved the slaughter of 200 llvo pigeons , 100 on a side. The trams wcro madeup of W. D. Hardln , August Ilereshelm and F , K. Klngsbury , and Dr. West. Harry Hardln nnd C. H. Hundlctt. The- shooting of both teams was very nearly ceiual , but toward the last Hardln's team gained a few points advantage and maintained the lead to the end. The ecoro resulted In a total of 155 to 152. Tie fio- /I IttUll / ffl S/ & * * " ' ( $ Za&X/- CATCH TWO WOOD.THIEVES Sijaid of Police Ma' a Oaptnra of Freight Oar Looters , WABASH COMPLAINS OF DEPREDATIONS Miicli I'ui-l linn lliM-n Cnrrlcil Auny from tinYnnlK nml Otlu-r ( iuii- I'rnl .Mi'ri'linnillnt ! IN Complaints have been made by the Wa- baMi officials that the thieves were dcvot- luc too much of their time to coal curs and mlnecllRiicous freight In the railway yards. Serious depredations wcro made upon coal nnd wood cars Saturday night nml yester day the officials asked the city police to look after the bandits a little. Ollloers Cua- ler and Covall and Special Olllccr Smith of Elgan's force visited the yard- ' last night. They found two men Industrlou dy at work unloading a car of wood and carrying It away. They were placed under arrest and sent to the station. One ot them was Ilert Haucy and the other gave the name of John Wilson. When searched Haney was found to bo carrying a large loaded revolver and a trick lock of the kind used In working the popular padlock trick. Iloth were locked up , with the charge of larceny placed opposite their names on the police blotter. Haney was also charged with carrying con- ctnlcd weapons. The railway tifllelals will today Illo Informations charging the men with breaking and entering loaded freight ears , which Is equivalent under the Iowa law to plain burglary. SWIKTV HVH.VTS OK LAST WKIilC. MIMV ( lit * Cotinrll IlliilfH I'fonlc Mmlr ( In- Thin * ( i IMiMiMiiitly. The Ideal club entertained In a very charming manaor Tuesday evening at tha residence of Mrs. Thomas Metcalf on Uluff street. The following are the members : Mcadamca Metcalf , Vandeveer , Simons , I'lilllli'rt , Hock- well , Wadsworth. Fonda , Zcrmuehlen , Judson - son , Van Ilrunt , Wallace , Damon , Hennctt , Hrock , Hesey , Hryant , DeVol , Adams , Heed , Josslyn , Hates , Hanchctt and Jones. The following program was carried.out : 1'AHT I. There , Little Girl , Don't Cry 11Ilcy-Camplon Mrs. J. G. Wads worth. a Old Jake Henry James W. Klley I ) When the Folks Come Home James W. Klley Mrs. Kltu Matheson. Japanese Lullaby Field-Hill Mrs. O. II. Simons. a Dream Ships Kugene Field b Just 'fore Christmas Kugene Field Mrs. Matheson. Little Hey Illue Fleld-Ncvln Mrs. Wadsworth. The Little Cripple James AV. fllley Mrs. MathcKon. Dutch Lullaby FIcld-DcKoven Mrs. Simons. a Pi lor to Miss Hello's Appearance b Seotty Jamcu W. Klley Mrs. Matbeson. PAKT II. How Jlnney Kiised Her Mind..Kelson Page Mrs. Matbeson. Cnro Nome ( from Illgoletto ) Verdi Mrs. Wadswortb. Selection Mrs. Mathcson Kukuk , Wlo Alt Abt Mrs. Simons. Mary Kllen's Kasler Dress..Mrs. Mntheson Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Patterson entertained a card party of eleven tables Thursday even ing. Hefreshments were served during the evening and ( he usual artistic prizes were glvsn. Among those who composed the party wcra : Messrs. and Mesdamcs Casady , 7.ur- uiuohlen , Sheplmrd , H. C. Shcpliard. Janney , Sapp , Lotigee. Sherman , Hess ; Misses Farnsworth - worth , Sadlo Farnsworth , Hosa. Glcasou , Dennett , Vincent , Sherman , Plnney. Moore ; Messrs. Shephard , Fenlon , Empklc , Haas , Squires , Plnney. Hess and Patterson , anc ! Mesdamcs Vincent and Altchlson. The High School cadets gave a very suc cessful foot ball hop Friday evening at Prof. Chambers' dancing academy. Among those present were : Misses Fanisworth. Bennett , Grace Heebe , Harclay , Keating , Davenport , Thomas , Hollcnbeck , Hryant , Kellar , Al bright , Walte , Wallace , Wyeoff , Ethyl Thomas , Hcsly , Howarth , Dyar , Hcselcr , Messmore , Fredericks ; Messrs. Gavin , Dyar , Ned Empklc. Gleason , Empkle. Lacey , Mc Donald , C. Empkle , Squires , Murphy , Zur- muchlen , Pardey , H. Pardey , Hattenhaucr , Hughes , Heardsley , Grllllth , Hcasley , Ho warth. The Apollo Musical club of the High school rendcreil several delightful selections. It Is composed of the following young men : George Ilowarth , Hollln Judson , Dwlght Odell. Will Church , Tom Larcy. Maurice Do Kay , Clarence Empklc , Edgar Ilarkness , Millard - lard Hoagland. Will Walto , Carl Chamber lain , Forest Rutherford and Will Askln. It Is under the leadership of Mr. Tom Askln. Miss Grace Heebo entertained a kcnslng- ton Thursday afternoon In honor of Mlsa Hlchards. Those present were : Misses Wlck- 1mm , Hlchards , Shephard , Spooner , Heebo and Drown of Omaha ; Mesdames Graves , Williams , Hotightoii and Heche. Mrs. Graves entertained at luncheon on Monday In honor of her guest. Miss Hlch ards. The Misses Wlckham , Shephard and Gleeson of St. Louis ; Mesdames Shugart , Lougco and Williams , Carton. Crowfoot , Her , Fltchctt and Brown of Omaha were present. The opera "Pinafore" will bo produced In Omaha shortly by local talent. It will be qulto a society event and tfie cast will In clude several Council Bluffs people , among them Mr. Charles Hornstock. who will Im personate Dick Deadeyc. Several young ladles from hero will sing , besides several of our prominent society women will act as patronesses. The Onward club met Saturday afternoon with .Mrs. Portcrflcld , 707 First avenue. Miss Alexander of Omaha gave a very pretty tea In honor of Miss Klssoin of Now York , who visited here last week. A num ber of young people from Council Uluffo were present. Miss Sharp of Omaha entertained a few Council Hluffs friends at tea on Sunday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Holies of Chicago , who are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Hutts of this city. The party was composed of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Holies , Misses Dullard , Bowman , Keat ing and Mr. Wlckham of Council Bluffs ; Miss Sharp , Miss Hculah Sharp and Messrs. J. L , Paxton and E. C. McCrcary of Omaha. Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. WlcUham on Seventh street the second meeting of the Up to Date- Whist club was held. The high score was made by Mrs. C. H. Hannan aud Mr. Wallace Shop- hard , north and south , and Mr. O. P. Wlck ham and Mrs , A. Albright , cast and west. TJio Mitchell system of duplicate whist has been adopted and has BO far proved Itself a success. Tha usual refreshments were served. Mrs. S. E. Holies entertained a few girl friends Informally Tuesday afternoon. The Art club held Its usual meeting Sat urday evening with Miss Dodge on Sixth street. The members of the club are : Misses Mooro. Montgomery , Key , Stewart , Barnard and Dodge. The evenings are devoted to literature and art. The Oakland Avenue Heading club met last 'week with Mrs. J. f ! . Waterman. Tha Wednesday evening dancing class at Prof. Comber's dancing academy cnter- tajucd a few friends Wednesday evening. Among those present bcsliici the class were : MUses Pattcwon , Ilcllo Patlorson , Illrch , Ellis and Keating ; Mwsrs. Fenlon , Douglass , McChetmcy and O'Keefe. Mlb Sponner's Sunday school class held u very prstty reception at the home of Ml s Mona Heed on Fourth street Friday evening , Invltatloiu huvu been Issued for a tea from C to 7 on Wednesday , December 23 , at the residence of Mrs. H. n. Montuomery. MM. Montgomery will also entertain a dancing party Monday evening , December 28 , Mr. and Mrs. John Kaclly Snyder have announced the marriage of their daughter , llolle , to John Jacob llesa Wednesday even- Ing. The wedding wa very qulot , only lin- mudlatu relatives being present , Thu brltlu rd groom are well known society people and their many friends extend congratula- tlous and predict for them a happy future. They left Wednesday evening for a short trip south , after which they will be at horns to friend * at 723 South Sixth street. Mlsa Tnlleys cntcrtalnc.i In a very charm ing mnntiPr with a miHlcal Thursday evening at her home on Park avenue. Among those who look part were tht Misses Key , Heche , Cavln , Chamberlain , Tuleys ! , Wakeflcld and Miss Hrown of Omaha ; Messrs. Paul Tulleys and L. W. Tulleys. On the afternoon of Wednesday , December If ! , at the residence of Mr. and Mrs , Orvlllo I ) . Wheeler , East Plerco street , Council Uluffs , Mr. Charles D. Maybauer and Miss N'annlo McCune were united In marriage , Hev. J. H. Scnscny of the Ilroadway Meth odist church olllclatlng. The pleasant home was beautifully decorated with palms , sml- lax and a profusion of flowers. The ceremony was performed In the presence of Imme diate relatives of th ? contracting parties and a few of their most Inllmato friends. A dellcato repast was served ami afterward Mr. and Mrs. Maybauer left for a short wed ding Journey. Mr. Maybauer Is a prominent merchant of Mount Vernon , la. , where they will reside. The bride Is a sister of Mrs. 0. D. Wheeler and a very eharmlns girl. Hcferrlng to a wedding which occurred hero last week , the Mount Vernon ( la. ) Hawkeyc says : "It Is generally understood among the Intimate friends of Mr. Charles D. Maybauer that he was married yester day a the home of the bride In Council IllufTp , la. , to Miss Nanle McCune. "Although no formal announcement has been received hero there seems to be no doubt but that an Interesting ceremony took place as above mentioned. The news will be re ceived with genuine pleasure by a host of friends of thu groom In this city , who only await the opportunity to extend their con gratulations and assurances of felicitous wishes for the happiness and prosperity of a new alliance and the new home about to bo opened. One of the leading and most aggressive business men of the city , as head of the well known and successful agricultural Implement house of Maybauer & Clark , he has over identified himself with moves for tno auvanueiront and Improvement of the city's commercial Interests. A member of ono of the oldest and moat highly esteemed families of the community , and having spent the largest part of his life In this vicinity , ho Is too well and favorably known , too highly respected wherever he Is known , to need words of ccomiiim from us. We sat- Ifify the sentiments prompted on this occa sion by voicing the good will with which this announcement will be received generally. "The bride Is a sister of Mra. Lorraine Clark , who resided here until recently , when thu'family returned to the farm , and having spent some time visiting In the city , Is not an entire stiangor. She Is a charming young lady , mcst highly esteemed by these who made her acquaintance , all of whom will extend a most cordial welcome to her when she returns to this city. "Wo understand that Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Maybauer will bo at homo soon after January 1 at Mrs. Fish's house , on the cor ner of College and Washington streets , A meet cordial welcome will be extended by our people to a home among us. " Mrs. Hlckman of Now York City Is the guest of Mrs. II. L. Cummlngs. .Mrs. Victor Uelider nnd son , Hobcrt , arc In Galcsburg on a two-weeks' visit. Miss Stevens of Colorado Springs Is visit ing with Mrs. John T. Tldd , on Oakland avenue. .Mrs. Patterson of North Platte Is In the city , Iho guest of her daughter , Mrs. Keys. John Lockuood Dodge will leave shortly for St. Louis , where ho will visit for some time. T. C. Dauson Is In New York on a business trip.Miss Miss Olla Cook left for Chicago Saturday evening , where she will go on with her art studies. Miss Glecson of St. Louis Is visiting friends here. here.Miss Miss Brown of Omaha visited with Miss Tnllcys last week. Miss Hlchards of Wyoming is visiting with Mrs. I ) . M. Graves , on Madison nvenun. Mr. Frank Metcalf Is homo from college for the Christmas holidays. Miss Floy Taylor of Iowa City is the guest of Mrs. Calso and daughters. Christmas candles- , nuts , fruits , delicacies , I staples , novelties everything at J. Zollcr 1 & Co.'s. I 1 ll < illy , A'IIIIIH Crct'itN , I'alniH nml Cut FllMVITN. If you want choice holly or Xmas tree wreaths , we will make them for any price you wish. Fine wreathing from C cents a yard up. We have some fine palms that would make an elegant Xmas present , and wo arc selling them very low. Tel. 99. J. F. WILCOX. Florist. IIaiilly | lilt-Udell. Wo venture to say that our store Is the best arranged In the city , filled with rare tfcms of diamonds , fine Jewelry , watches and chains , silverware and silver novelties. We make specially low prices on table cut lery , carving sets and full tea sets , quadruple plate. C. D. JACQUHMIN & CO. . 27 South Main street. Wo cannot .afford to give the time and rosm for holiday goods any longer. You cannot afford to overlook the best oppor tunity you ever had to buy nice , new Christ mas novelties at your own price ? . Come and see them. George S. Davis , 200 Broadway. I.nliortTH Waiili-d. Wo have for sale or rent several dcslr- able fruit , grain , vegetable and stock farms near Council Uluffs for 1897. Day & Hess , Rental Agents. For sale cheap , seven-room house ; well , cistern , all modern outdoor Improvements ; fruit trees , vines ; two acres well fenced ; half mlle from city limit ? . Lewis township. J. J. Kles , Council Hluffs. Nice line of copper and nickel-plated tea kettles and nickel-plated teapots for Christ mas presents at J. Zollcr & Co.'s. Prices will astonish you. We need room for our drug , paint , oil and glass business , and we will close out our largo stock of Christmas novelties at your own prices. George S. Davis , 200 Broad way. MuK'c Her Ilnpiiy Tor Oni-c. Husbands and brothers and others get her a handsome rocker or easy chair at S. S. Keller's. Makes a great Xmas gift. It Is expensive to run your furnace. Hut Earllngton Crushed Coke will reduce the expenses one-third. Hex sells It. It'a $7.50 a ton. For Airtight and Oak heaters and cook stoves go to . ' . SColler & Co.'s. It will pay you. KIATII : OP nit. x. D. I.AWHK.VCIS. I'ruiiilnnU Clllr.i-ii .SiicciimliK to nil AI > ( IIIT | | ' Slroki * . The death of Dr. N. D. Lawrence In Omaha Saturday night has caused universal uorrow In Council Uluffs. Since his return from abroad Dr. Lawrence had enjoyed excellent health , and the sudden attack that cauned hi * death was wholly unexpected by bis friends. He was visiting at the residence of his daughter , Mrs. J. J. Monell , 2025 Dodge atreet , Omaha , ten days ago , when ho wao stricken with apoplexy. Medical aid was unavailing , and ho died without having re gained conacloiiHtKwu. There were fexv men more universally es- Iccmed by the people of Council Bluffs than Dr. Lawrence. Ho was closely connected with the city's progress , and three tlnu the citizens honored him with the ofllce of mayor , the highest within their gift. Ho was chosen each time without regard to party or politics , and at tlmca where the city af fairs had reached a crisis. The pctple relied upon hU sound Judgment and business abil ity to eolve the financial snarls that threat ened lie-dona mischief , und each administra tion was signalized by aucccMful solution of the problems that were creating anxiety. Dr. Lawrence waa born In St. Lawrence county , Now York , In 1S22. Ho waj educated at the Kenfcfielacr Institute , New York City , and at the Vermont unlvcmlty , where ho graduated , He practiced medicine In New York III ! In 1S6S. when ho came to Counnli IlluffH , In ISIS Dr. Lawrence wca married and ho had been lilewe ; ! with two children , Frank E. , born In 1818 , who married MUs Elizabeth Cady Stanton In 1878 ; and Ella M. , born In 1851 , and marrying John J. Monell of Omaha In 1871. Arrangements for the funeral were par tially completed lu t evening. Too body will Over $411,000,000 Paid to Policy Holders in Fifty-three Years ! n RICHARD A. McCURDY , President , Who will pay that mortgage on your home if you die before It's lifted ? A life insurance policy will do it , and the cost to you is only the annual premium paid to the company. It is like pay ing a little extra interest on your mortgage to insure its re lease if you die. The resources of the Mutual Life of New York exceed the combined capital of all the na tional banks of New York City , Chicago , Boston , Philadelphia , St. Louis , Cincinnati and Balti more. A duty delayed is a duty shirked. Let a man convinced of responsibility secure adequate protection and at once. INSURE NOW . # # IN THE MUTUAL LIFE. A Policy of Insurance in the Mutual Life is 'the ' quickest asset YOU can leave. be brought from Omalm int 3 o'clock this afternoon , and will be taken to the Flret Presbyterian church. Tbo pall-bearers will be selected from the old 'gltlzeim , who have been Intimately associated with Dr. Lawrence for many years. They will accompany the hearae to Omaha. The body will bo burled in the family lot In Falrvlew. For tnblo cutlery , such as carving sets , etc. , go to J. Zollcr & Co.'n. Only one more week of the Durfco Fur niture company's great removal sale. Bar gains. IJy Bonding forty Domestic soap wrappers to L. Ilolton & Co. , Doa Molr.03 , la. , you will get six silver teaspoons free. Buy your Jackson Hill ( Ohio ) coal of Rex. It's well screened and fresh from the mine. It's the same price everywhere , $7 a ton. Leave order at either ofllce. Tele phone 257. For your fancy candy and nuts for holi day use go to J. Zoller & Co.'a. DKAHLV SIJIISTITrTUS FOR WIIISICA" . Tlirci * Meii Ilciiil and Three IIINIIIIC mid Scvcrnl Hying ; . WIIKEMNO , W. Va. , Dec. 20. Additional details from Ucnwood , the new oil field In Monroe county , Ohio , concerning the poison ing from drinking "essence of cinnamon , " a substitute for whisky sold at a speak easy , confirm the first reports. Three well known men arc dead , several nro seriously 111 and three Insane. It sccmu that one of the storekeepers nt Ucnwooil got hold of the fact that a Wheeling drug firm wa put ting up a preparation called "essence of cinnamon , " which contained a large per centage of alcohol. The merchant laid In n large supply of the stuff and Informed the people about that ho had u good thing. It was only received yesterday and ho sold n creat deal of It during the afternoon and evening. Several who partook of the "es sence" soon became 111 and three of them , after terrible sufferings , died. The symp toms were the some In all rases. The first man taken 111 won \V. II. Trice , on whoso farm the Fisher Oil company drilled Its first well. Heforo a physician could arrive from the nearest point , Sardls , ho was dead. Ho died In awful agony. Mr. 1'rlce was ono of the most prominent and wealthy citizens , his royalties from wells on his farm aggre gating $3,000 a month. He leaves a widow and ono child. Charles Selbcrt , a butcher of Sardls , O. , was the next attacked , anil ho was quickly folio-ed to eternity by Thomas Klegg. an oil driller. Others who were attacked by the same symptoms , but are still alive , are Colonel Clcgg. Henry Koth and a cook In a boarding house. His name cannot be learned. About flftden other persona are suffcrlni ; from the effects of the poison. A number of physicians are on the ground and hope to succeed In saving their lives. The county docs not grant liquor licenses and to Bupply the demand for firewater several parties have been peddling "speak easy" whisky arounct thojficld on the quiet. The whisky which caused' the trouble had raw alcohol for a foundation , with a dash of some sort of acid , anil evidently In cluded , through accident or design , a deadly poison. Great excitement 'prevails and thu officers with a posse are scouring the coun try for the traveling "Hpealjoasy. " DcntliN of n. liny. AI/TOO.NA , I'u. , Dec. 23. Wank Croomcr Cviwiiii , who wns ru-olerte < V captain of the Franklin and Marshall college foot ball teiiin. died nt bin home I if this city today. PHIIjAUKU'HIA. PeP "J0.-Cllnlon G. Hancock , general passenger agent of the Philadelphia & Heading Itnllrnnd company died at hlH homo In thin city tonight , aged MAnilll ) . Dec. 20.-S.mor Uecorra , ex- minister of the colonies , IH dead. PAHIE. Dee. 20. M. Augusta Joseph I'urls a former mlnlxtcr , IH ileuil. I'AHIS. Dee 21.-M. Kugeno Joll-llols , well known Iloimpartlst , l.i dead. Argentine SinrlliT StarlH lip. KANSAS r-ITV. Dec. LU-lt IH announced that the KiuiH.18 City Smelting and lletlnlng company'H works , which for Home time piiHt have been operated with n reduced force , will Htnrt up January 1 with an Increased force. The greatest number ever before employed , namely CCO , will be exceeded by about 1W. iH Cl < > - I'ollciMiiim Kfiiiinl Demi. KANSAS CITY. Deo. 20-1'atrolman George Nonh , thu oldest innn In point of servlco on Iho Kans.-iH City police force , < WHH found il-ul In a gully a mllii from thu city tills morning. A bullet had pluroed Mix heart , and It IH believed , ho wax killed In a light , while trying to arrest some one , IS THE COMPANY IN TWO GENERATIONS 1843-1896 The Mutual Life Insurance Co. , of New York , has paid $246,000,000 to its living members. Has been the benefactor of women and children to the extent of $165,000,000. Has gaald its members \ \ \ a9 ! over FOB IOWA and KELBRASKA , FIRST NATIONAL BANK BD1LD1HG , SIXriI AND LOCUST ST11EETS , OMAHA. DES MOINES. s Wanted in JBvery County. H. S. WINSTON , Special Representative , Omaha. South Omaha Nsws . | 1'ollco Olllccr David Drown was brutally assaulted by three men at 5:30 : o'clock Sun day morning and Is now confined to his bed with a number of severe bruises and a long cut on his head. According to the officer's version of the affair , ho was standing In front of Stott's stationery store. . 210S N street , at the hour mentioned , when three men , all unknown to him , came along. Ono of the men stepped up to him and said , "Hello , Paddy , " and as the officer turned to return the salutation ho was struck a blow on the head with some blunt Instru ment and knocked down Into the areaway. In falling the officer struck a large window and broke a pane of glass. Immediately after the blow was struck the three men ran to Twenty-fourth street and turning north soon disappeared. Officer Hrown staggered to his feet nnd managed to get to the corner of Twenty-fourth and N Btrcots , where ho got to n telephone and called police headquarters. In response to the call for aid Officer niches hurried to the corner and as the assailants of Lrown were out of sight , turned his attention to the wounded policeman. Surgeons were called and staunched the flow of blood and sowed up the long cut on the ofllcer's bead , after which ho was taken to a room nt one of the hotels and put to bed. U was at first thought that Hrown had been seriously Injured , but after a few hours' sleep ho awoke , refreshed , and told his story of the assault. From the fact that ono of the men addressed Brown as "Paddy" It Is Inferred that the assailant thought ho was speaking to Captain Mc- Demough and not Officer Drown. The doctors say that the officer's head chows evidence of having : been struck with some blunt Instrument , the cuts having been caused by the fall. Nothing was found on the sidewalk or In the areaway which might have been used as a weapon and the police are Inclined to think that a loaded club or billy was used and was carried away by the man who struck the blow. A negro who was working about a saloon across the street at the time of the assault gave to Chief Hrennan a very good descrip tion of the three men and the chief at once went to Omaha and obtained assistance from the police there to prosecute the search for the men. From the description given the chief Is satisfied that the man who struck the blow was Patrick Ford , a cousin of the notorious young Pat Ford , who escaped from the county Jailer about a year ago. It Is known that Ford had n grudge against Captain McDonough , who arrested him for raising a disturbance ! a month or two ago , and as the overcoats worn by Officer Brown and Captain .Mc Donough are similar , It Is surmised that young Ford supposed he was assaulting the night captain. The officers visited all of the haunts of the Ford boys In Omaha yesterday , besides searching the homes of the Fords , but Pat rick Ford could not be found. During the afternoon the chief went to Council Hluffs In an attempt to locate his man , hut did not succeed. Officer Brown said that ho dW not know any of the men who assaulted him , but asserted that ho could Identify them If he ever saw them again , 1.3to lax' night thu Omaha police located Ford at Metz's hall and placed him under arrest. Ho Is now at the Omaha cltv Jail awaiting the pleasure of the South Omaha authorities. ( ' ! ( > ' AVID TiiUo tin Apiicnl. The decision of Judge Keysor In the Cor- tclyou case will open the way for mandamus proceedings to bu commenced by others having long standing claims against the city. The city attorney will , It Is under stood , appeal from Judge Koysor's decision , which orders the council to convene and make a special levy to pay the claim. At the tlmo many of thn Judgments were being paid off Mayor Knsor called the at tention of the council to the fact that thu claims of longest standing ought tti be paid first , but the finance committee refused to comply with the suggestion of the mayor and paid claims as It saw fit. The Cartel- juu claim Is now four years old and about half of the original claim was paid by thu administration preceding thu ono now In power. In case on appeal should not be taken U Is inoro than HkelM ( hat the claim will bu paid out of some of thu funds now on hand and thus the expense of malting a special levy will bu avoided. I. ' I ! ) ' ( illNNll. | On Friday evening , January 22 , Crusader Encampment No. 37 , Independent Order or TO BE SOLD AT COST. These pictures have been specially framed for this holiday offer They are in three lots and consist of ETCHINGS , ARTOTYPES ( colored and plain ) , PHOTOGRAPHS , all high class copies of modern masterpieces , , The prices speak for themselves. ALL OTHER ART NOVELTIES REDUCED IN PRICE IN PROPOR TION TO THE ABQVE LIBERAL OFFER t c4 * t e t e c e } H. L. SMITH & CO. , 45 Main Street. nvergrccn Wreathing-In cells 20 yards Cnndy , Nuts , Figs , Dates , etc. long. Will bn pleased to riuoto prlccH on the Evergreen nnd Holly Wreaths , Holly nbovo to dculcra only. Branches , Mistletoe , etc. , etc. JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO , Wholesale Manufacturing Confectioners , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Odd Fellows , will give Its first annual ball at Masonic hall. The directors of the Union Stock Yards company will meet today and elect olllccrs for the year. The missionary society of the First Meth odist episcopal church will meet Wednes day afternoon to sew for the poor. Tuesday afternoon the Ladles' Aid society of the First Methodist Episcopal church will meet In the parlors of the church. Farmer McKnlght of Sarpy county re ported to the police yesterday that onei of Ills hands named Lclllngwcll como to this city Saturday with n load of corn and dis appeared with the proceeds of the sale. Let * flngwell Is described as being short , heavy set and with a full brown beard. Tuesday evening n meeting of these In terested In organizing a Sons of Veterans camp will bo held ut the olllco of F. A. Agnew In thu South Omaha bank building to take the preliminary stops , Quite a number of young men arc Interested In the new organization and It Is expected that the camp will start out with about 100 members , JiiitltNon anil WnllliiK UIIIIK TiiKfllii'r. FItANKFOHT , Ky. . Dec. 20.-Sherlff Pluminer of Newport IIIIH been In conmtltii- tlon with ( jovornor llnidley. The latter In dicated that ho would llx the tmmc dny for thu execution of both Jiickxon and Walling. The Him ) iimmliilcH of thn court hnvo not yet reached the governor , but ho IH already receiving lolturn by hundreds , pleading for na-rcy for I'uirl Ilryun'H murderers , Kciilm-lcV ConlcMl IN lilvfii I'll. LOUISVJU.K. Ky. , Dec. iO.-At 11 con- Biiltatloii ycHterdiiy of u commitleo ap pointed by the democratic ututo central committee , It wan deuldeu to abandon the contest ngiilnHt tha twclvu republican tora from Kuituclty. How much will your admin istrator have to sacrifice your estate to force quick assets ? An Installment Policy for $100,000 will leave your family $5,000 yearly income for 20 years , in any event , and if your stated beneficiary is then living he or she will be paid $5,000 yearly during life. A 5 pzr cent Debenture for $100,000 will leave your wife $5,000 yearly income either for 20 years or until her death if prior thereto ? then $100,000 wifl be paid in one sum. A possible return of $200,000. i is JIMII , mi 0 fl 10103 ( Or flD' fli The true business man oromptly. Get our rates at once * ' 't Ot'S ? " TWIN GITDY WOHXS DVHINd x , " ) . .MEANING Clothiag , DressH aaJ Honshu GDij ) OMAHA OKF1CE-1L21 Karnam. Tel. IUL COUNCIL IlLUKKS-Vv'ork. nd Orflci. Cor , Jt r * . nue A and Hill Bt. TcL lit. NATIONAL Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , . . . $100,00(1 ( WK SOLICIT YOUJl UVUINKBH. / , ' Wifl UCJHIIID YOUIl COLLECTION ! . i { ONI3 OP TIIU OLDISST HANKS IN IOWJU B IMOIl CENT I'AIU UN T1SIU U FOgiT2k. PALI * AXt ) 8KB VB OK WUITB.