Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1896, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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A List of Usafnl ami Elegant Gifts that
Men Will Appreciate.
Hint CIIMI " from llruwtiliiK-
Hhm'x IM I'nr I\IM | | IMHM Tinlli'Hl
_ llfitil < - H'H M MDoi'M Not
MiiUt ; I'rlupH Any lllnlier.
Cambric handkerchiefs , fancy borders , lOc.
Knncy bordered cambric handkerchiefs ,
HeniMltchotl llnrn haiulkcrchlcfn , 2 * > c.
Dress kill slaves , 11.00 , Jl-00 anil 12.00.
Out m-am nnil driving gloves. 11.00.
Lined slows nnil mittens , $1.00.
Deal black and tan lioac In the world , 2ic. !
Fancy embroidered balbrlRRan lit D , CUc.
Wo can autlrc the necktle-wearliiK men
of this city that no house In the world ever
allowed Kiich a beautiful array of tlin In nil
the laUHt dcslpns of patterns and shapes ,
iiolka dots , Persian effects. Oriental color-
Ings. Tartar plaids , Scotch plalils , fashion-
ablu reds and Rrccnn and fancy flK > ircs. al
ways different than plaids and dota , In puff
fchapus. much larficr and broader than of
yore , Imperials , flowing end tecks , four-Jn-
lianits. rlubs , strings and bov.-a.
High novelty shirts , $1.00.
Umbrrllos with all the latest handles and
canes to match.
India twill new polka dot mufllcrs.
Smoking Jackets In fancy cloths , In fancy
and silk vesting cloths , from $4.00 up.
Lounging robes In fancy colors , made of
blanket cloths and English Jacket cloths ,
from $5.00 up.
Turkish bath robes In all the latest color
ings and designs from $2.50 up.
Hath slippers , not sold In shoe store , $1.00.
Kxtremely fancy and high grade puffs ,
treks and imperials , In all the late Turko
man and Oriental colors and designs , the
most beautiful combination of designs ever
produced , at $1.00 and $1.50.
Linen collars In boxes , $1.50 a dozen.
High grade linen collars , Imported.domes
tic. $1.10 a half dozen.
Linen cuffs to match both these lines.
Dress ftcarfs In puffs , Imperials , ( lowing
rnd tcclts , four-ln-Jiamls , strings , clubs and
bows at 50c.
Fancy embroidered night gowns , BOc up.
Silk night gowns In fancy brocades , $5.00
1'ajamas , fancy trimming and colors , $ l.GO.
x Another Oiiiiilin Improvement.
Farnam street pedestrians who have had
occasion to pass the Ilarker block corner to
and from their various avocations , or In
their dally peregrinations , as the case may
be , were struck with amazement at the
transformation scene enacted there today ,
between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock.
Heretofore for months the room on the
Direct elevation has presented a front of
political cartoons disputing possession with
cobwebs and bcgrlmmcd windows. Hut at
the hour named the curtains were raised ,
rovcnllng an Interior of cleanliness and
beauty of the most pleasing and Impressive
nature. All this was done by Jlr. J. F.
VIckcrs , who has opened up u drug store
In the corner In question.
Mr. Vlckcra hns boon a resident of the
city fop seven.years , and for four years has
been a member of the drug firm of VIckcrs
& Merchant , located at Howard and Six
teenth streets.
His new place of business Is newly dec
orated In the latest nnd most fastidious
style. His shelving , counters , show casca
and furniture Is all of oak , designed and
manufactured especially for his business by
an'Omaha firm. It all rests on a marble base
and IB about as tasty as It can bo made.
His stock of drugs Is entirely new , and
not an old bottle , graduate or utensil Is to
be found In the place. In a word , the room
Is new , the fixtures arc new. the llrni Is
new everything Is new. * Mr. " VIckcrs .will
bo' glad to cc his old customer's among
tliu new onrs ho will make.
Use "Rex" Pepsin gum. "
D. T. Mount , coal , 209 S. 16.
' What do I wish for Xmas ? One of those
Imported German warbling Canarys ; only
$3.50 at CJelsler'H Hird store.
The Salvation army of this city will give
n free dinner Christmas day for the poor
people , at their hall , 1711 Davenport st. ' We
ask the help of the friends and all who
arc Interested In this work to kindly assist
by donating money , food or clothing. All
donations will bo very thankfully received
by Captain Lula Gregory at 1711 Davenport
Leave Omaha every Friday via the Union
Pacific. No change of cars to Ogden , San
Francisco or Los Angclecj. Tourist sleepers
dally to San Francisco.
Special attention paid to ladles traveling
alonn. A. C. DUNN ,
Olty Pass , and Tkt. Agent.
1J02 Farnam St.
Wo carry the repairs for yclir stove. 1207
Douglas. Omaha Steve and Ucpalr Workv
Got n largo water color photo of your-
coif free with our $3.00 cabinets. Miller's
Park Studio , 1214 Park avenue.
Six-Thirty 1 * . 31. Triiln. *
of the
Ilest service ,
Dining car.
City office : 1501 Farnam.
If In quest of Jewelry for presents , get the
lowest prices anywhere and then go to A. 11.
Hubcriiuimi , corner 13th and Douglas streets ,
nnd get U cheaper and good goods only.
After 30 years in business I will quit and
cm willing to make a sncrlllce.
A I'rrplrilnu I'rotilom.
Whether to trko "Northwestern Line" No.
2 at 4:45 : p. in , or No. C at 0:30 : p. in. , Chicago-
ward. "No. 2" arrives at Chicago at 7:45 : a.
m. and "No. 6" at 9:30 : a. in. Both trains
nro models of modern art. skill and luxury.
Call at the City Olllce. 1401 Farnam str.t.t : ,
jfliul talk It over.
J. A. KUIIJJ , General Agent.
G. F. WEST. ,0. P JT. A.
Hamilton Wnrrcn , M. D. , eclectic and mag.
nolle physician ; special attention to diseases
of women and children and all obvscure and
long-Ktaudlng diseases. 119 N. IGth St. , 11. 2.
IliirlhiKtoii It on tt > < 'tt II Torn la
' A cheap and pleasant way to make the
overland trip la to taku one of the Hurllng-
ton'a weekly personally conducted excur
sions to California. They leuvo omalm at
4l : > . " > every Thursday afternoon. Most In
teresting route across the continent-
through Denver and Salt Lake City. The
si'hrdnlo la HO arranged as to afford pan-
ronger a daylight view of the .wonderful
hccnery of the Rockies. Cars arc clean , ,
comfortable , modern uml not crowded , Hi'si
of care given ladles and children. Second
clam , tickets honored. Call at ticket olllce ,
3602 Farnam street , and get full Informa
Everything now In novelties and Jewelry
at John Rudd'i , 115 S. IGth St.
Until Clirlntmim
A. Ilnnpo'rf BtoroUopcn evenings ,
OH > - Altoi-iu-j Ciin'l Sny.
The cncc of Smith against the City of
Omnlui , wbtrh was ruverscd and rcmamlod
\vllh Instructions by the supreme court
Friday , IP one of the casea grow
ing out of the Douglas street
change of grado. In the lower court
u verdict was obtained In favor of the city ,
but this Judgment IK now called In ipjiutlon
by the higher authority , City Attorney Cou
ncil snd | tlmt ho won tumble to say wliu't
bearing ( ho reveixal would huvo on the
ultlmatn outcome of the care until ho tuw
the text of the opinion. The ca u had been
remanded with Instructions and the effect
would depend largely on I ho nature of thwo
Instruction * , _
Heller & .Co. , Ullois , J15 South 13th itvtet.
llolil n HiiNltirKN SXN | < III nnil llnni | ' ' <
In tin * Hvcnlnw.
The Master Horseshocrs' association of
Nebraska met yesterday afternoon at Labor
temple for the purpose of organization and
adopting measures which will bo of benefit
to the craft. On assembling they were art-
dressed briefly by Governor llolcomb , 'who
touched upon the Importance of pursuing
policies which would bo of benefit to the
Industrial clauses. Mayor Hroatch then de
livered an address of welcomeIn behalf
of the city. J. K , llaum made a few remarko ,
during which he extended an Invitation to
the members of the organization to partici
pate In a banquet during the evening to bo
tendered by the Haum Iron Works company.
The organization wan then proceeded with.
W. A. Watson of Omaha was selected for
temporary president and T. H. Izanl as so-
retary. The afternoon was spent princi
pally In the dlaciiEslon of proposed legisla
tion In the Interest of the trade.
In the o\erlng about sixty of the visit
ing members and the representatives of the
local horscshocrs sat down to a banquet
provided fet them by the Damn Iron works.
After the conclusion of the banquet the
incmbcro adjourned to Labor temple , where
they were engaged until a late hour In per
fecting an organization nnd dlscupslng the
business before the session , none of which
wa of Interest to any except the members.
South Omaha Nswrs .
$ v2FiEFI ? iiSP TP:3 : ? WWnSP PvgrW
Records on flic In the olllce of the city
clerk show that $1,200.30 has been expended
by the administration now In power for
printing and stationery since the middle
of April of the present year.
In a mini lie u of Instances the bills on flic
are not Itemized as Is customary. One bill
for printing1 and stationery , which was paid
December 1 , Is as follows : Ordinance ,
$3.50 ; letter heads , $7.50 ; roll call , $4 ; mo
tion blanks , $ C ; account statements , $12 ;
envelopes , No. 10 , $5 ; envelopes , No. U ,
$3.CO ; total. $11.50. From the bill It can
not bo told how many motion blanks , roll
calls or account statements were ordered
printed , ns the order docs not accompany
the bill. Of the articles mentioned In this
bill , which has already been paid , there has
been delivered the following : Five hun
dred letter heads , 500 roll calls , 500 mo
tion blanks , one box of envelopes to the city
engineer and one box of envelopes to the
city treasurer.
Only a short tlmo ago the building In-
pector ordered n lot of blanks printed at n
cost to the taxpayers of ? 5i ( , and It was
asserted at the tlmo this bill was allowed
that the Inspector would not have use for
some of the blanks printed once a year.
Hy a resolution which was offered by
Caldwell and passed by the council Septem
ber K the ordering of printing was virtually
taken out of the hands of the council com-
mltteo on printing and given to the flmuice
committee. The resolution Is as follows :
"That nil orders for printing for the city
of South Omaha bo O. K.d by the mayor be
fore1 the work ppeclflcd In such orders Is
executed and that the finance committee
be Instructed not to consider any bills for
printing unless the order for the same has
been O. K.d by the mayor. " The finance
committee Is composed of Messrs. Mul-
laly , Caldwell and Hughes and the
printing committee Is made up of Councilmen -
men Hyland , Mullaly nnd Vansant.
Exorbitant charges In the matter of city
printing have suggested the idea to one of
the city olllclals of advertising for bids for
printing nnd letting the contract to the
lowest responsible bidder. H Is asserted
that by doing this a large sum of money
could bo saved each year.
l.lvr Slock Ilfi-clptH.
Live stock receipts nt the yards during
the week ending yesterday were as follows :
Cattle. 15,911 , on Increase of 1,800 head
over the preceding week and 4,700 more
.than .the same- week In 1S95 ; hogs , 3,289 ,
or .12,000 moro than last week and 900 more
than the same week last year. The week's
receipts of sheep numbered 9,295 head as
against C.CG2 last week and 2,845 the week
before Christmas last year. The receipts
from January 1 up to date show an Increase
of G.tiOG hogs and an Increase of 142,510
sheep as compared with the- year 1895. The
decrease In cattle only amounts to 4,620
City RoNNlii.
D. S. Clark , druggist , 2422 N street.
A. Delanncy , florist , 25th and J streets.
Take n look at Godfrey's holiday gifts.
Holiday novelties at Meyers' drug stores.
Iluy your ccal of Christie Hros. , 2420 N St.
Henry I.elsoy of Wlsncr was a visitor In
the city yesterday.
W. C. Heeler Is to bo taken to a hospital
In Omaha for treatment.
Olllccf Mulcahy Is able to be out again
after quite a severe Illness.
Harry Wells will conduct services at the
Maxwell mission this afternoon ,
The Emanon club will glvo a dance
Tuesday evening at Masonic hall ,
Mrs. H. L. 'Dennis will entertain the Mon
day Xlght club tomorrow evening.
F. A. Broadwell & Dro. , 241S N St. , agents
for Wear Coal Co. Serviceable coal.
Mrs. H. J. Cummlngs of Charter Oak ,
In. , Is the guest of Mrs. P. C. Caldwell.
Mrs. Grobey , Twenty-eighth and R streets ,
was thrown from a buggy yesterday and
painfully Injured about the head.
Mr and Mrs. Weir of Ottumwa , la , , ore
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Conway -
way , Twcnty-alxth and Armour .streets.
II. M. Letts , one of Wyoming's big ranch
owners , was at the yards yesterday with
ten ears of cattle shipped from La ram I c.
It was Mrs. Lansing that was ordered out
of thu city by Judge Chrlstmann and not
Mrs. Llndscy , as printed In Tliu Ucc a day
or two a > jo.
Thcro will bo no market at the live stock
exchange on Christmas day. All stock ar
riving will bo cared for , but the scales
will not bo opened.
U , F. Trapp , who was elected justice of
the peace last month , resigned his ofllco
yesterday and the county commissioners
appointed Attorney F. A. Agncw to fill
the vacancy. . .Ml.of . the attorneys In South
Omaha endorsed Mr. Agnow's application
for the place.
Twenty young men , all members of the
Young Men's Christian association , are ro-
hcnrslng for a minstrel show , which Is to
bo given at Ilium's hall about the middle
of January for the benefit of the associa
tion , Harry Carpenter Is drilling the ama
teurs and he promises fi very amusing en
To retain an abundant head of hair of a
natural color to a good old age , the hygiene
of the scalp must be observed. Apply Hall's
Hair Rrnower ,
Siimliix AVIII Hi- Fair \cliriiNUu
irlth \ VcxUrlyVlinlx. .
WASHINGTON , Dee. I'J.-The forecast for
Sunday In :
For Nebraska Fair ; west winds.
For South Dakota Fair ; variable winds.
For Colorado Partly cloudy ; north winds.
For Wyoming Generally fair ; slightly
Winner : west wind * .
For Montana Portly cloudy ; warmer in
eaxtcin portion : eoutlivvcst wlndd.
For JllHsourl-rOcnorallr. fair ; sllgfitly
warmer : xuiitti to west winds.
For Iowa Generally fairv ; Ht winds ;
warmer In eastern portion.
For Kansas Fair ; south to west wlndu ;
warmer In eastern portion.
liix'tll Itci-ord ,
OMAHA , Dec , 111. GmuKtt record of rainfall
and temperature- , computed with correspond.
Ing'day ' of tha past three years :
ISM. 1S ! 3. 1SU. ! UU3.
Maximum tciripcratiiro. . . 10 as S3 " us
Minimum temperature. . . 21 2 ! ) 33 20
Avtrugt ) temperature. . . . . . 32 31 41 21
Rainfall 00 .00 .00 ,00
Record of temperature nnd precipitation
nt Onmhu for the duy und Hlnco .March11 ,
Normal tumpuraturo for the duy 2d
Excess fr the day . , u
Accumulated deficiency xlnce March I. . 1C !
Normal precipitation for the dn > * 3 Inch
Uctlflcncy for thu day 3 Inc-'h
Total precipitation since Mch. 1..3I.1C IpchcH
ExcpBti Hlncc March I. . fi.07 Inrhes
Di'llolfiu-y for cor , period ; iS93..l0.kU lncht ,
Detleluncy for cor , period , IMil , . .1I.C1 inuhcH
L. A. WKLBI1 ,
Local Forecast Olllclul.
L. A. W , Inaiigtiratos a New Year with c
Banquet. ' *
Nntloniil .Mi-el for MIS mill Cooil llniulr
All tinTlmr \iM > NNlty for
.MukliiK VlNlllliK Wliucl-
iiii-ii Fi'i-l lit Home.
The Installation of the newly elected onv
ccrs of the Nebraska division of the League
of American Wheelmen occurred last even
ing under the most favorable auspices. The
occasion was celebrated by an elaborate
banijuct and n fetal of cycling reason nl
the Ucllone hotel , and from 10 o'clock until
2 this morning there was n merry tlmo foi
the Omahana who are connected with tin
great national organization of cyclers.
An extended menu of delicate dishes hru
been prepared and was served from ele
gantly appointed tables. I'nlms and pink
roses formed the principal floral decora-
tlons , which were tastefully arranged nroinu'
the banquet board.
The new consul of the Nebraska division
David J. O'Urlcn , called the assemblage tc
order after the last course had been dis
posed of and the cigars lighted , and with a
few timely words of Introduction presented
A. R. Edmlston of Lincoln , the retiring
consul. The latter briefly reviewed what
had been done In Nebraska by the League
of American Wheelmen during the year past ,
calling especial attention to the first circuit
meet ever held. Ho regretted that a greater
advance had not been made by the state di
vision during 1890. In his opinion the further
success of the order ; depended more on holdIng -
Ing the present members rather than In ob
taining new ones. Had all the rldcra who
had belonged to the league continued their
membership the state roll would now be
lengthened to considerably moro than 1,000
Secretary McCall was the next speaker ,
and In his address emphasized the point that
It was not the year 189G that was. to bo con
sidered , but the year 1897. He hoped all
would unite to pull together for the success
of the Nebraska division during the coming
Vice-Consul Eldredgo of York said that
all his experience In league matters had
been In connection with races , and he gave
some valuable pointers on the best means
of conducting these. Secretary-elect Peace
of Fremont was called for , but pleaded
as an excuse that he had walked In from
Fremont and had lost his voice In the
shuflle. He rend n letter from , the Missouri
consul , a letter that abounded In much in
formation for league members.
Consul-elect O'Urlcn received a rousing
reception when he was Introduced by the
retiring con nil. Ho said that Omaha must
have the state meet next season , and the
national meet In the following year. He
believed , these could bo obtained If every
body pulled together. The best card for
Omaha was to take good care of Its visiting
cyclists , and be sure that their reception
at the state meet next year would be moat
cordial. This feature would bo made prom
inent nt the expense of everything else , If
necessary. He could not sec why anyone
should have any trouble In getting new
members for the league. He secured forty-
two In three days , and didn't half work.
Auditor Anderson of the Union Pacific
made a happy little speech that abounded
In cycling witticisms. Ho testified to the
good obtnlned from the league , especially
from Us publications. Ho had purchased
every wheeling novelty advertised In It , and
had become known In the railroad headquar
ters as the "wheeling museum. " He was
confident there would be fewer"mud' ' puddles
and better paved streets. If the wheelmen
banded together to secure these desirable'ob
A. D. Fcttcrman spoke about the desira
bility of getting a good , healthy graft In on
the legislature. He favored the passage of a
bill prohibiting any charge for the trans
portation of wheels and legislation for good
roads. L. J. Oilier of Chicago testified to
the good done by the league throughout the
country , and was followed In the same strain
by Dr. Glcason. M. 0. Daxon emphasized
the Importance of the social side of cycling
Ira O.Rhoadcs made the hit of the evening
when ho took up the subject of Improve
ments to the streets of Omaha and to the
surrounding country roads before the ex
position year. Ho knew that a majority of
the city council and of the county com
missioners were In accord with a movement
for Improvement In this direction , and urged
all wheelmen In the city to band together
to secure this desideratum. A. J. Grover
and J. Harry Minds followed In the same
strain and their remarks were heartily re
A resolution of thanks to the local prees
for Its support of cycling Interests was
unanimously adopted. The banqueters were
Invited to be present at the rooms of the
Turners' Wheel club this afternoon for a
social session , and the first banquet of the
Nebraska division of the national league
was a thine of the past.
Among these present were : J. W. Grlfllth ,
J. T. Hogan. K. A. Wllderman , 0. F. Wlllo ,
J. Eaton. A. D. Fcttcrman , H. E. Wheelock.
A. W. Ilasse. E. H. Farnsloy. Robert A.
Hays , L. A. Morst , F. Newcomb , It. Ander
son , George II. Cone , F. N. Hess , Edward
L. Fries. M. O. Daxon. H. Mulholl. F. E.
Vandenburg , W. H. Kellogg , J. E. Hawc , J ,
J. Derlght. H. A. Stacy , "Doc" Gleezcn ,
W. M. McCall. L. J. Oilier. A. n. Edmlston ,
J. W. Stewart , D ; C. Eldredge , D. J. O'Urlcn ,
Edwin R. Pease. Max Relch'cnberg , Alva J.
Green , J. Harry Minds , Theodore W. Uaumcr ,
I. O. Rboadcs.
Where shall the amateur photographer
point bis camera now that summer and au
tumn have passed away , with all the beau
ties of nature which , with Its green and
other colored foliage , adds so much to the
beauty of the landscape and catches the
attention of the amateur with his camera ?
Now that winter has come ho Is at a lajs
to know where to get a picture or how to
put In his tlmo. Of course , there can bo
many artistic pictures made In the winter ,
especially when there Is snow on the trees
or ground or early In the morning after it
heavy frost , an Ice scene on water and many
other things too numerous to mention.
One of the features In photography which
ought to Interest the amateur this tlmo a
year Is lantern slide making. Now that thu
summer's work has been done , plates de
veloped and prints made , there Is nothing
moro beautiful and which gives more satis
faction to the amateur than when ho can
Invite hf.i friends to his homo and give them
an evening's entertainment by throwing
upon n largo canvas with a magic lantern
all the choicest pictures ho made In the
year that has passed , To make lantern
slides In simplicity Itself , for nothing has
contributed more to the ease of slide making
or to' the perfection of resulta obtainable
than the new Improved bromide lantern
slldo platen. Few amateurs had the courage
to attempt slide making with wet plates ,
but now they are all Interested , because
they can buy the plates ready prepared. Tbo
size of these plates Is 314x4 Inches , They
are iiiado In two ways. Ono of the simplest
Is , If your negative Is small enough , to put
the negative In a printing frame back out ;
then place the slide plate face down upon
It the same aa you would a piece of paper
wlicn printing , only this must bo done In
the dark room ; then expose It to a gas Jot
about llvo to ten seconds , according to the
density of the negative , holding It about
two fcot from the light. If an ordinary
lump Is used the exposure should be about
twice as long , Then develop In the formula
glvon below. In cnao the nciatlve > from
which you want to make a lantern slide Is
larger than you want It > ou can make a
poult I vo from It by putting the lantern slldo In your regular camera holder ; t'-en '
place the ncpullvu which your wish to co ; v
In the end of an old camera or any box
niudo for ( hat purpose , film toward you , then
by foctulng you can get It any size you
wish und this U developed In the regular
way.After U.xlng and \raublng for half an hour
-V- "
or more the lantern , slldo pUte can be tonci
to nlmcst nny dslr lilf tone In any ordlnarj
toning bath , whlchwUI give beautiful cf
feet when shown nnucnnvas. The followlnp
developing formulixs ! vcry good : A Water
10 ounces ; motel , Mlgralns ; hydrochlnon , 3 (
grains ; sodium sulphite ( crystals ) , 24C
grains , n Water. 10 ounces ; potassium car
bonate , 120 grains C Potassium bromide
1 ounce ; water , lOnonnccs. To develop : A
1 ounce ; H , 1 ounce'C ! , 10 to 20 drops ; can
bo used repeatDdlr * Temperature should be
between 70 and TBi'dORrec * . Too cold a de
veloper will not give * dsnulty , while n warn
developer temta togive foe. After this lbc >
should bo fixed lirthtotfollowlng ; A Water
C4 ounces ; hypo , t pound ; sulphite soda
( crystals ) , 2 ounces. U Water , 1C ounces
chrome alum , 1'4 ounces ; sulphuric aclil
( cone. ) , 1 drahm. While stirring A vigor
ously pour In 11. This bath will keep , but
It should bo filtered occasionally. The
chrome alum bath recommended for our reg
ular plato can also bo used , Leave plate In
bath n few minutes after all white has dis
appeared from back. Wash well nnd then
wlpo surface gently with n wnd of wet ab
sorbent cotton. Rinse and allow to dry
nvoliMng dust.
There will bo n practical demonstration on
making lantern slides by L. R. Sharp thle
afternoon nt 4 o'clock nt the rooms of the
Omaha Camera club. 1312 Farnam street
This Is one. of the most Interesting branches
of photography and should bo eeen by al
followers of the camera.
The members of the club are getting their
negatives together , so as to maku slides for
a series of exhibits after the first of the
Hi-Id Out Tn-o DollnrM.
Thomns Orcyson met u woman , who gnve
the mime of Fny Smith , on North Sixteenth
street hint night , nnd was Inveigled Into
her room , nt Sixteenth nnd CMHH streets.
While there he alleges ho missed $7. Upon
demanding the return of the money , the
womnn tit length gave him $5 , but re
tained the balance. Uoth parties were ar
rested , Orcyson being retained ns u complaining
plainingwitness. .
How la a talking Parrot as a Xmas pres
ent ? Gclslcr's -Illrd store sells them with a
guarantee to talk for only $6.
Itoiiiriulior the Poor tit ClirlNtiimn.
The Associated Charities will be plcascil
to receive donations of dinners , provisions ,
clothing and shoes till noon Thursday , 24 ,
for distribution among the deserving poor
of our city. Our wagon will call on receiv
ing a postal card or telephone message , 1C4C.
Should any lady prefer calling upon a
family with the dinner , we will be Rlad to
give the name and address of those most
worthy of aid.
807 Howard street.
Mmli' n ( irnli for n I'oukrtliook.
Louis Swlck , a farmer from Chadron. who
wns lately charged by the federal author
ities with selling liquor to the Indians and
who has been out on bonds , attempted , It
Is alleged , to snatch a woman's pockutbook
whllo In front of the lloston Htoro. The
womnn made an outcry , nnd officers pur
suing Swlck captured him In the alley near
Fifteenth nnd Douglns street.
AMNfiHntloii Knot llnll.
The Association > foot ball season com
menced In this city yesterday afternoon.
The- Hangers nnd Crelghton college teams
Indulged In a practice , mutch on the college
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Heyman and fam
ily dcalro to express i their thanks and ap
preciation to friends and neighbors for sym
pathy and help during , the illness and death
of their daughter ; Ethel.
Have you seen ( those beautifully arranged
Flshglobc3 In our window ? Don't require
any drainage of water. Price , complete ,
from Coc up. Gclslcr's Dlrd store.
Oh , that Is what I want ! one of these
cute little Pug Pupplas ; only $5 at Gclslor'fi
Dlrd store.
GUM. t-DbllcIouE 'bcaUbful land-satisfactory.
For your furnac'ejuse'Wcar Nut coal ; | 4 per
ton ; ton sale only by D. TV Mount. 203 S. 16th.
Houto Holiday I tut CM
December 24 , 25 and 31 and January 1
between stations not more than 200 miles
apart return limit , January 4.
Call at ticket office , 1502Farnam street.
HOLMES Warren II. , aged 47 years. Fu
neral nt residence , 271C North Twonty-
Hccond street , Sunday , December 20. tit
2 p. m. Interment at Tecumsch , Neb.
Pervades the entire store
holiday tokens are bursting
freshly into view ever/ day ,
much as the buds unfold their
blossom's at the Eastertide.
The goods show is great , as
is the fun of the happy crowds
and the sales of the happy
salespeople , until the apex
Christmas eve.
Santa Glaus
The merry Toy King1 , has
taken possession of our store
acres of Toys , a vast array
of Dolls , Games and. Novel
ties are await his bid
ding. -
We have tlia best and latest
productions df the most cele
brated makers , and we offer
nothing but new , fresh goods ,
an advantage over all others.
Buy early and avoid the rush.
1319 FarnamStreet.
MRS. . .
Follow the erowil nnil you will como to our store nnil liullovo whnt nl )
the hullo * say ( hut wo. have the only nloek of
Christmas Novelties , .
In tlu > eltv. Wo know wo hnvr moro pretty novelties tlinn have over
IHVII shown In this city. Hi-sltU'S those novelties , our roBiilnr tlepnrt-
inents mo ovortlowliiK' with ohok-o thliiKs for Christmas Presents.
Presents for Ladies.
Wo know wo nro showing the finest line
of Christmas Handkerchiefs ever shown In
this city , nnd at prices that nro bound to
sell them ,
Very tine Linen Handkerchiefs with
dainty Initial , f.M per handsome box of
halt dozen.
Dainty French hand embroidered Hand
kerchiefs from 75c and lit ) .
A sheer , all linen , hand embroidered
Initial handkerchief , 13u each , or S3c hnlf
A liner quality at 2'e each , or gl.BO per
box of half dozen.
A very line sheer all linen handkerchief ,
with dainty script Initial , 3'c each , or $1,87
handsome box of half dozen.
An all linen hemstitched handkerchief
from Be no.
Heautlful Empire Fans.
Ostrich Feather and Neck lion * nil
kinds , from $1.S7 up ; silk , < . " > up.
Silk Mlttons , lined , from oOc and up.
Kid Mlttons , from uOc and up.
A large and complete line of Kid Gloves
for street , driving and evening wear.
Prices from $1.00 up.
Ill-button Evening Gloves $1.59 up ; IC-but-
ton , S1.S7 up.
We carry the celebrated Itenler & Pcrrln
Kleganfllnp of Aprons from 2'c up.
Hand Embroidered Pieces a largo assort
ment at very low prices.
I adlps' Silk Hose$1.00. . $150 , $2.00 , $2.50 ,
$2.75 and $ H.7. i a pair.
IPP Wool Si-arfs and Heal Lace Scarfs
for wrapping head and neck.
Entlrply new and beautiful novelties In
neckwear Lace and ribbon effects and
chiffon ruschlng ; silk and chiffon boas , etc.
Handsome Silk Umbrellas.
Every time \VP publish n Rood prrrcrlp
tlon It mukcn n lni ! < y day fur us bent
Doc out nt ! 2.00 nnil tnnkes him hot
Herc'H one we Know IB good It's fo
ImllKvstlon :
I < nctopeptlno I il
Siicclmratetl I'cp ln 1 < lr
Dlcarbonatc of Sodti S di
Mnkc In 12 powilrrx. Tnkc one utter
cncli mcnl.
1'nlno'a Celery Compound ( * >
llooil'H Snrsnpnrllln M
' ' 3-V
Williams' 1'lnk Pills -
Hlrtiey's Ciitnrrli Cure 3i *
DiifTy'n Mull WliUky SO. .
Wiirnor's Hnfe Cure SO- -
l.Kyptliin Lotus Cream 10
No-to-IInc CTi
H. S. H 7.1
l.yilln PlnUlmm'c Compouml 7.V
AVer's Ilnlr Visor CO
Vine Kolnfra 70
We have the mont complete Ftock In the rlty
All the different odors. You Know our price
arc the lowest.
16th and Chicago.
L. M.Crawford. Mar. I I
TliiirMilay. I - -iiilit-r ill.
MATINEES ChrlMman. Saturday nnd Sunday
The beet of nil .Mclo-Drainai' .
Shadows of a Great City ,
Julia Btuart In her original creation of Nellie.
Good Heserveil Seats 35c nnd 50e.
Dec. 28 "Saved From the Sea. "
Prices ,
I , . .11. Crawford , .M
COME Laugli and be Morr.v
TONIGHT AT 8:15. :
The Great Comedy-Drama Success ,
Our Own I I THE i 'i'1" ' Heart's.
Also Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday
Nights , with Hargnln Day Matinee
Or The Great American Hustler ,
i' Hf\V \ I - Wonderful
| children.
1300 Douglas. GKO. MITCHELU Prop.
AUj NKXT WEEK Special engagement of
Slg. Almon Xrlnyl. the great hand balancer
uml cqulllhrlHt. The \ > etl performance of Hie
season will be given this week ; many new
feature ? . Special Christmas matinee. Kvery
gentleman intending Christmas night will be
ireecnted with n beautiful French clay pipe.
[ tegular nmtlneo every Saturday afternoon.
_ _ _ _ _ Manager. * ! ,
I'lu-Hilay , WriliifHiliiIII3J1 -U AMIl. ! .
The New York Casino's greatest uccen < ,
Marie Drersler , Dan Daly and Cj other * .
Seals now on nale , 25c. Me. < 3o. tl.OO , Jl.M ,
Dec. ZMG-'TlIi : MUltllY WOULD. "
Slot-IilioliliTH' Mt-ctliiK t'liloii lOle-
vnKiiOmnium ) - of Oiiinlia.
Notice Is hereby Klvcn that the annual
mi-etltiR of the stockholders of the t'nlon
ISlavator company of Omnhu. for the | iur-
POBO of L'leatliiK seven directors and miuli
other business a may properly como before
the mcotliiK. will L-i ! held at the olllco of tlu
Otnoral Solicitor. Union Paclllc building ,
Omaha , Neb. , upon Monday , tfto 4th dny
of January , 1897 , between the hour a of U
o'clock n. m. , and C o'clock p. in.
The etock transfer books will be cloFcil
ton (10) ( days before the date of the meet
Boston , Mass. , December 7 , ISM.
Ollleo of Lue-Claike-AmlrccKcn Hardware
Company , Omaim , Neb. , Dec. 12 , li'JG ;
Notlco Is hereby tlven to the Htockhotdqrn
of the lA'c-Cliirke-AndrfCHuii Hardware
company that the annual meetlnu of thn
stockholdfrB of the company will bo held
( it thu olllcca of the said company , Nos.
1210 , 1221 and 1223 Harnuy utrcet. In thu city
of Omaha. In the state of Ni-br-islca , on
Tuesday , January 12 , A. D. 1SS7. at 3 o'clock
p. in , , for the purpoco of electlnK a board
of director * for the company , to nerve dur-
Inir the ensuing year , and to truiiHact such
other hiiBlncgs n may bo urrHcnti > d at such
mootliiK. ( Heal. ) II. J. U-KB ,
Attest : President.
W. M. GLASS. Secretary. Uccl2d32t
S I in1. 1. Ini III irw' .Mri- 1 1 UK.
Notlco Is hereby given that tliu unnual
meeting of tb ( > - ittockholdcrH of tli Omaha
& Ij'khorn Valli-y Itallnity Company for
tui election of seven directors and thn
tranmiutlQi ! of such other IniHlniw as may
awfully conn * before thu mooting , wl I bo
lelcl | n the olllcu of thu general solicitor ,
Union I'aclllc building , Or.-.ntm , Nr-bruskn ,
upon Wi'dneHday. the tith dny of Jumuiry ,
lt 7. at 10 o'clock a. m.
The itocX transfer hooks will be r ijyecl
tell days before tliu date of thi < mcc'tlim.
AI.EXANDKIt MIU-Alt. Secretary.
l'03TON , Muss. , December 7 , IM
Ucnutlful Dresser Pots , Pillow Shnmn.
Table Spreads Sofa Pillows Scans , Drapes ,
Mexican drawn work , etc.
A beautiful line of Toilet Sots-brush ,
comb und mirror from Jl.OO up.
Klpgnnt hand decorated Trays.
An elegant line of l-'nnoy llaskets nnd
Decorated llaskets , Including olllce , In
fants' and work baskets.
Honiiltful HtcrlliiK silver novelties In Man-
Icuni and other pieces.
Sc-o the new Imported Mosaic and Hnaim-l
Infants' Oold Pins , solid nnd plated.
New KlllKrrr Sterling Silver llrncelcts
and Kings the newest I'eslgns.
Stick Pins , Curt lluttons and Pins , Lorg
nettes and Fun Chains.
Our Novelties are the prettiest ever
shown In this city-such as Veil Cases ,
Handkerchief and Glove llo.xes , Jrwol
Uoxcs. Work Hexes , Needle Hooks , Hand
and Stand Mirrors , Calendars , Christmas
Cards , lllotters. Music Holders and Music
Hacks. Unse Howls , Vases. Knncy Hfk-n-
Hrne , Onyx Krnmes. entirely new. KU-gnnt
Pyrallno Haskots , Brush and Comb Trays ,
llml Shell Combs , Pocketbooks , Shopping
lings. Chatelaines. Boston Ha us. Maiileuro
Sets. Trays and Photo Holders Card
Counters , Opera Glass Hags , etc. : Hand
Decorated Cases for Clippings and Hc-
cclpts , Hand Decorated Photo Holders ,
Note Cases , etc.
The very choicest Perfumes and Toilet
Waters In cut glass bottles.
Writing Paper In the newest designs ,
r Wcr.imiv."umlrci' , ' "f beautiful things
presents which wo cannot
enumerate here.
Presents for Men. I
Fine Linen Handkerchiefs , with dainty
Initial , at SBt- each , or M 6Ti per handnomo
box of half dozen.
A wlilto ptiro silk Initialed Handkerchief
at 2.V. Mc ) and 7ni' each.
lieaiitlful Embroidered Handkerchiefs nt
2Jc. I/Of / , "iio and Jl.1.1 each.
A very handsome line or all linen lland-
korchli'fH , from lOo up.
A beautiful line of Uents' Ties at 25c ami
We.A handsome line of Mulllers at BOc , 73c ,
Jl.OO. $1.50 and J2.2.1.
llamltfome Silk 1'mbrollas.
Don't fall to visit our Novelty Depart
ment , where you will Und beautiful Cuff
and Collar HOM-S In leather and metal.
Cigar It Tobacco I'o\pOlllro HaskotH.Tullct
Sets , Traveling CIIKC * . IVrfumea and Toilet
Waters. Ask to see our beautiful Travel
ing Cases In real xeal and ibony liftings.
Smoking Sets , Calendars. Drinking Glasses
In CUHCS , Stamp HOXOM , Whisk lroomn ! and
HolilcrH , Cards In Cnsi'H and Shaving Paper
Something entirely now and an Inpxpen-
slvo genteel Christmas present Is the
"Crown Series of Classics. " These books
are bound In hand decorated covers. 1'rlco
per volume , In box , $1.00.
Among these are ; A Window In Thrums.
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow , Tales
from Shakespeare , Sesame and LllllcH ,
Pleasures of Life. Scarlet Letter. Hoiiso oC
Seven Oables , Twice. Told Tales , Emer
son's Essays , first and second series ;
Thoughts of Marcus Aurullus ; Imitation
of Christ , Address by Henry Drummond.
ISoverles of a Uaohi'lor , Dream Life , Kept
for the Master's Use , My King and HlB
Service , Lnlla Itookh. Lady of the Lake ,
Marmlon , Princess , Child Harold , Kvanfte-
llne , Whlttli-rV Poems , first and sccoml
volumes ; Addresses by Philip Hrooks ; A
Dog of Flanders.
Von have lonjr needed a library chair.
Klvo years JIKO stieli n ehalr oost'.fW.K ( ( ) ;
today yon can ot a fjood pattern for
half that sum.
M'here there were a hundred Library
Chairs owned In Omaha In KS ! ) ( ) ther'o
are now a thoiisaml at least. The con
stantly dropping price has crealed an
army of pnrehasers. In everv house
hold yon will llnd one such chair await
ing yon.
Wo want to notify-all delinquents who
have not yet pnroliased that these
chairs 'cannot o any lower In price
than they are today. They are of extra
ly.o , anil to properly upholster them
It requires many pounds of the best
hair In each chair.
The Best Goods nnd Lowest Px-icos ,
12th and Douglas.
Special Sale all this Month.
"Christmas conies but once n year ;
When It comes lot's huvo good beer. "
Tlmt GOOD Hecr is
Krug's Cabinet
For Purity of Flavor It Surpasses All.
Krug's Telephone Number is 420.
licit Buckles
licit I'lnn
lllcyclc Marks
Ilonnet Hunters
Uoquet Holders
JUrushei . Cloth
Ilriltliex. Ilnlr
llrUBhen , Hat
Ilrushep , Nail
Brushes , Tooth
Hutton IIookH
Candle StlekH
Curd Cuees
Court 1'laftcr Cases r
JOS. I > . FKKNXKU. Jcxvclcr , Cor. IStli nnd lodKc.
Revolution in Piano Prices
We have concluded to dispose of our entire-
stock of Steinway , Knabe , Chickering , Ivers &
Pond , Vose & Sons , Emerson and Everett
Pianos Regardless of Profit. To substantiate
our claim we submit the following prices :
IMTKC ChlckerlnK I'lirlglit. only JIKi.OO
KliiRi-r Cabinet ( Iriiiul. only J17r.CO
JIOO.CO Kvt-ri'lt I'lirlKlit , oak capo , only KQ3M
$000.00 Knalie only 3IS.OO
JKO.W Stelnwuy only K15.00
\ \ 'isell I'limns lit nlitolutc-ly lower ink-i'K than uny otlu-r inuslc liuiieo In Dm city. Hntl-
faction guaranteed or money icfundeil. Instrumenta old by innll.
\iriii u cr WMm I Vn & rn situ KI.OOH , .M'CAOUU ni.iva , N.
WiTl. n. OV ni'H.fl L < E } \ iA.J , , yCor. . Uth and UoilKu Strc-uts.
A. C. Ml'EIJjHIl Plnno Tuner.
Almost Up.
Ilnvcu't lioURlit your f'lirlplinus pres
ent yet' ' Ik'ltcr conic In anil make
your ( "election lomrnrow. Uo you
hnuw a beticr nunscstlun tluin u l" lr
We have them In t-lnlli and leallur ,
cmbioldi-rc-d velvet , In foot cvfiyth'iiB '
Hint Hllpnrrn n' innU of tana ,
wlno color nnd black isll tylc
and Ml pill-en.
Fur I'llmnuM JullctB. In rtd , blue ,
ton nnrt black l/eiiullrr-M 50.
Warm Until HlllMifni fur cldi-rly
Hnndconio Hllnieio tor men , 'lo to
107 S. lOtli St ,
Perfect fit
fjimrnntcfd. . . ,
Gokl Crowns , 22lc..8r.00
Teeth , $ S per tooth
BAILEY , the Dentist
Ludy iilliui'luut.
No Respectable Dealer
Will bay u mcun thing about
lilfi compositor. SIIKRIDAN
COAL Is alwiiyti sold under a
potiltlvo ini'irantco ' to glvo
HutisfuuUon. Yon tnku no
Tel. 127 IGOSFarnam
I'\iunlH | < ) ii Hid- unit OlIlci-M.
R of TmiiH-.MlHiilitfllppI and Jiilornatlonal
Kxponitlon , Itoiiin : i20 , Hoc IlullillilK-
Hi'iilcil inoio.sltloii [ for HID lucntlon of tlm
nxpuvltlon will Iio received hy the niiilvr-
GlKiiftl until twi'lvo ( U' ) o'clock noon of Kat-
unliiy , January i ) . 1W7 ; wilil iiropoHltlons
sluill Hjici-lfy :
KlrHt The iniinlir-r of acres of land offert-il
n nil the bonnilnrlcH thereof ,
Second The lireof what HtrectH , roinlft-
and private wnyB appraaclilni ; nald land will
Uo opened fur public1 UHC diirltiK the con *
Mtiiiuilon and operation of the cncpoHlilun ,
Tlilril All other Indnccinpiitu , Incliidlni :
ilonutloim or Hubxcrlptlcms of Htooltvlilcll
may IIH offt-reil.
Ht'i ; leil propoMllloiiH will alno lie rccelvnl
by tliri iinilf-ralKiH'd until twelve (12) ( ) o'clock
noon , H.ilunltiy , Uecvinlier 10. 18M , for tli
UNO of Kiillnlili' roonm for onlccrs' nnex nnil
illrcrlui-8' nicctltiKH. from January I , 1W7 ,
untl ) January J , ItW.
M , . . .
IWOdlt. Secretary.
DlKMiiliitlonollci - .
Notice IB Jirrehy lvcn Unit the two
flriiui of Wlmltsor K Comimny nml II. J.
Windsor & roiniiny ; have thlu duy , by
! inutimt ctiiiHOiit of tliu iiiidciHlKni'il , tlm
iiKirnlHiiH tli-r < ; nf , liven dlHsolvml.
I Jut I'd Oiniitiu , NobluHkn , Dcri'inlier 1C ,