Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1896, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Camcrao find pJiolo mir-rllm , 12 Pearl ft.
.7. L. HaJA" l'-'i ' ji-Muilay afternoon for n
biMlncin til ; > ' { i .St. Louis.
MM. V 5 Hswjer rotunicd ytfitcrday
iij'jrnliiR ' . . 'in < vl lt to Minneapolis.
The lr.Ait ( i.f Mr. mil Mrs. Clmrlcs Lin-
toi illcil > 'Mt4nlA ) MHjniltifi nt the residence
1M3 Avenue A.
.Mm. Anna Coyne of Webb City , .Mo. ,
mother of Mrn.1. . MoMonomy hno come to
r"nil tlic winter with her.
Mr. anil Mr * , llandc will Rlvo n second
Kinnd acccmb'y TtiMdny evonlni ; , December
2 : . Children. 7 to ! > o'clock ; adults , 0 to 12
\ m.itrlngc license was Issued yesterday
in llcniy 3. Martrtm , Choutcaii , Mont. , aped
2' ' ! , niul Dora llraatk , I'ottauatlnmle county ,
cued 21.
Clnclnnutt llloik C < MI ! It's the peer of
nil Iowa coalv. and It'fc only $3.7f > a ton. at
Hex'u. Liave > oilr order at either olllce.
Tele phone 257.
'I hen- will be .1 Appoint sr lon ofV. . It
1' . 180 Monday , Doitmbor 21 , at 2-30 p. m.
Uirry number ic < | iir tcd to be present. Iltis
Ir.est of ImpurUnco.
The burglar paused as he reached for Ilegl-
nnlU'H diamond stud , speechless , In admira
tion of bin benutlful whirl front , rcc ( > ntl >
laundered nt the "KaRlc , " 721 ll'way.
T'le ' attraction at the Dohany this e\cnlti | ;
.Mil ijc Kincoin o. wauer s scenic mciounuiia ,
The Fa t Mall. " It ban a story of thrilling
Intercut and the ficrnlc and other mechanical
( lTi-ts are nl < l to be man clous.
" \Vho aves money inakfi money. " Use
Karllngion Ciushod Coke In jour Hase
llnrncr and tave one third the ccat of hcat-
ItiK jour home. It's 17 KO a ton at Hex's.
Leave jour orde'at cither olllco.
The subject to be discussed today In the
looms of the YOUIIR Men's Christian asao-
il'itlon at I p. m. Is , "Ilrothcr , how long ago
la 11 since jou became a Christian ? and , by
nhnt human Instrumentality were you
brotiiht ; to the Su\loitr ? " Men cordially In-
% to attend
A H. IMentltf , a farmer living near
Orescent Ulty , notified the police yesterday
that thleus entered his hogpen during the
prevlotm night and butchered one of his
choicest SOU-pound plg.s and carried the car-
IMSS a\\ay They were traced In the direc
tion of Council I Hurts.
Don't buy all join Christmas piesentH un
til jnu ec the collection of fancy drowed
dolls , fancy woik , apions , rugs , etc. , at
Trinity Ladles' Clnlsttnas nmporlum , 107
Dioadway , next door to Uostnn store. Tu.-a-
day and Wednesday , December 22 and 23 ,
dinner and fiuppcr coned each day.
In the absence of Ilcv Mr. Wellesvho has
been Invited to take charge of an anniversary
horvlce of Ills father , the late lit. Hev
Illwliop Welles' old church at Fairfax Minn ,
Hiv Mr. IJcnutedt will hold the usual ser
vices at Grace church today Next Sunday
especial Christmas services will bo held at
Grace church , HeMr Welles officiating.
At the regular minting of the Commercial
Pilgrims at their rooms In the Drown build
ing last night olllcpis for the ensuing year
were elected as folloua Worthy pilgrim , M.
P Hohrer ; worthy vice pilgrim , A. H. Wood-
ford , counsel , H. C. Addis ; uoithy secre
tary , W. A. Travis ; uorthj treasurer , H N
Kills. The next tegular meeting night > vas
fixed for January 2.
Supeiintcmlent Dlmmock and President N
W Wells of the motor company ha\e re
turned from a business trip to St. Paul
They attended several meetings of motor
company magnates nnd Imparted useful In
{ junction upon the best methods of equip
ping and operating a ( list-class electric mo
tor line. The Salntu made It very pleasant
for them while thuy were there.
A bold colored thief caused a sensation at
the Ilnston store yesterday. He stopped In
front of the store when the croud wen
thickest and loaded up with live bolts of
tnllco. A large number of people saw the
theft committed , among whom was a clerk ,
L P. Jensen. The negro started up Fourth
street with Jensen and others In pursuit.
Jensen resorted to approved foot ball tactics
when he overhauled the thief , and the tackle
resulted In depositing the colored man on
the ground and scattering the calico over
the street. The thief recovered first and
arose with a good-olzcd chunk of wood In
his hand. With this ho battcicd Jensen
over the head until he was senseless. IIu
continued to use It to stand off the crowd.
Hi eventually escaped , but was compelled
to leave the calico behind.
C. n. Vlavl Co. , female remedy. Medical
conmtltatlon free Wednesdays. Health liook
furnished. ' 03 Mcrrlaro block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 2SO ,
'I IKOlluiiMMi Multflunrtit. .
The Othimwn Male quartet of Chicago , one
of the finest musical organizations In the
west , has been engaged to give a concert at
the First Presbyterian church Monday night.
The quartet Is brought hero by the Young
Pcople'4 soeletj- the church , and the con
cert will be under Us auspices. A splen
did progiam will bo given. Miss Ore Lavion
Hajmti , a joung lady of rare elocutionary
ability will leclte a number of exquisite
pieces. Ailmls-slon , 25 cents.
\\iii von conicr
A special Invitation Is extended to the.
ladles lo visit Hughes' , the men's outfitter , at
415 Broadway , Monday afternoon. Ho will
liavo on display the finest line of neckwear ,
mnllleis , handkerchiefs , slippers , umbrellas ,
etclo bo found In the two cities. You
won't huvo to buy , Just call and see what
he Is showing. You know every tenth cash
purchaser of neckwear gets the tie they
KClect free of charge.
Mr. , Wtirrr Do V. > u liny Viiur MUICH ?
Did jou over try Sargent ? Or don't jou
like Sargent ? If jou don't ( mox nix ousc )
jou are looking for the place where jou
can get the most for jour money. Look In
Sargent's men's window and ECO the shoes
> ou ran buj for $2 and $3 , and ovcry pair
warranted. If jou never have , try him
now. It will make jou money. You Know
the place whcro the Hear Is.
Hull ) , AIIIIIN ( in-fiiM , I'n 1 in n niul Cul
If jou want choice holly or Xiuas , tree
\\reaths , wo will make them for any price
jou with. Fine wreathing from G cents a
jard up. Wo have BOIHO line palms that
would make an elegant Xmas present , and
we are telling them very low. Tol. 99.
J. F. W1LCOX , FlorUt.
Nice line of copper and nickel-plated tea
kettles and nickel-plated teapots for Clirlt-t-
inas presents at J. Roller & Co.'s. 1'rlces
v\lll astonish you.
For sale at a sacrifice , my sealskin cloak.
Mrs. i : . H. Ode ! ! , .112 High School a\cnue.
Sri'rrtarj CoUt-r
Ilov. Henry Coker has resigned hla posi
tion ns secretary of the Young Men's Chi Is-
tlan association. Ho has sent a long letter
to the board of directors , In which ho takes
occasion to remind them that one man , oven
though ho bo socretarj' , cannot make the as
sociation Muccessfnl In Its work , and ho In
timates broadly that the board has not given
him the hearty suppurt that tbo exigencies
of the situation demanded. The resignation
has been accepted , and the board will at
once proceed to reoiganlzo the association.
In this work they will have the assistance of
State Secretary Magcc. The plans contem
plate the employment of a professional In
structor In the gjninaslum and several Im
portant additions to the apparatus. A meetIng -
Ing of the board will bo called within a few
dajs. In the meantlmo the association will
glide along under the cam of Mr , Cokcr.
IIiilU > lly lllrmli-il.
Wo ventuie to say that our store Is the
bwt arranged In the city , filled with ram
gem : ) of diamonds , tine jewelry , watchw and
chains , silverware and silver novelties ,
Wo make specially low prices on table cutlery -
lory , carvlni ; sets and full tea sets , quadruple
plato. C. I ) . JACQUHMIN & CO. ,
27 South Main street.
lluy jour Jackson Hill ( Ohio ) coal of
Ilex , It's well ccrcencd and froth from the
mine. It's the came price everywhere , | 7
n ten : Ixavo ? order at cither otllce. Telephone -
phone 257.
For fancy lamps and dishes of all kinds
BOFor i J. ZolU-r & Co. ' 1'rlc * * will Mtoulth
Both Vlcn and Lewis fay They Are Gaining
Steadily ,
Hail ) Dofci-lli < < MIiM | ClinllPiiKi'il ! > > '
Until Mili-H , onVliloh I InI'liuil
DintnunVIII Kii-
llrclj l )
The counting of the ballots In the Justice
of the peace election contest proceeded slowly
yesterdaj- , and but three more precincts
were finished when the court adjourned last
evening. Jason H , Lewis , the contestant ,
asserts that he has made a net gain of nine
votes In the four precincts so far canvassed ,
whllo Justice Vlcn , the present Incumbent ,
saj'8 ho has held his own , and gained , If
anything. Of the many ballots objected to
oral taken out of the regular count , nothing
can an jet be definitely stated , as much will
depend upon the ruling of the three Judges
when It comes to a final decision. The as
sertions as to gains are made by Lewis on
the ballots that his attorney thinks will be
thrown out on established questions In the
construction of the election laws by the
supreme court of the state.
The showing made by the contestant In the
first pieclnct of the First ward made Lewis
rather confident of making a gain In the
second precinct. This proved not to bo the
case , however , and ho practically lost three
votes. The return by the election board gave
Vlcn 20G and Lewis 235. On the recount
VIen was given 20U ; Lewis , 228 ; objected to
by contestant , 1 : objected to by Incumbent ,
4 ; not counted , 29 ; defective , 4. In the Second
end wan ) Lewis succeeded In making a show
ing bj which ho thinks ho has gained about
seven votes over VIen. The returns gave
VIen 220 ; Lewis , 189. On the recount the
contestant objected to three ballots being
counted , the Incumbent to one , and twenty-
nine ballots were not counted. These are
the votes which were cast for Walker , the
Independent republican , and which proved so
necessary to the icpubllcan candidates and
practically resulted In the defeat of Fcrrler
and the present contest over the other two
ofllccs The recount gave VIen 215 ; Lewis ,
189. In the second precinct of the Second
ward three ballots vvcro objected to by the
contestant and six by the Incumbent. Twenty
votes were not counted. Lents was given
211 and VIen 222 votes In the precinct. The
original returns gave Lewis 21S and Vlcn 227.
The arguments on the contested ballots
will be taken up Wednesday , ns the contest
court expects to complete two wards a day
of the four still remaining uncounted. Doth
the parties to the contest are confident of
winning. Lewis has only a lead of fifteen to
overcome , but as he has some of the hardest
wards In the city to go through , the general
opinion Is that Vlcn will gain Instead of loss
In the recount ns a whole. Justice Cook's
attornejs are keeping a careful watch on
the recount.
M < Tl'lllllll > CllJR.
'Iheio wu a man In Arkansas
( You've hoard of him , no doubt ) ,
Whose i oof was lenkj' IIH the lu\v ,
And yet he never llxeil thellnvv ,
Xot tiled to .shut the water out.
For wlu-ii thr day was ilry , 'twas plain
It didn't leak a drop ,
And vvlun 'twas wet ho wasn't fnlu
To woik upon It In the rain ,
Hut waited for the shower to stop.
I know some merchants who recall
This fellow to my mind
Through summer , winter , spring nnd fall ,
Thi > y novel advertise at all ,
Hut year bj- year Ing on behind.
For when the times arc good , they crj- :
"What need to nd-'ertlse ? "
And when the times nre bnil , they sigh :
"Ah , advertising comes so high ,
Wo'll wait till trade Improves. "
Poor guys !
The quickest way to dig your financial
grave Is to not advertise. It will dig Itself
then jou'll simply sink out of sight of
everybody but jour creditors and a few old
fossils who lovu the dead smell of the past.
There are people we know who are content
to go along In the same old funeral way
and to whom a silver dollar looks as big
as a Dakota horizon , and as lonesome as a
politician at a prajer meeting , who do not
advertise , under the pretense that "their
goods do not need to bo advertised. " How
ever. THt'TH and MH1UT ore the WIN-
NEHS. We have made friends by truthful
advertising , and wo keep them , too It
was MCKIT , downright MEHIT. that won
the day. Humbug bo hanged ! The
public bavo learned to patronize the
man who advertises , bccautc be Is
up-to date , and when It comes to prices- ,
"everybody takes his bat off" to "the man
that advertises We are "advertisers , "
We believe In THUTH and MEHIT and the
I'UDLIC believes In us.
The hustling proprietors of the Most Pro
gressive Cigar Store In Council I ) luffs.
.UlfiUlon !
Companies ore forming and arming them
selves In all largo cities of the United States
to aid the Cubans In their gallant strife
for Independence. Shall we , who arc able to
go , stand back nnd be Idle spectators ? No !
But duty to our own home first , so wo will
go to Crockwcll'E1HI Broadway , and get
some nice presents from his largo stock of
novelties and toys for our friends and rela
The Hex Lumber company Is preparing to
open an uptown ofllco In order to be more
convenient to a large number of their cus
tomers. They have leased the north half
of the room occupied by Mr , W. S. Cooper ,
No. 10 South Main street , and this office
will bo In charge of Mr. J. D. McCliosuey ,
who will make a specialty of Karllngton
Crushed Coke and Cincinnati Illock Coal.
of Much Inti-rt'Ht.
Moigan's Drug Store wa among the most
| K > pular places In the city yesterday. The
dainty assortment of Christmas Novelties ,
Including plusi ! goods , perfumes , etc. , are
among the best and most appropriate to be
found anywhere. Everything Is being closed
out at reduced prices.
Have jou over noticed the Hear on Ilroad-
way ? That's Sargent's Shoo Store , where
jou can buy the beta shoo for { 2 , $3 , $4
and J3 In the state. Look In the window-
when jou are up the street this week ; It
will pay jou. We give a new pair for every
pair that docs not wear. At Sargent's.
We cannot afford to glvo the time and
room for holiday goods any longer. You
cannot afford to overlook the best oppor
tunity jou over had to buy nice , new Christ
mas novelties at jour own price * . Come and
see them. George S. Davis , 200 Ilroaduay.
There are no lovllor Christmas piesents
than those cxqul&ltc embroideries at Miss
Clark & WeUcll'a , 330-8 Hroadway. They
are art treasured In needle work , and prices
very reasonable _
Christmas turkeys , geese , ducks , chickens
and. all kinds of fresh poultry. J , Roller &
Unity guild will give a New Year's eve
toclal at the homo of Mrs. Adolph Mono , on
Frank street. Friends are cordially Invited ,
Our Hour , "UoBt of AllIs suitable for all
kinds of pastry. No liner made. Try It , J
Roller & Co
Fine livery for parties ami dances. Ogdcn
Livery , 153 Hroadway. Telephone 83.
Uoblii'il n Tnllor Simp.
When a customer called upon Carl llerr ,
a tailor located at C19 Hroudway , yesterday
morning for hla new Sunday suit of clothes
the tailor observed the fact for th ; Hist tlnio
that the suit was mUsliig , A further seaich
rcvculul the absence of two other Bulls and
BOIIIO odd garments. The missing clothing
comprised the best nulls In the house. They
were In their places when the tailor closed
his ahop on the previous evening. Investiga
tion rtiiultcd to tbo UUcov ry that the lock
It's only a few clays , but each one of them is worth any two days of ordinary merchandising.
The- Books , the Dolls , the Toys , the Games all the great host of Fancy Articles are to be sold. We carry nothing
over , Make your selections early while the assortments are complete.
Dress Goods.
The marked success of this stock Is duo
to complete assortments , up-to-date styles
and the right prices.
The following lines have been especially
reduced for this sale :
Twenty pieces fine Hourette Novcltj- dress
goods , they have been considered extra good
value at 50c , to close at 39c a yard.
Ten pieces fancy Scotch cheviots and
rough novelty goods that sold at $1.00 and
$1.2fl , reduced for this sale to 7oc a yard.
54-Inch fancy mixed Houclcs and rough
novelties that have been sold all season at
$1.50 , reduced to 95c a yard.
Silks ,
Were never more popular than now.
These prices will crowd this department for
the next two weeks.
China silks In all the light colors for
fancy work nt 25c a j-nrd.
Beautiful line of fancy waist silks at 50c
and G9c a yard.
All our plain changeable Taffeta silk ,
worth $1.00 , at G9c a yard.
Hlg line of black fancy Armures nnd bro
caded gros grain silks , worth 95c and $1.00 ,
at 75c a yard.
Brocaded Black Satin , worth $1.00 , on
sale at S9o a yard.
Surpassing selections. Always an accept
able preuent. Assortment provided are nearly
all made to our order.
Ladles' 26-Inch plain silk Umbrellas , Paragon
gen frame , steel rods , sterling silver mounted
handles , actual value $2.25 , on sale at $1.50
Men's heavy silk Umbrella , 23-Inch steel
rod. storing mounted handles , value $2.60 , at
Men's flno serge silk Umbrellas , plain
natural wood handles , the best frame , worth
$5.00 , at $3.75.
Ladles' fancy silk Umbrellas , flno fancy
Dresden and silver trimmed handles , a
special assortment for the holldr.y trade at
$5.00 , $6.50 , $7.60 , $8.50.
. . . . SECOND
Furniture and Wooden Ware.
Ohlldrim's Chairs nml Hookers In Imnl wood , willow and fancy trimmed , a t ( > ! ) c eauli.
Hoys' and Ulrls' Desks , liard wood llnlsli , all sixes and qualities , from Silo nji.
Children's Toy Carpet Sweepers at JIHc and -loc eaeli. |
Toy Hureau , finished In antique oak , size S\lUxlS , with swlnfjlng mliror , only ( We.
Hoys' Hxpre.ssVatfon , varnish wood llnKh , edfji' of bottom painted red , t ! and S-lneh vyheels with tin ihes , , ' ! ! ) c' .
Toy Carts and Wheelbarrows , all finished In bright vermllllon red , at lOe , llc ) , U.'e , 'l.'e.
Hocking Horses and Shoollys , paintedd anil dappled , at ( > 0il)8e ) , .fl.-Ti , $1.7o nnd ? ' _ ' . ! . " ) .
Child's Folding Tables , height 10 Inches , top 15.VJI , hard wood finish , CMC.
Toy Tables , llnlshed In bright verinllllo n red , line and BUe.
Willow Doll Carriages , IXiiic ( ! ) and SJc\ )
Child's Oak Sideboard and Cupboard with Hookcase Combined , elegantly lluUhed with brass trimmings , $5.00 each.
Drums , In embossed Star pattern and plain In red , gren and blue , at l'"ic lo ! ) So each.
Bagatelle In different sizes , 22c , Me , C9c ,
SSc , and $1.25.
Archarcna and Checker Board combined ,
24 Inches square , $2.50.
Croklnole. the popular parlor game , $3.33.
Open Evenings till after Christmas , 1E5OSTOIS" ? $ TOI E. Open Evenings till after "diristmas ,
to the front door had been picked during the
night or turned by a skeleton kej- . The thief
left no clew to Identify him , and a few sam
ples of cloth from which the suits were made
are all the police have to work upon.
cH for ClirlNtiniiM.
Elegant gift boxes all designs filled with
choicest and freshest chocolates nnd bon
Holly nnd evergreen wreaths , Christmas
trees and everything needed to decorate
Christmas candle ? , fruits , nuts and novel
ties. BKHKMAN'S , B21 Broadway.
Don't Mkca Itctl Tic.
Among the numerous answers to the
"Machete" pronunciation contest , was one
from a gentleman 78 years of age. After giv
ing what he thought was the correct pronun
ciation , he wound up by eaylng , "I don't
want any red necktie. " Well , Hughes has
them red , and some that are redder and
some ! that me not red at all ; In fact , he lia-i -
thorn all colors and shapes. You leally can't
afford to wear a tic nowadajs unless It comes
iroin Hughes' . _
Simon ( lint AVi'iir.
If you want School shoes for the children
that will wear , buy Sargent's School thoes.
They are btamped that way on the bottom
and they are made especially for rough
Look for the Bear that's Sargent's.
I'rvv SllvfTT nrc.
By pending forty Domestic soap wrappe-s
to L , Bolton & Co , Des Molncs , la. , you will
Bet six silver teaspoons free.
For sale cheap , seven-room house ; well ,
cistern , all modern outdoor Improvements ;
fruit trees , vines ; two acres well fenced ; half
mlle from city llmlto , Lewis township. J.
J. Kles , Council BJuffs.
I.nliorcTH AVnittiMl.
Wo have for sale or rent several desir
able fruit , grain , vegetable and stock farms
near Council Bluffs for 1897. Day & Hess ,
Rental Agents. "
Christmas candles , nuts , fruits , delicacies ,
staples , novelties everything at J. Zollcr
& Co.'s. .
For table cutlery , such as carving sets ,
etc. , go to J. Zollcr & Co.'s.
I'uro Canil > for ClirlHtiniiN.
Your children will not get sick If you buy
candy at Purity Candy Kitchen , 634 Broad-
waj' .
Only one more week of the Durfeo Fur
niture company's great removal sale. Bar
It Is expensive to run your furnace. But
Karllngton Crushed Coke will reduce the
expenses one-third. Rex cells It. It's $7.50
a ton.
Comt'N lull Olio1 it Your.
What ? Christmas Then take a look at
the stock of candy at Purity Candy Kitchen.
Largest and best In the city , 634 Hroadway.
For Airtight and Oak heaters and cook
stoves go to . ' . Zoller & Co.'s. It will pay
Remember that Dellavcn Is offering bin
entire Block of Christmas nnd Holiday Goods
at actual cost largest stock beautiful
goods w holesalo prices.
We need room for our drug , paint , oil
and glass business , nnd we will close out
our large stock of Chrhtmas novelties at
jour own prices. George S , Davis , 200 Hroad
Alnl.f Her Happy for OIK-I- .
Husbands and brothers and others get
her a handsome rocker or easy chair at
S. S. Keller's. Makes a great Xmas gift.
For jour fancy candy and nuts for holi
day use go to J..oiler & Co.'s.
Remember Dcllavcii's sale of Xmas Goods.
lloalli of Dr. Laurence.
A telephone message from Omaha at 10
o'clock last night announced the death of
Dr. N. D. Lawrence , which occuired at the
residence of hlu son-in-law , J , J. Monell ,
( Continued on Seventh Pago. )
OM : MUIIT < > MV ,
SUNDAY. CEC , 20 ,
Lincoln J. Carteri uruml icenle production ,
Ite enoil utatii now un talc at btlkrn' drue
tore. 1'rlcca , ( Oc , Sic , Uc.
Evergreen Wreathlrig In cells 20 j-ards Cnndy , Nuts , Figs , Dates , etc.
long. Will be pleased to quote prices on the
Evergreen and Holly Wreaths , Hollj' nbovo to denlcrs only.
Branches , Mistletoe , etc. , etc.
Wholesale Manufacturing Confectioners.
Mr. Claus
Do You
That it is not fancy prices that
make quality , nor is it low
prices that make trash. On
we will give you
25 Ibs. of flno granulated sugar for $1.00
1 Ib. nice mixed candj' for 03
12 sticks of candy for 05
1 Ib. hand-mado chocolate creams 15
1 box of bon bens 1&
1 can French peas 10
Nursery Ilhymcs elegant edition at re
duced prices.
Nice line of fancy cups and saucers , sult-
able for Christmas presents.
Lot of Christmas handkerchiefs at one-half
regular price. " ;
of'Council ' Bluffs
803 S. MAIN ST. ,
The dulnllf" ! uti'l ' moit clfKiint toilet In rot
complete without a tilt til Jewelry. Tram the
oiirlleat time JiwclK anil Jewt-lry lm\e ulwnjs
btin Hjniliollcul of potter unit royalty. The
Iloimma uere not aliened to tri'ur jrnclry , tx-
tuiit ty perinlniilon of their ttnperor.
AH an Xmax gift nothing coulil he more plena-
Inif. Such a Klft would be u cfnl and oum.
mental , nhlle ( irvlnf to ricull the KMT ! and
the day.
Jeweler and Scientific Optician.
IIA11I ) ,
KELI ) ,
GO lUiS" ? ,
In this line of holiday goods \\c ba\e no
competitors , everything In dressed and un-
droreeil rubber , kid body , flannel , bisque
and nigger dolls.
342-344 BROADWAY ,
Counoll Binds. la ,
Visitors nnd
ors cq'Jivlly welcome.
Largest establish
ment in tlio
Knt Prices
in Kut Crystal
Our stock is the larucst nnd price
the lowest.
8-Inch ConlH , Hosuua.o cutting ( ns cuO-JI.OO
S-lncli Strawberry diamond uiul fan cut
. .
7-lnch Strawberry diamond iind fun cut . .
Howls . * } '
Fancy cut Olive IMsheH . . . . .Jl.iw {
Cut Glass Suits nnd Pepper * , warranted
sterling silver tops , oacii . . " - '
Laboratory Stoppi-rti and deep , fancy
cutting Vines ur Cruets , each. . . . . . J
Prices on VHKC.H. Pltcnera. Tumblers , fatcm
Ware , etc. . In jiruportlon to the above.
Amuim- In me line ot no\ cities we mention
the following : . . . _ _ . . .
Flat Painted Uottlcs , unnKing atuurs.
each Jt.OO. , . ,
Decorated Uccr Mugs In n variety of do-
Empire Green and Cupid Cninii In Dresser
Sets ? , Plates , Cups , Candlesticks , Uon Uons ,
Ct Ci
Under Glaze Himnnd itoies China , in
Salad Sets , Ice Cream Sets. Chocolate hots ,
Pudding Sets and novelties foi the dresser
lllch hand painted Fruit Center Comports
and Plates , Sugars and Creams , Chocolate
Copies'of Louis XIV shnnes and decora
tions In nil the r'rbness ' or goods of that
An attractive line In odd things for the
tnblo IH tlui IH-W decoration , viz. . hand paint
ed Marcchnl NH1 Hoses In dim-rent colois ,
finished with regular heavy gold edge
A very dainty line consisting of Pudding
Sets , Chocolate Pots. UlHuult Jiirw. Plates.
Ccleiy Trays * , etc. , is decorated with heavy ,
gold scroll and French hunil painted llguro
Wo have In odds and ends "choice bits" of
Sevres , nn-silen. Doulton. Worcester. Paris
cn.iim-1 and gold mounted goods , and a par
ticularly good collection of P.incy Pottery.
Dresden Lamps , IJelft LampsS rought
Iron Limps. Gold and Onyx , ( n fact evciy-
thing deslrablo In the Lamp line
Silver novelties and WHICH for the table
the largest variety and prices by far the
lowest. , . , .
Dresden and fancy patterns In Hat and
Clothes Urushes. im-tal mounted Clsar
lloxes , Itazors .Match HOXCH. In fact a gleat
variety of new noM-tuen IDT gentlemen ,
Fern Dishes In large variety
Decorated Dinner Sols from J.i (0 to } 12j ,
In ttverj' conceivable R-IIIUO and decoration.
Chamber Sets from * ! 2" > to ? 2oOO. from the
practical 10 thi ; ode mm quaint simpo which
adds sonurli 10 the attractiveness of your
C'arVer In largo variety from 75e upxvardn ,
3-jplcco pearl and sliver mounted Carvers ,
"ildger Hros'J2 oz. Tiljilo Plato Knives and
Forks , Jl.M per not.
Eetail 342-344 Broadway
! ) Inch kid body dolls , ICc. i
10 Inch jointed kid body dolls 25c.
12 Inch kid body dolls , with shoes and stockIngs -
Ings)5c. ) .
Nooks , booltlctts and Christmas cords of
every description.
Chrlitmas cards at 3 , G , 7 , 9 , 1C , and inc.
Children's picture books at Cc , 1C : , 12fcc. ! .
15c , 3Cc up.
Hurt's Home Library , 50c edition on sale
at Me .1 for $1 00.
The tremendous volume of liandl.ruhicf
celling which wo do during the holiday season
Is already under way. Hundieds of dozcna
are awaiting ( he bujcis' sine call.
We mention onlj a fenumheis. .
200 do/en ladles' puio linen hemMltched
Handkerchiefs plain white , woith 12 . | C , nt
5c each.
Ladles' fine Swiss I'lnlnoldcred llnmlKcr-
chlefs , n special bargain , at 12'.ic each.
250 dim'ii ladles' line Swiss HnmlKi-itKlefii ,
en-am Inseitlon and turn edge , fancj em
broidered and scalloped and netted edge , at
17r. 3 for 50i.
Scotch plaid Mntllern , hemstitched ends ,
worth $2.50. ill Jl.SIt each.
200 dorcn ladles flue ctnbioldeicd Hand
kerchiefs , voiy liandEomc design and now
pattcins , the very best value In the rU > for
50c qunlltj flno cmluo'dncd ' Handkeichicfs
on saleat 35e 3 for 11.00.
Ladloti1 all linen initial Handkerchiefs ,
hemstitched , at "Be each.
Ladles' pnro linen llandl.uichiefs , wide or
narroxv hem. plain white , the tegular 25a
qimlltj' , at 17e , 3 for 50c.
Men's all llnou Handkerchiefs , funry tnpcil
border , nt I7c , 3 for Wo.
Furs ,
Children's nngor.i self , muff and boa , at
$1.60 , $1.75 and $2.00.
Ladles' Imitation mink collarette at $1.00
and $2.25 each.
Ladles' black roncy cnllaictte nt $1.60 each.
Ladies' White Aprons
Special prices for this sale
50 dozen ludtiM * white aprons , In plain
hem. fancy embioldered , tucks , etc. , at 25o
Dig assortment of white aptous at 39c , 50c ,
75c and $1.00.
200 ART
These pictures have been specially framed
for this holiday offer They are in three lots
and consist of ETCHINGS , AUTOTYPES
( colored and plain ) , PHOTOGRAPHS , all
high class copies of modern masterpieces.
The prices speak for themselves.
OFFER . Ajist jsi
H. L. SMITH & CO. , ,
45 Main Street.
. , , :
IV ' 1
! ' "
\ :
Closing Out Sale.
llnvliif , ' coiidudi-d lo dlM'ontlmu- Onmlm Innm-li for llunrcH - K * '
cut , and to avoid moving our IIIIKLMoik of I'liinos nnd Organs
bade to Coiiiu-il Hliiffs , la. , we will sell for tin- next tidily days at
a discount of from li.'i lo "J IILT cent In fact , ii-Kaidli'hS of
Call early at l.'iliJ Katiiain Htiuc-l nnd M-I-IIIU a
At Our Council Bluffs , Iowa , Store.
Wi- will continue our clearing saltlo .lanimiy I , IS)7 ! ) , dm Ing
wlilt-h time yon en n Berlin- runImrgaliiH , not only In Pianos and
OigaiiH , bill In all klndn of Musk'al InstimnciilH.
CnltarH , ? i""i ami np\\aid.
Mandolliih , W.- > and npwaul.
VfolIiiH , Aci'oidi-oiis , Dniins , iUWo eairy a very large
for ( I'liilHtmiiH tiadf.
Omaha , 1522 Farnam St.
103 Main St. , Council Bluffs.