Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1896, Part III, Page 17, Image 17

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    PART III. rp rvv/r ' . D PAGES 17 TO 24.
* I
Open Evenings Open Every Night
Until Christmas
Christmas Grand Cancert
IGlhahd Doula ,
$2 Kid Gloves for § 9e-75c
. " .ono pairs Imported Kid Gloves at loss tlinn half ro5t to
linpoi t.
T.ieso gloves are from n large Xew York Importer ; they
Include hist entire sample line , UM well art a few hundred regular goods They are the llnest real French
Kill Oloves that uru manufactured , Ineludlnir Pouter's
Hook , two clasp Plane , KngllHh Driving , Walking an I
Drcsfl CSIovcH , In black" , brown" , tans * , lemnn color , In fart
most evciy shade. Including evening gloves , in pialn and
fancy stltehed bark * . Thenc gloves are worth In the
regular way up to $2.00 u pair ; choice of. this lot Me niul
73o a pair.
On Sale by tlie Thousands.
Ouj big holiday sa'e ' commences Monday morning. Such
bargains as these are what knowing shippers will appreciate
CHINA SILKS for fancy work , all shades ,
500 quality at , yard
$ l.2."i for a. full dress pattern $ l.iS ! for full dress pattern
of changeable granite cloth , of 8 yards of strictly all
blcndlncH In brown .mil wool navy blue storm serge ,
green .dark blue iind brown , also Scotch cheviot. Import
and other stylish eonihlnu- ed small checks , beautiful
tlons ; .xorth .Vic yard , on combinations of colors ,
Hale entire pallet n of w\i-n worth C3c per yard , entire
yards , double width dress dress pattern
J3.8S for u full dress pattern
J2.C9 for full dress pattern
of 8 yards , -II Inches , silk of all wool Ilottrettes , Hou-
and wool. Imported novelty , elcs and Cheviots , all good
also 41-Inch Imported
French Seige In narrow styles and colorings , worth
and wide wale , goods ac
tually worth 7'c yard , en- $1.00 yard , at per pattern. . .
tlie dress pattern
Jl.'i.CO for choice of any dress pallet n In
J5.93 for full dress pattern our store , all the finest Parisian novelties ,
of nil wool Imported novelty no two alike , worth fiom S&.W to J30.0U a
. pattern , your choice for $13.00
elty , genuine. Hawlck
tweed and French Oraulio
canvas cloth , worth } 1.2. > per
yard , on enlu at per pat
lfl.58 for entire dress pujtern of extra wide Armours , Ores Grains and
fancy weaves , In extra heavy black silks , on gale at
A new lot of Hondo Cloth Jackets and Tun Jackets , Empire fronts , reduced from
plain Heaver Cloth Jackets , all silk lined , $9.9 $ to $3,98.
actually worth $10.00 , on saleat $4.93. Tun and brown Jackets , a nobby Christ
Misses' and Children1 ! * Long Cloaks , sizes mas gift ; Ihcso being some of Hie most
S to 14 , In MUD Knglltih mixtures , largo stylish garments , silk lined throughout , In
mllllnry cape , exceptional value ut $1.98 ; a variety of new styles , worth $15.00 ; on
worth up to $15,00. sale nt TS.9S.
Fur trimmed Jackets In great varieties , Our entire slock of $20.00 and $23.00 Im
shield fronts , tight titling , military braided , ported Jackets , no two alike , go at this
reduced from $12.50 to $7.50. immense reduction of your choice for $9.98.
&C& & < & FOR FOH ,
Cimstmas Shristmas
, Lurjjo si/.c French Coney
MulTs , stvtin lined , nt ? f c.
A ladles' double fur-edged cape , $2.25 qual 200 electric seal muffs , down bed , $2.50
ity , at 4 ! > c. quality , reduced to 98c.
$5.00 quality of Astrakhan or Electric
A Etyltb'li tan , edged with velvet nud
Seal .Muffs , ut $1.98.
trimmed with small pearl buttons , reduced Our $12.50 quality of real Mink Muffs ,
from $5.00 to $1.98. reduced to $1.98.
A new style cape , tight fitting back , at A French Coney Neck Scarf with tails ,
$1.98. $1.50 quality , at 75c.
Heaver capes , trimmed , with angora or $5.50 Children's Angora sets , new style
thlbet fur , and beaded , at $3.98. muffs and collarettes reduced to $2.90.
Of the Finest , Best and N > west Style
, Ladies and Children ,
early Half Price ,
Our randy department is now filled wljh Two-pound box. . . . 70c
tonu of puio candy , also fancy boxes , druniH , Three-pound box . 1.00
etc. ChrUlmns trcu toys from le up. Klva-pound box . l.CO
We tiliall make spcdal prices to churches Mixed iiutn , threu pounds . 25c
buying large niiantltlos. K Kllsh walnuts , two pounds . 5o
Our cliocolalca nud boa bom ure tlic flne&t Vi'o serve the beat cup of coffee In the
In the city. city for . . . . . . . . . . Cc
Packed In 1-pouud boxo * S5c . &c
Watches ,
Silverware *
K'Ol )
T..nco Sterling
Pirn Silver
pearl * ,
enameled , Hludiled with BOIIII
Ine pc'in and nn
worth 3-1.00 diamonds worth it !
11 ml il.'J" ) ,
25c & 39c $1.69
Ton plcco
eatlu llnMi ,
bead eil ed e ,
tuu | > ot , Htmar ,
uream anil
Mioon Inddor ,
Four pieou elejrant 84.98
quadruple aotb
Tea Pot , Starling :
Cranni and 'j riploPlnto
s.poon Six Knives
Holder- Six Forks
warranted to wear In line box
Studded nltli fancy
btones nurlli J1.20 ,
tallies' Sterling Chatelaine Watches , $2.23 ;
worth $1.50.
Ladles' Sterling Silver Chatclalno Watches
$2.S9 ; worth $ G.OO.
Elegant Gold Killed Chatelaine Watches ,
fine Swka movement. $4.98 ; worm $10.00.
Ladles' 14 karat U. e. assay , warranted
25 years , $15.49 ; worth $33.00.
I.miles' 14 karat filled cases , with Ameri
can movement. $9.98 ; worth $20.00.
Rents' solid nickel silver screw bevel
cases , lllgin made movement , warranted 7
jowclo. $3.49.
Gents' 14 karat filled cases , with the cele
brated 1' . S. Ilartlctt movement , 15 Jewels ,
$12.98 ; worth $ ; )0.00. )
Sterling Silver Manicure Pieces , largo
size ; Cuticle Knife , L'9c ; Nail Kile , 29c.
Glove Ilutto eis , 2lc.
Solid Silver Thimbles , 19c.
1,000 samples Gents' Cuff Buttons , both
link and lever , your choice 25c ; worth up to
$1.25. " .
IJnby Pin Sets. In eolld gold fronts. 89e.
Haliy Sets , In find hand enamel and sterl
ing silver , Tic and 9Sc set.
Laillca' and mltses' genuine Diamond
Kings , warranted solid 11 Karat , $3.98 ; worth
$ c.oo.
Ladles' beautiful ( salId gold 14 karat
Kings , set with genuine opals and pearls ,
$3.19 ; worth $7.00.
Large slzo quadruple Haklng Dlsli , latest
beaded mounting , porcelain lined , $3.49 ; poa-
Itlvely worth $8.00.
Lamler Opera Glasses , In fine morrocco
cases , full achromatic. $1.9S ; worth $1.50.
Chevalier Opera Glasses , with pearl top
and allies , full achromatre , sale price $4.98 ;
worth $12.00.
Steel Frame Clocks , cathedral. 8-day ,
strikes the hour and half hour , $4.98 ; worth
Kull size Cottage Clocks , warranted to
keep good time , strikes the hour and half
hour. $2.98 ; worth $5.00.
Knncy Dresden Hanging Clocks , entirely
now , $1.98 ; worth $4.00.
W. A. llosera' warranted ten yeara six
Knives , six Korkd , nix Spoons , 18 nieces ;
sale price , $2.59 ; worth $5,00.
Mufflers ,
At 3' o each 1,000 dozen LadlcH1 , Men's
and Children's Handkerchiefs , made of slic'er
lawn , plain white and fast colored bordcre" )
all hemstitched , and uorth regular up l-o
15t each , i'
At 15c each 2,000 ladlea' very finest opou
work , embroidered and drawn thread baft-
dered Swls Handkerchiefs , Including all
linen hemetltched goods , worth up to 50c
each , go at 15c.
At 25c COO all ullk Initial Handkerchiefs ,
largo fllzo and heavy , weight , with hand
embroidered letters , worth 60c.
At 39c Klnest largo size all pure Bilk
Initial Handkerchiefs , with the very latest
style hand embroidered Initials , worth up
tp 75c.
Mon' l-Mno Silk 11 the
Kntiuy Stfijio , . KN'S
Polku I ) it iind 1 iiitnilot'oil
Hcil'e High Grndo Men's 50c Pure ' Phiid Miilllors \ rhito ivtul
Rilk Silk JSTovclty Men's Hlcirant or 49c Colored
Snspondoi'3 IJoo Livoav Nuht Shirts , Shirts
Mon's'-Pura Silk Men's 75o ciulrd fronts , Mon'a ( Pure ifiido Silk of every do-
Emb'd Silk IHsli
ore-urn and black suriptinn , tlmt
Men's llluli til-ado Muniot'd , worth holil for uj ) to
rASl'Y MI.K $1.50 , go ut
Mon'a$2.50 : Men's Highest I'lnhroidercd $2.r)0.
Hig-h Art Grade Xuias $2.r)0.98c 50c
Silk Neckties Nm-ht Shirts.
) Greatest Sale of Men's and Boys' Pine Ciistom Made
Men's $5.00 heavy wool mixed business suits. . $2 50
Men's $7.50 al ! wool Cheviot Suits $3.98
Men's $10.00 imported Scotch Cheviot Suits. . $4.98
$18.00 Men's till wool Melton Suits $7.50
$20 oo Men's satin lined Suits . $9.98
$25.00 Men's imported satin lined Suits , $12.50
$5.00 Men's heavy Chinchilla Overcoats $2.50
$10.00 Men's heavy Ulsters $4.98
$ 12.50 satin lined Wool Overcoats $5.50
$ jS oo Men's all wool Ulsters and Overcoats. . $7.50
510 and $12 young men's Wool Suits , 12 to 19. $5.00
$2.50 Boys' all "wool Suits , 4 to 14 - , $1.59 MEN'S'
$5.00 Boys' all wool Suits , 4 to 14. Il9
| | $5.00 All Wool
$5.00 Boys' As rauhan and Chinchilla Reefers.
$7.50 Boys' all wool Storm Reefers $2.93
$5.00 Boys' Cape Overcoats and Ulsters $1,98
510 oo Boys' Storm Uisters $3.50
X ( , All at exceedingly low prices-There's something for anybody , and everybody can Iind what they want
Child's Phoofly norkor , 65c Rockers
handsomely upholbtcied Child's Iflnt
Uoll HuSgy..J.V8o and Chairs
I'lcture nooks , Ju
venile Sloiy HookH ,
A , U , C Hooks , CutOut - A. II. O Hlorks. 1'ir-
Chi'd'a Oak Out Hooks , l.inijii turc Hlockn. Hulld-
. Rockers ItnokD. Inp Hlocks. at 5o , lUe.
ir c , ITic and Cue.
\\c hnve the lars- >
cHt asMirtineiit of
Chlldien' Hooka In Child's Tlork-
Omaha. Christmas Tree Ornamants. Ing Ilorso
At 5o caih The largest ntFortniPiit of glasB blown fancy 59c
culuied ChrlRttmiH Tier Oinaim-ntH In the \\vsi.
We sell ehlldren's 1 > l'pl
> ox
I5c and 25c
l.irjo fnney Klldoil II- A dozen In a box.
li'Ktiated I' I e t u r e
' sold
Hooks whli'h i i1
over town lor lie. Tor Chrl.stinMs Tires
VI In a box. per box
At lOo caoli CAMM.I : ii ( i.iiits ; r.u A
HoukH. Wui ranted not to Ijiirn fior lj"X . .
U''fr ' ' * * Titni ; TI.NSI- ;
Story Books.
Drums 15c to $ i.C
Hoys Juvenile , a VIOLINS r.oo
* thouxand different 13- Inch jointed doll ( /I'l'IIIOIt V : ! ! ) ! , 7. < - t > Sic
klndH , none worth wJtli blKiue head , . . "
ArrOlimiO.NS 7 "I !
f S S 33Z lest * than " 5c , all KO liandsomely diesscd . - . . . , - .
at ICu each. worth 73u TIIOMIIOM ; * ! < irsc. r.oc 7- < :
At 15o oacli * '
KIMiiliAKTi.V'oi'Tli ' > . _
) : ( : IT.S
AVe sell Haphaol ,
' A iie\\ toy out tlilx cciiron.
Tuck K SOIIH' Impoit- Xmas
ed ICtiBllsh Cut-out ano < < imc- .
and Linen HookH , ev fA > llJ.s"OP AM. KI.VlisT
ery one a woik of
art , worth up to OOc , Cards. DOLL FURNITURE.
. .
go at 15c.
Coinplcti' stl In Iji-d room , illidni ; room , parlor
and buudolr furniture , lianUeomely upliolutc'ied.
At 25c cacli Wo have the big- Kill body
KCHt line In Omaha. Dolla. . . . . .
All those Ills thick \\'o ncll them nt one-
Story HookH which tenth the regular
always retail for Wo price ; they go at le ,
and C3e , they go now So , 3c , 5c , lOcrworth
nt 23c. up to $1.00.
nni I UBflnO with curly human hie
. . . UULL HuUUd hnlr , nutiirnl Invtr , Crochet TOIKT CASKS fron COo 115
ClUlVli S. I'AKUH. from 1.00 from up. Ko up , movable eyes , blonde or brunoltc , Udll.l , Jl'nVKL CASKH , Vroin ' from . 23o
NKCKTli S.MOKINU : t'AKUS HiTH , , from from 1.W :5o up. . So lOo 15o 25o 35o 50c tifln WORK IIOXKH. fiom lOo up up. ,
01JOH UAHiS : , ( rein 2So up. 75o 81 81.50 CSUC SHAN ING HUTS , from 75c up.