Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1896, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 15

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Moderate Movomonb of Merchandise During
Post Six Days ,
Coed lliiMlncKN ill South Oinnlin Corn
u 1'rolHnlilo Croii for Tliunp Who
llnvi * CiiHIt ; to I-'i-iMl 1'rodiicc
CoiiiiiilxNlon Aim Move.
An air of quietness has pervaded the job-
bin ; , ' district of the city dnrlitR the Krcatcr
portion of the past week. The trade Inci
dent to the holiday sonson was pretty well
over before the commencement of the week ,
and staple lines of merchandise were IICK-
loctcd to a considerable extent , as Is usual
at this season of the year. Still while there
was an absence of activity a fair amount of
biiHlnr-ss was disposed of , fully as law In
volume as could be expected nt this time.
As a rule local Jobbers report their sales
of holiday poods as fairly satisfactory. The
grocers bad a KOOI ! business In fancy dried
and canned fruits , nuts and other fancy
Roods , 'While the dealers In confections and
fresh fi nils experienced a considerable de
mand , Dealers In notions nnd all kinds of
fancy coeds have had a Kood business , and
1' Is safe to add that Omaha Jobbing houses
have furnished the jjrealer shnro of the toys
and Christinas coeds that will be s old by
tlio retail tradu located In tributary terrl-
Th'u mild weather has Klvcn the retail
trade of the city a broathltiK spell , and were
It not for the trade Incident to thu holidays
t.ow near at hand'business In the retail
district would be duchledly dull.
Every merchant Is now praying for clear
cold weather for the week to come , and
unless thesu prayers are answered thu holi
day tr.ido may prove , In sonic degree , dis
appointing. It might Ftcm to the Inexperi
enced that each shopper would buy what
might be needed without icguril to the
weather , but every merchant , who keeps
clos'o account of the course of buslm ss
knows that losses resulting from unseason
able weather are seldom made up. A cer
tain day or week of the year , with favorable
weather , may bo expected to bring out a
certain amount of business ; If It storms * the
loss U never made good. Viewed In this
light It becomes apparent at once that the
matter of weather at the holiday season ,
which Is tlio greatest business period of
the. whole year. Is a most Important con-
Hlderatlon. Disagreeable or unseasonable
weather means the loss of thousands of dollars
lars to thu merchants of every city , anil the
damage lo the trade of the whole country
could easily run Into the millions. The loss
falls upon the retailers principally , as the
jobbers have already placed their goods long
beforn the condition of the weather for the
holiday season Is known.
Much of the shopping on Christmas week
Is from the country , and unfavorable
weather must necessarily cut off a very
large percentage from that source. As a
general thing merchants expect the largest
and most prolltablo business from the mid
dle classen during Christinas week , as the
wealthier buyers are not so apt to leave
their purchases until the last moment , and
then , too , there Is more profit In the sale of
a great many small and cheaper articles ,
such as are bought by the less wealthy
clasros. In one way stormy weather Is a
help to the small dealers as against the
large stores , In that buyers will lie more apt
to do their shopping as near homo ns pos-
slblu without taking the trouble to seek
those establishments having the largest
There appears to be a strong tendency on
the part of tlio produce triulu to shift about
the city , and hardly a year passes without
witnessing sonic change of location. The
produce business differs from many other
linen In ono respect nt least. Location docs
not cut much llgtiro with the volume of
trade. lUiyors go where fruit and produce
Is for sale , and a location on a back street
Is Just as good as the best corner In the
city. The two great requisites arc low
rentals nnd good collars , with plenty of
sidewalk room ; sidewalk space , In fact. Is
fully ns much of a necessity as space under
Ten years ngo the produce and fruit com
mission business was located along Knrnam
street. I'eycko Hros. htiil a largo establish
ment on lower Fnrnam street , then came
Uranch & Co. nt Pnrnnm nnd Twelfth
Btroots. wbllu Klrschbraun .t Son were lo
cated on Twelfth Htreuf , Just north of Far-
nntn , nnd 10. Mnronoy and Wlcdoniann .t
Co , n block south of Varnam. H. Purvis
John R Klack and \V. E. lUddoll were on
Fourteenth street. Just north of Fnrnnm.
On Doduo street , west of Fourteenth , were
located Whitney & Co. , Fearon & Cole and
D. A. Hurley.
While there was a good deal of shifting
about , the grnoral movement of the com
mission business was southvrnrd , until How
ard street , from Tenth 'to Thirteenth became -
came thu center of that branch of business.
At ono tlmo thu block from Twelfth to
Thirteenth was Klvcn up entirely to the
commission business ; In fact , the most of
the buildings on that block were designed
for that very purpose. At ono time a good
many llrms clustered about Thirteenth and
Hartley HtrcetM. Ileocntly the * movement
has been eastward , and during thu past
two years Klovcnth nnd Howard has been
the center.
With the coming of the. new year thcro
promises to be an exodus westward of
Bomn of the firms engaged In the fruit and
produce trade. Ilranoh & Co. will move
Irani 4 0 422 foath Eleventh street to 12)1-1203 )
Howard street. Williams & Cross will dls-
sotvo partnership and form two now linns.
The Williams end of the firm will ho
known In the future as Jacob Williams
H Son , and will move to 1217 Howard
ptreet. The other half of the firm will bo
ronverted Into Cross & Son. Other changes
will bo made , but locations are not dctcr-
mlnrtl upon ns yet.
I-ast year Secretary Holmes of the Manu
facturers' and Consumers' Association of
Nebraska made It a practlco 'to ' attend the
farmers * Institutes held In different sections
af the state , taking advantage of the occa-
nlon to urge upon the farmnr.4 thu Impor-
tnni'o of encouraging the development of
the manufacturing Industries of the state
by every means possible , especially by giv
ing them n liberal patronage. This com
ing year a greater number of these- Insti
tutes will Ira held and Mr. Holmes has
arranged to attend them , not only as a
peakcr urging homo patronage , but also
In the capacity of an exhibitor , as ho will
bo supplied with samples of the products
of Nebraska factories and will bo prepared
to point out their good qualities to thu
farmers In attendance.
It IH expected by this means to convince
the farmers of the state that goods made
In Nebraska nro equal to tha productions
or eiistern inctorleH anil nt tha s.ima tlmo
ntltmiluto In them a prldo In their homo
lllHtltlltlOllH ,
lluslnoss In the llva stock mnrket wns of
fnlrly tuitlMfuctory propnrtlntiH last week ,
in fact , somunhut larger than on un nv-
ernKO of late. The rreute t illfllculty IH to
p > t stock onoiiKli to keep the packing
housed mnnlinc , nnil It. la still necessary to
phlp In n wood ileul from other markets.
The very xatlsfnctory prices bcintr palil
for beef cnttlo at the present time consti
tute a most encouraging fenturw of the
lu lm'in munition. Inu.siiHii'h an farmers nro
enableil by that mcaiiH to dlsposo of much of
tlii > corn crop ut price. * that rentier corn-
rnlslnc u profitable.biiHlnctm. Takln pres
ent values ns a basis for making estimates ,
It can bo nhown that the farmers who
Imvo feil their corn to cattle uro receiving
from 20 to 2."i cents per bushel for the corn
disposed of In that manner , or fully iloublo
what the uamo corn would bo worth at the
The farmers nre fully aware of the nilvan-
JnKe of feeillni ; corn to cattle or other stock
but the Kfeat ( lllllculty with them ha beeii
to secure the cattle , The scarcity of money
In farmers' hands uml the illlllcully of bor-
rowltiR ban made It practically Imposslblo
for a creat many farmera to feed out their
corn at home , and all such will bo forced
to haul their crops to the clovatora ; still a
Kreat many catllo hnvo been placed on feed.
Not only were a KOOI ! many sent out from
Ihe South Omaha yarils. but Axestern ranch-
inim shipped a great many trains Into the
Rtato and sold them direct to the farm.
r . Many of the latter were sold
on time , the ranchmen carryltiR the farm-
crs and Chicane parties In turn narrylntf
the ranchmen. The cattle that nro beliiK
fcil on Chicago money will In all probability
liefer como to the Omah.i y.irils. but will
bo concluded direct to Chicago commission
houses throuKh whom the ranchmen secured
thn money.
The farmers nro still short on cattle and
everything nt all sultrtLlo for feeding pur-
pones meets with ready sale. A KOOI ! many
fanners who Imvo been unable to secure
Hitch cnttlo ii j they wanted nro good buy *
I era of sheep , anil the few feeders that como
Jo lhet-0 yards meet with ready sale , show-
Ins that the country Is determined to feed
out a much of the corn crop UB possible.
The prices ut which JIOBS aru nelllnir are
very low , In fact they are now brliiKlnn
Una than half the market price current In
December. 1S3 : , but still these who have
made a study of tha subject llguru that U
Is butter to ralso lions at prevailing- prices
than to illrposu of thu corn at the elevators
nt 10 to 13 cents per bushel. The hope that
1hey will be able , before the nnil of the sea-
can to Hccure stock , or that the market will
Improve Inter on , Is the real catisn of the
holding back of the corn crop on tha part
of farmers , anil nt the nme tlmn furnishes
nn explanation of the present shortage of
money In the country.
OMAHA (7iT\i.itAi < MA.utr/r.
Cniiilltlnii nf Trnilr nnil Quotation *
< in .Slnple mul I'ane } ' Proiltiuc.
rOOS-Fresh gathered , I fl20c.
HUTTKH-C'ommon to fair , EB5o ; choice to
fancy , roll , ISfllSc ; separator creamer ) ' , 21c ;
Knlhrrcil crenm. l OKo ,
OAMK-Pralrie thickens , per doz. . JC.OO © . : i ;
quail , SI. 0001. 50 ; blue winged tetil ducks , tl.COQ
1.73 ; green wing , 11.25 ; redheads nm ! tnnllaiM ,
JJ.M ; small rabbits , 250 < 6c ; Jacks , 7c ; saulr-
rels , ( XMI75c ; deer saddles , Hfliic ; carcasses , Wt
lie ; nntelo | < o saddles , ISHKc ; carcasses , Oc ;
Canada geese , large. IC.OOtJT.M ; small , tl.l ) ( ? 5.W.
Cllun.Si : Domestic brick. lO c ; IMani , per
doz. , I'J.OO ; club house , l-lli. Jnrs , per ilii ? . . 13. IS ;
LlmbeiKer , fancy , | n-r 1b. , ' , tc ; KcKiiefort | , li-lb.
Jars , per doz. . U.CO ; Young Americas , IDXc ;
twins , fancy , lO'.io.
VRAI. Clmico fat , fO to 128 Ibs. . nre quoted nt
7fffc , lar e nnd coarse. < H6c.
nillWSKH I'nri.TUY I'liHcens. G'UJCc ; tur
keys , lotflle ; ncese , 7ISo ; dueks , 7fl c.
I.VK 1'OULTUY-Not wanted.
riOiONS-Llve : , 758 0o ; dead pleeoni not
HAY 1'plnnd , J5.CO ; midland , JI.SO ; lowland ,
14 ; rye ttraw , ) | ; color makes the price on
hay ; light l.nles tell the N.t ; only top KrJ
btlng top prices.
IlllOOM COHN nxtromely slow sale ; new
cr'ii , delivered nu truck In country ; choice rreen
clf.wnrklnfr carpet , per lh. . z'jc : choice green ,
runnlnit lo hurl JKr ; commnn , me.
SWKKT POTATO HS-On orders , bbl. . $2.00.
ONIONS Good stuck , per bu. , 30f0c.
LIMA IlEANS-l'or Ib. . 4c.
IIIIAUNS Hand picked navy , per bu. . J1.23.
CA11HAOIO Home groxvn , per hundred , OOfl
rKl.'BHY Per doz. , 23W50c ; fancy , large , g
f.0c.POTATOIJS flood tel : , p r bu. , 25o ; Wyom
ing stock , sacked. SOc per 100 Ibs.
TO M A TO MS Tex n . n < "r bushel crate , J2.25.
OHAI'MM Crates. IS pony baskets , Concorda
nnd Cntawbas , tier crates. J3.CO.
MALAOA nilAI'KS-l'er keg. 7.
CllANIIiilHlKS-Cnpe Cod , per bbl. , JC.
Al'l'LKS-CcKiklnc , per LIl.Jl.cii.7j ; fancy
New York , 11.75.
CALIFOHNIA rnAHS-Per box. J.00ff2.25 ;
New York , per Mil. . S3.GOO1.UO.
QUINCKS-IVr bbl. . Si
l'INKAl'1'LKS-I'cr crate of two to three doz. ,
UltANOKS Mexican , J3.73 ; California navels ,
J4.UO ; IleJIands , J3.xi3.2.- ( ) ; , .
l.nilONS Messlnas , J3.00 ; choice California ,
} 3.DU53,75 ; fancy , JI.OO.
IIAJIANAS Choice. Urge stock , per bunch ,
t2.OOVi.2S ; medium-sized bunches. SI.G092.Ot.
1 ION BY Fancy white , per Ib. . Ho ; choice , lie ;
California , amber color , lOc.
CIDHlt Clarified Juice , per half bbl. , J2.GO ; per
bbl. . H.23ai.W.
MAl'LF. .S-VHUl'-Flve-gal. cani. each. J5.7S ;
Kfi'i. cnns , per doz. , (12 ; ! iaif-gai. cans , { 0.23 ;
I'.inrt rami. S3. CO.
MAURH KKAUT Per half bbl. , $1.73. ; bbls. ,
F1OS Imported fancy , R crown , SO-lb. boxct ,
I3c ; efloice , 10-1b. boxes. 3-crown , lie.
NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib. , large
size , 13c ; llrazlls , per Ib. , lOc ; Englloli wal
nuts. per Ib. , fancy , soft shell , 12B12'io ; Bland-
nrd * . llffllVic ; Illbcrts. per Ib. . lOc ; pecans , pol
ished. large. JIflOo ; Jumbo. Ilftl2c ; large hick
ory nuts , Jl.:3 per bu. ; email , ll.r/i ; cocoanuts. Co
Hinns No. 1 green bliles , ac ; No. 2 green
hides , 4c ; No. 1 green salted hides , 7c ; No. 2
green salted hides. Cc ; No. 1 venl call , S to 12 Ibs. ,
7c ; No. 2enl ciilf. S to 15 Ibs. . 4c ; No. t dry
Mint hides , SftlOcNo. . 2 dry Hint hide' . 8HSc ( ; No.
1 dry salted hides , 8JSe ; part cured hides , lie
per Hi. less than fully cured.
SIIIIKI' YIM.T.S ( Ireen salted , each. 23tMOc ! ;
green salted , shearings ( short wooled early skins ) ,
each. ISc ; dry shearings ( short wooled early
skins ) . No. 1 each , Cc : dry Hint , Kansas and
Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual
weight. < jrc , dry flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska
Murrain wool pelts , per Ib , , actual weight. 3Ne ;
dry Hint Colorado Imtrhcr wool pelts , per Ib. ,
actual weight. 4li3c ; dry Mint rolorndo Murrain
wool pelta. per Ib. . actual weight. 3ffo ( ; feet
cut off , ns It Is useless to pay freight on them.
TALLOW ANI > ( SUIIAflU Tallow. No. 1 , 3c ;
tallow. No. 2. 21,40 : grease , white A , 3c : grease ,
white II , 2e ; grease , yellow , 2c : grease , dark. IHo ;
old butter , 2ii2U.c ; beeswax , prime , 15fl22c ; rough
tallow , Ic.
WOOL Pnwasheil , line , heavy , Cii'e : fine , light ,
SfiOc ; uuartei blood , 10 12c ; seedy , burry and
chaff y. SfiOc : cotted and broken , coarse , 7Wc ;
cotted and broken , line , Gfe. Fleece \Vnshel
Medium. lortISc : Hne. HiTlBc : tub washed. 10W10) )
black , 6c ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks. 2C3c ; dead pulled ,
HONKS In car lots , weighed nnd delivered In
Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton. .12.00814.00 ; dry
country , bleached , per ton , J10.OOWI2.OOi dry coun
try. damp and mealy , per ton. JC.OOQS.OO.
Unotntlonn of ( belny oil Oeiicrnl
NKW YOIUC , Dec ; 19. FI/JUK Receipts , 20-
300 bbls. ; exports , 2,930 bbls. ; dull , but fairly
steady , except for spring patents ; Minnesota
patents , J4.4304.C3 ; Minnesota bakers. J3.4004.00 ;
winter patents , J4.40i'S.10. ? Hye Hour , dull ;
superllne , J2.S5&3.05. lluckwhcat Hour , dull ; J1.30
COIIN MEAI , Yellow eastern , G5c.
IIYIV- Nominal ; 40ti > Hc ,
HAItLKY Uull ; 2Sf2SUc.
IIAUM-n MALT Western. I3.30W3.50 ,
WHBAT llecelpts , 153W > i ) bu. Spot dull , but
firm ; No. 1 hard , S2o. Options opened htronger
and except for one brief reaction , ruled llrm nil
the morning. Influenced by firmer cables , light
spring wheat receipts , light covering and un
favorable Argentine news ; closing ! 51jic net
higher ; No. 2 red. May , S3UWS5ic , closed at
k51c ; December , WHBMiTic. closed nt SG' e.
COltN llecelpts. 17.COO bu , ; exports , 07,615 bu.
Spot steady ; No. 2. 2Sjc. ! Options quiet , but
Headier , with wheat ; closing at Ho net advance ;
May , 3lifl31c , closed at 3 Hie ; December closed
nt 2Sic. !
OATS Ueeelpls , 42,000 bu. ; exports. 2.031 bu.
Spot dull ; No. 2. 22c. Options dull nnd nomi
nal ; closing at Ho net higher ; May closed at
2IHc ; December closed at 21'ic.
HAY Dull ; shipping. J5.WCC.OO ; good to
choice , J7.0 f(7.50. (
HOPS Dull ; 1MW crop , 3a7o ! ; 189ii crop , S 13c ;
1'aclllc coast , U9.1 crop , 3U7 > ic ; 1896 crop , 'JS13c ;
London miilkct dull. *
11HJKS Dull ; Oulveston , l813c ; nuenos Ayres ,
dn' . nominal ; Texns , dr } ' , 94c ! ; California , 15V1C.
LIJATHKIl Steady ; hemlock tole. lluenos
Ayrea , light to heavy weight. ll'.iO-Oltc.
\ \ XOIQulet ; lleece , 15S)20c ; pulled. 1B31SC.
PIIOVIS1ONS lleef hams. J18.00 Hiked ; packet.
JS.OW9.50. ( "lit bicnls , quiet ; pickled bellies ,
Jt.2i .75 ; pickled shoulders. JI.OOW4.25 ; pickled
bams , JH.50jiS.75. I anl , steady ; western steam ,
SI. 13 ; rellned , llrm. Pork , llrm : mess , JS.251iS.75 ;
short clear , extra prime , JS.75Q10.5l ) . Tallow ,
steady ; city. 3Vi&3.c ! ; country. 3UgiV.
II1JTTKK llecelpls , 3.530 pkus. ; slendy ; west
ern crenmer ) ' , I35f2Sc ; Klglns , 22c ; factory. 7U12c.
IIOOK Ilecelpls , 3,292 pk s. ; steady : state and
Pennsj Ivnnl.i , 2li23c ; western , 15Q22C.
CHUICSU llecelpts. 2.000 pkKS. ; quiet ; large ,
7t4 10ic ! : email , S4IO'ic ; part eliliiis , , 3i-0)7c ) ;
full rklms , 2 0c.
OILS Petroleum dull ; United closed at 97c bid.
IJohln , iiulct ; strained , common to good , Jl. ! > 0.
Turpentine , quiet nt 27i27Ifce. Cottonseed ,
nominally steady ; primp crude , 20c ; prime sum
mer yellow , 23c , off cummer yellow. 22H&3c.
HlCI-J-Steady ; fair to extra , SJ.QCHc ; Japan ,
4V * HHc.
MOLASSES Quiet ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
good to choice , 2C83c , for new crop.
MKTALH PlB Iron , quiet ; southern. JILOOO
12.23 ; northern , J11.00 flJ.OO. Copper , quiet ; brok
ers , J11.25. Lead , strong ; brokers , J2.75. Tin
plate * , dull. _
St. r.oiiln CJem-rnl Mnrkrt.
ST. IXJUIS. Dec. 19. FIXUn-Dnll and weak ;
patents , J4.C094.75 ; extra fancy , J4.10U4.20 ; fancy ,
53.4rtif3.W > : choice , J3.Cdft3.10.
WHKAT The market wns decidedly erratic nnd
the busmen * light. Spot , hlEher ; No. 2 red , cash ,
elevator , W-.c hid ; track. 3\\tiXc \ ; No. 2 hard ,
cash , SOc Hiked ; December. Mo ; May , S'JVjc.
COIIN l'"utures dull , weak and lower , the re
ceipts , continuing heavy and the demand light.
Spot , lower ; No. 2 cash. 20 0 ; December , 20Ho
nskrd : May. 22K.22Hc.
OATS Futures dull and weak , the receipts be
ing heuvy and the market overstocked. Spot ,
lower : No. 2 cash. 1'iio ; May , ! 0io askej.
llYK-DuII ; 373Sc
HAUI.KY Quiet. 3a 40e.
FLAXSHKD-Steadr ; 72c.
TIMOTHY BKl-i > Prime. J2.40.
HAY Dull ; timothy , JG.00811.00 ; prairie , J4.M
Efios Slendy ; 17c.
LKAD-Qulet : J2.7582.E2Vi.
1'IIOVISIONS Pork , steady ; standard m-sn.
Jobbing. J7.15JJ7.40. Lard , steady ; prime steam ,
: t.CO ; choice , J3.75. Ilacon ( boxed ) , thoulders ,
JI.S5 ; extrn short clear , JI.M'i ; rlbi , Jl.70 ;
horts , JI.87H , Dry salt meats ( boxed ) , shoulders ,
Jl ; cxtrii short clear , J3.S7s ! ; rlba , JI.25 ; nhorU ,
JI.J7i .
lll-Jl'KIPTS Flour , G.MV ) t.bls. ; wheat , 10,000 bu. ;
com , 115.0(0 bu. ; cuts , 03.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 7.0CO bbls. ; wheat. 22,000
bu. ; corn , 25,000 bu. ; oats , S.OOO bu.
NEW YOItlt. Dec. 19.-COFFnn-Optlon
opened steady at G points advance on favorable
cables and falling off In llrnzlllan movement ;
ruled dull nnd ftaturelen. dependent on local
trading ; closed quiet and unchanged to Gc
net advance ; sales. 4.250 bags , Including : March
J9.40. Spot coffee , llio , dull ; No. 7 , Invoice. JIO ;
Jobbing J10.50. Mild , quiet ; Cordova , J15.50ftl7.00.
Total warehouf * deliveries from lh United
mules , 9.49I bnics. Including I.CC1 bag < from
New York ; New York utock today , 2J7 , 5J Lag ;
United States mock , 345,337 bugi ; ullont for the
Unltfd Klutev , S5 .000 bans ; total vUlble for the
United Slates , 701,327 bugs , agulnit G51.CCI bnu
lait yeiir ,
HANTOS , Dec. 19. COFFKK-Steady : good
average Bantoa. 10.400 l ; receipt ) 9,000 bnc ;
lock. CSS.OOO baici. '
IIAMHUIIC1 , Dee. 19.-COFFr3E-Steaily ; ? Blf
odvanca ; nates , 9,000 bans.
IIAVltH. Dec. -COFFKK-Qulet : Vtt ad.
vance at 1) m. : Hf dtcllne at ] p. m. ; quiet and
unchanged at Uf net decline.
1110 , Dec. 19.-COFFKE-Unclian fd : No. T.
9.SOO reli ; exchange , UJ ; receipt ! . 10,000 taxi ;
cleared for the United Stain , 30.000 liaei ; ( or
Kurope , B.OOO b ct ; stock , 311,000 bag .
Oil Oltr SInrket.
OIL CITY , Pa. . Deo. ll.-Credll balanctj , Mo ;
ctrtincatu , tlo Ltd ; no talti.
Wheat Manages to Score an Advance of a
Fraction ,
Dlni'liiJ'oil liy Knrt'lKn .Mnr-
ll Crop DIIUIIIKC In Ar-
nt tlio .llnrUel.
CHICAGO , Dec. 19. When , toilny ninn-
ngeil lo recover * > o of yestcrilay'H tlccllno
on n dull market. The steadiness dlsplityci
by foreign markets unit niiotlicr batch o
Argentine. croi | duniaso reports , were the
pHnclpnl fitctorn In the mlvunce. Corn nnt
oats wuro heavy nnd declined Uc anil Uc
respectively. Provisions made small ail
In wheat" the bearish foolltiff which hns
been so prominent the past week WUH less
In evidence lit the opening. Liverpool quo
latlonti wore unchanged , mid that In )
Ui\H In crctiUni ; a better feullnt ;
cuinlnit a.s they illil after a tic decline hero
yesterday. Liverpool also sent reports 01
the wheat crop In various provinces of Ar
Kt'iitlna , shotting a set loan condition of af
fairs In some Instance ! ) . Opening quotation !
for .May were from 80Uc to 0'/ic ' , comparci
with yesterday's co. ! lns price of TU'/aC. ' The
price took a dip to T'.Oic soon after the open
HUT on the thiowliiK over of a lot of long
wheat , but the maiicet had too much 'Sta
tistical support lo break badly from such
u cauro ami as soon as the pressure was re
moved prices went up asaln. The receipts
at both the northwest points and In chl-
CIIKO were very small. Minneapolis and Uu
hull reported 370 cars and Chicago M cars
a total of 412 cars , compared with 003 on the
same day last week and S72 on the. corresponding
spending day of the year before. Thoolll
clal llKiires on the Now South \Vales wheat
crop showed a shortage of l.'JoO.OOO bu. over
requirements. The seaboard reported a
Kood Inquiry for export , one dlrpatch fron
Ni-w York said Itas known there that a
uood steady business was being done In
Chicago wheat , all rail shipments via Hos-
ton. .Millers took HO.OM ) bu. here. The visi
ble supply Is not expected to show over
1.V,000 ! ) bu. decrease on .Monday , and sonic
look for a small Inrrenpu. The pronounce !
weakness of oats made Its Inlluenco felt
shortly before the close. Realizing was also
Indulged In to a moderate cxcnt , and -M.iy
v/lilch In the meanllmo had crept up to S0'sc '
broke to 7UT&C. That was the price at tilt
Corn was very quiet , with trailing chlolU
among scalpers. 1'rlces during the mornlnt ,
were helped to a moderate extent by the
strength of wheat and free exports , but
weakened later , principally , perhaps. In * ym
patliy 'With oats , and closed at a slight de
cline. May opened a shade hUher at I.VJif
sold at 2o } c to IKVsc. then eased oft to from
S.V.ic tO'LTAJc , where It closed.
Oats started rather llrm In common will
the other grain markets , but later fell off
decidedly. Liberal receipts and a heavy es
timate for Monday was good material for
the raiding crowd to work with , and they
pressed their advantage. Trading was never
heavy and lluctuatlons were narrow. May
opened a shade higher at from L'Oo to SOVsC
drc'.lncd to 19"S < c and closed weak at 19'V > .
The feeling In the provision pit was not
pronounced In either direction for an hour
or so , but became llrm toward the end am
closed quite llrm at slight advances al
around. There vraa not any mote than the
riscent moderate volume of buslnes. * done
but packers were not Inclined to sell as
freely as of late. May pork closed " > c hlghei
at J7.U2H ; May lard 2'jc higher at from $ l.y7'-j
to $3.02U > May ribs about unchanged ai
Kstlmatod receipts Monday : Wheat.IS
cars ; corn , SO ) cars ; oats , 403 cars ; hogs
40.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
i. I High. | Low. I CloH.Yent'y |
Deo. . . . 7fi > ( 77V ( 70" > ( 7flJ < 7llli
May. . . ( ) Vt y SOXOh 71 i 7HJ
July , . . . 71H' "B 74 ! < 7-.H 74
Ueu. . . . V2H
May. . . . i5H !
Ueo . . . 10 > ( ItlJi 10H
May. . . . UOM " 0)4 1UH - 10 in ; 20
Jill. . . . 7 02t ! 703 7 CO 7(15 ' fiO
May. . . . 7 1)0 ) 7 U5 7 87M 7 O'JX ' 87K
r Jinl
Jan. . . . 3 82H 3 85 .1 82 .1 35 3 82K
May. . . . 4 U'JH 4 03 4 00 4 05 4 OJ
Sli't Ulbs
Jan. . . . 3 S5 3 87. 3 8.1 3 87K I S5
May. . . . 4 O'JK 4 051 00 1 05 I ( ) ' . !
No. 2.
Cash quotations were ns follow * :
KLOL'U-Steady : winter patents , JUOff4.73 :
straights , J4.Wfll.75 ; i-prlng specials. 4.60 ; sprlns
patents , JI.15WI.W ; stralshts , J3.7JU4.CO ; bakers ,
(3.1003. IS.
U'HKAT No. 2 rprlng , 7CTiffi77ic ! ; No. 3 eprlni ; ,
74c ; No. 2 red. 8S' < 8'Jc.
I'OIIN No. 2 L'2ffST e ; No. ! yellow , 22HO'
22T c.
OATS No. 2 , 16Ho ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 104O !
21c ; No. 3 nhllc. 171JC19C.
KYI. No. 2. 37Hc.
IIAULKY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3f. . o. b. ,
22 < ff3c : : No. 4. f. o. b. , 22ii2c.
KLAXSntSn No. 1 , 73 07.10.
PUOVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , JC.S3ffC.90 ;
lanl , per 100 Ibs. , J3.77KIM.liO : short ribs sides
( loose ) , J3.75ffll.00 ; dry salted shovlderg ( honed ) ,
J4.2.1JTI.50 : short clear sides ( boxed ) . J4.00ff I.12V4.
nUTTKll rirm ; creamery , lf. M4e ! ; dairy ,
10 17c.
K I1S Firm ; fresh , lOliWOc.
WHISKY Dlsllllers' llnlshcd poods , per Knl. ,
BlirjAnS Cut lonf. J5.20 ; Ernnulated , JI.C3.
The following were the receipts nnd shipments
today :
On the Proilucu exch.ineo today tint batter m.'ir-
ki > t wns linn ; creamery , l&M'-'imc : dairy , 103
17e. Esirs , Urm : freHh , lOHdHOo. Cheese , stonily ;
Culinii Situation Slakes 1111 Aellve. .llnr-
krtvllli Tone Kovt-rlMli.
NK\V YOHK. Dec. 19. The stock market today
waa comparatively active and the tone feverish.
The stump In prices yesterday nfternoon on tha
news of the decision of the senate committee
on foreign relntlong to report favorably to that
body Senator Cameron's Cuban resolutions led
tlio financial community to expect n decidedly
unfavorable sympathetic effect of foreign se
curities In , and American stocks and
bonds In rxmdon In particular. Accordingly , con
siderable nervousnesH was felt previous to the
oprnlni ; lOKariilnK thu probable course of today's
Cabled u'lvloej or temperate discussion oc tlio
Cuban question ahrojil and hlKlier prlceu for
American securities In London , extending to
I'.l per cent In thu nctlvo Internationally llmcil
stocks , clmiiBtMl th speculallve lemper , mid nt
the opening covering was beeun on nn extensive
scale , resulting In sharp Rains over last nlnht'H
Dual prices , lluylnx 'for London account acccl-
erntetl the advance , nnd the Inteinntlonal nr-
bltrairo llrnui were nlso reportr < l In th market.
Tlie Improvcmejils scored ranged from 1 to 2',4
per cent In the shares.
After the Initial dealing for realizing profltH
n bear drive nt Manhattan railway. In connec
tion with the threatened legal prownllnj-B. cuuseil
n reuctlon. Manhattan broke 2li per cent lo S < > .
but later recovered to & $ ! 'l'li uutirc/iucnt
movement of the stock was erratic , but It K-ft
elf practically unchanged.
The advance In the general marlcet was EOCII
resumed , end the test prtce of thu day were
reached 111 many Instances , n special Inquiry be-
hiK noted for Huirar , Ht. Paul and HurllnKton.
Around H o'clock the market n.iiletid down Hml
fractional concessions were ncalu imiile on n-nlU-
Ing , a. decrease of ( SCKV,000 In thn loans of the
nssoclnteJ lmnk from last week's 'Inures exert
ing some unfavorable InlHienco. The market
cloned Irrrgular nt a Kcneral > liarp net decline.
All ordinary topics and condikiallons liwirlng
upon the stock market In tlin week were over
shadowed near Ihe close by Ihe action of thn
Benate foreign relations committee on Friday In
doc Id I UK lo recommend Sen.itor Cameron's Cuban
rc'olutlon. Previously the I : ar4 had made occa
sional ilrlvei nt the market \YnshliuUon news ,
but tlm financial community at birn& * i\s re
laxing Its nttenllon to th Jebnten In cnncrevM ,
and , In fact , had begun to take only u p r-
funrtorj' Interest In the matter. Wall street bail
made tha mIMaka of llgurlni ; from Us own
standpoint the ntsumeil duly of conn reps on the
Cuban question , and believed that the danger
of friction ulth Spain had bten minimized , It
was connldereil that thu discussion would hnvo
no more tcrloii * results than n few Impassioned ,
pcnllmrntnl outpourlni ; * In the senala ami house ,
tlmulluneoiiily , however , with thu receipt of the
n WB the market dumped In nil direction. ,
wholesale liquidation took place , and the rlsht
nnd left stop lo order * were ivachrd , accelerat
ing tha lota.
Meanwhile the bean Improved to the utmost
the opportunity to depress 'value * , Thb more
Importnnt lon.cs ranned from 2 to fl per cent In
the active list , with the grander * nnd sp-rlnltlcs
the chl f gufferer ) . Trading In the rarly part of
the week wus characterized by decided weakness ,
especial pressure loins' brought to bear
ngalnut severgl proper lies and e | vclully llur *
llnglon. Tliln ( tosk was Influenced Ly rrportt
of probable pending scaling.of dividends. The
Gould locks were p riil > tently uttacked , mul
liquidation on a large tcalo was reported In
the grcup. Manhattan was affected by continued
minors of Important unfavorable developments.
Tha Blocks of the Iron and steel rompanlei sold
off on tha depre lon In there Industries , roflectrd
In the reported dUnolutlon af the teel rail
combination and reduction tn the price of rails.
The ltubb r inarr * . exceptionally dUplayed con-
Murablt atrentth on ro'ilp iuggcillnjf the prob-
nblo derlnrntlon of ft dlvblenil on the commftn
stock by the directors ; al their meeting of De
cember 21 > iines In the foreign
exchange mntkrt eaund f vlved illscusslnn t > f
the probability of thejiiiU' resumption of ex
ports of gold to Kuropp. nnd It WHS estimated
that fnim Jl.OOili ) > W lo JH1 | 00 would be shlpixvl
to Oennsny on Tuesday next. Itnlikers regnrted
this deveK.pmcnl . ns unlfnTOrtant , nnd , III fact ,
expressed the opinion W" thn shipment of a
few millions In gold woiil.l exert n beneficial In
fluence upon the local * g" \ foreign money mnr
ket. Tlio decline < > \ tenilwrom 1 to 3 * . per cent
In prominent shares , with llurllngton t.le chief
sufferer. . -
I ter , the almost upvrpcedenli'illy favorable
statement of our forcUU trade for November ,
showing nn excess of cxppH ovcr Imports In that
month of JSiifMS : ( < 5. mul n excess of evport *
over Imports for the eleven months of } WW , *
709. together with n premature en e of relief
on the reported ndjoiirnmeut of congress , caused
a general rally. Most of the early losses uerc
recovered , nnd In tome Instances , the highest
prices of the week were reached. Final prices
show net declines ranging from 2 to 7H per cent ,
the last In lliirllimlon. TUc aggregate sales were
1.5C1.7IO shares.
The boml market today exhibited umiMinl
nctlvlly , the sales iiKcremitlng 11,101,000. I'tlcfs
were feveiIsh 111 sympathy with the movement
of the slock market , but the general undertone
was llrm. The week's bond market lackei
feature , aside from nxire slve strength In some
of the usu.llly Inactive l-sues. The market gen
erally moved Irregularly , and was lower In eom
mon with the Intluence governing other soeurl
ties. ( 'niit ! > urall\ prices show losses of 1 til 2
per cent In no leading speculative bonds. Tin
sales \\crc JS.07."i.l iO. ( Sovernment bonds ills
played general strength until the closing deal *
Inirs , where soni" losses were noted on tile polll-
Icnl developments. The s.tles were JK''iO. Sli
ver ccrtlllcntes were dull nnd steady. The
trnnsnetloim nqurrnutnl only" ) .
The Kvenlng 1'ost's copyrmhted I ndon cable
Item hns Ihe following : The Cuban resolulloi
In Ihe I'liyed Slates senate would be rcRnrdei
hero as Hale mole than a u ual safety vaUe for
Jingo sentiment did not Madrid telogmiiu show
the highly Inllammnble state of the Spanish
P'ipulace. The outburst following Maeeo'a dentil.
In whlrli the court was said to Join , Is drscrllx-i
us bordering mi frenzy. It "Uggefts how far Tar-
tllllnn fensltlveness nnd popular cntliusln in imj
push the Spanlh iovcniiiient ; without nwnltina
formal proof of the validity of the action of
congress In the event of n Sp-inlsh appeal to
the l.urnpttin powers. It Is remembered that
French piotests are still heard imalnst 'the as
sumed American protectorate o\er the continent
where France has largo Interesls. America , fays
Ihe Mnncheslcr Ounrdlati toilny. Is doing her
best to Involve herself ngaln In n tangle of Kuro-
p"nn dlplomallc relations by o | > enlii ? one foreign
( | iiestlon nftcr another In which Europe Is deeply
The livening Tost' * Ix > ndon financial cablesrnm
pays : The Cuban matter has slightly depressed
the markets , but there I * no nppnmc'.i to panic
In the Felling of Americans. Firstly , because the
bull nccount Is too small , and secondly , be
cause the Stock exchange regardi the nrfnlr
lightly nt present , except as n fuither evidence
of Jingoism. American tecurltles feel sympathies
with prices on your side , but are above parity ;
closing at the best with buying of n very gooil
kind. The fall of Spanish securities was assisted
l.l- , ll In , * ir > * ltl.Hn > 1 nf nnllln R > rVlrt ll'llll 1'llH * :
tt recovered when It was found this afternoon
that the Paris price was much above London
The following were thn closmi } quotations on
Ihn leading stocks of the New York exchange
today :
Silver barn. illv c ; MilW-1" dollar. ! ,
Sljhtdrafw , 1-J a : telur. ! il , 15e.
London Slu
LONDON. Due. ID.-l .
uji >
Coii8olfi7iu'y. 110 .1-111 'Mexican orilhmry. 21
1'unsolH. nee'l lll ) > j. Uf-lUiile.oiiimoii. . . ' 7U :
Can. I'aullle 03J | .V.'Y. Central. . . . . 0 >
' ' ' ' ' '
KrlolHipfd ul ; , Jiuadliur. . . . . ! . . . . . . l5j <
11. Central 1)1- ) ' Mux. Ccn , nuw la , il.ltf
IIAIl HILYKIt 29Tid per ounce.
MONIY siiww i r com.
The rail ! of discount In the open market for
short und three niontlu' bills , 3)jfj'3 ) U-liJ per
cent. _ _ _ _ _ _
\ < MT VorU .All n I u > 7 ( luoliitliMin.
NKW YOIUC. Doc. ll ) . Tliu fjllowln. ? uro the
closlnr nilnlnir quotAtluun :
UllWlT 4(1 ( Mexican ; IH
Uiollar. 78 Ontario 870
Crown Point ID Oiildr. KU
on. Cul. \ Vu UU Plymouth ' . ' ( I
> vnd wood 10.1 uulvkullvur. ion
fimld A Curry no ( Julcktillviir pfd..lyoi )
tiiluA NurcroAu. . 10) Union Con ; IM
[ omint.iltu nuoo YellowJackot. . . . U3
ron Silver. . , ill )
Vc-iv VurkVoeKlj - Hnnlt Sliileiiii-nl
NKW YOIUC. Dec , 19. The weekly bank tate
nent ihowi the followlnir chanisrs ! Ilesrrve ,
ncreaiu 1(08.375 ; louni. Increase J3,513.I/O ; > po.
cle , Increuu JWJ.W'J ; l al tendem , liicieuuo 13.
11,100 ; UepOMtu. lucrcaia JC.'jSI. ' OO , circulation ,
Hcrcnuo Jl,20i ( ) . The bunks now hold I31.274. *
25 In eice g of tin requirement * cf the U rxr
cU nil * .
Stiff Saturday Hun of Cnttlo Gets a Warm
AH ( ! mil CM Klrm mul lliiHlm'tH I'nlrly
Active with l.nrly ( 'Iciiriincc
Until Mcmljnnil
SOUTH OMAHA , Dec. 19. Kecolpts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses
December 19 . 1,751 MS !
Hevember IS l.MS 6,5117 1,0 $ "
Dreember 17 7i7 : l.ST !
December IB Il.fiOl , < 7S 1,151
December In Il'.TO S,41i ( 2'JjO
DecemlM-i- 3. US 2.43J 2.W1
Dtcetnber 12 5)52 MM < 79
December 11 1.311 4.MO i29
Dfcember 10 S.SiB B.30 ! ! M5
December 3.S2S -1,563 51SO
December S . : i,25S 4t'.t2 2tv. o
December 7 . 2,710 1,730 SXl
The olllclnl number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. . 11 OCT. . Sheep
C. . M. * St. P. Hy 3
O. Ar St. L. Uy 2 1
Mo. 1'ac. Ily
Union 1'aclllc Hy.-tem 14 l. > 1
K. , K. .t SI. V. U. U 15 M
C. , St. P. . M. .1 O. Hy. . . . 7 5
n. & si. K. u. i : r. 21 3
C. , I ) . & Q. Hy 1 C
C. , H. r. & P. Hy , east -I
C. , U. I. & P. Hy. west. . . . U 2
Total receipts Ci ( S3 4
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Unycr.-t. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co 1.2U1
a. II. Hammond Co f. : 1,622
Swift nnd Company ! U 1,421 70
Cudahy Packing Co 3C5 1.4 3 371
H. llecker & Degan fi ! )
J. U. Carev 41
Hcntan .t Underwood. . . . CJ
Huston .t Co 13
II. . R & O. , from 1C. C. . . 2S3
Hayes 2.'l
Cndahy P. Co. . K. C S7 . . . . ;
Other buyers 403 S
Totals 1.4S1 r > , G03 C71
CATTLE The receipts of cattle toili : >
were slightly smaller than yesterday , but
almost double what they wore a week ago , a
very liberal run for the last day of the
week. The total for the week footed up
13l 3 , as ngaln&t 11,113 for the previous week ,
a sllpht gain for the six days.
Today's market was without feature of
any great Importance , the trade partaking
very largely of the humdrum character
usual on the closing day of the week.
Values ' \vere practically unchanged , the
mnrket being Just about steady on all kinds.
There was a little sprinkling of cornfed
Piters In the yards , but nothing choice or
especially attractive and no great number
of any kind. The market on that kind was
a little slow , due principally to the fact that
salesmen generally had a pretty gooi
opinion of their holdings and were asking
pretty stiff prices.
Butchers' stock sold In the same notches
as yesterday and the trade was fairly ac
tive , with the demand KOOI ! on the more
desirable grades of OCV.VA and heifers. The
common and medium grndes were Incllnotl
to drag a little , but the llthl offerings were
scon exhausted.
Only a few stockcrs and feeders wore In
first hands and In spite of the fact that It
was the hist day of the week , when the de
mand lit usually light , the offerings were
al ! taken in good s < ason. AP was the case
with killing cattle , values did not show any
material change.
The cattle market of the past week has
been In very satisfactory condition , viewed
from the standpoint of the seller. The
tendency of valuta was upward under the
Inlluenco of stronger mar'.iotH In the east
and light receipts locally , coupled with the
very good demand. There were not enough
beef cattle of any kind to supply the de
mand and the large proportion of w'.iat
was received bore consisted or half fat anil
Unfinished cornfed steers. Still the demand
was snfilclently strong lo keep the yards
cleared and on most days the trade was
reasonably active. HutcherH' stock , like
cornfed steers , v/as In good demand and the
prices paid wore high all the week. On
Friday the market bioke WIOc under the
Influence of the heavy decline nt other
mnrM'tn. The heaviest demand ' .vas for
stackers and feeders , which met with ready
sale at gradually stiffening prices. The
supplv of foodorT was more than equal to
the iU Kin ml , the country being a heavy
buyer fill the week. Heprcsentatlve sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT. No. Av. I'r.
1. . . . 9.10)3 15 21..11M J3 73 18. . . .1300 3 S3
13. . . . Ml 333 1. . . . S70 3 SO S0..1K7 3M
O..I iS 360 B..1078 S 83 3I..1MI 4 l
IS. . . .10. . 353 32..13CI 3 S3 G2..1S70 403
10. . . .1211 370
1. . . . ! 2. ) 170 14. . . . 23 233 8. . . . 91 ? 2 CO
2. . . . 00 173 9. . . .1011 233 1..I2SO ! t
2. . . . f25 200 1..1100 210 4. . . .1032 2 C3
1..11CO 20- ) 1..10DO 210 1..1CSO 273
1. . . . St'O 200 1..10M 240 2. . . .ION ) 2 SO
1. . . . UW 2 10 10. . . .1119 2 4J C - IM 2 N )
4. . . . 70 ? 210- 2..t:0 240 3. . . .1240 2 fl )
4..1W ! 213 6..11M 240 1..ISM 250
2. . . . 000 22' ' ) 1 _ 1120 240 8. . . . 9C6 2M
1..10TO 2"1. . . . . S30 240 1..13CO SCO
2..1KO 2 2S 1. . . . UO 2W 1..1C20 SCO
1. . . . 870 223 1. . . . 670 2 SO 1..1204 3 ( H )
I. . . .1100 2 r. 2..1IW 2 0 4. . . . 1)73 310
2. . . . SM 225 S.'M 250 1..12SO 323
0..1A ) 2 DO. 3..1SOC 2 63 1..1230 323
1. . . . 9SO 2SO 3. . . .1140 2 CO 1..1130 3 G5
1. . . . 870 2 33 1..1210 2 CO
2. . . . Kr.0 260 2. . . . MO 273 12. . . . 993 313
1. . . . 4S0 2 fO 3. . . . 3l'i 2 fU 2. . . . S20 325
1. . . . 120 2 CO 2. . . . 535 2 S3 2. . . . 9M 223
2. . . . 720 2 M 29. . . . ( M 203 4. . . .1037 3 0
1. . . . S-.O 2 C3 15. . . . 9SS 3 < M 1..1WO 335
2. . . . 920 2 C5 4. . . . 15 310 5. . . .915 340
15. . . . C87 270 4. . . . 685 310 1..11M 360
inu.s. :
l..l60 ISO 1..1000 2 M 1. . . . S10 2 OS
10. . . .Ills 1 ( iO 1..11SCI 251) 1..1170 2 C5
1..1110 200 3. . . .1103 260 1..13iO 275
1..12M 235 2. . . .1110 2 CO 1..1020 275
1..IOSO 240 1..17kO 2 r. 1. . . . 940 315
1..10SO 240 1..10IO 2 05
1. . . . 110 300 1. . . . ICO 340 1. . . . 200 400
1. . . . 590 300 2. . . . 310 360 1. . . . 90 4 W
1. . . . 330 325 2. . . . 3 360 1. . . . 90 4 W
3. . . . 353 3 3j 1. . . . ICO 4 00 1. . . . 150 4 73
1. . . . :00 3 40 1 - 90 4 00
1. . . . 430 275 2. . . . 735 345 20. . . . 751 3 65
2. . . . 700 273 7. . . . 6C5 35" . 4I..U15 3
2. . . . 735 310 ' , . . . Cl5 ! 355 14..10O3 370
4. . . . 717 325 1. . . .11)40 ) 3 CO 1. . . . 420 3W
1. . . . 5)0 323 1. . . . CO ) SCO 1. . . . f.SO 383
JI..1H3 330 1. . . . MO 3 B3 9. . . . 391 3 M
15. . . . 990 335 ST. . . .720 3 C5 10. . . . 40J 390
1..VOO 343 4. . . . 977 3 05 10. . . . 411 3W
7. . . . 532 3 43 3. . . . 7.0 3 3
No. Av. IT. Na Av. IT.
t bull . 1230 $1 CO 1 cow . tW } 2 S5
4co > vn . 972 100 2 feeders. . . .101' ' ) 325
1 cow . 730 175 1 calf . ' ) 325
icalf . 370 200 6 ft-oiltrs. . . . UC 340
S cows . 915 225 2 feeders. . . .1025 340
1 cow . 750 223 10 feeders. . . . 902 340
2cbw8 . 1160 260 4 fi-cilers. . . . 810 340
Cco'wn. . . . 11)00 ) 2 CO 3 fn-derii. . . . 900 340
2 COWH . 11X15 264 2 fi-edfrs. . . . 7S5 340
4 cow * . 722 250 3 fevlcrx. . . . 816 340
y covet . IOCS 2 BO 3 frc.lcr . . . . . k'M 340
2cnw . kM 260 2 feeder * . . . .1175 360
2 Ildfi-r8 . 615 S IB 4 calvdi . 22J 3M
G feeders. . . . 715 270 6 feeder * . . . . 051 365
1 feeder . 910 275 1 fuedt-r . C3J 363
5 foolers. . . . 710 273 IS fei-ders. . . . MO 305
4 COWH . 942 2 7S 3 feeders. . . . 603 3 C5
8 calves. . . . . 'MI 2'CO Scalven . 300 375
Wlilto & Bon * .
2 bulls 1115 190 UlieKcni S31 275
IS cown HO 2 25 HcnlVi-H 390 2 W
Icow 1MO 2 SO Sri-cdvn < . . . .m5 3 15
4 cnnM M > 2 2 35 19 teeittn. . . . W2 3 50
Scows 1WI 240 101 feeders. . . 620 360
5 Kirn. tlg..1ISO 2 40 62 . . . . 795 3 03
3 liullH id 2 60 M reedent. . . . (00 3 70
llOdS It wu another day of ( jood hog ic-
celiilH. the run helni , < almost nx IIIIKIni yeelur-
tay , nd luriier than u week nxu by 1,600 hfad.
Tim Uilal fur thu uteU wus 20,190 , UB iiKJlnm
21,397 lor the piuvioua week.
Tlio mnrket u'nn In a matt healthy condition
nnd entirely satisfactory to tinKellers lit leiikt.
At the opening vultiea were Junt iibout htvaily ,
jut under the inlluencp of the very active demuiul
valuex Untied up u Illtlu nnil thu CIOKU wan tron .
Hy teuton of llio Btrontr COHHK | | tlio nveruna of
ill the * nlr wnB a cent or two id > ore yitcr.lay'
iivemRe , lint the prlcen iiulil for the two days
went prnctlcully the Hiime.
Ttiii heuvy h < iKH void mostly nt 13.KW3.13 , thu
raniu IIH yetterduy , and thu medium welKhlu and
iKbt londa at r-2W3.X.'ti ) , Hunimut up In u few
word * It wiu u. K ° oil mroiiK and uftlvn imirket
and evorytlilnK in tit * yan ! chunKed h nd euily.
The hoi ; inurkft of the pant wuvk IIUH Ix-rn In
a very cratlfylni ; condition , the receipts huvlnir
> een IUTKU unl tlio ilriuand Kood. Ilii * nrrlval *
uive met with ready tale on every day of the
week , and the yardi have been kept well clenred.
Monday WUH thi * liluli point of the week , vulueu
falling fully lOc on TueMlny. I-'rum Tuesday on
mill the vluiu of thu wti-k th mnikrt did not
( how any chaime luitlolently inurkvtl to udmlt of
uny tllffercnru In I lie iiuutatlona. The avoraK"
of all the mica did not vary niors Until 1 or 2
'iu ( rum one day to thu nuxt. It luia been a
uni ; time ulnco thu nmrket lin irmalncil ktn-
lonary for BO InnK u llinu , Tim maikut ut the
clone of the week wan only lOWlio luwer than u
ear HKO. llrprenrnlutlve ak' :
Na Av. Hh. I'r. No. Av. Bh. 1'r.
5 ! 0t 140 C S3 4) J6il 80 } J 15
5 , . .487 . . . 3 00 11 921 , , , 3 K
43 IU . . . 3 10 W 148 . . . 1 U
M.M. . .MS J 10 47.M. . .12.1 M 3 15
M. .341 3 10 M. .31.1 4 3 IS
M.n. . .942 3 10 .341 ISO 3 1.1
41)M S 10 .316 . . . 3 It
M Slo 3 10 W. . ' ' 3 K't
IJ 7 3 10 M. . . .Vt9 .IK
41 ! * ! 3 II ) 3 f )
4 ! ) J , J 3 10 57 3 20
57 5i > ! 3 10 i. l . . . 3 M
r.i in 3 10 Cl. . , . : n M 3 30
jo sy 3 10 41. . , .TH SO 3 10
21 37 3 10 S7. . . 3 K
48 411 3 10 , .30 } > 0 3 30
53 Ml 3 10 3
Rl W 3 10 .5M 3 JO
7. 3IJ K. . , 3 10
44 3H11 Hi * " 47. . 3 W
4S 313 3 IT. C * . . S )
r.l 851 43 3 U ' 3 1
M MH . . . 3 13 73' ! 40 3 M
- * . . . . . . . , . . . 3 lit 7. . . 1M SSO
M Ill . . . 3 15 4 ! . . 3 SO
17 Ml O 3 1.1 37. . 3D1
m ni . . . 3 15 SI. . . . 3'JS
43 3W . . . 3 ir. , . 'J ) 3 HI
II IW9 . . . 3 15
to SIJ 40 3 15 ! . . , ! ! ! 3 98
SS MO 40 3 It 71. . . .115 3 Ifi
nn MI . . . 3 15 73 . . .Ml 3 K >
M MS 40 3 r . .SH 3
ia 3.12 fO 3 in SJiii 3 W
67 3E ) . . . 3 15 . .33J . . . 333
en 3is . . . 315 ! ! ! . .137 I'O 3 3' .
" ' 3 1.1 79. . . . .211 . . . 3 K
r > s.ass ! ! ! ! ! . . . 3 13 M. . . ' " ' 3 57'4
M ail IN 3 15 70. . , i.'sn .
51 311 IN 3 15 . .110 . . . 3 30
fi7 ftt-J (0 3 15 . .Iftl . . . 330
SI J09 40 3 15 37. . . . .un . . . 3 30
M JSI S3 3 13 SI. . . . .187 . . . 330
r,7 : oi so 3 15 S3. . . . .173 10 33' ' )
0 ! MS . . . 3 15 79. . . 3 30
M SCI . . . 3 15 57. . . , JV , 3 30
at MS . . . 3 15 El. . . Ml 3 )
1.3 JSD sco 3 IS .20.1
63 113 fO 3 1C 77. . . , .KO 33.H
ET srn sn s ir.
1 140 . . . 275 4 332 . . . 310
2 4C5 . . . 3M 7 310 . . . S 15
7 49- , . . . 3 CO 5 270 . . . 320
x 4.o so 3 or. n 210 . . . 320
3 SM . . . 310 7 Hi ) . . . 3 3
r. 310 . . . 310 C 23 ! . . . 350
HlliiP : : The mniUct wns usaln Mendy today
mul Hie ofTorlnitu met lth icmly mlo nt fully
steady price ? . The m.irket on uliecp lim liern
nctlvo nil tli cck , and nrrlviiti have feM
freely at peed prices , values showing very little
c.iuriRc thirliiR the six days. Iteprcrcntntlve
raton :
N'o. Av. I'r.
1 luick 110 $225
2W New Mexico ewes 7'j 2 15
41 western ewe SI I 60
211 feeders 75 300
MJ western mixed svi 3 10
< ! nntlve wethers 170 350
61 natlvo eweo lit 3 00
3 native Inmlx no 6 00
21 native lambs 7t 6 S3
CHICAGO"Mv7r sTociv.
I'stilll Saturday .Miu-ki-l , ivllh UIIKN
Some Higher.
Dec. 19. Toil-iv'M entile market BS
of thu usual Saturday character , lerelpts being
llKht mul iiiolatlon | as u ronsrq.uenc'o largely
nominal. Tlio few trades made were nt price *
uiiehanKed fiom jcsterdiiy' * llmnes.
Although the lecelpts of IIORH were In me for
Saturday , there \\n sueh n Kimd ilenvind Hint
prices ruled rtroni ; In n nlrliol hlRher. ( 'ommim
to choice droves fold at J2.W to 13.10. with tiio
bulk of the tmi ) aetlniis at fioni (3.15 to $ : i.r 5 ;
a year HKO the bi-sl lings puld at J1.fi7s. !
The supply of slirep was dljpnseil of on the
Imidi of 12 to ! 2.50 for tile poorest up to (3.50 lo
$1 for KOOil to choice \vethcrs. Halea were l.iwly
at from 13 to { 3.10 for westeiiif , and lint many
Kales of sheep occurred nfoftvo W.50 , Ycnrllnss
sold nt from 33. m In ? l.0. ! nnd lumlis l > ro < nlit :
from f3.SQ to J5.50 for common lo choice.
Heeeipts : Cattle , bOO head ; IIOBS , 21.COO head ;
sheep , 2,0(0 head.
St. I , oil IN 1. 1 vo
KT. I/DPIS. Dec. 19.-PATT1.K Hecelpt * . 100
hem ! ; mnrket Mendy : natlvo tlitpplni ; stecro ,
JJ.iflffl.Bfl ; dressed lioef and butchers' steers ,
I3.40fll.fi0 ; ftockerg and feeders , } ! .7. > 53. | ( ' . : > ; Texas
otters. J2.4i > M.10. !
IIDSr-llecel | > ts , 3.000 head ; mnrket steady ;
Hglit , S3.I3$3.2J ; mixed , J3.C003.20 ; heavy , U'.SJff
'SHKKP llecelpls , 200 head ; market steady ;
muttonx , (2.5093.75 ; l.imlis , (3.00Q3.75.
Stuck In SlK'bt.
Itecord of receipts of live stock nt the four prin
cipal mailictu for .Saturday , December , 13 , lSi ! :
Cattle , llojjs. Hlieep.
South Omnhn . 1,713 5,4x0 Ct,2
ClllenRO . Wfc ) 21OiH 2.r"0
ICniiMH City . 4d ) 7.001) MH )
St. 1-ouU . 100 3.CCO SO. )
Totals . 3,013 30,450 3.4II2
IvniiK.-iH Clly f.Ivo Socl ( > .
KANSAS C1TV. Pec. 19. I'ATTI.B llecelpts ,
4W ; m.iiket steady mul firm ; only ivtall trade.
HOflS nreelpt * . 7.01K > ; market steady ; liiilli of
sales , J3.1522.25 ; ; he.-ivlef , $3. ( ( > if.15 ; packers ,
J3.0H7J.20 ; mlxeil. ti.l5f)5. : ) ; lights. * 3.15J..1i ! ;
VorkeM. } 3 22i.V53.27 4 ; plRS. tl.DOfl3.13.
SIIUHI1 IteculpU , CCO ; shlpmints , l.fOO ; mar
ket ; Iambs , ? 3.TJ&I.'M ; muttons , (1.750
I.lvcriinol ninncelH.
I.IVMUPOOU I > ec. U. \VUi\T Spot , qidct ;
ilcniKiid pror ; N'o. 2 spring , Gs 9,1 ; No. 1 Cali
fornia 7s Id. l-'ulurea cli el firm , with l-VI rtiiry :
t ; < l Inwcr and otlitr months Uiclintu.vl ] from yea-
terclay'ai ] liu ; | rices : liuslnrH almnt e < | iiiilly
dlstrlliuted ; l > ereml > er , nominal ; January , Cs T.I :
Filirunry. Us 7'id ; March. Cs Sd ; April , nominal ;
Miy. Cs td.
COIIN' Spot , quiet ; Ameilcan mixed , new , 10s
'id. Kutiires closed riulet. with near positions
unuhaiiKutl to'I ' Inwcr .ml illrtatit poslllnns ' < ' !
lower ; business about t-iually distributed ; l > e-
ccmljer. .Iitnuarv. Kcbruarv and March. L's U'.jd ' :
April and May. 2s 9\4d. \
Kljoflt Dull ; deinaiul inxir ; St. I.oula fancy
lnl"f. ! * 1.
PHOVISION'S llaccn , quiet ; demand moderate ;
Cumlirrland cut , 2S tcl 20 Iha. . 2ss ; nhnil rllu. 20
tr , 21 ihi. ! 7 OJ ; lunj clear , ll lit. ri lo it llis. .
Us ( If ; long clear , heavy , 10 In 45 ll > s. , 27H 6,1 ;
short clrnr backs , light , IS Hi * . . 2Ss fid ; short
clear middles heavy , 45 to M Mis. , 2G.- < ; clear
bellies. 14 to 1C IIJJ. . : s . Shoulders , squarr. 12
t IS Ilia. , yii. Hums , shoit cut. H lo IS Hi' . .
20s 7d. Tallow , line Nnith American , ISs fid.
llci'f. extra In ll.i niers , COs ; pilmo mess. 504.
I'ork , prime m . fine wratrrn , 4SS ; medium , 41s 3d. l.anl , dull ; prime western , 21s ;
lelbi.'d In palK. 22s.
I'HKKHII Stfii'ly ; demand poor ; llnesl Ainer-
Icuit , whltu end colored ( September ) . f > H.
lirTTKIt-rineft fulled HlHtes , DOs ; Kiwd. 55s.
OILS I.lmee.l. Us 01 : petraleiim , icllned , Clyd.
UUKlllOKItATUU IIKIF Korciiuarttr , 3Hd ;
IdnJciuartcr. 5Ud.
London ( irnln Iti-vliMr.
I-jONDON. ! ) ' . 19. The wheat crop Is rather
bai-kworl In sonic parts ef the I'nltcd Kingdom ,
owing to cold , fl imp and occasionally frosty
weather. In the maiicel wheat was without any
Important chance. Iluyers weic very reserved ,
but sellers were not pressing. Itiitpl.m wj nt
WIIH frvHy offered nt weaker rates. Heavy ship
ments of American and w.ient de
pressed the maikei. but the ArKcntlne cn/p
news made the tone Mendlcr. ( Jenrral trade ,
however , waa extiemely dull. Cullfiirnla wheat ,
ntloat. was quoted at ( Us Cd to 3ln Cd. Northern
spring pnrcvK January and I-VJirunry delivery ,
were quoted at 32x 3d. Spot prices were ft * down.
1'lour was quiet and euhler. Mnlsc was ipiiet
and partially cheaper. Old mixed , American
malzn. January delivery , liu > eis , v.ns iiuoicd nt
13s Cd. llarley was slow and llrm. OatB wi'ie
Blow. American white , clipped oats , alloat , uero
quoted at I2.s 3d.
KmisiiN City MurUrlN.
KANSAS CITY , Dee. 19. WHKAT Slow , about
hteady ; No. 2 hard , 7btjSOc ; No. 2 red , Wf/Wc ;
N'o. 2 sprlnsr , TS Ei'e. '
f'OllN fu fair but weaker ; No. 2
mixed , lli'v.
OATS Very slow ; No. 2 white , new , 19J21e ;
old nominally. 23n.
IIVK Ktendy ; No. 2 , nominally , S03c.
HAY Sleaily ami unchanged.
llfTTlJIl Dull and weak ; creamery , 18iifl20o ;
lalry. IWflSc.
EOUS-Hrm at 17e.
1't-orlii .llarkL'lN.
I'COHIA , Dec. 19.-COIlN-Btcudy : No. 2. 2I1JC.
OATS Quiet. Irfesular ; No. 2 white , 18tj20t&c.
ItYK-DiIll ; Nil. 2 , J7c.
WHISKY Market Btcady ; finished Rood * on
the ImsU of 11.18 for lilKli wines.
ItKCKM'TK Corn. 7G.KO bu. ; oals. ra.100 bu. ;
rye. l.bnu bu. ; whlnky , none ; wheat. 5,400 bu.
81111'SIKNTH Corn. 12.650 bu. ; oats. 49.C& ) bu. ;
rye , none ; whisky , C75 gals. ; wheat , I.SW bu.
NK\V YOIllf. Dee. 19.-SUlAH-llaw. quiet ;
'air retlnlm ; . 2Se ; eentrlfiiBal , W test. 3io. ! lle-
Ineil. rtlltat : mold "A. " 4e : stnnitHrd "A. " 4I1 -
confectlonerK' "A , " 4'-4c ' ; cut loaf and crunheil ,
to ; pnwdereil and cubes , 4Ho ; Krnnulatrd. 4y c.
LONDON. Dec. 1 ! ) . 8tIUAH-t'ane , quiet ; cen-
rlfiiKul , Java Its 3d ; Muscovado , fnlr rellnlni ; ,
9a 9d. Ileet , quli-t ; nothliiK dolnn ; Decynber
and January , Da I'.id.
l-'nll Illvi-r I'ri
VAIil * IIIVKIt , Mass. , Dec. 19. The print cloth
market linn been dull during thu week uml t.iu
quotation , ulili-.i was nominally at ' 'He nt the
lealnnlnw , has rettled to 2 8-lCe. Kven at this
irlco no buelnenn In bnlni ; done nn < l i'jik'
tt 2i c are reported from other centers. The
otol amount of rulvii were of odd Roods , there
being no demand for regular weaves.
MlinirnpiiIlMVbenl. .
MINNiAIOM8 : , Dec. 19 , WIIKAT-Deccmber
closed at 7Cc ; May , 7Wlo. On tr.iek : No. 1 hard ,
T7 $ o ; No. 1 northern , "C'ie ; rerelits. | 208 cnrs.
FI/MJIt-quIrt Hint dull ; nrst palents , | l.25fl
.45 ; Feeond pulenm. 14. 101/1. / ! 0 ; flrnt clears , j.40w
, (0 ; HcTTond cli-um , l3.3'jii.W. '
Toli'dii ( 'riiln.
TOMIDO , Dec. 19. W1IKAT Dull ; iilendy ; No.
rnah nnd Dt-cember , 93'ic ; May , OI'lo.
COUN-Acllve ; itemly , No. 2 mixed , SJVJc.
OATJl-Oulet : No. 2 mixed. ljc. !
HYli-Qult : No. 2 cimh , 3Sc.
CUViu ; tiiiD-Uull ; lilnhur ; iirlmo Dcccm-
U'ei'k'H HxporlH iif Hpei'le.
NBW YUIIK. Dec. U.-The ( ixporl. of rpeelo
nun tli port of New York for thu fi-k
amounted to I20.C&J In cold and I'JiT.IOO In rllvur.
Die ImportH were : Quid , :9.3 ) ; ullver , IMM ) ;
Iry eoodi , tlJXS13 ; Kengral murchandlia- , \i"M-
HAN rilANCMBCO , Dtc. 18-\VJII5AT-Iimc-
lv ; May , II.OH.
C'olton llnrUvl.
t n-ieei loir ml.Mllnfr , < i o-ifio :
orrtlnnry. 6 t-lflo.
NIUV Y011K. Dec. -COTTO.V-Qulct ;
7 3-lflc.
I'clriileiiin Murl.'cl.
NK\V YOtllC. IVe. IS.-l'MTHol.KfM-a-eiinsyl'
vntil.i crude , steady ; Jantmiy , Me bid.
liiuiilnn I'liitinelnl Itevlov.
NK\V YOI11C. IVc. 19.Tho New York l-'lnniicler
rays : Thu stntement tuned by tlio New Yolk
cleHtlng hoiiM- , nu fur the week en.llnit . De-
renibrr 19 srrms to Indlcnte a partial cessation cf
the stcrlltiK exclmnno buying movement , which
ln < been n marked feature In this center forever
over n eek pnH. Although the expinslon In
loans Is far fivm belm ? ini < nilsfiictory , the e.
cumulatlnn of funds continues in lurm-r pro *
| < otllon , nnd the excess leservp has HKIIIII In *
erensed. lip to ! I.U.27..77J.vhlch l < holier than
tf portal since l-vbrimry U last. Thl neetinniln *
tlon of money , roiiRoMliiK the market In'jotiil
nil menus of relief , men nlth loll. Ion dniwlmt
till New York for accommodation , of eonr-e. linn
reacted on the rates until they ba o touchnl
the lowest llmni * of the > nir. but therv wi < i
tllimt tnk-ible slun * at the closing ef the week
of a tendency , due pnrtlv lo the I'litmn
rwsolutlnns. which affected the innrUot In mli.T
cities , mid in the ppn > iu-hlliK luolmbllliy of
K\'M p\poiis to ( lermnny. nhere Ihe Mnmn < n
Is Im-omliiK strliment. With strrllliK rTchnive
nt present prices there e\pnHs nnw wonM n > t
bo prontnble , but this rounlry inUhtMIC < im >
nt pre-ent HII ellliix of funds , whlcli wnild cut
the loenl money tuarkel In n more poiirnl c 'ti. '
dltlon. Money Is still llonlnK from the Interi-ir
to New Voik. mid the cn li KS.IIS | of the liinks
for the week wenll.418.W ( The Increar- de
posits wn.s J .9S4.fl. ! ( The clore of the ptvent
year may mark sivcml heavy chanitcs In these
Hems , ns the Jnmmry illflumrmrnt pfHod u nt
bund , and vlll call for l.irgo tiinw both hem
nlitl nbiuml.
HOSTOX Dec. 19-ClearlnKS , JH,4..i.2Sil ; bal *
nnces. Jl.cJ3S3l.
NK\V YOltlC. Deo. I9.-CicnrlilKS , ( I00.100.7C9 ;
balnnces , j8.Krr.K7l.
IIAIjTlMOUK. Dec. 19.-ClcatlllRs. (2C27.3J7j
Imlanres. ( IOI.2.M.
I'llIl.ADKl.l'lllA. Dec. 19. OleailPKs , ( XS.'fl f8\ :
balances , 1. SMM ) .
ST. I.Ol'lS. Dec. 19. ClenrhiKK. S3,4W. ! > 70 ; bal-
nnces. ( I7S.C03. Money. 5tf7 per cent ; New York
exchange. 2..o premluni Mi < f.iv premium nskod.
CHIl'AOO. Tec. 19.-Clearings , t12 " 2S..W1.
Money , rtcndy nt 65T7 per cent ; New Yolli dis
count , 40o bid ; .MXi piemluni asked ; foreign c.t-
chanie , llrm ; demand , ( I.S7',3 ; sixty dajs , ( I.S.5. .
I'orHnii I'Miinnelnl.
tliniMN. Dec. IP. MxchnnKo , , \ London , eluht
ilnys1 slKht , 20 m.uks 31 pf .
1'AUIH. Deo. in. Three per cent rentes , K2f
47140 for the ncemuil ; exchaiiRe un l.i.tulon. S5f
I'lo for checks.
Ui.VDON. Dec. 19 Hold Is quiilcd nt llueno
AJICS t.-d.iy nt 17'.i 10 ; l.l bon , 2S.25 ; K.ime ,
1CIC7'i. Rold , 77s 11-vd.
IIA.NK \vnii'TtiTif" .Tvns THHTHIOXY.
Admits UN VnrliiiiM SI-IUMIIIMI of Self-
AK'Kraudlr.iMiicutVcre t iinliled.
IM.NVUU. me. 1U. 0. 13. Mlllor , prealilrnt
of the Miller Hernl.1 Trcntinenl eoni ! > nny ,
and ono cf the throj dpfciuliints In the Com
mercial National ban ! ; trial In llio district
court , tolil ( ho story of his transactions with
the hank with tlir utmost fUMsTniltl on tlio
witness stand today. He adnilttrd that ho
"kited" checks with nil the Denver Kinl ; < <
and took upon himself nil the blnmu for iho
falluro of the C'oinmcrclnl bank In ISM. In
cons ° inienro of his largo overdrafts , amount
ing to $125,000. He Mill that his nfTnlru nnd
accounts were so Involved anil complicate * !
that lie supposed hla Indebtedness lo 111. )
Commercial Xntlnnnl bank wn only $2 : > .oon ,
wlion It had actually reached a total of
$110.000. Mo declared that the co-defcnd-
ants , lYesldent Charles II. Dow ami Teller
Shlnpy (5. MeClurltuti , had nothlni ; to do
with Ills scbcmca.
Ao lou nnd McClurltcn nre eharRcd In
Iho Indictment with belni ; tha principals In
the misappropriation of the bank's funds ,
and Miller Is Indicted only ns an accessory. It
la said that If the Jury should fall to con
vict ihe hank nnicers Miller will hlmsulf cs *
c.tpp the provisions of common law that an
accessory cannot bo comlclcil without the
conviction of the principals.
Put tin Mild to .VniiifroiiH IIiildiipN of
tlecenl Oi-i'lirreliiM- .
SPIUN'OKIKLU. 111. , lre. 10. The pollco
Imvu nrrcU-l two men glvlnj ; the names
of And row While and Will Oray , from St.
Louis and I > e3 Molncs , la. The men had
secreted a largo quantity of dynamite ami
fuecs , and a full tot of burglar toots In a
lumber yard near the Chlcaio. & Al'on
depot. Tli.i ! outfit became known to the
pollco and the spot was wr.tehed until tlio
men returned to net It. When ordered tn
hold tip their hands. Oray compiled , but
White ran away , ami was wotimled before
being captured.
The parties arc connected with
holdnpi which have occurred hero durlni ;
the few ilnyc.
III nnrl.iii'XH lii I.S < -IIIP a
l.viif.lilnir .IInli.
I.OUISVU.L.I ; , Dec. 19. Sheriff Hays of
Lame county arrived In this city at 2 ' 30
o'clock this rioniltiK , bringing with him
George C. I'earce anil John Unwell , who are
charged with murdering a Mr. Heard at
Hodgvnvlllc two months ago.
Hearing that a mob Intended to lynch
Ihe prboncrs last night the sheriff got them
away UK soon as It became dark. The mob
went to the Jail at IIojilonvlllo at midnight
to get the men , not knowing that the sheriff
had removed them. 1'carce and Howcll were
placed lii the county jail hero for uafc-
_ _
it Aiiitu.srKn run
Wllllniti MiCrn , > r IMtlHliiirK 1'rc.Mliy-
tery < ; iiurB Mlvllli ( In * Crime.
PITTSIJUI.O , Dec. 19. William V. Mc-
Crca , a well known minister of the I'lttn-
burg presbytery of the I'rcsbyterlan church ,
ntnl formerly a member of the Kansas
prrabytcry , Is under arrest here charged
with attempting to pass u forged note I'm-
$300 on thu Lincoln National hank. Mcirea
came to rittshurg from Kansas six months
ago , and alnc-o that tlmo hns acted cs .supply
minister In the I'ridbyterlan pulplta of thu
_ _
I , Kiel Suit AKiiliiHt Kdltnr DlKinlr.i.i-d.
SAN KUANCISCO , Dec. 19. The libel suit
filed against Hev. Knthcr York by ( Uorgu
ThlHtleton has been ilisinlssci ! by the pollco
court. Father York , who IK editor of the
Monitor , the Catholic organ of this city , pub.
tlshcd something about Thlstlcton'a career
which the latter1 declared to ho untrue , and
ho hail the priest arrested for criminal
Wool .lien In .Meet lit WatlliliiKlfin.
IIOCIIBSTRH. N. Y. , Dec. 19. A call has
been leaned for a meeting of reprcaentatlvcti
of all wool growrr.s' nnd ahccp breeders'
associations In the United States at the
Ubultt lion BO. Washington , on January 4.
Two ilaya later n hearing will be granted
by the house committee on wny.s end means
Our eiiKtnmers have received an uvrragu of 10
per cc-nt weekly c > n Iraiuneilun Ihrouiili us.
Capital tlioroiiiihty protected. McthodH und l.llsl-
IIIBS endorsed bv banks IhroiiKliciil the country.
Weekly rcttlemenls Fame as Falary.
Wrlto fur di-f rrlptlie pamphlet.
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