Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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    Til 1C O.MAIIA DAIIjY HIS 15 : \V V , MHChAl ISIfiK 1(5 ( , 1W . i H
It's the result and outcome of Una LARGEST SPOT CA3B cloth'ng daal evsr o i 'n 33-ad a id
Store Open
through by any firm west of Now York City , More Suits and more Overcoats changed
Every Evening J hands and less money in proportion than ever did before. Every Evening ,
[ 6i.and ! Douglas ,
Special Night Sales. mm Special Night Sale ;
Come r.vcntnivt if You Can't f. Come 1 wiling If \ou ( ' . m't f
( -ome During the Day ( DIIIC During the I ) i\
l 8p
' >
$ S If
lg 3
Made by the very best tailors in Chicago for the best city trade all thoroughly well put together Clothing that'll fit , '
Boys' Boys'
wear well , hold it's shape and won't fade. Most of these garments are satin lined coats , with fly fronts , etc. In fact $1.00 , $1.25 ,
25c Wool 51.50 All Wool
Knee Pants every little detail has been faithfully attended to , so that we can confidently urge you to buy any garment in this sa'e ' KNEE mm
KNOWING you will get a supremely big bargain. * * & < * < * < * < * & < * < * < * < * < < * - ' *
esi's fa's S1.50 Men's A13 Wool
OD 0 Suits and Overcoats SI8 Ulsters and
i6ifs for 8f Swsts for
> * $3.98 Overcoats 87.59
fl ysfa
$ US
MEN'S SflTS. made of Made of hea\y nil wool
heavy wool melton , strnlRht
strictly nil wool Im- Thosp aic H li My nil wool ' or lound cut , whole-sale pi ice beaver , Irish frieze , Kersey
Mon's Winter Weight All o are heavy
worsteds , Scotch chf- cleviots , tasslmiieworstcl Jr.O , Mle at S38S
poitcd and . A\ eel Stilts , slnulp and dou- on ami melton , some * > .ttln lined , Co Us. In dalle hi no , black ,
vlots nnd nno casslmne mi lion Suit * In 20 din > rent - MEN'S OVEHCOATS.
ble-broaMed , deslnble and * ud mixtures and bro\\n ,
Suits all silk anil satin llnml. ent neat and fincy pitterns Made of In i\y chinchilla , seine wool lined , sold at . ,
with muff
Btjlish pitterns first rl " * s
Htr light or round cut , slimlo single or double-breasted , \\rll Until , sold at wholesale
make mil trlmmlnps , hive wholesale fet $1S 00 , go at ind warm lined , sold
elouMc breasted wholesale \ htr light or loiind cut coit , ,
or / for $7 M at
w holi s.ik prlrc J1SOO , on ale Ix PII nl < J liy wholes ile houses go > u whole ale fet $1200 , 10 at
price $ C5 00 , on sale lit .
at foi J1200.poelal pi Ice
Young Men's $10 , $12 Boys' $3.50 , Boys' $7.50 Boys' $4 , $5 Boys' $2-50
and $15 all wpol Suits $5and$6.50 and $10.00 and $7.50 and $3,50
Cape Over Storm Ul and $5 Suits
coats and sters $3 50 $1.98 and for $1.59 wool Pants
This ( lives you your oholco Ulsters$1.98 and $1.98 $159 & $1.98
These are made of the finest
of nny Man's Spilng Suit In Made of heavy chinchilla
this puri hasp. Including all grade of heavy chinchilla and This InrJudos every pilr of
wool Impoitcd worsteds , This Is a grind opportunity nnd astrakhan , with btorm These are heavy , warm , nun's r.ints In this entlio
' double-breasted Suits , In ten
to buy a boys' hea\ > , warm Irish frieze , with large stoim -
fancy cheviots In neat pat melton Cape Overcoat or colars , reefer collars nnd different patteins , all well piUiliiiscKlvlniT > ou your
terns , plaids and e'ace-Ks nml chinchilla Ulster , In sizes collars and eldc pockets , that in.i.lo , Knee 1'antH Stilts In eholee ot hundritlH of dlffi-r-
from 1 to 10 j , us , that soM velvet collars , ages 1 to 15 , slzix 4 to 14 yiiu" sold at
casslineies , wholesale - - - und mnterlals
fancy at wholesale for up to $650 , sold at $750 and (10 at wholesale wholesale for up to $350 , go e-nt p-itti-nib ;
price was $1000 , $1200 and now on sale at Bold nt vvholcfealc for up to now ut Pants that sold wholesale for
$15 00 , now go at sale , now BO at . up to to i/O u pair. BO at
$7.50 , go now nt
irrniTT TIII' ' pppni T i inrn
Dilworth's Plan for Eemotloling the State
Board of Traiisportatiou.
< l"l < tilt ! Illllllll ClIIIHlMt Of
Out- i-iiilu-r anil Tin-re bcre -
cM , nml Unit ( lie I.iillc-r
Di-i'lde Kcr > Ililut ; .
LINCOLN. Dec. 1C. ( Special. ) The secro-
( arlea of tbo State Hoard ot Transporta
tion ha\o prepared the copy for the bien
nial report of the department , aud It was
sent to thu printer this evening. The only
ucommondatlon of moment In the report
was prupaied by Secretary Ullworth , which
V is to the effect that the board , now com {
posed of llvo members , state auditor , t > cc- i
letaiy of btatc , treasurer , lanil commls-
sloner nnd atloiney general , should bo
abolished and the appointing power of the
secretaries placed In the- hands of the gov-
oruor. Secretary Dllworth suggests that
the findings of the three secretaries should
bo the nnillng of the governor , and that
they should be llnal. This , ho says , would
do away with the divided responsibility
which now lies between the board and
the thieo secretaries The appointing power
of the tin co secretaries of the Kansas
State Iloaiit of Transportation Iscsteil
In the Miternor , anil findings of the sec
retaries arc final. Secretary Dlluortli alee
U'comtneniU that , the secretaries bo ap
pointed for one , two and thrco years , thus
making a vacancy to bo filled each ) car.
The cdtlmato of appropriations for the
coming blenntnm foot $17.100. divided as
follous : Printing , $600 ; traveling expenses ,
$600 ; postage , $000 ; furniture and repalis ,
$303 ; Rtenogrnphcr , $3,000 ; salarlea of thrco
secretaries for two jears nt $2,000 each per
jenr , $12,000.
The biennial report of Attorney General
Churchill , submitted to ( linernor Holcomb ,
recommends several changes In the crltn-
InAl cede of the state , looking to the pun
ishment cf criminals. One of them Is In
reference to the George- Washington Davis
case , the alleged train wrecker. The at
torney general lecommends the adoption of
the Ohio law , which makes the placing
of obstructions on tracl.s whcicby lives
nrn loat murder In the first degree. The
report mimninrlzcs the wcrk of the olllco
thus : U'liolo number of cilinlnul casca
briefed , argued and disposed of slnco Jan
uary 3 , li > 35 , up to November 30 , 1890 ,
eighty , thirty-seven of which wcro pend
ing prior to January , 1S95 , alllrmed. forty-
evcu , reversed , thirty-three There are
For Tired. Aching , Irritated Feet li a
warm bath with
and a gentle anointing with CUTI
CU KA\olntniotil ) , the creat skin cure
1hl < trr.itimni alli ) Itclilncanillrr
talliin , loollirt linUmiiialloii nn
iHtlllntmr Iliijiilnlii , tufl
ii'/liinl. riiukhinc < l klu , aiiJ | mrl
f / I lie pcri | > lrilluii.
fcM lutoufhnul Ih. vnr',1
Uaiu ( .KIM. Coar , Viepi ,
but four criminal cases pending In the
supreme court Klve habeas corpus cases
ha\o been prepared , submitted and deter
mined. Of these the writ was allowed In
allbut one. There have also been pie-
pared and submitted cle\eu mandamus
cases. In thrco of these the writ was al-
lancd ; In BCVCII It was rtonlcil nnd the
other case has not been determined. In
the civil cases $ SuO was recovered from
a snlo of school land In Douglas county
and paid Into the state treasury. The
case against ex-Treasurer Hill was decided
adversely to the state In the Hilton case
the Jury disagreed und the maximum freight
rate cases were argued , but not deter
mined , an order having been mailo In tach
of said cases for a re-argument , and on a
motion to advance these cases ha\o been
by agreement set for hearing on the third
Monday In January. 1S97. This dcpaitment
has also prepared thirty-seven opinions for
various county attorneys upon county bust-
ness ; seven official opinions for the gov
ernor ; eleven for the auditor of public ac
counts ; ono for the state treasurer ; four
for committees of the last house , four for
thu superintendent of public Instruction ;
two for the State Hanking board ; two for
the secretary of Irrigation ; two for the
Hoard of educational Lands and Punds ;
two for Mrs. Hates , nnd ono for the State
Board of Tiansportatlon. These mutters
are exclusive of hoard duties.
Superintendent John T. Mallallcn of the
Ilojs * Industrial school , Ktarney , was at
the state crpltol today. Ho icpoits that
all but two of the twenty-eight lads who
escaped from the ochool luvc been returned ,
thu most of them having come back volun
tarily. At the time of their escape Mr
Mallallcu wati down In the city of Kearney
bu > lng Christmas presents for them.
Messrs. Dell Goodcll of Kearney and
Hon. J , H. MacColl were vlriltors at the
cipltol Joday. Mr. Ooodell la a candlda'o
for trolled States marshal. It Is under
stood that John T. Mallallcu Is a candidate
for the appointment of one of the five Inspectors
specters of Indian agencies.
With the sitting of the twenty-fifth ses
sion of the Nebraska legislature the ofllco
of chief clerk of the house , now occupied by
the secretary of the State Hoard of Irriga
tion , will have to hoacated. . It Is bald
that It la likely the secretory will bo given
qiinrtera In thu roomo on the third story ,
formerly occupied by Secretary I.uJilcn of
the relief commission. Tlicro Is a rumor
also alloat , but not authentic , that an ef
fort will bo made thu coming session to do
away with the Hoard of Irrigation , and re
peal the Irrigation law. It Is well knoAii
that thcro uas developed at thu last ses
sion quite an active opposition to the bill
by the populist members of the and
this ( sentiment has by no mcan died out
dining the pst two years. No appoint
ment has been made by the new Irrigation
board of any succiksor to Secretary Akers ,
and thcro will not. probably , ho any made
before thu adjournnfcnt ot the faccalon. If
the law la not absolutely repealed It will
probably be amended to make the seciclary
an attorney-at-law , Instead of a h > draullc
engineer , und onu of the under secretaries
an engineer. The position Is more of "a
legal one than technical , us a largo portion
of the tlmo of this ofllcor la given to passing
upon the legal lights of claimants for water
privileges. As all such decisions can be
npifaled to the courts It Is Imperative that
xonio legal know ledge bo brought to bear In
the.r llrst adjudication by the secretary.
In the WoodrufMunlap printingIm -
brngllo , which wnn carried to the nupremo
court today by Judge Hroady on a writ of
nmmlaimw , the attorney general has tiled
a demurrer In general terms , for the pur
pose of Joining l&sue. The attorney general ,
ho\vcvcr , has given his \ opinion
that the Woodruff-Dunlap Idu of the con
troversy la rather the best onu , and that
this company Is entitled to do all the print
Ing of the sixteenth report * nt stuta olnceru
which uru In question , The demurrer U
almply to get the CIIBI- before the court
Jinlgo Hroady said thin afternoon that ho
thought thu court would grant him permis
sion to argue thu case tomorrow. The eu-
preme court will adjourn tomorrow ,
Slnco the decision of Judge llakcr of
Omaha holding the curfew ordinance void
and unconstitutional , there has been con-
nldorablu Interest manifested In the matter
la Lincoln. Till * city baa a curfew ordl-
I nonce which was fathered by Councilman
Lavvler. He says that ho has consulted with
the city attorney of Lincoln , and that they
have decided to take the case to the su-
picmu court for final action.
Omaha people In Lincoln : At the Lin-
dell W. J. Cavln. II. N. Wood , J. W
Thomas. J. U. Huchanan , Gcoige H.
j Tzschuck , H. H Lawrence , C. J. Smyth ,
trneat Ucnnlnghovcn , P. W. nirkbauier , M.
P. King. At the Lincoln H. C. Hountrce
G W. Shield , I. J. Dunn , John A. Krug ,
Will M. McBrldc. C. A. Ualdwln , K. 13.
Hraudo , L. Hcdford.
rrc . nit CIII7I-II imiilcs Hli Tlmo Ho-
ttti-i-n n "liiioil Time" anil tin.lull. .
rilEMONT , Dec. 15. ( Special. ) John
Wllderoder. the joung man who has distin
guished himself by hU ability to squander
money In short order , was married jester-
day by Justice of the Peace Waldo Wlnter-
fltcen to Janet Hawes. During the last
year and a half Wllderoder has spent about
$0,090 , which has been paid him In Install
ments on a legacy left him by a relative In
j Philadelphia. Ho has recently served a
thlrtv-day sentence In the county Jail and
was released about thrco weeks ago. The
day after his discharge from Jail ho re
ceived JGOO and started In for another time ,
and from nil Indications yesterday ho had no
I moiioj and the' bilde paid thu marriage fees
They left for a thort wedding trip to Wash
ington county.
HCIM.V DncKc-t for .linlKf IvIiiUniil.
nUSHVILLC , Neb , Dec. 1C. ( Special
Telegram ) Judge Klnkald convened dls-
j tilct court hero jcsterday. Among the
I nearly " 00 cases docketed thcro arc a inuii-
, her of considerable Importance and inter-
I cst. The case against Thomas Ilurch for
i horse stealing Is In the hands of the Jury.
' U Is thought that the case of the state
against l-'ast Thunder aud Plenty Bird for
murder , which has ornamented the docket
for about two ycais , will come to trial thL
In the case of Sjhll Plerco against David
Kcsh , the complaining witness accused thu
defendant of lllegltlmato parentage and
pr.ijti for a bond for the support of her child.
Considerable Interest attaches to this case ,
owing to the prominence of the parties. The
case against Sam Huchmlnster , for murder
and two cased against Kdwln Catron , for
cattle stealing , me among thu more Impor
tant criminal casts Seven mlsmatcd couples
I seek release from the bonds nt matrimony.
I.nsl iif Dni'Hi'jn' I'ont'ii Ilanlv .Srln-nio.
PONCA , Neb. , Dec. 15 , ( Special. ) Ito-
colver WatMns of the 1'lrst National bank
of Ponca has dlrposcd ot the bank building
here the closing scene of the Doibejs'
banking scheme.
District Judge Evens of Dclrota City
opened court today. A few Important casc.i
will come up that will bo of general Inter
Prof. Dutton , formerly of Colrldge , who
1s prospecting for coal near 1'onoa , has
reached a depth of 300 feet without finding
a vein of sudlclent thlckne-ss lo bank on
The Austin mine , with a two-foot vein Is
furnishing the toun and fciirroundlng coun
try with good fuel. It U located ono and a
half miles from I'onca.
J'ri-linrlnwr In DlNi-iiNx Ili-i-t
HASTINGS , Dec. 1C ( Special ) A largo
number of Hastings butlneis men held a
meeting In the court house last night foi
the purpose of discussing the beet sugar
meeting to bo held hero In Pebruary Com-
inlttccy wcro appointed to make all neces
sary arrangements for the entertainment of
the Nebraska Hect Sugar association , which
meets In Hasting * February 2 and 'J ,
Charles Dietrich , Claus Finhm and Mr. Al
len , president of the Nebraska licet Sugar
association , will address the Ailann county
fanners In regard to beet tnigar raising.
All thrco gentlemen have given the beet
sugar growing a great deal of ktuily and
thu citizens as well 03 the farmers are unx-
Ions to bear them.
lloldlntr lli-my Slm-Kn nf Corn.
COLUMBUS. Nob. , Dec. ID. ( Special , )
It would acorn that the Columbus merchants
have much fnith lu better prices In the fu
ture for com. The Columbus Milling com
pany and S C and C. C. Gray have each
built large cribs which they are nlltns. payIng -
Ing 12 cents cash or 11 cents In trade. The
weather for the past week has been more
like Mav than December and should It con
tinue for t\\o weeks more the biggest crop
Nebraska ever raised will be harvested.
TliliMi-M Itoli n I'nrim-r'H Itrslilciioi * .
ELKHOHN , Neb. , Dec. 15. ( Special Tele
gram ) Burglars last night entered the
house of John Andrescu , sr. , a farmer re
siding two miles cast of town , and secured
? 8 for their labor. As Mr. Andresen in the
post has been In. the habit of keeping largo
suir.i of money In the lioiuo tbo opinion
prevails here that thu thief was not n
stranger. Entrance to the building was
effected through u window.
Amusement of n Juiiliidi Mini.
JUN1ATA , Neb. , Dec. 15. ( Special. ) L.
n. McLean , the patriotic Missouri I'oclflc op
erator , was ? giving a Now Yorker a lesson in
tUto living , carrjlng "Old Glory" high Into
the sky , vcpterday afternoon. Tbo day was
a beautiful one , and the line of big colored
and white kites with the American Hag
looked beautiful. He conti oiled them with
a windlass and stout ropes.
Suction Kiirrninii Ili-aln Mix AVIfi- .
NKntASKA CITY , Dec. 15. ( Special. )
Mrs. Smith , wife of the section foreman of
the Missouri Pacific at Paul , was so severely
beaten by her husband as to require medlcil
assistance. Smith lips been In Jail for beatIng -
Ing hla wife before. Thu county attorney
will have a warrant IsHiied for his an cat.
I < IIIIN\ IIIAl < ! < Infill ir -i-N Hill 111 I UK.
LOUISVILLE , Neb. . Dec. 15. ( Special )
P. A. Jacobson , whose stock of general mer
chandise was burned November 2 , has com
menced the erection of a. stone htoro buildIng -
Ing SO by 24 feet Much of the work will
bo done bcforu spring opens.
Ili-t-iilc Into n More.
NEHHASKA CITY. Dec. 15. ( Special. )
The book store of II. II. Young & Co. was
broken Into last night by unknown persona
and scvcial email articles , Including a num
ber of gold pens , taken.
Section Mmi'i ! , < Ilrokt-n.
COLUMBUS , Nob. , Dec. 15 ( Special )
Mlko Mlscck of the Union Pacific force
broke Ills leg this morning , n rail falling
on him. Ho was taken to bis homo at
In > ol\cs Sonic IsKiifs Similar to the
NollfllNKll ClINC.
Justice Harlan of the supreme court of
the Unite 1 States has delivered an opinion
In another case which Involves Issues similar
to thwo In controvcisy In the Nebraska
maximum rate cose. The case grow out of
the action of the Kentucky legislature of
1S90 In prescribing the rates of toll which
should bo charged by the Covlngton and
Lexington Turnpike Uoad company and
which the company refused to observe. The
milt by the state to compel the company to
observe the law was decided In favor of the
plalntllfc. but this decision Is now reversed
by the United States court on the ground
that the law In question violated the four
teenth amendment ot the Constitution by
taking the ptopurty of thu company with
out due procros of law.
John L. Webster says that the decision
Involves the point that Is In controversy
In the Nebraska case , and also In thu New
York , AVIsconsIn and various other late
cases that have been before the supreme
couit. Iho decision , however , docs not nec-
ess rlly affect the outcome of the Nebraska
case The opinion Involves no new doctrine
and its application depends altogether an a
question of fact. The courts , Mr. Webster
baj < i , have several times decided that In
case the rates prescribed by law are not
stinlclcnt and compel the company to do
business without a fair compensation It
amounts to a confiscation ot the property
of the coninany. Hut the Nebraska case ,
like other similar CJSCH , depends on thu
question whether thu latcs pi escribed arc
Just or otherwise. If It la chown that these
rates aliord a fair compensation to the com-
pony the dottrlno enunciated In the decision
doe * , not apply.
ICIIIMU : TAKIV i.v nv Tin : i-oi.ici :
SiiNpeeled of KniMtlni ; SninelliliiK : of
HlrNclilicrK Itoliicr ! > .
Charles Kcllner , a suspicious character
who was arrested Munday , Is suspcctej
by the police of knowing something of the
llirschberB pawnshop robbery , when over
$1,000 worth of jewelry and watches were
The pawnshop was entered from an ad-
Jolulng sloio room which was empty. On
the morning after the robbery the front
door of this stoic room was found Incited.
The police believe that the ciooks obtained
the kuy from John I. Ucdlek on representa
that they Intended to rent the place
Iledlck stated that ho had given thu key tea
a number of different persons
Kellner was brought before Mr Iledlck
yi-slerday , but was not Indent Illcd Mr
Iledlck elated that ho believed from the
man's appearance and method of carrvlng
himself that he was thu party to whom
lie had given the key , hut could not be
positive bt-cnuso ho was busy at the tlmo
and had paid no particular attention to thu
Individual. Thu man gave a nanio which
ho does not icmembcr
Kellner hai been hanging about the city
for Bonu time. Three or four years ago
ho was oriented for a burglary In Io\va , and
hroko way from the olllccrs. He was ar
rested In this city , was taken back to Io\va
and bcntenced to a term In the penitentiary.
Receiver HrliiKH Suit In Hie
nt CrcdllorN.
Joseph W. Thomas , receiver of the Jlld-
land State bank , has commenced suit against
thu stockholders of the bank to recover the
several amounts for which the defendants
are liable on account of their stork ThH
suit was commenced under thu direction of
the court In order to pty the liabilities of
the bank to dcpojltors and other creditors ,
the re-culver having reported to the court
that the at > scta of the bank were In such
condition that no buhstantlal amount could
be rcall/ed on them for a long time.
The defendants In the suit just started are
as follows , the amount ued for being
specified In each Instance , and being the
amount for which the stockholder Is al
leged to be liableCcorgo E. Barker , ? I5-
000 , J. N. Cornish , $22.500 , W S. Hector.
JU'.OOO ; A. T. Hector , $7.500 ; ehlato of Joseph
Barker , ? 7,500 ; W. O. Templeton , $11,250 ;
George A. Day , $3,750 ; Ocorgo E. Draper ,
$15,000 ; catato of ! ' . C Johnson , $11,250 ; II
N. Wood , Jfi.OOO ; D. J. Wood. $1.500 , l-'icd
Davis. $7,500 ; Mies Sed Taylor. $1,500. W S .
Hobcrts , $750 ; Leo W. Spratlen. $1,500 ; Wil
liam Slovors , $1.500 ; estate of S. W. Spiat- |
len , JG.OOO ; Edmund Paulson , $0,000 ; A. B
Thornell , $7,500 ; Mlttlo M. Slnrp , $30,000 ;
Cliorlcs A. Sharp. $77.250 ; F. I ! Johnson ,
$15,000 ; K. K. Temple-Inn. $7.0 ; William II.
Johnson. $12,000 ; Dorothea Slt-vcrti , $1.500 ; L.
II. Hradlev. $1,500 ; C E. Haniuin , $750 ; A.
II. Donncckcn , $750 ; Maria H. Johnson , $ GG-
_ _
Cnlilc Ciirx Collide on a Hill ,
ST. PAUL. Dec 15. A Bcrlous accident
occuired In this city last night on the Selby
avenue hill , two cable trains colliding and
very severely Injuring Miss Julia Ilolmbctg ,
Miss Anna Mij/on nnd Henry H. Young ,
while a large nunibej : of others were lesa
seriously Injured A cable train got uvvay
finm thu control of thu brakes and craem-d
Into an iiseeiiding train at the font of thi )
hill at Plfniant avenue. A number Jumped
and escaped aoilbus injury.
MAXY Ainioit iM.vrus iti.nvTii : : > .
< \ernmeitl rinilN IilcnccH iff Slnrt-
Mute AllciniilH nl l-'ranil.
NEW YORK , Dee. 15 , A Newport News
special to the Herald rajs Unit as a te-sult
of experiments of thu board which Is In- *
vcstlgatlng battleship steel nearly thu whole
amount now In the Ncwpoit News Ship
Building company's jards may bo con
demned. Tests of plates hao been fo sin-
pilslngly unsatisfactory that the Investiga
tion has been much moro cxtciu'lve than at
Hist planned. The tests go be-yond thu
Kentucky and Kearsargo steel , although
thu conduct runs fur thu battleship Illi
nois arc not HO rigid as the contracts for
thu Kentucky and Koaisargc , jet the re
sults of thu test hnvu been eo Ktartllng
that It lu piobablc the board will ho asked
to Inve-stlgato the Illinois steel also , In
which rate work on that vessel will bo
temporarily suspended.
( ruin IliislncNN IN lion in Inn.
VEIIMILLION , S. D. , Dec. 15. ( Special. )
The largo elevator of McCaull , Webster &
Co , which is being built In this city , U
rapidly drawing to n finish It will bo onu
of the largest elevators ' 'iat the company
owns. H will bo finished * the latter part
of January In time to bo flllol with grain
before spring- Tin calling has again htaitcd
In tills count } . The hiiou- has nearly disap
peared from the ground and leaves thu
grain stacks In very fair condition. Them
Is considerable grain still to bo threahcd.
I-VirmcrH who have not snld their wheat al
ready are rejoicing oWr the high prlcu paid
for that cereal. i
Triiueilj After n Uniirrel.
WILKE511AHKE , Pa. , Doc. 15 , During
a family quarrel today Morris Popu mhot
John Kelthllnc , fatally v.-oundlng him.
When Pope saw bis friend falling to the
floor with a mortal wound In his head hu
placed thu involvcr In his own mouth and
blew a portion of his head off , d > Ing In
One fo ' your wife
Wo uro innlvliiK tip rfrom \ \ line car-
pi'tliiKs for tho,1'vlio wlhh hiiiiii'thlii } ;
csjiouhilly uleo for C'lirlstuuiH filvliiK
fioin an ordinary In-arth rnj ; to one bl
cnuiiKli to tovc'itin1 largest IOJIM lit
Oiniiliii your wlfo wl | | apiivclnii | > 0110
of tluMinoii - tlniii nlino-it iin.vtliliiK .MIII
fan give lit'i1vlillu thu cost to you lh
151 fi DODGH.
Club Skates 30c.
And dull ska I I'M at nil Korts of prices
nlmvo tliul neu ! Hk'ils lor ! ! " Ix'tli'i-
anil blffKi-r for inort' cnnlnt ; hulH HIITO
lili'fi's for $1. ( > ( ) otln'is lilKluT pockut
Knives 10e a doy.n hllvcr plnii'd Knlvt-H
anil foikrt for yj some Tor moie better
of loiirsLclillirHHlher plated linlfe.forl ;
and ispoon li.'ie and lols of useful little
that make apiiuTlablu
2107 CuinliiB Street.
We're opsii
Kvery ulwlit from now till ClirlHtmnti
\ \ o keep open not In Hie lilMory of OIn Is
! mas tliiii'H Iiavo mich maKiilflci-nt gifts
1 been displayed rich and tare noL-fiil
I and hinall cost from Jewsharjis to
pia ioi fioni ieellng ; eaids to lingo
i-aleiidair.-from little ornaments to the
mo't ' 1 l''lilfnl ' eoneeptloiiK at thu
most ri i < u.ille ) prices ver ( jnolud.
They say Maceo's dead
Well Drex It. Sliouimin 1 going to
Mnd out-lf lie doesn't , his dog will
Orex novur uses sllppi'is on his iloj , '
although ho has free access to the big
gest line of Christmas hllppeis In Urn
country-all Kinds of slippers-for men
boys women and girls as low as 7Cu-
guaiantued to lit any slocking.