Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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    Til 13 OMAHA DAILY1 111310 , margin ran. 10. iao .
IJ , llUril.WA'll.H ' , I. M-.r-
Unity life ( Without flunilny ) One Year . II
IVilly HPnnil Similny , One Year . 8
HI * Month * . <
Thro * Month * . -
Hunilny lt r , One Year . >
HMiinUy ! ! , on Year. . . , . 1
Weekly live , One Year .
Otnnlm : Tim lle lliilHlnff. . .
Bouth Omiilmi Sltmer nth. . for. N and Jltli Si
Cininnll lilurrn : IB North Mnln fltifct.
( lilcnjo Oilier : SI7 ClinnitxT of Commi-re * .
New York : Itnonn in. It ami Id. Tribune lil.l
WniililllRloti : 07 V fllr rt , N. W.
All rnmmuiil'-nilnnii MntltiK to IKW anil
tfirlnl mittor ulinulil IK aildrcwwl : To the 1MIU
All Im.'InrnH lotti-M ami remlttnncTH nhntili ]
ndJreiutnil in The Itw I'uMlxhlnjt ( 'nmpaii
Oitmlia. Draft * , ' li fk nnrt nontortlcp rrrtcru
tie tnnilc imvaMo to th or < tr t nf th" company.
TIIK 111:1 : : I'UiiMimixo COMPANY.
Rule of Nftbranlta , I
DoitKlR * County. I
( twirte II. Twtcliurk. fieoretarjof Tli w Pu
1l hlnir company , t tn * duly itwnrn. rays Hint tl
iii-timl number of full anil cofnntnlo conies of Tl
I > . < lly JKrnlnif. livening onil Sundny flee print.
ilm-liiR the month of November , 1SK. wai a * Te
Less Ui > dUctlon8 for uniold and iftiirncil
curies 15. "
Tntnl net nnlcs C47r , '
Nft ilnlly nvcritKa 21 : >
ntnuci ; n. THSPHI.TK.
Piili-crlliril In my i.recnre nnl sv.-orn to liofoi
me tlili 1st day of Uri-embcr , IfM.
. _ , .V. I' . TRIU
< Si'nl. ) . Xotnry Public.
On ( lulioli > it seems forlunali' lhi :
tliut vote of tlianks wns Klvon to Una
IK-IT Ilmvi'll In'foritliu illsi'iisslu
Tlio flsliln coinnillti-i. Is falolilii } ; n
flsh Unit In iiny way Iicurs on Uu > Ic 'I )
latlvc , hut It Is loiirninir a lioa
nlmnt ninnliiK n pn-sldi-ntlal i-ainpalfji
Tlio so-failed Ic-rlslatlvc con test fiooni
toiiavodovolopoil tln > startling Hews tlia
for Hit' llrst tlino In history iiioiu > y wa
KjiiMit for rainpalxn imrposcs at the n
cent election In Oinalia.
Wcylor has di-claiTd with tn
typewriter that MIU-OO wa
not assassinated , but fell in fair ilfjlr
till this talk about .SpanNh treaeht-r
to stop. Hut will-It ?
Individuals who burn wit
zeal In time of peace to aid tliu Cuba
cause had hot tor turn In an alarm o
tire In season , or they may llml then :
Helves In 11 hotter situation than the ,
will enjoy.
A certain amount of opposition to th
creation of the olllco of "public defender
Is anticipated from yonnj : and aspirin ;
lawyers whoso only hope of praetlc
and emolument Is In their casual MI
liointmont by a trial jtidfi > to defend ai
Indigent criminal.
ronltentiary A ont AVhltehead I
certainly frank when be says lie doe
not. see of what use. a successor to him
self could lie. It remains to be soon
however , whether populist reform ON
tends as far as the abolition of ti listless
loss penitentiary appondaw.
The. newest United States revonm
cutter Is namcil the Walter < } . < ! roshan
because of his service as secretary o
the treasury. It would not , however
linVo rennired the naming of a vcsse
after him to niakd a place for the nani
of Mr. ( irosham In the political history
ol this country.
President Ploveland will yet have tin
privilege of appointing two more numbers
bers of the Interstate Commerce com
mission , one of them to till a vacancy
created by resignation. President ( JIovo
land's iiroverblal luck In these matter :
KceniH to stay by him to the very end o
his while house career.
The law creating the State Hoard oi
Irrigation says that the secretary inns
bo an experienced hydraulic engineer
If the populists have no one within thch
ranks who comes fully within this do
Kcrlptlon , the republicans will no donbl
bo glad to supply a qnalillod person
from among their number.
Unmor has It that a gigantic syndl
cate Is forming In ICnrope to control tin
price of sugar on the continent. If thk
bo true , the tiling to be done Is plain ,
The new Kuropoan sugar trust should
be pitted against the American trust ami
between the two the people who con-
Hume sugar may get their dues.
A dellclt of over $10,000 created by thu
now soldiers' home at Mllford ! Is thta
not a rather expensive experiment , for
the taxpayer * ? If the Mllford home is
to be allowed to create dollclts and rely
on having the money made goutl out of
the state treasury , will there not bo
danger that other state Institutions will
be strongly tempted to follow the ex
ample thus sutV
If the legislative llshlng committee
really wants to learn something about
the election of legislative candidates
It might Inquire witli advantage Into
the open boast of one of the fusion
senators-olect that It cost him ? ( ! 00 of
his own money to make the campaign
for an olllco the salary of which will
bo $ : > 00. And that same senator-elect
will hold up his hand and swear that
he has not "Improperly Inllncnccd In
any way the vole of any elector. "
Will the Incoming populist state administration -
ministration try to declare any of the
constitutional amendments carried anil
to seat the two populist candidates for
contingent Judges ? If they do Iholr
only hope of success must Iln In revers
ing the ruling of the supreme court as
to what Is required for n constitutional
majority laid down by Judge Samuel
Maxwell , who has since become one of
the populist congressmen-elect from
Nebraska. The task la not only dllll-
cult , but delicate.
Tilt J STi.l I l\ .1 .VJHf'N M *
'Hi.- pi.pi.natic llwhlng i xmision to
. . of i-onl st I'
dn. ti d utidi-r pr.-ti-os' a
mats In the h Mitnro : Ins - < irui'k
great mare's nest. The man who act :
an treasurer for the McKlnloy Ipgli
has tnstlllpd that ln > paid out noi :
$1.OIH ! ) ) for national campaign o.vpon-M
Tlie onlors on which the money w
paid out were produced , ami they shn
absolutely nothing that could be co
stritei ! Into an nttempt to corrupt vole
or to promote any fraud In the pnllli
of the vote or the counting of the b :
loU. A large ivortlon of this fund wi
expanded for campaign publlo.ulons , ca
vn ii'ir . hall rent. printing , to !
graph and telephoneMorvic" . music , p
miles ami men employed' ths ? day
polling the city nml spptirlng Inform
tlon ns to diublful voters.
All th'-se Hems of legitimate cat
1-nlgn expenditure WP , however , p
railed by HIP Bryauito organ us "dai
nglng tllsrlosinv * . " Whcn-ln are tin
damaging ? What bns thcro bwu slio\\
yet that hns not boon tlom < by evoi
party In every campaign ? Where
there anything In law or murals tin
prohibits the paylnc out of money f (
campaign literature , brass bauds , publ
halls. eairlagf" < ttnd canvapsi'i's ? Whi'to !
Is there anything criminal or oven ii
proper In hiring men of any nr all pa
ties to report movements of opponent
organize meetings and distribute samp
ballots ? The howl about traitors , Imgi
tickets and special police Is Intended I
convoy the Impression thai a great coi
splracy has boon uncovered. The ma
lavlewho Is b-lng branded as a tral'.o
bail been ti detective for years and wi
employed In that capacity at a modern' '
wage per day months before any counter
or city ticket was nominated. lie w ;
not employed for the republicans 1mm
dlaloly prior to his nomination by tl
democrats for the council or during h
i-andidacy. There were no bogus tlckoi
printed. The sample ballots distribute
liy The leo ? won- till regular. Thoywoi
lite republican , national democratic an
populist tickets , and wore sent out IK
to deceive but to help voters In imukln
sample ballots at homo. The r-poch
policemen wore hired to prevent frail
nml violence at the polls and paid li
the republican committee because thei
was no money In the police fund to pa
Suppose the searchlight of puhlicit
were turned upon the management <
the popocratlc campaign. Is it not in
torlons that vast sums of money , co
leeted from the silver mine owner
were distributed In Nebraska to lubr
cate the fusion machine ? Is It IK
notorious that ( i. M. Hitchcock mad
several successful foraging expedition
Into the silver country and brougl
back silver boodle computed by tbo- :
who know at over $ 'JiutNV ) ) How muc
of this money was absorbed by M
Hryan's paper ami what amount wti
actually paid out to the I'.ryan workei
Is not yet disclosed. We approhon
that If the vouchers were produce
they would be much more damagin
to the self-styled reformers than anj
thing that has been shown or can b
shown from the records of the ropul
Mean campaign committees.
, iiunr.ii , .
In his address to the convention o
; ho American ! < Vd"ration of Labor , Pros
ilont ( Jompors said that "while Indnstr
ind commerce have just about emerge
from the panic of IS-.tU-n the changes o
nfprovonionts have b on very nioagei
riiere has not be.MI that industrial n
rival looked and hoped for and whlc
rt'o had a right to anticipate after th
. rlsls through which wo have passed.
1'ndot'btodly a great many people foi
.he disappointment Implied In Ibis ill
: eranco of the president of the I < Ydoni
Ion of Labor. The revival of Imlustrlti
linl business activity since the prcsidoii
.lal election ha.-i not boon so great am
; o general as they had expected. The ;
enow there has been Improvement , bu
t has not assumed the proportions no
lecoine so widespread as they hai
ooked for.
Do these people take a fair and reason
tble view of the'matter ? For throi
oars the country had been iillllcloi
vlth one of the severest and most ills
istrous panics In Its history. Flnancia
onfldoneo was almost utterly destroyo < l
hero was widespread industrial stagna
Ion , a vast army of unemployed labo
normously reduced tlie purchasln ;
unvor < f this people , every branch o
insluoss was depressed. The croillt o
11 classes of business men was strainoc
o tlie utmost in order to keep alloa
mill the people should decide what wa :
o be the future llnancial and ecoiromli
lollcy of the nation. This condition o
ITalrs was at Its worst during tlio poltt
i-al campaign , the pall of distrust am
oprossion being darkest in the wool
lofore the election. As soon as it was
.nown . that the great danger which con
routed the country had boon avertei' ,
here was a recovery of conlMonee ami
ho work of recuperation began , hul
i'is ! It reasonable to expect thai after si
> nga period of debilitating atlllctlon UK
idnstrios and business of the countr.v
, -ould at a luiund be rostoicd to full
eallh and to normal activity ? Such a
ling would have been unnatural and
nprocoilonted and those who looked for
, did not intelligently understand in
Diisidor all the facts and conditions of
10 situation.
To say thai what has been done In the
Iroctlon of Industrial and business re-
Ival Is meager Is not a fair .statement ,
'lie truth Is that a great deal has been
ccompllshcd. Hundreds ) of mills and
nctorles are now In operation that
, vro Idle two months ago and ninny
re miming full time that had been
penning only part time. Numerous
aterprlses of various kinds have been
tartod since tlio election. It Is a con-
. 'rvativc estimate Unit more than half
million people are at. work who were
He sixty days ago. A large amount of
tonoy has boon put Into circulation that
ad long been locked up. It Is true that
us Industrial revival Is not complete
ml that there Is still a great deal of
lie labor , but It should bo remembered
nit something more than the triumph
f tlie sound money cause is necessary
> a full restoration of Industrial ac-
vlty. One source of distrust and tie-
ivsslon has boon removed , but the
wiourutlu turirr lb still lu force and
until wo olitnln a la'-lff ' law tint w
glvn hetit r proii i-ilon a full nml ] i 'i-m
in-lit liulti-ii' retlval Is Iitinlly i" > <
Mi'Vllli large stocks or foi'i-li
, goods lii HIP connlry nml more orderc
American manufacturers are eompelh
li > pin-sue ti consprvallve nml cnutlni
COIU-PP. Another tiling to bf\ const
etvd Is. ilistt nt this season of Ilic yi'i
Mum' Industries nro nrcpssarfly Inn
live. I'mInstance , llttlf can be tloi
In building ami In carrying on publ
Improvements In tlu > greater imrt of tl
The promise of Industrial revival at
rptui'ii of - tlir- result
a prospei-liy as - i
republican success 1ms been In pa
reallj-.ed. If tlu > party tlutt Is soon
come Into power Is I'lialik'tl lo ran
out its policy thai proms ! , > will Infill !
redeemed. IVsslndstle rotleellous upi
what has Inkon place arc not Jiisttlh
by ihi > facts ami the outlook would 1
altogether lirljjht wonH not for tl
Ihri'itlcniMl olistriii-ilon lo ivpubllwi
pulley l > y Ihosi' who sire ri'spoimlh
for thi ? uiifurtiitiato conditions of tl
* Financial ch-eles will bu In twos tad I
thi > li'ttpf of St'i-rciary ( 'arllsh' to
n-piTsi'iilallvo of the Huston banks , i
which hi' practically announces that 11
more K ld ci-rtlllnttos will 1 > ; - Ixstii' '
while Inrimaliis al ( he hi'sul of tl
Trensiiry department. It had hep
previously ivported from \VtishliiKto
that he would prolmbly make this ai
nounecmeiit ami also recommend in hi
annual report the entire abolition of jol
rerlllleates as sttc-h. It appears tin
Secretary ( Carlisle takes the same KIDUII
In this respect as Seeretnry Sherman I
his annual report for ISTS-tlial the Koi
eriiinent should not reco nl/.e dilVereuci
In the seeui-lty and form of Its gold old
Cations , lie thinks that the hanks slum !
be Kalislled with United States note
now that the country lias declared fu
the odd standard and that the treasur
Is aide to hold an ample reserve awiins
such notes.
The reasons Rlvou by Secretary Cai
lisle for not resinning the ISMIO of gel
certlllcates , whleh will prolmhly be uior
fully presented In his annual repot-
seem to he sound and conclusive. If I
be 11 fact , as lie slates , that the norm ;
Increase of the gold n-serve is elieeke
by the Issue of gold eerllllcates. the e >
pedleticy of stopping ( licit- Issue entire ! .
Is obvious. If ( hey offer a premium , fo
lite exhaustion of tin- gold reserve , n
appears from the letter of the secretar.\
no further or better reason can li
urged for their elimination and eongres
ought not to hesitate to act to that em :
It seems to he the policy of the trea.- .
ury to Induce the banks to hold th
Hulled States notes In ( heir reserve
rather than to transform the gold hohl
Ings of the country Into gold certllicate
ami leave the notes without support am
undoubtedly this is a Judicious policy
Its effect would be to protect the ri >
serve , tin object very much to lie desired
though at present It Is in no apparen
danger. On the contrary it has beui
steadily growing for ome time , parti ;
through the exchange-of gold for green
backs , the lignres Indicating that tin
gain In tliu reserve In this way sinci
November 5 amounts to about $1S,000.
000 n notable Illustration of the papula
preference for paper money for genera
inrunt's ST.ITKMKXT.
The anxiety of the Spaniards to ex
culpate themselves from the charge o
having drawn Maceo to his death by i
plot and basely countenanced bis tissas
nation Is strikingly shown in thoslgnoi
statement of ( Jonoral Woylor. The com
mam'ler of the Spanish forces in Cuba
however , hardly makes out a convlncln ;
case and he would perhaps have dom
bettor to have kept silent about tin
event. He certainly does not help hi :
case by citing the testimony of Dr. Xer
tucha , who there Is every reason to bo
lleve was a traitor to Maceo. Woyloi
lakes occasion in his communication l <
i > xtol himself at the expense of the doa <
Cuban loader , but the world will noi
think better of him for what ho says ol
Ills shrewdness and sagacity.
The fact Is It will require stronger tes
tlmony than that of ( ieneral Woylerami
the traitorous Xertucha to convince any
imt Spaniards and their sympathiser.-
ihat Anlonlo Maceo was not betrayed t <
Ids death. That the Spaniards are en
tirely capable of such a thing will not
1)0. ) seriously questioned and the only
iuggostion that seems to warrant a
loubt in the matter is that Maceo , beinj ;
icrfectly familiar with Spanish cliarac-
or , should have allowed himself to br
H'trayed and entrapped as he is said to
uive been.
It Is very safe to say that General
A'eylor's .statement will have little effect
UIKU public opinion in the United Slates ,
tnloss It shall bo supported by oilier
ostlmony more entitled to conildence.
t Is presumed that the acting American
onsnl at Havana will make an Investi
gation and In due time report to the
ircsldont tlio facts regarding the killing
if Maceo. In that case the country will
earn the truth respecting an event
vlilch has challenged the attention and
ntorest of the civilized world and has
ncroasott the number of sympathisers
vith the cause of Cuban liberty.
j.K'i' Tin ; im'AivACT. .
Tlie charge has been publicly made
n the presence of the mayor and city
'ouncll ' that City lOngineor Howell had
inportuncd the general manager of the
iValer Works company to nso his In-
luenco witli that corporation to have
iiilon L. Wiley placed upon Its pay
oil sis a condition to recognition hy
lic city of Its franchise righls and In
irdcr to expedite the proposed exten-
lon of tlie time within which the city
vould have the right to buy the works ,
n response to ( he demand for an In-
estimation a citizens' committee has
K'cn appointed to establish Its truth
if falsity. If false , Mr. Howell Is
milled to a vindication. If true , bo
ri unlit to continue In tlie position which
ID now holds.
There Is , however , one dltilcnlty
u the way of such an Investi
gation by this committee as wotUd
nable It to bring In a report thai ,
vould be accepted as Ihial. A citizens'
ommlttce has no right to compel the
ttendance of witnesses or enforce the
f I. .tiii.ny unlir < viMi Tin
l h .1 nncBwjta' ID width th > < chiir
i an lu full | itiiM ID th" biittom , a1
that U Huffier' i tin' city council. Th
body has nitlmrlty lo compel l
attendance11 ! ! witnesses and punl
refusal to irsilfy under oath. It
also the only Tiody that can deal wl
the olllclalflwhoso conduct has be
called lu question , lu fact , the coinii
Is noi only-fthy only tribunal that h
Hie power to make this Inquiry , b
It Is In duty boun-1 to mnke it , win
ever may be doiio by the clllKens' coi
inlttee. - _
The * law requhvs notices of applicant
for liquor licenseto bo published
the paper of largest circulation In t !
county. Tlioiv can bo but one paper
largest circulation. Thai paper is Tl
Omaha Kvotilng Hoe. Tlio law was n
Intended to ln > evaded by publishing
two papers , neither of which have 1 ]
largest circulation In the county. Dru
gists and saloon keepers will do well
follow out the provisions of the law
the k'lter.
As a speedy and elllcaclous moans
adjusting the Cuban trouble how won
it do to arm and equip a company
senatorial warriors for active service
the ( Jem of the Antilles ? If they slum
loose the Hood of forensic oratory upi
the plains of Pinar del Ulo it would 1
had for the remnant of the crops , but
might partially offset the ravages <
Weyler's typewriter.
Nearly U.OOO Illicit distilleries wo
seized and destroyed by the Uniti
States Internal revenue olllcer.s durii
the last llscal year. The efforts whit
scheming people will exert In order
cheat the government by evading tl
payment of taxes seem to have been
pretty stable quantity over since govor ;
men IN began to Impose taxes upr
their subjects.
Superintendent Glllesplo wants tl
State Institute for the Deaf and nuni
rechrlstened School for the Deaf. Tl
institution is an educational Instituth
and its name ought to Indicate the dm
actor of the work done. Yet the preset
name Is not misleading and It may ad
to the standing of the institute lo r
tain its traditional ollieial designation.
Tali-N of tin * T IN.
I'Mlailclplila Times.
A book la bolus written by Watson als
Son-all should now follow suit. Tlien UK
could be published simultaneously as TV
Talcs of a Ticket.
\flirn.sU-ii Dido.
Knnsns City Htor.
The efforts of ; the democratic tall to ws
tlio populist d6tfilh Kansas arc vury atnu
Ing. Tlio doff'acU very ranch as If It v.-ci
iHslnclIneJ to
HieVlllll. .
Just when the couatry Is Insistent that tl :
senate shall do something toward raising tli
xvlinl. news conic * that u new system (
ventilation Is to bc trlcd there.
Ai-i 111) ) ' \Vliiily Vnliu-iiiiMf
I'JUlnilrlplila LeilKer.
If the lielllcose ; sctmtors woitlil take charg
3f personallycoailuctlifR the flllUuatOirliiK o
Iiedltlbn's theymfeUt ! "tlo Cuba llomo'ecrvlc
ind the United States likewise ;
A Clew for SI. IOIIM. |
Chicago Tlmes-HeratiL
St. Louis has been unable to capture th
train robbers who held up a train wlthl
tier city limits the other night. Why nc
inalo : the aldermen Rive an account c
ihclr whereabouts on that night ?
JlU-KNOIllllll SIllillt-NM.
Chicago Chronicle.
Tlio sliver Jacksonlan club of Omaha ha
'tit off all Its active and honorary member
> vho refused to support llryan In the las
campaign. Enough have thus been expellee
; o form a better and more respectable oi
; anlzatlon than that which cast them oui
; n fact , they Include the most Inilucntic
Icmocrats In the Nebraska town.
\ < > Snlary fir
Inillnimpolla Journal.
The country will be surprised to hear tha
my considerable number of members o
wigrees are considering a scheme for In
ircaalng their salaried ! > 0 per cent , that Is
torn $5,000 a ycsi to $7,500. Have these gen
.lemon forgotten the last blunder which ;
ongrcss made In regard- that matter
f they have they would do well t
Ind some history of the so-called salar
; rab of 1873. When they shall have real
uch a history few of them will vote to
: salary Increase unless they arc dcslrou <
if being retired from public life.
U-mifnrhtl l.nvlslmcss A ] > i > ro.\liiiiif i
Million n Vmr.
Minneapolis Times.
Kow people are aware of the fact tha
he senate of the United States U one o
ho most expensive legislative bodlas In tin
vorld. They know that each senator hai
salary of $5,003 a year , which la certalnl ]
lot extravagant ; but this stipulated and un
casonablo compensation constitutes only :
art of the aggregate cost of that body. The
xpenso apart from the salary Is $4,8S3 pel
r.cinbcr , which U to say that , with th <
alary Included , each senator coats tlu > conn
ry $9,803 per year. In Great lirltaln am !
icrmany the same clas.i of officiate not onlj
et no salaries , but have to pay all their In-
Iduntal oxpcnsea out of their own inickcts
nd. in France , a member of the Chambci
f Deputies gets only $1,800.
It can hardly bu claimed that our sena
Drs earn more than men performing like
urvlccs In other countries , or that thej
ave an exceptional value for ornamental
urcliascs. They receive $5,000 apiece for tin
: ork that they do , aud there la no room foi
umplalnt about that ; but In order to gel
lie work done nn expenditure of nearly at
inch .jnorc Is mn'd cv TliU Is surely an ex-
rbltant sum to pay for things which the
i-iiatora seem to consider necessary In the
roccssca of leglslatlun.
There Is no doslre ' that men In the public
orvlco shall worlft'for nothing or deprive
icmselvcs of o dyiary coinfortR and con-
cnlcucra , hut When a salary of $ , 1,000 a
car Is paid ItjStlsljtlltncult to understand
hy there sboujiji'lifl nearly a doubling ol
xponso In that rcjaflon. These cxpendlturea
re constantly ; ' | nvi'oat > lng In the tienato.
hat Is to say , Jtlfo Hcnators are constantly
laklng thcmsclVcst ? more costly luxury ,
Ithout any corresponding gain to the couu-
y In the way of Improved service or othtr-
Tliere would atom to ho need for retrench-
itnt and reform' Sri this matter. The scna-
) ra should contrive In get along without
line of the things for which the people are
o\v paying beyond tlm amount of the regut
ir salaries. They have an opportunity
i practice the economy which they are no
ind of prcachlng-'by cutting down their
ivu expenses. The average cost of a rcpro-
: ntativo la only $1139 In excess of the * al-
ry , ami the people cannot ho made to bc-
eve that u senator needs or Is entitled to
I.SS3 In addition to his salary.
To bo uru the position U one of great
Ignlty ami reaponalblllty , but It Is not one
lat justifies extravagance In the UHC of
ubllc money. The taxpayers have a rlgtt
> protest when It takca almost as much to
ay the Incidental expcuKes of the senators
i It takca to pay thtlr salaries , and It is
me that atcpi were- taken to lirlnir about K
roper reduction. Tlio sum of more than
150,000 Is too largo for the country to throw
way every year upon the extravagant
nblts and luxurious .Ustes of a body which ,
ir the most part , la' more ornamental than
THImTii ; or \rno. .
H' Loiils Ili > pulllo ) The blood of Maei
eriei out ir > nil the world for revenge at
v. Ill iiu-iip the Invrra of liberty evi ryxvhiv
to dlxrpKard the restraint of diplomatic UM [
and Rinerninpntal innmlatp and give expre
slun In Aitucinntlal form to the sympatl
felt for the bravo , dcspernto struggle i
the Cuhntm for liberty.
aiobe-Uetnocrat : Twenty-three years ni
tlio worlil was horrttlr-d at the ne\\-n of tl
slaying of Octirral Cnnby ami one or t\\ \
1 eotnpanlor.H by the Moilocn while on a peai
cnmm.'ralon to thosp gavage.i , but the lnti
reports show Hint Maceo's nwBNslnatlon w :
attended' with featurw of Infamy with
were nl : pnt In the cast' of llio America
goneral' * mm tier.
Clnclnnatt Trllmne : In a matter an grave >
\ve must have the farts beyond nil ill-jpu
fir co.ttrovcray , and let us have the
quickly. Then , If llils story bo true , 11
notion tnUon by congress can be too prom ]
nr ton emphatic to cult tliU nation. Man
living would have set Cuba frco. If 1
has been slaughtered by treachery , Mnc <
dead shall lead Cuba to victory.
Chicago Chronicle : If It Is true tin
Ucneral Antonio Mareo , tlio Cuban chic
was lured by n deceptive imamtge to cnti
the Spanish 11 lira under n safe condui
and was then killed In mubuidi It l < j a urln
greater than nny other described lit tl
history of civilized war. The report
emphatically denied by Spanish nuthorlt ;
but that may not be conclusive of the fac
Chicago Tlmc.vllerald : As one studh
the clrcutratancra of the death of the revc
luttcmary leader , ns published by the Spat
lards , and takra Into account all the 1-01
tradlrllons In the various reports , the In
prcsslon grows Irresistibly that Maeco ill
not perish In battle , but was mlserabl
assassinated through the most treaeherot :
plot that ever disgraced the warlaro of
civilize : ! nation.
Chli-ago Inter Ocean : lleaten In wlin
tiipu eall honorable warfare , Weyler startr
a still hunt , with silver , for a Judas I
the palrlot camp , and found one In th
personal ph\olclan of the general whet
Spanish nrinu could not conquer. In th
case that has come down to us from th
days when the cross was made sacred th
price paid the traitor was only thirty piece
of silver , but In this modern Instance I
Is said to have been 50,000 pieces.
New York Journal : If the story e
Maceo's death by treachery bo true It afford
new reason why the t'nlted States slum !
Interfere to stop the barbarous conflict rap
li" ; at our very doors. Lot us drive fort
Woyler and his band of assassins , rcgardln
thun , as the doughty Chevalier Oourguc
hold the Spaniards he hanged two centurlc
ago at the mouth of the St. Johns rlvci
"Not as Spaniards , but as treacherous rol
bers nml assassins. "
Chlrago I'ost : It peonis Inconcelvabl
that n man with his familiarity with Span
Ish methods , who ban had a price upon hi
head for years and who has traversed th
Island of Cuba from end to end In coustan
dread of spares and ambushes , should hav
bren caught with the- proffer of peace whei
there could be no peace , or lured to hi
death under a white flag. . .Mnceo inns
have known that a ehlld's head was safe
In a tiger's mouth than his person wlthli
Kansas City Star : The death of Antonli
Maceo seems to have occurred In accordanci
with the statements given to the public It
the llrst Instance. He fell In a fight will
a Spanish force commanded by Major ( Jlrn
Jcda. Ills body fell Into the hands of thi
e-nemy with that of young Gomez. Then
was , there loj reason to believe. In the Una
action , some of the elements of a surprise
hut the story that Mnceo was betrayed Inti
n conference with the Spanish commando ;
Is not to be believed. Mnceo was to <
familiar with Spanish faith to have trustei
In It. Ho died lu arms and llglitlng. _
Chicago Tribune : The manner of Macco'i
death will sot In n blaze the enthusiast !
and patriotism and courage of the Cuban In.
Ktirgents. Hvery bullet that was fired Intc
that gallant ctinpauy of Cuban martyrs wll
stir up a cry of vengeance that will colic
throughout the hills of Cuba aud bring bach
sympathetic from all the nations ol
the earth. A hundred Maceos will rise ur
to take the place of the stricken chief , and
Weyler , discredited , reviled , great only In
his.Abominable savagery , may find that hie
uno act of subllmo treachery has been the
final force that will give Cuba Its freedom.
( ilobe-lcmocrat : One of the great needs
of the country nt the present time Is an
anti-trust law that the courts cannot con
strue In favor of the trusts.
Courier-Journal : The manufacturers ol
news paper have not yet perfected the trusl
they are trying to organize. They had
better go slow. The end of the nail pee !
should bo a warning lo these combinations.
Public attention has been called to them
In some very striking ways during the past
few months , and the president's message
may be heeded by lawmakers.
Indianapolis Times : The trusts , combines ,
monopolies and conspiracies for cornering
productions appear to be quite cheerful anil
sanguine. The announcement Is made that
the woodworking machinery makms of the
United States have consolidated. That Is ,
they have formed a trust to regulate supply
ind fix prices at their own figures. They
will squeeze all who do not enter the
combine , and will mulct purchasers of ma-
L-lilncry as they see lit. Sonic days ago the
window glass manufacturers perfected a
} ompact organization , and made of It a trust ,
jy means of which they will make American
jonaumcrs pay prices to the full limit the
ircaent duty of 100 per cent will allow theme
: o Impose , and then , In addition , they will
jo found appealing to McKlnlcy's extra sca-
ilon , called for protection's sake only , to
idvanco this 100 per cent prohibitive tariff
bo able to demand
ax , so that they may
ncrcased priced from consumers. At least
hat Is about the way It will work.
Davenport Republican : Iowa l.i credited
> y the Pension department with having
I7.79S veterans on the list , who received
luring the pnst year , $5I03.I7C. Doth
as nnd MUeourl have more pensioners , and
icccvitiarlly draw more money. The former
ims over ? G,000,000 , and the latter over
Dee Molnes Leader : The Anaconda Straw-
loard trust seems to have gotten Its folds
round the Cedar Kails paper mill , and It IB
.nnounced that It will be closed In the same
iianncr as the Waterloo mill waa closed ,
owci la dotted over with silent moinimenta
0 the trust evil. With Us Interests small
nd scattered , Its factories are the fliat to bo
losed when a trust secures control of any
Sioux City Journal : The new curfew fad
1 not prospering. The attempt lo give 't '
ogno In the large cities has entirely failed ,
t Is against the spirit of the age. It la n
Istlnct rctapso toward the practices of
nclcnt tyranny. In villages nnd small towns
t may bo possible arbitrarily to prohibit
outha from the public streets after 9 o'clock
t night , but it Is doubtful If any great good
i thereby accomplished , or oven that such
rohlbltlon ran be maintained for more thun
omparatlvely r.hort . periods.
Davenport Democrat : The general assem-
ly of Iowa at Its lust weMlon panged a law
rovldlng for the trltnmlnii of bulges every
ccond year , on the theory , It Is suppcapd ,
iiat they shade the nuds after ralnn. Prof ,
ni.ion . of the State Agricultural college
RJ-B that this law , where It U executed , will
ostroy all hope of getting fuel fnom the wll-
> wa , a r ourco thnt has helped out many a
imlly. "We love to nee trees , " ho says ,
on the Iowa landscape. Iho tattle seem to
njoy them when the cold wlinls blow late
i the eprlng ami early In the fall and the
Irdo make IIOMHM nnd rnlae bruoin ! In their
ranches. " This Is sentiment mixed with
le meat practical common isut'sc.
Secritary Wakofioltl of the Protective Tnri
Lcnguo Hns a Finn.
Wlic n luVliltr Mi'tnl N tinIn
IMirlVIII II.llih. ! . nnil T
Stnlillll.v In prli'i' .May
Hi * llml.
WASHINGTON , Doe. 15. ( Special Toll
gram. ) Perilled Interest was m.inlfostcU ti
( by amotiK members nf the house In n rope
that silver was to be recognize * ! ns liullln
In the new tnrllT bill , which Is to he franir
by the ways ntul means committee , ami th ;
a duty was to bo Impou'il thereon.Vllbr
! ' . Wakeuinu , secretary of the America
1'rotecllvo Tariff tongue , Is probably 11101
largely responsible for Ihls rumor tha
any other pewou connoctcil with the tarl
discussion. Ho has been laboring \vltli tli
wayj ami means committee for two days , wit
the Idea of having the committee rcco nlz
silver as n commodity , subject to n
rights and duties of other nrtlelcs of con
tnerco. It la proposal that there shall be a
clastic duty laid upon silver , which Is bet ;
Illustrated lu the following : "If silver !
quoted at 70 cents per ounce , then the dut
would be SO centa. If CO cents per otinei
then the duty Is to bo 40 cents , and f
lluc-tuutlng to the end , and If silver should K
to a premium , then the duty should bo place
on Ruld. " Ho asserts that twenty-live couti
tries place a. tariff on silver , and believe
that lu this way , conditions now otitalnln
would cease to exist , as to this commodity.
In the subdivisions of the ways and mean
committee Intrusted with the framing of th
new tariff bill , schedules C and 1-2 ( sugar nn
molassra ) will bo under direct charge c
Payne of New York , chairman ; Orosvenoi
Hlngley and Johnson. Schedule J ( lla >
hemp and Jute ) will bo under the supervl
slon of Steele , chalrmau ; Tawney , JoluiRO
of North Dakota , and Hopkins. Schedule 1
( lumber ) will be In charso of Olngley. rim It
man ; Tuwncy. Evans and Dolllver. Rchedul
II ( spirits , wines , etc. ) , Hvnna of KoiUucky
chaltman ; Kiifsell anl DliiKlry. Ucclproelt
will bo under the direction of llopkliiii. Dolll
vcr , Tawney and Dlnglcy. Scheditlo 1C ( woo
and woolens ) . Dlni-ley , Oroavonor and Dolll
vcr. Schedule C ( agriculture ) . Tawney , Del
liver. Johnson of North Dakota , and Steele.
Senator Allen Introduced a bill today t
pension Daniel C. Ileffenuan of Dakoti
county. Nebraska. Also the ) petition of eltl
zcua of Valentino praying fur the pas-sag
of the bill Introduced by himself ilvlii ; |
the atato certain military lands. Ho Intro
ducpil a bill directing the secretary of tin
Interior to make surveys and report upon thi
erst of erecting reservoirs In cm-tain riven
throughout the United Statca , Nebraska be
Ing represented In the plat by the North am
South 1/oups , Hepubllcan and Klkhorn rivers
The bill appropriates $1,000,000 , to carry ou
the provisions of the act.
Senator Thurston presented the petition o
10,000 colored citizen * of the United States
praying for the paraago of the bill to provldi
for the erection of a national memoria
home for aged and Infirm colored persona litho
the District , nf Columbia.
The application of the following poraotK
for authorliy to organize the First Natlona
Hank of West Liberty , la. , with a capita
of $30.000 was today approved : I. A. Nlcholci
C. K. Chtsebrough , A. I.o'oech , W. M. .Me'
John J. Chapman was today commissioned
postmaster a' llagley ana John H.
Meld at Paris , la.
SinullCoiiiinlltiM - A ri-i-s llia < ( lie
Mn ( lor Muni HiSodlcil nl Onoe.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 15. The scnato com-
uiltteo on I'aclflo railways today agreed that ,
In view of the fact that the mortgages on
lioth the Union Pacific and Central Pacific
Jro" now practically duo , It was Important to
secure the action of congress at the earliest
'iractlcablo date. Senator Morgan was the
) iily senator present who dissented from this
rlow , and ho said that ho did not desire do-
ay. Ho expressed the opinion , however , that
: urthcr testimony should hi- taken , llo wnu
ivcrruled on this point. The committee dc-
: lded to aid ! for a day for the Sioux City
) lll Immediately after the disposal of the
tnmlKratlon bill and to make an effort to got
ip the Union Pacific and Central Pacific bills
mmedlately after the Christmas recess , pro.
rldini ; Senator White of California shall liavo
irrlved In the meantime. The commlttco
isrcoJ not to press these blllu In his ab-
The secretary of the treasury today an-
louuced that oealed proposals for the pur-
haso of $2,7SO.OOO first mortRago bonds of
ho Central Pacific , Union 1'acinc and Kan-
ias Pacific railroads , now constituting a part
) f the sinking fund of the Central Pacific
allroad , will be received at the Treasury do-
lartment In the olllco of the treasury until la
> clock p. m. on the 21st day1 of December ,
S88. The bonds will be sold with all Intur-
'st ' accrued and unpaid thereon.
il.OW AVOIIIC OX III3V\I3 | > | \ C.\XAI
Illiuils DclfKiidini . liiUi-H ii I'rcitc-Ht
to ( lit- Chief of KllKilicfi-.s.
WASHINOTON. Dec. 15. KIvo members
f the Illinois delegation In the house of rep.
cuentativos called upon General Cralghtll ,
hicf of oiiKlnecrs. today to make complaint
f the slow prosrcss making In the woik of
arrying out the project for the construction
f the Hcnnrpln canal. They were Hcprc-
entatlves llcovca , Cooke. Lorrlmer , llel-
nap and Aldrlch. Ocncral Cralnhlll lls-
aned to their representations , and then
hewed his callers that the delays com-
lalned of were attrlhutable to the lorm or
tie law under which the work Is being ear-
led on. _ _ _ _ _
it Aiiiriiirlnlloit | | ANI-I | | for
IViiiii-NMi-t- I\III : > HOII. |
WASHINGTON , Dec. 15. The Tennessee
elegatlon In the house today waited on
pcaker Uced to ask that an early day bo
Ivcn to consideration In the house of the
111 to glvo the Tennessee centennial cxposl-
on a government building and exhibit to
jsl 3130.000. The speaker replied that he-
ould not oppose the bill , having favored
similar bill for the Traiis-inlFsl.vdpjii ] ; \ -
nsltlon at Uniaha , and promUcd that the
unmlttec on rules would consider the matT -
T at an early meeting.
ropiiNi-N nn Approiii-liilloii lo Survey
Hi-nil nlcrH < if Klvi-rN.
WASHINGTON' , IX'c. 15. Senutor Allen
1 Nebraska today Introduced a bill appro
bating $1.000.000 for the survey of licad-
atcrs of the principal rivers for sltca for
iservolrs for Irlgatlon pujioses. The stir-
y propcvied Is not to be confined to the arid
gians , but Is to Include all sections , of the
XIMVN for UK- Army ,
WASIIINfJTON. Dec , 15. ( Special Tclc-
atn. ) An examining board , with Major
ilvln Dowltt as prcsldcnl Is ordurcil to
et nt Kort , Monroe to examine I'lrat IJcti-
nant John D. lloskins , Third artillery , for
Prat Chaplain Joseph 1C. Irish IH granted
i extension of furluugli to , AugUbt 1 , 1SU7 ,
i uceount of
i ! \.s\vnv IMHvi
Bonn rvlllr Journal : A man with n .lernteh
ou tilsrlst niiikr * more fun * than a woman
who bust KOI to have ttier arm rut off.
New York Tribune : The Itotp * t sup.
ljp.o there. In no use In nuking you lo stay to
itiiinor ?
The l-nller-Xot In Hint wny.
Iloxlitiry ( lunette : I'roprlelor-CIo tell thai
limn who Just onino In to shut tlio door. 1
liitte xuelt e-nreli-minextil
Clerk-That wasn't onrolpasiiPM on his
imrt , Mr ; It wan u precaution , lie's a book
Olpvelnml Plnlit Denier : "You r-nu'l oitleh
Hint new minister of ours n niipplnu. "
"What IIIIM tie done ? "
' 'Ho , preached n sermon InsU Sunday on
'IMiiKlni'lHiit In the Ulble. ' "
nrooklytt Mfe : cinru Sadie must Imvo
lipen tnlldnc about me.
Mnude Why so ?
"When 1 met her 8he kissed tup twice. "
. Cincinnati Knautrpr : "Prlr.o llghllnc line
IIPPII reduced to a selelico "
"Now , how ean you way tltnt ? H cnn't
lip elns.Mliled ns a until tlio words
the profeH'ors use arc unintelligible- Iho
Keucral public. "
Chlcnxn itcconl : "You'll novcf beeomp
cultured , 1 nm nfrnld. "
"Why not ? "
"Well , you presume to criticise people
who arc richer thnu you are. "
Bomprvlllp Journal : Wiggles Hang H nit.
I've got a cold comliut on.
Wagglps ( sympiitliPtlnlly-Yes ) ; Just tlilnk
of nil the ndvlee that you'll have to take
about It.
IndlannpollM Journal : "I hear you were
mixed up lu a rather shndy transaction last
week. "
"t cannot tell a llo. 1 was. I bought a
couple of blinds for the Ultchpn window. "
Washington Star : "I suppose , " wild the.
visitor , "that the congressmen will observe.
the usual rules In their assemblages from
tlinp to time. "
res. " replied Colonel Sllllwell. "Tlnih's
no use o cnniiKln' around f'uiu one to au-
othuli. You can't get anything mo' rellnblo
than lloyle. "
Chlrngo Tribune"Phi : you read the
president's message ? " asked the tuaii la
the mackintosh.
"No. I haven't had time , " responded tlio
man who had his fee-t on Iho table , "lly
the way , have you kept posted about the
latest developments of that Sharkey-Kltx-
slmmons light ? No ? H seems that there
was a plot. Shnrkcy and the rrferco were
both lu It. Hlmrkcy was to put up as
freed a light as he could , 1ml If ho found ho
was going to get licked the arrangement
' " etc. , etc.
Cincinnati Kmiulrcr.
Full many days he'd trod the track ,
A highly rapid spinner ,
And when they illd not hold him bU'k ;
He would come out a winner.
Thou , \\hpii old ngo bud scotched hid alt ! ! )
HiHtirfir grew and leaner ;
They took him to the sausage mill
And he came out a wiener.
Cleveland Lender.
"Come , Jletsy. let's be cheerful , 'taint no
use to set 'nd fret ;
t. know the crops look ragged , lint they may
turn out well yet ;
Your rhouiuatla1 la Imrtln' , 'ml my back la
stiff 'nd HOI-O ,
Hut let'H hope It's somethln' bettor that to
morrow has In storr
You know that when the light comes , It I *
darkest Just before.
'Of cur so I'm ml pro o , dlu' that the catvs
what we have had
Was as deep as this one Is , but Homo of
them was purty bad ,
Nd tomorrow-there's no telltn' we may
bear from John by then ,
Nil llnd that ho'rt recovered 'ml ' Kouo back
to work . "
rho weeping mother murmured Komethlnir
like a low "Amen. "
rho morrow came , aud with It caino a let
ter not the oae
Pliat tho.v lonij'cil for and had prayed for.
yet It told them of their sou.
rho father wiped his glasses and read , and
then reread
"or the words \v < re starlnB t hhn-ho
was dcad-thelr Joint-was dead !
'Well , mother , he Is ponlln' , " thus the old
inn a spoke at last ;
The sickness that was on Mm'.s fjone , the
( liniHcr point Is past ,
NM he's coinlii' homo tomorrow comlu *
hero for lo stav"
iU ° ' ? . , . ' nni1 ° 1 < 1 Jasper
nflBr truv-
5 tick
O a o o
akc to water so arc parents
ikinjj advantage of our srcat
pportunity sale in the children's
jpartment. Yesterday \vc had
rush that tested our capacity to
s utmost , and still we failed to
:11 : all of the bargains ad ver
sed two piece Suits , Kilts ,
Ulsters Shirt Waists
vercoats , , ,
c. , and all odd articles were
iclude.l in this special sale.
\Ve \ are going to continue it as
ng as an article remains , which
on't be long. So don't wait
11 the last moment come early
jfore they are all picked over
Open Evenings