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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1896)
TT1E OMAHA DAILY 111313 : TUKHDAV. TI3ri3Mni3R ) 1T . ISJHi. JPEOIKL NOT1GE8 _ Ad vorlNi'ini'itl * for Ilicmminium rtlll IM > Inkon iiiilll liiiltlt p. tit , , for ( lti < 1'vi'iilnr ; mill iiiilll .H it. HI. for ( In ; nioriiliiir mill Siiinln > - otlltlniiH , A < lvorllMgi' > ri-uiioNtliiK 11 iium- lioretl clicc'U , run lui > c IIIINUITN ml * ili'i'MNotl lo Minimi-roil 11 lollor In cure ( if 'l'li < * HIM * . Aitatvi-rh nit niltlrrnnl will ilollve-ri'ii on prrNi'iiliitlini ot till * Ulll'eilt Olll ) . Hilton , t l--c ti T IIril llrnl Innerloii ! | lc a ivortl tlie-roitfti-r. NtilliluK tnUrti fur II-MN limn JJ.'efor tinIllit IIIHOI-- tliin. 'I'll I * MI * ii < Ire > i-f iHoiue-iilK. iiinN ( lie run i-itiiKt-i-iitlvoly. \vA\Ti-i > _ ti.\u : nr.i.i' . WANTKP , AN lUKAV1IO ; TAN THINK OK mini' Piniplo l.ilnic to patent ? I'rnlect your lilrim tliiy mny bring you wealth. Writ * John Woil'lrrlinrn * Co. . Depl. V. , 1'nlcrn Atlnrncyi , fV'nililngliin , I > . C. , for their S1.MK ) prize offer l ml n tint of 100 Inventions wnnte-tl. 11-811 . 8At.tsMt7 IN iviHY .An ; pnlniv nml comnilislon , The HfiwkB Nurncry Co . Milwaukee , WIs. Il-JilTO-I ) : ; * " rANVAS.SKirT ! "WANTEn AT Klk m. Hnlnry paid weekly " -MS:6p23 : i > I'-lT7vTiilNrAi7 : lNs"fUANcFr Oil- Kntilzera , Oowl pny. ! ' . ! * . lloose , 1(114 ( Knrtinm Klrift. ( imnlin , Neb. U M fl3 31 MH.NA NnVOMI3N " OUT Ol < niMii'U > VMKNT nml willing tn work rnn lenrn of n permanent itltuntlnn nt RCIOIvnce by writing to P. V. H. . li.ix M.1. AiiftUFtn , Mnlnc. H-MOlf. 31 * , KAI.AHY PAID wpe'kly ; oHpprk'iico unne-ccFflnry : piTinnnonU tlrawn llrulliom. Co. , Chle-tigo. 11 M60S-U20' TA1 1.OIiHVANTKI ) . Ing Company. Il-MlTfl WANTIif : > - < * AI'A7i7.F AN TO TllAVHI , AND npl > 'iim nK > 'nts ; ciliary. JT.'i per month nnd c\- pdiHi's ; K < > ca : > deposit inquired. AiHrenH C in , Ili'u ( jlllcu. 1J-M322 1C * IVANTniJ KI'KCIAI.TY HAI.KSMKN ; BIDK line. You ran make expense * with thin. Dykes & Hwan , 921 A 8oclatlon Hldg. , t'hlciiK" , II M 332 15 AVA.\TI-3I > KUMAIiH HUM1. . HIOl'r.H ; TWHNTY-KIVn- rnntn hotel. Address C 17 , lice. C-M31G 18 * WANTiiQOOn : CHHI. , KOIl ( IKNKHAlj limippwork ; family of two. Apply nt once , 11" " N. 4iHli St. C-32.V-II WANTiiniar : ron OIIXKUAI. , iiotmi- wurk ItmniMllutcly. Call 2529 California Ktii'et. C-32G UK.VT IIOUSKS. IlOl'SLS IN AM. I'AKTS OF Till : CITY. Till ! O. ! ' . Davis Company , 1S05 FiiriKim. D SI3 HOt'HKS. lilJNHWA & CO. , 108 N. 15TH ST. U-S4G MODERN IloTTsia C. A. 8TAUU 92S N. Y. MKK U S47 CIIOH'K nOUSCS AND COTTAOKS AM. OVRH tie ; city. S3 lo J.M. Fidelity , 1702 Fuinnnt. - _ oVAW.ACU , HHOWN UI.OCK. and DuiiRl.18. D 8)9 ) TlOUKKS. FHOM IS UP ; l.AUOH 1.1ST. Mc- CHBIIU lineatment Co. , 150ti lojc | otrcet.D831 D-831 JuTBAtlTIKUL HOME IN IWVFAYBTTI3 I'tjAOE ; 8-ciciins. all modern ; splendid condition ; ncxer Itt cn rented liefnte ; now offered at a tow rental to llrst-clnss tenant. Fidelity TIUBI C'oinpntiy , 170 ? Fatiiiim Ht. D S52 ' . QAUVIN iTllOsTTcirFAUNAM D-K5 ST11AM IIIIATUD HliSIUnNCK , 2013 IIA11NI3Y. D-tW-U-lG lo HOO.sTjiolHllTN liltlfK , OAIC FINISH AND mantels , looms on Hint lluor are all connected with large clldlni ; doora. Large laundry nnd cistern. A nominal tent If liiUen by December 31st. Inquire of owner , 1W1 S. 30tl ) Avc. D JIG02 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j _ niainMuToM MODKUN mvKi.UNoYTiOT AIU fuinnce and laundry In bnceiUunt ; ItirKe yard nnd Htnblo ; 701 ( leorKla n\enne. Apply J. 1 ! . Kclkciin . Knrbacli llll : . D-M70I U-21 IlKNT. 812 N. 3STII ST1. TuOOM ODKUN em IIOUKC" 1110 per mo. Inquliu. un piemltca. U-M722 NOUTIl SlivBKTKENTir FOUKTIIKN rooma ; llnest roomlni ; liousc In city. n-Mi20 IM4 KITll.NISIIKD Oil UNl'UUNlSIIHl ) NINU-ItOOJI liouc ; 2310Ycb ter ftieet. Itnqulro llurklcy rrlntliiB Co. D 9SO-H C1DOD HUt'SH , 6 HOOMH , HTAIH.U.V13M , . cltern , lilgh Kronnd , lari ; < ! lot , "Otli nnd Cliark-a Kts. , Ji > per month , llciula , 1'avton block. D-1C9- 10-H. IIKAUTIFUIj HUICK. 503 K. TH CT , } 25. 8-r N. 1C. 2lih ( S : I.i'avenwoith , ! 2g. And otncr.s nil parts of city from J5.00 up. F. D.Ve.ul Itcntnl Aerncy , IS & Dousln . . D--1S1-11 six AND KIVIN HOOM I.I.ATS. STKAM licat , modtirn. ln < iulio 1S21 Lenvenworili bt. D--SI191 15 * . XM-Min.'ii np PnXTIl.M.I.Y tJlf'ATHIl S. I rotiiu cotliiRoa ; city wulcr In IIOUHO : Jj.00 nnd J10.CO. J. II , Kelkenney. Korbacl ; llllt.MU1 MU1 J10 KOU HUNT S-KOOM MUI3EHN DWELLING. newly p.ipvril anil pnlntcil thruUKltnut , Imiu In - , it-nt $18. Itnrfitluti 1-031 nuvcnpprt Kt. T-MIIIII imulrin dwclllni ; . 2n : > l Hprncrr nt. , ut jli per ninntli ; alao attractive T-rnnin innele-rn cntlitKion lOtli ft. , third ilooi north of I.-ilte , at $ W.V. . 11. Mclklc , 1st Null. 111 : . IJ--2H ui\'ri'Miii\isiiii : ) nou.ii. > > . NUWL.Y FfllNISHIID IIOO.M. 1708 DOUOI AS. Jv-IJl 17 TllltliU NUT. UOO.M.S , PAHTI.Y FKUNISIIKD fur luium-Kveiilng ; liiajoni. 291S Funiani fct. K-2JO 15 SCITH OK 1 IIOOMS FOU CRN'I'M-IMKN. Oil us > keoplnj ; . K'Jli N rth 13h. ! I1--M3U 15 I'TIIMSIlii : ) ISOO1ISM ) IKtAItl ) . rrnxisiiKD UOOMS WITH on wrniot'T bunrd ; fctram heat nnd nil modern Iiupivne * tniMitv ; cprclul low ratoa fur winter. Mid- hoU'l. Kill nnd ChlciiKO. M. J. frnnrlt pnn. . > : . .r. F S3" iTli'ULY FrilNlSHUU FllliNT PAULOll : ALSO finultrr riKinr * . with board ; rates leiiKnnablo. Th * Hose , aoi Ilnrney. ! * SI231 2S \VAiai IIOOMS AND lirjAHlTT fa.50 WHETc Gil North I9th. r-MJ97I9 * TIlll MUIIIIIAM. FlHMT.ri.ASS FAMILY hotel. Kill and DodRO Hiv.tJ. KJI313 15 * ic ii HUNT'M'nxisni'n IIOO.MS. CIIAMUKHs"KOli ilOL'SIKKiPINa : : : , " SIAN nnd wife ; water In Mtchon ; ti'0l kink. 319 N. 17th. O 421 TII'IKK L'.N'l-T'HNISIIi : ! ) ItOOllH. 191.1 lOtO- lat. G-JIW3 15 rou nu : < T-STonr.s AMI OIWICKS. roii UINT. THE I-BTOHY HIIR-IC IUIII.DINO nt 1'lti ' Farnnm til. Tl'ls building ban n Un proof cement ba i'tncnt , complete atcuiu healhiK lix * turrs ; water on all iloorn , cu , etc. Apply nt tbe pii.-i | ! < of The lice. I 91 .vii.vr.s ; : \v.\\'ri-i > . WANTIJI * . I.IVn PHOPI.K IN HVKIIY LOCALIty - Ity HI ' 12 M > ucpkly Ealary and ccii | > en to Ink : orders for Christmas K"ods : ix'rnmnent rniploy- nifn ! If rlKht. Munufocturer , P. O. lloxyi , - Mn i. AOKNTC SIAKK J6.00 TO < 1S 00 A DAY INTIIO. diicInK the 'Voniel , " the only | 1 * nap fhot rnmfra niml" ! th KttHti'iit neller of the cen tury ; Ki'iicral nnd local iiRenta wanted all over HIP -vorU ; exclusive teirltory ; wrlto to- ilny for terma nnd mimplc * . Alkrit-dlcnrun Co. , X ? - , ! .a Crowe. Win. J-M 3 15 * _ WANTED. C'APAllI.i : AND Sl'CCHSfU'L'I. DIS- , trlc't , KKvi.-l | nnd Irani iiKentii lo lupiei-riil the Mitnjiiittim l.iru IiiturniH'o Oimpmiy of New York In Nchniidm nnd lon.i ; upeclal territory nill lu > Klven tu i > ucli nu nt. with the moat literal brnkmiKe , or n lonit nnd valuable ro * tirwal contr.tct , nnd with xurli > | < orlnl help In the Held an nil ) Iniure Ilia larceM inofinne nf nncrexi. For further Information , plvnun i.d > driJ. . * iY. Deiin Xr ion , Annt lleo llldi ; . . "i'il' ' , ! J-.M2JO JU TO | ANDuAolNTH TOU Iclculiur.o tabl t nnd upeclaltleii ; pay. Ji.WO a yenr ; enclo vtaniii. Victor1 iHe. C/i. . Ulevc- lAilJ. O. J-JIKO 15- NTUIIARK , OM , VAN&HTOUAau. II1J FAIS.N'M. TEI , . IMS. JIS53 1'AC'IFIO HTOHAQH AND WAHKIIOL SE CO , . t'u3-5J3 Juiio . Uitnciul morvtiv atU ( urivurdlnc , w.\M'inTo nuv. WANTED. TO llfY BUCOND-IIAND CASH reRlnttT. AiKlrcmi A. F. Dwornk , OM. Nli. N-MMI LIST CITY AND KAUM JlEAI. ESTATE _ Qnrvln Ilro § . , 191 ! Fnrnntn tre t. N--S 1 FruNrrrnn , TrVK8. CAHI-HTO , inTiioxwu nnd nil kin.Id nt liutiivlinlil RowM ; hlKlienl price paid for , U1S DoiiKlis l. SI. 11. llr.idkey. N-218-H- j I'oii S.\I.IHOIISIS : : AMJ WA ( O\S. 1 FOIl HA1.K UflHT. Nr.AIlI.Y NEW. SIX sTcAT Il < wknw y nt llMii-llll Dmlge. P-SIS 19 * KOU .SAI.K.IU.SCI-I.I.\MOIS. : ; flll-'APEST IIA1II1WOOD WOVEN COItN CIIIU- bin ? nado. C. 11 , Lee , Ml Douglas. W K 5"A'FK : TUIti8T"cOMI'7.iTtToiniKiTT lN- ctudliiK Ice Imv , for tale nl a bargain , or wll ! trade for n flnl-rlimv delivery wa on. C. M. Snnr < .rd , grocer , Zlth nnd I BtrcoU , South Omaha. -M7r. . ' , NI\V IHMVK Y"WAOONS IIKLOW COST ; 1 top , I iipctt nnd 1 Fl&ke wagon. Call iiulck. Drummnnd Ciurlitgo Co. fj 315 D1S I.lrniT IM-rUVttllY WAGON IIO.W ! I.HATltmi top bunny , | ! 3. Tntnlly cntrliiRe 14V Drum- tnond CnrrltiBc Co. Q-CIH U 15 rniK & ntmotAH s.\ins ; NI\V & JND blind ; ruifo nml loclt rcp.ilrliiK ; contultmtlons chnnseJ. J. J , Dcrlght & Co. , 1110 Km num. Q-MflOO 31 CIIIHSTMAS I'lin.SP.XTS. NEAT AND USEFUL ; drawing Instruments nnd materials. Alva J. Clruvcni , 318 South IClli street. Q-M1IS 31 L.MNDHY. : GOOD womc AND noou WAGES Is the motto of the City Btcam Laundry. 211 So. lit ! Ft. . Tel. LT,4. 11-119 J3 CIiAIHVOYAXTH. MIIS. KHITZ , CLAIIIVOYANT , U05 CALIFOIl- nla. ri-23l-Jl .MASSACK 1IAT1I3 , I3TC. MME. SMITH. 1121 DOI'GLAS , IIOO.M 5 ; MAS- hnge nnd steam baths. T i2 ! ! > 3 19 * M1HS AMES VAPOIl I1AT11S , MASSAGE , ,107 H. 13th St. , room 3. T 1CS-J-G * PKKSONAI. . HUPTl/HE CUP.HD ; NO PAIN ; NO DETEN- tlon frum business ; we refer to hundreds of patients cured. O. E. Miller Co. , 717 N. Y. Life bulldlnB. Omaha , Neb , U SSI " " I1AT1IS MASSAGE. MME. POST. 319 < 4 S. 15TII. U-SG3 VIAVI , HOME THEATMENT KOU UTKIUNE troubles ; physician In attendance ; ronslutu- tlon or health book free. 31G-S Ilee building U-5CG YES , YOU CAN GET SIIIIITS LAUNDEUED for r.o , but If you want Koodvork , linve them donn at the City Htcam Ixiuiulry , 211 So. llth. Tel. 231. U 118 J3 CUT THIS OUT AND PllKSENT IT TO PIIOC- tor. C1G S. IGth Bt. , with tl.OO , nnd Ret 12 extra llnlshed cabinet photos and one extra carbon finished pnncl ; 30 days only. U M149 31 ItrPTUHE PnitMANENTI.Y Cl'UED ; PAY when cmed ; no pnln end no detention from btiDlness. Fidelity lluptnrc Cure , DOI llec bulld- Inif. Omaha. U M13S lT'Sli ; & PIUNTINO HKCHTOLIiy 11IIOWN lllk. Tel. 1015. U 11237 Jll 3IOXHV TI ) I.OAX IIKAL I3STAT12. ANTHONY LOAN & TIH'ST CO. , 315 N. Y. L. ; quirk money at low rates for choice farm loans In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Xcdiraska. W-SGS CITY LOANS. C. A. STA1MI. 023 N. Y. LIFE. W-SC9 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPIIOVED OMAHA leal estate. Ilrennan , Love Co. , Paxton block. W-S70 LOANS ON IM I'IIOVED & UNIMP11OVED CITY property. W. Fnrnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fnrnam. W 871 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. THE O. F. Davlii Co. . 1MJ Fnniain at. W S72 MOVEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PIlOPEflTY AT loucH rates ; building loana wanted. Fidelity Trust company. W S74 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA propel ty. Pusey & Thomas , lat Nat Ilk ldr. ! W-873 AIWTUACTS. THE MIDL'AND , 310 N. Y. Ltfc. W MG17i20 _ $100 , | 3UOI ! fSOC. P. D. WEAD , 10 & DOUGLAS. W 112-31 G"pElFcENT MONEY TO I.o\N ] ON OMAHA property and Neb. faun * . W. II. Melkle , 1st Noll. il : . W S73 XKY TO 1 < OACIIATT12I.S. . SIONEY TO LOAN ON FUIINITUHE. PIANOS , licitnwasons. . etc. ; nt lowest r.Uoa In city ; m > remoMil of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay Hie loan off at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MOIITGAGN LOAN CO. . COO So. ICth St. X-S7G MONEY TO LOAN , 30. CO. SO DAYS ; Fl'UNI- tuiv , pianos , etc. Duff Cen. looms , llarker blk X-S77 I. _ _ HIISIMJSS C1IA.\CKS. FOIl SALE. A11OUT 2,000 LUS. 'MINION TYPE. 700 Ibs. ns.tte. 150 imlr two-thliil eases. 40 double Iron stand'i for Iwo-thlrd cases. This material was ucd on The Omaha 1'ee nnd U In fnhly KOOJ condition.VI1I he rold cheap In bulk or In < iuantllle.i to still purchaser. Apply In person or by mull to Ths Ilee Pub- llshlnj ; Company , Onuihn. Nnlj. Y 713 SALOON FOIl SALE. DOING A GOOD TIIADK. lease , stock and fixtures cf THE PLACE ; build. Ini ; built c.\prcf ly fo- the limlm-ps ; a bnrRaln. Inaulre on premises , iar 1337 Douglas street. . Y Mf-02 31 _ _ SPECULA TOI1P , ATTENTION Til A' ' E IN COM- mi'dltlcs dealt In upon the Chle.iKo ' / < aid of Trade , f'eiul your orders through responsible bouse. Our olllce nearest pits. Wheat , pro visions , etc. , no - offer exceptional opportuni ties for blp prtilltr.Vo have mnde money In i-peculatlon fov our cuitc.m rs. Haul for book let on ninrgln tradlmr and matlstlcs. Also dally innrkcl letter. linth fle . Write II. II. Itaiinuirm & Co. , Chicago liuotil of Tm lo bids : . , ChleaKo. Y 2G2-1S * FOU SALE , CHEAP ; A CLEAN STOCIJ OF inllllntry. In a coed ( own In S. W. Iowa ; > ; oed ir-aEcns for millntj. Address C 18 , caie of Omaha lice. % Y SU19 15 WANTED-OAPAliLE MAN TO MANAGE branch olllco : Hilary. $10' ' ) per month ; J2UO cash required. Aildium C 1 . Ilee olllce. olllce.Y Y MH21 1G TO EXCHANGE. ICO IMPIIOVED AND 240 1M- proved , near Randolph , Neb. , for Block of dry K ods and , 210 well Impiovi-d near Lyons , Neb. , for stock of hardware ; land has small Incumb- rrnnce ; ICO In Wayne Co. , to trade for htock of dry goods. Chas. MoKcnzle , Ponder Neb. K M2M-15' FINE"loo-ACHE KAHM , WITH GooiT wniZ. foi'r inlles from H. 11. stntlon , to tiadc for stallion , horccs or mules , llox lifr Oualalla , Neb. Z--MKi 1C MONEY LOANED ON HICYCLES WHEN Pc-oplu expect to make nn exchanae In cprlnii. Neb. C > clo Co. , 15th and Hurncy. X-219 J9 KALI : iiH.vii AHSTHACTS. THE ISY11ON HEED COMPANY. _ _ _ HE-S78 ' ' " HO'US'EH. ijors. FAH.MS , "LANDS , LOANS Qeu. P. llcmls Heal Evtclc Co. , Paxton blk. HE-879 SNAPS ; 7GO ACHES IN IOWA. NEAP. OMAHA. SI..W ; D''u acres In Iowa , nenr Umah.i , $13.00 ; 300 acres III Douulan Co. , J.10.00. Have Iowa . farms to trade for Omaha ptopeity. All llmi : of nups. Arnold & Vlnton , 401 N. Y. L. Illdg. HE--M2S1 13 POIl SALE-HOW IS THIS FOIl JCW.OO ? LOT. one nillo ro'iili ' of com I house , with small i cottage , on erudo ; good neighborhood. And one | lot , with four-room huuse , JUO.CO. near Koutli I Omulia car Una. Uyivn L. lUi tli ; n. 212 S , 14lh St. Itl * M74S WE HAVE 11AHGAIN8 IN HOMES ; AW5O farms , und went more ; ll l your property with us. U. M. Nuttln&ttr ft Co. , 1794 Fuinnm. Fuinnm.msso _ m-sso KOUNT2E PLACE HAIlOAINS-EIliHT-HOOM huuse , t2,2DO , ncilh , II.HOO ; S-rcoin housa nnd liavn , 12,7(0 , worth , I3.COO ; 10-room linum and turn , ti.TJ ) , wotth 17,000. J. J. Glbion , 614 ! rint National bank. UK 11511 K0 HALE. l ACHES OF SCHOOL LAND IN cnslern N ChnL.i , 400 nores undtr " " ' " cultlvutlou- YinV > riicnt3i"a"vimi ; 'nVn. TliV'o.1 . - . Day-la Company. HK-1U 14 j OHKAT TIIN-AClin ilAUCIAIN ; Wl'ST CI'MINd ' at. : Just outHliIe city Ilinltii. fl'mli. I'axton ' IJIk. _ HU-M'M I 1'oit HAM : , roMi-oiiTAiiii : IIOMI : NUWLV l furnlilietl , no di-ultr . lli'j Xa , SW it , I KOU S.\I.I5 HI'.AI , KSTATi : , ( Continual. ) 40 ACHES NEAH DEIIALT STATION , U 200. 4'3 nrres ten miles north of rlty , 11.400. W Kcros near Irvlnffton , 14,6W. W ncrv * well Improved , nnr Mlllnrd , ' II,40) . 2ft ncrrs , well Improved In Arllnxton , $2 , w , J.wiO acres well ImprovVl. tmentnimlx-red f.irm Innd In i-otilhni'ttrn Knnsni , tn exchange r > r Omnhn iiri. | > < < riy. Thin Innd In divided Into fnrma cnntnlnlng from fo to 4W nrres eneh , nnd nil or a pArt can bp traded fur. 4-mnni house , corner lot , Iflth nnd CMnrlcs Sts. , Hoe ; | lei CB : I ; lertnn uney .n Imlance. l-niiin ! linuc , fine lot. 3lil Hurt Ht. , t\.SM. \ G ( iil hiiusc , corner lot near Ilanicam Park , Ji.fn ) . in-ri > m Imusp , ffi foot lot , KIO Decntur St. , 12 MO. C-imiin hoiirp , fine lot. S110 Poppleloti Avo. , | 2GH" . Scvctnl deslrablle bits in north part of city , MM each. IVe.l to soil from > 7.,0 to II.TOO ench. Potter & Genrpe Company , I'or. ICth & Fnrnatn. HE-M291-1U AltSTIlACTS. THE MIDLAND. 310 N. Y. Life. HE M61G DM ( : . PLENTY OK FKED , SHEDS AND WATEIl ; h > r es called for nnd delivered ; rales , $3 per month. Address Dallcy , Crescent City , In. f09-D 20 HOUSES TO WINTEl ; ; 11EST SHIUTEIl ; satisfaction u\inranteed. Write O. A. Wolcoll , Elk City. Neb. Ftl-UII IA\M.\G SCHOOL. MH. AND MIIS. MOHAND MAKE A SPE- cla'.ty by their own method of teaching young nnd old to become gractful dancers In a few private or dmlessons. . New clashes ttovf forming. 1310 Harncy. B3I-J-1 I'ACICHU. FUHNITl'llE PACKED ; LOWEST FIIEIGIIT rates secured and bills of lading Issued. Omaha Furniture nnd Carpet Co. , 1211-13 Kntnnrn st. Tel. 1133. M-559 D19 GET SI. S. WALK UN'S PI11CES ON FUIINI- ture packing. r ° palilng , tipholstcrln ) ; ; mat- trotjcs made nnd rrnovntctl ; Sill Cumlng. Tul. 1S31. SSI PHYSICAL Clll.THIli : . ELOCUTION. MHS. W. DORWAnD , C23 N. 19TH M-GSI-DI I'AWXHOlkKHIl.S. II. SIAHOW1T15 LOANS SIONEY , 41S N. 1C ST. SS2 K1XAXCIAL. LIFE INS. POLICIES 11OUGHT. W. K. 11OL1JEN 339 TYI'KWIUTKHS. GET THE I1EST TYPKWllITEHS ; SPPPLIES ; lepilts. United Typewriter & Supplies Co. , 1C12 Fnrnam street. 83 June 30 SK\VI\ \cm\r.s AMI suri'i.nas. NKW HOMi : . HOI'SKHOI.n ANIJ WHITi : Ecwlng machine olllce , 1514 Cap. nvc. Tel. 1574. IILILDI.NC AXI ) LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHAKES IN MUTUAL L. & U. ASS'N PAYS C. 7 , S per cent when 1 , 2r 3 years cid ; nlwnys re deemable. 1701 Funmm St. . Nnttlnger. Sic. Sic.S87 S87 HOW TO GET A HOME OH SECTIli ! : GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & U. Ass'n , 1701 Farnam. O. St. Natllnscr , Sec. ess SIIOKTHAX ! ) AXI ) TVriJWIUTlXfi. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIFE. SS3 _ AT oMAl'EvTjbs7 < xi.LEanri.fii ( & DOUGLAS ssc PItlVATE LESSONS IN SHOHTHAND. 2103 Douslos. SI C9D-D21 * \VAXTHI1TO 114)11 HOW. WANTEDAHOITT J2.tW.00 I1Y PIUVATB party to build brick store and flat near coiner 20th and Lake Sts. C 21. Hec. S2I-1G1' MUSIC , AIIT AXI ) I.AXCIi.VGl- : . OEOHOE F. OELI.ENHECK. IIANJO. SIANDO- lln and guitar teacher. Hoom 412 Dee Hldg. Tel. 23S . ' 00 IIA'I'II HOO.MN. IIUSSIAN. TUUKISH. AND MEDICATED baths , DO cents : also exclusive department for ladle.1 ; everything new ; ladles' hair dirt-slim' and barber shop In connection. 107 S. lllh. lllh.S&9 S&9 .11KDICAI. LADIES ! CHICHESTEU'S ENGLISH PENNYroyal - royal Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best. Safe , reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Ilellef for I.ndles , " In letter by return mall. At druKflsts. Chlchwter Chemi cal Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. Slentlcn lee. ! SI Ml LOST. LOST IKISir SETTEIl DOG. ANSWERS TO the name of Prince ; icward for retuin to 1101 So. "Olh ave. Lost M327 15 SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICITORS , Nobr Advlco nnd I'-iionl lloo , < FIEER KAMAKijlKjiARi ) Le es IlirULINUTON . < i MO. ItlVL'U iArrlvej" OmuhaiCliloii Depot , llith A : Slusun Stt. | Omaha S:35uin : Denver Enpresj. . . 0i7 ' j:33piii.i : > ! k Hills , Slont & Pusci tinj'us. 4Wm" 4Kpm : Denver E piess 1 i ; 7:03iiin..Nebrutka I cal ( ex Sunday ) . . 7Miu . . . .Lincoln Local ( ex. Sunday ) . . .I'-ya m 2:53pm..Fast : Mall ( for Lincoln ) dally. . Leaves ( CHICAGO. DUIIL1NGTON & Q lArrli T OinalinUilon ] ; Depot. 10th i Mason St { Omaha 5POpm : ClilcaKu Vestltule. . . " . . . " . . s-00 " i 9:4Sam : Chlcauo UWKM. . . . . . . . t'-Ki < \ 7:5'pm..ChlcaBo : | and St. Louis Impress. . Siwain H:40am : Pacific Junction Local G-ulnm . . . .JLJ'a _ _ Mnll _ . 2-Mom Leaves ICIIICAGO. SIIL. & ST. PAUUIArrlie , Omnha ! Union Depot. 10th & Slason Sts. | Omaha 6:30pm : . . . . .Chicago Llraltei ! S:03im : 11:00am..Chicago ICxnreea in Simrfit/i Iq- ; . " leaves ( CHICAGO & NOIITHWEST'N \rrlves I Omnhnluulon Depot. 10th & Mason sis./ / Omaha G-SOprii. . . " . ' . . " . .qinnlni'ClileaRo'Bpcc'laK' ' . ' : . ' . ' . ' L..J..J..MlBFourl Valley Lcp.ves ICIIICAGO. n. I. ft p rinc \rrlve I , OnialmlUiilon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts.l | Omaha EAST. 10:40am..Atlantic : Exprcss"ex. { "Sunda rTsTssiim 7:00pm : NlKht Express 8:15Hm : 4rOpm..Chleaso : Vestlbulcd Limited. . . . l:3nm : J ? * 'I ' > in.iL.Bl.JPuul Vcstlbuied Umlted. . . . 1:35.11,1 : . WEST. " " 6:4-pui7oklahoma" : & Tcxna Ex ( exTsuniMO Sam l40pm ! Colorado Limned 4iOOpni Tx-avea I C. . STrp.Tsi. " < Tu ! fArrlveT .Oinahnl Depot , 15th nnd Websier Sts. I Omaha 8Iam..Sioux : City Accommodation. " 8:00nm : I2:20pm..Sioux City Kxpreu 'ox. bun. ) . 11 Sim ; 15pm St. Paul Limited . . . . s'jOa ' , I.en'vips J R , i : . & MO. VALLEY ; i7\rrlvo" JDiimhnl Depot , 15th jnjVei ) ter Km. | Qnmhii SiPOpm Fa lit Mall entf Expren ; " n'flibnm : . . . . ( Sal ) Vfyo Kx ( ex Ston ) . . . . 6 Wpm 7&Oam. : . 'i ! Mont I ocal ( Hundayg only ) . . JlfgJJJJ Norfolk Kxprrm ( ex Sun ) lOrtJam CilSpm Ht. 1'aul Cxpri-mi. . . . . . . . . mioain ' " leaves I K. C. . ST. J. & C. II. ( Arrives" _ OmalmUnlon ] Depot. 10th & JInson Sl . | Omaha ( iif.'nm Knn n City Day Kxpren. . . . C'lOnm IQiCCpm.K. " C. Night Ex. via U. H TrwiiJijoSm leaves I M1SSOUHI PACIFIC lArrlves Omahol Depot. IJln un.l WvUter Bl . _ j _ Oninlin S'tXtpm..Nebraska & Kantns Mmlteil..l2:5"nm : l < : SOpm. . . . . . .Kansas City Uipress OlOOini _ 2lSpni : Nebraska I.e eal ( e-x. Hum ) - - SIOUX'CITY & "PACIKIC ; lArrlvef JDmalialI > | iot. 15th an < l Webster Sis. 1 Omaha _ | . | . _ . . . . . . PaulJ Limited . . . . .TeilOam Leaves | " flIOL'X CITY A PACIFIC. " I ArrlveT ! Union Depot , Iflth & Mftton Bl , | Qmuiia fllfani . St. Paul PuKbeiiiser . . .llilOnm 7:30am : . Rloux City Patucnwer . 8:06pm : . . , , . . . . 9j0ani : ! Leavei I UN ION PA cTFICi | A rrlveT OmahajUnloii Depot , 10th & Mnson FtB.j _ Omaha S'JOnm . Overland Limited. . . . . . . 4:45pni : 5:35pm..Ileal'co : ASlromsb'B Ex ( ex Sun ) . . 360pm ; : J3pm. . Grand Island Express ( ex. Sun ) . . 3SOpin : Jf Pin : . Fast Stall. . . . . . . ,10o5m : Leaves I WA1IASH HAILWAY lArrlVbif OiirahalVnlbn Depot , loth & Slason SU. ! Omah.i . , . , . . . . . . . , . II ISA , , ur ulcrrstliina -mtir.inp . " < nnil i.ol nMrln- l rinBUlB , rnrrnr J. I'j'l'sld. fo T .1 l.ntllpii , ut [ ' ( I * SItOliT l.tST * ANI > UTAH . XDrtTIiaUM UAIMt/AV COMPANY. In the Clrenilt Court nf the tnltej Stales for the D.s'rlct ct eiri' t"ii. In tlio Circuit Court < if the United State ] for the 1'iMrlct uf I nho. In the Circuit Cu n.of the Uuiivd St.MC4 for the Dietrlct ol Mniitntin , In the- Circuit cuuri of the fniteu Blntes for the of In the Circuit Court of the Umtnl yntcs for tlio DIMrlct rif Wvo.nlii1.- . T1IC AMUItlCAN LOAN A 'I llVsT I . THE CIIEOON 5 IlOnr IINK > t UTAHNOimi- liiN : KA1I.WAY ( ,0111'ANY. lHfPlld nt. TVlitfnin. At n term of HIP Circuit Court ft the United Mntes for iho District t Oregon , held nt tlio city ol ivrllnnd In told state on the lit- lecnth dny ol July , IMl.'i , nnd at n trim of the Circuit Court ot the Unlt < d Sti.'en fur iho His- frlnr nf til.ihn tin IIn fuldflli rlovnf 11. / .n..d , . 1 MTi , ni'd at n tana of IM Circuit ( Anitt ol the Unlt l btiited forth ? District of Moi.lana on the S"vcnHi OAV of Auguit , lt * > , nnd ntntena of th'j Circuit Court ol the Uulnil states lor tb District rf VynmliiRon the l miskventh Ony ol H.-pti'tniicr , 1M\\ and at a tonn of the rlrcuft Court of the United Uu.tea Icr the Dlrtrkt uf Utah on the Hist cluy of Pi cenibcr , li-IH ) , tlii'ooertaln si-veml rtecrcra wr < Miuly imereil in the above-entitled cn ea then pending In tacli of tbt > Circuit Cour.s iibove IIK mluHul , foieclcs- 1m ; tlio tnortp iru of lb uefcndnnl , tlio On ROM N.'rthi'rn ' llailnay Compnuy. rumuiotily known as end called Its Con < olidaud MorKiiKO ; , which nmrtgnf-e bears dnip ibo let dny of Aiuusi , lEvSIi , mil which eald rnnrlgnco Is the ConiolldnleU MmtKng' ' ) v' " 10 < " > 'd ' liallwny Cumpnuy r.xeeutiil tu thu cnmplalliMit In tlio \e-rntllH-d cases ns Trustee , nnd ulilch U more pnitlcularly nicntlumd rnd described In lb complainant's bill of complaint llled lutho Hbovo noveral cnsra ; nud \\lier"1" , It vns In nnd by the said feveml do Ti'cs ordered , ntljuileed , nnd dceieod Hint Iho said Cunso.liliitcil Siottiriise ot the said t'cfinilniit co.npnny tt forth In theImlof ion.iili\lni iiloie- siidnnd FO nude nnd executed ( Mnlori'snlit nivl Leixrltu datoos aforesaid. iw n valid nnd sub- ain In ? moriK'iro nnd constituted n lieu upon ti o moriKnKul ] ironUo : < , piopeity , r.nd fmuchlsca ill N-Tltied In the said niorifngo mid bcrelniillur described ; nnd \Vhereas , 11 wns tlicrcln nndlnnna hysnld tovcml docreeanforesilil further ndjudKcd nnd decreed that nil of raid property , ten ) , rtmfonnl , nn I mlted , mcnt'oned ' nud ic : crlbed In suld ii.oilKOvto , bo cold un .cr the ill reel Ion of the uiid < ! r < lKnod , .10:111 : it Clelnnd , t'oinnilssloiier named In and bv the w.ld'CMMnl ileoieet usubovo mentioned , thuule to be iniulo suhleil lo ccitnln underlying niorlKi'Kes upon tortafn parts of II o enltl propertleiilch nro bcrolnaftiT spfcinea nnd whle.i "io IlkonlMi pattlciiluriy peclflul In nudtj t ic pp.ld decico" , tlio protcodiof such snlo to bo applied In ( atlsfnctlon ot U ORald tevernl do r.'cn luivlubeiorn mintloncd , nil ofbkli w to deforces for the sanio deMt.nud In satisfaction of the Interest thenon nnd of the (0ls uf tlio said uu I is ; nnd \Miereaa , Likewise It wns provli'inl In and bv the terms of the said ConMilid.ited .Vortr/iiKo nmonz other thlnes ttiut the tru'-teo named tb < in- 111 , IOVII , II1U J\1UIT L'.lll JA'U ' I IV lluhl Ullljllllly. Ill the ovi-r.t uf dcluUlt I" Intcrc't uron tbe fnlil foixnIUIated SlortcORO , miKht In Its illscretlou nud upon request of mo l.oldirs of one-Hllh pait of the bonds Issued nud uuismndln * ; cuiul taen-bv , xhlch reque-l lias bciu duly inndp , should S'll nnd dispute of the Bald Morlcaued premiss by public nurt.on at null tinm mill place In the City of P'llt Lake , In Iho T < rrlioiy or Ctkh ( now ( -Into of Utaln. ns tl.etiustvo nilcbt determine , tnld trn tco to nmUo Midi m\u \ i.lter It shall Imvo Klvun pibile notice thereof uf the lluienud p ncj tin r , of by ndvertlMim ut puh- llshril In en-h ol the cltli s of Now York find lioiton not Io4i limn Iwlee nurek lor lour oon- B-cutlve enki next priKCdlui : the ealo In one. or mi > rc nensjiniieri there I uMlihed , with power on the par' ' 'I mid trustee to acljouin r.i h tnlc from tlm-i to time und t-ivo Kiich nolle e of adjournment thereof M the trmteo liiikht'thlnic icnsuiiablo un der the clrcums nn.e ; nnd Whereas , It ns ndludpeil nnd dcciml In nud by the wld several "decreco iiliovo men- tloneil In tlio r.hovi'entitle. ! ra-.lTS tlmt the Kild trtKtxe. llo < T.ierfcaiJ : tan .t 'HUM Ipir.panv mUUt Jinvo leave li n t'd sbr' lid join In tbo Find palonn I In thu no I Irs nndTidvirtlseincnt tbere- of by the slid ueveial iKoio. v ddretd lo bo innilp. thd stld snlo FO ID bo piaile to I o nmdo f ( r tin. P'irpjs ) of loroeloslHIT the fuild CoiiFOlli nted Mnrt ise , In nceonluiito-wItU iho terms of tbo culd sj/ernl decrees ; nnd . WliraM , It w.ia lurtbir ndJuilKed nnd drrreed decries Hint the tnld n.ort- tr.iju 1 propertloi s lould 1 told ns nn tntlu ( v rnd In 0113 lot at pubII , ; cuctlpu to the hlglusi bidder therefor , under thu direction of und nt n dny nnd tl'i tobj nnnied by Ihesald CommlthlnniT.fn tbo uny oi but uinein to ; Ttantoiy ( now tinte ) ot Uiu iupon sjc'i terms ns ll.o C'ouuuls. .oncrnilKlit ojmrjvo : It bolnif llkew so ] rokliil Hut rulllc notice of sjcliAO : nndJho Uinc end plucc tlieriof brt rflvon by ndviTllie.auit tHion i-ek for four c'us2'utlyovcil \ < 3 iti uot l/s thtin twc , ntws- rupjrs puollihcd In eacli of tl-o cltlm of New Vor : , itii.un , Salt Lake , I'or lot'd , Oirgon , nnd On iliawith vswer to ndjouiu mill sr.lo flom tlmo to tlno : ut the rc < | uwt of tie fr.lrt liuriic cor.ipalunutsnc.'i ; notUe gf tl o udloi.n mcut to bo plv.1 . , ns tliaiOoii'.nls.tlencr icl : l t flil ) < urfonii- lil uu lor tlio clrrumanroFthe ( fnlJ UUUti' com- on Iti | uit to Jolu on tuui liu.Mie In nil iu < tci3of salenhd the ndtlco cf nnjn.ibndjourn- mutt Jiich 4.1)0 ) 01 ronllrmutIon iltnof to | tr- tiio sild defeni'm t Ilallnny Con- pun ? , nnl all ponom c nlralmc by. thiough , or unlirit , fro n nil right mid Inteit-st In the snld r.illtv.iv4anl prinilsis by the decrees ori'eicil to be s.ld , either nt law or In equity , It telnu like- WI-HJ di' rj.vl that ujoa euch efiiiiinmtlun i f title1 , the puroia-ir t i rrnt , coniplyiiR with Iho terrai of liu sale , 9'iould ' bo cmllud to ncrlvo frjn tlusill Cotam.islonrr pi.d il.c snlil tiu-tco conplaltunt , tlia Aiuerlcnu Ixrit A 'liuft t'biii- panv , ilj-'ilsconveylnit nr.d tinn fiirlnc tt.en.ld railways and premlse.i to lite piirclaMrbut : cub- lect tocar.uln prior underlying mori nces lure. " Iniftor m ntlunedl nnd Whereas , It was further provided by the slid 8' deciecs that euch halo el nil b < > n.nilo urnri such tornu i-j > tl.a Ccmtalssloner mltl t i.p- provp.any parties to the suits above mentioned or holders of uny of tl.o Ci nsnl'lUnte I I'.nndi to sccuio which the Consulld < tul SIortgiKOHS excutcd , to ba at liberty to bid cud bvccmo 1 ur- chns at sucu gale ; r.nd Yflioreaa , An appeal wns tnKtn by tl.o said defimdnut , tlu Oroifjn fcihon ilno A Utah Northern - ern lUUuay Coini'.my. Iroin tl.o snld deirie In tbo said CAIISU on tnuieil In tl.e IMsilct of Ore- Con , and from tno nald decree , as entind In t.ild cansu In the District of Slonuinn , und iho eald elecreo na euten-d In eald cut so In tlo : Il3- Irlct of wyemlns , nil of wblcli mid several up- penU Invo bjen duly ellirilstcd nnd by tbo ordi IB uuu uecrcei 01 i m . ppeijaiu t ourts io wntcii tno wppeaM w. ro lalu-n In tbo said causes , tbuKald cause ) were r-mindd tu Ibo several courts from nhlc.itbo unhl apprnls itrro taken , with dliec- tlon lopioceedln tl.o cniiEcs ana to Iho eu- foico raent of snld doe ees , but reserving In the courts Iruin v.hlcii the nppinls woio respectively takou further jurltdlctioa In Ibo cevvral for euch ' * causes further oii'ors nud 10- crecsnttlix foot of Iho several drcicos us nilcht bo r.pphol lor us lo nil iia'ler.i ' nut udludUatod by tie : decrees , nnd for timber rrders ai.d dlicc- tlotu to the Commissioner icuchlut ; the Bald side or the terns nnd cuiilltloi.3 thereof cs inlght be cqultatilo ; nnd Wiereat , standates from the said Appcllnto Courts luvo been duly flle-d In thoteveinl courts frim iv.ilch the EUtd iippenlsero taken dlree-t- Ins cnforceiuoi.t of tbo * a.d decrees , ni.d prccess l.rvi duly Ivucd thereon Inm cccli of the tad ! courts , directed nnl delivered to Ihn under- tlgned. the Commlsi oner there'of mined in llin wld uccreo" . for ( he prier | cnfi rccnient ( hereof In hcrorUau 0 tbo ILM.II of the suld ( ! ei lees ; Now. theiefore , otll o la lieitrty fr'ven ' by the un liMS'KMe I , John II. Clelund , the Coai- inls4loner aimed by thn n > M IPIree iml by tno American Loan & ' ( 'ins ! Compi oy , coioplninnnl In t'.ie und cai ei and trustc ? ( t.i" said Consoll- < Iato I Morlg.iw , tfti saft trusi.o Jo.n.'nn lurolii tin lor mid . lollu temn ( fi.Mi | , y ibo direction of the fald decieoi nnd lecnutn of incl by viittio of ! o ver to ! t intrrMcil by iho teriu ami conlltlo : 8 of tbo enld Con-olii nticl Xioit- fitKO , that all and tlngulnr the iullnv iroper- tie-4 nnd nnv nii.l all other i rojierty of llio con tjliort I.ln < t l"ali Nonhein Itallnuy Coin- - jinny by It had ur held on the 1st ilny rf Aucutt , Ibifl , the date ot the Mild * Comolit'alol Wort- L-atro , und all a ter acquired property thcienller by ltnqulred nn I coirprls n nil the railways nud other property ot the said Oiejoii ; fihort Line it Ulnh Noituer.i lullwny Cuit pany In tl.o raid Coniolld.i ol Motticujo I'.tpies'dl to L conveyed thereby to the Amerl'nn 1 onn .t 'liuit Comj'iiuv ns tnutco , will bi olden tlionlnth < ay of Janu"- nry , A. D. 1W7 , nt the hour of ten o'clock , fore noon , nt Salt Ijiko C'lty tn Ibo Mnle ol utnh. ioilaoilv Trtrrltorv of ITInli. nl th i\tr * n. , , . - . Coiiit-homo of llio foniity of i-iilt Lake In inli city " , wli eh _ tad ' ! properly ; o to ho fold IB a" flU Coiv-iOllduted Woilgngo "All that line of railway , beginningntnrn'nt on the Union 1'aclllo Ilnlln'ay. iitn ! face cnlod "SSn'i' ' uite-mlliig'lhJne"u ! ' In'ii ( ,4Tiefai'wcnti-rfv ; ! nml nortliwislerly dliwilnn , Into ai'Yl through the e-oimty of Ulmah. In Wionlni "ml Sgd throiuti the Cijuntlcs if : Ijike , lliuhani Oneiliia , AltnrriJ , Ael.i , riml Vihiiitton In Idaiin ( Including bronclioi to Keldi ! um. tn t ho ciiiniS of Aliurw. nua to Iljljo tliy fn lioti5iv"S ? ) Ailn. In Idaho ) , ami | ln-t.ev > Into the Coumy of Jlftkor. In tlre.'on. mill thoncn by such rot tiSr rouloa fts nmv be lloSiil Si dct-riulutil l-y Hie IJIm-ttirH of tin rnll / wiurany.t" ilo oUm | ! bin Hlycr , Ilige-t bound , , flr the J-nclflo ' And nlsu ull that line orriillwny. i'iloidfiVi from nny femihliMwInt V politts ti | n the lalif railway In a northtteste-riy. ' nrelirly. or'iuiii "csturly ellrcctlein. Inln nrtil Ilirougn rmlnU" UU-i. IiUlio , Oregon , jCtvndn , null C-aflfor S' oranyof tham. to u-li plan and on emhrou-es M with the Dlroctors ' may eileict.or arlprnilne | , | , , loCTilief Hiicli brRUfhe-sof eiteiiaionsor - Bin-of iilrt l anur i srti ( fca,1 f l'arlil "iMSWX , fffco/lg&S'S / ' ' ? tl ! nA . ! f.'r . t9llp , Hi tle.vunty ! ou'lnS mm' In&s ± /&s / % jHS ss g2 ; ' iyoteMM'S lK nsthusaiil isoard of iilrecteis { lineTn inay from US ? ± ! : S.nlr..iVLL 9 J. rSiay"wIS ' " ' : ' " > ' > thronh lh t ; , , of cicho1 ? , ' > Wtb * -i "nvlB , halt luku.Utuli jinh' . , -m T wun eucn unit.cliia or relocation ! leiKloni iifany eif llio iuld HncanB _ of Ulrwlors ihun frum mny llmei liillini'io tcnnlne , and tlionro Into and tlirouvh iho eif Lincoln , In Nevuda , lo Ihu fcoinlnvi-jturr Counti Iwundnry Ilnnaf Muratla , tocdhpr wlili Liuncb linen n jtcnirnr Into Iho ( 'uunilcs of VVnlln I'lnt ml Nro , In Nevaa.i , IP'lli'T ' ' with euch rult > no > , branchm. nr i-iliii.'luiisof tliu : ild llncj lntomi > \ iliroiixli Utah , I.Yviiiln . and . I.Yviiilnrlrntm.Ori un , Director California * . . .n , ornny of - tlitm - . , . rs fiio llourd ol Mruiuiiiriliirt , ' lint ttA iv iiinl Vtnnchri. . . . . . l tlicie > . , l Hint ll.o ItB.lwny l\iniif iiy mny etwstm'-l nr nrnuirr , i nie-muitii from nv ( i-ul'iln ' j-nint nr ponim upon nny uf . . . , . lin-s hy iho mint e'llicInUninli' "r tonlM tonny .irnll < > ( < ili-h I'lAiMni * thoellh-rlnn eif the rnli tvn1 iMinpnny nmy t emrMWrrrel lo n-liet or M irntiii * tiv virtue of tun ilintiir nr nitirimnf I i iriHir.itlnn of HIP litillunyminny. . or tryot Itsdui'titu'-nt ' evnvpiitr'-rt roiiyolidiitul Inlollio . ftiinpiuir , nr liy vltitif eif uy ntrriiS n , nn ii'i-Mf uhlih irnln line nml l-iitni hinnro , ' r .mini.'liil und enni | Irtid lt > llu < rxtitit nl 1.4 VI : li mil nl Mnwlo line-k nr line. .Mi.l nli.m I inn ) nlt.ziilttr tin1 Inml * , ritl I' nf upy , nnl nnd lnwli"l. . | e tnt > ulrmiiy nr lieio- lift , r t > i n , ni-niiln-d tiy the I'atl'Miy Iv-n i-nny , aiitliM'lor Intoiiili'i ) in iHMi nl let tl < Hiltl nlxiXe- ile.M rl > n1 Ilivnf mil v\av , nr in y 11. in li nr rx -ininii tin r > ' , nr Inr i nn | nrn i 11 n nnirnl ni-iiniiiiivlnllniis , Mntlotii. KIIIn u i ! > . ImnI Inn nh.ijvi . , biill > llii4 , Mrm tun i * , rppt < niltt < . ( Hid Mm fc1 * nr otlt.Ttt la' , In r , nhrrtli n iMth , nr Inr nny iitirnonf Mii-li tnllwiiy , limiuli , "r \un- - flint. An I itl i nil nml itif.i.lnr II r t IKllitu , ran. mllltii Mii'k , f.iiii'inrr.t. . | nnrlili'iiy , tneiln , 1liipli'.tii"il . , null1 ilttM , lurnlitiri't fin I , n i'l'lt ' ' * * * , mil tithnr < "iai'"K lii'ltiiiRluK in rr tiiteiiliirlo h1' nr'iiir."l | by lli ltnitviy | imni1. ry.niiil In rtiy wny H"TliilnliiJ | | < to Hit- Mild l.ill\ < rs nrnny l.ranrh nrpitiMKliin tln-irnf , nr to H < umkltiff nf the vimo. An.l . aMn nil unit ntiuttlir thu Ir.uu'lilsiH , vluM < , nii.l prlit' ' CIR thi.t H.r Id.II- wiy i.'o.iiim.iy rmw bin , nr tuny inM.ltrr tn.uin1. or In ri'ip'i't of Vif ntlil Btmvc etfurllmt nllw.iv , nr m.y br.'ne-'i nr txt i"lin tt e-iuif , urlho < Mii i fin t ion , umliiti'iiniiof , In jm-vi - nicni , iv.irehij , < ir mi nl tinfuitin - . ti'tri'thir nl : nil nrrnmmnthttlnirs M .tlmm . , nrt'lnii9i > , h p , hrlilff. \ iMillilltiK1 ! , firurnire" . ffl , norkv , pii\llifiS , 'itki-liirlil , ft11 > nni4 lii tr 'iith tin' L.,1,1 * tr.TTil > * miy j'trt iln-r.'Of , nonr or nt nny lime ilurllip tl.o ri-itf > minpa ol this siMirliy nppeltnlnltiK i.r e'tii'ii'il. " Mil.I ( Inscription brine Inti'i'iletl In dofcrll-o llio nllw.iys of tin- Mill liullwnv I'rmpnny ui the Iiitii9 nri > or have ) be-on nrtunlly ( > I'nrUli th mime nmy vary I nun llio ceiunl inntn II'MVD diMi'rlhiM , which fnld I'lig i-itlm to nl ( t\t lU-i-rlliiNl oriihr.i < * * % > l roxrr Iho fi-llemltK HM-I of nulu.ty rttitiiy runtime-led nnd In luo , iiml eli'.crlh.'il us Iiillovx : 1. Trtu lltii-1 o ( milwnv e'Oti lslliiR eif nnniit nix IniiUrol nml I'lovi'ii ( llll > nilliM In bn th , lilli ; III- i..Ht. < of tinMiiit iiill n.i nt llio Fi.ld Uill.v.iv Coaip.iny vili'tnlliiK Iri-tn ( .uiiiir l.i w.-niiini Uirniii ; ' ! lilni o to lliniitniiii n In t'ii > t it. ol I'ri'sini ainl fioni H inln no to Kfictiini : In Malm , nlilolild HIM.I of lull- \ Myw.'rj fornif'ily thi' lliii" < nf tnlluiiy of Unit t-i-rtiln rillwuv ( nrponillnn Kno n us ntid luIK'l thu Ori-uuii Hltort l.lno lu > ll iiy < eniuniy. | J. 'I'.ln rnilw.ty.i nml rntlwiiy | > ini-ille | enn- RlilliKof nlnint four hundred iiml mvtylx nml lily-out * olio-hnit'lr' ' llhiictl ( < il , nllfi hi'ln * t n purlfi nf thu ritld rr.ilunvs ef the < eld ile'fendnnt Hallway ( r.n.pi ny C-Miinlliu 11 mil O'ltoii , In I'ti'i ' , in r.lirily lluni Kit lilt , I ei to ei irrli in In MiiMluit.i , ntiit fiein 8llve'r 1'au to llutio Oltv In Mnninii.ibeing uelints < ! n Pwcy fornnrly vntte'J In a C"itnln nillwi-y e-nti | rniloti"l uio Utn'i nml Noriln'rn liull nj ( e-mrmiy. { I I'll r.illw.iys mm nillivny i'ii'u | illi ? mn- n'MliK'if ' almut oiui hiiinlivil nn 1 IIM'H''n ( n Hel In li-nslli , hi'ltu Uio pnrtn eif tin1 Id uilinnysnf In- said ilrfi'it' ' r.nll ity Onii'iiny i.\liiiuilHK lniiMS\H L-iKe City In Jinili In Utah.nml fi.iir.or- Iv ve te'd In n 0'italn rnt\\ny ! n'lpniiilion e-ulle'd tlu I tali Houtliiirn llnjlrnnil e ninii.iiy. 1. Tli * rallw.ijM im.l i.illwuy pmierlles run- JstliiKnt ahnni oi : < t hnn.lic.l nnd Ilility ( ) IO ! ) tr.ll"S 111 loiuth. nit I I'Ulnx the pails rf Iho Fald r\llv\ays of iim defenil-uit railway cMiijtany . . . leudlii ; from Ju.ih to I'rlsco In t'liihlilcli ueio Iorii"rlyV9ted : 111 n ivilnln other rnllnny I'or- p.irillou o.tllod the Utah Koittlicni Itnllroi.d Kx- t 'it loti. r > . 'lli > railways nnd railway rmrertlesroncli't * Ini ol about elK teen nnd ninety-lour eiiK'-btin- dr.-itlis (1S.III ( ) miles In leiif.lh.l elnK tl.e pnils of lit' s'lld iiillwnvi of iho ili'fendniit I'nllnny Com- ninv otieudliu iron Nnnipn lo Uolve e lly In 1 lulin.nnil ivhlc'i were ) ves-.ed In : i i iirlnln nlliiT ratl.v.iv e'orpnritlon called the Iilubo Central III Iw.nC'omp.ic.r. . 0. The r.illnnya nnd railway rro | erllei consl t- liKof about l.xtveino mid lllteeu ei'ie-tiuiiflicilth1 ' ! ( ill l.'ii miles In leiiclb , extend nir Imm I . ( hi J t'ftiiin to Tlntic In Ctnh.wiih n iniinh from lriio : : 1 1 i Silver Ci y nnd iuri'ln nnd Hie l-.u- r > > < a win. ' ! . fiTiueriy culle'd Iho i-ull InkuA W.-certi H.I 1 1 way. 7. r.ill wayi nnd rnlwnv ! properties rnnMM- hit ( if alj'i it thlity nluonnd filly one-liundiidlh' ) In length , belli ) ? the pelts of the r.nlwiyiof llio ilelMidatit Iliiilnny rwnj't ny r.t- lei tin ? fr.iit Silt I/.IKI ! lltv to 'leiiulnni In tbo ti'c-.u Ul ih.wlih a lii-rtii Ii , hltd lutineily e-nlled Hi" I'tn'i * N.nnla lliitluiiy. H. rnc ral I HV.S nud rnttunv pinpeitles cou lt- It < > f u o < it flvo and elKhty-.ivo one-hui.dredtb1 . ! l. > .s"imll'i ) In lenith , beltiK the | ailsol the rnll- av < ol ii I > i-ft > : i'ln'it lt.illnu > eiiiiipnny e.t. t"ulitu from Hyracuw Jiinillnii ui'lnntilly In Divli e.'j'i it.,1 In Utah , anil loiincrly rail eel tbo Di'le.t ' it SyrietiHO llnll\Miy. U. T i ! rillways and rallwny properties of abo'lt fnrly-llvo t 5) mlliM In lemjib , belt K the iiirxo , ih siltl railways of tbi- wild dofe-udunt llillwiv t'oitptny extending fiom OplintoMilt l.ik" rlty lit the state of Utnh , nnd lormerly c.ill > l I'to Utah Central lnllio : > d. Wil''j nld llu < of rail tiyire In rnrt rr.orn pariliMi'arly tlescr'lcd ' In nnd nre relerred lonnd . o.'T'd In part by tlp < UftUirlylfK prior n.oilsnKes lier inafti'r sperifle.l , tbo procillc.4 ] tU'icribcd tlieronb'ln in p"rt tbo Fame properties nbovo pirticulnrly drii'iibcd. Tn ; 'tiler with nil cimnws of tbo lines thereof. nnd ad IHInnl nnd liraiuhes Iberutn rnd tn nil narH thoreof. nt nnv tlmo m.liiil or i iili'truited clt'ter liy or for aril lu behalf of II o Mild Uirpon Miort Line nud Ula1 ! Korlhein llillway I'mii- piny ; Inclii'lliu ' In thn niter numr.d pi perly nij , ttoii'd itljo n all property , leal or lenLtml. aepilrjd In behalf of tbo Orison hhott Line nnd Ui i'i Northern ltall iy Company by Ibeieculv- era orotierwlie. Tm sii'l silo will bo made , however , nnd II conilrni11' ' ! ami purchr sj innde cMui-u-H1 by dculs , tin * tltl4 < > f s.iId ir.ertungeil pro | cities mil 1 e nc- iiilr'l | , < ubect ) to the following undurlyliie ir.ort- KKJ ) up > n siii'li ptitsoftlMi > ald lir pertlis a.i ur'ov.'n-l Iheri'liy nnd.C'iuhraicd wit : 1. An In I.Mitur' of mnrteaCo date'd Iho llin day of \ > vi > u'inr , 1KS1 , aii'l made by tl.e CIHKUII H'lort Linn IlilUvay Omirnuy of the olio pint und I'.vl-rlck L Amei nud John K union , tri.Etees , of tlio oticr ! part , secitiln negotiable Teinds iKiujl nnt oiiUtandliiK under the snld moilri RO at tin aim'int llU'renf may bo iiMertalned.hleh l I li .IM piyiiblo on llio Hut dny of rtliriinry , UU-1 w t'l Interrtt nt nl.x IKT cent , per annum , paya'i'o i iui aniiiiuIly. 'J. A'l In le.tttiir < i of mortgHgo dated Ibo Hist di.of .fdy , IH78 , and i.mdo felneeu tbo I'tith AX trt'i 'ru Uillway Company of Ibo e e pull , nnl .lay eljuld nil t Joseph Hlrhiiri.M ! > lees , ot Ui.'oMit'r . pirt.h-cniiiuneKiitlabli1 bmiilti l ued tiieri-un ler au 1 mnv outstiiiidlng Iheitiiu r.s thn am Kiut ttmr.1 if may bu iiM'eitaineil , uhlib be.mts anpiyabloon the. Ill't day of July , K'LH. ' ulth Inter.Mt nt s-von per cent , per itiinriu , puynbln si > ml-anniinlly. : i. An Itideiituro of inorttmRe dated tbo llrFt dny of July , 1KS1) ) , and uutilo letween tbe Ulnh it Njrth.'ii Uillway ( 'otnt any. ol tin * ene pitit.itnd the America i & iii'l ( 'on puny , tinsUc , of tlmoth r part , KI 'iiiluif lu'colInl'le I c nils Ifniul an I 0:1 : tit iiidlnt ; Ihcreunder HS the iiniount tb < leof miy hoiiHceitiino I , which bunds nio piiynblo en Ihi ) Mrst day of July , 1UJII , with IntiMi-t i.t the rate of ilvo per cent , pur annum , laynblo scial- nnuuilly. I. An Indenture of mortgage elalid tbo fir ft daof .latftar , ' , 1H70. nnd it iu'e > tctnccn tl.o Uta'i I'.MiUal Itnilnin 1 Con.tiany. of the due | ilt , nnl Hum-o S. Ill-rlilc" nud At lam e ) . t-n not. tni't1 ! , ol the other part , iecuiliig ni bon li Ivmol nnl out-tamliin tl'uietiiii c.r ustbn ttieriof mav1 bo jveorlnlned. but \\hlch niio'int so o it'liui'lnuthen under ns It Is clur 'd In t'ti ) t's bill 111 this cnusii H fin inn of rtlt rrnniiinl ; liollnrfblcblunds wor. paya'jlo J.inuar' lh > t , 1M/U , w th Hid net nt si x p.T c 'lit. p v nnti'i u , i nvab'o FCII 1-nnnually. T > . All Inleuturj of motUngc e'ntcd the lint day ( J.ilv , ltii , nnl letween Ibo Huh tnitli'ni Itillroid Compnny. of tin1 one purl , rnd \VIIH.ini H Hooper and Henry II. ond. Irti'teei , of the other ( art , if curing mcotlnld bon H H'U1.11 nnd out taiidlii ? thereunder ns the uno-int t'i reu > may bo n'cerlnlned , Vililili lends w ro piyablo mi tlio lir t dny of July , It-ill , nlth tin rats of > e.ven per cent , periinnuiu , pivatjio dJ.itl-niiu.iuHv. 0. An InJontui'j of mortgage ( 'nlid the HrU day of July , IhVI ) , mil L.r.du between tbe Utah i-oiitlurn Kill ! ' < id Coin puny , of tbe' one pnrl , nnd William II. Hue , cr i ml Jainra .M. llnm , tiiislee * . of t'l" ot IIT pirt , sviiriiv ; negctluMe I ouds Is- HUdniil o iut ind In ; thereuiner I.H the uii.otmt tli'T'iif nnv i-o i s irt.ilncd , wblib Lull's nro piva'iluoiitho lirsi day uf July , IK U , Mllh line- rMtnttht ! rate uf M > ven per ecnl * per niimini , pavablo senl-anu : tally. , . An Imliinl ID of mortciiKo tintcil the first djyof July , 1K70 , nud made helwien tbo I'lidi i-oilhur.i lullroid Kxte'if'loti , ' , if the one iurt , au1Ullfaiu H. Hooper Jnnte-s 31. Hum , tri fl- t H , uf Ih1 oilier milt , ieiurln ie-cllr. ! > 'o bind ) liiued nnd outslniidlng thertiindtr ns thn n.iumtt ter of miy l > n.i ertaliKd , ul.lch Londi are piy.ibl on tin ) Ural dny of July , lle/P , ullli lntr-iitat I'D rate of icven itree'iit. jeruunuut , payable ) fenil-nnnunlly. H. An liflo itun of mortgage dated thn fliKt dny of J.inti try , 1H-I7 , intil mauo l.itvMin llo Mnho ( Vntril Hulvtav CoDip.iny. of Ibo one part , mid tin Ain.'rle.iu Lull it Trwt Companv , litittte , of ti ! ol'l'ir ' pirl , s 'e. irlnif negotUiblo bonds IsMicd anl nutitaiilluK thercundei , in Iho minium tlnre * * of miy lionicartaliiKl , nhlch Lnndfl me payoblo oa tlm first day of January. 1017with Intcrt'Pt nt the r to of olx per com. per annum , payable ecml- uuuu.illy. T.n puri'li'isur at such sale Hill bo roaulred In eloiioill wltn the coininls'iliiiiur.lii ironcy.llKi sum of mi ) lnui > lr1 tliuim.inil ( ) i lH(0 ( dollars , nml II t'i'J piitulinier sbnll fall to rompleto the piir-ili no In lie ordanco with Iho trim of thu a tin , nnl upon confirmation Uicrcuf by tbn courti under who ? ) elliectlon nnd dirrco thosil' will ho niide. tlio deposit so ninilc Phnll tli.'rjitpm bi forf"lt'J ; nnd If fucb sale shall not beuomlrnnl by the court , such lie posit lll lit returned to tlio purchaser. If confirmed , the ele- pailtso mule will bo oeceptfd nnd received and applloil in a pm of the puichnso price. Oouiull'ln'ud ' bondi of thu said Oircon Shorl Line nu t Uuili Northern Hallway Coir.pnny , une ! H"cur d by the consolidated iioilt-nnu nlorcnikl. may lutuirlentl und will bo rccfhedoniiccountol tlio bid o ( tin purchaser , but tu euch ninount enl ] n would b3 iipiillcalilo thereto by Iho UfV.sfif Un decree-s bad the entire purcbas' prlco been pild tn money ; but tfto purc'iaser inurt lufcwlse pav In lu'iniy ' ui n part ol his rurchnhu prlco such o'hei liirtlior uiuiH In money in the court ' nmy c'ettT- mln'j. If the eiln shall ho confirmed , nnd the purchnso prloj made compl"to by Iho payment by the bid- eler of tbo pun'hnsj prlco tb < rent , n deed for Ilia propmlea purchased wilt be executed lythn Commlailoner upjii tbo dlrfcllon nnd dtcno of thu courts thereto , In which died Iho American Ijna it Trust Company , compLili.r.nt nnd tinticu of Iho&ild coiisolldatcil morisjff.u-lll Join , con veying to the purchaser Hit-nild rnlin-nynniiil premlies , the ( eierutlon of which by tlioiuild Trust Company ulll bo mailo ruriuant to thn turmHiind dl reel loin of tbo FI.II ! decree's , and purounnt to tbi power and ntitliorlfy upon It t'onfi'rred by the Nald coiHolMnlKl iiiurfKiiKt' which deed , BO to bo executed , Midi ! by the Icrmi , ol thu said ile'crees convey lo tlio purchaser Ilia eald morl nge.l rellwayn nnd propellleft , ml > jct , lioivever. lo tbo nndcrlylnir mortrnRra Ibcrton liarelnboforn referred lo , and to the receiver- t-iIp charges nnd olillKntlom luipos'd by Iho deovoi , which sale und deed by thu turmi uf Iho Mid decrees auall perp'lnnHy bar ' llin ' ilcfendant. Iho Oregon hhort I.In" .t I'ljih N'ortbTii liallwny Coiiipany , nnd nil per * son ; clilmlia ; by , through , or under II , from i.ll rlxlit und Intel cut In the wild mortgaged prop * IJuted lljli eb'lilli il y of im-emlior , 1MKI. JOII.V II. CLCLANli. e'oininlfaloner. ' THU AMKHIC AN LOAN A 'I HI'NT COMPANY1. Ibeal.J lly H. i : . IHAHOljy ' , / \M rtlX. W.JOIHMN. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY All Druggists. OiD-TlllERS IS THE RING Now Yorker * . See n Bout flotwoan Jem Unco and Mike Donovan. NOTABLE MEETING OF VETERAN PUGILISTS ( 'liniilltleiiix ( it Tive'iitj-I'l vo VeMir Ami Auitln nml Slt < nUnit Se'li'lU'i1 mill Slrcitirlli Ilitve * \lll l.l'fl TlHMII. YOUK. Dec. H. The arena of tlu Atlttottc club was thronged lo- v.lth n host of siiortltiB men to see Jem > of lliiulnml , Uio ox-clianiplon licnvywolRht , HKPI ! C3 years , spar six rounds for srlontlllo points with MIUo Dononnt , the veteran boiSliiK Instructor of the New York Athletic clnl ) . Mlko Donovan for merly heltl the inlilttlewcl ht honors and nlthoiiKli IIP IsID years old ho can still hold hla own nR.ilnst . any of the club members nud outsiders who visit the boxliiK room In the "Mercury Foot" club building. With sueh old timers ns Arthur Chambers , Hill iMwnrds , H.irney Anrons nnd IXionle Harris on the program to renew acquiilnt- nneo In the roped nrcun , after years of rest , there was scarcely n clmnco of the benollt being n failure. It WHS truly a veterans' reunion and the warm welcome accorded to John L. Snlllvnti when he rntercil the building proved once more. If that were ne-cessary , that the "blR fellow" still has a warm corner In the hem Is of the spiii'tliiR fraternity. John L. wns rec ognized the minute he entered the Inner gatrs , nnd although hla rlRht hand wns bandaged It was eagerly Grasped by hun dreds of men who stood up front their seats at the ringside , while the big pugil ist's left hand wns kept busy dolling his silk hat In ne'knowleilgment of the rounds of cheers with which he was greeted ns i i ht > made n circuit or the house. I i ' The friendly exhibitions which preceded ] i the Mace-Donovan bout were e\ieh nf three ' rounds' duration. Jim Hall of Australia ' and Pete Hums of HiyJem inado tilings i lively In their bout mid whenever either j I one landed the spectators applauded. Prof. | John Donaldson then had a lot of fun in thrco rounds with George Kooke , once well known lu sporting circles. Donaldson was | 1 too clever for the old timer. When these two left the ring there were loud calls for John h. Sullivan , nnd In response the ex-champion made a short speech. In which ho thnnksd all thoBo pre'ac nt for his warm rcce'ptlcm nnd said In conclusion that It remained for tlu > boxers of the1 prcaont day 1 . nnd their managers to make boxing ciu > of the leading sports In the athletic world. Those two old adversaries , Hilly Ed wards of tills city and Arthur Chambera of I'liiladelidila. we're next In order and they boxed three very short rounds. Kvery effort of the men was fully applauded nnd both were cheered as they left the ring. Deb Armstrong , the big colored heavy weight boxer from Chicago , was then pitied against Tommy Kelley. the Hobokcn lightweight cyclone. This unevenly matched pair put up a very amusing bout ot three rounds. Ilnrney Anrona and Dooule Harris were greeted with cheers when they made their appearance for n three-round bout , nnd the former wns pre sented wlrh a floral horseshoe. George Dlxon was then Introduced and It was announced ho would meet Jack i j Downey at tbo club on January . ucorgo ( Kid ) Lavlgne was also Introduced and bowed his acknowledgments. Jim Cor- bett and Jim MeVey of Philadelphia boxed n three-round exhibition. Coibett made nn excellent showing. He looked to bo in n prime condition and was very quick In his movements. He was called on for a speech , but did not respond. Jem Mace and Mlko Donovan entered the ring nt 10-30 o'clock and the house ram ; with the long and loud cheering. Parson Davles was appointed referee , lloth men were long white trousers , and Mace had n green stripe running down the aldo of his garments. In the first round Donovan wns decidedly the quicker man , but they simply tupped each other nnd Donovan did the greater part of the leading. In the second round Donovan tapped Jem on the face and the Knglishman stopped for n few seconds to remove his artificial teeth , which caused a laugh at his expense. Donovan evan also had the call * In the second on points. Mace landed two left laps on Mlko In the early part of the third round. Donovan evan Jabbed his right on the body and face and swung a right on the neck. All these blows were very light. Donovan was still the faster man. They mixed it up In the fourth ami last round and then shook hands. The rounds were only of two min utes' duration each , and the decision was le > ft to the spectators , who all shouted "A draw. " THSTII'IKS THAT III : WAS TOLD. Illtrlln Jiillnii Hi'liile-N WlinC litIliltftl Ciiiie'i'rnliiiv Wytitt l'ari > . SAN KHANCISCO. Dec. 14.- Tom Sharkey. looking Uttlo the worse for his drubbing , was In court today , when the controversy for the possession of the $10,000 mirtiu was renewed. Fltz.-ilmir.ona anil Julian attempted to expose the alleged conspiracy against Kltzsimmons , but when Julian was c.sktd for positive proof , he produced nothing hut herrsay testimony. Julian related his efforts to have Lynch join him In selecting a referee , stating that j L > nch purprsely placed the choke of a ! rrf'ree In the hands of the National club , which named Karp. Julian said Police' ' Coinmlfsloner Gunst anil Plunger Hilcy Grannan had come to him before Iho fight to tell him "Karp had been lixcd. " He quoted Itlley Grannan as having overheard a conversation between IJarp nnd Joe liar- j vey , n bookmaker , In the course of which I Harvey said : "Then Its all right. Is It ? " to which Harp replied : "Von can depend on me. " Julian'a testimony sought to In volve the National club. Sharki-y. Lynch and Harp In the alleged rorthplrnny. Kltzslmmons denltjd he had struck nny foul blow and repeated Julian's nlory about j the warnings nnt to accept Harp as referee. Dr. D. D. Lustlg said ho was the medical j examiner for the National club , nnd had i examined Sharkey before the light. After Hharkey had bcei : taken to his room , Lustlg , with four other doctors , hearing I Sharkey had been hurt , offered their pcr- vlces , but they were refused admittance to Sharkey'n dressing room. On the following afternoon Dr. Lustlg and live other physi cians examined Shaikey's Injuring In the groin , and witness pronounced the Injury HUpcrflelal. Ho said It was , not disabling or productive of much pain. The Injuries to the groin might have been caused by artificial means. Midi as thu In jection of acidulated water. Dan Hlckcy , one of FltzKlmnions * seconds , W. W. Naughton , a sporting reporter nml others present at the fight , all testified that they had scon no foul blo\v Dtrtirlc by Kltz- elmmons. Judgment was given today In the superior court In favor of Jimmy C'nrroll , the light weight pugilist , against Hid ) Fltv lmmoiiH far $907 for services performed In training Fltzslmmons at Now Orleans , He' < ' * | for thellK \ Hiie'i1. NICW YOHK , J > ec. K-Jt IH Raid that the net reoeljitH of the six-day Mryalo r.ico In MadlHon Htiimrc Gordon vrrro TT.OO' ' ) . Kd- wnnl Hale , the winner , will nrobaldy make f. , W by blH wcck'H work. The llrsl prize " , UIH { 1 , 00. T\icn he was paid for rlillni ; u certain wheel , tlri-H , saddle , etc. ,1. S. Itleo of WIlltcHbarre , ] ' . , who llnlMlicil Ni'coud , IH In bettor Hlmpn than any of the other rldorH. Ho la unxInuH to urr.itiue for an other race with Halo , and IH Hald to have SlO.OOf ) bae'klng. llo IH willing to wager jOiW that he > can ride 2,000 nilk'A In Hi hours. TniirlHl Wlii'i'liiim Want. The Tourist Wheelmen of Omalm gave their fifth annual hnminot In t flight nt thn Mlllnrd ihoted. The ( ifftiir WIIH attended by Homo lxty of the inornb-ra and thttlr friend * . The earlier portion of thn evening wns nricnt In the rootn.H of the hotel : ifler the fiihlilon of a smoker , cardn nnd tmi.sle coniprb-liiR the prugrain. At 10 o'clock an mljournnirnt WIIH lakun to the dining room , wluro the ro- malndcr of tbo cvetnllii ; w.t HJKMH in fraKi- Intf , tonHtlnff and cnjoywnt. AnnfliiT Cliiuie'K for .Mill nml Hull. JU'I-'FAhO , Deo. H.-lViral Hportlne inn. are dlxcuaulnu a proposition in.uio by a uun tier of nu-n from Toronto ami H.unllton. rinL to have Corbott ! w-inl irji/xlminonu m ul In C.inmln The proponltion IH that iivni Miiiitliin be inndp of well known Hurfnlo , Toronto nnd Hamilton citizen * nnd u Ma imrse ho ottered , trie light In take place In Hiunllton. There IH n liitll In that city citpa- lde < of holding at liVml lO.iHV ) people , nnd the r.uiMdlnn * say that I hey nre rt'H ( < onably sure of non-Interference by nnthorlticR It IH * nld that a llnmllton man who H piHh- Inir the m < lii > me ! nnw In New York with the' objoel eif e'onNUltlnt * Pan Stuart. ( i.\ltlMil : HAS TCHM * ! ) Till : rAHLK'J. on tlie ( liiiiilin ( iroiiiiiN Ai'iMi1 * " ! I In * lll % r. Jim IVn of Arapihoe and Irvine Oai-ilmT Of thin elly shot their SH'e'Ond live bird m itch yrsteulay morning on the grounds ae-rn-H the river , and the Kid turned the table. * on the old veteran from Wild Hor. e canyon. TUie conditions , however , wore xoniowhiit ditTcrent. lion allowing Gardner a hamllrip of Ilvo yurel.4. the Kid standing on the twon- ty-e-lBht ami the Arapahoe scout on the thirty-third yard mark. II wns llfty blrH , { N ) a Klein , Atnerlcnn Shootlni ; nH. oelallon inlea , S. a. V. arlswold. roferop ; Hilly ll.n- ilin puller mid riiarley Thomas urorer. The birds wore of about the name iMllber ns those of Saturday , Den elrnwlng hl.s full it'oasuro of the * xtront birds. Ponaldortni ) I 1 the exe-optlonnlly admirable oondltlon of ( u weather anil favorable surrounding e-lie-uin- HlnnroH , the score of either inun wns any thing but credltoli'e ' : Oardnor . MS21 1011 J HOI : CSJM ' 2101 1211 : J2I 1510 law { INS 3H Pen . OJoft ) OW21 SIJ5I OT "Ml oioj * ? ' : n 1:110 21101 oi : r. A mlss-niitl-onl live bird shoot , following the private mutch , re-suited aw follows : r.iintolFp . 1 1 l 1 t 1 ( Ulxwold . 1 1 1 I 1 1 ivn . . * . 1 1 1 l t 1 Pmcnil . 1 1 i 1 0 Onnltipr . . . Peilo . There were t\\ei twenty-target owoopstakn rai'os. In whlcli 1'armeli1. ' and Snie'iid liroko tlielr full string out and divided money on both. Cole won second money In the llrst race , and Gardner In ttoo second , . < : AXS AMIVAitn 'run Itii'iiDoeNlein i > f < ho llt > r > ri > < > In An OlIlIT l''l lll III J-lltl l'l'lltle'lNOII. RAN KHANflSrO , Dec. 14.-.lue anus of Hallimoro knnrkoel out I'lmrllr Uoehette of'an { l ranclsco In the fourth round nnd Jne-lc Waid of Newark , N. J. . was awarded the iie-ctslon over Jimmy Anthony of Aus tralia In it ten-round contest. The llrst pair fought at 1.12 pounds nml the latter at 111' . Hoehetto put up a geiod light until ueur the end of the- fourth round , whim nuns swung left on the lu-iid. staggering- Itochetto , nud before ho could recover OIIIIH put bis right straight on tbo point of the jaw. lioeliotto we-ut down , but arose in n dazed e'ondltion nml swung wildly under 11 rain nf rights und lofts em the head. from which the San Fraiielsco man wont elowu ns the gnng run. It was apparent ho eoulil not respond and Uoforuo .Mitchell declared Onus the winner. Afllll'llc . \NSIIcllltllHI OIlll'ITH. riODAH KAPIDS. In. , Dee. II. ( Special Telegram. ) The bourd of director.of the Ceilar Kaplili Athletic association at a meeting this nftoruoou dee-toil the follow- Ing nl-ots ( ! : Proslili'til--'W. O. llaskoll ; vle-o proxlile-nt. Ooorito Wllllnms ; .secretary , t' . C. Hlako ; treu'tiror. J. F. Kail WnMo no money. Ilny Salvation Oil , the only good liniment. It kjlly all pain. AMUSEMENTS. Xat Goodwin only recently retnrne-il from Australia , anil imfolKnt-dly Rind , In 111 * Intense Americanism , to bo playing to gooil , honest American midle-ne-os once more , ap peared before ; n liouscfnl of Ills frlomln last nlKbt nt tbo Crolubton tlirntcr. Hi' wns warmly received , and thrice recalled nftcr the third act ; and he responded lo the evi dent de'.ilre * of the audience nnd made a 1 speech which , while It lacked something of the oratorical grace nnd felicity of expression | which appear In the offorf.i of other ncloru who habitually titlk In front of the curtain , yet manifested the ring of genuine giatltude. In course of this addrc s. which began with thanks and ended with "an revolr , but not i goodbye , " Mr. Goodwin said he had a lot of ! new American plajs which he hoped to pre- I sent In Omaha sometime , and his Australian 1 plays were nil for sale. Mr. Goodwin and his company arrived late from a long and tedious journe-y , and played a long performance In an advanced ttitto of fatigue , hunger , nnd po ? lbly thirst. Mak ing all due allowance for any shortcomings which may bo attributable to these causus , It cannot bo * .ild that "An American Citi zen , " Madeline' Luectte Hyley's play which was slioun here ) for the first tlmo last night , U eak-ulaled to enhance the fnmo either of the popular comedian or of the author of. "Christopher Jr. " It Is a light ami airy fabric , which , so far as the main plot and thu development of It nre concerned , might be an adaptation from the French , but which In Its perpetual waving of the Stars and Stripes , anil In Us dialogue , too often 10- Fcmbllng the dialogue nf end-men and In terlocutor , Is purely American. There Is an Intolerable deal of opening nnd shuttlmr of doors In It , particularly In the third net , where all the dramatic personae are forever going out and In , llko the Eoldlors at thn Polish Inn. And Mr. Goaduln has unlimited opportunities for the springing of bun mots In a nasal tone of voice , one nr two chancun for serious emotional work , which he Im proves admirably , nnd an opening for t > omo very choice pnntomlmo In the third act , In which , having fct out to ecek Brown , ho returns disheveled , but Indubitably triumph ant , makes him edf as comfortable as poa- > ; lblo v.'Ith drink nnd smoke , am ) , lighting upon the boillo of embrocation which thoughtful hands have provided for his own r.uppostltlous wounds , hands It to the valet with the single mandatory syllable. "Ilrown. " This ] f-l brings down tlio curtain nnd , tlo- ucrvedly enough , the house nt' well , which domandcd last night another nnd yet another sight of Mr. Goodwin , until he nt last stepped , out of hU character , with an apology for hla action , and addressed the auillenco In proprla persona , ns aforesaid. It Kcc-nis a pitv that the business of the rose , fo carefully worked up by Gnorgla nml Ilcat- rlco , fhould have been suffered lo have como absolutely to naught In thin connection. Mrs. Hjle-y's play Is ou the whole a very slender affair. Mr. Goodwin has been seen before , end It Is hopud may be scon again very many times In parts vattly better suited to his ripened genius than that of lle-resford Crugor. In tbo rnmnanv nro nlavors who 'supported ' Mr. Goodwin last searnn. Of these I Mls 1 tattle. Kucscll made the -most crctllt- able tdiowlng last night. The finished method of thin talented woman carries many re- mlndcrH of her moro famous slater , Mis * MaxIno.Klllott , Hint "daughter of thegods. . Divinely tall , nnd inoiU divinely ftiir , " fills the part of Ileatrlco with purpassing grace , but without by any means exhausting the possibilities of a not very exacting role. MF.S | Giirtrudc Klllott , who lux much of her sister's baailty of face , and Miss Ktheil Jirowning play Ingenue roles iinllo charm ingly. In contrasting style ! ' , ami Mr. Wood- thorpe gives a very enjoyable ) character sketch of a German promoter of western land speculations. , , "An American Citizen" will bo repeated tonight. Th.TO Is abundance of iimuEumcnt In It , n.s there clever people play U , and doubtless It will he teen to thn best postdhlo advantage ) at the rccoiid performance. To morrow night the engagement closes with a production of Sheridan's "Rivals. " Mr. Goodwin taking the part of Acres for the llrst time lu Omaha. I'lllnami fti-i-Ki'i-y Onniily I.niuli. CHAMHl-'i.AIN. : ! S. D. . Dec. II. ( Special Telegram.--Land. ) ' > In Ore-gory county which have been settled upon slnco February. 1S90. were tnday offnrnd for filing at the United Slates land olllco In ( Ida city for the lir.'it tlmo. Settlcrn commenced arriving In town latit Friday nnd a number remained In line at the land olllco door all night and until the opening of iho ofllco at 0 o'clock thin muni- Ing. Many filings had to be rejected be cause claims conflicted. tia For Infante anil Children.