Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMATTA DAILY jnTUJiJ : Tl'TBHDAY , PKCF I HICK 15 , 189(5. (
7 Oily Engineer ( o Ba Investigated as to
His Water Company Eolations ,
Cliiiiutilonn of UK * Ut I on deil l-'rnnnlilc
r.iu'iitintcr MUM OIL
ixnlflon nil I'a I uf
it n r Com
mit U-CH \iiuu-d. .
Thcro was n masn mtctlng ot Omaha rltl-
"ODJ at ilio council chamber yeslerdny ,
Kitticrc-d lo rtlscuw the v.otor question , tliu
UftQfta of the water company to secure n
extension of Hi franchise ) for twenty your *
tttlng the occasion. City Engineer Howcll
was drawn Into tlio proceedings quite un
expectedly , through his report , and Is now
hhiUMlf n subject ot InveatiiMllon. The re
port to tha mooting by Mr. Howcll was
no carefully and peculiarly prepared no to
Attract Immediate attention , and this brought
out charges that lie \\t\o \ attempting to hold
tip the water company en ono hand nnd the
citizens on the oilier. Ho waa directly ac
cused of making overture * lo the \ralor com
pany , and n commlttuew.i named to look
Intn the matter and It the cbirgos bo found
Id have a baaln In fact It was the sense ot
Iho mooting that Mayor Ilroatch should die-
jnlio Howcll from Iho service of the city.
It was al i developed that thuro la a de
termined Bt'iitiincnt iiK.ilunt the extension of
tlio water company's franchltto aloni ; the lines
proposed by Iho ordinance recently panou.
Thoru will be a strong demand Tor a reduc
tion In rntcs lo private conmimcrs and other
uoncowjloiis from the company before the
charter In granted. The contingent purchu.'e
of the | > lant by the city was also dlscuuuud tt
30IHU extent.
The incutlng brought out a largo attend
ance of city officials and lending citizens
The Inlorcat that Is taken In the subject was
Indicated by the many laboring incu nm
small property owners who listened lo Iho
The flcntlinont seemed to be practical ! )
unanimous In an opposition to the proposi
tion , as It now stands , and the main point
In Issue was whether the city should wait
four years for the possibility of purchasing
Iho plant , or proceed to try to make an
arrangement with the water company by
which the rights of both parties should bo
Among those who were present were : Pres
ident Charles F.VeIler of the Commercial
club ; J. II. Dumont , V. J. Karbach , Casper
15. Yost , J. II. Evans , J. II. McCulloch , Cur-
tlss Turner , Frank Hansom , II. T. Clarke ,
AV. S. I'oppleton , 12. Rosowatcr , John IX
Howe , II. E. Palmer , Major A' IX Halcombe ,
( icorgc 15. IJarkrr. Audre\v Rotcwntor , I ! . M.
Hitchcock , John Steel , A. P. Tukcy , Joseph
Hedtnan , I. J. Dunn , J. J. O'Connor. A.
Hope. . jr. , C. J. Smyth , (5. M. Nattlngcr ,
Frank Iliirman , 15. K. Howcll , W. II. Han-
chctt , Cotincllmen-clcct Lunl , Stuht and
Karr , together with nearly all the city olll-
clals. Tlio water company was represented
by Its attorney , 11. S. Hall.
Mayor Uroateh called tlio meeting to order
and Introduced . A. Ratiinlcr * . president of
the city eor.ncll. as chairman. The mayor
then reipjrsted City Engineer Hovvell to rend
the report which ho submitted to the private
meeting held In Hie mayor's olllco one day
last week. Ho also declared hlii belief that
the city should own Its own water works
plant and should acquire this ownership at
the earliest date pcsulblo nnd on Hie host
possible terms. Ho Raid that It would be
the most foolish thing In the woild to ex
tend a franchise to a company that could
perpetuate Itself , and the opportunity to nc-
qulro Iho plant was never heller than al
The report of City Engineer Howcll was
an exhaustive review of the history and
prospects or tno water wori < plant , treated
from the standpoint of an engineer , a lawyer
and a Qcunclcr.
On motion of John Steel a vote of thanks
wart tendered Iho clly engineer for his reporl
and Ihe question was declared open for dis
J. O. Corby wanlcdto know how llio action
of the water company In donating IfiO
hydraiils lo the clly would help the people
who had to pay water rents. He wanted an
nrrnncomtni by which the rales to the con
sumer would bo put down somewhere near
to the ratoa charged In other cities.
Cour.cllnrui Ila.-cJll Injected a long speech
Into the proceedings , In which ho championed
the Intorculs of the uater company. Ho de
clared that Iho nitos In Omaha eompired
very favorably with Ihnso of other cltloo.
John Steel Intimated that Har-call was pre
varicating. Ho declared that there wao not
another city In the United Staler that was
paying such exorbitant water rales as were
charged in Omaha , cither for public or
private use.
The water company and Its ntlorney were
given an Inning and Mr. Hall proceeded al
Konie Icngllt In sustain the allegation that
the report of the city engineer was highly
colored. Ho stated Die position of Iho com
pany that It could not afford to expend
money for Improvements until 1C know how
long It could hold Its contract. On thai
basis Iho proposition under consideration
V had hern made to the cl'y council. The
proposition was whether Iho city was able
to purchase the plant and lo wall until
1'JOO , or did the people deslie that the im
provements contemplated should be carried
on at once.
The ( itit'stlon whether the franchise of the
company had passed with the sale under
foreclosure proceedings was raised by Frank
Hansom and Mr. Hall gave way whllo City
Attorney Council stated his position. He
read from the brief on which the case was
submitted to the federal cgiirt to show that
the franchise could not be transferred with
out the consent ot the city and that thai
consent had never been obtained. Ho also
quoted the opinion of Judge Shlras thai the
city forfeited none of Its rights by reason of
the sale of the property.
The next number was an extra that wan
not down on the program prepared by those
who had called Iho meeting. E. Hoscwater
created something of a sensation by charg
ing that the report of Mr. Howell had been
inspired by li-terestcd parties and also made
a serloiiH charge nyalnst Iho city engineer ,
which a committee was afterward appointed
to Investigate. In beginning , Mr. llosowater
stated that the proposition as II now slood
was not nallsfaclory to the people of the
city. Ho naked Engineer Howell If It
was not a fact that the report ) that ho hod
Just read bad been Inspired by nomn person
other than himself Thin Mr , Ihiwoll Urnli.1
but Mr. Roflowatcr repented hla nlatcmcn
and read several paragraph * from the rei > or
which presented All the car mnrlui of a It'Rn
brief most carefully prepared. He then
nuked the audience It that was what nn cngl
neer would write ?
Continuing , Mr. Rcoew.iter declared tha
whllo ho WAS opposed to thin proposition , ha
did not want to go to the other extreme nm
try to deprive the water compiiny of all Its
rlphls. Ho would not bo n parly to any
holdup , cither of an Individual or corporation
Ho hud lici'ti told by K. L. Illerhovvcr , one o
the rocplvcro of the wstor coi..rJiy , Hint Mr
llowell hnrl conic to him and RiiKKeslod that
If lie would Hen that S. L.Vllry got some
nominal position that would pay him MO' '
a month mnttera enuld he oarlly arraniei
with Iho city. If Mr.Vlley or C. H. Venner
had Incubated any scheme by which they
proposed to rolled their claim * ag.tlnst the
watrr ccmp.iny through lht clly he was op
posed lo 11. Ho favored any contract or con-
epMlon that would give the clly the benefits
ItMM entitled to , hut was opposed to do-
clirltiir that thin comimnv had no rights
whatever. The city was not now In a posi
tion to purchase the plant and thai Idea had
nothing to do with the situation.
r > - pel E. Yoct stated thai ho was a frlcm
of the city engineer. Some very eerlous
fharges had been tnndo against that official
nnd In justice to all concerned they should
bo Investigated. Ho moved that a commit
tee conttlxting of II. T. Clarke.V. . S. Pop-
plelon and t'urtlss Turner bo appointed to
Rift the matter and that If they found the
facts true as Hinted , the ecnso of Ihe meet-
Ins should bo that the mayor should dla-
chjrge him.
Mr. llowell explained llini this was the
first llmo that his Integrity had ever been
< iuii llonod. Ho asked that the committee bo
appointed and that the charge bo fully In
vestigated. If It was found to be true , ho
said , Ihfll he deserved lo be dismissed from
llio i'orvlco of the city. The mellon lo ap
point Iho committee of Investigation wao
rarrled and n subsequent motion lo recon
sider was low by a close vote.
At this juncture Attorney Hail endeavored
to continue his speech , but had no better
luck than before. Ho ftarlcil lo compare
waler rales In answer lo the Htatement com
piled by Mr. I'oppleton nnd declared that tlio
water rates In Omaha were lower than In nn >
other city where precisely the eamo condl-
UoiiH existed. Mr. Poppleton anuwcrcd him
by declaring that these peculiar conditions
that were alleged tn txlst In Omaha had been
the refuge of every corporation lhat had been
accused of levying cxorblfml rnton on tht
people. No sane man would believe thai
Ihcao alleged condition ! * were responsible for
the difference of from 50 to 100 per cent be
tween the rate < charged In Omaha and those
paid In seventy other cities lhat ho had
Frank Hansom c.ild thai If Iho proportion
under consideration went through II would
allow Iho walcr company lo bond Us property
to the extent of $11.000.000. It was simply
a ques'tlon whether the people were going to
bo compelled to pay rates based on Ihls
watered stocl : . He Intimated that the peti
tions for hydrants that had served as an ex
cuse for Ihlx proposition might also have
been Inspired. If. ti' ' wan contended by the
city ntlornc-y , the clly held the key lo Ihe
situation it certainly ought not to let go of II.
The discussion was continued at some
length and \uis Dually brought to a head by
G. M. Hitchcock , who said that ho was not
In favor'of a plan to purchase the plant at
this tlne. The people were already too
heavily burdened with taxes and the purchase
wao entirely oul cf Ihe quesllon. He moved
that It be declared the scns-e of the meeting
that the mayor nnd council be requested lo
enter Into negotljtlonw with a view of ob
taining concessions thai would warrant thorn
In recognizing the water company at an early
Mayor Broatch quoted HOIIIO figures to show
the net profits of the water company during
the past three years and quoted from llielr
prospectus , which Indicated that their esti
mate of the net earnings for Iho coming Ilvo
years were $ l07,000. ! After sonio further
dU-cusylon an amendment to the pending
motion \\M < offered by Councilman Illngham
and carried. It provided that the negotia
tions with the wnlcr company be carried on
by a committee consisting of R. M. Hitch
cock , E. Hoscwater , Guy C. Ilarton , Frank
Murphy anil W. S. ropplcton. This ended
Iho proceeding and Mr. Hall's speech was
.Sdinils n ( the Ill-nil ,
Aug. J. Dogcl , the leading druggist of
Shrevcport , La. , says : "Dr. King's New
Discovery is the only thing lhal cures my
cough , nnd It Is Ihe best seller I have. " J.
I < \ Camhcll , merchant of Safford , Ariz. ,
writes : Dr. Kjng's Now Discovery Is all
that Is claimed for It ; It never falls , and Is a
sure cure for Consumption , Coughs and
Colds. I cannot say enough for Us merits. "
Dr. King's New Discovery for oCnsumptlon ,
Coughs and Colds Is not an experiment. H
has been tried for a quarter ot a century ,
nr.d today stands at the head. II never
disappoints. Frco trial bottles at Kulm &
Co. , Drug Store.
cia\iti.\(3 \v.\v THIS sii.\vrircs.
HiirlliiKtoii Prcpi'H'iK ' ( < > roiiMlruct Itx
.NIMV Depot.
Yesterday the Hurlington Hallway com
pany made the first move toward building
Its new depot at Tenth and Mason streets.
Workmen commenced clearing away the old
sheds on the south side of the long chute
leading down lo Iho present union depot.
The Ice house , coal -sheds nud car cleaner's
shanties will bo mOved nnd taken to a. new
location purchased by the company nt
Eighth nnd Mason streets , just west of
where the viaduct crosses the first named
thoroughfares. A half-dozen teams and
scrapers were at work yesterday.
llucUloii'x Arnlea Naive.
The best Salvo in the world for cuts ,
irulses , sores , ulccis , salt rheum , fiver sores ,
tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns and
nil skin eruptions , and positively cures piles ,
or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box.
cr Olmit/srN / | | Mlml.
William Walker who up till yesterday wan
employed In a bis dry goods store down
town Is today somewhere else. He was lo
have been married hist evening at Unity
church , but alien the hour for the cere
mony cjime around Walker was not on linnd
uul Ihe bridal party niul preacher waited In
vain for Ills coming. InventlKntlon devel
oped a note to his Intended to tlio
effect Unit tie hud changed his mind.
For Coughs nnd Throat Disorders use
Ilrc.wn's Bronchial Troches. "Have never
chanced my mind respecting them , except I
think belter of that which I began by think
ing well of. Hov. Henry Ward Hcccher.
Jold only In boxes.
Annual Meeting of tlio Company Uoara
Fiwonblo Roporta ,
.Vow Sliliipcru ti > Mif I.nenl MnrUi *
\tlllllM-l- Slime llf II 1C
( * mill l--.M-
In HieVoHt. .
The annual meeting of ntoskholdors of th
Union Slock Yards company was held I
South Omaha yoslerday and director * wer
elected as followfl : William A. 1'axlot
John A. Crelghton , John A. McShane , P. A
V1rtll , * t 11 V. Ctlh M f1 Ifnltll .T 1
Pratt , John H. Sherman and A. C. Foster
Mr. Pratt , general manager of the Pratt
Pen-Is Cattle company , Is the now dlrccloi
Next Monday a meeting of the directors wll
be held for the purpose of electing officer * .
A report of the business transacted am
the condition ot live Block In Nebraska am
adjacent stales was made , as Is euslomarj
Quoting from the reporl of Secretary Moi
ton of Iho Department of Agriculture , th
stock yards report shows that there are lee
cattle and hogs In the hands of stock rals
crs situated In the territory Immediate !
tributary to this market than there was
year ago. and that the number of cattle In
Hie hands of producers In the range countrj
has also decreaicd , while the receipts at th
South Omaha yards have increased. Th
combined receipts at Kansas City and Omah
from South Dakota , Colorado , Idaho , Nevada
Oregon , Utah and Wyoming show a decroas
of10,398 head of catllo , or 14 per ccnl , a
compared with 1895. The receipts at Knn
sas City from competitive territory , as com
pared with 1S93 , show a decrease of 35 PC
cenl , whllo al Soulh Omaha the decrease I
but C per cent. These figures do not tnclud
shipments from Montana and South Dakota
Report from the secretary ot the Montan.
Stock commissioner sho\v that shipment
this year were only about two-thirds as grea
as dirlng 1805 , yet more cattle were rccelvcc
from Montana.
The large receipts of ealtlo during th
year were extremely gratifying to the utock
holders , and can be accounted for from th
fact that a number of largo catllo owner
patronized the Soulh Omaha market for the
first time. These largo companies , whlcl
formerly ehlppcj to Chicago , but now come
hero are : Converse Cattle company , Ogal.illn
Catllo company , Pratl-Ferrls Cattle com
pany. Pacific Live Stock company , \Vosten
RnnchtH Cattle company , Miller & Lux am
M. K. Parsons.
Continuing , the report shows that the sup
ply ot hogs In the hands of farmers In Iowa
and Nebraska on January 1 , ISflfi , was 1
per rent less than of that of 1S9 , > . Hog
cholera is reported In eighty-three out o
ninety-nine counties in Iowa , but Is no
prevalent In Nebraska. According to the
reporl ; this has been Ihe banner year for
sheep , 33332 : ! head having been received n
Iho yards , an Increase of G7 per cenl over
any former year.
In referrlnc to feeder ealtlo the rcpor
stales that the corn crop ibis year Is the
largest In the history of the state , ye
farmers have been unable to purchase feeders
as liberally as they would have liked , 01
account ot the stringency In Ihe money mar
ket. In the face of the hard limes the ship
ments of feeders from the yards to Nebraska
points ehow on increase of 74 per cent ovoi
1S ! > 5.
Largo herds of entile , which are being fed
In Iransll. the report says , will be sent to
South Omaha when ready to market. I
Is estimated that the number of feeder eal
tlo which have gone Inlo Nebraska from al
points Is greatly In excess of lS9i ! , and full >
as great as during an average year.
Of the catllo receipts during the year 9C
per cenl were sold at Soulh Omaha to pack-
era and shippers. All hogs received wcrt
Bold. 93 per cent going to the packers am
linn r > rtnf t n oft I t\nnra r\t 4tm * . ! . *
eelved , 72 per cent were sold at Soutl
Among the Improvements made during
the year was an addition to the catlle yards
In the shape of pens for feeding catlle In
Iransll. With the arrangements now in
force with the railroads catllo may be billed
direct to Chicago , with a stop-over privilege
at South Omaha. Should the South Omaha
market suit the shipper , ho sells , and It not
Ills catllo are loaded by the yard company
rree , and the only expense ho has been to haa
been the feed actually consumed by the
animals. This has proved quite a benefit
and only In iiulanccs where Ihe owner did
not accompany the consignment , have ehlp-
mcnla gone forward.
A new heep barn , a sheep dip and addi
tions lo Ihe hog yards have also been built.
Cnlnrrli lit ( lie llenil
Is a dangerous disease. It may lead di
rectly to consumption. Catarrh Is causci !
jy impure blood , and the true way to cure
It Is by purifying the blood. Hood's Sar-
saparllln cures calarrh because It removes
the cause of It by purifying the blood. Thou
sands tcsllfy that they have been cured by
lood'G Sarsaparllla.
Hood's Pills are purely vcgelablo and do
not purge , pain or gripe. All drugglsls. 25c.
WolirliiK Stolen .SlioeM.
Salurday night u couple of men visited
ho shoe store of A. W. Howmiin , 117
North Sixteenth street , nnd while one en
gaged the proprietor In conversation the
oilier stole n pair of shoes. The number
nnd Hlze of the Hhoes were glvon to the
police nnd last night detectives located
ho thief as he was walking along North
.Sixteenth street. At the station lit- gave
Ihe name of J. II. Harris , lie had Ihe
stolen whoes on his feel when arrested.
Drcx L. Slioontnn Swears
Tliat lu > lnn't liuvi * to take out a
thy to go alit'iirt MI * ay all liu can about
our house \vt back liliu tiji with the
assertion that tlioro'H no house In AIIHT-
lea that oiit-rli'.s HO Kirat anil vncli'il a
line of I'hllilri'ii'n hoys' ami ntlssi'.s'
' filioos asvi wo defy any one lo
liulf as Kouil a shoo as ours at $ l.r > 0.
'li'straludCutalosuu. ' 1410 TAKNAAl
Now let us see
It's only aliout It'll < liy.s : till OhrlHtnuiH
ami you folks who have been iiuttlnx
nil' liuyliiK till now will havi > to Ki't a
move on you thoiv's no plaue In Omaha
so full of glflH that will li ) > nppivuliitt'il
UN Klftn UK ours look at the pk-lutv.s
the oval frames the thousand anil om >
specially iloslKticil UlirlstinnH gifts that
A. HOSPE , JR. ,
tvtiH n Krleiiil of ( lie Poor.
PARIS , Dec. H. .Mine. Heine , who was
decorated by the laic President Carnet for
icr charity , was burled on Sunday. She
caves G.COO.OOO francs to her adopted
liuiKhtcr and the remainder of her fortune to
) o divided between Princcstf Joaquim Mural's
six children.
S Adrian H. , nffed 02 years , nt 7:30 :
p. in. , December H. Interment will bo
at Duhuque , In. Remains will bo taken
from Maul's undertaking parlors to the
fiS5 : train on the ChlcaKo , Milwaukee &
St. Paul railway. All Masons Invited to
SfrwM fur ( lie Army.
WASHINGTON , Dec. II. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The following transfers have been
m fflk
Now at the Quarter Pole
Or curtain polo whichever Koiiiulrt to
' you best It's only a nml tor of a very
short lime when you'll have to ih-oldo
this Chrlslmas htislness anythluy that's
liii'i'y Is nk > i > - ) wo have tliu nlwst
ilfsl ns lu I'urlalus ospcclully ilerilKiiod
| for Christmas glvlnc oiirtiilns and diap-
, wlos at all Kort * of yrlcos no bl pile-on
here we don't allow It wo make low
pi Icon our motto.
made nt the request ot tun olaccr concerned
Piiond I.leulennnt Jaqiirn dc I < allUo , fron
ElKlilh Infantry to l'lr l Infantry , compnnj
E , Keen lid LlcutnmlU Russell C. UaiiRdon
from First infantry to I2lhth Infantry , com
nany I.
First Uoutcnanl ah/II. Preston been
ordered to this city Tor temporary duty at
nrmy headquarters.
Major Culver C. Snlffen has been ordcrei
from duty la the Drpnvinirnt ot the Knn
and ordered to Denver s chief paymaster of
the Department of Colorado.
Leave of absence : Mnjor Charles Porter
Fifth Infantry , extended otic month ; Captati
Samuel McConlhc , Fourteenth Infantry , six
months ; Cnplaln Wlllliun A. Shunk , nithlh ;
cavalry , three months. .
Private Oscar C. Smith , company C
Twenty-second Infantry , has been orderci
discharged upon receipt of order by com
mander at Fort Crook.
Mntter of application of Gladstone llroa.
rrt Itw.nriinrntoil fnr llnnnr Itci MSP.
Notice Is hereby Riven thnt the Olnd-
stone Hros. Co. . Incorporated , did upon
the Htb dny of December , A. IX ISO- ? , tile
nu nppllcatlon with the Hoard of Fire and
Pollco Commissioner ! ! of Omaha for li
cense to sell mnlt , spirituous nnd vinous
llquora nt Nos. IMS and inio Douprlas street ,
Third ward , Omnlm. Neb. , from the Isl
dny of Jnnunry , 1SU7 , to the 1st dny of Jan
uary , isre.
If there be no objection , remonstrance
or protesl lllcd within iwo weeks from
Ihe mil dny of December , A. D. ISM , the
said license will be tirnnted.
Hy MAN GLADSTONE , Secretary ,
Dlu'lSt Applicant.
Matter of application of John Merrill and
Hnlbalta Schlnnk , partners as .Merrill it
Schlnnk , for liquor license.
Notlco IH hereby Riven that John Merrltt
and llalbatla Selilank did upon the 14th
dny of December , A. D , ISM , llle llielr np-
pllcallon with the Hoard of Fire and Po
llco Commissioners of Omnhn for license
to sill malt , spirituous and vinous liquors
under Ihe llrm name of Merrill & Schlnnk
nt Nos. 12111 to 1219 Farnam street. Third
ward , Onmhn , Neb. , from the 1st dny of
January , lv'97 , lo the1st day of January ,
If there bo no objection , remonstrance
or protest lllcd within two weeks trim
the llth day of December , A. IX ISOfl , Ihe
snld llcenso will be granted.
Dl"i-12l Partners and Applicants.
NOTIC li !
Mntlcr of application of the Aloe & Pen-
fold company , Incorporated , for permit
to sell liquor as a dnifjKlst.
NoliceIs hereby Riven thnl Ihe Aloe &
Penfold company. Incorporated , did upon
the Hth dny of December , A. IX 1SW , llio
nn application with the Hoard of Fire and
Police Commissioners of Omaha for a per
mit to sell mnlt , spirituous and vinous
liquors as a druggist , for medicinal , me
chanical and chemical purposes only , at
No. 14 < H Farnnm Htreel , Third ward.
Omnlm , Neb. , from the Isl dny of January ,
1MI7 , to the 1st day of January , ISyx.
If there be no objection , remonstrance
or protest Illed within two weeks from
the mil dny of December. A. IX ISM , the
said permit will bo Rrnnted.
Hy II. J. PENFOLD. President.
D15121 Applicant.
Mailer of application of Wm. Glndlsh for
permit to sell liquor ns a UrtiKRlst.
Notice Is hereby tdven that \Vllllnm Glml-
Isb did upon the llth dny of December ,
A. IX IS-MJ. file bis application with the
Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioners
of Omaha for a permit to sell malt , spirit
uous and vinous liquors as a drimKlst , for
medicinal , mechanical nnd chemical pur
poses only al No. . 102 South 12th street ,
Third ward. Omnlm , Neb. , from the 1st day
of January , 1S97 , to the 1st day of Januury ,
If there be no objecllon , remonstrance
or protest filed within Iwo weeks from Iho
Hill day of December. A. D. ISM , the said
permit will be Krantcd.
D1312t Applicant.
Mailer of application of Peter E. Her nnd
Henry Suessenbnch , partners as Her < t
Co. . for liquor license. '
Notice Is hereby ulven that Peter E. Her
and Henry Suessenbneh'dlrt upon the llth
day of December , A. IX 1S 5. llle their appli
cation -with - the Hoardof Klro nnd Police
Commissioners of Omnha for license to sell
mnlt spirituous and vinous liquors , under
the llrm name of Her & Co. . at No. 1112
Hnrney streel , Third ward , Omaha , Neb. ,
fiom Ihe Isl day of January , 1S97 , lo Iho 1st
dny of January , UOS.
If no objection , remonstrance or
protest filed wltlhln two weeks from the Hlli
dav of December , A. IX ISBG. Hie said license
will bo granted. ILER K CO. ,
Dlu-12t. Partners and Applicants.
Mailer of nprdlcnllon of Henry Roenfeldl
for liquor license.
Notice Is hereby plven that Henry Roen-
feldt did upon the 12th dny of December , A.
D. 1VJO , llle Ids nppllentlon with the Hoard
of Fire nml Police Commissioners of Omnha
for license to sell malt , spirituous and vi
nous liquors nt No. C2l : North ICtb streel ,
Third ward , Omaha , Neb. , from Ihe 1st dny
of January , 1S97 , to the Isl day of January.
If lliero be no objecllon , remonstrance or
protesl Illed wllhln two weeks from the 12tli
day of December , A. IX Ib-JG , Ihe said license
will bo granted.HENRY
D13-121. Applicant.
Mntlcr of nppllcnllon of John Kclkcnncy
for liquor license.
Nolice Is hereby Riven Hint John Kel-
lenney did upon the llth dny of December ,
A. IX 18M , llle bis application with the
llonnl of Fire nnd Pollco Commissioners
of Omnha for license to sell malt , spirit
uous and vinous liquors nt Nos. " 1C and
21S South 17tb slreet. Fourth ward , Omaha.
S'cb. , from the Isl day of January , 1S97 ,
lo the 1st dny of Jnnunry , 1S9S.
If lliero bo no objecllon , remonstrance
or protcsl Illed wllhln Iwo weeks from
llio Hill day of December , A. D. 1S9C , the
said llcensu will bo granted.
A littllfl tl t
Matter of the application of Frank Francl
for liquor license.
Notice H hereby glvon that Frank Francl
llil upon the lllh day of Deceinber ,
\ . D. 1898. llle hla application with the
ionrtl of Fire and Police Commissioners
of Omaha for license to sell malt , splrlt-
loiis nnd vinous liquors at No. 1W2 Wll-
lams street. Second ward. Omaha , Nc-b. ,
rom the 1st day of January , 1S97 , lo the
st day of January , ISM.
If there be no objection , remonstrance
or protesl filed within two weekH from the
4th day of December. A. 13. liOT , the Hold
Icense will be granted.KUANIC
UcclSdl2t Applicant.
Matter of application of James Adams
for liquor license.
Notice IB herc-by given that .Tames Adams
lid upon tlio 14th ( lily of December , A. 1) .
S9ii. file his application 'with the Hoard of
'Ire and 1'ollco Commissioners of Omaha
or license to sell , mull , spirituous anil
Inous liquors al ISoK. ,1U1 and 10:1 : South
lib Hlreet , Third .ward , Omaha , Neb. ,
rom the iHt day of January. 1SJ7. to ihi >
Ht day of .Tiiinmry ' lfcX. ! '
If there beno objection , remonstrance
r protest Illed within" two weeks from
he llth day of December. A. IX IS'JiJ ' , the
aid license will bo grunted.
OlS-iat Applicant.
latter of application , pf Mary La Mollo
for liquor Hcc'iiHc. , . _ ,
Notice Is hereby given that Mary Ln
lotto did upon tho'lth Mny of December ,
\ . IX IM'3 ' , lile her nppllcritlon lo Ihe Ilo.ird
f C'ourity CominlMUufcrH of Douglas
ounty. Nebraska , Jor n license to sell
ml ! , spirituous andiA'Jnoua liquors at
Hut ml.i park , filth undIJodge | streets. West
Oil-aim prcrlnct , Donees.county , Nebraska
fi-um the 1st tiny of January , jy > 7. to the
Jl t day of Dceemlier , ] 8J7.
If there bo no objection , rcmoiiHlranco
or protcsl tiled wllhln two weeks from
December 14. A. D. 1898. the said llecnsu
will be granted. MAHY LA MOTTK.
l-H t Applicant.
Mutter of application of Thomas J. Foley
and W. C. Coh , partners as T. J. Foley &
Co. , for liquor Hceiine.
Notice Is hereby t'lvuti that Thomas J.
Foley and W. C. Cole , 'did upon the 11th
d.iy of December , A. D. , 1MW. IIlo their up-
plication with the Hoard of Fire nnd Police
L'oinmlMMlont-rs of Omaha for license to n-11
innlt , uplrltouHiind vinous liquors , under the
Jl " "ismo. of T , J. .Foley & Co. , at No.
1L' Douuhix street. Third ward , Omaha ,
Neb. , from the 1st dny of January , IW)7 ) , to
the idt day of January. 1SS. )
If there ho no objection , remonstrance or
protest Illed within two weeks from the
llth day of December. A. D. . ISt-tt , the said
llcensa will bo b'r ni < l
T. J. FOLEV & CO. .
Dll dit. Partners nnd Applicants.
Mutter of nn > il. "i. n i. ( . lurl H 'it U-itwr
nndVllli.iin Lii'or , partner * , m l.iiuo
Hrox. , for liquor IU--MIMO.
Notleo Is lu-rcby ulvcii that rhnrlrn H
I.nuer nml Wlllliun Lnuer did upon the Stl
dny of December , A. D. , l t > ii , llle their lip
plication with the Hoard of Fire nnd Pollen
CommlMloners of Omulm for licence to el
n alt , splrltuoiH and vlnniiH liquor.- ! , under
the llrm mum * of I.nuer Urotln r. , nt No
Ml Hoiiglas street , Third wnrd. Omnhn
Neb , , from the Lit diiy of January , 1S97 , to
the 1 t day of .l.uumry , lS9i.
If there bo no objection , . "inonslrntico 01
protest Uled within two weelw from the tl
dny of December A. D. , 1SK , Iho * aM lloensi
will be tr mod.
WM. LAlTElt ,
Lnuer Hros , ,
Partner.- ) and Applicants.
D lOd 12 t
Matter of Application of Jncob E. MIU'KC
nnd 1'ryor L , Mnrkol , Partners us J. E
Maikol & Son. for Llquur LlO'-iife :
Notlco (4 ( hereby ylven thnt Jacob h
Mnrkol and I'ryor L. Markel did upon the
10th dny of IVeeniber , A. n. 1 " * . llle tholt
application with tho. Hoard of Flro nm
Police Commissioners of Oinnlin for llccnso
to sell malt , spirituous nnd vinous liquors
under the llrm nnmo of J. E. Mavkel &
Son nt No. I EM Douglas street. Third wnrd
Omnhn , Neb. , from tlio flr.'t dny of January
1SD7 , to the first day of Jnminry , 1SW.
If thcie bo no objection , romonstrnnco
or prolcul tiled ] within two weeks I'rom the
10th day of nc-eeniber , A. IX 1S56 , the nnK
license will be granlt-d.
J. E. MAKKF.L < t SON ,
p. n. MARK- ! : : , .
Partners and Applicants.
- - -
Mntter of Application of Leonard Klrsebt
Sr. , for Liquor License :
Notice Is hereby given thnt Leonard
Klrscht , sr. , did upon tlio 9lh day of Decani
bi-r , A. D. ISlifl , tlio bin nppllentlon With the
Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioners of
Omnlm for license to sell malt , spirituous
and vinous liquors nt No. 1011. 1013 and 1015
Farmim street , Third wnrd. Omnlm , Neb.
from the llrst day of January , 1K < 7 , lo Iho
llrsl day of January , 1W.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest filed within two weeks from the- Oil
day of December. A. D. ISM , the said license
will be granted.
LEONARD KIRSCHT , Sr. , Applicant.
Matter of nppllentlon of Owen McCnffcn
for liquor license.
Notice Is hereby given that Owen Me
C.iffery did upon the 10th day of December
A. I ) . , IfX. tile 111 * application with tin.
Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioner * o
Omaha , for license to well Malt. Splrltous
and Vinous liquors at No. Ill South ICtl
street. 3rd Ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the
1st dny of January , 1SU7 , to the tlrst day o
January , 1 ! 'S. '
If lliere be no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within two wcclts from the
10th day of December , A , D. , K-2S , the sab
license will be granted.
OWEN McCAFFERV. Applicant.
Dec ll-d-12-t
Matter of application of M. Wollstcln nnd
K. Sellpsobn , partners , as M. Wollstcln &
Co. , for liquor license. ,
Notice ii herby plven thnt M. Wollsleln
nnd K. SellKsbon did upon the Stb day of
December , A. IX , 1SW. llle their application1
with the Hoard of Fire and Police Com
missioners of Omnlm for license to sell
malt , spirituous and vlnuous liquors , under
HID llrm name of M. Wollsleln & Co. , at
No. r.22 . South Thirteenth street. Third
ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the 1st day of
January , 1S07 , to the 1st day of January ,
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest Illed within two weeks from the Sth
day of Deceinber , A. IX. ISDfl , the said II-
eniso will bo granted.
Partners and Applicants.
D 10 d. 12t
Mailer of application of Chns. H. Schncfer
for permit to sell liquor as a drujiKtsl.
Notice is hereby given that Chas. H
Sohaofcr did upon the llth dny of December
A. D. , 1S9H , life Ills application with tin
Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioners of
Onmlm. fnr a m-rnilt In sell Malt. nlritntls
and Vinous liquors , as a druggist , foi
medical , mechanical and clieinlcal purposes
only , at No. 824 North Ifith street. Fourth
Ward. Omaha Neb. , from the llrst , day of
January , ISO" , to the first day of January ,
If there be no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within two ivee'.ts ' from thi
lllh day of December , A. IX. 1SDC , Iho said
license will be granted.
CHAS. II. SCHAEFEU. Applicant.
Dec ll-d-12-t
Matlcr of Application of E. K. Bruce am'
Co. , Inc. , tor permit to sell liquor as a
Notice Is hereby given that E. E. Hrucc
and Co. , Incorporated , did upon the 1st day
of December. A. IX , ISM , llle an application
with the Hoard of Fire and Police Com
missioners ot Omaha , for a permit to sell
malt , splrllous ami vinous liquors as a
druggist , for medical , mechanical and
chemical purposes only , at No. 401-S-5 South
10th Street , Third Ward , Omaha , Neb. , from
the 1st day of.Ianuarv.iy7 , to tliu Fnsi day
of January , is : ) ' : .
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within two weeks from the 1st
dny of December , A. D. , 1SSC. tlio said per
mit will bo granted.
E. E. imUCE & CO. .
Hy C. E. I1EDWELL , Sec. and Treas.
- - - -
Matter of application of William A. Paxton
and ( J. N. Davenport , partners as I'axton
and D.ivcnport , lor liquor license.
Notice Is berby KVI ! n that William A.
Paxton and O. N. D.ivenport did upon the
ISth dny of November , A. IX. ISOti , llio their
application with the Hoard of Flro and
Police Commissioners of Omaha , for license
to sell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous liquors ,
under the llrm name of Paxton and Daven-
lort , nl No. 150S-10-12 Furniini street , Third
Ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the 1st day of
January. 1V97 to the 1st day of January , 1S3S.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
) retest tiled within Uvo week * from the JSth
lav of November , A. D. , IS'jG , the said license
will be granted.
1'AA TU.-N AT lJAVIi.-\-IIIVr.
Partners and Aiipllcanta.
NOTIC1- ; .
Mailer of application of Goodley F. llrucker
for liquor license.
Notice Is hereby given thai Goodley F.
Hruckcr did upon the I'd day of December ,
A. IX , ISM. llle his application with the
Hoard of Fire and Pollco Commissioners of
Omalm for license to sell malt , splrltous and
vinous liquors at No. 21S South l.'ilh street ,
Third ward , Omalm , Neb. , from the 1st dny
of January , 1S97. to the 1st dny of Jnnunry ,
If there bo no objecllon , remonstrnnco or
prolesl lllcd within Iwo weeks from the 2d
dny of December , A. D. , ISM , the s.ild license
will bo Krantcd.GOODLEY
PS d2t ! Applicant.
Mailer of Application of Joseph Havllcck
for liquor license.
Notlco Is hereby filven thai Joseph
Havllcek did upon the Stb dny of December ,
A. D. ISM , llle his application wllb Ihe Hoard
of Fire and Police Commissioners of Omaha
for llcenso to sell malt , splrltoun ami vinous
liquors ai .NO. Jiui aim uui nuuin 1.1111 nireni
1st Ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the lit day of
January , U37 , to Iho 1st dny of January ,
If there bo no objection , n monstrance or
protesl tiled within two weeks from llio Sth
dav of December , A. IX , ISM , the said llcennu
will bo granted.
Matter of application of Frank Saullcr for
Liquor License.
Notlco Is hereby given thnt Frank Sautter
did upon Ihe 7th day of December , A. D. ,
IV.'G , Die bin application with llio Hoard of
Flro and Police Commissioners of Oma'm ' ,
for license to sell malt , rplrltoim and vlnoim
liquors at No. lii ! : | South lUth iitreut , First
ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the Int day of
January , 1S37 , to the 1st day of January. l > 'Ji.
If tlii-re bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest Illed within tno w.-eks from the 7th
dnv of December. A. IX. ISM the said license
will I e t-rnntod. FRANK SAUTTER ,
DS d2t ! Appili.aiil.
Mailer of nppllentlon of M. Well stein and
E. Ht-llgHohn , partners , as M. Wollsteln &
Co. , for liquor license.
Notice Is hereby given that M. WollHteln
and E. ScllKSohn did upon the Slh day of
December. A. IX. IKW ! . llle their application
with the Hoard of Fire and Pollco Commis
sioners of Omalm. for llccmji.lo si > ll mrilt.
spirituous and vinous liquors , under the
firm name of M. WollHteln & Co. , at No.
4 ( > 2 N. IClh street , Eighth ward. Omaha ,
Neb. , from thn 1st day of January , 1SJ7 , to
the Isl day of January , U01 ,
If Ihere bo no objection , remonstrance or
prootust filed within two weeks from the
Sib day of December , A. IX , HMIho mild
llccimo Will bo granted.
Purlneru and Applicants.
C 10 d. J2t
Mt"IIP ot .iprllratijti of Edw.ird Qulnn for
liquor license.
Nitp | , Is hereby * lven thai Kdwnrd q-ilnn
did upon the Hth day of December. A , IX
1W. nehi \ application with the lUinrd of
Flro nnd Police Commissioners of Omahii
for licence to rll limit , upltltuotti * and
vinous liquors at No. 1103 and HOI North
Sixteenth sticet , Fifth \uu-d. Omuh.i , Neb. ,
from the llrst dny of Jmuuiy , U97 , to the
llrst dny of January , ls ! .
If thi-ie be no objcc'lon , rcmonntr.inri or
protest Hied within two weeks Irom the
Illll day ot Deci'inbcr , A. D. ISfiJ. the nald
licence will be Itl-illitcd.
KDWAUD QUINN. Applicant.
fl\lter of nppllcutlon of Wra. P. Wvnd-
hntiseii for liip.ior llcfiiso
Nolleo In licfrby given thn I Win. IA
Weiidhnuacn did upon the 12th dny of Hc-
4't nili r. A. Il.vM , lib ? hi i ui-iilleiillmi with
lie ! JUmril of Flrr and Police Commis
sioner * of Omnhn for licenseto ell mall ,
"plrltiious and vliums liquor * at the siputh-
east oorna r of Twenlietb and Pierce
slivcts. Second wnrd , Oinahn , Nel\ , from
iho lii-ttt dny of Januury , 1S > ; , to the first
dny of January , Ittis.
If them be no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled wllhln two wrrks from tbo
12th dny of December. A. It. 1SH8. the said
llcenso will be granted.
WM. F. WI5NUIIAUSEN , Applicant.
- - - -
Matter of application of Cbns. J.KMis for
liquor license.
Notion Is hereby Riven Hint Chas. Mela
dlit upon the 12lh dny ot December. A. D.
bPO , llio Ids nppllentlonllb the llonnl of
1-lro nnd Police CommlMsloneru of Omaha
lor llcenso to sr > ll mnlt. spirituous ami
vinous llqiior.s nt tlu- southwest corner of
Tvpnty-slxtli and Wnlnut slrei-tn , Seventh
ward , nmnbii. Neb. , from tli i llrnt dny ol
January , 1SP7 , to the first day ot January.
If there bo no objection , rctnonntr.ineo or
protest filed within two weeks from the
12th dny of December , A. IX ISli-l , the snld
llcenso will bo granted.
CHAS. MPTZ. : Applicant.
Matter of application of John II. Merchant
for permit to sell liquor as a druRglst.
Notice Is hereby gtvm that John II. Mer
chant aid upon the llth dny of December ,
A. IX ISM. llio Ids application with the
Hoard of Flro nnd Police Commlssloncra of
Omnlm for a permit to sell malt , splrltuoui
and vinous Honors , as a drmrizl.nt. fur mr-dl.
clnal , mechanical and chemical purposes
only , nt No. 1C01 Howard street , Fourth
ward , Omalm. Neb. , from the tlrst dny of
Jniiimi-y. 1W. to the Unit day of January ,
If thei-ft be no o" > Jcetlon , remonstrance or
prolest filed within two weeks from the
llth day of December. A. P. 1MM. the said
permit will be
J. H. MERCHANT , Applicant.
- - - -
Matter of application of Emll Hloemcr for
liquor license.
Nolico is hereby Riven Hint Emll Hloemer
did upon the 12th day of December , A. IX
isjt'j ' , llio his application with the Hoard of
Flro and Police Commissioner * of Omaha
for license to sell malt spirituous and
vinous liquors at No. IfOS South Twentieth
street. Second wnrd. Oinahn , Neb. , from the
IlMt day of January , lSfl7 , to the llrst dny
of January , 1S9S.
If there be no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within two weeks from the
12lh day of December , A. D. ISM. Ihe aald
license will be granted.
EM1L DLOEMER , Applicant.
Matter of application of Louis Schmidt for
liquor license.
Notice Is hereby plven that Louis Schmidt
did upon the 12tb day of December A D
1S9I5. llle his application with the Hoard of
Flro ami Police Commissioners of Omnlm
for license to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors at No. 1.102 nnd 1301 Dodce
street. Third ward , Omaha. Neb. , from the
llrst day of January , ny7. to the llrst day
of January , isns.
If ( hero be no objection , remonstrance or
protesl tiled wllhln two weeks from the
12tb day of December , A. IX ISM , the snld
license will be granted.
Matter of application of Andrew Hummel
for liquor license.
Notlco Is hereby given that Andrew Hum
mel did upon the 12th dny of December. A.
D. IMS. flk ; his application with the Hoard
of I-Ire and Police Commissioners of Omaha ,
for license to wMI Mall. Splrltous and
! " ° VHJq"on ! < ' Ilt Xo12 : ! N'or" ' l = tb street ,
Third \\.ird , Onialin. Neb. , from the Hist
day of _ January. 1S97 to the llrsl day of
If there be no objection , remonstrance or
protest Illed within two weeks from the 12th
day of December , A. IX. ISM. the said
license will bo Krnnted.
D ll-d-12-t
Matter of application of Harry L. Schmidt
for liquor llcenso.
Notice Is hereby plven that Harry L.
Schmidt did upon the 12lb day of December
A. IX. INI ? , llle his application wltr.i the
Hoard of Fire nnd Police Commissioner. " of
Omalm. for license to sell Malt , Sirltuous
and Vinous liquors , at No. IK.- , Howard
street , Fourth Ward , Omalm , Neb. , from
the first day of January , 1M > 7 , lo the llrst
day of January , ISItS.
If there be no objection , remonstrance or
protest Illed within two weeks from the 12th
day of December. A. IX. 18M , the said
license will bo granted.
HARRY L. SCHMIDT. Applicant.
D ll-d-12-l
Matter of appllenton of Win. F. Garrlty
for liquor license.
Notice Is hereby given that William F.
Oarrlty did upon the 12th day of December ,
A. IX. 1W . llle bis application with the
Hoard of Fire and 1'olloe Commissioner ? of
Omnhn. for license to bell Mull , Spirituous
and Vinous liquors , nt No. 12.1 North 10th
street , Third Ward. Onialia. Nub. , from the
the llrst day of January , 1S37 , to Ihe llrsl
January , 1S38.
If there be no objection , remonstrance or
protesl Illed within tno weeks from the ] 2tb
day of December. A. IX. 1SSC , the said
license will bo gninled.
Msitler of application of Joftn Gull : fet
llciuor license.
Notlco Is hereby given thnl John Oulk did
upon the 12th dny of December , A. IX , IK'G
lie his application with the Hoard of Fire
ind Police Commissioners of Omaha , for
lucnse to sell Malt , .Spirituous ami Vinous
Iqiiors , al No. 2101 Cumlng street , Eighth
Ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the llrst day of
Immnry , 1SU7 , to the llrsl day of January ,
If Ihere be no objection , remonstrance or
> rotcst Illed within two weeks from the 12th
lay of December. A. D. , 1S90 , the said
Iccnso will bo granted.
JOHN OULK. Applicant.
D ll-d-12-t
Matter of application of Clmrlcs Motz ,
for liquor llcenso.
Notlco is hereby given that Charles Mets ;
lid upon the 12th dnv of December. A IX
M > 0 , llle ihls application with the Hoard of
'Ire and Pollco Commissioners of Oinahn ,
'or ' llcenso to sell Malt. Spirituous anil
, 'lnoun liquors , at No. 131,1 South 13th streel ,
'lisl Ward , Omaha. Neb. , from the first
lay of January , 1S97 , to the llrst day of
January. 1WS. )
If there be no objection , remonstrance or
itotesl Illed wllhln IHO weeks from the 12th
lay of December. A. IX , IS'Jij , the H.ild
Iccnso will bo granted ,
CHARLES METApplicant. .
D ll-d-12-t
Matter of Application of Gco. .Muhllmusen
for liquor llcenso.
Notlco Is hereby given thai George
luhlhaiiHcn did upon the 12lb day of Deccm-
> er. A. IX. ISM , life Ills application with thn
loiird of Fire and Police Commissioners of
lay of January. IKH.
If there be no objection , rcmonstrnnco or
protesl Illed within Uvo weeks from the 1-tli
lay of December , A. IX. 1S5C , Ihu said
Icclimi will bo k'ranled.
D ll-d-12-t
latter of application of The Richardson
Drug Co. , Incorporated , for permit to m-11
liquor as a druxKlst.
Notice Is hereby given that the Rlchnrd-
on Drug Co. , Incorporated , did upon the
4lh day of December , A. IX , 1M J. IIlo air
ppllcntlon with the Mould of Flrn am )
'ollco Commissioner : * of Onmhn. for a pcr-
nlt to fi-ll malt , vplrltou < and vlaou * Minors
s a druggist , for im-dleiiml , mechanical
ml chemical purposes only , at Nos. t ) ' > 2 ,
) ! and flOU Jiu-kHon street , Third ward ,
imiilia , Nc-b. , from the 1st day of January ,
S'J7 ' , lo the 1st dny of January , UUS.
If there be no objt-ellon , remonstrance or
rotcHt Illed within two wt-uks from th
Ull day of Dtcoinhur , A. IX , IS'JS , the Maid
onnlt will be granted.
AMOS FIELD , Treasurer.
Dll d2t ! . Applicant.
Mntter of nriitlcntluii of ChiU Jin.cti for
liquor license.
Nolico Is hereby plven thnt Chris J ( . n
did upon the 12lb dny of Deccmbi r , A D.
ISM , ilia an application with the Itou-d or
Flro nnd Poll.-o Commlnxloner * of ini.hi ,
for llcetmei to sell Mnlt , Sliliunn < > .ml
Alnous liquors , under the firm n.une of
Chris Jensen mid Co. , ( Compniiv noiilt' ' . . i
iNo. . { ot North lllh street , Third \ \
Dinnhn , Neb. from the tlrsl dwy ot .1 > im *
IS97 , to the first diiy of Jntumry , lv <
If there lnno objection , lemon-Mi m , r < r
protest Illed within two weeks fi , uu i
12IJi dny of Doecmber , A. IX. ISM. tl\- \ id
llcenso will bo gmnted.
, Appll. ' < '
D lt'd-1. ' i
Mailer Of mi c.-itlon of Oco. S , r
for liquor II
Nolico Is hctoby ulvelt thnl Clod. S. C
did upon the latli day of December , .
1MH1 , llle hit nnpllr-.itlon with the p. > i
Flro and Polloo Comtnls.ilourr * of 11
for ltceii.19 to svll Mnlt. Spirillum
Vinous liquor * , nt No. IJ3 N'ortli ICtb -
Tl.lnl Ward , Omnlm. Neb. , from Hi-- >
Ony of January. 1MI7 , to tlio tlrst ' '
January. 1VS.
If there bo no objection , rrmnnxtr.m r
protest lllod within two week * it. < : i' " <
ISlh day of Deccmbpr , A. U. , ISM. tl-c - M
license will be Ri-nntcd.
OSO. S. CACKLRY. ApplicMiit
D il-d-i ; i
Matter of appllcntlon of Charles Slnrr" P.T
liquor license ,
Notlco Is hereby given that Charles Mr *
did upon the 12h'i dny of December. A i
1S911 , llio ihls application with the lion t "f
Flro and Police Comm'ssloners ' of d-ii'i , > .
for license to sell Mnlt , Spirituous i't
Vlnon-4 Hqu.irs , at No. i"12 Soutb 10th i lr. . ' .
Third NV.ird. Om.ihn , Neb. , from ll > l'n--t
dny of Jnnunry , IS ? ? , to the llrst d.iy of
Jnnunry. IRIS.
If there be no objection , rcnionsiiMni < or
protesl Illed within two weeks from t ! >
12tJi dny of December. A. IX. ISOil , the snld
llcenso will lie Rrantcd.
CHARLES MARES. Anpll. ui !
D lt-d-12-t
Mutter of application of Henry Rohlff fop
liquor license. (
Nolico Is hereby Riven thai Henry Rub'ff
did upon Ihe lOtb dny of December. A. D.
ISM , llle bis application with tlio Itn.n.l f
Flro and Pollci- Commissioners of Oin.Oni ,
for license to sell malt , splrltous and \lmms
liquors at No , 2IJII Loavcnwnrth sire- i ,
Seventh ward , Omnhn , Neb. , from the 1st
dny of January , 1VJ7 , to the Isl dny ot
January , I'tfS.
If Ihere be no oblectlon , remonslrnm--
lirotfst tiled within t\vo weeks from tinmth
dny of December , A. IX , IRH' , the s.ild
license will bo it'imlod. ;
Dll d2t ! Applicant
Mntter of application of Lizzie J. Did m
for liquor license.
Notice Is hereby Klveu that Lizzie J
Dldnm did upon the 12th dny of Deci ml f ,
A. IX , ISfiii. llle her application with I lie
Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioners uf
Omaha , for license to Bell mnlt. splrlloMs
and vinous liquors nt No. 2101 South -"Hi
street. Seventh ward , Omnlm , Neb. , frmu
the 1st day of Jnnunry , 1M > 7 , to the 1st
dny of Jnnunry. ISIN.
If there be no objection ,
or protest Hied within two weeks from tlie
12111 dny of December. A. IX , ISM , the xaU
license will bo Krantcd.
Dll dI2t Applicant.
Matter of application of Atibeuser Itiirh
Hrewlnir Ass'n , Inc. , fur liquor Ilcen.- *
Notice Is hereby Riven Unit Hie Anbeiiser
Htiscli HrewlniT Ass'n , Inc. , did upon the
Hth dny of December , A. IX , KM ! , llle nn
application with the Hu.ird of Kinnnd
Police Commission ! rs of Omaha , for llcensu
to sell malt , splrltous and vinous Illinois
at No. 705 South 1.1th street. Third wnrd ,
Omnlm , Neb. , from the 1st dny of Janimiy ,
1SD7 , to the 1st day of January , IMis.
If thenbe no objection , , remonstrance
or protest Illed within two weeks from tlio
lltb dny of Deceinber. A. D. , 1MW , the mild
llcensu will be Krantcd.
Gio. : K1HJG , General ARenl.
Dll dl2t Appllcnnl.
Matter of nppllcatlon of Joseph Scblltz
Hrewlllfj Co. , Inc. , for liquor license.
Notlci-Is hereby Rlvt-u that Joseph Scbllt/
HrewliiB Co. , Incorporated , dlil upon tlu-
Illll dny of December , A. IX , ISM. llle nil
nppllcatlon with the Hoard of Fire nnd
Police Commissioners of Omnlm for Ili-i-nsi-
to sell malt , nplrltoiis and vinous llunors
at No. ,111 to S2I South Kith street , Fourth
ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the 1st day of
January , UU7 , to theIsl dny of Janiiaiy ,
If Ihere be no objection , reinoiislram > >
or protest Illed within two weeks from tin-
lltb dny of December , A. IX , ISW , the said
license will be wanted.
JOS. SCHL1TX HREW1NC CO. . ( Inc. ) .
Dll dl2t Annllc.-mf.
Matter of application of Henry HOUR fop
liquor license.
Notice Is hereby Riven thnt Henry lions
did upon the Uth day of December. A. 1' ,
IS'Jii , llle bis application with the Hoard of
Fire and Police Commissioners of Otn.ilin
for license to sell malt , splrltons nud vinous
liquors al No. V)1 ) and [ MI South llth ttivt ; ,
Third ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the 1st diy
of January , 1S1I7 , to the 1st day of January ,
If therebe no objection , roinonslriiiu- . *
or protest Illed within two weeks from tin-
! ) th dny of December , A. IX , IM'C ' , the snld
HC-CUKU will bo Krnntcd.
Dll d2t ! Applicant.
Matter of ar/pllcatlon of the Myers-DH'on
Dnt ( ? c'o. , ( Inc. ) , for pennli to sell liquor
as a druKKlst.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the Myr . -
Dillon Drill ; Co. ( Inc. ) . did upon the Dili
day of December. A. IX , ItWl , llle an ni'i > U-
catlon with the llonnl of Fire and Poll- <
Commissioners of Omaha , for a permit in
sell mnlt , splrllous and vinous llquots. an a
driiKKHI. for medicinal , inecbr.iilciil and
chemical purposes only , at No. ] i23 Farn.uu
streel. Third ward , Omaha. Neb. , from tlio
Int day of January , 1S)7 ! ) , lo Ihu 1st dny of
January , 1S'S.
If thenbe no objection , remonstniiu-o
or protest Illed within two weeks from tb- >
lltb day of December. A. D. , U'SO , Ihu h.ild
pinulllll be Rivinted.
M. A. DILLON , .Secretary.
Dll d2l ! Applicant.
Matter of Application of Edward Mnurer ,
for liquor IlcL-iiHi- .
Notlco Is berby plvon that Edward Mnurer
lid upon the llth day of December ,
A. D. , WM. IIlo bis application with tlm
Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioners of
Omaha , for llcenso to sell Malt , Hiilrllotis
ind Vlnoun liquors , nt No. 1,1015 Farnam
street. Third waul , Oinnlin , Neb. , from llui
llrst dny of January 1SU7 , lo the llrrft day
) f Jauunry , 1MH.
If there be no objection , remonstrance or
protest filed within two \\ceks from t ; n
llth dny of December. A. IX , 1SOC , the said
IceiiHo will be ( 'ranted.
Matter of application of William MrKennt
for liquor license.
Notice Is hereby flven Unit William Me-
Ivenna did upon the 12th day of ,
A. IX , ISM , llle his application with tin ,
loard of Fire and Police Commissioners of
Omalm for license to sell malt , Kpliltona and
, 'lnous llquarc at No. 2i31 Hhormnn av > nu-- ,
-'Iftb ward , Omalm , Neb. , from the 1st day
of January , 1SD7 , to the 1st dny of Jmu- :
iry. ISiS ,
If tboro be no objection , rc-momitrance or
irotest tiled within two weeks from the U'Mi
l.iy of Drccmlnr. A. IX , 1-93 , the tin Id Hensj
vlll bo iraiited. ;
D12 d2l. ! Appllcai't.
_ '
Matter of application of Hans WlgRers for
liquor license.
Notlco Is hereby Rlvuu thai Hans WliojerH
did upon the Sth day of December , A. D.
SMi , liltbis nppllcatlon with the Ho.ini of
"Ire and Police ( ! ommlssniicni ! of ( Jinnha ,
or license to sell malt splritoiiH and vli.ous
Iqiiors at No. 1521) ) Dodii ; < street , Third ward
Jmalia , Neb. , from the Int day of January ,
1SII7. to the 1st day nf January , 1S : < S.
If there be no objection , remon.-tt ranee rr
irolest illnl within two weeks from llm
ith day of December. A. IX , ISM , the sabl
Icensu Will bo KHinted.
Dll dl2t _ Applicant.
Mutter of application of .Michael Mullen fop
liquor license.
Notice Is hereby Riven Hint Michael Mill-
en dlil upon the lltb dny of December A.
X , IK'J'l ' , Illu his nppllcatlon with the lloaiil
if Fire and Police CommlSMlnncrs of Omaha
or Decline to Mill mnlt , splrllnuH and vlnoim
Iqiiors at No. Ml North IClh slreet. Third
vn rd , Omaha , Neb , , from the 1st day of
January , IW , to the 1st dny of January , isvs ,
If there bn no objection , remonstrance or
irotest lllcd within two weeks from thn
lib dny of Decembur , A. IX , 1SOC , the iuia
Iccnsu will bo granted.
tH ) d2t ! Appfrcant.