Tin ? ( WAIIA DAILV intfr ? nrcrimiircu ir , isoo. B OMAHA DAILY ite K. IIOHI\VATIII ; KJiiir I'UIIMDllKn KVKHY MUllNINM. TR1IM8 OK DoltIk ( Wllhottt flwnilay ) On * Vi-nr . H 00 IHilly llw nml flunUiiy , ( > nc Year . f | W nix Manth * . IW ThtM Month * . SOI Humlfli" ll * . On VMI- . IW Hfttunlny ! ! , One Yr . . < 1 g AVeckly llw , Ona YO.U . Omnlm : Til * ! ' " IlullUlur. Boiilh Omiihi 8lner Illk. . Cor. N'nnd IllhSU. Council limns ; 18 North Mnln Btiret. ChicHco oiikw : 31 ? CimmlxT n ( c iimiiMrw. New York : llram 11 , II n.l IS , Tribune HliJr. AVnililnttion : 1167 V 8trr t , N. W. . ( OltRKHl'ONDKNVK. At ) cninmiir.lc.ill .re rotating tn n find fell- toilal nuitrr linuM ! * i.titrpmoM : To tli JWllor. ni.'SINJ 8 I.K 1'TKllS. , \1I bunlncMi letter * nr.-l rpinltiaiirM khould l > nflitrMMtl to Tlie Hco I'-ililMilnR Onmimny , Omnlia. Draft * . clircks utul i .i < l > iinco order * to be tnada pnyiiiii ! ta thi > u-l. iot UKcompany. . Tim nntJ ptnii.tsitiNa COMPANY. 8TATKMRMT OP filMo nf NVbrnnltn , I DuUKlnn County. I UenrKa p. Titohuflt , reeretnry of Thi nee Pub- Hilling comimny. helms itnly w.rn. cny that ilia notunl nnrnfor nf full nnd complete rnplrn of Tim Dnlly Morning , Evening Rtiil sinv'my lice printed during tlio month of Ncmmbt-r , 1Mni ns fol- lowm Loss deilucttnn-i for lins-iM nnd returned copies t , T Tola ! tift nnlss . ! 7..CO Net tlnlly nver.iKe . 21.5S3 otamriK it. TBSPiiircK. Uiilnrrito 1 In tny prewnw nnd nworn to liefor * mo tills 1M day of Dot-ember. HM. . M. i' . rum ( Seal. ) ICntnry Public. SPKCMATj OniM.ST.MAS XU Tim OMAHA SUNDAY Biv& THH UGH OK NRXT SUNDAY. DK- an.MP.i5ii 20 , WILL nn A CHRIST MAS N'UMIJCn. llANtJSO.MCLY II- MJ3TUATB1) WITH SPECIAL K13A- TUUE3 PI-CtUAUIY ; ; APPROPUt- ATI-3 TO T1II3 HOMDAY SfiASON. ClintSTMAS STOUIBS. OIIUISTMAS poi\is. : CIIIMSTMAS PICTURES. CHRISTMAS HISTORY. CHIIISTMAS PRBSHNTS. CHRISTMAS SPORTS. CHRISTMAS MUSIC. CHRISTMAS aoWNO. IN ADDITION TO TIIK NEWS AND ALL T.IK NEWS. Tim OMAIIA SUNDAY J3E& . .SI'MHIAI , cmilSTMAR MJMIJKK. The Knlr pi'iit-II will IIMM liccn di-cldcd by exports not. to lie n fair ik-al at all. The agitation for a union depot Is neither ( load nor slci-pliij , ' . Some in- tere.Htliih' nnd iiniiurtnnt dovi-lopinonts may be expeeted. soon. The f n > at. now state of Montana Is onthuylastlcally In line for the exposi tion. All the inlneral-prodiiclnp .slates will he found In their places at the proper ( line. Warm weather at this season of the year may not exactly suit the eoal deal ers , but it Is a blessing without dls- KiilHe for the poor people who ordinarily have to burn eoal to keep warm. Senator Allen will oppose the present repeal of the sugar bounty. .Senator Allen Is a far-seeing anil exceedingly politic statesman , bound to advance his own Interests and those of hl.s party. The populist , parly llnds Itself In the position which all political parties have occupied at some period of their his tory , where It can best serve its own ends by advocating wise and moderate legislation for the good of the people at large. Councilman Wheeler's charter com mittee wants to reduce the salaries of members of the police commission by $ : tX ( ) u year. Koine people , including Mr. Wheeler , would doubtless be will ing to serve without pay , but they might , be dear at half the price. The unanimity with which the out going state olllclals and clerks announce their intention of devoting themselves to the making of money on their exit from olllce would lead the uninitiated to believe that they had been serving the public for nothing but glory all these years. There are several members of the com ing legislature who deny that they are anxious to be elected speaker , but In no case Is It because they feel that they are not capable of tilling the position. Nebraska never elects a man to the legis lature unless he Is qualiticd to preside over the body. Gorman newspapers profess to be lieve that ( icrnmny Is oppressed by the re-Imposition of the American tonnage duties on Centum vessels. When ( iormuny learns , however , that the United States Is not to be trilled with , It will be more careful about discriminating against American trade. Any contemplated reform In the method of keeping the county treas urer's tax books should embrace a provision for keeping them accurately. There Is less ground for complaint on the score of clerical cnors at present than formerly , but any one who has had occasion to look up old taxes and tax sales will know that under other treasurers the records have been very loosely kept. The free nnd unlimited coinage of cabinet gossip seems to be the order of the day. A week without two or three new cabinet possibilities would be a dreary waste In the political hemi sphere. Su p roll Me are the Hclf-appolntcd cabinet makers that they could easily produce material enough to form a do/en cabinets and have odds and ends left over to till all the vacancies that might occur for four years to come. U'he dllllculty which I'resdent-cleet Me- Klnley must encounter Is not wliuni to HeJeet , but whom to reject / % / . / ; . , s ; or xnut INi i 1 l\i i'i tii. ii of NiitirusKn iin | " ' " 'ilvi , of poll i .it iltll1Utli.li. Mill hull-lily wel c din- and i Kiiiiiii'inl the timely speech oi Senator Allen , hi which he gives niwir aiici ) to the country that no Injury 01 wrong or Injustice to nny Interest Is the t < ho fenred finm the success of the popu list pnrly In this state. It Is needless b sny that Senator Allen Is authorlxed to Rlvo mteh nn nssiirnnne. Ho U a leiulei who enjoys the highest respect and con- lldonce of his pnrly. who Is in close touch with Its vntilJ nnd lllo nml who exerts aii'ltilhionro In the councils of the pnrly Mi'cnm ! to none.Vhetl. . therefore , he do- clnrcg from his place In the national sen ate thnt the populist party of Nebraska contemplates no legislation that can be hurtful to nny Interest , thnt It proposes no action that will destroy , but thnt on the contrnry It Intends "to build up ami make more secure the rights of nil nti'l to give to all that full measure of Justice their position ns members of society en titles them to. " he speaks na one with authority and Ida assurance Is entitled to confidence. It would be Idle to deny that thorp \vns warrant for the npprehenslon created by populist success. Some of the doc trines of that party tire n mennce to pri vate rights ami to the public welfare. As a political organlxntlnii It Is largely composed of men whose tendencies are reactionary and even revolntioiriry. Its success In other states than Nebraska has been productive of Injury to the credit and welfare of such stales. With those examples It was only natural that the triumph of the populist party In Nebraska should cause those toward whose Interests populism h.is assumed tin altitude of hostility to fear adverse legislation and to take precautions to protect themselves , as far ns possible , against such legislation. Hut after \\hnl Senator Allen has said none can reasonably doubt that the pop ulist party In Nebraska will be found ready to deal fairly and justly with all Interests and that Its administration of the n ( Talcs of the state will have reference - ence to the development of Its resources and to Its material upbuilding. Our people ple already know that Governor Hoi- comb Is n conservative chief executive who win be confidently depended upon to conserve to the extent of his authority and influence the best Interests of the state. No man could be mo > v solicitous than he to maintain Nebraska's charac ter and credit. Senator Allen vouches for the ability and the loyalty to Ne braska of the populist membiM's of the legislature and says they will be entity of nothing that will impair the standing of the state , nothing that will destroy Its credit or detract from its glory , "but they will , on the contrary , build up and make better and more secure and inspire confidence in all. " More than this could not be desired. Senator Allen firmly believes In tht ? Importance of the beet sugar and chicory Industries of Nebraska and consequently Is In favor of promoting the develop ment of those industries by bounties. Accepting ids views as voicing ( he senti ment of his party it is safe to expect legislation favoiable to the beet sugar and chicory interests , the value of which to the state has already been demon strated , while their future liiip'irtunee. ' if their growth shall be properly encour aged , cannot easily be overestimated. rnquestlonably Senator Allen lias d in- a great service to Nebraska In giving to tile countiy a statement of the senti ments and purposes of his party in ibis state. It will serve to remove apprehen sion and to put Nebraska la a better light before the country. It is a service no other man is bettor qualified than he to effectively render and all NebraskaiM will heartily thank him for it. .UM/S , IA'0 KXhISTMRX'rS J'Olt I'l'IM. Uoported preparations for shipping arms and ammunition to Hie Cuban In surgents and of the enlistment of men at various .points to join the Insurgent forces are the Indications of a marked revival of popular Interest in the cause of Culmn liberty. Sympathy with that cause has , Indeed , never abated , but since the utterances of the president and secretary of state the public Inter est regarding Cuba has undoubtedly been intensified , while a stimulus has also been found In the spirit manifested In congress and In the death ot' the ablu1 Cuban leader , Antonio Macco. who Is believed , despite Spanish assertions to tlu > contrary , to have been betrayed to Ids death. There can be no doubt that this circumstance lias made a strong Impression upon the American people and persuaded many that the time is ripe for some decisive action on the part of tills government. The feeling of resentment toward the Span ish for the killing of Macco may not In1 quite reasonable , but none the less It Is natural and it Is taking expres sion in more vigorous etVorts to aid the Cuban cause. This manifestation will necessitate Increased vigilance on the part of the federal authorities to prevent viola tions of our neutrality laws , the scope of which should be now well under stood by everybody. This government is hound to put a stop to expeditions with hostile purpose toward the Span ish government. Its duty Is to prevent organized bodies of armed men from leaving tills country to Join the Insur gents. Hut according to the attor ney general's Ii > terprctatlon of the law , the government Is not called upon to Interfere with the sale and delivery of arms and ammunition to Hie insurgents , as an ordinary commercial transaction. It has always been held that our citizens have the right to sell such articles and Milp them wherever they please , .lefferson stated this in ITii.'l ami the right has been reasserted many times since. The fact , therefore , that a ship loads with arms and ammunition for the Insurgents Is In Itself no olVense to our laws or to International law. It Is only when In connection with such shipment of muni tions of war there Is taken on an organ ized force , otllcered and equipped for a warlike purpose , that the government can properly detain such vessel. With regard to enlisting men to Join the Insurgents , the law makes It a crim inal offense "for any person within the United States to begin or aut on foot or provide means for any military expedi or C'liti ipi'K , ' to be uirrlcd on from tin ni' < n .i'u.st ' any foreign slate wIMi \\hMi the I ult.'d Stales Is at p. . ace , " but It Is a qiioillon whether this would apply to the simple act of men enrolling themselves to go to Cuba , even with the nvowed Intention of enlisting when they got there , provided that.there was no military orginlzatlon among them. The departure from our shores for Cuba of a body of unarmed and iiuorgniilx.ed men could not fairly be regnrded as a military expedition , though It should be well known to be the Intention of the men to enlist with the Insurgents when they got there. The courts have delltied a military expedition ns n force equipped with arms , otlhvrod nnd orgnnlx.pd. It would seem , therefore , that the simple net of an Individual enrolling himself to go to Cuba nnd Join the lusiirgonln would be no' offense against the law. On the other hand those who set on footer or provide means for such enlistments inny he amenable to the Inw. These fresh demonstrations In hohnlf of the Cubans run hardly fall to npgra- vnto popular feeling In Spain ngalnst the Tnlted States , but they ought not to disturb the friendly relations between the governments. It Is undoubtedly safe to say thnt they will not affect the at titude of the present administration. a wnf.ir ; > ; ; ; . ' A' County Commissioner ICIerstend sug gests nniong other reforms In the direc tion of economy the creation of nn olllce to be known as the public de fender. The public defender would stand to the Indigent prisoners neciiscd of crime in the same relation ns the public prosecutor to public olfendcrs. Instead of as now permitting the judge of I he criminal court to assign one or more attorneys for the defense of each prisoner who makes nUldavlt that he has no means with which ii > employ one , the otlhe of public defender wor.ld be filled either by appointment or election , and the duty Imposed upon Its incumbent to defend without charge In all s"ch cases. That tills would allow the public de fender a fair salary and at the same time effect a considerable saving to the taxpayers admits of no doubt. That It Is perfectly feasible has been shown both by experiment elsewhere and by a practice nearly akin In this county. For a while In assigning the defense of indigent prisoners the work was thrown all to one person , and aside from the complaints of favoritism no particularly had results were noticed. The judges lo whom the assignment of these favors falls ought to b , glad io get out of the unpleasant duty , and , as for the prisoner , the character and ability of his attorney would on the average be bettered rather than chaiiL'cd for the worst. A great deal would , of course , depend upon the person who happened to be appointed or elected to till the new position. A conscientious and pains taking ollicial would give these prison ers the same service ns if lie bail been specially retained at nn attractive fee. If the place Is , to be used , however , simply as a political reward for attor neys who cannot make a living In nny other way nnd who would regard the salary simply as a stipend for con tinuing political-activity to the neglect of the duties , the change would be a detriment rather than u tieneflt to tlu pub'ic. The proposition , however , has every appearance f merit nnd deserves the careful consideration of the legislature. When It comes to the .game of bluff and hold-up the publishers of Hie World- Herald stand unexcelled. After the public has lii'en fooled and defrauded so many times by Its successive fakes It Is strange If any one now will walk Into Its trap once more. The law gov erning the Issuance of liquor license : * requires notices of applications for licenses to be published In 'the paper having the largest circulation In the county. That paper Is The Omtilni lOvening I'.iv. Druggists nnd saloon keepers who want to obey the law and make sure of securing their licenses will advertise their notices In The Omnhn Kvcnlng I > ee. Senator 1'cffer Is not having things nil his own way down In Kansas not withstanding the fact that the stale went for the populist , ticket at the last election. The senator Is very much exercised over the possibility that the new legislature may forget to re-pleet him ns Us representative at Washing ton. It would be a pity to d"prlve th1 senate of those picturesque I'offcrhin whiskers Just when the public is be ginning to get accustomed t ; > them. I5y basing his plea for re-election on these grounds the senator ought lo be able lo tovch the heart-strings of the most obdurate Kansas populist. Governor Stone of Missouri publicly expresses the opinion that the best way to put nn end to train robbery Is to execute a few of the highwaymen who ih\ays richly deserve such n punish ment. In ottering rewaids for the ar rest and conviction of the perpetrators of the recent train hold-up In Hint slaL * .10 . therefore ni'.ikes the stun 'JK.'O ' for u'restnnd lonvlctlon , with a further sum ) f $ atiO if conviction is followed by the sentence of death. The bandits who selected Missouri as the scene of their ip'U'iitlons evidently wore Ignorant of the ferocious governor with whom they would have to deal. The latest turn In the maximum freight rain case , by which the motion for ad vancing the rehearing In Hie 1'nitcd States supreme courl has been headed off almost Indefinitely , calls for nn ex- ilauatlon that will explain why the Mate's Interests have been made sub sidiary to the Intere.fts of the railroads ill through the conduct of the case. Omaha wants n beet sugar factory. If Its citizens had the free capital they would build It at once themselves. As It Is they will require the assistance of foreign capital.J'he profitableness of the beet sugar industry In Nebraska lias already hi'cn demonstrated and foreign capital should have no hesita tion In venturing Into this ; field. The council charter committee IIIIB sliced down a number of city hull mil.Him t\n \ I nholl.-dit'd f' cril of the ollli'i s , Ituliiilfiig the street eoimnls sioiii r. holler inspector , se\-er commls slotier anil n - lstaiit city engineer. Hu ns yet It has not proposed n cut In tin pay of coiinellmcn or the salary of tin. city attorney.t ninur.-itn < if ( InIMV TilrlIT. 'OlifrhVn Tlmcu-tlfrnld , The tnrKT Inw of tS7 ! * will be ft protection measure conservatively nilaptoil to present lmliiHtrl.il eortimlons nml revenue noeils , with n reciprocity provision calculated to widen and uxtml the markets for the products of 'husbandry. \IMV Watch the IloMiter. . IniUnnai'olls Jnurnnl. TIP ! Individual who Ims undertaken to inanaKo W. J. Ilryan's prospective lecture tour has fixed the terms at " 75 per cent of the ercss receipts with ix guaranty thnt oui share will not be IMS than $3.003. " There Is not n city In the United States whore IJryan can draw a J3.0CO audience. lti'KlN ( < Ml.clter ImlcniiiKy. Globe-Democrat. It Is likely that the nroat majority of people bpllevo that the registration of a letter olsiilllrs a guaranty Of Indomiiltj by the government In case of IOPS , while as n matter of fact the guaranty does not RO beyond that o ? reasonable care In handling end due efforts to trace tlio letter If stolen en rente. Thnro should be nu Indemnity for such losses , however , as there Is In other countries , and n bill providing for It Is now pending In congress. A l'i | ilN ( SlUer Ill-Id ; . New Yofli World. In the present senate there are thlrty- ntno drmacrnts and HX ! populists. In the next senate there will bo thirty-two demo crats and nine populists. This Is slnjply the fare ot the ( Inures , and docs not take Into account the division of the thirty-two democrats on the money question. The democrats lost savi-n senators and the populists Rained Hiiro as n result of the fusion adventure with free silver. And this Is only ono small part of that extremely good bargain for the populists mid extremely bad bargain for the democrats. The ( ioltl Stiiinlr.nl UoiniirrnlN. Lmilnvllle Com lcr-lournal. The silver democrats pretend to coT ( In flue scorn nt the Insignificant number of the sound money democrats , disdaining , they assert , to take serious notice of a party which cast leas than 5.000 votes for Palmer In Kentucky and Ices than 150,000 for him In the union. Hut are they willing to make their future calculations on the br.sls ot those llgnrre ? They know perfectly well that the sound money democrats rast nearer 50.000 votra than 5,000 In Kentucky and nearer 1.500.000 than 150,000 la the union , and any future program which they make without taking Into account these votes won't beorth the trouble of making. 'the Bltiinlluii In tinSoimtr. . Now York Sun. Last winter the democrats were allied with the i'O u'.lr ii > . or rilver men. for the prsvcntlrn of tariff legislation for the In- creasa of t'lo n.vonuc. They ropm to bo al lied I'tlllfor the. eamo pcllry , n-und mrney dBinocrats ItfrtaOcd. Provident Cleveland U also generally regarded us : i pjrt cf this combination. Tfco populists In the senate are agiln holding1 up the tovcnuo measure cf the liotiFe of rfcrrcrentatlvcs , where all rev enue blllp must' originate , for the oaUe of nllvrr , and the dbmicrati nro with them fnr the t-aks of jiane. Idea , no rno lno\vs : what. touching the prlnclplo of nroUctlon. In tha ! extraordinary check to the read justment of the i national finances , and to reparation for the criminal folly of their re- rout management , the poor , belabored popu lists make really but a small factor. This Is wbcre , wo arc at. MfXiril'AI. Kit.\\CIIISKS. Sojno I-'lKiin'N .JiiiinvIiiHf 't'helr Money- ; < i Milking V.'ilMi- . N'i-\v' York % VorlJ. The first annual' report of the street car combination known an the Union Traction Company of Philadelphia gives a striking Illustration of the vuluo ot such municipal franchises as are recklessly thrown awaj In New Yoric. President Wi'lih asserts that the combina tion pays "d'rectly ' or indirectly" to the city nmt state ta n , consideration for I ! fianchlsia $1G ! ,093 per r.runm , or about 10 per cjcnt of Us gross receipts. Yet nfte ? all expenditures. Including 1ht > usual nccoa- iury and unneceraiiry fixed charges , have boon deducted. It reports net profits for tht year cf $1,100.113. Of coiirsp this sum. largo as It Is , doai not represent tin- total profits of the promotern. In every such enterprise as this , managed by methods of spcculatlvo consolidation , a large part of the profits generally goca for what are practically "rake-offs. " though I- may not ho pollio to term them so. But leaving out of 'consideration stock watering nnd other firaiiclerlng devices which make U dlfllcult to toll \viat ! the face of an an nual showlns really means. It apptar * heri that these Philadelphia franchisee owuct : by n slmrlt company , yield nearly a million and a half net after over a million and a half lira been paid "directly and Indirectly" to the city and state. How much longer will sane and responsible communities allow such Immeiuely valuable privileges to bo traded away for a hong ? A ICICK KltUM C.tllAUAS. Chicago Chronicle : There promises to be a ncan-lal In the Venezuelan boundary bus- ! IHOS. All the dirty linen will bi- washed anj hung upon thu Suhomburgk Hue. New York Tribune : Venezuela can have no Vv-orje cntiny than a man who would Ktund In the way of her acceptance of tht nrranrimcnt made with Great Drltaln In lu > i behalf by the United States. Gloue-UemocnU : Venezuela will inako n it-ilora mistake If che refuses to abide hy the boundary treaty that tlio United Statro has lU'gotl.ited in her Interest. It Insurer her a chance to prove that aho Is right , nnd if bhe rejects It the Inference will ho that she I ? afraid , after all , to put her claims to a fair and srjuare trot. Chicago Tribune : A dlipatch from Caracas states that , owing lo the preasuro of public icntlmcat. Venezuola. after already having Given her consent to the arrangements bo- twecn Secretary OIney and Lord Salisbury for the settlement of ( he dispute between tM country and Great IJrl'.lan , Ins with drawn It. Thp ( internment does not i-ctm to have been ablo.ti ) stem the tide of popular opinion , or v/ati afraid of Us own exlstoncf if It should oppose It. If the Venezuela hot tica.ls have ually done what U charged , thus foicln ttitf United States to drop out. .buy will IInil that their latter end Is wor ethan than the first , /.nil that they will ccme on * pvcn worse off than when they went Into the struggle. ( Chicago Record : Hut should Venezuela icfiwo Its aEWlit to the arrangement cf- Tcctcd for It In a friendly spirit and by R [ rlcndly pawnthia government will then be In a DMillon 'to waah Its hands of thr affair , leaving Engliind to bring Venezuela to terms as liiy * lic may , always provided that as a renul.m ( her content she shall not onlnrgo her torrltury In South America or cUcwhcro on thu American continent. If England choencs.ln . that event , to overrun Venezuela and 'forl'o ' ' the latter to pay her un indemnity the ; latter country can have only lierself to blame. That IH the caao in a nutshell , and the fioonur Venezuela under- stnmU ltd dlgnincanco thu better for all concerned. Philadelphia Ledger : It would bo a great mUfortuno If Venezuelan politicians who are [ dotting to overthrow Crt'c-po should bo able to crganlzo successful opposition to the treaty on sentimental nnd unsubstantial ground > . The clause In the proposed treaty llxlng fifty years' umllt-turbed possession us sufilclent to quiet the tltlo to lands claimed by Great Drltaln or Venezuela Is furiously asiallcd by Mlchclcna as "Inimical to Venezuela ; " hut this has been regarded by our State department as ciniltnblu. As Secretary Olncy put It , the negotlallons provide for a full iirbltratlrn of thu whole controversy "upon bases allko just and hon orable to both the countries. " Venezuela should agree with her adversary quickly. If she rejects thu treaty , thin govarnmi'nt will bo nlow hi auxlutlug uucu a capricious neighbor iniucirs CASE HOLDS OVER Scimto Committed on Jmlloinry Hangs Up Nebraska's Federal Jtulpo. PASSES MANY PRIVATE PLNSION BILLS SovornloliriintiniiH llonioinliorril In Sciiiitiirlnl niNlrllinlloii of ( iov- crniiiciit I'npo fop Voloruim unit Tlirlr l WASHINGTON. Doc. 14. ( Special Tele gram. ) The senate Judiciary committee nt n sroslon this morning decided to postpone ac tion on the nomination of W. I ) . Mel high to bo jndgt > of the United States district court for Nebraska until after the Christmas holliUys. The executive session of the senate today was devoted almost entirely to the receipt of reports on nominations made by commit tees , a large share of these made coming from the commutes on judiciary , which met today. Among those on which favorable reports were nmdo were those of Hon. Charles G. Nott to be chief justice of the court of claims ; of Hon. John H. llodgera , to succeed the late Judge Parker as Judge of the western district of Arkanms , and of W. 1) ) . CMldoN na district nttwncy for Now Mexico. Chlldcrs' nomination U < among those which failed of confirmation liu > t session bocaupo of the opposition ot Ilelegito Catron. which has now been withdrawn. Among the nomlni- tior.s not reported today were those of Judge Howry of Mississippi to n place on the court of clulnui bench and George V. Moore to suc ceed Henry P. Clayton ny district attorney for the district of Alabama. There Is op- r-rsltlcn to Moore on the j-art of friends of Chyton. who was removed during the layt cumiKilgti bec.ius'o ho accepted a congrw- nlonil nomination na a silver democrat. The scenp c-f legislation was sn'fted ' from the houw to the senate today. That body RH down to business and passed a whole raft of tension bll' ' ? . Senator Thurston stayed with the calendar until ovcrv bill ho bad reported pisMod the penato. These were : Peni'lon to Samuel A. Smith , $30 per month ; to Mm Catherine H. O'Brien of Omaha , v. Idow cf the late General George M. O'llrlen , $ ? ( > per month ; to Franklin C. Plant ? of Hay Springs. Neb. , SIC per month ; to Jamrs M. Slmorat of Otinha. $30 per mouth ; to Mrs. Cella A. Jotters of llafuutt , Neb. , $30 per month. Senator Allen also passed a hill to ppuplcn Ollvo W. Cook of St. Paul at $12 per wont'1. ' SENATOR PBTTIGRK\\"S PROGRAM. Senntcr Pc.ttlgrov- . gave notleo of the fol lowing amendments to the f.indry civil bill to be submitted by him : To establish an iK'.ay cflico at Doadwood. $10,000 ; eoaMruc- llon of the northern branch of the Soldiers' Homo , $150,000 ; ti purchase site for public building nt Deadwood. $20,000 ; authorizing the Rccrotary tf the Irterlcr to appoint a commission of thrco pern.ins to settle dlf- torcnecs between lUsebild and Lower Brulo Indlann ; thl. . ' commission to also nrgotlato with the Uofcbud. Lower Bruit1 , Cheyenne nnd Standing Rock Indian : . ' for cession of n pcrtlen of their reservation , and nn amend ment ito cxlftlng treaties which require the consent of throe-fnurths cf tlie male ndultn of the tribe to ratify treaties hereafter mado. An zpproprlatlon of $10.000 for tlio expense of the commission Is carried In this amend ment. II. M. Allen a paper on iicci sugar , rcaci LO- 'oro the resent convention at Grand Island and published In full In The llee , wna , on motion of Senator Allen , made a senate mis cellaneous document , and will bo published. Senator Thumlon Introduced a bill today authorizing every judge of a district court of the United Sntrn to appo'nt ' a stenographic reporter and fixing the duties and coinpem < a- iloi : of such reporter , the salary to be fS.4GQ per year , with stipulated rate. ? for transcrip tion of evidence. . This bill has the oancttnn fit district Judu.cn throughout the country , n ho will endeavor to have con resslr.nnl dclo- pr.tlona support the same. lie also Intro duce J a bill to pension Charles A. Ivia I - . I well ot Alnsworth. Neb. , nt $72 per month , ' ] on account of total disability. I . Senator Gear presented the petition of HIP Congregational chutvh of Danville , la. , and 1 the pc-tltlon of 30U citizen * of New London , 1 la. , praying for the t-nactment of legislation 1 "nrblddlng the sale of llquora In government imlldinRj. i I MONDEU/S OIL LAXI ) HIM. . ' j . IteproEentatlve Mondcll of Wyoming Introi .lured H bill relative to persona ImldlnK under the minim ? laws of the United .Uatt-s to enter and obtain patent to lamta 1 -ontalnlnj ; petroleum or other mineral olla. 1I I ind chielly valuable therefor , by making one bnnalldo discovery of ouch petroleum on any t tract not exceeding 103 acrctj. ThU bill 1 out of the recent decision of the Inte- t . department ; , wherein It wrs decided In a California case that landi chiefly valua- ' ) le for petroleum and mineral oils , rould .10 longer bo patented under placet- mining laws. There bclns no othi-r law utrler which iamta containing petroleum or other mineral olla could be patented , the oil Interesui of the 'northwest were very Injuriously affected , ' Wyoming belnp particularly made to suf fer. To remedy thlii decision of the Interior .Upartmont , thlo bill wen introduced , that patenting oil lamU might go on and the do- \elcmcnt ! of the oil llclds continue. Congressman Halncr was In his seat to-lay 'or the first tlmo since the session began. lie arrived Sunday with his family from the west. Judge N. I ) . Jarki.'jii of Nellgh , Neb. , was n capital visitor today and was received with ' ! > ' --n arma , afVr having nnnouuccd to the republicans of the Nebraska delegation thnt he had no favorn to nsk from the Incoming administration. He has been In Boston look- , i > a after some old matters of the Globe In- vestment company. Tom WiilNim'N nici-tlou Content. WASHINGTON. Doc. II. Hon. Thomas Watson of Georgia will appear before the [ ' committee on elections on January 8. to ' ont ? t the title to the seat now held by t Judge Black In the houoo. To.lay the * com- ulttro on elections decided to hoar the ca.-io on that day. \i-\v CniiNitl.H Ai > iiolnlril. WASHINGTON. Dec. H. Tlio senate lu -lecutlve session today confirmed the fol- owlng nominations : To bo United States conjiiln , AVnltrr I ) . Itni-Kor cf Mi . I- > pi i nl SflRim la Grande , t'lihi1. . I'r.ink n Hill o Minnesota , fit Santos l.raill. ( li- . i. . n Kedzlo of Mexico , nt UIIIAHRII. Mrxi.-o , Samuel M. Simmons of Ti-w , nl Pi-dias Negrng , Mexico ; Horace L. Wn hlniilim of Texas , nt Alexandrcltn , S > rl ; I'.iul Wleslko of Texas , nl WaiiBKim. Nicaragua. O.N MXI2S Ol .ST. I.Ol'IS IM.A'ITOU.M Committee of I ho Soimlo I tit 01-11 it tin un I II I mo lit It ( tin , WASHINGTON , Doc. II.Thp committee of the republican caucus to consider a bl metallic proponltlon held n meeting todaj and Informally dlaciiMcd the subject coming to no definite conclusion. Senator Hoar , n member of the eommltuo gave the other members twmo pointer * from his InvewtlKatlooe of bimetallism nbruad. Senator Wolcotl , ehatrman ot the commit tee , flaid : "The senate- republican caucus committee to report legislation In further- nil re ot an Intel national bimetallic confer ence had iv full meeting today nud the quw- tton was discussed at aomo length. The subject was chit fly considered with .1 view to si-ourltiK the widest ponstblo latitude to n comoilmlon , and so framing legislation thai the Incoming prealdent would lie nt llbt-rt ) to act Immediately upon hi * Innngnratlon nml without waiting for further Icglalatlvo action. There- were thousando of reiiuhlletin.i In the west , who were In accord with so much ol the Chicago platform as stood for the five caliingf of silver , but who wei-o unableto ac cept the other plankti of the plat form. Therewere also In the middle states hundreds of thousanda of repnbltruua , earnest bimetallism , who voted the republican ticket because they be lieved the llnanclal plank in the St. Louts platform to bo a sacred pledge * commlllng the party to an earnest effort to accure In ternational blmetnlllrm. Po far ns 1 cun observe , theKcntlment Is practically unani mous among republican senators In favor of an earnest and steadfast effort toward International agreement. I do not anticipate any serious trouble In the way of bocilrlng filch legislation as has been outlined , and which will prepare , the way for this effort. So far as I can learn , there Is no opposition on tlio part f either democrats or populists to some such legislation as has ho-n out lined. for I think It may truthfully bu said ilmt 9D per cent of the people- are bimetal- lists. and even those who believe * Hint this country can alone maintain the double standard have no port of objection to the same re'sult being accomplished by Interna tional agreement If It shall be possible. " si CAM ixmsTHY ; i.v S.viHllcnlc llflnurinutit ( n Hi-R-iilnlf rr-loox. WASHINGTON , Dec. II. Unleca r"llcf can soon bo had from the Reichstag the entire sugar Industry of Germany Is likely to lie organized for liclf-protcetlon In a gigantic syndlcato or trust , with the purpose of regu lating production n"ml consulting prices. This Is Hit' view of United States Consul Mason at Frankfort , set out In nn elaborate report to the Stale department on the present &t.Ue of the sugar Industry In Germany. Only lost May n Inw was cnactril to help out the sugar growers and makers , as thin Is now the only remaining Held of profit for thc > German farmer. The act was passed nt the demand of ibo agrarian party , yet already the sugar makers are appealing to Iho Reichstag "to rcsouo the nuiar-produclng Interests from the consequences of the very act passed for Its salvation. " und which have presented thcmsclvt.a promptly nnd In a most serious form. Mr. Mason tells how Iho act has failed , and. Instead of limiting production , ha had the very opposite effect. The Increase of the exports bounty ha also reduced the price of sugar In foreign markets and the German runner receives no more than ho did before the Increase , whllo the government loses lioavlly. Then , too , Franco nnd other European nntlena have responded by an In crease of Ihclr export diltkn , which charge In a measure nculrall/.en the benefits of the licrman Increase , nnd altogether the rtlttrn- tlon so far as the sugar Intoruita tire con- honied la as bad ns It could be. ( JAItl.lSl.r. ( I.V < il.ll ) ClillTinCATK.S. sreretnry Not Inellllecl in Order Thelf INMIIO lit I'ri-st-nl. WASHINGTON. Dec. II. Secretary Car- Isle has written a letter In reply to ono on ) chalf of the Boston banks , csklng for the ssuo of gold ccrtillcntc-j under the authority ; rantcd In section 12 of the act ot July 12 , 1SS2. The secretary r.ays : "I am not yet prc- > arcd to give thu necessary ordur. After the ssuo of ouch uortiric.itc.i has been Ktoppcd , t Is not cortuln that the secretary of the .rensury. and particularly In view of exlst- ng conditions , would bo justified In resum- nK their reissue. It has been the cxpcrl- 'nco of the department In tiin past that the iorm.il Increase of the gold reserve caused jy the exchange of paper currency for gelds s checked by the Issue of gold certificates , mil. In fact.'upon various occasions consiU- > rahlo amounts of gold have been withdrawn ly the preetrtallon of nottn for redemption tml Immediately redeposlted In exchange for cold certificates. Moreover , the house of opreacntntlvcs of the Fifty-third congrcEB , M Its third session , passed a bill dlseontlnu- ng their IESUO entirely and It Is the Inten- lon of the department to present the subject igaln at n very early dale. AH the amount if the gold reserve Is largely dolimin.itod 'rom time to time by the available amount if paper In t-lrculatlon , It seems Inadvisable , it this time especially , to Increase the vol- imo of that currency by the Issue of gold rertillcates. " - not Ki-To-nor.si : : STAIII" sii.ii.\c. tiilli-il Iiii | > riivonieiil In I'oshil Sj-n- Ic-in lo tie Tried. WASHINGTON , Dec. 14. Postmaster Gcn- ral WlUon has Issued an order extending bo house-to-houao collection and delivery ettcr syatem , KO ns to provide for the sale if postage nnd special delivery stamps hrough orders to loiter carriers nn ontalncd In a iniiquo otllclal itivelopo 16 bo funilslicd by ihe Postal Im novcmenl company. The order provides foi mo of Iho moat radical Improvements ye rude In the recital system. It will be rld In Washington nt once , nnd If found iractk-able , extended Rent-rally. U afforda he opportunity for the conduct of one'h iittliifda with the postolllce at home , at lo.'s D far as ordinary transactions are con 'rned. and It Is expected to largely Increase tamp sales na soon as tlio system becomes eneral. The botise-to-houso collection o : iiail by means of Ingeniously contrived boxes ias already been adopted and extended to wenty-flvo free delivery cllleo. 4 < ? J I 5 W % ii\8 \ > * ' 5t I t # The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER t < > 0I I ROYAL the most celebrated of all I the baking powders in the world cel ebrated for its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes , biscuit , bread , t ) etc. , healthful , it assures I you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap \ $ brands. I . , . novAt BAKINO rowpcn co. new YORK. TIIOSI ! MOlUHiHIIIIA.SK.V IMHMS. ' \MI Tlio Kfln \ ( if HIP ton r id in i-suil'll.-'liini' "m < del fni ins" nlc. g Its line In Kilixas and N''brnk.i Is ( o bo ci intiietidcd. I'enelrntlng an It does n rich" " f " nud productive nKrlmltur.il section , the UiirllUKton I * VAdlly Intorcxted In 8ueee afu1 tarmlng , end such e tablUhmenls ns It tins projected will proU n llvlnp demonatrntlim of what Rood niJimxomcnt nnd good Judgment can nci-Aini'lluli even In n penxm of drv-.Kh nnd low prices. Plillndolphln Hpcord : The IlurllnRtnn Itnllroul company , which has pstnbllshed flvo model farms , or nRrlrulturnl experiment stations , In KansAs nnd Nebraslia , l.i about to Mart a number of others In the nmo Dtntc-4 in the hope tlmt the lncrnt < cd froiKiit- KH from the larger crop will more than 10- pay the outlay. Heretofore mieh worlc hn boon lull to the state. In taking It In linnl tlieinsolvcs the railway olllolaU have si ) < \ < n n foresight which ehuiild bring generous re turns. Denver Hepublloan : The lUirltiigton it.iti- road eompany lias ontcrrd upon a pomli ' venture In establishing experimental fi.n s In Kunw and Kclirnyko. lint Ita \ a * > < tnovo , and It may be oxpioted to rooult l > ri. < > - llclally to the farming regions tlirotiulivhh > \ the Ilurllngtcn tuns. There nrc nnny i - tereotlng problems retinocted with ngrlciiltu-0 tn the arid nnd soml-nrld region nnd th. v have by no means nil been worked nut. T . . - men In chnrRe of thedc experimental f.nr.i may bo nblo to do much to incronno Uiui - t-dge In ri-gmil to thr methoda which sli n .1 bo ndopted by the agriculturists In t'.u country lylno ; between the inouiil.ilny nnd the Mlyiourl river. < ! PM M , .I.V1IS. Chlcngo Tribune : "Sixteen yrnrs In tiio employ of ihlH rnllroad companyl" BDIIICI- qulzeil the inn n who watt walking up , in-l down tn front of the passenger Rlntlon "Sixteen yours ! And kicked outl Kli-K < - < l outl" lie ntltlod bitterly , "And yet tiny say corporations have no soles. " net roll l-'roe Pr.'S' : "Votitwife's Just mr > t with an accident , Wllklns , " snld u mm who rushed Into llio grocery. "She nn over u dog while riding her bicycle .in.I thc-y'vo carried her to the hospital. " Tlio mini sitting on the cracker burr. . 1 rose lo his feet excitedly nnd his f.i. turned pale. "Hid you notice. " ho nsked , In n tn-mii- llnt ; voice , "vvhi-ther It was n Ilve-r-colm i .1 doir with two u-blto spots on Ills fou- . shoiiUU-r or not ? " Plnclnnntl Rnqnlrpr : "Oh. I don't o.itv. " nlrlly remnrkrcl the drnmnllc lady \ \ } \ , < < IIPRO ! Imtl tlown. "There's Just as MH..I . Ilsb In Ibc se.i , you linov ; . " "I didn't RO io sehool -whole lot , " i ; 1 the oilier ucti-LMH lady , "but It deems to n. , . that tlie sucker Is a fresh water llsli iv cluslvely. . Slip fat before mo nl the t lnv , Her Iml betwixt me nnd the RtnKO. I s.-ild : "S'l'-'s ' of uncertain age ; She wenm her hit ; becnuso . Two hnndn wont up. two pins came down Her hntviin clV ; her linlr was brown. J H.\'T | tJ.V 'I'lJIJ ' "I" ' HO.V. Jfcw Tork Sun. { Pause , Plngree , " 'niise ; 'oluto-planllng patriot. nusel 'leased with the MlliiK ; baubles of the hour , you'd 'ay the prlec and get Into the ush. Hut bold hard ! 'ei-linps 'olnlo paths thnt lent ! to fntno IIMS quite around the 'rt-eloiiii prize you seek. 'unse. Plnprco , I'anso ; nil down the 'atltudc.s that plonno nnd 'lit vonr head In shrlnlr u-litr.li flnt. ews to the earth nmbltlon's Purpose , that would 'luce your popularity nloft as 'resldeiitl.il preferment I 'ooh , PliiKivo ! 'resident * don't crow on otuto vlnpH , nnd If you ermlt ynursclf to be 'umpooKleil Into t-hinktiifr HO , you'll ay for It with bunted hopctH. UHli on to Klory by some other route : a r ptT with soinrtbliiB ulso than Hint : 'oil down your vest ; 'ut Plncree on the Ice .1 whllo ! 'erlsh the thought thnt oneHhould fe MiiKreo rould not 1111 the bill BO 'erfeclly that Menly and prosperity would 'err-h upon the. iiatlon'H rlilRo polo ' . ' . IJut ' rinniii'iitly. that's not It. Mncree Is perfect , and the 'erfret president Is ns yet rather 'revious ! 'assess vouti ? As Ducks , Take to water so arc parents taking : advantage of our great opportunity sale in the children's department. Yesterday we had a rush that tested our capacity to its utmost , and still we failed to sell all of the bargains adver tised two piece Suits , Kilts , Overcoats , Ulsters , Shirt Waists etc. , and all odd articles were includcJ in this special sale. We arc going ; to continue it as long as an article remains , which won't be long. So don't wait till the last moment come early before they arc all picked ever S.V. . Cor. JStlumU Dousing Stu v