TTIlfl OTtlAIIA 'DAILY Ef3 : ' TnUSDAT. DISC113 MURK 15. 189(5 ( , mil th IriVr 'ry promises to bp one of Very ] ? rcat l > t .it The ropuilst pnrly of Ni-lT.isika under- Rtnnd quite ax well ns the | H > oplc of liny other section of the union thnt It Is hlKhiv Important anil prolltnblc lo thp stale to diversify our imiuntrlpH n fnr n citn Iw done without too heavy n tux on the peopl * . I nm n Iwllovcr In this doctrlm mywlf. The Inw to which I refer will not expire , by Its terms for om > ytmr more , nnd I think | the ICRlnlatnro will mnUo 1111 appropriation to cnrry out Its provision * , n thing that j j their republican predecessors should hnye j done , however , III ndvlxcd Its pnaanKc In the < llrit InntnncB mny IIHVP boen. The owners I tf lliow1 fnctorlrii hnvo compiled with lht > , IHW , and nn obscrvniico of good fslth re quires that they should receive the iiromHcd bounty. 1 think the legislature will Innugu- rate a policy thnt will encourage now Industries - tries , thus taking a portion of our penp.e . from the f rm and plnoing ihm In other pursuits , where they will no longer be com- j ) < tltors nit producers of fnrm prolucts , but . become producers of other u'c'fui things , | will e < h y remnl i consnmeri of the prod lets > of the fnrm. I nm not arguing 111 ravor of , u high protective tariff : I am only nruuln : ; i In favor nf thnt Indisputable p-.wcr . nnd right Inherent In every itate to pursue itn Industrial - | trial policy tint will. In the Judgment of Its I legislature , result In the gronust good to thosrpntpst number. NUT IN THP. rntJST. The gentlemen who nru mgnged In the boot Hiignr Industry nrc not members of the American trust , as has hren fre quently asserted ; that fuel was fully dis closed In tin : InvpAitgntlcm tlmt v/ns held by n speclnl senate committee , appointed In 1831. of which I had the honor to bo a member. They are free- from any entan gling nlllnncc with thnt ; ii.iitlc : : Institu tion ; they are engaged In dr-veloplnjjnn In dustry new In this country , nnd which I do not doubt will eventually prove prolltable , not only to them nnd their associates , butte to llio | H > opo ! of the western stnt"S , and for that matter to the tntlre union. Mr. 1'renldent , these facts nre known nnd understood by tile legislature of Nebraska , ns they nre Known and understood by mo nnd other citizens. The populist It-glslaturo ami I speaK 101 . enrasKiv uny u.m uu relied on to act conservatively , wlicly and justly In nil respects , ami to give to every man , woman and child bi-ncatlt the pun. whether a citizen of the state , or fnr-off liussla , for that matter , n full measure of eel mil nml exact justice. I deny with nil HIP strength I possess the nllghtest Imputation ngalnst the Incoming administration of Nebraska. No moro loyal , Intelligent , capable business men can be found In any state In the union than those who will compose it for the next two y < .irs , and If any eastern man or newspa per Is still solicitous respecting the course that will be pursued I can say to them that the lime has come when In Justlllca- tlon of their own Intelligence they should ccnso false assertions against this state-anil ngalnst those who arc lo discharge Its olll- clal duties. The populist party of Nebraska will en gage In overhauling the state olllces and state Institutions that for twenty-nlno years have been under unbroken republican rule. They will enact nn election law th U will ho just to nil , but which cannot be tortured by construction In the Interest of one political party nnd against the Interest of another ; one that will siruro lo e\'ery citizen nn honest nnd free ballot ; they will ' ngngo In legislation that will nlTect the gcnernl policy of the state ; In amending vicious legislation passed by their prede cessors , and In affording the people protec tion In many respects which has been de nied them for ye-nrs. The name of Ne braska will never be Justly chargeable with repudiation In any form. From the newspapers of November 23 I rend the following press dispatch : "liOSTON. Mans. , Nov. 21. The jubilee lumqiii t nnd celebration of the Home Mar ket club , in honor of the election of Wil liam McKlnloy , wns held nl .Mechanics' bull this evening. f-Vnntor Hoar of Massa chusetts wns among tho'e who addressed the meeting. lie said In pait : 'It In cer tainly a sad thing to think that states like Knnsm ) and Nebraska , children of New Kngland , that have great farming popula tions where we expect lo Ilml-If we nnd nnywhore sobriety. Integrity , mcndlncax. conservatism , the great communities where Churches abound and where the schools nro the best In the world , should have lent themselves to this crazy attempt at rcvo- lotion ' nnd " this passionate . -rusade of dis honor. NOT A CI1ILIJ OF N13VV KNGLAND. There ar some respects In which these rc- mnrkd of the senior ucnntor from Massachu setts ( Mr. Hoar ) need correction. Ne braska Is not a child of New Knglnnd , how-1 ever desirable that might be. The popula tion of Nebraska Is 'hctciogeiieutis ' ; our pee ple como from every state and territory In the union. .Many of them formerly resided In Ilohemla , the fiermaii states , Kiigl.iml , Scotland and Ireland Sweden , Denmark , Norway , Italy , nndIn f.u-t. many c.ime from different parts of the habitable globp Many , It Is true , came from New ICntlnud , nnd , be It said to their Instlm ; Jiouor , tliov nro true Nchrnskans. and while they love New hngland ns n child lyves Its parents they nro not blind to her faulls nor her vir tues. The population of Nebraska Is rapidly becoming homogeneous , nnd nil. regardless of birthplace , nre deeply utluched to the Htnto nnd to Its welfare and are keenly sen sible of Win necessity of her i-enrlng a good name. They arc. therefore. Jealous of any Imputation against 11 , and ti" ! senior sena tor from .Mnsimcliuscttt ; wan somewhat un guarded , to say the least , In saying , as ho 1. ) reported to have said , that Nebraska cn- tfaged In a "crazy attempt at revolution and a passionate crusade of dishonor. " Mr. 1'rcsldciit. Nebraska Is a land of churches and schools , and they are among the best In thn world. The senator from Massachusetts docs not tliul fault with our local Institutions ; he only grumbles , whines nml scolds because , In the exorcise of an undoubted right of freemen , the electors of Nebraska saw lit , by n clear majority , to elevate to power members of the populist party , lie speaks of it IIH'this cr.izy at tempt at revolution and p.mslouato crus.idc of dishonor. " Mr. President , Nebraska has never engaged In n revolution that was not pacific and lofty in Its character and dliectly within the true provincu of a Christian government. MaHbachupctts possesses nothing In Ne braska that should entitle her foremost man to speak of our people as the senior sen ator from that utnte- has done. While wo nccord to Massachusetts her rights , nnd look upon her ns nn older , and therefore n moro compact and better organized com munity than ours , we do not look to her for advice on n political , social , sclentltlc , religious , or nny other question. Nebraska cannot Justly Irive laid nt her door the charge that her citizens called or were represented In a convention tint had for Its chief purpose n I reasonable plot to dissolve the union , lu the only great crisis in tlio history of our own country , when Ne braska was n territory , she gave a : law n percentage nf her population to the cnitoe of the union ns nuy other state , anj her Holdlcro wcro an valorous and chlvnlrlc as any that ever marched upon the Ill-Id of battle , f'lie has not engaged In a crusade of dishonor , and I regret that the venerable senator from Massnchusotts should penult Denutlfitl ryes grow dull nnd dim An the swift years Htcnl away. Beautiful , ulllowy ( onus so slim Lose fulrucss with every day. nut lic btlll U ijuccu and bath charms lo Rparc Wiio wears youth's coronal beautiful aalr. Preserve Your Hair and you preserve your youth. "A woman is UB old ns aho looks , " snys the -world. Nc woman looka ns old ns Uo ia If her hair linn preserved its normal boauty. You oankoop hair from fnlUusrout , restoring it normal color , or restore the normul color to gray or fudod hair , by the use of Ayer'3 Hair Vigor. hltn > If la In Ifl into mull i-jctr.iv igunl ox- I do not Mpinlt of Shis mlnrpprpsenlntlon n HtronRly nn I feel , lint t must bo por- tnlttpil lo sny tlmt It wim nn iimvurrfliitoil , Krntiiltoiift , open nml nnRrnnt Insult to nn linnrat. Intelligent. poor , hut MruKxHtiR Chrlstlnn people. Sir , th * ixrccntnKe of IN Illornry In Ni-hrnflkn Is flinnllcr than In M uMitchuiutta. Her churches nml nrhooln , nrroidliiK lo her population , nrt > fully nm numorotiK nml n * well equlppod to Hnpnrt Chrlnllnn niul nnrulnr pdueatlon nn nre those of MuiMMrhtisptts. Our chnrltablo liirilluitlontj are amnnK Ihu Uncut of tliu world : our people are Intluatrlous , f-oonoml- ml , honcHt , Intelligent , pviwvcrlng and loyal. NOT dPII/TV OP TIIKSE. Tt'rntinot be truthfully ralit or N trnt she joined In a crny and distianonihlo crusnde to enforce tbe provisions of n brittnl ftiRltlve * lnvp Inw. Her people Imvo never been qullty of mobbing one of their own cltlzi ns for no greater offense thin ; raising lib ) vnlco ngnlimt oppression und wrong. The si Mine's of her ntmsphi-re lias not been broken by the appeals for as sistance or e-rlns'inR men and defenseless women nnd children , guilty of no ouVnae but fleeing to her soil for freedom , only to be e-nptured nnd plncoel In chulrm by her citizens ntiil nturr.rd to servitude for n reward. Wlmtever may be snl-1 of Ne braska , she Im * not been Kullty ot nny of these erlmra nKiilimt the lawn of God nnd e-lvlllJinllon. She tins nevvr ellnhonoreil bcr foremoHt e-ltlaen , wbc-n living , fnr extolling the e-nujie of liberty , nnd plncrd wreaths on bis ijrnvi' , when dend. becnuse bo hut ] been the frlentl of liberty. Uhe bns done none of themnnd no dishonor of tliU klntl attni'hes to her mime or Imperils her Klory , What WHB the "crnzy attempt nt revolu tion and pnsHlotiatc rntsmltnf illshonor" of which thestnntor from .MniisiicliiiHi'ttn HmliNotliliiB | ; , Hlr. moro tlmii thnt n ma- Jorlty of I ho people of Nebraska , liellevlntf that nflver In the money of the constitution , and tlmt It should bo colred nt the ratio of 10 to 1. upon trniw of equality with fjold , saw nt to cast tlalr ballot * In November liiHt for the nloviitlnii nf nno of ln > r fnre- tnon clilxciiH and the most brilliant orator of the iw to the presidency. Was there anything rovolutlonary In thnt ? Wus there nny thing dl.xhcnoialil.- it ? Wns It a "crusade of dishonor ? " Sir , for eliihty-oiiu years of our national existence silver had ( ell thus coined , and until It was demone tized In 1S73 by a "cr.izy attempt nt revolu tion and a passionate cru aile of dishonor , " In which some of the representative men of .Massachusetts participated , and by which they soup lit to contiscntu onn-half the property of the debtor classes of the nation. If there can be more dishonor In public affairs , or In Kovernmunt , than the cnnllHc.itIon of tin ; property of Its citizens , dliuctly or Indirectly. 1 do not know wheru or In what dlrecilon It can be found , tf Massachusetts possesses a monopoly of use ful knowledge of the llnniichil question , or any other , lor that matter , 1 huvu yut to learn the fact. Mr. 1'resldent. it Is possible that a man can bo born under another sun and In an other clime than that of MnssachtmcltH and posses a modicum of Intelligence and patriotism and learn the sharp line of demarcation between "revolution and a pas sionate crusade of dishonor" on the one hand , and lofty patriotism and a hlth sense of public and private duty on the other. I say nlr. It Is possible , because I well undi'r.itnnil that tihere .ire those who have been born and live in Massachusetts who Imvo conceived a most bitter hatred for the west and everything , western , , and who believe that neither KOOI ! nor Intelligence can be found in that section of the country. The patriotism of the people of Nebraska Is as broad nnd limitless as her plains ; their Christianity ami sense of duty are as pure and untainted an her atmosphere. Never thus far In the history of the state has she been Kiillty of dishonor , and never as long as IntolllKonco | predominant nnd nod reigns In the hearts of her people will she be guilty of anything that will place a stnlii upon her good name or that will cause her to be spoken of by honest , Intelligent and fiilr-mlndcd men In a disparaging man ner. WILL , ALWAYS HB TUUB. I shall not now speak nt length respocthiK this matter , ns Iwill I nt another time. I have only embraced the llrst opportunity presented to declare that Nebraska , thous'n under the domination of the populist party , will be true to her teachings and will bo an honor to herself nml the union of which she Is and will contlnuo to be a foremost mem ber. ber..Mr. .Mr. President , It Is nn error to always look upon the accusing source as pure. Many times the accuser Is more guilty than the accused. Hlinkospe.ire , who has plven the world more useful knon ledge tban any other single Individual. In my judgment , \ ' / . .innllv tint Ihn truth In I 111 * Intlirtl.lLTe : The Jury , pamilnje on the pnsoner'H life , Slny In tiltMwnrn tw l\e have a tlilef or two aiilltler I him him HK-X try. I may bo permitted to add thnt It U not Improbable that among those who ticeiiHe Nebraska and Kansas there may bo found a few more entity than those they try- Mr. President , I assume that the doctrine of the resolution Is so well understood by the- people of this country , and especially by populists , who are alwaya abreast of the times and familiar with the latest and best on political and legal iiu | - tlons , that It will not be necessary for mete to 11 at length. Section x , Article I. of the constitution declares , among other things , that no state shall pass ) any "law Impairing the obliga tions of conlrai'lH. " The states when they entered the union surrendered this power. Of comse no enlightened government would attempt the emietnient of such a law , not withstanding I hero might be no constitu tional prohibition. Contracts are sacred ; their obligation must not bo Impaired , and no one understands this more fully or more completely than the people of the we-st , nor have they the slightest desire to do so. It Is the ambition of our people to get out of debt , to pay the Ir holiest obligations as rapidly ns they mature In the utmost peed fnlth and to the utmost farthing , nr.d to enjoy an era of prosperity. They Invite and will welcome new enterprises and new capital , nml such enterprises and capital will be safe under the laws to be passed by tlio Incoming legislature. I can not understand the motives that prompt accusations against the Integrity of Nebraska and Kansas , or any other stnte , for that matter , that may have si-on lit to I'lei-t populist state olllcers. Hlr , we are American citizens.Va understand the duties and obligations Imposed upon us as citizens , and wo understand our rights as well. It Is the eb-nlre of all having a habitation on tbe soil of Nebraska to make ( ho state one of the brightest and best of thn union. May It not In possible that In the future history of our glorious country , when the greater n public Is to be built , resting on the foundation : ) of the present , Nebraska , wl'.h her I'-emlng millions of Intelligent people Mini her boundless natural and ncqulriil recources. will be called on to take her full share of responsibility , as I trust sbo will be awarded her full measure of praise ? And when that time comes wo will shrink from no responsi bility or duty In contributing our full ttiitn 11 it 111 t r\ I tin ft-t/trlniic t-i-tiiil t ITS I-'UTUUR AS Mr. I'reshlpiit , Nebraska \Vlll fully woatlicr every Bnle tlmt may lii'snt her pathway. Her Htiinly sons and fair ilnufihters will nnt boconii ; nml Klvo way umler Imixitntlons llko these 1 Imvo notlet'il. The linttli- for bettor roii- illtinn.s will bo ronc'woil nncl wnift'tl to Its utmost to iimlcc hf-r oil" , of the foremost , an she Is now ono of llio most Important , statcn of tin- union , nun jr will bi > ilono iniilor the riilmliilHti-atl'in of the populist party , for the world ehouM Unow that tlmt party has c-omo Into power to ailinlnlstcr llio affairs of tlio ulnto for numbcrlCHH years to rome. Tlio populists nmlorstnml well Hint their lPKlt lntlon must lie of n c-harart'T tlmt will mort tlio approval nml jiHlKmont of all lo cnabln It to continue In power. Tl'f.y miili-rstaiiil well tlmt what ever they may ilo thin wlntor will bo mvopl aHlilo by a rrpulilli-aii ailmlnlxtrnllon UIIPHB | it In ) of a elinruftor to moot with pojiular approval and to continue the party In power. I have ' 10 titti-rnnct-K of oomplnlnt nfralnst any other Hrrllon of tbe country. 1 am not pr | uroil to clurge any with disloyalty or wltli oiiKaKini ; In ft "piinHlou.ito cru.saik- of dishonor" bei-atiBo ilmy mav not niter- tain my pnlltlcnl oplnloim. I nm willing to nc-cord lo every man and evi-ry community the right to tblnk and not as they may xco. propr-r , HI loin : nn they do not trespass upon llio like ilylit of othors. nnd I will not fall to do thorn Just Ire here or olsc- whc-rc. I demand n like ilqbt for Nebraska. I trust tlio resolution will bo adopted. r.vIiloiM-i' AKiilnst Siiuln. WASHINGTON. Dee. H. Senor Qnetada , In eliuntp.of.Ihe Cuban lioailaimrtcrs. has documents bearlns on the treatment of sol- , illci'K In Cuba which lie Intunils tc nrc before' congress In attempting to ci-curc from that bnjy uotluti favorable to Uio Ineurcciitn' cause , iin-J which , liu r-nnlemU , accord to the Cuban * tic ! rlRlitie of belligerency. They as.iert , ho E ; > VS , thut the Sp.inlanls ncrt'oi ] to abliln by tlie terms of tin Geneva Iti-il Cro - ( aircement ; for tlic IreBtment of sul- illeri ! Ciiptureil In tlie war. which tlioy falli-J utterly to Icecp , notwJIliclanilliiK the Cubar.s treated tlu > Spanlnh captives wltli [ treat inii ; - uunttiilty. 1IIII fur n Ilinvnllnii CnliU' . WASI11NQTO.V , lciII. . IUine8untatIve Loud of California , chairman of ilic poatoitlcc committee , today Introduced a bill provld- Inn for ttio ennbtriietloii of a i-ablo to Hawaii anil .Inpan by Ihe 1'aclllc Cable company of Now .Ivroey. It In lmllar to prevlotiE bills , ivl'li tlio oxrcption that It | irovldn > that tin' rmnpany.ahBll glvo a bouJ of ? uC'0- 000 for tbu perforuiauctt of coctracui , ! t\rni tnt > Tiii'tn i nTiittTpn INCRIiASIi 1I1LIR IiSlIMAUS Superintendents of State Charities Ask for Moro Money. REFOnTS ON THE SEVERAL INSTITUTIONS Ilnxiltiiri Axj-luni Too N in nil ( o Accoiti- ilioilnle Ibe Inotlrnlih * IIINIIIIC 5111- ford SoldliM-n' Home llun * Deeply Into Debt. LINCOLN' , Dec. II. ( Special. ) On file with the commissioner of public landa and j buildings arc the reports of Superintendent I Damre.ll of lite Asylum for Chroulc Insane , 11 lusting * ; Superintendent Abbott of the Mn- ' coin Hospital for the Insane ; Warden | I.eldlsh's report of the state penitentiary , | biennial report of the board of triMtoM of i the Woman's Associated Charities , seventh I biennial r < pert of the Homo for the. Krloud- j law , nnd the fourth annual report of thb superintendent of the Nebraska Indtiatrlal Hoiif ) nt Mllford. In profaclti ) ; his icport , Dr. Damrcll of the Hastings asylum says : "There has been a change of all the resident olllccrs during the ' first year of this biennial period. On the j 2Sth of .March , 1S93 , I was appointed supor- j Intendcut by his excellency , Governor Silas A. Holcamu , to succeed Dr. Ocorno W. John- eon , resigned , and took charge April 10 fol- I lowliuj. April 13 Hon. A. J. Scott was tip- I ' pointed sltward to succeed W. M. , ! | Cllno , rciigicd : , nml asaumcd hla duties - | ties April 25. May K4 , 1S93. Miss | Jcniilu Ibarren : was aiipolntcd matron to succeed .Mrs. C. A. McDougall , rc- nlgncd , ami assumed her duties Junu 1. Dr. J. T. Stcclo was appointed nasUtunt physi cian on the 1st day of August , 1SDJ , to suc ceed Dr.V. . 11. Kern , resigned , and assumed Itla , Inline Aiifrnat 111 "Thcro remained In this at the end of the third biennial period 437 inmates , ill males and 203 females. There were re ceived during this period seventy-nine male and 100 fciialo patients. Total number re ceived , 17U. There were seven dlucliargcd cured , one returned to Mm-olii asylum , two taken away by friends and seventy-nine- deaths , leaving at ( he end of this biennial period , November 30 , 183G , 537 patients lu the asylum. " The superintendent calls attention to the fact that the nounal capacity of the Institu tion la but 450 patients , while nt the present time there nrc C37 , about one-fifth mgrc than can hu properly cared for. There nro pend ing requests from the Lincoln and Norfolk asylums to receive still moro patientu at Hastings In order to relieve the over-crowded condition of these hospitals. He trusts that the next legislature will do something to modify this over-crowded condition. He sug gests that detached buildings be erected on cither side of the present btilhllngviih & capacity of 150 to00 pjtlcuta each. Such building , four stories high. Including base ment , ho estimates could bo erected 'o'- JCU.OUO. Superintendent Unmroll's estimates for the coming two years and flvo months arc as follouB- Hoard and clothing $ ! > 5,3 < ! l Kmployps * wages H2.0.0 Kucl and lights M.1CO Furniture and bedding " ,400 Drugs , books mid instruments 2,5 , " > u Paints and oils L'l"5 Sluslu nnd amiiMcment GSO Statloneiy , postage nnd printing I.4.V ) Telephone and telegraph Kij Frelnht , express and drayngc 1'53 Repair : ) nml ImprovemcntB 15,73'J ISurlal fxpenses r > M ) TrancferrliiK patients 2.10 Incidental expenses 2,17. > Superintendent's salary C.OI1 Assistant ihyslclanfs salary 3,023 Tntnl . . . - 9t * r.c.i ° Special appropriations : Two detached buildings . $ GO.OfiO Cold HturaKO building. . . ; . . ' . . . -.V..v 6,0i)0 ) Stand iliiur. ) . . i..A- . . -B.OO ) Morgui ) tf..f. . , ' . - . . ; . * 1OCO Two KVl-horso power hollers , set for use . 1.COO Total ' . $ The toLil appropriation for the Hastlugo asylum two years ago was $133.800. The steward's report sjmws that from the appro priation for general usey of S28.4G3.4S there had been expended to August 31 , 1806 , ? 2S- 155.42 , leaving n balance of $13.00. LINCOLN HOSPITAL. , In his biennial report Dr. L. J. Abbott of the Hof'pltnl for the IiiBane , Lincoln , says that nt the commencement of tlio , biennial ( crloil tlicro were prevent In the hosyltal 311 patients. 17D mafes and 162 females. Ad mitted during tlio period , 4S2 ; males , 2SO ; females , 202 , making a total of 823 'patients under treatment for the two years. During thn sai't two years many Improvements nnd niiutucna nave ueon mauc. The u.iscment ward on male oldo has been plastered , door ways completed , baseboards put down ar.d tlio cntlro ward painted , water clowl and bath rooms retlttcd nnd cement Moor laid. Kloors In six of the wards have been laid , the entire boiler plant reset and two dynamos , with now wlro attachments , rcllttcil. Two new pumps were supplied and cno eld well repaired. A propagating lioutu for conservatory and vege table garden has been built and piped for hot and c < < ld water. Tim coyt for repairs on the conservatory , which was destroyed by the wind dorm of last summer , and other Im provements montlencd was $ (5,177.12. ( In hli estimates for appropriations for tlio period ending August 31. ! S9 r Dr. Abbott asks for $145,000 , which Is a yearly estimated per capita coin of $171.43. In hlo special cellmate ho asks for the following : and cold storage $ 2,000 Itepiilrs and new IHllngH for steam heating plant 500 Repairing electric light plant and new dynamo 3,000 Moving and rebuilding old barn ] , r,0) ) Itcpalrlng porch HOO Itepnlrs and laundry machinery. . . . SOU Workshop nnd resident "quartern S.OOO ICxtcnsion of sewing room for work- aliml mill emi v.'i lA nniitu n nnn Steam lilting for new building and extension 500 Wire , posta and fencing boards ' 003 Total for permanent Improve" incuts $ ic.soo The total appropriation for tlio Lincoln hospital for thp hlcnniuin cudlng March 31 , 1897 , wns $113.300 , expended as follows to November 30 , 1SOG : Kmploycs1 wageH $ 32.370.-19 Hoard and clothing' 37713.10 Kuel nnd lights 7lfiSl..riO Knrnltiiro and bnddlng { 171.51 Drugs , books and Instruments. . . , 1,331.04 Upturning patients 4D327 Amusements 44C.&S Palnta and ols ! 400.03 Stationery and postage 500.00 Telephone and tc-legniph 207.SI Freight nnd cxptou 217.43 Hteam pipe covering 4SS.27 Ocneral repairs 2.S39.C7 Salaries of superintendent and as- Hlstants 7$00CiO Hulanco unexpended 20,113.13 Total : $113,500.00 MILKOKD SOLDIKHS' HOSIK. In bis report to the Hoard of Public Lands and Ilulldlngs , Commandant Culver of the Mllford Soldiers' and Sailors' Home accounts for the expenditure of the $ $ ,000 appropriated by the last legislature as fol lows : Culclmlnlng second , third and fourth Ktorlc-H of building $ fG.flO PlniUi-rlng biiHeme'iit . - . 321.W Stone lloor for basement 370.20 Power house and laundry I.37U.K Steam plant and heating 2,173.03 Architect and advertising for bids. , 114.00 Lumber , lime , etc 31.22 Plumbing 3I3.I ! > llrlek , tlio nnd sand 172.29 Sewer and soil pipe 127."ij Hardware 15S.19 I'nlnlH , oilB and glass 72.01 U-iljor and Items not clnNHlfled In nbovu 2,333.41 Total $ S.M1.CI Additional Improvements have been made since , at a cost of $013.IS , bringing the total amount of construction and repairs up to $3,071.79. to which will bo added the cost ot a well , not yet completed. This leaves the dcdcle'iicy for the branch home , to November 30 , liin ; , $971.71) ) , for repaln alone. At thn end of the proient quarter tlio gen cral government will have paid to Governor Holcomb $4,000 on account of this home , which U covered into the state treasury iimler tlio law providing for aid to State Soldiers' liomos , at the rate ot $100 per annum for each member. Fallowing U tlio financial of Commandant Culver for tlio period xltice ho asiumed command of th home ; 4 p * . m Appro DellKx - Fund. V/iJ > prtntlon. cloncy. pamlril Currptit cxpenup . . 1652 $1,799 II ) l.i.Vt M Slllxlntencc l l 4J 3,221 ! 04 S.Wfi I C'lothllKf 1.029 52 1.080 5 Household Ml Oi 1.7S9 SB 2M3 9 iioxpitni . 905 ( wn DB UcilMtrttctlon . . . . . . . 7,2 4 47 1,707 42 8,971 S Farm . ( , } . < S SB 12377 13202 Total . . . . , . . . . . $ , > 3 8S $ IOS81 JO $1SB1B 0 lifSlOF PltOPUUTY , Mnln bulldlne and grounds ( leased to state ) . , $2fl.fiOO 03 1'oAer nndl.laundry hoime 1 3i9 55 Steam plaivkv.i 2.11 : ' oil Hnrn nnd Mnble. . . . . . MOW Ice house , . , : . . ' 45000 Wind mill Anil , nun 145 ft Chicken hoifAfr'liiid carpenter shop. . 75 Oi One hundred ahd twenty chickens. . 25 00 Six Pis * * CO Hosnltnl wlorca on band G9 DO'-tenee otorca on hand 34 ! ' S. . Hounebold stores on hand 131 41 ClothliiK Rtoreti on hand 190 41 Furniture , bedding , etc. . Including donations 1,023.12 Improvements not classlllcd In the above 4,004 70 Total * SSr:21 : 2S Commandant Culver's cotlmato for the term ending August 31 , 1899 , la $29,013.31 , for salaries and cxpunsea of conducting the home. Ho aluo mUs for hospital nnd re pairs and to complete purchase property "ns per agreement , " $14,975 , , making n total asked Irani the next legislature of flt.SSS.31. HOMK FOIl TUB FKIHNDLHSS. The report of the Lincoln Home for the Friendless Is addressed to the Uoard ol Public Lands nnd Ilulldlngs. Mrs. L. P. Luddcn , as clerk of the board of managers , asks of the legislature appropriations for two years and live months the sum of $52- C78.50 for officers' salaries , living expenses , maintenance of Inmates , etc. The appro priation of the last legislature for the home waa $30,500. The total legislative appropriation to the Woman's Associated Charltle'.s by the last session wns $2C,700. The total disburse ments from April 1 , 1895 , to November 1 , 1896 , were $17C21.fi9. The estimates for the coming biennial , for which an appropriation la asked , foot $31,200. STATE PENITENTIARY. In his renort of the Nebraska state nen- Itentlary , Warden Leldlgh gives the prison population for the biennial period , beginning December 1. 1S9I , nnd ending November 30 , 189(5 ( , as follows : Prisoners confined November 30 , 1S9I..331 He-eel veil from courts during term 333 Itettlrncd from parole 10 Heturned from hospital for Insane 2 Kscapcd convicts returned 1 ' Total . 717 Discharged by expiration of sentence..SOU Discharged by order of court 20 Pardoned 4 Commuted 3 < Admitted lo parole 3 < ' > Transferred to hospital for Insane 2 l' > cil > fd 1 Died 5 Number of convicts In prison November 30. U9C 2S3 Total 717 In hU summary of Improvements and re pairs made by'arden Leldlgh since he uFsnmcd charge of the prison , he shows that he has expended for general repairs $2.703.0C. In addition to this he has expended for rebuilding -green house , paints , putty , nnd glass , 11 me , sand , brick , and hardware , $310.49. mak'lllg li total of $3.21-1.15. Ill his recommendations Warden Leldlqh ? ays : "I rcvpeclfnlly recommend the follow ing appropriations for the ensuing term : For the maintenance of 330 convicts from April 1 , 1S97 , to March .11 , 1899 , at 25 cents per capita per diem , $ C2S7C. I believe this , amount to be sninclcnt to maintain our pris oner. " for the next two years , providing the Institution fs 'nllbwed to use the amount realized froill the'prlson labor for the main tenance of tlio prltoncrs. " He also nskg the following : - fienpral repnlrfl : ? 2,000 Telephone . - . . . . . . , 130 Photographing convicts COCi Delivering prisoners on court orders , \vi-llM oln.-.l i 7 20J lleturnlng prlsqners whoso . paroles have been . ri voked and advertising escaped pnVolcd.'prisoners 3 . ! > / : . 'tot , . Total , , . . . . . , r ,1 ? 1,15' ) TWO INDUSTIUAL HOMES. The caah statement of the Mllford home shows receipts of 1,028.87. iind disbursement ? of $ SSO.SG , leaving a balance of $148.01. Tin management of the homo leaver It to the legislature to make n suitable appropriation for the coming blennium. The amount awarded the homo at tlio last cession , In cluding ofllrcrs' salaries , was $26,700. Superintendent Snibrookc of the Olrls' In dustrial School at Uenoa recommends oonu special appropriations for the Institution Ho saj-s the smaller girls ( should linven building of their own , as they should be separated from the older ones , that they may not be led Into wrong ways and evil asso ciations. He aaks tliu following epecial np- prcpriatloin : One new building , brick nnd stone..15.00 } ItefrlReratlm : nlant 1.500 ICxclmnglng dormitory . 3JO Telephone connection . 20i : Wagon and tool shed . 200 Totnl . . ' . $10.20-3 The mincrintcndcnt asks at * n hlpnnlnl ap propriation for Kcneral expenses of conductIng - Ing the- Institution tlio sum of $52.700. The- general appropriations last session , Including olllcers' salaries , wcro $37.710.33. With the exception of the Nebraska Cltj School for theIlllnd this completes the re ports of the different state Institution. } . III Dodvri * County. FHR.MONT , Dec. 14. ( Special. ) In the da- ! trlct court this morning Judge Marshall de cide ; ! the divorce case of William Wlsnci against Uabello Wisner In favor of the de fendant. The plaintiff set up In bis petltioi. that his wife had been guilty of undue fa miliarity with certain men , which allega tions tbe defendant denied. The court hehi that the plaintiff bad failed to establish hi ! < CMO and refused him a decree. The plaintiff reside * near Hooj-cr nnd the defendant In the western part of the state. A jury was empanelled in the case of I'ian- ungan ngalnst Flannagan , which Is nn ac tion brought by Edward Flannagan to re cover from his mothers estate money ad vanced by him In her lifetime for the ere * tlon of buildings upon her real estate. Jury work will probably consume the rest of tto week. _ _ _ Younir Married IVoplc-'N Club MCCH. ( NORTH LOUU , Neb. . ' Dec. 1 1. ( Special.- ) The Vouns Married People's club met Satur day evening , at''the ; ' residence of Herbert Thoinjato and the early part of the evening was profitably pcirt In the rendition of n program dcvcted to the discussion of his toric subjects , -led by K. J. Dabcock , the theme of the evening being. "First Settle ments of the Suvetal American Cnlonle's. " After the ccrtpl t , an of the formal program , a lunch , with euTKi * . was served and the re mainder of the vy'ening waa spent In eoelal conversation. t- _ Tblcvcx lloliTll Here XViiri'lioiiNe , KEAHNUY Ncb. . Dec. 1 1. ( Special. ) Sunday mornlug'Tlileves broke Into Krug's beer wnrchouso and helped themselves to nil the beer they uantcd. The police soon found a couple of ypung.fellowd named Staley nnd Jcnks with pl/iVdr the plunder. They were Immediately 'it/cfciJd up and upon being closely cjuirttUjneiV'Jenks confessed to breakIng - Ing In and ntt'iillng two case's of beer and told where thrf 'b/ilanco / of the liquor v/aa hid. They will 'fctfve ' their examination to. morrow. ; ' < t Injured ii'y ? lllnK JI/i > ' Urrrlfk. STELLA. Niil ) , , jjec. II. ( Special. ) Lovell Vanilovor , llviifj : ftfur miles wcat of town , wan Eorloualy InJvttKl-'U-lillo stacking corn with a hav ilerrlelt. ' fl'Ifo-Jrnnn brilo. : nllnulnrilin beam to strike Vniidever on ti > p of the bead , knocking him off tlie > stack to the ground , where ho lay upc'-nBclous for a long lime1. Medical uld wa-s tnunmonod nnd the Injured man carries ! to t'lio boufc , where the wound wan for u llorxi' Tiller , KLKHOHN. Neb. , Dec. 14. ( Siieelal. ) A black mare ) , S years old and weighing about 1.100 pounds , was stolen from Green Sway- ze-'s barn into laul night or early this morn ing. An unknown man was seen yesterday evening walking west toward town carrying a saddle , and It Is the ) general supposition that ho stele tho'unlnuil. WIIIINII Itt'conlrr to SIINICIII | | , WAUSA. Neb. , Dec. II. ( Special. ) The Hocordor , a long established nowipaper lo- eate > d at Vcrdlgre , ( his county , announces Us purpose of suspending publication the drift of the year. Poor patronage and brighter proapcctB In other Held ) U the cause by Ha uilltor. ASK THE COURT TO DECIDE Company Appeals from the State Printing Board's ' Decision COSTS SEVERAL HUNDRED" DOLLARS EXTRA CI-OUM Out of a DIlTereuee of diiliilini lletoccn Public ( llll- elliln nnd Tboie lillercxlcil In the \VllrU , .V. UPC. 1.1 rfinoelnl The WoodrufT-Dunlap state iirlntlnj ; trouble will land In the minremo court tomorrow. There was n final meeting of the State Print- ItiK board held this evening nt the olllco ot the secretary of atato. The full board wns lireseut , cor.sietlng of State Auditor Moore , clmlrman ; Treasurer Hartley and Sccrtlnry of State Piper. In the competition for printing the biennial reports of tlio Various state olll- clals , the Woodruff-Dimlap company was given six out of the sixteen reports for which bids were mibmlttcd. The rest were divided between Jacob North and the State Journal company. In comparing the average of bids the Woodruff-Dunlap company dis covered that on the whole lot they were n trlflo under the other hlddeis. On tills nc- eottnt they claimed the printing of the whole sixteen reports. The State Printing board , nt its last meeting , refused to concede this. Today Judge J. 11. llroady appeared before the board and ngnln urged the claims of the \Voodniff-Diinlap company. Finally he said ! 'e would mandamus the board to compel It to give his client the Job. Chairman Moore accepted service of the writ , nnd the natter gees to the court. In a verbal opln- on given today by Attorney General ChurchIll - Ill , on request of the board , he holds that under the statute the Woodruff-Dunlap com- Kiny has the right to claim the whole six teen reports. EXTRA COST TO THE STATE. Secretary of State Piper said tonight thnt should they be awarded to them It will cot-t the state $1,300 more than It would In the division made by the board. The supreme court will sit tomorrow for ho last time In the September term. It s considered likely that the question of the egallty of the guarantee bonds will be sub- ntttcd to this court during this week's sit ting. Decisions nre also expected In the case of the State against Morgan , sentenced to lang In Omaha , .and nlbo the sugar bounty cases. Governor II. L. Mitchell of Florida has i vrltten Governor Holromb , Informing him j hat the Hoard of Trade of the city of Or- nndo , Fla. , has called n National Good Koads ' ullsltKH , UJ UL lit 111 111 nun 1:113 , ri-uiuaij i 2 , 1897. lie requeata Governor Holcomb to ippolnt delegates from Nebraska to attend ho same. The names of tsuch delegates arc o bo forwarded to W. A. White , executive officer of the Orlando Hoard of Trade' . FAHMEItS HAVE A COMPLAINT. Governor Holcomb has transmitted to the State Hoard ot Transportation a petition Igne-d byvctzons ! ! of Drool ; , Johnson county , Jcu. . In relation to the alleged inability of armcrs to se'euro cars on the Missouri Pa- Iflc railroad with which to ship their grain , 'ho governor rcqiuttls the boardto make nn investigation , nnd secure for the eomplaln- nts ns much relief as the circumstances may ] cmaml. The petition , signed by fourteen i itlzens. Is as follows , addmscd to the govj j rnor : I "We , the farmers In the vicinity of Ilrock , I re being discriminated against by the MIs- ourl Pacific railroad , with regard to ohtaln- ng cars to ship our grain. The agent hero , 1. Norton , docs not refuse us cars , but nays are are scarce' . At the oamo time he getn ars for the elevator ine'li hero. I ordered liree cars to ohlp my own wheat in , but ould not get them. I wns nt the depot very time n frelKht train came In for four mil a half days , but received no cars. I hade o sell my grain to the elevator men nt their irice. Is tlicio no redress for us fanners ? I f there Is. please let us know ns soon ss ' losslble. Plcpsc Inform me when I can get ' he desired railroad lows In regard to private ndlvtduals ordering and obtaining cars to hip tlielr own grain. I am credibly In- ormcd that the elevator men have all pooled , vlth Mr. Duff of Syracuse as president , and liat the commission men are threatened with a boycott If they give ua track bids. Where . 111 this thing end ? I own 240 nrrcs of and in n high of state cultivation ( paid for ) . "WILSON WAKELIEN. " Secretary Dllworth of the Hoard of Trana- ortatlon says that the railroad complained f has been requested to explain matters , 'be same trouble has been experienced before vlth other roads. POPS ISSUE AN ADDHESS. The executive committee of the ncnullet tate central committee held n meeting this I ftcrnocn at the cllloe of the Hnreau of ndustrlal Statistics , An uddresu was Issued o the populist ; ) of the rtato urging them to end delegates to the meeting of Hlniclalllc oagucs to h& held In Lincoln. January 0 , 897. The buis of representation was fixed t tlirco from each county nnd one additional or each 1,000 votes cast In the county for V. J. Hryan. On motion of the county attorney the omplalnt against Mrs. Lucy Scott , who shot tor husband , Charles Scott , was dismissed his mornlns by Judge Walters. The county ' tto'rney Is satisfied that thy , .ihootlng was one In Kelt-defense nnd decided not to put lie county to the expense of trying Airs , cott , which would probably result In her cqiilttal. This netlon does not bar the aunty attorney from tiling a new complaint liould the wounded man die. His condition li'.s ' morning was somewhat Improved , but t Is still prccnrlous. Judge Hall has overruled the motion of lie defendants In the Moss-State Journal bel suit to quash the deposition of Edna cidell , taken at Fremont last month. Omaha Peoilo In Lincoln : At tlio Llndell oorgo Cott , A. S. Churchill. At tbe Ltn- nln Frank Irvine , F. Lehman , MU's Myrtle ; ; eon , Miss Kate Klustch , Evus Hsnnlng- hovcn. _ rnllforiilii'M Olllcinl Viile. SACRAMENTO. Cnl. , Dec. II. The vote > j of California lor presidential electors has 1 been tabulated and shows the following totals : Republicans. 110,588 ; fusioniatn , 141.7CQ ; prohibition. 2,573. i < < \imnus uvvi : KMHCII Although the Klcldi Are Muddy Corn lltixUhilt U llelu Curried On. NORTH LOl'P , Neb. . Dec. 11.Special. ( . ) Among the many peenlnrltlcs attending the uniquely peculiar weather of the past ten days , or ever wince the beglnnlm ; of the late thawing period. Is the almost entire abccnec of wind which while quite asrce- nblo lu many respects onuses the mud and slime resulting from the melting of the frwt and ice to remain and Accumulate from day to day , instead of rapidly evaporating to drynrss , as is ordinarily the ense. ntul the result Is that one of the muddiest seasons for corn husking that the ablest inhabi tant can remember to now nt Its height , some of the field * bring almost nn Impassa ble nuaemlro. An soon us the thaw rnnehr. < through the frozen crest , thus allowing the surplus moisture to escape Into the ground the nuisance will be rapidly abated , but the- work of husking while the line weather lasts Is too Important to bo post poned , nnd Is going steadily on , notwith standing the unfavorable fe.iltirM. This condition of the soil Is In striking contrast to the one , It being uaual here for the rapid evaporation occasioned by high winds to keep a thin coating of dry soil on the top of the thawing surface so that no discomfort or Inconvenience Is experienced In working nt Mich times in the fields. A .MOST iioitimn.i : DK.VTII. \clmitliii Miller Cniiiilit In ( lie Sbnft- Inir n ml Criiibeil. NORTH HENI ) , Neb. . Dec. 11. ( Special Telegram. ) Thomas J. Starkoy ot the llrui of J. F. Starkoy & Son. proprietors of the' North llend Hour mill , met n horrible death this morning at 10 o'clock by being caught In a shaft at the mill nml wound around. Death until have been Instantaneous. The clothing had to be cut from the hotly before It could be released. The body was wound up like n ball and the legs and arms were badly crushed. Mr. Starkey was highly respected and his untimely death has cast a gloom over our town. He leaves a wiio nun three small children. Air. Klnrltey before moving from the eiast had been a member of the Modern Woodmen of America , but had let his insurance lapse. StnlcN i\eliaiuvc : Pieces of Iilind , WAUSA , Neb. , Dec. 14. ( Special. ) It Is to ho hoped that the findings of the Ji > ! nt commlKjIon between this state and South Da kota , the members of which wcro appointed by the governors under n law pasi-cd by the respective le-glplaturcs of the two stntes two years ngo , to dellno the boundary line between tlio two otntcs , will bo confirmed by the Nebraska legislature. ly ) this report ( which unanimous ) the stnte will come Into control of Don Ilommo Island , which IR over ten miles long nnd contains nbniit 300.000 feet of timber , nnd cedes In return n worth less Kind bolt opKslto | Vermllllon , S. D. Mcrcliiinlis' Stoclc Altncbcil. ASHLAND , Neb. , Dee. II. ( Special. ) The store of SanineU Hrns. was nttachcd this morning by Deputy Sheriff Johnston from Wnhoo. One attachment Is In favor of Klrk- endnll Co. , Omaha , for $1.000. the other i < > In favorof Rich & Scare , Omaha , for $250. This sluro belongs to Samuels llroa of Lin coln , who burned out Saturday night , Samuel Samuelu being manager. Four HliNpcelM llouuil Over. ASHLAND , Neb. , Dec. 1 1. ( Special. ) The four men who are believed to have broken Into Harris Hros. ' store Friday night were arrested In Lincoln Saturday and brought back here. They had n hearing before Jus tice Moon this afternoon and were bound over to the district court for trial. In de fault of ball they wore taken to Wahoo jail to await trial. K Court HuiliicnN lit ONceolii. OSCKOLA , Neb. , Dec. 1 1. ( Special. ) The December term of the district court convened thlo morning , with Judge Scdgwlck presid ing. There nro forty cat'ss on the ( locket , with one criminal case. It is thought that court will net last mrr > > than a day or two nnd that the jury will get through and g < . . homo tonight , so that they will only draw one day's pay. _ ( "rops frum IrrluiKcd l.iinilH. LOUP C1TV. Neb. , Dee. II. ( Special.- ) - For yield of corn CarMen Triielsen leads. He liau just finished gathering 5,000 bushels of corn off of ulxty acres of Irrigated land and did nut get the water nn until August 10. A portion ot it went 100 bushels t the acre. He tuys he will get an average of lee bui'iiels ' per acre next ycjr. I'lil vri-sll.v Plnee Itrslileuei * llolilicd. UNIVERSITY PLACE , Neb. . Dec. 11. ( Special. ) Thieves broke Into nnd ran sacked L. W. Hutlcr's house Sunday evening wlillo the family was at church. Ten dollars lars , a goldi locket and mine other valuable.- , wcro taken. The loss was discovered caily In the evening , but no trace of the robbiiv hau been fcund. .Hnii.v ( 'nlllc I'crlHb. SHERIDAN , Wye. , Dec. 14. ( Special.- ) A train load of cattle , belonging to the Mur phy Cattle company and Paul McCormlek , WUB de-Iuycd eli n siding during the re < eent cold snap and forty-five head of the 375 head on the train froze to death. A large number of the remainder were frost bitten and Icct earn , but have been doing well since they ar rived nl the ranches of the owners. Itinvllns' MM ; , or llctitiindi'il ( o . ( nil. RAU'LINS , Wyo. , Dee. 1 . ( Special Tele gram. ) Mayor E. T. Uurke , v.ho has been In Jail for n for'night ' charged with forging two checks , was brought epro Judge Knight today on n writ of hibeas corpus After hearing arguments ot counsel the court refused the writ and remanded -the defend ant to Jail , reducing his bund to $50 > ) , which he will probably give. I-jXciiipfM Hie I.nulls frniii TiiMilIou. HALT LAKH CITY , 13oc. II A "pecliil to the Tribune from liul nn , Mont. , s.-iys : Judge K'lowlcs ' tod-iy decided that l.inds ullliln the land gr.inl of trie "Northern Pa- cillc roinl upon which llu-rc Is doubt a to their or character will be i-xi-mpt from taxatic.h until they h.ive buen cl.f.slH'-d ' by the United Bt iteland cominl-s.-IiiiH-r. The dc < Isluii means an an- nn il .ua ' ! n taxes uf ftU.OUO to the slnte. . THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATERi Bottled nt the UJ HUNYADI Springs , Buda Pest , Hungary , Under the absolute control < / the Royal Hungarian Chemical Institute ( Ministry y Agriculture ) , Biula I'ett. "We know of no Spring which shows EO c'cat richness in Mineral Salts , or which combines iuch nilvantatjfs , ns this watci. . . . " I'rofosor Ut. H. C. TICIIIIORN , LL.D. , F.C.S. , F.I.C. , BtiUin. „ . / "This Water is richer in Mineral Salts limn " ) d/ all Continental Hitter Waters , and its efficacy is to ff f * ' great lint cvcu thu smallest uose ictuiej the best icsults , " Prices : 15 cents mill 25 cents per bottle. tOP JM. DRUGGISTS AKD MI.VKHAI. ll'.i 1'JIK DF.Al.EKS. Full AnnlyfilB nnd additional Testimony nnd Information mippllcd by C.US. CUAEF & CO. , 32 , Dcavor Street , Now York , Solu Agonta ofTHE THE APOLLINARIS COMPANY LIMITED. , SEE that the Label hears the well-known Ruu DIAMOND Marie of IllE Al'OLMNARIS COMI'ANV , LlMITliD. ! Employed nt the lending HOSPITALS in NEW YOHK , BOSTON Piiii.Aiir.i.riUA , HAI.TIMOHK , CHICAGO , etc. , and at thn principal HOSPITALS in ENGLAND. DENY THE MANDAMUS South Dakota Supramo Oourt Gives the Fnsiouiats a Ray of HOJID , POPULISTS EXPRESS MUCH SATISFACTION They Think the DccNInu I'rnelIcullj- AMMII c * ( be Ctcoliirnliile of tbc Stiiti' to tiu < Tlt'Uoi. . S. I ) . . Dec , M. ( ( Tele gram. ) tn llio mandamus case of J. Wood against the governor and snieury of state , as the slate. canvaMlm ; bo.ud. to licctiro the Issuance of cert I Mom itto the re publican electors the court refuse 1 ( ho writ. The decision was a verbal one and announced on the demurrer thai n ninu- clnimw would not lie. ngnliist the lund of A co-ordluntc branch of the state gin eminent anil then announced that the cnnvatm Is not yet completed and thai tlu > board has ttm right to lotto a recess for a rensnnaido length of time to sccttro returns from comities from which they have not re ceived the same , which In their judgment might properly be counted. The vritti'i declMou will probably bo handnl dmvu Wednesday of this week. The popui ; ts nro plcoocd wltli ( lie result , ns It nssuris the state to the fusion electors. llnmlll llnbi-iiM rorpiii CIKC , ril3llUI > : . S. I ) . , Dec. II. ( Special Tele- gram. ) In the habeas corpus npplie.itkm of A. Hamtll , confined In the llrult > county Jail on .a charge of assault with Intent to Kill , ' th'o supreme court holds that the applica tion should hnvc been first made to the cir cuit court nnd If It came before the suproma court It should he on appeal. Gladness Comes With a better uiilrrslmiliii.r ! : | of the I transient nature of the iiiiiiiy plijs- ion ! ills , which vanish before pri > | ) cri'f- fpris frclilleelVorls--pleasant clVorls rijvlill.y tlircctoil. There is comfort in the Unowleilfre , tlmt so niiiny forms of sickness sire not due to nny actual ilis- wifcc. bntsimjly to a conslipateilconili" lion of tliu hj'slom , which the plensntit family luxntive , Syrup ol Kitrs. prompt ly removes. That isvhy it is the only remedy with millions of fnniilics. nml is every whe.ri ! esteemed .so highly by all who value ( jooil health. Its l > eiietiial Ol'eets are ilue to the- fad , that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness n-itlnml debilitatinir t'.i ' > orpins on which it acts. It is therefore all important , in order to I'd itn In ne- licial oll'eets. to note when yon pur chase , that yon have the ( jenninc arti cle , which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Kitf Syrup Co. only and bold by all reputable driiffKtsts. If in the enjoyment of peed health , nnd the. sj-Mein is , laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If alllicted wllh any actual disease , one. may be connnondod to the most sUillful physicians , but if in need of a laxative , one should have the best , and with the well-informed everywhere , Kyrup of t'iji } > stands highest and is most largely iissd and ( fives most 1/viieral satisfaction. * ilappy Days jre lliosc upon uhkli Milft-rorsexperiencethe lulurauf lust atringth , vitality anJ ciu-rfy. ra'/yfA ' . i The fninniis Hi.iln nnJ Ncivc Fool , trine I about llns happy ri'stili. Tlii-ycrrju liiMlthy dijeMlon , I'lirv ' , lull l-loiiJ. firm must II-N , ruu t-Jsin-ik'ih ! su-.iJv ni-rves anJ a ituar train. Drains i laUtJ fnrevi-r , $1.00 Fer Box , 6 Boxes , $5.00. \ Itval f-mrnnli < I < < jr < - or r-'fuiul ttu- Blu-rmee .t llcConnrll DIUB Co. , 1513 lloik-e Bt. . Onmha. NOD. IVIADE , _ AJAX TA Llrsi'OSITIVii-V : ri'UJI B/ \ -I ' / Arrn.Ki lttr < trNKulttiiM MI .11- V'lj /rl my , liiip iii'iicSli'i'iiU i tiHHi if , tii * o < l ' * ' hj-Al.uroantliihnr ! ii : * < .fi uml l-ili.- ciflion * . T/it-ft / / ! * / ' / . / / / iifir/ AUK/// ktoiu ] < i Vnalii > in o ! . | nr > uun ; . 'ri ' < l .n mini for -tn'l > , hutliHMJI - inuiuu J'ltVfnt liikiii.iir tin > l ( 'otiniiiiii i in i It _ . . in itiuw. 'J h"ir UNO thoivii iniint'liiilit PHI rnv . invnl itiij rllt'i. ; * a CUItHvturo all of Iir < r.i l < iI ) In. vint upon luivinu tlm i-nnittH Ajtx T < iblito ' 1 liny ) mrorfii .MlMvi iiiiltfiii < 1 vlll ' 'ir > nnP i n. . a pottili\u writti-,1 i-inri.nicn to t-ifrri u cm > In no li it or r < 'fuinl thn n ou .y. i'r Ire 10 fi-i.M ix-i inn I , u-u. r ftii | mckafni li-jll ti Htrn M ) f r S't.W. Ji > in nl. 111 ( tlnin wit'per ,'ii IM. - I of i-riif. rirriilar fi * AJAX RHMI-DY CO. ' " ' " " ' " . , , ; . . . . "lu.1- Kor calc In Onuili.l by James 1'uiolU , 2'2 ' N' , ICth tJtrct-l. ICul.n & r , , i.-itli in..I l > hii'-uli' ' , nit. n\iM > ' i n.i > tni : si-iirirn- t it. . s ll run < L-u.'M itllliiiiil Hie IllKMileilui- " ' ' IlllPllllllll in i "Hi i- t , M I . . - " ! ! . ; ' "Ll t'Ml-ll II | i- Illl Illl-lll Ill-l "I" "I * ' 'U' ' Ml.'l1'1 ' I ll'l ' pali.-MI i , i - nil'1'liuil.'i "i J" il'-li" " ' ' " ICulili .1 di. . I . ' .Hi A . . t . llmiiliii. N'1 . CiOLDHN SPECIFIC CO. . Prop's. Cincinnati , 0. SB-.l'rll. f r lUIr " ll-wk ou Mo' ; I IM lliUl. uu--l - ' I" ' . AIM SKMHVI'.S. nnr.iMfj\j TCI. 15.11. IIIL LKI.ll.Ml .V 4 > , , , ) ti intrc TICS i MIT vr siis. N. C. GOODWIN AN AiMIUUCAN CITIXI-.V. \\'eilni-i.illl > Muiil , 'J'flli ; ! { IVAI.S. , T.v , Ji on , t : o. T1I1I ri'KIr''I I'l'n V Iclephonn 1131. I Illl LM1II/MIV.M I'AMO1IIUIIOFSS , Mfjri , riilDAV nnd SATMIIIAV , Dei' . ( ' -111. The Orcal Kronlf HIIIC-K NKIL ril'l'.i'l.r. ' . ' COUNTY TAIK " " ' ' ' ,'7r.- Miitlncn H.-.lurilny. Si-nlc 'ill mli1 1in - ' w. J'rii'i-t--Z > . M"I' ) * l W M.iilm i'M mi I ' ' : . Dec. i----"I : ! m : I.AHV M.AVI.V " OYD'S Ni\v , f'1'KA ? ' > :1u : ' , * , Vi'"i'"i"lrnnKV" ' 'ilia NlnUfnil' iiiiiiir > Muitiil 'JliMUoi.ili I'll I'lr.l 'limit T7r\ICC lI\T f > nn-t I " ' "r' In Umalm. UIJJoUlN Mo-iuiii i. ' < ElI -I D Cl.niirp of Vli-n mill I'lur > i rr urrhna-inrr. } ! " ' rr > fU .ml" , 6Vf > uuil Ibi , ifnlliui" , U.IUMU lot * ! " * fbllilrri. . IHi- . . IKI'I'III.H. BARKER HOTEL. TlllltTMiVI'll AM ) .K1M3S hTHIJU'I'M. HO rvunn buitm , ill-am In at mill nil ni irrn ( .oiivtnk-iaei ! lli.irs. II 4 ( in I 12 if ) \i--i \ dny , Table unuiI'til , Kin-clnl I- > v r > i. ij reuuliir LoarJ r . KKANK IUI.U1T' II. Jlur.