THE OMAHA DAILY HEK DISC ISM H 13 K 1 I , 18)0. ! COUNCIL BLUFFS. MIJNTIOV. nml photo Biipplle-j , No. 12 Pearl M not Help wnnttd to ctiabto tis to employ more clerks Moore & Kills , the "Cigar Store vMonopllsts " If the party who felt In the mud on first ANcnuo yi-Rlcrdny will sonil hln xpattcrcd linen to the I'nsln laundry his friends will never know wlmt happened. The sale of dents for the Pnyton Comedy eompnny nt Dohnny'it tluntor this evenlni ; Is nlrcndy very lnro } ? , nnd Imllcatlona nre that the house will ho parked to the doors The opcnlnfi hill IB the four-act senatlonal Amer ican eomcdy. "A Midnight ( 'nil. " n play filled with laiiKhahle comedy , startling situa tions and thrilling climaxes. If dollnrn were all made of India rubber they could not stretch moro than the old fashioned kind now do nt our store when U omcs to buying A briar pipe. Moore & mil * _ C U Vlavl Co , female remedy. Medical consultation free \Vodnwda > s. Health book furnished 303 Mcrrlnm block. N Y numbing company. Tel. 250. Heat pork loin road , J c Ib. IlrownN P. 0 U fresh meats , llartlctt Grocery Co. DUJ your oysters at J. Holler S. Co fa. Deal mid cheapest _ IlltlTI-Ht III till' ClIlllfNt. Considerable Interest Is being taken In the approaching contest for the Justice ot the peace ofllces Justices Vlcn and Cook , whose dictions arc being disputed by J 11 Lewis nnd ( ! i.orgo Ilaynes , have decided on A S Ilnrleton as their rcprcsentatl\o on the contest hoard. The democrats have Mottled upon W. II Ware to look after their Interests and Chairman Kcrney of thn Hoard of Snpenlsors will be the third member of the hoard I'p to the present time J.V. . Terrier has not In any wny figured In the contest , as he was generally conceded to ha\o been de feated by Ambrose Ilurke Ho has filed no foment papers but It In understood that In will figure In the contest If any evidence Is dv\oloptd ti tiding to show that some of the ballots cast for him or any of his op ponents were Improperly counted One of the first iiuestloiiK that will come up be fore the hoard will be the scope of Its power In making any changes from the returns of the canvassing brnrd Kerrlcr will Insist that tiio board will ha\c to count all the votes fast for Justice and If the result should fn\or him ho would bo entitled to n rortlflcate of election Just ns much ns If bo had Instituted n regular contest proceed ing _ niggest business wo ever had that's- our position Moore & Hills. Ilartlett Grocery Co 's big n flour. 99c. Halslns citron , orange and lemon peel nnd all fruits for your Chrlstnns fruit cake jou can get and be sure of best valuta and best materials at J. Zollcr & Co.'a. Tele phone , 320 _ 1'riMSll t'lMtnri' . By pending forty Domestic soap wrappcts to I > Uolton & Co. , DCS Molncs , la. , you will cot lx olhcr teaspoons free. noston Store will be open every evening intll nftcr Clirlntnins. Happily lllt-iidiMl. Wo vcntuio to nay that our Htorc Is the brat nrranped In the city , filled with rare ; tms of diamonds , line jeuelry , watches uml chains , silverware nnd nllvcr novelties. We make specially low prices on table cut lery carving nets and full tea sets , quadruple plate. C. II. JACQUHMIN & CO . 27 South Main street. Dartlott Grocery Co.'s big A flour , J1.10. Ilrown's C. 0. I ) , open evenings until Chrletmas. _ I , IMIi * HOJ'H Chilly lIxiu-rliMK-c. A little H-year-old boy named Jewell had a narrow escape from di owning In Indian creek yesterday afternoon. With a lot of other children he was sliding on the Ice. It broke and let him Into w liter that was < | Ultc deep The children counded an alarm and the little fellow was fished out Ho was co frightened and chilled by his Icy bath that ho was unable to talk. Ho v\as taken to a livery stable near by , but romc time olnpbcd before ho recovered enough to try to talk Then he was too frightened and icwlldored to tell his name or residence. 'The police olllccrs were notified an 1 at 5 o'clock they located the parents of the little fellow. Mixed candy , Etta pound , at Ilrown's C O I ) _ Just a few moro cooking nnd heating stoves left to be sold at great I eduction. J. Roller & Co Telephone , 320. _ Heat place to buy mi If ) and candles Is at J Zolier & Co 'a Upper liroadway cash store _ Wo don't pretend to bo benefactors , but we're not letches. Moore & Kills. Illg II flour , 99c ; good enough for anybody. Dartlctt Grocery Co. Kino livery for pirtles and dances. Ogden Livery 158 Droadway. Telephone S3. cH fin tit Uliiuliiiind. Deputy Marshal Ilradley will leave for Cincinnati today , accompanied by n number of Council Hluffs cltlzcoa who will go there for the purpose of testifying against the tramp who stole n couple of grips from A G Grecnstreit , special pension examiner The arrest of John T. Itohlnson , whose hearing will bo had hi Cincinnati on Wednesday , was due to a quarrel between Itohlnson nnd the man with whom ho wao traveling when the theft was committed. Mixed nut . Sets ixmml. Drown's C. O. U riirlNtiiuiN 1'iTNi'iit.M for .111-ii. Longlcy and Dunlnp hata. l.ouls Auerbach'fl line neckwear. Just re ceived from Now York. Smoking Jackets , dressing gowns , bath robes. Fancy vests , fancy shirts , silk and linen handkerchiefs. MnTCAI-F nitOS. l.uliiirerKViiutci ) . Wo have for sale or rent several desir able fruit , grain , vegetable and stock farms near Council llluffs for 1SU7. Day & Hess , Ilcntnl Agents. All 1.1 ml a of holiday novelties at Hrovvn's C. O. U. HoeUot-H fur riirlnliunN I'rcNCiilN Don't forget that S. S. Keller has the finest line of rockcro and chairs at the lowest prices. 10-pleco decorated chamber tct , | 3.00 , at Ilrovvn's C. O. D Hotfmayr'B fancy patent flour makes the bcbt and most bread Ask your grocer for It. Dr. Will rr in ii ii IVIiiN I he Medal. The Crlbbagc club held an Interesting sea slo'i Saturday evening at the Grand hotel that lasted until after midnight. Dr. Water man Is now wearing the club medal. ha\lng defeated J. J. Jones In the saw-off games , they having tied for the night's play. The club Is In the most flourishing condition and the tcbslon In two weeks promises to t > o a royal one and fitting to the holidays , 100 fancy Imported chamber ects at lesa than wholoiMlo prlco at llroun'a C. 0. D. fly pending forty'Domei'llc soap wrappers to Ii. Uolton . Co. , lie , ) Malneg , la. , you wilt get six silver tcatpooiu free. Duy your Christmas caudlta and nuts at J. Zollcr & Co.'a cash store. Telephone. 320. Iloston Store will bo open every evening until after Christmas. The best place In the city to buy your groceries nt Lash pi Ices and good \aluts U nt J. Roller & Co. Telephone , 320. A fine line of nllnim from GOcts to $5.00 nt Ilrovvn's C. O. 1) . Doston Store will bo oucu every evening until after Curlstmau , NEW GARBAGE ORDINANCES Oity Attorney Hnzatlon Has Some Ideas Intended for Improvement. MORE LIBERAL PLAN IS PROPOSED NIM\ Dump IH Ni'cdnl unit Ore Smith of the Cll > Mil } lie l'rnIdeil " 1'or li > tin- Cnuiii'll. When the city council meets tomorrow evening there will be two new ordinances presented for approval. Uach will repeal and modify existing ordinances. City At torney Hazelton lias spent his spare time In constructing them during the past week In accordance with Instructions given him at the last meeting. One ordinance will rail- leally modify the present laws governing the disposal of garbage , and the other will ehnnge the existing method of collecting fees at the city pound. The new garbage ordinance Is of the most Importance to the public , for It removes the prohibition from any but licensed garbage haulers carting away refuse matter. Under the present ordinance It Is a misdemeanor for any but regularly appointed garbage men tn haul away refuse matter , although there have been no prosecutions brought under the ordinance for many years It Is still a me- nacH to the man who wishes to earn half a dollar by cleaning up his neighbors' prem ises or save that amount by clearing hlJ own. The new ordinance will give every person the right to do thla kind of work provided the regulations arc strictly fol lowed Methods of disposing of dead ani mals will also be charmed somewhat. Here tofore they have been hauled down to the river bank north of Broadv.ay and covered up In the sand In many Instances this pro. ( autlon even has not been taken Recent Investigations revealed the bodies of several dead homes partially concealed by a single load of manure that had been thrown over them In other cases foul nml offensive matter has been dumped and lightly covered with sand , which would blow away In a few days and leave the nnss exposed to the air The new ordinance will provide a method that will prevent this dangerous prictlce The garbage question Is a serious one for Council Illuffs The character of the rlvci at points whore Its banks are accessible Is such that a garbage dump could not bo con structed and maintained except at great ex pense The present dumping ground lies south of the upper pumping station of the city water works The surrounding territory- Is beginning to bo bet tied up and there la beginning to be some complaints of the nearness of the grounds U Is posslblo that the city will eventually be compelled to abandon It and either construct a dump at the waters edge or remove the garbage sev eral miles further down the river , where It will not be likely to Interfere with settle mcnts for many years. Klthcr plan will add greatly to the expense. llartlctt Groecry Co has two stores , one opposite postortlcc , one Hlghth sticct and Ilroadway. No better flour made than IJartlctt Gro cery Co 's big A. | 1 10. ivntiis : ron TIIIJ roi i/ruv SHOW. I'i't Slddv OIIIKTN rronil ( lit-Ciipncll ) llT till * ANNOI'lllUoil'M ItoOIII. entries received by Secretary Groncweg of the Western lonn Poultry , farm and Garden association Indicate that the num ber of fowls to be on display at the chicken show which opens up hero today will be over 1.300. Saturday nnd yesterday were spent In gathering up all the coops In the city and putting them In place In the Hlse- man building , lint It was found necessary to order 150 new ones , which will bo on hand this morning. Park Policeman I amb of Kalrmount moved his collection of pets Into the nisemin building Saturday. He has onti of the finest assortments of pigeons in the slate In addition to the animals he exhibited last year thcro will he a number of badgers and prairie dogs This part of the display proved a great attraction for the children. The horticulturists have not been Idle In getting ready for their portion of the display and the entire loner floor has been prepaid ! for the apple and fruit exhibits One of the most striking fruit designs will bo a miniature of Palrmount park , designed from different colored apples The lake Is represented by a mirror and the entire de sign Is rather striking. Some of the Council Hluffs and Omaha exhibitors brought In a few birds yester day and they all announce that there Is pr.i'at Interest being taken by chicken men In the appioachlng show. 2t pounds bpt granulated sugar , $100. Ilrovvn's C. O. 1) . Hasten Store will be open every evening until after Christmas. Go to Dartlctt Grocery Co.'a flour sale. ! ' . W. Dean , M. D. , eye , ear , nose and throat , 241 Mo-rlam block. If you v.nnt a bargaln In watchca and diamond's call at Snytier's. 32S D'vvay. If thcro Is lack of any modern pipe in the line wo carry , we don't know It. Moore & Dills. Daitlett Grocery Co.'s big A flour , $ 1.10. Durfco Furniture Co 's great removal sale Is now In full blast. You In It ? riunnT ; TUAI.NS COMI : Tocr/runit. Hint Wreck In Which NnrllmCH | TII mill llnrlliiKtun CarH An * M'jxcil. MASOX CITY , la. , Dec. 13 ( Special Tele gram ) There was a bad wreck at the Junc tion of the Durllngton , Cedar Ilaplds & Northern and Chicago & Northwestern at Goldfleld last night A special freight on the Durllngton was going eaat and this col lided with the Northwestern mixed going north. The engineer of the Hurllngton says the accident was caused by the air brakes falling to work Until engines were badly wrecked , one engineer badly , but not fatally scalded , and one passenger pretty badly UiuKcn up Wrecking crews from both roads arc clearing up the w lockage. I'lincrnl of Hen M. I'roeiiiaii. MISSOUIU VALI.DY.Ia . Dec. 13 ( Special Telegram. ) The funeral of Den M. Freeman occurred nt 11 o'clock yesterday , the un derstanding having boon that the interment was not to occur until the arrival of the mother of the deceased from Ohio. The re mains vveic followed to Hose Hill cemetery by the father , an uncle mul a few friends Hov. Mr. Snyder of the First Preabytcilun chinch offered prayer Young freeman was ponsessed of some mental attainments , hav ing attended an Ohio academy five terms and taken a course at a business college. The revolver with which ho made the attempt upon his father's life and then ended his own was brought with him from California. Knoriiilflt'H of n Tuiiicli CIIIIK : UltnlKcil CiiAU HAPIDS. Dec. 13. The killing of youug Wolf by Station Agent Benedict at Fairfax reveals the extent and methods ot thn King Infesting Iowa and Johnson coun ties foi yefim past. Crlnus of every nature have b"on committed and the local authori ties were ui.ablo to cope with the situation Search teday cliouu that the dead man'ci naino was not Wolf , but Koeschcr. Ho has a sinter In this city It Is believed there Is a fence for the gang In Cedar IlnpUla. VllllNcu flnircli Deilleiili-d. VIM.ISCA , la. , Dec. 13. ( Special. ) The new Baptist church was dedicated today. Friday night the congregation dedicated a J 1,000 plpo organ , Gustaf Johanson was the orgauUt. Aleut 300 people vvcro tn attend ance. The choir was composed of many well known vocalists. One of the most noted waa Mm. Joieph Steadiuau. of Clarlmla , la. , for merly of here. \\iinv IIOMIJM i n ins M \ in : T\\ID : UiiUiilil Mtiri im Court IIIM < I < * N on TIKI liniiiirliint CIINCH , IMKUHK. S I ) Dee 13 ( Speelil ) Among the opinions handed down by the supreme court Frldiy la one which bear * on the question of tax title * In which tint deci sion was written by Haney , which will beef of general Intercut , anil one In regard to Judgments. In which the decision was writ ten by Cot-son , which will be of Intercut to attorney * . The first case , entitled "Ilublo Duncan against J. I ) Nevveombel , U from the circuit court of Ileadle county , and affirms the deci sion of the lower court. The case Is one In which a tract of land waa proved up In 1SS3 , and assessed In 18S3. In 1SS1 the pronf was suspended , by the commissioner of the general land olllce and after carrying the matter before the secretary of the Interior new rroof was made In ISSfi The tract of land was sold for delinquent 1S < M taxes and In due coarse of time a tax deed was l sucd for tlie same. The main point In the cise lo In the following language "Plaintiff did not comply with the prerequisites for the acqui sition of title until the time of her second proof was offered. Until then she did not have a perfect equity , and until tint time the land was not subject to taxation Judgment of the lower court Is affirmed " This virtually eels aside tax titles secured to tracts whole there was suspension of entry , and new proof required before the ROMMnment would perfect the title There nre n number of such eases over the state resulting from the Sparks rule In the general land olllce In the other case , a rule which hen often boon followed by attorneys of the state of considering a Judgment filed when signed will be changed The ciise , which Is entitled "C W Locke ngalnst C. W. Hubbard. " Is frjm Mlpn hahn county , nnd one cf the po n's at Issue Is "when a Judgment Is tiled " After a review of the cnso , the opinion la "It will thus bo srcn that the Judgment entered In the Judgment book Is the only Judgment men tioned In the statute What authoilty. thero- foie , has this court to hold any paper or record a judgment other than the one en tered In the 'Judgment book' ' The Judgment there ontoied Is the original Judgment , and the only one the law contemplates Un doubtedly the court Judge or counsel may very properly prepare a form of Judgment for the clerk to enter , but such paper , though signed by tl.e Judge or court Is no more the Judgment of the court than the one prepared by counsel It may be and probably would be held an order for a Judgment. " III' AN AHTHbl VN WHI.I. . i\lK-rliiit-ntM ill Crim CtiiUiroiio ! > . Siii-iM-HMfiil In HMTJVii > . CIIAMDDIII.AIN , S D , Dec Fl ( Spe cial ) The goveminent artesian well at Crow Cicek Indian agency has developed wonder ful power The well was completed only n few- months ago , and recently the Indian bureau let a contract for running a pipe from It to the agency grist mill , a distance of about 2,000 feet , with the intention of run ning the mill with power from the well. This week County Surveyor Meyer of this city visited the well at the request of the contractor , to ascertain if there was suf ficient pressure to operate the mill A gauge registering up to ISO pounds to the square Inch was attached to the well , and the ncedlo turned slowly around until It touched the liO mark , when , of course , it bail to stop This was closed pressure How much more It would have registered Is not known , nnd the exact pressure cannot bo ascertained until a larger gauge Is procured The mam moth artesian well of the local electric light company , having n How of more than 1,000 gallons per minute , develops a piessnrc or less than 100 pounds per square Inch , and still has more than sufllclcnt force to run a cieamery , In addition to the electric light plant. l.oculi * ii ( luiiri'A of I'lniMom * . HIM * CITV , S D , Dec. 13 ( Special ) W It. Hand , a resident of Cuutor City , has dls- coverad a largo and \aluablc deposit of llth- rgraphlc stone near Dingle station. He 1mb dcvekped the quarry to nn extent suHlcIeiu to bhovv n that It can be profitably worked , and numerous testa show that the stoneU equal to tlio Uet't Bavarian product A com pany has been organized to develop and work the I'toi c which Includes a number of well known Omaha men , among the number Aaron J Klopp , Cliarlea KIopp , Frank Car penter. M H. Hedfleld and U. W. Ilartlett The Importance and value of this deposit may be judged from the fact that the best quality of Bavarian ktono commands from 20 to 2r ccnta per pound. All the litho graphic stone now In Ube now comes from a single quarry and the lunply Is limited If the expectations of the Cutcr county pirtler aio realized n now rjpply will bo or/cncd and the wealth and variety of Black Hills mineral resources lind further Illustration. l.nrKc IIiiMKttucUH ii Chilli. HIM , CITY. S D.Dec 13 ( Special ) It Is net safe to leave young babies In c\porcd places In the Blac'c Hills This fact was demont'trated yesterday at the Ella mine shortly af'er ' Mrp Hen How man , a miner's v , Ife , hud placed a high chair containing her young Infant near a window She had hardly turnol her hick and resumed her Iron'ng before ulio vva > L'tartled by a crash of broken glass. Hushing to the window eho found ono pane broken In and caught upon a tpll.itcr of glass In Its death agony a largo hawk of the bluewingarlety. . The child was unharmed , though covered with frag- incnUi of broken glass. The hawk , one of the lirgest ef lly species , would undoubtclly have Killed the child had It not been for the protecting window light. Sold I'oriicil Niiti-H. CHAMHDKLAI.V. S. D , Dec. 13 ( Spe cial ) Deputy Sheilff McGovorn of Lake county has icturned from the cast with Wil liam Saltzgnbcr , who is charged with for gery The prisoner was brought back fiom Albion , Ind , on a requisition Issued by Governor - e-rnor Sheldon The erlmo for which Salt/- gabcr Is wanted was committed In January , 1S95 , and consisted of forging names to two notes , which ho sold After disposing of them ho left the country and had not been heard cf until the Hankers' associat'ou , which became Interested In the mattci , loeated him , through Plnkcrton , at Albion , Ind. Ho will bo tried at the February term ot court In Lake county. _ South DllUotll niecllon ContcNlN. CHAMKKHl.AIN. S D , Dec. 13 ( Spe cial ) Two election contests have been eom- mcnced In Ionian county. I. N. Auld has entered n contest against John G. Hartlnc for the oflleo of state's attoiney , and a strug gle Is In progress for possession of the of- flco of county judge Judge Smith has desig nated December 22 as the time for hearing the contests. CHAMnilHLAIN. S. I ) , Dec. 13 ( Spc- elal ) Hy the purchase of more land the Carpenter Inlgatcd faini , near Piikwana , now contains a total of eight quarter sec tions , which adjoin each other. This farm is owned by a wealthy resident of Chicago , who proposes next season to show exactly what can bo done in the way of extensive Irrigation In this state. Contrui't for ArtcNlnn Well. CIIAMKIUILAIN. S. D , Dec. 13 ( Sp'c- clal ) The Indian bureau has let the con tract for sinking n Mx-lnch artcsion well at Lower Hrulo agency. Water from the well will bo used for lire protection and domestic purposes. _ TcrcNii Tn 1 1 in n ii sccurcn n Divorce. CHICAGO. Dee -Ten-mi Dean T.illman , u well known newspaper writer , today HO- cured a divorce bofoio Judge Horton Her husband , Dr Tallin. in , theIIOUHO physician nt the tireat Northern hotel , disappeared Home weeks ago , and rumors vveie current that ho VVUH nceompaiilrd by a divorcee ! woman from Danville. Ill , who had been n Riic'Ht ul the Oieat Northern The decree VVUH secured by Mm Tallman In twunty-one minutes after the Illlln ; of the bill Alimony of Jtow a yearn .iskod and granted. Dr T.illnmn'H attorney ! ) mated tint ho VVUH In Chluigo yesterday , and was iiovv recuperating nt nn Indiana watering place The bill charged Dr Tallmanwith Improper conduct with Mrn Jane Mclvlnley Cannon who formerly reHldul In Danville , 111 , ami who married n nephew of Congress man Joseph Cannon. JncUNiin ( Vlclirnllon lliiniiiel. CHICAGO , Dec. 13 TUo Jackson celebra tion banquet , nt which William J. Ilrynn will bu the chief guest of honor , will be held January 7 nt thn Tremont house This \\ntt decided upon at H conference of democratic leadorH. It Is expected that Mr. Ilrynn on that occasion will nuke n ppcceh urging the frlcmlH of hllvcr to keep up the light Governor AltBflU will ulso bo present , roii AMM'RtfN MI.V Survivor * cif the l.ulc Ih'ld-lllon He- ineiiiliereil Ii ) ( lenernl flitftriiniiMitt WASHINGTON' Dee 11 - ( S > S HI ) Pen- nlona granted Issue of NovoinW 21. vvero Nebraska , Orlglnnl .lame * F , Mathews Madl on , Madison Upnowal-rClooigo N Durcli , Central c'lly. Mcrilelf. Original widows , ete Harriet M Hotlhott , Hamp ton , ll'itnllton , MarKUoMtt * Godfrey , Omaha , Doughi * Iowa Orlglnnl-Itlehnrd J. Uurwoll , Dun- Inp. Hnrrl on , Jo pli I > Harbert , Hello Plalno , Itcnton Increase Ilandall Hrown , Ottumwa Wapollo , Jamea T Thr.ishor , DCS Molnes Helssuo-Wllllam F Klehoff , MUHcatlno , Mtt cnUtu < . Original widows , etcSpecial. ( . November 2SI Sarah Hill , liiuonport ; Joanna A Head , Central City , I .Inn Issue of November 2" > were. Nebraska. Original-Charles lllltrkle , Turner , Holt , Charles A. Granger , Wiscott , t'uttir , l.nrcnzo H Wellnmn. Nlobrara , Knox Original widows , etc Until A Coulter , Holdrouo , Phelps , Kthiin Allen ( fathir ) , Junlata. Adams , Rachel S Harry , Stamford , Harlan Houth Dakota Original Thonias C I.ainpniiin , DIJou HlllH , Hrule. Increase William W rongdon. Farmer , Hanson. North Dakota. Original Michael l.lne- hiin. Hlsmarek. llurlelgh Inereaso Asa Sarfieant , Caledonia , Tralll Montana' Increase ItcnJ.unln F Hoopes , Houlder Valley Jefferson Colorado Orlglnnl-OeorRo V. Kelley , Dennett Atnpilioo , Jo tph S Wright , Don- \ < * r Im rea o Samud C St irv , itonntira , STigimoho. Michael Katln , Pueblo , Theo- phllus C Power , Aspen , Pltkln Oilglnal widows , ote l.lna Morz , Denver. low i. llitoratloti and reissue John A. ScroggH ( deceased ) , Klrkman , Shelby In- oroaHt Ch-irles H James , McGregor , Clay ton ; I'ntlerlek 12 Woodward , Hock Itap- Ids Mon , James Kennedy , Hawardon , Sioux. Original vvldovvH , etc Ca sa A. Heed , Tabor , Fremont. Issue of November 27 were : Nebraska Original-John Asher , Tlldon , Madison ; John A Sterns , Violet , Pawnee. Helssuo Hphralm H Hall , Omaha. Iowa Hi'storatlon nnd Increase Oeorgo Wallace ( ilecen ed ) , Des Molnes Incieaso William D. Thilft , Cioston , Fnlon. Origi nal widows , etc Cynthia L Wallace , De Molnes ColoradoOriginalSox erlno Trujlllo , Tones Ijis Additional Gooigo S Downing , WHtewatcr Mo : i ISHUO of November 2 were , Nebraska Original bifnyette Solder ( de ceased ) , Hushvlllo. Sheildan , Mlcha l Dance , Omaha. Addition il George C Close. Tikamiih. Hurt Increase William T Shlvcly. O'Neill , Holt ; Jason Micas , Met na , Custcr IOVTII Original I.udolphlcus W Fuller , Gainer , Hancock , John II Serluht. Have- loik , Poeahontas Additional ( Sped il , De cember 2) ) Jerome King , Davenpoil , Stott Increase D iv id It Walker , Waukon , Alla- maKoo , William Mi Cube , Volga , Clayton. William Plolmn , Mason City , Cerro Gordo Helssue Simon W. Corsblo , Des Molnes ; Anthony Dover , nuhuquo Original wid ows , etc Minerva T Priiltt , Neola , Potta- vvatt imlo. Colorado Original William A Maloney , Denver. Original widows , ete M irlon llus- xell. Stonewall , Animus South Dakota. Additional Henry II. Plaits , Kgnn Moody Increase Harvey T. Colton , HIJou Hills , Hrulo. Issue of November 30. ore- Nebraska- Origin il-Hlchard i : Dowden , Agio. Holt Additional Joseph I.oucks , Hluo Spilngs G igo. Incrciiho ( special , De- tcinber 3) ) Charles Connor. Omaha. Origi nal widows , etc Marie I , Tollllon , mother. Hcrshoy , Lincoln Iowa. Original William Everltt. Avoon. Pottawattamle , Norval 11 IMw.irds , Noi- vvood , , Charles Anderson , Diihuque Hi monition and addition : ! ) Csoeclal , Doc - c ember 3) ) Samuel Honlett , ikce.i'pil Diavton Audiibon Hcstoratlon and In crease Suiiuel Neal , deieixod. Gilt , Wright Increase ( stiec HI Decem ber ID Cyrus D Hovdston , Kno\- vllle , Marlon ; Wllllim T. TovMiKond. I : IHI Des Molnes , Polk , I . .ncHeKey. . Columlms .liiiu-tlon , LoiiKi , John H llaktr , Lot in , H irrlsoii , Nelson Phlnnoy , Falls Hlack Hawk. David Onls , Iohrvllo ! Pal- hrun Hi Issue James Junk , Sioux City Original widows etc Amelia M Gomar , Itaplds Linn , Mary IJ Wllll ims , Net-ada , fclory , Susan n Noal. t ! lit Willit. ( 'peilul Decembers ) Ann Hdwlott Hr.iy- ton , Audiibon , ( supplemental ) , minor of Itlehard Gomar , Anamosa ; Jones Colorado Orlclml Phlllj ) H German , dec e-ased , l < cadvillo , Like , John M irtln Magnolia llouldor , William Sm II Ironton , Ouiay Reissue Walter S I'lilpiny , Love- lantl , Lnrlnier Original widows etc Al- \lra r Clfghom. Del Norto , Hlo Grande , Jennlo S. Gorman , Lcadvllle. Ixike Montaim. Original Mleh.iel Do Vanov , Fort Henton Chotoan Increase David D. Walton , Ho7ornan. Gallitln. Fouth Dn'iot.i Ineioa'-o Julius n Hor- 700 Albion. IMniumls. Jacob C Incriliun , Verdon Hi own Helssue John C. Sch.illcr , Virgil , Hcadlc. AIISS WIM.AItn'S CIIltlSTM\S U'PHAI , \H.S | All ( to < nl mill True People ( o Itc- inenilier ( Irpliiins ofrineiilii. . NI3W YORK , Dec. 13. Miss Frances H Wlllard has Ksued an appeal to the "dear mothers and slstcra of America , " asking them to remember at Christmas time the orphans ot Armenia. Shcsaya "I pray with all my heart and soul that all good and true people. White Itlbboncrs and every body else , may give their Christmas money not only to fill the stockings of a child tenderly sheltered In n Christian home , butte to put .stockings on the bleeding little feet , on the feet of Christian children who have no roof but the sky , no bed but the ground , and no food but the ground roots. Let us , as we are um- rounded by every comfort , reach out hands of help toward them , and their heartbroken mothers Let us ennoble the hearts of oui little ones by showing them how we can on this loved day carry out the ChrUtlan apliii. What we do must be done quickly Ono dollar lar will feed , shelter and care for an orphan for a month ; $12 for a whole year. The above suggestion Is equally appiopiiatc for New Year's gifts Send contributions for this object direct to Hrown Brothers & Co , f > 0 Wall Etreet , New Yoik , marked 'For the Orphan Fund of the National Relief Commit tee. ' " . ItcMliril for "Vnnle" SUNDANCi : , Wyo. , Dec. 13 ( Special ) Sheriff Armstiong of Crook county has of- fcicd a reward of ? 2.r.O for the arrest of "Annlo" Cunningham , the cowboy who mur dered IMvvard Barnard at his ranch on the Hello Fourcho iceently , and warns those at tempting to maKe the arrest of Cunnlng- hnm's dangerous chaiactcr. Cunningham Is about 27 years old , U feet tall , light hair and moustache , blue eyes anil very good looking. He has been shot several times nnd has bullet wound bears upon his body Cun ningham left on a square-built gray horse branded with "flat Iron" on left hip. Ho carries a 15 pistol , blue baircl , with no trigger It has been used a long time and has several notches on the stocK. Caution should bo observed In attempting to arrest Cunningham , as he Is a quick shot He car ries bis pistol In bis shirt bosom under his arm. To Dcillcnlc n ( 'iillieilrnl. LAHAMH3 , Wyo. Dec 13.- ( SpecIal ) T'lo dedicatory services of St. Matthew's ca thedral of the Uplbcopal dlocobo of Wyoming will bo held hero December' 17. A proces sion will bo formed at St. 'Matthew's ' hall , which will im nh to the' ' Cathedral It will Include the governor of 'tho ' state and his staff , the mayor and chief olllccrs of the city , the Knights Templar . am ] Knights of Pythias , the united choirs Of St Matthew's , Laramlo and St. Mark's , , Cheyenne , nnd the clergy and bishops. Thq ijcdlcatory sermon will be preached by the Episcopal bishop of Utah and Nevada. The cathedral Is a mag nificent structure , which has been In course of construction several yearn. South Omaha News tttnrral Manager Habcock of the Union Stock Yards company has received Informa tion to the effect that the newspaper ne counts of the severe storm In the north and northwest were greatly exaggerated He- ports from railway superintendents and live stock shippers that reached the stork yards lOfllce yeslirday show that while the storm was severe , the losj of stock was not nearly as great as reported The cattle wore In good condition and consequently vveie able to stand the extremely low tomperatuie Mod erate weather since has cleared away much of the snow and Ire and the cattle have been found to have come out of the storm In good shape This Is particularly good news to the officials of the stock yards com pany , as shipments fiom the D.ikotns to this market have been ( mite large this year and heavy shipments have been ptom ( od for next year. In the receipt of western or range cattle during the present year. South Omaha alone shows an Increase The Increase comes from competitive territory. The shortage of cat tle at this maikot In comparison with former years has been caused by the scarcity of cattle In Nebraska and Iowa , nnd has been , more than made up by the largo Increase of range stuff. Something over fiOO.OOO sheep arc now being I fed In this state , which Is by far the laigest number over wintered here These vast 'flocks ' I will come to this market next year , I thus making this one of the Important sheep markets of the country. Since the dipping troughs were put In operation nt the yards over 20,000 head of sheep have been dipped and sent to the country to be fed during the winter. While the government report 'shows ' n decrease of hogs In Nebraska , the dally receipts show that largo numbers of I hogs are being fed and marketed Shippers ' say that the state Is full of hogs as Is also Iowa , There Is very little hog cholera In this state , but In Iowa eighty out of ninety - nine counties report cholori . Last week's receipts of hogs fell off con siderable In comparison with the preceding week , but this Is accounted for by reason of the bad condition of the roads and the fact that many of the farmers are ns yet busy with their coin crop Hoports from all over the state hn\o been received nt the stock yards ofllco , and from thc o General Manager Habcock estimates the coin crop of the state at 300.000,000 bush els Dlght million acres were planted In corn this year , and In some Instances the yield was forty , sixty and even eighty bush els to the acre The receipts of cattle last week numbered 14,0'JI head , which was 1,000 more than for the same week In 1S93 Hog receipts were 24.3S : ! liead , a slight decrease ns compared with ISIS The week's receipts on sheep were fiGC2 head , or an Increase of 3,100 over the corresponding week of 1895. itnis vitmC TIII : POSTOKIMCI : SITU. lleedM Hm - lleen Sent Oil tnVimli - In relation to the error In the deeds to the South Omaha pcstofllco site , an account of which was printed In The Hoc yesterday Dan llannun , one of the owners of the site sild "The mistake was purely unlntcn tlonal and came abaut In thU way In mak ing out the deed for my ten feet of ground which la on the north , the consideration wao made $1,000 , when In fact L D Fowler Is trading mo ten feet of his land Just on the north of mine ho as to make the site the size required by the government The fact that my deed called for $1,000 , which was Just that amount more than the appropria tion , was not noticed until yesterday , when I received a telegram from Mi Fowler explaining plaining the mnttor nnd requesting that 1 call upon United States District Attorney Sawyer and explain 1 called upon him nnd arranged the matter to his entire satlsfac tlon. Papers were sent to Washington Sat unlay night and wo expect no more trouble ' Cnr her\ lee Nol SuUKCni'tor. ? . The Omaha Street Hallway company mn < l < a dismal failure yesterday In the matter of transferring passengers from the Omaha trains to the Q ntrcot stub. It Is the Intcn tlon of the company to have the Q street car connect with every other Omaha train Half a dozen times yesterday forenoon the Q street car would wait at N street until the train from Omaha was opposite the post olllce and then It would pull out without waiting for passengers from the north. Mo tormcn on the Omaha trains pounded their gongs In an attempt to attract the atten tion of the man In charge of the Q street car , but without avail. ( "lt > Gosxlp. Mrs. Atkinson , Twenty-tilth and J streets la very clck. John Mayer of the Omaha Packing com- : ? nr Is on the sick 1'ot. Mrs. J. II Carney , 2425 P ptreet , has re covered from a tcverc illness. A special meeting of the Hoard of Hdu- cation will to 1'cld thl * evening. The stockholdcro of the Union Stock Yards company will hold their annual meeting and election of ofilcors today Lact cvonlns Itov. Irving P. Johns" n irnachej at the Third Ward mlfslon , his topic being "John the Baptist " Weilneitlay afternoon tlic Homo Mls"onary society of the 1'irrt Motlmdli-t chtinh will meet at the. churcli to few for the poor Rev. John Williams of St church. Oinnha. conducteJ the eervlcej at St Martin's' ' Kplscopal church last evening Jcnn'o Berry , the girl who ytolo Mine cl tli Ing at Sioux City and was located lure , has returned the stolea property and left tlie city.Members Members cf the Flrot Presbyterian church Sunday school will glvo a Chrlstmau enter tainment nt the church on Thursday even Ing , December 21 Funeral smlceo over the remains of Jehn Itlckard were held at tlio Christian church yesterday afternoon. Interment waj at Lnurel Illll cemetery. Hov. Fred Tonge dellovorcd nn address to young men nt the Young Men'u Chrlethn as sociation yesterday afternoon , the subject being "Living to a Purposv " Saturday evening Mr. nnd Mrs ClmrlcT Hodman entertained a number of frlemlb at their homo , Twenty-third and N street ! * , In honor of their guest , Mlta Nettle Allbery of Norfclk. The books belonging to the Public Library atoxlutlon : will be placed on the shelves In the ofllco of Superintendent Mnnroo at the High t * linol tills afternoon. Hooks will be distributed under the ujpervlslui of Pr f Mnnroo each Tucaday and Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. Ono of the dealers In horses at the stock yard i said yesterday that ho looked for bet ter pricey to bo | < ild for hortsD before long "Few colts. " ho said , ' have been foaled dur ing the part two years and at the present tlmo there IB no ovorsujiply. while the de mand hao not materially decreased. There Is lura to bo a EhortJpe of horci before a great wlillo and better prices will bo raid for ijood nnlmals. " _ Manna Not TnlUInK Pollllcn .Niivi. CLUVILAND : , Dec. 13.-Chaliman Hnnna returned hero today , coming direct from Philadelphia He declined to say anything about the gossip concerning the cabinet ap pointments of Prchldcnt-clcct McKlnlcy. That terrible wash-tub ! Tliis is the way it looks to the women who do their washing in the old-fashioned way. They dread it and no wonder. ' AD because they won't use Pearline. Use Pearline use it just as directed soak , boil and rinse the clothes and the wash-tub won't be a bugbear. You won't have to be over it enough for that. No hard work no inhaling of fetid steam no wearing rubbing no torn clothes nothing but economy. , 1'eildlers anil tome unscrupulous Rrocers will yOU „ , ( , is ns j aj"or "Ilic same al I' " ' " " * . " IT'S FALSE-rearlino - Is never peddled , and if your Wndj you something place of 1'cnrline , bo honcit ; < / / , / it folk , UO u i : nnr.Mvsu ( UM.DIU.N DIUIU v. Fn I In-r ( trliMvi ( ! MT tinI I ni of 1.11- tlo Our * mill IH iiiiriirx | | , N'ASHl'A , N II. Dee 13 The bodlci of two Klrli and a boy , aped 7 , S and 11 re spectively , children cf Mr and Mrs. Fa'rnswortli of llrookllnf. X H , were taken from the mlllpnnd there todiy It N sup posed they started Friday at the usual hour to attend "school , but i topped to p'ay ' on the Ice which bniUe under them They cu rled their dinners with them and U wiu > nut until dark that thflr failure to return wa notlceil When It was fMind tint the chil dren had neil been at school a neircli of the district vvai m de and at a lite hour tl'e Ice on the mlllpond vvns found broken To lay ne-irly the whole population turned out and after a loni ; search the bodies were found In the water. IMvvard I'ainsvvorth , father cf the drowned children , disappeared soon alter the bodies' were found nnd Imp not been seen since The townspeople who willingly joined In the search for the children are now ciiRiKCil In s ourlni ; ttic vicinity for trace's of the father Ho was Krcitly overcome by the death of his children nnd It l fearel that hli mind has became unbalanced Suicide Is considered a probiblllty. M\V : ivmitcuM8ij \ni.i : TICKF.T. Meet * tlic Mnirtivnl of ( In- Joint 'I'rnlllo VNtiii'lullnii , ST LOl'lS , Dee. 13-The Interchangeable mlleiiKc ticket , which has been clninored fm by commercial travelers and many passciiKer olllclals In western tenltory for a IOIIK time , has become a icallty by the formal approval of the bo-ml ot manafirrs of the Joint Tralllc nwsochtlon The mnnaKcrs have decided to accede to the wishes of n majority of the western members of the association , and bete-after the 5,000 mile In terchaiiKcable ticket will be good on the lines of the central passenger committee to and from Iluff.ilo. Nligara Palls and P.ila manca on the eastbound lines out of Chicago cage The price set on each ticket Is $100 and the photograph of the purchaser must appear on e'ach tliket It Is hoped that by this method thn danger of manipulation by scalpers will bo greatly minimized ; i : . iio > < is AUIIKSTF.D. 1'in-lllc I\IITSM riiiiiinii > llnilicrrliT IN Flnullt 'I'nt.rn Into CiiKlinlj. KANSAS CITY. Dec 13 Information was received tonlcht from U.iton Uouge , La , of thu anest at that place of Oeoige 13. lloss. the fugitive clerk of the Pacific and Unl'ed Stitea KMin'si companies , who It * IICCUBC ! of having e-mbez/led Jl 600 from the KIIISTS City ofllce Tlio fugitive- was traveling under the name of J. N.ValHco IlimliiiMl'N Ciinl lllni'N \\'on'l I.iiNt l.oiin NI3W YOlllC , Dec 1.1 The nvclilng I'OMI'H London copyright contains the followInt ; : The report of IA-IICVC Foster , the mineralogist , brings Kngl.ind face to fiieo with lTie | fact of possible exhaus tion He MIVS that tinsupplv - c innot stand a yearlv Ineicaxe of . ! ' ' per cent In the out put nnd IKIIS of dc'cliiH1 will probably be- comi ) apparent within u life time I'rof .linen's estimate was that a century of the pr ( " < nt rite of progri-sv would c\- hniist I.nglMi mines to u depth of 4 000 feet , which Is I SOU feet deeper thin the decpe-Ht mine OMIKT of ( lie liiiiiitli" < H llrliiprN Suit. JACKSONVIM-i : . Fill. DecW A Itlsbee owner of Iho tug n iiinlless has cn- lened suit against Captain W. F Kllgorc of the revenue cutter lloutwcll and r It Its b.-e. collector of customs , for JJOOOO e u h In the state- circuit < ourt for the unlivvful di tuition of the boat last Suiul iy vvlun I1 was cndo noting lo h avi- port to sui the schooner Natthnn F I'olili , u-pirted ashore at Now Sim run lie claim" thu had tin- boat hi on allr.vod lo leavi the si hoonot f-ould have In i n suv id Otheinits will follow on similar grounds AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. Used by people of refincinonb for over u quarter of a century. Searlss & Searles , SPtCIAUSIS II Nervous , Chronic and Private Diseases. WEAK" HEN SEMMILY. Ml Prlvitc Ulsoasea ind Diiordcrsnf Moll Treatment by mill - CmisultatlDti fri'o SYPHSLIS Cured for life and the polsun thoroughly cleansed from the system P1LU3 FISTULA and HHCTAL. ULCF.HS , HVDHOCULCa nnd VARICOCCLD permanently and suc cessfully cured Method new and unfailing STRICTURE AfID GLEEraS0 By new method without pain or cutting. Call on or address with stamp. Dr. Searlcs & Searlcs ng s i4tu st . , r.malin. Nab * DVFIVO AND CU-ANING Dressr aal HousVnll G)0l3 ) OJIAUA OrFICK-1621 Turnam. Tel. 132L COUNCIL HI.Urr.S-Works and Ofllce. Cor. Ji r * nue A and ttth St. Tel 310 Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , . $100,009 \vi ; SOLICIT YOUII WK imsinn YOUII COLLECTIONS. ONI : OF TIII : oiuibT HANKS IN IOWA , 0 PKIl CKNT 1'AIU ON TIMIS DIJPOS1T3. AMD BEE UO OU WBITB. \\II\ \ \ \ Mill I.OOKIU ) YOUNG , \ | itiMirliiKoinnn | nt "lto\\ young Mlir Is nt slMy " I henid ii ludv nmko this remnrk III n rtreet cnr recently , ns she pointed nut u line looking woman , with u bright. heiitlhy complexion , good figure anil brisk step. who liiul Just intend I al o looked nt licr. She rorlnlnly wemd to b > nearer forty tlmti slxtv. 1 rocognln-11 her as the vvlfo of a well known Now Yolk business nuui , nnd Knowing that sdie Is nl.vays busily employed. was Interested to discover the cause ot her wonderful health anil vigor. Happening to mention the mutter to n lail > of tny nciiimlntniice shottly after , she \olnntcicd the following explanation : "Mrs , T , " fho mhl , "oerlnlnly IIIIM splen illil health , nml not ton * ago she tolil mo the secret of It For y'c irs pisl , so wfto told iiH1 , nhi' had made II a iiinrltce to take n little ' .niro malt stimulant with every meal She said that It was owing to thin Hint she had escaped Hie inanv we-ak symp toms and mlseiable ailments from which si > many \\oinoii suffer She mys that whon- r\rr who fools tlrod and \\orn out , ft lltllo pure malt gives her ntv.v llfo and energy. " Tor the bcnoilt of ladle * who mny n\\A these. woids. 1 may further add I dlseov ered , on furthoi Ituiuliy. that the lady aliovo referred to uses ind stiongly iceonv mends Duffv's pure malt whlskoy as the safest and best of all malt pnp ( .rations. Xo other whiskey Is Ilko It ami nothing c.i n produi i1 the s\uno good iffeela FOIl INTF.IINAI. AMI I8\TKIt\\I < USIX CTUUS AND ruivixrs CoIilH , CiniltliN , Sun * Tliriint , IlronclilIlN , riKMiiuoiiln , ! Of till' .lollltfl. IillllllllIKO , Itl- Iliiiunllnii. It hr n inn UN ni , N rural ) ; In , ( lillliltllni , llciiilnc'lio , 'rnntlintlic.Htliiiin , IFFHM I.T CUIinS TI1I2OUST TAINS 111 from one to Incut ) mlmitcii NOT OM5 HciUIl nflcr told- Ii K this nilM-rtlsomcnl mitt nn > one SlUVKIl WITH 1'AIN III < IMII > 'N llouitj llolli'f IN u Sun- fur * ( or KMII'ulii , SiualiiN , llriilMcn , I'nIiiN III the lltii-K , Client or I.lmliu. It " < lie llfNt mill In ( lie enl > I'AIN UinilJDY Thnt InHtntitly Mops the most cxmitlallnR palne , nllios Inllnmmallnn anil curcn canccrtloni , whether of the I.unes Htoinncli , lluncln orotior rlanils IT urKitna b > one nppll utlon A Imlf to n teaet'oonfiil In hnlf a ttunl > lcr of nnler will In n trn mlmilon eyre Crnirps. Huitnia BleflilosfneM. Blek HcaJ.iclic. Dlarrhe * , Ilytcntcry , Colic , 1-lntulency unJ all Internal Thirc 1 lint n remeillat ngent In the world will cure Kcier nml Acur nml nil other MalnrlouB. lllllous nml other fe\er > , alileil b/ HMU\\'S I'll-l- . MI quiikly at ll\ll- WA\S HIAI Y itiiur fS ( o per liultlct Sold b > Drnuclxti. MAURER'S -HITAIL 342-344 BROADWAY , Couiioll Bluffs , In , Vihitois and purcliu- ors e < i Hilly vvolc'iinio. Ltii tfi'dt I'-jtnblish- inont in the vvctsU Knt Pricna in Kut Crystal Our Hteelc is the lurjjoal itiul price the lowest. S Inch llo.vls. Ituscd.Ui cutting ( an ctiO.JI.CO ! > Inch fc'u.ivvbciry diamond and fan out , . Uowls . . 53.00 i Inch Stiavvbcny diamunJ anil fan cut Howls Jl " 5 Fi in y i ut Ollvo Dishes Jl-00 Cut CSl.i s Salts and Pcppu * . wnriantetl Moiling Hllvei tops e.icli MO Laboratory Stoppers and deep , fancy Hitting v' Ciut IH , each i&o IMciHOM Vams I'ltriierH , Tumhlcin , Stem \\ar , itc. In jiropor'lon to tinabove. . Amoii ' a IHIJJO line ot novelties we mention tin following. Flat Painted Dotllen , Di Inking Scenes , i.n h $1 00 Decorated Deer Muga In n % arl < ty of de signs lli.iplre Green nnd Cupid C ilna In Dicsscr Sei , Plate * * , Ojps Candlesticks. Bon Dona , ett t'mler niaro Him : nnd Itiues China. In Salad Sets , lie Cream Seta , Chocolate Sets , Pudding Fet and novelties for the dresser Ult b hand palmed Fruit Center Comports anil Plates , Sugars and CrenniH , Choculato Sits iti Copliw of Louis jCIV fllianos and decora tions In all tins r'chnebu ' of good * of that pi rlon An attractive line In" odd things for the table Is the m vv decoration \ . hand paint , ed Marietta ) Nell KOHCH In dlfterint ouloru , flnMicd with ngular heavy gold cdise A v > rv dainty Hue consisting of Pudding Sets , Chocolate Potn. lilscnlt Jars. Platoa , Celery Tray , etc , is dtcor.itod.llh lit .ivy gold MI oil anil French hand pilntiil llgura c < liters We have In odds and endw "choice bits" ot S\rrH , Dresden , Doulton , Won enter , Paris enamel and gold mounted goods , and a par ticularly good collection of Fancy Pottery. LAMPS LnMPS Diesdin Lamps Delft Limps , \\iought Iron Limps , Gold and Onyx. In fact ovcry- thing deMr.iblo In the Limp line Silver novelties and watts for the table the largest variety and prices by far tha lOVVCbt Dresden and fancy patterns In Hat and Clothes IJriiHhes. metal mounted Cigar HOXCH , Ita orn Matcli Iloxtf. In fuel u gieut variety of now novu.iei or gentlemen. Fern DIshc-H In largo xarlity. Dicointcd Dinner Fets from J'CO to $123 , In evoiy conceivable Kb me anil dm oration. Chambir Hots from { 1 21 lo J2500. from the practical to the udc unit quaint rhapc which niJdH HO much to the attiactlveneKH of your room Carvers In large variety from 7e upwards. 3-pcce | po.irl and silver mounted farvors , $7 7.i , Iloger Hros ' 12 oz Triple Plato Knives amj ForltH , $1 33 per net Retail 342-344 Broadway COUNCIL ULUFI'S. AMI NIMIN : : IN. DOHANY THSATSR. Ono neck , cuinmciuIng Munil ly , Die 14 , FAYTON COMEDY CO. , KuMiuitlni ; CAItltli : , I.OI ISMI ISVtC I'AVTOV. OiimlML- bill 4 in.I Amtrlian n-nrulluiiil cuuietly. \ MIDNK.irr ( ALI I.iiillen fuo Monilny nlitlil i\ ry lul > uccnm- piiiuoil liy nn fm-urt liolUlni ; uno JOi pnlil ticket will | j < iKliiililril free uur rrlciH-lCic 20t.-nu lilKlur Hciit dle ojuia helkru' Uruv tturc t'f\- \ ilay murnliii ; Wrcuthlnc In collH 20 yaidw Candy , NutH , FJgH , Dnt ( H , etc. Will bo iilciiHC'd to ( juolo prlccH on the nvertr 'on nnd Holly WrcatliH. Holly above to denleiH only. liranchcB , .Mlntletoc , etc , etc. ' JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO. Wholesale Manufacturing Confectioners , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA