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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1896)
Tina ( XMA1IA TAITjY IMOXDAV , T ) ISC ISM UK K 1 I , 1890. BURNS THE IIORLBORT BLOCK Two-Story Brick Building nt Lincoln Gleaned Out by Fird OCCUPANTS HAVE NARROW ESCAPES Mini ) HoiinitTH ConilirlliMl lo I'lcc from tinllnrnliiK Iliillillniv In j luiiMKIU riotiiiN , iuninK T.iNCOLN , Dtc. 13 ( Special Telegram ) At 3 o'clock this morning fire was discov ered In the llurlmirt blo.k , a tvvonUory brick , on the corner of Tenth and 1' streets , ntnl although It Is but ono block away from the central station ot the ( lie department , It was completely cleaned out by the ilainos The lower Htory was occupied by Samuels liros , dry goods , who ay that they carried a $23,000 stock with ? 10,000 Insurance. Mrs Jackson , who occupied the second lloor , was assisted from the building In a fainting con dition and taken to the St. Illmo hotel. Her furniture wrs a complete los.lth $1,001 Insurance. Several roomers on the secom filory hail narrow escapes and aomo of them got away wltliout clothing and wcro torn- porarlly suppllid by frlimls The building belonged to James Uothwcll of lo ! ton , am until ho can ho communicated with the leaser or Insurance cannot be ascertained IlIUTIlICi : , Nub , Dec -Special ( ) At 4 o'clock this morning n flre broke out In the bcrond lloor of the frame bulldlm ; on C'outt street , the lower story of which Is occupied by S II Glbbs' shoo store The firemen succeeded In confining the llro to the one building , which was almost a total wreck. The Hhoo stock was badly damaged by water , but la probably fully tenured by Insurance , there being two policies upon the stock , ono for $500 , the other for $1,500 The dumngu to the building Is estimated at $1000 , full > covcied by Insurancu The building belongs to the Lo Poldlvon estate and was fully colored by Insurance The nro was In close proximity to the Paddock hotel , and the awakening guests , nndlng thtlr looms niled with smoke , wore noarlj thrown Into n p.inlc. I ) II Llnglc. whobo real cstnlo olllce Is lo < ated on the second Hoer , ami In whose olllce the HIP seems to have 01 Initiated , lost furniture and hooks to the amount of $100. The origin of the lire Is unknown _ Mi IMS 11)N Oiri'S IMS IMiVtii : . A111 SiiiKM-lnlfiulcnt of Ilif Home fur IVilililllntlril 'i oil III. LINCOLN. Doc. 13 ( Special Telegram ) It Is gl\cn out this evening tint ex-Keprc- scnlallvo Sheridan Is to ho given the stew ardship of the llcatrlcu Homo for Peeblc Minded Youth Mr Sheridan was an appli cant for one of the sccrclarjships of the State lloird of Transportation , but was turned down In favor of Joe Udgerton of Grand Island It Is the opinion of Penitentiary Agent White-head that thiro will be no successor appointed In hla plate He said today that ho did not apprehend anj such move on the part of the now administration "Tho cir cumstance of my appointment , " ho said , "was peculiar It grew out of a clash of authority between two distinct political elements , and now that evorj thing Is one way 1 cannot Hie the utllllj of an agent acting In the capaclly In which 1 lia\o done dulj. " So far as can be lutrncd , the \lews of .Mr.Vhltchcad aio sharcu by the mem bers of the new adnilnlstiatlon generally. In case the populists Hhould Inadvorlantlj "oveilook any bets , " their attention Is called to the fact that the tcun of Ueorgo Nason , as socrUar > of the dental division of the State Hoard of Health , 1ms explicit by llm Itatlon , and a vacancy now eAtats In that department Mr. Nahon was elected for tin short term one jcar , and his -successor will bo entitled to the long term of tbieu yeai Stale Superintendent Corbett , one uf the members of the State Hoard of Health , said today that he did not believe the old boiid would take any action In appointing a sue. ccf-sor to Mr. Nason. but would ICHVO this portion of the spoils of politics to the vlctora Another plum was shaken fioni the po Iltlcal tree jrnlerday and 0 12 Goodcll re ceived the assurance from the poncrs at tin Mo counter that he should have the ptaltlor of engineer at the capltol , a position thai p.ija a fair Hilary , and ono which Mi ( loodoll declares ho would piefei to a'lj Indoor cmplojmcnt. State Oil Inspictor IMinlstrn lias movci Into the rooms of the State Hoard of Agile il turo on the llist lloor of the rjpitol building In this locitlon ho will be check by jou svlth Adjutant General Gage of the Gram Army ot the Hcpubllc. who has moved lal < thu llbraij room of the agricultural board Governor Holcomb has honoied a roqulal tlon from Goveinor Drake of Iowa for Jcsst llutton , who Is accused of cheating by pretenses , committed September 1. In Ulacl Hawk county , that state The amount In volvcd In thu fiaml Is $ ' ,50 llutton Is now under ancst at Ilealrlce , and Sheriff Law ol Hlack Hawk count ) went down after bin today It Is considered quite possible that the trial of Cliff Hagej and the Clark slstera for the murder of Wilier V Kjster will not , after all , occur during the present term of court. Pi of II II Nicholson , who was given the dead man's stomach for nnaljsls. has infouucd Chief of Police Mellclt that the task will require , thice weeks jet llm casu cannot come to without In disputable evidence tint Hvster was pois oned Tim present tcim of court will , doubt less. e\plro before the close of the vear. and the anilvrls will not hav been undo h > that time It Is given out npml-olllelall > that the defendants are to ho given separate - arato trials that Is Hag-y to bo tiled JlnSt and the Clark glils subsequently Iteforo the Hoard of l'iilveTsll > lt ( gents adjourned Its m < cling hold hcio Inst week II adopted the following i evolutions- \\liireiis. Victor HnsiMV Her , I'll D. ap pointed a niL'ont to till , i | i lit of Mr KMn- urook's iiin'v lioil ti mi v\ll ! rc-tlri from this lioiinl iH tin- close of Dili innilns. hi > It Hi sohul Th it Doctoi Kosevvuti r ban rlid fui\v ird the vvoik uf .Mr I'M ilirook In the spirit of tbut d'-ulnsulshi'd ' cltisin of Om ih i and Ntliinskn , be It also ItoHolvpil , That Or Ilosi-w Uci's university education and native Into I'sjct.oe ' h ivem uU lilm u helpiu ! tneinbur of the boird , bo it further UcMlvcil , That these resolutions as a nnrk of npnrcclitlon of Mi Itoscw.iter'B fiilthful unices IKHprciul upon the minutes of the bo ml and fuinlshdl fni publication When-is It pie mid ( ! od to pumlt the icnioviil , In October last , of thi- lion J 1 , II KnlKhl of Lee. from the HCUIO of his carthlj activities ami Win rt us Mi Knight served a fill term of tlv jea's as icjoiit of th's ' ualvcixlty. h csiontlal to health. lj\ cry nook und corner of the system Is reached by tl blood , anil on Its quality thocondit Ion of ov cry organ do- pcnda. Good blood means strong nerves , good digestion , robust health. Impure blood meana scrofula , cl > ripoptInricuma- ) tlsmcntnirh or tithe-rdiscuses , Thusiircst way to lm\o good blood lu to tnko Hood's Barsaparllln. This medicine purlflcn , vi talizes , und enriches the blood , nnd scnd.i the iili > mvntH o ( health nnd atroiiBtli to every nerve , orffiin and tissue. It crcatca a coed nppctlte , jjlves ri'lrtahlng bleep mid cures that tired ( tvlliiff. Itctne'inber , Sarsaparilla la the best - In f.u t the OIIB True lllood I'lirlfler > j n rii f'lru ' ' * ' ! HIi i it ) to nOOCl S IJMlSuUci'ii j i wj.cuc ao. ( his term explrltiB the 1st of l nt Jnuar > bn It Hc olved , tlrst , Thnl n repent , Mr Knlnlit , bv the punetunllly nnd rpRtilnrlt ) of hlM nltendntiee nt HIP mct'tlnx * of tlit bonnl , und by tils concrlcnlloils s rvico , il nn example of what u regent should be be U ItcsolVfd sopond , That bin real nnd In- tplllnfiit lnter Ht In th Aicrlcultural co nnd fxpi-rlmcntiil ntntlon , nnd the connnrl.s elveii with reriicct to them , tltiKUlHh his rcoord , be ft Unsolved , third , That we record our sense of the loss to the stntc of Xcbnuxa of an excellent who In di votlon to 111" family n-iilly saerlllceil his life ; be It fur ther Itenolxnd , That these rooHitloiiH be nprend en HIP rrro-dw of the banrd and that n copy of thorn bo m nt tr > Mr Knight's bereaved family and n c-opy furnl hi-d fov < nbllcatlon , Omaha people In Lincoln At the Mndell 0. S. Seaman , V. 0 Slrlekler. At the- Lin coln Mjrtlo Coon. Oeorgo Weaver nnd child. Drnlli uf Vnuiiit Ivmucr. WINSIDE , Neb . Hoc in ( Special ) Augugt Kruger died nt 10 o'clock jester- day. "Old August" lian been a promlneni flKiiro among railroad men In northeastern Nebraska for many jears. lie lias been "bons" of thefencc gang , operating on the Chicago , St Paul , Minneapolis K , Omaha rallwaj since along In the rarl > ' 80s Ho i had many good qualities was genial ami good hearted On last Wednesday ho slipped on the Icy nldewnlks nnd sustained n frae- turo of his right wrist. H is thought that he was Injured Internally al the same time , an hemorrhages set In josterday morning familiarly known all along the road , nt the hotcli and In the depots , "Old August" will be > missed In many places , as ho was nlwajs ready to take a hand In the tnjojmcnt of those about him. He was honorable In all hU dealings with hu fellow men , nnd many n kindly deed of his will bo remembered , now that ho Is dead lie was n bachelor , leav ing his propertj- , which was considerable lo his hrolhcrn , sisters and their children Parmers are again husking corn after the cold weather The corn Is not moro than half out of the fields. That which was husked before the Ice storm Is not ( It to neil now on account of Its dampness. Our elevator men refuse to handle the new corn yet nnd vvc nro somewhat tardy In meeting pajments on Ihls account 'I'liti-F Uuli'Klj TaUc'ii. DOUGH. Ntb. Ucc. 13 ( Special ) A young fellow giving Ma name as Charlie Shepherd , and who has been woiklng about hero for some time , this morning went west on the freight , taking with him omo clothes and a shotgun belonging to K. II. Studnlcka. a restaurant keeper 'Iho man also jumped a bnircl hill at the same place. Marshal Grusor wired up the branch and during the daj received a telegram from Lindsay that the man had been cipturcd Constable Gar- mon went up to Leigh this evening where ho met the constable from Llndaj with lhr > prUanci nnd thej reached Dodge about 10 n'clmk Shephnrd was locked up to await prellmln iry bearing \VOIIK II DIsi'llMM Politics. KKHMONT. Dec. 13. ( Special. ) Politics was the subject considered by the Woman's club jcstcrday iftcinoon ami much Interest was manifested in the papers lead Miss Princess Ciovvel read .a papei on "Hamilton as a Statesman , " explaining the riindples of federalism which ho advocated and hh services In semi ing Ih" adoption of the con stitution. Mrs. Itoss Hammond dellveied a bpeeeh cm the oilgln of political panics , which was replete with Interesting Infoimu- llon. Miss HIcUs lend a paper on the "Lo cation ot Iho Nallonal Capitol " I'licie were also several musical numbers on tbo pro- giam. _ roundItimils IIIIIIINSIIII | | > . FIU3MONT. Dec. IS. ( Special ) The warm weather of the past ten davg has placed the loads In such condition ns to make lavcllng veiy difficult and there have been 'ewer fanners In to\.n than usual The frost s nearly nil out of the ground nnd Iho freeIng / Ing and thawing cveij daj had made the oads on the bottoms In many places so icavj that It is almost tmpo-slblo to haul ic.avy loads. Corn Is Aery heavy , and the- cob ? an soaked with water that It Is dildcult to shell. The jleld Is provlni ; fully ns large as wan expected. UlHli'lft Ciiurl nt NflirnuUii Oily. NiilUASlCA CITV , Dec 13 ( Special ) Judge Hamsiy adjourned court jestcrday un lll Monday afterroon Several unimportant caucs vor dUpcred of during the week and stilcken from the docket The case of Harsh- non against Ibo Tanners bank will bo Irlcd Tucaliv This case- has been Irled Ihrec- tlrmtf before , but the Jury has alvvajs illsa- giced Two cases against the Missouri Pa- : lflc for dan rgei on account of stock being klllel by tialns will bo Iried laler In the week Itiilli-r on III * \\n > llac-k. 11KATHICIJ Dec. U ( Special ) Jamcs Ilutlcr , who seems to bo an all-around crook and conlldeneo man , departed thla morning in charge ot an officer for Waterloo , la , where ho Is to ansvcr to a charge of forging a draft for ? JOO Since Uutlor's arrest hero Tucsdaj evening numerous m"s- sagc'j have been received from Kan as City nnd K.'iuns points , abklng that ho bo held , ndkitlng thai ho has been dolnj a general criminal bu ines" . Iflip 'Vc-iii Hull til lliiMini CM > . MASON CITV. Neb , Dec 13 ( Special ) Thursday evening the women of this cltj gave a leap jear ball and bamiuct The nt- cndanii ) was the largest of any social nath- eiln ? jet this season tin. sritiivi : OK i'nmiiis i > ! ioii\iiii : Truii1ilt > nl liniiMiiN nt ) Kciiulie'S a * fi > Crllii'iil SHK ( ) . . KANSS em" , Doc. 13 A critical stage scoino to have been reached In the contest between the union printers and Ihe employ- lug Job prlntois of Kauris Cltj. who am or ganized in Iho Tjrolhetae. The tioublo began - gan seveial weeks ago , when all the em- plojcis foimlng the Tjpothctae opened their offices to nonunion men , because of the re fusal of the Pi Inters' union to wlthdiaw n bojcott agahibt n nonunion pi luting office , the propiletom of which belonged lo the Tjpothctae In ono ofllco all the union meui have been laid off and their places filled bj nonunion printers As n icsult tbo Tjpo- union , at a meeting today , voted unanimously to open a co opeialive job pi lining olllce to glvo cmplojimnt to Its Idle ! printers This action was taken upon the advlco of the executive olllce.s of Iho Inter national union , and them Is no question that the local union will have Ihe support of the Intel national bndj In the sttugglo that Is to follow. Jt Is coMidfil that with the opening of the first co-opciatlve shop will undoubtedly follow the discharge' of cveiy i union Job pi Inter In nil the offices owned I bj members of the Tvpothelnn. and < a hitler light will be the result 'Iho union printers aioxald to havn made all tholr arrangements to open ono to-opcriitlvo shop at once , and to follow with at least Ihicc oilier big of fices , os soon ns the Tjpothetno shall declare ) a lockout. Till ( iS Mlllliit V lUHTKMH'.Il. Illllllllll III ClllfllUO Itl'MlltM III | | ll > I Nll.ltV II ) . CHICAGO. Doc. 13 The bar room of the Hotel pi mid , on Wells street , was the secno tit a murder caily this mcrnlng. At 0 o'clock two men , "a tall man and a stout man , " as usual , entered the saloon , the short man pushed the porter behind a door and held him theio with a revolver pointed at his breart The tall man advarced and de manded of the bartender. William Jahns , the moin'y In the till. Jahns leached ho- ueath the bar and accidental ! ) knocked over n number o ! glari , which fc'll to thu lloor with a cianh. The tall nun , evidently thlnklag that the bartender wus reaching for a pUtal , dicw u revolver from his overcoat pocKct tuk | as it llarh and tired two shots , ono of the balld passing through Jahns' heart The men had no trouble In making their e i.apc _ Tin in | i Hri'iiUH Into .lull. LAUAMH3 , Wyo. . Dec. 13 ( Special. ) A ti amp broke Into the city jail of Ihls place last night and was found tills morning asleep In ono of the cells Ho explained that hn could find no plarti to xlocp In the town , and eon- eluded to get Into the jad Ho succeeded In forcing the lock and had made himself as I'omfot table ax possible , umlei thu clrcuni- Btumes Ho wnt , gi en hlH breakfast this mor.ilng and Minted westward on the great Overland trail to the Pavllic coast. ALREADY PURSUING PLACES Nebraska Aspirants for Federal Position. ! Waste No Time Waiting. SENATOR THURSTON REALIZES TtliS FACT HIM Position IIHrtillir of ( lie Piitron- nueCIvi'M Itlni Xiiiplc * Opi'iir- lunllj to liiMirn I ho i\li-nl : of llu > Aiii'lltc- | | . WASHINGTON , Ucc. 13. ( Special. ) Tht perplexities , worries nnd tribulations of r. senator who ls supposed to liavo Itiiluonci with the ndmtnlsttatlon will shortly bo iual- Ized by Hon John M. Thurston of Nebraiika AUnr the Ith of Match of no\t > ear , Senator Thurston will be In the pwltlon of acting as Intermcdar ! > between his constituency on the ono hand nnd the republican admln'-attation on the other. The fallute ot the lopubllcana of Nebraska to elect a full congreaelonal dtle- gallon will make his work very much harder than It otheiwLsu would have been because It will thron upon him the responsibility ol Indorsing many of the faurth-clcss paumas- Icrs to be appointed during McKln'c ) a ad- mlnistratlon brdldcM having direct jnt'udlc- tlon , fco to epe.ak , over almrst every piosl denttal appointment. It Is understood thai applications are oliuady pouring In upon Senator Thurston for nlmcat every position in the girt of the government , for nmbasa - dorshlps , for consul gencralshlpi ! , tor unaer aecrctarles In Ihu several departments. In fact , fet almost evcrj position with a salary attached , and the first appointment which Picaldent McKlnle > will be culled upon to make In Ncjivnka U that of a Huceefsor to Hon Prank C White , United Statei marshal , whose commission expires on Manh 27 , 1S37 The dlslrlct attorneys commltalon will not expire unlll April 11 , 189S. lion A. J Sawjcr will , iheicforc , have a chance of 1 oldlng under the incoming administration almost a } ear The survejow of customs nt Lincoln and Omaha tm > also hold olllce dur ing a vear of Piosldetit McKlnlcj a ndmlnla- tiallon , John M Ilurka , n survcjor at Lin coln having been commissioned January 29 H9I. while Dr. George L Miller at Onnhi ivccived his commission March 17 , 1S91 The place of collector of Internal levcnue , for the district embracing Nebraska an 1 Coutli Dakota , will probably be changed In the summer of 1S97 , lion J.amca K North pieecnl collcclor , having been commissioned July 1 , 1S93 Under the general land office , Iho commis sion ot John M Adams , rcglslcr nt Sidney , expires first , the date of his eommlsslo'n being September 12. 1ST5 The eommlssion of his associate in the Sldncj olllce. I'icstou A Orlffilh , bears dale of November .1 , 1S91 The onlj other change In 1S97 is that of Pi auk M. Hrohme , receiver of the Alliance office , who was commissioned December 23 ISM The rest ot the lepresentntlves of the Intel lor department of the government hold commission from 1S94 No changes. It is thought , will be made In any of the other land offices until 1S9S I'LUNTY OP I'OSTOPPICnS. There are nlnctj-four presidential pastor- Ices of the first , bccond and third classes In Nebraska , and for positions In the postal lopaitmcnt hundreds of applications have icen received by Senator Thurston In some eases there are as many as a dozen appli cations for the same position , so It It said , and n.11 from the best men of the party , who are willing to serve the country foi a con sideration. And this Is thought only the > eglnnlng Ono of the first postal apnolnt- nenls which President McKlnley will bo ; allcd upon to ma' > Is that of a successor lo W L Ilerrj , poslmastcr nt Madison , Sen ator Allen's homo town Toward the close of 1897 changes In the poatoffices of Nebraska will come thick nnd fast , the postmaslers at 'retnont , Kearney , Alnswuth. Alliance , Hluo Hill. Cambridge Crelghton , David Cltv. jcno.a , Holdrcge , Mlnden , Nellgh , Osccoln , "lerce , Randolph , St Paul , Sidney and Wy- nero holding commissions bearing dales of Iho month ot September , 1S93. Jn October Columbus and Palrfield will probably Know llffcrcnt postmasters than those at present llrcctlng the offices , unless conditions should ie such as to continue them until a later late Christmas presents In the shepo of commissions will possibly bo given to now jostmasters at Heatrlce , Central Cltj , Ile- bion Harvard , Ponca , Sewnrd. Tceumseh ind Weeping Water , during the close of 1S97. HOTRL QUAHTL'HS POIl M'KINLHY Prom out of the Arlington hotel for a quaitcr of a century has gone every prc l- dcnt to hU Inauguration It has Ken the ionic of Iho prcsldeiit-alect until he a'sumed thu cares and icspon'-lbllltles of his high jojlllon when the White House takes ind iolds him during his cilklal term Mijor Mc- Klnlev has cho'en to break the rule , and will bo quartered at the Kbbltt House until Ihe nth ct March , when his lares and penatcs will be set up In the house soon to he vacated by President Cleveland The finest uito of rooms In the Kbblct House has been selected for the prc'ldenllal quarters , fionting west , south and east Along the greater length the wide windows Icok upon that section of Pnurtcenth ttrcel. with which Major M'lvlnley became very familiar dur ing his years of congressional life , and known throughout the country as "News paper Kow " A private corridor will bo set atlde In the Ubbllt nnd the rooms not re quired by the president will not be occu pied , thus securing for Major Mclvlnley ab- co'iilo privacy. He will be as secluded as Ihough In a private house Prlvale parlnrj will be set aside on the first flooi for his exclusive use , and a separate dining loom reached by a private staircase , wilt be le- sfrvcd for him There are ten rooms In cluded In the suite , and Proprietor Iltirch Is authority for the statement that they will ho icfltted throughout , rofieicoed and made as Inviting as the distinguished prca- ( iico warrants In addition to the prcsl- cYil-elott. it is understood that the piity will consist of his wife and his mother nlico and nephew. Grace and James McKlnle > ; Mrs MeKinlcy's sister. Mrs Ilarbcr and her children ; Abnor McKlnlov and wife and maid Colonel John M. Taj lor nnd wife ; Mr and Mi4 H S. Ilmlsley of Johnstown , Pa , and Major J. Smith , USA. and vvlfo. President-elect McKlnley Is expected to ar- ilvc on March 1 B > that time thu apart ments will be ready for his occupancy. ivrr.itNAi , UIVIMII : : CoiiiinlsNloiicr Mlllfi'H Ill-port for IIn > Icnr Ilnilril Inst .Innc. WASHINOTON. Dec 13 The annual ro- poit of Commissioner Joseph S Miller of the Internal Hevenuo bureau shows the receipts for the fiscal jear ended Juno 30. 1S90 , to luvo been IIIG.SSO.GIC ; for the fiscal > ear 1S93 , $113,210,077 , for the fiscal jear 1894 , $ H7 ICS.149 , and for the fiscal jear 1893 , $ l61.0H.'ii9 ( ! The receipts during the last fiscal year from the soveiil o urce3 of revenue nnd the Inrreaw ; or decriMio In each ns compared with Iho flwal jeir 1S95 are given ao fol lows Sp'rlth. $80,070.070. Increase JS07.M3 , tobacco , ? o'0,71ICJ9 IncroiPo $1,000,721 , for- mcnted llquorb , ? 3,7sl,23 ! , ' , inciease $2,113- (117 ; oleomargarine' , $1.219.13. , itucreafcu $189- 77S ; banks nnd banker ! , $131 , Increase $131 , miscellaneous. $145,113 , dccreasw $183,000 The estimated receipts from all sources ciur- Ing the cut rent fiscal jear aio $150.000,000 Tim commissioner rajs"I desire1 to call attention to the marked , Improvement ) of the scrvlcu In the field Plnco the classification of the civil borvlco law of the employes In thai branch of the lorvlce. This l nollcujblo In thoaii dlbtrlct'i In which there has hereto fore been a disposition on the part of subor dinate employes to enter Into collusion with porujnu engage'1 In the Illicit mamifacturo and sale of distilled splillu. Under the old order of things the subordinate employe looked forward to nothing better than hla employment nt a email compensation dur ing the period ot hli assignment to duty at a dlstlllcrj As a reault ho frequently be en mo Carolina In the discharge of his dutlea , and In t mo caccs sought to Increase bin In- CUIIIK by actual collusion with the distiller lo whofeo premitms hu was aislgned , such col- liultu having far Its object the defrauding of the government of Its revenues. Under the present condition * the omplojo has learned that a , ctrlct compliance on his | uu with the law will place him In the line of promotion " The work performed b > the revenue agents during the joar lu given ui follows Nuin- her of registered distilleries elzej I'JO , Illicit distilleries wired and destroyed , 1,910 , galb n * of ) ' ! ll'I' ' Raized , 12.1 COS , fermontcr < seized and dontroyed. ItJ.fSC , Rallons of be r rclrod andi\eslfl \ yed , 13ns,014 The numbci of person" 4)rrflf'ed ) wa S30 Three person" worn woundiiili , Pliice 1SSS ten oillccrs ami omplojcfl liavq bopii killed and flfleen wounded 'fjid rpiantlty of grjln need for the production of tylrlta durluR the fiscal ypar ended Juno . .ISlfl . , vvai is 630 CIS biuh'-H , showing nn qrfa ° e of 1,130,007 btisheU' ovei the actual amount of grain ineil In the pre ceding fiscal > ear , and Is 3.221,211 busheli IcfJ than the avcrrgo for the la t ten jears. n.n\ni\\n rr rou v nicic IH > T. U Ml lici/il'it / ' Pi'W | ) II > M In ontli f'ur- ' o'jlnil ' \ \ lltlTM. WASIIINCTO'.V ' , Dec. 13 President Clcve. land left Washington thte evenliiB for ti shnotlni ; .rip in South Carolina watoia ITo was necompniled by Captain It D Hvans , Comniandcr Lamberton and Dr O'Hcllly , his ph > al"lin The president Is considerably fa- llKued from the labor Involved In the prep aration of his message and Is In need of recuperation , so It Is piolmblo ho will be absent fron. Washington at least a week. The- party started by rail for Georgetown , S C , where thej will board the lighthouse tender Wisteria and proceed to Wlnjnp bay , wheie the > will be the gucots of Ihe ShootIng - Ing club RICHMOND. Va. . Dec. 13. President Cleveland arrived hero at 7.10 this evening PIvo hundred persons were at the Italian lo greet him. I'rco'dcnt rievelmd cimo out on fiu rear platform of Ids private car and shook hands for fifteen minutes He Invited Poitmatcr CuHlngsworth and several prom inent citizens { o the car and thoj remained his rucstt' ' until 7 30 , when the train de parted Mr Cleveland raid he did not Know how long he would remain In South Carolina HI'i stay , he inld. would be governed by Iho need cf him In Washington PKTHUStUUG. YnxDec 13 Prescient Cleveland aril his companlcns pa 'sol through tonight at S o'dock In the private car Cornet , en loute lo aeowtovvn. S P 111:1111 : : VTiiini unit uonvio Woiiinn PlnHlcliui l.riivoM n CorloiiH UMI After HIT Di-nlli. WASHINGTON , Dec. 13. The Iato Dr. Car oline Ilrovvn WInslow , the well known woman phjslclan who died this week , left a will bequeathing her body to Howard unlveraltj , to bo carefullj dissected b > the woman med ical students for thu purpose of advancing hei knowledge ot anatomy After that she desires that the several parts of her altelelon should bo wiied together for the use of Ihe Mlnet Nounnl school of Iho Dlslilcl founded by her friend , Mjrtilla Miner , Iho skeleton lo occ'ipj llic place In Iho school Ihe foundei designed ll-at her skeleton should oceupj Dr WInslow desired this disposition of ln > r body because the laws of the country re quire that ever > medical student shall ob tain and dissect one human bodj befoio he or she can graduate or receive a diploma and because there are no methods provided by which such bodies can be legally ob tained , except bj bequest or ale by the owner previous to death If the trustees of the university declined to accept thu bc- qifsl the body was to be cremated It Is un derstood that the unlverslt ) did decline to receive the bodj and It was according ! } cre mated and the ashes will bo Interred i HCI : > I huifi'oiiT Kim I.UGISI , VTOII.S. l. > dln TIlloii'N AiIilri-NH lo ( In- oiiiiirtlNH | > i \ \ . C. T. i ; . WASHINGTON , ' Dec. 13 The non-partl- siu W < mau'f , ClirUtUn Temperance iinlen convention jostorday listened to the report of the legislative cecretary , Mrs. Ljdla II TII- ton , who rccommbnded that nicinb'rj watch nnd aid legislator's In all good works and eetltlon the * cfilslatures In behalf of prohibi tion nnd sccinl purity legislation Mro H A i D Burrlngton of Helfast , Me , o ibmllted a r'cport , suggesting that the local unions taVo up Industrial training The progress of ( ho. work among young women wus shown In the report of the joun w men's ( Mercian * , Mrs , Carrlo L Halllng- ton ' Olficers wer c elected an follows Mrs Annle M. Wlttonyer of Pennsylvania , president , Vrs Ilnrilctl H. Walker of Indlanapollt- vlco president ; Mrs Plorence J'ortcr of Carl- hoa , Me , recorJIn ; recrctary ; Mrs Cllcn J Phlnney of C'evelaml. O , geiieril secretary , Mrs II. M IiiKhini of Cleveland , treasurer , Mr ? Josepn D Weeks of Plttsburg , edl 01 of Iho Temperance Tribune , Iho official crgan of Iho union wind's 'mi : ittciss MI\I , iu : < ; . CoiilVri'iii'i * of Wnjs mill 1Ii'iiis ( ' 01-1- IllHIl'lSll Hl'hlS \ \ tMllll'Hllll > . WASHINGTON , Dec. 13 It has not je been decided when the holiday recess shal begin , but jo * at the conference of the lepub Ilcan members of the \\.i > a and means com nilttee a datoaa early as Friday of this wee ) was suggcslcd It H oven probable , however lhat the reccas will bcKin about Wednesdij of next week and continue until the Mondaj after New Year's day This wee-k , cxeepi tomoirovv , which Is DUlilcl of Columbia daj and an hour of Tuesday , which has been sei asldo for the consideration of the b'll tc transfer the present right of the Atlantic A Pacific railroad under Its government chartci to tbo morlgagecs when Ihey leoiganlze , will be devoted to the consideration of Ihe armj and legislative ni propriation bills The foi- inci U completed and the latter will bo put In final shape tomorrow It Is the expecta- lion of Ihe leaders lhat both these bllln can bo passed before the recess chould any time remain It will probably bo given to the committees to call up such bills as thej have on the calendar. MACKO'h MICCKSSOH AHIJ \MI3I ) . ItliiN Itl\e'ru Will ' 1'nl.iCoiniiiiinil in ( InIMnnr ilfl Illo l > ro\liu'f. WASHINGTON , Dee 13Tho succession of General Gallxto Garcia to the lieutenant generalship of the Cuban Insurgents and of Major General Hlos HlVvia ? to Iho command of the forces In Pinar del Hlo , both of which were hold b > Mncco , are fixed upon prac tically as certainties by the Cuban delega tion hcic Stnor Qutsadn , In charge of the Cuban Junta In Washington , sajs these Iwo will almost bejond a doubt be determined upon Both men are noted catnpalgncis and have made strong records Gaicl.i Is now CO joars old , and bin achievements In Ihu involution are hlstoiy , and Itlvcra , lll.o Mnceo , was a pupil of the vctcian , Com- mander-ln-Chlcf Gomez , , nd was his assocl- ate during Ihu Icn-jcam war. and , unlike hla Into companion , ho Is white He is a vig orous figlitei nnd Is ono ot the mobt highly cultured men on the ltdand. Ho Is still in the Pinar del Hlo province. Knti'riiiliiH Ciililiu-l OlIlci-iN. WASHINGTON. Dec. 13 The Guatemalan minister and Mnfo. Arrlaga entertained nt dinner laat night' ' In honor of Secretary of State and Mrs. Qlnpy The guests Included Secretary and Slrs.,01ney , , Secretary of the Treasury and ( Ir3 Carlisle. Mis Harmon. Secretary of tbnftitcrlor , and Mrs Pranels , Postmaster GcnpiJl [ and Mis. Wilson and Secretary of ABrc | ilturo and Miss Morton. J STI ii'f'f coimri.s ui ICIDI : . Strrllnu ; W. Tijnifr KlIlN IllniNflf nt ViiiulorhlJt tnUiT l ( > . NASHVILLip4c , 13 Today about 12 o'clock Sterling W Turner of the Junloi class ot Vanderhllt w Ivcrslty commltlcd sui cide by cultiim.Jil'u throat with a razor In his loom , but It was not discovered until 3 o'clock by some ofhls companions , who went to hU room anil-faUIng to get In farced an entrance , flndlnff Turner dead In a pool of blooj vva J3 jears old , president of the University Y/mng Men's Christian as sociation. living at Wartraco , Tenn , and wan suffering from the effects of over btudj TOLI3DO 0 , Doc. 13 , Edmund K Wright. Iho son of Thomas II Wilghl , a prominent Insurance man of this rlty , committed sul- cldo today by Hhootlng himself In the heart over the grave of a Mrs O borne , supposed to be a Hveethearl of Ills He. held Iho crucifix In one hand and the rosary In thu other Ho prepared for death by going to communion this morning. of ii SYHACUSI3 , Neb . Dec. 13. ( Special Telegram ) Mrs Wicy Ilallcutlne , aged 78 jeau , died loday at the residence of C n. Cotton In thla city. The deceased was born In Znnesvlllo. 0 , and leaves to mourn her lo two sons and .four daughters George of Denver , William C of Omaha. Mrs 0. i : ItragK of Chicago , jdra Lizzie Kheppard of SprliiKllcld. Mo Mm C II Cotton and MUu Maij IiRlli nilnii of Ibis place The remains will bo tul.ui to Llncolu for lutcrmcnt by tbo side of her husband. FUTURE OF THE UNION PACIFIC How the Reorganization Committee Pro- posse to Work. PLAN OF SECURING ALL OBLIGATIONS Holder * iif old * toifi IliM tlnvo Sluol ; In ( lie NIMV ( 'iiiiituno I" thoU Ui nl ir l'lri > PIT Out of NR\V Y015K. Dec. in Ttip Union 1'acinc collateral trust note rcorganlntlon commit tee , consisting of John Q. Moore , James -\V Alexander of Now Yorlt City and IMwIn T. Atkins of Boston , will Insuo Its plan of roor- giutza Ion Mondiy for the teorganlzatlin ol tbo Union Pacific 0 per cent collateral note trust , and It Is understood will \\ork In hat- niony with the general reorganization of the Union Pacific railway The plan eills foi deposits of tlu < three-ear collateral trust coupon note- Issued by the company under Its Indenture of September 4 , 1SD1. Aa the notes ale now tv o > cars overdue ) It It ) pio- pcscd , In v lew of the Insolvency of the coir pany , lo catiso an e'arly foreclceuto and sale of the collaterals held In the tiust and their puicliaso bj a now company to ho organized under the tlllo of the Union Pacific Seeurt- lle's companj. The amount of notes out standing Is stated to be $ S 500,000 ' 1 ho new compati } la to Issue 5 per cent llrat mortgage tvcut-five .vear gold bonds to the amount of $10,000,000 , which are to bo exchanged at pir for notM deposited under the plan and are to bo scouicd by the fiamo collateral Plve million dollars In stocU la also to br Issued to holders of the old notes to the ex tent of RO per cent of the par value of the notes The remaining bonds. $1,000,001) ) , arc to bo held In the treasury of the new com pany to bo used with the consent of the trustee of the mortgages In the protection of thu securities held In thu collateral mortgage by Joining In plans of reorganization pa > - ment of "n cfwments under such plans and other purposes contacted with the business of the company The time for declaring the- plin effective Is limited to rehrmrj 1 , 1SOT The conditions requiring thin rojrginl/a- tlon are outlined ap follows by the tee'rc'ary ot the ccmmlltee It lo pic-posed to reor- ginl/o the trust securities In harmony wltn the icorgjiitrallon of the Union Pacific rail way The chaiactor of the securities Is such that the reorganbatlcii of the se- cuiltic.1 Is required to best preserve - servo nnd onh'nco their value Pho present cn'orprlscs promptevl bj tiic Union Pacific Hallway compiny are m rc- I 'ed In It that the be t result to belli In terests can only b obtained by such a har- monloun roorsmlzatlon. It is obvlouslj to the Interests of the note holders as well as to tint of the holdeiu cf all fixed obligations of the railway eeni- pany that the properties represented In the trust should not bo scattered In ownership and administration , but bhotild be kept to gether and administered for the common ad- vantigu of the yecurltj holders The com mittee has been organized for this put pose The ho'deis cf no'cs arc called iiiiou to accept a fi per cent obligation In lien of an ove-rdno G iier cent obligation wciircd upon the same colhteral , the difference In the In terest iato and the possibilities ot Incrotscd value rerultliiK from holding the o-cnrllles logother and administering : them as proposed liy the committee are represented bj the Block of the new company to bo leaned to the assenting note holders' ' In proposition IKcd by t'-o plant' . The depositories tin lor the plan of the organization nro the Mercantile Trust com pany of New York and the American Loan ind Trust compiny of Boston , who will re ceive deposits under the plan Monday. i.\iiou IIADIHS iv cuUNTIDY. . Vntloiml I'fili-rnlIdii In Sixslniilll | ) | KI < IIMS liupoi liitil 'InplcM. CINCINNATI. Dec 13 The auditing com- iilltco of Iho American federation of Labor : omploted Its report today , which will be reported to the convention tomorrow Theio ire projent tonight ninety-five delegates , In- : Iudlng the full corps of officers The oesjlon Alll contlnuo day and night except Mondi } md Ttiebday , when thej will bo held dining : ho day only Monday night the deleg-ite- ivlll attend the theiter as cue-tH of the management. On TneiUay night they wll attend a niaho rfccptlun at Arbeltcr hall Tht election of oiilceis will net tike place till th < clcslng hours of the canve.itlcn NevertliO' leo , Intro Is talk already of pome oppo ltlor to the re-election of Prcs'dcnt Oompers Tlif man spoken of as his competitor IsV H Preacott cf Indiampolls. prcyident of the In- tcri'atlonal TjpoRraplilcal union There IE no acrimony In this opposition and at present it docs not seem formidable A vurict ) ol ( lUCD'loii'i for dlrcusi''on or actkn will ec-ne before the convention Among these is tint of the cight-licur worKhiR ta | > . nfforto will ba mni'o to irovldo for the agltitlon of thla quostlon and lo fecure speely favorable le U'atlon on the question This subject is likely to be the Important topic. MISHOIIll MOII I. > ) is A MlcKfil Vim ilcri-r lit TIiloil | 'I'llKm ( III ! of It.-lU'li In Time. TIPTO.V , Mo , Ucc. 13 A mob appeared .it the county jail hero Iato last night and demanded to be shown the ecll nt Sam Vaughn , who was arrested ycMcrday after noon , eharged with having murdered his aunt , Mis Nancy Hlrdson Sheriff Horn , fearing violence had previously taken Vaughn to Jeffeihon City , and v.hen he as sured his visitors that Vaughn was not In the jail the mob dUpeiscd Mis Ulidson was muideicd 1'rldaj evening nt her home , four miles fioin here , being shot to death while standing in her doorjnrd Hobbcry is n ipposcd to have been tfic laotlve Vniiphn was arrested on Information furnished hj his wife and her father , named Williams The ) stated that l.o left homo earlj 1'rlday evening taking his gun and Htatlng that he was going turkey huntlie ! He did not iu- turn until 1 o'clock In the morning Ills elothlng and hin gun v.crc found to bo bloodstained , nn 1 It Is now learned that he- was seen In the vicinity of his auiil'o homo on the evening of the murder. Vaughn has a bad reputation. in : i > \\iynit\ \ c I'cniiK > litiiilii I'ollcirriMl l > . H. llriulli'.i M n SiiNfict'li ALTOONA , Pa , Dec. U A stranger callIng - Ing hlnibulf P. II. IJradley Is under ariest hero as a ehcclc swlndlet and It Is said he Is wanted by several western railroads for forging lallroad pabtea It was first thought that ho might bo Ijcr , the absconding New York bookkeeper , but that thcoiy was set asldo by the arrival fiom that city of a dctccllve. who failed to Identify him. Hrad. ley deposited In the Klrst National bank In this city a cheek for $ r > 00 , drawn on a bank In Dayton. A handbook , In which the de posit was eredlted was given him , but ho was told not to draw against It until In formation from Dajton had been reeclved Ho Ignoicd the v.arnlng and bought diamonds mends nnd clothing , exhibiting the bank book Learning of these tranbactlons , the bank officials caused his arrest. Ho IH held pending the iccolpt of moro detailed Informa tion from the west. < ; nvnminion : or MI itnnit. lloil ) of nn Jiiilliiiiu Mini round Iliirlcil ollli a Mulc'M CIU'CIIM. KNOX , Ind , Dec. 13 The body of IM Pettcrs , a horse dealer , was found burled with the carcass of a mule near hero and ' ' \Vllllam Suthcrlln today I'ctter'o partnciVllllam was atroated , eharged with the murdur The grave had been carefully dug and the an Imal'H body placed so as to conceal that of the man In cano the grave had been care letsaly opened. It U assorted by the author Ulcs that Hoveral people are Implicated In the crime , _ roiiKit > * N of tin.SiilviUlon Ami- . NI3\V YOHK , Die. 13 A imtlonal con- groHH of the Kahatlon nrmy which U to occupy three diijs , vviw commenced toduy In thu audltoilum of Munorlil bull The mveral pinj.i meetings ( luring tbo dny were ( onduciiil by Coimiii sluncr und Drlgudler Kitnch in T TitmMtr. rrsi.r 011:11. I.OIIK DIsdiniM * ltlili > rn I'collim : 1'nlrly Uvllftrr ( Inllncc. . NK\V YORK. Dec 13 The men who fin IB tied In the sl\-day bicycle rare left the track Saturdiv nlnht In n pltlnhlecondition. . They vvero apparently hunvan wrecks. After twent-four hotn's rest the majority of them looked as well as ustnl Kow of them oom- plaltiMl of the effects nt the tremendous itrAln Those who were the leaders said j today that they suffered only from saddle I galls and nuuhni'SR In the hnnds nnd wrist * . No man could have told that "Teddy" Hale had been riding six da > s , nnd hud cov ered 1 010 mile" w 1th Icrs than eight hours' sleep , nnd jet he flntMicd the race In frtsht- ful ngony. Directly after the race a phjsl- clan examined Hale and found that he was In excellent condition Ho slept well until S a m and then ate his own lircnkfnM and Lumidcn'a na vvtll , and then went to sleep npaln Ho was aw ike again at 3 p m. Kvcn Illco , who was In n worse condi tion than nny of the men , was feeling well today. He went to bed nt 1 a m In the Putnam house nnd nwoke nt s n. m lie could not lemcmbcr much about the taco nnd tangled things up a bit , but this sonn inssed away Hlce gained Iho poundt , In weight dining the tnee Hn himself would i'ot believe It , nnd went to the Denies be fore ho would aecept thu gain He Bald he was sure that he could ride 2000 miles Hlce will tclurn \Vllkeslnrro Tuesday , and he sn > s he will he nt work as usual on Wednca- da > . Heading the noldler , who finished third , was 111 today. The hatd race brought on nn old trouble and he was In gicnt pain His phjMial pain during the last three days v .is greater than thai of nny of the others Hut his mind did not wpndcr so much as some of those who look part In the Smith , who looked as If he weie losing I'csh gained nine pounds Moore was piett\ badl > bruised up in the contcsl. After the race Mchoch lode to his home "Major" Tavlot was taken to Drookbn The ( oloied lad had his legs stiatned in n collision Just before the close of theince llnirj Mnddox went to his homo in Asbur > paik. feeling little the worse for the con test. Hale , Hlce , Heading nnd Moore had about eight hours' sleep during the race Dale's average hpced was about fifteen and one-half miles an hour 1t\lll ( ) > CIIH'VliO IMHM.IMHMIS. CHtilliiirKlcs Miil.r nu nnfort in Slop ( illlllllllllK. CIlirAfiO , Dec 13 The war between the city authorities and the poolrooms has de veloped Inlo acllvo hosllllUcs , and all the rooms thai were opened were raided } osier- day The gamblers claimed that the law did not prevent thu placing of betsIn Illinois , If the mono ) was sent out of the stale before being actually Uhed for bolting purposes The cit > legal dcpaitmeiit for a time held thai the polite had no light to Inlet fere , but vcwtei li > the police were told to go ahead \Vainnts weie taken out against Dili teen ot the1 ic'sorts nnd everj detective coiineeted with the central police station , besides a number of patiolmen , were tout out to make Iho arrests This action w.n taken after Inspector specter rit7rtrlck | had notified the Keepers of pooliooma thai unle ; they closed lliclr places within an hour thej would bo taken In cuslody Ulght of the poolrooms against whom war rants had been Issued took advantage of the wanting and closed their places The re maining five did not compl ) , and at the ex piration of thu time given them bj the police these places wcro raided In each rrsort or intn.itrs were eo.raiieu ana nr- All of the prisoners were taken to the central police Htatlon , wharo the name ot each was taken , and then they were rcleaaed on bonds Those charged with being keepers of thr places were taken before Judge Tulej vvheia their bonds were fixed at $1,000 each THI vi. or TIM : PAST M\V ri'irnit. Walter ( I. ( Ii cKliiini sfiiiiils Up Well on tinOlllclal TCN | . CLEVnLAND. O. Dec. 13 The official trial of the new levenue cutler Waller Q Grcsham look place > c lerda > nnd proved highly satisfactory For aLeut two houra under .a uteam prcssuro of ICO pounds and the acrew making 155 revolutions , tinapced average was 190 mllm nn hour In ten fathoms of water Changing the course , twelve fathoms vvzs reached , and the revolu tlon.s ran up to 1G7 , the triced Inei easing to 207 miles an hour. ( .citing into fltttou falhoirs the engine- tinned up as high as 1T1 revolution , and the .ship's Lpced tan up ca l.lgll as 21 1 mllcH an hour. Thevessed vtn tuineil. while going at Full speed , with tin rcmaKabIe result of renewing her COUTH from due north to duo south In I nilnuti cinj 15 seconds , without apparent heel Nearly the entire day wcs consumed by tin U hi , and the distance traveled In thu ttwli was over 13. , miles The lilal wna conducle < b > Caolnln John \V. Collins englneci-ln chief of the revenue ctitlir service , afialatei by Inspector Jeffries and an efficient stall from Washington n\s l Her I'rlciiil Wnii ( In * A Icdni or u lli-inenlril liiliKlit < T. HOCIILSTHH , N Y. Dec 1 ! Siaan n Antlinnj , president of the National Woman's Suffrage assuiiatlon , who spent the sum.nci and fall campaigning In California , wcc , pained to learn upon returning here fion Boston , of the seiKsational death of hci friend. Mrs Sarah Cooper of San Pranehco She said "Mrs Cooper and I v.cro very in- llmate friends Her fiknd.i did not in an > way dfaoit her , as alleged , hccauoo or her action In the Hi own mailer. They all be lieve na I do , that nothing can be aild piuis- Ing her tco hlghl > I saw- her a mi ib ! ago nnd at that time she w is not brooding ovtr the anubs of former friends Her daughter , Hattlo WHS Giiffeiln from ncrvoua pitra - llcn and nulaneholla the ic ull of oveuvork and brooding over the ulcido ot hci folhei bcvtrul vuaia ago. I tbliiK Iho report that Ilnttlo turned on the gas without her mother's knowledge U the tiiio one" bli-i-t oiillron l.riMtn c. The second of Iho htiifa at the atcrcop- tlcon lectures , under Iho auspices of the nrt d. iJ.iiiiiH'iu of the Woman's club , was f-lvcti .it the- club looms Silimlay iifli-rnoon. I lu hiibjict wii-i " 'J'hc I'liidUn bciilplurt a of the Parthenon" The mute rial attain ablifoi the slide's m eomp inj ing Ihls | | s- couisiIH not all thil couiil 1m iletdlcd. hut .Mis Ki > v or's explanatlunx wcrclucid , and tin wboh hour wa-i full of Intciohl After tdiov.lng various p iris uf the VMjmkrfuI rai tin mm' < decoi.itlon In eh tall and with eich unl'olilini ; tlii ) euiiotirt tale of niv llilral loic1 , vvlilth It was created to piosoiit , tbo K.iin Hhoueil fortb an e-xtctlui vi-A of re stored I'mhcnon This followed bj an Interloi vli w of tbo restored building , showIng - Ing the Kloilous Atheni- with vli lory restIng - Ing upon oin oiitsti itched hand while- the othei holds | lhtlv ( he r Ki < at s ear. ns U.o cinlr l IlKiiri and all the uihi r vvondious ( iiitlons of ineieiit ait. adding thilr share to the imn'iilteiiiep ! A exposttlun ac- compinlc-d by diagrams was ( , ivcn of the modern lluorhs as to how the Kieal build Ing w lib Its gold and Ivorj Koddfus it , llghtul I ITKCSOII'S lilt a of a ilropl'ptd * i t tlou on dthei fide of the ei nt < r In tli rouf being given prominence- . Much labor in. I money has been spc-nt In malting c xp rl- nunts to provo tOiat this Is an adciii | it > in 1 fi'n.slble Holullon of the much v < xd iiiis | tlon The subject of tln > in xt Intuit will be "Tho Venus of Antiquity , " to vic fivcn on January 9 , 1VJ7 lion , Sjilnc-j I'lNlic-r'N > | ) KNOII. OTTAWA. Out. Dec U lion S > dney 1'lbher , minister of agrleulture , will leave lioro Tuesdaj for Washington , where In will likely slay for a couple of weeks. Mr. risher will dlteuhs the question of the aboli tion of Intel national ( maiantluu with the Unllcd S'ales goveinmenl THE PILL THAT WILL HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION LODGE BILL'S ' RIGHT OF Friends of the Mcnsnro Will Not Scr it Sidetracked. SENATOR ALLEN HAS SOMETHING TO SAY > i > liriiMKn'M Sftilor lli'inlirr I'rnmlnrn nn InliM'i-silntr TnlU ononloii ) t'nlltli'x null t'ciipli1 A\ tin I iini- lioio ( lie l'iiiultit | I'nrllos , WASHINGTON , I > cc. 13 Tlio Ixtdpo In-- tnlgnuicm bill , as the "unnnlshed lunlni i ' will liave the right ot way In the scnao each day after 2 o'clock until dl posid of , and the ft lends of the measure1 have an nounced thtlr determination not to ccaso their InboM In Its behalf until n vote shall bo secured upon It. It N lniH | tlble to say how much time will be roiiulrod on the bill , but Senator I/od c u hopeful that ho will get It through this wcelt. Senator Gib son of Marland has announccM Ills purpoo to talk lu order to defeat the bill , but ho declines to i.iy whether he will resort to other tactics In order to defeat It Thixo opposed to It concede thai Iho hill will p.HJ If II should teach a vote Afier the Immigration hill eomes that pro viding for homestead on lands formcrlj oe- i eupled bj Indlins as re eiv.atlons The pres ent homestead law- does not applv to tht"-o lands nnd It Is claimed that the fact that It does not has cost many settlers their ( homestead ilRhts The- question Is a vital one In man } portions of the we > t. and baa been p.aitlcularly prominent In Oklahoma Senator I'ettlRrew Is the es | ocl il champlcn of ( he bill , and he will show that It was en dorsed b > the national conventions of all the parties last summer 'Ihe bill will be vig orously op ] ocd , as It Is claimed Its enact ment Into law would cost the government no less than $25.000,000 H Is prol able Iheso Iwo moiburcs will consume Ihe greater put of the time of the senate this week , and It Is ( pllto possible the } iun > not bo dl posed of 'Iho bill providing for the election of sena tors bj the direct vote of the people Is .1 special order for Moiulaj , but It m.ij go over to a futtlio date Senitorllen of Nebraska , probably , will oceupj Ihe lloor for a short time tomorrow In a ptcch on his resolution concerning . > the validltj of contracts He Is expected to , say something In his ppeech about the policy of western stales which have elected populist state administrations , and to pa > his rcspei ti to some ot the critics of those states The Nebiaska senator Is also llkelj to call up Iho Dlnglej bill at nny time 'I here Is a posslblllt > Hi it congiess m iy , on Thursdiy or Prlila > , adjourn until after the hcllilivs. , The Cuban iiiontlon | may furnish a tensa- > lion nt any lime. N Dlxi-iisslnu' Southern Kiltiriilloii. HOSTON. Dec 13-Trlnllv ehui.h. the most prominent of Ibis cllv's chinches win tbronred tonight In the InteiesN of qnnth- ITII nine it Ion ns rcpic'cnli d by the Tus- kegce Notnuil nnd Industrial Institute nt TusKeRce , Aln Addresses were miiib' liy Itcv \\lncliislci Donald. 13 I ) , Hi v l > r O A Goidon. lion 11 K Unu i , c \ - I'nltcd States m nutoi and es-HKistir of the lii'nsniv , and Hooker T Washington , the Instlluto principal Kllli-il In n Clink SlriM-l s.iiuoii. rillOAOO , Dec 1 ! -In a K iloo-i on South Clark Htrcot tonight \\ Mortis all is " ] ' ! > , " who was nientlj rclcaRcd from the pcnllcnil irv. was shot In the head and in- st intly klllnl by Jo i | ) h Hi KI I , tinliii - lendcr A quaricl ovci Kigd'H MHUI led to the hhoollng FAILURE IS BUSINESS. IKill' llltllltN ( illllU HlK ll.ll.'M. A largo numbci of men aiu unsuccessful In their business because of sumo small hahl toi habits that rob them of Hit ) vl- talltj necessary to push a business as It nhoilld be. The man who Is thoroughly well and ran plan with a clear hialn and work out his plans with a healthy body , Is the one who will be In thu procession when his neighbor has to drop out. Some men can stand hurtful habits better than others , but when one finds out that he Is ailing a little each daj , let him remedy and have the machine work the trouble right i for that is thu sure read to richness and happiness Di J. H Ponnlngton , Chicago Summer Schrol ot Medlclno lO'l State St , rhleio. | sijs "The Postum Is received , brewed nnd used up I like it very much The only criticism. I haveto offer Is that It dIJ- not last long enough " Coffee Interferes with the digestion of many people who find It 1-ard to give up , although they Know It hurts them. It is easy to do without coffee If one can have Postum , the grain coffee This Ins the deep seal brown color of Java , and changes to the golden brow n of thick Mocha when cicam is ! added It Is made of thu pure gialus , wheat , etc , and IB nourishing and fattening , and Ii true health coffee It can be > drank .it every meal without any of the 111 effects of coffee Made b > the Pastum Cereal Co , Limited , Ilatlle Cicclt , Mich There Is hut one genuine original Pos- tum Cereal coffee , with n miilllludo of Iml- tatlons offered ns "Just as good " Tel I 51I Paxton K Hnri ! ' Ml.i s. r'uinmrnrlnR IIIMI.MT VV Si IT . Jill. I.MINIIVJ I ( IMI.UIAN , N. C , GOODWIN Prc cnlliiu AN A.MIKHAN : : ITI/KX \ \ I'lllM'Mll Prlee ! 5c too 75i tl CO it TO 1 11 II L K h I ( ; 11 I 0 N p Ax'10 Tllliie.l'sS. Mejrs 'j'lii IISIMI. mc. : 17. hiiumi cii mil t uiuirt OMAHA MUSICAL SOCIETY. IIOMKII MOOICi : , Dlrei'ltir. K i voii is : iwi HpatH nmv cm xjli r'Ji IJIL LKLIljrll ' I IU.N I PAXIOV lelpplmnnlSM. a IIUHWSS , Mijrs. I'll II ) VV mill S V'l'l | ( l ) \l , | ) | .f. is. ID. 'Jim Gnnt Si i nil Ku ctih NI II. Ill It'ilv . COMFY FAIR "u-i | . ! " M.illlin hiitnlliy h-ialH MI Mill h "i il w I iu. J. i , ' | l ill M , tli , an I c l < . . . MIL I M V -I VV J \ _ ROYR'S AI-WTHKAIJ-I 1 Ml iwfiii I Mur PU I U O wniKhuoix 1 i l y. Dtr n ii i I MII , 1I Mavlitu h ( nu nu VI , vul llm V\ ,11 I ilul N im I I r ( l Mn lunli.luiiii Co ittt Jitiy t ut \ It Mini I'liii i\ir > t * rftirititiin i ! Utr * t * i > UHtl * * ItutllllL i > 1111(1 < hll.1i * n. ( Oi BARKER HOTEL. ' ! inn ir.uvi u AND , IOMS : sruiiis. : : 110 i ru , lullu , uliarii luut tuiil nil in Inn cuimiiliiicri IluliH. il CO ( mil 12" ) | > ri liy Ijlilu iitxcellcj hpicliil | mv niton lo rikitir liOBrilciF ritANK lllLDirt'JI M r _ tiiliu I iiniimn ) nt Omnlin. Nutln IH lu re by clvi n thai the in nu il inii IIIK of tin Hloihholdiis of lh < I niuii i ; . v.iioi i onipunj of Oin ilia , fur tin pur- \ > m nt li'ilim HI veil illri'i torn and < m Ii nil ir ImnlnixH IIH iniiy piopiily conn b i iu ( hi inn tin1 , will be hi Id ut the olllct ol the riinrial Soikltoi , 1'nloil I'lic-lllc buildup , Dinaba Nib , upon Monday , tno 4th iliy of .1 iniiary UOi , between the houm of lu u't lack ii. m , and 0 o'clocl , p. m Tin' f lei l ( tiannri'1 bouk > 4 will b > ( lu-i d I'll (10) ( ) dciy > In foic thi > iiati'if thi mict- Illf' AI.LXAMJI U MILL Ml H ury Mr s Lit. imbci 7 , 1 G