Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1896, Editorial Sheet, Page 9, Image 9

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    ps _ . . _ . _ .
An endless variety of Toys and Holiday Goods. One entire floor filled with
Dolls , In every size , at Ic , 3c , EC , Sc , 10s
and up to $12.00.
BulldlnK blocks at 5c , lOc-15c , 20c , 23c ,
up to $6.00. '
Toy dishes at Cc , lOc , ICC , up ; to $2.50 per
cct. r
Toy Drums at 27c , 47c , 7Sc , 9Sc , up to
All kinds of cards at Ic , EC , up.
1,000 wagons , north J1.50 , for E9c.
'Baby Slioo Flys , worth $1.50 , at C3c.
Fancy celluloid articles , cards , handker
chief .holders . , etc. . at Eo up.
Plush geode of all descriptions at lOc up.
Iron toys , Kinks , flro engines , etc. , at 5c ,
lOc. 15c up to $1.50.
Tin toys at Ic , 2c , 3c , 6ft up to 25c.
Xmas Pipes
Elegant briar pipes 25c , 33o and COc.
Gorulne French briar pipes , with pure
amber stem. 75c to $2.50.
Elegant French briar , gold mountings , In
plush cat-03 , worth $5.00 , only $2.50.
A full line cigar cases , 25c up. i
Xmas Neckwear
* ,
Windsor ties and bows 25c.
The new collarerlo EOc , worth $1.00.
Elegant neck ruffs , and. collarettes at 75c
to $4.00. i ' , V i
Xmas '
Handkerchiefs * [
Elegant Initial Handkerchiefs only 5c.
Flno pure linen handkerchiefs , hemstitched ,
only EC. '
Dainty embroidered handkerchief only lOc.
Elegant embroidered handkerchiefs , worth
2Ec and 35e , only 15c.
Fine sheer all linen embroidered hand
kerchiefs , worth 60c , only 25c
Elegant sheer all linen , hand embroid
ered handkerchiefs , worth $1.00 , , only 50c.
Hrrah for
Santa Glaus !
Only two weeks left to choose.
your Xtnas presents.
The first comers get the best choice.
A small list of good , suitable and Inexpen
sive gifts' ' : i i
Xmas Purses
and Pocketbboks.
EO styles of ladles' combination pocketbooks -
books and card cases , with handkerchief
holder. 25e. worth 50c.
25 styles flno all seal , Morocco , alligator ,
etc. , pocket books , worth $1.00 , only EOc.
50 styles flno fancy mounted pocket-books
at 75c , 7Sc , $1.00 , $1.25 and up to $5.00.
GenU' flno wallets EOc up , ,
Fancy Goods-
Fun length drejocr scarf 25c
Full size splashers 15c
Full slzo tray cloths 15c
Full slzo center pieces EOc
Elegant head rests lOc , 25c and EOc
Xmas Books
The finest line In the city.
The largest and the cheapest.
Monday 2 toy books for Ic.
Fancy picture and A , D , O books , 2V c , 3c
and Cc.
Elegant board back books EC , lOo and 15c.
Tliy finest line of 25c , 30c , 40o aqd COc
line In tbo city.
5Oc Xmas
Solid leather collar and cuff boxes , worth
$1.25 , only EOc.
Solid leather blacking sets , complete , worth
$1.00 , only EOc.
Solid leather dressing cases , complete ,
worth $1.00 , only EOc.
Plush work boxes , complete , worth $1.23 ,
only 50c.
Celluloid -work boxes , complete , worth
$1.00 , only 60c.
Celluloid tie. nnd glove boxes , worth $1.00 ,
only DOe.
Celluloid glove and handkerchief boxes ,
worth $1.25 , only EOc.
Celluloid jewel cases , worth $1 25 , only EOc.
25c Xmas Gifts
Elegant silk garters , fancy buckles , satin
bows , all colors , each pair In glass box , regu
lar $1.00 goods , on sale at 25c.
1'ltish work boxes , worth EOc , only 25c.
Plush work baskets , worth EOc , only 25c.
Celluloid handkerchief cases , worth EOc ,
only 25c.
Colulold glove cases , worth EOc , only 25c.
Combination pocketbook and card case ,
worth EOc , only :5c.
Fancy dxmblo head rests , worth EOc , only
i i
Bibles and
Prayer Books
Testaments , 20c , 25c and 30c.
Prayer books , 20c to $2.00. ' |
All styles Bibles , from COc to $10.00. I
Prayer books for all denominations , i
Hound books at ISc.
Bound books , gilt tops , 22c.
Haptiel Tuck's elegant $2.CO and $4.00
books at $1.50 and $2.25 each.
Sterling Silver
Novelties and
Opera Glasses
Sterling silver Nail Duffer , 49c. I
Sterling Silver Files , COc , worth ! $1.25. >
Sterling Silver Uack Pocket Combs , Sflo ,
worth $1.00.
Sterling Silver Hat Brushe.- , $1.43 , worth
Sterling Silver Nail Brushes , $1.13 , worth
Sterling Silver Uonnct IIrush , Jl.OS , worth
Sterling Silver Hack Combs , 79c , worth
Sterling Silver Manicure Set , 3 pieces , 60C ,
worth $1.50.
Sterling Silver Pen Knives , regular $1.00
style , 39c.
Sterling Silver Files 49c. worth $1.00.
200 quadruple plated , hand engraved , gold
lined Tea Sots. $3.95. worth $10.00.
$3.00 Syrup Pltchere. Spoon Holders. Cak
Baskets , Butter Dishes. Celery Dlshos ,
Plcklo Cantors , worth $3,00 each , mlo prlco
ft.toO. or
Sterling Silver Teaspoons , $3.95 per sot ot
C , worth $0.00.
Sterling Silver Won Bon Spoons , Mct
Forks , Cream Ladles' . Ollvi > Spoons , Sugar
Spoon. ' . , 9Sc each , worth $2.00. >
Elegant Oriental Pearl Achromatic Opera
Glasses , In leather cases , $1.93 ; worth $5.00.
The celebrated Le ' .Malro , Pearl Opera
Glasses at $ G.9S ; worth $12.00.
Good Opera Glasses In leather cases , 98o ;
wortli $2.50.
100 Porcelain 'Clocks ' , In gold and delft ,
choice $1.48 ; worth $2.EO and $3.00.
Eight- day solid oak Alarm Clocks , halt
hour strike , 22 luchcs high , $2.49 ; worth
$5.00. , - '
r - * * * - " "
Men's. Boys' and Children's , Sttits , Overcoats and Ulsters , ff
- * ' ' * ' - . '
- - i. , .
No such decided price cutting has ever been done for we've taken extraordinary hieasures to make this sale a greater success than last year In order reduce
the stock previous to semi-annual inventory we recognize that prices must be very much lower.
175 men's all wool Cheviot Suits , In gray , 150 good durable Fancy Cheviot and 350 men's black , blue brown Fancy 175 men's line brown Auborn Melton C50 men's very finest Imported nnd do
' Suits , In double and single-breasted mestic Worsted and fancy Hough
Worsted nnd CasslmenJ' Suits , in
Casslmero Suits In neat dark colors
brown nnd fnncy , suits that anywhere , , double and sack sack and frock styles , ono of the most Scotch Cheviots , newest and neatest
lined with heavy durable dark serge single-breasted and satisfactory business suits we have finest Italian and silk linings , sack ,
else would mean nil expense of $0.00 cloth , Suits worth and sold elsewhere O7J3 frock styles , as good a suit in every ever had the pleasure of offering , to f-\ * & frock and double-brcasled sack stylps-ti / 00
* way as the best $10.00 suit you could 550 say the least , JjlL'.fJO value ; clearance \J the kind you pay $1(5.50 ( to 2.50 forJ [ Jf
to $7.00 , cleaiancc sale price for $7.00 to 59.00 , clearance sale price. - buy elsewhere , clearance sale price. . . sale price clearance sale price
230 men's good tuul well wearing Aurora 375 men's all wool Auborn Melton , Ker- 450 men's Irish Frieze Ulsters and Ker- 850 men's very fine Imported Irish Frieze
Ulstors and Patent Heaver and tine
Melton , Kersey nnd Chinchilla Overcoats si y and Frieze Overcoats and Ulsters , Tey and Beaver Overcoats , the most Kersey Overcoats , blue , black and
in brown , black and blue , Skinner
coats nnd Ulsters , the sort that elsewhere 75 satin sleeve lining , leather cloth and stylish cold weather garment ever 50 lirown colors , llnlshed with raw edge ,
3 casslmcre body lining , perfect in every 00 7 elegantly lined with triple warp leather 00
where usually retails for about $7.50 , respect , a value of $10.00 to $12.00 , 5 shown in tlila city , a value of $15.00 ; cloth and Skinner best silk sleeve linings 10
ings , a value of $18.00 , clearance sale
clcaranco sale price clearance sale price clearance sale price price
I HOYS' AND CIIIL-DKEN'S DKl'T. Hoys' Double-Hrcastcd Suits , Junior and Men's Odd Trousers , the greatest value
Youths' and boys' Long runts Suits , Iteefer Suits , sixes 3 to 10 years , one ever offered at $1.25 , $2.25 and $3.25 ,
sizes 12 to IS ) years , never before knco extra odd pair pants of Sandow given away double with seat every and 100 dozen Odd Knee Pants on sale Mon lOc Men's Smoking Jackets at $7.50 , $0.50 , choice of over 5,000 men's finest all
cmiallcd for less than $5.00 to $15.00 a 75 suit Monday , all Knee I'uuts Suits at O E5.P day , sizes 4 to 13 , at 23e and $5.001.50 and wool Pants that are worth and arc 25
BUI" choice of any suit in the house for one-half price ami less , $3.05.50 , 3/ _ > U sold elsewhere for $3 to $8.50 , clear- 1
$4.75 , $3.75 and 4 $1.75 and i mice sale price $3.25 , $2.25 and
Special Sale of
Indies' Coin Silver Chatelaine Watches ,
item wind and set. $1.88. worth G.OO. ,
Ladles' Gold Killed Hunting Case } ) , } *
. ,
fine KlRln or
Mmi wind nnd sot.
movements $8.95 , worth $15.00.
Lad"ea- beautiful gold filled lluiMns Case
JWatohoK , warranted to wear 20 years , floe
Elgin or Wattham movements. $11.4 > , w n
aes' 14 kt. U. S. a say solid gold Hunt
ing Caro. .tern wind and rf. Watches , with
flno Elgin or Waltham movements , $11.9o ,
rai stiffened Hunting CMO
Watches. with American made works..Jt > .
Varcnts'7' ° gold Jilted Hunting Caw
.Watches , warranted to wear 20 yearn , with
flno Elgin or Waltham works , fully war
ranted. NUB. worth $25.00.
Hoys' Stem Wind and Set Watches H-98.
lollies' beautiful hand made 14 kt. Soim
Gold Watch , bet with gcmilno diamonds , flno
JJlKlU or Waltham worU > $22.50 , worth
Rogers' 1817 Knives and Forks , $2.C5 per
lot of 12 pieces.
Ilogers' AA Soup Spoons , 83 per eet of 0 ,
. worth $2.GO.
Hardware Hardware
Building Hardware
and Fine Tools
II of ore our spring stock arrives wo wish
to clean up odds and ends In locks , but'n ,
cash locks and lifts , drawer pulla. etc. , also
An flno tools will make prices that will sell
Ci'me and ece.
AVo.ather strip , pi-r foot lie
A flno hnnd hammcrcil ax. . . . 79c
Him and mortUo locks 9c
Steel pointed snow shcuelc 17c
A flno polisher teol square 03c
A nlco Flobcrt rifle < ! & ' >
A now warrant action 22 , short or long ,
a flno rifle 2.95
rump guns , Winchester 10,25
shcllr , per 100 1.25
Holiday Perfumes
An elegant line of the finest holiday per
fumes In beautiful Imitation cut glus * bottles
tles ,
Prices wllhln the reach ot all-Ec , Cc , So ,
lOc , up to COc.
An appropriate and welcome Chrlt-tmux
Breceut. ,
The Nail Combination
Knocked Out
20 to CO D wtro nails
8 to 10 D wlro nails . , . 2.1-5c
12 to 1C D wlro nails . 2c
4 to C D wlro nails . 2.2-Sc
A flno al ! steel ekato , double screw , pat
ent lover , woith 60c , our price . 27c
A very flno full nlcklo plated , solid
steel , double screw , patent lover . CSc
OUR BEST SELLER A flno Hardened
Steel Runner , polished , patent , double
ecrow , lover , worth $1.25 , our prlco. . 75c
ed Steel Runner , full nlcklo plated ,
double screw , patent lover , regular
$2.00 skate , our prlco . $1.19
OUR BEST A Msry flno Hardened and
Welded Stool llunnor , extra heavy
nlcklo plated , lu full double sorcw , pst-
ont Ibver. a , regular $3.00 ukato , our
prlco . . . 1.G9
A flno polished , oolid steel gkalo , double
scro\v , patent lever , russet leather
heel ctrapB , nlcklo plated , heel cap ? ,
regular $1.23. our price . 79c
HERE IS A BEAUTY A very flue nolld
Pk'ol skate. Full Nlcl.ld plated , russet
leather heel strapo , double scruv , pat
ent lover , u regular $2.00 sknte , our'
prlco . $1.19
OUR 11EST A very flno Hardened Steel
Sluto , Extra Heavy Nlckle Plated , in
full , ru.i20t leather heel straps , double
eerow , patent lover , sells regular from
3,00 to $3.50 , our prlco . . . LCD
A now hat for Christmas doubles the
Christmas jny.
V.'u show all the styles , from the Parisian
nnd London fafchleu IUyrn , and all the new
cai'tcrn Ideas.
Hundreds of pretty lists from our own
work room ,
ivory rlgit ! trimming la to bo had hero.
The extravagance has been cruthcd OUT
Prices Lower than Mill Prices.
5,000 yards 20-Inch Arrow brand 4c
G.OOO yards 30-Inch bleached muslin. . . . 4 < c
5,000 yards 30 lnch Fruit Loom and
Lonmlalo. . . Gc
EOO yarda 0-t blcucbed Pcjipcrell sheet *
Ins f Ho
COO yards S-l bleached I'cpjirtl sheeting U'c
COO > arda C-l uublfucheil Pcpperell
COO jurila C-l uubleacbed Pcppercll
( bcctlng , . . , . . . . , , , lOc
Autoharps * 3 bar $ 1.23
Autoharps 3 bar 2.25
Autohari > 5 bar 3.25
Autoharps 7 bar 5.00
Mandolins J3.75 , $4.75. $5.00. up to 90.00
Mandolins Waf'burn , old styles 11.00
Gultara Waahburn , old styles 11.00
Guitars , worth $5.00 2.50
Guitars , worth $ S.OO 3.75
Guitars , worth $10.00 C.OO
Guitars , worth $15.00 7.50
Violins , good for beginners C9c
Violins , worth $3.00 1.50
Violins , worth $3.00 2.25
Violins , worth $8.00 3.75
Violins , worth $12.00 C.OO
Violins , worth $25.00 : 12.50
Mutronones , without bell 2.25
Mrtrononos , with boll. . . . , 2.S5
Mandolin case. ? , canvas 1.75
Mandolin cases , solo leather 4.75
Guitar cares , canvas 1.75
GUItnr C.1SC3 , solo leather 5.75
JJaiijos Stuart'u American Princess ,
worth $33.00 10.00
Banjos All makes , ot less than halt
18.50 snare drums C.OO
Vlnllncelloa , worth $22.00. . , * . . . ' . U.OO
Hverythlng In music at corresponding
Sheet Music.
Monday morning wo will place on our
counters 2,000 copies of sheet music at Cc
per copy ; none of this comes In our regu
lar cheap edition , The lot comprises both
vocal and Instrumental , it Is all high grade
copyright music , slightly tolled. Such com-
poi'ero' wurUs as Kottcrer , Lange , Ly&berg ,
Schubert , Godard , iDurgmullcr , Tochalkow-
Blcy , More/ , Hoffman and hundreds of others.
Call and ECO for yourself. This music Is
not catalogued , BO cannot mall auy to out
er-town customers.
Hats and Caps
This sale will ccllpso them all.
Men's $1.00 plush caps at C5c.
Men's 7Cc plush caps at 45c and COc ,
Also a full line of boys' plush caps at 40c.
MI > II'H latent utylo caps for ICc.
Also men's caps at lOc.
Our S5o and 60c caps go at 2Cc.
Our CSc line at 3Sc.
You uhould bee that line of men'a caps
at COc. U Includes regular 7Cc and $1.00
Our special leader la men's hats Is a regu-
ular $3,00 Knox , Youinan or Uunlap style
for $1.50. These arc beauties , lu black or
brawn ,
Stiff bain at 75c , $1.00 , } 1.25.
Silks ! Silks !
There. Is nothing inoro , approprlato or
desirable than a beautiful silk wslet or handsome -
some ellk drcoa for a Chrlstmao present.
Wo make Inducements that enable all
to purchase. The prices quoted hero nro
lower than over before ilamed on silks of
equal quality and style. i
50 pieces fancy silks , Persian and Dresden
patterns , Pekln stripes , and many others.
This Is the best value la America at COc
Black Silks.
Wo will cell all weaves In the very best
Blllte , very heavy lustrous goods ; full 24-Inch
wide , at $1.00 yard.
Illack brocaded silk In largo and email
designs , worth $1.50 , at 9Sc.
Wo have the best black satin In the city
at 75c yard.
Silks for Fancy Work.
All light and dainty abade .ln satin , China
silk , brocade , India , crepsa and faucy euraho
In two lots , ct 25c and 39c.
Colored Dress poods
LOT NO. 1 Comprising wool novelties , silk
and wool novelties and mohairs , In checks ,
stripes , bouclcs , coverts , mixtures , etc. ,
goods that sold earlier In , tbo season as
high as S5c , 75c and C5o yard ; all go Mon
day at 1 COc
LOT NO. 2 Including all wool and cllk and
wool novelties , In plalile , broken checks ,
bouclea and rough effects In a number
of different styles ; sold fi lilgh as CSc ,
COc and COc ; all go 39c
LOT NO. 3 In this lot ) &i | wll | sco gooda
that would be cheap at Cpc , in mixtures ,
changeable efTecta , clitcks , overshot
weaves , all high gradejwpds , phenomenal
bargains ; all go Mondayiat 25c
All our $12,00 , $15.00. , $20,00 and $25.00 suits ,
latest novelties , this season's styles ; allen
on ealo Monday at , $10.00 $
Black Dress Goods
30-Inch all wool black icrgo , usually sell
for 39c , at 25c
A 40-Inch line silk finished all wool Hen
rietta , cut from 59c , at 39c
10 more plecco 48-Inch all wool mohair fin
ished serge , regular $1.00 quality , for.COc
A 40-Jnch all wool llrard cloth , mohair fin
ished , regular 79o quality'for COc
Our $1.50 , $2.00 , $2.50 niack Mohair Catilsch
Cloth , all for t.i . $1.25 yard
Ladies' Skirts ,
In black figured ] materials , lined with
taffeta , $2.98. '
Ladles' underskirts , all wool , $1.00. $
Ilreakfast ehawle , 2Cc.
Print wrappers , BSe.
Fleece lined wrappers , $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50.
Clearing Out Sale of
Cloaks and Capes.
All the stock of II. Black & Co. Included
In this sale.
A plush cape , 25 Inches long , lined with
silk and trimmed with fur. at $2.98.
A double cloth cape , 27 inches long , at
A black Cheviot Jacket , high storm collar ,
now slcovo and cuff , box front , at $3.98.
A black jacket , rough material , trimmed
with largo and small pearl buttons , inlaid
velvet collar. The regular prlco of this gar
ment Is $7.50 , clearing out prlco $1.98.
A heavy boucle jacket , trimmed with ker
sey bands' , arctic collaro , now box front ,
half lined with I'llk , our regular $10.00 jacket ,
clearing ealo prlco $ C.9S.
A plain kersey , new style , trimmed with
large and btnall pearl buttons , clearing ealo
prlco only $7.50.
150 Jackety , the cream of the market , In
cluding French bouclc , Irish frieze , English
Astrakhan , Imported Kersey , lined with
taffeta Bilk , made up In the latest Improved
style , your cholco at $9.98.
Electric seal capes , front and collar of
martin , beavy tatln lining , worth $37.00 , at
Long Cloaks.
In fancy mixtures , trimmed with braid
nnd buttono , regular prlco $5.00 , clearing
mlo $2.48.
200 children's Jackets. In fancy mixtures
and plain blue and black at $3.00.
Just Received
COO dozen Men's'Flno Neckwear for Holiday
Tradu at 25c , COc , 7Gc and $1.00.
COO dozen men's silk Initial handkerchiefs ,
25o and COc.
An elegant line of ellk umbrellas at low
Sco'our line of men's mufflers for Christ
mas presents.
Wo arc showing an elegant line of men fl
dogskin driving and walking gloves.
Wo have no need to offer any apology
for the prlceo wo ask. They are low enough ,
and no sophistry of better work or better
finish can ttmpt us to Increase the profit.
An oak combination case , C feet 8 Inches
high , 2 feet 10 inches wide. 12 lpche deep ,
has glass door , French bevel mirror , adjuata-
bio shelves for books , alee shelf lu largo
cabinet. The desk IB fitted with pigeon
bolce , and will aid you In making yours or
your frlend'ti homo inoro comfortable. Our
prlco Is $9,85.
Indl.i seats , $1.50 ; oak rockers , $1.00 and
$1.CO ; largo arm rockers , $2.25 ; wool top
mattrctties , $1.65 ; cotton top , $1.85 ; cane scat
oak chairs , 85c ; Urgu bamboo music rack ,
Ho sure and look over our cltgaut ccw
line of rockiri.
Grocery Bargains
SUGAR $ ll0 ( )
22 Ibs. flno Granulated Sugar 1.00
York State apples , peeled , gallon cans. . 13c
California Plums , 3-lb. cans Sc
California Peachca , 3-lb. cans 9' e
Solid Packed Tomatoes , 3-lb. caus 7c !
Now Sugar Corn , 2-lb. cans Co
10 Ibs. Navy Beans for 23o
10 Ibs. Breakfast Oatmeal for 25c
25-lb. sack whole wheat flour 50c
10 Ibs. granulated corn meal lOc
5 Ibs. extra fancy Japan Rice 23c
3-lb. cans choice new pumpkin C'/fcc
3-lb. cans Boston baked beans 7J. o
Pint bottle. : Tomato Catsup Sc
Now Mustard Sardines , per can Cc
Now Sardines In oil , per can 3' , c
Condensed Mlllc , per can , only 7'ic
New Self-Ra'clng ' Buckwheat only 3c
New Self-Ralelng Pancake Flour 3-ic
10 Ibs. pure Graham Flour only 25c
Wheatcll , the new breakfast food 3c
Glycerine Toilet Soap , per bar 2'/ic
Largo palls Table Jelly 29c
Largo Palls pure Table Syrup 43o
10 bars Laundry Soap for 25c
Fresh Rousted Coffee
5 Ibs. Golden Rio Coffee , roasted $1.00 $
High srndo Java and Mocha , per Ib 20c
Extra cholco broken coITeu 12 > / c
Crushed Java and Mocha , 15c and 17Vic
Spider Les Japan Tea , only 88c
Kxtia fancy Japan Tea , only 35c
Basket tired Japan , very choice 13c
Good uncolorcd Jupan , 25c 28c and 23''ao
Japan Tea , Dust , only 12V&C
The new Cereal Coffee , per Ib lUu
New Evaporated Fruits
Good ItaUlus , per lb. . . . , , , , , . . . . Cc
Now Muscatel Raising , 4 Ibs. for 25c
Ken- California Peaches GVOc
Now California Prunes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cc
Cholco California Prunes only CV&c
New Seedier Halelns only 7'/jc
Cholco Nutv Pears only G'/io
0 r Candy Department
All our cardies arc made frnMi every half
hour. Co mo In and oeo us making candy.
It Is really quite Interesting to reo all the
different forms of candy being made and
the novel nay In which It U done ,
Wo will puck tbo candy daintily In any
fl/o box you want , Wo maliu the bcist band-
made bon bonv lu Omaha ,
Sterling silver I'en Knives , regular $ l.(0 (
style ,
* f"
Wo Invlto you to visit our "Butter " , Meat ,
Lard , Cherae , Cracker and Fish depart'
mcnts. and eeo the Hpcclal Inducements wo
arc offering In the above departments tbbj
coming week : i
Country butter Sc and Ifla
Choice country. . . 12V4o
Dost country iCe
Fancy creamery ISc and 20o
Separated creamery 22o
Meats I
No. 1 hams 10o
No. 1 bacon 7o
Ox lip pa'jsjgo , - . CHo
Plcnls bams . , 60
Salt Pork 4a
Premium trlpo 5o
Cattago hams 8'/4 '
Lard '
3-lb. pill Rex Calumetf or Silver Leaf..l3a
5-lb pall Sliver Leaf 30o
10-lb. pall Silver I caf Cfla
Wo carry the largest assortment of chcesi
and sell It for thu lowest prices.
Ncufcbatcl 3',4o
Sap , Sago 7o
Gorman hand chcc.-c , 2 for. 5a
Fromngo do Hrlc. . . . 20a
Pine Apple 450
Edam ( best ) 7Co
Club IIoiiKo 30a
MoLareen's Imperial 2Co
Ililclc cliccao. . . . , lOo
Sttldu checso 12o
Our fish department ID the lament In th
country. If you want anything in fish call
and bcu us.
Fancy mackerel ( Norway bloater ) , nlco
mackerel , 3 for lOo
New Holland herring" , per keg SOa
Wlilta fish , per Ib Co
Cod fish , per lb , Set
All kinds ot smoked ,
Finnan li.tddlcs and o ye tens fresh dally. ,
Be t eoda and oyster cracker * . , , , , . . . . . Co
Ginger snaps and milk crackcni.,7I/ia
Oatrnonl , Gnliam , and Lumou creami..8Vio
Kngllih coffcu cakes , Q , M , cookies and
assorted jumblci , , . , , . , . , , , . , . Ida