Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1896, Editorial Sheet, Page 16, Image 16

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dame of Game ot Qnmo ot Qamo ot Gnrno of Oamo of Oamo ot ( Qamo ot Game ot Gome ot Onnio ot Game ot Game ot Game ot
Forbidden Bnttlo i Jack Former Jack nnd nod Riding Dissected Wild American Musical English Hound the Fish
Fruit , Field , Btrawa , Jones , the Dean Hood , Maps , Lotto Flowcro , Cities , Letters , History , World with 1'ond ,
23c 23c 23c 23c Stalk 12c 25c Lotto25c 48c 48c 48c 48c Nelly 53c Illy , 53c
Blocks Brownie In eels , Toy In our Turkish Kiosk In our West Window Iron Toys. Gamp Ulryclo ot
Dishes. We invite all the ladies of this vicinity to call We arc showing the most beautiful assortment Race ,
79c . Full nlrkcl plated Stove , with Kitchen Fur
at our Kiosk on Second floor where while reclining - ' of fancy furniture novelties ever brought to this niture' complete . , . . . . 63c
ing couches in Damascus country. Gnrlnnd Slovo llungo nnd 149
China Set. 21 pieces- 25c upon gorgeous or Furnlturo ,
hand ralnted chairs , we serve tea delicious tea to all who solo Polleo
Wo tlip
nro Importers of tlio olo- 1 15
Embossed D , C Blocks A , DC China linnd Set. painted 21 pieces . 48c will partake. In the Kiosk will be noticed : pint Ityznntlnc ' 1'lowor Stands the Flro Patrol , ,
lOc , 23e , 20c , llrst tlino they've ever boon shown Patrol 1 15 Onmo ot
China Set , 21 pieces 58c Hand carved Damascus Chairs , Inlaid hero they come In ornamental colors Lotto
hand pnlntcd with Komilne pearls 1800 jitul we price them at 200 Flro Engine , 1 14 very flno
34c >
China gold Tea decorations Set , IB pieces- . . . . 66c Flemish Window Seats 700 Cliiirrcssnu Tabourets In variegated colors 800 HO0 Cart 81c 69c
China Tea Set 16 pieces- 79c Russian Itnrnt Wood Chairs 750 Steel Wagon nnd Jointed Horse ( Indcstruct-
gold decorations Moorish Hand Made Chairs 2000 nblo ) , 30 Inches long . , . 1 19
Mother China Tea Set. 1C pieces- 1 14 Ilaudcarvetl Teakwood Tabourets only. . 1000 Malachite llniHh Chairs and Stools Mn- Trilby 59c
Goose llhymo gold decorations Hand carved Teakwood Tables , with two lioKiuiy Library Chairs that sell elsewhere c'harlota . . . ; . . . ,
Clocks , shelves , usual prlcu . . . 1000 . 1250 Horses. Wagons , Carts , Hell Illngers , Onmo nf
China Tea Set. 10 pieces- 124 $18.00 , ours only. where for $18.00 , here are Tramps , Safes. Music-til Top * , Magnetic Limited
49c gold decorations . Hand wrought Iron Hanging Lamps. . . . 800 Russian burned Oak Tub nirots 750 Jack Straws , Clarinet. Slldo Trombone. , . . . 25c Mall ,
Kindergarten All-Over Stuffed THESE ARE OUR Japanese
Spelling Hoards
25c nnd
Easy Chairs. Game of
69c Decorations. I'nrchcpal ,
32 50
Our display of Japanese house decorations is
You can t fir Surpassing in quality and quantity efforts of former . very ditl'orent from anything heretofore brought
any years. to Omaha , the real ROYAL TlANICOU anil TAI-
Ncet Egg Largo Corduroy 1800 BAN WARE , , in vases ami odd pieces. This dis
Blocks , Gc , llockcrs play will bo worth fcoiiijj onrly , as such values in
nnil to
lOc up 2250 Japanese are not always iiviilablc. Game of
Largo Dominoes ,
1.15 llockcrs Japanese" Satsuma Vases extra large ,
1 50
. Cacli 42c , 75o and. double 0 size ,
lien's Leather Rockers 7 2250 As we are making on Toys and Games , Furniture and Rugs , Heal Tnlznn Pieces $1.75 , $0.00 , J7.CO and best mnde ,
Rubber Halls up to $1,1.50 for elegnnl largo vnso In most
that never stanc beautiful decoration. 99c
Btlll , no matter Ladles' Desk-Oak nnd mahogany finish. Curtains and Draperies especially tor Christmas.
where you put Ladles Writing 525 TlicRC nrn poods that usually sell for at
them Desk least double thcso prices.
never Game of
break glass , lloynl HanUou warp , bcRlnnlng nt J.1.75 Yale-Prince-
Blrd's-Eye Maple 900 lljf OQUiMS. each and up to $10.00 and $12.00 for magnlll- ton foot ball ,
lOc Desks . cent ornaments. 79c
Klshu bottles. 2. c to $3.f 0 nnd $7.50 each ,
Ladles' roll top Desk. according- the size you like.
Oak or Mahogany
Square or Up
Pianos right Top , Oriental Sleds , Wagons , Brass Goods. Rugs for Xinas , Abroad Innocence ,
1.19 Oak Sleds 125 Brass and Onyx Stands Chased legs- 400 Imperial Smyrna 1.12
. 50c 7De , . 375
, Sc
Sold until this season nt $0.00 C feet by a feet
Rugs Coasters 75c French Melton
Solid oak , steel runners. . . . Brass and Onyx Stands- 5 00 ! il.\2i Inches 500
Handy Wagons Veloclpedo Larger top
450 Javanese Wilton 1 50
Toy Pianos , Cnrabaugh 7 so Carts 40c Brass nnd Onyx Stands Two . shelves , Philadelphia Clx27 Kulah Rugs ; Game of
with Candcla- 3.4x4 3 wheel. 16c , 23c none better ever shown for $10.00 Cx3 feet 235 Penny
bras , solid legs Bokhara- 17 00 Wagons 50c Gold Plated Fur Hugs- 250 Post ,
and satin OU Fullbcx Ink Stand 1 00 lined nnd very choice
Daghcston Wlicul
facings 4x3.8 ( \ ( \ Harrows Gold Plated , Cut
DaKheston 2 50
2.95 4.3x3. rr E rk Glass Ink Stand .
. A OU Carpet
Gold Plated Scancl French
3.11x5.5 - Dolls. 4 50
jj- f\r\ Mirror Onyx Shelf
* > r\r\ Kid Body- Onyx nnd Gold Sweepers.
nig Rubber Daghcston IO UU Bisque bend Candle Sticks ' . Game of
Balls that will ' " " Kill Body ' New Hell of
Bokhara' 20 00 19c Child's Sweepers , works perfectly-
not break glass . Blsqno head Gold Frame Mirrors 500 each 88c of Fortune ,
or stand still , Carabangh 3.3x4.11 Kid Body 23c $2.75 , $3.00 , $3.75 and Bissel Sweepers , work perfectly- 200
Bisque head
23c 2.10x1.3 Kid Body- Brass and Onyx Parlor Cabinet Very 00 Blsscls' Gold Medal , best Sweepers made , 1.09
Cashmere 5.2x0.2 Jointed , head. handsome , was $100.00 warranted by us , each 350 .
Tool Cheats ,
Toys with complete Tool Cheats , Very largo Magic Flno Bugle Bugles , Trom- 12-iey Children's Game of Gnmo of
Planchette Aquatic set of chisels , containing Musical Musical Calls , small Transparent Hoplty , " 29" newest
most marvelous In sets , 20 c hammers , saws , superior as- Tops , Tops , Tops , very fl elze , boncs , Clarionets , 25c ahd for all ngcs , out -"Nyout , "
and scientific , and etc , $1.40 , $2.75 , eorted tools ,
25c 3,15 72c 25c lOc 5c lOc 25e lOc 1.19 L19
A determined effort la to bo
made to bring the 1898 session of the
National Fraternal congress to this city.
The first steps in that direction were taken
nt a recent meeting of Omaha lodge No. 18 ,
Ancient Order of United Workmen , to which
must bo assigned the credit of making the
Initiatory move If the erosion Is obtained.
James W. Carr , nn active worker of the
order In local and national circles , haa
been appointed a committee of ono to do
the preliminary work. Ho will at once
open up a correspondence with the present
officers of the congress. It Is needless to say
that his efforts will bo fully backed up , not
only by the Ancient Order of United Work
men , but also by other orders In this sec
tion of the country.
From a distinctively financial point of
view the congress might possibly bo of com
paratively little- benefit to the city during
the exposition year , when Innumerable other
bodies , many of them with larger member
ship , will bo meeting hero In Omaha.
Usually the number of those who attend
the sessions does not exceed fifty , although
there may bo more brought to thla city on
account ot the attraction offered by the
From other [ mints of view the meeting
would , however , bo of great benefit. The
proceedings of the sessions arc usually ex
amined by a big majority of the membeiw
of secret orders In this country , because
the body appears to bo obtaining greater
prestige as It grows older. In this manner
the city would probably bo better advertised
than by any other meeting that could beheld
held In the city during the exposition year.
Then , while Its membership Is small In
numbers , the body contains a great number
of distinguished and well known men. In
many cases they are the head ofllccrs of the
various secret societies which are entitled to
representation. Moreover , In the majority of
canes , such ofllccrs are usually men promi
nent In , the section of the country In which
they reside ami their Influence la strong
In financial and other circles ,
Taken all In all secret society men bcllevo
that the meeting should bo secured If pos-
tlble. Therefore It Is more than probable
that an effort wilt bo made to unite the
beneficiary ordera In the endeavor to have
Omaha selected as the meeting place in the
exposition year. Regarding this a man prom
inent In the orders sulil :
"No ono body Is able to malio a success
ot the. attempt , In my opinion. It Is ab
solutely essential that all the orders should
take a hand In the work. With a united
pull I believe that the meeting can bo ob
tained. I think , too , that If the orders come
together on the matter wo con , If necessary ,
send a delegation to the meeting of next year
to Induce the body to come hero. The cx >
ponso of tmch a delegation could bo easily
raised In the big membership of secret so
cieties hero In the city. "
Nebraska la entitled to the meeting if
the strength of Its secret societies Is taken
into account. It has as big membership In
fraternal and benevolent orders as any other
etato In proportion to Us population.
t Orilcr of United Workmen.
Social lodge No. 102 , Degree of Honor ,
elected the following ofilcere at its last meeting -
ing : Mrs. C. A. Wagner , P. C. H. ; Mrs. Ar
nold , C. H.j Mlas Mattle Kelley , L. of I ! . ;
Mrs. Copelond , 0. of C. : Mrs. U , E. String-
fellow , recorder ; Miss Loulo Ureroton. P. ;
Mrs. U. V. Lancaster , receiver ; Miss Flora
Fatten , U.
Hopeful lodge. No. 70 , Degree of Honor ,
elected the following : Mrs. P. S. Dover ,
C. of II , ; Mlts U nun a Johnson , I , , of II. ; Miss
Emma Nelson , 0 , of C , ; Miss May Hart , re
corder ; Mrs. L > . M. Davis , P. ; Mrs. J , L.
Cooper , treasurer ; Ml s Kllcn Llljn. U. ; Miss
Slauilo Hrader , I. W. ; Mra. 13. P. Klencr ,
O. W.
tlpohurch ledge No , 2 , Degree of Honor ,
Bouth Omaha , haa elected the following of-
4 fleers : Mm. A , Ilcmko. P. 0. of H , ; MM. J ,
W. Green , C. of II. ; Mary Whalan , L > . of H. ;
Mm , Paul tango , 0 , of 0. ; Mra , Charlca Anh-
burn , recorder ; Macgie Lawlcr * , P. ; Mrs. Z.
. Hedges , receiver ; -Mrs. P. M. Council , U , ;
Mrs. Anna Halpln. I. W. ; Mrs. Burt wepp-
ner , Mrs. Will Nagle , T. ; Theresa Casey , M.
The following officers were elected In 'North '
Omaha ledge No. 159 at the last regular
meeting : A. M. Rlckard. P. M. W. ; John
Maglnness , M. W. ; Thomas M. Dillon , P. ;
i John C. Double , O. ; F. M. McCullough , re
corder ; James J. Burr. P. ; Charles W. Brlnn ,
' receiver ; P. F. Cusack , G. ; James M. Kcn-
noy , I. W. ; S. S. Watt , O. W. ; C. A.
Walker , T. ; C. D. Sprague and W. A. Hos
teller. M. E. ; W. H. Cawley , P. ; George A.
Magoey , representative on 'tho general re
lief board. , ,
Patten ledge No. 173 last Monday elected
.the . following : Edward Schllck , P. M. W. ;
Henry A. Seymour , M. W. ; Ernest 0. Mount ,
F John S. Doyle , O. ; William Taylor , re
corder ; James M. Baldwin , P. ; Herbert M.
Bright , receiver ; Charles H. Green , G ; Henry
Roberts. I. W. : A. H. Starkey. O. W. ; Ed
ward Schllck. T. ; Drs. Rosowatcr. Edmlston
and Henry , M. E. ; William Taylor , member
of relief board.
Nebraska ledge No. 227 of South Omaha
has elected officers as follows : D. J. Sul
livan. P. M. W. : F.W. Apcll. M. W. ; A. M.
Weppner. P. ; David Webber. P. ; T. J. Fia-
herty. 0. ; J. J. Loonoy , R. ; P. S. Casey ,
R. ; P. Coyle , G. ; Louis Remmele , I. W. ;
John Michael , O. W. ; Dr. W. J. McCrann ,
P. ; Frank Pratt and Thomas Whalen , T.
Union Pacific ledge No. 17 and Social
ledge No. 102 , Degree of Honor , are making
active preparations for the entertainment
which is to bo given on Christmas night.
Children will have the larger part in the
affair. A chorus ot boys nnd girls Is now
being trained for It. A stage performance
will find a place on the evening's program.
A more extended notice of the affair will
bo given In this column next Sunday.
Chapman ledge No. D7 of Chapman
elected the following officers on last Thurs
day : D , W. Donovan. M. W. ; J. M. Gal-
logly P. ; A. T. Conaway , 0. ; M. R. Fish-
burn , recorder ; William Ricks , P. ; J. F.
Donovan , receiver ; A. H. Bellows. G. ; Hans
Peterson. I. W. ; J. W. Brant , E. W. ; E.
I. Gallogly , T.
drnnil Army of lli - I
George A. Custer post No , 7 elected the
following officers on last Tuesday evening :
George H. Hhodcs , 0. ; II. C. Smith , S. V. C. ;
E. W. Johnson , J. V. C. ; John P. Henderson ,
C. ; John B. Sawhill , Q. ; Pcrryander Uarr ,
O. of D. ; John Morroney , O. of G. ; John B.
Sawhill , John A. Cuscadcn , Charles L.
Thomas , T. ; James H. Kyner , John H. Dul
ler , delegates to the department encampment ;
B. O. Smith , Jonathan Edwards , alternates.
George A. Ouster Women's Hellcf Corps
No. 82 elected as follows : Mrs. A. E. Hough ,
P. ; Ilosa Wood. S. V. P. ; Lizzie Baxter , J.
V. P. : Mary Quam , C. ; Allio Jerman , 0. ;
Mrs. Whitney , G. ; Mrs. llhoadea , T. ; Mrs.
Henderson , O. G. ; Mrs. Yoder , A. C. ; Clara
Fenian , S. >
The following comrades were elected by
A. Lincoln post , No. 10 of David City for the
year : J. U. Townscnd , P. C. ; S. Cllngman ,
S. V. C. ; J. Zelllnger , J. V. C. ; John Boston ,
Q. ; D. C. Itoyuolds , 0. of D , ; John Combs ,
0. of G. t
Miner post No , 8. of Vcrmllllon , S , D. ,
elected the following : Harvey Gundcrson ,
C. ; G. W. Gilbert , S. V. C. ; Ilyron Payne ,
J. V. C. : L , T. Swczey , Q. ; J. G. Best , 0. of
I ) . ; W. T. Donouo , 0 , of G.
IlUBscll post of Falrbury elected the fol
lowing ; M. Kllllan , C. ; WtllU Clark. 8. V.
C. ; U. E. Poor. J. V. C. ; John Wuplcw , C. ;
James Smlrl , Q. ; S. I ) . Allen , O. D. ; Isaac
Iloman , O. G. ; G. W. ! 5la , G. ; D. S. Croft , S.
The Woman's 'Hollef ' corps of Falrbury
chose the following as Ita officers : Mrs.
James Smlrl , P. ; Mrs. W. H. Arnold , H. V. P. ;
Mra. J. M. Ilowcr , J. V. P. ; Mra. E. A.
Carpenter , C. ; Mrs. D. S. Groff , C ; MM.
Eliza Page , G. ; MUs Carrlo Yontz , T.
The election of McPborson post of Fre
mont resulted as follows : J , W. Goff , C. ;
Elijah Ferguson. S. V. O. ; 0. P. Peck , J. V.
C. ; J. A , Van Anda , Q. ; O. S. Mltterllng ,
Q. ; J. Peace , O. D. ; Ambrose Ilurtz , 0. Q , ;
W. T , Crook and D , M. Allen , delegates to
the department encampment.
McFhersou Woman's Itcllcf corps of Fre
mont elected tbo following : Mrs , C , Husbeo ,
Bushncll S. V. P. Mrs. J.
P. ; Mrs. M. , ; . .
Donahue , J. V. P. ; Mrs. Amelia Smalls , C. ;
Miss Minta Stiles , T. ; Mrs. H. Kemp , S. ;
Mrs. Wamsley , C. ; Miss Day , G. ; Mrs. Harry
Kemp , delegate to the department conven
tion.Old Abe post of. Superior selected the fol
lowing aa Its officers : J. D. Stlne , C. ; W. L.
Hllyard , S. V. C. ; William Phillips , J. V. C. ;
Dr. W. Foster , S. ; N. Ilossman , C. ; J. C.
Carpenter , Q. : Frank Brokaw , O. D. ; H. F.
Hcltman. 0. G. ; Dr. W. G. Barnes , delegate
to the department encampment ; Ell Vale ,
The Women's Ucllcf coriw of Superior
elected as follows : Mrs. Emma Heltman , P.
.Mrs. Belle King. S. V. P. ; Mrs. Kozlah Bosser-
man. J. V. P. ; Mrs. Viola SouthardT. ; Mrs.
Sarah Heltman , C. ; Mrs. B. C. Ward , C. ;
Mrs. Mary Madscn , G. ; Mrs. Clara Kendall ,
delegate to the department convention ; Mrs.
Sarah Felt , alternate.
Mmlorn AVooilmeii of America.
On Saturday , December C , the foresters
of Omaha camp spent a very enjoyable evenIng -
Ing with the Blair camp , on Invitation. A
crowd of forty , comprising the team and
other members of the camp , left the city on
an early train. When they got back to
Omaha there was but little ot the night left.
The Blair camp entertained most royally.
The earlier part of the evening was spent
In witnessing 'the work of the Omaha team ,
which put a candidate through all the cere
monies. The officers of Omaha camp filled
the chairs while 'the work was being put
on. When the ceremony was completed the
visitors were Invited to make themselves
scarce for awhllo , nnd they were piloted
around the town In royal fashion by their
Upon iho return to the hall It was found
that a couple of long tables had been loaded
down with eatables and drinkables. After
disposing of the feast a little flow of reason
followed. Among those who spoke -wore
County Attorney O'Hallarcn of Washington
county and J. E. Van Glider and W. E.
Cady of 'this ' city. Music was furnished by
a banjo quartet. The Omaha members thor
oughly enjoyed the visit.
Omaha camp at Its last meeting consid
ered the matter of a reserve fund , under
the head of the good of the order , but
after an hour's discussion no decision was
reached , and the matter was laid on the
table until the next meeting. The head
camp has solicited expressions from subor
dinate camps on the advisability of estab
lishing a reserve fund.
The David City ledge has elected officers
for the ensuing year as follows : J. G.
Sholes , V. C. ; A. B. DIcmer , W. A. ; C. 0.
Crosthwalto , C. ; II. W. Keller. B. ; Andy
Hartford , B. ; F. W. Lester and T. P. French
P. ; Fred Buckley , W , ; Peter Axomaker.'S. ;
C. 0. Crosllnvnltc- , delegate to head camp ;
S. D. Coo , M.
At the last meeting of the Kearney ledge
ofllccrs were elected as follows : C. II.
Gregg , V. C. ; B. J. Henderson. W. A. ; James
Jenkins , C. ; D. C. Showers , B. ; T. A. Tolef-
son , E. ; Ilobcrt Tonklnson , W. ; T. J. Erlclc-
son , S.
At a regular meeting of Cady camp , Iloyal
Neighbors , Wednesday evening , the follow
ing olllcers were elected for 1697 : Sadie L.
Wright , 0. ; Iloso Hackley , V. O. ; Susie G.
Allen , H. ; Hnttlo Cady , H. ; Mary Allen. C. ;
Flora Haynes , M , ; Vernon Laokabaugh , I.
S. ; Ella Bonlno , 0. S. Mrs. C. E , Allen was
elected delegate to the head camp , which
meets In May at Hock Island , 111.
The camp at Stromaburg elected officers aa
follows : B. P. Pike. W. S. ; Olof Johnson ,
B. B. ; William E , NIchol , W. A. : Albert
M. Little , C. ; Victor C. Carlson B. ; John
Colson , W. ; Albert Hubbard , S. The camp
Is in a flourishing condition and has about
100 woodchoppers.
"Woodin ii ot tin * World.
A circular has been issued from the head-
quarteri of the sovereign camp In this city
calling the attention of subordinate lodges
to the meetings of the so-called convention
head camps. The camps are something of
the nature of the etatc grand lodges of
other orders , except that at present the
territory which each covers contains covcral
states. There nro eight of the conventions
In the United Slates , each of which will
meet In the central portion of Its district
on February 2 , next.
ThU state Is In the territory which In-
elude * , 4n addition , North Dakota , South
Dakota , Kaaaai , Indian Territory and Okla
homa. The head camp convention will meet
In Lincoln. It Is anticipated that there 'will '
bo In the neighborhood of 160 delegates In
attendance. The camp Is composed of one
delegate from each subordinate camp and
ono additional delegate for each fifty mem
bers , or major part thereof. In the sub
ordinate camp. At present there are about
4,000 members of the order In this district.
The principal piece of buslnesss that thcso
conventions will have before them will be
the election , of delegates to the sovereign
camp. This sovereign camp will , when It
meets next March , be for the first time In
Its history a representative body. In the
past it has been composed of the sovereign
officers alone. According to the constitution
of the body , it la composed of one delegate
from each state having GOO or more members ,
and ono delegate-at-largo for each 5,000 mem
bers above the first D.OOO In good standing.
According to this provision this convention
bead camp will send flvo delegates to the
sovereign body.
In addition to the election of representa
tives , the convention head camps are also
allowed to transact business and adopt laws
and rules for their own government , within
certain restrictions prescribed by the rules
of the sovereign camp- They are , however ,
not allowed to levy tax on the subordinate
camps or the members thereof , contrary to
the custom of many orders.
The sovereign officers are at present en
gaged In raising a fund from the member
ship for the purpose of erecting a log cabin
at the Tennessee Centennial exposition ,
which -will Ije held at Nashville next sum
mer. It Is proposed that the building shall
cost In the neighborhood of $4,000. Sub
scriptions have been solicited from the var
ious subordinate camps throughout the coun
try , and the responses have been liberal.
So far several hundred dollars have been
raised. The fund is to bo expended under
the direction of the sovereign board of
inloiit Order of Oilil Fellow *
Huth ledge No. 1 , Daughtera of Rebekah ,
has elected ) the following officers : Mrs. Susie
Allen , N. G. ; Mrs. Louisa Warren , V. G. ;
Mrs. Carrlo L. Hamlln. S. ; Mrs. Mary Stuht ,
T. ; Mrs. Alice Henderson , Mrs. Carrlo Jack
son , Mrs , Caroline Toozer , T. ; Mlsa Mabel
Stuht , M. ; Mrs. N. B. Helm. C. of D. S. ; Miss
Laura Hartson , recommended for district
Huth ledge will glvo an entertainment in
Its lodge rooms at ( Fourteenth and Dodge
streets on New Year's eve for the benefit of
the proposed Odd Fellows' home. The com-
mltteo thaU has the iff air In charge Is com-
poi'od of the following : Laura Hartson , Mary
Osburn , MollLo Jones , JUattlo Rhode ? , Thomao
Hamlln and John Cooper. Thla committee
Is working hard toprepare an evening of
enjoyment. '
Beacon ledge No. 20 elected officers as
follows : Peter Hansen , N. G. ; Charles A.
Grimes , V. G. ; J. , L. 'Alvlson. S. ; W. II.
Sheep , T. ; C. J. Hourbougli , C. L. Allen and
J. SI. Slrplcss , T. ; J. > .L. Alvison. S. L. Boyd
and A. P. LUldell , members of the hall BESO-
Tlio recently elected olllcers of Allemanon
loilco No. S are : G. Strlfller. N. G. ; Hobert
Wendt , V. G. ; J. H. Tebbenw , S. ; liana Wig-
ccr. T.
At the lost regular meeting of Harmony
lodco No. 21 of David City the following
ofHcera were elected ; for the ensuing tnrm :
Jamea McFadden , N. Gs. ; W. C. Buchta , V.
G. ; John Harper. T. ; B. U. Taylor , H. S. ;
F. J. Ayres , F S.
The Ilrock lodge elected the following as
lit * olllcero for the ensuing term : I. J. Ball ,
N. G. ; C. L. Hern , V. G. ; Hugh Norton. S. ;
S. B. Lutgon , T. ; N. S. Horn , W. J. Hen-
drlcks and A D. Wright , T.
Omaha Is enjoying the dlatlnctlon of
having among Its residents the youngest
Odd Fellow In the world , Oliver Culllns ,
He was formerly a resident of Memphis ,
where ho was born and where ho Joined the
Odd Fellows onMarch 2G last , when ho waa
Just 21 years of age. Ho Is an Odd Fellow
by Inherent right , as both -his father and
mother are active in the work of the order.
Mr. Culllns Is now residing at 1C07 Lathrop
The young man was highly honored last
July during the celebration when the corner.
stone of the new Odd Fellows' tcmplo was
laid In Memphis. He was placed at the
head of the Inipaslnc procession with his
father , who is one of the high officers of
the order. Ilia photograph was placed In
the cornerstone of the Imposing structure
that is to bo erected ,
Mr. Culllns has not yet affiliated himsel
with any of the lodges in this city , but wll
do so In the near future.
MiiNimlc lloillen.
At B p. m. next Wednesday afternoon the
grand chapter of Nebraska , Royal Arch
Masons , will convene in annual session In
Masonic temple. The body will remain In
session on that evening and on the following
day , when it will adjourn until next year.
There are between forty and fifty chapters
tors In the state and therefore the meeting
will be attended by about seventy delegates.
They will bo called upon to discuss a consid
erable amount of business. After It Is a !
over , however , they will be rewarded In the
manner that the Omaha Masons treat al
mcmbcm of grand bodies after the conclu
sion of their deliberations.
The entertainment will be begun early on
Thursday evening , when Omaha chapter , No.
1 , will confer degrees for the particular bene
fit of the delegates. Immediately thereafter
a substantial feast will ho spread In the dinIng -
Ing rooms , to which the delegates will bo In
vited. The banquet will bo closed with a
program ot toasts ,
The present olllcers of this grand chapter
are as follows : Charles J. Phclps of Schuy-
ler , G. II. P. ; Charles C. Rlttcnhouse of Hast
ings. D , G. H. P. ; Robert H. Henry of Co
lumbus , G. K. ; John J. Mercer of Omaha ,
G. S. : W. R. liowen of Omaha , G. S. ; Lu
cius D. Richards of Fremont , G. T ; William
H. Sparling of Nebraska City , G. C. ; Robert
E. French of Kearney , G. L. ; James Dlnsmoro
oJ Hebron , O. C. of II. ; John S. Harmon of
Tecilmseh , G. P. S. : Henry A. Turton of
Lexington , G. M. A. C. ; James W. Maynard
of Omaha. G. M. T. V. : Bert G. King of
Beatrice , G. M. S. V. ; George J. Spohn of
Superior , G. M. F. V. ; Neal A. Pettygrovo of
Oxford , tO. S. ; Benjamin F. Thomaa of
Omaha , G. S. ; Jacob King of Papllllon , G. S.
The Inccnso ledge No. 2 of Vermllllon ,
S. D. , 'elected the following olllcers : E. D.
Drookman. W. M. ; J. S , Frazce , S. W. ; J. A.
Copelond , J. W. ; E. J. Wight , S. ; C. H.
Barrett , T. ; P. W. Peterson , J. D. ; James
Hyde , S. S. ; J. C. Tllton , J. S. ; G. H.
Wheeler T.
_ j
Order tif ( lie Worlil.
On Saturday evening , December 19 , a.
grand ball will bo given by Banner ledge No.
410 at the lodge rooms , Sanders' block
Twenty-fourth and Cumlng streets. The
committee of arrangements- doing all In
Its power to make the affair a pleasant one
to all who attend.
The Christmas festival of Temonla lodge
No. 2C2 'Will Lit held on Saturday evening ,
December 20 , and promises to bo a grand
event. This festival is given every year by
the lodge , and Is looked forward to as being
the grandest celebration among the German
lodges of the city.
The monthly entertainment given by
Myrtle ledge 399 came off on time at Con
tinental hall last Monday evening. Quite
a number of surprises were In store for the
audience. Miss Drolsbach rendered two very
pleasing solos , her well modulated contralto
voice filling the hall with sufficient pleasure
as to call for encores. D. J. Hurley , In hla
usual vein , rendered two well chosen selec
tions. Lunch baskets were then auctioned
off , after which the crowd pioccedcd to
enjoy the contents. Mrs. Stamllfard , the
eminent pianist of the ledge , donated a fine
cake , Iced with emblems of the order. The
cake weighed thirteen pounds and will be
rallied oft at the next social. Mrs. Volland
kindly looked after the coffee. The next
social will bo given January 4 , 1S07.
l/nloii / of Ainerli'n ,
An Invitation ban been extended to all the
members of the order tu visit Vcmost ledge
No. C2 , at South Omaha , on next Saturday
evening , About twenty candidates will bo
Initiated , and the work will bo done by the
Oinalm team , This lodge Iri having a steady
growth , At Its meeting Friday evening ten
candidates were Initiated.
Banner lodge , Nu. 11 , had an enjoyable
meeting Thurmlay evening. After the bus- !
nras ot the ledge was completed the mem-
JOM were entertained with a number of ee-
cctlonA of vocal ami instrumental music.
Banner lodge will entertain Its friends anil
Members with a Japanese wedding at Its
jail , Fifteenth and Douglas streets , Thurs
day evening next. Elaborate preparations
iavo been uiado , and the attractive coatuweu
will add much to the brilliancy1 of the occa
slon. Natives of Japan and Americans wli
lived In that country for some tlmo will mak
this affair ono to bo remembered. After th
marriage ceremonies tea will be served. At
tractive music will take up a part of th
South Omaha lodge haa changed its nam
to Vcrnost ledge No. C2. This lodge ha
now about fifty mcmbcro and Is steadllj
growing. The membership is taking at
active Interest In making this one of th
largest in the city.
Monarch lodge No. Cl of Florence meets
on Thursday evenings. An effort Is being
made to build up Us membership to fifty
or sixty. _
Inilciit'iiili'tit OriU-r of Foi
The preparations for the organization of a
state court and for the entertainment of
High Chief Ranger Oronhyatcklm during the
early part of next January are being made
gradually as the time approaches. A com
mittee , which Is composed of representatives
from the various courts In this city and
South Omaha , will meet regularly from now
on In order to get everything ready.
The work of organizing courts Is going on
actively , and there is every likelihood that
Organizer Osborno will bavo more than
enough courts In cxUtcnce when the tlmo approaches
preaches for the organization of the state
court. On next Tuesday bo will Institute a
new court In this city , and In the near future
two moro will bo started. A court will also
soon bo placed In Nebraska City.
Court Founncn. No. 3225. of South Omaha ,
has elected the following officers : A. L.
Hunter , C. D. ; F. M. Henderson , C. R. ; P.
W. Peterson. P. R , C. ; T. P. Peterson , V. C.
R. ; J. P. Murphy. R. C. : R. T. Marshall.
F. S. ; J. B. Smiley. T. ; L. Tarpcnnlng , S. W. .
William Kellloy. J. W. ; James Murphy. J.
B. ; Martin Rclchart , S. B. ; C. M. Schlndel ,
P. ; F. M. Henderson , J. B. Smiley and A. L.
Hunter , delegates to the high court ; J. E.
Kathorn and J. P. Murphy , alternates.
of ! > HilllH.
Gem ledge No , 14 of Kearney elected
the following officers : J. F. Saup , C. C. ;
John Wilson , V. C. ; J. F. McNce , P. ;
George E. Ford , M. of W. ; C. D. Ayrcs ,
M. at A. ; R. A. Julian , K. of R. S. ; J. G.
Lowe , M. of E.
Damon ledge No. 45 of David City has
elected the following officers for the coining
year : Frank A. Snow , C. C. ; E. W. Hale ,
V. C. ; M. M. Cain , P. ; William Klnnison ,
M. of W. ; A. H. Dt'tzcr , K. of H. S. ; W. H.
Tyler , M. of E. ; R. A. Bennett , M. of F. ;
A. R. Knight , M at A. ; M. J. House , I. G. :
T. R. Gilmorc , O. G. The new officers will
bo Installed January S , 1S97.
Pallas ledge No , 110 of Schuylcr has
elected officers ) for the ensuing year OH
follows : F. W. Shonka , C. C. ; J. H. O'Cal-
lohan , V. C. ; M. M. Huck , P. ; F. C. Rein-
ecko , M. of W. ; Joseph Kerzan , M. of B , ;
\V. F. Miller. M. of P. ; E. S. Cloycr , M.
at A. ; J. A. Neldhardt , T. ; M. C. Hanson ,
trustee , to fill vacancy ,
The Superior ledge elected as follows :
W. S. Young , C. C. ; Herman Grabcn , V.
C. ; Ross Fennlmorc. K. of H. S. : H. F.
Heltman , M. of E. ; Adam Young , M. of E. ;
H. W. Young , M. of F.
Ilrnllicrliouil of KIK-M ,
The memorial service of the body last
Sunday In Crelghton hull were the most suc
cessful of the series which has been held by
the local lodge. The speaking and mu lo of
the program were of an exceptionally good
character. The hall was filled despite the
: hrcati'iilng und bad weather. Thcro would
undoubtedly have been a crush If the day
: iad been fine. Full mention of the affair
was made in the Monday paper * .
On next Friday night the local lodge will
glvo o ladles' social In Its ledge room ! in
ho Ware block. Most extensive prcpara-
lonu have been made to the end that the
affair shall h < > ono of the social mjecccsea of
ho seuton. Dancing , cards and iimnlc will
111 the evening's program and refreshments
will bo served.
, Allifiu'iuu I < 'rn iTiilt } ' ,
Tlio program as announced last Sunday for
bo cntortblnmcnt given by Athens ledge
to. 1 was carried out , with a tow changes ,
ast Friday night , Kfither Martin and Vivian
Rector wore prevented from taking part by
tcknesi , and Mr. C , M , Woodhrldgo waa
unavoidably detained , Bertha Saxman wan
liven an uronsUcvd number ou the musical
part of tlta exercises. The closing selection
was changed by request , and accordingly
° " Gra"dma Was n Girl"
took Its place.
\\ith all the disadvantages
regard to
pleasantly. The several parts wcro'lvcM ' re ° n1
dered and duly appreciated by the audience.
The following took part In the entcrtaln-
rnM , JU"0 , " ° "ett , Joslo Heller. Francis
Gould. -
. 1-ny Rodgere , Zolla Dellcckcr , Edna
Jensen , Grace Conklln , Bertha Saxman. Julia
iNogle. Vcrglnla Merges. Florence Hlllcr ,
tor BuerBman' JII1I1 | | ° inner , Mattie Red ° foIIowl K committee
had Iho affair In
. ,
charge : J. J. Bvcrlngham. J. T. Dalley. H.
h. McKe vey. Mrs J. B. Huso. Mrs. A. Craw ,
lord , J. J. H. Reedy ,
\iilloiial HpHvrve ANNOfliitlun.
The regular election of olllcers of Omaha
ledge No. 33 wns held at Its lodge rooms
In The Bee building last Monday , and re
sulted In the election of the following offi
cers : E. Burke , P. P. ; H. G. Browne P-
F. N. HCBS. V. P. ; G. C. Smith , S. ; T. 0. '
H'avcns , T. ; F. B. Shrlmpton , C. ; Charlca
Adams , C. ; W. H. Anderson , S. ; J. W. Now-
lean , J. J. Curtis. A. Pearson , T.
The next meeting will bo held on Decem
ber 21 nnd will be addressed by Supreme
President Scars of Kansas City , Mo. An
Invitation was extended to the Council
liluffs and South Omaha lodges to bo pres
After a great deal of dlscuralon the lodge
has decided to continue holding meetings
In The Bco building on account of the ex
cellent facilities , which the committee re
ported could not bo found clscwhcro in
the city.
A committee has been appointed to ar
range for a social session or entertainment
of some kind In the near future , which
women and friends are to bo Invited to
liulciK-iiilrnt \ \ orkiiicn of Amrrlrit.
This order , with headquarters in this city ,
Is proving Itself to bo a very popular and
progressive one , Ita ledge being tlio largest
In quite a number of Nebraska and Iowa
towns. It Is In a very prosperous condi
tion , and with its present growth promises
soon to bo among the strongest. R. Dickens ,
the supreme grand secretary , lias been very
busy lately Instituting now lodges and as
signing now territory to the organizers for
the coming year.
The first ledge of the order to bo Insti
tuted , known as Omaha ledge No. 1 , whllo
steadily IncrcaKlng Ita membership roll , docs
not forgot the social pleasures of this world ,
and will , therefore , glvo a smoker next Mon
day evening at Its hall , 1320 Farnam street ,
to which the members of 'tho ' lodge are re
quested to Invlto their friends. As thin ledge
has already established its reputation for
original ideas In Ita social affairs , U Is cer
tain that this occasion will not bo lacking In
something unique.
KlllKlltN Of ( III ! MlUTIllllM'N.
Washington tent , No. 07 , of South Omaha
net Tuesday night and elected the following
officer * for tlio ensuing term : P. Sticchy , C. ;
Charles Skokon , L. C. ; Charles Botnliolt. R.
K. ; John H. Locchncr. F. K. ; J. M. Fitz
gerald , C. ; Dr. C. M. Sclilndel. P. : John J.
O'Hourko ' , S. ; G L. CUrk , M. A. ; M. Knight ,
F. M. G. ; J. M. Dcacey. 8. M. G. ; James
Mamie , S. ; M. Sweeney. P.
Attlio hint meeting of the tent at Kcar-
noy the following ofllcorB were olerted : W.
C. Ayreo , C. ; A. M. Calhoun , L. C. ; C. A.
'rescott. R. nnd F. 1C. ; H. A. Julian , C. : U.
Falrohlld , S. ; A. Drake , S. A. ; Joseph Mc-
Calu , F. M. G. O. jMieytton S. M. G.
lloynl Arciiiuim.
Pioneer council No. 118 elected the follow-
nK officers at HH lant regular meeting :
Charlca P. Thomas , R. ; Julius Rosenzwole ,
V. H. ; Benjamin Paul , O. ; H. Van Lann , P.
I. ; Thomas ( } . McGrone , S. ; William J. Ken-
icdy , C. ; Gustavo Anderson. T. ; Harry O.
Allen , C. ; Frank It. Straight ; O.j Charlca
acgcr , W.j Charles . Moody. S.
Cliimtri * Dlil Him , Vo f.'dnil. t.
Word has boon received by A. ) , . . Button" '
f this city of the ilonth of Harry J. Whltn
t Phoenix , Ariz. Mr. White WUH known ns
no of Omaha'H inoxt popular young men ,
'ailing health compelled him to roHlun bin
oHttlnn with the American BlHcull Manu-
ucturlng company about HX inonthH ago ,
nd he then loft for higher altitudes In
carch of that which hn had lout during hla
iimy II f ( i In Omaha. Mr , Hutton left hint
venhiK fnr Phoenix to takn chaw of the
emaliiH , Interment will probably tuke plact
t Phoenix.