Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1896, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 15

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    TII13 OMAHA DATT/T 1JE13 : ST7KDAV , 13 , 1800. 15
Unseasonable Weather Holds Down tlo
Volume of Business.
rroitnrr nnil I.Ur Stuck Mnrkotfl Noln-
I > 1 > Dull llolldiiCiioilN In 1'ro-
ftixloii nnil In ISnilloN * Va-
q In nil tUpirtmcnts has flurfcrcil
during the pnttt week from the effects of
the im < imonalile weather , which haa cut
off tf'io di-mimd for cold weather Koodi nnil
II.IH loft tliu rctnll tr.itlo cspoeliilly in thu
dumpi The JUirliiBlIke woatlier Ims Invited
jii opltto bo out of doors , nnd on inont tlnyn
th" streets hnvc linen crowded , so that thu
nuill iii-tti let really presented un nnlmnleil
- hut It wii- not a buy-
ami Inm . .ippi HH-P.
IUK cro.ttl J. ol'iis were In the Rrent inn-
Jorlty , nnd tliu Hiinpplng wcnther nccos-
H.irj to make' luiyers wan absent.
la i ho jobbing district of the city a fair
amount of business was done , but there ,
too , Hit effeclH of the unseasonable weather
were noticeable. Letters from customers
KI nnnilly HpoUc of ro.idn In bail tondltlon
nnd u conHHiuent llfihl attendance of form-
era In line town * , temlorlni ? the retail trade
miner quiet and collection- ? none too good.
The conditions In the country were re-
JlrHecl In u modiir.ito movemcnl of goods
from jobbing IIOIIHI-H
Hi spile of the pi.sent dullnens. business
men nr.cnr | to bollove thnt the general
trc-nd t > C buslnexs shows a Kriulnut Improve-
mint , us tlii-ro Is ccrtnlnly less of nnxloty
find iinrcrtnlnty as to the future nuHlness
men without doubt havu more ootirngc. mil
this Is not thf sen on of the yctir when new
I'lilorprlm H arc expected to materlullze. 1 ho
near appro tch of lh'3 holiday season In-
vnrlulily mnrk * tno licgliiulng of a perioil
or Krfit nctl\lty In letnll circles , but the
Jobbing truOc at the same time Is generally
nuhcr eiuli-t
This week and the tlrit pirt of next the
holiday trade will overshadow exervthlng
else Otniihu meirhints gum-rally havean -
Uc-lpntcd u good trade , and many houses
linv put In special lines of holiday goods.
The dip.irtments In which holld.iy poods are
ell plnye-d aie very Inlc-rnotlng by re.ison
of the great rfiowlng of nnvr-Hlts Intended
for Christmas jiU'xcnts K\ir > year a long
of new nuAi'ltlf'H Is nddi-d to the
1 meut nlmuly so large as to bo bewildering
As usual , the RiratOHt progiess Is to Im
see-n in the production of new nrtlelcs In-
teiidi-d for thn use or of women On *
of the moit Interesting features In this di
vision Is the array of celluloid articles
These Include hnndkrrrlili f c.ispa , glo\o
boxes , Hachet nnd bonbon cases , and slml-
lai toilet and boudoir appurtenances , In ai-
tlstlc form and decorated with delicate pilntlngs and other designs on tinted
grounds Then , too. there Is u wide nrniy
of hnlr brushes shown In dfllcate tints in
Imitation of Ivory , amber , tortoise IV > 11
nnd cnrnellnn. In the perfumery depart
ment there Is an assortment of bottles ,
> vcry ono a work of art , thnt Is perfectly
bewildering Cut glass bottles of the most
Oelliato workmanship and datntv tlllRree
vvork In gilt flnd silver Then comes nn
endless army of wilting mateilals and ar
il , les for thu writing desk , both useful and
In the men's dep.titment the selection Is
not so large and by comparison with the
novelties Intended for the f.ilr se < c may
nooni oven meager Theie are dies-dug
cases In a considerable \.irlety , poker sels
nnd smoking sets \\ltliout end. Articles
of wearing apparel are numerous , anil the
stock to select from Is large Then conms
n long array of articles thnt would bo ap
propriate for either sex , such ns thn line
cxumplcH of the potter's nit , rcpresnntlng
nil thn celebrated makes In the different
quarters of the globe nnd the thousand
uml one articles produced by tlio Jeweler s
U Is , however , when the toy depnrlmcnl
Is reach's ! that the Chrlstinas-IIko char
acter Is particularly mar'-ted The array of
tovs , ranging from the simplest 5-cont nov
elties to ( he most complex , expensive de
vices. becomes greater c cn year
At Soulh Omnlia thnro v.-ns n very ma
terial falling off In the volume of business
us compared with the previous week ,
though a fair average business was done.
The season of range cntllo Is practically
over nnd the packers have to depend for
the most pnrl upon native cattle or such
westerns as have been on corn feed. As
the greater proportion of the feeders did
not go out Into the country until lain , U Is
still early to anticipate a very large inn of
cot it foil cattle During the past week pack
ers have been forced to ship In n good many
cattle from other markets to make up the
deficiency In the mtpply ill this point. The
resiill has been a qulel week In l tvf cattle ,
but feeding cnttlo are still In active de
mand and the country has been a fre-o
buyer The largo corn crop In the country
makes feeders anxious for cattle.
In the produce district of the city dull-
nrss has been the rule the past week. Con-
fllderable business , however , has been doing
nnd n by no means small quantity of pro
duce has been handled , but tlio market has
bi'i'ii dull nnd featureless nnd devoid of In
tel est. Jlost houses report a much smaller
volume of business than for the previous
w eek
Ono of the lending causes for the un
favorable situation was the warm weather ,
which decreased the consuming demand
rind renders the handling of perishable
produce risky ill the best. I-argo quan
tities of iliesseil poultry received was unlit
for use , ha\lng soured In transit to the
c-lty Unmc was nlao a source of trouble
for the same reason.
As usual , when the weather Is warm and
dealers nil In n hurry to sell , prices broke
badly This was especially true of poultry
and game , which was not only lower , but
linrd to move , even at the reduced prices.
The pioductlon of eggs Is evidently on fhe
Jnrreiibo and tint Inrgei receipts of the past
few days caused a weakening of the mar
ket A continuance of present mild weather
t'onld hardly fall to bring about a veiy largo
Increase In the receipts and a much greater
ile. rcase In the price , ns has been the ex
perience In former seasons when mild
weather predominated
No very Important developments were
! in tlio butter market , peed butter raid
fre-olv. though ftoino houses reported that
tficy vvcrt > nlilo to HI euro moio hnttcr nt
' prices limn llir could flnel
jirt'toiit > n mar-
JIM for 1'rlcos for linttor thus far tills sen-
won have liccn f.ilily Hatlnfat'tory to Ihe
iimnnfncturc'r , nnd no coinplalnlH liavo been
lie-aid fiom that t-onrce In regard to butter
lirlccs Iho Nt v York produce ) oxolmnin has
init out IlKiircH uliov. IIIK thu price of dairy
butter for each venr lnco ISIS.
Condition of 'I'm do nnil Quolntlon *
on Miiii. | | uml Piiui.y 1'rudiifc.
inOS 1'resh gathered , 20c.
llt'TTiitCommon to fair. COScs choice to
fcncy roll. 138l5c , ceparator creamery , He ;
cathfitxl cream lSU20c.
a \ME Pralilo chlckcnt , per doi. , IO.OOOC2S.
qu.ill , J1.W1T1 W. blua wlnned teal ducks , Jl 50JJ
173 crrcn wine , 11.23 , redheads and mallards ,
3.:0. email rabblli , 2J < flOc , jacks , 7Jc ; ijulr-
itU I0073c' ; drtr raddles , UHlLc , curc.isscu , 100
lle antolopa naddles , 1361IC , carcasses , DC ;
Canada KOCSC , larite. I .00 7W. imall , I4.00fl5.00.
e.'Iliim-Iuinc3ilo : brick. lOo ; Kdam. per cloi ,
5" (0 , club haute , 1-lb. Jam. per doz. , 13.15 ; Llm.
bererr. fane , per In. , 9c ; Unnuoton , H-ln-
Jar . per doz. , J3.00 ; You tig Amerlcaa , lie ;
tw Ini. fancy , Khc.
VHAL Shoicn fat. FO to 120 Ib * . , > r > quoted at
7Oc , larco and coarse. titSc ,
DIIIMSKl ) l'Ol'l.TUY-t hlcken > . CQiHc ; tur-
lte > , ( .JIV ; Ktf'o. "ilSci ducki. 7USo.
I.tX'H 1'Ot'UTIlY-Not ' vrantfd.
riOCO.NS Live , 75000C ! rtrud pliteoni not
wnnlrd ,
- HAY-rjilnnd , I5.M ; tnldUnJ , fl M ; lowland ,
14 ; r ) straw , 14 ; color mokes the price on
buy : light balrs sell tht ten , only top iridci
hrlnu lup prlrrr.
JUIO01I COHN-Kxtromelr s'.on inle ; ntw
cr > n , delivered t l track In ccunlrri cliolce r n
lfvorl < lnr c rp t. per Ib. me : choice trttn.
runnlne to hurl > Ue : cflminon. me.
BXVHKT 1'OTATOKS-On orders , per bbl. . ItOO.
ONlONri ejoo.1 stack , per tu. , JoUtOc.
LIMA HKANtl Per Hi. 4a.
HI.'AIINHIlund picked uvy , per bu , , U S3.
CMlllAOi : Him * grown , r r hundred. Wo
Ctl 00.
er doz. SffSOc ; fAncy. liirjre , 450
I'OTATOIW Ooo < l utoefc. per bu. , 25o ; Wyorn-
Intr ftork. melted. EDo per 100 Ibi.
1O.MATOUS Tejits , per bunhcl crite , $2.25.
ClHAI'KS-CratPH , IK pony bnskotn , ConcorJi
nnd Cnlnvrba , per crater , 13 tn ) ,
MAt < AOA OHAl'ns Per ken , 17.
CItANIlKltniiS-C : po Cod. per bhl. . .
Ari-KHH-CooKlntf. i r bbl , 1 ffiffl.7 ; ; fancy
New York , St 75
CAMKOIINIA I'EAnrer box , l2.OOO2.S3i
Yotk , per bbl , S3 8094 HO
Per bhl , . II .
I'lNn.M'l'I.n.S-rer crnto of two to three dot ,
SI OOffl <
oltANons Mexican , SITS ; California navels ,
I.KMOXS-Memiilnfif. : ,00 ; cholco California.
S3 60 3 70 , fane ) , (400
1IAHANX1 * fhnlce larR" ttlock. per bunch ,
12 ( XOT2 K : mfdlumlr'.l bunches , SI Mff2 t .
IIONiY-rnncy white , per Ib . 14c ; choice. 13c ;
Callfurnla , amtier color , lOc.
Cimm-riarined Juice , per half bbl. , S250 ; per
iii ,
MAI'i.i : HYHlM'-flve Ral. n'n. each , JS7S ;
Kil. cnn.i | , er doz , { 12 , litlf-gnl. cans. SO 2 ! ;
Ttnrt CHtin. M.SO
HAI'l.It KltAVT-1'cr half bbl. SI 73. ; bbls. ,
1 H1S Importpil fancy , 6 crown , 30.1b. boxej ,
15c. choice , 10-lb box en. 3-crown , He.
NUTS Almond * , California , per Ib , Itrse
rlze , lie , Hrarlln , per Ib , lOo , Hngllsh vvnl-
miH per Ib fntu > foft rhcll 12ff I24c , stund-
ardn , llBMHc , llll rtB , per Ib , lOe , pi-cans , pol-
Inhed InrKe , iUlda. Jumbo. 1IHI2C. larse hick-
or ) null , SI 25 per bu , email. (1 60. coctMtiuts , 6c
UATIranl , 16-lb Ixnes , per box , 9e.
IIEHl'-Oood native uteers , 400 to COO Ibs. , 60
7c ; Hintcm itccro , IWlVjc. KOJI ! cows and hell
er * , M6'4c | , medium cows nnd heifers 4\o ; Rood
forequartcrn cows and lipifem , 3\e ; Kood
foiKiunrterit native steers , loj good hindquarters -
quarters cows and heifers , C c , need lilnd < pi ir-
tirj native Me < r , k c , covv round" , G c , nivv
platen , 3ic , boneless chucks 4c. cow caueks , Jijc ,
steer chtickH , 4o , beef tenderloins , 22c bief
rnllit boneless 10c , sirloin bulls , bonele" , loc ,
loin backs , bonele s. lOo , loin backs. 80 , cow
libs. No. 3 , 7c , cow loins. No 3 , fo ; beef
trimmings , Jije. rump butts , to ; shoulder clodd ,
u' e.
l-OTUv Hrevreil IIORS , Be ; pork loins , C c : pork
tetidirlolns 15c , spare ribs. Co , ham nau aKe' .
butts , Cc , pork Khoulders. rotijli.4tlc , pork ulioul-
derii. Rklnned , 4ic , pork trlmtnlnRs , Co , leaf lord ,
not rendered , Co.
MUTTON Pressed Iamb. 7c : dressed mutton ,
Co , rnckB , mutton , SUe , ICB . piutton , SVtc : sad
dles mutton , Si4c , slew 3c , sheep plucks. 3c.
HIDHS No. 1 sreen hides. 5c , No. 2 urecn
hides , 4c , No 1 crecn Halted hides , "c. No 2
en-en isalted hides. Cc , No 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lb ,
7c , No 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibi . 4c. No 1 dry
Hint hides , 9ft lOo No 2 dr ) Hint hides , EM9e , No
1 dry salted hides , S"c. part cured hides. HO
per lit lest than fully cured . . _ , .
SHIini1 YPt.TS Clitin salted each. 2iCOc ;
Kreen Balled , flit-arlnss ( short vvooled early feklnt ) ,
each. l"c. dry shearltiKH ( short wnoled cirty
skins ) . No 1. each , ! Jo , dry Hint , Kansas nnd
Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib . actual
weight , 4ftT > i dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska
Murrain wool pelts , per Hi. nctunl vvtlRhl , Off4c ;
dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts per Ib. ,
actual weight 471e , dry Hint Colorado Murrain
wool pelts , per Ib , actual welRht. 394c , feet
cut off , ns It Is useless lo pay ftelKht on them
TM.I.OVV AND OIinAfi : Tallow No I , 3c ;
tallow * No 5 S'ac. Krea e. vthlte A. 3o grenKe.
white H. 2i . urease , ) cllow. 2c , Ktenrr , dark , 1'iii ,
old butter , 2j2Hc | , beeswax , prime , 15122c. lough
tallow , Ic . . .
WOOI. t'nvvajhed. flne , heavy , Cft.c. Hno. llBht.
fifjir tiuart. tbFiioil 10iirl2e , seedy , hurry nnd
ehiitTy , HiOt. ootted and broken coarse 7i5' ' > c ,
eolted nnd broken , line. fllJSo. Tleece Washed
.Medium r.ffl c. lino. Hiflfic , lull wnt-hed. ICWlfoj
bla < k. c. bucks. Co ; tag locks. 203c , dead pulled ,
IHN'iS In cnr lots , welched nnd delivered In
ChletiKo. Dry buffalo , per ton. S12 DOO14 00 , dry
country , blenched , per ton. SlonOfll200 dry coun
try , damp and meaty , per ton , SG 0)08.00.
( ( iiotnlloii.s of thf Day tin VnrltiiiH
NHW YOHK. Dec. 12 ri-OUH-llocelpts , 23.-
200 bbls . exports. 5,412 bbls , quiet , but flrmly
held for both prlng nnd winter brands , winter
patents , SI 1HHJ3 10 , Mlnne ota patents , S4 MO
170. Minnesota bakers , S3 40tf ) 10 ; winter extras ,
S33JJI&400 ; winter low grades , $2130303. Hyo
Hour , tiulct nnd steady , huperllne , S2 83fl3 u3 ,
fancy , J3 1UU3 23 , lluckwheat flour , dull , S1.330 >
1 40. .
COUN MUAI-Qulet , > ellow western , tOo ; city ,
LOeUYIJ Nominal , cnr lots. 40042C.
HAHI.Ui Stead ) , western , 2 82S4c ; tnnltlns.
HAHI.nY MAlVr Nomlnil , western , D0ff53c.
\\11KAT llecelpts , 38,200 bu , expoits. 5,412 bu.
Spot Ilriner ; No. 2 hurJ. 33So. Options opened
steady uml waa furlhor udvanceil on heavy
weekly exports nnd lower cables nnd favorable
ArRentlno ciop reports , cash demand v\cnt and
pronptcts of a heavy visible supply , closed 'fcWlo
net hlKher ; No. 2 led , Jlay , 60 1-10086 9-lCc , closed
nt SCc.
COHN llecelpts , 31.200 bu ; exports. 20,103 bu.
Spot Inactive ; No. 2 , 23c. Options quiet , but very
Hteady on Urife weekly clc-arnnccs , cloilni ; un-
chniiRed ; Ma ) , 31' 4(32c ( , closed nt 31T4c , Decem
ber clotted at 29c
OATS ItecclptH , 2CI.OOO bu. , exiwirts , 5,200 bu.
Bpot dull , No 2 , 2:40. Options dull und un-
chiiiKed , Diccnibfr doped tit 22Hc.
HAY Quiet ; uhlpjiliiB , 'tJ.CO'tjC.OO ; good to
choice. 7 007 | 50
HOI'S Dull , ISM crop , 3i7'ic ; IS'ni crop , SflHo ;
rnelllc coast. 15 3 crop. Sfi"1 ; 1WO crop , 9il4c.
HlDis Dull. elaUestiin , IJc , Huqnos Ayren ,
dry , nominal , California , C'c
l.iATlliil Steady , hemlock sole. Buenos
Are . IlKht to heavy welshts , 19'Stj.M'ic , acid ,
1'IlOVlhlONS Heef , steady : family , J900S1000 ;
extra , $7 , beef hams , 117 M | 1S 00. packet , S 00fl >
9 CO Cut meats , steady , pickled bellies , VW
3o ; pickled ehouldeis , 4c , pickled bams , b'iW
9c. l trd. firm ; western steamed , S4 15 , refined ,
stead ) I'ork , dull , meas , JS J3&S 15 , sliort clear ,
js ; : ,1iio ro , family , } lor,0'uliw
lil'TT : il yulet ; western creamery , 13023o ;
western factory. 7912c , UlKlns , 23c , Imitation
crtamcry , llUlI'-lc , state dairy , HODOc , state
en inner ) , 15 l23c.
I'HlJKSn ( ) ulet ; large , stale , 7 710'ic : small ,
fancy , 7hillOMo , part skims , 3iiQ7c , full tllllila ,
KQO.S Steady ; state nnd Pcnnslvanla , 2C023c ;
western , fresh , 13Vi 21c.
TAI.I.O\V-ejulet , city , 3Uo ; country , 3Vio. as
to quality.
OILS Petroleum null ; United. Sl.OO bid.
Hosln , quiet , strained , common to Kood , S1.(2K-
Turpentine , quiet ; 27O27HO. Cottonseed , market
IrreRUlnr. prime crude. 20(4 ( f-'ic , prime crude ,
fob , milK 17H17V2C ; off crude. 20V4C. prlina
summer ) tllow. 23iJJ3'iC ; , oft summer. ) ellow ,
23o. butter ( trades , JOijc , prime white. 27c.
HIC1I Stead ) , dontt'stlc. fair to extra , 374flCc ,
Japan , 4 < j4.e.
MOI > \ SsisQuiet : ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
good to cliolce 2CB3lc , for new crop
MIJTAI.S 1'lB iron , steady , i-outhcrn. Sll OOW
12.2j , northern. SU 00813 00. Copper , quiet , lake
brokers , S11 37s Tin plates , quiet Irfud , tlrm ,
with demind Hhoulnp conKtderalda Interest :
brokers nro quotlnB | 2 73 for domestic , for round
lots , either prompt or nearby deliver ) ' although
in some cases higher prlccn uro boln asked ,
St. I.ouU ( leiivrnl
8T IJOITIS , Dec. 12 ri.Ot'H Dull nnd weak ;
patents. SI GOBI'S , extra fane ) , SI 10i4.20 , fancy ,
(3 (0 j3 DO choice. S3 OOfcS 10.
W11KAT 1'utiircH ruled Hlrontj and hlsher dur-
Im ; the most of the da ) , and , with the exception
of fractional reactions , advanced nnd closed lo
to IV nbovo ) estcrday Spot , higher. No 2
red. cui-h elevator. Wo bid , track. 91OJ24c. No.
2 hard , cash , 78c , December , 90Vjc , May , k'Jjii90c.
COHN futures dull , but llrm nnd a tthudo
hlRher than yenterdny Spot , firm No , 2 cash.
2li c. December , 21o bid. May , 23Vs bid.
OATS futures dull , but firmer ; unchanged.
Spot. Hrmer. No 2 cash , 20o bid , May , 21Vic bid.
HYK Ixiwer. ! 05 o bid.
COHN MiAI.-ll35
HHAN- Dull , 341f3ic 1)1 J , sacked , east track. '
KIAXSIIHD llasy : 73c.
TIMOTHY biii > rrline , S2 50
HAY Dull , weak ; prairie , S4 OOfl7.CO ; timothy ,
roiJLTHY Chlckenj. ensy. old , Be : spring , 6c ;
turkeS. steady , 9c ; ducks , firm , 7Hc ; KCCSC ,
slow , 4it4'4e
HUTTint Unchanged ; t adjr ; 17c.
KOflK Stonily 17c.
MiTAI.S-l ad , quiet ; S.702.60. Spelter , dull ;
St.03 allied.
1'HOVISIONS 1'otk , bttter : standard rnens ,
lobblnir , S7 1007.40. Lard , better , prime steam.
S3 C'i , choice , } 1.80. II. icon ( boxed ) , shoulders ,
SI 53 ; extra , short clear and ribs , SI 70 ; shorts ,
SI. 57' ' Dry mlt meats ( boxed ) , vhouldcrs , extra
short , clear and ribs , SI ; shorts , 14 13.
HKClJHTH-riour. 4,000 bbl . , wheat , 18,000 bu ;
corn , 104 ( < on bu I onts , 47,000 bu.
HHII'MUNTS flour , 4.COO bbls ; wheat , 35,000
bu , corn , 43,000 bu. ; oats. 4,000 bu ,
KANSAS CITY. Dec. 12 W11KAT Dull and
barely steady , No. 2 hard 77o , No. 2 red , l > : flWc ,
No 2 spring , nominally 7J/TCe
COHNUathcr weak ; No 2 mixed , ISHfllSc.
OATH Choice. straUy ; No. 2 while , ucvv , 19c ;
old. nominally 2fi23c.
11YI3 Stead ) , No. 2. nominally , S2c.
HAY-Steady , unclmnRCd.
HUTTint-Dull but llrm ; creamery ,
dairy. lOOUc.
KUGS-XYualc at 17c.
1'KOniA , D e. 18. COHN-flrm ; No. I , Sic.
No S 22 > Jc.
OATS IrrejuUr ; No. 3 white. ISOJJc.
HYi-Dull : No. J , 38c.
WHISKY-Steady ; nnlshed Roodi , Sl.H.
Iticiil'Tt-Corn. : 7,6CO bus ; oats , C9.150 bus. ;
rye. l.tOO bus. ; whtiky , none ; wheat , 4,200 bus.
BHll'MKNTS-Corn. H.100 bus. ; oats , 63,800
bus ; rye , COO bus. ; vvhliky , 1,200 bus. : wheat ,
1,200 bus.
Toledo ( Irnln ,
TOI.KDO. Dee. IS WHRAT Hlchfr ; flrrn ; No.
: cash and December , 9Hc ; May , Wte.
COUN-null , steady ; No. 2 mixed , He.
OATH-Dull : No. 1 mixed , ISc.
IlYH Active hlRher ; No. J cnih. J c.
ejl/VEIl SIKI > Higher ; llrm ; prlmi Decem
ber. J540. _
Wool Murltrt.
NKW YOllIC. Deo. R-WOOLr-Oulet ; fleece ,
UOCOc ; pulled , liOlSo.
'Pi-lico Wheat.
SAN PnANOSCX ) , Dto. U.-WHEAT-rirm ;
Mar , U 5T bid.
Wheat Starts Strong nnfl Remains So ,
Closing at an Advance.
Corn ( ictx \ < > Hrm-llt from
the ltlnr InVlicnt i\ci-iit : fur
it I'm.Minute * n (
I tilt ; Mart. >
CHICAGO. Dec. 12Vhont started strong
today nnd remained so , closing at an ad
vance of Ic per bushel. PorelKii news , es
pecially that lelatlng to the poor Argentine
crop outlook , was the lending motive for tuc
advance. Corn nnd oats were easier , declin
ing about lie each. Provisions made small
In wheat Liverpool again supplied the
motive power which kept the mar'.tet mov
ing The Liverpool cablegram repotted the
market firm theio at VI advance. Private
cablegrams used language a trifle more em
phatic about the adVdnci\OThe market hero
started strong on that Information , nnd ex
cept for a little hesitation Immediately fol
lowing the opening ndvnnco It renmlned
strong tliroiigiout thu session. Northwest
receipts , though small compired with list
lull's llgures , were unuomfortably latgo In
vlovv of the oft-repcatid reports that a gooi
share of the crop had already been moved
Minneapolis and Duluth reported that " > l
cars nnd Chicago 01 ears were received , n
total of C05 cars , against S1G last .week . am !
1,122 last year This earned the Hlltht hesi
tation at the start , but was soon lost sight
of In the Hood of bull news Aigentlne pros
pects were gloomy an ever according to WiS
ciiblegrams , and the shipments irom that
country apparently bore this out Only 21-
(10) ( bu. were shipped to the continent from
Argentine and not .1 busltcl to the I'nltet :
Kingdom. The exports from both coasts
for the week were hc.ivj I-00) ) bu In
wheat nnd flour said to be the Urgent
known for in my years. This was encour
aging to holders , as at thnt rate our sur
plus would bu practically exhausted before
April and seveial months of hcaiclty would
follow Armour dellvoied fioni ! MXM ( bu
to COO.OOO Int. of wne.U on l > ecnmber con
tracts , but the marUut absorbed It all read
ily.May opened at fiom tO'ic to sO'-c , com
pared .with from 7Se to " ! i xc at the clo i _
.vesterday. It was principally at & 0'-c tint
llrst Iransaetlons took place , but It foutu
too m.inj sellers around that for a mlnutL
or two and dloppid to SO'iC ' 11 ioon lalUe-d
from thai and uciit up to t07 e , sticking
i lose to price up to the end of the ses
sion It did not again go below from SO'tc
to S05 c and was bringing fiom MT.ic to
l " ! ic as the maiket closed On the cuib a
few minutes later It was salu to have soli
at Sic
Corn got no benefit from the rise In wheat
except lor a few minutes at thi3 sfirl II
opened for .May at iic , sold at 2i > ' 4c , s.igcei !
to fiom 2V0 to 2"7Hc and rested worth 2"iC <
or 1-lCc less thin on the dy before The
amount of business done In the pit alto
gether would not have made a busy day
for ono commission house , ami this fact
was the chief source of weakness
Quite a good business was trans icte-d In
oats. The o pnlng was rather nervous un
tli-r conlllctliif ? Inllucnre.s of liberal receipts
nnd a Rood t ash m.irkot. Shorts took ad
vantage ) of the situation nnd under lllnril
offerings tliu maiket declined , but rallied
with vvhcal and a Kood dem.ind which
sprung up later M.iv opened about > c
lower at from 25Vdc to 2oedicllned to from
20 > 4c to 20c nnd llnlsheil at a ) ' c bid
Provisions were- dull but Him Tie lin-
prove-menl nt the nponliiK was tit-crlbed lo
thc lluhl run of hoys I'.ukois nmer.illy
sold , bul the market hcl I up well and tlo--ed
nt about the top prices of tlie tliiv May
pork closed about 7'sc ' lilRher at $7U % ; .May
lard about 2' ' hlsher at $1.7' ( ' ; Slny ribs
5c hlplirr at $4 OJ " .
Kslim.ited lee-ufpts Jlondttv Wheat , . .1
rnrs ; c-orn , 243 cars , o.itH , 430 cars ; hOKi ,
40 00-J head.
_ _ Thp le'atlliiK ftiliitos rniiKed na feiljpvv.s :
Aitlcb-8 I Open. | IHjth. " | Iow. | Clofct. ' . I YcHTy.
OH 70
74 H
' . ' 5-.IM
17 174
n so
7 IU 7 87H
n 7n .1 70
: i 7 > - .1 7i
1 05
? 8I
4 00 1 O''l
No. 2.
Cash Quotations wore as follows :
rijOUIl fcteady. winter patents. Jl Mffl 7 , " > ,
straights , Jl JJfn CO ; spring specials , Jl bO , rprln.-
patents J415jlSO , stralfhts , 5X7:1/1.00 , bikers ,
J3 10H3 33.
WMKAT No 2 sprlnir. 7C\r77'to : No. 3 fprlne.
737t.i5C. No 2 red. W W-ic.
COUN No. 2 , 22Kc.
OATH No. 2 , 11',4c , No 2 white , f. o. b ,
20y , 22c , No 3 white. 17Jfl7'ic.
ItYi : No. 2 , 3U\Jc
IIAIU.KY No. g nominal. No. 3 f. o. b. , 2g >
37Vlc. No. 4 , f. o b. 2JtT26c
ri\XRiiO-No : 1. 7f (77Uc.
TIMOTHY SinD I'llme. J2.5r { ? 2 CO.
IMIOVISIONS Jte.iB pork , per bbl , J5 S7W0
690 , lard , per 100 Ibi , J3 SO'dJ S2V ; eliort ribs
sides , loose. J3 SOflnO. dry railed nhouldets.
boxed , H 23ff < 00. short clear sides , boxed , Jt OOlfi
4 liVi.
WHISKY Distillers' Hnlshed jjoods , per gal. ,
SUGAHS-Cut loaf. J326 , granulated Jl C3
The following were the receipts and shipments
today :
On Ihol'roducn cxchnngo lod.iv the butter mar
ket was sto'idy ; creamery , luCi''Hu. ililry , 1M (
Itlc. Kirgs , weak : frcsli , lUo. Choose , uleady.
Seeurlty TliirKi-t 1'lie'iuinieiinlly Hull
'riiroui liotl < tin * SeNHlnii.
NKW YOHK. Dec. 12 Today's stock market
was phenomenally dull , some I'cBltanc ) was dis
cernible even on the part of the professional
dealers and values sagged slightly on very mod
erate pressure. The arbitrage operations TV ere re
stricted to a ftvv hundred shares. Ihe limited
dealings were confined to the active list , and thu
fluctuations lacked Importance , except In Man
hattan , Itock Island and Heading , the last men.
tloncd being sold on the complications which ere
said to bo likely to arise In defining the legality
of the reorganisation Itubber , In the. legtilar
stagnation , was conspicuous by a lo drop nnil
a subsequent partial rally. At the low point
supporting orders and covering Influenced a gen
eral recovery In which the specialties were the
most prominent The clojlnivvau firm at ftllsht
net elmnges , cither way Itatlwny bnnds wcro
quiet , but llrm The sales were Ji7iOOD. 1 he Im
portant ndvanccs ranged from IVj to 4 per cent ,
thil last In King's County Kleueted firsts
The market for the week has ut ficamnt In
tervals been characterized by spells of dullnesi
taxing the power of description The disposition
of Important Interests toward n temporary polio
of Inaction hai been more clcjirly manifest as
the week progressed , but while prices have moved
Irregularly within n nanow range , an ) serious
break has been averted through the extreme
ease In monej Investors , believing In an eventual
deUdei : clearing uji of thu general huslnes * and
Itnnnclul outlook have displayed nn Increasing In-
tercit In tlio railway bond market , but the heavy
( peculator * and their following nru waiting until
a more definite undenitnndlng hai been nhuwn
an to the possibilities of action at Washington
on the Cuban question , the Indebtednexs of the
Important topics DIseuMlon of the tariff piob-
abilities and Intimations of aggressive steps re
garding the o-cnlled truils , tend to check
activity In general trade , ns well as In Wall
stieet At the same time the plethora of loan
able funds , favorable cotton nnd w Inter wheat
crop estimates nnd expectation of more encourag
ing comparisons In railway trnlllc returns before
mall ) weeks , account fur the lack of pressure
of long stocks In the fare of bear ralJs The
result of this condition hai he-en a sluggish
mniket. relieved at times by spasmodic bursts
of comparative activity , due to drives at the
high-Priced Blocks nnd viieclaltlcs and subsequent
covering purchases.
London's opeinllons were moderate In extent
and on botli side * * of the market , with a slight
preponderance In lelllni : orders. Them has hern
no abatement , however , of the foreign demand
fur Invcitment liondn. The rnurkct was relieved
from absolute stagnation by llrtnmsH succeeding
the declaration of the regular quarterly dividends
of HugurVestcTn Union and Mnnhattiin , while
the IwarH made a bold play ngalntt the Ua
Khs.rr > , buieil on thn popular agitation for lower
l > rlce for the product Consolidated Clai was one
of the few stocks that moved with rplrlt and
covered nn extrcmrly vvldo range cloning at a
net loss of 7S per cent Some ) of the specialties
were an > cle < t by the actual or expected illisnlu-
tlons of trude pooli , Including the steel billet
trust , which has virtually been dlilanded The
pasilns of the dividend on Illinois Hteel was net
doivn to this condition of attaint Heading wai
prominent In th tradingIn the luit half of tie
week nd sagged jlmrply on the iiiieipfcted l iue
rained as to the legality of crrlMln tep > In
Ihe rcorcunltallon proceedlnKH iMng Ul.ind
dropped 7 p r cent to 47 on unf vnrnli | ri" <
rrvardinr the nnanclal anil phyilcal condition
nt the property , A rally to M union ua on * n
mnclat denlsl of the rrn'W hr the prp ldfnl of
thei company C'hlcaxo ( nf.ttrnkennl on reported
nctlvlt ) b ) the oppnsltlon .Interests , and , Sugar
"vvns depri'Med by th * iUilbV In the trail * end
nlltge-d forecasts of ndtrrfe leglnlatlon. Steadl-
nc rule ) In the tlnnl deMlngs due almost cn-
lltfly to the caverlnsL shorti. The net
changes were decline * e > t tn > tn 1 to 2 per cent in
the principal shares. Ilia segregate sales were
' 'r '
731 W hmes
The liund market during the neck dlsplae < l
considerable tlrmnws nii.l * .limu'lti Inqiitr ) In
vestment orders for foi ill Wi and Imnl nceount
rr tlllfd In mnterlnl gums In a number nf e'nxe-s ,
Itut idiifp lo ( ten also e > ccurred In some InManies
Ihe rnles were J 215 W. lOmenmient bends
were strong on moderate iiureha es , chiefly by In-
vestmrnt Interest" Thi sjile * were lill.eW ) . Sli
ver certllkulu vvere neflle | $ < l. but ruled Fllghtty
higher nn ml en of fiO.OrtO. ,
The rinniielfr sa ) * 5 lift nurplui re enc nf
the New Yen It clearing house hanks , after hnv-
Inn Increased fnini fr , ! & f,5 > i on September K
last to J.1J.CI ( i i Deeembii . " > , shows slmis of
halting , the decrease for the week ending De-
cetnlxr 12 belm ? } W ( WO This contraction was
brrtight about mulnl ) tlirough the enormous ex-
punslnn In limn * The Inert-use In lonim l < the
luren teported since' clectb n , and Is In Itself
n strlUIng evlilenie of the piesuit vrorklng * of
the low mnne ) tn irUet On Novemlicr 7 t iff total
lontm of the New \nrk were JII2l7')7i i
The total for the vveok Jiul endeil wns JIVl ! \ < n "irt )
li' vvlng an crpnnslon of til,823 ' 00 In nboul one
nn nth.
The growth for the pint vvoplv , therefore , was
almost 30 | > ir cent of the vhole Hut It l pruli-
nbly true that pail ut tills unpirnllelo I Im tvii-e
cuniM fn in sourei-s either tlinn tluwo ntlslng fn-in
cnmme elil detmnds The Bteillng excliaiiRe op
erations b ) which loial etipltnl Is being nn 1
abroad , ngure heavily In the loan o iliiinn. nl-
thougli It would be Into tn dispute the fact that
thn needt of trade > have aided tn bringing about
the upvvnril tnoveni.-nt. wlilrh
teemlngl ) has not ) et rulmlnateil The peculiar
poMtlon whleh the New Yolk InnkM ( H-cupy
todii ) toward foreign romnicrUnl centeis is Illus-
trntml In thu statement
The erni | movement having virtually closed , I ,
tnolie ) Is Mowing Into fie New Yolk bulks faster i
than U enn be used , and the result l n ro-
mttkahl ) bus ) nut Kot I low much m > ne ) we te-
eelvod from abroad during the Into yeatnu of
stringency cannot be eMImutel with ntuiracs.
hut our tturmourt expoiti have made foreign na- j i
lions debtor to the fulled States , nnd , Inttead of I
getting their mono ) buk In the form of bal-
anecM. tlie ) nio compelled to borrow on this Mdo
to relieve sirlngcnt ctindltlons there. Thli his
never happered before
The Ilvtnlni ; l'o i' Ixindon financial cnblegrim
sa ) Tin1 stock maiKets tnda ) except foi Amer
icans , siow a fiinher dlHtlnct liuprovemcnt > * f
Rtil1 * were 112 fur the account The mover ) i
inlnei v\ns nmlnly duo tn covering by bears , but
the rife In other MocKt repref-ents genuine bulng.
Well informed jn-ople nre ptlll tlHlncllnrd to look
for cold shlpmenti from the I'nlted Strlcs Jnjt
) et A mass of Amerlrnn hill" hero w 111 trature
this month Indeed , geol liinklnr quninets e ll-
niuto that about 5 roe tit American money Is In
this tnprkrt nt piorcnt
The follow Ins were the cl islng qnntntloni on
th leading stocks of the New Yotlt exchange
toda ) .
AtrlilHiin . . . Ontario . .v.V. . 1,1V }
Ad HUM r.v 14S Oic'ion N-iv If ,
Alton 111 . . . . fi7 O S L , A. II N . . 1ft
Ari. Kxpn'it 100 1'ielllc Mall. . .
llililnion- . ' . Ohio ll't IN orl i Use' . A. K
C mad l 1'ie-lllc . . . rr.M init
C.iirul i Sontlii'rn . 4nn I'lillmm IMliuo . . l.VI
fvntril 1'ielllo . r. He.illiu
( hi-H . ' .Ohio 17 li. G. vV 1.- .
rhlemo & Alton 110 do pM 1.II )
r 11 A Q lloe't ltd nd . . . .
St I'uil 7IM
I'oiiHoild lied ) lot i do | ) M l.'lil
c . c . c , v MI t , i.7'i St I'uil.VOm 11.1
Cole Conl .V li on lj do pfd
C'oltoit Oil Cert 11 ! oiitluri 1'ieltle
Dolivv.ire .Mint I''IH S' Iletlii' rv
Del . I , ick . .VV 1 1C. Totin Coil A lion
1) A. U ( i pfd I.I I'.iellli- . . . tl'4
K tut Ti'im 1" ' Ful. .VO Pen pfd no
Krle tlV , Union IMclllc not'H '
dopfd HI U S I\PIOSH : to
Foil VTajne . . Hill \V St L .1 I'.IL- . toMM
O Northern pfd .1111 dopfd MM
r A.IJ 1 PM If. Wt-llH K.inro i : < . . HI
Hopklni ; V'lllcv . l X We'iteru Union . .
VV'hf. . IhiL-.L I , 1 .
t I' A Dnlmh IS MKipfd .Ml )
K .V T pfd . MWi'i .V bl Louis. I1) )
Iilto KillA.Vst ilivm . ' . u n . . . . u
do pfil 71) ) ( ! i n Hlei-lrlf . III !
fi ik ' Shun1
l.lMll ' 1 I list. . . Jl Co | l-'iii'l . ' „ 1 . . . . IM'I
I.oulHVllh- . N IP' ' ' dopfd si )
I , .V N A . . II . Tel st I. ' - 1C C
M iiihitt ill Cull . lljlf dllpfd HI
Metup'tlH A. c : 15 Sililthe'rn . . , 10
MlchU"in Ci'iltr.l ! IIJ tlo pM
Mn. 1'acHlf Jl Tirlmci
MonlhiK Ohio Jli : Mil ) pfd HUM
N.iHhvlllJ Ch tt. . Am T .v C. Oo. . PI )
N illon it Corxl ! „ ( ! . f > v. O C rn . . HID
ilo pfd
N.J Ccniral . . . .
N A.V. . pfd . . . 10. 'U'ltlifrpfd '
North Am Co IWlttiult'r J4'l
Not thorn Pacific I'lH'1 ' nM . . . . sow
N IMollIc pfd ( Extent O 1 ufd . . r > t
NorlhwoHlcrn . . . . in I ) P.If. C , t M. I , pfd 41) )
tlupfd 147 Am. Spirits ! !
N. Y Ci-ntril . . . II > h do pfd ' "J
N.Y _ A.N K i %
- ? | -l ? f r ' - ,
The totnl ofBtln , todny were 4C.4H
fliun-j , Ini-ludlnif t. , iu ( vlluvvlnxwm > , rluin Su/tai ,
rie < ) , Itutllngtun. 3.COO , , Hntihatlun , 3l W , Hcad-
ln . 10.2UO
> t'V Yt rU
N15U * YOHK , Dec. 12 MONIIY ON CAI.Ij
Kitsy nt 1'j per cent
I'UIMU MF.HCANT1U2 PAl'nil HS per cent.
STHUMNQ n.\CHANOi-Mraily. will nctuel
liuslness In liinkeit * bill * nt t4tCHCI5 \ for
demand , and J4 W-fi4 M1t for flxty da > s , po ted
rutc-K. } 1 SliJ and ! 4 S7'i , rontncrclal bills , $1 K\ \ * .
HAH SII.VIK e * sc
1IONDS Stale bonds , dull , railroad bond * ,
firm , government bonds , utiong , new 4s , reg.
nnd coupon , 120i j : 5i. reg , 113S , coupon , 113 ;
4s. If'Ht , coupon. llO s , 2s , reg. , W ; I'aclllc
Cs of ' 07 , 99(4 (
Closing quotations on bonds wcio ns follows :
U S now rw . . c r iftt ot !
H S new coup. . D . < . u a TH Ill )
II S. f.rt rt-K 111H D A i : c. in .
II S fl conp ! ! > (
U S iB.r-i ; . . HIUVi ( J H VS A.UH . , limit
IT. -In.coup . . . do 7s n.i
ti H.-js re ? . . H AT C. RH mi
1 icltlo Os of 'U3 do ( N loon
AI.I . ulimi A nn M 1C. A.T 1st IH HI !
Ala .olnsa II 101 do-j.lrt lu . . . . nn
Aln.ol'iusC nn Miitnil Unlod OH. ill
Ala. Currency ill ! J C clen "is . UH'-O '
l.i Now-Con IH in ; No Vaclllo IHIH . nni ,
HID do 'Jds . . 117
N. ( J IIH N w Co molH i : ' . ) )
N. C JB 1UJ do S r. Del ) .is no
S C nonfimd It C. Wet-t lnts 7."i
Tt'tiu new et 3s 10- . St I' C01ISTU7H 1MO
Temi now .In 1-0 do C .V 1'V. . Bt lit
Tumi oldils 10 St U .VI M G3ti.- 71
V.i Ci-ntiule'i 1)1 ) si i. .vs p. ot-n.n in
do tl-ferred . . . Tox.ts I'.ie ItttH. . .
AKhlsoii-lB I'UMIH ! ' . ! 'Jd * . .
AtLhlxou ' 'd A '
Canada So. ad ( IV < .Westshon Is . . 107
I , .V N nnllied In. 7S 'i ' ) K .v : N. l'it .
boiithorn Til D2 IN l > . Jtda
IIONton Sitit'Ii Cl
IIOSTON , IKc 11 ! Call loini ' 'Hi * ! par ce > nt :
tltno loins. HMi 44 PTCJIU Clotini ; piluoi for
Htocks bond ami mining Hhaivs
A T A. S F . . II XV. Kin' pf 1 .
Aiucrlcm Sinrar. . Mil AtchlHon pfd . .
Am sugar pfd . . . HH Kil KinHI
liiySialo Oas . . f > Hi ( inn Eli'c1 pfd.
lloll Tflophono AtchtHOii Is
.N'evv VorU .11 111 jut : ( liiolntloiiH.
NK\V YOHK , Dec. 12 , Thu folIowliiK' are the
closinginlnlntr itiutnllpiH | |
liuhvir 4t"inntirlo . . 700
( hollar Oil [ oiihlr hi )
Crown I'oln 1(1 ( ( Vn month . .
C'on. A Vn IN ) ejulckHllver. 175
D..ulwood 11)11 ) uiUitttllvi | ! > r pfd I'-'OO
( ioiild. ' . Cuirj 'Jo. JMun.k Nr-v.ulii . . it : u )
Huh ) A Norvrum HO i St.Tiiil nil Con . . . 113
Hoine t iko 33Mf Innlon Con
Ironhllver . . . . .1(1 ( ( Yellow Jicket
Imitltin .Slock'CinotiitloiiN.
LONDON , Doc 12.
"Ill It-Ill St. I'.uil foniinon. . "Ml
ConnnlH aro't II' ' 1-III N Y . . . . 00\i \
Can 1'aelllc . . . . 07 1'oiiiiMylviitiU fi.MS
Krlt ) iHt pfd . . . . . it.iji Uuidliiz 11
Id Cumnit . . un Mux. C'un. nuwIn , eu ) > a
HAH HII.Viil-SOd per ounce.
MONiV iUJ ix-r e-snt
The rate of illwoiint in the open market for
thort und tlire'u montlm' hlll IK 31i per tent.
rinaiielal .Note- * .
HOSTO.V. Dec. -Clearings. . $10C:6,78lj
uncoil , ll.l.'T.W'i.
HAI.Tl.MOlti : Dec. -Claurlnui. . } : , MJ , ' . 7 ;
balance * . IJW.oro.
I'llIUXOfcM'llIA , Toe i-C.nrIngs | J9M1900.
halaneeii. IIJM7SO
BT I/OflH. l ) c II-CI arln ( ! . R76B43I. lul-
nnim , ISttl SIS monr ) , MK PIT flit. N vv York
exchanKP & 4c prrmlum hid , 7&c prrmluni linked.
CIUCAllO. Dec -ClearllUJS. .
money , stt-ady at C 7 jr cent. Now York ux-
chanKe , SOc incmlum. foreign t-xehiuiKc , firm ,
dunand , ttMl * . tlxly tla > , SI 7 t
NKXV YOHIC , Dc-r IS Hllver certmcatfs clored
ut C5Si/Wif / Thu i' | ) ort of hpts le foi the
week iiinoiiiitfd to { . ' 0,3.13 ( n Kold and SU7 273 In
( liver The Imports were Gold (23.723 , dry goods ,
SI.CM.CO , general lil.-ri ImndUe S , I48,7I3 ClearIngs -
Ings , S * > , titt74j ) balance * ,
Week Oloscs with an Unusually Light Run
of Guttle ,
Ptinoj-rcil stfiTu niitl llelfcrN fiet < u
I'aut-.v Price < it-nt'i-itl ! MnrKct
Slfiiiiiri-r - -Hoi * Aetlvc
mill IIIMIie-r.
SOUTH OMAHA , Dec. 12. Uecclpts for
the ilaya Indicated v\ere :
Gallic Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
December 12 012 3PJ1 773
December 11 1.3HI.MO 720
Deeennbur 10 23TJ 5,301 BUS
December 3 3 YI l.RV ) tlSO . . . .
December s 3.SiSI.SUJ. 2,0- M
December 7 2,7i > J 1,730 S3.I . . . .
December 5 l.Nfil ? l.OtW IS
December . 1WJ C.vs'i 15 . . . .
IV'tvmber .1 2fi71 4.717 1,373 S
lle'cember 2 STO M10 1.4CI 2
lH'cembi.r 1 3.C1S 12 IJS 1.103
j I The ofllclul number of cars of stock
' bronsht In today by inch loiil vvns :
' Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
C , M .t S 1' 1
O St. U Itv 4
Mo TfteincMy 4 3
Union IVu'llle System. . . . 7 11 3
1 r , i : . & M. V U H 4 1.1
S. C & P. Itv. . . . . . . . 1
C. St P. . M & O. lly. . . . 3 R
11. Ai M. U.-It. U lli IS
C. It .v Q lly U
K. C t * St. .1 1
C , H. I. & V. lly. . west. . . . 2 2
_ _ _
Total receipts 37 C8 3
The dls-iosltlon of the il.iy'.s receipts was
ns follows , eich buyer ptirchnsltiR the num
ber nf head Indlc.ltud :
Httyen Cattle. HORS. Sheep.
Oniuh.i Packliiir Co 791 . . . .
Thf . H. ITnmmonil Co 1LM ni'l '
Swift nnd Company v ; fCU . . . .
Thu Cu.lnlij IMcklllK Co 129 1CSI MJ
U. llerkor and De-sun . . . S3
* '
j. u'caroy ; ; ; ; ; ; ! ; ! ; ! r <
l.obmin K : Itothxchllds. . 217
\V. I Stc'n'lens 75
11111 ft Unvls Co M
Huston Ac Co R
Hoz tt To 43
Cutlnhy P. Co , 1C. C. . . . 101 DIG
Other buyers . -II 1
Total . 1)73 ) 4,2 M 779
CATTL.V2 The week closed with n very
light run of catlle , Hie iccclpls being only
nboul half as ni n week ngo. The
total receipts for the- week fool up 14,000 , ns
ngnlnst lows for the previous week.
OC Iho cultle hctc only about SCO head
wcio on pale , nnd thcie were not really
enough cattle of any kind to make a test of
the market. Theieweie , however , two
loaiU of the best cattle seen here thlo fall ,
fancy cornfed steers nnd heifers fattened
for the ChtlstnuiB tinde- . Aside fiom thnt
bunch there were only four loaels of corn-
fed steers In the yalds , and no rnss west-
ems good enough for beef With so few
/Mltttr lnf/t It t. ia tint t , Kit t\ . . . * .l i.1
the market would show any miterlal
fhiinge , but paekers were compl.alnlm : that
they viould go over Into ne\t week f-horl
of cnltle , nnd that the mniket would be
stionger If thrre had been any eatthheie
to make It anv objtet to do business.
Uutcheis' stock was also In veiv light
supply , onl\ four or live loads of eows
being offeied. The few cattle heio sold
readllv at about \ < ? tcrdnv's prices.
Stockers and feeders weie strong and
active and the few loads on sale changed
hands In nerv Miort time. The demand for
desirable fooling and stock cattle has been
good all the week and moro than equal to
the supply In conaequence the m.nket has
had a gradual upwnid tendency. llupic-
scntatlvc sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No Av Pr.
i. . .1:10 tire 2 . me n FI : , .1211 $ oo
ii , 1113 1 no ii. . . iir > 3 K 37. , .107b C 13
IS .1178 3 73'
S.-.1000-5 TO 1..1COO 2 SO .1010 2 75
1 . . . ! > CO 200 7..ioii ; s r.o .HCO i 75
t. . 10HI 221 i. . . . MO 2 no .1123 2 73
2 . .1010 2 > 1. . .143) ) 2 to
- * . ' I 2 2o 2..1233 2 CO IlOM 2 $0
K ! ) 2 SO 2..1010 2 CO .llfO 3 > / )
I. . . . 12S3 2 TO .ISO ! tl M
3 . . .1101 2 TO .1070 3 00
10-.3 2 S3 II . . . f37 2 CO . no 3 10
4..1210 2 CO .1:00 3 10
1 . . .11'IQ 2 Cj IIH ) ; 10
HOG 2 4' ' ' ' ' . W3 31'
PHI ) 2 CO . . . . SKI .1210 3 15
! IV ) 2 M .IK' 3 23
1I-.3 2 ro 7. ! ! ! lilt 270 .1J70 3 23
X. . . . nu 2 no
445 2 40 1. . G.10 2 73 4. . 710 300
C70 2 SO 1. . WO 2 71 1. . 00 3 10
Cfi 2 f.D 10-10 2 SO r. . . 3 10
. cio 2 SO 1. . . . 7M 2 S3 2 ' . K75 3 23
1. . . . CO 2 63 4. . . . 7C3 2 W 5 ! . .10 < lO 3 40
2. . . . 5V. 270 13. . . . 7S3 2 ! IO i. . .10SO 350
1. . . . C30 2 75 1. . . . CG3 3 00
1..1TO 2 30 3 . . .13i3 2 5" .1510 I 75
i . . KH > 2 50 1. . .1430 2 CO , .10V ) 2 75
S . . 1310 2 50 i. . . . rco sco .2110 3 ! 5
1..1330 250 2. . . . E40 270
STAC ! 3.
1. . . . D70 2 40 1..1040 27 !
, 2r. . 374 3 f.0 1. . . 4 SO
3'0 2 75 US 4 00 2. . 4 DO
2 00 1. . 2W 4 M 1. . r oo
2S5 3 .110 4 00 5 00
, 770 2 75 13 . . 11SS 3 50 r 3 CO
, 575 2 00 2. . . . 575 350 3. , 3 CO
. 910 3 10 17. . . . , C78 10. , 3 CO. .
3 23 7. . . . 735 3 55 12 3 Ki
, rM 3 30 12. . . , 3 CO 17. , 870
> li 3 40 U. . . . 44 $ 3 CO 3 . 3 73
No I 'i
1 cow nnd calf $1000
1 cow nnJ calf 37 00
1 cow and cnlf 3iOO
2 cows und calu-j S2.tO
J Jl. Dorscy \ Hon.
1 cow S10 123 W feeders. . . . 075 310
7cow 1027 2 SO SI feeder * . . . . 937 400
31 ciniK i .i | 2 Hi
HOCiS Thn v\etk cloicil with the llg'iteit mil
Hlme .MtinilJS. nnil lth n clocrcTC , IIH roin-
piroil ultli last Hatnnlaj , of ill.nut 1 CfiO lieaJ.
The total receipts 'Ot hoxa for HIP wetktta
St J'lj as UKaliit.1 41,421 ! foi lust ucek.
lo.lij'B nidikrt uim iicthe at an advance of
tc , and the oflurlnna > ) lil not Itist very IOIIK In
Iho face of the very K'loil ' clemaml Yestrnlay
tliu he ivy huRg snlil at } 110 f3 13 prliiulliully ,
ulillo Ici'lay thi-re uero no full luniln ns low as
13 10 , an 1 the ureat hulk Fol.l nt (3 K43.:0 | This
llKit ami iTiPilluiu vetleht loadu , uelnhlnff be > -
tvtrcn 210 nnil DOO pounilH , nolil at < J 25i(3 ( 15 The
top was no higher than jestcrads. hut there
vtcru moro luaels and he-avlcr at the best price *
The KC-ncral tendency of thn IIOK market for
the past neck hat been upnnnl , nnil In that
nrpe > ct U nan juet the nncrso of the | nc\lous
\SCL ! ( On the last ( lay of November the in irket
touclu'il the hlKhrst point reached tlnee last
uprlntr , hut frum that ilny nn until the close
of the week values hiokv hadl > umlei the In-
lluencB of unusuallj ! nrio rccelptii nt all innr-
kctx 'Ihe openlni ; of Ihu pie-rent v.celt was
a\en \ al a ilecllno hut that proved to be the
turning point. Oil Tuesday there wut n charp
advance and from day until tliu cln e of
I thu week the tendency \\IIB pteudlly npujrd ,
laiilnK a flight reaction on Thursday At the
close nf week the maiket H cliifc to ] . " >
ItlKlKC than It v\as on the oprnlni ; day. hut Mill
IUHI.T than the hluli nolnt at thu cloi-o of No
vember Values Muring the past week havu
avcrnKeil enl > loyi.'c lower Hi in a 5car ago
Iho doniand fur hoes IHIH been Rood nil the
past weelt , aml arrhals h.ivo met v. 1th ready
Hale at the prices current. Hepiesentathe sale :
No. Av. 8li. Pr , No. Av. Sh. Pr.
18. . . .407 50 J3 10 30 277 . . . J3 20
21 SCO . . . 312(4 ( W 2S3 60 3 20
4) ) . . . .310 . . 3 15 f9 2SB 120 3 20
SO 1C2 120 3 15 53 33J . . 3 20
4 ! 31 > i . . . 315 41 32 . . . 320
47 34S . . . 315 f.3 3S2 . . . 320
f.l r.Jl ! HI 3 15 SG 310 go 3 20
r. . . . . 227 120 3 13 69 3Jt 120 320
01 351 M 315 CO MJ ICO 320
40 927 80 315 r : 1M JQ 320
4J 378 . . . 315 43 21)1 ) . . . 320
13 358 . . . 315 fit 237 120 3 2ju
SI IC2 8) 315 70 : ' . > 40 32.
41 374 . . . 315 C7 2SI to 3 23Vj
H 3 < 7 . . . 315 r,1 . . . ; > ! 0 323
S 3 l 120 315 ' 7S 3J1 40 321
4i 31. 40 315 SB 21) 40 325
43 1' ' . ) 40 315 t < 2C4 tiO 325
SO 3 5 40 315 S3 260 ISO 325
El 162 . . . 315 Vi 200 . . 3 23
4 . . .3M 120 315 Cl 271 . . . 3 26
41 2CO t > 0 315 4 < f Wt . .323
43 1'.S . . . 315 72 27. ! 1W 3 2'i
49 311 4' ' ) 315 Cl Wl 40 3 2" .
57 % S ( .0 315 Wl . . . 325
51 3MI . . . 3 17'V ' 40 311 . . . 3 K
CD . . . . 3IS 210 3 17H IS . . . .2m 40 3 ST.
U > . . . .Sill I.I ) 3 17'.i GC 274 . . . 327 %
CO MO M 317V ] 30 2U2 40 3 SO
r.2 31G fcO 3 17-i ! 23 200 , .330
K. . . 31' . . . 3171 , 30 317 40 3 30
( J V , . . . 330 Cl . . . . 27C . . . 330
47 . . .115 W 3 20 M..WJ..3VI
K. . . . K ! tO 320 hi 210 40 3 3SIJ
Cl 2U ! . . 3 30 K 210 W 3 35
33 117 . . . 330 78 7 . . . 335
70 . . SOI ( .0 .1 SO Cl . . . I'M . 3 85
E2 311 . 3 20 4 * . . . 34G . 33"
25 am M 3 20 78 210 M 3 35
3 300 3 05 4 2C2 . 3 IS
6 314 3 10 . . 3M 3 15
HIIKIIl'- There were several load * ut heep
here , Uul mlde from one loud thty were all
ciiic.vco 1.1 vr. yrociv.
\\Vplf CIOHON Itiitlier IIiiNntlNfnctory ,
IteeeliitH Iliitlim i\eeeiled Doiiinnil.
t'ltll'AUO , 1'i-c. 12 In the rattle market the
week clo et rather unfuturnrtor > roielptu ImvliiK
epeleil the demand nil wrol < T hln > ' 9 market
was largely nominal , the feu receipts lieliiK ills-
po ed eif nt pi Ices iinrhniiReit from Jestcr0n ) '
lle.ivy pieklnp lots of IIOR vvrrc unolmiiRPil , Mil and iniMllunielRlits were largely 2Ho
higher than 5oirrdny. IIOK * Fold nt tleitn J1 00
to 4' . InrKvly ut from } 13 > ) to J3 35 , ullli n
Krrnt ninny he < nvy nt fi m 1. ) 10 to 13.15
There were not enough chtep tei tilthp a ninr-
kot nnd iirlers v\ere llttlo moro thnn nominal
nt from JS to J1.M for tlic > poore t oheep up to
Irnin (3 J5 to J3 CO for frixvl tei prime llork
I.ninln old nt from } 3 5 < i to IV10 , aim eieenslotmll )
n fnni-v Hock tirmiKlit JS 23
Itnelpts. Oil lie , 5e0 * hend ; hcigs. 15,000 head ,
shee-p , 1,000 head.
KIIII IIH City Il > r Moe ! ( .
KANSAS 1MTY , Hee. 12 CATTI.ll-Ilfoclptu ,
1 WO head , shipment * , l.dW henil Mnrket stcad >
on retnll tnulo
HOU llrceliti. | 7 IXheml , uhlpnipnt * nnne
MniKct ilraily , rlosivl n Illlle weaker , bulk of
nle < J12-i18 | heavy , J31Mjr. . prie-lCM , Jt 15
tT13i ) . mlNed , J3.2ii.ir3 . 40 , IlKlils , $325/332 < i , York.
. 132T3 ( i , pigs , > 1l5ff32- .
SIIIIKP Itetelpls. CiX ) hen I , shipments. fAl
he-id Market stead } ; 1 imb < , JJl''UI'JO , muttons ,
M. LiiIlN Live Slne'U.
ST IjOl'IS. l > eo -CATTI.n-ltecelpt , ' .WO
hrnil Mall.i't Ftend ) , native' nlilpptiiK cteeii ,
J3.10WI 70. ! > tH-l.ei nlici rpeilert , II VJf3 tO , < xms
mil hplfiis , SI 7n8n M I'e\n nnd Indian Hte-irx ,
J2.4ll(3 ( ! IJ , COWR. ? l MITfJ > >
lloelS lleeelpts 5W head MniKel netlvo.
llrm , llcht , S32-f3.35. inlxid , J3 1003 S3 , heavy.
lliii' : Uerelpts. none , Mniket stead ) ; mut
tons , K 5003 75. Iambs , I3COQ475.
block In
llecoid of receipts of live Hock nt the four prin
cipal mail.ets foi H.Uiml i > , Ueeembr 12 , 1viH :
Cattle. | [ OK Sheep
South Onintin 9U 3910 771
iniRn roe none i P.IO
Kansas City 12" ' 7 exit TOO
St. j.ouls f.l W C.OiiO . . . .
Totals 7.1 3 30.019 2,279 erii > nl 31 ; ) I'K'elM.
. Dec 12 - \ \ IIKAT Spot , llrm ,
demand moderate ; No 2 rod , sprlnc. ft 8 > * d ,
Ne ) . 1 e nllt'jnln. 7s % d r. tjioi c o el ( Inn , lt' ' >
Mn > 'nil hlnher and otlii'i1 inontlK K..I ! higher ,
IniKlness nliiiut eiualldl trltiuti'd ; Deremher ,
Ci .ltd. Jnnuat ) . C S'id. 1'ehiuary. Ca S3tl ,
March , CB ill , April , nominal. Mn > . Gi S-4il
e'OHN Spot iiilet | , Amnrlcan lulMd , ne , 2 *
10'il Piituns clou.I dull with mar and dls-
Innt position * unehang d from > esterdn > ' open-
InK tl tireH hiislnei nhout eiiunlly tllMrlhuted.
Deeemlier , Januar > nnd I ehiuno , 2i S > M < \ . Mauli ,
API II nnd Maj. 2s ! iitd
I'l.ot H Hull , elcmnnd poor ; St. I uls fancy ,
, Mhtir. tt M
1'IJA.0 e'mmdlan , 4s 5H1 i
rilDVISHiNSllneon. . .lull , drmaad poor , riim-
herlanl eut " ' to 3U llw . , " 0i G.I , short illi , 10
to 21 lh < , > H rl , lonrr elonr , llRht , 2 ! > to 30 lli ,
"I" , luIlK eleir , lieavj 40 In 4i HH , 2Ss. kliuit
clear h-uks. IlKht. IS \ \ < f . 2 < ! i 0,1 , short fleir
middle' ' , heax ) , 45 to TO II < , 2Gs M. clear hetllrs ,
14 to 1C Hi" , 2Ns .Shoulders , siiuire li to 1
Ihr , ! ' > < Hams , xhort nit If to 1G His . IDs r 1.
fallow , tine Ninth Ameilenii , ISs bl Href , oxtin
India me , f > 7a CJ. prime mefs. 47i Cd PoiU.
> rlmo niL s , tine western. 4Ss M , me Hum , vveut-
i rn. 41s 3d I.urd. dull , prime , 20 3d , ttllned , la
CHii.Si : : Quiet ; drmiinl jm r. Ili.c'Jt Am'rlcnn ,
while nnd colored ( Sepli intier ) , 61s
Ill'TTiil I'lllest rnltrd Mates 95s. KOod ( Of
OILS Tuipentlno rplrlls :0s Cd Itosla com
mon 5s 91 Cottom.eedK fad Linseed ,
in M Petroleum , elull. rellned , Cijd.
niritiinit\iou : ( nnur rorrqumtcr. svi.
hlndiiunrter , r.'id '
HOI'S At Ixm.lon . ( Pnclllc coast ) , 3 lOd.
NI\V VOIIK. in-c 12 e'orrin : options
opened quiel at lo t'i pilntH ilecllia. i thd ln >
aetlxc , mmlial i nd f nt r c H with weik undei-
toni > , foll.iulni ; iMiMillKJiiLtcn ) foitliiii ad\l < es
mil i ntlre abM'lu'c I oulxldn Inlcli'sl. tlosed
lull nt Sinr > l lnlH net IOFK. x.ilrB. 7.01,0 liatja.
InrludliiR Doc-ember } 12- . . Match ? 'l 30W3 Si
Spot colice. Itlo. qulttt. No 7 , Jobbing , J10 SO .
Mild , ipilel , e'oi lovn , jri30ffl70J. Total ware- !
IIIUHI' ililhirli's rr.nn the I tilled States usai
lit , " ItieluilliiB 11 C > u biiK f n m New York , New j 1
ulk Fliiil. lodn > , ' ,7i U IIIIKH , United Mates
itcid. 1:1 0 bates , r < r the Stalpw.
Ji.eun buK . total vlrlide vuppl ) for the t'nlleil
ililtes , CtiC 200t.K8. \ . aitillnst S22,0tl \ > 1K j
SANTOS. Dec. 12 < ormH-Qulfl. need av-
ctnKo Santos. 1000 relK , stuck 7J uf > IMK * .
HAMiiuiu : , ute i. - eoiTiiyuiettig'1 :
pfU. decline , sales , 7.WO hua.
ll.VVIir : , Doe 12 L'Orrii-Op : < Inrely
steady , nnclmncod : at noon "it decline , 3 p. m. ,
biirel > ) , ! f ileellne. bales , 1C.IKO liana
1110 , Dee U-COrrii : WeaK , No 7 Itlo.
9.C50 rels. oxehatme. 'Ju-lCd , leirlptH , 4 OCO IIUKS ,
cleareJ. for the United States. 11.000 bats , for
Kin ope , 3,000 bugs.
Dry ConilN.
I'AUj HIVKIl .MASS , Dec 12 lluslness was
dull In the cloth marl. el during the wick , nnd no
imitation. ) l cmbillel In the lepmt 'Hie ItFt I
ilen v\ere in idt * lit 2\c , but good second hands i
ml been hold | n other marl.clH at n point oft that
quotation 'Ihu block has htcn cut down 19 KCO ' .
pieces week , and nllhoUKli sluiK l I
still large , there Is llttlo accumulation possible | '
nt the end of the > cni , o\\ Inn to thn cnnlract * I i
for December flellverleK alr nd > spcuied Itrok- I
era attribute the dullness to the Imllil i > seai-oii.
The followlnt ; Is tilt vve < KI > statement : 1'roluc-
tlon 21 , ( (0 ( , deliveries. 2'i1.00t > , slock nnlrriul ,
Jia.tUO. CI-ClM. VJ1000 , l.14eW. ' list v\cek' sleek
S.m.WO pieces , sales ordered , kl W > . Kt nn. 31.-
Oi , 11C.U10 ; tpi.t , 27Cf ) . future. Kl uui. sold foi
wotklj elellicr } . Dfcember , ins 000 plices , Hn-
uat > . 110 ( KO , rehriurj , 33 uoo. March u OOi ) ,
April , C.IAV , Jla > . 3.0UO. JuneS.WO Matl.ct dull
uid nominal.
NI3\V YOHIC. Dec 12 SI'llAlt Haw. quiet.
ri'llnlnp , 2"kU , eentrlfUKal , ! iO tcsl. l'c. rellned
inlet , mould "A , " 4He. stnndnrd "A. " 4' u. con-
'tctloners' "A , " 4iic , cut loaf , Se , crushed , tc ;
mwdered , 4\c , cnimilati d. 4 ? c ; cubes , 4Sc
LONDON. Dec. li SU13AH Cane. dull , little
doing , centrlfunil Java , 11s 4Vsd. Muhcovadj. fair
nllnliiU , 10x lleet kugar. dull , December , 'Ji.
Januur ) , 9.s 1'jd
Cntloii MnrKi-t. '
ST IXIt'lS. Dec. 12-CO I'TON-Dull nnd un
changed , mlddlliu ; . 7 < ; xalex , ! il Imb-s. retelpia ,
52Hi bales , shipments , 4.AS biles ; block , 43,353
N11\V YOltK. Dec. 12-COTTON Quiet , nild-
dlltiB , 7c-
NIJ\V OltLHANS Dec 12-COTTON Steady.
mlddllnK , G 15-lOc ; Ion inliMlltiK , C 11-lCe ,
ordinal ) , C 7-lCc.
I''oi'elKli I'llilillellll.
IHIIU.IN. Dec 12 Hirhansc on l.oiulon , eight
d.i8' sight 20 malKu 31 pfg
1'AHIH , Dec. 12 Three per cent rentes. lOSf
Oo for the account , I'xcJiansp on London , 25f 2IM.C
or e heckH.
LONDON. IVe 12 Gold Is quoted nt lluenos
\yrcs today fit HJ . ' > : LUIion sj. Home , 10) r,7V4
Inr ( .old Is quodd nt 77s I'j < ! The amount of
lulllon vilthdrawn from the Hani ; of England on
balance today wnu 18,000.
New i > rK W M'I I - IIiiuU htnlt il.
Ni\V VOIIK. Deo. 12The wet-UI > bank fct.itt-
mont shows the following changes , *
creape JIT.S.O.'C , loans , Increneo tll.CCI 700 , cpei le.
nerenfo J971.2i.O , legal tendira. lucre.inn J1.810-
000 , dtposiis Increase ( Ht5).0iO ( , circulation , de-
cteihe tr l > ,500
The banks now hold t31COC:50 In excess of
he reqiilrementH of thu t'wr \ te'tit tule.
llllvv llllllll 4niiHiil IdVril. .
CHICAGO , Dee. 12 A marrl.ifio llccnw )
ma been Issuoil In 1're.l AV. Jcl > and Mk
fclcn CrnftB. They will ho inarrloilViliiui -
lay , Jiuumry G , nt the Klrnt I'riii'liytorlan
church , Austin. Hev. .Mr. Smith oIllcl.itliiK.
Mr. Joh U Haunllan consul. Mltu Crafto IH
laughter of cx-Spoakcr CraftH of the Illinois
IIr > fJoiiilM I'lriii riiii'n llniler.
NB\V YOK1C , Dec. 12. William J. IluKot
and Peter Hngnl , who compose the firm of
& Son , dcalcra In dry eooilt , today
tu Amliroao O. MtCall. without
ii-efc rcnccj. Llabllltlca , $110.000 , Qsat'ta ,
43,000 Dull trade and pitt&iiro of creel-
torn arc ald to Imvo tutued the failure.
Money ! Money ! !
MlllH IlnllilliiK , > t'UInrli. .
Uuyor for HH own and forolRii iic-t-ount
old. Copper nnd Kcrul mines , iicclnc
Stri-ot HnllruadH ; Wntor J'ovvirit , Timber
tnel Coal Lands Monny ndvanrccl for
Mlno. Hallroad und ether iluvulupmont.
3i A K ic Youii MO.MY :
n\n > .MO.MY. :
Under our sslematln co-ejpfratUr plan of
( peculation , "You Avoid Hl < ks" Kettle-
inenlH made. one a vvftt-U Huuui of I/O to
SI ( Hit tin cull d under our plan will yltld
fjtl fui toiy returns Prospectus rjplaln-
Ing our ineihiHl nmllid ( res *
SAIL KII.IIH .v en. ,
II llrniitltiii } , \t-vv 1 tii-K' .
lle t lefcrc-ncc. Acenta wanted in every
HIirhuBtuiailiotprleo pnlii and prompt returns
Huforcnco Omiiliii Nutlonnl Hank
r. B. BUSH cfe CO. ,
No commission. Ola 9.13lh St. , Omaha , Nob.
flTrit ) ii \ IMA pnntf ni pTn
How the ludustry Has Grown Up in the
United States.
Millie l.l tll < mi ( lie Metlioils nf
t > iiiiir Trusl In llenlliiu vvltli .lo
liern 'l'lie K\pnrl Trnile In
licet .Siiuitl' .
The KrowltiR Importance of the beet siifrar
Industry la nttrnctliiK , not nlonc the atten
tion of theSURnr trust , but of vvlde-awnko
Investors , vvho tee In II RreMt opportunities
for the profitable * employment of Mlei
money. The New York Tribune repoita
ninny experiments beltiK made In the enut
to llnd neil suitable for the crovvth of PUKHF
boots nnd the le-adlnrss of capltallst to In
vest In iellnt rle\s. The Tribune also touched
upon the Imports of Herman beet nnd
shows the meant imploded by the Su ar
trust to hend off what threatens to bee-omo
n dangerous
It la enl > within the last few mouths ,
the Tilhune , thnt the people who iTflno
uugar In this country hnvo be'come awnro
of n new factor that promises to bo very
formidable. To eveiy family from the At
lantic to the t'aciric this new factor Is of
IntcrtHl , for the i en roil that It Is within the
bounds of possibility that through It the
prlee > of KURar will be Htlll further reduced
Uie'ady It IUH Ind the effee-t of lowerltiR
llRhtly prlcevs at times , tluninli the lellneru
uml the middlemen nre ii'ltictnnt to nc-
'dgo It The new factor la the In-
crecoltiK prodnetlon of n line quality of beet
sugar In the west nnd the l.irselv Increaalnu
Importation of the same fiom Ocrmnnv
Not enoiiRh has come over as jet to innko
much dlfferenie , it Is true , hut B2.447 ti 113
hnvo been Imported alncc Jnnunr > 1 , against
21,711 tons for the ttamc period n jear HKO ,
nnd the American ciop this jcar has nBRre-
K.ited 25.000 tons , n good 25 per ce-nl niolo
than any previous season lum ehown
In comparison with the total consumption
of stiKir In this country these Inures nrei
very small , of course , hut Increasing ns they
are. they 1m o n decided Inline-nee nnd l -
nlllcance The people of the United Statr.i
eat over 2,000,000 tons nf suiir n je-nr
Klghty thotlhand tons of hrct nugir IH the
amount of the German nnd Amerlean prod
ucts consumed here since Jnnunr > I -
only I per cent of the totnl yet twice the
quantity of n venr ngo
Mnny hnvo noticed this , but hnvo sup
posed thnt the Increase was In great pail
liie to Hie piactlcnl failure eif tlie Cnlnn
sugar crop. That this has not been Iho
case1 , houevei , Is proved by the fact that
lie American irllnci * have hid but llttlo
tumble In gettlim enough invv or erudo
susars to mnjt ( up the ilelklency fiom other
nnr's nf thnvnilil Tim knlii roitunii m ti , t
to ho the manufacture of beet root Is now firmly on Its f-et ns an in
dustry , even though n small one as vet ,
nnd It mil be prolltably made it a se-llln
price a little below the liel gr.inulnt l
the reflncile-.s turn out This I. * a good
showing foAmerlean enterpilse In the light
of the fact Hirre Is no longer a bounty
on sugar nmdei In this country , nnd the Im
port duty on foieUn refined sugar Is n lltllo
lc .i thru hulf wlnt It useil to be. Dcaplto
this the be-et perple nnnago to onll every
pound the ) make dhcetly alongside * of Iho
Ccinnn ImpoitcTs and In the very face nf
the powerful rclli Ing combine tint control a
73 per cent of the sugar trade here.
SOMI : o KTIII : nirTioui/nus.
The chief dilllrulllej In heel sugar manu-
far-turlng In thin country h.ive been to llnd
the piopor soil for the glow Ing of Hiigar
beets , and when mull iioll wan dlscoveied
to m.iKo eontrncts vvltli the fnnncr In tint
vicinity for .1 suITlclcnt ( nuntlty of that
vegetable. Thousands of have hron
spent In opcrlmiMitfl , and poor fortune. Ins
attended the projectors In most cane's. Only
In Iho far vvcbt and on the I'ncllle coapt up
to tills time hive proper localities been
found. There stand icndy at a momenta
notice today hundreds or thousands of dol-
Inio waiting to establish beet sugar loflncrlr-j
In lhe east as noon rs the right soil nnil
substantial Kii.irnnlirs of croj s can Im as
sured. Men have experimented In Milno
and New Jcivo. with unsatisfactory results ,
and there have been thought ! nf building
in loflniT ) down on the centtal pl.ilns of
Long Island , hut none of these plans hnvo
come to ai j thing , though It la said that the
experiment In Maine would have suu-ccdod
If Iho ic.'liicra theio had been nblo to got
enough sufiat btets
Klglit fiignr beet r < lflnerlo'j nro runnlnp ;
prospeioiisly In thn couutr > toilny. T.u > of
these are In Nebraska , two In Ulnh. nnd ono
Is In the I'ecos vnlliy of Now 'Mexico , n
ninvly opened region thai hn conMdcrahlu
promise In It. The remaining three nie In
California Of purh an excellent ciinllly | U
their product thnt thorn IP no dllllculty In
tolling II ncnr by. I'rnotlc.illy none of It
over rcache Now York , nnd I'cldom ' any of
It Chicago , though when uny quantity of It
clew nrrl\o In the wenicrn metroiiolia It flndi
a imirkct easily. In connection with this It
Is north noting thai within tliu lust two or
three years some very earnest ntomrt ! Imvo
been imulo to raise sugar beet ? In Illinois ami
lo erect n largo plant , If not inoic than one ,
thereTlio matter went no far thai a ftnto
cominlwlonor way actually appointed , nnd
the eiitlro Btalo scoured over. The extent
and Importance of these underlaklngs will
bo realized when It IM raid tlial lo establish
a planl of l > ils Forl co ts al least $100.000 ,
nnd thai plans for beet fij-ar lellnerloii hnvo
been drawn on the bails of an expenditure
of nearly a million outright
Tim anicMAN rnopurT LIADS.
Wl'llo moro bcot fjgni comes to Now York
than to an } other clt > . It Is nearly all thei
German product. In c ] Ito of the fact that
this sugar hau to pa ) an additional duty bu-
caufio It comes from u bounty paying
country , It unilcrpolls the roftned tcitars ; by u
quarter of a cent n pound nt least. Until
lately very llttlo of It hau been com'iimcil '
directly , though many of the rmaller
groceru in the poorer parti of town hnvo
from tlmo to time bought odd barrels of It
bccauRO of Its chcapnoRi. Up lo Ibis sum
mer , Ihough , nlnc-tuntliH of this German lnct )
ougar went Into the hands of cnnfcctlonnra
and plug tobacco mannfncturors Tlierci
Is another I canon , hovu-ver , for Its Inck nf
ale with the wholesale grocers The Ameri
can Sugar Refining company , populaily as the Sugar Hunt , has a clever sjn'ei n
of iottlns ; tiio groccrn to handle Iti prnduc-ts.
It relU-i lo Ihe wholesalers and to them
alone nt n figure that Is actually higher than
the rnto the latter sell to the ictallnu Hut
on oath pound disposed of the company ( and
the opponents of the trust have aJopted this
H ) tcm , tco ) glvoa a rnbate of threc-filxtecnlliH
of a cent. TliU U known In the trade ao n
coinmlaslon fur nclllng the gondu. There U
where the wholesale dealem gut thulr pioflt
nn tjUgnra , and In no other way. Any per-
i > uii tun buy of thu commiy : , but U lo only
tin no dcaleia that ict ; the lomruiralan or
There Is no comiulslon on the part of the
company toward the wlioU aler.i , hut the ad
vantages of HtlcMiiK to It In a trade wa > ore
mnnlfrtit 'Iho dctiaitmint storrs thai ha to
Intoly gonu Into Iho grocer ) hualmw. ! , nut
1 ohiR w hole-sale , s , have In en nn'ablo to rcuru
thla co.iunlaslou. Vet they have oolil upon
ocuslons ( , far below the regulur letall price
It ban been nuppoicd that they havu donti
tliIn at a ICHI , lint the story has now corao
out that In morn than one Instance It ban
been the Gerninn beet cugnr they were ecll-
ln < { , bjught ihcjply In large quuntltlca. 'Ihu
iixporlment Ids IJCIMI go BIIKe * [ iil ilmt the
ivllncra air looUiug at tlio ( illuntlon with no
little aiixhty It l.i not at nil unlikely that
thti ( oniurnptlnn nf btet Ntigar In thla way
nlll IncitM.ic. The nvir go p ra n cjiuiot till
Iho dlffirtincn between bent and cano granu
lated xtigur. for the rcjJton that to all In-
IcntH and [ iiirptwoti they are the name to thu
ti-Hto mill oyj , though the bcot nugar la a
little graver. It Is ciulil to Im oven clearer.
juuli lotiHly nnd nvuld nil rb > ks.
Our Coicratlie | HynUlaulf I'lan. indnnrd bf
IcnOliiii llnuiRli n , nn uiiirecedented | cucccsn.
10 IMJK ( JJNT. > oui rMord
M\\ .stMiiovj'i : > o\v KO it in NO.
I'rnnpertiK clvli.ic full puitlrtilarv , nlso Mar *
l.c'1 l llii itiullod In u , wrlln for It
\\OI.r .V CO. , HuiiUrrN & HrnUor * ,
Itefcitncts. 0 Ilroadway , N w York City