Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OMAHA DAILT 151313 : SAfTTTHDAT. 1)13013 1Rlf lf > .
Their Witnesses Do Not Testify to the
Things Anticipated ,
Clinimc Tncllp In the Afti-rnoon nntl
r.mlcnvor ti HIMMV Money AVn
Jmiiroiicrlj- Morel , lint Pnll In
, Unit Ainu.
'The legislative contest Tvas continued at
the Jacksonlan club rooms yesterday
morning with hut llttlo satisfaction
to the contestants. They called an.
other batch of foreigners whom they
supposed had been given naturoll/atlon
papers at the request of the republican county
control committee , but the results were dis
appointing. The first man testified that ho
had taken out his first papers , but bad not
> otcd at the Inst election. The next man had
not even taken out the paporu and the at
torney for the contestants was repeatedly
advised by his opponents that ho had better
coach his wltncssea a llttlo better before he
put them on the stand Another witness had
taken out his papers , but they were paid for
by his brother , and after that the attorney
for the contestants gave up In disgust and
refused to question the oilier witnesses he
had called.
After an Interval of waiting the presence
of Mayor Ilroatch was secured. Ho was ques
tioned at length In regard to what ho knew
In regard to the management of the local
campaign and moro particularly concerning
the disposition of funds. The contestants
Hccmed to have an Idea that a big boodle
had been used for campaign purpose * ) and
that the mayor knew something about Jt
He stated , however , that only about $400
passed through hltt hands and that this was
paid lo challcngcra for their services at the
polls on election day. The remainder of his
testimony was corroborative of that previ
ously given bv Chairman Lewis of the re
publican county central committee.
Euclid Martin and 13. Rosewatcr were the
main witnesses at the afternoon pcsylon. The
contestants tried to chow by PostmastiT
Martin that ho had received largo sums of
money to defeat the popocratlc candidates.
Mr. Martin said that lie had received $4,000
from the national committed of the demo
cratic party , of which amount ho had ex
pended $3.000. A laigo part of this was ex
pended oiiteldo of this county. Of that
whleh had been expended In Douglas county
the hulk went to pay hall rent , livery bills ,
tlio Seventh Ward hand and for tlio ex
penses of entertalnng Generals Palmer and
Buckner. None of It had been ppcnt for any
other purpose than to advance the Interests
of the Palmer and Buckner electors.
The contestants also questioned Mr. Martin
with regard to alleged1 efforts to coerce gov
ernment employes Into voting the national
sound money democratic ticket. Ho posi
tively denied this , declaring that he had
novcr cither threatened an employe with
dlimlsml or allured any with the promise
0 * reward He had advised Dave Hush , Jco
Butler. Tom Lcxly and other employes In
tlio government Hcrvlco at South Omaha that
they must not tnko too active n part In the
campaign , as It was not In accordance with
the ruloj of < ho service. If they could
( nilotlv do anything for the Palmer and
Ilucknor ticket when they wore not on duty
It waa all right.
Mr. Rosewater raised the point that ho
was not compelled to testify unless his wit
ness fee way paid. He explained that ( lie
$2 was not an object , but ho considered the
whole proceeding as frivolous and desired a
ruling on tlio point.
The point raised was argued at some length
by the attorneys. Mr. Shccan for tlio con-
tiElets declared that the witness was
clearly entitled to his fees ; that any one
could trump up a contest upon no foundation
In fact and compel the attendance of wit
nesses without any compensation was plainly
contrary lo the spirit of the statutes. The
contestant ! ) asserted that no fees had been
charged In previous contests and with the
notaries divided In their ruling as usual Mr.
Rosottttter took the stand.
In reply to the queries of the attorneys for
tli contestants Mr. Roscwoter stated that
ho had handled not morn than $1,500 durlnc
the campaign. Of this about $ GOO had been
received from the national committee and
was expended for his traveling expontes
and stenographers' work. Ho received no
compensation for his own ssrvlcoa. The re
mainder wao received from the state central
committed and was used to employ men to
canvass various wards , attend political meet
ings and report such Information as was re
quired and other similar services. They were
paid In every case by the day. Asked
whether Tlio Bee had received any campaign
money , ho said that about $1,500 had been
jmiu iuu JJL-U i uujismiiK uuuiiiany lor papers
sent to persons whoso namcn were furnished
by the stale committee- and for advertising
meetings , ratifications , etc. Not io cent had
been paid for editorials favoilng republican
candidates and doctilne. The Bee ,
unlike seine other newspapers , never
sold Its editorial opinions. In reply
to an Inquiry whether ho had not offered
Adam SIoup $500 to vvoik for the republican
ticket Mr. Roo\vater returned a positive
negative. He had sent for Mr. Sloup and
aokcd him If ho could do somethlnir toward
assisting In the organization In the Second
ward Mr. Sloup had declined to do BO and
nothing further was said.
The king of pills is Ueccnam's Deecham'a
Mrx. COIIO'H Dotucxtlc' HrlittluiiH ill it
hull MI\-Ui.
Mrs. Sarah Jane Cone , the woman who was
arrested Thursday afternoon on "tho charge
of adultery , may be prosecuted xm the
charge of bigamy. The police are still In
doubt as to the nature of the complaint that
will bo filed as , judging from her own btatc-
mcnts , the woman's family relations are
somewhat mixed. Slio stated yesterday
morning that during the latter part
of 1891 she waa mairlcd to a
Charles Dlmmlrk at Blair and lived
with him until the following July ,
when she left him and resided with Collins
or Clark. Slip lived at Collins' house until
last May , when she married Cone , the
complainant In the case. She left Cone a
short vvhllo ago and rejoined Collins In this
city. She stated that she never know
whether she and Dlmmlck were divorced.
She alleges that Cone never know , but that
when ho applied for the marriage license
lie swore that sno was dlvoiccd. The woman
alleges that she had never assumed the
duties of a wife to Collins , but had acted
simply as his housekeeper.
Collins or Clark has not yet been arrested.
It seems that he does not know which of the
Dames Is his rightful one. According to
Mrs. Cone or Mrs. Dlmmlck ho lived under
the name of Collins until his father died and
then It wab said that the fathers was
Highest Honors World's Fair.
B9R ;
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other aitulteicr.t
40 Years the Standard ,
iiAvnnx nitos.
UnrKiilttN for Saturday In On
ClothlnK Dopnrlnu'Mt.
The grandest valuta ever offered In th
history of the great clothing buslncfs.
Iloyn' knco pants , sizes 4 to 14 years , 3C
values for lOc.
Cholco of any capo overcoat at just one
half of marked price ; sizes 2 % to 10 years
Men's fine trousers. All men's odd pant
at four prices , $1.60 to $8.00 values for 7Cc
$1.25 , $2.26 , $3.25.
Men's all wool suits , all sizes , 34 to 44
$500 $ values at $2.76.
Men's Auburn Melton suits In all styles
frock or sack styles , $12.50 values for $6 75
Men's Auburn Melton overcoat skinners
satin slccva lining , all sizes , 34 to 44 , $10.00
values at $5.00.
Men's Korscy and Chinchilla overcoats
and Aurora Melton ulsters , $7.50 values fo
The third and last consignment of good
from H. Black & Co. goes on sale at one-
thlnl off regular prices.
200 jackets In black boucle and other rougl
goods , wholesale price $6.50 , our price $3 93.
160 jackets In black bouclc and English
kersey , trimmed with large and small buttons
and silk lined , wholesale price , $9.00 , our
price , $7.50.
150 Imported rough material and plain
kersey and frieze Jackets , cost to manufacture
fiom $12.00 to $15.00 , sale price $10.50.
Plush capes at $2.9S.
Black beaver capes , $3.00.
Extra long astrakhan capo , Thibet trim
moil , silk lined , Interlined with fiber chamois
at $9.00.
SU-TliIrl- . M. Train.
of the
Best Bcrvice.
Dining car.
City office : 1501 Farnam.
IU > llei < > Church 11 I'M Opinion AVII1 HUM-
\i > Kircct Upon HOII < | H ( ill oil.
In the opinion of the city officials , the
decision of Attorney General Churchill that
the law under which guarantee bonds have
been accepted from public officers Is un
constitutional will have no effect on bonds
previously given and approved , even 11
Mr. Churchill's view should be concurred
In by the supreme court. City Attorney
Council says that a decision of that kind
would have no bearing on the bond given
by City Treasurer Edwards. In his opinion
the guarantee bond given by Edwards Is
perfectly good and will remain so. It Is a
contract between the city and the guarantee
company , and will hold good as between
the city and that company.
City Treasurer Edwards Is not concerning
himself over the decision. He sa > s that he
has consulted with the agent of the guar
antee company and with his attorney , and
Is satisfied that the Churchill opinion has
no bearing on his ccse. His bond has been
approved by the city and will hold good.
County Treasurer Helmrod's bond Is signed
by Individual sureties , and therefore the de
cision has no bearing on his case. But like
the city attorney and treasurer and other city
and county officials who have discussed the
subject. Mr. Hclmnxl believes that It Is
Imperative that some law should be passed
by which guarantee bonds could be given
by public officers. Ho favors a provision
by which the cost of the bond should be
bourne by the city , county or state , as the
case may be. Ho contends that In most
cases the salary of the office Is too small to
permit the official giving a guarantee bond
without sacrificing the greater part of h'a
salary. Therefore he Is compelled to obtain
a surety bond at the cost of placing himself
under obligation to a number of bankers
or heavy property owners who may bo the
last men to whom such an official shoul'd
obligate himself. He believes that most of
the defalcations that occur In trcasurcis"
offices may be traced to the fact that as
the law now stands the treasurer Is com
pelled to put hlniBOlf In the hands of out
siders In order to qualify.
Ill < luv Heart of Chlcnpro.
The Union Passenger Station In Chicago ,
Into which all Burlington Route trains run ,
Is located In the very heart of the city.
The principal hotels , the largest stores , tlio
beat theaters , the biggest business establish
ments are only a few blocks distant. To
reach them It Isn't even necessary to take
a street car.
To reach Chicago It IS necessary to take
the Burlington's "Vestlbuled Flyer , " tbat Is ,
It Is If you want the best there Is.
Leaves Omaha 5.00 P. M.
Arrives Chicago 8:20 : A. M.
Sleepers chair cars diner.
Ticket office 1502 Farnam St.
Municipal I'liper to Me OfTorviI the
Fli-Ht of .N "vt Ycnr.
An ordinance Is now under consideration
providing for another Issue of renewal bonds
rno proposeu renewal uonus arc to tai < e up
short-time bonds that will mature during
1897. They aggregate $310,900. The bonds
will run for ten years and bear 4',4 per
cent Interest , the same as those which were
Issued a > car ago. There Is some complaint
from the agents of prospective bidders over
the manner In which the bonds arc Issued
The plan that was followed last year and
which Is contemplated for the new Issue Is
to deposit the bonds with the fiscal agency
In New York. As each lot of old bonds
mature the purchasers of the renewal bonds
pay over the amount maturing to the fiscal
agency and receive renewal bonds to that
amount. The old bonds arc then canceled
and the same proceeding Is repeated as each
set of bonds matures.
The bond buyers now assert tbat this plan
Is a hardship on them. They contend that
the money market is1 always at Its dulleut
point from Septamber to January , which Is
the period In which most of the bonds
mature. During thu spring when the boiul
market la actlvo they cannot dispose of the
renewal bonds , but get the bulk of them
during the dull season. They want homo
plan cuggested by which they can get the
renewal bonds In a lump and dispose of them
without regard to the date when the old
bonds mature. In the opinion of the city
attorney and members of the finance com
mittee any such scheme Is not practicable , as
It would ho Impossible to Issue new bonds
vvhtlo any of th > old bonds were still out.
Tlio onerous and multifarious duties of
relieving the president of details , and stand
ing between him and undesirable visitors , are
described by the former secretary of ex-
President Harrison , E W. Halford , In an
article which he has written for The Youth's
Companion. _
ttiitlHfnutory ItcNiiltM.
That's what the farmer and business man
wants. Farmers should compute results
from capital and labor Invested. Carefully
considered from this standpoint or from
almost any other the Nebraska farmer Is
sure to show satisfactory results.
Good land cheap. Good crops. A diversi
fied farming can bo carried on with profit.
Nebraska Is the sugar beet and chicory
state. Large yield and constant demand for
Homo or land-scekem' excursions Decem
ber 15 , 1S96 , at low rates to polntu on the
Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley rail
way , the best part of the state Ono fare ,
plus $2. for the round trip. Send to under
signed for statistical Information , which
will bo valuable In pclectlng n location.
o. F. A. , r. E ; & M. v. R. n. ,
J. H. GABLE , Omaha. Neb.
Trav. Pass. Agent DC * Molnta , la.
CAUGHT iurvunriir.HJiiT : CAHS.
S > Iti'liiiiiui Iluiliiiiuii llcci < Hc S
SrrloiiN Iiijtu l < > n ,
Joe Bushman , n switchman , received very
tcrloiifl Internal InjurlfA jesiterday motnlng
at 3 o'clock by being crushed between two
cars In the B , & . M. yards at the foot of
Howard street. It Is not thought , however ,
that the Injuries will result fatally.
Tlio train * crew of which Bushman Is a
member was ew Itching a number of cars.
Buiihman was endeavoring to couple a car
upon the train that was bring made up. Ho
cllrped on a frosty tic nnd before bo eould
recover himself wet caught. His chest was
somewhat criibhcd. Ho wes removed to , the
police Htatlon and wns later taken to hla
homo at 2011 Bunlelte ati-rot ,
A Cough , Cold or .Sore Throat ahould not
bo neeleUcd , Brown's llronchhU Ttochea
are a simple remedy , anil give prompt re
lief , 25 cents a box.
Will Continue Their Shoo Sale for Oho
More Day ,
LADIES' SHOES AT $1,50 , $1,98 AND $3,00
Till * U tlio Dny for Special
lit I.iiillcM' , MlNNcn' unit Children's
SliopH , Heirrnl StjIi-M , nt Onc-
, llnlf the lU-Kiiliir 1'rlcc. ,
Ladles' fine dark red bale. , pointed toes ,
just the shoe for winter wear , at $1.98 , regu
lar price $3.00.
Ladles' fine handmade ehocs , cither kid
or cloth top , light turn soles , at $1.98 , regu
lar price $1.00.
Ladles' best quality vlcl kid , button shoes ,
welt soles , cither opera or Philadelphia
toe , at $3.00 , cut from $5.00.
Ladles' best quality vlcl kid , button shoos ,
light turn cole , cither opera dr Philadelphia
toe , at $2.50 , nl\va > s eold at $500.
Ladles' and misses' spring heel ehoes ,
cither kid or cloth top , at $1.98 $ , cut from
MISSCS' SHOES $1.00 , $1.00 AND $1.79.
Misses' dongola Kid shoes , extension
sole. ? , cither button or bals. , at $1.50 , cut
from $2.25.
Misses' fine dongola kid shoes , cither bals.
or button , at $1.79 , cut from $2.50.
Misses' high button arctics , spring heels ,
sizes 11 to 2 , at $1.00 ; ladles' high arctics ,
Hoys' fine calf button shoes , sizes 3 to
5i , at $1.25 , cut from $3.00 and $3.50.
Wo have a splendid line of ladles' fine
calf and kid shoes at $3.00 anil $1.00.
Cor. Karnam and 10th Sts.
A milkmaid's drill and con\cntlon will bo
Klven by twenty-four young ladles of Knox
Presbyterian church Saturday night , Decem
ber 12 , at Erfllng's hall , Sherman avenue
and Ohio streets. AdmKalon. 15 cents.
Tin the AViilmxh Itnllronil.
WINTER TOURIST tickets now on sale.
vember 17 , December 1 and 13.
THE WAI3ASH Is the short line and quick-
t'st route to St. Louis and points south.
For tickets or further Information call at
Wnbasli odlcc , 1415 Karnam street , ( I'axton
Hotel block ) or write ,
a. N. CLAYTON Agent.
Comluotcil K
Leave Omaha every Friday via the Union
r'aclllc. No change of cars to Ogrten , San
> 'ranclsco or Los Angeles. Tourist sleepers
lally to San Francisco
Special attention paid to ladles traveling
alone. A. C. DUNN ,
Cltv Pass , and Tkt. Agent.
1302 Farnam St.
A I'oriiluvliiK Problem.
Whether to trko "Northwestern Line" No.
2 at 4:45 p. in. or No C at G-30 p. in. , Chleago-
vard. "No 2" arrives at Chicago at 7:45 : a.
n. and "No. C" at 9.30 a. m. Both trains
are models of modem art , skill and luxury.
Call at the City OIHce , 1401 Farnam street ,
and talk It o\cr.
J. A. KUHN , General Agent.
G. P. WEST , C. P. T. A.
I.t'MKiii * PiivnrN tlu > Sllr nt tlic Foot of
l < "nriinu Mri-rl.
The Union Depot league met In the office
of the Omaha Bridge and Terminal company
Yesterday morning1 for the purpose of con
sulting with the. officials of the company \\lth
a view of having the proposed depot at the
'oot ' ef Farnam street reduced to a size suit
able for three railroads1 , with the cost at a
Iguro which would allow of a rental being
charged each road which will not be
> rohlbltt\c.
The members of the league present were
Dr. George L. Miller , G. W. Doane , A.
lospc , Jr. , Harry Eastman , U. W. Phclps ,
J. II. Dumont and A. L. Reed.
The first business transacted was to accept
he resignation of Thomas A. Fry as a
member of the league and to appoint
C. C. Belden to the vacancy , the laltcr
action being taken upon the recommendation
of the Retailers' association.
John R. Webster and C. C. George , rep-
csentlng the Terminal company , produced a
argo number of blue prints showing the
> reposed depot at the foot of Farnam street ,
vlth plans for tlio structure anu uio sur-
oundlng trackage.
The meeting continued for more than two
lours , during which time the plans and cost
vero discussed In detail and plans for reduc-
ng both the size and cost of the depot and ac-
ompanylng trackage were suggested After
* full discussion It was the opinion of those
resent that a reduction could he made which
\ould bo satisfactory to all concerned and
vhlch would glvo a depot adequate for the
ccommodatlon of the three railroads which
ho committee feels sine of Inducing to oc-
upy It , but which might also ho enlarged
o meet the requirements of as many roads
a might dislro to avail themselves of the
rlvllcge. In the matter of rental , the
Iguro was reduced to a point whore the inom-
> ers of the league feel confident that no oh-
cctlou will bo offered by tlio railroads on
: io score of Us being too high.
Members of the league say that tlio whole
matter now .depends on the ac.tion of the
Union Pacific. They say that Receiver S. H.
H. Clirlc Intimated In his Interview with the
league , early in the week that the Union
Pacific could not pay moro than a certain
amount for the rental of a depot. The mem
bers of the league say that the figure now
reached Is within the limit fixed by Mr.
Clark. If the arrangements agreed upon
prove satisfactory to the Union Pacific , the
members of the league feel confident that
the qurstloi Is solved , as they say the Mis
souri Pacific and the Northwestern loads
will follow the lead of the Union Pacific
and a union depot at the foot of Farnam
street will bo an assured fact.
ChurKc of Iiu'orrlwIlillMy I'rt'frrrcd
AuriiliiNt llnlli HO > H.
Freddie Morrow , a whlto boy 8 years of
age , and Willie Tate , alias WIlllo Taylor ,
a coiorcu uoy 12 years 01 age , \\crc
arrested yesterday morning on the
charge of Incorrlglblllty. They ran away
from their homes at Thirteenth and Grace
sticets several da > s ago , but a report of their
absence was not made until today.
The Morrow boy has not been In jail be
fore , but the Tate lad has been arrested
several times. Ho Is Incorrigible probably
more from force of clrcumstancea than any
thing else. Ho Is the on of Don Taylor ,
whoso wlfo was murdered In this city tomu
six years ago. The murder , from the time
that the woman's mutilated body was found
In a building on Jones street , has been a
mystery , although a number of men were
at rested on suspicion of knowing something
about the crime.
After the murder Taylor , the husband ,
left the city and left his two children , one of
them the hey under arrest , In charge of a
colored woman , who abused them frequently.
Ono Instance of the cruelty is on record In
police court. Because the boy would not
obey her , the guardian ono day placed him
on a red-hot stove , burning him fearfully.
The Ind Etlll bears the scars. The woman
was aucsti'd , but has lnce disappeared from
\ lew.
The 'niorrlglblllty ' of the lad was In all
probability pioduted Ijj this abuse. Ho con
tinued to bo wayward after the return of
hla father to this city. The father married
again and Is now living near Thirteenth and
Grace bticets. where his children reside with
him. _
S'lH ! Y"l uby. ngfil 2 yenrs. 21 days , De
cember 11 , ISM , ut rM n , m. ; youngest won
of II. I ) . Neely. Kunenil from rtHlilciico ,
No , 4371 Hamilton street. Sunday nt 2 p. m.
McDONALO Mary Josephine , wlfo of H. I ,
McDonald , iigrd 20 ycniM , nt HMO o'clock
Thin Hduy , December 10. I'mii'iiil from
residence , MO N. 25th Ave , , nt h:30. : to
German Cuiliollo church , ut 9 o'clock.
Intcimeut aenuiui Catholic cemetery.
r.oiino.v.Axn TIIIJ VAOUAATH.
( lie Pannier 1'rnctlcc of SIIN-
"I meant just irth t I eald , " remarked
Police Judge Gordon > to James Murphy , a
vagrant , who waseMp- before him yesterday
morning. "I told you yesterday when I sus
pended your sentence that If you did not
get out of the cltyinLioncc you would go to
the county Jnll for- thirty days , the middle
ten on bread and water. "
As a consequence of the foregoing re
marks , Murphy was rcmo\ed to the county
jail , to stay thcro/tiurlng the next month ,
He was up Thursday for vagrancy , and
promised , if released , to lea\o the city at
once. He appeared to think that his sus
pended sentence was simply n bluff to drive
him out of the city , but the police judge
has stated positively that c\cry suspended
sentence will bo enforced If the condition
on which It Is given Is not compiled with.
H will ho remembered that last winter
the authorities made a most vigorous ob
jection to Judge Gordon's policy of order
ing vagrants out of the city on suspended
sentences , but now the police are making
no objections to the system of suspending
sentences. An appeal was made to the
mayor to stop the practice , and this ro-
suited In a letter from Mayor Bioatch to
the police judge. In which the latter was
Informed that the practice must stop , as
the sole power of suspending sentences
rested with the mayor. This communica
tion hod the desired effect , for no more
suspended sentences were Imposed by the
police judge.
The change In the policy , however , did not
satisfy the police. They had * complained be
fore that many of the vagrants , who were
suspected to be crooks tra\ cling under that
guise , were allowed to go free under the
suspended sentence system. This was be
cause Judge Gordon absolutely declined to
place men on the street gang or send them
to the county Jail for the sole leason that
they had no monuv In their nockctH or hnd
no home. Ho requited some proof In addi
tion to the simple statement of policemen
that the men wore thought to bo crooks.
Thla winter the police officers think that
the suspended sentence sjstein Is a pretty
good thing. Ono of the sergeants , who was
actively opposed to the policy last year ,
said n few dajs ago that It was a good way
to rid the city of the Migrants. Con
sequently It appears probable that the float
ing population of the city will be gUen a
chance to get out before they are sent to
"If they do not get out of the city under
the suspended sentences , " Judge Gordon
said jcatorday morning , "I Intend to send
every ono of them to jail. My order Is no
bluff. "
TAILS TO wi. > ox sncoxn TUIAI , .
Ill District Court Sni'iIlNh I'oxtvn
I.ONI'N ItH rilNI * .
The case of C. A. Jacohaen against the
New York Life Insurance company for $5,000
damages on account of being ejected from a
room occupied by him In the building of the
company was concluded In Judge Slabaugh's
Aurt yesterday morning , the jury returning
a \erdlct for the defendant. This was the
second trial of Jacobsen having re
covered a verdict of $4,300 at the last term
of court.
Jacobscn occupied a room on ono of the
upper floors of the Now Yoik Life building
and Issued a weakly Swedish paper , the
Pcsten. The company charged that ho was
behind with his rent and he was notified to
get out. Falling to either pay or move , the
company locked up his printing material as
security for the back rent. Jacohscn set up
a claim of damages because he could not
UO his paper and recovered n verdict , as
stated heretofore. An application wrs
granted for a new trial and the finding In the
former case was reversed.
IllllIdlllK ANNOullltlllllH.
In passing upon- the case of the Nebraska
Building and Loan acsoclatlon against Per
kins , Judge Keysor jesterday morning
ingdecided a point which will
lie of Interest to o.vncrs of stock
In building associations which arc
operating under what Is known as "the
law of 1S73. " The case wcs ono Involving
the payment of Interest and penalties for
failure to make prompt payment of the
monthly Installments. In passing upon the
law under which these penalties were as
sessed against stockholders. Judge Kojsor
held that the law of 1S73 was unconstitu
tional because It resulted In charging a
higher rate of Interest than allowed under
the regular Interest law. The judge held
that no rate of Interest could be charged
which would be In excess of the legal rate
of 10 per cent.
nil I Criminal lli'iicli.
Judge Lctton Is holding court in Judge
Dickinson's room , the latter being engaged
In holding court In Washington county.
The first case taken up was that against
Lulu Burton , a colored courtesan charged
Parties trying to Introduce new cough
remedies should know that the people will
haveDr. . Bull's Cough Syrup.
WII.I. M3.VVU Till : M VTTI3II AI.iO.M3.
Coiiiincrc'llll Club StnuilN by tht > Atr-
( loii Tnki'ii I. nut Tiicxilii ) .
A special meeting of the executive com
mittee of the Commercial club was called
jesterday afternoon for the purpose of
an attempt to rescind the resolu
tion passed Tuesday , protesting against
the proposed extension of the water
works franchise. The matter was dis
cussed for moro than an hour and finally ,
by an overwhelming vote , the resolution to
rescind was laid on the table. W. S. Popple-
ton made a vigorous protest against recon
sideration and hla views were supported by
toveral members of the committee. Ono or
two members who favored reconsideration
said that thev did so purely because- they
believed It was not the province of the Com
mercial club to Interfere In such matters and
not because they were in favor of the propasol
action of the city council In regard to the
illlxH I'll liny X < * \IIH IM lo Itc'HlK" tin *
There Is a prospect of a vacancy In the
prlnclpalshlp of one of the local schools
within the next few week ? , and as a result
there Is a general Hurry among the ambi
tious fclioolina'ams who would llko to eo-
cure the coveted position.
Miss Fanny Nevhis , now principal of the
Forest school. Is toreelgn some time before
the end of the year , and the echool Is suf
ficiently desirable' to create a pretty lively
campaign for the position. Mlbs Clara B.
Mat'on , who was elected principal of one of
the outPldo schools at the beginning of the
year , but concluded to remain at Firnam ,
la ono of the leading applrants. U Is scml-
oinclally stated , however , that Mies Ida
Mack of the Sherman school lo slated for
the vacancy. _
The Missouri Pacific Railway will sell
Home-Scekera' tickets on December 15 to
points In the south and west at half rates
( plus $2) ) for the round trip. Full Informa
tion can be obtained at the city offices ,
northeast corner 'Thirteenth and Farnam ,
or depot , Fifteenth and Webster streets.
J. 0. PHILLIPPI. P. and T. A.
A. 0. F. and P. A.
1 V. W. C. A. Xoti-H.
The Young Women's Christian association
Is again sending out the Weekly Budget , a
llttlo paper betting forth the work and ltd
The gospel meeting Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock lies for its topic "My Peace I Give
Unto You. " Rev. A. J. Turkic will speak
and the Misses Donnuoo will sing.
On Monday evening at 8 o'clock occurs
the regular association meeting only It Is
not the uiual meeting. The reports will bo
brief In order to glvo tlmo to listen to a
talk on thu "Sunny Southland" by Mr. F. L.
Willis , general secretary of the Young Men's
Christian association.
Lunch will bo Hcrved evenings at the
Young Women's Christian association rooms
In The Ileo building during the next two
weeks from C:30 : to 7:30 : p. m. each day In
order to accommodate the girls clerking In
the etorcti. Volunteer HCrveru are needed to
meet tlio extra demand ,
How Anybody Onn Got a Nice Christmas
Present for Nothing ,
Two Site * to ClmoW Prom That Will
TnUo Perfect I'holoKraiiliN V Chilli
Can IVorlc One I'roiot the
lluttiin anil It * All Over.
How many tlmce have you said jou wished
> ou had n camera how many times jou have
wished you might have a snap shot of this or
that. Christmas Is almost hero and no doubt
jou would llko a camera for youself ; or ono
to glvo somebody for a Christmas present.
But a camera costs money. Ono that will
take any kind of a picture at nil will cost
jou from $3.00 to $15.00.
But you can have a camera without costing
u a cent.
By special arrangement with ono of the
largest camera manufacturers In the country
we are able to maken Christmas piesont of a
camera to any boy or girl who Is willing to
do * one or two hours' work for us.
If jou will bring In or send us by mall ,
Four new subscribers for three weeks
each ,
Or three new subscribers for four weeks
each ,
Or two new subscribers for six weeks
each ,
to The Omaha Dally Bco , to bo delivered
In Omaha , South Omaha or Council Bluffs
by carrier , or eont by mall , nil prepaid , at
the rate of 15 cents n week , we will tend
jou a "Comet" camcia.
The "Comet" takes n picture an Inch and
a quarter square It's snapshot camera
anvbndv ran tnko cnod nlpturea With It
you can have all kinds of fun with It. It's
little , but. Oh. my ! But perhaps you would
llko a larger camera.
If jou will bring In or send us by mall ,
Eight now subscrlbcis for three wecKb
each ,
Or six new subscribers for four weeks
Or three new subscribers for eight weeks
each ,
Or two new subscribers for twelve weeks
each ,
to The Omaha Dally Bee , to be delivered In
Omaha , South Omaha or Council Bluffs bj
carrier , or sent by mall , all prepaid , at the
rate of 15 cents a week , we will send jou n
"Crescent" camera.
The "Crescent" Is a high grade , first class
camera takes a picture three by three
Inches you can take hnapshots or make
tlmo exposures It's Just the thing jou
ha've been wishing for.
You might as well have cither n "Cres
cent" or " Comet" or more than ono , and
glvo one to somebody for a Christmas pres
ent. Any ono can get a few now subscrib
ers to The Bee It's easy Just try It.
\Vo consider a now subscriber anybody
who has not been taking The Bee directly
or through our regular agents , since No
vember 25 , 1S9C.
Make out all remittances to The Bee Pub
lishing Companj- . Address all correspond
ence and send or bring in jour ordere to
Mnirri.vo PIT ovnu TIM * SPUING.
TraiiNiiilNNlHslppI ronvroMH Will No (
COIIA flic TlilHVliitcr. .
Aft3r considerable correspondence with In
terested patties it has been decided to aban
don the plan of holding a meeting of the
Transmlsslbslppi congress this winter. H
was thought that a meeting of the congress
during the winter , when the various btatc
legislatures were In session would have a
beneficial effect In securing state appropria
tions for the. Transmlsslsslppl Exposition , as
the exposition project first took form In the
meeting of the congress held In this city.
The secretary of the congress writes that
after consulting with the people In Salt Lake ,
whole the next sccslon Is to be held , and with
the olllcoi-3 and others Interested , It has been
deemed Inadvisable to hold the meeting be
fore spring. The principal reason for this
Is that It Is thought Impassible to secure a
good attcndaceo duilng the winter months
A meeting of the congress in the spring ,
though It will have no effect In securing
legislative appropriations , is expected to glvo
consldciable Impetus to the < > x | > osltlon by
sending the delegates homo enthused over the
Palled to Itcport PiirchiiNCN.
M. Horvvlch , a pawnbroker , doing busi
ness nt 91S North Twentieth street , was
arrested jesterday for not complying with
the cltj- ordinances In making reports of
stuff purchased. Some time ago it Is al
leged that Horvvlch bought $ uO worth of
lead pipe , which had been stolen from a
house for which J. L. Parrotte Is agent.
iiie JUIIK iiuiii inunu uu rcjiuri ui inu j > ur-
ehnse , and when the man who hnd stolen
It from the building was shown to Horwlcli
ho did not Identify him.
Injured hy H Pull Dow i
Lilnk Record , a blatkmlth who formerly
conducted a business at Twenty-second and
Cumlng streets , fell down stairs yoHtcrday
at 2011 Cumins street and sustained severe
Injuries. Record has been In 111 health for
souiu time past , and > esteiday was seized
with a fainting spoil as ho wax on the
stairs. He Ml from the top of the flight
to the e'ntryvvaj' , a distanceof about
twcntjfeet. . When picked up It was found
that ho bad suffered a he'inorrhage and was
otherwise badljbruised. . He was attended
by the countj' phjslclun.
' 9
TlroN of Supporting Tuo.
Mrs. Armada A. Jeger has appllcil for
a divorce from rromont Jeger. Her peti
tion filed j'esterday sets out that she was
married to Jrffer In Llzton , Ind , , January
21 , ISTy , ami IIIIH lived In this city for sev
eral years. She allc-geH tbat her husband
Is an able-bodied man and able to woik ,
but dcpendH upon her for a living for both
of them. She sajH she has grown tired of
supporting him nnd asks that she may
ho divorced , expressing her willingness to
pay all the costs of theproceeding. .
A Group of Women \Vlin .Mnilc the
Illxtnrlc Vo > aii .
The December Century has a paper on
"A Group of American Girls Early In the
Century" which gives pleasant glimpses of
Chancellor Livingston and Robert Fulton.
The chanccjlor Invited several of his fair
cousins to make a trip from New York to
his homo at Clcrmont In a now boat.
The "new boat" of tno latter was tlio now
celebrated Clermont , the steamboat of Rob
ert Fulton , which In August , 1S07 , made the
first successful steam voyage up thu aston
ished Hudson , and demonstrated to the
world that a new force had been discovered
by which old jiicthods In nearly all lines
were to be revolutionized.
Very likely , with nil their loving confi
dence In the wisdom of the chancellor , the
sisters embarked with some distrust of his
now boat's making good Its promise to get
them homo In less than three days , even If
both wind and tide should provo unfavor
able ; but they were not afraid of anything
worse than delay , though most of their
friends feared for thorn. During the nlno
years that had passed slnco "Robert It.
Livingston and Robert Fulton Ifad first se
cured the concession to navigate the waters
In Now York state for twenty years , pro
viding they should build a boat of not less
than twenty tons that would go not less
than four miles an hour against wind and
tide , " the subject had been so often talked
over In their presence that the sisters were
already qult6 Intelligent upon It , and
laughed at the fears of their timorous
The embarkation was from a dock "near
the stole prison" ( which was iti "Green
wich village" on the North rlvor ) , and was
witnessed by a crowd of "not less than COO
persons. " Many were friends of the pas-
Bcngcrs , who bade them farewell with as
much sollcltudo as If they were going to
Madagascar , especially trembling with ap
prehension at the "tcrrlhlo risk run by sail-
Ins In a boat full of fire , "
The adventurous voyagero , who were the
Bursts of Robert Fulton and Chancellor
Llvlneviton were about fortv In number ,
Incliidlnir hut a few ladles. Among the lat
ter liwHca our two young slttcra and their
aunt , Mrs. Thomas Morris ( dau lcr-ln-
= * ,
Bee , December 11 , 1SOC. T
Some Special Snaps
For Saturday The Nebraska hn $
for its patrons the biggest kind
of values laid before you withojtf
you any special fuss and feathers :
No. 1-Mcn'n Flcerc Lined Shirts or
find Drnvvera , Wo value
regular "Oc value , 3 for
No. 3 Men's Cashmere Silk Strlpo OCi/-t
and Mtilllers , 50o values V/CV
No. 4-lloys' ITuncy Astrakhan
Caps , { 100 values
No. 5 Hoys' Fancy Astrakhan ISeefO ff \
crs , worth Jfi.OO O vfvf
only No . C-A lot of Men's Heavy 12xO
tension Solo Shoes , worth $500 , at. . O'
No. 7 Special line of Men's Flno
Suits nt
No. S Special line Men's
We might give you a whole page of fiction about why we"
are selling these goods at these prices , but that wouldn't
better the values. Values , not words , make advertising
effective. Come early.
Do jou rcnipmbor the old creaking wardrobe with
Its tall doom ? The world wa very sullty of such
wardrobes a half century ago. Their need still ex
ists , and 1 era Is the way that the artistic designer oC
1S80 meets the problem.
Given a lick of adequate closet ppaco , nnd It Is pos
sible thus to combine n closet nnd chtrfonlcro In a
ulnglo piece of furniture with < the added benefit of a
clieval glass.
Wo build these Dressing Cabinets very Bumptiously.
In veined Spanish Mahogany , with Interior finish oC
blrd's-eyo maple. The drawers uro hung so that they ,
slldo with the least effort. Inside the wardrobe , on
celling nnd wnllf , are the now patent folding hooks ,
which llo flat back against the woodwork when not In
use They are very convenient.
The mirror hero shown Is n full slzo clieval. The
oquaro closet Is as largo ns a small trunk. There are
ulx deep drawers of three sizes.
Charles Shiverick & Co , ,
Special Sale on Furniture this Week ,
Twelfth and Douglas.
White Beds , $2.50. Rockers , $1.00. Chairs , 75c
law of Robert Morris , the financier of the
revolution ) , wore at least ono of the chan
cellor's two daughters , four of the many
daughters of lilo brothers , John R. and
Colonel Harrj- , and a joung lady who was
moro Interested in the result of this mem
orable experiment than any ono save the
Inventor himself. In all the biographies
of Fulton , Miss Harriet Livingston Is called
the chancellor's niece , hut she was really
his cousin. She was a beautiful , graceful
and accomplished woman , and had long
given her heart to Robert Fulton. The fair
Harriet was at this tlmo about two-and-
tvvcnly , and "deeply In love with her hand
some , gifted lover as any girl well could
be. " There were many distinguished and
lino-looking men on board the Clermont ,
but my grandmother alwaja descilbcd
Robert Fulton as surpassing them all.
"That son of a Pennsylvania fanner , " fehe
was wont to eaj' , " was really a prince
among men. Ho was as mo'lret as ho wax
greit , and as handsome as ho was modest.
Ills eyes were glorious with love and genius. "
A llttlo before reaching Clermont , when
the success of the voj-age was well assured ,
the betrothal was announced by the chan
cellor In a graceful speech. In the course
of which he prophesied that the "namo of
the Inventor would descend to posterity as
that of a benefactor to the world , and that
It was not Impossible that before the close
of the present century vessels might oven
uu uuiu iis uiiint ? Liiu tfjuh * ? iv jjui ujiu njiu-
out other motive power than steam. "
This hardy prediction was received with
but moderate approval by any , while smiles
of Incredulity were exchanged between
these who were eo placed that they could
not bo seen by the spcechmaker or the In
ventor. John R. was heard to say , In
an aside to his ? ounln John Swift Living
ston , that "liolj had many a bco In his bon
net before now. .but this steam folly would
provo the worst ono yet. " Hut the chancel
lor's brothers lived to see the ocean regu
larly traversed by steam vessels , but the
prophet himself and the Inventor both parsed
away before the realisation of their dreams.
An OliI Ka > o Ililveil. .
The latest cure for dyspepsia IF an old one
revived. It Is Hlmply to go without break
fast , and the theorjIs that the stomach
sleeps as well as the other members of the
bodj1 , does not store up g.istrlc Juice during
the night and In not preiparod to assimilate
food until several hours after waking. So
many people nre readj' to taka up blindly
iiny new cure , without regard to attending
circumstances , says the Philadelphia
Ledger , that It may ho worth while to say a
word of warning about this outIt may be
a very good ono to adopt In certain ra us
nn excellent one. probably , when people have
dined late and retired with a mass of undl-
ge-Hted food In their HtomachH but when
they have dined so llghtlj * or HO parly that
they have gone to bed with empty stomachs
nature demands a fresh Hiipnly of food to
start the new ilav. Nature , bj- the way. Is
a pretty good guldo In such , If people
will only obey her , ItiHtoml of humoring their
appetites nnd trying to make her obey
111 Kilt lll IIlH Mil < .
Chicago 1'ost : Ho looked up from the
paper ho had been leading.
"There Is a statement here , " he said , "to
the c'fTcct that money Is a drug on the
ket. "
"Really ? " she exclaimed , delightedly.
"Rpallv. " h repeated mncklnulv "Why.
of Bourse. What makes you BO gay about
"Why. you're something of a pharmacist ,
aicn't j'ou ? " Bho asked.
Minor I.II.Mllattcrx. .
John Gibson , who was uentcnied fo the
street gang and' escaped , was recaptured
Thursday night after ho had a tusilo with
n policeman. Ho was jeflteiday morning
charged with resisting an officer and was
sent back to the chain gang for another
twenty dajs. *
Speedily cured by CUTICIWA Itusoi.vr.xT.
grcatuut of humor euros , aaUtod externally
by warm bath * with CUTICUIIA BOAT , ami
guntlu apiuatlcm | | | * of Ci'TKWit ' A ( ointment ) ,
the great skin euro , vvhun all else fallj.
Sold Ihrodihout Iht world , Vi\tt , Cuilcrm. V\e \ i
Coir , Me i lliK > LVi r. 4"c. tn < ! fl I'oriik jmu
jsnL'iKM Cm r , Sola 1'rnpi , Uuiton , U. i > A.
aUiw to Cuii tmUuiu i"uiiUiu ritt.
of the
and i
Curing in
all other
Dr. J. H.
All Ootlorn Soil It
PRICE , $1.00 Pen BOTTLE
. . . .
ST. LOUI8 , MO ,
Ice Tools.
Jns. Morton < 5c Soil Co.
Wrlto for Ciitalorfiin. OMAHA , Mill ' "
P Anybody Knows
EN That to enjoy a equitro
ET niual ono must Imvo good
T Set Teeth $5.00
S I WHEY , The Denilst ,
T 3d Floor Paxton Block.