THE OMAHA DATLY BE 13 : SAU1TJ K D AY , DEO1 < nm.I3R 12 , 1800. ' " > COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL * 7hcat Surprises Its Friends and Disappoints Its Enemies , LIVERPOOL CABLES LEND STRENGTH n I'ulr IlimltiffiH Wnn Trnnii- elcil In OatH , TliiTO'nn No Much liili-rrnt .tlanirrnlcil nn During the 1'nnt Tivo UIIJN. CHICAGO. Dec. 11. Wheat surprised Its friends today and disappointed Its enemies 1)y the derided strength It displayed In the laoo of a most bearish government crop report. The firmness of ettblea was per- liaps the nili-f clement of strength In caus ing nn advance of l > , ' c In the May option. Corn nnd oats showed the strength In a degree , advancing about V4c each. Provi sions were weak nnd declined from 7V4c to 15c. Wheat took Its opening strength from the Liverpool cables. Mny , which closed weak yesterday at 7S1Hic , opened today at from TffiaC to "S'.ic. ' and In ldo of nn hour had cllmb.-d tip to 79 % . Opening' quotations from Liverpool showed n decline of ? ld , but a later cable , nlso received before the opening of the session hero , showed a ' .s'l ' recovery. Their general tone wns decidedly bulllM'n , ono private cable from a well known Liverpool house remarking that the do- cllno had brought forward nn active de- Tiiand and expressed the opinion that prices had touched bottom. Later cables reported it further adv.lncc , bringing prices from ' .id higher for March to Id higher for Mny than the closing prices of the day before. The Liverpool strength was said to bo duo largely to bad reports of tiho Argentine ivIuMtt crop. It wiui generally expected that the government crop report would exorcise it very depressing effect on values. It Hhowed that the crop sown last fall Is not only Ti per cent greater In area than har vested this year , but the. condition Is nearly jiorfoct and Indicates a yield fully 100.0CO.OOO IMI. greater than gathered this year , provid ing always that neither condition nor acre age suitor any Impairment. But the trade took the view that , considering all that the plant fans got to encounter before- the next Harvest , tight months hence , present con ditions did not olTor a very safe basis for f utuio nctlon. New York gave the best kind of conllrmatlon to the Improved tone of the foreign markets by reporting a liberal demand from correspondents of ISngllsh Jiouses against cable acceptances of their previous afternoon's offers. The foreign news wan the principal but not the only reason for tin ? advance which took place nftor the opening nnd which was mostly I'lilntalncd to the end. Northwestern ad- Mcos were to the effect that receipts there would bo much smaller after Monday. Ile- rolpts at Minneapolis and Duluth today ivoru 637 cars , compared with 9(3 ( cars a year ago. nnd Chicago received 4S cars , iigalnst 172 cars last year. ICxports ol wheat and Hour from the Atlantic sea board amounted to the equivalent of T.n.'i.OOO bu. The closing public rabies were rather disappointing. Inasmuch as although Liver pool quoted futures advanced , spot Call- foriilan wheat was Id lower and No. 1 northern l'/.d lower. Continental markets were generally llrm. May rose to SOVie by II o'clock and fluctuated Itolwcon that Ilg- uro nnd "fl lo during the greater part of day , finally closing llrm nt from TJTic to 7"iiC. ! ) Corn was -jxcesslvely dull , although firm. The firmness wns principally due to the ndvancc In wheat , nut It got a slight In fusion of that feeling from another day'8 rocolptst considerably smaller than yester day's estimates. Cables were lower.This nnd the narrowness ot trading prevented any mateilal advance. May ope'ned un- clumgod at from 2.V > 4c to 2."i ? < .c and rose to 2Ci ! . closing steady at from 2je to 2ic. ( Whlla a fair business was transacted In oats , there iwus no such Interest manifested ns ycstorday and the day before. Prices were coullned to a narrow range and closed where they did yesterday , being Influenced entirely by corn. May opened unchanged nt from SO'Sie ' to 20V-C , sold to from 20ic to l'07HC. declined to 20Hc , and closed with sellers at tiimt price. Provisions took the opposite course to that of the day before nnd were dull and weak today. Local speculator.1 * who had n little profit In previous ; purchases were nmong the Hollers. The packers iilso sold Homo , those of them whoso chief business Is with the United Kingdom doing the most of the selling. Heaviness Increased near the end and the closing prices wore nt or about the lowest of the day. May Pork closed 15c lower nt S7.S3 ; May lard about lOo lower at from J1.02 to $ I.CC ; Mny ribs about lOo lower nt M.Oi'.s. Ksllmatcd receipts for Saturday : Wheat. 31 cars ; corn , 230 cars ; oats , 410 cars ; hogs , 20,000 head. The lending futures ranged ns follows : ArtlnloH. | Opon. I Hluli. | Low. , J CJuTo.JYnat'y. Wheat Deo. . . 74H 7(1K ( 1-lU .May . . 7fi > ; DM K0 > 4 78M July. . 73K Corn Doc. . . . 23H S2M Jan. . . May. . . - JI.-'JU OatH Dec. . . 17H May. . . . UOH Pork Uec. . . n so 6 1)5 Jan. . . 7 Il7 ( 7 71) 7 874 7 B7 7 70 May . 7 05 7 U7X 7 S7H 7 H7S 8 00 Lard - Doo. . 3 7' ' a "o 3 70 S77W Jan. . H 01) ) II O''l , 3 83 S 85 3 2 > t Mnv. 4 PJ ) 4 11 ! .4 O''H 4 03 4 13 Sh'llllhH. Doc. . . . 3 87 5 U7W Jan. . . . : no 3 m 3 HS : i HS : i luh May. . . . 4 03 4 OJ 3 07H i ) U7H 4 07H No. 2. Cash quotations were ns follows : FLOI'll Dull nnd lOo lower ; winter patents , tl.COtr4.7ri ; straights , JI.20tf4.GO ; sprint- specials , $1.90 ; pprlnR pntcnts , JI.25O4.u ( ; utralKhts , J3.WW 4.10. bakers' , J3.2Slf3.0) . WHEAT No. 2 Kprln ? . 7Ci > i011c ; No. 3 spring , 7Ctf77o , No. 2 red , ! > SafS9ic. OHN-No. 2 , 23o ; No. 2. yellow , Ma OATrf-No. 2 , 17 c ; No. 2 while , f. o. b. , 210 I2Vjo ; No. 3 white. 17l ! © ! ! > c HYB--No. 2. 39c. 1IAHLEY No , 2 , nominal ; No. 3. f. o. b. , 210 Sic ; No. 4 , f. o. b. . 23ff2Co. KLAXHBBD No. 1. "CSfTSc. TIMOTHY HEED-Prlnie. J2.53O2.CO. I'KOVISIONH Ms pork , per Lid. , J6.SOffO.S5. Iwird , per 100 Ibs , , J3.75ff3.77i , ? . Short rllm sides ( louse ) , J3.SW1.W. Dry salted shoulders ( Ixixed ) , JI.23H4.r,0. Short clear sides ( boxed ) . JI.OOtf4.12V4. W1IIS1CY Distillers' finished Kuods , per Kut. , J1.1S. The following were the receipts and shipments today : On tlm Produce axah'trurj tod.iv tnn Outter uiar- kci wan Htuady : creamery , 15uMc : ilnlry. loa lUc. Eirea , wvak ; frusli , 18c. Clicoso , steady ; M\V YOHIC l-.KXHHAL SIAHKKT. nf the Dny nn Viirlnim CniiinioiIHIoH. NEW YORK , Dec. ll.-FrX3Ull-Rfcelpti ( , 27- 200 bids. ; exports. 13.312 bbls. ; market very quiet , but a llttla tinner In tone ; Minnesota patents , JI.5S0I.75 ; Minnesota bakers , JI.V00I.1S ; winter patents , JI.uas.tS ; winter extras , J3.3JW 1 4.00'j wlnlcr low grades , J2.85M3.Oii. Ityo Hour , v'dull : supernne , J2.85fr3.03 : fancy. J3.10fl3.25. lluckwheat Hour , dull ; JI.3SRt.40. 1IUCICWHEAT Dull at 3SH37C. COUN MEAISteady ; yellow western , 59C. ItYE Nominal ; car lots , WlKa. IIAULEY Steady ; western , SStjyVic ; maltln ; . SSijICo. . IIAULEY MALT Nominal ; western. ROOMa. I WHEAT Ilccolpts 10.700 bu. ; exports , I8.WB bu , Spot nnncr ; No , 1 hard , Kc. Orllons npened llrm and advanced during the day on un expected blither cables , moderatD foielnn Inlying nnd Ki'iicrnl local coverliiK. enued off hllsluly un der reallilm ; buyliut ; closed Hide net advnncu ; NO. 2 red , Mny. 4 i s.Tic. closed nt fSc ; December - comber , SCUMS' ? , closml at COUN-lteculitii | , 40.000 bu. ; export * , 11.8)1 ) bu. Spot iteaily ; No. 1 , Z9c. Options opened iileady , advanced with wheat and cloned quiet nt V' net advance ; May , 31\tf3l 15-lCc , cliwedi ut JIV. OATHllecelptii , SICOO liu. ; cxporln , UU bu. Spot dull ; No. 2. tJ'UI i'1. Oi'llons quiet und f.MUirt'lcBs ; closing unchanged ; Miy. ? 4Uc , clo d at 241ic ; Decumbvr , L'iUr.'Ui' , clated at KUQ. HAY Weaker : vhlpldnc , JJ.MfiO.OO ; go l to Choice , J7.Wlf7.60. HOP * ! Steady ; nt.ite , common to choice. 1SOS rru | > . 3frHc ; mt crop , UUHi.1 ; Pucilia coant , 1SU crop. 2i 7Hr ; H > 9C crop , 014c. HIDEH Plrm : Galveitun 1 ; Iluenca Ayr < . I'.n' . nominal r Texan dry , Isc : California , ISlic. LEATHEU-Qulel ; hemlock vole. Uucnoj Ayre * . light to heavy weight * . DViU OUc. PllOVlHlONrt ll f. ntcady ; family. ID.M010.M ; ritrii mei * . J } ; beef Immn , J17.WU1S.CO. Cut mean , raiyr plclili-d Lellleii , 4'Hi.V ' ; pickled uliuiildcrs. Jl ; pickled hatn . Mi'Jc ; pickled w tcni trained , JI.Ii ) . nominal ; refined , iteady ; Perk , dull ; old mtiii , i.S. : : < jUt ! ; hort cleir. JS.7S yiu-Mi rmniiy , Ill'TTKIt llereli > t > . ll.l t pkiri. ; cteady ; weit- crn cn-nmerj' . UtfSIc ; ElKlni , Slci factory , 701c. CH10ESIltecvlpt > . 7.909 pkg . ; quiet ; utate. Ijrfc , 7'.k010 o ; mnall , M < Q1U > } | puit iilm ! , lip ! 7c , full klm , H , 3e. r.OUHH c.liti. | 1.117 pligi. ; ot Hdy ; ttatii and I'ciinnylvuiilu. 20ij3o ; weitern , UVll-Ic. COTTON lly ( train. C\c , CHAIN lly uleniii , 4Vlo. IHCK-Qultft ; fair to extra , S tfCo ; Japan , MOLA8SIM Hlfn.1v : New Orlrntu , open kctllr , cond to cholc * , 2Cli3o ( : limy crop , tc. OILH-Potroleuni. dull ; VnltfJ i-loted nl 11.00 bid. lioiln , it ady ; itralnij , common to c ° eilt JI.M4 , Turrntlnp , quiet nt 5T8SV. rottnn- i pil , * utendlerTprlme cnidi > . Sic ; off cnide , Kit lie ; prlmo summer , yellow , 334 (7 ! Ic ; butler srades , KHff77c ; prime white , 27tlS7Hc. MKTAIA-Pln Iron , ilull ; southern. Jll.OOft J.2. ; northern , J1I.OOO1.1.W. Copper , steady ; irokern. J11.37H ; pxrhanm , Jll.Doflll.M. L nd. strnntf ; brokers , 12.75 ; exchnnce , J3.OiNi3.08. Tin , lull ; straits , J12.94 ; plates , quiet. Hpelter , quiet ; dnmcstlo , JUS&I.20. OMAHA filO.M'.HAL 3IAUICRT. Condition of Trmli * nnil on .Stnplc and I'niicy Produoo. EGOS Fresh gathered , We. IIUTTElt Common to fair , 6JDc ; choice tn fancy , roll , IJffl&c ; separator creamery , Jlo ; gathered cream. 18r20e. GAME-Pralrle chickens , per doz , . J8.00IJB.M. quail , JI.dOftl.M ; blue winged teal ducks. Jl.OOO L7S ; green wing , J1.26 ; redhead. i nnd mallards , J3.M ; small rabbits , 254340c ; Jacks , 73c ; squlr- rein , COflTSc ; deer taddlea , HfflBc ; carcasse * . lOif lie ; aiueloiw saddles , l.lffllc ; carcaMen , Sc : Canada geese , large , If.OCXJT.uO ; small. Jl.0ofjli.oa. CHEESE Domentlo Lrlck , lOu ; Edam , per doz. , J3.00 ; club house , 1-lb. Jam , per doz. , J3.1I ; Llm. Ix-rger. fancy , ptr li ) . , frc ; iimiUffori. H-l'1' ' J.irs , per doz. , J3.00 ; Young Americas , He ; twins , fancy , 10',4c. VEAL Oioico rat , fO tn 120 Ibs. , nro quoted at 7c ; large and coarse. 485c , DHESSEO pom.TnV-Chlokens , W'Jc ; tur keys. SSIiic ; geese , 7ffSc ; iltirhs , 71Sc. | LIVE POPLTUY Not wanted. PIGEONS Live. 75080c ; dead pigeons not HAY Upland , J3.GO : midland , J.M ) ; lowland , J4i ry straw. Jl ; color makes the price on hay ; light bales sell the lout ; only lop grades Lrlng tP prlcot. ntlOOM COIIN-Extrcmely flow rale ; new in delivered mi track In country : choice green If-worklng cnrppl. per Hi. . S c : choleo green , running to hurl JUr : cnrrimnn. Hie. VEOETAIJLE3. SWEET POTATOES On orders , per bbl. . J2.00. ONIONS tlooil stock , per bu. , 33C40C. LIMA llEANS-Uer II ) . . 4c. HEAHNH Hnml picked navy , per bu. , Jt.2. > . CATIIJAOE Home grown , per hundred , Me CELEUY Per doz. . 2MMc ; fancy , large. 430 ; oc. \ POTATOES Good uttvl : , per bu. , 23c ; Wyom ing stock , sacked , SOc per 100 Ihs. TOMATOES Texas , per bushel crate. J2.2o. FIIU1TS. OHAPES Crates , 13 pony baskets. Concords and Catawbas , per'crates , J.1.00. MALAGA OUAPES Per keg. J7. CHANIIEHKIES Capo Cod , per bid. . JO. APPLKS-Cooklng , per bhl.Jl.C3ffl.i3 ; fancy New York , J1.75. - box J2.00JJ2.2j CALII'-OHNIA PEATlS-Per , ; New York , per bid. . J3.GOB4.W ) . QlHNCES-PiT bid. , Jl THOPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Per crale of two to three doz. , I.ODU.-i.OO. ( UtANGES Mexican , J3.73 ; California navels , ' i.EMONS Mepslnns. J3.00 ; choice California , J3.M5ia.75 ; fancy , JI.OO. 1IAMANA8 Choice , large stock , per bunch , I2.CW2.25 ; modlum-sljed bunches. Jl.5082.08. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Fancy white , per Ib. , 14c ; choice , 13c ; California , amber color , lOo. CIDEIl-Clarlllcd Juice , per half bbl. , J2.50 ; per bbl. , JI.23 I.W. . . . . MAPLE SYIlUP-Flvc-gal. cans. each. K.ifis „ ! . cans , per doz. . J12 ; Half-gal , cans. J0.2j ; qiinrt cana. J3.50. SAPEIl KHAUT Per half bbl. , ; bbls. , J3.(0 3.25. PIGS Imported fancy , S crown. 30-lb. boica , 13c ; choice , 10-lb. boxes. 3-crown , lie. NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib. , largo size. 13c ; Ilrazlls. per Ib. . 10c ; English wa - uuts. per Ib. , fancy , soft shell. 12S1214C ; stand- arils. HOlPJo ; lllherts. per Ib. , lOc ; pecans , pol- Ijhed. large , J 10o ; Jumbo. HBUc ; large hickory - ory iiuta , J1.23 per bu. ; small , Jl.W ; cocoanuls. Go C < DATi:8 : Fanl , 13-lb. boxes , per box , Oc. FIIESH MEATS. UEEF Good nallve steers , 400 to COO Ibs. , 03 7c ; western steers , G 5'4c ; good cows and hclt- crs , BffSVic ; medium cows nnd heifers. 4c ; good forequartera cows nnd heifers , -o ; good forequnrlers nallve tlccrs. Gc ; good hind quarters cows nnd heifers. Oic ; good lilmlquar- tcrj native steers , SVic ; row rounds. O o ; cow plates. 3Vic ; boneless chucks , 4e ; cow chucks , 3V4c ; steer chucks , 4c ; beef tenderloins. 2Jc : beef rolls , boneless , lOc ; sirloin bulls , boneless. lOc ; loin backs , boneless , lOc ; loin backs , 8c ; cow ribs. No. 3. 7c ; cow loins , No. 3 , 9c ; beet Irlmmlngii , 3VSc : rump butts. Go ; shoulder clodi , 'poniv Dressed hogs , Gc : pork loins , < H4c ; pork tenderloins 13e ; r-pare ribs , Gc ; hnm sausage , butts. Gc ; pork shoulders , rough. 4140 ; pork shout- tiers , skinned , 4Hc ; pork Irlinmings. Gc ; leaf lard , not rendered , Cc. MUTTON Dressed Iamb , 7c : dressed mutton , Cc ; racks , mutlun , S c ; legs , mutton. SHe : sad dles mutton. SHc ; stew. 3c : sheep plucks. 3c. HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES-No. 1 green bides. Go : Xo. 2 green hides. 4o ; No. 1 green Bulled hides. < c ; No. 2 t-reen salte.1 hlde.irCci No. 1-vcal calf. 8 to 12 Ibs. . 7c ; No. 2 veal calf. S'.lo T. ( IDS. . , 4ef.No. ; . dry flint hides. 9JJ10o : No.'IMry nint hides. JfWcf No. 1 dry salted hides , SftOo : part cured hides. He per Ih. less than fully , cured , - , , SHEEP YELTSC.recn .saIUd. each. 2offCOc ; green sailed , shearings ( shorl wooled early thins ) , each 150 ! dry shearings ( shorl wooled early skins ) . No. 1. each. Go : dry flint. Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool palls , per Ib. . actual weKlit. 4fl5c- dry Hint. Kansas nnd Nebraska Murrain wool pelts , per'lb. . actual weight , 3V > c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , tier 11. . actual weight. 4ff3c ; dry flint Colorado Murrain wool p lts. per Ib. . nctual weight. ' 384e ; feet cut off. us It Is useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND CWEASE-Tallow. No. 1. 3c ; lallow. No. 2. 2Uc : grease , while A. 3c ; grease , white II , 2c ; grease , yellow , 2c ; grease dark. n.e ; old butter , 2Jjilic ; beeswax , prime. ljC2-C ! rough WOOItlnwnJhed , line , heavy. MJ7c ; fine , light. S 0c : qunrterblood , 100120 ; * hurry nnd chnffy , S 9c ; celled nnd lirokcn. coarbe. 7e9o ; celled and broken , line. CfTSc. Fleece \ \ ashed Medium. 13WISc ; tine. llOICc ; UUi washed. 16 ff't ( black. So ; bucks , Co ; Ing locks , 2 < S3e ; dead pulled , S ° llONE8-In car lots , weighed and delivered In Clilcaro ! Dry buffalo , per ton. JI2.OOO14.Oi ) : ' . dry Suntry. beached , per ton. ttO.OOffl2.0i ) : dry coun- iry. damp and mealy , per ton , J6.00a3.00. SI. LiuilM ficiu-rnl Jlnrkct. ST. LOIMS. Deo. lI.-FLOtTn-Oull nnd weak ; patenls. JI.COW4.75 ; entra fancy. Jl.10fll.20 ; fancy. J3.40R3.GO : choice. J3.00fl3.10. WHEAT Futures opened slrong nnd higher In sympathy with the bulge In Chicago. The tradIng - Ing was light , nnd after some fluctuations within n narrow range , advanced ami closed lrl ! c higher than yesterday. Spot , steady : No. 2 red , cash , elevator. S'M bid ; track. SlJfHc ; No. 2 hard. cash. 7Sc ; December. 89V4c ; May. SST e COHN Futures openeil dull and weak , lint later became strong nnd closed Irregular , with frac tions either side of yesterday's finals. Spot , easy ; No. 2 cash , 21c ; December , 20T4c bid ; May. 23 4Jj23V4c. ; . . . . . OATS Fairly active and a shade higher for May : fpot , steady ; No. 2 casli , 20c ; May , 21'ic. HVE Steady ; 3Sc hid. COUN MEAL-J1.33. . . . . . HllAN Dull ; easier ; track , 36fl3io bid , sacked. FLAXSEEI > Higher ; 75c. . TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme. 12.50. l HAY Steady ; prairie , 14.0084.73 ; timothy , JC.OO 011.GO. EGOS-Stendy ; 17c. 1'OULTHY Chickens , dull ; old , 5c ; spring. Cc ; turkeys , higher at Sc ; ducks , llrm at 7',5c ; geese , slow at GfrT c. IHITTEU Easier ; creamery. lSff25'lc ; dairy. Iiri20c. WHISKY-J1.18. LEAlSteady ; J2.7032.80. SPBLTEIl-Easler ; JI.OO. COTTON TIES 0c. PROVISIONS Pork , lower ; standard mefg. Job bing , fl.Wi'.Ta. Lard. lower ; prime steam. J3.CO ; choice. J3.75. Uncon ( linxeil ) slioulders , J4.G3 ; ex- Ira short clear and Him , JI.70 ; shorts , JI.S'i'j , Dry salt meals ( boxed ) , shoulders , extra short clear and ribs. J4 ; shorts. J4.1"i. HECEI ITS Flour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 10,000 bu. : corn. 12.000 bu. : oats. C.OOO 1m. SHIPMENTS Flour. 5.000 obis. ; wheat , 43,000 bu , ; corn , 83.000 bu. ; oats , 4.000 bu. Liverpool I.IVEnrOOU Dec. 11. PROVISIONS Ttacon. dull ; demand poor ; Cumberland cut. 28 to so Ibs. . 29s 6d ; short ribs. 20 to 21 Ibs. , 2Ss C.I ; long clear , light , 33 to 3S Ibs. . 29sr long clear , heavy , 40 to 43 Urn. , : Ss ; short clear backs , light , 18 Ibs. , rf.1 Kd ; short clear middles , heavy , 41 to 50 ll > s. , : c.i r. | ; clear bellies. 14 to 1A Ihs. . 2Ss CJ. Shoul ders , scum re , 12 to IS Ihs. , 293. Hams , short cut , 14 lo 18 Ihs. . 41s. Tallow , fine North American , 149 C'l. Ileef , extra India mess , 57s 6d ; prime meiiH. 47 Cd. Pork , prlmo western , 48s 8d ; me. dliini weitcrn , 41s 3d , I. aril , dull ; prime western , 21s * refined , In palls , :3s. CHEESE Steady ; demand poor ; finest Amer ican. white and colored. ( September ) , 61s. HUTTin Finest United States , Ms ; BOoJ. COs. PKTnOLKUM Heflnril. did. UKFHiaEHATOH IICEIForwiartcr. . 3JJJ ; lilndqnarter , JVj'l. HOPfl-At London ( Pnclflc rpnst ) . .1 I0 . WHEAT Spot dull ; dcinnnd poor ; No. 2 red. spring. CM S''d ; N'o. 1 Cnllfnrnla. 7s. Futuren rpfned fitccdy , with r.far and dlntant ro > ltlons "Id low rf tint later strengthened , nnd closed iiervniis. wllh near positions -ft'ld lilshcr. nnd dIMnnt positions UWH I higher ; business nbnut eijually dlKlrllmled : Deceinhcr. Cs 7d ; January. 6.1 M ; Ptbniary. Cs SHd ; .March. Cs S d ; April , nomlnnl ; May , ( ! Cd. COUNSpot dull ; Amerlrnn mixed , now , 2a lO'.id. Palures opened steady , with near nnd distant pn ! tcn ! * Vi'l lower , nnd closed quiet , with March ' .id Irwtr nnd other months V4d Inwer ; luminous nlunit equally dlFtrlbuled ; Deccmli'T. January nnd Frhrtmiy , 2s OUd ; March , 2s 9Ud ; April. 2n Mid ; Mny. t < a > id. FLOUIl-Dnll ; demand poor ; St. Loula fancy. winter , 91 2d. . The receipts of wheat ilurlnr the pn t three days were lU.Ci'O ocnlnU , Including C2.000 Aincr- The rrrtlpts of American corn during the pntt three il.iyu were 37 , CM crntnli , WIJATHEn-Mlld. _ Pcorlu Miirl > tn. PEOIIIA. Roc. ll.-COUN-MnrUct easy ; No. J. new. Wo ; No , 3 , JO'Jo ; Nil , 3. new , imic , OATS Mniket llrm , Irn-KUlur ; No , 2 white , JOffJSiW ; No , 3 white. IG tfime. HYV : Miirket easy , lower ; No : . SUtq. WHISKY Market mrady ; flnlttod K0 < xls on the basis of J1.1S for hlpttvlr.n , HEOEIPTS-Corn , 71.050 bu ; outs. 71.SOO bu. ! rye. J.OMlm.i whliky , nonoi nhcat , 4,800 bu. BHlPMENTS roii. | f..XO bu ; onls. 54.000 bu. ; ryp , COO til. } wliliky , 1,4:0 rnl . ; wheat , 4.SOO Lu. 'MliineiipolU MINNEAPOLIS. Dee. II , WHEAT December co ! ed at 7Clio. On track : No. 1 hard , 78o ; No. 1 northeni , H > \ ; rioflpts , 4 0 car * . Oil City Mnrkrt. OIL CITY , Pa. . Deo. H Credit tiUnres. J1.01 ; certtllcatr , JI.OO ; lalec , tt/w btl > . ; ihlpnicnU. tbi .j rum. te.uo Liu. WAITS FOR THE NEW YEAR Further Business Hovival is Delayed by the Approach of Holidays. WHEAT MARKET HAS WEAKENED * N ( lloninycMv rroni Alirunil anil .iirK T Wt'Nlcrn H ' > ltl lluvu t'liuxnl n llrenU lit PrleeM Iron ludiixtry nemorallr.ed. KE\V YOUK. Dec. ll.-ll. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly lleview of TraOo tomorrow will ay : Thu approach of thu holidays and doubt about the action ot congress put off further Improvement until the new year. \VldIu Industries have gained In working force , they are waiting for commensuruto gain In demand and meanwhile are trying to clear away embarrassments which re strict tUem. The wheat market has weak ened with less gloomy no.from other countries and larger western receipts , though only 3,01)1.374 ) bu. , against ii,003IOI bu. last year. Disappointment about the break In prices may help to Increase re ceipts. Atlantic exports were but 2,755,651 bu. , Hour Included , and for thu two \\eeks have been but 1,748,11 $ bu. , against 4,172,413 bu. last year. 1'acllle ( llxiratclics slumthnt exports continue very heavy anil about 300.0m ) tons more nre uvnllnbla frum ( ullfurnlit. The inutket has tlvcllniHl l ! o nnil the ( Ivcreiitu In dcmaiul fur Hour , with higher rnll iatt ! < , has closeil nuurly nil the Supeilor- Uululli unU many of the otlior norlliwustum nulls. Cotton has dcellneil 3-lGe , ami. In pplto of all Klerk's , that the ciop has been nearly mar keted. It continues to como forwunl Meaillly. Tnu Iron output for Urcembcr was 112,27s tons weekly , against 121.077 tons November 1 , anil 216.7J7 tons a year BRO. ntul unsolil stocks retiortcil were 31.W1 tons mnaller than November 1 , but tllc e ilo not Incltulo stocks of Lie Brent steel companies. The Imluhtry 1 'u'- ' the time deinor- ulUwl by uncertainty rfeimllne the srenl com binations. The formal withdrawal of the Uellalre coinpany broke tin- billet puol , but a inuctliiB Is la session to leconmrucl It , If possible. Tlie beam makers also meet this week to revive , If they can , their cumiinct , and the steel mil works will meet shortly with the iinw-pect t.iat that Important concern will BO out , nnd If the others ale kept touether prices will have to lie mate rially reduced. The liar njMK'latlon rcnrcvly pie- tends ti > control pilctM. v.hle.i nre slln.itly lower thla week for steel , anil the rupture of tiie Nail association for the time left the bar price for wile nails about JI.W at Plttbburs. with extra charses on ordinary nssortments averaging 12c , salnat. J2.5 paid last montn , with extras axer- KltiB ; 0c. Until the fuluie Inllutnce of thMO conihlnatliins Is better dcllned , narrow trndlint must bo expected , and llcbrenier plff nnd ( , rny forge arctllglitlj ; lower. Minor metals nre KCII- crally weaker , tin nt $12.80 , copper nl $11.23 for lake und lend nt $2.1)5. ) Aluminum him been re duced from COc to 37c for Irgots , ton lots , nnd'&ir to C3e for rods , production having Inci eased four fold. Textile Industries nre working n l.irRcr force than In Octotier , hut there Is not much evidence of the lamer demand , tome kinds of gooda are accuinuiatlUK- raw cotton Is lower , some yielding In prices of ftaples Is expected , nnd uuyliiK Is on that account more lestrleled , u few riunlltlcs of having slightly declined. Print rloths nre weak In tone , with enormous Fales. Woolen Roods are not In better deman.1 , nnd there Is a general Indisposition to make commit ments nhead. Bales In two weeks , 2l,3iS'jOO His. , against ll.'JSI,200 Ibs. last year nnd 14tM2,700 llw. In 1SW , nre this year larnely In-twuen tiaders , as the mills Hnd lit prei-ent little eneouriiKcment to buy nnd London sales nre n simile weaker. ( Juo- tntlons are not chaiiKed , thotiiih more froiuiciit concessions are reported. Kallures for t.ic week have been 3SO In the t'nltcd Klates. nKalnst 333 last year , nnd forty- tluee In Canada.iiKalnst . llfty-four last year. WKKICIjY CI.KAIll.VC ! I1OIJS1' ; TOTALS. AKKrfKiitt * or IliiMliu-HH TriiiiNiioted l > y the ANNOulndMl llmiliH. NK\V YOUK. Dec. 11. The folIowlnB table , compiled by llradstreeU , shows the total clear ances at the principal cities nnd the percentafio of Increase or decrease , as compared with the corrcEpondlnu week last year : CITIES. Clearings. I Inc. I Dec. Nn xv- York J SM.2C1.232I I 4.6 3.6 IIt > * ton . . . . 9S.E5I.57S Philadelphia 87.9W.CS4 St. Isiuls . " San Kranclico . isioToiVro llaltlmoru 11,793.190 3.0 Plttsbuig 13lw7.201 11.1 Cincinnati 12.)30.ICil ! Kansas City New Orleans 12,030,771)1 ) 13.1 Iluffnli ) 4.332.4171 11.7 Milwaukee 4,717,230 ! . . . 17.0 Detroit fi.023.129 6.9 Louisville 6,498.412 8.9 Minneapolis 10.C91.4COI 1.9 OMAHA 3.847.4IMI Providence G,273SiM | 4.7 Cleveland GC10,0661 9.2 Houston 7.1SC.902I S.9 St. Paul 4C44,2iS 1S.O Denver r..o Indianapolis 4,531.200 11.3 Columbus , o 3.1S3.100 15.6 Haitfonl 2.UH.431 11.3 Richmond 2,496.305 11.3 Washington 2.0J7.MI Toledo 1.530.740 L9 Dallas 3.022.873 3.S ' St. Joseph 'iiic I'eorla l.CW.L'JI 32.2 Memphis 2T.G.I93 ! ( Portland , Ore lClfi.73T 2J.3 Rochester 1,619.073 5.0 New Haven 13.1 Savannah 11.5 SprlnRlleld , Mass. l,309t 5 ] Worcester 1.332,075 Portland , Me 1,212.82 ! ) ! Atlanta I.I Port Worth I.700.52IJ 23,9 Waco . . . . . . . . . 3.310.2SS W.I Syracuse 901.3:0 23.4 Des Molnes Grand Rapids 791.9271. . . 'isii Seattle GOI.riSI . . . 8.7 Knoxvllle 442.1SS _ . . ' ' Lonell GSO,52I 'ic.'i Wilmington , Del . 15.5 Norfolk 1,010.121 16.0 Sioux City . f.91,2C2 1:1.9 : Los Anjieles . l.Kl.Dlii 6.7 Tnconia " . lil.M'J 17.7 Davenpor" . D."i5,32.S Spokane . 703 , ais Jacksonville . 234.413 11.7 Lincoln . . . 45S.29SI 16.5 New Hcdford . GI3.I09 1.4 Wichita . 317,9341 30.S DlrinlnKham . . . . . 4W.703I Topekn . 37.C I exlnuton. Ky . , . 291,813 41.0 S l,100 20.0 Dayton , O 20.1 Hay City , Mich 22.1,814 14.1 Pall lllvcr l.aS7ffl3 2.7 Akron , O 2CC,800 | 3.1 Sprlngilclil. O 16S.978I Canton , O lC9,40lT 2.8 Sioux Palls Kremont , Neb F5.11I 4.S ' Hastings , Neb 75.9I1 ! 'i2 ! Chattanooga 2fO.OOO Kargo 148.799 Nashville 1.23H.OIJ 9.8 Gnlveston H.4I1.NX ) 2li3 Clearings at Davenport , Waco , Houston and Oalvcston nol Included In totals. TltK.Ml OP IS 1IOW.\\V . \IIIJ. Ai | | > ri > aIi of Sloclc TakliiK Pfrliiil Pro- IIIIIKN MilPtrlod of | ) IIIII > NN. NEW YORK , Deo. 11. Ilradatreel'H tomorrow will say : There has been no Improvement In Ren- era ! trade this week , except In holiday rpeclnllles. Unseasonable weather has attain delayed demand for wlnter'Koods , and the npproadi of the period for stock taking will prolong the season of dull ness welt Into next month. The tendency of prices Is more conspicuously downward , notice ably for ItetseniFr plir Iron , steel billets , rulls , hides leather. Hour , wheat , corn , eaU , lard , I'olton nnd petroleum , Compaiallvely vivndy quotation * are leported for woolens , print clnthst lumber , iiork iinti sugar. Coffee Is hlithcr. Many who havH lieen extremely bulllih as to wheat prices n-Kard n reaction as likely , notwithstand ing tlm outloolc for greater llrnuifss and higher quotations durlnic the Intter than In the first half of thu ciirient cereal yt-ar. The collapnu or tmpendlnv dlxolutlAii of Iron and steel pools or combinations encourage * n belief that prices for the metals will range lower. This causes buyers to withhold orders. Dry nooils aru depresurd by Ilia largo slocks of print cloths In the hands nf manufacturers , end , although som New England woolen mills am n ll supplied with orders , there Is no revival In woolen manufacturing. Some maker * are waiting for the dry gooJs market to Hurt up , Exports of wheat , flour Included as wheat , from both ronnts of Ilia United males thU week show a marked Incrtam as compared with pru- reding week * and corresponding weekIn pre ceding year * , amounting tu 4. 222.811 bu. . con trasted with J.f.'J.OOO Lu , last week , 2,4S8,000 bu. In the rorrnpondlng week last year , 2S3BOUO bu. In tha w k two years ago , 3,2UOOi > bu. three year * ago , and ns compar d with 3,277,004 bu. In th cormpondlng week of U92. Exports of lull&a earn tkLi wc k art l o btar/ , to 1,511. IM | ju. , twice M Witch ns In thrpre - cedlnn week nearly 5'Ujnpt cent more than In the corresponding week Uiu year , and very much more than In the llke.trccka In the three pre ceding year * . Them ntf Ml tmslnew fn/lures / rrportnl In the t'nlted HtAtei this w-el I another Increase na compared with the n\i-rn e In recent weeks , twenty-two more thnir mn week , Mxty-sevcn more than In the Ilko week one year ngo , but twenty-one le s th.trt1" In the second week of December , 1 1. althoimh forty- four more than In the correspondlns lierlod of 1K > 3. As' ' compared with the like week In 1SS- , the ( nqtiyisetl number ot fail ures this week Is elKhtylhree. There nre forty- two business failures reU'rted thnnixhont the Canadian Dominion this wiok. live fewer than last week , three more than In the week n year HRO , elRht more than two' yearn IIRO , and four less thnn In the like work , f ISM. MKSSAUK HAD HPT f-ITTLU IJI.TKCT. \Vnll Street Wni Hardly DUturliod li > - \V1int Clovrliinil Snlil. NEW YOHK , Dec. Il.-Ilrndslrecfs review of the stock market tomorrow will say : Congress having actually assembled , the rpeeulatlvo mar ket has apparently lost much of Its fear regardIng - Ing the action of thai body nnd Its Influence upon the llnnnrlul situation. The professional Wall street operators manifested , n disposition to roll last Monday on the appearance of the j resident's message on tiie ground Hint the treatment of the Cnh'in question was not as conservative ns had been expected , nnd that t'.e reference to trusl orKanlznllnn would rllcimniKil leglslathe r.ltacks on the Industrial tint only In congress , hut In the stnto Icglslnluros. Tlie message , however , rrrdurel little i r no liquidation of lon-j stock , nnd the Introduction , ns soon ns congress got to work , nf a variety of resolutions In reference to Culm had practically no effect. In fuel the slieet rrcmed to lie under the Influence of lepnrls from Washington. Indicating that the present congress was unlikely to take positive aetlr.n of any kind III the short tlmo that lemalna of Ita existence. Holders of stocks seem unwilling to sell and bearish inanlpulnturs simply tneru.ifeil Ihe short Intcicst and crciiied a foundation for mlllc . utter absence of outslilc participation In the mar ket Is , however , severely felt nnd the trnnNic- tlons from day to d.iy have been on n very lim ited scale , nnd were due In the main to the smaller operators of the hoarl room Itself. The strength of the better clais of bonds nnd Invest ments generally lo a feature , hut the demand In question Is sharply drawn , no far as securities of a speculative character are concerned. At the same time , n feeling asserts Itself In speculative circles thai the augmentation of the Investment demand nftcr January 1 , especially If congress shall fall to do nnj thing cnleiil.ited lo dlsluih Ihe situation , nnd If geneial hu tniFs nnd Invest ment reIvo.'w 111 lead to n broadening out of the market with more or less of a revival In the neilvlty. This naturally Is a result of bearish operation * In the sticks * while throughout the week the fluctuations have l cn generally narrow and devoid of pattlculur significance , nnd fur t'.io Kix-ater part of the time the market lins been In a waiting Mate. Europe has inker ) no part In Hie speculation here , nnd Ihe weaker tune of the foreign exchange market has been without any Inlluence on flocks. STOCKS AMI HOXnS. Hoonrlty Miirliol Ihiiisiinlly Dull nnd rnltifi'roMlIni ? 'I'lirriiKlioitt Hie Hay. NEW YOHIC. pec. II.-The stock mnrket has ru/cly been as Iliit and uninteresting for n full business session ns It wna today. The stock In dicator was motionless for many minutes at a time , and the meager dealings were purely pro fessional , and the fluctuations , as n rule , trivial. Tiie speculation displays 11 degree of lassitude that piecluikd nny favorable Inlluence npi.n prices from the Increased government cotton crop estimate and the favorable report regarding the winter wheat outlook. Aside from the main restrictive cffecl nf uncertainty regarding tAje Immediate development at Washington on liie Cuban nnd other questions , reports of the prob able refusal of Venezuela to endorse the agree ment proposed by the l-nltod States nnd Great llrltaln on Ihe boundary 'question ' , were an In centive toward nn oMrcrm'ly cautious altitude by the large security holding Interests. The ab normal ease In money aifid the moro confident sentiment of Imeslors'ns'ij ) eventual favor able outcome wero. lnAvM'Ar , reflected In a nota ble hruadenlng In'lho railway tjond maiket on a moderately largo volume of business , many bonds being dealt In that , have long been dor mant. Operation 111 f.lock.-S fur foreign account was uii u light scale , imt wctu mainly to pell , a condition wlilrh helped u reactionary tendency In the local market , ; u * The Initial prices wore. . Irregular , with the main lendency lownnl ii , , lower level. Some alight gains were made eafly , but were retained for only u brief period , ns u raid on Otner.ll Electric , depressing tlit > 'prlce 1V4 p r cent Induced i-ynipnthetlc fructlunal concessions In the general list. Heading sold elf , about a point on the pm peet of a conlrovcrsy iis to the legality of the steps under l.ic rcorj inlzutloil of the company and t'.ic Gas shares wero'irgaln allacked In con nection , with the popular figltailon for a reduc tion Inthe price of > Ihdiprodtict. There was nothing tplrlted In thf tViytlngii. however , and the dullness became rmiru ncute. aa the day progress-oil , while prices bagged steadily , though In a narrow range. In the * late dealings , Chicago , Cleveland , Cincinnati i .St. Louis atlrncted at tention by nn advance of 1 ? per cent , entirely on covering. The closing wns steady at trivial losses on most stocks. Tiie boml market dlfpl.iyeil a broadening tendency , many bonds thai had heretofore been neglected for n Ion ? time coming Into notice. Prices weie Irregular , but n llrm undertone wns noted , especially In Investment bonds. The sales were Jl. IW.COO. The must important advances rajigod between 1 nnd 44 per cent , and the declines from 1 to 3 per cent. Tlie Evcnlnjr Post's London llnanclal cablegram says : The settlement having been Katlsfni'torlly concluded , the tone of the clock market today was good. The Improvement was led by the recovery In mines , which was due to covering by bears. Home rails also rose shtrply on hopes thai Ihe expecled stilke muy be averted. Amer icans were steady , except Louisville and HI. Paul , wnlch were dull on the New York lead. South Americans were Flrorg. llrazll exchange Improved 9 Il-I6d. Indiana council drafts Mild up Is 3 C-32d. Money \vas 'In strong demand and thu Hank of England lent n considerable amount to Iho mnrkcl for a week nl I per cent. The Paris and Herlln markets were firm. Tim following were Hie closing quotations on Ihn leading stocks of the New Yorls exchange today : AtehlBOn . 1 1H N. Y. &N.K . AdauiH Kx . 1 IS Ontario &W . Alton. Til . hi Nav Am. lixpr-H * . lllll O. S. L. . ' ; U. N . Ifi IIillln : < on > .V Ohio. 1 Pi I'aclllc Mall . _ > , - . ! / Cinada Pnclllc. . . . .ri.'i i 1'uorla. K. . _ Canada Southern.1HU I'lttHUiira . llU ! Ontral I'aelllc. . . . 15 Pullman 1'alaoo. . . 15H Chi'H. A. Ohio . lliH Chlcaii.V Alton. . lli It . W . i.- , C. 11 .VQ . . 77 ilo pfd . -10 aa . 7-1 llocltlsl-ind . lif'i , Coimolldated . SI. Paul . 7IW C. . C. , C. A St. L. . . t7W ! dopfd . lilt ) Colo. Coal ft Iron. . H ( > t. Paul & Omaha. ) * ? { Cotton Oil Cert. . . . 12 dopfd . ii ; | IHilawaru.tllail. . l'JS Soiilliur.i Pacific. . IB'i Uul. . Lack. . .VV. . . . 151 ! Su-irUeIlner.v : - 11 lit , D. fill. . pfd . 4t : Ti'nn.Coil : .V Iron. 'JH Kast Tumi . 1" TOX.-IH Pat-Hie . m Krlo . :14 : Tol. .to. Ceil. pfd. CD do pfd . I'll Union Paulllu . UJfi Fort Wayne . lllll U. 8. KxproHH . 4ii O. Norlhi-rnpfd. . . llll W. St. L. A 1'ae. . . . li ? ; ; C. & K. I. pfil . H.'i dopfd . lil-ifi Hocltlnir Valley. . i'llH KarKo lla. . . Illinois Central. . . Hit ( Western Union Hi\K \ SI. P. .tnidiilh. . . IH i Wheeling &L. K. . 7U K.AT.pfd ' 'Mm dopfd Ill ) L'lkoKrlu.lWcHt. IHVj.Mlun. A St. LuulH. 10 dopfd 70 1 Don. .V U. ( ! 1'J L-ikoShori ! lliHriien. Electrics : ia Load Trust 'JO ( Nnt'l LtiiBotil 13 LuulHVllIu & N.ll'H Col. Fnol .t I L. A N. A ! i ilo pfd . 70 Manhattan Con. . . . Oil Tol. .St. L. , t K. C. . -I Mi-mplilH.tC la dopfd . in ! CViiiral. IU Southern . Ill MCI. Pacltle. . ' ! ! ( ilo pfd . 'JH ? MoolloAOhlo'I TuliK-uo . 7Si NiiMlivlllo Chat. . . . Ort ilotifd National Cunl.u'a. ' "hi Am. T.AC. Co. . . . 00 dopfd 11 C. O. Co . IDS N. J. ( Vntril Kl'Jli Smrar nfd . I0' 40o premium ! foreign exchange , firm : demand , Jl f ' 4 ; Uty days , J4.WH. PHILADELPHIA , Dec ll.-Clenrlng , JJ.J , - 093 ; balances , Jl,49o.S < . ST. I/PIS. Dec. II.-Clearing * , JI.203.M2 ; 1ml- nnces , IC97.IKS. Money , W1A per cent ; New York exchange. Me premium bid ; 7t o premium asked. Huston Ntoolc ( ( notation * . I10STON. Dec. ll. C.tlt loatw. 'JW31 per cent ! tlmo loans , ; | i 44 p. r cont. Closing prices for Htocka. bondt and mining Bh.iros : ATrTIs. P. . . . . . . . H ivTWwT American Sugar. . Atchl'on iifil . " - ' > < Am. Sugar pfd. . . . Ed. Kino. Ill lift Iliy Slate ( Ion. Eloe. ptd Til Roll Telephone.'OH AlchlRon 4s. . lloiton.V Albany- Now England ( la. . Ill1 : _ . . . Mil Isls. . . . : il | ! . , II. , V y 77l lAllouo7. MlnlngCo fit ) l > : < AlU'tlllo iD ! ( Electric. . . ' 1' ' 1101:011 : .V Montana Ul Illinois .stool -tih : Until1 .V Ilosti II. . . . IIs ! Muxletn Central. . 7S Calumet .V llccla. . : i.l : Old Colony 177V Knuklln 11 OnSliurt Lino. . . 1.1 Konrsarco Ifm Uuhncr l.1 ! Os.'cola Vl < Union Pacific 10 \Vo l End ' Oil'l Ta'iiar.iok IW WoKtlliirh. Kiev. . . 'M IWolvorlno * ' ( I-rnnoUco .AllntiiKT ( ) ( ! , PAN FRANCISCO. l-c. ll.-Tlio clo-iln ? quoUtluiiH for inlnln ; uto.-n uliy wj.-j ; u fjl- UIWH : AltJi ! T ilould.\i ; irrltv Alpha Con 7 HH in jiisitcu . r > lielchor ' . ' 7 Mexican . .17 I'rBl.t llolclior. . . . 4 ! ) Mono . HI HcnlioCon SI Oc-r > Con. . . . II Ilulllou 7 Onlnr . 81 HtilworOon .Ill overman . 4 Caledonia 7 1'OtOHl . 4.1 Challenge Uon. . . . S."i " 9 Cliollnr US Sierra . . . Conniioncc 71 UnloaCon . 37 Con. ial. . Vn. . . . KID Ufih Con . 4 Criiwn 1'olnt 1.1 Vollow Jac'.tet . _ 111 Silver HIM. ( MVe ( : Moxlctn ilolltr * . i'.V. Slgllldr.ifts , 7KJ ; toliUMpIilc , 1L" < J. NIMV Vorlc > lln I UK ( ItiotatliiiiH. NEW YOUK. Dee. 11. Tim followlnit arc the closing mining quotation1) : Ilulwer . its Ontario . MM ) Chnllar . I'll ' Oplilr. . Mil Crown 1'oln . 17 Plymouth . - ' < > ron. A. Vn . inn Quicksilver . lllll Deadwood . lllfl Could .V Curry . HO Sierra Nevada . ! W Ilalu.t Xororoas. . IMI StanilanlCou . 101) llomrttlaku . 3300 Union Con . 3.1 Iron Sllxor. Yellow Jacket . 4.1 Muxliiin . ! I" London SlocU ( Imitations. LONDON. Dos. 11. I p. in. closing : Consols , m'y 11114 SI. P.iulrcimmmi. CoiiHolHnec'l N.Y. Central Can. Pncllle Pennsylvania Erin " < l ilflJ Uu.ulliii- ll ! ( lid Mux. Con. nuw 1 . UUn ! Jlt'Xlyan onlluary. 'Jl IIAU ( UI.VHIl-COil per ounce. MONKY 2JtT3 per cent. Tli rate of illscmmt In the open market for short anil three months' Mils , 3''j per cent. Kori'livu I'lniinclnl. IinHIJ.N. Dec. 11. KxchnnKe on Lomlon , clsht ilnys' , 20 murks 34'4 pf | < . I'AUIS , Dee. 11. Three per cent rentes. 103f 10e for the nceounl ; exchange on Lomlon , 2Sf illVic for checks. LONDON. Dec. 11. OeM la ijuntcil nt lluenos Ayres loilay nt 1S2 ; Lltbon , 40 ; Home , 10I.C714 ; I imlon , 77s ll ? il. _ CofTi't3InrUot. . NI3W YOUK , Dec. II. rOFFKK Options opened nteinly. with prices njfin points hluher < > n hlKlier ealiles nnd favorable European advices ; mind Kenerally slow , with hteady undertone , Klip- ported by lornl covering and scattered buying ; cli > ? c < l quiet nt lOifflO points net n > l\iineo ; sale * . ll.WW bacs , InclndliiK December , tl.30ii.Xii ! ! May , t.505J9.4i ! ' > . f-'pnt coffee. Itlo , Heaily ; No , 7. In- volic , $10 ; Jnbblm , ' , J10.5H. Mild , steady : Cor dova. $ ii.M ri7 00 ; sales , 1.200 bans , Maraealbo. p. t. . nnd r .o bars Huaram.inKa , p. t. Total nnnhnure deliveries from the t'nlted States. 18- OOJ ImRi. Including 1C.171 baits from New York ; New York stock today. CG.S.O2 bans ; I'lilted States ( ock. 4X1.039 bnKs ; nlloat for the I'nlted States , 52U.COO lines : total visible stipjily for the Fulled StiUox. C.Vi.030 baKS. HKiiliiHt ril.1. : ) S II.IRS last year. SANTOS. Dee. 11. COWim Quiet : Riiod nv- eiaKe Santos. lO.fOO rels ; receipts , 11.000 bass ; i.trck. 747. COO bass. IIAVItn. Dee. H.-roI'TRH-rio-ed quiet , but vtendy at a net mlvance of - i to If ; sales , 27,000 liac . HAMIirilO , Dee. 11. OOKKKK-Qulet ; C4 ! pfK. I'.cellnej sales. l.Ceo bass. IlIO , Dec. II. C'Ot'THK Wonlc : No. 7 lllo , nomlnnl ; exchange , 9 l-lfnl ; receipts , 7,000 Imps ; cleared , for the United States. 3.0fO bags ; for iuiope : , S.OOO ImRs ; stock , 407.0CO bags. Wool Mnrl.-ct. 11O3TON , Dee. 11. The lloston Commercial llul- letln will say tomorrow of the wool market : The wool market Is dull nnd ilcpnweil. The arnts are checking the starting of machinery. The recelpls of foreign wool In lIoMim this week are 8,497 bales , against 2,743 bales for the fame week last year. I'nrcharcs of wool for America In the London auctions just closed were oqiinl In amount to the whole clip of Michigan. Korelcn scoured wool nnd wool waste arc pourIng - Ing Into the country from llradfc-rd and Mii7n- nut. The sales of the week are 1 , 131 , r > 00 Ibs. do- niertlc nnd KI.COQ Ibs. forelmi. against 2,2'iO,0 ) Ibs. domestic nnd l.OOI.OO ) Ibs. forelKn last week nnd ! .S.,0.fOO Ibs. domeitle and ? ? > .MQ Ibs. for- i IKII for the same week last year. The sal v1 to dnte shuw u ileercamr of Ibs. domestic and 32221.700 Ibs. foreign fn > m the sales to the same date In 1MI.1. The iccvlpts to dnte show a decrease of 142.078 bales domestic ami 131.477 bales foielgn. _ KMIINIIH City MnrkctN. KANSAS CITY. Dec. ll.-V.'IIKAT Firmer ; No. 2 hard. 7..R78e ; latter for fancy ; No. 2 roil , MH09V ; No. 3 spring , 74I7r.,4c. COItN Steady ; No. .2 mixed , . OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , nominally , 2lfl22o ; old , 2202.V1. HYKVenker ; No. 2. 32e. HAY Weaker ; choice timothy , JS.WffS.'W ; choice pialrle , f."i.Cft. DfTTIIK-Creamery. dull but firm ; 2ijV.n22o : dairy , active. lOfflSe. K < ! ORYenli on hea\T recelpls ; 17c. Sll ur IllrlCft. NF.W YOHK. Dec. H. SURAH Raw. steady ; fnlr rellnlliK. 2ifT2 15-lCc ; ceiitilfiiKal , 96 test. 3',1 ffas-lfp ; rellneil. qnlct ; standard "A. " 4140 : con. feetloners' "A. " 4lie ; cut loaf. Bo ; cruslied , 5c ; hTannlated , 4Xc. LONDON. Iw. ll.-St'OAIt-Cane , quiet luit steady ; centrlfURjil Java , lli 4ijd ; Muscovado , fair lellnlni ; , 10. . licet pngiir. quiet ; prices baicly maintained ; December , s ; January. 9s ll'.id. ' Toli-ilo TOLEDO. Dec. 11.VHKAT Higher ; No. ! cash and December. 93c ; May. 9l'c. COIIN Dull , but steady ; No. 2 mUed , 25c. OATS Quiet : No. 2 mixed. IFc. HYJ3 HlRher nnd steady : No. 2 mixed , 35c. CLOVRIl SEliD Dull ; prime , December , J3.SO ; March , 13.10. _ Dry ( iooilx. MANCIIKSTKH , Dec. II. Cloths quiet , with moderate Inquiry. The market for yarns Id quiet and rather easier. FALL niVI-Mt , Mass. . Dec. 11 1'rlnt cloths continue dull nt 2c. There Is a moderate de mand for goods. Coiloii Murker. ST. LOUIS , Dec. II. COTTON Dull ; 1-lCc lower ; middling , 7c ; recelpls , 2.iOij Imlus ; elilp- mcnts , 2.0SI halex ; clock , 44,741 bales. NB\V YOHK , Dc. . II. COTTON Quiet ; mid dling. 7ic. _ 'FrlNco AVIieiit. SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. H.-WIIEAT Dull ; May , ) I.M % . _ _ TXVO IIAMC.4 CI.O.SK THICIIt DOOItS. OKIfN of .MiiKiira I < ' | | mill Duliitli Hnril lilt liy KalliirttN. NIAOAHA FALLS , Dec. 11. The First National bank ot tills city Old not open Its doom for business this morning. Instead a notice was posted that at a meting ot the directors last night It was decided to closu the Institution. It Is snlil that the dcponltors will get tholr money. A few days ago the Niagara Glazed Paper company failed and several of the bank , director * were hard hit. This was generally known and there has been a run on the bank fop a few days. Thcbo facts and the fact that a newly elected prculdont fnllfsl to qualify caused the suspension. WKST SUPBHIOn , WIs. , Ilec. 11. The National Hank of Commerce of Duluth , fa'le.l to open for business this morning. A notice posted on the doors stated that owing to the Inability to make any money In the business the directors had decided to suspend. The notice ! alto stated that the bank expected to pay depositors at an early < ! nti > . The bank Is capitalized at $200,000 anil has $30,000 surplus. WA8HINOTON. Doc. 11. The comptroller of the currency has received notice of the failure of the National Hank of Commerce of Duluth , Minn. At the last report this bank had a capital stock of { 200,000 ; in dividual deposits. $07,171 ; demand certificate. ! of deposit. S29.G2S ; notes and bills mlls- countcd10,000 , Notice was received also of the failure of thu First National bank of Niagara Falls. The bank's capital was $100,000 ; Individual deposits , $118,267 ; demand certificates out standing. $10.039 ; notes and bills redls- countcd. $29.078 , CUM ( 'oniiiliili > M I'ool Their IHHIICH. KANSAS CITY. Doc. 11. Ono year ago the Missouri Oua company began operations hero and at once began a war on the old Kanrfaa City Oaa company , which resulted In hotb cstabllihmant of fiO-cvnt gan and the giving away of thousamla of free gas ttovra to cua- toinfiiH. Now It lo fitaleil that the old com pany la figuring on und has practically con summated a deal to abaorb the Mlsnourl com pany and ralso tbo price of tan to $1 $ per 1,000 feet. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts of Ortttlo Tall Far Below the Mark of Into Days. TRADE BRISK BUT BARELY STEADY Tnl < i > lli > StMiuty OITrrliiRM nl PrlccM Dlirorlimr l.lllli * frnin- iiy'N lliiKM Sell ( uloKly nt u lire II no. SOUTH OMAHA. Doc. ll.-Hccelpts for the days Indicated were ; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses. December 11 1,311 4K ! ) TJ'J 10 2.3 > ii : WXI BM . . . . S asm I.KTi'.l ' ' .IM ) . . . . S .V.'M 4,11)2 ) ' . ' , O.V > M December 7 " ,700 1.7SO &U . . . . December u 1.M1I B.C.OI . ll W IS December 4 1.S.VJ ( iWi 1,223 December 3 2 , 71 4.717 1.370 S December 2 3.SW ) D.1IO 1.161 2 December 1 3. 1S IS-IS * 1.1C5 November ,10 2,313 2.073 361 31 The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. HORS. Sheep. p. . M. & St. P. lly li o. & St. L. ity l Mo. I'nc. lly 1 Union I'aclllc System. . . . C 11 2 C. .t X.V. . lly 1 K. , 13. .t M. V. U. It I ! 19 C. , St. r. , M. .t O. Ity. . . . 8 7 II. .t M. 11. H. 11 21 - ' C. , H. * C } . lly G K. C. & St. J I 1 C , , It. 1. & P. lly. , oast. . . . " Total receipts 43 "t ! 3 The disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows , each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated : Huyers. Cattle. HOBS. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1.015 O. II. Hammond To P9 ! US Swift and Company 21 ! ) 7ft'JIU3 Ctidahy Packing Co 20.1 l.COl 1 II. lleokcr . "i " Dogun ITil J. U Carey IS I .oilman & Rothschilds. . " 5 \V. 1. Stephens -I Hill & Lewis Co JSI Honton i % Underwood. . . . 1US Huston K : Co S Hammond , from 1C. C 230 Nelson Morris , Chicago. . 20 Other buyers XS Left over 100 " . ' 0 Totals l.aio ' 1,533 720 CATTLK Today's cattle receipts were light , only nbnut half as largo as yesterday nnd snialler than a week ago by about 500 head. After deducting tnu cattle con signed direct to packers , there were not much ovora thousand cattle In the yards. Tin re were no good eornfed steers among thu offerings and not many nf the half-fat rattle that have been coining iiilto | freely of late. The market wns without Interest o\vlng to tin- few cattle on sab : and their Indifferent clmractor. Ti ' truJuva. . soon over with , the cattle all being ' > ld nnd at prices not materially different from yoslor- dny.There There was a good demand for cows and heifers , and the market was active and steady. Kvorything In the line of butchers' slock sold early. Stockers and feeders were In active de mand , nnd It did not take very long to clear the yards. The demand for desirable feeders has lictMi Kood nil this week and everything received that would answer to that description has met with ready sale ut llrm prices. Representative Kales : NATIVES. HKKbSTEEIIS. . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr. 2..HIM J3 K ! L. . . SM ) J3 71) f..ll22 J3 fO 10..1221 SCO 15..10J1 370 7..1l3o 300 13..10IM 3 CM C..100S 375 2..1330 410 L. . . h70 370 COWS. L. . . 750 175 L. . . 870 240 U..11I3 2W I. . . . MM I M 1 810 2 10 1..11IO 2 f.j JO. . . . KM 18. ) D..10JS 240 4..lat7 2 TM 3. . . . U'O 210 1 ll O 24D L.-.IO'W 263 1..1041) 210 2. . . . 9SO 2 U 21. . . . M 2 Ci 5. . . . 075 2 ll ) 2..11(0 S 4i S..1017 2 75 1..1030 2 10 2 ll-M ) 2 15 S..1130 2 .7j I..10M 211 B..ltr.0 2 M 7. . . . 731 273 fi..l07ii 22. } L. . . Mi ) 2 Ml 7. . . . 8IS ! M 2aioi7 ! ! ! ! 22.1 i51io'i ! ! ! ( 2Ji " . ! ' . : 29 ; 1..10IO 22. . 1..11CO 2C-0. 13. . . . W2 3 ( K ) L. . . 770 2 SO 4..11S7 2M I..1220 300 10..1027 230 2..1131 2 CO 2.,1W5 3 DO L. . . MM 233 l..IOiO 2 M 1..1030 300 2..1113 2 33 2..H'.IO 2uO L. . . C70 1 75 2..1000 2 M ) L. . . 710 3 10 L. . . 41.0 210 2U. . . . 717 2 SO 13. . . . HI ! 3 20 L. . . 4TO 2CU 3. . . . J.M 3 Oi ) 2. . . . 430 323 L. . . GtD 2 3 21. . . . bM 300 L. . . S10 323 4. . . . Ci ; 273 L. . . 740 3 in ) St. . . . W 323 3. . . . DM 275 3. . . . 793 310 L. . . C20 330 2. . . . 4W 275 1..10IO 3 1C DUt 1.8. 1..1430 200 1..1410 2 li L. . . SCO 1..1210 2 li ) 1..I4QI ) 255 L. . . S' L.i.HW 2 15 1..1CO 253 1..13.V ) 1 CSl ) S 23 1 1110 2 C. 2..K T,3 U 1..14SO 240 1..1100 2 C3 1..1530 M 1..1KO 2 Id . CALVE3. I. . . . 32.'i 270 2 350 373 L. . . 11(1 ( O ) 2. . . . 255 275 2. . . . S25 375 2. . . . 175 00 21 cows SCO 2 CO J. M. Doney & Ron. CI cows. 915 275 m feeders. . . . M2 371 IIOOS The receipts of hoc * were smaller than yesterday by about TOO hend and Mnnller than a week DKO by over 2Mfl hend. The market wns In v ry ( tool condition , though lower , the demand belni ( uood nnd the trade active. Everything old i-aily. The prices paid showed the market lo Ix- weak to Co lower than yesterday. Heavy hogs sold largely nt > 3.IOf3.1. , with a few at M.20 , vhlle yestniday they most all sold at J3.1SS3.20 , with im full loi'l.i as low as J3.10. LlKht JIOKS sold ii | > to J3.I5 ; , which was ns hlKh ns nnythliiK bronchi yesterday. Tnkln the nvcniK f ( if all the miles ntul the liot'M today t > old at the | i > wrft ( mint of the week slnco Monday. A yeac UKO the market wus just ISc higher than It was today. HepiosentHtlvo salvs : NTn. Av. h Tlr. Vn Av Rh 1 | V 43 454 . . J.I 10 40 314 Id ) (3 IS f.C 3i5 fcO 3 10 43 318 " S3 lOli . . 310 K 311 "JO i ! 15 59 539 120 3 10 12 3I 200 3 15 80 3 10 K 207 iO 3 15 C2 377 3 10 55 311 . . . 3 li 47 303 3 10 CS 2li ) 120 3 171.1 50 3il ! 3 10 4 2JO . . . S IT'.i 4 ? 3 > 3 10 C.1 2M 51 3.17 3 10 Dl 303 4 ? 370 3 10 CO 2W . . . 3 17(1 ( 50 341 3 10 40 3 17'j. ' 15 SHI 3 10 It KC 120 3 17(3 ( 4C 402 3 12i ! M 2S4 lit 3 2u CO 3I 3 IJ'X Ut 2M ICO 3 2) ) Cl 333 3 ili Cl 270 120 3 : ' ( 58 3C4 3 121/4 78 i ; : > t < l 2 20 3 1 Vi 5 ; jr.- , . . . 32) 4 > i 219 3 I V4 fil 27 M .1 20 41 40.1 HO 3 1 ! i M 275 40 3 iO W . ' . .301 40 3 1 K3 JJ'J M 3 20 CO 329 ISO 3 1 M.i 2M M . - . SO CS 317 . . . 3 X IK M 311 40 3 35 IX 61 211 120 3 M 32" . n F irt. Q > t i i . ti-J ' ' > T 40 3 : . * 211 (0 ' . . ' 10 C5 S22 10 3 3 20 329 3 . . . M tO ,2irj SO 3 ri ; ; t 1:0 .1 so tO 330 3 f , . . . . . . .S"i4 . . . 3 JO 4S 3 7 3 ci : ss . . . 32211 C2 2Si ! iO .1 fin is ! IM 3 23 41 330 * 3 r.r . .r * ) SO 3 2l 41 3M 40 3 I 67 aw 40 S 25 400 3 C3 201 . . . D 271.4 30. . ICO 3 Cl 201 40 3 27U 3 o ; 173 . . . J * ) Cl. . . . . 3 70 323 . . . 330 13. . M 3 13 Cl 211 . . . 3 30 K. . 2W 3 13 81 IS5 . . . 3 33 PICLS-ODDH AND ENDS. .310 300 8 313 . . . J07U .tvt 3 00 ' " " ' ' . . . 3 07li .420 DO I 05 " L.330 ' ' ' r 334 3 01 : 210 . . . 3 23 j 33 303 HIIEKP-Ths mniket \vn llrm vllli the de- nuiul KOOJ fur iluilrublr No. Av. Pr. 15 lalllnu' " lii J.'CO 221 lilulm mixed D .1 ( > > M lilnlio loinlii ri n K : ( cj Idaho lamba.i a 4a KIIIIHIIH CKy Llvii .Slin-li , KANHAH CITY. Di'C. H.-CATTLI 8,0" ) head ; shipment' , 4 , CM lienil ; liirt ti' dy ; ulhei'K wenk ; Texas uliviv , l1. Mn.CU } Texan i > nws , Jl.U4jJ.CO ; nutlvu Mevrs. H.KijttK ; nailvii r iws , Jl I'il M ; rlocitcrs und ' "cdvrj , IKKIH Uecflpti. ll.CW head , Kliiprnrntt , none ; rnarlioL opn U clrcng , cloned Gc lower but nc > tlve ; bulU uf sales. J3.2SU3.3.1 , t.tS ; : Yorker * . JX50B1.33 ; | > lcf . JJ.10I ) ) 3.30. HHEEP-Rroelpts , r.OOO tiend ; slilpmrnls , 1CO head ; market steady. CtUCACO L1VK NTOCIC. 'I'm do lit PiiUlc Hrn'onnliljood ! n ( tinHotnit Doollno * . CIIICAU ) , Dec. It. TrnJe In cnlllc wns re/ / . Ronnbly good nt the nvent decline In prices. Common to fairly pnxl steeis sold nt from (1.19 to Jl , largo nuinlierM going In'linv Jl , and good to cholci * lots brliiRlng fnun II 2 > tn Jl M , whllo choice tn prlini' entile sold nt from JI.M to JR. Prime cnlte sold nl from JS to J.V2S , and Texas cattle at about the prices p.ild n week ago. Trade In hogs wn * active nt Rpner.illy un changed prices , ttxrept thai ciinrao , heavy p.tek- Ing ilrnv " ere about 2'to per too llis. lower In some Instance a. Sales raiKed at from J.i o.'i to S3 45 frr ooninion to prime , with trading largely nt from } : l. > tu J.1.33 for both hogs ami plK * . There was n fairly nrtlve demand fur cheep nt from 12 t. IJ.IS for Inferlur nhtep. frum J2 'iJ to } 3 for mumunn to iniMlum , fniin IJ.I1) ) to 13 IS for good to ehoUe , nnd frem $3.30 to > for oholre lo prlmo docks. Yearlings sold nt fnmt JS.fiO to Jl.'i nnd IninliA were active nt frum Jlfi'i ' to JS : . * ; western nheep sold at from J2 60 la J3.40. Rivolpls : Cuttle , G.OOO head ; hogs , 17,000 head ; shfep , " .OOO head. ViMV Viirk lil\i Stiu'lf , NEW YORK. Deo. II. -REEVE.- Receipt * . 1.ICS head ; steady , lull slow ; steers. II iVjH.OO ; slaw nnd oxen , J2.SOW I.S ; bulls. J2.41M2.sri ; dry conn. J1.25i2.7. ; cahlrs qnnle Amerloan stroni nt IfHillc. dieted ; sheep at MJSijO , ilrrrMvl weight ; refrigerator beef at 7 7' < 1o ; exports to morrow , 1,011 In eves , 4.'iC sheep and 4.29S uuarlers of liv'cf. SHEEP AXD LAMIW Receipts. 4.911 head ; les.i active ; clored ullKhlly vnsler ; sheep , t2.50)il ) liVj. llOdS-Recelpts. 4.15 head ; steady lit } 2.40t ? 3.H. ' _ _ _ SI. Lilllls Live Stool. . ST. IXX'Ifl. IVo. It. CATTLE Receipts. S.203 head ; inniUet Mondy lo strong ; native shipping steei-H , J.1.90 it.70 : dresfed beef and butehers' stct-rH. J3.40fTI.IO ; stwkers nnd feeders. JI.SJii3.70 ; I-IHVH nnd heifers. JI.7UM.fH ) ; Texas steers , J2.40jj > 3'Ai ; cowa. JI.tOSi2.S5. IIOOS Ui-colptn. fi.OiX ) h nil ; market tiiioo lower ; light J3.2iXt3.0 ; mixed. J3.00(3.:5 ( ; heavy , J2.W.M.35. SHEEP Receipts. l.JM bead ; market steady ; muttons , J2.JOtf3.73 ; lambs. JJWffl.TS. S ( ooKIII Slih t . llrconl of receipts of live stork nt the four prin cipal maikets for Ktliliiy , Decemhor II. ISW : Cattle , llogi. Sheep. South Omaha . U < . ' . J-J Chlciuro . f' . ( > M 17.000 7.VM ( city . n.oiw J.O.M . St. Lollln . ,200 O.OM . > TolnU KOHKCAHT OF TOIIAV'S WHATHKII. \rlmiNkn Siiliii'ilny Will He Knlr ivltliVNl WlmlN. WASHINGTON . Dec. II. The forecast for Saturday Is : Kor Nebraska and Kansas-Kalr ; wort winds. Kor South l > akota-Kalr ; nortli winds , be coming variable. Kor Missouri Kalr , but with Increasing cloudiness ; southwest winds. Kor Iowa Partly cloudy weather : sllshtly cooler Satuitlay ovonlns : west winds Kor WyomiiiK-Parlly cloudy weather ; north to west winds. Kor .Montana Increasing cloudlnprs ; probably local snows In northern portion ; colder In northern portion ; variable winds. Lociil llooord. OKKICK OK THICVI3ATHUIl lllTUKAlt OMAHA Hoc. 11. Omaha record of rnlnfall and temperature , compared with corrcaiiond. Inir day of the three years : ISM. ISM. 1S9I. 1S9.1 Maximum tompornturo . . M W as jj.i Minimum temperauiro . . 3.t 33 .1- l > AvotaK" temperaturi ! . . . . Jl .U t ! > ! l Hnlnfall 00w a Koeord of tomporatiiro and prcciplta Ion at Omaha for the dny and slncu March I. N'ormnl temperature for the day 2 ICxcess for the day . : " " 0:5 { : Aociimul.ilcd dollc'lency slnco March 1V--J- ; Norinal jireclpltatlon for day ( M In' h Ui llcioncy. for the day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1 : . " " -'i ' Uoports from Station * nt H JAMES' E. BOYD & CO Telephone 1039. Oinalia , N' b. COMMISSION GRAIX : PaOYISIJSS : AXD : SMS . Uoard of TraJc. iX'rct wires to CiiiruBtf and New YorV. Corrcnixindcms : John A. Warren ti C * HIDES WANTED. JIL-Iii'iU .nirln't : pncii p.ud , md prompt rcturiu llicruncuOinlht : Natlunal Jl.inU F. S. BUSH & CO. , No communion , 51 ; ! S. 13th St. . Oinulia. NO'J. ' MIL WARTIME CARD Lenrei | lirii.lNlTO.MO. . IHVEILiArrlvei" Oinulu , Union Depot , Kill & Mafcon Sit. | Oinalia " " "sTllain. . . . . . . .Denver Enpre a.T. . . . . . . . 9:30ait' : 4:35pm.l.'lk : 1IIIU , Mont A ; 1'uget ; jnd Kx. 4o : | int 43iini ; | . Denver Uxiue * * . l.u-imi 7Oipin..Neliratlcu : L/H'Ul ( ex Huulay > . . . 7:4jpm . . . .Llnooln Local ( ex. tjundayj3uaiij 2ipm..Kaet ; ! Mall ( for Lincoln ) dally. . . " Va\is ICIUCARO. UUIILINOTON & Q.IArrlves OiiiahaUiilanIepot | _ , loili K Jlanoii nl . | _ Oniali.- " " " "siGOpin . Chicago Vestibule. . . . . . . . 8Wam : 9:4 : < mr.i . ChlciiKU i\prc. : . 4ljpm 710pm..ChlcuK ! < > "lid St. Luun Express. , li.ouam ll:40am . i'.iclllo Juni'tlon Local . U:10pni : _ . Fust Mall . 2iupm : Leaves ( CHICAGO. MIL. & ST. PAUI-jArrl s" Union Depot , 10th & Ma&in Hl . | Oinalu C:3Cpm : . Chicago Limited . iS mi lliOO.iin..Chlcngu Express ( c . SunJjy ) . . . 3:2.pii : Leaves ( CHICAGO & NOUTHWEST'N.Arrlvei | OmaliaUnlon ] IJcuut , lOlli & Maaon Sls. | Oinuli.i lOM.Viin Eaulorn Kxuivm 3IDpm 4.45pn Vestlbulcil Llnilteil fcU'iuu ' 5i."pni : j . .Ht. Paul ExpreM & :3ij.iru SMO.ini Ht. Paul Ltmltcil DiOJiun 7Oiini..Carioll : K Hlnnx Cltv lyirjil Ill9ini : | Oinnh'j ' Clilcuxo biieclal sWUui : Missouri Valley Local V:3iiaiu : . ICHICAaO , 11. I. * PACII'IGlArrlvnn Gm.-iliaUlilon | IH' , 10th & Mniinii Ht . | O-notn " ' . . . EAST. _ _ _ fo:4nam..Atlantlo : Exire | ( ex. Huiiiljy ) . . C:3Spm 7'Wiii : | . . . . Nlulit i : | iri > H Xl.1nni : " . . . . Ventllnileil Limtt'il. . . . l:3.ipiu : 4tCpin..St. ! 1'nul > tllnil5ii i.lmlltil. . . . l:3iiji : | _ _ WEST. ( ! :4."pm.OKlnhomii : ft Tox. > K < Cx" l:4 pm . Colonulo Limned L ivesl C.TfiV. P. . M. & O. [ Arrives" Omaha ! _ IJepM , If.lh und Wrhsrrr Sis. I OmnlM li-ir.ain" . . . .Sioux CMiv Ac''iniir.ndntlunT. . . " iMpm : t'lty J' > pr.a i - \ . M'jn..ll--i ) ! ' . , , Ki. _ Iinil _ LlrnHrd. . . . . . Vnn | " . . : . M' > VALLHV. | AiTlve" ( Iniahal Dupn ! . t'lli and _ Wyb t 'r "i * _ [ Omini.i " 37imr.V.y..l'uVi | Wiill nnl Kxpnui. . nifpni : . . . 'ex KMvyu Ex ( x Men ) . . . . 7f.0iitn..liiiinnt ; L"cn ! ( Kundavi unlx ) . . 7r,0un. : . . .Nurfolk Expreix ( ex Run ) . IO2Jam ; . Leaves I K. C. . ST. J. K ' - . II. lAnlv.- . ( ) miihal'rilcn | Dcpcc , I0th Manon Sle. [ Oiinli.i ' ' 'tCCam..Kaiifii4 ; City Day Ekprevi. . . . . 8ll ! ) | > Mi lOWpni.lC. ( - ' . NUht Ex. via . 1- . Trans t.'Miin Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. " ( Arrive./ Onialiu ) Drpot , IStli sr.l Wnl > > r.Kti. _ j _ Oinnha .fXlrni.TNi ( > l > rii > kn A Knnmis Limited. . 12 9:20pm : . Knnnas t'lty I'.xpress . 6:00ain : 2:10pm : . . ' . ( | jriilu Lutal let. Hun. ) . . . . VWMiii " ' " " Leiivts" I KIOIJX CITY & PACIP1C. [ Arrlvsi" OinuhaDeiul ! _ | , 15th jiuMVcbHler , _ _ | . k " " * * " JjllSiiim. . . .r.Kt Pa"ulI.linlltil. . . . . _ . . . . . tt:10ani : Leaves | " BIOL'X CITY ft PAOU'ICT lAirlvn' Ouinliitilijilpii Di-pot , Idtn & Miison Sls.J Oma'i.i " 6:40jn : > P&ik'i.tfVr. ' . * . . Tll.lOuri 7:30ain : . Mloux City 1'unfceiiKur . ft'fc'.pin KJSpin. . . . .HI. Pnul Ifuvt'a f "UNION "PACl ! ' > . " " [ An U es" Clinahnil'nlon ' Dt-pot , ] 0th A Mn nn Hls , | Omaha - 20am.Overland " Limited . 4 r.piu .'fo ; &Htroin b'K Ex ( ex Hun ) . ,1 - "pin 631lim ; . ( Irun.l . I : lanrt I-Jxprcss ( ex , Hun ) K 0 | > iii JOnm _ _ . , -VuH Mall . 10f':4aiM LMVM I WAIIAHH IIAILWAY JArilVnT OmnlmlUnlon Depot , 10th & Maton Bts.l Oiimh.i