Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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    1) THE OMAITA DAILY 113 Hs SATURDAY. DISC1 KM1111311 12 , ' 1800.
Camoraa and photo supplies , No. 12 Pear !
itrcct ,
Fremont Benjamin of Avoca was In th
city yesterday.
Mini Mabel Hazen of Avoca Is vlsltlni
friends In thin city.
Mrs. Sherman of Anamorw Is the guest o
Mrs. W. W. Sherman.
Mrs. Knnls of Missouri Valley Is In th
city , the guest of Mrs , Stelnkopf.
Mlsa Dcrole Noj ( of Mlfsourl Valley Is litho
the city visiting friends for a few days.
Mrs. J. M. Matthews has returned from i
week's visit with friends at Sioux City.
Miss Hattlo Stevens of Colorado Springs I
visiting Mrs. John T. Tldd of Oakland nvc
nue.A special meeting of Star chapter. No
47 Itoyal Arch Masons , will be held thl <
evening for work In the U. E. degree.
P. O. DoVol , who has been seriously 111 foi
some time Is Improving and will soon b <
cblo to attend to business.
John Ilcrndt , aged 7 , and Mlra Catherine
Itecpen , aged 17 , were granted a marriage
license yesterday. They both reside In Dcnl-
Justice Vlen yesterday united In marriage
John Dendt and Katherlne Llcpcn , both ol
Dcnlson , la. The ceremony was performed
nt the Kiel hotel.
The Bimetallic club's permanent headquar
ters will bo formally opened on Wednes
day evening. Speakers from Omaha will su
perintend the event.
Itev. Henry will conduct religious
services at Underwood Sunday. He goes a
the representative of the Sunday School
union of this county.
Hustle Hhonds , the tramn , te said tc
shrink from washlng-so different from
woolens Heat to the Englo laundry. They
never shrink. 724 Broadway.
M > -s. George F. Hughra has on display In
the windows of T. I ) . Hughes' store a num
ber of pieces of china ware , hand-palnteil ,
which have attracted considerable attention.
The pesters of the printers' union , an
nouncing their fifteenth annual ball Christ
mas night at Oild Fellows' hall arc attract
ing much attention. The affair promises to
bo ono of the largest of the season.
High School Senior clans met Thursday
and elected the following officers for 181)7 ) :
Walter Howard , president ; Will Pardy , vice
president ; Lllllo Norcno , secretary ; James
Goiiblcn. treasurer. There will bo over elxty
graduate * In 1897.
Officer Covall caught a C-year-old boy In
the act of stealing a couple of fish from
C. O. D. Brown's market last evening. The
child he had to steal to satisfy his
hung'r. The llttlo fellow was given some
thing to-rat and sent home.
Street Supervisor Morris is giving employ
ment to about thirty men on street cleaning
work. The plan U not to give more than
two or three days' work to any one man , for
the purpose of permitting as many men as
possible to have a chance of earning a little
Arthur , the 3-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Llndaey of 2223 Avenue E , Is suffering the
effects of n fall which resulted In the
frai'ttiro of the right arm near the wrist.
The little fellow was sitting on top of a
chair , turned upside down , playing horse ,
when ho lost his balance and fell.
The Ladles' Auxiliary , No. 17. met on De
cember 10 anil elected the following ofllcern
for 1SOG : Mrs. W. S. Paulson , president ; Mrs.
Moore , senior vice president ; Mrs. Anna Wll-
ll.uns. Junior vlco president ; Mrs. Minnie
Williams , chaplain ; Mrs. Anna .Moore , treas
urer ; Mrs. Lunkley , conductress ; Mrs. Dal-
tea , guard ; Mrs. Wllker , color bearer.
Harry Phillips , who hns distinguished him
self as a missionary among the cannibals In
the South Sea lalnmta. where he lived for
three yearn In momentary expectation of
being eaten , will speak at the Fifteenth
street mission tonight nnd tomorrow night.
"For " two years the missionary was the only
white man on the Island where he made his
The announcement of the engagement ot
Miss Nannie McCuno to Mr. Charles May-
baucr has been made public. The wedding
will take place next Wednesday afternoon ,
nt the residence of Miss McCune's sister , Mm.
O. D. Wheeler , 509 East Pierce street. Mr.
Maybaucr Is a young business man of Mount
Vcrnou , In. , and ho will take his bride to
that place to live.
At their last meeting , heldon the 10th
Inst. , the Union Veteran Legion elected the
following officers for 1897 : W. S. Paulson ,
colonel ; C. B. Cousins , lleutennnt colonel ;
John Wntts , major ; O. W. Snydcr , chaplain ;
Samuel Johrson , officer of the day ; Andrew
Fcllcntretter , quartermaster ; Comrade Spcr-
ra , historian , Miss Sylvia E. Snyder , daugh
ter of encampment.
C. B. Vlavl Co. , female remedy. Medical
consultation free Wednesdays. Health book
furnished. 309 Merrlam block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
FOIL THIS Wlililt.
So mo Speelal Hedneeil Price * oil
.Staple MereliamllNe.
2 cases American and Merrlmac indigo
blue prints on wlo at 3'4c a yard.
25 cases cotton baits at Cc and 7c a roll.
An extra good quality all llcen Jiuck
towel on wlo at lOc each.
Another case of white Shaker flannel , extra
weight , nt 3ic a yard.
Men's heavy cotton underwear , the regu
lar 39c grade , reduced to 19o each.
Special bargains ) In cotton blankets at 50c.
C2Vtc. 75c , 95c nnd $1.00.
Best pork loin roast , 4ic Ib. Brown'u C.
O. t ) .
Fresh meats. Bartlctt Grocery Co.
llrntt IN Hurled.
The remains of George Dratt arrived hero
from Ottawa , III. , yesterday morning nnd
were taken to tbo undertaker's rooms. At
2 o'clock In the afternoon the funeral was
held from 2201 South Tenth Direct , the homo
of the dead man's mother.
Bratt was a fugitive from Justice for the
past two years , having been Indicted by the
federal grand Jury for counterfeiting. Lnsl
Wednesday the authorities received Informa
tion .that ho was In hiding In a house below
Manawa , in the bottoms. When the officers
bad surrounded tlio house they found only
some of Dratt's relatives , who showed them
telegrams announcing his death at Ottawa ,
III. The remains yesterday wcro viewed by
a number of llio officers who know Bratt
and ho was Identified beyond all question of
Happily lllended.
Wo venture to say that our store Is tjie
best arranged In the city , filled with rare
Herns of diamonds , fine Jewelry , watchet ) nnd
chains , silverware and silver novelties.
Wo tnako specially low prices on table cut
lery , carving sets and full tea sets , quadruple
plato. C. B. JACQUEMIN & CO. ,
27 South Main street.
All kinds ot holiday novelties at Brown's
C. O , U.
Wanted , position as stenographer by lady
Of ten years' experience. S , Dee olllcc.
Itenl KNliite TrnnxferN.
The following real estate transfers were
reported yesterday at the ofllco of J. W.
Squire ;
Sheriff to Klmball-Clminn Investment
company , nw > , i nwi 15 , sw M no , ; ,
tw U HO U 1C-74-44 , nw M HW M -"fi S > *
44 , H el $ 1.456
W B Van Kirk to B 11 and M J Van
Kirk . , uml 1-C lots 18 , 19 , . 20 , . 21 _ nnd . .
* - „ ! H I 1 1 t t ! <
block G , Highland Plnro ; lot 10. block
2. Wilson Terraee : lot 3. block 7 , MuU
lln'H Kilbdlv ; lot 11. block 1 , and lot
4. block 4 , Mayne'H 1st ndd , q o ( I. . , . 200
/Ill F Hledontopf to John llcno , no
U no U 30-7G-4J. w tl
I'ottawnttamle county to Orln W Bar
ton , nwi U sw > i 5-iG-3l > , ei a d 1
Four transfers , total $ 2,007
for ClirlHliiiiin
Don't forget that B. B. Keller has the
finest line of rockera and chairs at the lowest
prices. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
100 fancy lniK | > rted chamber vets at le&a
than wholesale prlco at Urown's C. 0. D.
lloston Store will bo open every evening
until after Christmas ,
. Allxed nuta , Ccta uound. Brown's C. 0. U.
ANh SOCIlil\ \ SIi
Annunl Convention of the Friends of Dnml
Brutes Proves Interesting ,
CoimradilnlcM Hlx I * clltMV Mcmlx-rn < n
\Vliut HIIN Ilri-n Dinif niul
Out the War . 'Io Hotter
The nnnual mcctlnB of the Humane so
clety was held yesterday afternoon In tin
the parlors of the Young Men's Chrlstlni
association. There was not ns largo an at
tendance as was anticipated , but those win
did attend took an enthusiastic Interest litho
the work. The venerable D. C. llloomcr
who has been president of the organlrntlot
for several years , was called to the chair
Kcv. Henry Cokcr was chosen secretary am
read the minutes of the last annual meet
Ing. At the conclusion of the reading thi
president made his annual report , which wai
as follows :
I would respectfully report that whlli
llttlo actual work lias been done by tin
olllci-rs of the Humana oclety during tin
last llftcen months , yet that the purposes
which It was orsanlzcTl to promote liavi
ant been entirely overlooked. The press
of the city hns frequently mentioned the
subject , and set forth In strong , stirring
language the cruelties practlecd bj
thoughtless persons upon the animals In
their charge , as well as upon the children
under their care. The members of the po.
llco force , who wcro made olllcers of the
society at the last annual meeting , have
also done much good work in these direc
tions , and , while not many actual arrcstf
have been made for Inhuman treatment ,
yet they have from timeto time , by timely
suggestion and discreet atlvlcu to individu
als , helped to stay the cruelties too often
coming under their notice. I think there
In a general fee-ling In our community In
favor of helping on our work , anil It need.
only a little earnest organization to mnkc
thin more effective. To this end we need
more money , that we may both purchase
humane literature for general circulation
nnd employ agents to effectively carry out
the Immune objects of our society. 1 ear
nestly hope that Home efforts to secure
these desirable ends may bo adopted nt this
I think this meeting may be regarded
na the annual meeting of the society , and
It will , therefore , be right to elect olllcera
for the ensuing year , ns required by ar
ticles v nnd vl of the constitution. I would
add that the payment annually of $2 In
required for membership lu the society , and
I would suggest that this bo reduced to
Jl and that the trvaqurer to bo selected at
this meeting be instructed to extend the
membership ns fnr ns possible and thus en
able us to prosecute the work of the so
ciety with more vigor anil success.
The report wao received and Its recom
mendations as to the reduction of the mem
bership fcea were concurred In. The work ol
electing efllccrs wati then taken up. Mr ,
Hloomer was re-elected president. Mayor
George Carson vlco president , A. Overtoil
treasurer nnd Henry Coker secretary. The
directors ! elected wcro : Colonel W. F. Uaker ,
Henry Paul , Henry DoLong , II. W. Tllton
and Chief of Police ICcl Canning.
The treasurer's ; annual report t'howecl th'it
there wcro no unpaid bills nnd there was
still a balance of ? S In the treasury.
Discussions * na to tlio best methodo of se
curing the objects of the society led to the
pasKigo of a resolution requci'tlng all mem
bers of the police force to take an active In
terest In the association's work.
The treasurer and secretary were Instructed
to extend the membership of the society nnd
promote Its objects by circulating among the
people suitable literature. Other practical
ways were discussed for extending the In
fluence of the society.
The subscription to a number of periodicals
suitable for the work wao ordered to ho re
newed. _
Time ( o Clean Up.
It Is getting about time there should be
a general cleaning up. This nice weather
gives a person tlmo. to think how much nicer
the city would look if the streets were
cleaned up and put In shape before winter
sets In. The merchants also realize that It
Is time to clean up a llttlo and get rid ol
odds nnd ends. Hughes , the Men's outfitter ,
at 415 llroadway , has caught the fever and
has commenced cleaning up. He Is making
a great cut on remnants In Shoes , Under
wear , Caps , Gloves , etc. , before the holiday
trade fairly sets in and will devote thlo
week to cleaning up. Better drop around.
You may find Just what you are looking for
and get a bargain. _ _
Parties having flro Insurance policies written - *
ten by K. H. Odell that need attention should
call on Messrs. Day & Hess , 39 Pearl street ,
general Insurance agents.
1' ri't ! Sllv < * iwnre
Ry pending forty Domestic soap wrappers
to L. Ilolton & Co. , DCS Molncs , la. , you will
cet six Oliver teaspoons free.
Durfeo Furr.lturo Co.'a great removal sale
Is now In full blast. You In It ?
A fine line ot albums from & 0cts to { 5.00
at Urown's C. O. 1) .
Dixirlet Court NoleH.
The sealed verdict returned Thursday night
by the Jury In the casxj of Michael Gocxlwln
against the Travelers' Protective Accident
Inunranco company was opened yesterday
morning and granted tha plaintiff Judgment
for $300. On the special Interrogatory they
answered that the plaintiff was entitled to
the regular sick benefits for a term of twelve
Gcorgo Miller , administrator of the estate
of Peter Jensen , filed his second annual re
port yesterday. The receipts amounted to
$158 during the laot year and the expendi
tures ) J.TCS. The amount paid by the adinln-
lotr.itor in excess of the receipts was estab
lished as a Hen against the estate.
J. M. Fcnlon , guardian of Anna M. ArnoU ,
a minor heir of H. 1) ) . Arnold , was granted
an order to pay $8 a month to the child's
mother , Mrs. Alice D. Carhce. The mother
and stepfather of the minor were repre
sented nu being unable to provide for her.
The casa of Dctlef Kruso against the Self-
fcrt & Wels > o Lumber company Is on trial
In the district court. The suit Involves a
claim for wages. Kruyo was employed by
Charles Alttnanaporgcr. the defaulting agent
Df the company nt Mlndcn' . The plaintiff now
DOCU to recover the amount duo him for
service * * from the lumber company , as Urn
work done by him was mostly la connection
tvlth this. _
ClirlHlniiiN I'rexoiilx for Men.
Longlcy and Dunlap bate.
Louis Auerbach's . flno neckwear , Just re-
: clved from New York.
Smoking Jackets , dressing gowns , bath
Fancy vests , fancy shlrta , silk and linen
Iloffmayr'n fancy patent flour makes the
jest and most bread. Ask your grocer for it.
Dartlett Grocery Co. has two stores , one
opposite postofllce , ono Eighth street and
llroadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mixed candy , Ccta pound , at Drown'u C.
3. D. _
lloston Store will be open every evening
mill after Christmas.
Dig I ) flour , 99c ; good enough for anybody.
Qartlott Grocery Co.
10-pleco decorated chamber cct , $3.00 , at
: irown'u c. O , D.
Ilartlctt Grocery Co.'a big A flour , $1.10.
Counell muff * Store Itolilicil.
Burglars accomplished a successful raid
ipon the general store of M. Gregcrson , at
.ovlng Springs Thursday night. Ho reported
ho facts to the police hero yrstorday , The
rork was evidently douu by sotno of the
ountry grocery store loafers , who are handy
dtli their Jackknlvco , for a panel lu the
rout door was whittled out and a hole made
argo enough to admit a man , The cash
rawer was broken open and a small amount
t uionoy taken. Shoca , kulvcu , clothing
underwear , razors nnd n llttlo of ovcrylhlni
clso In the store was carried away. The post
oftlco Is located In the naino building , but th
burglars wcro careful not to meddle will
anything cc.nnectcd with Undo Sam's bust
ness. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lnrrj' Tl % nn % } ' ' Trouble.
Lawrence Tlcrney will have n hoarlnj
today upon the charge of obtaining moncj
by n method that comes dangerously ncn :
forgery. Tlerncy has been working for tin
city In the sidewalk department , Ho cnllc <
for his time check and when ho gave Fore
mnn Mottaz his name It sounded like Turner
the naino of another man engaged on tin
work. Turrcr had $2.40 coming to him am'
Tlerney only $1.20 , and when Turner's checl
was given him he took It and went to Zollor'j
grocery to secure n bill of goods. Tlernc ]
endorsed the check with his own name. Ills
attention wns called to the discrepancy Ir
the names , and he left , saying he wouh
shortly return. This ho did nnd the name o !
Turner had been crnscd nnd that of Tlcrnej
substituted , Tlcrney stating that Mottnz hai
made the change. Mr. Zollcr Investigate ! '
and found this story incorrect. Tlerncy' !
arrest followed.
Dy rending forty Domestic soap wrappers
to L , Dolton .t Co. , Dee Molncs , la. , you wil
get six sliver teaspoons free.
23 poundsj beet granulated sugar , $1,00
Brown's C. O. D.
Bartlctt Grocery Co.'s big A flour , $1.10
Boston Store will be open every evening
until after Christmas.
Fine livery for parties and dances. Ogdcr
Livery , 158 Broadway. Telephone S3.
Fresh bulk oysters. 15c qt. ; special foi
Saturday. 'Brown's ' C. 0. D.
Go to Bartlctt Grocery Co.'s flour sale.
Boston Store will be open every evening
until after Christmas.
No better flour made than Bartlett Gro
cery Co.'s big A , $1.10.
Brown's C. 0. D. open evenings until
F. W. Dean , M. D. , eye , ear , noeo anil
throat , 211 Mc-rlam block.
If you v.ant n bargain In watches and
diamond's call at Snyder's , 323 B'way.
Bartlctt Grocery Co.'s big B flour , 09c.
MHS. wsi. antixi.KY ix CHICAGO.
IM After ltent niul Koine TiianKiiratloii
CHICAGO , Dec. 11. Mrs. William Mc
Klnley arrived In Chicago over the Pensyl-
vanla railroad today. She was accompanied
from Canton by Mr. nnd Mrs. Morse of San
Francisco and Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Me-
Williams of Chicago. After telegraphing her
husband of her safe arrival , she was driven
to the McWilllams' residence , nt 3901 Lake
nvenue. The visit Is for securlng-a much-
needed rest after the long strain of the re
cent presidential campaign , nnd no public
receptions have been planned. During her
stay here Mrs. McKlnley will do her Christ
mas shopping and buy her Inaugural gowns.
There Is a probability of Prcaldent-elect Mc
Klnley coming to Chicago In about a week
and accompanying bis wife back , though
this has not yet been fully decided upon.
Monitor Itniii I'lirllnn Mnki-H n Kor-
lillillllile Addition In tlie Xnvy.
NEW YORK , Dec. 11. Ono more formid
able addition to the navy of the United
States was made today when the monitor
ram Puritan was put In commission nt the
Brooklyn r.nvy yard. It is thirty-two years
slnco the keel of tbo Puritan was laid and
four years nlnco she was launched. Now that
uho Is ready for service she Is regarded ns ,
for defensive purposes , superior to navy
vessels of the first class , while for offensive
warfare , she Is a little Inferior to first class
craft She is 300 feet long and sixty feet
wide , and has a displacement of 0,200 tons.
Her equipment consists ot four twelve-Inch
rifles In barbette ; six four-Inch rapld-flrlng
rifles , elx stx-poundcrs , two one-pounders
and two revolving cannon.
Mil I li Shaft Cavc-H In. .Shutting OR All
Hope of KHcnite.
LOS ANGELES , Dec. 11. A special dis
patch from Yuma says that news has reached
there from Hedges , fifteen miles distant ,
In San Diego county , of a terrible disaster
In the Queen mlno at that place , owned
by the Gold Cross Mining and Milling' com
pany. Some tlmo last night a cave-In
occurred In the main shaft , and as a result
several miners have lost their lives and
moro arc injured.
Heports are meager and conflicting , but
the generally credited report Is that four
men are entombed at the bottom of the
shaft with no chance of escape , and four
or flvo have been rescued badly Injured.
I'lniiH to Kleetroeute nil Klephniit in.
I'liMlu I'riiNtruled.
CHICAGO , Dec. 11. The plans for the pub
lic electrocution of Gypsy , the man-killing
elephant , may not materialize. Chief of
Police Badenoch and Secretary Shortall of
the Illinois Humane society have both de
clared that the exhibition should not bo
allowed. Commissioner of Public Works
Downey and City Collector Maas state that
a permit for the exhibition will bo refused.
There la no objection to the killing of the
animal , it being considered that ho has
earned her death , but the publicity and ad
mission fee plan finds disfavor and it la Im
probable that a public exhibition of the kill
ing will bo permitted.
Shipping AVyoiulnjr Ore.
HAHTVILLE. Wyo. , Dec. 11. ( Special. )
0. A. Guernsey , who represents the owners
of a number of Iron mines In this vicinity ,
Is arranging to ship 20,000 tons of mixed Iron
and copper ere from the dump of the Sun-
rlso inluoto the Denver smelters. As the
ere will have to bo hauled by team "to " the
railroad , about sixteen miles distant , the
sntorprlso will afford employment to a largo
number of teams of the ranchmen of the
neighborhood. Ore from the Good Fortune
mlno Is being hauled -to the railroad for
shipment to the Denver and Pueblo smelters
mil work In the mlno Is being pushed vigor-
jusly. The ore Is quarried from an open cut
made In an Immense body of the ore , which
Is blasted otiti in lots of from thirty or fifty
: ons at one shot. At Badger station , on the
line of the Cheycnna & Northern branch of
Iho Denver & Gulf railway , big ere scales
iavo been put in , and a loading embankment
jullt alongside the tracks to facilitate loadIng -
Ing ere from wagons to the cars.
Iliilned ivIMii DnineHlle Infelicity.
VEIIMILLION , S. D. , Dec. 11. ( Special. )
John Dobson of Turner county. South Da
kota , left Saturday for Canton , S. D. , family
trouble ) otuslng him to leave , F. C. Danforth
pui-chnml hlo thrco farms for $7,500 and ako
hla personal property. Most , If not all , of
Ills debts have been satlr.led , and If any are
left they will probably bo attended to eventu
ally , as Mr. Dobsan has always held the best
} f n reputation for honesty and Industry ,
Ho hau had a long serlcn of mlefortunes ,
using his crops by drouth and hrl ! four years
In succession and having serious trouble In
Ills family. Ho gave his wlfo everything
jut a $6 bill and started to begin Ufa again
impty-handed and alone at the- ago of CG
rears. _
Kleelorn Heeelvc Certlllenteii.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Dec. 11. ( Special. )
Plio three successful candidates for election
is presidential electors In this state have
> ecn given their certificates of election by
ho governor of Iho state , and will meet In
his city on January 15 next to select a men-
longer to carry the result of the votein
Vyomlng to Washington. It Is bellovcU that
Ion. John A. Martin of tblu city will bo
clcctoJ as messenger , Mr , Martin was nee-
otary of tbo ntnto central commlttco of
ho democratic party during the campaign
md received the highest vote of the candl-
latca for elector < m all ot tbo tickets.
No Light Oast piTtho Missjnrl Vnlloy
Attempt nt rfnnflir mil Suicldo ,
f .
' 7i.r
* n : :
Father of ( ho Itrnil Sinn tlnnlilo t
Arc-omit fur 111 * Actx 13\iH > pt on
( he Theory ( tint Mo Wan
MISSOURI VALLiiYo la. , Dec. It. ( Spe
clal Telegram. ) The Freeman suicide an
attempted murder last night has been th
topic of conversation In this city today , am
many nnd varied are the surmised cause
for the tragedy. Dr. Freeman's testlmon
before the coroner's Jury relative to the re
latlona existing between himself and th
boy Is in part as follows : "The boy arrlve
In the Valley Sunday from California am
went out to his uncle's , east of town. II
came In on Tuesday , and had a long con
versatlon with mo in regard to his staying
with me , as I Intended that ho should llv
with me , ns ho Is the only child I have. Ho
was perfectly friendly and not n cross won
passed between us. After our talk ho wen
back to his unclo'a , and remained there unti
yesterday afternoon , when ho again cam
Into my ofllco and wo had a long talk eve
his prospects here and 'the ' prospects of getting
ting employment. Ho went away from the
ofllco feeling In the best of spirits. The
boy must have been Insane , for there Is no
reason In the world why ho should have at
tempted to murder me. Wo had never hoi
a cross word or any disagreement of an ;
kind nnd the only reason I can see why ho
did so was that he was crazy , "
Upon the body of the dead boy were
found two letters one from the father here
and the other .from the mother at Plcas-
anton , O. The general tenor of the father's
letter bears out his testimony as to klm
relations to the son , beginning : "Dear Hey
Denny I write you today , according to
promise , but have but llttlo to nay. I only
want to ask you If you want to come to
Iowa ? It .would please me very much to
have you here. I think you could get work
of some kind near here , then you would not
bo among strangers , and 1 do want to see
you. "
This letter Is dated November 25 , 1890 ,
and continues In the same strain to the end.
Three days before this , the ever trtio and
affectionate mother had written from Plcas-
anton : "Denny , my Dear Doy How I would
love to know what you are dolngl Do you go
to Pabbath school and to church ? I have
thought of you to much since you have been
gone , and spent many sleepless nights , won
dering where you were.
"I wrote two letters to you when I heard
you were In California , but do not know as
you got them. I do not know what you arc
doing or how you arc getting along , but
whatever happens always try to keep up a
bravo heart. Trouble will como In thlo
world. None can escape It : it Is sure to come ,
to all some time. To so mo it comga In one
way and to others It comes some other. ]
havd looked for a letter from you over since
I heard you were. , In California , but have
been disappointed. I would bo very thankfu
to have you wilto'n few lines to me when
you get this. It lids been A long time rinco
I had a letter from . Iny boy. Good-bye
Denny ; may our Heavenly Father be with
you and mo until wo meet again. Your
mother. LOU FREEMAN. "
Thus the mystery of , the young man's at
tempt upon his father's life remains lockei
In doath'e embrace , unless the mother upon
her arrival can and will furnish
some other possible motive than in
sanity. There arc those who think
L'ho can , and anoth'cr chapter In the
most sensational tragedy ever enacted in
this 'city may como to light , The body
await : ) her arrival from1 Ohio.
Court nt DON Molnen SpeiiUs Oiieiily
Coiieoriillitr AlloKCMl .Tolls.
DE9 MOINES , ' "Dec 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The greatest sensation In all the
series concerning jobbery at the city hall do-
velcped today. List night It was announced
that the grand Jury had determined to In
vestigate tbo cams against ex-officials , and
would begin today. Tlila created consternation
among the prosecutors , because the present
grand Jury Is suspected of friendliness
toward the suspect ? , and for some tlmo It
has been known they and their frlondu have
been working on members of the Jury. It
had been determined by County Attorney
Ilowo on this account not to venture before
the present jury with the cases , but io wait
for the new ono In January. Dut the jury
suddenly discovered Its duty to go at the
cases at once and It was commonly under
stood a whitewashing would result.
A morning paper printed the story and
when the Jury met 'this morning It was not
allowed to take up the investigation. Judge
Holmes announced that If the present jury
attempted to make Iho Investigation ho
would at once call It Into court and dismiss
It. Ho said ho had been watching it and
having Hu relations with the cx-clty officials
watched for twine time , and Intimated that
ho did not consider It safe to trust with the
cases. _
Jury FlmlN Sccrt-tiiry of ( lie Iowa
SciiuttGuilty. .
BELMOND , la. , Dec. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) W. E. Dullard , secretary of the Iowa
senate , was today found guilty of forgery.
Ho forged the names of E. and Mary Klplln-
gcr , husbind and wife , to a promissory note
and mortgage and ! also forged an abstract.
Ho borrowed money from his mother on
the Instrument : ) . When the Interest fell duo
ho was away and she deposited the docu
ments with a bank for the collection. The
forgery In this way became known and pros
ecution followed. The jury was out two
houru this afternoon and found him guilty.
GIvcH Minn GclKcr u Fortune. .
DES MOINES , Doc. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The supreme court today afllrmed
the verdict In favor of Rhoda A. 'Oclger
for $10,000 damages from A. C. Payne of
Mount Ayr lor seduction nnd breach of
promise. The case was highly sensational.
Payne la rich and was prominent In re
ligious and social affairs till his matrimonial
menial troubles began. H < o is about CO
years old. Miss Gelgcr sued him In Ring-
gold county , alleging that only a few weeks
after the death of his first wife ho began
to pay her attentions and under promise
of marriage seduced her. Then ho aban
doned her and she sued him for $50,000.
She secured a verdict for $10,000 and the
court orlast resort tQday affirmed It. She
la now living In 'Ohio.
IIMVII .Men-limit
MANSON , la. , Dec.-l } . ( Special Telegram. )
Matt J. Foley , aTwealthy merchant of thlo
town , has disappeared > Ho has not been seen
since Saturday. Hol'Wa's known to have sev
eral hundred dalles jm his person when
last scon. It Is auuposcd ho loft town , but
when or where ho , went la not known and
Investigation only deepens the mystery. Ho
had made no plans , for leaving and his af
faire are In excellent 'condition. Ho Is pro
prietor of a clothing U'OUBO and a drug store
and unmarried. The polled of Chicago , DCS
Molncs , Sioux City , -and ether cities Jiavu
been notified to look for him.
MOVOIIIfllt-itO AHHlHt ClllinilN.
DES MOINES , Dec. 11. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) The Cuban sympathize of Dca
Molncs have organized a society to raise
funds and assist the patriots. The organlza.
tlon meeting was largo and enthusiastic.
\V. D. Olncy was elected president and E.
D. Hamlln secretary. Scnor Arango of
Cleveland will come hero In the near future
to address a great maas meeting under
the auspices of the society. The society
will receive contributions and will organ
ize branched In towns of Iowa to canvasser
[ or money. _
\eeiixiitlon Atrnlnxl n Cominerelul .Man
WATERLOO , la. , Dec. 11. ( Special Tele-
; ram. ) J , II. Marshall , a well known travel
ing talesman In Iowa , la wanted hero for
'orgery , obtaining money under false pro-
.onsen and jumping a board bill , lu all about
$ ( 5. Ho ling played the fame game nt llnv-
cnport and DCS .Molncs to the extent o !
About $200 , In rnch place , U Is alleged.
Soldier * Home Trustee * Cited.
DKS MOINES , Dec. 11. ( Special Tele.
gram. ) The commandant and trustees of th (
Soldlcro" Home at Marslmlltown were todij
cited to appear In fcdeMl court Monday be
fore Jmlgo Woolwn to answer charges ol
violating pension lawn by compelling Inmate :
to pay the home part of their pensions.
Unrein are Mereluuit
CHEROKEE , la. , Dec. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Mathcw Hush , hardware nnd Im
plement dealer at Clcghorn , Cherokee
county , made an assignment of alt personal
property and real estate today for the benefit
of his creditors. Dush Is postmaster at Cleg-
i\llloslou Kill * ii DiMitlNt'MVlfo. .
SIDLKY. la. . Dec. 11. The explosion of a
vulcanlzcr In the dental rooms of William
Schlawlg today caused fatal Injury to the
dentist's wife. The head of the vnlcnnlzcr
struck her In the forehead , fracturing her
Humored Hint They May Attempt to
Inilieiieli Supreme Court .Member * .
SIOUX FALLS. S. D. , Dec. 11. ( Special. )
The populists hero arc very much agi
tated over the decision to bo handed down
by the supreme court tomorrow on the
mandamus application to compel the state
canvassing board to Issue certificates of
election to the McKlnley electors nnd the
republican candidates for congress. Many
of the prominent populists say In private
conversation , although they refuse to be
Interviewed , to the effect that If the
decision of the supreme court Is adverse
to the populists an effort will bo made
at the coming session of the legislature to
Impeach the members of the court. In order
to do this they say that enough repub
lican members of the legislature will be
unseated to give the populists a. clear two-
thirds majority. It Is believed here that
this Is Idle- talk and that the populist lead
ers throughout the state would not coun
tenance the scheme for a moment.
BIIIMV Ilniililly Dlsiiiipenrlim-
Seetlons of South Dakota.
PIERRE , S. D. , Dec. 11. ( Special. ) The
Chinook winds of the past week have mate
rially reduced the snow along the hills and
bluffs of the Missouri valley and have oven
affected the prairie , where It was far deeper
than along the bluffs. Some of the cattle
men north of hero who fed their stock nl-
mcst all through November now report them
able to tnko care of themselves on th'1
prairie. Hay Io even now up to JS per ton.
the highest It hap been here since the settle
ment of this part of the state , and If the
snow had held on until spring , ns was
feared , stock wculd have eaten more than
tlioilr cash value In hay nt that nrlcn.
VERMILLION , S. 1) . , Dec. 11. ( Special. )
A warm wave followed the storm In
Turner county , South Dakota , nnd the snow
Is nearly all gone. The telephone lines.
which wcro all down , are being repaired and
put Intousa. . _
I'liimeH SerloiiNly Daiiinne the New
Klllsiiu llolNt lit l.eii.l City.
DEADWOOD , Dec. 11. ( Special Telegram. )
Fire this evening was discovered In Uie
now Ellison hoist. In. course of construction
by the Homcstakc Mining company at Lead
City , ft building 200 by 250 , and one of the
largest In the Hills. The hoist , which Is
to bo the largest and most complete In the
world , was badly damaged by the fire.
almost everything wooden about It having
been destroyed , and some of the steel work
50 badly warped that It will have to be re
placed. An estimate of the loss could not
bo had at a late hour tonight , but It will
run up Into the thousands. The lire caught
from a defective stovepipe.
South DuUotii Supreme Court Ieplnlon
PIIORRE , S. D. , Dec. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Opinions wcro handed down by the
supreme court this morning In- the following
cases : Dy Hanoy , William U. Germand
against Vermosa company , Fall River
county , affirmed ; William H. Male ct al
against George. N. LongstafT , sheriff ol
Doadlo county , affirmed : by Corson , C. W.
Locke against C. W. Hubbard , Mlnnchaha
county , reversed : by Fuller , V. C. Sweat-
man and Joseph Ogden against city of Deadwood -
wood , Lawrence county , affirmed.
Cannot Keeover on Liquor Soltl There ,
SIOUX FALLS , S. I ) . , Dec. 11. ( Speclal.- )
Judgc Jones of the circuit court yesterday
held that the liquor traffic was contrabrand
and that an action to recover for the value
of liquor sold In this otato contrary to the
irohlbltlon law has no standing In court.
The action was brought by J. J. Douglas of
oulsvllle , Ky. , ugalnst John Munson for
several barrels of whisky. The Judge di
rected the verdict for the defendant on the
ground that the sale was contrary to thu
atato law.
I'lle ArlleloH of Incorporation.
PIERRE , S. D. , Dec. 11. ( Special. ) Arti
cles of Incorporation have been filed for the
Fremont Creamery company in Fremont
ownshlp. Moody county , with n capital
stock of $3,000 ; James A. Rowell , chairman ;
Fohn H. Ryan , secretary. And for the
lagged Top Gold Mining company at Dead-
vooil with a capital stock of $1,250,000 ; In-
orporatora , Donald A. McPboreon , R. N.
Ogden nnd William L. McLaughlln of Dead-
vood , John Cray of Torravlllo and John
Ulatchford of Terry.
AVaiit KavorN from Melvliiley.
CANTON , S. D. , Dec. 11. ( Special. )
Colonel L. H , Larson and Jamca Lewis eccm
o have the Insldo track here for federal ap-
olntmenta , although many other prominent
cpubllcans ore seeking recognition. Mr.
Careen , cashier of the Cantonibank , Is ecek-
ng the office of deputy United Stairs revenue
ollector for southeastern South Dakota , and
t now lookn as if ho would be successful.
Many Women Klcctfil to Olllee.
PIERRE , S. D. , Dec. 11. ( Special. ) Su
perintendent Crane elates that twenty-eight
ut of the fifty-two now county supcrlntcnd-
nts elected are women. All of the Ulack
lllls counties this year elected women su
This famous product has stood the
test of over 30 years nnd is still
unapproachcd In quality , fine fla
vor and popularity.
It is the original , ns invented by
the great chemist , Justus von Lie-
big. All other kinds cnnic later
and are , practically , imitations.
Ask for
Lleble COMPANY'S Extract ot Decf
with this signature
and see that you Ret II.
-411 III II III ( It-
The Soft Glow of the Ton Rosa I
In acquired by ladles who use I'ommi's
I'ollco Matron Dennett of Oinnhn was h
thp city yesterday Afternoon looking for Mini
Jrnnlo llcrry of Sioux City. The girl l <
wanted at licr old hoinc for the Inrrcny o
several articles of fetnalo wearing apparel
Miss llerry nrrlvcit In tlio city several dnyi
ago atul at once found employment In one
of the restaurants. Yeeterday hovns < \\s- \
charged nnd left the place only ten minutes
before Mrs. Dennett arrived In search of her
It Is understood thnt one of the dresses taker
wns worth $10. The matron did not locate
the girl last evening , as It was learned thai
she * had gone to Omaha to look for work.
The clothing which It Is alleged was stolen
was at the homo of a friend of Mlsa Merry's
on Twentieth street , and the matron said thai
If she would give up the stolen goods Miss
Herry would not be arrested.
Later on It was found upon Investiga
tion that two of the dresses had been taken
away during the afternoon and Matron Den
nett turned the case over to Thief Hrcnnnli
with Instructions to arrest Mlsa Ilerry as
coon aa she could bo found.
MnnU- City ( IIIHN | | ) .
I'M linn Icy Is on the sick list.
Mrs. John Itoach Is among the sick.
Fr d Peyton Is down with pneumonia.
The Hoard of Trade Is down for a meeting
Thomas Iloctor lias returned from a trip
to Lincoln.
A. M. Treat of Chappell was hero yester
day on business.
C. It. Evans of Downey , Idaho , Is registered
at CHIP of the hoti'ls.
Charles Curtis Is back from Lincoln , where
ho siicnt n few days.
An Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Cllngden Is very sick.
K. W. Hunt has gone to Nebraska City to
attend to some legal business.
K. Kelly of I ! rain aril brought three cars of
cattle to this market yesterday.
J. M. Dorscy , a well known Nevada cattle
man , Is hero looking after some property.
The Homo Circle High Five club will meet
at the home of Mrs. A. L. Lott this evening.
A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs.
Q. II. Young , Fifteenth and Monroe streets.
Thomas Kelly , foreman of the cutting de
partment at Cudahy's , Is confined to hit ) home
by Illness.
Mrs. Edward Ernth has returned from
Hastings , where she visited with friends
for a week.
IX S. Zimmerman , a prominent York
farmer , was a caller at the stock yards yes
terday afternoon.
The hearing of the Knsor-Itltchhart libel
suit has been continued without date , owing
to the Illness of County Attorney llalilrlge.
Martin Stupalt Is suffering from blood
poison In one of his humta. Sonm days agj > .
lie received n slight scratch and blood poison
set In.
The Q street car line will bo placed In
operation today. Four motormen will handle
the Albright and Q street stub lines and
change about every month.
Within the last day or two several heavy
out-of-town property owners have sent re
quests to the city treasurer for statements
of taxes due. Should these people pay up
the treasury will bo In n flourishing condition
for a short time.
Local Ice dealers complain of a scarcity of
Ice. For some time past consumers have
been served with artificial Ice. but that sup
ply has been exhausted and dealers have
been delivering ice which was frozenduring
the recent cold miap. There was only a
very little cut and what there was Is nearly
J. Heck of Button brought a steer to the
yards yesterday which Is a great curiosity
from the fact of Its having nix feet and legs ,
the two Rupcrfluous limbs being right be
hind the shoulders on the back. The forma
tion Is perfect and the steer , which Is a
2-year-old , seems perfectly strong and
A Wonderful Medicine
For Bllloua and Nervous dtaoraors.such as Wind
null Fata In tno tUonmcli , Sick Headache , QUdl-
nosg.Fullnesj and Swelling after nionls , Dlzzl-
neBa and Drowsiness , Cola Chllla , Flushings of
IIcat. Loss of Appotlto. EUortnoBB ot Broatl ) , Cos-
tlvcnosB , Blotches on tbo Skin , Disturbed Sloop ,
Frightful Dreutaa. nnd all Norvoua and Trcmb-
llngBoiiettttons , ic. , hon thcso symptoms are
ccuood by constipation , as most ot thorn aro.
MINUTES. This is 110 fiction. Every snfforcr la
earnestly Invited to try ono Box of tlicso Fllla
and ilicjr AVlll bo acknowledged to ba
BEKCIJAI'I'S PILLS , tukon aa directed ,
will quickly restore Fomuloa tocorapleto hoaltb.
Tboy promptly remove obstructions or Irregu
larities of the oyetom. For a
Weak Stomach
impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
they act Hko magic a fovr doaoa will work wonders -
dors upon tlio Vital Orcans ; Btrongthontiig tlio
muscular system , restoring the loug-lost com-
plosion , bringing back the Icoon edge ot appo *
tlto , nnd arouolng with the ItOHcbud of
HcallU llio ivholo physical onercy of
the human frame. Tlioso are facts admitted by
thousands , In all classes of ooclaty , audouoof
the best guarantees to tbo Korvoua and Debili
tated Is that Uccclinm's I'lllu liavo tlio
Largest Sale of uuy 1'utciit IllcdlcUlo
111 Iho World.
mi ,
Annual Sales more than 6,000,000 Boxes
2Sc. at Drue Stores , or will bo sent by U.S.
AROnts. B. P. ALLEN CO. , 303 Canal Ht. , Now
Xork , post paid , upon receipt ot price. Boa'c
frco upon application.
Under the Mistletoe.
There can bo only ono outcome to thu
above example of f > ontlo coercion if fol
lowed up by tlio presentation of ono of
those elegant rincraof which "WOLL-
MAN has Biioh u line suluctlon.
Jeweler and Scientific
Ono week , cummvnclni ; Monday , Dec , 14 ,
Hu | > porlln > r
bill , 4-uct American stnuutlonul coinrdy.
A Mln.VMillT ( JAM , .
-H froii Munday nlKlit , Krery lady lie-corn-
by an c-nocrt liulillni ; ono 0a tiaUl tlckrt
will U > uilmlttftl free , Our prlcea-ioc , ZOc-na
lilKlicr. hVut nulo Dtnii Hcllcr ' Unjf ktoru i'rl-
iluy morning ,
hc.ilthy. U wn viewed by n Brent ninny
people during the il.iy.
I ) . Jcttrr , proprietor of the South Onmlm
brewery , hns olTereil to Rlvo the Kcoktik
eoopernRO factory n tr.iet of three ncres over
' niul besides promise
near KgRer'a brick ynrd ,
ise * to Rlvo the new factory nil of his work.
This will ho quite nit Item , na the brewery
uses n Inrgo number of cnskH nnd bnrrela
during the course of a year.
City Treasurer llrondwell hns received nu-
thorlty to collect special sidewalk taxes to
ho ntnount of f5in. Sidewalks wcro laliX
diirlni ; the fall and the coat charged up to
the property ns the owners did not Iny the
wnlk within thirty dnys , ns provided by
ordinance. .Moat of the property Involved la *
this special tnx U located lu llrowu park.
Gladness Comes
With a he-ltor mulerstntulliip of the
triuisiont nntnro of the tmmy phys
ical ills , which vanish before proper of-
forls gentle elTorts plonsnutclVorts
rightly directed. Tln-rc is comfort in
tlic knowledge , that w > ninny forms of
sickness are not thio to any actual dis
ease * , hut simply to a constipated condi
tion of the sj'stem , which the plensant
family laxative , Syrup of VlgK. prompt
ly removes. Thnt Is why it is fie only
remedy with millions of families , and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value pooil health. Its bencltelal
.fleets are due to the fact , that itis the )
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it. acts. It is therefore :
all important , in order to get its hene-
lic-ial eil'ects , to note when you pur
chase , that you have the genuine arti
cle , which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists. tt
If iu the enjoyment of peed health , JL
nnd the system 'is regular , laxatives or
other remedies are then not neeeled. If
ulllictcd with any actual disease , ono
limy bo commended to the most hlcillful
nhysieian.i , but if fh need of a laxative ,
ono should have' the best , and with the
well-informed everywhere , Syrup of
Kigsstands highest and is most largely
r.asd and gives most general satisfaction.
: You've Been Robbed ! /
I I of PtrenKtl. . vitality niul enrrcy. Your 2j
J , iloan-st wlih Is to recover tlicsi ! ; xnvcrf. "J
will do the work. They feed tlio brain nnd
nerves semi tlcli life blood bouiullim thru'
your \elns strengthen nnd nourbli the en
tire I'txly. They thtct all drains forcvtr.
4 , $1.00 Fcr Box , 6 Boxes , $5.00.
A lepnl Ruamntec to ctire or refund llio
money with evfr * $ T"nlcr. . Adi'r" ' ?
Eliermtir & McConnell I'nic Co. ,
101 ] Dotlce St. . Omalm. J
342-344 BROADWAY ,
Council BluflH , In ,
Visitors and puroh a *
ors equally welcome.
Largest establish
ment in tlio west.
Knt Prices
in Kut Crystal
Our stock is the largest and pi-Jc
the lowest.
8-Inch Bowls , noscelalc cutting ( ns cutl. < *
8-Inch Strawberry dlumond and fan cut
Howls J3.00
clneli Strawberry diamond and fan cut
Howls $1.75
Fancy cut Olive Dishes $1.00
Cut ( Jlass Salts and Poppers , warranted
sterling silver tops , cuuli COo
Laboratory Stoppers and deep , fancy
cutting Vlncpar Cruets , caeli 75o
Prices on Vases. Pltcners. Tumblers. Stem.
Ware ; , etc. , In proportion to tbu above.
A muni ; n large line ot novelties we mention
the- following :
Kbit Painted Bottles , Drinking .Scones ,
each $1.00.
Decorated Beer Mugs In < t variety of dc-
Umpire Green nnd Cupid Cnlna In Dresser
els , Plates , Cups. Candlesticks , lion lions ,
Under Gin7.0 Blue and Hoses China , In
Hiilnd Sets , leu Cream Seta. Chocolate Kola ,
Pudding Sets and novelties for the dressier.
Itlch hand painted Fruit Center Comports
and Plates , Sugars and Creams , Cbocolato
HMS , etc.
Copies of Louis XIV sbanes and decora
tions In all tin ) tidiness uf goods of that
An attractive line In odd things far llio
table Is the ni-w decoration , viz. , band paint ,
ed .Mareclml Nill HOKCH In different colors ,
llnlHhcdvltli re'gular heavy gold edge.
A very dainty line * consisting of Pudding
Sets , Chocolate I'ots , Hlscillt Jars. Plales ,
Celery Trayp , etcIs decorateil with heavy
gold scroll and French hand painted llxuru
We hnvo In odds and ends "choice bits" of
Sevres , Dresidon , Doulton. Worcester , I'arla
enamel and gold rnonnted goods , and a par
ticularly good collection of Fancy Pottery.
Dresden Lamps , Delft Lamps , Wrought
Iron Lamps. Gold and Onyx , In fact every
thing desirable la the Lamp line.
Sliver novelties mid wares for the table !
the largest variety and prices by far Iho
Dresden and fancy patterns In Hat and
Clothes Brushes , metal mounted Cigar
Boxes , Haj-.orn. Match Boxes , la fact a great
variety of new novelties for gentlemen.
Kern Dishes In largei variety.
Decorated Dinner HeitH from $3.(0 to $125.
In every conceivable shauo and decoration.
Chamber Seta from tl 2" > to f2o.OO , from the
practical to the oda mm < | iialni sliapn which
adds so much to tbo attractiveness of your
room ;
Carvers In largo variety from 75e upwards.
3-plcco pearl and silver mounted C'arvcra.
h'ogcr Bros,1' 12 oz. Triple Plato Knlvca nnd
Forks ) , $1.23 per set.
Retail 342-344 Broadway >
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL. . . . $100,0001