Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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    fivrnn n-\r A TT A v \ TT.-V cj A 'm7ir A V to 1QO
Turkey , Including the opening of the
ncllcii , will Lo hud The result nf Ihls con
ference will bo awaited with great Interest
f.nd not a little anxicfv Iho world over , nml
tlicro can bo nothhiK but the most ardent
liopos that Dome genulnn reform for Armenia
will bo forthcoming.
The brilliant anil costly campaign which
Trance conducted on the Island of Madagav
car ban not borne the fruit that wan expected
There li hardly any place on the Island In
which tlio life of a foreigner , oflpcclalty a
Frenchman , l safe. The forests arc In
fested with banditti tlio torch Is being ap
plied to churches and homes Indiscrimin
ately , and thire exists a perfect reign of
terror. If France had been content with
the Khadoivy claim of authority over the
people whlrli he hns kept up over since
the days of Itlchcllcii there might not have
bren n revolt against her pretensions , liu
when ho nought to subdue the natives nm
annexed the Island , the spirit of opposl
lion was nrouspd. Not only nro the Itavni
partly tU Hired and Christianized , but thej
are naturally of n wnr-llko spirit , and they
may cause as much trouble ai the people
of the Philippine ! ) are now Klvlng Spain
llcsldc.i all this they are udundeia , and Is
landers , next to mnuntalncera. are the
h-mlcst people to sutnluo oven when the
"forces of civilisation" are brouRht to bear
upon them , fiance hn.s certainly paid dear
lor her colonial experiments.
Sir Charles nilko Is generally conceded to
bo the best-Informed mm In England on
public affairs , and ho Is a student as well
BO that vvhotever ho sajs on the relations
of Iho Kuropcnn powers to earn other Is > n
titled to consideration. A few dajs ago , In
addressing a public meeting In a town It
Knglnnd , ho made the assertion that three
powers had recently submitted a proposu
to Gr.-at Mrltaln for the partition of China
and that fircat llrltaln refusi-d to entertain
the proposal. The first thought that wll
Btrlko any thoughtful per or. Is that mien a
jiroposil would , If known precipitate n Ken
oral Kuropcnn war , somelhlnK which , It Is be
lleved , even the most ambitious ruler wouh
liesltato to bring about. And jet Sir Charles
Dllko Is usually an cautious In his htatemenls
and so dispassionate * In discussing whatever
Is associated with Kngland s Interests that
there are people who will give heed to his
Clilns" Itrcnnl.
jtlr bonstrd ho never lend novels
Me had Cleaned about piople no fncta ;
And 10 when a girl tried to cati'h him ,
She found him us easy an wax.
WnalilnElon Star.
rietlcr hnnir out our HtocKlnqs up !
Siinty's left the polo
Wish my pair was big enough
To hold u ton of coal.
You nnlc me how I earned
A maid < * o sweet and fair ;
I lift no Htone untuincd ,
Not u'cn a xollt.ilrc.
T/heol , nnd the world wheels with ycxi ;
Walk and you're lonesome for miles :
Get out a Blclgh , with a high-mapping liny ,
And damsels pursue you with smiles.
Washington Tlmos.
Tliou , too , sill on , oh Ship of State ,
Our Im o when troubles \ex us ;
Hut , prythec , do not ctnulato
The manners ot bho Texan ,
Dctrhlt frco Pros *
Man Cometh often to ti tlmo
Whoso woo ho scarcely can speak ,
When bitterly he mourns that dlmo
Ho wasted just last week.
aslilnRtim filar.
The sporting man shed tears of grief
And murmured , "Woo Is me !
I trained my lighter , lint forgot
To train the referee"
Chicago Tlmon-Herald
The near approach of Christmas
IH clearly understood
Girls arc darning stockings ,
lloys nro netting good.
Detroit Tillninc
Conscious or her Minoundlngs ?
Oh , not a little bit.
'Ilor gown ? Why the woman Is In
A dream ! What's more , a lit.
New York Town Topics.
Fair Doris has two big blue eyes
That care and gaze at me.
And , with a questioning surprise ,
Kcgard mo earnestly. *
Shi- has two lips of proper Into
That bend Into a smite ,
And seem to say , "We smile on you ;
Come play with us uwttillo ! "
Ifer lips nro like two merry maids ,
Who welcome mo to couit ,
And hid me bring all love's sweet aids
To feed a harmless sport.
Hut In her big blue eyes I see
Two guardians severe ,
Who fain would closely question mo.
Eio yet I may draw near.
Dear , earnest eyes , my heart Is pure.
I Hhall do naught amiss ;
And , virgin Ilp , you may be sure
.Mlnu Is a harmless kiss.
And , Doris , I am willing quite
To provu I know my place-
To let vour blue eyes , d ly or night ,
Still chaperon your face !
Chicago Hcconl.
io the melancholy days ,
Heenusc oh deeps of gloom !
The Uro which castH the cheerful raya
Is In some other room.
And also when wo lead ahuso
For rider , fresb and tsweet ,
The farmer who has lota to sell
Drives down some other street.
And when our overcoats nro brought
Prom store room Into \lc\\\
The clever Ilttlo moth hns fed
Upon the ono that'll nuvv.
And those old Rloves wo fondly hoped
Another year to scan ,
Our bosoms mistress doth confess
Hhu "IMVO tlum to a man. "
MI HOIM2- roil TIII : MI\ .
Bomcnllle Journal.
file sleeves am going out , they say ,
And yet wo mo them uvory day
Whero'er wo go
It's plain that the millennium.
Although , perhaps. It's bound to come ,
Is coming slow.
And when It docs , nnd ulcovc-i grow small
What will Iho women do with all
The cloth they've got ?
Will nil the woolen mills shut down ,
Whllo store men fall , and tailors frown ?
Man knowcth not.
One thing Is sure Men's pockctbooks.
Howcvur lovely woman looks ,
Will not grow fat.
[ f cloth Is plenty , what they sm-o
Uich ono to spend at once wilt crave
On a now hat.
We know that Cod-liver
Oil is a fat-forming food
because takers of it gain rap
idly in weight under its use
and the whole body receives
vital force. When prepared
as in Scott's Emulsion , it is
quickly and easily changed
into the tissues of the body.
As your doctor would say ,
"it is easily assimilated. "
Perhaps you are suffering
from fat starvation. You
take fat enough with your
food , but it either isn't the
right kind , or it isn't digested.
You need fat prepared for
you , us in Scott's Emulsion
Condition of tlio Lincoln Homo for the
Ilnlnitcu nf I lie Innt Appropriation on
Hand DcM-hlcill ) ' I.onliat In
IUiilred | < > Curry the
. Work On.
LINCOLN , Dec. 11. ( Special ) The Lin
coln Homo for the Friendless it a. spacious
two-story bulldlnc on the southwest corner
of South and Ulovcntli streets. Whllo It Is
recognized as a Mate- Institution and receives
biennial appropriation ! ) from the legislature
It has been claimed that Its olllclals made no
reports to any one , but conducted Its affairs
on the lines of a decidedly close corporation
An Investigation ot these charges , how over
Siliovvu them to be only partially true , oud la
thly particular the managers ot the homo ap
point its owu ofllccrs regardless of the KOV-
ernor or the Hoard of 1'ubllc Hulldliigs.
A number of jcars ago the homo waa
started as a purely local charltjble organiza
tion , with a buard of women managers. Stlb-
nequcntly the legislature made an appropria
tion for Its maintenance nnd the prccelent
thus established has since been followrd. The
legislature of 1S33 appropriated $3J,000 for
thu homo and the last wo 3lon gave It $ iO00.
At present Mrs. A. M. IJavls Is prcsdcnt
and Mrs P. M. Williams superintendent of
the Institution. Ilia board ot managers make
half juirly reports to the governor. Includ
ing number of olllcer : ? . employes , Inmates
olllccrV salaries , wages pild , fuel and lights ,
board , clothing and other purpowa
The l.i t report to Governor Ilolcomb
which comprU-OT the llrst l.alf of 189(5 ( , shows
three oll'ccrs ' , nineteen emplojos , 1CJ In
mates nnd the following expended from tlio
appropilotkn :
Olllcsis' mliirlos. J7.7S ; employes' wages ,
$13(1 ( , ! , fuel and lights , $7.1. , boird and
clothing , * 13 OS , | ur capita expense$11 07 ,
total sum expended from nppiupriatlou , $ S-
370.72 ; support derived from other tource.1' ,
oiitolilo appropriation , $ D32 21. The entire
aum expended of the $30,500 appropriation
to date of the last rcpoit was $25,833.7U. This
Is an avenge of $8,500 for eich lx months
and leavus a balance for tlio halt of
thu prcbcrit jcar of but $4CGC 21.
Inqulrj of State Audl'or Moore allowed
that the olllccrs ot the home tiled their
voucheis regularly with the Hoard of Pub
lic Laiuls and llulldings , that they were en
dorsed by thu board and icgularly paid
from the appropriation by the auditor's
wurant , drawn on the appioprlatlon. Two
> ears ago the Hoard of 1'ublle Lands and
Uulldlncs attempted to taKe more exclusive
control of the Institution , and , Incidentally
the patronage Involved , but the Hoard of
Women .Managers carried the matter Into
the touita and gained a vlctoiy over the
board. Since then , however , the institution
has been conducted more in line with the
other state Institutions , estimate aiu fur
nished tl'O Hoaid of I'ublhLands and
Hulldlng' . and contracts are let for supplies
The Imlustilal home at Mllfordn \ con
ducted on a similar plan , although the state
has more direct control over the olllelals
employed Mrs. C. II. Gcro Is piesldent
of the board In charge of the .Mllford In
stitution and Mrs. C. Caddcn is superin
utMtrtiMi rrir MimnrrfPt ?
Governor llolcomb today Issued a procla
mation offering a reward of ? 200 for the ar
rest of Claus ncllefsen , the man who mur
dered joung Glcslng a few- miles north of
Schuyler on the evening of December 7.
Detlcfaen la described as a low German
26 jcara of age , live feet ten Inches tall ,
peaked face , with deep-set c > cs , and weigh
ing about 170 pounds. At the time of the
murder ho wore a cap , brown striped suit
and long overcoat , and was riding a 7-jear-
old bay It Is thought ho has gene
Into the vicinity of the Black Hills.
Henry liliiin of Omaha , who succeeds
Jule Schocnhett as shorthand writer In
the governor's olllco was at his post today
and appeared to find hmuelf exceedingly
busy. The latest rumor i In regard to tlio
Kearney Industrial School for Uojs Is that
J. J. Imhoff of this city Is to succeed J ,
II. M.Ulallcu as superintendent of that insti
tution. It appeals to be fully settled that
Sidney J. Kent will assume the position
of deputy commissioner of Industrial sta
tistics to hi ! made vacant by the retire
ment of John Powers. The future of the
latter Is not > ct decided upon , and the rumor
that ho Is to succeed Nets McDowell In
the olllco of secretory of state lacks con
firmation. It Is considered certain that
Prof. C D Grlllln , n son-ln-lavv of Land
Comm'saloner-clect ' Wolfe , will bo given
some position , less than superintendent. In
the Kearney school. Mr Imholf , who Is
mentioned for the ouperlntendency , la a
free silver democrat.
In regard to recent dlstr'butlon of pitron-
ugo by the Incoming administration , It Is
generally remarked that the appointments
are getting Up-heavy with a democratic ele
ment and some of the more prominent pop-
ulluts are beginning1 to demur. Some of
them arc bold enough to admit , however ,
that this la done for the solo purpose of
strengthening the bonds of fusion In the
state , which was found of such Imnicu&o ad-
vantaco at the late election.
Slnco the opinion of Attorney General
Churchill was made public there hns been
considerable Inquiry In regard to the present
status of certain county ofllcinlu who have
given guaranty bonds In this state. Lancau-
tor county's treasurer , Mr. Sullivan , gave a
guaranty bond at the tlmo ha assumed tlio
ofllce. So far Its legality has never been
questioned , but tlio lito opinion of Attorney
General Churchill would seem to cover his
ciso and that of other county olllclals , ao
well as that of State Treasurer-elect Mescrve
So far Governor llolcomb has not announced
his position In the matter , but tlicro are In
dications that Meservo has entirely aban
doned the Idea of attempting to glvo such a
hnnil. It Is rnnortcd tlmt the various state
luulit ) are falling Into line and that by the
tlmo ho cornea up to qualify his bond will
ba in acceptable chape.
Adjutant General Gaga and hit ) department
of tlio Grand Army of the Republic removed
today from thu lieutenant governor's room ,
on thu second floor of the capital , down Into
tlio library rocm of the State Agricultural
board Tills Is likely to prove a disappoint
ment to State OH Inspector IMmlsten , who
has been figuring lately on making the agri
cultural rcomo Ids headquarters during1 tlio
P 93lon of the legislature ,
The physician In attendance on Charles
Scott , who was shot In the head last night
by bis wife , In self-defense , ea > a that the
man Is In a precarious condition and may
possibly die. Accordingly the hearing In
the case , which was get for this morning ,
was postponed to await developments. A
deter has probed tvvlco for thu ball , but
so far has failed to extract It. Scott Is
a coal dealer , of ungovernable temper and
addicted to drink. Ills neighbors generally
ilv3 him a hard name. A short tlmo since
iio assaulted his 19carold daughter , In
a fit of rage , and would have choked her
to death but for Uie timely Interference
of his wife. Several weeks ago he was ar
rested for drunkenness and threatening to
shoot the olllcci-H. The cause of the trouble
last night waa the refusal of his wife to
glvo him money to pay this flue.
Laura and Maud Clark were given a
second preliminary hearing this morning
on the charge of being Implicated with
Cliff Ilagey In the murder of Wllbcr R
I2)ster In August They were bound
over to the district court without ball
Ir Klnncy nml Chief of Police Mellck
were the only two wltnct-scs examined and
the dcferaa did not Introduce any testi
mony Whllo the women were being es
corted from the court room Tom Carson ,
who la niudly Infatuated with Laura Clark ,
plucKcd Sheriff Trompen by the sleeve and
asked permission to bid the girl goodbye.
The sheriff consented and the two embraced
moat affectionately.
Ono ot the questions with which the now
cglslaturo will have to consider thlu win
ter U a proposed enlargement of the Ilurcau
of Industrial Statistics to Include a Hoard
of Immigration. This will , If carried Into
effect , bo a duplication of the Mlimerota
plan , a feature that lias been made quite
xromlucut lu that Btato by Romiuliuloucr
Power * . It I < well known that Governor
Huloomb ctrongly tavots the Idea nnd the
present deputy commlsiloner , Power ? , he-
llovi's that this Is the fundamental principle
Involved In a "bureau ot labor and Induttrlal
ftUtlitlcs. " Should a bill ot this description
bpconio a Ivw the present cl rk of the i u
reaii , J II. IMgerton. will , likely , bo placed
In cliargo of It tt Is looked upon quito
favorably by many of the new populist mem
bers of both houses nnd It the mmiure lt >
putted It will piobably meet with but little
A ictulslllon wn pr.inteJ today by the
governor on Governor Morrlll of Kaiuoo fcr-
the return of Cross Andmon and Clurlo *
Hwkloy. who nro wanted In Richardson
county , this state , for cow slcillng. The
pair lied the state Uecctnbdr 7 and are now
In Jail at Hiawatha. Kan. Sheriff Wllllim-
ix > n of ItlclianUon county left today fcr that
city to bring them baek.
Extradition papers from Governor Drake
of Iowa were honored today by Governor
llolcomb for John P. Haker , now under arrest
In Aim ) , thl" state On July 1 last Hiker U
alleged to have ( 'tolcn a bicycle belonging
to Will S. Sweet of Washington , la.alued
at $70.
Omaha people In Llne"'rr At tlio Llndell
J T Rohlns-n , M. T Jaquist At the Lin
coln J. 0 Lumbird , l"red Met ? , sr , Emit
Hcnnlnghoucr C D. P.irmelee , K H. Rc.I-
IngtonM Marks.
Ah'10 Till : MOltC. VN VM ) 1101,1 , % C.VSI2S
Atlnrm N for TlioitInclli liliuiln Pull
< o IVi-Oi'l Tlirlr Amu'iilx.
LINCOLN. Dec. 11. ( Special Telegram. )
Attorney General Churchill today filed
In the supreme court motions for dla-
mlisal of the appealed caiei of George
Morgan , Hcntenccd to be hanged ,
and the Holln case. Ou October 4
the attorncjs In these cases were
given sixty days In which to fllo brlefi
The time has now expired nnd the briefs
have not been filed , and for this reason
the attorney general aikn that they be
dismissed It li considered that the couit
at Its sitting ne\t Tuesday will give the
plaintiffs In error In these cases n com
paratively short time In which to comply
with the order of the court Issued over
sixty dajii ago and that there v. Ill he some
rather lively hustling on the part of thoje
Interested In the matter
l.nn Jt'KV IS STII.b Ol'T ' AT YOHIC.
Onti" rnrt'ftilly llcItMinl li > tin * At-
( < irnf > N llt-fin-t * Iloliit ? Submit ( < -il ,
YORK , Neb , Dec. 11. ( Special Tekgiam 1
The Jury In the Lee case U still out
Through error. It was stated , that the case
went to the jury last night , wheieas It was
not until late this afternoon that It visa
submitted The pleas by the counsel for
both sides were able nnd exhaustive The
testimony Introduced was carefully reviewed
tram their respective standpoint * by the de
fense and the state A large crowd U con
gregated In the court room awaiting the
verdict of the Jury
TnCUMSEII , Neb , Dec. 11 ( Special )
The vllligo of nik Creek has been furnished
with a little sensation In the shape of an
elopement. Michael Kellcrrian , who Is now
cmplojed In a Pueblo , Cole , smelter , for
merly worked In nik Creek , and while a res
ident of that village became acquainted
with , com ted and won the promise of mar
riage of one of Miss Louise Heethe , daughter
of Trod Heethe , living near there. The par
ents of the girl opposed her receiving atten
tions from joung Kellcrman , and flatly ob
jected to the marriage of the two Shortly
after Kellernnn left the country , and Mr
and Mrs Heethe supposed that ended the
affair. As MI s Hcotho was employed In a
for her to parry on a correspondence with
the man of her choice unknown ? 1o her par
ents. As a result ot this correspondence
the elopement ensued.
Ono day recently Miss Boetho stepped over
to the depot as the afternoon train came
In , and , to the surprise of her friends ,
boarded the train It developed that Keller-
man was on the train , and that thu two pio-
cecdod on to Colorado , where they were duly
married , regardless of the wishes of anyone
ono The parents are reported to have waxed
qulto warm when the affair reached their
ears , but as having afterward relented and
Joined the many friends of the young couple
In this vicinity In extending congratulations.
IVomiui 1'iUlllljShut. .
GRETNA , Neb. . Dec. 11. ( Special. ) At 10
o'clock this morning , about four miles west
of town , Mrs. Jacob Chrlstlanson was workIng -
Ing about the kitchen , when Hans Timme , a
farm hand , came In with a 22 caliber rifle to
clean It. While so engaged the gun was
discharged. The bullet entered the breast of
Mrs Chrlstlanson. taking a downward
course and penetrating the lungs A ph > -
slclan was called , who probed for the bullet ,
but was unable to locate It It ( MIS found
to have passed through the lungs , diaphragm
and liver , and mutt have lodged xomewhcro
In the back The shooting was purely acci
dental , as the hired man said ho "didn't
know it was loaded " Mrs. Christiansen Is
about 45 years of age and has a largo family.
'I'min ] > Atliii-Ks it AVoninn. .
TnCUMSnil. Neb. Dec. 11 ( Special. ) A
tramp entered the barn of Frank Hughes , a
farmer residing neap here , jesterday after
noon and tried to make away with a blanket.
Mrs. Hughes intercepted him and as a result
the tramp attacked her , and while he did
not succeed In doing her Injury ho tore her
clothe' " to pieces Mrs Hughes Immediately
summoned her husband , who overtook the
vagabond and ciueed hlo arrest. Ho was ar
raigned before Justice Woolsey nnd confessed
to bo a fugitive from the Feeble Minded In-
Btltuto at Heatrlce He mid he escaped from
there last Sunday evening. Ho will bo taken
Syracuse Store Holilicil.
SYRACUSE. Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The store of C. J. Williams was
robbed last night. Entrance was effected
through a window In the rear of the store.
The cash register , containing 29 cents , was
taken. Late this afternoon the register was
found near t'io B. & M. track , went of the
Don't dally with rheumatism , purify your
Tnml nmlnrA tt nt nupf * liv t.iVlnt ? n rnwrKn
of Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Mine Nordlca has canceled all dates for
tier pioposed western tour. Such Is the
word received jesteiday by the management
of the Omaha Musical society. The reason
Tor this change In her plans seems to bo the
inability on the part of her former manageio
to furnish a sulllcleht financial guarantee to
tier to Insure a trip to the Pacific coast , and
furthermore , their Inability to make a suf
ficient number of dates to properly 1111 the
tlmo which Intervenes before aliu will return
to Kuropc.
On the ISth day of October a contiact was
Ira u n between Mr Leo Wilson , repieaenta-
tlve of Mine. Noidlca , and Mcssis L. T
Sundtrland. M G I'cters. C M. Wllbelm. A.
lloape , Jr. , George W Holbrook , J L. Ken
nedy. J. T Klnsler , George II I'ayne.V
[ I. Alexander and Homer Moore , which stipu
lated that upon the 17th of December Mine.
Lillian Nnrdlca and William U. Sherwood
should appear In concert In this city at the
Crolphton theater with thu Omaha Musical
society. That contract was signed by Mr
Wllfion , on the part of Mine Nordlca , and
> ) the ten men above mentioned as rcprescn-
.atlven of the Omaha Musical society.
Under the contract the Omaha Muulcal eo-
clety prepared Its pronratn for the concert
nnd the cotrmlttee , aniwlntcd by the guaran
tors , ordered printing , ' "advertising , engage-
m nt ot an orchcMmr purchase of music ,
clrcuhtlon of subscrlptjnn ( lists and print
ing nnd placing on tain of tickets , and all
other things neccnitt'r1 * lb the fulfillment or
their part of the cnftratt , and have so tar
expended considerably , nvcr $100 A con
tract wa * made by them with the man.igt
ment of the CrelKhldtt ( Heater by which the
theater was engagcd-for-thc evening of De
cember 17 i i (
Some tlmo since a report was circulated
In thU city to the effect that Mme Nordlca
would not appear lu\roand ( that no doubt
mltht exist in nnybody's mind recording
that matter , a tcleRrunvSvas sent to Ruben
& Andrews her original managers In New
York City , and In nw-iv0'1 ' to this telegram
the following was received
NRW YORK , Per-J 5 , " 8-Homer Moore
Omaha Madam Novdli-a c. rtUnlj experts
to 1111 all dates made- and nppnnr In O-un1 n
n advertised Ht'HHN .V ANOIIKWS
I'rltlay morning the follow Ing telegram
was received
SALT LAKH , Doe.llomor Moore ,
Omaha , Nordlca c.lnceH Plijm with Klavv
& Krlanger. Wire tlium New Ymk
Whether nr-nat Madam Nordlca Is In any
way icaponalblo ( or the breaking of her en-
g-aguncnt to atipcar lit thla elt > cannot nt
this time be averted Madam Noidlca has
been Known to fall before this In fulttlllng
her engagement.1 , and has even had SOUK
Ilttlo legal experience as a result Tin
management of the Musical eoeltty Is d'v '
posed to think tint the change In her tour
Is owing oolely to exigencies over which sat
had no control , and In which nhe had no
pait. A telegram has been received ft on
Klavv & Kt longer , her present mamgers
to the elTeet that a new tour Is beliih
planned , which will Include O.naln. and tlm
she will doubt'ica appear here at thi
Crelghton tlicitcr nbotit the1st ot February
but In view of the uncertainties that have
Just reached a climax In the engagement
with Madam Nordlca , the Musical sot-letj
does not feel at liberty to make nn > posi
tive statements conceinlng her appeamnci ,
hero at that time.
The lese of Madam Nordlca ftxim the con
cert to be given December 17 , la felt vcij
keenly bj those who have given their time
and tncrgy to the carrjlng forward of their
part of tlio contract , but the Omaha Muslca
soclctj still lives , and will glvo a perform
ance In theCrolglHon theater on December
17 as has been announced The piogram
will con-list of MITCC orchestral numboia , 01
rour choruses and of Instrumental and voc"i
solo work The same piogram on the pirt
of the society nnd orchestra , wlil'li lisa been
preparing for the Nordlca concert will he
given without alteration Mr. Moore wll
sing , Mr. Adelmaun will play a violin solo
The orchestra has been In tehearsal for two
weeKs and will number twenty-seven of the
best plajers In this city and Council Illuffn
The policy ot the Musical society to dlvldi
Its concerts between programs performed b >
home talent and brlnsjlns to Omaha of great
artta'n will ho continued There are otheni
besides Madam Nordlca , some of v. bom are
already under consideration The man
agera of the soclet > wlch to announce ti
those who have purchased tlcketa for the
Nordlca cpncert that their money will be
refunded upon presenting the tlcluts to
those from whom they purchased them.
At the Doyd last evening was given the
Initial exhibition of Cdteon'a Vltsicope Ir
conjunction with a dramatic performance
by the nittner compan ) . The play was
"The Tire Patrol , " and both It and the
company are too well known to need ex
tended comment. The Vltascopo Is some
thing new and novel. Ordinary pictures
throw n on a screen1 have become too com
mon to be of aleorblng Interest , but when
by the old of this apparatus some of the
meat beautiful combinations of nature and
nnlninto thlnim nri > rnniltliioil nml fipnnilniK
endowed with life the effect Is marvelous
One , "The Feeding of the Doves , " a pastoral
scene was particularly good The central
figure U a woman1 scattering grain which
she carries In her apr6 $ and all the while
a largo number of doves are coming anil
going , busily engaged -picking up the grain
One of tno most artlstlc'was ' the portraiture
j of Sissy Fitzgerald1 performing one of her
graceful dances. As the figure goes through
the evolutions with all the grace and nat
uralness of life It Is dlincult to believe It is
! not actually flesh and blood , which the eyes
1 bcholfl. These are only two ot the man }
pictures pifflcntcd An ! the hearty applause
of the onlookers attested the fact that the }
were well pleased. Lait night was the
first of a ten-night btand with the usual
A reduced price matinee for school chil
dren Is announced at Dojd's for this after
noon. Udlson's wonderful VltEscopc will
ho exhibited and It Is surely a great enter
tainment for the children as It is also for
adults The dramatic company will repeat
"The Fire Patrol. " In the evening the
beautiful Irish comedy-drama "Inshavosue1
will be presented In connection with the
"Palmer Cox's Uiownlcs" are otlll at the
Crelghton today , and Judging from the
largo advance sale It Is safe to say that
the capacity of the house will bo tested
this afternoon and evening. The produc
tiou has struck the chord of popular fancy
and our amusement lovers have been un
usually responsive The engagement will
close with two performances tomorrow
the Sunday matinee being given at the
usual hour.
The sale of scats Is now progressing for
the coming engagement of the clever
comedian , Nat C. Goodwin , who will ap
pear at the Crelghton theater next Mon
day for an engagement of three nights
Judging from the lively demand for
tickets the theater will be crowded to
the doors during. the engagement
"Tho American Clti/en , " Mr. Goodwin's
now play , will bo the bill Monday and
Tuesday nights , and Sheridan's charming
comedy , "The Rivals , " Is announced for
Wednesday. Tlio Australian and San
Francisco papers pronounce "Tho Amer
lean Citizen" the strongest comedy
Mr. Goodwin has yet presented It
was wilttcn by Madeline Lucetto
Rylcy , who also wrote John Drew's great
success , "Christopher , Jr. " It Is an emo
tional comedy. Inwhich the story is said
In tin neil nnd skillfully worked out
The staging of the play Is said toxcel
all of Mr. Goodwin's previous efforts , and
this Is saying a great deal , cs the actor's
reputation for magnificent productions la
"Tho County Fair" will again make a
bid for public favor and will come to the
Crelghton for two ntahts , commencing Frl
day. December 18. The production Is said
to bo In every respect equal to the orig
inal New York presentation and to bo
doubly attractive with new scenery and
novel effects never before Introduced here
The klnctoscopo plays an active part In
adding to the beauty and effectiveness of
the scenic features of the play. A Saturday
matlnco will bo given/
NHW YORK , Dec 11. Rose Coghlan will
receive $8,200 ns the- net proceeds of the
benefit performance .11 tlio Ilroadway theater ,
given by her friends lit the theatrical pro
fession today , Ueorhpbm Tice , W II Crane ,
n II Sothcrn , John llrow , Maud Adams
Low Dockstader and.Slsiior Campananl were
among the volunteers The beneficial y ap
peared as Nanco Oldljld ) ( , concluding the
program. _
John W. rnxtcr'M 7/lf < - In DiuiKcr.
WASHINGTON. Uec. -Tho serious 111-
ness of General Jolyi } Yf Foster , ox-sx-crc-
tnry of Htato nnd International lawyer , la
announced General Feeler contracted event -
vent cold on his return from Honolulu and
now Ms lifo la thrc'titl'ncd.
The only Hj4h Grade D&kinJ $ Powder
Offered at a moderate price ,
S. W. Cor. ISthunJ
Douglas Sts.
3 * > - on the dollar and from that up to notjover 500 on the dollar that's a fact
\Vc have placed all the broken lots of k-ilts a and 3 piece suits overcoats
knee pants and waists on a separate counter to close out entirely Saturday
* and we'll doit in one day because we've ' made the prices so that you'll buy quick
gS ai > ' We guarantee every suit and overcoat bargain to be our own regular all wool
( aiS * - goods but we don't want to inventory them is why we make the sale and an
ec < ? * > other thing in all human probability we will never ho'cl ' such another sale but
© J * a large accumulation ot these broken lots makes this terrific sacrifice necessary
( & > Saturday.
t 3 > -
( PP
# T * ;
< St
xs -
s >
cs >
C5 -
< 2n
da *
< S5' In cheviots , cisslmeres nnd In ages 3 to C yeiiperfect In both e ipo ami Ulster de-
lgn" > beaverx blti'k and blue
< H mrlpos and plilds and plain col- bemtli"In cape stylemostl > 8 ohovlots f nu'j noveltlii
fi3 > - 01 s braided and rdiln that sold that so'd ' all along for J" > 00 and Trench bourle-tlmt sold not
0 from 150 up to $7 50 In nearly $ j50-jlnln nnd tilmmcd In braid lovvn than $7 M and up to JU
lancj overcoating cloths the \ cr.v nemo of - < t.v le and llnHh ,
{ J3 > * all sizes up to S > cars
< SE >
O 5 * ' Chaise Choice Ghoise
B >
< S > =
cs :
® s
CS " >
es >
fiEfr tfS Sizes 3 to 5 years in fancy plaid
novelties cassimeres cheviots that
< 5 > serges
5ffi > sold for $4 to $8,50 the whole suit
ffi > -
! > complete
® >
< ffi >
ffi * *
cS > '
Odd Kilt skirts in njrcs 2 } , 3 , I nnd 5 years , < -oll 113 liijrii ns
83.00 per skirt oud only ono or two n- , low ns _ _ 1 i ( ) , every
ilosiKii almost well nnd solidly miulo.
'I jiloco Suits in n os ! ) ( old
A bis ; l"l of Hoofer Junior
we liavou't all sl/.os but
Middy and a-ploco Sulls-tlmt
they are our lomilur ? S.0 to
sold n.s high as ? 10.00-iiit (
$10.50 piods in day wor
nny for less titan ? 1.50 inont steds and cheviots line die.-s
i Si of them $7.fiO and .fS.fiO suits
Tlio kind the boys like
to piny In apes 3 to 15 I'roin 1 to IS years made
f yearn not all sl/e , \\ilh siilor and velvet
but nearly in olieviots , collar * , chevlolh chinchillas
eliincliilhts , beavers
be.iveis boucles such values
and fancy nii.Ntnie-
part of them have big as $10.00 anil not lower
sailor collars some velvet than G.oO In the lot
tr \
vet collars -prices vvoro
from ? 1 to 0..r)0
0..r)0Choice Choice
Tor children's nnd boys' Chinchilla black frieze- Including1 ages 7 to IS
wear about 20 of them cheviots Shcland long years black friezes gray
nnd warm and well lined-
SliLtlamlH diagonal fiisl-
Homo luiv o capes some -
big storm collars chamois more& pi ild cheviots ul-
not that sold for $1500 .
ois pockets coits 'wo got Hters that we've been sellIng -
mostly a few for JS50 > ) >
till now $15 nnd not less Ing at not less than J303
we made a blii cut here than ? 7 50 most of them
( most of tliLin at ? S 50 on
$12 50 values-
nn avciage some as Uljih
nn $12 50-
\ \
Slues up ID IS yeairi
Walsts In jifjes It , ! , 0 ,
In hln le and double-breasted
and d years 1 , it ; and 11 wicks black and blue fancy
cheviotH and xray and
yeais Waists Unit have
blown mix lines well
never sold for than $1- inailu and trimmed lined
whllc most of them with Kood HnliiK HtyleH Unit
hold or for a low-
bold for $1.75 . mostly $10 , $12 and
$ lr. Sull.v-
< 39
Reliable Clothiers , S , W. Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts. * S
< 73 >
rr * ! ®