Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DATLV NEE : SATVKDAV , DEC13Min3Il 12. 1800.
f Treasury Department Not Satisfied with tlio
Exposition Measure.
Hcerrtnry Cnrllnlr of ( Opinion Hint
u Jjiii-Kcr Sum Should lie Set
Anlilr ( o KiiNiiri ; n Proper
WASHINGTON , Dec. II-Special ( Tele
gram ) The Treasury department U finding
some minor objections to the senate bill
appropriating $200,000 and rccognl/lng the
Transmlsslsslppl and International Exposi
tion While thcjo objections may be- called
nomuwhat technical In character , and maybe
bo easily corrected by amendment , they show
how closely the Treasury department Is fol
lowing this measure. U seems that In the
drafting of the senate bill , which passed
both houses of conRress and was approved
by the president , the promoter of the meas-
uio had two former exposition bills In view ,
the Atlanta and Chicago , and that , after
the drafting , certain conditions hecamo
comovvhat Intermingled , thereby , In the cjcs
of tLo Treasury department , Impairing the
validity of the bill. So far as Is known , there
lias been no provision made for the return
of the exhibits , and the Treasury department
feels that If the United States Is going Into
the exposition business , they should make
u show In Omaha such as they made In
Chicago , and doesn't bellcvo that $200,000
will cover the expenses attaching to such
nn exhibit. Secretary Carlisle , through his
chiefs of departments , seems to Incline to
the Idea that $300000 would bo a proper
appropriation for the exposition In Omaha
In 1808 , $50,000 additional for the building
and $50,000 for the exhibit and the return
„ of the Fame Intact to the several depart-
in nts In Washington. The Treasury people
do not regard the bill as being at all an
tagonistic to the success of the exposition ,
but they would like to have these Indicated
dlbcrcpiucles In the bill remedied before
the expoHltlon opens. It Is urged that $100-
004 would be ton small to make an exhibit
such as the government has made In times
past , because of n difference , not only In
transportation , but In the cost of lumber and
materials In Omaha , and , realizing that the
Transmlsslsslppl country , with Its twenty-
four states , will contribute Hrgely to the
v success of the exposition , the Treasury folks
feel that the United States will bti no small
factor In the picture to be presented In
Congiessman Mercer , a member of the
committed on public buildings and grounds ,
succeeded In reporting through his com-
mlttco today a rccommenditlon for $ SOO,000
additional to complete the Omaha postolllcc
Should this amount be obtained , It would be
fiilllclent to to build the wing fronting on
the .Seventeenth street side , and rcallro the
original draft of the building , ni planned
several jears ago Mr. Mercer Is somewhat
doubtful as to the senate's acceptance of
this Increase , but feels assured that the
amount will bo Included In the appropriation
bill , an It passe * , the house.
The Washington Times , speaking of the
recess appointments , has this to nay relative
to the nomination of Judge William McIIugh
to the place made vacant by the death of
Judge Uhncr S Diindy "Opposition on the
part of Senators Sow all of New Jersey and
Thurston of Nebraska , to n favorable re-
porti from the Judiciary committee upon the
nominations of Judges Klrkpatrlck and Mc
IIugh , appointed during the recess to the
federal bench In these states , would , with
reasonable probability , prevent reports upon
the nominations to an executive tesslon of
the senate , and should such nominations
bo favorably reported , In spite of their op
position , would , In all likelihood , with the
combined opposition of the frco coinage
democrats and populists , result In their re
jection. "
Lieutenant J. J , Pcrshlng of the Tenth
cavalry , and former Instructor of military
tactics In the University of Nebraska , was
admitted , on motion of Senator Thurston
today to practice before the United States
supreme court.
William IJosscrman has been appointed
postmaster nt Grafton , Flllmore county , vlco
C. A. Fisher , resigned.
The appropriation bill nskcd for by Mercer
la for the erection of the wing that
will face upon Seventeenth street and
will bo attached directly to the present
structure. The work will simply complete
the original plan for a $2,000,000 postolllcc
building which was drawn up when the 1SS9
appropriation was granted. When but
$1,200,000 was appropriated for the building
It was found necessary to leave off the west
* wing , U being the Intention to build this
as BOOH as the additional money was appro
priated by congress.
Up to the present time $1.175,000 out of
the original appropriation has been ex
pended upon the building In the late re
port of Secretary Carlisle he recommended
that the deficiency of $2T ,000 bo made up
lie. also iccommcndcd that au additional
appropriation of $100,000 be passed for the
I irposo of covering the cost of substituting
granite for sandstone In the construction
of the building ,
I UOCIIDIMS or rim nousn.
Montlirrn DrvoliTluiamcM ON ( n 1'rl-
> altUlIlN < in the G'alcmlar.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 11. The house yon-
tenlay parsed n bill to prohibit thu sale of
liquor In tlio capltol , and today at the openIng -
Ing of the session Rev Mr. Cowden the blind
chaplain , referred In his Invocation to that
fact. "Wo thank Thee , oh , Lord , " said he ,
"that the house Is no longer responsible for
the liquor trafflo within the halls of the na
tional capltol. Grant , wo pray , Thee , that
the bill pas'ed hero jesterday will go
through the regular channels and c'pcedlly bc-
como a law , never again to bo repealed In
the history of our nation. "
The conclusion of the prajcr was greeted
with an unusual demonstration. Half a hun
dred members applauded vigorously , but
Speaker Reed promptly suppressed the out
On motion of Mr. Dlngley , the floor leader ,
It was agreed that when the house adjourned
today It bo to meet on Monday.
The Joint resolution extending until the
clew of thin pension the time In which the
Joint commission for the Investigation of the
uubject of I ho rebate of the tax on alcohol
tined In manufactures or arts may rc-
vort was adopted.
This being Friday , the houro then , on mo
tion of Mr. McMIIIln , democrat of Tenncfe-jec ,
wont Into committed of the whole for the
consideration of blllu ou the private calendar
Hills were pasyed to pay Peter Cook of
Arkansas $903 for storey and supplies tsken
by federal troops during the war ; to pay
Auguiliuj P. Ilurdltt $5,130 for the use of the
steamboat Mattlo during tlio war ; to refer
the claim of William P. niickmantcr for the
construction of the steamer OSACRO to the
court of claims. The nonato bill to pay Wil
liam P. Iluckmaster $2,3SC for thu construc
tion of boilers of the steamer Oswcgo under
( ho flndlngu of the Sclfrldgo board was In
definitely pct'tponed.
The committee favorably acted upon the
following bllU : To pay Mrs. Flora Darling
$5C83 , In full satisfaction of all claims grow
ing oat of her arreot. Imprlionmcnt and thu
uelzuro of her property by military authori
ties at Now Orleauo In January , 1SG1 ; to cor
rect the muster of Francis A. Ileutcr ao
ciptaln of the Fourth United Statea colored
cavalry and accord him the pay of his rank ;
to pay John A. Ljnch $2,490 for services as
" * atuhttunt quartermaster at Cincinnati In 1S61-
62 , and to refer the olalm of Mujor James
Stewart , U. S. A. , retired , for longevity pay
to the court of clilms.
In the course of the debate on thu last
of these hills , Mr. Grosvenor , republican of
. Ohio , bl.ttorly denounced the government's
itrcatment of UH Just creditors. "If all the
business men of this country , " ho said ,
"adopted the dishonest principles of the gov
ernment In dealing with their creditors the
income * of tl o government would not uulHco
( o build penltentlurlea for them. "
Mr. Cannon , chairman of the appropria
tions committee , resented Mr. Orosvenor's
remark * . Ho denied that the utatuto of lim
itations was a fraud , only voted by thoao
who did not dealro to do Justice. . Major
Ctowart , the beneficiary of the bill , ho nald ,
won on the retired ll t of the nrmy , drawing
$ JCOO nnwinllv , and It was sought to over-
rldo thn Mntutc of limitations In his favor
Why should ho bo made n special beneficiary
when huu lieJi of volunteer roMlors secnr n {
a mere pittance from the government , were
barred by thn statute of limitations. He
declared that this government was swift to
do Justice , and Insisted that the government
In pleading thn slntittc * of limitations only
hold to a IIno of action always Insisted upon
between Individuals
When the committed rose nnd the bills
were reported the Cook and Ilurdltt bills
weio paMcd.
Mr. Dalrell , republican of Pcnnsvlvanla ,
then made n teniatlonal attack on the bill
to pay Flora Darling $ > S1 In full satisfac
tion of all claims for her arrest , Imprison
ment ami the seizure of property nt New
Orleans In ltd He pointed out n fact not
brought out during the debate In the com
mittee thnt Mrs Darling was the wife of
a confederate general and In sympathy
with the KOuthcrn cau o The property for
which this bill sought to reimburse her. ho
aid. consisted of Tennessee and Louisiana
bank notes , which were assumed to bo
worth their par \nlue In gold Mr Iloatner ,
democrat of IxiuMim. nnd Mr Richard
son , democrat nf Tennessee , both declared
that some of the bank notes of their states
were worth par In cold throughout the war.
Mr Cox , democrat of Tennessee , however ,
declared that In 1SC1 thcro was not n Ten
nessee or Louisiana bank note which would
bring over 30 rents on the dollar Ho
should , ho said , decline to vote for Mrs
Darling's reimbursement upon the basis of
such a valuation for these notes.
\fir. Cooper , 'democrat of Texas , who
made the report on the bill , said In his
opinion It was as meritorious a claim as
ever came before congress This woman ,
under the safe conduct of n flag of truce ,
had been arrested and Imprisoned , her
trunks sclrcd and broken open and their
contents , consisting of Jewelry , gold nnd
the state hank notes , abstracted. He de
clared that this was the first time the value
of the notes had ever been questioned
.Mr. Dalzcll replied that this bill furnished
another Illustration of the hurried nnd un
satisfactory examinations sometimes made
of claims , and he moved to lay the bill
on the table.
A division resulted aves , f > r > ; najs , li >
but the point of no quorum was made by
Mr Cooper and the matter went over The
house then , at C o'clock , took a recess
until 8.
WASHINGTON. Dec 11 This was pri
vate bill day In the house and seven
war claims , carrying nn aggregate of $18-
407 , were favorably acted upon by the com
mittee of the whole , as followsTo pay
Peter Cook of Arkansas $904 for stores
and supplies used by the federal troops ; to
pay Augustus P Ilurdltt $5,130 for the use
of the steamer Mattle during the war ; to
pay Flora A Darling $5 CST In satisfaction
of her claims for arrest and Imprisonment
and the scburo of her property at Ne.v Or
leans In 18(11 ( ; to correct the muster of
Francis A. llenton ns n captain of the
Fourth United States colored cavalry and
pay him accordingly ; to pay John A Lynch
$2,490 for services ns assistant quartermas
ter at Cincinnati In 1861-2. and to refer the
claims of Major James Stewart , USA ,
retired , for longevity pay , to the court of
claims Only the first two , however , wore
passed by the house , as Mr. Dalzcll of Penn-
Bjlvanla i.iado an attack on the bill for the
relief of Mrs Flora A. Darling and devel
oped the fact that she was the wife of n
confederate general , n fact not brought out
In the original debate on the measure The
result was that a point of no quorum was
made on his motion to lay the bill on the
table and It went over until next Friday
At ) the night session 330 bills were favor
ably acted upon. There wore no features
of the session. Among the bills wereTo
Increase the pension of Adelaide Morris ,
widow of the late Arthur Morris , formerly
captain of the Fourth United States artillery ,
at $30 per month ; to pension the widow of
Joseph Kofe , late captain of the Fourth
United States Infantry , at $20 per month ;
to Increase the pension of the widow of Col
onel David 13. McKlbbcn of the Fifteenth
Pennsylvania , to $10 per month ; to pension
Ira Harris , late lieutenant commander of the
navy , nt $10 per month ; to Increase the pen
sion of Adam Dennis , a one-legged soldier
of Mann's Choice , Hedford county. Pa. , to
$50 per month ; to pension the widow of the
late Ilrevct Major General Horatio P. Van
Clcve , at $50 per month , nnd to grant an hon
orable dlschargo to Captain Ellsha n. Batto
of the Nineteenth Michigan Infantry , who
was dismissed for cowardice by General
Hosccrans at Murfrecsboro.
Senator Tnrplc Will Offer Ilndlcnl
CllllIIKl-H I" < ll % I.IIW.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. Senator Turplc
of Indiana lion prepared a number of- amend
ments which ho Inlenda to offer to the naval
appropriation bill. If they should prevail
they would materially change the law re
lating to the navyr * The amendments are ae
follows :
All appointees to the Junior grade of the
pay corpa of the navy shall bo chosen from
graduates of the United States Naval
The laws relating to the army shall bo
applicable to the navy as regards the ago of
voluntary and of compulsory retirement and
fraction of pay when on the retired list.
In all commissions of the navy the rank
and relative rank of the officer shall bo
Appointments to the office of Judge ad
vocate general In the Navy department shall
not bo limited to ofilccru of the navy and to
marines , but lawyers ( civilians ) are hereby
made eligible thereto.
Any officer of the navy , pleading with that
department for any right under a law or
regulation , shall on application receive per-
nonal hearing by the secretary of the navy
and bo therein confronted with the Judge
advocate general. And no obstruction or ob
jection nor any officer's case shall bo tried
secretly , but shall bo fully made known to
him by the Navy department In writing.
Any officer who , when tctlred for disability ,
had not nt the tlmo sufficient evidence avail
able to show the disability as a result of
Incident of service , shall bo allowed to make
good that deficiency before tbo permanent
retiring board.
No money herein appropriated shall , after
the next vacancy occurs In his grade , be
paid any officer on the retired list under the
regular retiring ago who Is able to perform
on the actlvo list the duties of hla existing
commission , said ability to bo determined
by an examining board.
ClmiiBfN III ( lie Army Sort Ice.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. Second Lieu
tenant Henry Todd , Third artillery , has been
ordered to examination for promotion. Lieu
tenant Colonel I ) . M. Wherry , Second In
fantry. has been detailed to duty as a mem
ber of the retiring board at Fort Kcogh ,
Mont. , vlco Major Jacob II. Smith , Second
Infantry ; First Lieutenant George H. Sanda ,
Sixth cavalry , has been ordered to Fort
M > er , Va. , as quartermaster.
You can't bluine your liuibnnil for kick-1
ln ntwut the clean > ou uied to buy lilmj
for Clirlntmat Juit auk If lie liken domestic !
or Imported clKan then leave It to us J
He'll to perfectly mtlifled and blets joiij
all the rent of the daja of your life tori
llmllng n HO would like to uliow > mi Iliei
nnent line of niioktm' article * In town ;
Including j > l | > ei ot all kml ! ! > rlarii-mcer- [
nclmuiiu at loweit jirlcci.
W. F. Stoecker ,
1404 Douglas. CI earn ami
. bmokorit' SundrlfH
Republicans Ara Agree 1 Now Schedules
Must Not Bo Too High ,
MenMiro ( o lieHomlj for Intro
duction In tlio i\trn Mi-Nilou
to lie Culled ! > )
WASHINGTON . Dec. 11 The ways and
means committee of the house will begin
work before the holiday recess upon the
tariff bill , which Is to bo the chief feature
In the policy of the Incoming administration ,
and will endeavor to perfect the bill so It
may bo presented to the house of the 1'lft-
llfth congress early In the special session
which President McKlnley will summon for
revising the tariff laws. This program was
formally decided upon b > a conference of the
republican members of the committee , held
In General Grosvenor's rooms at the Cochran
hotel. All republican was and means men
attended the conference except Mr. Stccle
of Indhna , who was detained. They decided
that Chairman Dlnglcy shall call a meeting
of the full committee for next Monday , at
which the usual formality of giving the
minority members an opportunity to vote
upon the program will ho enacted. The
proposition to bo laid before the committee
Is that hearings bo given by the full com
mittee , at which all parties having an In
terest In the tariff will bo Invited to give
their views ; these hearings to bo commenced
within a few da > s.
Apart from thlt official plan the repub-
llnitia ( Intnrtnlnnil tn tnl/n mi thn frnmlmr nf
the bill themselves the usual course
pursued by a majority party soon after the
hearings are under way , nnd to work to
that end Informally at once There will bo
no subcommittee- given charge of the
measure , but the full republican contingent
will work together Messrs. Dalzcll and
Hopkins will glvo most of their time to
steel ; Mr. Grosvenor will have most to do
with wool , Russcl with cotton nnd machin
ery , Uvans with spirits and wines , and Dol-
llvor , Tawncy and Hopkins with reciprocity
According to the trend of discussion the
reciprocity policy Is to bo made nn Im
portant feature of the republican tariff
sjstem , oven more Important than It was
In the Harrison administration , If a practical
Echemo can bo devised. The rcclprocltj
features of the tariff bill will bo woven
Into the original bill In the last republican
tariff they were mostly after-thoughth. To
night's conference was of two hours' dura
tion and the participants said they had
been unanimous upon the policy to bo
"A moderate tariff bill , " they explained ,
was to bo their object. A moderate bill Is
understood to bo ono whoso average rates
would bo somewhat lower than the rates of
the McICInloy bill of 1S30 , though a con-
sldccable average advance over the Wilson-
Gorman duties , nnd bojond the McKlnloy
bill In cases where experience had shown
the advance to bo advisable.
General Grosvenor and Mr. Dlngloy , It Is
understood , convcjed the views of the presi
dent-elect upon the program to their col
Moro than half of the two hours. It waj
said , was given to dlscus'lou of the difficult cs
In the path of the republican program , the
overshadowing ono being the possibility of
an unfriendly btnato In the next congress
Ono of the members said they recognized u
distinct possibility that the next fcenate
might block tariff legislation , but hoped
that the frco silver se-nators who walked out
of the St. Louis convention would bo ready
to co-operate In rc-cstabllshlng a protective
tariff Tomorrow's meeting of the com
mlttco may be postponed until next week
In the event that Ueprcsentatlve Turner of
Georgia Is unable to attend. No appoint
ment has been made to fill the committee
vacancy created by the death of ex-Speaker
Crisp , and with Mr. Tumor , who Is ono of
the democratic leaders , absent , the minority
might complain that It was not properly
represented. Speaker Uccd , It Is expected ,
will designate Mr. Crisp's successor this
week. Mr. Ncwlands of Nevada has been
discussed by republicans on the ways and
means committee as ono qualified to fill
the vacancy , whoso selection might do some
thing to help the passage of a tariff hill.
Mr. Now lands is a representative of the
Independent silver party , so designating him
self In the Congressional Directory , having
formerly been a republican. It Is thought
by some that If recognition were given the
Independent silver men by sruch an appoint
ment It would tend to draw the support of
several senators belonging to that faction.
The program of the ways and means com
mittee to preoaro n tariff bill for the extra
session of congress wao the only topic of
dlscusoon about the house today and mot
with approval amons republicans. It Is
K-xpccted to bo brought forward very oarlv
In the extra session and passed under a
rtilo fixing tlmo for debate , to that Its fate
will bo In the hands of the house early. All
republican members of the ways nnd means
commlttBO have been re-elected to the next
congress , nnd It la assumed that Mr. Reed
will bo again choren speaker and will not
change the personnel of the committee , so
there Is no probability that any effort will
bo made to do the work over acaln.
Today Clulrman Dlngley had a conference
with Mr. McMillan of Tennessee , the senior
democratic member of the committee , and
olllclally ftatcd the republicans' plans. Mr.
Dlngley said that the hearings probablv
would begin with the holiday recess and con
tinue throuzh the holidays To Drcvent
thorn from dragging along Indefinitely a lim
ited tlmo may bo assigned for testimony
relating to each of the most Important sched
ules. It Is probable the democratic wa > s
and moans memberD will have a consultation
upon the tariff within n dpy or two ,
although , of course , any opposition they
might ECO fit to offer to the tariff program
would be merely a matter of form. They
are not ploas-ed at the suggestion that Mr.
Nowlandt , the Independent silver member
of Nevada , who Is protectionist , bo clven
Mr. Crlu.i's chair at the commlttco table.
Speaker Heed seldom consults with the
minority about committee appointments , and
has not done so In this case.
Certain features of the now bill have been
practically decided upon already by the 10-
publlcaiiB. Chairman Dlngley Is authority
for the statement that the bill will bo
framed to prevent the use of the bonded
warehouses by importers to escape the paj-
ment of higher duties , as they -were Used
when the McKlnley bill was passed. To
llros.1 II 60 white nlilrlH . U K
Hllk Kiirlera SOoo
Nluht uhlrts o
VV'H'nn llrox ' urh S c
clu > ot Hut-pvmleni < r.c
KI1U tleg , all lilmlx.
. . . . . . . .
iii > rnnt tolornl border Iiunilkerclilt'n..l2'.4c
flood ciillam . 12'ic
CO-lnch on tintllunml night thirl * . .Sl.uo
KM ninl moclm clove * > l CO
( loo.l lined clovtH . 11.00
Winter underwear , rucli , Ma
Kux , black or tan ISlic
Albert Cahn ,
effeit thl there will be n clause providing
that goods In stoMRO In bondrl warehouse *
when the now law goes Into effect will pay
the rales of that law , and , 4 < H those of the
Wilson act , In opcrallouvuicn they were
The schedules of the Wjlfui law , which
have proved satisfactory'l ( Is said , will
not be disturbed A member of the com
mittee apoko of the cotton schedule as the
most likely to remain unchanged , as having
been guarded by the dcrtoctgtlc protection
ists In the senate , he eald. ls effects should
ho satisfactory to manufncliucrs nnd opera
tives and , the duties being specific , were In
accord with the republican policy. The Wil
son act's ad valorem featiir ft will bo done
away with , It ROCS without siIng.
The reciprocity system may bo effected
by the citabllshmcnt of , tvvp schedules of
articles on which concessions are desired
from other countries , one * schedule for goods
when Imported from coilrifrfds which agree
to reciprocity treaties , the other schedule
for those which do not. Several conferences
of the republican vvavs and means men nre
expected before the hearings begin It Is
suggested by ono of them that they may
decide upon the schedules of the Wll on net
which they will continue , and perhaps some
McKlnley nil rates which will be rc-cstab-
llshed and will give hearings only on the
lemalnlng schedules , Inviting the parlies
Interested to furnish the commercial In
formation which It wants. To Mulsh the
bill before the 15th of March the committee
will bo obllRcd to work faster than the wa > s
nnd means committee did on the McKlnley
bill , nnd It might not he able to frame the
new bill by the appointed time If hearings
are given oil all schedules.
MW i-iiAsijTO VIM/I 1:1. v TVNOMJ.
I.ali-Nl NOUN from tinItriinlilli ! IH of n
DlNturlilniV Nnlnri' .
WASHINGTON. Dec. 11. The unofilclal re.
port from Venezuela that a serious agitation
has sprung up against the boundary settle
ment agreed to between the United States
and Great Drltaln causes much surprise ami
no llltlo concern In official quarters here
Minister Andrado and Mr. James It Storron
were to have silled from Li Guajara , the
seaport of Caracas , jcstcrday noon on the
Red Star steamer Philadelphia and the bolt
was expected to reach New York the 16th
Mr. Andrado had cabled the tlmo of his
leaving , as given In the Associated press dis
patches , on the day the cable was received
and had handed thu cablegram to Secretary
Olnoy sajlng that President Crespo approved
the agreement and would call a special ses
sion of congress to ratify It The news that
Mr Storron will not return at once , owing
to unexpected developments growing out of
the agitation against the settlement. Is felt
to embarrass and possibly Imperil the final
adjustment which had been confidently e\
pcctcd at an early day.
Up to the present tlmo President Crespo
has not called nn extra session and thlrtj
dijs must expire after the call before the
congress moots This has led to n question
whetncr Venezuela should bear the hcavs
expense of an extra session convening onl.v
ono month before the regular session of
February 20.
The Venezuelan papers which reached
Washington on the last steamer arc being
carcfulj scanned , but they are very guarded
and appear to be subject to some govern
ment advisement on the subject.
The arrival of Mr Andrade and Mr. Stor
ron and their conference with President
Crespo are not mentioned , the only refer
ence being n eulogistic reference to Mr.
Storron. La Liberal treats the settlement as
advantageous and sajs It not only aids Vene
zuela , but establishes a grerit precedent bj
which the United States "stands as n sen
tinel" In front of the American republics
against European greed for dominion
It saj.s"The agreement ; established an
authorized precedent to settle any other con
flict that may arise between the American
nations and European countries. At the Fame
tlmo that vvc have gained our point , our
mediator has succeeded In enforcing respect
and recognition to the great principle of
American Internationallaw , byvhlch the
American continental polloyhvlll not be trod
upon with Impunity I y Cnf-opc From to
day the North American' ' people stand as
a sentinel nlong the 'Atlantic to compel
acknowledgment of tho'Justice and rlfiht of
Its South American brothers against the
attempt of Europe to domlrfate. It was the
flrs.t utterance nt Caracas , nnd with this tcn-
tlmcnt prevailing. Mr.v Ahdradc's plans to
return were made. The ftflAorse agitation
now reported and Mr. Andrtide's determina
tion to defer his return , makes the accept
ance of the treaty loss assured , though In
diplomatic circles It Is believed Venezuela
In tlmo will accept , because of the teeming
affront which adverse action would bo to
the United States. President Crespo has
accepted the treaty , nnd thus far his In
fluence has been excceJlngly potent In shap
ing the policy of his nation. "
iu nriumr.s mii.s.
| | \ i
TweiitYwo Deluded MritnurcM PniiHCil
riirunril tn tlio lIoiiHt- .
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. Twenty-two pub
lic building bills were today reported to the
hoiiso from the public buildings commlt'ce '
and placed on the calendar. These are
measures which were held back at the last
session of congress , It Is Bald , In deference
to the wishes of the leaders , so that the
uppropilatlons for the year might not be
augmented by their passage. All of them
were reported by subcommittees last session
The list Includes the following.
Topeka , Kan ; Oakland. Cal : Salem , Ore ,
St. Paul. Minn. ; Omaha , Neb. ; East St. Louis ,
111. ; Hot Springs , Ark. , and Laredo , Tex.
I'or n Nftv IVviiN Judicial District.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. The house com-
mlttco on judiciary voted today to favor
ably report the bill to create the judicial dis
trict of eastern Texas , which was vetoed
by the president during the last session
The veto vvns on the ground that the United
States judga who holds court at Paris , Tex ,
was overworked , but since the bill was ve
toed a law has been enacted transferring
jurisdiction of criminal cases In the Indian
torrltory from the Texas to the Indian ter
ritory courts.
Coinlllliiii of Hie Trrnmiry.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 11. Today's state
ment of the trcaBUty shows : Available cash
balance , $225,774.420 ; gold reserve , $133,111-
AHiliiKT JotiitH
Announce the presence of rheumatism , which
causes untold suffering , Rheumatism Is due
to lactic acid In the blood. It cannot be
cured by liniments or other outward applica
tions. Hood'n Sirsaparilla purifies the blocxl ,
removes the cause of rheumatism and perma
nently cures thlB dlseaw This Is the testi
mony of thousands of people who once suf
fered the pains of rheumatism , but who have
actually been cured by taking Hood's Sarsa-
parllla. Its great power to act upon the
blood and remove every Impurity Is the
sjccrct of the wonderful euros by Hood's Sar-
The consignment of Oriental HIZH
Ig cruiluMly cllnii'1'enrine wo never
n-ourcil ro crrnt a drawing card be
fore after one ttt the run fho IB
entity convinced that these are the
cenulno article even though the
prices do not Indicate It no don't
liavo to sot the tmmlly 10 to 7S per
cent profit IB why the prlce rtnrt at
(2.76 and go no higher tlmii | : JS.
Omahn Carpet Co.
Boll of Texas Presents a Minority Report on
Pacific Ronds.
JeopnrdUi'N IVilrrnl Inlrri'MlR by Ail-
dlnur SKIcon MllllniiN to tlio
Annum ! of ( lit- Prior l.toii
on < lit * Properly.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. Representative
Hell of Te\as , a member of the committee
on Pacific rallroadw , today presented to the
house a minority report ngalnat the Powers
bill. Ho opposed the bill on the ground tint
It pioposcs to Increase the Indebtedness of
the Paclfle roads , whleh aie covered by the
llrat mortgige ns a prior lieu to the govern
ment lien , by $16,000,000 , and to nnkc the
government lien subordinate to this Increased
Indebtedness lie asserts that while under
the Powcis plan the companies would at
tempt to give security to the government by
the second lien , If the government shall bo
obliged to take- possession of the property us
ho predicts that It would eventually under
the Powers bill , It would hive to assume nn
nddllloml debt of $ IC 000.000 He holds that
the propert > on which the government would
bo given a second Hen would lx > worth Ires
than the amount of the first mortgage
Mr Doll recommends that the Indebted
ness of the loads to the government be ex
tended , provided the compinlea will secure
the government debt by n first moitgago on
the property , giving the goveminent a right
on default to Institute piocecdlnga on the entire -
tire amount of the roads' indebtedness In
the event of the failure or lofrsnl of the
roads to comply with thr&o conditions , the
government should Institute suit to foic-clojc
and sell the property
The tepoits strongly opiwo government
ownership or control The report sajs tint
the subsidized roadd have Miuanikred the
assets which ought to bo available to | ny
their Indebtedness to the government , that
"tho maladministration of the properties
began with the building of the roidd , nnd lm
continued evei since" If there \vns any
prospect of securing an > thing for the gov
ernment lij litigation with olllcors or stock
holders , Mr Hell continual , he would op
pose nn > settlement which might rclcaac
them from liability , but he holds It to be
clear that the suits of this kind would con
tinue to be fruitless , as In the past. He con
tends that na the government has to pa >
3 per cent Interest on what It owes , It la
unreasonable that It should load a private cor
poration with u less rate and recommends
that nnj extension of the debt be at 3 per
cent li.stcad of 2 , as piovlded In the Powers
I\liri' < N ( o Mrt-l llrr Merc ,
Kiilitllinl , Tlu-r.- .
WASHINGTON , Dec 11 While no ofilchl
Information has been received as to the pur
pose of cv-Queen Lllluo' < alanl's visit to this
country , her coming at this time occasions
much comment In official quarters. She will
be met hole1 , It Is understood , by Pilncess
Katiilanl , who has been sojourning In Italy ,
and will come hero for this meeting.
Minister Hatch of Hawaii Is now In New-
York , nnd Mr Cooper , the Hawaiian minister
of foreign affairs , is enroute to San Fi.ui-
cbico , to take the steamer for Hawaii on the
llUh Inst. This will bilng him into
proximity to the c\-nueen at San Francisco
In event of the ex-ciueen and princess com
ing to Washington , their visit could not bo
regarded b > the authorities here aa official
for the United States has formally recognl7cd
the republic of Hawaii , and Its diplomatic
representatives hove full official credit hero
The last friction was removed when Minister
Thurston retired it the request of Mr
Grcsham The cx-quecn nnd princess , thoio-
foiv , could not bo ticated other\vl o than as
private citizens. When Princess KalulanI
visited hero three jcars ago , she was received
by Mrs. Cleveland , but not officially recog
nized nor received by the president or other
It Is understood that the queen's resources
have been such of late that an addition of a
pension as ono of the features of an annexa
tion treaty ! might not bo unacceptable. She
has not lived at the palace since her depo
sition , but has occupied the old Domlnls
homestead , in a quiet and economical stjlc
The crown lands , which were her main
source of wealth , were forfeited to the now
government. When she was pardoned no
pension was given to her , so that she sup
ports herself on her personal means , which
are not abundant. Ono of the features of
the proposed annexation treaties has been a
pension to the dcimsed sovereign.
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec 11 Ex-Queen Lll-
luokalanl announced today that her stay In
San Francisco would be brief. She Is al-
leady preparing for her early departure for
Washington , where she hopes to meet her
niece. Princess KalulanI. 'Hie ex-queen has
arranged to attend the horse show tomorrow
night. _
Mrx. Kilo n ,1. IMilniK-j'H Ail * Ice ( o the
NonimrtlNtiii W. C. T. V ,
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. At the conven
tion of the non-partisan Women's Christian
Temperance union today , the report of the
general secretary , Mrs. Ellen J. Phlnney of
Cleveland , O , was road. In this she said
"When a union of over fifty members has
dwindled to twenty , and when only eight of
these have paid dues this jear , jou may
know there Is n laxity foniowhcro , nnd when ,
with these returns , the national union is
asked to appropriate funds for the establish
ment of more such weaklings at $10 each ,
It scorns a case of laxity run mad "
She urged the association to take fewer
objects Instead of more and to put Into the
work all the Intelligence , Intensity and
power It could command. She referred In
detail to the work In the several states.
Mrs. Ellis of Philadelphia , superintendent
of Sunday school work , gave a BUinmaiy of
the year's doings. The treasurer's report
showed the receipts to have been $ . ' , C3C and
the disbursements $2,003.
SlilpliulliliTN Cliilin for .
WASHINGTON , Dec 11 The secretary of
the navy today cent to the house the claim
of the Qulntard Ironworks , amounting to
$99,601 for less due to dclaja alleged to have
been caused by the government In the con
struction of tiio cruiser Maine. The secre
tary does not pass on the merit of the claim ,
but recommends that the case be sent to the
court of claims -\vhlch could consider It with
more deliberation than a congressional com
mittee. The secretary also-transmlttcd , with
And the band ployed on for the
, Charity Circus lasta another night
-It'll take UH nuvc-rul days yet to
cloHu out thn balance of our slight-
I ly used phuiou for though the
.price In Ilttlo cnough-vvo'vo got a
'good ' ninny of them orgnns too
I from } J2 up ( i third down nnd $ . " > a
.month wo gunruntta them to bo In
' perfect condition ,
A , Hospe , Jr. ,
1513 Doimlni Ht
Astonishing Record of Paine's Celery
Compound Among the Sick ,
Tlio fact that Palnc's celery compound U
today rellc.1 on and recommended , both In
public nnd In .heir own f.imlly circle , by so
largo a portion of the most prudent and
thoughtful people In every community ,
should not bo overlooked In determining
one's choice of a remedy.
Paine's celery compound Is the most suc
cessful , the most warmly praised remedy
Just ns It was at the time of Its discover ) ,
tBo iiwwt talked of "ever offered by \ \
ploslclan to his felloxv practloncrs nnd to
the public Palnc's celery compound has
more than fulfilled the gicit things that
were expected of It when It was first an
nounced to-medical men as the discovery
of that distinguished scientist , Prof Edward
E Phelps , M. 1) LL U It Is Uie grandest
Invlgorator and strcngthcncr In the world
It offers an escape from nervous exhaustion ,
neuralgia , sleeplessness and d > spcpsla to
similar recommendations , claims made by
William Ciatnp & . So'is for J2I1.01S on the
New York , $10. 215 on the Columbia , $ IM,7iT7
on the Massachusetts and $4SO,231 on the
Indiana In each cisc It Is alle > gcd that
the dcla > s were due to the failure of the
government to supply the aimor or other
material ! ) In accordance with the contracts , |
and In the case of the Now York tint fin thcr
delay occurred by reason of the changes In '
plans authorized by the department.
1'rcfililt'iit Clr\rlnnil to * > tnrt for n
llrlof Viu-ntlon.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. President Cleve
land will leave the city soon for a few
dajs' shooting In South Carolina waters.
After the hard work and close attention In
the Venezuelan matter and the prepara
tion of his annual message to congress the
president feels the need of rest nnd a change
of air , and accordingly an outing In south
ern waters has been arranged for him.
According to the present program the
president , accompanied by Captain It. I )
Evans of the nav.v , Captain Lambcrton of
the Fifth llghthoiibo district and Dr
O'Reilly , the president's phjstcian , will
leave hero late Saturday night or Sunday
morning by rail for Geoigctown , S. 0. , where
they will bo met by a lighthouse tender
probably the Wisteria , and takcc down
Wlnnah bay to a club house , vvhero the
party will bo the guests of General Alex
ander. This Is the same club which enter
tained the president and party about two
jcars ago , and the recollection of the sport
had at that time decided the president In
Its favor for his present outing.
ounvAssi : IIHI.UW MJW OIU.IAVS. :
K llrmMl ( o I'onr Money Iiio
( lie I.i-nU n ( OIIPC.
WASHINGTON. Dec. ll. A delegation
representing the business and commercial
Interests of the lower Mlsslualppl , consuming
of Captain JV. . I3r > ant , Captain A. K Mil
ler , II. Vf. Masters nnd ex-Congressman Mc-
Gann , has appeared before the river nnd
harbor committee cf the houoo to urco that
Immediate provision be made for a survey
and the ascertainment of the cost of repair-
Inc the levees at Paw Aloutre , about ninety
miles below New Orleans.
There lo a break of about 3,000 yards nt
this point. It Is estimated that the cobt
of the repair would ho abaut $250,000. It
Is claimed that the crevasse Is In the terri
tory covered by the Eada contract , but pend
ing the Investigation of that question the
commercial Interests of the lower Mltultwlppl
are exceedingly anxious that something bo
done to prevent disaster.
Hill ( o Iili'iiinlfy < luStaU'N. .
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. Senator Mitchell
of Oregon has Introduced a bill In the senate
declaring the Intent of the act of 18C1 , In
demnifying the tttatcs for expenses In main
taining the national defense. Ily a decision
of the court of claims , < the Interest on the
money was not allowed. This was reversed
by the supreme court , but as the Treasury
department had passed upon the claims , It
refuses , under the Dockery law , to reopen
them without further legislation. The
Such n time nn Drex L. Shonmnn linn
had H'H lota of fun doing for clmrlty'H
Bake but It mnlicB UH tired to Bee the
many base Imitations of our "quilted
bottom" shoes for boys lllto which
thoro'B nothing In thn world no good-
cost a Ilttlo more than ordinary but
wear thrto times UH long our boyH *
$1.5' ; Bhoe la the bcHt Bhoo tor the price
over made ,
Drexel Shoe Co
Bend for our
ffiiStl ? 1419 Fariiain.
e\cry man nnd woman who Is robbed of
"I have taken a number of bottles of
Palno's celery compound , " sa > s Mrs. 13.
Wan en Davidson of 302 Warren Ave. ,
Chicago , "and consider II the best of
lomcvlics In eases of Insomnia , , arising fiom
torpid liver , ueuralgli. rheumatism , etc.
It has done for me all that Is claimed of it ,
and I cheerfully Indorse It "
Wo all know women who nre living on the
"ragged edge" of nervous exhaustion
They eat thcli food without rolHi. sleep
without refrcrlnnrnts v.-rrtv along day by
dn > half sick hut lefusln ; ; to believe It
These women who me farther along In
poor health than thej think , arc the very
porscm who would find an astonl'lilng help
In Paine's celery compound Its le-gulatlnu
action on thrlr Jangled nerve1" , nnd Its re-
vlvlflng action upon digestion and assi
milation aio just what their sjstcm Is In
need of Whj thould anj ono not try It ?
Mitchell bill Is to rover this point. Nearly
every Ktnto H Intel estcd In the matter , an
Interest charges have been disallowed.
< > MH fur ( InArmj. .
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11 ( Special Tclo-
gram ) The following transfers In the Third
artillery nro made First Lieutenant IJen-
jamln H Randolph , battery A to battery 0 ;
First Lieutenant Morrlt K. IJarroll , battery
G to battery A.
The following transfers In the Fifth cav
alry nre made -First Lieutenant Augustus
C. Maeomb , troop C to troop n ; Flrrt Lieu
tenant JCKVJ Mel. Gaiter , troop It to troop C.
Leave of tthajiico of First Lieutenant Sjd-
ncy A. Cloman , Fifteenth Infantry , la ex
tended two months. Leave of absence ot
Captain Frank Taylor , Fourteenth Infantry ,
Is extended three montho.
< < > ! ' " ' Irrigation
WASHINGTON. Dec 11. Assistant Com
missioner Ucet of the general land olllc-o and
Expert G. H. Newell of the geological survey
have been delegated to represent the gov
ernment nt the national Irrigation congrcto
to bo held at Phoenix. Arlr , next week. Mr.
Newell Is enrouto and Judge Ileit left jcs
tcrday The latter w III advocates state JKISCOI-
sloii of the at Id lands now belonging to the
gov eminent. _
National Haul. . A > III Itci > i > iii.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 11. The comptroller
of the treasury has given permission lo the
failed American National bank of Denver to
reopen for lmslnc.ii , It having compiled with
all of the conditions Imposed by him.
Hill In lacrraNr S.ilnrlrx.
WASHINGTON. Dee. 11 Representative
Doatncr of Louisiana has Introduced a bill
Increasing the salaiy of the Hpcaker of the
house from $ S,000 to $10,000 , and of senator *
and representatives from $5.000 to $7,500.
'llllMMMl (1 111"Of lllC MllllM.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11 The Interatato
Tracer , run In Marehalltown , la. , publish
ing a big Hit of debtors throughout the coun
try , has been tin own out of the malls by a
fraud order.
Ilniinii l.raH ( lie Capital.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11 Chairman llanna
loft the city at 2 o'clock today for his homo
In Cleveland by way of Philadelphia , vvhero
li j will btop over until tomorrow.
\nntlirr Opening for tin * Mu Woman.
ATLANTA , Pa , Dec. 11 The state legis
lature has pawed the bill making women
eligible for state librarian. Only the gov
ernor's signature Is wanting to muko It a
law. _
An Interesting Htory of Mury Somervlllo ,
largely drawn from BOUIO hitherto unpub
lished letters , will bo contributed to the next
volume of The Youth's Companion by Mrs.
llurton Harilsqn U uhou how , by persist
ence and a natural love of learning , a simple
Scotch girl acquired renown , deepltovery
obstacle Hven her family discouraged her.
"I wonder , " e.ild her aunt to her parents ,
"that you let jour girl wat > to her tlmo in
reading , when nlio ecws no more than a
man. " Hut read nho did , and famous she bo-
The mnolco consumer nttnchcd to the
"Acorn Onk" IH a feature not ccn on
any other Btove It nddi but Ilttlo to
the cost nnd HIIVCH ninny a dollar on
the amount of nmoku und Boot It
ijuniH ui > which In other "o.ika" c-a-
tnpcH un the chlmnoy the "Acorn
Oak" IH ubBolutely ulr-tlBlit-nrid with
80ft con ) holdH flro for Direct dajH.
JohnHussie" ± 'Co
C'nnsldor our 2407 Cttmiiig
IIUlo prlccK ,