Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    * T
i '
THE DAILY 111013 { SATURDAY , D 12013 1 H13K 12 , 1800.
pone any Impairment since tliat time. What
ever happen * , it In underatood that the Incoming -
coming administration will subject tlio sure-
tlos on nil of them to a new scrutiny. It
llioy do not require new bonds altoRctlior.
Thrxo banks , two years ago , hail In their
IKMUpMlon * G27,02718 of Htato money. The
amount on deposit nt present l supposed to
bo moro than twleo that sum.
110 MH ii.NY'riinlow : COAST MATHS
I'liHNftiKpr AKI-II ! ofortliiTii 1'iu-lllo
To INnnllivr Hlorj.
CHIPAno , Dee. 11 ClencMl I'.wcngor
Agent Ten of the Northern 1'aclfle , who was
In Chicago today , declares that the reports
of the rvrnto made by the Northern I'aclflo
nnd the flrent Northern from St. Paul to
north 1'nclllr roast | xintn ! arc without founda
tion In fact. The simo story , ho says , was
B Ttol about ono yrnr ago and In both In-
t.iiire" It rnmo from land ( ( peculators In the
Ktato of WiiPhlnRton , who circulate- 1 the re
port of cut ratw In the hope that IrnmlKM-
tlon would not In toward tholr ntnte. There
IIHM been. Mr. 1'eo declare I , no clnngo In
OIP ratfii from St. Paul to north I'arlllc const
points for two yem1. or since the organisa
tion of the Transcontinental ! I'asson-jer asso
ciation. nnd th-re Is no linmodlitto profvect
of nny change belnu made In the present
raioii The Htory hud the effect cf ntlrrl.ii ;
up the other transcontinental loads to a
larKo extent , lion ever , and there was nil
Vlnds of talk about meeting the rates and
calling a meeting of the tranwonllnontal
litic-3 nnd other things of a IIUu nr..uro.
Chairman Calrtvvcll of the Transmlss'ourl '
I'aMenipr association l now making nn ef
fort to Ret a. meeting of the transmltuMiirl
lines In len\or In the iiuir future The clc-
morallzitlon among the lines Is lew at
present than It hau been for twine time , but
there nro a number of matters that require
adjimtmcnt and the chairman will call n
meeting of all the Interes'cl lines as coon
as ho can nnd a date on which all of the
roadn can be represented. There Is a prob
ability that the nicotine will be held wmo
tltno r.c\t week , but the date Is very In
definite. _ _
s IN svvi-A KIJ CASH.
of 1IM\ .
I.HAVnNWOUTII. Dec H. The Atchlson ,
Topeka & Santa Ke icec'vcrshlp ' ease , which
was last Monday lomandcd to Julgo Mjcns'
rourt by Unltrd States Judges Poster- and
Ihajer , came up for argument In the dis
trict court hero this morning. The entire
forenoon was takin up by arguments of
Judge Kccler nnd I ) 11. lllle for the plain-
tin's. In the afternoon , the defendants , who
nro represented litre by Victor MorawlU
of Now York , fid Kcnna of Chkago , C.
Stcrry of Los Angeles , Cal , ex-Chief Justice
Albeit II. Ilorton nnd A. A. Ilurd , began
their arguments No sensational develop
ments arose , nnd none are expected. lloth
rides nre agreed that thcro shall be the full-
ret possible discussion , nnd as speedy an
Adjustment as possible. 'I ho plaintiff , late
last night , filed with Judge Mjfis a de
murrer to the answer nnd general denial
of the defendants , nnd motion to strike out
rcrtaln portions of It.
At the clo e ft the arguments Judge
Mvcrs announced that ho would file a writ
ten opinion In the case In the st.ite district
court at Oslcalooii on December " $ .
M\vrniiions uimu : IN KIJVITCICV.
Old MUM IlcnOn niid AiioilM-r Mini
Mint ! > riHriMi ItriuiKi * ' ( li'll.
JACKSON , Ky , Dtc. 11. Thomas llarnctt
was fatally shot by n mob of fifteen men nt
hlj home. No cause Is assigned and no nr-
rcsts hnvo been made. I 'lve masked men
lust night took from his house Geoige Dea-
ton , aged C5 , untl ndmlnlstcre < l fifty lashes
No one can conjecture why ho was so mnl-
treated. Deaton knovs the men , but Is
throatoncd with death If he tells.
llfltillN < lt II 1)11) .
ST. PAUL , Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special. ) Lor-
< nz Ulazck , ono of the most prominent
Polish farmers of Howard county , departed
this life yesterday morning at the age of 49
of dropsy. For the last fifteen years Mr.
Dlazek has taken a prominent part polit
ically nnd religiously In Howard county ,
being at his death one of the trustees of the
Catholic church. Ho leaves a family In
comfoi table circumstances.
IIKEMUIl , Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special. ) Mia.
Li > ll" Shuip , an old ncttlcr of this place ,
died at the old homestead , one-half milo wc.'U
of Becmer , this morning nt 7 o'clock of
dropsy , aged nearly 88 Grandma
Slurp was born In Hedford county , Virginia
Maeh 2S. 3809 , where a brother fl\e jear. <
onler still lives In the B.IUIO house where
they weio born. The deceased tame to
llteiaer In November , 1S.65 , where she re-
nldcd till the timeof her death. She was
the mother of nlno sons nnd IIvo daughters
Ten are now living The Piiueral will beheld
tomorrow afternoon at the Methodist JJpla-
copal church.
LONDON , Dec. 11. Frederick Knst , dc-
rcrlbed as groom , and one of the three male
dcfendantH In the milt for criminal libel
brougat by Karl Iltu'Rell against his mother-
In law. Lady Scott , and othcia , Is dead. He
had bocn confined In Hollow ay Jail from the
tlmo of his arrttft and hl.s Illucfis caused a
postponement of die trial on November 30.
SAN FltAN'CISPO , Dec. 11 Dennis Dono-
hue. cY-cotiBiil general for Oreat Drltaln at
Oils ) iort , died today at his suburban resl-
denre. He had been In the IliHIsh consular
sorvlcc- since 1S.17 , nnd was retired a year
ago on nccounf of hl.s advanced age.
NOinVXY. Me. , Dec. 11.-General George
W. ll'ule , iiicinV'ir of the bnird of control
nt the national Holilleia * Homo , ex-pension
ngent , adjutant general of M.ilnu nnd cx-
ftalo trcnyurir , illxl at his homo hero this
inoriilni ; . Ocneral Ilcnlc waa 71 jcars of
[ . ; ; > anil hid a notable military iccord a a
olillor In tli civil war.
JI3KKEHSON , la. . Dec. 11. ( Special Tele-
Rium. ) J. 12 Theme , postmaster nt Hoek-
well city , was found dead In bed this morn
ing. Heart iHscnto was tlio cause.
Ilolpeil Tn ) lor to KHOIIIK- .
DiNViit. : Dec. 11 D. F. Stone , the con
vict who sawed n hole through the wall of
the jail at Cariollton , Mo , , lit the fall of
1S95 , and allowed the escape of himself
and the Taylor brothers , then under sen
tence to be hanged Cor the minder nnd
cremation of Qti.s Mceks anil family , IK In
the Canon City penitentiary. Ho has been
Identified by Detective Hajrs of K.uiKaH
City Stone Is serving n ( sentence for rob
bing a passenger on a i.illrojd tialn of his
watrh nnd money. His term will expire
October 21 1S97 , and he will then Le taken
back to Missouri
llrlulMiiu'M Ilnniii It IVrHlxlont ,
HKLLIFONT , o. , Dec. it.-The Ohio
State Uiange has adopted u lesoluthni
rercmmcndlng to Prealdent-olect MeKlnley
Ilnn J. 11. Urlgham of Ohio for appoint
ment it.s scciet.iry of agriculture.
This Is the complaint ol
thousands at this Hcaaon.
They hnvo nn npiietllo ; fooel
does not relish. They need the tontni , ' upof
thoatonmchnnel dlResllvo orgnns , which
a course of Hood's Hiirsaimrllla will t'lvo
them. It also purifies nnel enrliilici tlio
blood , cures that distress after en nnd
Internal misery only n dyspeptic cnu
know , crentcH an appetite , overcomes that
tired feeling and builds up nnd sustains
the whole physical system , it BO prompt
ly nnd olllclontly rellM dspepUos > mp-
toms nnd cures ncirvoiiH headnchea , that It
Bcoins to Imvo almost "n magic toucli. "
U Iho beat In fact th Ono True Illoodl'urinci ,
IT77 f t" ° "i"1 nllcMtliiner
HOOCl S PlIlS i > IIH , aid dlfioitiou. 25c.
APPt/MM o inn ivi > i i r < nrntM\
Oarl Sohurz is Again President of Civil
Service Eoform League ,
Illiloli of C'oiiKriiMilutor ) ItrHollitloiiN
I * AilopliMl liy " ' DflfUiiteM ill .
riiUmlrlpliln mnl I'ui-dici-
HIA. Dec. 11 At today's
Bcgsloil of the Civil Service Hcform asso
ciation the following officers were re-elected :
President , Carl Schur/ , Now York , vice
presidents , Charles Francis Adams , Hos-
ton ; Augustus 11. MeDonough , New York :
J. Hall Pleasants , llaltlmorc ; Henry Hitch
cock , St. Louis ; Franklin McVcagh , Chicago
cage ; William Potts and Hov Henry C.
Potter , New York. Archbishop J. P. Hvan
of Philadelphia was also e > lecte < l a vice presi
dent to fill the vacancy caused by the death
of Rt. Rev. Stephen N. Hjan.
A committee from the National Associa
tion of Letter Carriers appeared before the
guicral committee with a petition urging
the continuance of a postolllco department
order , which provides that no carrier shall
bn discharged from the seivlco until he
shall have had an opportunity for defense ,
also that for promotions do the olllce of
Mipciliitciiilent of carriers carriers alone
shall be eligible , also that If It Is Intended
to establish an Inspector force for the
supervision of the letter carriers that snld
Inspectors shall servo at least live jears
In the classified service. The petition was
lefcrrcd to the committee on resolutions.
President Pioctor of the civil service
commission nddrcnsed the delegates on the
Viorklnga of the civil service law. At the
afternoon session a number of papers were
MM. Charlra Ilusacll Lowell of New York
spoke on "Tho Relation of Women to the
Reform of the Civil Service" Mra. Lowell
aft out with the statement that as New York
had the unhappy distinction of having oilgl-
nated the spoils Bjstcm , It was
that thellrat association for Its reform
should have been formed In that state. Thin
was In 1S77. The woman's auxiliary to tills
New York association was formed only a
> ear ago She declared that , however great
ma > be the cause for gratitude for the many
victories won by the caiwe , the war Is not
yet over , and the spoilsmen , driven to bay ,
arc , in Now Yoik nt least , preparing for a
determined attack upon the very life of the
leform. Mrs. Lowell urged that the objec
tion to the separate existence of women's
auxlliatlcs wart not well known because
more Intr-icst could bo aroused by having
more than one organization She argued
however , that the women of other states
should reduce the membership fee fiom $5
to $2 or $1. In oilier to secure a largo mem
Dornian n Eaton spoke on "Civil iScrvlco
Commission Essential to tlu Civil Service
Reform. ' Mr. Eaton began his address with
the statement that the enemies of civil scrv-
Ice rofoim in the Mate of Now York arc pre
paring for a combined assault upon that s > e-
lem at the nt\t session of tlio legislature
and that If It should prevail , disaster would
usulL to the reform policy of the state. The
dliect object of the assault Is to deprive the
state commission of essential power over
the evamli.atlonj , , he t > ald , and If possible
to supersede the commission altogether Mr
Eaton continued "The most difficult cases to
deal with liavo been where aa for example
In Haltlniore the local officers and the local
patty managers out of olficc , have been side
by bMo In seciet to-operntlon with each
othe" . Iheicforc. to hand over to either
of them the control of the examinations
would bo the merest stuptdltv " The speaker
concluded as follows : "If Mr. Morton couhl
be governor for two jcars more the struggle
of the spoilsmen for supremacy would -be
made hopeless and the abiding triumph of
reform would bo achieved. Much good de
pends upon whether Mr.'Black , the new
governor of New York , shall decide to lead
the higher or the lower forces of hl party ;
whether he Khali takp patronage mongcring
Governor Hill for his model and court his
shameless nnd Ignominious fate and that of
his parl.v or shall rbe to the level of Presi
dent Cleveland and President Harrison , of
Govu > ior Morton nnd of all the governors
of Massachusetts , the latter of whom vetoed
eveiv bill which thieatened reform In their
state "
Francis E. Lcupp of Washington spoke on
"L" . the Poor Spoilsman ; Hlo Da > b Num
bered In the Indian Service. " Mr. Leupp
nt the outset told the story of the emergence
of the Indlin service from "spollo barbar-
IMII. " adding that the competitive tojt 'or
fll" > nrin t 111i n t t fnil tit t nr\i * nln nnr , la im.lm.V. *
eJly so Intrenched that no futnro administra
tion will dare attempt to dislodge It. "Hut , "
ho uddcd , "In the Indian service , aa elsewhere
whore , the steady reduction of the spalls-
man's privilege has the effect of concentrat
ing lila greed for what remains. For a rem
edy fcr this trouble wo ahall probably have
to await two changes a reform In the
method of choosing the higher officers nnd
the moro general settlement of the western
country. "
Lucius B. Swift cf Indianapolis spoke on
"Four Years' Tenure" Mr. Swift opened
with a recital of the achievements of the
merit cistern In the federal cervlce during
the past thirty jearo under the leadership
of this league. Ho wld that ono reault alone
was the transfer from the field of politic : ? to
the field of the wagfenrnor of about 100-
OW fif the host places In. that service "Tho
final establishment of the merit system , "
suld ho , "had left much of the federal servIce -
Ice In a curious condition , meet of the under-
emplo > es of high efficiency and long experi
ence , whllo the heads have I CM because they
weio generally appointed within four ycairi
and were almost universally without knowl
edge of Oielr duties. This Is beciuse there
Is alwaja a place to reward real er alleged
service In carrjlng the election. " He said
In conclusion "Mr. MeKlnley Is not free
In the matter. He Is so bound by his plit-
fcrm as to leave hli' sincerity to bo nucy-
tloned. He must take up the work where
his predecessor left It and go forward to the
mul. To urge that four-year commission ! ) or
four-year customs stand In the way would
bo hut childish excuse * . The first principle
to be laid down hy President MeKlnley | i >
that there are no ollloeu to bo divided a.
spoils The second principle Is the same
and the lat't Is llko unto It. "
"Civil Service Reform In the West" was
the subject taken by John Ela of Chicago.
The speaker said civil service reform was
gradually icmodellnB ptlmltlve political
machinery and Intioduclng business meth
ods In the government throughout the mid-
illii west. The action of the Illinois legis
lature In pasclni ; the civil service bill a
jcar ago last spring was by no means ns
spasmodic as It seemed to the gentlemen of
the cast. One of the most notable effects
of the civil service law was that the of
fices In the city hall were no longer crowded
with politicians after places for themselves
or friends and so all the officers , from the
major down , were allowed to devote them
selves to the Interests of the city ; whereas ,
foimerly a very considerable portion of
their tlmo was absorbed In parceling out
the plunder "I Irtiovv > ou will permit mete
to say without Implying nny discourtesy
whatever that the atmosphere of the west
seems moro congenial to the growth of civil
service reform than that of the cast. In
the west the growth of the reform In all
Its aspects seems to bo rapid and continuous ,
end jet healthy , and It Is already cropping
out In practical legislation In many of the
Btalc.t. In Chicago we shall got the entire
city service under the rules within five
yours after the passage of the law oven If
wo have to change the political complexion
of an ndmlnlstiatlon sometimes on put pose
to do It "
There wan a heated discussion this after
noon over ono plank In the resolutions
when they were offered by Chairman nont-
pirto. The plank which caused the trouble
was as follows :
The Ignominious nnd well merited defeat
of lh Uomocratlo party ut the polls nt the
let-out election IH n nourco of gratification ,
Thcro were half a ilrucn delegates on tholr
( cu Hcnimbllng for recognition before the
lr.s < word waa out of the speaker's mouth ,
Colonel Ela of Chicago asked that the para
graph be stricken out , as he know Buvonvl
person * who voted for William J. Ilryan
for president who were In hearty accord
with civil service reform. N. H. Davis of
Cincinnati also opposed the objectionable
plank The resolutions were finally referred
back to the committee , nnd when they came
before the convention again the obnoxious
paragraph had been stricken out. The reao-
Unions adopted are as follows :
1. The National Civil Service Reform
ir > ugue\ flotnbled In this. Its rlxteenth nn-
mini meeting. Is compelled to notice the
fnrt thnt ( luring the > past year , for the
first time since Its organlrnllon , Its prin
ciples were openly lepttdlnted and u re
vival of dlscaidul abuses threatened In
the tilutforin put forth by n imtlonnl ron-
vontloii anil In the public clc-clnrntloim of
n ciuullilnte for the prcitldency. The- league
cordially endorses Hie prote-st published
during the cotite-st by Its executive com
mittee ngnlnst three mischievous mul mis-
lending utterances. It eongrntulntet Itself
that the purpose thus fen shadowed to undo
the good accomplished by persistent effort
during n generation's space hnvo fulled of
( 'GiiHiimnmtlon. nml re colds Its hopes that
It may be eiiliid upon to meet no .similar
resort In the future.
2. The league heartily ronfititillntes the
country on the truly remarkable progress
of the reform tinder the sevond mlmln-
Istintlon of l'ie lilcnt Cleveland nnd es-
porlnlly dining1 the past yen. Tor this
great achievement , advancing ns It < lo < s
the fundamental principled of free govern
ment , Piesldeiit Cleveland dcnervcs the sin
ce ro and hc-iirtfelt thanks of nil good citi
S The league. rcrognli'e'S In the president
elect a ft lend to elvll service reform , who
1ms rendered eminent service In I he past
to our cause. Ills record assures all friends
of the reform that 11 will be his desire , ns
well .us his duty , to end what remains of
the piaetlce of using feelerul olfices to re
ward poittomil or p.uty service.
4 Tne leuRilo congratulates the state of
New Yorlc upon the recent cl.i sineatlon
of its state and departmental service
l > The league observes with pocullur sat
isfaction the icmarkably Increased number
nml activity of the agencies working for
better government throughout thu coun
try.G. .
G. The league renews Its recommendations
that the legislation reeiulslto to place the
municipal government and other local of-
Ilces of the District of Columbia within the
opi ration of the civil .service law bo en
7. At Its last annual meeting the league
lie.inl with pleasure of the commendable
attempt of the postmaster to ex
tend the bemllts of the classified service
to many postmasteis of smaller postolllces
by consolidating their offices with those of
the larger cities In the vicinity. This meas
ure held out the promise of a consldi'nhlo
saving of public money and a marked in-
cion o in mail facilities , beside applying the
meilt system to a portion of the public
"ervleo whoieln Its Introduction Is at once
most desirable and attended with serlnus
difficulties. The league has slnre seen with
regret and Indignation the practle-al frus
tration of this judicious me-asure through
the selfish and unscrupulous hostility of
certain senators and ri pre entatives. a hos
tility clothed under v ulous frivolous lire-
texts , but which could be Inspired only by
a desire to use the public patronage as
rewards for peisonal adherents or pirty
woikers. and It uiges upon congress that
this eminently it-form bo no longer
delaj ed.
The session closed tonight with a banquet
at the Hotel Walton , tendered to the national
association by the Philadelphia branch.
There was a number of distinguished men
present , prominent among whom were- Sec
retary of Agriculture Morton , Carl Schurz ,
.Major Strong of Now York , President Fran
cis J. Patton of Princeton unlveialty , Hon.
John R. Proctor , Charles J. Bonapare of
Baltimore , Bhihop Cyrus D. Fews , Horace E.
Doming of New York. General William A.
Aikcn and Henry Villard Letters of regret
were received from Postmaster Ocneral Wil
son and others. Herbert Welsh , president of
the local branch , presided , and , after nn
elaborate menu had been discussed Intro
duced Secretary Morton. The secretary re
ferred to President Cleveland n.s a "atroag
civil service reformer , " and spoke of the In
creased efficiency of his subordinates in the
Agricultural department as a result of the
classification of the service Mayor Strong
told of the successful operation of New
York's municipal civil service regulations.
Colonel John R. Proctor of Kentucky , chair
man of the National Civil Service commis
sion , spoke briefly of the work of the com
mission. He told of OHO government official
who , under the old svstcm of selection , had
been appointed to olllco upon the very high
est recommendations , but who was dis
missed for drunkon-ieas after a short incum
bency. Suhsceiuent Inquiry proved that In
his homo city ho had been a notorious
drunkard for ten jcara. Bishop Fosi ,
Charles J. Boncparto and Lucius B. Swift
of Indianapolis a'co spoke.
Si-Ion of . \
nnrlNlnernllr niKilNli
ritinll.i ii Porter mill a DriinKiiril.
PORTLAND. Ore. , Dec. 11. John F.
Elliott , a man with a remarkable history ,
whewe brother Is a Biltlsh baronet
net , has been arrested In Pendleton for
forging a check for $30. Elliott was found
almost iiudo and suffering from delirium
tromcns , nnd In jail .tried rcneatodlv to
commit suicide.
Ills brother , Sir George Henry Elliott. Is
now governor of ono of the British posses
sions In Africa , where are located enor
mously rich gold mines recently developed.
He was formerly English ambabsador In
.Maili hi , Berlin. Vienna nnd was ambassador
to Constantinople when the Turko-Russian
war broke out. Elliott's brother-in-law Is
now lieutenant governor of Manitoba. Ills
uncle. Sir Gilbert Elliott , was many years
ago speaker of the British House of Com
VlolnlCH ( lie InterNtiitc Coninicree l.iMv
CHICAGO , Dec. 11. At the Instance of
the Interstate Commerce commission a war
rant has been Issued for the arrest of Alf
O'Reilly , commercial ageni of the Louisville ,
New Albany & Chicago Railroad company ,
at Indianapolis , on the charge that ho
violated the Interstate commerce law by
reducing rates. It Is understood the trouble
arose over a western shipment In which
several lines were involved , and that the
warrant for O'Reilly Is only the forerunner
of sevs'al that are to bo served In this city.
< 'u-O | > erjitl < IiiHiirauot * Concern I ' 'nlIn
SYRACUSE , N. Y. . Dec. 11-Tho Com
mercial Traveleis' Life nsioelatlon of this
city , one of thu oldest co-oporutlve InMir-
ancn companies , went Into the hands of
receivers today. The order vv.i.s upon the
application of the attorney Reiifrnl'a olllco
on the ground of insolvency. The assess
of the company lira SW.OjO and the liabili
ties $100OCO Jacob Amos and James U.
Hatchford are the receivers.
JoNcpli I'lerre'H Slnjer * IN lluiiKi'il.
SAN QUHNTIN. Cal. , Dec. ll.-Marshall
J. Miller vva.s h ingeel at the state prison
hero today for the murder of Joseph Pleiie
of Marysvlllo last May. Miller and Stuart
Greeiut attempted to rob Pierre's house
and during the burglary Him I'lcrro so
huvcfuly lui dleel. Greene iccclvcd life
Imprisonment for hU share In tlii ; crime.
The fifteenth annlvoruary ball of the
Clgarmaktrs' union will bo held this even-
Ins nt Turner hull , Eighteenth and Harney
The continued warm weather has played
havoc with the Ice. The liver froze over
sometime ago , but It has opened and th ?
Ice has moved out of the channel.
Henry Mathlcsen , ejcputy In the city
clerk's office under Clerk Groves , has been
selected by Secretary of State-elect Porter
[ or one of the positions In his office.
The street cleaning force has been taken
off of the pa veil streets of the residence
portion of the city , and now the men are
devoting their attention to the business dlsr
tilctu. The force has been materially re
A cottage ocuplcd by David Hush , col
ored , at 120S Capitol avenue , caught lire
aat night from Home burning ashes which
iad been carelessly heaped against the out
side of the building nnd $25 damage was
sustained , The house Id owned by Mrs.
1'ntteo ,
The annual meeting of the shareholders
of the Omaha club will bo held at the club
: , OU30 on Saturday , January 2 , 1S9T , ut 8 p.
in. , at which time the board of directors for
the eraulng jear will bo elected An amend
ment to the constitution changing thu date
of the annual meeting from the first to the
third Saturday In January will bo voted on.
The Saturday afternoon Sunday wchool elms ,
conducted by Dr , Worflcld , at the Young
Men's Christian association , under the
nuaplcc.i of the Omaha Sunday School uu-
Koclatlon , U proving to bo a great help to
Sunday school teacheru and other * who are
Interested In Sunday achool work. The data
moots at 4 o'clock every Saturday afternoon.
Fifth Day of the Long Journey Sees the
Positions Unchanged ,
i i
i .i
lir i
SI\-Iny lllcjele Itncp CnndnncM to
ttrnel < lu < lnen-i ( of ( lie
l CrniiUw of |
( iolliuiu. , |
NEW YOltK , Dec. U. Teddy Halo still
lends the slx-diy race , but Is not to far
ahead but ho may yet be passed. One change
wan made In the positions of the riders to
day. Porster passed Itlco , who had been
second In the race for three days. Foiatcr
gained otcadlly on Hlco , but dually fell hick
and had to t < co his cxertlcna go for naught
Ulce Is alpo very tired nnd shows unmlstako-
able signs of collapse. Heading , fourth In
the race , 1 ? riding steadily and Is holding
out much better than was thought possible
two days ago. Ho Is so uro In hlo present
place and haa excellent prospects of Improv
ing his t'tandlng. Torster's exertions today
liavo cxhauiiteil him greatly nnd It Is not
certain that he will be- able to keep up the
torrlllc palt nt which the. leaders are push-
Ing. Should cither of the three leidera let
up Heading la certain to gel that place.
When Hale , the Jilsh rider , completed his
100th hour he had exactly 1-tOO miles to his
credit. That waa about 4 o'clock tins morn-
Ing. Hla closest rivals , Hlco nnd Forster ,
were four hours later In making the same
number of miles. "
All the riders except Hale were out at
9 o'clock. The Irlsnman waa then 140 miles
ahead of the record , and the other flrflt
eight were also bejond It. Forster rode
very erratically during the morning. At 2
o'clock he tan Into Schock and both tumbled
but remounted rjulclcly and rcaumed the
race. Three hours later Forster collided
with Hlce , and Mndelox , who was a few feet
behind , sprawled over both of them Fora-
ter was then wained to ride more carefully
and his trainer gave him some stimulants ,
but ho was stilt wobbly , and rode at acry
slow gait for several hours.
Most of the rldcra were on the track dur
ing the latter hours of the morning. Hlce
dismounted shortly before 11 o'clock. Ho
was looking poorly. Taylor was less cheerful
as the morning wore on nnd even Hale had
recourse to a sponge. MeLcod seemed In
hotter spirits after ho had passed Click.
Schock was riding smoothly and Forster was
again In second place at 11 o'clock , having
passed Rice v.hllo the latter was resting.
Hlce was so weak about 1 p. m. that he
fell off his wheel , but ho plucklly remounted
and rode around fast again. Halo turned Infer
for a rest nnd then reeling oil eighteen mllra
tween 12 and 1 o'clock. He passed the 1,500-
mlle mark shortly before retiring. At 1
o'clock more than half the contestants In
the race had over 1,130 miles to their credit.
Fully 5,000 people , the largest afternoon
crowd of the wcck were In the garden at
3 30 o'clock. P ter Grundy , the announcer ,
mounted the Fourth Avenue bridge at 3
o'clock nnd made It known that Hale was
then leading tha record by 135 miles nnd
three laps. Thereupon the crowd cheered
wildly. Schock dught to get the first prlro
for gameneasAt 4 o'clock he had been In
the saddle continuously for thirty-two
hours , and altogether ho has not rested
more than four < and a half hours. It Is
scarcely to IK > doubted that had the cham
pion's stomach not gene wrong ho would
have been Hole's principal rival.
The rcconJrbreahlng scores of the riders
and the Interest [ naturally attaching to the
last hours of U 9 trace served to bring out
on unusually ; largo crowd early tonight. At
one mlnute1jinst S It was announced that
Hale had , 1,600 4 miles. Prolonged
cheers greeted the announcement , nnd a
largo basket of Honors was handed to the
Irishman , which ho carried around for a
few laps. The former record for six days
made by Schock was only l.GOO miles. AH
the riders spurted for several minutes after
this , amid vociferous cheering from the
At S 15 Moore and McLeod had a collision
as they were turning a curve at the eastern
end of the track. Doth wore thrown off and
Mooie seomcij to bo hurt by the fall , but
In a little while he was able to mount his
wheel again. At S.50 Ashlnger and Maddox
started a lively spurt. In five minutes Hale ,
with a sponge In his mouth , was making lap
for lap with them. Hlce , too , followed suit ,
and the crowd gave expression to Its delight
In cheer after cheer At 8:52 : Forster stopped
for a rest. He appeared very much ex
im c'r lo ArrniiKiMM - Cor-
li > t < iWHli limn" Mnlrli.
, SAN FHASCrCO. $ ? $ Dee. ll.-Thcro hnvo
been so man # misleading versions published
In regard tCAth'i Olympic club offer for a
fight between" Corbett and Fitzalmmons that
Howard Taylor- captain of the Olympic club ,
who was nutliqrlzcd by the directors to confer
with the piiKllteta , made the following state
ment laat nlfihf
"In view of th many Inaccurate reporta In
refcience toil.e Olympic club's offer to match
Fltzslmmom g di Corbott , I wish to explain
the relntlvufJipsTtion of the club and the
contcst nts.foi board of directors of the
Olimplc clul ) has offered a purse of J10.000
and not $15,000 for a ten-mund contort be
tween FHzsIiijnons and Corbett under the
direction of the Olympic club anil the fol
lowing conditions :
"That the selectloii of the referee bo placed
In the hands of three well known and
reputable citizens such aa Major MeLaughllu ,
W. Groer HarrUon and George Newhall , As
n matter of Illustration , Iho former to repre
sent FltzHfmmons and Corbett respectively
and Mr. Nowhall to represent the club. He-
aides Iho referee each contestant will be
allowed to Delect a Judge and In the event
of there belnn no knocls-out the referee will
bo required to consult with the Judges be-
foia i enduring a decision , but u declnlon must
be rendered at the ringside ,
"In regard to the prosrccto cf bringing
the bin guns tocc'lher , Corbett hap nUted hl
willingness to bat.l * before the Olympic club ,
hut whether ho Is wlncero In the matter wti
liavo been vr.nblo to prove. Fllzulmmon * has
refused to enter Into a proposition for a
limited number of rounds unless hu la au
gured that thcro U DO chauco to bring off a
finish contest. In that ho will con
sider the proposition of the Olympic club. "
DA.V citiii : ) ( > \ csivrs A nncistov.
Oiil-1'oliiN Dick O'ltrl.-n III Mile Hot
llOtlllllft ,
NEW YOUK , Dee11 At the lirondwny
Athletic club Dan Crecdon of Australia out
fought and out-pointed Dick O'Hrlen of
Ho-iton In nine rounds. From the Itrtsln-
nlng of the bout until the lefereo Inter-
feioil nnd stopped the mill , when the ninth
round had nearly expired , the wink of both
men vvni very rapid , and they worked so
hard that dm Inn the last three- rounds ouo
Kood blow would have settled the contest.
Croedon was undoubtedly the better man
and there was not a word of protest tit-
tore il when the referee gnvo his lint There
vveu about 3BOi ) petsons present In the
I'lub house to see the Unlit. Piellmlnir.V
to the < big light. ICddle Cuiry of New Yoi k
and Hilly Whistler of Philadelphia , ! ) -
pounders , spiried ten hot louiuls rimy
got the < division , and a huge majority eif
the spoctutots hissed the lefereo Vehe
O'Hrlen vvns the first to make his appear-
aneo for the star event of the night , lie
was accompanied by his seconds , Danny
McMrlile"te'Otty" Faulkner , Tim Metruth ?
and Jack Hums Oieedon followed him a
minute' later , e'squlted by Jem Mnro , Sell >
Smith and Denny Murphy The men we're
announceil to go twenty i omuls at catch
weights. Both men showed the results of
faithful training. When they shook hands
nt fl'IO o'clock , Cieedou easily had thu ad
vantage of height and reach.
Hound 1 Hotli opened with light lefts on
face Then they mixed up with left jabs on
fare and lights on body Cice'don sent the
loft to the head and bodv O'Hrlen landed
u left on the body , Creedon leplled with
the left on the face O'Hrlen slammed
right and left on the- head and forced Ciee-
ilon back After this he planted two good
lefts on the face without a return.
Konml 2 They blocked clevorlv until
O'Hrlen landed a right swing on the back
of the head. They then swung lights and
lefts on the face ami neck without a letup
for halt n minute Neither man showeel
any effects from this rapid work nt the
cull of time.
Hound 3 O'lJrlcn opened with a left on
the face anel a right on the neck. Cree'dou
jabbed n lift on the face. Cieoilon sent
his left hard on the face nnd O'Hilen did
the same. O'Hrlen swung for the law , but
fell short , and Cieedon placed Ills light
glove on the cheek. Uoth Jabbed lefts on
the face.
Hound 4 Crex-don opened with n left jab
on the face. O'ltilen swung his right on
heart and Jabbed left em ear. Creedon
lauded n heavy right on neck , but the blow
did not stagger O'llilen. Cieedon upporeut
with the left on the nrck , but O'Hrlen was
still leady for him. Ciee-don sent right on
the neck and his left on the wind. O'Hrlen
landed 11 left on face and swung1 n light
Oil lleelv.
Ill the fifth , sixth , seventh nnd eighth
rounds the lighting was fast Hoth men
landed often on face and body , but the
blows Ineffective. At the end of the
eighth both were beemlngly very tired and
a good blow would have flnlshcel either
Hound n Tliey ran Into a clinch nt the
start O'Hrlen landed a left on the face
and Creedon backed away. He came back
with a left swingon the neck. Dan put
threw lefts on Iho face and O'Hrlen l.uuli'il
a left on the face. Cieedon kept up a con
stant slugging with both hands on
O'Brien's head , nnd O'Hrlen leaned over
the Australian to avoid punishment Dan
still kept smashing O'Hrlen with both hands
on the he > ad anil face relentlessly. O'Hrlen
was unable to defend himself and the ref
eree slopped the bout and awarded the
IlKht to Creedon after two minutes anil
llfty-elght seconds of lighting In this tonne ! .
PHILADELPHIA. Dec. ll.-Jnek Hen-
nett of I'lttsbitiRdefeated Charles JIc-
Carthy In a six-round sparring match nt
the Tuxedo club , this city , last nlirht. Me-
C.nthy tried again and again to land his
famous right-hand swings , but Dennett
vciy cleverly blocked all of them. In the
fourth round Dennett scored a clean knock
down , and McCarthy began to grow very
weak. The fifth and sKtli rounds were hot
ones McCarthy landed some haul body
blows , but Hennett was making a mark of
Mac's face. In the sKtli round Mae went ,
In with his old do-or-ello gait , ami hit the
westerner u number of terrific body blows.
Tlio latter looked very tlrcel , but It vvns
from the fast pace he cut himself , for ho
showeel scarcely a mirk. Hoth Judge-s
agreed on Hennett , nml the- opinion of the
majorltv was that McCarthy had gone
back somewhat.
oil tin * HniiiilllKTnifltH. .
NEW OHLHANS. Dec. 11. Weather fine ;
track good. Summaries :
First race , selling , seven furlongs : Pel-
, :
Second lace , selflinr , one mile : Vlscoun
won , Ulyri.i second , Hanquo II third. Time
1:4 : 1 1.
Third race , selling , MX furlongs : "Willie
} ! , . * "I1.1 , JuU'ro , Ste.ulmnn fcecond. Twelve
Fifty third. Time 1 lCt.
Fourth i.iee , handicap , one mile : Stock
helm _ w on John Corr HOCOIII ] , Nlcollnl third
Fifth race , selling' , ono mile : Uncle Abl
woii Hossmar second , Cotton King third
Sixth race , polling , seven furlongs : Drynn
'won. ' Hailstone second , Huckmoro third
SAN "FHANCISCO. Dec. -Weather
cloudy nt IngleHldo today ; Hack fast. He
suits : race , seven luriongs , maidens : Per-
spnno won , Sir Andrew second , Xclpha
third. Tlmo : 1.29V1.
Second race , seven furlongs : Importee
Hardtack won , Rebekah second , JIanzanlllo
third Time : 1:30" : .
Third i ace , mile and a. quarter , selling
Ostler Joe won , Adolph Spreckels second
Semper Lex third. Time : 2 uS'H.
Fourth race , ono mile , selling- Lucille
won. Wsiltcr J second. Heel Glenn third
Time : IA3. I .
Fifth nice. t > lx furlongs , soiling : Caesar-
Inn won , .Major Cejok second , Toano third
Tlmo : 1 13VJ.
.SpllllvMVIllN f I'll 111 .
NEW YORK , Dec. ll.-Tno 2,600 points
billiard match between John A , .Splnks
and Kdv.ard McLaughlln , for $250 , was won
tonight by Splnks. who scored a total of
2,500 n the four nights' play against Me-
L-iURhlln's 2,300 Splnks' total tonight r.vas
SOU , high run , C1 ; average. U3J-3IJ , and his
Ki.ind average for the games was 11 2i-2JI !
McLaughlln's 'total tonight WJIH 423 ; hlph
run , 110 ; average , 123-30 , and his gram :
uver.iKD was 1070-223.
CHICAGO , Dec ll.-Wllllam Hattley (300)
elefeateel Tom Oallagher (400) ( ) In the Hcn-
sliiKcr Silver billiard tournament this after
noon by n score of 300 to 291 Avora es :
Hattley. 1020-2S ; Gallagher , 10V4. In the
? \f.n.lllB Klmo , Jo ° Capron (20) ( ) ) de-feated
\\llll.ini Harrison (2l ( > 0) ) by n scoio of 2C (
to fit. Aveiages : Capron , 13 ; Harrison ,
s T"U
Toronto ( o .loin ( lie Unxtcrn.
TORONTO , Dec. 11. There Is u strong
likelihood that Toronto will have u team In
the eastern base ball league next year.
Arthur Irvvln 1ms announced that the Toronto -
ronto Ferry company will likely take the
franchlso and Imvo nil games played on the
Island. Many local enthusiasts have prom
ised to take season boxes at ? 2. > ench. A
committee Is cnnv.iHbliiB for subscriptions.
Irvvln left for the cast today.
Jim DI-II mill YOIIIIK ( Jnriliier A
Jim Den of Arnpahoe , ono of the crack
vvliiB shots of the state , nnd Irvlno Gard
ner of this city will shoot u 100-lIvc-blrel
match this afternoon on the Omaha dun
club Krounds , nt the end of the Douglas
Htrefl bl tdirn. Thn lu fAr tlfin n . .I/IA
and will bo younu Gardner's second con
test of any Importance , his first ono beliiK
with Plumber Heeel of this city , whom hu
defeated ,
Yomiir I'eilcNtrliuiN .Slnrl Korlh.
NEW YORK. Dec. ll.-Paul Phillips and
Prank Marshall. 18 years old , of Brooklyn ,
left the Kaglo olllce at 830 o'clock this
morning lo walk to San Francisco. They
hope to get the autographs of the mayors
of all the cities through which they puss.
Two yeara ago thu young men walked to
KNCIIIK-H from n .Serloiitt CliarKC.
DENVER , Doc. 11. The grand Jury has
unanimously voted not to present a bill for
an Indictment against Andrew J , Sputo , who
had been accused of the murder of Ills wife-
nnd four children , who were drowned a few
months ago In Smith lake , where they were
boitlng. Sputo will now take- the nero nary
meps to collect the 110,000 Insurance on his
wife's life.
_ . . . . . .
Three C'lillilrcu Iliiriii-il to Drntll.
IHWIN , Pa. , Dec. 11 , This nfternoon
while John Palllngwesl nml hl vvlfo vvoio
nvvny from their hotmo , three of their chll-
di en , aged 4 months , I anil HX ! jenr , wcro
plnyliur vvlth an oil can In front of the
tfinte. when It caught llro and they weiu
buini'd to dentil. Mr. Pulllnuwcst and bin
wlfo hud gone to a. field about two miles
fiom their home.
Combine of Ili-iun
PITTSUt'lta , Dec. 11 , The beam miintl-
fae-tnrerH of the country , i-nrnposcd for the
most part of llrmw already In the Iks umcir
Htc-el iiH oclatlon , met tonight nnd formed
u combination on prnctluill ) the Hamo
baHlH MI that on which the hillU pool U
vvorklmr. It was decided to maintain prlcea ,
the minimum tn bn I X , nanm ru.r nouild.
AI , Hiiot'iicr.s : or .
lliifmliin Mclenllllo Party InUes Sunn
Vnluiible IllNeiM cries.
SAN FHANCISCO , Dec. 11. D. V. Ivnnov
anel Peter Ktilahoft , members of the Husslnr
KPologlcal eurvey , who have he-en for some
time past Inve.stlgatliiB the mineral resources
sources of Siberia along the route of the
great Siberian railroad , arrived hero on
their way to St. Petersburg. They traveled
n vast distance of mountain region. Thclt
duty was to explore the country for IOC
miles on each nlde of the strip along which
the load runs , or Is stirvejcd , no as to get
a good Idea of what the country afforded.
"We found It a wonderful country , both In
point of scenery nnd in Its resources of gold ,
silver , copper lead , coal and other minerals , "
sild one of the gentlemen. "It was all we
could hnvo desired. We collected many
specimens of dlffcient Minis of me which
we nre taking back with us to St. Peters
"Dralikd the minerals there nro numer
ous areas of magnificent agricultural Innd.s ,
available chlelly for growing wheat , oats
barley and other cereals and vegetables
The great rivers of the county nltoid fine
oppoitunltlcs for development.
U has a thousand Interests that can enl >
bo alluded to. "
llcccpdon to Dr. HiiriiN.
D. Ouv Wendall Hums , for many years
a resident of this city though foi the last
five living1 In Minneapolis , was tendered
a reception last evening1 at the Commercial
club iooin"Dr Hums has for the period
stilted been demonstiator nt the Minneap
olis Institute' of Osteopathy A short time
ago ho eleelded te ) return to this city and
assume a "linlhit pc ition In the Omaha
Institute of Osteopathy The elilb rooms
vvi ro thronged with friends of the doctor
thioughout the evening and It prove-d < i
most enloyablc oi-caslon , bilnglng1 teigether
us It did old acquaintances of many years'
standing. The committee having the ntT.ilr
In charge was composed of A. J. Vlerllng
John R Knox , Clement Chase , C M. Wll-
helm , Luclen Stephens , Harry Nott. W. II
Alexander HefreshmentT were served late
In the evenlne ; and an orchestia stationed
In the hall f mulshed music.
AtliriKMiin Priite'rnlly lliilcrlnliiiuciit.
Athens lodge No. 1 of the Atheneiim Fra
ternity gave an entertainment ut Masonic
hull last evening , which , despite the Inige
number of other uttiactlons In the city ,
drew a full hou o. It consisted of an elo
cutionary recital nnelei the tlliectlon of
Miss Kulcina Fuller , those putlclpatlng be
ing seleete-d from her classes. The oom-
tnlttee of the lodge having charge of the
entei tulninent weie Messrs J T Dalle } ,
H. i : McKelvev nnd J J nverlngham , Mrs.
J. D. Hiisc and Mrs. A. Crawford.
Cluiliee for n Hoy.
Chief Slgwart has received a letter from
James DVIIIIS of Cassell , Neb , asking If he
has any good bojs of 10 or 12 years of ape
for adoption. .Mr L'vnns recite1 * that he Is
a farmer the place named and that
tie would like to have a boy to do chores
ami otherwise make himself useful He pre-
fi rs a boy of Welsh parentage and sajs
ho will send him to school He also wants
a photo of any joung fellow who ls > Inclined
to learn farming.
School .Inn tor's SMC I ill.
The High school junloi.s , claps of 'OS. gave
a most successful social at the High bchool
last night. It was a billllant affair , over
200 persons being In attendance. A play
was given with nuH-h spirit and dramatic
skill on the part of the amateur actors
during the Mist pait of the evening , after
which dancing occupied the time until 12
llrutliiTM to IliuiK1 for Murder.
ST. JOSEPH , Dec. ll.-Charlcs nnd
George May weie sentenced today to be
liangeil on Januaiy ! , " > for thu murder of
William I. Durelette. The Mays brained
Hmdette with a club when ho Interfered
In a fight between the Mays anil his
II. E. Dunn , Salt Lake City , la stopping at
the Barker.
E. M. F LcflaiiB of Lexington was In the
city yesterday.
J. H. Messerve , state treasurer-elect , was In
the city yratcrday.
G. W. Wattles left last night for Chicago ,
to bo gone a few dajs.
Lank Stor of Keystone , S. D. , was among
, ho arrlval ( pr terday.
Frank E. Coo of Laramlc , Wyo. , was nn
Omaha visitor > eaterdny.
J. II. MacColl of Lexington was among the
Omaha visitors yesterday.
Julius Mejcr has gone to Denver on a short
business and pleasure trip.
Jules Lumbnrd returned last evening from
a few dajs spent In Lincoln.
L. L. H. Austin of the Lincoln Call was
among the Omaha visitors yesterday.
P. E. Lally , ono of the loading nttorneyn
of DcnKson , la. , was1 In the city jesterday.
A. H. Chrk'tlan , representing "The Ameri
can Olrl" coninanv. Is qlnnnlmat the.
Matt Goring of Plattsmouth , who has been
In Omaha for a few days , returned homo
last night.
S. IL H. Clark , managing receiver of the
Union Pacific , icturncd yesterday from n
tilp to Chicago.
.Miss Crawford of Chicago , who has boon
visiting Miss Florence Morse of thta city for
a fortnight , left for homo jestorday.
I I. Iinhoff , C. E. Magoon , A. G. Evans ,
William Robinson and G. H. Albright were
Lincoln people In the city ycatenlay.
J. W. Henedlct of Lincoln , who has been on
an extended trip through the east , was In
the city jesterday whllo on his way home.
C. H. Queareaii , stipcilntondent of motive
power of the Hiirllngton. with headquarters
at Plnttbmoiith , was In the city yesterday.
D , H. Wheeler and wife. Now York , nro
registered at the Darker. Sir. Wheeler Is
advance representative for the "County Fair"
J. W. Munn , chief clcik of the general
passenger olllco of the Elkhoin road Is en-
Jojlng a visit from his mother , who resides
at Hoonc , la.
J. H. Duchanan. general patsengcr agent of
the Elkhorn , Is In thu Dlack Hills country ,
and is not expected back before the fora pait
of next week.
L. M. Allen , general agent for the Rock
Island at Davenport , la. , has been visiting
the local force of the road In this city for u
few days. Ho left for home laet nl Iit.
O P. McCarthy , formerly asihtant general
ticket agent of the Union Pacific , haa been
appointed assistant general ticket agent for
the Southern Pacific's Atlantic ssteal , with
hrailquartcn. at New Orleans.
E < 1 C. Smith , agent for the Durllngton nt
San Francisco , was In Omaha yesterday while
on hla way to Chicago. Un was joined hero
by Ed 0. Hrandt , assistant auditor of the
road , who accompanied him east.
President nnd Managing Receiver Clark ,
General Solicitor Kelly , General Manager
Dlcklncon and Auditor Younc of the > Union
Pacifies returned from Chicago yesterday
morning. Receiver Mink went on to Nu\v
Hov John Wes'cy ' Gelgor of Murlon , la , ,
who Is to preach at Hoyd's theater ut lO O
Sunday morning under the auspices of the
Knights of Ak-Sar-Hen , arrived In the c"y
Thursday night nnd Is the guctt of Ed Allen.
Iluv. Gelger l a Shrlncr and prominent In
Mayonlc Urc'ev , and the local Miiuony will
turn out to hear him.
Nebraskans at the lu.tolfa. A. H. Jiynini.
Hloomlngton ; W ' . Mooie , Dentilce ; W. H.
Green. Crelghtoti ; H. D Hnasell , Fnlrbury ;
It. K. Pate , "under : Richard Vaiidyivoort ,
Central City , E. J. West and Chailes Deiry ,
Randolph , William J'rlckntt and C. D EadH ,
Platthinouth. 0. A. ( Jolelamlth and C. M.
Fornuy , NoiJolk ; Fiank H. Wilson , PlatfH-
nouth , John Wihon , Kearney ; J. L. Mc
Donald , Atklr&on.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Wnlor Works Charter Extension Ordlnanco
Culled Dp for Passage.
Market Scliomo I'TIMON n Oooil
clul IHV eminent for tlio ( Ml )
ItciuMViil llonil Orillminen
As a result of a secret meeting held In the
mayor's olllco vesterdav afternoon thp water
woiks" ordinance * " did not come up in cno
adjourned council meeting last night. Most
of the coiincllmcii were present In the after
noon , together with City Attorney Council ,
Superintendent Hunt of the water company ,
and their attorney , R. S. Hall. The ordi
nance was discussed nt some length , but the
majority of the council were studiously si
lent. Henawa made a vigorous demand for
home concessions from the water company
commensniato with the advantages that It
would derive under the proposed ordinance.
The witor works people Intimated that they
were willing to make some concessions , but
did not specify what they would be. The
subject was finally dropped with nn under
standing thnt the ordinance should not bo
passed last night , and that another meeting
would be called In the mayor's olllco Mon-
ilay afternoon.
At the council meeting the protest of the
Commercial club against the proposed ordi
nance was lead. To offset this the water
company had a huge etoek of petitions
signed by propeity owners requesting the
council to pass the ordinance. The peti
tions had been worded to convey the Im-
IMei-sIim that the paswngo of the ordinance
meant unlimited employment for labeling
men nnd most of the signatures were these
of working men who had evidently been
"mpict-scd with that feature.
The Doaid of Public Woiks again called
attention to the fact that the Capitol avcnuo
sewer was entirely Inadequate to the de-
nands on It nnd the , communication was rc-
'eneil to the committee on soweiagc.
The rcjiort of C J. Anderson , superintend
ent of markets , for the piMbon of osvcn
months ending December 1 was submitted
nnd Indicated tint the enterprise had been \
: i financial succei' The total receipts wcr-1-
$2.112 BG. of which JUS 30 was from pre-
iiilumu and ? 1,7119.23 from rentals. The di -
iMirsemonts were $515.75 , leaving n bilanco
of $1,59080 In the treasury. The suierln-
[ emlcnt recommended that ne.\t joar about
123 stnllsbo provided with Iron frames cirry-
ng a covering of ducking or mine similar
nntcrlnl that would kc-ep off the rain. Thu
report was placed on file and the comptroller - "
was directed to transfer the balance to the %
general fund.
Another coal dealers' ordinance was Intro-
iluced and laid over. It provides for aa
annual llucnra fco of $20.
The November bills of the electric light
company , the Acme Street .Lighting company
and the Omaha Gns Manufacturing company
were approved and ordered pJhl aa soon aa
funds are available.
\ new peddlers' ordinance was passed ,
tvhlch IH designed to protect local gnidenora
rom the competition of outfldo men It re-
inlres all pe ddlers and fruit venders to pay
a license unles.i they nuke affidavit that they
raise the produce themselves.
The ordinance which provides for the Issu
ance of $31C,900 In renewal bonds to tnko
up the short time bands that mature during
897 was favorably reported nnd pa ed.
The council then wont Into committee of
he whole to dlsciiDj Kmcnt'B house moving
ordinance , which has been on the files since
Match. The result was n reference to the
committee on public property and buildings.
HorxrHctM ( 'impcr Into Trouble.
James Cooper was driving up Sixteenth
street last night near Douglas when his took a notion to walk around In a
clicle , so ho says. In doing so the wagon
clashed Into another vehicle belonging1 to
Mr. McNalr. Cooper was nrrested for bclni ;
eliunk unel driving recklessly.
uncc in
man surprises tin
watchers by sitting
up in his coflin ,
nnel asking why in
tile w oriel they put
him in there. Sucli
things , when they
happen , nre published far anel wide. They
nre considered well nigh miraculous. Is ft . '
any less wonderful when a man is cured of /
n disease prcMtmcd to be fatal ? When phy-
Ricians bay to a man that he cannot live , he
considers himself just about asgooel ns dead ,
lie can almost feel the coflin closing upon
him. And yet , frequently these men who
arc sentenced to death by their doctors , nre
raiscel up out of their sickness to perfect ,
hearty health.
Dr. I'ierce'sOolden Meelical Discovery lias
lifted thousands of men and women right out
of the grave. After doctors had given them
up , they have in desperation turned to this
great remedy , nnd to their great astonish
ment have found themselves Retting well.
Skepticism in regard to this wonderful
medicine has cheated many a man out of
his health. If people could only be made
to believe the truth about the " Discov
ery , " half the sickness could be avoided
and cured. The "Golden Medical Dis
covery " will cure ninety-eight per cent.
of nil cases of consumption. This great
" Discovery " w ill also cure all of the things
thnt lead to consumption lincerinef coughs ,
throat nnd bronchial troubles , Kcncral de
bility , loss of flesh , loss of sleep , loss of ap
petite , loss of nerve force. Its effect is im
mediately .seen. As the patient begins to
feel better , he begins to look bctfcr , and the
hollows and wrinkles arc filled out with
sound , firm , healthy flesh , Druggists s > cll it.
1 f yea want to know the great srcrctttof health ,
senil 21 one- cent htnnips , to p.iy the e-ost of innll-
ini { aid ) , nnd riteivey > - n copy of Dr Hercc'a
Common Sense Medical Adviser at cents In
piper covers , 11 cents in cloth H Is n complete
medical Illirnry in one volume. World's Dis
pensary Mcellcid Association , Ilnfiitlo , N Y
Tel. mi.
. .
Pimton S Ilurjeiii
TODAY , 2i10. ! TOMCniT , HllR.
Matlncn Sunday.
Pilcen-2 > , Me. 7Cc , JI.OO ,
Matlnca Prices -SSc. GOe , 75c , JI.OO ,
TUT Tcl IB31-
Paxton fc Uiiraoss
Thrpo iiltihtH , oonn
Ainulca's favorite ) Comedian ,
I'renontlriK Mondny nnd Tuesday
A > A.MiitiCA.N arri7i.N. ;
WiMlni-Nilii ) Till : IIIVAI.S.
Peats now un mile I'rU e , Kc , 60i'J \ \ ) .
RIIVn" < i NnWTHKATEH I. M ( 'rnwfnni > li/r.
DU I U o tinijhtnoim.l'rlrtByDie. 11.111111,1 ' " ( f
'llm MiiotoKiith Onlllfy .Mtiiml , Iliu tViinilvrlill
I'lrot 'I Iran TTr T < IOT\I ? " " " " ' ! I'0'
In Omulin. UiVlOwiN Jlotloii I'lttiiroi.
f'huMift < utU Mini I'luv cttry prrfunttHim * KA *
4 r\rA i t , ! ( . U > und l&Vt 3iulliiii UA uuu IO *
( lillilrrit. lUiw "
ij.vm A.M ) JO.M.S STIIKKTS. ,
H ) roomi , batlni , ( team litut onO nil inoilern
convenlcnci' . ltati'5 , 11.00 unJ 12 CO per dux.
Tabla Ulicxtfllleil , Upeclul low rutt-o lu rcaulaj
boar < l r > . I'ltANIC IIH.unt.'H , M r.