THE CVMA1TA DAILY 1113E : SATUKDAY , DEO 13MU till 12 , 189(5. ( ' fc ; * * ' FI The Hercyles of Shsnnecock. Y CLINTON ROSS. ( Cop > rlsht. ISM. by Olnlon How ) PJWJrc * " 4ii * f i "Wo ihil arc true lovers run Into etranRi ca | > rs ; but ns nil Is mortnl In nature , BI In nit In love , morlnl In folly. " - Touchstone. The lost miles fell canly nml Datton hat wondered , " rnlhcrcarlly , how much fnrthc was his Inn , when suddenly Jio saw tin IlcrrtilL" ! of fhlnnocock , nnd knew- that hi lind reached the Ronl of that day's spin The IlerculcB looking down from his re pose doubtless fancied If that carved wooi Indeed holds the Kod's Iheart that thli was lull ono nioro of thu modern Centauri whose loirs nnd hoofs evolution had nmdi to wheels If In very truth the flcrculct of Shlnnecock holds sonic of the personally of the hero , became a Rod In the true daji of table. You luow how this Hercules stands faclm the Inn , over nfinlnst the meadow nnd tin BhltnmorlnR bay. All ilny , nnd all nigh ho looks dcwn In mighty repose summer dnjs of sketching ? artists who dream o canvases at the next exhibition which slml tell of the chatiKliiK colons of the llttlt hkotch of hill country of Shliinccoek niitumn days of Kolfcrs , nnd lens athletli folk ; winter days nnd nlshts when raw possesses the sea nnd this Imago dream- Iiorhaps ( if the gone time when It stood , bur feting tlio wavers , def > lng them bcarlnf proudly the Ohio nnd Its Hag of the rC' public. Do Innnlmnte things then pome tiniest fnll n-drcamlng ? Do they Indcci Bometlme-fl hold the nature of the creature the artist has striven to produce ? So this great block , carved by a forgotten sculptor , Into the semblance of the hero as ho was conceived In the Farncslan Hercules icinln- lucent not only of Its own past , but of all that Hercules knew and saw and did. A tree over lmdowii the figure at KOIIH hours of the Hitting day. "A perfect rural statue , " plillosoplilrcil Djltou In Us uncrltl- cal mood , fitting there on the Inn steps while HIP host mildly rlmtterlng of another day might have decried tlilt opinion ; but now thu low mPOM had taken up the pale twilight had turned the dying light of day Into a iurfupcdellowIslmes's. . Tlio dinner was Ions ; over ; the last guest hail gcno ; ntid still Dnlton fit there ; and It WBS ns If IIM were back In Andovcr read ing Mr. Holm's aid to Kngllsh students ol tlio Orcek pouts. It way to him as If there might appear su Idenly out of the half moon lit spaces , the prlctts nml the mnldens ; ns If n prayer might KO up to the god. as ? of mnny n twilight Hercules was besought In tlio old days on nn I tie of Greece. "I've refiiBtd JM)0 ) for It , " said the host. "Kli. " raid Dalian , taking a meditative pull of his pipe. "Tlio roads vvcro sandy , weren't they , " Bilrt the hc t "You'd had to gone tn Southampton before jou found another tnvcrn. You like to know thnt thli was nn Inn In 17ir > on the King's highway. " Hut Dalton was not listening. He had left the gossiping boat , and had strolled amiss .the road nnd on under the shadow of the Hercules where he paused for a musing moment and. then , on toward the bay. How Ktlll It all was , after the town' ' How nil the world seemed to bo In retrospect nnd nil the mythology ngaln true. Would It hap pen In tlio course of the cyelp of Time , the Father nnd the ever nglng > ct eternil possessor of us. and our moods thnt men would come back to the ra > thology , the folk lore , thnt peopled the sens nnd the forests and the stretches of meadow , with person alities that were iiot so Improbable \inder thin moon , by this lonely reach of bay , nnd the hllltopa rangqd against n darkish blue which the moan. ' permitted but an occasional stnr to pierce. For a full hour tfils sentimental fellow not long out of his office pnced up nnd down the beach with his fancies ; and then rather regretfully turned back toward the shadowy Hercules. As he nrarcd It suddenly wakeful ho let Ills Imagination go tripping Agiln ho iiaw that part of the varnished Greeks , vaguely true In. his memory of those schoolboy's fan cies between the studious moments of dig ging out explanations of the norht The Inn stood Millet , the lights out the door ajar for the laggaid guest , who hesitated looking up at the Hercules who scorned to express the verity the unknown carver had felt , oven vyerc Ju'fl a copy. Now the moon omitted flaws ; nnd this wns the god looking down at his worshippers. Out of the past Dalton's wandering fancy brought thrso old Greeks , praverful of HcrciiltM , and then "Oil. dear. " Ho started. Had he fainted , this oxnrep- flvo e < lgh which had come out of the figure nnd then he heard hut not the gruff and awful voice of the hero raleod to the godp Instead , n low , feminine tone possibly that of dryiil , who still was In the trunk out of which the carver had wrought this invlncl- blo figurehead of the good ship of another day Yet there was that note pronilscfiil of n human cause In the exclamation , wlilc'i set all at once Dalton's fancies ) at reel Quickly ho stepped at the back of the Hercules cules- where clinging at' If for protection to hlti superhuman reposeful strength was r flguro slight and yet human , which gave out n llttlo dlsninvfnl cry. nnd drew nearer to tlio wcodon block ( yet Is It Dot more ? ) nnd crod | out- "Don't hurt me pleape ? " "My dear young lady , " said our young gentleman. "I certainly 1m o no such In tention. I beg you a thousand pardons. " Ills volco may have reassured her for she now stepped out Into the moonshine a slight , girlish figure. In a costume the Greek Hillcs not Sappho , nor her Perlcle loved over would have drrameil of. though they Indeed mlnlit approve of It , could they revisit this old 0-irth. nnd If they know out of the gloomy realms of hndes. All , arc they there * ho laughed in llg'itly on earth. Who so loved pleasure's own dear self. In her band , the supplicant of the mad- Rid. } god , drncgcd n wheel : n slight girl , with that Indefinable air of distinction , even In this Btailllng and ludicrous moment. "You have teen me. " she said , quickly. "I am not sure , " IIP observed lightly , and taking her appcnianco aa n matter of course "Well , > ou have , " she declared gaining bravery at n certain note of admiration In his vnlre. which declared nt once n victor ) In the first skirmish of acquaintanceship. "You will not , sir tell ci soul. " * "Not a soul. " ho declared. "Hercules and I alone know. " "Ah " ! cried In "there , BIO dlfnmy , they nro ! " She pointed to the slope beyond the bridge ; nnd Dalton , looking , saw a vehicle approach ing rapidly , and already heard Ita distant creaking. 'He will nsk for me. " eald the supplicant of Hercules , for so Dalton icgarded her. "You must not let them Know jou'vo seen me , " "Hut. " he began "I never shall forgive you. " "Well tlmt'H n terrible threat , " said ho. Hut she now was hidden by the shielding Horculrs , the wheel dragged Into the shadow ; while the .wagon ever nearer , now creaked on the bridge , and then crunched on the sand toward the Hciculen , "Very well , " oalil Pulton apostrophizing Hercules , who seemed to answer with n emothcrcd "Thank > ou " Hack to the Inn ho Vvojit , while the two stout cobs and the buckboard - board drew up , nnd n giuff voice cried : "llivo jou i-CM hci ? " 1/Ai'a > ou addrefclnfc m ? , sir ? " our nil- venturer demanded. The speaker was now down by the buck- lioaul , followed by a thin JOUIIR man In a clerical < N > iO. "A jnuiiR lady , sir ; on B | wheel ? " "At this time ? " said Dalton. "You don't mean alone1 "Yes ; I do mean alone , " said the person who seemed s li.isdblo us the father Mr Irew ) facM In Hoacmary fat , red-faced , oven In that lli'Ul ; 11 man of 70 , who had denied tv t of his vvhliiiH , and never his ntomach , "TU.U In dreadful , " the clerical young man declared. In a prcilse clcilcal tone , Tlio other.- > Id , "It's -bit. " mid to Dal- ton. "Where's MOI.P ? " "Don't Hnnwr him. " " ' ' " the other 'Clip landlord , 'jon ninny , ) crki < ' Ji ) the tone of a moht exasperated JirW. < * - "IJhltik J\e'B gene to bed. Who , sir , Is tbb youui ; IndyT" D-ilton quorlcd , woudcr- Ing nt the part so suddenly thrust on him. "My daughter , sir " "I thought BO And she has run away ? " "How did jou know , Blr ? " cried the other. "You said KO. " "Did I I'll catch her. She didn't dnro to tnko the trnln. That wns watched nt Shlnticeock , nt Southampton , nt Uasthamp- ton. She must have come on her wheel. " "My dear undo , I beg pardon , " put In the clerical joung n.nn. "Ileg pardon , sir , the 'ossca bought to bo watered , " declared n volcp with the superiority of a groom who condescends In Amerlmn sirvlco. I The mastel said several things at cobs who don't endure at the Inn and Its land lord , while the joung man In the clerical coat timidly put In deprecatory clauses Hut tlio 1'iastir's rage wzs not to bo as suaged tiven by the complacent host , who suddenly atpcaied , lantern In hand. For getting the dripping cobs , the angeled father as If ho had stepped out of a piny but tonholed the newcomer , whispering ns If he had not told Dalton nt nil while the Hercules , who knew , watched across the way , siw Dalton standing by himself , and the joung nan In the- clerical coat address ing him , pe.sslhly with a sense that too much had been said. "It's very aggravating of my Cousin Amelia " "Oh , Amelia , " quoth Dalton. "I trust , sir you'll say nothing. Oh , I beg jour pardon , I know you won't. " Here the boat's hearty volco lese above Mr. Ktnnell's whispers. "Not a soul , sir ; I know Miss Fcnncll. " "I'm going down the road to Good Ground station , any way. Keep jour mouth shut , Morce " "Now don't jou need " "Your beat rye and water , oh ? Come Paul ' to the clerical person "havo some whisky. " "You know , sir , I don't " "Hut It's chilly " Dalton tipped his chair back , and waited nnd wondered' how Amelia felt there behind the Hcrcuico , but neither she nor the Hci- culca said n word. He was surprised at hlm- slope carries your wheel hnlf way up the next. "I wns thinking , " she said , "that wo haven't been Introduced " "Hy Hercules , " he snld. "You ride very well. " "t do several things well , t rldo a liors or n wheel. 1 don't golf so badly , 1'hl sajs " "Thnt'a ho. I'hll. Is he worth while ? " "I don't know , " snld she. "He's very handsome. " "Ho ought to be. " "Why ? " "To deserve " "You needn't go further , " said Amelia , "Your father , and j'our cousin " "Oh. Paul , Isn't he horrid ? " "Ho Impressed mo ns n very good youn "Too "Hut Philip. I take It. Isn't. " "How did you know. No , he's dcllclousl bad. That's why I like him , nnd pap tloet-n't. " "They don't generally approve of dellc lously bad young men for their daughters. quoth Dalton. "I think I know Philip " "Do jou ? " "His like. I mean. Ho has n very gooi tailor ; he Knows the celebrities the lad clobrltles at the concert halls. " "Yes , lie does , " "He's nn utterly unprincipled youn I'camp. " "So pi pa saj's , " "Ami ho Isn't worthy of such a charmln little girl " "I'm not little. " "Who has to bo watched. " "Do j-ou think It would be better for m to bo watched ? " "If I were the watclicr " "Isn't the moonlight beautiful ? " t'hc lln gercJ over the adjective. "What the moon shows Is more so. " "Oh , you say these things better tha Philip. " "I should hope I did the cub. " "It's very ttruiiKc our being together- over these hills. " Amelia said Inconeaquently "It wasn't nearly so much fun before. " "That lu remarkably naive or craftj1. " "I have lived 19 years , I told jou. " "And I JO ; we're Just of an age , I believe. ' She made no answer to this ; nnd now rather silently they wheeled on and on , am out of the hill country , and over the love to Southampton , nnd through the sleeping village , and bejond , nnd nt last througl a lodge gate leading to n far out red house with n glimmer of the sea bejond. They cald some things I can wnger jou ; but Dnl- ton liover repeated them to me. "This Is the place. " said she. "J cnn gel In. I hnvc n latchkey. They never wll ! HIS VOICU MAY HAVE HCASSL'UEU HRU , KOH SHE NOW STEPPED OUT INTO THE SUNSHINE. Belf , at hla very extraordinary conduct. The host came out , and talked to tjio Rroom The rosy-faced gentleman , and lils paloi nephew followed , and , then , the chano begat again. "Well , I never , " quotU the landlon : loquaciously. Them of couiuo was a mar In tlio case , am ! the Kennells were vcrj rich , and "I am going to take a wheel In thu moon light , " &ald Dalton , rising. "I expect an > thing of an artist , " said the hctit , wondering at the lack ot curiosity Ir his guest. "I am not an artist , " Dalton expostulated "A poet , maybe " observed tlio host. "I have never written , " said Dalton. "Tlio best ones never do , " observed the host , with psnetratlon , while Dalton draggei out his vvliccl "I'll leave tlio door un latched" t'.ilcl the host , watching hla gucsi disappear toward the bridge. Then rcllcctlnf on the peculiarities of people who have enough money for wlieclti and excursions , he wont In sleepily ; and fie scene lay still , save for the Hercules. Uutt at last was a footfall down the road , anil Daltun returned. The Hercules ttool Irresponsive , while the Inn window r , vviiluh might have held to many cyoo , Eocmed to watch , and as. ' ! : why vvae our eccentric returned. Ho walked toward the figure , and stopped. "Tho coael Is clear , " he said. Hut there was no answer ; nnd then ho looked behind the statue , and started , rubbing both eyes Amelia had . ( 'qulslied. for ro ho had begun to call her. Ho vvhlp'lcj and looked up tc the statue uhfcli seemed to smile derb'on How could aho have gone ? And was this fair , after nil that ho had done ? Then sud denly the figure Ei-cmcd to give out real laughter , In the same fcmlulnu notes that had before surprised and attracted him. "It was very good of > ou , " she said , now- stepping about "I couldn't resist tan talizing jou. It wae childish of me vraen'l It ? " "Not BO much as jour appearance hero , " quoth Da'iton. "I am going to escort you back. Wo can't wait here. The Inn has ojes , and the Hercules can't protect jou. ' ' "Was It he7" she said , looking up at the great face. "Hut jou are right. " She was on her wheel now , and Dalton following to the bridge * , where ho had left his own. "Of cournc , " said ho , "there IB a man In the case. " "There usually Is , " said she. "I don't think It a laughing matter. Where la ho ? " "In New York. " "Oh. and " "I was going to him. " "You nro going back. When Mr. , the enraged gentleman " "Koniicll. " "When Mr. rcnnell returns ho will find lie has been on a wild geese chase. " "I believe I nui. " said she. " hat " "A w "A goose. " "Well , perhaps. " said Dalton , firmly. "Hut now that jou have put the matter In my linnds , I Intend to bo obeyed. " "I like jour Impertinence. " "And I jou but not jour escapade. " " " she said hand his "Why ? , nutting a on nrm. nrm."You are too llttlo n girl not over 10. " "Well. I lIKe that , sir. I'm 19. " " " he "we bo "Ilurrj1 , Interrupcd ; must going " "I Ilko the Idea to show papa that h < s was wrong , Fancy htm returning and find ing me " Her words now led to action ; for she fol lowed Dalton , who suddenly had gained some cense of responsibility Ho felt bound to get this entrancing llttlo girl out of her scrape. Ho had not expected thnt she would obey BO easily. Again nnd agnln ho looked at her trudging up the first slope. "Wo will meet , there , " he said. "Hut " "Well ? " "You fnn't care so much for him. " "I was tired of monotony. Life Is BO tame " "Oh , ho. " cried Dnlton. "You have been reading novels. " "Yes , " she said quietly. "Hut I don't think adventure Is so much fun. Now It's off my hands. " " .In whose ? " said ho , evasively. "In yours. " she returned , "You have taken It. You "must bear the responsi bility. " "If I we're not a cert of guardian I bo- Hove " "What ? " 1 "That I rouLd.fiQ tempted. " "Sir , " she sald- t" . > ou wouldn't dare. We'd better be wheeling. " "To avoid temptation , " ho eald , mount ing. ing.I'p and down those slopes they went , fleetIng - Ing figures In the moonshine , that showed now a gabled roof , and alwajs tbo far watery atretcti. Tlio descent of ono SUIuuecock bill know. It's been awfully good of you .Mr. " "John Jack Dalton , Amelia. " ' " " "You call mo Amelia. " "So your cousin Paul had 'tho privi lege. " "And he never did bo much for mo as you " "I wish I might do It again , Amelia , " said ho then. She gave him her hand , which ho pressed , I fear , for she pulled It away. "I wish , " said he , "that I were fascin atingly nicked like Philip. " "You needn't , " snld Amelia. "I like you better than Philip. " "Amelia , " he said , retreating. "Pay us a visit. I'll say 1 met you nt the Lclghtons. " " .May I tomorrow ? " "If jou don't object to the ride ? " "Jfs that Philip , " said he. "Don't mind. I detest him. Don't come nearer. There , good night. " And she was running up the drive. For a moment he hesitated ; and then he heard n door opening , shutting. Turning , he wheeled melanchollly back Near the Shlnnecock reservation , ho passed the buckboard. Ho made sure of that ; If ho were not noticed. He fancied their sur prise when they had returned to nnd Amelia was there. The moon sent a last fading glow over the darkening landscape Sev eral times ho dismounted , and sat on n height , and lit his pipe , nnd dreamed ; and finally the sun sent Its first ghostly warn ing of the daybreak , which spread over the hill and sea , the promise of God and love. 'Twas a long time for a chap to elt , sen timentally , alone In the dark , you'll bay , but , then , mighty Shakespeare whom no body but the clever Mr. Dernhard Shaw dares to question s ld that madmen , and poets nnd lovers were all the name. At some tlmo wo are all mad , or rhyming , or loving ; at some tlmo we , too , have been In the mood to sit all night on a moor , awaiting the sun. Dalton came over the bridge , and under the fiunllt Hercules. The host said : "You mndo n night of It , eh ? An ar tist " "I'm not an artist ; I'm theoretically n broker on Wall street , nnd practically " Ho looked at the Hercules who knew , "a poet. " "They came back from Good Ground with out finding her. " "Of course , she was at Southampton. " "How do you know ? " asked the host , mid letily suspicions "Hum I know Mlsrj Amelia rcnnell well ; yes. very v.ell , " said Dalton. The Hercules there against the meadow and bay , now sparkling under the sun- know how well ; for Great Hercules Is aged god , who , Paganism teaches , possesses his Images ; an 1 a god , of courne. knows a man'H mind , and , what's more , his heart , Coiillnuratluii Iiy n llnnxr. Miss ? Clnrn Evans nnd 11 mouse , the ono a teacher In n U.ilttmore public nchool nnd the other n resident of the same building , collided while traversing their respective or- bltH one day thlo week , nnd so Htiiitllng VVPI-O the > noit ! > 8 which ensued thnt n nnnlu nmong the children present wn the result They tusheel for the door nnd down st.ilrn in wildest terror , nnd a citizen who saw tr-em emerge tumultuous- ] Into the sttcot promptly turned in nn nlnrm of llro from the nearest box When the eiiKlnc ? arrived the entire nolghboiliood wns filled with excite ment nnd motherH , but flnnlly Miss Kvnns muungcd to oxpliln most of the trouble. I.a ml limitary. The failure of A T Hutch , the largest fruit grower In California , hac excited much comment In thnt state. Hatch's collapse IH duo entirely to hln mania for land buying Hn hns tlio llncst fruit ranch In the state MO ncreH In one piece In Holnno county , and from this his prolltK In HOIHO years have been J2V,000. Hut ho could not rcslnt the temptation to buy more Innd nnd plant It In fruit trees , l-'or two years oiclmiilx linvo not paid , ns thcro 1mH been poor rale for the fruit In the Cast and Europe , nnd Hatch's revenue has been nothing , interest has ac cumulated and mortgages on liln ranches will now bo foreclosed. H Is doubtful whether hl property , worth $1COO,000. will bring over J'lOO.COO , which Is the amount of tils Indt-btcdncxH. Hatch wan thu pioneer In the luislncsH of i-hlpplng fresh fiult to New- York and Chlc.ico. and ho was the first to try sending fruit to London. llcipi-flll , The dry goods ineichnnt was explaining thn Munition to the neivv drummer ho hnd Ji'Bt employed , rclutca tlio Detroit Free I'rt'RS. "Your prcdeci'FHor , " ho mild , "lins gotten Ills liuHllit'HH nil tnnglcd up. and If you taku bin plnre. you will have a illlllenlt ti ; k iet- ; tlii order out of chaos. " "I don't know who e'hnox In. " cheerfully replied the drummer , ' but I bet I'll sill him u bill of Koocla if i have to IIUIIK on to him foi a wick. " iSirSicSlcii' : I Current Literature sW' A timely nnd striking feature In the DC comber Midland Monthly Is n sketch of "Th Coming 'First Lady In the Land , ' " con trlbtitcd by Mrs. C. F. McLean of Clnclnnnt who had been specially commissioned t visit the .McKlnlcjs nt Canton nnd ontnl pictures nnd data for this purpose. A de scription by S TJernngcl , with full-pag pictures , of Oetliscninno and the Mount o Olives ; nn Illustrated sketch of Fnlrhopt the Alabama colony of single taxcrs , b J. Ucllangce ; a' Christmas sketch of flft jears ago , n prltu * tory and stories ot lov and ndventuro era .included In this number Among topics ! discussed In the curren Municipal Engineering nro "Development o the American Portland Cement Industry , by Frederick It.j.Umls ; "Usefulness of Vnr ous Kinds of Stomyfor Illghwajs , " bj Hob crt ( Irlmshaw , a "Investigation ; of Qua Ity of Water for- Public Use , " by A. S Tut tie ; "Sand Filtration of Philadelphia Wnte Supplj , " nml "Kiclflcntlons | ) for Repair o Asphalt PnvemrntB. " ' Harper's for DOccmbcr Is n feast In nr nnd literature. ( Till * cover , designed by How nrd I'ylo , Is veryibcnutlful nnd tlioroughl In keeping wltbj a Christmas number Th frontispiece Isi an ciiRravlng by Fran French of Guy Uolic's "Joseph Asking Shel ter for Mary. " ( The "Christmas Carol , " b Nina Frances Laynrd , Is very npproprlnt to the Benson. Hovril Pjle's "Homance o an Ambrotypo" Is a delightful story of civ I wnr times. Poultney Hlgelow continues hi "White Man's Afrlcn , " which has two ad mlrable cuts of President Krugcr. "Ho\ the Law Got Into the Chaparral , " by Fred erlck Ucmliigton , Is profusely Illustrate * and Is a stirring article. William Deal Howclls writes entertainingly of Oliver Wen dell Holmes The nrtlclo Is well Illustrated There Is n picture of Holmes' cottage , llev crly Farms , Ilevcrly-bj--the-Icpot , ns th Autocrat once called it In writing to nn An glomaninc friend Few holiday publications nre more charm Ing nnd none excel In the variety of attract Ivc Illustrations and excerpts than the Christmas number of the Book Uuyer. 0 more than ordinary size , the volume Is rlcl in Its exhibition of the choicest pages frou the best holiday productions of the Beaten The number affords nn excellent opportunity to learn what Is being done In the way o holldajpublications. . The December Arena opens with nn cm Incntly sensible article ou "The llclatloi of Art to Religion , " by the widely knowi sculptor , William Ordvvay Partridge , am prominent among other thoughtful am timely contributions to this number is Elt wood Pomcroy's Illustrated paper on "The Concentration of Wealth. " The article shows by carefully compiled &tntUtlra the accelerating tendency of wealth to coneen trate In the hands of a few nnd Indicates the dangers lurking In such a situation. After devoting several paragraphs to c lucid and Instructive nnnljsls of the results of the presidential election , the editor of the Hovlcw of Reviews under the department "Tho Progress of the World , " In the De cember number , proceeds to review the his tory of the efforts to obtain arbitration o : duo reading from Ilarrle'a "Sentimental Tommy" is ahx > given nnd one from Mrs. Ilnrr'w "Knight ot the Nety. " The December plans for Hnrper's Unznr. It is announced. Include txjinn notable Christ mas feature1) . Stories bv Mary E. Wllktns nnd Ella W. Pcattle , entitled respectively 'An Unlucky Christmas" nnd "A Shylock of the Sandhills , " will be begun , with llltiE > - ; iatlons by Keller nnd Do Thulstrup A ilay entitled "One Dlslntcrcrtel Friend , " by nrollne Tlcknor , nnd a variety of papers elllng of Christmas ) dinner ? , Christmas gifts , nnd Christmas pleasures In general , will round out the jcar. Outing for December opens with "The Sectoral Cross , " a powerful story of the stage , by Justine Ingcrsoll. A second com plete story lo "Zlnto , " by H. F. Munn , dcal- ng with life among tlio Indians about jreut Slave Inko. Among other Interesting oplcs nre "Hares nnd Hare Hunting , " "At the Top of Europe. " , "American Amateur A'thlotles 6f 'JtG'I UntI "Golf in America to Date. " Godoy's Magazine for December has an es pecial Christmas time flavor. The frontls- ilcco is a reproduction of the splcn- llil painting of > Ghcrardo delta Nottc , 'Tho Adoration of the Shepherds. " Two Chi latinos ' . : stories brighten the lumber , "Tho Santa Glaus of the Midland Clarence Herbert s'ovv nml "A Ha til Times Christmas , " by tupert Hughes. A strong special feature s the article byiGrnce E. Drew on "Art nnd ' . " This contrl- 'ashlon In Dinner Giving. - ititlon gives soimuch valuable Information hat the homemaker woman who docs not read it will lese , a-great deal that Is worth ho knowing. Tbo subject has been thor oughly digested/ amply illustrated with ilctures of the dinner table properly and mproperly arranged , and covers almost every contingency that may arise to per- ilcx and annoy a .hostess. The near approach of Chrlstmastlde Is slg- lallzcd by the appearance of the December St. Nicholas , for this Issue of the maga zine Is full of Christmas stories , poems nnd ilctures. Of particular Interest to boys and girls Is Edwin S. Wallace's description of Christmas in Bethlehem. " Mr. Wallace ells of the famous old Church of the Nn- Ivlty , built above the grotto where the Christ child lay In the rude manger. The Christmas Scrlbner has another of hose brilliant and beautiful covers In gold nnd colors that ( Irst attracted popular favor on last summer's Fiction number. Another example of buccereful color printing Is In ho twelve pages of decorative designs vhlch Oliver Hcrford has made , to accom pany Kenneth Grahamo'js story. "Tho Magic ting. " This story describes the flrstvisit _ of some children to a circus. The fanciful reatment of It exactly suits Mr. Herford's cry original talent as an illustrator. An ther novelty In Illustration Is Grleffenha- gen's quaint pictures and cross-texts to ac- ompany IJ. . Stlmson's "Liw-Latin Love " . The Story" n thirteenth-century romance. notion of the number Is represented by no ess than nlno complete short stories. Rich ard Harding Davis In "The Last Rldo To gether. " gives the meditations of ono of amebon's Transvaal raiders on the way to irlson after sentence , nnd n story of mj-s- cry entitled "Tho Square Diamond. " which gives glimpses of India , is contributed by Minion Ross. The numbers of St. Nicholas for the , past ear , bound up In two parts , contain the liaterlal for half a dozen of the usual Juve- illo books. There are more than a thousand lages In all , and more than 700 pictures . 'our complete , richly Illustrated serial torles are "Tho Swordmakcr's Sou , " by W O. Stoddard ; "Tho Prl/o Cup. " by J. T Trowbrldge ; "Teddy and Carrots , " by James Otis , and "Slmlbad , Smith & Co. , " by Albert ( earns. Besides these there are scores of lories , sketches and poems that make spc- lal appeal to bojs and girls. There are also a number of patriotic articles and hosts of rue stories about distinguished people and bout animals , ns well as tales of adventure nd bravo achievement In order that the maglnatlon may not bo neglected there are anclful tales and fairy stories , as well as torles about every-day. nlnctcenth-centurj themselves. Tlio Century ) o > s and girls Jompany , New York. , , . , , Bound In gorgeous colors and breathing unshlne in every page. Father Tuck's Nur- cry Series will be a Joy to thousands of Ittlo tots when Christmas comes again. One crful Lamp" aiid "All Baba and the Fortj 'hlevee , " Raphael Tuck & Sons , limited , New 'ork. NBW BOOKS. "My Brother" ' Is an exciting tale by Vln- out Brown. Tho-hero la a queer college hanictor known an "tho prophet , " and gcu- rally regarded , oa a harmless weakling Vhen the 1s ruined by Lord , \iB3on her bratlier kills the seducer nnd hen ! lee . Mc nvrtille "the prophet , " having ono to the Lupin's mansion for the pur- lese of t'cttliiK ihlm to make amends to the ; lrl , Is found near the dead body of the mur- orcd man , Huiln scUed , tried nnd hanged , Ithout telling nUiero the crlmo belonged ho tragical portion of the btory Is written Ith much fervor. Rand. McNally & Co. . S'ew York , ami tleceath's , "Four Young ! Explorers or Sight Seeing n the Tropics" Is. ono of Oliver Optic's lat- tie Vemwuclan boundaiy illnputo with Great rlUln , which halve finally resulted success- ully , explaining the attitude of the United talcB in the coiurovtMy ; dlscuascK the rucrlU and elemorlU of the Cleveland ad- SM- Established 1SS7. Comes Kccry Week THE YOUTH f f The Companion of the Whole Family. The list of those who will contribute to THE YOUTH'S COMPANION during the coining year is , as usual , long and brilliant. It includes not only popular writers of fiction , but also some of the most eminent naval officers , travellers and explorers , men of science and statesmen. NATIONAL CANTOI , WAIMISGTON. Life and Work at Washington * M . When Mr. Gladstone wan Prime Minister lie contributed to Till ! COMPANION' , as ilid Mr. lllainc when Secretary of State. Sji ? All the members ol the present American Cabinet but three have written for its columns. During the coming > car the following features of national work will be described by members of the national government ! SBC - / [ C- k EARLY DAYS OF THE POST-OFFICE , HON. WM. L , WILSON , Postmastcr-Gcn'1. SiC- BUILDING A WAR-SHIP , HON. HILARY A. HERBERT , Secretary Navy. SiCt. /I- \ . WHAT THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL DOES , HON. JUDSON HARMON. * THE LIFE OF A SENATOR , HON. HENRY CABOT LODGE. THE LIFE OF A CONGRESSMAN , HON. THOMAS B. REED. . For Ambitious Boys. For Ambitious Girls. AA ! THE HABIT OF THRIFT , Andrew Carnegie. TRAINING THE VOICE , Madame Lillian Nordica. A BECOMING A DOCTOR , Dr. Austin Flint. A GIRL WHO BECAME FAMOUS , & . HOW LINCOLN EDUCATED HIMSELF , Mrs. Burton Harrison. Jesse W. Wcifc. NURSING AS A CAREER , Dr. W. L. Love. FORESTRY AS A PROFESSION , Glfford Pinchot. MARRIAGE SETTLEMENTS , Elirabelh BisUnd , THE LARGEST SALARIES , Carroll D. Wright. FLOWER-GROWING FOR PROFIT , RcneBachc. vis- PopuL ar Writers for 1897. In addition to twenty-five staff writers , Tiir. COMPANION Contributors include not only the most popular writers of fiction , but some of the most eminent Statesmen , Scientists , Travellers anil Musicians. ' Ian Maclarcn. Gco. W. Smallcy. Hon. Theodore Roosevelt. The Marquis of Lome. S& ? Rudyard Kipling. Harold Frederic. Col. George E. Waring , Jr. Lady Jeune. fS ( < f Hall Caine. Hamlin Garland. Hon. Carl Schur ; . Lady Harcourl. ) : & rf Stephen Crane. Max O'Rcll. Dr. W. A. Hammond. Miss Alice Longfellow. At * . Frank R. Stockton. W. Clark Russell. Dr. Cyrus Edson. Edward Everett Hale. Charles Dudley Warner. Lieut. R.E. Peary , U.S.N. Dr. Austin Flint. Rev. Lyman Abbott , D. D. And more than one hundred other eminent men and women. i ? One of the most beautiful CALENDARS issued this year At/ / ! . will be given to each New Subscriber to The Companion. It is nude up of Tour Charming Pictures in color , beautifully executed. Its size Is 10 by 34 inches The subjects ate delightfully attractive. This Calendar is published exclusively by The Youth's Companion and could not be toldfin Art Stores for less tlian $1.00. Wl 700 Large Pages in Each Volume 52 Weeks for $ J.75 Send for Illustrated Prospectus. , M . ' & & $ & & 6644&4& : + & 4 + + & & & & & & & & & 64&&A&&A&6&&it 1 ! 1 I2 = CoSor SPECIAL OFFERS. 4 Rich CoSor J New Subscribers who will cut out this slip and send it at once with name and address and $1.75 will receive : FREE The Youth's Compinlon every week from the time sub scription is received till January t , 1897 : kai Calendar Iff FREE-Thanksgiving , Christmas , Kcw Year's Double Numbers ; t' FREE The Companion's .i page Calendar for 1897. a beautifully colored souvenir. The most costly gilt of its kind Tlie Companion has ever offered ; And The Companion 52 weeks , a full year , to Jan. i , 1898. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION , 201 Columbus Avenue , Boston , Mass. ( 7i ? i i j i ? ? i' ' ? vvi iv : ; v : o ? : ? vi ? iv ; ? t i j ? ministration now drawing to n close , crlt Iclsing with especial vigor the nreslilcut'i Turkish policy ; describes the latest phase : of the European situation , with reference te ho eastern question and the Franco-Hue Ian alliance ; comments on Lord Rosebcry's resignation and the resulting complication ! n English politics making altogether t newt Interesting and valuable ( summary ol ho world's Important doings for the montl list passed. A feature of this Issue Is the Irst full and authorized account of the grenl enterprise In text-editing and translating uiown as the "Polychrome Bible : " "Some : stlmatcs of the Year's Literary Output" ire offered by experts , Mr. Hamilton W Mnble treating of the departments of fie Ion , poetry and belles-letters ; Prof. Albert inslinell Hart , of hlstorv and political HC- ! nce ; and Mr. Rlpley Httcncock of popular clence. The Christmas McClure's Is a fiction num- > cr containing stories by Rudj-ard Kipling , 'rank A. Stockton and Ian Maclarcn. Cjrus C. Adams gives an account of Dr Nanseu's dvcnturcs and achievements , accompanied vlth numerous Illustrations. Hamlin Gar- anil writes of "Tho Early Llfo of Uljbsca Grant. " The cover Is decorated with one f Potlcelll's most famous madonnas , spe- lally redrawn by Henry McCartcr Among the special features of the De- cmbcr Current Literature are a French Chrlstmaa legend. "The Three Low Masses , " ) > AlphoiiEc Dan Jet ; a Yulctldo legend of ting Artliur'a country ; two pages of Chrlut- ia verso , and n timely reproduction of Vas'hlngton IrvIng's "Christmas Fe-ast at Bracebrldgo Hall , " from the Sketch Book. A cat efforts , In which ho takrs his party to aigon , In 'French ' Cochin China , act CBS the ; htna sea to Manilla , In the Philippine slands and thence to Hong Kong , Shanghai nd 1'ekln. The adventures narrated , coupled vlth the Information disseminated are fully p to the usual standard In the interest hey arouse. Leo fc Shcpard , Boston. Thomas Kllpatrlck & Co. "A Brief History of the Nations nnd Their Progress In Civilization , " by George PaiK ' 'Islier , LL. I ) . , a new work designed for ilgh > cliools , ly a scholarly production , In vhlch tlio leading events of ancient , me- laeval and modern history nro fully pre- entcd. However , forces , principles and social Ifo are dealt with , rather than mere facts f dynastic and military history , and the vork forms an Impressive drama of the un- oldlng civilization of the world from the arllest historical period to the times of lJli - narck and Gladstone. Although ancient hls- ory l fully treated , a larger amount of tpace a given to the moro modern periods than Is sual. American Bool : compiny. Chicago. MAGAZINES RECEIVED , The Ladles' Homo Journal. The Curtis 'ubllshing company , Philadelphia. The Pocket Magazine. Frederick A tokcs company , New York. St. Nicholas. The Century company , New 'ork. Harper's Magazine. H'arpcr & Bros. , New 'ork. Godey's Magazine. The Godey company. N'ew York. The Pall Mall Magazine. The Intcrna onal News company , New York. What to Eat. Pierce & Pierce , Mlnneap- llfl. Minn. The Black Cat. The Short Story Publishing ompany , Boston. The Strand Magazine. The International N'ews company , New York. The Cosmopolitan. Irvlngton , N. Y , The Esoteric. Esoteilo Publishing coin- any , Applegate. Cal. The English Illustrated Magazine. The In- crnatlonal News company. New York. Cassell'B Family Magazine. The Cassell ubllshlng company. Now York. Scrlbner's Magazine. Charles Scrlbncr's ons , New York. BOOKS RECEIVED. Fronds P. Harper. New York : "Walt Vhltman. the Man , " by Thomas Donald- on. Cloth ; * 1.75. Scott Foresman & Company. Chicago Getting On In the World. " by William lathcws , LL.I ) . Cloth ; 2. "Primitive luddhlsm , " by Elizabeth A. Heed , A. M. I' . Tennyson Ncely , New York"Her Res- uo From the Turks , " by George Rathborne 'aper , CO cents. American Book company. Chicago : I1 Irst 'ear In German , " by I. Keller. Cloth. II A Brief History of the Nations and Their rosretis In Civilization , " by Gcorgo Park 'Isher D. D. . LLD. Cloth. ) l GO. "Tho " Henry Lyman Koop- laKtcry of BooKs , by nan , Cloth , DO cents. J. S. Ogllvlo Publishing company. Now 'ork "Tho Flirt to Death , " by Lulio Lcarj npor , 25 cents. FROM MEGEATH STATIONERY CO , Harper Brothers , New York ; "A Ilcbel- llous Heroine , " by John Kcmlrlcks Bangs. Cloth ; 225 pages. "Gascolgno's Ghost. " by O. P. Burgln. Cloth ; 21C pages. "Tho Dwarfs' Tailor , " by Zoo Dana Underbill. Cloth ; 200 pages. "Lovo In the Backwoods , " by Langdon Klvvyn Mitchell. Cloth ; 249 pages. "In the First Person , " by Maiia Louise Pool. Cloth * 315 paces. Charlcu Scrlbner's Sons , New York"The Court of Khg Arthur. " by William Henry Frost Cloth ; $1 DO. Houghton , Mlfllin & Co. , Boston"A Genuine Girl , " by Jeanlu Gould Lincoln. Cloth ; $125. The Cassell Publishing Co , New York : "Not All the Klng'n Horses , " by Katharine Elvvca Thomas. Cloth ; 210 pages. Prcderlck A. Stokes' company , New York- "Classical Authors , " by R. B. Holt. Cloth ; 312 pages. Harper & Brothers , New York"Green Fire , " by Fiona Macleod Cloth ; 2S7 pages. "Aspects of Fiction , " by Brainier Matthews Cloth ; 234 pages. "A Primer of College Foot Ball , " by W. H. Lewis. Paper ; 205 pages "Iras. A Mystery , " by Theo Douglas. Cloth ; 231 pages. "Limitations , " a novel , by E. F Benson. Cloth ; 313 pages. FROM THOMAS KILPATRICK & CO. , OMAHA. Leo & Shepard. Boston"Four Young Explorers ; or. Sightseeing In the Tropics , " by Oliver Optic. Cloth ; $1 CO. I.N Till : IVI'ISHHST Ol' V I ) > liiK ' "nil Milken Noti-N of Illn Condition. A man , supposed to be E. L. Bryan of Plttsburg , Pn. , committed sulcldo In the Klmball house , Chicago , Monday , and while awaiting death made notes of the sensations ho xporlenced after taking a dose of lau danum. Ho wrote- "Drank an ounce of laudanum at C 10 o'clock. After flvo minutes feel better. Heart action more pronounced. Slight pain In stomach. Ten minutes Condition about the same ; pulse rapid and pains In wrist ; slight pains In region of heart ; a feeling of dullness , with more pain In all parts of the bodj- . Note I will keep up the description of effects as long as possible. Hope It will bo of use to medical science. Ejes show change. A feeling of drowsiness coming on. A sort of feeling of Intoxication , accom panied by slight pains. Twenty minutes Pain Increasing. Am getting sleepy ; have numb feeling , no pain. " Here the notes stopped abruptly , and they wcro found on the table on which his life less head rested. The cause of suicide Is not known. In addition to the note , the sulcldo left the following letter to the proprietor of the hotel : "To the Man that Keeps the Hotel Dear Sir : I am awful sorry to cause jou this annoyance. You will get some undesirable advertising out of it , and upon the whole it won't pay jou. Still , Bilcli things must occur somewhere. In all sincerity , I hope that jou won't think I would have lint mod jour house for nny motive except accident. Regretting the trouble I cause jou and trusting that you will regard the Incident an trifling , I am , sir. with great regret no more , "E L BRYAN ( no relative to W. J ) " Another letter re'ad ns follows "To Any Old Authority , Newspaper , Core ner , etc. This Is Just a case of 'shuflllnfC off this mortal cell , ' or attempting to do so , for ono can never bo sure that the most carefully laid plans will bo successful , anil this , Ilko almost every net of my life , 1st careless and bungling so far. "Who am I- I have no friends. I am glad of that , for there will bo no mourners. lron suld hla ono regret was thnt ho left nothing that caused u tear. My case Is the same , but I don't regret It at nil. Hopelessly handi capped by bad health , by injustice , and by disappointment , I give up the struggle. C die because I cannot live. " UIMt AS1IHS IV A CAX. .V AVIilovM-rV Mrun r Trlliutr ( o ( he. Memory or HIM Wife. For Bevtrnl years Louis l.elir , a laboring ; man of Memphis , Tonn. , lias earriid with him as hlH constant companion u can look ing much like an oiillnnry p.ilnt or oil leceptacle , with a top which scievv.s on , but 7 which , so far as any one know * , liaH never- ' been removed. If he had been neai with the can only once or twlco or a dozen times It might ; not have attracted attention , but vvheix theMe who know Lehr found that this com monplace object wan the constant com panion of Ills llfo , night and day , they be gan to wonder what U contained. Some or them asked him about It , now jokingly anil ngaln seriously , but be mn-er hud anjr satisfactory answer to give. The thing when lie got up In they morning Lebr got the can Ho carried It to tlioailous points about the city where Ills ( lutlfH culled him. Ho mood It , vvhllcr ho worked , wlicie lie eonld wee It con stantly , and Kolnir homo In the evening bu carried It can-fully with him. At night It Ktaiuls on a llttlo table close lo his bed side , where he can nee it readily when lie * vv.tkes. The longer these who knew him w-atclieil this performance ) tin- more mysterious did It Keem , and the more lively WUH thelr- curloslty. One day last spring home- fellow laborers thought to piny u Jolco on Lehr by rcniovlnir the curious little can when ItH owner vvaa not looking and hiding ItVhen the usu ally quiet and reserved innn discovered , that the precious objeot WUH gene 1C elmngril him Into something Ilko a miiil- The two ciilpiltH , abiimed bjIH ) ! ex- olted state , confe.ssed their Joke and re turned tlio can. Ifl II bad not been for the Interference ot others Lclir might have KOIIO to tlio gal lows for day's vvoik. Ilefoio help , could n.icli them both men had been felled , by an Iron bar that stood linndy. anil , an It \vn thought at the ( line , fatally Injured. They recovered afleiward , but the Incident Hliowul mote clearly than ever the Intensity tensityof Lehr's feelings about the mj-ti- terloiiH can It now appeals that the can contained Hie ashes of his iluid wife. At bei dcatli HIO | bad uiiue.stcd that her body bu cie- matecl Lebr carried nut her wish and , luaitbroken nt bur death , determined never- to bo Hcparntu ] from her UHhcu. This uc- coiiutH for his constant earn of the tin. tun , or urn , an It proved to bo. ClIIINC Of ( Kil-ltl'IIICIII. . Chicago Post : The enthusiastic patriot became oxeltul "I Hie tliuo IH great excitement at th * navy j-aul , " ho said The man who was just an much of a pa triot but not unite so vociferous about It Inclined bin head. "It Is unquestionably true. " ho said "t untlcmt.ind they caught ono of the marines' IvT t'ving to 'rush tlio can. ' " P$25ac $ c&sfc5d > e 5 > c2 > IT HAS THE FIELD ALONE v IN THE CONING YEAR A New Year' * GUI It will conlliuc lo lie a PANORAMA OF THE llciides will hive THREE ADMIRABLE SERIALS MARYE.WILKINS , E.F.BENSON , JOHN KENDMCK BANGS and oilier § | > lal fealurci will be WESTERN "LIFE AMD LETTERS" AMATEUR § SUBJECTS ir SPORT § W. D. IIOWELLS JOContsnCopy 84,00 a year HARPER & DHOTHER8 , Publishers , Now York