Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1896, Page 11, Image 11

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Btato Control and Supervision of Trolley
Heads in Massachusetts.
The M > xtory of Uio
M Hilary Teli-Knipb Srrv I < M-'I'liu
I'.li-olrlu ll.-ii.lll bl I
.Meat ! > ) ' I'.lcclrlelt ) .
An IntcroflUlnB procciM ( for Kencratlng
electricity from coal without the Interven
tion of the steam engine la described In the
December Hnrper by the Inventor , Ur. Wil
liam M Jacques.
.Slttlni ; before nn open flro , B < tjs the
writer. I have often ill earned of converting
the storod-up energy ot the coal Into some
form of energy oven more useful to nnn
tlmn heat.Vc know that , theoretically at
loaHt , nil of naturc'fl forces are Intcrcon-
\ertlblo. why should not the potential en
ergy of coal ho concerted directly Into elec
tricity Instead of heat ? Could all of the
energy bo extracted from n single pound
of coal nnd made to do mechanical work ,
this work would more than ! a day's
labor of a very strong man. In the great
coal fields that nro distributed OUT the
mirfacu ot 'he earth nature has stored up
a supply of energy safely catltn.ited to einial
the hrtnil labor of the entire population ot
the world continued for 1,000 jc&nt.
The most convenient and useful , because
the most tractable , form ot energy Is elec
tricity. In the facility with which wo may
at will anil without wnsto convert It Into
Bush other form of energy as happens to bo
desired lies the superiority of electricity
over the rest of nature's forces. Having
electricity , wo may easily product ) beat or
light , or mechanical motion , or chemical
force. ; but electricity Itself has hitherto
been produced In quanllllcs only by the
use of complicated mechanism and with
great wasto.
nicctrlclty Is today generated by a dynamo
name that Is turned by nn engine which Is
operate by steam , and the steam Is made
from water by means of heat derived from
the combustion of coal. Qut this la a long
and circuitous process , with a largo Icnk-
at every step. Much of the energy of
\nKO goes up the chimney as heat or
fltnoko , much of the heat Is lost In hollliiK
the water to make steam , much of the ex
pansive force of the steam Is wasted an It
oncapes from the engine ; much of the power
of tlio engine IH wasted as friction , and
there Is nome loss In the dynamo Itself He-
cent tents , mndo by n committee of the Nn-
tlomil Electric Light association , of clght >
model n electric light and power planti ,
. . . show thnt the average plant wastes 97I per
> cent and utilises as electricity only 2 C per
cent ot the energy theoretically obtainable
from the coal.
The problem then was to convert the en
ergy of coil more directly Into electricity ;
to do away with the dynamo nnd tlio Gleam
engine , possibly even to ijo away with heat
A multitude of experiments were mudo.
In the earlier dajs my attempt was merely
to do a\vay with tlio djnamo and with steam ,
nnd convert heat Into olectticlty. A flic of
coke , burning on an Insulated grate , gave
nome slight electrical manifestations , but
they wore not encouraged Hxjici Inicnts with
various novel forms ot thermopile weio tried ,
but a consideration of the theory of the sub-
lect teen made It evident lint It was not
oven theoretically possible to convert more
than a very small percentage of the energy
of the coal Into electricity In this way The
gent ration of electric currents by allot nntcly
healing and cooling Iho magnetic COICH ot
wire cells gave no promlfe ot elllclent resulls
I tried nature's plan of pioi'uclns ; lightning
the evaporation of water and continual
dissipation of vapor globules and though I
succeeded In producing mlnlaturo thumlor-
nloims , the nuanllt. of olcctilclty obtainable
waa not aulljclent for any commercial use.
Indeed , my researches have led mo lo doubl
whether the Utal energy ot a good , brisk
tlinnilorutonn , dramatic as l Us display , Is
equal to the energy radiated from a bedroom
flic. For a mlntilt * fraction of a second the
force of a stroke of lightning Is tcrtillc , but
Its duration Is so brief that , even If It could
bo harnessed , It would he capable ot doing
very llttlo useful woih Many other plans ,
all of them Intensely Intorosllng from a
purely scientific point of view , were tried ;
but from most ot them no current was ob
tained that vvja economically capable of be
ing put to any Industi lal use
Nature ) Is a coy mistress , jet she likes
to l o wooed , and to the diligent suitor gives
occasional token of encouragement ; and It
linppcncd thai ono day I surprised her In
her secret , and discovered llio way by which
wo may abandon , even combustion and heat
Itself , and convert the stored-up energy of
coal directly Into cloclrlclty.
It eanio almost as n rovelallon Ibal If Iho
oxygen of the air could bo made lo combine
with the coal under such circumstances that
the production of heat could bt > prevented ,
nnd at the eamo tlmo n conducting path
could bo provided In which a cunent ot
elcctilclty might develop , the chemical af
finity of the coal for the ox > gen would
necessarily bo converted Into electricity nnd
not Into heat ; for any given form of energy
will bo converted Into such other form as
tlio surrounding conditions maUe most easy
Given the proper conditions , tlio potential
energy of coal would rather coiucit Itself
Into electricity than Into licat.
This led to experiments In which coal was
submerged In n liquid o that llio ogcn of
the air could not coiuo in direct contact with
the coil and produce combustion. Kiirthcr ,
such a lUiul.l was chosen that when air
was forced through It to thn coal the o\jgen
of the air would temporarily enlor Into chem
ical union with the liquid and then bo
ei nuclod out by a further supply of ox > gen
and foiccd to comblno with the coal Wo
may plcturn cnch successive atom of oxvgcn ,
on Its way from the source ot air supply
llnoiigli the liquid to the coal , as temporarily
ontcilng Into chemical union with each of a
row of atoms ot the liquid , Just as each
successive man as ho circles around In tliu
"grand light and left" of dancing tcm-
ponirily elaspfl hands with each of the ladles
of the sot. When one unbalance passes
thioiigli another In this way it furnishes a
path In which an eloctilo run cut ma ) flow ,
so thai by causing the oxjgen to combine
with the carbon through the Intervening
liquid oppoitunlty Is furnished for un elec
tric cunent to develop , nnd tdncc combustion
cannot tnKo pluce. the chemical alllnlty of the
conl for the oxjgen l cunvciti-il directly Inlo
electricity , ami not Into lietil. Liquids which
Ibus allow atoms of oxjgcn and a current
of electricity to pjt-M thiuugh them may bo
called "elect ! olytic carrlcin "
When n busy nan wants to talk over the
telephone Ids patlenro la always tried lo
learn that tlio man he wishes to communi
on to with 1 "busy talking. " On some much-
occupied lines this m.iy happen so often ai >
to become a positive nultunce , nnd the In
convenience ot It Is apt to be felt In many di
rections. Tlio Incl0ent.ll low ot money or
tlmo may fall on llio called pulisrrlb. > r as
well as the caller , nr , after ono or two \tiln
endeavors to tmiKo the connection , n call l
llkoly to bo directed cUcvv hero. The simplest
form ot relief for nn overtaxed line IH a
douhlo-track connection with the roatral oi
lier two separata lines nnd stations , using
ono for outward und tlio uthci for Inward
calk * . Many people arc now adopting this
method with gratifying results. In cases
wlioro oven the doiiblo tuck docs not meet
the heavy teqiilrcnicnts of tlui line a sub-
excltntign if/stem has been provided Title
Cables nny amount of busnews ! to bo coped
vvlth , whatever Un volume. It consists In
rUcIng telephone fUllons In different olllces
of an establishment , at > may bo required
Tbeso are comirclcd to n Kinall switchboard
from which trunk Hues tun to the nearest
centinl ofllfte. Tlio most striking point at-
forilod by tliwo Improvement ? , npait from
their manifest advantages , Is tlio way In
wired limy suggest tint woato hut Just on-
torlug the era of luxurious telephony , and
Jjefore long the telephone will bo ux l for
serial , business nnd even convorc.illotml pur-
pos"8 to an extent never dreamt of.
Arcoidlng to olUclal reports the popular
luo o ! telephone * , pu compared with thn two
of the U'lriirnpU , li In the ratio nf 10 to 1.
In ISM the number of telegiaph in err ; ) gee
a-iit In the Lntttil States was In round tin-
uiox 75ho'000 , while the telephone vvai , iiacil
750.000 TOO tlmcii.
The latter , of courue. lucluJoJ
In cities ami between short-dlnlance points ,
but Uio reports ot the companies alee * show
lhat long-cllatanco telephony Is growing with
amorlng ntrhlcs. The recclpti of the tele
graph companies are > beginning lo
feel Iho effeel of this new form of competl-
llon , where Iho sender and receiver of mes
sages have Iho advantage ot personal and
direct communication
It Is reported that a now syndicate hns en-
lerod Iho field with the nnnoiinced Intention
of competing with the long-dlstanco company
for publ'c ' patronage. Indcpendont local ex
changes , which now number nearly 1,000 , are
to be connected by long-distance wires , and
the entire country Is to bo furnished with a
network ot arteries for verlnl communica
tion. The recent expiration ot the main Hell
patent. * ) and thu present nssatiltn on the ller-
llncr patent by the government are appar
ently responsible for this prospective compe
tition with the older concern
Public Interest In the development of long
distance telephony , tvivs the Chicago Chroni
cle1 , Is centered In the dual question of rates
nnd wrvlce To become genuinely poptilnr
lolepliono service must bo cheapened. This
Is particularly true of lnni-illtanco service ,
In which the proivnt rale1 * are practically
prohibitory , except for Important business
mcasigca or In the cnsc of the comparatively
wealthy. There Is no valid reason why these
rates should co illniio Iti thl cm of develop
ment nnd clicniK-ncd cost of material and
If competition will bring long-distance
telephony within roach of the masses It will
bo a distinct public gain.
The electric It'ltor box. Is by no means nn
unfamiliar device. As tlio postman's mall
li dropped Inlo the strecl door box electric
contact Is made and n bell Is rung In ttio
kitchen. This Is a very "Itnplo nnd admir
able provlrlon against the possibility of an
Important teller that may demand nn Instant
icply unnoticed In Iho box A varl.illon ot
this dovlco Is now u ° od for calling the ntton-
.tlon of postal clerks to the Incoming of
special delivery Idlers The Invention , which
Is credited to a former letter carrier , consists
of a slanting box , at the lower end of which
there Is n sheet of metal working on swivel
Joints. When a letter IB dropped Irlo Iho
box II slides down upon the metal sheet ami
holds the lower cdgo down , thus making
nn electric circuit Hint rlngi a bell con
tinuously until somebody goes to the box nnd
lots llio teller oul , which I done bj unhook
ing nnd raising the front part of Die box.
The conipetlllou between steam and elec
tric railroads Is waxing hoi In Connccllcul ,
which has for some lime been the seat of
Iho mosl acllvo contests In this mutter
Hut It Is In Ohio lhat the most practical
solution has been made by a steam railway
company llio Cincinnati , Hamilton & Day
ton which has purchased the electric roads
In the city of Mldillctown and connected
them with Its own tracks , making them n
pail ot Its own system The electric lines
are to extend from Hamilton to Cincinnati ,
whence transfers will bo Issued from the
railroad company's lines to thos.o reaching
lite suburban clllffl I This Is llio first tlmo
a railway company has undertaken an > -
Ihlng like Iho distribution of Its passengers
after reaching their destination.
sri'iir.Mi : roiiur S > VMAIII.
Aetna Insurance company npaln t Sim
mons Knor from D.ivves county Af-
ilrmeil. Opinion by Commissions ! Ilngin.
Where It Is nsslgiud for error that the
district couit gave or refused to give cer
tain sper-in l In.struellons , It nn examlii i-
tlon illsclosc.s that the court did not crt
In giving or refusing to give all ot the In
structions named , tlio Assignment will bi
- An n sgnmont ! thnt a verdict Is "con
trary to the Instrucllons of Hie court" wll
bo overrulr-d It It appears that the verdict
is In accordance with any one ot the Instruc
3 The rule of practice of this court re
quires a litigant vvtoo brings a judgment
heie for review on error to Hpi'clflrull )
state In his petition In error of vliat action
or omlsulon ot the court he complains , anil
In his brief In addition to a concise Ht.ite
inent of the facts ot the case under appro
prlate hemlines , to allege what partlrulai
thing the dlstilct court did or lefusi-d to
do which It Is claimed was error , collating
under such headings the arguments nnd cit
ing the authorities which ho deems sustain
his contention.
4. Only the actions or omission1 * of n
district court which nro so specifically as
signed. bath In the petition In error and In
the hrlet Illed here , can bo considered.
r > . Hve-ry judgment brought to this court
for review comes surrounded with the pre
sumption ot correctness , and this courl
will not senrcli a record for the purpose
ot ascertaining If It contains error The
burden Is upon thr > party complaining of
the action of the dNtrlct court to Kpecin-
cnlly point out what Is complained of and
show lhat It was probably prejudicially er
C. In a suit upon an Insurance policy to
recover the value of Insured real e-stato
wholly destroyed by fire , the sum for which
said property Is Insured Is conclusive evi
dence of Its value Section 41 , chapter xllll ,
Compiled Statutes
7 Insurance -was written upon personal
property to the amount of JI.1VI ; In a suit
upon the policy the jury returned a general
verdict In favor ot tno assured for J OO , anil
a special finding that the value of the prop
erty was JI fine Judgment rendered on
the general verdict Hpjil * That the Incon
sistency between the general and special
verdicts was not one ot which the Insurer
could complain
8. An Insurance policy contained a provi
sion flint In case of a lire the Insured within
sixty ilnys Iheroafter should furnish lo the
Insurer proofs of loss. After being notlllec ]
of Iho low * the Insure ! 's adjuster went to
the farm of the assured , e\amlned nnd In
quired Into the loss , cause of the lire , etc ,
the assured submitted to the adjusler a
written memorandum of Iho Items of prop
erty destroyed and tholr value , some ne
gotiations took place between the ml juste !
and the assnrul. which resulted In the ad
juster offeilm ? the assured Jioo In full seltle-
rront of Wie los In a suit upon the policy
the Insurer Interposed a defense that the
policy had been procured by fraud and was
void fiom IN Inception Held : (1) ( ) That the
conduct ot the Insurance compinv after
being advised of the loss Justllled the llnd-
Ing of the Hiry thril It had refused lo pav
Iho loss and waived the furnishing of proofs
thereof (2) That the Insurance company
waived thn moots of loss required by the
policy liv defending t io action on the
crounds tint the policy had never been In
0 An Insurance company , by denying Us
liability on the ground of n forfeiture of
Iho policy by reason of a breach of war-
ranly of the Insured waives whatever rluhl
It may have had to Insist upon arbitration
as a means of determining the amount of
the losy Homo Flrn Insurance company
against Kennedy 47 Neb . 13 < J. followed
Irt. A lire Insurance policy contained the
following1 clause "The Insured , as often
as lequlred , shall e\hlblt tn any person
dcslgnalcil | > y ihls company all that re-
malim of nny piopeity herein described
and siihmll to examinations urdcr onth liv
any person named by this compaii ) , and
subscribe the same And as often as re-
qulivd shall produce for examination all
hooks of account bills , etc. . nt such
reasonable jilnce as may be designated bv
this company or Its representative. "
A suit upon thn policy was dnfcndci ) upon
the ground that the Insured had refused
to submit to nn examination under oath
Held : 1. Whclhor the refusal of the In-
mired lo submit lo an evunlimtlon under
oath at the request of the Inrurcr con
stituted a defense to ibo ncllon not de
cided. 2. That a fair construction of the
clause only required theassuied to sub
mit to any examination nt such rcnson-
nhle time and place niu might be desig
nated by the company or It.s representative.
3. That for such icfu < ml of the Insured to
constltule a defense to the nctlen II was
Incumbent upon the Insurance company
to fix n time and place nnd ta'dtslunalo
some person nuthorlnd by law lo admlu-
Istor oiilht ) . lit tore whom such examina
tion could bo had. 4. That the time Uxed
for such nn examination must have been
vvlllilu a iciiponnlilo da to after notice of
the ( lie : the place of examination must
liave been a rcasunahlv convenient one ,
within the county whcte the assured re-
11. An Insured made application In writ
ing for Insurance on certain buildings nnd
lioisonnl property on his form. In which
hoalued his dwelling nt J700 , his Jinui
at tvw , his milk house nt J100 , Ills house
hold furniture at $ MO butter anil cheese
nnparatus nt jcno and hay and ginln at
WW. The application nlso contained the fol
lowing :
Q. Stale the actual amount imld for Iho
A , Sixteen hundred dollnra.
Q. Stnto terms of snlo.
A. Cash.
The application also rocltod : "The said
Pov Infants and Children.
Sl fit
nppllcant horcby varrants , covonantu nnd
n recM that the forpRolnij Is n full ,
JiiHt anil true exposition of all the factn
nnd clrcumfltancpi , comlltloni. nltimtlon
nnd Millie of and title to the property to
be Insured , nnd N offered aa n \ \ tof \ thn
Insurance reqtletted , und H made u npeelnl
warranty , the name as If written on the
fiieo of the polley. " The application vna
made ix part of the policy l 8ttod , nnd the
l.ittpr contained thli clause "This entire
polley shall beold If the assured hai con-
cealcil or mlsrepresentd , In writing or
otherwise , nny material fact or circum
stance concornlnf ; thli insurance or the
subject thereof , " A suit on thl policy win
defended on the Rrotinds ( a ) That tli
statements of tin- assured In the applka
tlon were warranties , ( b ) That the valua
HOP placed by the assured on the Insurei
property nnd lilt anm\erM that ho Inn
jnld sixteen hundred dollars cash for hi
land wore false Held- 1. That the appll
cation and the policy should bo construoi
together. 2 That the statements and an
swers made were representations ani no
warranties. S That In order for such nn
rtMentations to constitute a defense to the
notion , It wan Incumbent upon the Insur
mice company to plead and prove That the
statements and answers wtro tmde n
wiltten In the application ; thnt they wen.
false ; that they were false In some par
llcnlar to the Insurance risk
that they wrro made Intentionally by the
assured , that the Insurance company ic
lied and noted upon such statements.
12. A warranty In Insur.tnco law Is th
assertion by the assured of some fact o
the literal truth of which the validity o
the polley depends \\lthout repird to th
niatcrl tllty of such fact or tno motive whlcl
prompted the a'scrtlon.
IS A reiresentatlon In Insurance law 1
also Iho assertion by the Insured of som
fact , but the validity of the policy does no
dox-nd | upon the literal truth of the as
H. Wiother nn assertion made by th
Irsurod or the existence of a fact ! n war
runty or representation Is a question o
la If a doubt exists n * to whether a
statement m.ide Is a warranty or reprt-senta
tlon It will be held a representation.
10 Warranties are not to be created no
extended by construction
17 In construliiK a contr.ict for the pur
pose of dotermlnliiK whether the statement
made therein were Intended bv the virile
thereto to be warranties or represent.itlons
the court will take Into consideration th
situation of the parties the subject mitte
and the l.inmmKc employed , and Acon | | |
slruo a statement mule to ho a warrant }
only when It clearly appears tint such wa
the Intention of t'ho ' contractlnp pirtlos
that the mind of each pirty ronsclotnh
Intended and consented that such shnuU
bo the Interpretation of his statements
I'armors Mutual Insurance compun
against Moose. Hrror fiom Lnnci to
county Alllrmcd. Opinion by Commls
sloner Irvine
A corporation has power to compromls
a doubtful claim anlnst It. although such
doubt arises In rcK.inl to the power of th
corporation to enter Into the contract ere
ntliiR the claim
2 A mutual Insurance comp-iny nureed t
Insure a mare aiilrist accident and at th
tlmo of the application received a premlun
note from thn Insured The mire was In
lured by accident Thero.iftci the compm >
Issued Its polley. according to Its agreement
with knowledge of the loss , and enteret
Into arbitration to adjust the loss At
award was made which the company dli
not piy The Insured. In order to avolt
"further trouble and annoyance , " acceptec
the coin mm's promissory note for a les
sum than the award plyable at a futur
dato. The company had In the meantlm
collected t/io premium note Held Tint I
was II ible for the amount of the note
whether or not It had the poner under th
law to accept such risks
L-intrin tiKnlnst Hlnlkld Appeal fron
Hull countv Alllrmed Opinion by Coin
mlssloner Irxlnc.
The statutes relatliiR to the leaslnR of
school lam's pro * uio , unionc other things
that no assignment of a lease
shall be Milld unless the same be entrrec
of i coord In the olllco of the commlsslonei
of public binds nnd biilldtiurs Other s"o-
tlonn provide for the forfeiture of leases
for nonn ivincnt of rent and the lelenslni
of the land , with a further provision that
the owner of unv contrtot 01 lease so for
feited may icdeem the same by ptyliiK il
dellnciucncles and costs at anv tlmo before
such land Is analn sold or Ic-asod Meld
That the provision with regard lo assign
ments Is for the protection of the slate ,
and that no asslcnee obtains any rlRht us
iiwilnst the slate until the assignment
has been entered of record
i nni an assignee wnoso assignment has
not been so entered of i coord Is not en
titled to redeem from a forfeiture of the
Horbach against Omaha. Appeal from
Douglas county Motion sustained Opin
ion by Commissioner Irvine.
Section 311 of the Code of Civil Procedure
fixes nnd Ilmlta the time within which pro
posed bills of exceptions may be submitted
to the adverse party. In the absence of
any order , the party excepting has for
this purpose fifteen days from the adjourn
ment sine die of the term ut which Judg
ment Is rendered or nt which a motion for
u new trial Is ruled on The court may In
Its discretion allow additional tlmo. not c\
cecdltiB forty days from stieh adjournment
UMn | due showing of diligence and not
otherwise the judtjo who tried the cause
may further extend the time , but not be
yond forty davs additional
2. The fact that the pirty exceptltiR has
been dlllq-ent and the delay was caused by
the default of the ? reporter In preparing a
traii = crlpt does not authorise fie submis
sion of a bill after the expiration of elnht >
days from the adjournment of the term
3 Richards against State. 22 Neb HI ,
overruled on the point stated In the flrsl
paragraph of the syllabus thereof
Hvory penny tells You can get Salvation
Oil for 25 cents. liniment In the market
ll < - S < * IMNlllll-NM.
Washington Star : "William ! " she exclaimed -
claimed , as she shook her sleeping husbind
" ' ' "
"What's the mittcr'
"Thcio are burglars In the house ! "
"Again ? "
"I'm sure that I am right this time. "
"What do you want me to do1' "
"Why , take a light and go downtnln * . of
"Matilda , you're sure these are burglars
this time ? "
"Positive. "
"Well. I'm a bravo man , but I'm no phil
anthropist I tlon't enre how hard a burglar
ms to woik , and If ho wants the amusement
of putting a bullet Into me , bo's got to take
thu trouble to come upstalra "
Useful , Beau
tiful , Lasting :
A fine , soft
hairbrush with
silver back and
handle ; little &
Silver Comb ,
Powder Boxes
and Soap Cup
all in a is &
handsome case
or the articles
will be sold separately. Also
Rattles Plates Porringers
, Cups , ,
ringers , etc. , and on each
one the GORHAM trade
mark : The Lion , Anchor ,
Gt.5 , < & .
Too good for
Dry Goods Stores-
Jewelers only.
C. S.
S. E , Cor. 15th and Doug-la
The Bee's
Daily Market Reports
With those printed
In rival newspapers.
The Bee's
Market Page
Stands unrivalled. .
Over $411,000 , Paid to Policy Holders
in Fifty-three Years !
JRICHARD A. McCURDY , President ,
Who will pay tnat mortgage
on your home if you die before
It's lifted ?
A life insurance policy will
do it , and the cost to you is
only the annual premium paid
to the company. It is like pay
ing a little extra interest on
your mortgage to insure its re
lease if you die.
The resources of the Mutual
Life of New York exceed the
combined capital of all the na
tional banks of New York City ,
Chicago , Boston , Philadelphia ,
St. Louis , Cincinnati and Balti
A duty delayed is a duty
shirked. Let a man convinced
of responsibility secure adequate
protection and at once.
& & IN THE
A Policy of Insurance in the
Mutual Life is the quickest
asset vou can leave.
& -
* ' Dearies
) ,
srtciuisis IN
Nervous , Cliroaia
" *
j Private Diseases ,
All Krlvnto Ulsonsoa
ind Dlsordorsot Alen
Treatment by mill
-Cousiiltntion frco
Cured for life and UicfpoUou thoroughly
cleansed from the system. I'lljUS. FISTULA
and nicTAL. UL-cnup , > | ivunoccLrg :
and VAniCOCEMJ permanently and suc
cessfully cured Method , iiciv and unfailing
O I nlU I UlIU HHLI ULCf.1 at homo
By now method without pain or cutting- .
Call on or address with stamp ,
DLSearlcs&Searles ,
AII Druggists.
Oije Tholisajjll for
( Trade Mnrk. )
Conipuiir ol KLV Yuik ,
giv < is TiiBEE Mt&NTHB1 inaurnnoB ,
91.OOO for $1.00 ,
lo melt ur Momeii ,
is anil CO jcur cif one , against fatal
> tieet Accliiriita a-Ioot. or on lllcycks. lloises ,
VaKonn , llutia Cars. Ilallroad cars Elevated ,
IrKlgo. Trolley oriel Cnble cnra. btcumslil'ia.
tcamboalH uinl fitcam I'Trles. J100.GO ) ilcpoelteil
with Iho Insurance Uennrtincnt of the etutj ol
S'ew York for tlio security of Iho Insured.
Kur Sale by
Chas. Kauf maun ,
1103 Douglas Street.
T l. tW Omaha. Neb.
\Vcjipcn & Uitorderof
td f ctt Kipencnce.
P Veui lo Omaha.
Rook Frco. Contultatloa
and Examination Fr c.
| 4lh ant ! Farnam Sli ,
nit. IIAI.NIVuoii : > i : > MT.C'IFHI CIMIKS
It run l i cl\on lllioiit till ) liiiDUlrilpi-
MMimllrnl hicolfiC' . trarfmnrU'loinf fooil ; will
clli-ft a iH-riiinnrnt ami > | i1 \ cunulKllnr I no
| itlt nt It u nm It i uio .IrliiUi r r on tdcnliollc wreck.
lloiili of I'.irllrulnrii ' fr.n , M IM lin < l of
Kulin X Co. . Illli .V ! ) uucln M * . , Omaha. Arli.
GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. , Prop's , Cincinnati , 0.
COrlt loMUIr 'll , kiiiiU < t | > l' > K'll * > 'l < > luillcJlm.
I/ * * * lllft < i for unnatural
nltchareix , Intlauuimtluni ,
i Irrlutlum or ulcernilong
of m ueu u i mfrabranm.
. .i eoumioo , I'abdMt , > m | i.ol uilrln.
lTHiE H5 CHiMicnCo. RfnrtJr poi
In plain wr ri r ,
elprni , riepulii , | ar
, , or 3 botllf ,
ircular teat uu f
The Mutual Life Insurance Co. , of New York ,
has paid $246,000,000 to its living members.
Has been the benefactor of women atitl children-
to the extent of $165,000,000.
Wan ted in JSvory County.
H. S. WINSTON , Special Representative. Omaha.
AJAX TABurrsrosiTiviiY : nmn
A I. L ArrtmfJr ( tr * h ilInK Mem
ory , lniHjtoncySltH'plp [ iio * rt , tc , iituot1
bjr Alueniitl other KiieMiw anil ImlU-
rrtttlonn TfitjtjittrlJit < tml * iirr/t/
roHtoro LoM. V llnlitr in om or jouiia. an < t
fit u ntnn for tudy , Imntu * * * * or mnrrlnc * *
I'rrTent lnuinlty and Consurai tlon if
taken In lime. Their n * eliown imme < 1lne ( tniprorn *
msnt nnd offset * n CURB where nil others Jatl In *
hint uj > on ImvuiR the enulnn Ajnx Tnblotfl Thojr
huTuourotl lhou an < U nnd will euro 3011c RTO ) a
pOAitlvo written tunrtinteo to nfToctn euro In each cnsa
or refund thu motiur. 1'ricoftOcenm | > er tJickuae , or
hii pucltiiuiM [ full irentuieut ] for $2 ( ) , llr
pi ifn urnpper , upon mtihtt of t rlrc. Circular free.
ftJAX REAIEDY CO. , nXs n *
For unlo In Omalia by James rorsytli , 2C3 N.
ICtli Street.
Kiihn & Ou , 15lh anil Douglas Streets ,
DrtlRRl > t3
CMclirtlcr'ii I'neii li llUmuni : lran3.
OrlelnAland Only < ciiulnc.
Arc. nlwiM rrl'ijlff ' tAnit. tik
frureltt for Cbltkitttri Ix-iluk I > m
wriW Bran tin Itnl an I G W < / uirtnllla\
Jhotel irilc.1 whh Mnc rl | > lnn 'I uko
jnuother. Ktfmtdi yervu i\tlttitU'
? tloniantHnttatlenl Att > rucsl if orsead-lc.
'In itimri for fiartktiUri inllmnolali tnj
" lt IU t for l.iMllo . .1n I'Hrr l.j rrlurit
Lf Mull , ll'.dlio rnilnienUltaneltftr. .
" " I Chli'lititerClicmli * ' < u.fSlotlUiii ( * qua i
flail 1 } > U Locll J'Ullodo. , l'
YORK , Complainant , UK.ilnst ST. JO-
COMl'ANY unil others , UofonilinitH
Whereas , by decrcu of tlio circuit court
of tin Unltctl States , for the district of No-
bniHka , uutoied No\cmhur Gtli. 1S95 , and a
decree of the circuit court of the United
States for the district of KnnstH , entered
November jth , ISS'i , and a decieo of the
circuit court of the I'nlted States for tlio
wi stern district of .Missouri , western dl-
\l3lon , entered No\ ember 14th , 1S33 , In the
bulls of Central Triiht Company of Nuw
YoiU , against St. Joseph i\ . Gland Is
land Uullioad Company and others. It was
adjudged and decreed , that the ald St.
Joseph Ac ( iiaiul iHl.ind Itallroail Coinpuiy ,
shall , within twenty tlays after the entry
of sild dLcrrv of tlio circuit court of the
I'nltid States for the district of Nebraska ,
pa ) or cause to be p ild to said complain
ant Central Tiust Oompaio ol New York ,
or to the clerk of the Unltid States circuit
< isj l district of Nebraska , for the use and
bcnellt of the holdeis of the outstanding
bonds and coupons bocuicd by the mort
maindejcilbid In said decrees , the sum of
57h7rin In Rold coin of the United States ,
with intercutthereon from thu date of
the entry of s ild deuiee. of H'llil last men
tioned court to tlii ; day of payment ; and that
unk-KS such payment shall bo made within
the tlmo directed , as aforrsald , tlio mort-
BIIKO dcHcribed In the said decrees bo fore
closed , and all property , rights or Interest
conveyed theieby , and uion which said
martiMKo Is a lien , which ald propcity Is
herclnaftci particularly described , bo sold
as hereinafter provided and as directed by
paid decrees , and that under and by said
sale all ocjulty of redemption of the defend
ants and any and all persons claiming by ,
tlTOUKh , or under said defendants or lepro-
senteil by any of the parties hcicto , of , In
and to sild inortKap.ccl piemlBcs , property.
ilKlilK and franchises and every part nnd
parcel thereof embraced or Included or In
tended to bo. Included In said mortKaKO bo
foreclosed and cut off and forever barred ;
and that the propel ty covered by the said
nioi iKiiK'n shall subject to the provlulons
nforetMld , and In default of the payment of
ll.o sums found to bo due , as lierclnbuforo
Ktali i ) , anil dlreitPd to bn paid , be sold as an
sntlrcty and In outt parcel without \nlua-
tlon , appraisement or redemption , at public
auction to Iho hlk'litflt bidder or bidders on
thn mortKaKfd premlseH , at tno dipot at
HaslliiKH , Nebraska , on a day and hour tn
bo llxed by the special master , such day and
hour to MO llxid In nccoidanco with the
request of the solicitors or the complain
ant ; and that notice of tlio time , pl.ico and
terms of sale descrlbliiK brlclly the property
to be sold , and lefurrlim to said tlccrccs ,
HhouM bo published as In uald decrees dl-
And hercaB , Hald decrees ere thereafter
tnodllled by decrees duly entered In cacli
of salil courts rediiclm ; the uinount of the
lowest bid which may bo received for the
property to bo Hold to 13,000,000 :
And whereas , neither until 8t Joseph and
draml Island Railroad Company , nor anyone
ono clalmlnK under It , or for It * account ,
has paid or caused to bo paid said sum dl-
lectcd lo bo paid as aforesaid or any sum ,
although mora than twenty days Imvo
elapsed slnco the entry of > ald decrees ;
And whereas , the solicitors of the com
plainant Imvo rrqucHU-d the undorslKnod
tipeclal master dcalKiiati'd l.n said decreeH to
iiialco and conduct Hald snie. to llx the 23d
day of Uocember , IfcM , at 12 o'clock noon
of that day , an the tlmo for sucli sale
Now , thorcforn , purHuani to the nald de
crees , order and rt-quegt , I , the subscriber ,
Kpeclul master , hereby Klvo notlco lhat I
will , on the 23d tlay of JPcomber , lifflrt , or
the day to which I may adjourn the Halo , at
12 o'clock noon , on tlio mortgaged premlflCH ,
nt the depot at HaHtlinw. NubraHkit , Hell at
puhllo fiudlon to the IdKhcHt bidder or bid
ders as an entirety and In ono parcel , with
out valuation or appraisement or redemp
tion , the following dounrlbod ratlwuya and
property , to-wlti All and olngular the rail-
rend of thn St Joseph and Grand Inland Company , extending fiom the city
of St Joseph. In Hut county of Huch.umn
ami stuto of Missouri , and running thence
across the bridge over the Missouri river ,
through thn counties of Uonlphnn , lira An ,
Nomar'ii.tjklarHhnll und Wushlngton , In Iho
ptuto of ICnnsns nnd the counties of Jeffer
son. Thayer , Nuckolls , Clay , Adams nnd
Hull In the Htnto of Nebraska , sublect to
the lolnt use of the said track from Klwoocl
to Tioy Junction by the St. Joseph nnd
Topcka llnllrond ; itlun the bridge nforcsald
over the Missouri river eonnceted with
sild railroad , nt or near St. Joseph In the
stall ! of .Missouri ; und nlKo nil the bridges
owned or elected by the St. Joseph nnd
Grand Itiillroud Company , und nil
the , rights of vva > , hinds , depot
Ci omuls , depots , Htntlon houses , engine
houses , car houses , freight houses , grain
houses , wood houses , coal h-'uscn nnd other
buildings , fences , trestles , b'ldqos nnd cul
verts , cur shops , mitclilno shops nnd nil
kinds of machinery und tools ipi-i ita nil g
to said rnllroad , held or noiu'r-d fet uio
In connection therewith , Inrln Hug ill lu-
comotlvcs. tenders , curs or other rolling
stock und equipment , nnd all implements ,
fuel nnd materials for thu con-tin t'lnn ,
operullng , ropnlrlng or replaelng liio prld
railroad or brunches , nnd ull francliNcn
connected with or relating to thu mid nill-
rouil between St. Joseph , MIsSDinl , nnd
Griind Island , Nebrnsku , nnd Uio suld
bridge neross the Missouri river hold or
ucqulrod by the sild St Josepn t Oruiiil
Island H.illroitd Companv t-i nher w'lb '
nil nnd singular the tenements nnd np
purteniinees thereunto belonging , and Ho
reversion" , romnlnder.s , tolls. Incomes ,
rents. Issues nnd profits thereof , i ml al.o
the cstate.H , rights , clalniH , demuii'ls , titles ,
und Interest whatsoever , UH w il nt law <
In eciulty , of the said St Jaseph & Grand
Island Itallroad Company , Tf , In , ugalnsl
und to the same : nnd also 5 000 Hhnrcs of
the stock of the St. Joseph liildgc lUilldlng
Company , being the entire imuuiit of the.
capital stock of snld company.
Said sale shall bo on thu follow Ing rorn.s :
The complainant , or any bondholder cr
bondholdeiH , und any of the'allies to
said suit , muv bid and jmrjnaho. ut tl c
The snld special muster Hhall accept no
bid for the propeity fiom liny bidder for u
sum less tlmn thu-u million dollars , i or
from uny llddc-i who sh ill hoi ilrst pluco
In his hnndti or deposit with him UH u
pledge tbut Hiich bidder will make good his
bid , If uceeptod , the sum of one nundicd
thoimu.d dollars In money , or In u certi
fied cheek upon n national bank , H.tllHiiC-
tory to Iho Hpeclnl muster. The deposit
no rcc-Ivd from uny uii4iccessr.ul bWdei
will bo re tinned to him vvhr-a Iho piopjrly
Is Htruclc down , und the ikposit lec-'lvcd
from the successful blddct will bo applied
on uecount of the purohaso price of the
property , In CIIHO Htich bidder compiles with
the telins of sale. obe > .s tlio orders of the
eourt legurdliig the same und completes
hlJ purchase If ho fall HO to do , uuc'h
deposit will bo forfeited us a penalty for
such failure nnd will bo applied as the
court mny dlrecl.
If , without fault of the bidder , nny Halo
for which n deposit has been mudo shall
not her I'onllnned by thn court , such deposit
shall bo returned lo Iho bidder. Unless
u deposit of ono hundred thousand dollarr ,
Is made UH aforesaid und n bid of not IC-HJ
tlmn three million dollars IH mudo ut the
Hale , the special master Hhall adjourn the
sale nnd apply to the court for further
Upon confirmation of the sale by Iho
court , llio purchaser will make mich further
payment or payments in rash on account
of the purchase price paid , to bo applied
to the payment of tho. Hums to bo paid out
of the. proceeds of Ilia mile , us ptovlded
In said decree of foierlosuio nnd Hiln uri
thu court may from tlmo to tlmo dlicct.
The bnluncci of the piirchiise prlco not required -
quired to bo paid In cash may bo paid ,
cither In cash , or the purchaser may satisfy
and make good llio balance of hlH bid In
whole or In part , by turning In to bo can
celled or credited , ns provided In fluid do-
crcoH , bonds nnd couponH flijcjurcd by the
mortgage forecloac-d In suld null ? , nnd to
bo paid out of the piocecds of sain upon
distribution thereof , an liciolnnftur pro
vided , and Hucli purchaser will bo credited
therefor on account of llio piuclmso pilco
Hitch sums In cash ax would bo payublu on
such bonds and coupons out of the pineeudH
of nalo , If the whole mnount of the pur-
purchase prlco were paid In cash. All bonds
und coupons thnt may bo lined to nrilto
Hiich puymi nt inuat bo surrendered to thu
aald Hpcclal master , and If the whole
amount duo thereon IH applied upon tint
purchase ) prlco , will be cancelled , but If
IchB thiui said whole amount IH applied ,
then the amount HO applied shall bo sfunped
or written upon paid bonds und coupons.
by thn special minter und they nhiill then bo
rolurnecl to Iho holder. Tim courl i-jHorve-a
Urn right lo lo-scll the property on nuch
notlco nil the court Hhull cllrcot , In ease-
HIQ puronnner Hhull full to make nny p.i > -
. inent on uecount uf nny unpaid butunco
of the pmc'luao pilco within thlity da/
lifter thu entry of the older resulting ouch
The purchaser or purchase. nt nald nnl'- ,
Iila or tholr nuccoasora or naslgnnvlli
hnvci the right within ninety dayn after llio |
confirmation of the sulo nnd tlio delivery of
the lined by the mieclal iniiHtir , UK provided
In said decrcea , to elect which of liui U-asi-.i
and contracts owned or hold by thn said
Grand Island Itiillroud Company , HWli pur
chaser or purchuttcru , bin or llielr rcpru-
eonlallvos or aealgna dealra lo assume .ind
How much will your admi'n
istrator have to sacrifice your
estate to force quick assets ?
An Installment Policy for
$ J 00,000 will leave your family
$5,000 yearly income for 20
years , in any event , and if your
stated beneficiary is then living
he or she will be paid $5,000
yearly during life ,
A 5 per cent Debenture for
$ J 00,000 will leave your wife
$5,000 yearly income either for
20 years or until her death ii
prior thereto ; then $100,000 will
be paid in one sum , A possible
return of $200,000.
I IS $1.500 $ ,
$510 $ DII10 JO'J ' IDT 111
; e ol El1 nl"n"
The true business man acts
oromptly. Get our rates at once ,
accept , nnd will not bo held to have ns-
sumitl any of wild leases 01 contracts which
he or they may elect not to assume and
| Thy pui chaser or purehiiRcis , Ids or tholr
' successors or apslgiiB shall as part consid
eration and purchase price of the property
putchaBt-d nnd In addition to thu sum paid ,
take the- same and icceive the deed there
for upon the oxpicss condition that ho or
they , 01 his or their sueccssorn or assigns ,
shall pay , satisfy nnd Jhcn.irgn ur > y un
paid compensation which has been or shall
! allowed by the court to the iW''l\riH ,
having possession of the jwipt rty
above de.scilbid. and all Indehl-
edtirHs. obligations nn 1 llablliilt I
, which have been legally contiactcd or In-
' i.lined b > Hald i ( " 'elvers In ( he opeiatlnn oren
on account of thu mortgaged pippeity , at
I nny time befoie the same shall bo delivered
I to the pureliaMM or pun Imseit * and also
Indebtedness nnd liabilities contracted
or Incuried-hy said defendant railroad company -
pany In the opcrullun of Its ralhotds pi lor
to the appolntnunt of th - lecelsers which
aie prloi In Hen to the said moitpago foiu-
closed In tmlil'tailtx , payment whereof win
piovlded for by the oiiK-r of the circuit
court of the United Stntes for the District
of Nebinska , dated August 27 , ISK ! > and
which sh ill not bo paid or H.UIsllul out of
the Income of the propeny In the hands of
the receivers , upon the coin t adjudging
the same to be prior In lien tn the mort
gaged foicelosed In said suits , and dltectlng
payment tbeieof. piovlded , .lull , bo
( nought for Iho enfoicement of such Indebt
edness , obligation 01 liability \\lthln thu
period allowed by the statute of limitation. !
of the state of Nebraska , for the ) .
ment of uueh suit tin i eon after .such In-
debteduos * , obligation or liability was con
tracted or aiose.
In the event that s.ild pin chaser or pur
chasers shall lefuse after demand tn pav
nny such Indebtedness , obligation or liabil
ity , the person holding the claim therefor ,
whethci cHtahllshi d In a state court nr any
othei eourt of competent juilsdlctlon , may ,
upon fifteen days' notice to B ild pm chafer
or purchases , tholr .uuccosnor.s or assljiiH ,
Ille his p < tltlon In the elieult i-ouit of the
United States foi the Ulptilct of Xeln.islia ,
to have any Hiie-h claim enfoieed against
the propelti afore-mild. In nee-cndance with
the usual praetlce In I elation to i lalms of a
similar eharat-tei , and sut li puirhasei or
purchasers , his 01 tbeli sueeessois or as-
slgns Hhall ha\e thu light lo appear and
make defense- any claim , debt 01 demand
so sought to bo ( nfuiced , and either piny
Hhall have the light tu upptul fiom any
Judgment , deeico 01 oulir mudn Hun In.
Jurisdiction of thin cause Is n mined bv
said eourt tor Iho purpose -nfcncliig the
foregoing piovlxlons of said dieiees , and the
court leseive-i the light to lo-tako and ra-
sell Hald pioncrty in eate the piirchaHei or
purchasers , his or theli ciiec essors or as-
slgns shall fall to comply with any older
of the enutt , In rcxpeet t the p.iyin. lit of
such prior Indebtedness , obligation 01 lla-
bllltj within thlily days after seivlee of n
copy of suLh ordoi directing such payment.
Such pun baser or pin chasers , and his nr
their sucres."ors or itn.slgnK , shall have the
right to inter hlH or their nppearanccIn paid
couit 01 In an } oilier uouil anil he or they
or any of the p.ulle.s to Kilil Hulls sh ill liavo
thn right lo contest any clilm , dam ind o-
allowance exHtlng at the tlmo of the bald
trcn undeti'rmlncd nnd any ulalm 01 clu-
mand which may ailap or be picHenUil ,
thereafter , which would b" ptyablo by such
puiihase-t or purehiiherH nm m thulr Htiu-
ceaaors or auilgns. or which would ho
ehtiigeablo UKaliHt the pnipeity purchased ,
In addition to the amount p.-.ld by u ild pur-
cliniur or putchnsiis at the iii'v , and may
appeal from any decision leliitlng to uny
such cl ilrn , dernind or iillovvance.
Vion | p iyni"iit of the purchase inlc-n by
the purchaser or pmthnneni of lli" piop-
nrty , or upon making uucli provlclon for
the payment theicof , lie thu couit shiilt ap
prove , the purchaser 01 purchasers vlll bo
entitled lo lecohn from the spieial mitstor
a. deed ( oiivoln the pioneity purchniicd
In HIIC.II piiiohasci or puicmiHcra or bin ' > "
their mie'-cj-iors or assluiiH , and upon Dm
execution and dellvety of such deed thn
giantcn tharoundei will bo let Into thn
poH'iofl-Jlon nf the promlne-H convoyed , and
ilm ncelvern horrln anil any iiaity to Hald
sultH who IH In posse-Hslon nt any nf Iho
mine are illic"pii | by Hald dc-erees to de-llvor
nuch propel I y over to thn pin dinner or
Iiurchnfeiri , his or tl.eli ttucresKorx nr a.i-
Hlgns , together vvlth any piopvity und In
come acquired nr nccived by Biich rfcclvers
Hlnen the commencement of mild EUltH
O.rougli the manngemcnt or npeiatlon o *
the moilgagcd premlHcy , that II.IK not been
appllod or thai ! not bu applied , plllHliant
to the ordeiu nf the court , to the pas m'lit
of oxpcnHOH of operation nnd llalilllU.ti of
the recelvaiH and the railroad ( ompany.
This pj3Ke 3lon will , iiovcrtheleHM. In- sub
ject to the condition that the court may
re tal'o und ro-Hull the property conveysd ,
In cnne the purchaser nr piutliiiseis. his or
their 8iicce orH or iiHaU-nH , nhiill fall tn p.iy
any balance of thu ptire-linso pi ten lemtilnlmr
unpaid , or to comply with any order of HID
court with respect to the piiyimmt of nny
ll deblediic B. 'ibllgiitlom * nr llabllllUs an
provided In nnld deerois , within thirty i
afinr the Heivlco of n copy nf such onier
l''or further partlcularx , und for a morn
full nnd specific dcu-rlptlon of Mie iiruperly
to ho Hold , and thn tninm and condlllcinx of
Hilo , ii'ferent'd IH hereby imiila to thu Hald
decre.'H , nnd until of them on flluvllh th' >
clciiks of the courts hereinbefore moulloiicU ,
Dated November 12 , IHiO
Hpu'lal Mnstc r ,
nUTI.nil , NOTMAN. .101 INK A. MYf.- „
DKIlHi ; , rlollcllo.H for C'oiiiilnlnant | , H
Wall Stiuut Nuw Ycik f'lty , i
MonNov21 23 Uu-lS 19.