omnaNHan / / ft , . / THE OMAHA DA ILY ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 12 , 189G-TWELVE TAGKES. INGKL1S COP if 1TIV.E CENTS. VILD CHEERS FOR WEYLER Captain General Hoturna in Triumph to Headquarters in Havana. HE PUBLICLY PRAISES HIS TROOPS Given Credit fur tin- Campaign that JtcNiiltcil In MHOCO'N Death t < > ( Jcnernl Mnrinilt Aliaineila of the HtnfT. ( Co [ > yrlnit ! , 1S5 , by Vnt * Publli-lilnR Company. ) HAVANA , Cuba , Dec. 11. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Cap tain General Weyler nt the head of a cavalry force , loft Hlncon early today and reached Havana at 5.30 p. in. Ills reception was en thusiastic. The civil and military authori ties and committees of various patriotic no- clctlca met him on the outskirts of the city and escorted him to the palace. The streets along the route were gaily decorated with bunting. Tliu plaza was crowded. In response to the cheering , General Wcy- ler appeared on the balcony and thanked the jicoplo for the demonstration. Ho praised the army for valor displayed In the opera tions in I'lnar del Hlo. His part was sim ply direction. Ho eald that to General Ahmceda , to a great extent , Is duo the suc cess of tlio plans resulting in Macco's death , llelng tatlgucd by the march , General Wey- ler retired early , and the press correspond ents were unable to see him. I understand that In a talk with his adjutant , he per sonally confirmed the report that General Macco passed the trocha In a boat. He con siders Macco's death a nerlous blow to the insurgent cause , but believes Macco's mili tary capacity linn been much overestimated. When ho knew General Wcylcr had returned .1 west. Instead of presenting front to fight , the rebel chief , he says , "abandoned his so-called nrmy , and , with a handful of ofDclals , In cowardly desperation , effected his escape. " I went to Mclcna by rail this morning to Interview Dr. Kertucha. I could not sec him , but I understand that lie says Maceo passed the trocha In a boat with muflled oars In the dark oft Marlcl , accompanied by young Gomez and twenty-six others. That whllo encamped on this sldo Major Qlru- Jeda surprised him ; that in the close firing Maceo fell , Gomez and the other members ot Maceo'a staff retiring In the panic , and that Maceo's body was burled by the road side on the route to Santiago dc Las Vegas. Dr. Zcrtucha was not present at the burial and does not know the exact location of the grave. Major Glrtijcda's force had aban doned Maceo's body among others on the field , but It was found afterward naked. When Dr. Zertucha surrendered ho gave up his medicine chest , machete , revolver and ammunition. General Maceo expected to cross the trocha December 3 , but failed to do so owing to the Illness of his guide , remaining until December 4 , hidden In the hills in sight of Marlcl. Dr. Zertucha says Maceo had a presenti ment of death a few days before. Ho says that in the flght Carlos Mcmlleta was wounded In the foot. It Is reported also that an American named Gordon was among the wounded. OTIIKIt UtllAX I.K.VIIUHS WOUMI13D. .SiiniiUli llnlli'trt Dili SerloiiM Damapre Wlicit MIIPPO Fell. HAVANA , Dec 11. It Is olllclally stated hero today that Mlro , the Insurgent leader who accompanied Antonio Maceo out of Plnar del Illo vagalpp wounded by thp shle of the great "CubHiTBoTdlVr'anT thai'"AlSor to1 Nodirz , Alfredo Jnstlr , Roman Ahumado and ( Ionian , all start officers of Mabeo , wore wounded In the flght during which their loader fell. Dr. JCetucha , who him been given his liberty , hao asked for permission tn leave Cuba for Spain , and therela little doubt that his request will be granted. Burl- ncs.i on the bourse hero baa been suspended In order that the- members Jimy Indulge In the manifestations of Joy at the death of Antonio Maceo. There has been another attack by an In- mirgclit band on , the town of ( lUanahacoa , in which the Insurgent leader , Augiiurln , was ft wounded. The attack was repulsed without serious damage. A dispatch from Matanras says the local guerrillas there Itivo killed nn Insurgent leader , Major Juan Pablo Toro. Advices from 1'alimi , province ot Santa Clara , are Unit tin- local guerrilla force there ho killed an other note/.l Insurgent leader , Nnstor Palnn. HI Dlarlo deu Marina , In commenting on President Cleveland's message , wys , In part : "Tlio president , If ho Is. sincere , should have expelled the Cuban filibustering agents from American territory long since. " The paper also disputes President Cleveland's asser tion that the Insurgents hold two-thirds of the Island. It says the United States should attend to the solution of lie own Interna- tlonal affairs and leave Spain to settle hers. The United States war ship Newark ar rived hero this morning. Nothing can be learned of her errand , or whither she is bound. KEY WEST , Fla. , Dec. 11. Macco's death ls still discredited by the greater number of prominent Cubans , here. Yet there are a number who fear It Is true. All await the arrival of the steamship from Havana to morrow , however , before conceding It to be true. The Spanish consul received official news of Macco's death yesterday. The ro- jiort that Dr. Hetucha , who was Macco's physician , had seen Maceo's body exhumed is untrue. It U learned from a reliable source that Zetucha never was Maceo's phys ician. Some gentlemen hero believe that Maceo had formed a plan with Gomez to go to the Havana district to meet Gomez's forces there , as Gomez had sent 7,000 men to the Havana district. Macuo crossed the trocha with COO men , through Cayejabos. In a skirmish with the forces ot General Arotnu , after ho had crossed the trocha , Maceo's forces wounded twelve of the Span ish troops. It Is reported that Maceo left llloa Rivera , his second In command , who landed from the United States on September 1 , Incharge of the Insurgent forces in Plnar del Rio. Rlos Rivera defeated the Spanish In the last war In the presence of Jovellnnul. CINCINNATI , Dec. 11. A special to the Commercial Tribune from Key West. Fin. , says : An engagement has been reported to tbo west of Havana , twenty miles out , be tween latgo forces ot the Cuban guerrillas and a Spanish column , The details arn not known , but an unusual flurry at the palace today gives currency to the belief that the Insurgents gained the day. Dr. Pomcro Longlz , a prominent physician of Matanzas , was arrested yesterday , and will he summar ily deported. His ofTenso Is that his nephew ban left his house and Is with the Insurgents. Many other , arrests were reported In Havana today , but no names can bo ntcertalnad. I.anraila TnriiH lip Aualn , MADRID , Dec. 11. It is stated that the United States consul at Valencia has an nounced that the Laurada Is near that port. .The Epoca , the official Journal , In repeating 1m statement , says that the man-of-war Marie Therese is ready to start for Valen cia. , ( There la no United States consul accred ited to Valencia In Spain. This prabably re- few to Valencia , Venezuela , ) llrnrlllan Currency Hefnrm. LONDON , Dec. 12. The Times publishes . , dispatch from Hlo do Janeiro which rays ' that the bill has been signed authorizing tbo Brazilian government to nnsiimo the note lisuo of the banks and to Uauo SO- 000 centos In currency an a substitute for the current cedillas. I'renlilent Fiuiro Will Vlull HIINNII. | LONDON , Dee. 11. A Paris dispatch to the Dully Mall says that President Fuuro lias received a direct Invitation from the czarlua to visit Russia , and ho has decided tn 0. i Ttmicnr IIKMAMIS AN APOI.OOY. Snllnn Call * Clcvpliimt in Account for 1'nfrleiidIIIlprniiCPH. . NEW YORK , Dec. 11. A special from Washington to the World , says : President Cleveland , has been called to account by the tultan of Turkey. An emphatic protest was made yesterday by the Turkish government against the language used In the president's message to congress respecting the massa cres of Armenians and the general conduct of the government toward the Christians In the empire. The situation Is mid to threaten the rupture of the diplomatic relations be tween the United Stairs and Turkey. Mus- tapha Hey , the Turkish minister , It Is rumored at the State department , has Intl- mated that if some amends are not made by the president , ho will be obliged to oak for his papers and will return to Constantinople. The deep displeasure of the sultan was made known to Secretary OIney on Thursday by Mustapha Hey in accordance with a cable gram received by him on Wednesday from his homo government. The Interview between the minister and secretary of state la de scribed us exceedingly Interesting" and some what exciting. Mustapha Bey began by stating that his government had Instructed him to make an emphatic protest "against the harsh and unjust language used by the president In his public utterances concernIng - Ing a power with which the United States sustained friendly diplomatic relations. " Thin was accusing President Cleveland of a diplomatic discourtesy , but the minister made it still nioro serious by dating the sultan regarded President Cleveland's mes- rage as the argument of an advocate In that ho presented only ono fide of the case , al though ho possessed complete Information recardlnc the other , or Turkish side , which had been olllclally communicated to him. The minister also called , attention to varl- ou grievances that his government enter tains acalnst citizen * of the United States. Ho said that they had libeled the miltan and abused the Turkish government and had been allowed to do so unrcprlmandcd by the president , although some of them were ! pub lic olllchls. Complaints wcro also made against American missionaries In Turkey , who wore charged with Incltlnc the Ar menians against the Turkish government nnd with aiding them In or concealing the manu facture of dynamlto bombs In Christian churches. It Is said that Mustapha Dey pre- t'onted what the Turkish government regards arf proof made and that they are now on file In the department. Among those accused are Dr. Cyrua Hallln , the well known Congrega tional minister , and Drs. Dwlght and Wash- burn of Huberts' college ! In Constantinople. ItnllllliM Clii-er MIICIMI Dead. nOMK , Dec. 11. Slgnor Imbrianl , the so cialist leader in the Chamber of Deputies , today , referring to the death of Antonio Maceo , said that the house must feel In duty bound to do homage to Mnceo , who died bravely flgtitlng for the Independence ot his country. The sentiments expressed by this speaker wcro warmly cheered by the leftists. Signer Imbrianl added that to rebel was the duty of the oppressed and was glory to him who laid down his Ufa for his coun try's liberty. There has been some com ment here over the fact that Slgnor 1m- brlnnl was not called to order and that no notice was taken of the cheers from the public galleries over his eulogy of Antonio Maceo , It Is understood the president of fered no remonstrance , fearing that the re sult of his Interference might bo an angry discussion. Hnllillnur ItallroiiilM In China. PEKING. Dec. 11. Shcng Taotl has en- gagpd three American engineers for the pro jected railway work. It Is proposed to ex pend 13,000,000 tacla of the Imperial grant In order to construct a portion of the rail road , which will then bo mortgaged. The mortgage will be made to an American syndicate , which will advance the sum ot ( M,000OOOitaclswUKwhluU taf uunlPtit-thoi line. Thfs'syndlc'ato urges i fi Americans , unltko Europeans , are not liRdfy to bo In volved In political complications. Shong Is the avowed enemy of Great Britain , and people hero are now asking If Great Britain under the circumstances , will agree to an Increase of the Chinese tariff. KuisNlaii Stiulenlx' KlolN Co n < In no. ST. PETERSIJUUG. Dec. 11. It transpires that the students' disturbance In connectfon with the commemoration ot the Khodlnskoje plain disaster , where about C.OOO people are believed to have been killed In the panic which accompanied the distribution of food and memorial mugs ln ( honor of the corona tion of the czari were more serious than previously reported. The Cossacks had to charge the crowd , and 1,500 arrests were made. Grand Duke Serglus , governor of Mos cow , has been dubbed "Duke of Khodlns koje. " It is believed that he will soon have to retire , as he Is continually the object of menacing demonstrations , and the subject of menacing placards. anil Ilenrrenteil. PARIS , Dec. 11. Kx-Mlnlt'ter Bahut. who waa released a few months ago from the prison where he was undergoing sentence for connection with the Panama canal fraud ? , was rearrcsted today In order that ho may servo two years In prison for not paying the flno of S91.000 francs' which was Imposed upon him In addition to Ills sentence of Im prisonment. HiiIlilliiK Kill IN iiu a Hundred I'oniilo. MADRID , Dec. 11. A dispatch from Jercp do Frontera announces that a largo building has collapsed there- , burying over 100 per- lions. Kleven bodies have already been re covered. Jero * do Frontera Is sixteen miles north- northeast of Cadiz. KenKer AilvlxvN I'enoefnl AolH. PRETORIA , South Africa. Dec. 11. Pres ident Krugcr , in proroguing the Volksraad today , said that the burghers who desired peaceful progress would act only on the de fensive , never on the offensive , and wished to preserve friendly relations with Great Urlt- aln , Spiiln AViinlx Support of Knrope. LONDON , Dec. 12. The Dally News' Roma correspondent says It Is asserted there that Spain has asked the pope to sound the European nations as to whether they would support Spain In a war with the United States. Slander Trial In Cerinnny. BERLIN , Dec. 11. The National Zeltung Is Informed that proceedings have been In stituted against the Deutsche Tagez Zcltung for slandering Marschal von Bleberatcln , sec retary of state for foreign affairs and the foreign olllco. _ _ _ _ Selioiiviilorr Serlunxly III. WARSAW , Dec. 11. ( Jpncral Schouvaloft , the governor-general of Russian Poland , Is again pronounced to bo In a critical con dition. NIMV Clilncxr MlnUtpr Hn Hoiili- . PEKING , Dec. 11. Wu Ting Fang , the newly appointed Chinese minister to Wash ington , started on Wednesday for his post. KIIIIHIIN ( ' ! ( > llnti-lipr I'diiiul Ili-ail. KANSAS CITY , Dec. 11. Friuilc W. lieu- ben , n prosperous butcher of Kansas City , Kan.MIH found dead tonight on the Cen tral nveiiuc bridge neroHH the Knw river , with a bullet hole In Ills forehead. Ills pockets had apparently been rifled , and It Is supposed to bo a caho of murder by foot pads. Another theory la that Hucbcn may have committed suicide , na he had lost IMX ) thruuKh the failure of the Missouri National bank nnd had been despondent. It Is pointed out that hn may havu thrown bin valuables nway and fired the fatal shot In jnich n position that hlx pistol would have dropped Into'tho stream , t Miivomi'iiU of Ocean Ve nelx , Dee , 11 , At Liverpool Arrived Ithlneland , from Philadelphia ; Campania , from New York , Hullvd Cuvlc , for Ni-w York. At Movllle Arrived Etlnopln , from New York , for Uhmgow. Balled Anchorla , from Glasgow , for Now York. At LondonKallodMobllo. . for Now York. At New York Arrived California , from Hamburg. At Rotterdam Balled-Workciidnni , for New York. STRUCK THE ROCK IN A GALE Sailer Went Down in the Night-Timo and Almost Without Warning. M ABOUT FOUR HUNDRED PERSONS PERISHED Wan nn Old nnd .Small Steamer of the North Herman Iiloyil Line anil Carried a Heavy I.onil of CORUNNA , Dec. 11. The particulars of the losa of the Sailer are still largely con jectural. No one who was on board at the tlmo the vessel went down has yet been found to give an account ot the wreck. Owing to the fact that there uocma to bo no survivor of the wreck , there Is little to fall back on to account for the disaster. Experts hero look upon the loss of the Sailer as having been possibly duo to her having crashed upon the rocks In a fog , as was the case of the British steamer Drum- moBd Cattle , which wan lost In Juno last oft the northwestern extremity of Franco with 250 people. Another theory ot the cause of the dUwster is that the Sailer's steering gear may have been carried away while she was heading around the rocks for Vlllagarcla and the thus bccamo unmanageable and was driven upon the reef , which Is about two and a half miles from land. The passengers of the Sailer , It Is conjectured , must all or nearly all have been In their berths In the e'eorago at the tlmo the steamer struck , and It Is thought , the great majority of them wera drowned before they could tumble out on deck , for no bodies with life preservcro have been found oo far as known at present. The Sailer was commanded by Captain Wcrnpo when she was lost. The steamer had a general cargo. The disaster occurred during the dense fog and In very heavy weather. The Sailer had a fearful passage from Bremen to this port. Two of her boats wcro swept overboard by the heavy seas which heat over her , and she sustained other damage from the same cause. It Is believed that about 400 persons perished. The steamer struck during the night of Monday last , on a ledge ot rocks about two and one-half miles off Capo Corobedo on her way from this place to Vlllagarcla whcro she was to ship another lot of steerage pas sengers , bound for Buenos Ayrcs. A largo amount of wreckage Is reported to have washed ashore. The search made for possi ble survivors of the wreck has so far been unavailing and but little hope Is entertained of rescuing any of the passengers or.crew. The Sailer was an old vessel , which the North German Llovd company had agreed to sell to on Italian flrm trading between Italy and American ports , but owing to some flight disagreement as to the terms the deal waa not completed nnd the steamer was sent on another voyage. She was considered In every way siaworthy and the only reason thn North German Lloyd company had fnr tailing the Sailer vas that there were more modern boats of the same line in readiness to take her place. Her last trip across the Atlantic was made In September last , when she left Baltimore for Bremen , arriving there safely on September 23. The Sailer was of 3,000 tona grow register , 351 feet long , brig rigged and had a single propeller. Cap tain Wempo had commanded the Sailer for a number of years. The weather was thick and heavy. It was night tlmo and the Sailer had to run far enough pouth to clear the rocks off Cape CdrobedV before starboarding her helm and heading.southwestgradually.pointing ; jjrj , westward and then In a northeasterly direc tion , iu order to head Into the bay leading up to Vlllagarcla. But Captain Wcmpe seems to have been thrown out of his reckon ing by the fog and rain and to have headed to port too soon , with the result that ho failed to clear the rocks below Cape Corobedo and went down with his ship and all hands. In the steerage there were about 100 Rus sians , about C3 Gallclans , about 200 Span- lards , according to the estimates , allen on their way to the Argentine Republic looking for new homes for themselves nnd families. If the disaster had occurred after the Sailer touched nt Vlllagarcla the loss of llfo would have been much greater , as It U understood there were nearly 100 pas sengers , men , women and children , awaiting at that port to embark on. board the Sailer for Buencw Ayres. The whole coast In the vicinity of the scene of the wreck Is being searched for survivors of the Sailer , and all hope has not vet been clven UD of picking up some ono who may be able to give details of the terrible calamity. The agents of the North German Lloyd company have been In structed from Bremen to spare no expense In searching for the missing passengers and crow. of the sunken steamer. It Is known that the Sailer had a pilot 'on board when she struck. The weather , however , which the steamer experienced , It described as being in the nature of a hurricane. BALTIMORE , Dec. 11. The North German Lloyd steamer Sailer left this port September 9 last for Bremen. It Is not- thought hero that any changes were made In the list of olll- ccrs. which nt that tlmo was as follows : Captain , II. Wempej first , ofllcer , A. Cast- rlrcher ; second olllcer. M. Mlltlaif ; fourth ofllber , P. G. Ewccko ; first engineer. J. Sell- man ; second engineer , G. Rose ; third enal- ncer. W. Brockman ; fourth engineer. F. Rabo ; purwr , H. Korck ; chief steward , C. Capcllo ; chief cook , E. Koch. LONDON.'Dec. 11. A dispatch from Berlin to an evening paper says that the Sailer was wrecked on the night of December 7 , four' miles north of Vlllagarcla , Spain , and two and one-half miles from land. The dispatch further says that she must have broken up almost Immediately , as parts ot the steamer have already washed ashore. She had on board 214 passengers , mostly steerage , and a crew of sixty-five men. All on board were drowned. The Dally Telegraph learns that the Sailer was not Insured. The Dally Mall has a dispatch from Vlgo , , Spain , which rays that the Sailer struck at1 8 o'clock on the evening of December ' 7. She was apparently driven on the lee shore by- a gale from the westward. This dispatch says that there wcro 2S1 persons on board and that twenty-eight bodies have been washed afhoro and were tenderly cared for by the Inhabitants. BERLIN. Dec. 11. A dispatch to the Col ogne Gazette from Corunna says that whllo It Is true that the North German Lloyd steamer Sailor left Antwerp with only 210 passengers , she embarked more at various Spanish ports , and the correspondent estimates tbo number of victims of the disaster at 400 to COO. MARSEILLES , Dec. 11. The boiler of the steamship Saphallen exploded shortly after she left Hang Kong recently , killing several of her stokers , The Saghallcn succeeded In reaching Saigon. SWANSEA. Wales. Dec. 11. The .British ship Sprlngwell. Captain Klnnan , from Liverpool - pool on December 9 for Galveston , has ar rived here with two survivors of the German ship Rajah , of Bremen and Cardli ! on Tucs > day last for Hong Kong , She capsized In a gale near Mundy Island at the entrance of the Bristol channel. Nineteen of the Rajah's crew drowned , Author M > Nlerlonxly D LONDON. Dec. 12. The Chronicle re cords the mysterious disappearance In Oc tober last ot the author , Crachtshorpc. Ho was staying in Paris and It Is feared that ho has met with an accident or with foul Play. _ llainliiinv DnekerM Piuulx GiveOut. . LONDON , Dec. 12. According to a Ham burg dlspatqh to the Chronclle , the circles there In sympathy with the dockers' strike believe that the battle has been lorn. The funds are becoming exhausted , Ten Tlioiikiiiiil .Starving HIINHIHIIM. LONDON , Dec. 12. An Odessa dispatch to the Dally News fays there are reports there of famine in the Amur districts and that 10,000 people are oturvlnu there. M'ICIM.IiY HAS A HOST OV CAM.HUS. Oovprnor Gary of Mnrrljiml In Ur rcil for Secretary of Interior. CANTON. Dec 11. Major 'McICInloy spent the morning at homo attending to his cor respondence and greeting pleasantly friends * who called. Ono of the most Important dele gations which haa been in Canton for eomo days arrived over the Fort Wayne road at 10:2C : from Washington. H was competed of a number ot national commtttecmcn of the south and several congressmen from Mary land , The party consisted of Senator George L. Wellington of Maryland , Congressman- elect Wlmberly of Louisiana and national commlttccman from that state , National Commlttoeman George 13. Bowedcn of Vir ginia , National Commtltceman William Youngblood ot Alabama ; James Hill , national commlttccman of Mississippi : W. P. Brown- low , commlttecman from Tennessee ; Con gressmen Sidney Mudd , Isaac A. Barber , W. S. Bnozo and William B. Baker of Maryland ; Judge J. C. Long , national commlttecman of Florida ; Jeremiah Connolly , District of Co lumbus ; Colonel Fred Brackctt , Baltimore ; G. B. Hamlet , Baltimore , and W. J. Feaga , private excretory to Senator Wellington. They were met at the depot by Attorney J. J. Grant , vice president of the citizens' reception committee , nnd driven In coacheu to the Hur- ford house. At 11:30 : they called upon the prpsldcnt-clect to pay their respects. They wore ushered Into the south sitting room nnd a conference ot some .length was held. After this dinner was takeivnt a hotel and at 2:05 : the party returned east. From con versations with mcrabera of the delegation It was learned that apart trom paying their respects to Major McKlnle'y , one of the ob jects of the visit was to prtoont the name ot Governor James A. Gary of Baltimore for a cabinet place. They say , that Gary Is the choice ot a majority ot the national com- mlttcemen of the south of the Mary land congressional delecatlon. Governor Gary , as ho is familiarly , culled , was the Maryland member of the jvitlonal committee until succeeded by Mr. Wellington. Besides being active and Influential In politics ho is Interested In the largest cotton mills and Industries in tbo world. But not desiring to specify any particular place In the cabi net , the delegation say that Governor Gary Is peculiarly qualified for the Interior port folio. Major McKlnlcy listened to the good words spoken in behalf of Mr. Gary , but made no reply. Major McKlnley received a telegram from Chicago announcing the sttfo arrival of his wlfo and party. Mrs. Louise Robblns of Adrian , Mich , , was a caller at the McKlnley residence this morn- Ing. Mrs. Robblns is coireapondlng secre tary of the National Council of Women of the United States and caino to present con gratulations and good wishes to the presi dent-elect and Mrs. McKIulcy. Mr. Samuel Neal Kctit ot Lynn , Mass. , presented the congratulations ot the Lynn McKlnley and Hobart club to'tbo president elect. R. M. Lee , a member ot'thc Mississippi state committee , -was a caller this after noon. ! H. S. Moses and Joseph A. Bour , as rep resentatives of the Canton .Business . Men's association , called on Motor McKlnley to day to consult with him In regard to hav ing htm the guest of honor at the annual banquet of the association- , which Is held early in January. After' considering the matter and conversing on. kindred topics It was thought advisable to give all the people , without regard to business or polit ical connections , an opportunity to extend farewell words to Presldeul-clect McKlnlcy before ho goes to tho' national capital to bo inaugurated. To tbo end -that ho may have a parting handshake vMth all who do- slro it , the reception \ylll lie..held in such n , manner and at such , u. pVice as will give the public the privilege ot. taking .leave of their fellow townsman In M-lnfqrmal a.way " OB. possible.- , . ' ? V ' "f" ' " ' " - ' " Tlio' ' reception 'Lv to \fndcT'tha direction of the Canton Business' Men's association and will occur shortly before Major Mc Klnlcy leaves for Washington. The place of holding the reception la also undecided , but a hotel will probably be chosen. Congressman James McLachlan of Califor nia , on his way to Washington , stopped over to confer with Major McKlnley this evening. William D. Wln'lom of the Treas ury department , whoso faiher , the late re ceiver of the treasury , was a close friend of the McKlnleys , called to pay his respects to Major McKlnley this cvcnljig. He Is In the city on government business. CHICAGO , Dec. 11. A News Washington special says : There app'cars to be the very highest authority for the 'statement that General Horace Porter of 'New York has been offered the portfojlo of war In Mc- Klnlcy's cabinet and has declined It. COXKY iisi-itT.s THIS"I'or CiiiniiioiMVPal CiiMiornl Korrllily I2jittN HlniNi-ir from HIM Tarty. MASSILLON , Dec. 11. General J. S. Coxey Issues an open letter to Senator Marlon Butler today , denouncing "the dis graced people's party" sold ou."t to "an Issue so Insignificant as sliver. " "I decline , " he says , "to help chase rainbows of election frauds In Ohio , but hpreby announce my resignation as * a > member of the national committee. " He concludes : "I once left the demo cratic party , and now fnd"that | In order to be out ot It for sure I must leave the once grand but now disgraced"people's party. This Is done In deep sorrow and.wlth the hope to Join a party to which the hope of the republic must look for success from financial and Industrial Ills. " KANSAS WA.Vl'S KHWI3II COU.\TIKS. _ ( iovorncir I.pi'ily Will Ilppiiiiiini'iiil a flt'iioral CoiixdlliliiHon. TOPEKA , Kan. , Dec. 11. It Is stated hero than Governor-elect Lecdy in his forthcom ing message to the elate legislature will recommend a general consolidation cf county government" In the thinly settled districts of western Kansas , where county govern ments organized in boom times are now maintained at a great cxpenre to taxpayers. It hao even been suggested that the forty counties lying west of tbo ninety-ninth mer idian bo reorganized Into but eight counties , but It Is stated that the governor's message will not recommend any specific arrange ment. The plan la sure' to meet with deter mined opposition In reanjf of the towns which would cease to bo'county scats. I'liuiH of ( iiilil PenincratM. INDIANAPOLIS , Dec. ll.j-Tho executive committee of the national uomocratc party at a meeting today doUga'tHl ' Its powers In a general way to a subcommittee , composed of George Foster Peabody ; of New York , John S. Bullltt of Pennsylvania and W. P. Haldcman of Louisville , . This committee , two members of which are In the oist , will ndvloj with Chairman UlynUm. Chairman Bynum will remove at dnco to'New York. "Women May Vole lii'Iilalio. " BOISE , Idaho * , Dec. 11. The supreme court today handed down an opinion In which it Is held that the equal suffrage amendment voted on at tharecent election was adopted and hereafter women will vote In this tjtnte. NI-M > Titooi's IIACIC TO M.VI > VII-I-K. Too Many of Them WITI- for Cnlia While' Jillo In' Denver. DENVER , Dec. 11. Orders were Issued to day for the return or all members of the National Guard to Leadvlllo for duty. This applies to eovcral bundled men who have been at homo on Indefinite leaves -absence , and said to bo duo to the facti that over 200 of them are alleged to have Joined a com pany now being raised In Denver for serv ice In Cuba , A recruiting office haa been opened hero for the pa/U tluvo days , and about COO names have been enrolled. To HP Shot for KlllhiK Ollleerx. SALT LAKE , Dec. ll.-At Ilandolph. Utah , today Judge Hart ncntcnced Patrick Cough- Ian to bo shot on December 15 for the lull ing of Olllcors Da we * nnd Stngir last year , The execution will take pluco In Hleh county near whcro the olllct-ru wcro killed. SEQUEL TO CHURCH SCANDAL Two Deaths Duo to the Disclosures About POT. 0 , 0 , Brown , MOTHER AND DAUGHTER COMMIT SUICIDE Mm. Snrnli Cooper nnd Harriet Cooper Die Together Killer Woman Prominent In IMilIauthronlc Work. SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 11. The death by asphyxiation of Mrs. Sarah H , Cooper and her daughter , Harriet , this morning has produced a profound sensation In this city. No woman in San Francisco or on the entire Pacific coast was so prominent as Mrs. Cooper , who had devoted her llfo to religious and philanthropic work nnd was actively connected with every reform move ment. She was a cousin ot Colonel Robert Ingersoll , with whom , despite their opposite religious views , she maintained a warm friendship. The Coopers had lived entirely alone except for a Chinese cook , who had been In their employ for twenty years. Ho has not yet been found. It Is expected he can throw some light on the tragedy. When the scandal concerning Dr. Brown was first talked about , Mrs. Cooper stood by her pastor and expressed confidence In him. Later developments caused her to change her mind , and she and her daughter became his most prominent opponents and accusers after Mrs. Davidson. Much bitterness In church circles was engendered by Mrs. Cooper's statements on the witness stand at the church trial. Miss Cooper was even more pronounced than her mother In opposi tion to Dr. Brown. This action estranged many old friends and the suicide ot mother and daughter Is ascribed to the brooding over the coldness and snubs of former friends. There Is no doubt but that Miss Cooper was responsible for the deaths of herself and mother. The family physician states that Miss Cooper had been suffering for months from melancholia with homicidal and suicidal tendencies. Her father com mitted BUlcIdo ten years ago , and two cousins , nephews of her father , also killed themselves. Harriet Cooper had made sev eral previous attempts to cud her life , once attempting to Jump from a ferry boat nnd several times announcing1 to her mother that she longed to turn on the gas at night so that she and her mother could pass nway together. Mrs. Cooper concealed her daughter's condition from all except a few Intimate friends and had arranged to take her east soon to place- her In the care of relatives , hojilng the change might restore her health. Harriet left a note to the coroner requesting that the bodies might not bo removed to the morgue. At first the coroner refused to accede to the request , but through the intercession of many friends the corpses were allowed to repose side by sldo In the death chamber. Mrs. Cooper's will , dated two months ago , refers to the probability of her early do- mlso and also alludes to the possible death of her daughter. All her bequests are made with the idea that her daughter would not survive her , as If she anticipated a double death. U Is known that during the past few days Miss Cooper attempted sulcldo by asphyxiation , but was detected b'y hpr mother. During ; the past three nights Mrs. Cooper had watched her daughter and It Is supposed that last night'sho fell asleep .from UxbaustloiC-IIcr " daughter- then .took ad vantage of the "opportunity and after turn ing on the gas lay down beside Mrs. Cooper. Mrs. Cooper was born in New York sixty- four years ago and before the war was a prominent advocate of abolition. She was In Memphis during a smallpox epidemic and did effective work as a volunteer nurse. Two of her children died during the epi demic. She and her husband worked as Instructors to the frccdmen after the war and came to San Francisco in 1870 , foundIng - Ing the kindergarten system In this state. She was prominent as a director of the As sociated Charities , was at one time presi dent of the Pacific Coast Woman's Press association , the Woman's Suffrage associa tion and the Woman's Christian Temperance union. For twenty years she had been a contributor to the press , part of the time being engaged as nn editorial writer on a local paper. She was especially prominent In thn Congregational churches of the Btnto as a delegate to conferences and often oc cupied iao puipus 01 cnurcncs 01 tnc uo- romlnatlon. She organized a new denomi nation and built a new church In an out side district & few months ago. ItBV. C. O. IIUOW.V CO.MI2S TO LIGHT. Mliilxtrr SI-UN the Ctrl He Ijiivpil for Olio llrlcf .Moment. CHICAGO , Dec. 11. "Tho Lord eaves ! Ho has saved me , of all sinners the lowest ! " Uttered with fervence , these words rang from the llpo of a young woman at a Salva tion Army meeting In Wlllard hall last Tueo- day noon. As she spoke her eyes wandered over the llttlo sea of heads bowing In prayer. At the saund of her voice ono of the heads turned Involuntarily toward her. A man with r. pallid face started as though to rise. The cycy of the two met for a moment and there was a flash of recognition. Then the man recovered control of himself. Ho reeumc-d his goat and tliroueh to the end ot the eerv- Ice tat with bowed bend and ehamefaccd mle < n. Few In the audience saw the little scene. The two were the principals In the notorious Overman-Brown church trial In San Francisco , Rev. Charles 0. Brown and Miss Mattlo Overman. At the close ft the trial Miss 0\erman went among the Christian workers and Joined the army. Henceforth she will be known as Sister Martha. It was while on her way to Washington , D. C. , where she goes to assist Mrs. Emily Waller Barrett In rescue work , that Sister Martha hap pened into Wlllard hall. When the meeting was over she \vcnt out and went straight to the Anchorage mission , there to address un audience of young women. Rev. Mr. Brown , when the meeting wan over , went his own way and that brief glance during the services wan their only meeting. What the clergyman was doing in Chicago no one seems to know. Shortly after the trial he left San Francisco and drifted cast to be lout eight of until his dramatic mpctlng with the woman whose natno was once linked with his own. Dr. Brown , formerly of San Francisco , but now residing In this city , gave the following statement to the Associated press tonight : Having business In the Women's Temple building1 , I HAW thn bulletin of the noon meeting nnd went In. I took n scat near the center of the room. Toward the close of the meeting I recognized Miss Over man's voice Im'.ilnd me. She had arisen to give her "testimony. " She wn not on the platform , as lias been represented. I wan not surprised nt hearing MlHH Over man's voice. The San Friinclsco papers had Informed us of her starting for the enwt. nnd kncv.vlni , ' her lovii for newspaper notoriety wo expected that somewhere she would tlnd opportunity to parade herxelf. When I heard her voice I turned and looked at her. She WIIH surprised and manifestly embarrassed , for she hrautfit her remarks to n clorc , dropped Into her seat nnd HOOII after motioned to the worn on who hnd come In with her nnd they left thn room. 1 did not leave the room , but stayed till the meet ing WUH over , I did not In any way mani fest nny uncnnlncsn. The attempt to show that 1 wnn greatly disturbed IH evidently for n Who gnvo that > to the papers ? Evidently no newspaper reporter IWIIH there last Tuesday , or It would have appeared In that evening' ) ) papers. No newspaper reporter wait observed tBiero. The payers have printed what Miss Over man hatf seen fit to give them without the trouble of Inquiring of mo whether It was true , MIHH Overman wrote mn from south ern California H.IVIIIK' tftat Mm. Tnnnell would make a full alllduvlt In my favor , ntllnnlnir , no xhn had provloimly done , that nil D know nothing against me. If I would pay well for It , Hut she added that rhn and Mra. Tunncll wcro surrounded by my THE BElHESULLETIN. Weather Portend , Ocncrnlly Fii WaBcr ; Westerly Winds , rngo. 1. Wrylcr Hcturn "I5 Triumph , Sailor .Striken n Sunken Hock. Sequel In the llrnxrn Sciiaditl. NeliriMkn'fl Cnnh I'nmls Tlcil Up. 2. Civil Service Ilrfnrm Convention. Whorl Kitten Still Unit Hi-eor.ld. Proceeding * cif thn City Council. 3. ix | > n ltloii tllll linn Its rnnlt * . Stnrt Mmlo on thn TnrllT ItiivUlnn. Opposition to Io\rorn' Funding lllll. 4. Kdltorliil nail Comment. n. Stnto Institution Needs Aftalittancc. 0. Council Illnn I-ocul Mutter * . Frppmnn Mystery rows Hn-pcr. 7. Conitncrclnl and I'limnelnl News. IiitdtVi'ch'n llimlnrtg l c\lcweil. \VltnenRcn Make ContratniiM Weary , t ) . Itedlleld on Itcvomx ! ICeform. Wllllnmii Dldeumri ( loud Itond * . KodRO Conntjr'H High .School Cn o. Den Mollies Olrl'fl Onecr Coniluct. 10. Hits of rpiiilnlno ( limlp. 11. In the Fit-Ill nf Electricity. IS. "Tho llrrculi'H of Shlaapcoek. " Notes on Current Literature. foes , who were ready to pay n large sum for a Htiitciiu'iH against mo niul Hint thpy should make up mich iv statement unless I would pay their price. This In the truth nboiit hpr having sent for monpy. Her alleged "confession. " full of awful false- Iioodsi. Is thp result. Let It bp berne In nilnil that this young woman came to our home , appealing for sympathy , professing then , us she ilocH now , to those upon whoso conlUIcnco she Is Imposing , that she had just entered upon a new religious ex ierl- cnrp. She stixyed several months , a pen sioner upon our liberality , and afterward confessed to us\ with tears , that she came to our homo with tine desire and purpose of doing1 what she could to ruin us. Hav ing been In our homo , she i\vnn ready to tell u story which she proceeded In a de liberate plot with Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Tnnnell .to . make the foundation of black mail. Let It bo remembered also that this woman has told four different stories ; that she testified under oath that her previous blackmailing Mory against me was false. Why should nny credence be given to the word of such a woman ? She has Injured every person slip has had anything to do with. Airs. Davidson , hpr bosom companion , was put upon the street by the sheriff and Is now a wanderer. Those who are now trusting her will .probably be rewarded by perfidy and falsehood , as wo have bpen. Wlillo In our home , waiting to give ( her testimony , she did not hesitate to tell the most awful rtorles about members of her own family. She will vilify her present friends when she has occasion. Dr. nrown , In conclusion , referred to the stilcldo of Mrs. Cooper and her daughter at San Francisco. The Coopers were mem bers of Dr. Brown's congregation and were prominent In connection with his trial. "Mrs. Cooper , " ho said , "was nt the head of a great work on the Pacific const , and her death will he a loss to the kindergarten work in particular. Although Mrs. Cooper and her daughter took sides with my ene mies and were my most active opponents , I have treasured no resentment against them and have nothing but sympathy for their friends. " DUI1UQUE , Dec. 11. Rev. C. 0. ttrown of San Francisco was In Dubuque about six weeks ago. cnrouto from Strawberry I'olnt , when HIP Northeastern Iowa Congregational convention was In session at Chicago. The association , which met to refute the action of thej Day district , admitted him to fellow ship. This was accomplished by many of those who opposed the action re fraining from voting. Ilcv. Brown came clandestinely Into Dubunuc and requested to bo Interviewed. Ho left hero for Chicago cage and his friends hero Bay they do not Miow of hU present whereabouts. VSK I'liATTRVVT13Il ! IV COI.OUADO. . . . . , . . . . % j- * ; ! > w. - ' + * Koilernl Plan 'for iiiiIiume'ft c'HeVorT volr < o Save Wa te. DENVER , Dec. 11. Captain Hiram M. Chlttemlen of the corps of engineers of the United States army arrived today and called at the offlco of State Engineer Sunnier to look over the topographical inapa of Colorado rado , with a view to selecting the most de sirable site for a great water storage reser voir. Captain Chlttcnden's mission Is qne of extraordinary Importance to the agricultural Interest of Colorado and marks the com mencement of federal Interest In western Irrigation projects. The lilea Is to estab lish a government storage reservoir or lake In the mountains on the eastern side of the divide , which will save huge volumes of water which now run to waste In the spring. The project will , when completed , open up vast areas of now arid region to cultivation. A start was made last spring when congress passed the bill authorizing the construc tion of great federal reservoirs , one In Wy oming and ono In Colorado. The hill carried with It an appropriation of { 200,000 to de fray the expense's of the surveys and other preliminary work. "I have about decided that the proper place to locate the reservoir would bo at the headwaters of the I'Uttc , " elated Cap tain Chlttendcn. "Tho Platte Is the great distributor of water In Colorado and routh- wcstc-rn Nebraska. I will start out In a few days anil look over the South Park region , but actlvo work cannct be commenced until the heavy tiiows disappear. " The American Society of Irrigation Engl- ncers , holding Ha filth annual meeting In tlilo city , today elected officers as follows : President Q , 0. Anderson , Denver ; vice pres ident , J. S. Dennis , Calvary , Can. ; secretary and treasurer , J. S. Titoomb , Denver , reelected - elected ; directors , Elwood Meade , Cheyenne , Wyo.j B. M. Hoggs , Tuctnn , Ariz. ; J. S. Green , Pueblo , Colo. ; nomination committee for the coming year , B. H. Newell , United States geological survey ; Q. J. , Roskrudgc , Arizona ; J. 11. Llpplncott , California ; S. Robbins - bins , Montana , and D. W. Iloss , Idaho. IIIG COAI. S'J'IIIICIS IS mid Miner * An * Fourteen C'enlN Apart In ArriuiKlnu ; Scale. PITTSBURQ , Dec. 11. When the Joint convention of railroad coal operators and miners met this morning the rate comint- tce , appointed yesterday , reported that they wcro unable to agree. The miners' ultima tum was 74 cents per ton from January 1 to March 1 , and 79 cents for the following ten months , while the operators offered CO cents for the first two months and C3 cents for the balance of the year. An exciting discussion then followed , and the committee was discharged. The conven tion Is now trying to patch up a temporary agreement until the conference Is held with the Ohio operators to fix tliu differential. If this settlement Is not effected there will be a general strike Involving 0,000 miners In this district. Upon tliu rejection by the miners of a proposition to work for CO cents per ton until January 1 the Joint convention ad journed sine die. The miners then went Into secret si-scion to take action of ttio offer made by the operators. STATISTICS ON .V.ISSIO.VAHY WOHK. Ilov. lir , Stronil of lliiHton l'ri-iai- .Sonic IntercHlIni ; KlKurrH , HOSTON , Dec. 11. A nummary of Protes tant foreign missionary work throughout the world has been prepared by Rev. E , E. Strond , D. D , , editorial secretary of the American board. The totals , compared with last year , show an Increase In contributions of about $1,100,000. In the United States tht-ro was a dccrcaio of about 70,000 , The communicants have Increased by about 04,000. In tliu United States , Canada , Great Britain , continental Europe. Australia , In dia , Africa , etc , , there are 207 tocletlcs , 4,025 stations , H.030 outstatlons , C.33G malu mlsilonarlcg , 5,075 female mlsilonarlei , CO , . 1C ! native laborers , and 1.221 , 170 communi cants. The Income In dollars Is flGG1943. ! to Hallway I'aNNi-N , BPIUNdFIELD , III. , Deo. II. Tliu Illinois Htnto grange has adopted u resolution do- mandliiK that thn lotltdiituro paxH a law making It it criminal orfi-iisu for nny rail road to glvt ) or offer public olllclalH pasties ; ulHo making H u criminal offKiiHu for pub lic olllclalrt to accept or use PUBSICU. STATE FUNDS ARE TIED UP rioMing Indebtedness Increases While the Cash Lies iu the Banks. TREASURER BARTLEY'S ' PLAIN STATEMENT Money llplntiKlnu ; ( o Hie ( Jrncrnl 1'tinift Cannot Ili Tom-licit nt Present niul Volionl Kiiiul CiiNli In Snornl. LINCOLN. Dec. 11. ( Spoclal.-Ovcr ) Jl.i 900,000 of state general fund warrants are outstanding , while nearly JCCO.OOO l supposed to bo In the hands of the state treasurer to the credit of the general fund. The $1,900,000 warrants are drawing Interest at 5 per cent for their holders , while the state Is at best getting 3 per cent on the $000,000 which ] on deposit In dIKcrcnt state de positories. This Is the showing which will bo made when the report ot the state treas urer Is given to the governor and by him transmitted to the legislature. It shows n condition of the state finances which will require the Immediate attention of the leg islature and tax to the utmost the Ingenu ity ot the legislative financiers. When asked what three figures mean , State Treasurer Hartley has replied that they mean exactly what they show on their face. "They mean , " he cays , "that , whllo there Is nearly JCOO.OOO on hand In the general fund , It Is on deposit with banks , from whom the money cannot be drawn with safety. The showing will go Into the members of the legislature Just that way , and If the members wish to take the re sponsibility of ordering the money drawn out of these banks It will rest with them to do so. " It seems that this condition of the gen eral fund Is presented for the first tlmo In the history of thestate. . Four years ago , on November 30 , 1S92 , the balance In the general fund was $18,033.05. Two years later , on November 30 , 1S94 , thp bal ance In the general fund was $ SO)10.GO. ! ) This year the balance has mounted to the enormous figure of $580,000. Two years ago , when the state treasurer made his last biennial report , there wcro outstanding total liabilities against the balance In the general fund warrants to the amount of $577,825.75. This year they have Increased to the colossal llguro of over $1,800,000 , or over three times what they wcro two years ago. WAS THEN TOO SANGUINED In the light of these figured the statement made by Treasurer Hartley In his last re * port Is extremely Interesting. In that report - port he says : "Tho general fund which has been strug gling with a floating debt of $037.383 , In creased greatly by excessive appropriations In 18S1 , and having no relief In a corresponding spending Increase In levy of taxes , being the fame nn It was , I , P. , 5 mills , has received material aid from the Hospital for Insane fund and from miscellaneous receipts from , state olllccrs' < cc < i , United States aid for the Nebraska Soldiers' and Sailors' home , etc. , to the amount of $150,000 , which , together with the collection by counties of delinquent state taxes , will , no doubt , clear this fund fi-om this Indebtedness within a few months. JL base my calculation * ) on the small appro priations of 1893 , and the Increased valuation of property as detailed on the assessment rolls of the state , which amounts as levied for taxes to about the minw appropriated. I am almcat confident that the dcbt'wlirttt .wiped out inJuno. , ISOOljferat J , . . _ , „ * - . Treasurer > 'Bqrtleyla ' confl < ] onco1 that the floating" debt nt the Btnto would bo wiped out by June , 1895 , docs not ficcm to have been Justified In tlio light of more recent events. Instead of being wiped out , that debt neeimi to have Increased between three and four fold. And that notwithstanding the fact that for a good part of It there Is money In the treasury which should have been paid out to meet outstanding obligations. Thcfio disclosures are not the only ones which will demand the attention of the state legislature. Thn condition of the permanent school and university funds will also requlro consideration. The amount of uninvested money In the permanent school fund Is sup posed to bo at present about $ -110,000. Tills money has been kept In the poracralon oC the state treasurer , separate from the cur rent funds deposited In depository banks , and held by him as subject to his own discretion In the matter of depositing It. The state treaburcr has always rsfuced to tell whcro thld uchool money Is , maintaining that ha alone Is responsible for Its safekeeping. Whether this money or any part of It la also In ba-iks on which It Is not safe to draw , has not yet been disclosed , ACCUillir.ATinv nw TIIM pitvn Two years ago there was only $117,313.01 In the permanent school fund , and It wan expected at that tlmo that this money would bo Invested under the law In Interest-bear ing , registered state warrants. This warrant registration law wont Into effect August 1 , 1891. and there wcro registered under It up to November 30. 1891 , $3,149.4S2.'I2. In war rants , of which amount $2,902.201.21 had been redeemed. Since this report was made , however , Instead of continuing the Invest ment of these funds In Interest-bearing state warrants , under a ruling of the attorney general , the practice has been stopped and the money accumulated In the hands of the state treasurer. For that reason the bal ance in the permanent school fund Is larger now than It was two years ago. The Kiiino situation presents Itself In the matter of the permanent unlvcislty fund. Of this fund there Is more uninvested money than Invested money , and the uninvested portion amounts tcl something like $80,000 , the Interest on which has been lost to the university under the existing management of the fund. In the estimates of the university regents for the ensuing 'blcnnlurn , this monpy Is relied upon as euppng ! ! ono bf the resources to the extent of tlio full amount of the Interest at the rate of G per cent. If this Is to be realized the money will have to bo Invested , cither In registered state warrants , or In the other securities provided by law , and to Invest It It will have to be drawn out of the banks In which It U at present deposited. It Is expected that the treasurer's report will show that ho has In his possession between 51,500,000 and $1.000,000 of current funds , which , added to the $440,000 of school money , will make a grand total approxi mating $2,000,000. Of course , from this must bo deducted tlio $236,000 locked up In the detunct Capital National bank , arid the other smaller sums which are held by other failed banks. This money , with the excep tion ot the school money above referred to , Is supposed to bo on deposit In the utata depository banks. LIST OF DEPOSITORY HANKS. The banks which have given hands , and which havu been designated an state de positories arc : The American National , Commercial National , First National , .Mer chants National , Nebraska National , Na tional Hank ot Commerce , Omaha National , Union National , and the United States Na tional of Omaha ; the American Exchange National , Capital National , and the Colum- ilan National of Lincoln ; the Adams County , the Flrtt National , and the German National of Haitlngs ; tliu Hulfalo County National of Keuniey , the Flnt National of Columbii" , the First National of Heatrlco , : lie First National of Auburn , the First National of Crete , the NYliranku City Na- .lonnl of Nebraska City , and the Suundcra bounty National of Wahoo. Of tlicsu ; hrcc , namely : tlio Capital National of Lincoln , the Buffalo County National , and the Flrtt National of Heatrlco are at present In the hands of re ceivers , with moreor lets state money In their poviesilon , The bonds which these Iwnks gave were approved by Governor Croiinso , and at the time were supposed tel l > o ade'iuuto to tcciirc all deposits of ntulo money which might bo mudu In them , U la not known whether tbo byudi have under-