Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1896, Page 3, Image 3
THE 07UATTA DAILY BEE DEOEMHKR 11. ISS)0. ) IE ? COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT MIMIIl MKNTION. ram. ' on and photo supplier , No. 12 prnrl Bf " 01 t judge l.cwln of nirpwood vas ft Hlutfs tiiltor ln t evening. I * II Hill Is In St. Louis attending a .iicol iif ? of haidwnro men. Mrs 1'nd Hlnkcr of North I'latte , Nib , In n guest of Mr . W. Ketn Deputy SheillTfc Ooi.-.pun , Haite : ard Wclghtinan nro In DCS M'jlncs. Tlio youi g | ipilc | ) nf llio I'l.-st Presbyterian give nn Initial pnrly In the cMireh tlilo uMili'K. ' . Uvtijbody Invllid. Mr li A. Cfihpcr Kavc 1111 aftcrtoon eotfce jrnterdiy nt htr icnldenre on imt : iMerce CM cot Tlicro vvore about llilrl.v-flvo ladl i pictrtlt niiHtlc Itl'oada , llio tr.imn. h cald to rtilnk from vxanhmg u different from uooh'im unit to tlio Kaglc laundi ) . They novcr shrink. 721 Ilroadway. Lily Camp Aid torlety meets Friday aftcr- nooii nt 2 30 at tlio rcwldinro uf Mm. I' . It. \Vllid , 73S Washington avenue Ko/al Kelghbom of Am" ! lea aio requested to be present. All members of Martha Washington camp , No 12 , 1'atilotlo Older Daughters of Amer ica , aio ierricsti < l tu nttrti'l tlio meeting to night hi the hall , 101 Main Httcct. election of ofltccin. All person * Interested In the norlc of the Huniane suilcty of this city arc ( ordlall ) Invited .ind urged to attend a meeting which will bo held In the parlor * of the V. ? l. C A nt 3 o'clock this afternoon. Miss Nclllo Johnson was taken suddenly III nt the High selioal jcsterdayhcrc > he ! a pupil. 1'rof Haydi'ii called a carriage and had hrr tuKen to her home , 711 Mill street , and a physician called Tlio I'ajlon Comedy company , tlio at traction at the Italian ) all next week , \i \ the strongest repertoire attiactlon In tlio vest , carrjliu ; u cemian > of twenty people , a magnificent band and orchestra and a clear , acting company The opening bill Is the great four-act PoiiH.UIoral Atneil'n.i comedj , "A Midnight Cull " Lcdlts. are free on Mo.i- d.iy night when accompanied by an escort holding one SO-cfiil re'vi ved tent ticket. The Kilo of et'ats opens this mornlni ; at Selter'n drug store. With llio I'trong attractions nt jiopular prices llio hoiiie should be packed all next week. R. Kaedale I ( .turned ycsteiday from an extended western and southern trip He went directly from Council Hluffa to Seattle , thence to llrlttah Columbia and Ihen by ocean plcamor to Portland and San Fran clsto Dilrlng twenty-four hours of the ocean trip the ship was In a storm , and the Bluklng up that Kasdalo received was so much moie severe than any he ever received while discharging hla duties as a policeman In Council Uluffn lhat It made him very sick. From San Francisco he went to Mexico ice and saw enough to ( onvlnco him that hn acted wisely when ho delayed starling upon hlH trip until he got a chance , lo vote agalnut free silver. C n. Vlavl Co. , female remedy. Medical consultation free Wednesdays. Health hook furnished. 309 Mcrrlam block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Iloston Store will bo open every evening until nftei Chrlstinao. Fresh meats. Ilartlctt ( irpccry Co. Mixed nuts , fie pound. Drown'H C. 0. D. Hool.rrH fur ClirlMlmil * 1'rt-ti'titi Don't forget that 3. S. Keller has the finest line of rockcra and chairs at the lowu&t prices. Nine liars silk soap for 25c. Urown's C. 0. D. Tnli'M nf u Hit ) Tramp. The police entertained a little black midget last night who gave the name of Ud linker. He drifted Into the station during the early part of the evening and rinlcklv got upon terms of familiarity with Captain Maltby and the night force. The boy said his futhcr taId ho was 1C jcuis old , "bill I think , " said Ihe boy , "the old man's mis taken. I think It's about twelve yoant ago that I got ditched In this 'ere world. " The boy had just come In on the trucks of a pas- ecngcr car from Milwaukee , and for several hours he entertained the otllccrs wllh amus ing and glowing accounts of his travels all over the United States. He Is a product ol Council llluffx , and for that reason ho felt no icluUnnco In calling at the station when ho arrived after a long absence. He run away from hta home hero three jcara ago and hati since been seeing all that could be BCCII by traveling \\bere\cr railway llnc run Ho grew confidential and gave Cnp- tnln Mallby several bints thai he declared vumld bo of nac lo him If he ever vvcnl out on thu roud. IIIx accounts of bis experiences and narrow escapes from being killed v\erc amusing nnd often pathetic. Once uhlle rid ing on the trucks of a paf engcr train Unit v\ns just pulling out of a fltnllon he had a thrilling experience. A long utrnp vsas at- laehcd to his bootblacklng kit. One end of It \\a u rapped flrmly around his \\rlst , and uhllu gulling Into a comforlablo position on Ihe trucks the kit was placed above one of the axles. The box fell v\llli llio sirup ociess the iixlo and In some manner was cairled nronnd the slowly revolving axle. The child could not loosen the strap from hla urisl and Iho winding of It was pulling him from his position to death. The little fellow held to his position , "for I knoued , " nald ho , "Hint It uas between me and the strap. I was stronger than the strap , an' It broke , an" I staid , but It pretty near took my arm out. an' of course I never see thu box any more. " Ho showed a deep scar around his little black wilst where the blrap had torn the llcsli biforo U gave wax- Parties having IIro Intmranco policies writ * ten by 1 : . H Odell that need attention should call on Moss 10. Day & I loaf , 3'J Pearl street , general Insurance agents. Bartlctt Grocery Co. has two stores , one opposite poslofllcc , one Elghlh street and Uroad w ny. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iloston Sloro will bo open every evening until after Christmas. I < \ W. Dean , M. D. , eye , ear , nose and throat. 241 Me-rlam block. Mixed candy. Cc pound. Urown's C. O. D. Hartlett Grocery Co.'s big I ) flour , 99c. If fill KNtnlo TrniiNfrrx , The following real estalo transfers v\cro reported ) ostorday at the olllco of J. W. Squlro : Sheriff to Scotllsh-Ainerlcnn Invesl- iin-iit romp my. lotH 7 nnd S , liloclc h ; lotH 1 iiiul : , block 14 ; lot 1 , block 4 ; lots C , 7 nnd , block 5 , Poller & Cobb'H ailil , H ( I $ 621 30 Annie ( In'on nnd husband to ThomiiB Green , lot 17 , block 1 , aunnyslde , w d 25000 A V Larimer to Joseph ( illmoic , i-j-G \ vv'ine'i 15-77-41. l e il 1 00 12 11 OJi'll. triiHlee , lo ticottlxh-Amor- Icutt InvpMtmi'tit I'nmn.inv tnt * . block 7. UviTi'tt'H mid q c il IMuunl I ? Hnnce nnd wlfo to Charles K Klmliall. part lol 2. block 40 , iv- erell'H add. w d Mitggln A Mnlthnl et nl. to Mnry A Allen nnd IMtlh N WeslerdnCii. part lot IS. orkliml pint , w d A N Cliase nnd wlfo to Corn 1C Mc- Carly , lots 1 , 2 nnd 3 , block 11 , Oak land , vv d S W Henley to Snrnli SI HeHloy , lotH 1 to 8 , block 1 , Hetdey'H mihdlv , vv il Joidnli Danfortli to William A llrlileenmn. lotH 10 , 11 , -1 nnd 22 , block 11 , Howard's ndd , w d Mnry A Allen et nl. to MIIKK | A Mill thai , purl lot JS , original plat , vv d CliurloH 1 > llniHlan nndlfo to Uiku Mnnawn lmd eomp.iny , undivided M4 acres In VI acres in neV4 11-71- It , < i c il Chicago , Hoek lulntul Af 1'nclllo llnll- v\ny eompany to A J Steplicnson , Kunnllaii , iif'J ni'U 1S-T-I-4. , vv il Dnvld Henry nnd wlfo lo John H nnd AIIIOH A Henry , vvli wvU 7-T7-1I , vv il Chicago , Iloek Ixlnnd & I'nelllc Hallway - way eompany to Orlu W ll.irlon , n'i vv\4 \ 6-7(1-39 ( , < i c tl I < I' Jndxon nnd wlfo to C T Ilrue- Kenheinkf , part uwi4 neU 21-77-12 , vv il James U Unvldbon and wife to Hllcn A Wleklnun , lotx 5 nnd G , block II , CurtlH A ; ItaniHcy'H add , and H "S feet lot H. block B , JackRon'H add , w U COOP , ARBOR AND ORCHARD Fruits of All to Bo Shown in a Big Combination Exhibition PLANS FOR THt SHOW ARE COMPLETED HID CculturNI : : < . | i < Tturni Cniii- lii-Utlnii fni' Thi'lr I'riMiiliiniN ami I'd u llr ) f'a'irlrr * Kium Tltoy V. Ill MIMC .Manx tlxlilliltor.t. The nUcmsn hulldlnM being rapidly transformed Into a comforti.blc place for Iti-ciilng 1,500 chlikenn , duckr. , geese and olher fowls that arc expected to be on exhibition at the- annual sho-v of the I'ottawnttamlc 1'oultiy , Fnr.n end Oardnn asaoclntlon , lo be he-Id here next week. At least that number of blida will be on exhibition and prepara tions tan bo made for even a larger number. In addition to the feathery tribe that will or-cnpN the thiee floors above tlia flrsl Ihere v.Ill ho an excellent display of fruit by the Southwestern Iowa Horticultural society that meets during the same week. So far only two counties , Mllln and 1'ottawallamlc , have cntutd for the county exhibits , but a large number of Individual displays will be niude The local fruit men have been hard nt work this fall gelling together the mosl credltiiblo display ever made by them and thej promise lo give Mills county a more lulereitlng eonti it lhan for some lime. The premiums for llio heal county dli- plnv aio $10 , $ S and $0 ; for the best Indi vidual display , $8 , $ B nnd $1 , for Ihe best canned fruit and vcgelable , fC , J4 and $2. In order to make llio general exhibit an nl- traell/e as poslblu an additional Induce ment has been offered for the most artistic fruit design. The prizes for these will bo , $10 , $ S and $0. Premiums are also offered for the best grain and ueed exhibit and for butter and other household products. There It. gieat Interest being laken In Ihls depart ment of the show , as the wives and daughters of Hie members are determined lo exceed their efforts of Inst jear , when such a fine ( olleellon of bread , cakes and preserved fruits was exhibited. In the list this year are biscuits , cookies , ginger snaps , dough nuts and various kinds of cake. All these must bo entered .Monday , on which day they aio lo have been baked. The i-ntrlcu for the chicken show arc coni ng In most encouragingly , nnd the com bining of the Interests of the local Institu tion nnd those of the Omaha poultry fanciers , has been the of means ntlraUIng many e\- hlbllois from all parts of Nebraska and elsewhere llmt have never before como to Council Illufls. The entrance to the show will be appro priately decorated. The windows have been offered to the Iwo lloilsts of the city , but they have not decided to dccoralo na on foimcr years The windows will be used by the Iwo rarlt'tlej and one will bo typical of the poultry fancier nnd Ihe other of llio fruit grower. 'Pie chicken show , will open Monday and Urn Horticultural society meeting Ihe next day nnd continue for three daya The poultry fanciero will be hero all week. A meeting of lliu Grape Growers' aoaocla- llon was held > cstcrday afternoon nt the ofllce of Secretary Hereld on Upper llroad- way All of the members of thu decorating committee selected to take charge of llio exhibit tlio association will make at the SoulhweMcrn Iowa Horticultural Society ex- Itlblt at the poultry who.v were present. They were D J Smith. J. A. Hcrcld , L. O. Wil liams. Alex Wood I , A. Camper , F. J. Wllcox and Joe Mcl'hcreon. For n hour the mem bers discussed plans for preparing Ihelr exhibits. Secretary Hcrcld reported t"iat the management of the exposition had given them all of the easl side and the wall of the niKinan building If lliey required it The matter of making Ihe deigns for tlio cxhlhllB brought forth a great deal of dlscus- Klon. Aa there Is to bo a sharp competi tion among the designers nnd In the designs the association felt that the selection of llio men lo make llio design way of llio grcalest Importance. The opinion was unan imous thai Mr. Casper was tlio proper person lo originate nnd execute llio plan , and In I'plle of his molest demurrers he was dl- iccted to do the work and call upon the other members of the committee for w lint- over help and material wnt ) needed. U Is certain Hint Mr Casper will call Into piny all of his skill and fancy In designing and executing the work , and as bo has unlimited mateilal 11 will bo tomclhlng nice. llaplill ) IlliMiili-il. Wo vcntnio to say that our toro Is the bc t arranged in the city , tilled wllh tare gems of diamonds , fine Jewelry , walches and chains , silverware and ll\er novelties. Wo make specially low prices on table cut lery , carving n ts and full lea huts , quadruple plato. C. U JACQUKMIN & CO. , 27 South Main street. The women of the Unity Guild will serve meals today at 401 Broadway from 11.30 to 2 p in. and from fi-30 to 7 p. in. Wanted , position as stenographer by lady of ten years' expo'lencc. S , lleo ofllce. Iloston Store vvll ! be open eveiy evening until after Christmas. No betlcr flour made lhan Daitlelt Gro cery Co.'s big A , $1 10. Fancy Now- York apples , Jl.EO per barrel. Hiown's C. O. D. DlNlrlcl ( ' ( iiirlolfN. . T.ic National Cash Ueglslcr company baa broughl suit agalntl Iho liurtlctt Grocery company for the poswisslon of n cash regis ter. The machine Is valued at $200. The plaintiff stales lhat the register was wild to I'ratt & Cllne of Omaha lasl February. One of the conditions of Iho sale was that they were to pay all Ihe notes duo on the register before II could leave their POIUCP- flon. The Hartlett company claim that they bought the machine from Meyer & Haapke of Omaha. Judgment la asked for the re turn of the machine and $22.CO for the UPO of It since the demand was made. In the superior court the cnso of Pyle ngalnst Wllllanm was submitted yesterday , T.IO action wau tried some time ago and Involves a disputed draft amounting to about a hundred dollars. Judge Green took the case of Pcycko Dros. ngalnst John T. Hazcn from the jury ycs- terdny by agreement of the parties In terested , The point at liuuc was held to bo one simply of law and not of fact and will be decided later by the court. The care of Michael Goodwin against the Travelers Protective association for $500 benefits for an accident lhat he Buffered was tried before Judge- Green yesterday. The defense pet up by Iho Insurance company was lhat the plaintiff 'had ' changed his occu pation during the life of Ihu policy , male- 1 11 1him n morn hazardous risk , and thus not bringing him within the scope of llio policy ap al llrsl Iwued. The cneo WBB given lo the Jury at C o'clock last evening. Go to Ilartlctt Grocery Co. 'a flour sale. Illinium * .So r ! < ! > ! l Uev. Henry , as president of the local branch of the National Humane so ciety , 1ms called a meeting of the society to take place Ihls evening In Ihe parlors of Ihe Young Men's Christian association The Invitation Is cxtendiM to all persons not members of the society who take an Interest In Its work to bo present. The society has had lltllo more than a theoret ical existence In Council Illuffs , and has never been respoimlble for a prosecution but the members now propose to make It an active organisation that will bo the means nf protecting whatever Is unable to prolect Itbclf , The members at the meet ing tonlKht will familiarize themselves with all of the stale lawn under which the- so ciety can bring. prosecutions , and will also inako an effort to Increase the member ship , _ Uest pork loin roast , 5c a pound , Urown's C. 0. U. _ Iloston Store will be open every evening until after Chrlstm&u. Bartlett Grocery Co.'i big A flour , fUO. . \fitii : \s TO TIII : MV < S PXVIMS. Ainonu : on ( linl Tiiilr | riniill ) i < > ltli-il. All misunderstanding In relation to the slag paving on Ix > wcr Uroadwny was re moved for the time being at the meeting of the Joint committee of the board of super visors and the city council last evening. Colonel linker had raised Ihe question nt Ihe session of Ihe commlltco n few dajs ago that the work was being Improperly done because Ihe slag was being put down on the frozen roadbed Ho also Insisted thai llio lime limit of December 15 should be enforced. Since them , however , he has been Investigating the matter and he voted with the rest of the Joint committee to extend the time for the completion of the work until June 1. He Insisted thai Ihls lime should be slrlclly enforced , nnd that a penalty of $25 n day should bo fixed for failure to comply with these terms of the contract. Dr. flarstow presided last evening , nnd all the members of the- Joint committee were In atlendance cxccpl Supervisor Auld. George F. Wright was present to represent the motor company , as they had contributed $1.000 to Iho Improvement. Mr. Wright was In favor of letting the contractor go ahead with the work nil winter as the weather pcrmllled , and urged that the tlmo. bo extended until Juno 1 for the final completion of Ihe work. Mr. Wlckham stated that ho had been delayed In getting the slag along. In stead of gelling ten carloads a day , as he had contracted for , he had only been able to got three or four. Ho hail no object In delaying the work , as the roller he was using cost htm $7 a day , and ho was as anxious as anyone to get llnougli. Colonel Daker stated that ho objected to the manner In which the large pieces were- being put In , as this would make them work lo llio lop of the street nnd prevent It from packing properly. The other mem bers of the Joint committee were perfectly willing lo consent to any requirement thai Colonel Ilakcr might ask as lo lime for- fell , nnd the matter was all satisfactorily netlled. _ Tlin - < o Glenn I'p. It Is getting about time there should be a general cleaning up. This nice weather gives a person time to think how much nicer the city would look If the Htreets were cleaned up and put In shape before winter sets In. The merchants also rtallze that U is time to clean up n little and get rid of olds and ends. Hughes , Iho Men's oulflller at 415 Droadvvny , has caupht the fever nnd has commenced cleaning up. He Is mak'ng a great cut on remnants In Shoes , Under wear , Caps , Gloves , etc. , before the holiday Irnde fairly eels In and will devote this week to cleaning up. Hotter drop around You may find Just what jou are looking for and get a bargain. ClirlxltniiH t'roNcntu for lien. Longlcy ami Dunlap hata. Louis Auerbach's fine neckwear , Just re ceived from New York. Smoking Jackets , dressing gowns , bath robes. Fancy vests , fancy shirts , silk and linen handkerchiefs. MCTCALF BROS. Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes the best nnd most bread. Ask > our grocer for It. 23 Ibs. fine granulated sugar , $1.00. Ilroun'8 C. 0. D. Fine lUcry for parties and dances , Ogdcn Livery , 158 Broadway. Telephone S3. Hlg U flour , 90c ; good enough for anjbody. liartlett Grocery Co. Durfco Furniture Co.'s great removal sale Is now In full blast. You In It ? If jou want a bargain In watches and diamond's call nt Snjdcr's , 323 n'way. Bartlclt Grocery Co.'s big A flour , $1.10. Visit C. O. D. Brown's toy department. C1TV MUST PAY IIIM.S TXVICK. Dt'M MiihifH OllU-lnls' I.IXIMIlltiNlmNH MrtlmilH CIIIINI * ComiilliMitloiiH. DCS MOINES , Dec. 10. ( Special Tele gram. ) The dally clly hall scandal came forward today. It develops that the work men In Iho east sldo Intersecting sewer are about to o on a strike for their wages. The city has been paying the contractors regu larly , but Ihe men have not been paid. There Is about $5,000 due them , and Iho work would have been completed in a few dass The city has been paying In oitlmatcs to the full amount of work done , and indications are that , as the contractors nro not finan cially reliable. Iho city will have to pay about $4,000 of the labor clalrcs. It Is one of the results of loose business methods. OlllcMTM for tin * Ailll-Mlliion I.rnuriu * . WASHINGTON. Dec. 10. The meeting of the American Anti-Saloon league , which lias been In session this week , adjourned toJay The reporl of Ihe board of dlicctors. which was submitted and adopted was as follows "Wo recommend the following aa members of the executive committee Hcv A. J Keiiiett. D. D , LLD. Philadelphia , Mrs Annie Wlttenmeycr , Samtnga , Pa. ; Mra Mar garet II Plait , Washington , D. c , Hcv. II A. Tnppcr , D D. , Baltimore ; Ilev. 13. C Dlnwlddlo , Hnrrlsburg , Pa. ; Itcv. W G. Alex ander , 1) D. , Atlanta. Ga : Uev. F. M. IM- waids , South Honton. Va. ; .Mrs. F. M. Ilradcy , Washington. D. C " The board also recommended that Colum bus , O. , shall be the place , and January 11 , 12 and 13 , 1SUS. the tlmo of holding Ihe next annual convention. AUo that the league adopt the following article to the constitu tion "The principal odlce of the league shall bo at Washington , I ) . C. " Wt'Ntfril I'lllOlltM fi I'll II It'll. WASHINGTON. Dec. 10. ( Special. ) Patents have been Issued as follows : Nc- baska Luther II. Barnes , Nemaha , wrench ; Finis M. Barney , 131m Creek , power trans mitting gear ; William Clajpolo and C. n. Dooley , Goring , water elevator ; Sabina Heyn , Omaha , opera glass shield. South Dakota .Mark D. Wheeler , Hedflold , strainer for artesian wells. Iowa Albert J Gary , Denison , folding box ; Olus Gates , Ksthcrvllle , hog catching and lifting machine ; Lcander Pellon , Des Molncs , broom sewing machine ; Ferdinand Hclmers , Davcnporl , culllvator or plow ; Itomulus H , Richmond , Charlton , automatic machine gun ; Robert M. Saint , DCS .Molncs , music writing machine ; John L. Sullivan , Albla , mall bag crane ; Irvln D. Walker and L. G. Nllsan , Sioux Clly , rail bond. Olllllllll Itllllll Will IHllt > I.1MV Illlll'N. CHICAGO , Dec. 10. The Omnlni loiul IniB given notice of Its Intention to mnko n rule of one faro for llio round trip from St. Pnnl nnd MlnnenpollH to Hie national IrrlKiitlon congress , which Is lo ho held In PhCH-nlx , Ailz , December 15 lo 17. 5ts fie- It littf " " ilcllt / s/G/j . s > tT"1 ( & & * & & & WP EVERY WOMAN nccu > a relfabl/ inoiillily regulating intxliclnf DR. PEAL'S , PENNYROYAL PILLS , Are prompt. Rafe and certain In result. Tim eena oo ur. ) IVal'H ) ii vi'rdli iuiJ < ) iiit. bmciuivwaora Bhcrninn & McConnel Unit' Co. 1513 street. OmnhJ. Neb , The Perfume of Violets The purity of the Illy , thu Klow of the rose , and the fluuli of Hobu combine In I'OZZONI'I wondrous I'owdcr , Acousctl Denies thnt Ho Qqmiulttcil the Forgorj ns AllogpJf PECULIAR DEAL ON A MORTGAGE LOAN T of UKnt > rciiiiiiu ( , tie vti' or UKCrhiH - If Any , rMimilil lie INdilillNluMl , UN MASON CITY , la. , Dec. 10. ( Special Tele gram , ) The cnso ot the Plate of Iowa nRnlni't \V. B. Dullard , who last vs Inter tilled the le- snonslbto position of sorofiry of the ente , vsas called for trial thlo morning In the Wright county court , Judge Uardwll pre- sldlnc. The cnso has nvvakcnctl conpidernble Interest throtiRhoul the stnle on nccount of the prominence altnlned by the de fendant. The facts the state ntteniils | lo subslanllalo are tint In Ueecmber , ISO I , Ihe defendant forged a note for $ GOO signed by 131 and Mary Kcpllnger. payable lo Mrs. U 13. Dullard , mother of the defendant , duo live yoaro from date , nt 7 psr cent Interest. A niorleaKo V\H Issued nt the same time cov- erliiR Ihe propeily of these partlca and rre- tendlnK lo bo security for tide note. Thcru v\im also an abstract with the pipers nnd an Insurance policy. In April , 1S96 , Mrp. U. U. Dullard brought the nolo agilnst the Kcp- llnRcri' , tnorlKapo and nbslract to the Io\\i Valley b nk nnd deposllcd them for interest collection. They notified Kepllngcr mil he denied the Hlgnatnre. The bank olll'crs noti fied Mrs Dullaul and she secured the pa- perj and. ns t'he ' admits , burned them. At the conclusion of the state's evidence defendant's counsel moved to dlwnlw the case , which was denied. It In staled that the defendant will claim that ho executed tin papers to please his mother , v\ho delights In her display of notes nnd mortuaRes. TALK OK limioril VTIC 1IAHMONY. Party III Io ii CnllM n MiTlhiB for DriM'lillMT - ! ) . DKS MOINKS. Dec. 10. ( Special Tele gram ) The democinlle slalc committee will hold a big meeting here December 20. The call has Just been Issued by Secretary 12 M Carr. Kvery district commltlocman Is asked lo invite n largo number of leading sil ver men In hla district , and It la cxpectel 300 to 400 leading silver men will be present Democrats , silver republicans nnd ropullsts will bo Invited The meeting will be behind clctjed doors , and will discuss means for re uniting Iho factions of the party In Iowa , as well ns llio outlook for silver The state committee at this mcellng will probably chocso a new clinl.inan , anil It U definitely known that National Sccictary Walsh wants the plase. He lies been nominally support ing Sccrelary Carr for Ihe place , who has no possible chance of gcltlni ; It , and shaping matters GO that the result will bo a division and the selection of Wnlah as a compromise COMIMIOMISn AX ITU Till' OrKICHItS. Siililli-rs' Iloini * TnixtcfM n f Inuii Will Sol Am-Mli'il. . DKS MOINCS , Dee. 10 ( Special Tele gram. ) An agreement was finally effected today by which the officers of the Soldiers homo nl Marshalllown wll | not be'arrcatcd for violation of federal pension laws. Dis trict Attorney Pullen agreed [ to this after a long conference , and the warrants al ready Issued vvll I not be served The of ficers and trustees ogno to appear before the court at any date that may bo fixed for trial. They will be called in some time next week. _ limn Manic rioMcx UN DnorN. HAUI AN , In. , Dec 10Spe ( lal Telegram ) UanK Cx.xminer Kred I'cnnelt COEU ! Iho J doors of lite llarian - ' . . L..uK todiy nil i c failure of the bnnlt to i.mke , i piopcr Ing of Its ralvcr.ry. 0. J niid 1) ) M W > lnnd conducted n prUalo bank licio rlnce IS" ' , but \\lthlti the I'ist ) i > ar or anl7cd n slate bank , capital $10,000 , one half owned by John Klngery , Klngery came hero from Alnp- worth , Neb , mil as caahlcr did not gel well with ihe older rie"iber of the corpora tion and withdrew his cuplinl. The Kink's deeron cil eapltil nnd depreciated secnrllles led to the failure The oillcers of the b-uik have turned over their realtj for the benefit of their creditors Two of the lurncK firms , Tlnslry Hrof. ind Dr. W > lnnd. are Involved , the former having mnde an as < lgn- menl. SW MI " l.ntiil * In .Tnll. SIOUX CITY , Dec. lO.-iSpeclal Tolc- gram ) K. Strom , llio "M > < iteilous Sv.ede. " got Into Jail today and m do himself more nosterlons than ever , liewai. . niicsied and fined for assault upon .1 boy , and when put In Jail In default of payment was searched and C rents taken from him The bailiff declared he , oarehed him thor oughly , but a few minutes later Strom sent out money and honght tobacco for all llio Inmates of the Jail. Uo then sent for two lending Masons of the city , wlu ex amined him nnd declared he Is u thirty-second degree Mnton Jn good stnnd- uo Itropon tin Juivn SIOUX CITY. Dec. --Speclnl ( l'cli' rani ) Oeorgo M. Collln deputy lomptrollni ot the treasury , arrived In SlotK City tul.iy from Washington lo txo vvhftt eonll be done toward llio reopening of Ire htnltvn I'lrst National bank. Ho ays that If tlioo In tel eslcd can do what they s.iy Hiey ejtn the bank will be allowed to re umo It li the Intention to Increase Iho capital of Ihe bank lo J300.000 , pay off most of lh" In debtedness and eleet new officials The im- Jorlly of Iho depositors have icsolved to continue their deposits If Ihe bank H re opened. _ _ ! > C'nnl TIiU-vi's Vrr * M < i-iI. SIOUX CITY , Dec. 10.- ( Special Telegram ) The Illinois Cenlral Unllru.ul company company has been losing coal In Plcu\ City all winter and determined upon n thoiougn Investigation A detective was rent heie , who organized to caplure the tblcve Todaj twenty nrrerts vveie made nnd tevrrnl per- i > ons were convicted of petty larceny and tent to Jail. Some of them were caught taking coal In dn > light , coming for It with wheel barrow e , carts nnd buckets In all about 150 tons of coal have been lost by the com pany here llorllciilliirnl .SooloJj MiTtlnjv CliiHi-M. DHS MOIN'HS. Dec. 10 ( Special Tele gram. ) 1 he State Horticultural socirn closed Its sessions today , elt-e'lnt ; the fol lowing oniccrs President , Dr. 1' M I'owell. Glcnwood ; secittary , George Vnn- Hontcn , Lenox ; treasurer , W. M. Dom- berger , Ilarlan. The boclcty voKd lo re- Imbnrso Silas Wilson , ex-lreasurcr for $1,850 , which he lost by the failure of the Cnss county bank In ISO I Ho made it good to the society , and toda > It was voted to repay the amount to him In fho annual Installments , beginning AprU 1 , ne\t nlNtrlliiiU-H I'piiltftiflnr ) DI3S MOINCS , Dec -Special ( Tele gram. ) W. C. Drcmmcrnian of Doone , de fanlllng poalmaslcr1 at that place , w.u todnj sentenced lo three > eais in the pcnitontiar > am to pay a $2.fiOO fine. "Honey" Drown of Mamhalltown , lead i of a counterfeiting gang , was given rl\ jeara and a $1,500 line. George Dnrns nnd Charles Thomiiaon woie sentenced to five > ears and $ .100 flno each foi the burglary ot the Quarry postolfice DlHtiirlii'il ii ItclluIoiiH Mci-lhip. James Gllmore waa urres.ed lasjt night nnd locked up on a charge of disturbing Ihe meeting of the Salvation army during the early part of the evening lie was unable to plead the customary excuse of Intoxica tion. and frankly avowed lhat he sought lo break tip Die mcellng for Ihe reason that tLo Salvationists were maintaining religion ! ) convlrlions nnd lenenlo lhat were Incom patible with his Ideas. m Many thousand dollars worth of valuable articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the young and old , are to be given to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find one coupon inside each two ounce bag , and two coupons inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's ' Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of val uable presents and how to get them. sm 'USE THE MEANS AND HEAVEN WILL GIVE YOU THE BLESSING. " NEVER NEGLECT A USEFUL ARTICLE LIKE Would-bo competitors CLAIM to linvo made them selves heard in the CANVASS for the better patron- ngo of Western Iowa and the GKKAT state of Nc- bnibka , but there is ono CANDIUATE for the Intel ligent VOTI- : that up to the latest KETUKNS places beyond doubt the original and genuine Sand wich Adams Corn Shollors bus hud u greater number of Hub's in tlil-i territory than all other corn shullerd combined. It is bard work to trot them fast enough , but vvo are hard worker ? Catalogue and terms quoted on application to branch house. SANDWICH MFG. CO. , Council is urns. OflJcoTchphono No. 80. Manager' * ) Residence Tol.OJ. ! TWIN Gin DY WOHXS Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , . $100,009 \VU SOLICIT YOUn wis nusiiiB voun COLLIOTIO.\S. : OM2 OF TUB OLDEST I1AMCS l.IOWA. . D PUH CUNT 1'AIU ON T13IU DKI-OSITO. DALE/ AND SEE U8 OB.VIUTB. . AMU.SIMINT.S. : : DOHANY THEATER. OIIH week , cummericInK Moniluy , Drc , U , HAYTON COMEDY CO. , Hupitortlni ; CAHHIi : , LOUIS AMI I.SAAO I'AV'I'O.V. DYKING AND CI.KANINfi Oprnlni ; bill , l-urt Ainerlcun tfii utlonul comuly , A AIIII.MCUT CMI , Clothing , Dress and Houston I.mlleH IrtH Monday nlKlit , Hvcry liuly aiccim- panltit by an cucort lioHIni ; one We imlil ticket OMAHA OKKICB-1411 K-rnain. Tel. 1121. will lie udrnltluil free , Our prlc'n ) Cc. ZOo no COUNCIL DI.UFFS-Worlu atd OIQc * . Cor. lilvhcr. Kcat iai ) op tin iiclUri' dru moiti Fri nuo A and Htli Hi , T L 115. day mornlne. We'll I n-IRISTMAS is coming and do you " " " "know any one who wouldn't like a Camera for a Christmas present ? Anybody can take a picture nowadays - days and everybody would like to if they only had a camera. You can get more real pleasure out of it than any thing you own. You can take snap shots of your friends you can photo graph your pets you can get pictures of beautiful scenery. _ * _ * t t to t * * "TUB COMET" Is n small but perfect pocket magazine Camera , cm vying sulllclent Him for four pictures without reloading. The Him can be developed nnd pletme > 4 printed nt n. cost of about 20 ceiiN per dozon. The Illustrations will give you an itlo.i of the ilzo of picture tnltcn with "Tho Comet. " If desired they can be culm god ' 1 * at a very small coat. YOU DRiNG OR SF.ND US Four new subscribers for three weeks each Three new subscribers for four weeks ettcli Two new subscribers for six weeks eacli to The Omaha Hee , prepaid at the rale of 15 cents a week , paper to be delivered in Omaha , Council Bluffs or South Omaha by carrier , or sent elsewhere by mail WE WILL GIVE "TUB UOMKT" Is Hindiof stroiiR innterlul , Is lionu- tlfully covered with blnck Icathurottc uiul Is of the very construction. It cannot not out of order nnd It nrnctlc.illy Indc- structablu. Should any pails of It be mislaid or loaf , all parts arc made Intcr- they can easily be replaced , as "Til 15 COMIVr" will take Picture one Inch square or a louuU pluluio out' Inch In diameter. Tlie dlu'ctlons are so simple a child ran succi'ssfullj use It. The operation of taking a picture Is simply to point the camera and pi ess a button. Its Biiinll sire enables it to lie cairlcd with no Incon- in = i vonlcnco when a peison would hesitate about beingp , . burdened with a more unwleldly Instiument. - " -JS4Ml l Size of "Tho Comet" la U Inches ; weighs S'iIts"iTyS ' three ounces. < & \ YOU BRING OR SEND US Eight new subscribers for three weeks each Six new subscribers for fear weeks each Four new subscribers for six weeks each N Three new subscribers for eight weeks each Two new subscribers for twelve weeks each Prepaid at the rate of 15 cents a week , paper to be de livered in Omaha , Council Bluffs or South Omaha by car rier , or sent elsewhere by mail WE WILL GIVE YOU The "Crescent" us n IilKli-Rrndc , first t'liiss cniuern Is not only n snrpilHo , lint a delight to the thor.miixls now usiiiK them In pipreienee 'o nil others. It tnKes n photoKiiiph < ec by three Ini'lii'.s , the sine of the nccoinpnnylng pic-tine. The hl/.e of the cninuin Is < by 1 byI Incht.s. The "Ciesecnt" Is vvnrinntcd to lie f iht-i'ltibs In every pnrtlenlnr mill cijinil to r.ny $10.00 luiiul camera on thu mar lU't. lU't.Tin Tin"Cre cpnt" Is the latest thliiK out In tiie camera line. They vveio fliHt Introduced In October , IWKi , and thu enormous * , ali of moro than _ 0,000 the ( list month Illustrates thu Kieat'.ii'iiiand for a p pnlar lil 'h wtiulu camern. Tin * "Crescent" Is equipped with nn achromatic1 lens Kiound fioin the finest Impelled optical tflass , mndi > oxpiosly for thu "Cic.stent" caincia and warranted to give equal If not bettor icsnlts than the lenses found In Inslin- menls costing from J..VM ) to . 1'J.OO. The "Criv-eont" shutter Is probably the most peifcet over used on n hand camera. It Is adapted to InManlunuons or tlmo o.xposnre , and can be changed from one to the other In a second. The "Crescent" Is adapted to either plates or 111ms , but as boiler results are Invaihibly obtained from plales at a oApjiibo , we recommend their use lii the "Ciesecnt , " at Iwist to start with. N. B , A new Biib- Eoribor under this olfor be ono who has nut been tnkinf ; tlio Hoc through our ofllco or H'H icgnlar agents Inter than Nov. 2j , 1800. Uring In nil subsoi-lp. . - . * sirw\v J tlons to the business k ofllco of The Kco , Room JUO , Dee Buiiain ; ; , Oinnhn , or No. 10 Main Street , Counull UlulTH , la. , or CAMERA Omaha Bee , Omaha.