Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1896, Image 1

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Will Address a Memorandum to the rowers
of the World ,
-HioiiMllilllt > for ii Hiiiiture to HP
1'orccil on tliu United Stnti-.i
, If All } IH llroiiKht
( Ccp > right , UM , by Prtum Publishing Company )
MADRID , Spain , by way of Ilajonno
France , Dec. 10. ( Now York World Cable
gram Special Telegram. ) The Spanish gov
ernment will frame a long memorandum on
the Cuban qticatlon , It IB said , In political
nnd diplomatic circles , fully setting forth
Spain's \lown regarding her rltf.its nnd
giving the whole story of the relations be
tween thin government and President Clove-
land'H administration , since the beginning of
the revolt. This memorandum will be a sort
of Indirect reply to the president's mes-
lugc. It will bo communicated simultane
ously to the American and European gov-
The present Spanlrh cabinet and the lead
ers of all ( otltlcal parties agree In think
ing that Spain muut continue to avoid giv
ing America the slightest pretext for tak
ing offense T.ley alro agree that Spain
should maintain her present friendly dispo
sition toward America In eodal relations' , so
that the whole responsibility of a rupture , If
brought about by the Intervention threat
ened , should rest entirely with the United
CIIIIM PiilnllitKStnwnril mill " Hurl *
U'lre IViift * on tinl.nnil Slile.
( OrriyrlKlit U' > < > \ > y I'rPi" ) Publishing Cominny )
HAVANA. Cuba , Dec 9 Via Key West ,
ria. , Dec 10. ( New York World Correspond
ence. Special Telegram ) The work of
IK * Htrcngthcnlng the fortifications about Hal -
l * " " _ \ana Is being pushed with noticeable energy
Guns are being placed on the heights around
the city , all pointing towards the sea. The
fortifications of the port of Mantanzas are
also being strengthened. All this Is signifi
The government sent COO laborers to Guana-
Imcoa today to construct entrenchments
and cicct new barricades as a precaution
ngnlntit n fresh Insurgent raid. It Is under
stood that the whole town Is to bo Inclosed
within n barbed wire fence.
Brigadier Rafael do Cardenas and Lieu
tenant Colonel Raoul Arago. Cuban leader. !
In Havana province , reported wounded earl )
In November arc both convalescent Lieu
tenant Colonel Arago resumed command ten
da ) ago nnd directed the Into attack on
( Juanabacoa , across the bay from Havana.
I.ii Union CoiiNlltiitloiuil Iool > M for
.No Troll lilo vi Uli luI'liltfil MulOH.
( Coi | ) rlKht , ' . ' , I'J I'resa Publishing Company )
HAVANA , Cuba , Dec. 10 ( New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram ) La
Unlor Constitutional , the most conservative
organ In Havana , prints an Inspired leader
upon President Cleveland's message , ex
tracts of which were cabled by the Spanish
minister at Washington to the government
"Thuush the paragraphs In reference to
Cuba arc In no pleasant reading for
Spaniards in general , " it says , "and how
ever mortified they may feel , owing to Mr
Clcveland's Intimation of possible Interven
tion , more or leas remote , In Spanish Internal
affairs , in Justice It must be admitted that
the language cmplojcd Is courteous and
friendly. There Is a total absence of tht
thicatenlng , arrogant tone customarily used
In serious matters of state of Ilko Impor
tance Indeed , as compaicd with the en to
gorlc terms of Mr Cleveland's recent notes
to other well known foreign powers of the
first class , wholly unaccustomed to admit
outside Intermeddling In their affairs , the
diplomatic wording of the Cuban chaptir
of his present message Is a clearly manifest
exception favorable to Spain , with which
Spaniards might be satisfied If they .vere not
BO prone to bt'llevo that courtesy and form
especially In questions of state , seldom as
Kiirc absolute good faith , especially In tbe
Unlfd States , where public opinion reflects
bo little gratitude to the glorious nallo'i
which discovered tbe new world and flrs !
opened up the western continent to European
settlement and progress "
La Union admits the Important points
Mr Cleveland makes to at the Insurgents
posscbs neither a res'jiontMble government
nor nn organization offering any guarantee
on which to base serious negotiations , u
therefore expressed surprise that tte. Ameri
can government should venture the sug
gestion Intimated
"Fortunately for Spain , " It remarks In
closing , "events which have occurred In
Cuba since the message wna prepared tend
to destroy Its force. With M.icco dead ,
Plnar del Rio virtually pacified , the early
pacification at Havana , Mntan/as and Santa
Clara araurcd , Spain having in addition the
nerefunry funds on hand nnd troops enougli
on the ground to end the rebellion In the
w-olc Island In a brief period by foice of
arms , can afford to bo Indifferent tn the
threats of Amerlcar jingoes , anxious to rule
the world from Washington Foreign com-
p1 | < MtIan > > , therefore , are impiobable. Spain
la equal to any emergency and confident
of her individual ability to win a triumph
for the national honor and territorial
lights. "
CIENFL'EGOS , Cuba ( by wa ) of Kev West
Tl4 ,1 Df-c. 10 ( New York World Cablegram - "
gram- Special Telegram ) The Naclo-inl In
n leading editorial as eits that the Spanish
will coninaro fnvoiablv with the nnvlcs
of gi cater nations. It speaks of the weak
ii ( < ui of the Brltls'i fleet , the deplorable con
dlllon of the nrllllrry ot American vessels.
the Ill-conitrnrtcd , unaf French fchlps.
with ofllrcrs for navigators ; call.s the Gor
man navy badly organized ami made up of
ehlp * which aio un\vleldy , and pronounces
thn Kiel canal a fliuico The Naclonal hopes
Consul Giucial Lie will not return tu Ha-
inri > l -iii I'nlltlHiiiiM Talk of tin *
l'roliililll ( > of War.
PARIS , Dec. in The Gauloln today pub-
lllic' ' an Interesting collection of letters on
the subject of Cuba .ir.d the United States.
Signer Crltpl , the former prime minister ot
llnly , write * ai follows "The direct In
tervention of America In the Cuban conflict
would cMtnblUh n precedent , to which
Eu rope could not icmaln Indlffcrint. "
Justin .McC.uthy cxprc8s the firm con
viction that the I'nllrd Stales will not
Interfere , and Theodore Roiutnn , formerly
Fieni-h nmbnsandpr nt Madrid and nt Wash
ington , gives a similar opinion , but ) 'C adds
that It the United States did 1'itcrfero It ls
certain that Spain would light America , and
ho bcllcvcc Europe would hold nloof from the
conflict ,
Marqulc J'abrlnna writes from Madrid that
ho bollc'vcu the United States will decide not
to interfere and that the Americans will
dUrover their inlrtake It they tmppoic that
( ha Spanlhh nation U as feeble as the
Spanish government. Spain , lie nays , would
loon liind COO.OOO , men In the rich American
cities , whllo tU > Spanish navy would cripple
commerce ,
llollila'M lliiiiiuliir > Dltllfiilty.
SUCRE , Bolivia , Doc , 10 ( via Oalvititon ) .
The ofllceru of the government win go from
hero to La Paz In ord'T ' to lvc belter atten
tion ( o thu dlllknlt iclutiuiu with Peru
growing out of the rffoit * of the Bolivian
Kovcrnnunt to fix a bouniary line In the
Amaxonliin dlbtilcU wlthuut coiiKUltallnn
with Peru ,
( icncrnl'K I'll } "Icliin iilil ( o lluSnr -
rrnilcrcil to Colonel Tort.
( fopj right. 1K > tiy Pre s 1'ubllfhlnic Conipnny )
HAVANA , Dec 10 ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram ) The Spanish
report of General Antonio Macco's death Is
confirmed by Dr. Maximo Zcrtucha , who
presented himself to Colonel Tort In San
Felipe and was liberated under General
Wcjler's nmneaty decree. Dr. Zcrtucha
served the Cubin commander ns personal
physician. He says General Macro fell mor
tally wounded with two bullets In an en
gagement with Major Glriijcda December 7
at 2 p. m. One bullet entered tbe chin and
broke the Jaw , passing out of the neck near
the shoulder. The other pierced the
stomach Either wound would have been
fatal , and he expired soon.
It Is reported tiat the Cubans burled
Macco anil Gomez's son In the Snn Pedro
plantation , near Punta Brava The govern
ment sent a force to dlHnter the body and
bring It to Havana The World corre
spondent accompanied the force as far as
Punta Brava , this morning. There ho was
turned back by the commandant.
\VIVIIR IN nVA % V pnovnrn.
Tn r n M HlN Column HnNtvtnnl nnd IN
l.ooUnl Per at I InCapital. .
( CopjrlRht. ISK by Precs PulillihlnK Comp-iny )
HAVANA , Cuba , Dec. 10 ( New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram ) Cap
tain General Wclcr has entered Havana
province with his column. It Is not known
at what moment he may be cvpef'ed here.
Dcxcrtiitlon of HlHVntfh onil 1'lclil
( iliiMNiM anil AVcaiionfl.
HAVANA , Dec. 10 Through the courtesy
of the Marquis Ahumada , acting captain gen
eral , the correspondent of the Associated
press today had the privilege of Inspecting
the articles which were taken from the
bodies of the two Cubans , asserted by Major
Glrujeda to be those of Antonio Maceo and
Francisco Gomer. These articles Included a
gold watch , marked , "Tho Globe. Illinois , "
a field tumbler , a telescope , a goblet , n pair
of black socks , marked "M , " n Smith re
volver , nickel plntod , with an ivory grip
and numbered 24GG ; a hunting knife , twenty-
four centime era In length , and bearing an
Inscription which indicates that it was a
present from Guman Blanco , four cartridges ,
a machete and scabbard , a pair of mag
nificent field glasses , a ring with the Inscrip
tion "Antonio y Maria. " spatter-dashes , n
rubber coat , a compass , with a portrait
within It of the mother of Francisco Gomez ;
blood-stained handkerchiefs , a portfolio ,
marked. "James Shea. Stationer and Printer.
7fi Nassau Street , " containing a iliary or mil
itary operations ; Francisco Comer's letter to
his father , saying he had committed suicide ,
and the letter from Maximo Gomez to his
son. Francisco.
MADRID , Dec 10 The manifestations of
Joy at the death of Antonio Maceo continue
today In nil the principal towns of Spain ,
where the news Is greeted with fireworks ,
mimip nnd rhprelnc for Snaln and the army.
There were no anti-American cries
TANGIERS , Dec 10 The greatest en
thusiasm was dlaplacd at the theater here
) cstorday evening , when the premier an
nounced that the Spanish minister had re
ceived news of the death of Antonio Macco
The audience rose , cheered and sang "Viva
Espana. " The nudlcnce-and the actors after
ward proceeded to the Spanish legation and
made a demonstration of friendliness to
Spalr. _
1'iiii.iri'ivi : itnvoi/r is M'lin.vni.VR.
Hi'lirlN Ore r In Smnli 'rn nnil Sltim-
lloii In I'rinliuTH < ! < Worm- .
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 10 The steamer
MacDuff , which arrived In port lest night ,
brings ncwa from the Philippine Islands up
to October 29. A correspondent of the Hong
Kong Press writes from Manila , under that
date an follows :
"Tho rebels are still increasing in the
provinces and the state of affairs is getting
worse Manila Is quite safe , and foreigners
living here entertain no anxiety , aa the city
Is well guarded by a cordon of Spanish sol
diers. Passing along the strcetn In the day
time no one would think tlicie was any icvo-
lutloit in progress , for thcic Is no sign of
disturbance , and the street tratlle Is as lively
as ever The volunteer corps Is proving of
good tiervlcc. though their conduct In borne
respects la open to censure It Is reported
that two companies of SpanUh soldlcra that
met each other lat nlglu at Dulu , a place
between Caloocan nnd Malabron. started fir
ing on each other , each taking the other foi
rebels The firing lasted an hour. Some
firing was heard going on at San Juan del
Monte at 1 o'clock thl.s moinlng and at 3
o'clock COO soldiers were seen mirchlng out
for the surrounding districts. There U > no
news from Cavltati and I mils "
A dispatch from Talpeh , Founosa , dated
November 6 , reads. "After vigorous meas
ures , the plague has been gotten under con-
tiol "
WASHINGTON. Dec 10. The Cuban dele
gation hns received news to the effect that
If "things continue aa the ) aru In the
Philippine Islands , they will bo frco before
Cuba. " The Spaniards are said to be confiscating
fiscating- property on. mem suspicion of
friendliness toward the insurgents. In a
numbci of tlu principal provinces , the
patriots are making lapld headway , and
over ) where are making a skillful fight The
Spanledi forces have had to r.cattcr lu order to
occupy the man ) porlb at onco. end. therefore.
are unable to operate with large forces. The
revolution Is repotted as dallj Increasing ,
not only In the extent of the teintory occu
pied b ) the insurgents but In numbe.h and
equipment. Efficient aid bos been glvtn
to the Philippines by the Japanese , it Is
said , in the shipment of arm. ) fioiu that
countr ) ( Japan ) to Manila.
svvi vcio is Acrivi : i'iiu : : rim.ii
H \Iiiiiliitcl ) Hi-fuse In llrllfx-
( InSloij of IIU Dfiilli.
ST LOUIS Dec. 30 - \ tprclal to the Ro
public from I ) i lias , Tex. , tajs rhe > head of
the local Cuban committee- today rccclvid
dispatches fiom Key \\cit maMng absolute
deiilal of the .Spanish reports fiom Ihivam
ot the alleged killing of Antonio Matco The
dlsputcluK state that at 9 o'cloilv l.ibt night
MiUeo wan again In Plnar del Rio province
and that his iim > wai making buccrssful
operations agalimt General Wcjlcr'fl fonos.
that ulncp the turning ot Wevli-r's left flank
December 7 , Maceo had captured more thai'
12.000 elands of arms , nnd Immense quanti
ties ot ammunition , medicines inil cominlR-
flniy supplies The dispatches also Mate
thnt within tlin next thtee the Cubs us
are likely to turn Wc.v tor's other llanl. and
win c decided victory The head of the local
committee gald : "We Know positively that
the most sensational and glotluus news for
the patriots will come from Cuba on or
about December 15 Texas la doing more to
help the patriots than any other htatc In tbe
union Just now and is favorably located foi
effective aid. Dallas and Galvreton will be
In closer confidential rcl.itlons with Key
West than will any point In the rant for
vomo time to romc "
JACKSONVILLE , Fla. . Dec. 10.-Shester
Scovlll , the New York World conespondent ,
gave tonight hU reasons for disbelieving
the report ? of Maceo'n dent"i. He wys that
from twelve month * ' nswjclatlon with him
in Cuba , he knows that the description of
the clothing. Jewelr ) and revolver found nn
the b dy was not that of those utrd by
Maceo up to last June. Ho cald there war
no reason for Maeoo to cross the Trocha at
Hilt * time , np Plnar del Rio province wai
not puflcrlng for food. It wan incredible to
11 in that Xl.-ueo's pervonal guard should
iuvc- left their leader's body on the 1eld If
he had been Killed. They would have carried
It with them on a nittcat or perished In
defending It.
l.iul ) ' U SfrliTaxI ) III.
LONDON , Dec | 0-Lad ) Sellim fecott , the
pib'clpal defendant In Ihr nil * brought
g2i..8t her an ! tlitvo wen b ) Irr don-In-
Inu , Eail Uuvu U , foi llb-.l , U
rrltlcally 111.
Salier of the North Gorman Lloyd Goes
Down with All on Board ,
Slt'iitnor TrlcM tit Turn n
Corner Too Sluirp anil SlrlUo *
till ( III * ItlK'UN > llt II
. Jlun
VIGO , Sp-iln , Dec. 10. The North German
Lloyd Bte.imer Siller was lost on the Coro-
bcdo rocks near Corunna. About 275 per
sons were drowned.
The paswngcr list constated of 113 Rua-
olans , thirty-five Gallclanc" , sUty-ono Span-
lards and ono Gorman , a total of 210. The
crew was composed cf slxty-flvo men. Allen
on boird perished.
The Sailer was bound from Bremen to
Utienos Ayrea via Corunna nnd Vlllngarcln.
The Corobcdo rocks are situated off the south
west coast cf the province of Corunna. They
should have been given a wide berth bcforo
the steamer headed eastward and then In a
northeasterly direction for the bay leading
to Vllligarcla.
The passengero vvcro mostly In tae steer
Aiill-I' M Trnilc Soiillnifiit Ilniililly
CroiiliiK In Cirrut Hrltuln.
LONDON , Dec. 10. The conference at St.
James hall today , open to all favorable to
the reform of the Pscal policy of Great
Britain on protection lines and led by James
Lonther. M. P. , who presided , was thinly at
tended. Those present Included Lord
Mashnm and Messrs. Honarth , DUraell ,
Samlji and Scion Kcrr , members of Parlia
Mr. Lowther , In a long speech , stated that
there Id a rapidly increasing sentiment In
Great Britain that the national financial
policy Is entirely wrong. The sultan of Tur
key , he added , Is the only ruler under heaven
who has adopted the principles of the Cobden
club Continuing , Mr. Lonther remarked
"Within a jear the two greatest republics or
the world have gene through remarkable
changes "
The speaUcr then referred to the high
character nnd great ability of President
elect McKlnlcy , saving "He would never
have occupied nls present position nau not
his name been associated with the most
radical protective tariff ever framed In the
United States , and the same can be said of M.
Mcllne. the French premier. " Mr. Lowther
then mentioned the recent Canadian general
election to prove that the settled policy of
Canada was protection , declared himself to
be ns much opposed to the ruin of Kngland
by Manitoba as by Minnesota wheat , nnd
asserted that It was no longer true that
the masses In England vvcro opposed to any
imposition of duties Between two and a half
and three million acres of land , Mr Low
ther explained , had been driven out of cereal
production In England for 130,000.000 of
Imports , of which the moot could be produced
The speaker then stated that he favored
a r > per cent duty on wheat , which , ho added ,
would produce 12,500,000 ( $02,500,000) ) of rev
Joseph Howard moved resolutions In
favor of changing the policy of the country
bo as to secure unfailing food supplies with
secure markets for the manufacturers , by
means of preferential trading relations
with nil parts of the empire. Ho snld
preaching to English free traders Is like
preaching to men In Saturn , and urged
a meeting In the future to make It des
perately uncomfortable for them , adding'
"So long as the worklngman Is under free
trade , there Is nothing for an Englishman
but to dig his own grave with a foreign
spade and be burled In n foreign coilln "
Many other speakers addressed the meet
ing. Lord Masham eulogized Sir Charles
Tupper as "tho father of preferential trade
with the colonies , " and declared that lirlt-
isn c.\poiiH 10 lorcign countries nail not
Increased 1 shilling In thirty joara , while ,
ho assarted , Germany had increased her ex
ports by 35,000.000 ( $175,000.000) ) . Several
resolutions urging preferential trade and
the founding of protection leagues In every
British constituency were adopted unani
AnotluT AVnr In South Africa.
CAPK TOWN. Dec 10 Advices from
Blantvre , the chief to\n of British
Central Afilca , dated October 25 , announce
the dispatch of three British columns against
the Angcnl Zulus under Chief Chlk isl , who
have Invaded southwest Nyassa and burned
a British military station , brslde raa.sacrc-
Ing the Inhabitants of a number of villages
The Portuguese nt Tcte have Invited the
co-opciatlon of the British. Chlkusl com
mands 30.00. ) warriors and the British troops
only number about 500. Great anxiety was
felt at Blantyro when these advices left
that town and an attack upon It was feared.
Kaiser OnlcriMl tli < < Iniiiilr > . *
BERLIN , Dec. 10 The Relchsan/elger an
nounces odlclally that the Intrigues In which
Hiron von Luctzaw Is alleged to have been
connected wrro discussed by the crown coun
cil at HubcituMork on October 7 , when n re.
po.-t was made to the court to the effect that
the baron wan the author of the article In
Dlo Welt nn. Montag , which brought about
the recent trial nnd conviction of Journal
ists nnd thn disclosures which developed
during the hearing of the The em-
pcior , It Is added , Immediately ordered a
( Uriel inquity In order that the affair might
be cleared up In vtrj ictp'-d.
\Vnl Tlulrrulli on Terrell.
LONDON. Dec. 10A dispatch from Con-
btnutlnoplc to the I'luunicto st > s Ameri
cans heru ire Incensed at Societury Olncy's
' ( nibbling btatemcnts about the filendly at-
uiuue 01 uie auinnruits ncre rne > iicry
Mr Teirell. the United Stntcs minuter , to
lUlirovo the- fact tint American houao
In HasUuel Mihuih was looted , the carctaket
Killed and ( he Vinvrlcan Hag torn. It Is
regretted that tlu > United States Is rcprc-
K"iit'd by so unpractical a t > ro In diplomacy
ni M. ' . Ten ell , whose lecall Is eagerly
PARIS , Dec. 10-AdvreK ! ircclvcd from
AnUinanprlvo. capital of the Itl.ind of Mada-
giscar , nnr.Oiinco that the Insurgents during
tt'o night cf Novcinhci IS looted Ambollm-
mlngn , ten mllrv ? fiemntannnurlvo Tcu
Insiirgoiti captmcd forty prluneis nnd all
thfi cattle. The English residents had a nar
row c'-'Mpo from
Commit Nrn * | i'tii | r to llr I'mxi-i-nli-cl.
BERLIN , Dr-o. 10H Is reported that
prosecutions will be begun rgainst the ncr.H-
paper HatiK Und HauUelr ZeltuiiR for pub
lishing the Rtaten.cnt that Pilnce Bismarck
made hlo dl cIoMirt * In the Hamburger
Nrchrl-hton because tliu czar had been dls-
buadel bj hlrU pei-nonages from visiting the
cx-rli.ini rllor
Tcnrlnu L'p I'liiKK.
niitLIN' ; , Dec. 10. The German und Dutch
conjulatcfi At Loreiuo .Mnniiirt. Portuguese
South Afrlro , havn been attacked and a
British flag was torn to shruls , The Dutch
consul was wounded. Germany has In con. demanded cailtfaitlon of Portugal.
Houorx for I'IIIIHIUM Pri-iii-luncn ,
PARIS , Dec. 10. M. Andre Thcurlt , the
novelist , and M. Albeit , the his-
tot Ian , have been elected inemberg of the
Iiu-rciif-rM UN IINIMIIIII ( Halt' .
BOM DAY Dec. 10. Thr Bank of Bombay
has Increahcd Its rate o ( dlxroimt from 8 to
9 pietnt. ! .
liiti'iitur of .Mlru-il > iM-rliic Di-nil.
NU'L' . lieu. 10Alfred Nobe the Inventor
of nltro-glKCtlr.e , dlvd lout cvcnlnu at San
Iteec , Italy ,
nt'ii.v in. ov AMniupAX son , .
Dunk ) * n\-Mi > nnrrli Hurbrlirn Her
rrlonilM litii Snililrn Apicnr nco.
SAN TRANCISCO , Dec , la.- The uncx-
pcctcd arrival of cx-Quccn Llltuoknlanl from
Honolulu today evoked imic/V / Interest and
gave rise to no little speculation as to the
object of her trip. Her only attendants vvcro
a mnn nnd a woman wrvnnt , and even her
Son Krnnclnco agent avtid former chamber
lain , Colonel George Mernrhno , did not
know of the ex-queen's arrival until he re
ceived a summons from her on the arrival
of the steamer. Lllluokalanl declines to
be interviewed and will give no Informa
tion regarding the length of her \lslt hero
nor her future plans. Her fellow pnasengcra
on the etcamcr gathered the Idea that she
will go to Wnshlngton nild call upon Presi
dent Clevclnnd In the hope thnt the United
States will take some ttops looking to the
restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy. It Is
Intimated by Colonel Mcl-'arlnno that the cx-
qucen , will represent to fSc president thnt
the Hawaiian republic has been n failure
and that the great majority of the Hnwnllan
people would welcome n return to the former
monarchical Institutions" . Lllluokalanl has
been under the smrvollaneo of the Hawaiian
government ever since the last native ris
ing until n few weeks npo , when eho was
granted nn unconditional pardon. She Eecmw
to have tnk n advantage of the first oppor
tunity thereafter to leave the island
The ex-queen was seen tonight , but was
extremely reticent. To all questions as to
her Intentions , she replied : "I have not jet
matured my plans. " She would not even say
why she had left Honolulu.
The Hawaiian consul , however , has re
ceived ndvlces from his government , stating
that on the morning of her 'departure Llll-
oukalanl called on President Dole and In
formed him that she was going to Boston
to see relatives of her husband , the late John
Domlnls. Representatives of Hawaii In this
country have been instructed to show the
ex-queen every courtesy while she Is in the
United States.
Hi-iiiij rrrt'iium 1'lrm nt HN 1'allier
mill Tlirn KIllM IIIniNi-ir.
MISSOURI VALLEY , la. , Dec. 10 ( Special
Telegram ) Two shots In quick succession
and the cry of murder startled the business
portion of this city this evening at 7 30 , and
another shot an Instant later ended the life
of Benny M. Freeman , only child of Dr.
George Freeman of this city.
Young Freeman flret tiled the assassina
tion of his father and after a flight of a
block , turned the revolver to his right car ,
the ball penetrating the baqk of the head ,
rpKiililtiL- Instant dcatli.
But ono of the two shots fired at tno
father was effective , the ballcutting through
tl-o. right tlcevo and striking near the
shoulder blade , caurlng only-a slight wound.
The tragedy occurred on the principal butl-
ncss street on the way to the father's ofuce.
Benny Freeman Is a joting intui cf 20 jcaru
of ago nnd came from Stockton , Cnl. , laut
Sunday on n ticket tent hlta from hero bi
his father. The father .claims that ho can
think of no reason for the terrible dcvd ,
claiming thnt their rclstlcna fincc tils ar
rival from the west , where ho has been foi
eighteen months , have been amicable In
every respect , the ton having Just taken flip
per at his father's bearding house with him
Ho says tlut he had no idea he was armed
and had not the leaK warning or Intimation
of the attempt upon hip llfe.J What the boy s
Incentive was died locked Ih his own heart.
Dr. and Mrs. Freeman wct/o / divorced some
six years since , the wlfo and child remain
ing In Athens county , Oh(6. ( Dr. Freeman
has practiced his profession here since his
removal from Omaha tq this city , four years
ago , and little can bo It iroed at this tlmo
to basoia reasonable cau o upon for the un
fortunate affair The remains of the suicide
wcro taken to Foss' undertaking establish
ment , where they await the verdict of the
coroners' Jury. AX AIirillTKCT OF rilAUl ) .
John I' . ii i > ntrnnt of HTH Moliu-M IK
I inlt-r Arri-Ht.
DES MOINES , Dec. 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Aichltoet John P. niacntraut wcsar-
. , . , , . ! n/in % . tn * fornorv nnd them Is the
largest kind of n sensation In the Catholic
parish of St Ambrose because of his alleged
frauds on the parish In the erection of the
new St. Jwcph's Academy. The academy la a
highly fashionable school for joung women.
It has been established many jeans , and re
cently decided to erect two largo build
ings EUentraut was selected as architect
and supciintendcnt , and given full written
authority to make all contracts and pay all
bills. The buildings were half completed
before suspicion began to bp directed toward
Eisentiaut He was suspected of raising
bills and drawing on them more money than
hod tiecn earned Investigation proved this
was true. Several dealers uho had furnished
materials and laborers who had done work
on the b\illdlng were shown the receipts
turned over by Elacntraut and how much
money ho had drawn. They declared that
In homo cases the amounts of money had
been raised and In othei/s the receipts were
complete forgeries ami .there had been no
consideration whatever" for the money EUen-
traut had drawn. The Investigation devel
oped several hundred dollars of these Ii regu
larities , and Elsentraut was arrested on the
charge of forgery. He quietly gave bond for
$500 and efforts veie made to luish up the
matter. But It leaked out. Work on the
academy has been stopped , and will not bo
resumed till It U known how matters Maud.
j. w. icivMn Kiiini AT incmiovr
.Shot It ; .lolin rin ( onhllc llri'iiK-
Inu ; Into u lIoiiNt * .
EDGE.MONT , S. D. . Dec. 10. ( Special
Telegram ) J. W. Klnney was shot and
killed by John Clayton at 12-30 last night
close to Lake Nettlctou situated four mllca
from Edgcment. Clajtou and Ills family
retired at the usual titna and vvcro awakened
by tome ono attempting to break open the
door. Llajton got up nnu iiemanucu vvnat
was wanted , at the snino tlmo warning
the Intruder oft the premises. The attempt
to open the door still -solng on , Clayton
took his gun and threatened to kill fho dis
turber of the peace and fln.d The shot
took effect In Klnney's abdomen and al
though Cln > ton did everything for him.
sending the neighbors for a doctor , death
resulted at I o'clock a. in. Klnney had been
In Edgemont for a coupe | of dajs bcforo
the fchootlng and acted very strangely , giv
ing every ono the idea that bo was slightly
demented. Bcforo ho died ho was nikcd If
he had any friends , au < l ho replied that
was none of their biiflncils whether ho had
or not
Clayton came to lo\vn arid nave himself up
The coroner held an Inquest this afternoon
and t e Jury brought In a vcrdkt of Justi
fiable homicide Klnney , had JJ.V. In his
pocket und n certificate of deposit for $400.
Cntllf Al'V
CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , Dec. 10. ( Spe
cial Telegram. ) Stockmen , who arrived
hero this afternoon from the great cattle
range west of the Missouri river , reports
that the Chinook winds and warm weather
of the past few days have swept the greater I
part of the snow ( r9' ' ' ' " ' ranges , and all '
kinds of Block lire rapidly recuperating
from the effects of the cold , Stockmen
are much moro cheerful than a. week ago.
Cattlemen from the Llttlo Whlto river
say several Sioux Indian frclghtcrx , caught
In the recent blizzard , were frozen to
death. * *
Cniiilllloii III tin * Trt'iiMiiry.
WASHINGTON , * lfc. 10f , Todav atate-
mcnt of the condition of the- treasury uliown ;
Available cash balance , 1225,07(3 ( , 2 ; gold reserve -
serve , ? 133 , 086,050 , ,
( Join Vhri > t > tiirN ,
SALT LAKE CW1. Dec 10-A special to
the Tribune from Hr-irim , Jlcmt , . H.iyn
Frunk Kitflnt the urfuultln po iminltr
of Hozcimui , Mont , v.u * toduy H. ; iteiu > ed
to thrcu > eura In ttic i-cnltciitlary.
Annual Mooting of the League ia Opened nt
MIIMIN tinI'rotrrt'MH of the Work
Lnilvr Clt"t I'lntul unit Pol ntt Out
( lint Then * IN Much Left
| | | to Ho II one.
PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 1C The annual
meeting of the National Civil Service lie-
form league was begun nt the Hotel Walton
today. The delegated represent the princi
pal cities In the country. The executive com
mittee chose George McAncny and A. S.
Frlsscll , both of New York , secretary and
treasurer , respectively. After the usual
committees were appointed n recess wna
taken for lunch. The guests were : Theo
dore Kocuovclt , Oorman 11. Eaton , Everett
P. Wheeler , II. W Gilder and Henry VII-
lard , from New York , Charles Honaparte ,
from Baltimore ; John II. Proctor , from
Washington ; N. Q Divls nnd C. 11. Wllby ,
Cincinnati ; W. C. AcKerman and Colonel W.
J , Ela , Chicago ; L. II. Swift , Indianapolis ;
Hev. W. n Lord , St. Paul ; Henry Hitch
cock , St. Loula ; Herman Justl , Nashville ,
Tenn. , and the following from alllllatcd
societies : Plttsburg , Citizens' Municipal
league , George W. Guthrlo and D. D. Bruce ;
Chicago , Municipal Voters' league , Edwin
llurrltt Smith.
Richard Henry Dana of the Boston Civil
Scivlce Reform league was the first bpeakcr
In the afternoon. His topic was. "The Post-
olllco ns Party Spoils. "
Ho was followed by Charles Ricnaiiuon
of this city , who read a paper on 'Civil
Service Reform In Philadelphia. "
Hon. Silas Hurt of New York spoke on
"Tho New Svstein In New York. " and S. II.
Honker of New York read a paper o-i "The
Self Organizing Power of the American Pee
Police Commissioner Roosevelt of New
Yoik chose for his brief remarks. "Results
of Reform In the New York Police l < epirl-
ment. " He was listened to with marked at
tention. He said he had for twenty months
been tr > lng to reform that far from 'dcallc
body , the New York police , and addtd "I
have had a chance to test once nnd for rll
the practicability of the sjstcm of civil
servleo reform , and I want to state , nlth all
the emphasis of which I nm capable , that not
enl > Is It the best practlcil system for git-
tlng good results out of any civic depart
ment , but the only one Speaking fcr the
majority of the New York police commis
sioners , I wish to state that we could not
have done our work we could not have liC-
gun to do It. had we been hampered by
questions of the distribution of pationage"
President Carl Schurz delivered his an
nual address at the Music hill tonlcht. Mr
Schurr cpoko hopefullv of the causeof civil
ccrvicc reform. Ho compared the condition
of affairs as ho asserted they existed be
fore and ttlncc the adoption of the merit
[ 'jstcni. He declared the spoils system suf
fered a double defeat In the last election.
In this connection he referred In a compll-
monUcry manner to the national democrats
"for whom the etrugglo had no victory , but
the victory of the cause which they believed
to bo the cause of national honor and wel
fare. " Reference was made to the growth
of the civil service gystom. The number of
ic-sltlons In the national civil service placed
under the rules , which was 15,000 under
President Arthur twelve years ago , has now-
risen to nearly 90,000 , vvhllo the number of
cxcepted places In the branchen of the serv
ice covered Is reduced to loao than 800. Had
ho never done ? anj thingcteo to advance It
the name of President Cleveland would for
hl'l order of May 6 , vvh'eh added moro than
40.000 places to the classified service , for-
cvor ftnnd pre-eminent In the annals of the
civil service reform movement. Referring
to B-mo of the objections raltcl against the
merit sjstem , the speaker said the statistical
showing presents Itself that since the eom-
notltlvn s\Ptnm was Introduced In the na
tional bcrvlce , only a little moro than 12 per
cent of the men appointed under It were col-
Icgc-breJ men , amf outside of the places dc-
mandlnK toicntlflc acquirements hardly more
than G per cent 'hat In fact the service Is
moro open than ever to persons of the EO-
callcd humbler classes Of the public norv-
ants under "tho national government who
should still be put under civil sen Ice rules
the minor postmasters , Mr. Schurz said , wcio
the meat Important cliss Of these there are
about 67,000 Nothing had done so much to
keep the spolH Idea alive In the popular
mind as the change of the village pcstma'i-
ter with every change of party In power.
Mr Schurz poke of Prealdcnt-elect McKin-
loy'a emphatic declaration In favor of civil
service , said If the incoming administration
wished to signalize Itself by enmc con
spicuous advance of the merit sjstcm , Its
ambition could not permit Itself to bo sat
isfied with merely adding to thn competitive
schedule n few hundreds or thousands of
elcrl.s. It would have to aim much higher.
It would have nt least to accomplish thesolu-
tlon of the pcstmaster problem , which was
the next In order.
OIHcers for the ensuing jear were elected
as follows Secretary , George McHncery :
treasurer , A S. Grlesol ; executive commit
tee. Call Schurz , chairman ; Morcfleld Storry ,
Boston ; Sherman S. Rogers Buffalo ; Wil
liam A Alken , Norwich. Conn , Hdvvard M
Shcppard Brooklyn ; William G Low , Brook-
l > n , Charles J Bonaparte. Baltimore ; Ever
ett P. Wheeler. Silas Hurt , I ) II. Kaston ,
Hdvvard Carey , Richard Watson Gilder nnd
William PotU , all of New Yoik City : Men 111
W > man. Jr. , Cambridge , Masa ; William D.
Potilke , Richmond , I ml ; Richard II. Dana ,
lic.Tton , Lucius I ) Swift. Indlanapol's ' , In. ,
Herbert Welsh. Chatlrs Richardson , Phila
delphia ; John W. Hla , Chicago. President
and \ presidents will be chosen and the
pl.ico of holding the next meeting agreed
Dcnli-H Unit Hi * Hits HITII OnVrt'il or
II < 'Mlri'H till' I'OHllloil.
DURUQUH. Dec 10 ( Special Telegram. )
The statement that Senator Alllpon haa
been tendered the ofllcc of secretary of state
In McKlnlcy'u cabinet h without founda
tion. Ho expects no Invitation to enter the
cabinet and pcrfcn * to remain in the senate.
Should nn Invitation como n great pressure
upon him to accept will bo exerted by thowj
who nb-plro to sucLced him and who arc
suspected of originating the rumors current
nt Washington Ml Allison Is still confined
to lilo tionic. nnd will not go to Washington
until after the holiday vacation.
ro.\nssi.s : : TO AN IO\VA MIHIMH.
Orillllll Ml'I'lllTMMI ( iltCH IlllllHClf l'l |
for KlllliiK a Marxlm ! .
DKCATUR , III , Dec. 10 Orumn Mcl'her-
son utlnn Charles Murphy , confessed to the
Decutur police that ho killed the marshal
of Mornlni ; Sun , la. Ho has been drlnglng
heio three or four dave. When arrchted for
drunkcpneea , ho said ho was tired of eluding
arreut and would go back to Iowa without
requisition papers Ho says the marshal
wan clubbing his son and ho shot the offi
cer twice. That was September 20 lutit , and
the mnrihal died three dajs later.
( JMi-x I'OHM'Nxloii to till * llorl.-i'fcllrrx ,
WiST Bl'lMJHlOH , Wl . , Dec. lO.-Thu
decree of foreclosure In the CUHC of the Con
tra 1 Trust compiny of New York ngnliiHt
the \Vt Ht Superior Stetl nnd Iron company
\VIIH Krantcil today by Jiulgu Vlmto tod.ty ,
allowinK the Rockefellers to I IdpoxmH -
nlon under their trust deed of JI.Wrt.OiA The
Ci' TniHt L'omjinny lioldn n inorlKiinFo
on the- plant of t\MM \ ,
HiiHurll ( i. llorr'N Coiiillllon.
PLAINFinLI ) , N. J. , Dee. 10-Tho con
dition of fx.t'oiurn annum Itoswoll a Horr.
who IH III at his homo In tliln c-lty , took a
turn for the V.OIBU tlilH afternoon , but the
doctom uy ttitro In no immediate danger ,
WHO WII.I , MAKi : TUP. \ \ \
I ilex oil MIIUIN | | |
of I'atrona Ixtrlliutlon.
WASHINGTON , Uj 10 ( Special Tcle-
gram ) - A inectlnpjjff lie low ft delegation
vvas held tonight Ich It was decided
tliat the coiiKre'j should have direct
charge cf rostolflifel their several dls-
trloti * , while the rhoutd h.ivn Juris-
diction over nil liriHdentlnt offices ,
nnd 11 at they woij ] te In recommenda-
tloim As to Nebra | t Is undcrgtod tint
the republican coifl icn elected will bo
expected to look lio'tolllfei In their
districts , and In tl -trlcts where ropub-
Hcaiis failed to el ? 'ttgreoincn ' some r {
the retiring representatives will be contulted.
RUSH Itamniond in the Third and Cad ) In
the Sixth will undcubtedly ha\c Intluenco nt
Secretary of the Interior Francis has np-
proved and ordered patented the Mlscourl
Valley Land compiny a Hot of lands se
lected by It under Its grant embracing 4,479
acres In O'Neill district. Nebraska.
Miss Des Io Barclay of thl. clt > has been
appointed a hlndcrgartner in the Wlnnebago
( Nob. ) Indian tchool at ? CO n jcar.
A. L Dladcn lias been appointed postmas
ter at Newcastle , Dl\on county. Neb
There seems to be authentic grounds to
night for again pri dieting the selection of
Nelson A. Dlngloy of Maine for secretary of
the treasury Conferences were held today
In the private room of the capltol. In which
Messrs. Hannn , Procter , Dlnglcy , Groavcnor
and others participated , and In which tariff
legislation was the subject of much disci's
slon. Tonight a private meeting of the vvas
and means committee was held In Mr Gros-
\cnoi'e room nt the Cochran , and after n
full discussion It was decided to go ahead
on the tariff measures along republican
lines , and Introduce the bill with Dlnglcy's
name attached , that It might be discussed
at the present session , and If possible secure
1(3 ( passage , doing away with an extra ses
sion , falling In which to Introduce the same
at an extra session , when It Is now hoped a
republican majority may bo forthcoming In
the bcnatc ,
I ) . A. McAllister , land agent of the Union
Pacific Railroad company , arrived In Wash
ington tonight.
A postolllce has been established at Mor
gan , Carbon county , Wo with Ucorge W.
McFadden as postmaster.
.NATION , soi.i > iiitv : IHIMI :
Inimiti-M llNliiiniiralil > DlNcliiirKfil for
( JU tiiK ToKdnioiij.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. The Investigation
of the National Soldiera' home nt Leaven-
worth , Kan. , by a special committee of the
house was continued toJay and a number of
officers of the board and homo wcro ex
amined. General Franklin , the president of
the board of managers , was questioned con
cerning the disposition of the trust funds
bequeathed to the home , known as the Ward
and Stlnspn funds , but nothing Important
was developed.
General S O Cook , local managct of the
Leavwiworth home , testified that during
the last fiscal jear the number of
dishonorable dlschaigcs from the home
had been abnormally large , more
than from the Dayton home , which
had a membership twice arc large. He
could not give figures Heine asl.ed lij
Clull iiKin Grout about tna mcnt of wltmeies
who bad testified against Hie govcinor In a
former Invcatigatlon ( the Avcrlll Investiga
tion ) , Colonel Cook said that meat of them ,
numbering about a doron , had been recom
mended by the governor for dishonorable dis
charge. They had been promised piotcctlon
from punishment on account of their testi
mony , but Infractions of the rules were
charged against them. Half of them
reinstated by him ( Colonel Cook ) . Men were
discharged on testimony of the police- force
and ho lost confidence In the Integrity of that
force and had sweeping changes made.
Assistant Inspector Averlll read reports cf
results of the gold euro In the homes made
In 1893 , which was exceedingly commenda
Concerning punishment , Mr Avcrlll cald
there vvcro cells for confinement of the un
manageable at most of the homes and
straight Jackets were sometimes used.
J. M. Birmingham , general treasurer of
the homes , testified that most officers' bonds
were furnished by the American Sccurltj
Trust company of New York , which charged
one-naif or l per cent on tne race or tlic
bond. He denied that he received any com
pcnsatlon for Inducing officers to take out
their bonds with the company. The com-
mlttco met again at 4 o'clock and Colonel
Stcclo , local manager of the Marlon home
was briefly examined. He was questioned
upon several points , hut developed nothing
new The sale of beer on the ground ? at
the home he thought to be beneficial Pcnd
Ing the arrival of several witnesses sum
moned , the committee adjourned until Sat
1'iticns or I'lioni CTS AT TIII : rum.
AKrliMilturiil Ui'imrtiiiptit'N
fur UK * Month of D
WASHINGTON , Dec. 10 The returns of
the statistician of the Department of Agtlcul-
turo for the month of December relate chlcll )
to the aveiage farm priceof the various
products of agriculture on the first day of the
month The farm price of corn , as Indicated.
averages 21 4 , aa against " 53 cents last ) car ,
average price of wheat , 727 , as against CO.'J
cents last > car ; of rice , 403 , as against 14
cents last } car ; of oats ISO , as agalndt 190
cents last joar ; of barley 3..2 , as agalnfet
337 cents last jcar ; of buckwheat 39 I , cs
against 43 2 cents last year ; of Irish pota
toes 21.7 , ca against 2fiG ccntB last jcar ,
leaf tobacco , per pound , G cents , as agalmt
C.9 cents last year ; hay , per ton , JG61 , as
against J8 35 last jear ; cotton , per pound ,
G G. as against 7.G cents last jcar.
Thd condition of winter wheat on December
t averaged for the country 095 per cent , us
against 81 4 PIT cent In 1S95 ; 9 per cent In
1M > 4 and 91 C per cent in 1833. In the prin
cipal winter wheat states the percentage
are as follows Ohio , 101 ; Michigan , 90 ; In
diana , 100 ; Illinois , 99 ; MLsAouri , 101 ; Kan
sas , 103 ; Nebraska , 91 ; California. 97. The
returns make the ncreairn of n tutor uhcnt
just sown 1052 per cent of the area har
vested in 1S9G. Tills estimate , which In pre
liminary to the completed estimate of Juno
next makes the area shown for the harvest
of 1S97 , 2J.9SC.470 acres.
I'lit'lllc Kallnii } riiiiilliiK Hill.
WASHINGTON , Dec 10. The Gth of Jan
uary Is the date being considered for bring
ing up the Pacific railway funding bill In
the house. A rule fixing that day has been
drawn by the members of the committee
on rules and probably will ho recommended
Several members of the Pacific Hallway
committee will be absent before the holiday
recess , as well an other members , and moot
of the time will be taken up by the appro
priation bills , so that it Is considered Im
practicable to i ) ° al with the resolution be
fore the recess.
NCUH for Ilu > Army.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. ( Special Tele
gram ) Lieutenant Colonel William M
Wherry , Second Infantry , has been detailed
as member of the examining board at Fort
Keogh , Mont. , vlco Major Jacob II , Smith ,
I'lrot Lieutenant George S , Sandn , Sixth
cavalry , has been oidered to Fort Monroe ,
Va , for duty as quartermaster of that reg
1,1 Hit * lliii < > fitr .Vrn Mi\li * .
WASHINGTON , Deo. 10 That favorable
action Ifl not expected very BOOH on the hill
to admit Now Mexico Into statehood wan
evident today. Delegate Catron of that ten I-
tory. at the meeting of the houio LOininlttco
on territories , save notice that at n futiira
meeting ho would move that theroialdcra -
tlon cf the bill providing for the ndmluilon
of New Moxlco bo postponed two
Prrxlilriitlnl AlHinlMliili-iilN ,
WASHINGTON. DPI ; . 10 - The prtddcnt
haa nominated Benjamin K Klmherl } of
Colorado to lie icrelyi'r of public moneyi at
Denver , Cole , also John ( I , Ostiandn1 of
Alaska In bo ' oinnilMilonrr In and fcr the
district of AloaU , to rcolJo hi Junruu.
State Trcnsnrcr-I hot in Something of n
Pioklo for Security.
UlTorlN to Sccitrt * Siiroltcn AtnotiHr Hio
Mitlo Ui'iioHltor ) ItiinKM Do
> ( ! ( MlM't lllltlll'lll-
nti >
LINCOLN , Neb. Dec. 10 ( Special ) Hon.
J. B. Meserve , state treasurer-elect \ Inv-
Ing plenty of trouble these di > s , Ho h.ia
been putting In his time for several week *
piat trjlng to secure the bond nece-ury before -
fore lie cm qinllfy an ; uccewor to Stnto
Treasurer Ilartle > .
When Mr Meforvo was nomlnatetl by the
popullit state convention It was nssprted ho
would have no trouble whatever In securing
the $2,000,000 bond which the law dennnded
as n prerequisite before ho can take popses-
ylon of tliu Mate treasury. It V\BH said tlut
ho would fvcuro n bond lIKe the onn recuretl
Bovcral ve.irs ago by the papullnt I'tato treas
urer of KnnsTK , who obtained the signatures
of 1,000 farmers , each quallf > lng for a com
parative ! ) small amount.
As teen ns Mr Meserve was elected , how
ever , ho gave up the Impracticable Idea of
obtaining n farmer bond with 1,000 t'Unattires
nnd began to dicker with the tifllccr" of dif
ferent depository bulks who had been de
pended upon by previous state troitmrers to
assist them on similar Decisions Mr. Me-
tvrvo. who has be n treisurcr of the Red
Willow county and Is one of the dliectors ot
the First Nation il bank of McCool. In that
county , was certain thnt his i-landlnc a : i
banker would enable him to secure the proper
The original phn upon which ho started
vvas to wcuro a guaranty company bond under
the now law , which was Intended to enable all
niihlif ( iulcers in irlvo cuaranty bunds In
place of personal Ininds ns heretofore
tlntlonr wcro begun with several Onnlm
banks by which Mr. Mcservo vvas to agree
to deposit thi > ptato money In a Hit of ap
proved banks consl'tlng of sevei Oinilia Na
tional lunkn , the First National bank of Mc-
Cook and two or three other hanko located
nt different points throughout the state , ami
those banks were to pay the premium of tlio.
bond In a ratio corresponding to the doposila
which they would receive
These negotiations had gone on for a
considerable time , when It transpired on eon-
sulta'lon with Mr C. J. Sm > th. attorney
general elect , that In the opinion of the new
attorney gcieial it would not bo lepal for
the htato trcasuier to offer such n bond. Mr.
kmtli expretsed the opinion that whllo a
guaranty bend might be drawn In n manner
that would effectual ! ) protect the Interests
of the state the letter ot the law would ren
der such a bond of questionable legality.
Ho advlbed Mr Meservo that If he should
glvo a gunianty bond nnd State Treasurer-
Hartley shot-Id refuse to recognise It , ho
would have dilllculty In obtaining possession
of the office. Coi sldorlng the clrcumstnnces ,
therefore , ho ndvlscd him not to attempt to
enter olllco by that route.
This avotuo having been suddenly closed
Mr Meserve was forced to return to the
plnn of a personal bond nnd to secure the
atulstanco of the Omaha bankers for that
purpose. It Is known that he has not secured
the eignatuira needed , although It In staled
on good authority that he has made no mo
progress. A member of the next state sen
ate , who is familiar with Mr Meacrve's
troubles , said today , thnt the new treasurer
had half the required bond already and that
ho had two aignatuies upon the paper ot
men who had qualified In the sum of $100.-
000 nplecc But thoto slgnnturc.i have not
been secured without promises , as regards
the conduct of the ofllce and the deposits
of publlu funds and also of the early re-
Icaso of the bond.
According to the last piogram Mr. Mc
servo Is to qualify on a bond procured
through the different depository hanKn with
tfm rildtlnpt limlnrat.tMiKm ? It ( M tn lir %
eaiKcllcd within two weeks after the new
olllccrs take their seats and replaced by a.
guaranty bond This ptocccdlng Is to bo
legalized by the enactment of a law Imme
diately upon the convening of the legislature ,
which will enable the treasuier to give &
guarunt ) bend Instead of a pcr&onal bond.
Whether this new bond Is to be paid for by
assessment on the banks according to original
plans has not jet bctn nindo public There (3 (
even some doubt whether the whole schema
can be carried through , and It certainly
cannot he carried through w ithotit hav Ing
the new tieasurer tied hand and foot to the
hanks who furnlcili the bond Two ycara ago
Oovernor Hokomb i > ct the precedent of sub
jecting eveiy bond filed with him to the
test of the mercantile agencies and refusing"
to approve any bond which did not stem
to afford adequate security If ho follows
out this process with the new populist Htato
ofllcers there may bo some delay , bcforo
they will bo able to take poajegsion.
Something In the natuio of a bomb vva <
tin own Into the whole official bond matter
vcstcrday when Attorney Gcncial Churchill ,
In response to a request from Governor Hol-
comb , filed a wiltton opinion In which ho
holds that the law passed b ) t-o last legis
lature , making it po slble for public olllccrs
to glvo guaranty bonds tn place of pcreonal
bonds IH unconstitutional and therefore null
and void. Whllo the text of this opinion
Is still securej ! guarded In the governor's
olllcc. It Iu known thnt the nttoinc ) gcncial
bared Ills conclusion on the fact , thnt the
law In question fails to specify the different
acts which It nnn-ndp T. n guaranty bond
law provides thnt a guaranty bond may bo
pjUstltuted wherever personal bonda liavo
been required , not only by public olllcers. hut
alto In appeal cases and as recognlznnco
for criminals subject tu ball. Thetto provi
sions uro scattered throughout our whole
criminal and civil I'odvs while tliu law does
not tpcclfy any of the nets to to amended.
Attorney General Churchill us"ort-i that no >
state treasurer can legally qualify upon a
guarantee company bond and thai nil guar
anty bonds given under the law uro of no
effect. It Is Kilil , however that neither
Mr Churchill 01 Mr Smyth you any dlfll-
culty In the way of framing a law which
would cover the care , but the legislature )
must act bcfnro a guaranty bond can bo
accepted for the state ti ( Usurer.
Mr Mcccrvo hat > uhout three weeks moro
In which to complete his bond and ho l
/mid to bu confident of accomplishing fiu
task by that time Should ho full ; the addi
tional complication will arise whether a
failure to qualify In linn- will continue the
present state treasurer In offlio until the
next general election n year lirnoo , or
whether the new trfas-n'T ' uin qualify to
take poiucislon at any tlinu after lib tern
of oftlco bcKlnn. Lawyers who have looked
Into the matter nay tiint there Is a point
here on which there In no decision of our
courts and thnt should the contingency
offer , IntercBtlng development ! ) may bo looked
hlii'i'li HriM'ilfrN PUNK KuMoliitloiiH ta
Ho Prrximti'il to Cunnri-HM ,
ROCHESTER , N. Y. , IVo. JO , The New
York Stale .Merino Sheep lin-fdrr * ' associa
tion at 1U annual mcotlnK In this city
adopted resolution * which < < ! ! rgi > that the
present tariff , by putting wool on the frco
list , has vvoiUcd urent Injui ) to the giowent
unit niautifuultireiH ofuoln. . The renolu-
tlons further assert that with adequate pro
tection "our wool * nccdtd by our maim-
fuctureitt to supply the entire demand for
cluthlng and the jirlcra. ( .or.vldirlnc thu
uauf-8 of labor are below those of any olhor
nation. " and call upon eoncrc-w to tuko
"turh Immediate ndlo.i will nave the
waul growing Industry of our tomtry finui
d'.tiurtlon" fongnrn lu atau inked to
place a prohibitive duty upon holdy , ragu
und o''i ' r nulvtltucn fort ( u\a. \