Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    o fVMATIA Til Ir 17SH A V. 1) WMAI Ulill ? in. ,
Principal Witness in the Leo Trial nt
York on the Stand.
Minute Di-lnllN of ( InAllowoil 1'lnl to
n I'roinlnontolirnKl li
( Jltleon ( ilven tn
tinI'nlillc. .
YOKK , Neb. , Dec. 0. ( Spcclnl. ) The
trial opened this morning with Moiaplay
etlll on the stand. Ho continued his story
nliout the plot to wreck the train. He tolil
how approached him upon the suhject
of ditching the trnln hy intimating that ho
( Messplay ) hail been engaged In zomo of the
burglaries that had been nnnoyliiR York poo-
jilo about that time. Mcsspiay denied this.
McBiplay aya that varloua places of meet-
1ns were arranged by Leo , but that lie did
not fulfill all the engagements. In one con
versation MfMplny asked Lee what would
be done If thu man ( Hlsscll ) failed to Ret
killed In the wreck. replied that they
would use n ctono to knock him In the head.
"Why not use guns ? " queried Mtssplay.
"Ouns talk , and besides , train wrecks do
not make bullet holes , " was the answer
purported to have been Riven.
"On the evening of October G , " said Mesa-
play , "Lee , In Hpcaklng of the person ho In
tended to put away , told me- that 'the In
dividual Is dead easy to feet. HO'B a sure
mark. I tried to Ret him once before , but
a limb caught my arm. ' "
This Is a portion of Mcsaplay's testimony
that Is considered very Important In reference -
once to the present case , and one which the
attorneys are battling over warmly.
McEsplay saj-H that the train was to be
wrecked by placing spikes In the Joints of
the rails at a curve which would elevate
the engine so that It would be ditched , lie
tolls about going with him to the tracks
of the St. Joe & Orand Island railroad and
then showing how the derailing was to bo
The cross-examination which followed was
rigid. The defense made a strong effort to
tangle the witness , and succeeded In getting
Mrasplay'n memory somewhat mixed. An
attempt will bo made by the defense to In
validate Mcfisplay's testimony and to show
that ho la a clever raacal. and that his mo-
tlvo In exposing the alleged plot ID n purely
mercenary one. Mcssplay has not homo a
very savory reputation here , although he
has never bren proven guilty of any crime.
II'o ' Is of a roving disposition and has trav
eled the country over. There Is a suspicion
among some that the Interesting story told
by Mrssplay Is but a fabrication gotten up
by 111 MI for hla own benefit.
Tlio prorwciitlon continued to Introduce evi
dence the greater part of the afternoon.
Messplav wai again called to the witness
box. Ho Identified a letter which lie received
from I.rcasking Frank to meet him at n
certain time about mine crjyon work. It
was t'Igned "I.ce. " Frank Messplay claims
that ho lus no knowledge of any crayon
William Purcell testified that he saw Lee
nnd Mcssplay on the St. Joe railroad track
evidently engaged'In Homethlng on the track.
Frank Ilrown nnd William Harrlfj told that
they saw I.eo roaming around the Durllngton
and the Rlkhorn tracks , on October 15. east
of the city , near the crossing of the two
roads. They regarded his actions na sus
picious. II. King , mayor of York , tcstlfle'd
to finding a hatchet at the spot where His-
nell was ambushed. The hatchet was Identi
fied no belonging to Judge Hennott , whcae
law olllce was located In the same building
and on the store with's gallery , before
the lattcr's removal last summer. Dennett
says Leo often borrowed the hatchet. IIo
1ms mlatcd the hatchet since August C.
The dufcnao then took charge. The flmt
wltncfr-a was Mtas Joslo Hanson. She Is
I.ce's slslcr-ln-law , and was employed In
Leo's gallery. She testified that she never
saw the hatchet In question , and that Leo
had a hatchet of h's ' own. Forrest Smith wan
juit In the box. He worked for Leo at the
time of the assault. He overheard Leo
sMak | about Indemnity for death or Injury
Incurred In a hold-up , when Leo and George
were discussing the taking out of a policy.
Smith said he was living with Leo on the
night of September 15 the evening when
HkMell was assaulted. Ho stated that he
and Leo wont from Ills homo to the gallery
nt 7:15 : that evening. They worked at the
gallery for an hour , then Leo went to tln
Uryan headquarters. Ho returned and
worked half an hour. Smith and he drove
In a buggy to LCO'H house. Leo went In the
house , while Smith put awqy the horse. I.eo
was In the house the rest of the evening.
Smith asserts. The testimony of Smith ap
parently strengthens Lee'tf case a good deal.
The counsel for Leo also Introduced evidence
tending to show that Mcfsplay was a scoun
drel. Lee will go on the stand tomorrow.
The attendance at the trial U the largest
over seen In the court room , and a r.otlcublo
feature Is that a large part of It Is inado up
of York's lending society women.
Murderer llenril from Monday
\ oiirorlli lleud.
SCHl'YLUH. Neb. , Dee. 9. ( Special Tele
gram. ) There are no now developments In
the Detlefsen murder ease. The last known
of him was that hei was at the home of his
sister , eight miles northeast of North I Send ,
at 11 o'clock Monday night. He left there
soon after and. It Is said , on foot. Ilk rela
tives claimed to know nothing of his where
abouts. The coroner's Inquest was held this
morning , the Jury finding that Diedrlch
Glrslng met his death by pistol shot
wounds made by Glaus Detlefscn , who ma
liciously and feloniously did the deed. The
funeral of Oledricli occurred this afternoon ,
people from miles around being In attend
I'oi .IcT DenllHl Will llnvo Ill I're-
Iliiiliinry \e\l Monday.
I'KNDKH , Nob. , Dec. 9. ( Special Tole-
Ki-ain. ) The preliminary Inuring of Dr.
Gooclmanson was postponed today until De
cember II at 10 o'clock a. in. Tending his
hearing , ho was In charge of the sheriff at
Ills quartern In the Peebles hotel , but today
was confined to the county Jail. In an Inter
view with a Dee reporter today ho expressed
Ho fear of future developments In the case ,
nnd thinks ho will bo released at the time
of the hearing.
IMnti tn r\teiul rniiKroKntloiinl Worlc.
IIOSTON. Deo. O.-Secrotarlos nnd cxecu-
tlvu officers of the nix national Congrogn-
tlonnl mlBDlonnry societies have matured
u plini for unifying nnd extending "Congro.
Kutluiml work , " wlileh will bo put Into
iinnu dlnto uponitlon. They will Issue a
Joint statement of their work to tlie COO-
UOO Congregational cliureh members of the
united Stilton , unking for ono generous con.
trllmtlon annually from gacli society and
accompany It with an exhibit of the work
currlcil on historically nnd at the present
Kintnolt fietN IIN | Divorce.
NUNS' YOHK. Dec. 9.-J. 1C. Kiniiintt. the
nitor. : WIIH the plaintiff In a milt for dl-
vorco from Mny n. Kmmett , tried today
in the Hiipr. mo court , whom ho married
In IfOI. Kinmett charged adultery with
Kdward J. Hays. After hearing the evl-
deneo the court mild ho would Bvo | Em-
inett n decree.
Pousse Pate.
And why not a pic-pusher
as well as n coffee-pusher ? It's
far more necessary. Do you
suffer with dyspepsia ? Aycr's
Cathartic Pills will cure you.
Take a
Titot : oi' iMir.xcii IUXMAMHIY.
AI. Melliio SII.VM liilorniillnnnl Illtneliit
11 win In I lie llelili-d- .
PA HIS. Dec. 3. The nfrlculturnl ? liudge
wag dlsctuncd In the Chamber of Deputlon to
dny. Tlio premier , M. Mellno , admltlci
the fnrnicM were siifferlti ? from tlie continue
fall In prices , nnd that the Import duties hat
partly lort their oinclency , o lns to tlio Ml
In value In foreign coin , and the fall In ex
eliaiiKen. The remedy , ho explained , was li
t > lmetftll m. but ho ndile < l , the niiesllon
needed Internallonnl wttlomcnt. Tie govern
inent , ho further Mated , Intended to Minlj
the oflocts of HpoculBtl'iii In whent mi'
farniers' Ininranco. Contlnnlnj ? , the premie
Dtinoatrd that n Kyntctn of export bounties
was dar-Tous and mlRht bring reprisals.
The povernniont , however , woul 1 rrnsller tlu
propo ltlon. In conclmiim , M. Mollno sa'.i
one of the Rreatest fcrvlccs which could bo
rendered lo Trench hiifbnndry would bo to
relieve It from land taxation. M. Mellnc.
tnld the export of pork anil salt mcaM hat
decrenrcd from 17,000,000 to 12.000,0.10 francn
Therefore , the premier pointed out , forolRi
Imports had not cautvil the fall In prices
which ho explained was duo to Increase !
homo productin. !
MISS i.rcv im.vii ; > s ix ninti.i.v
of ( lie .MlnlNlcr to Ceriunnj
Unrrlcil In n Vnle 1'pnroinur.
I1KULI.V , Dec. 9. Mlas Lucy Ubl , daughter
tor of United States Minister Uhl , was mar
rlcd this afternoon to I'rof. Guy Thompson
of Vale university. Dttrlnt : the morning tlio
band of Iho Alnxnndpr roclinnnt of ( ; ua-.l
serenaded the young people.
The civil ceremony took place early In the
afternoon and the religious ceremony wa
celebrated at the bride's house at 7 o'clock
thh evening. Letters were received fron
President and Mrs. Cleveland nnd from Hit
Imperial household , rcKrettliiR Inability to be
present at the ceremonies. Mi % . John 1)
Jackaon , secretary of the Unlte.I Statca cm
bassy , and Mrs. Jackaon , will cfpi-taln the
newly married pair at breakfc-u tomorrow
and Mr. and Mra. Thompson will aftcr\var <
start on their wedding trip. Tbcir dcatlna
tlon has been kept strictly secret , even fron
the parentot the Iirldu.
I'nrlN l-'lmini Sees Coiixelenee mill Iten
HOII In ( 'levelnnd'H MeHMiuvo.
PARIS , Dec. 9. The Figaro atrongly ap
proves of President Cleveland's mcsaage to
congress and ways : "It proves that , apar
from the fomcnters of international discord
there Is a reserve of men In America swayc <
solely by the dictates of conscience am
reason. "
The Gnulols remarks : "Tho message fc
of a nature to arouse the susceptibilities o
Europe. " _
CoiiNliler I'lenelinvnl Credit * .
PAUIS , Dec. 0. Tlio liiidcet of the coin
mlttee of the Chamber ot Deputies todaj
heard the premier , M. Mellne , M. Cocherle
the minister of finance , and Admiral DCS
nard , minister of marine , on the subject o
M. Lockcroy'a amendment , demanding a
credit of 200 000,000 francs for the navy. The
minister of marine declared that the condl
tlon of the navy was not so unfavorable as
Ita critics alleged. Tlie government , how
ever , he added , bad for several months beei
studying a program for Increasing the
atrongth of the fleet and it would soon be
decided to ask Parliament for money to
carry it out. Itut , said the admiral In con
elusion , the government would reject an ;
proposition to Inject an extravagant budge
for the navy.
llniiiltiet to Sura lleriilinrilt.
PAUIS , Dec. 9. There were COO people
present at the banquet given at the Gram
hotel this afternoon to Mine. Sara Ilcrnlinrd
by her admirers. They Included the Icadlnt ,
artistic , literary and society people of thr
capital. The great Krcncli actress , who
were a cream satin dress and a green
opera cloak , arrived at the hotel soon after
noon , accompanied by Sardou , the dramatist
and entered amid the rapturous cheers o
the crowd about the building.
Cerntiiiiy mill StennieiSillixIdleH. .
DEIIMN , Dec. 9. During the discussion
In the Helclustag today of the bill mihsldiz
Ing steamship lines to the far east. Dr. von
Dottlcher , minister of the Interior , declarcc
that the competition In eastern Asia bctweei
the naCTons seeking new outlets for trade
was BO keen that there was every justifica
tion for protecting German enterprise by
subsidies which. In his opinion , should bo
raised to 1,500,000 mark .
Six of tlie Crorr Are MXNIIK. |
LONDON. Dec. 9. The Portuguese bark
Victorlosa , Captain Fcrrcirla , from New Or
leans , October C , with a cargo of timber for
Oporto , was seriously damaged and parti ;
filled with water off Vlaca. Six of the crew
Including olllccrs. left In a boat and have
not been heard from. The remainder have
landed at Oporto.
nr Situation IH Improving. .
PAHIS , Dec. 9. The Chamber of Deputies
today adopted the colonial budget. The
minister for the colonies , 51. Lcbon , read a
dispatch from General Galllcnl. the French
commander In the Island of Madagascar , an
nouncing that the rltimtlon there continues
to Improve.
lloeU StrlUerH HcNiiniliiK Work.
IIAMIUJIIG , Dec. 9. The number of dock
ers working continues to increase. Only
COO out of 1,100 men employed on the Btato
quays have ceased work. The crane men
have been warned that If they do not rcsiimo
work tomorrow they will btf sued for breach
of contract.
Funeral services of Vernon S. White ,
son of Jlr. and Mrs. K. W. White. L-Jl'.t
Reward street , will bo held at the FlrHt
Methodist Kplacopal church , Twentieth and
Davenport streets , Friday afternoon , lo-
ct-mber 11. 1SVJ , 'nt " o'clock. Interment In
Prospect Hill cemetery. Friends Invited ;
.VeliriiNkiv Will llnve It I-'nlr AKIIII !
ullll South lo \ VontVlndH. .
WASHINGTON , Dec. 9. The forecast for
Thursday Is :
For Nebraska nnd Kansas Fair ; south
to west winds.
For South Dakota Fair ; warmer In east
ern portion ; southwest winds.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair ; vari
able winds.
For Montana Fair , followed by local
showers in northern portion ; colder In
northern portion Thursday night ; west
For Missouri and Iowa Fair ; continued
warm ; west winds ,
Local Heooril.
OMAHA. Dec. 9. Omaha record of rainfall
nnd temperature , compared with correspond.
Ing day of tlio past three years :
lS3fi. 1S93. 1S9I.
Maximum temperature . . KII 40
Minimum temperature . . . : ( . " . - ' : ! 21 1C.
Avnrngn temperature . . . . -15 112 32
Htllllfall 00 .00 ,00 .00
llccord of temperature nnd precipitation
at Omaha for the day and since March 1 ,
Normal temperature for the day 30
KXOCHS for tha dity 1.1
Accumulated dellcloncy since March 1..SMI
Normal precipitation for the day. . .01 Inch
Dellcloncy for the day 01 Inch
Tctal precipitation slncu Mch. I..31 87 Inches
KXCOHH since Mardn 1 5.31 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period , : Inches
Deficiency for cor. period , ISO I. . 15. 1 lnclcs |
lleiiortu from Slntloiin lit S |
Omaha , clear . . . , 51
North I'futtu. clear . . .
Hull Uiku City , clear
t'ticyi'iine clear ,
Hnplil I'll ) ' , clear
Huron , purl clomly , . , ,
riik'ngu , clour . . . '
HI , I.ouln , clear
HI. luiul , clear
Davenport , clouily . . , , ,
Helena , clear . . , . ,
Kuniiu City , clear
llliinarck , clear
WMIUtim. cli'.ir
Clulvi'ntun , clear
T Indicate * trace of precipitation.
U A. WIU.SH , Ix > cul run-cant Ofllclul.
lown Soldiers' ' Homo Trustees Object to
Posing as Criminals ,
Fcilornl Allnrtio.v lluvlniv I In- Mutter
III Cltni'Kc Ht'fiiMi-H In I'linililor
tinA | > i > llentlnii of
I ho Olllccr.i.
DBS MOINKS , Dec. 9. ( Sncclll Telegram. )
J. J. tlutiiticl ! and Attorney General Hem-
Icy , who will rcitrcscnt the nlflcers of the
Soldlcro' homo In the projoeiitlo'.io oboul to
be commenced , consulted with tome of the
trustce.1 nnd with District Attorney Fulleri.
the prr.tecutor , today. It was learned' that
the trusteed desired that no formal nrreots
f'.vould IIP made.'and requested that , they
should not bo nindo defendants. They wanted
Pullon to make Commandant Ilatekln the
only defendant In the matter. This courro
was urKcd on the ground that the case was
not really a criminal action , although be-
Run In that form , but In effect a test cnw ,
and that there was no necessity for cmbar-
lasslng the trustees by subjecting tlicm to
arrci't. Kullon declined to consider thU prop-
o. Itlon , Insli'tlnR that all murt bo arrested
The arrests 'have not yet been made. They
arc brlns delayed for come reason which
the district attorney refuses , to make public.
I'rnfc-tMldinil XurHiTynicii itf IHWI
I'D in cut I li UT DUnird ill Anu-H.
DKS .M01NKS , Dec. 9. ( Sc-Ul | ; TeleRram.
The State Horticultural ao-lety , which for
two years has bad a feud with the State
Agricultural college at Amca , exploded a
charge today In Its annual meeting. Itas
declared that the AKrlcultural college Is opcr
atlng Us horticultural experiment depart
ment as a regular commercial nursery , am
with the state's backing , Is competing will
nurseries of the state on terms that make I
a serious damage to private nurserymen. C
L. Watrotw of this city , a leading nursery
man , made the charge that I'rof. J. L. Uudd
head of the experiment department , has beci
using his position to Induce the people o
the state to adopt certain varieties of fruit *
which have been long recognized as failures
In this part of the country ; and It was
charged that the reason WEB that the state
nursery has been propagating these varieties
and want to get rid of them. A delegate ,
from Nebraska , who has recently returnee' '
from a trip in 1 Ins.'la to Investigate Uusslan
fruits , declared that they were a huge fraud
nouo of them are fit for use In this country
and that I'rul. Iludd ought to know bcttci
than to push them on Iowa people. The as
sociation \vcfl unanimous In condemnation
of the experiment statio , and determined to
ask the legislature to give It money to con
duct such a station , and to discontinue that
it Ames.
III Knlilr 'IVmpliKliMt OUIi-crx Wlillt
III ScNMloii ill Ccdllr HnplilH.
CKDAH UAPIDS. In. , Hoc. 9. (
Telegram. ) Nearly 200 members of El Kahlr
temple. Ancient Arabic Ori'er ' Nobles of the
XlytUlc Shrine , from all over eastern Iowa
attended the annual meeting of the temple
In tljis city this .afternoon. Itcports shm\
Ilicre has been a large Increase In member
ship during the past year , the mcmbcrahli
now being 13,335. Officers for the ensuing
year were chosen as follows : Illustrloun
potentate. Austin D. Drown , Manchester-
chief , K. I. AJdoraiau , Marlon ; as
sistant chief rabban , C. II. French. Cedar
Uapids ; oriental guide , W. A. Dcarbor.i
Stone City ; treasurer , James I > . Hever , Cedar
Rapids ; recorder. John Wesley , Oelger
Marlon ; first ceremonial master , fi.'L. Camp
Marlon ; second ceremonial master , John S.
Clemmona. Cedar Rapids ; director. 1' . II.
Juckctt , Cedar Itaplds ; marshal , C. I' . Kmer-
son. Cedar llapld. ? ; captain of the guard , A.
lj. Heardsley , Manchester ; outer guard , 55.
Karr , Cedar Rapids.
At C o'clock a banquet was tendered the
members of the temple by the local chapter
of the Order of Eastern Star. At the ses
sion tonight the newly elected officers were
Installed by Past Illustrious Potentate Oeorge
\V. Hover , and a largo class of candidates
was Initiated.
I'olltlcH inlr the Urrtlnpr In the
Komi r CiiiitoNt for OIlH-e.
DES MOINES , Dec. 0. ( Special Telegram. )
The Iowa Sheriffs' association opened u
two-days' session today and the first thing
announced was that certain politicians had
tried to pack the meeting In order to pam
a resolution In favor of II. T. St. John of
Osage for United States marshal for the
Northern district of Iowa , for which a hoi
light Is on. The opponents of St. John say
they will defeat the resolution If It comes
up. The attendance today was fifty-two am'
tomorrow It will reach eighty-five. The as
sociation will tomorrow name a strong1 com
mittee to lay before the legislature a bill
to amend the fee laws. The present Jaw
compels sheriffs to pay expenses of serving
papers In civil suits and some of the sheriffs
declare that the olllce la not worth holding
under this rule. They want the parties to
the suit to pay such fees. U Is probable the
new olllccrs will bo P. B. Narcy of Spirit
Lake , president , and George A. Smith of
llurllngton , secretary and treasurer.
Mot CiinlfNt Over tlii < I'oNlllon t the
Hvlra .Si-Nslnii ,
DES MOINE3. Dec. 9. ( Special Telegram. )
Thcro-ls a hot contest in progress for tut
secretaryship of the state eciiate at the extra
session. AV. E. Dullard of Ilclmond , secre
tary of the regular session , would ordinarily
servo through the extra session. Soon aftei
! TIe adjournment of the regular session he
was arrested on the charge of forging n
mortgage , on which ho borrowed money at
Ills home. Charges were filed against him
hero , but have never been Investigated.
Meantime ho has been Indicted on two
counts In Wright county , and the trial will
begin this week. Dullard Insists on his In
nocence. The senators will attempt to Im
peach him and elect a new secretary If ho
Is convicted. There Is a faction , however ,
that Insists that ho Is being wronged , and
that ho shall serve , as his case will bo ap
pealed If ho IH convicted. Dr. E. R. Hutch-
Ins , who proceeded Dullard as secretary , Is
touring the state to get pledges of support
for the place this winter.
SclllcM nn Old .
DES MOINES , Dec. . ( Special Telegram. )
Dee Molncs now haa only ono board of
puhllc work ? . When .Mayor MacVlcar was In
ducted Into olllco last spring , ho announced
that the terms of John Sherman and George
Slmms , the Incumbent board , had expired ,
and that they should bo succeeded by 13. W.
Crellln and C. D. Doardman. It wax under
stood the uhongo waa made for political
purposes. There had been a question for
iworal years as to when the terms should ex.
plre- , dating from the time when the city
annexed Us tniburbs In IS30 , and reorganized
Its official corps. The new board tried to
assume the olllco , but was enjoined , and , on
hearing the case , the lower court decided
In favor of the old members , The cnwi was
appealed and today decided In favor of the
old memberti , Sherman and Slnims , Tlio tiu-
premo cnurt held that Sherman'u term .will .
explro In 1SU7 and Slmms In 1S9S.
Icl.-iKIIH-M a Hi-mi
CEDAR RAPIDS. In. , Dec. 9. ( Special
Telegram. ) The robber who was tbot and
silled at Fairfax Monday night by K. I- ' .
[ Icnodlct , the agent of the Milwaukee road
at that place , has been Identified as Frank
iVolfc , whoiio homo waoncar Amana , but who
ma been in Chicago for about three yearn
He was In Jollct and the Drldowell several
times. Ills pal , Henry Scbultz , nlai of Chicago
cage , wao captured at 4 o'clock this afternoon
at tlio homo of Wolfe'o father , near Amana ,
> y Special Agent U'a'itm of the Milwaukee.
lo was brauhOt hero tonight and made a full
confession , llo la shot In the thumb.
Look lo your Intcrcrt. You can buy gal-
atlon Oil , the urcnt pain-cure , for 2G cent-- .
n \xurnT _ TO nn.oxKi , MTM in : .
J3 vs
M m
Vclcrnn I'hllnilflplilii Joiirnull * ! lr-
llvrW W > iitnlil < < Aililrc < i ,
PHILADIJLJ'UIA. Dec. 0. Eminent public
men from maHprltlr. taf nround Iho board at
the Hotel yAlrVn lonltf-.t nnd did honor to
Colonrl A. lv. ' M rim-p. editor of the Times.
who today 'boftfpletod hl > i fiftieth year In
journAllri.n. Governor HaKlngp prenldud. and
the event was irtfide notable by the pretence
of Vlce-Prcdflon'f Adlal 13 , Stevenson , Mnjor
j General Mllom Commo.lorp Melville , and
many cnnRrwititn ami senator * . The news
paper wnrlU.wafl.ieprtffcnted by n large out-
of-town rontli.pent. The proprietors nnd rdl-
torn of all tnti Philadelphia nowi'paperu were
nlso pre'Tiit. " ' '
In the course of Mils atldrer * to HIP nR-
sembled Kuesti1 , Mr. McClnro delivered nn
elaborate nddrps ( on the duties and ro.'iioiirl-
bllltloo of Journalism , coiicludliiK as follows :
To seel ; promotion In rlvll tru t from tlio
odltorlnl chnlr of nn newspaper
Is to sitrrlllcitiin grnnder opportunity and
responsibility for the tinsntlsfyliiK fnmo of
nfllrlnl dlstliu'tlon. It Is the mission of the
newspaper to create- presidents and olht-r
rulers , to Judge them wlion In power , to
sustain them when they have lieen faithful
and ( Illeleiil In iho dlsehartre of puldlc
ilutlni , nnd In df > fat them when they nn
forgetful of the public wolfanIn the ills-
charge of the Impoitnnt duties tlie news
paper must , above nil , be free from the
suspicion of Hci'klni ; Individual ndvnnlngr ,
and It cun l > so only by npcppilnp Its trust
j ai highest of nil and more enduring thnn
nil. Orrnt j-dltors have lie < n presiiMiably
honored by conferring upon them lil b oMl- iiosltloiis In rcpognltlon of p.irly norv-
Ices , but no editor In tin entire history of
Amcrlrun Juiininllsm wbu lm.4 niadu hm
iicwspappr secomlary to political amhltlon.
has written any other record tlmn I'ulluro
ns both editor and stiitcsman.
My brethren Of the prc s need not bi > rc-
mludid of the often painful duties which
come to the fearless editor. They must
ever remember that "faithful nn the
wounds of a ft lend " and no class of teach
ers so well know that
Forgiveness to the Injurttl docs belong ,
Hut they ne'er inirdon who have done the
I-Vw , very few , Indeed , outside of the edi
torial piincturn , over Irani how the surges
of ambition , in nil Its varied and fantastic
phases from the noblest to tlio nuxinpst ,
assail and often vex lotirnalistlc duties. The
public knows not of the many gifted men
who must thus at timed IIP saved from
themselves , and nn editorial retrospect of
half a century presents a sad record of
the newspaper work of making bricks with
out straw. Justly excepting the compara
tively few public men who tower ever medi
ocrity In public place , journalism gives the
position and fashions the fame of most of
them. It Is not done arbitrarily nor from
choice an public and political necessities
arc often imraiiiouiit with Journalists , as
with others , In awarding public honors ; but
with all Its exactions and rosponslhllltli'S ,
which are over magnified by the greater
opportunities for usefulness , there Is no
calling that brings richer compensation for
fidelity to duty. The consciousness that
each day the editor whoso renders are
numbered by hundreds of thousands , may
greatly aid In making the world better than
It was In the pissing ycstordav , Is a con
stant Inspiration to the best efforts , and It
Is especially gratifying that even In tlio
many and at times Impassioned conflicts
of Journalistic dispute the rugged and
sharp-angled walls which divide us are
over so beautiful and fragrant with the
flowers of good fellowship as is Impres
sively taught hy this assembly.
Thus charged with tlio highest of civil
trusts In th.ii most enlightened government
of the earth , the editor must bo honored
or dishonored hero by the measure of his
fidelity to his exceptional duties , and must
bo so judged In the hereafter , when the
narrow pathway , of life that divides past
and future 'eternities has been traversed.
Wo come when Million , we know not
whence ; wu HO when hidden , wo know not
whither , but each and all have duties to
themselves. Jo tlvolr homes , to their ooiTTitry
and to the 'common brotherhood of man.
which when performed with the faithful
ness that luimau Infirmities will permit
must greatly brighten the brief and often
fretful Journey from the cradle to the grave.
Friends. In thN evening twilight of my
journalistic -work , so sweetly mellowed by
the smiling , facff , young and old. about
mo , I answer your generous greeting- with
the gratitude that can perish only when
the gathering shadows shall have settled
Into the night that comes to purple the
better morn.
i u.
W. J. Bryan-will speak at a banquet of
Chicago democrats on January S.
Consol General Lee did not loavn for Cuba
on yesterday's pteamer , as expected.
Paner manufacturers are holding- con
ference at Xow York and endeavoring to
form a trust.
Operators and miners are still In session
nt I'lttsbiirg , tryingto agree on a scale
for next year.
According to the Denver Times the Cole
rado Midland will p-ias out of the hands of
receivers before April 1.
Western Union directors have declared
the regular quarterly dividend of 1 4 per
cent , payable January 15.
Klront Chester , Ark. , destroyed the
'I-rlsco railroad depot and nearly the 011-
tlro business part of the rt > wn.
John C. Schofield of Albuquerque , N. M.
has been appointed receiver for Iho defunct
Gorman National bank of Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Do Young have sailed
for Paris , to spend Christmas with their
children , who are In .school there.
IJx-Senator William C. Gear was ac
quitted at Columbus of the cyanic of so-
lloltliiK a bribe from ox-Senator Gaumer.
Superintendent of Hillldlngs Constable
stated lo Maydr Strong that thcio are 300
largo buildings In New York City that are
Colonel John It. Fellows was laid to rest
In Trinity cemetery. New York City , after
funeral services In the Church of the Inter
Robert Clarke fell down an Incline In the
Gold Cup mine nuir St. ICImo. Colo. , and
v.-as killed. Ho was a son-in-law of IX A.
Gage of Chicago.
Mrs. U. S. Grant gave a social tea In her
handsome residence In Washington to pres
ent tier grand-daughter. Miss Vivian
torls. to Washington society.
A warrant has been Insiiod at San Fran
cisco for the arrest of Rev. Peter C. Yorke ,
clmncollor of the diocese , on a charge of
criminal libel on the complaint of ( ioorgo
Thlstieton , a real estate dealer , who al-
Thf Only ItemedIn tlio World , Kx _
> Mt | u SurKlciiI Oiirriitlon , that
Will ( Vrtnlnl.v Cure Any
I'orni of I'lle.N.
The study of pliyi'iclnns , the experiment a
of chemists , the loudly advertised prcion-
olons of qquacks have been for years ex
pended In ono direction to flnd a pile cure
that would care ,
The results hive been a number of harm-
leas and In most oases useless ointments ,
aiipposltorlea and even Internal remedies ,
which the public huvo weighed in the bal-
' '
nnco and fQH I .V'anling ; nearly all of them
gave pome rollefibut | nothing approaching a
radical cure WiMUbd from these preparations.
The rcmedV ( jj qulred IB one which will
Immediately Atopttlio pain ix > severe In many
cases of pilea.-iatld then by contracting the
small blood V siclb ( capillaries ) to their nor
mal size , prji ldhcj a radical euro by re
ducing and ftyt'fillYj absorbing the tuinora and
healing the Inflinin d , raw mucous cmrface ?
ntll.two y rage no such remedy had
been produced M > t at ( hat tlmo a
tory was pUccd upon the imrket which hue
since proved xJUclf to be the long sought
permanent cur.o ( or this common and dis
tressing trouble ; , , | t has rapidly become fa
mous throughout the United States and
Canada anil { HIIIW told by noirly all drug-
glst under fM * jhmu of the Pyramid Pile
* *
It Is nowilp5 ( best known , . because Its
morito and tufcty have advertised It
wherever used. It has beno advertised by
word of mouth , from one sufferer to another ;
licoplo who had 'tried everything else , even
submitting to painful nnd dangerous aurglcui
operations without tovall liavo finally found
that pile..1 may b'o cured without pain and
without expotise , practically nil the Pyramid
Pllo Curel s old for the nominal price of CO
centy nnd Jl per package.
The Pyramid instantly stops all pain and
at the aino time conUlna no cocaine , mot-
ililno CT narcotic * ; tie | adds nnd healing
iropertlco contained In the remedy spcdlly
timovo , cuifo a. l.caltliful , crmtrac-
Ion and ami.rbtbn ) of the tumor. ? ; It will
euro any form of rrotal trouble except , cancer -
cor and : d von cot ! fistula , which , by the way ,
i early always results from neglecting proper
md tlmoly treatment for riles ,
At ) nbovo 'utalod , can furnish you wl'h Iho
'yrjiiil'.l Pllo Uuro tCO cents for ordinary
ozo ! or $1 for large package ,
A heck on cause and euro of nlloa sent fiee
by addressing Pyramid Co , , Albion , Mich , - ,
< logi * tl'.it Father Yorko In his church
j paper , the Monitor , accused hint of belli' ?
nn A I' . A. long before the order was or-
rinlayson , llon. < fleld K Co.'s representa
tive In lloston hns received from 111 * llrm n
denial of the story that the C'oittos' com
pany had bought up the concern.
I Richard J. Cnpron. n Halllmoro rmil es
tate owner , ban analKiicd , 11H liabilities
j arc about HS'.niH ) and Inhtlms his assets
. are worth J2S'i.ono above this amount.
I t'llu Simpson , aqod it ) , sl.ihhcd hN
i tcnohrr , t'btrenco Camplioll. at Mamlevlllc ,
I Mo. , and hits lieeii nrrostod. Campbell IK
well known In the state. Ho may die.
The War depart incut has awarded u con
tract for Kitn and mortar battery omplacc-
moms In San l > lego Mnrbor to tlio rnlifor-
nla Construction company at flW.417.
At Mck observatory n now comet has
been discovered In the constellation of
Pisces by p. n. Perrliio. It la moving rap
idly to the east and more slowly to the
Treasury Ilamoion of Livingston county.
New York , has resigned , llo Is missing ,
and his accounts show a JS.OOO shortage.
Ills father , ulio was his bondsman , died re
Miss Amelia Kmmoloth of Atrhlson , Kan. ,
will leave In n few days for Honolulu to
Join her brother , who is an olllocr In tin
Hawaiian government. She will also bo
given : i glvoriiinont position.
John llooh , on being resontonced at I.ow-
vlllo , N. Y. , to be electrocuted nt Auburn
for the murder of Minnie litgersoll , hurled
a heavy tumbler at District Attorney Jacot ,
striking him ever the loft eye.
Itev. T. J. Comity , the now rector of the
Catholic unlvor. lty , Is now a guest of that
Institution In Washington. Ills installation
will occur In January. In the meantime
ho will close up his affairs at Worcester ,
Mas. * .
five Inell Indicted for violating neutrality
laws In connection with l-aurada' filibus
tering trips , were lit court In Now York be
fore Circuit Judge Ucnedlct yesterday.
Colonel Nunez and Captain O'llrloti did not
Columbia Iron works of IJaltlmoro hnvo
contracted to build a submarine wrecking
boat according to the plans of Simon I.ako.
11 llaltlmoro Inventor. It will bo used near
the coast line lo locate and recover sunken
Frodorlck Dikcr : , chairman of the Mich
igan fusion committee , has applied to the
supreme court for a mandamus to compel
the slate board of canvassers to credit
Charles II. Sllgh , candidate for governor ,
with all votes apparently cast for him , but
not credited because of missioning- .
Loon M. Kynch of Ituffalo and George
Heath of Watortown. N. Y. , and Joseph
Cox of Youugstown , O. , are on route to
Havana. They are trained nurses and In
tend to establish a hospital to care for
wounded soldiers. If necessary they will
apply to General Wcylor for permission.
Vlncoiilo Davll hoi-aln , a noted Chilian
politician , is dead.
Peruvian comment on President Clove-
land's message Is highly laudatory.
In the lower house of the Austrian Diet
the lloorsc tax bill has passed Its third
reading. '
Vatican officials again deny that nny dis
ciplinary measures have been taken against
ecclesiastic officials In the United States.
Princess Frlcilrlch Augusta of Saxony
gave birth to a son at Dresden yesterday.
She was formerly Princess I.uls of Tus
llollvla's treasury Is said to bo 111 a la
mentable state and congress has author
ized , an Increase of 21 per Cent In Import
Tlio now canteen building Will be opened
and dedicated on Thursday and a big tlmo
is looked forward to by the temperate ele
ment of the post. The building Is
an extra largo ono , containing
roonu for bar , lunch counter , post
exchange and billiards. The building cost
$2,000 , and Is well worth the money put into
Tl < o new flagstaff Is up and the flag
floats at the top of It 100 feet In the
nlr. The flag was raised several days since ,
the whole command turning out in over
coats and white gloves nnd forage caps. The
Hag was raised by Miss Winnie Webster ,
daughter of Captain John Mac Webster ,
a part of the ceremony had to ho dispensed
with on account of the extreme cold.
Movonu'iitM of Oconn \ t'NNi'lM , lic. O.
At Ne-w York Arrived Uovlc , from Liv
erpool ; Kansas City , from lirlatol.
At Ilrowhcad Passed Teutonic , for
Qiifonstown and Liverpool.
At Hamburg Sailed I'atrla , for New
At Quoenstown Arrived Pavonla , from
Hoston for Liverpool.
At Southampton Arrived Havel , from
New York for Uromon ,
At Ne-w York Arrived Majestic , from
Liverpool ; Wcrra , from Mediterranean
ports ; Southwark , from Antwerp ; Fulda ,
from Genoa and Naples ; State of California ,
from Glasgow ; Noordlnnd , from Antwerp.
Sailed Urllannlc , for Liverpool.
At Liverpool Arrived Teutonic , from
Now York ; r.ivonlu. from Iloston. Sailed
Germanic , for Now Yorlc ; Indiana , for
At Antwerp-Sailed , Illinois , for Phila
At Gibraltar Sailed Ems , from Genoa
and Naples , for NI-W York.
At Naples Arrived Olympln , from New
At itoston Arrived Piusslaii , from
gow. Sailed Austrian , fur Glussow.
At Southampton Arrived St. Paul , from
Now York
At Quoenstown An Ived Ilhynelaiid. from
Philadelphia for Liverpool , and proceeded.
sns IMJOVI : msAiM'oi
Tcxllmmiy Does Nut Correspond ultli
I'opiicriiflo IdoiiN ,
The ground on which the popoerattt ex
pect to Induce the legislature to throw out
the republicans wlio were clewed from Doug- county 10 brooming apparent. I'or nearly
a week the attorneys hnvo heon ( pile/lug wit-
IIIWCH In rcgird to the naturalization of
\olcrn. According lo tholr-figures only about
100 voters were naturalised at Iho request
of the democratle county commit
tee , willo ! TBO wei imlurjllrcd nt the re
quest of the republican committee. The con-
tostatitu hold that wbon n voter obtained
his papers through olihor of HIP commit
tees It was a case of bribery. ConM'qucnlly
as the republicans * < .vttred. the naturalization
of np.irly 700 IIKTU voters than the pspocrats ,
aTonllng to their theory , the difference
p'.ould bo deducted from the majorities of
the republican cjtullitntpg.
1-Jven at that , however , the contestants arc
having a good of trouble to prove their
ca. e. So far they have not been able to
show that the tviunly committee
paid the fcos for tlioHt- naturalization piper * .
Chairman Lewis testified Hut ho had never
paid tlirm nor had any bill been presented.
Yesterday afternoon Dr. Ilanchott , the treas
urer of iho committee' , testified to tlio mine
thing. Ho was mio tlonrd closely In regard
to the expenditures * during tlio campaign and
testified to drawing chrckp for vouchers fur
hall rent , music , etc. Ho stato.l tint to his
knowledge ! no money had boon paid as fees
for tliu naturalization of vntom
M. liOipis-i of 117 South Tenth street wn'
called for the apparent rcaron of lni ] > pac-MnR
tlio testimony of the olllccrs of. the repub
lican committee. Ixigaio. testified fiat IIP
went to Chairman Lewis and PiigRPstod that
there were a number of votcry of his ac
quaintance who wanted to vote , hut had nt.t
taken out their pnporn. Lewis told him to I
take them lo the ulllco of the clerk of the
district court and have them get HIP papers.
Nothing was said In regard to the intymont
of the fees , nor wan anything paid to the
wltno-'s for his icrvlcos. Logas.1 swore tint
ho took up prchably twenty-live men to got
their pjpe-iv.1 and that they paid for them
The contestants put olght naturalized clt-
Izenii from South Omaha on the stand lo
prove that they had received lliolr papers as
nn Inducement to vote the republican ticket.
This testimony proved to bo a sort of boom
erang , as two of the witnesses stated that
they had not voted at all , two had voted for
McICInloy and the remaining four had voted
the popocratle ticket. The contest will be
continued for an Indefinite period.
iiV PACKIM ; iiot'.su ot-ri't'T.
IncreiiNiIn ( .MnrUi-llniv < > '
lloivs Viilril.
CINCINNATI. Dec. ! > . ( Special Telegram. )
Tomorrow's Price Current will say : There
has been a large Increase In the marketing
of hogs , although the total falls short of Iho
corresponding week last year. Western
packers killed r > ir ,000. compared with 315,000
the preceding week , and El'0,000 last year ,
/rom November 1 , the total Is I.'JTG.OOO.
against 2ii2ii,000 n year ago. Prominent
places cornparo as follows :
Places. isrm. lMt.1.
Chicago fiVilOi1 ) l.Oiri.OOO
Kansas City MO.HM ) .TOfi ( )
Omaha 11S.OO ) llK.ow
St. Louis 127 , ! 0 112.000
Indianapolis 101,000 IIW.OOO
Cincinnati 81.00. . ) no.OM
Mllwaiikoo 77,0:0 ll.LOilO
Cedar Haplda -10,000 Mi , opt )
ottiiniwa r.2.o.j Cio-.n
Sioux City 27.000 41 ! 001
St. Joseph 20.0CO 21t,000
Nebraska City W.OvH ) 2ieOl !
St. Paul SJ.COO 52,000
Suit AKitlitst the Tolmoeo Trnnl.
NB\V YORK , Dec. ! > . The milt to annul
the articles of Incorporation of the Amor-
lean Tobacco company brought In the name
of the attorney general of the state of
New Jersey on behalf of John U. Miller and
Franklin Miller of Newark. beitin
beforti Vice Chancellor Htvd III Iho chan
cery court at Jersey City today. The milt
Is based on the.alleiatliM that as the Amer
ican Tobacco company Is a monopoly In
the manufacture of cigarettes Its charter
has boon vlolaUtl. It Is expected the case
will occupy a week In trial.
il DclVmlN n Pnrilon.
SPHINGFIUMl , III. , Dec.Governor (
Altgeld today gave bis reasons for pardon
ing Henry Schwartz , serving u life sen
tence In Joliet prison , convicted In ! Si7 ! with
Wall of murdering Kxprcs Messenger
Kellogg Nicholas and securing JM.i'OO. Tlio
governor sayii that the prison physician
states that Schwartz has been In the hos
pital n year with a complication of dis
eases , which will ciiliso death. The ovi-
dcnco was purely circumstantial and the-
governor believes Schwartz Innocent.
For Infants and Children.
KcopH the Blood moving
brisltly nntl tliis prevents
Congestion. Nothing to
it for coughs and
colds Solid for pamphlet
Ituchc.stcr , N. V.
Always Hcliablo , Purely Vegetable.
Perfectly tnMcloss , flennntly contej , purge ,
rrKiilnlo purify , cleanse nml Mn-nitthcn. HAD-
WAY'S IMI.l.S for the cure of nil illjorvlor * of tha
Bloniacli , llnwcls , Klilni-ys , Iliad.lor , Nervoul
DlfcntcM. DltzlncFii. Vcrlluo , Costlvvncsi , Piles.
SICK iiKAiMrm : .
niiioni\rs3. : :
nnd All DlNiirilorn of ( lie I.Ivor.
Observe the followlnB nyinrtoma resuUlnis from
dlffcnFcs of tfic ( IlKe tlvu nrK'init : Cunptlpntlon ,
InnnnI plfPK. fitlhicsii of Moo.1 In the tieml. nclJ-
lly nf the HloniHCh , niuiFcn. hi-iirtliurn. clls list
of food , fullness * of wvlRlit of tlie htomnch , sour
rruutnlluiis. HlnkliiK or llulterliiif of the licatl.
choking or MiffnrntlnK ronftntlonn > vien In n
lylt'K ' ponturc , Uhnnesg of vision , ilotn or wcl > 3
liefnro the Night , fi'r ntul dull pnln la tlie hentl.
ilellclcney of pcif-plrallon. yellowness of ckln untj
eyes , pain In the rlil" , cliesl , limbs niul BUilJcn
MUNICH of hent , burnlnir In the. lt < > ! < li.
A few ilores of HAtnVAY'S PII.I.K will frc
the nyrteui of all the above unmetl illjiontorn.
I'rlc'c'c it Il < > \ . Sold liy I > riifl > iln or
MI-MI by inn 1 1.
Penil to nn. M.MHVAY * CO. . Lock Dor 3CJ ,
New York , for Hook of Ailvlce.
Four nlKlilN , cninniiMiolim :
Matinee Saturday and Sunday ,
Prices- , We. Tfic. Jl.lH Jl.GO.
Matinee I'rlct-H Eic. ODc , 75o , Jl.OO.
THK . , , axtall
Tliree nlr.litR , romini'iicliiK
> 1O.MAY , liCI'Mllliit M.
Aiucrlt-a'a l-'avorlte Comedian ,
I'rencntlnj ;
AX AMiillr.1IMTI7.K.V. : .
rin : HIVAI.S.
.MatineeViInpHilay. . Seats oil sale tomorrow
at 0 a. in. 1'rlCPK. KiMe , 75c , $ I.UO , $1.W.
" "
BOYD'S S/ / TPR f LA8 r
L. .M. Cr.iKforU.Xr : | FO
TO MIGHT AT 8:15 : ,
Tlie Nabobs of l-'un Makers ,
Beach & Bowers' Minstrels.
A l'urnx > lFin of 1'U'nkiirc for a Trilling cx-
ptMibv. I'lU-cr-IOc , 20c u ul SOc. See the ureut
parade ut 11:30 : n. m.
TIIillTlili.Vl'll AM ) JO.MS STItHUT.S.
149 ruauiK , baths , Etcain lieat unil nil nioilern
convenlciiceii , Itnti-s. 51.M nli.l { 2.00 per day.
Table unexcelled. Special low rales to reKUlar
boarilers. KltANIC IIII.DITCH. Slur.
To be held in the Castle of Kins ? Ak-Sar-Bcn ( formerlv Coliseum
SO eenfs.
The most pleasing entertainment ever given in Omaln. The entire proceeds for the benefit
of Omaha charities.
Aiiiinrlii of .Marine U'oniloi-H. Kar l-'nined llornc Knlr , i-inlirncliiK : ! ) , ST't of lli < > llncMl Illiioilcd llnrNCN in tint
world , ( om-llier ivllli ( liturcnlcNt HKKri'Kiilloii iif lOiiriiiienii A < TIIMM | , ( ; j innaslN , Ai-riilinlN , Itldern nnd iidicr
Arenlc Cololirllli-M of < * vcry drncrliilion cvirlillillcd In tlilM or nny oilier iviirld. ,
III- : i\'ritii : : is TIIIFI.MCST ivin SIIN : : i.\ THIN crrv.
\ii'rinit : : ii'Yon AKIIICKIJ : oi'Titiv.\iS' 01 11 rrMiiit.vnn : SOLOISTS.
STI i'i.Moi : s i\i\\i | ; , < ) ! ' cutcis .11 I.YIMIS.
Torrllllc Gladiatorial Combats , nhsorhliiK Trluls of StroiiKtlt and endurance , nr.ind nala day Sports and Spectacles.
KOI n , siv , KKIIT ; A.VD rri\-ii ( > iisi : cuIIIOT itAcis.
Itoninn Rlandlmr llaeos , Joekcy Ilacec. Uli-phiint and Camel Haces , ( Milld-OelUlitlnt ; Tony UIICCH , Donkey Ilacos nnd thou-
saiula of other oxcltlni ; contests by well known Uiimli.i KiMitK-nuii and ladli-s.
IIKill .SAI\ltlii ; > I'IMlI'dinilOIIS'AMovr.l. . KHATI Itns Ilinn an > ten oilier NIOMN , cxlilJillcd under
( fir lnru''Hl leiilH over tMiiiHlrnoteil.
I.AIK.'KST I.IVIMi CIHAFFi : . | iio.NS'i'ia : nii'i'oi'OTvtii s. Miimmotb III Hornoil Oini , 10) duns , lnlri :
The tallest boast lhat breathcH ; by actual ; II tons , inlcliucst ampbllilaii on and CUKCH of niro and wild bcuxts , Kotinol : )
measurement uS foot curtli. of L'ducMled KK-iliantH , Clou in , I'oiik-H , c.tu.
IB Hoist CeletiraSeci Clowns in Onialta
Bldn 8tio H In cliarKc of Oinalia Indies In Hmitli Oinalia Kqiicstrlnn C'lub. cniniinscd TinWO.OOO beauty , Hon. Win. P. Cody ,
terested In the iiumcrouti charities. of 10 Kcntlcinon upon iinincliiK HteedH from Hnlfalo Hill. " All thu swell people from
tlio Houtli Omaha Stock iJalioniy.
HcoreB of tn.iKiilflcont . carved nnd decor- I Twcnty-tliree dlffcront kinds of mimic , In1 1 MOHf'pWH
ntcd di'iiH of Wild Animals. I Italian and Clilneno. IcM MIMICS.
Oeor o A. .IiMHlyn's two Kontitckv HUh Hi'hoijl Thoroiiibrcd8. ; ) Hey Chief and KlKiml Light , with B dlffereiit galls , The
and mon arimocratlc horses In iho I'nltod Btati-s.