Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAILY NETS : WEDNESDAY , DEC ISM 1118 It 0 , 180(5. (
Wealthy Tnrmor Sues Lincoln Banks for
Thrco Thousand Dollars.
Ilnllej limlxtn tm ! ( ! le | > -
llril ThrriTliiiiiMiiiul llotlnrM In
TriiKt lor 111 * nUorcM'il Wife
mill It lint niKH | > | > i'nri-il.
LINCOIjN , Dec. 8 ( Special ) Thomas
Jlalloy , a well known nnd wealthy farmer
of this county , began wilt In district court
this morning against the Lincoln National
bank nnd the i'lrat National Hank of Lin
coln a klnn Judgment In the tnim of $ . ! ,000.
The petition reveals a curious story. On
February 11. 1S&7 , Matilda llalley. who now
resides In the southern part of the city.
began unit In dhtrlct court against Thomas
Dallcy , n l < liiR for dl\orce nnd a big slice
of nllmony , alleging that her huy'iand hni.
inndo weekljlslt to n nclthborlnR ; woman's
house , where ho remained for pavernl days
each time and that he had beaten K-r when
Bhc , HndlnK cards , candy , nutmd ! doiilnocs
in his lniRiy Just before ho started out one
cvnlnR , remonstrated against hi ; ) actions.
She said Haflcy was worth $75,000 , and she
wanted a dl\orco and nllmony.
She said they were married on the second
Sunday of Auiutt. ; 180S , nt Ljons , la , but
llalley Instated , and now repeats that they
were never married. Notwithstanding this
ho believes It to bo no more than right that
ho should wo io did not coma to want , nnd
the suit wa > settled and dl"mls od by Hallcy
oKreeliiB to R\O ! her $2,000 cash and pladiiH
$3,000 In the Lincoln National ImnU. the In
terest upon which should belong to Mrs
lialley. An agreement in triplicate was
drawn up , Matilda lialley getting one Thomas
another and the bank another , In which the
bank agreed to hold the mom- > and pay the
Interest ns do-slgnated. the money to revert
to Halley at the woman's death
Several yearf ago the Lincoln National
bank closed out Us buslncsu and It vvn- >
nbsorbid by the First National. Not long
ngo Ilallcy found out tlrtit the woman was
not getting the Interest , and ho Investigated
Ho went to the president of the I-Mrst Na
tional bank , nnd wns Informed that ho had
never heard of such an agreement , nnd that
there was nothing of It upon the records
of the Lincoln National , ro far ns ho could
learn Halle y then went tiomo to hunt up
WH ngrument , but It wns loyt nnd ho cannot
nnd It A copy of It , ns near aa he can
recollect , Is made part of the petition , nnd
ho-nlleges the bank has Its copy. Ho pays
the bank rofiiro * to | ay over the $1,000 , nnd
ns he doei not choo o to permit It to remain
there anyway , ho suea foi Its lecovery , In
cluding both banks.
The woman. Matilda Halley. ho avers , Is ?
aged , sick nml Infirm and gre.itly In need
of the money. IIo desires to carry out his
part nf the compact , nml ho demands that
the trust fund In the bank bo inld over to
him for the purpose of enabling him to do po
The Stale Printing board met ct the olllce
of the secretary of state this afternoon and
mndo the following awards of contracts among
the thirteen bidders :
Jacob Nurth tt Co , six contract" Secre
tary of state , $1 10 per pjge ; treasurer. $1 HO ,
fish commlu3lon , S3 cents. State Hoard of Ir
rigation , $1 03 ; roi'ter of ex-aoldlers and
mllors , $1 C5 ; State Hoard of Agriculture ,
$140 WcodnitT-Dtinlup Printing company
Lincoln tiU e-ontracls Auditor $193 , coin-
mUMloncr of public lands and buildings , 88
cents , Slnto Hoard of Transportation , SI. at
torney general , $1 03 ; adjutint geneial , 8-1
cento , state librarian , $1 O'j State Journal
company , Lincoln , four contracts Hureiu of
Lilx > r nnd Industrial stnth'tles , SC cents. BH-
porlntemlent of public Inwtiuetlon , $1 24.
State Poultry amoclatlon , 93 cents ; State
Iloird of Horticulture , $ ll"Vj.
The printing of legislative bills , on which
there vvero nlno competitors , was awarded to
Jacob North & Co. nt 70 rents per ingo for
the first r.OO and one-fourth of 1 cent for each
subsequent page This bid Is a wvlng to
the state of exactly ! 7 centw per pigo ovei
the award of two > earn ago , which wis let at
$1.07 Omahi wan represented among the
Mdilcra by the Omaha Printing compiny , the
Drovera' Journal , Htes Printing companj
nnd tbo American PubllBliliiR company , none
of whom were lucky enough to reach bed
reek flgurlm ? .
The State Hoard of Irrigation met this after
noon and roaid the testimony In the appeal
of the Almcrla Irrigation company against
I ) A G.ird. The defendant some tlmo since
filed application for water frcm the Loup
river and contest was Initllutrd by the
Vlalntlft on the ground that defendant's ap
plication was made on n claim blank liiBtoid
of an application blank The t-ccretary of
the board found for the present defendant In
that contest , whereupon the plaintiff appealed
1o the boird. which adjourned till 10 o'clock
Saturday morning , after taking the matter
under advisement.
The county commissioners of the state met
In annual soir lon at 7.30 tonight at the Lln-
dcll hotel
Articles of Incorporation were filed this
morning with the secretary of sfito by the
Omaha , nnd Wood Hlver Mining and Real
Kstato company , capitalized at $ J" 0,000 The
tltlo of the company Indicates the nature of
lt biHrcss nnd the principal place of busl-
nc"w will bo Oniilm The liKorporators are
John W. Cairns , Halpb It. Hlttlnger and John
D Hairls
Ooveinor Holcomh yratcrday appointed
NCB ! O Albert of Saronville dcpulj oil In-
rpector , to auccccd the late IM J Hall. Al
berta Is one of the fusion electors unil Is of
Swedish descent.
The libel suit of Hufu 11 Townscnd against
I.ouUVsteimann nnd other stockholders
of the- News Is down for a tilal this week
II T Dohblt-s one of the defend nits , today
llle.l an answer In which he nvcns that the
Noun had n rUht to pi hit the Item to which
TowiiNeml objects. It being .1 Illlng in court
lit a cast < already adjudicated , tint the * mat-
Ici printed was n fair and Impaitlal account
of a Judklftl proceeding , that It was pub
lished In good faith , without malice and for
the benefit of the public In the usual course
3l hu.slm.vi8 'Hint. aii > how , what was charged
theieln V.I.H file , nnil that It Is not capable
if the construction placed upon It by the
) lalntllf , that It did not charge him vvllh
icing guilt } of Impinrer conduct , that It wns
lot Inte'iidcd to Injuie hl.s reputation , and
Hint as n matter of fict It did not Injure * It.
Mollle Mihiliy secured n divorce from
Of severest trial and test piova
In icg.iul to Hood's 8 irsaparilla
st , Greatest Rfierit
Secured byipccullnr Coinbliuv
tlnn. Propoitlon nml I'rpecss
unknown to r.tlim which
ii.ttur.ill ) unil ! > produces
Greatest Cures
Shnwn by lliniisimlsof honest ,
voluntary testlmonl.ili - which
ii.itur.illy nnd actinlly proiluco
d , Greatest : Sales
According to the statements of
ilriiceliU all o\cr the country.
In thesu thrcu points Hood's
Baraap.uIlia Is pccullat'to lUulf.
la tlio lion It IstlicOno Trno lUooil Tiiriner.
A Mnndsome Complexion
IH onuof tlioi.-roiitcnt rhurtna n vicmun ran
rozzo-it'o C'uiK'LuxiuK I'ovviJim
Henry In Jiiilco Holme * ' court toilfly Tht
pUlntllT In a colored woman , anil RAM her
litMbiml had devcrtcd lior twelve yearn RKO
ho tnld tlio court In answer to n rjucstlnn
Mint tlio refldon lie left , as ulic nuapcctnl , became ho hail Rot tired of llvlnp with
The case of Mr * . Jennlo Thaniller nsalnit
pov ral paloon Itccptra came loin abrupt end-
Ini ; In Olntrlrt court tlila morning when the
plaliitllT. li.iv I nt ; effected a pcttloment vvllli
Mrn. I'ntizerain , one ot the defendants. dl -
inM cd a ? to her nnd her aur tlM 'Tho o'lirr
defendants , Kynti and ln ! l ron and their
'iiretlrn , Immedlntply set up the rlalm thil
IhH nlao releaaed thrrn And the court held
It did nnd the- case went by the Ixiard
Mia. Itnchel Mayor , vvlfo of Simon I ) .
Ma > er of the firm oC Mave-r Hroa , ilied ) ea
tcrdny afternoon nfter a llngerln ? Illnwa ,
agPil .IS > CIM Mrs Mayer tvm born In New
Yolk City nnd came to Nebreoki with her
litnlniiil more tlnn ton > e'are SK" . loi-allns
at I'lflttsmoiitli whore they ro hUd for five
jpire The funeinl will take pluoo from the
family re-sldoncp , 1225 II street , to.-iorrow
cftcrnoon rt 2 o'clock , Hibut Pranklln of
Omaha oiDclaltni ; .
r.vvons KOH nuvAN's rninxns.
\ \ ' K. Srhwlnd. prlate > eerctaiT ofV J
Ili > aii. la said to bo nlatc < l for Bcpretary of
the senate , r.nd It is rturc'iitly iciortcd | tint
1'iank I ) Hagcr v.lll bo chief clerk of tlio
lioiiap. Tommy Allen , deputy postmaster , la
alil to be t'.ieperson vvlio fixed thlngi for
Splnvlnd nnd | ] agrr Alle-n , Schvvlnd nnd
Cnncr are the proprietors ot the 1'rst.
CohnntHB . ( WlneltiKorvr.s arralfined lie-
fore Jugtl"p Lerao venterdiy Afternoon on the
baitardy charrc prrferrcd by Mary Clzek
The defenao Ille'd nil auldavlt nsklni ; for a
thirty daja' continuance oh the pround that
tlmo would eli'iiionstrntithat the plaintiff
wai not cnelontc Ju tlco I.cese refused to
Ki.vit the continuance nnd a change of vcniio
ns taken to Justice McfnndlrM' court The
lime for the hearliiB ban not \icen fixed
( iovornor Holcomb has issued a requisition
on Governor Monlll of Kansas for lohn
Miindcn , n fugitive from Juotlcp who Ii
vvaiitnl nt NeKon this atnto , for horao alcal-
1115 Mun lt > n Is under nrrcst In Cloud county ,
Tl'e diinngo eult of Henry Stcclo against
the Missouri Pacific was callc'd In Judse
Hall's court toliy This case has been In
litigation several years The suit la based
on .1 claim for damages Atoning out nt the
plaintiff IrsliiK both feet by IIC.IIK run. over
by ono of the coinpiny's. trains nt Xcbraiki
City In ISli ; The Issno is as to the manner In
which Stcele happened to pet hurt Ho sajs
the conductor kicked him from the train and
ho fell under the wheels. The company's
employee Inslat that Stcelo was drunU nml
fell under the wheels.
Omaha pnoplo In LincolnH C Drpxcl ,
J C Drexcl. A. U. Cuylor At the Mncoln-
0. C Holmtfl , ( .corse Schull , Mel Hcdllcld.
I.N'I V t'MMIISSlOMJ'lt& ( ' O ( ) \ i.N
li < I.liHMilii In CiniMlilor tlir
Hl'M''w RlMlHlllll.
LINCOLN Doc. S ( Apodal Tclcnram. ) A
ypsclal moetlni ; of the Nebnu-'tn County Com-
mlssloners' nnd UoaJ Supervisors' awoclatlon
convened at Iho Undell hotel tonight , with
President II.V. . Winter of Norfolk In the
clnlr. The meeting called nt this time
for the purpose of formulating needed legis
lation to bo asked for nt the coming sc < < 3lon
I'roJldi-nt Winter submitted recommenda
tion. , relating chiefly to the present Impcrfec-
tUuuof the state's revenue system , In the as
sessment of real and tcnjoml propcity In hi <
> ) \\n toiintv Madison where tlicie Is pivp-
"ily to the amount of $10,000,000. only $1.50D-
000 Is rctutncd In ninny counties not one-
fouith of vuliiatlon Is nssfi fl. lie on < -
grsted that dining the month of December ,
1SS7. the county clcik. county jtidRe' nml
bp/ird of commiasloners or supervisor * ! should
appoint men of known buslnet i capacity and
resident taxpavcrs to value nil itnl property
In their rounty nml report simo to the
count } clerk for iccorel : such npiiolutees
to bo under bond nnd such valuation to
stand for four ear3 A county nssessor
should bo elected nnd jiccessiry deputies
appointed to take property nt its netual
cash vnluo. This will , It is thought , do
away with the spectacle of high tn\cs and
little property. Another necessary amend
ment will rcquiro the .assessors to begin
on the second Monday In May , Instead of
June , and thus turn in their books ono
month eat Her for the benefit of county
cle'rKs. H should bo mandatory upon asses
sors to uwo n list supplied by the county clerk
of money loaned upon real cstato and
chattel mortgages. Torclgn capital , not as
seined In other statci , should bo made to
bear Its share , or proof adduced that It la
ulscwhcro taxed. There should bu a provi
sion for alignment of chattel mortgages
nnd n 20 cent fee for filing ramc. A provision
should bo made for the destruction of the
Ituss > lan thistle on fchool lands.
The follow Inc counties were represented
Madison , Cnss , Clay , Ncmalia , York , I'Utte
Saundcrs , Hamilton , Washington , llconc ,
Sownrd , Tha > er , Stanton I'lorc ? , Sarpy
Dawed , Douglas.
The commlsplonors of Lancaster county
recommended the full legalization anJ re
quirement of the giving of guaranty bomH by
county ofllcerii. especially county treasurers ,
and report their experience with same sat
isfactory where they hive b en received
The mc tlng will adjourn tomorrow , nfter
taking action on legislative recommendations
rii.Yitci : , ) WITH IIHINC A roiicnis.
llcntrlci * roller Ilitlil a Sntiicol
IHATUICI : : . Dec. S. ( Special Telegram }
A man giving the name of James Hutton was
arrested by Chief of 1'ollco Hrrsman In thla
city this evening upon tlio nnlval of the
Union Pacific train from the south In consequence
quence of n message from Deputy Sheriff
Houghton of Manhattan , Kan , saving be
waa wanted there for forgery When searched
i draft was found upon his pcuou diavvn
upon the of Colorado , pavublo to Jene
I ) Button He nilmlla the Issuing of a check
at Manhattan for J12 and expressed a desire
to muKo the amount good , together with all
expenses incurred His proposition was wired
to the Manhattan parties nnd upon them
agreeing to accept settlement. Button wired
to Miss Hello Kcklnnd , 2GI2 California street
Denver. Cole , for $20. to bo sent by wire
At a Into hour tonight he received nn nnswcr
that she could not Genii the amount until to-
'iiorion noon. To reporters ho denies that
lie has ever been to Manhattan , although ho
lias n railroad ticket from that point to Sioux
Cltj. la Ills exhibition of nervii U wonder
ful , claiming that It la a case of mistaken
Identity and that ho will straighten every
thing out In the morning Ho la a man cf
fine ) appearance , weighing over 200 pounds
and being exceptionally well dressed.
roMi > iMMii < ; i. TIM ; riMjnviv CASK.
I If I r.i Ciintt'iit toKrriM' UIMIII ii I'ropo-
Nlllini Vfi < r CON ! ! } MflKiitlon.
.SCIIUYLRK , 7W > . Dec. S. ( Special
Telegram. ) The riuucgan will cano was
compiomlsed totlaj after having been live
days In the district couit. The jury on
Iho cast ? was held nil day pending agree
ment ! ) and was p.\cuscd at 5 o'clock , after
ro'ideilnR a verdict In accordance vvllh In
struction * of Judgn Marbhall , ns follovvM
"That the paper purporting to bo the last
will and trsUinuMit of 1'atilck II. Klnncgan
In the last w'll ' and testament of said 1'at-
ilck II. Klnnegan. "
Mrn. James Nl hols , who b foia the com-
menc'i'meut of the proceedings , proposed
pa ) lug proponents $2,000 rach relinquishes
all claim to three-fourths of what was
willed to bur , which will bo divided equally
among Ileitlu Wlllcnburg , Ulva Scanlan
and 1'catl Klnne'gan , diughtors of Klnnt- Whst was willed to Sunincr riiine-
Kan Is In no rI o molested , bo being a
minor 1 ho costs In the cane amount to
about $5 000.
I'liiiHry Slitin nt IlimtliiRM.
IIASTINOS , Dec. S , ( Special Telesram. )
Iho SKth annual meclnt ( : of tbo Southern
Ncbrunka Poultry anil Vet Stoclt assuclatlon
opened In this city today'and will continue
until Friday. Theroor already over 200
fine blrda on exhibition ami moro aio ox-
peeled on cvciy train. " IV. I' . Ilarrlfc of Lin
coln will nrrho In the mornlni ; and Immedi
ately commoncn to nwni''ttio prizes. Somii
ot the very fined blrd $ are from Adams
county. X . * _ _
.NrliriiHUu Oll > * Iliiti'l ritiNrd.
NHUHASKA CITY. } } c. 4 ( Special. ) The
ifortun liouso , which iiagbce-n recently fitted
up and Icuud to N'lcho\at& \ Hancy , was closed
today. A bill of aji > co.i'rliic furniture ,
'busir , horvci , etc. , rO"i filed , a brother
of Klchol.1 bili : named .is rcmleo. The
hotel vva upcnied tan day ago. Tliu proprie
tor ! ! vzy that the proapecta were not cuch
as would warrant them to continue the busi
\S"A nr.Moru .
I'njN Illn Iti-niH-cIn ( o llullrjnn I.IP-
ini'iil of Oiniilin.
WHST POINT , Neb , Dec. S. ( Special. )
Tlio following letter Is given out today.
JudKo Crawford Is recognized throughout
the state as a stalwart supporter of de
mocracy pure and undented
WHST POINT , Dee 7-Henry Hhim , Sec-
iplnry Jnrkftonlau Club , Omnlm , Neb :
Dour flr-1 urn In rppelpt of ) our favor
of the Zflth ult , mlvlslng tno that ohnrtros
have biH'ii profi-rri-il against mo for fulling
nnd refusing to mippoit William J. llr > nn
nml Arthur Srvvnll contrary to nrttolc vlll
of the by-laws of the- club unil notifying mete
to npptnr br fore the olub on the 12th IIIMI.
to show eiiUHo whj I ohoulil not bo ox-
lu u ply to the clmrgrsi I huvo to say
that If mtide vlll or nnv other article of
of the b.v-lavvs of the club require * Itw
ippmupis lo ndvooato or suppoit the prin
ciples of the thlraqo platfoim then 1 ple-ad
Millty lo the e'linrgi s nnd will consider
It a great honor If epolled for that reason
and If jou will He-mi nnan engrosst-d ropy
of the order of expulsion , fc-lvlm ; the roi-
* ons theiefor , 1 vlll appreciate It ve-ry
much 1 Khali round It as ( nncluslvo evl-
ili'iii'o of my Aniprlciiulsm. patrlotlsna and
" ( Hind elnmocrary Hail 1 the' Uast HIH-
idclon that tbo club was not .TicUsoulan
In piluclple us well as In name I never
v.ould have Joined It The > only le'grct that
I will ImviIn this matter Is Unit niiy one
nboiild have suspe-olcil tint I would sup
port a. platform vvble-h fnlsc-lv ib rlare i
tint tbo pri enl legal latlo between gold
and sllvrr l < 1G to i 41iul dishonestly de
mands that e-redltors Hlmll accept one-half
of their elupH Horn ilubtins ; that ile > nouupea
the pivxldent ot the I'nltPd States
for doing an net for whlrh Gem-
rial Jaokson rccolveil so miu-li praise ;
that eliMioniHi s thegic.itist legal tri
bunal on e.uth nnd advocTte > s Its dpstino
tion bre-ailhi- oxpouniloil the law , that pro
POSPM lo ippeal that sne-rpil ptovNIan of the
rniiHtltiitlon of the fnited States , which pro-
vliles that poimrcss dlmll m-vor pixi a law
Impilrlup ; the obligations of n oouti lot In
im opinion , If I favoie-d thesp things , I
ought to In- elelled from my country
If I're.sldcnt Clovelnml ncvor dent > anything -
thing else for which bo should In honored
and revelcil for all tlmo to come , the one
single iluty thatuu performed and for which
IIP Is condemned by the Chicago platfoim.
will ever bo a monument to his memorj and
the- future historian will give him a place
beside tn ! > great statesmen and patriots who
preecili'd him , while- the imi > hlstorliu will
not full to condemn the folly vvpalne-ss and
iwlckednpss of tint convention that Ignored
uomocratlc pilnclplos ami democratli pre-ce-
( Ipnts for the sake of thereby obtaining place
nnd power
I cannot tell you bow I npprocl-itp the
great honor of lu-lni. In the company of the
grand old d-moci illc brroi-s who for so
many IIP ! 1 aloft the democratic Inn-
Her and who rcfu i > d to sacrifice a preit
principle for the Pako of powoi He < inpct-
fully > our3 , J. c CUAWPOUD.
li Mf.ltcii u 11 rn rI nixon 11 .SIM IOIIM
YOUK , Neb. Dec S ( Special. ) The Lee
trial Is on and the district court room U
the Mecca of York i coplc. Tlio care opened
vcsterday , when the ( hot public statement
vvaa made by Leo In answering "not guilty"
to tlio charge of asraultlng Aaron lliojcll
with the intpnt to kill him for the "ake of
rouIl7liiB on a $10,000 Insurance policy on
nissuU'3 life , held by Lee.
The prominence of the accused and the
sensational plot In connection with the
chat go promise to make un extremely In-
torentlng case , ono which may also prove
decidedly tiensntlonal. W. L. Leu Is alleged
to r-avc made two separate attempts on
MlreoH's life- ono by hurling a rock at him
from ambush , when Itlsj'll was polng homo ,
the other by plotting to ditch the Hurlington
flyer for the sake of Killing IH cll , who
was n paB-iengpr on that train. The first
attempt Is the ono with which Leo l form
ally changed.
Oieat trouble hao been experienced In get
ting a Jury , but nt a late hour this mornIng -
Ing twelve men wore secured. The remain
der of the morning waa duvolcd to pre
Mr Harlan , the main prosecuting attorney ,
made a motion to Introduce two more wit
nesses for the prosecution. After a lengthy
lepal wrangle , the judge granted the motion.
Prom the otatement of tUo cano to the jurj
by the defense. It Is Inferred that an attempt
will bo made to prove an olabl by Loo's at-
A. Hifsell wan the first witness placed on
the stand by t'io prcpecutlcn this afternoon
Ha told of the attempt nude upon hl life
upon the night of September 15 , when the
ro-U vvaa hurled at him from amlim'i In-
stoid of t'trlltlng him In the head , us evi
dently was Intended , the stone struck lily
arm and no Injury beyond a bruise was done.
N. M. George wau placed upon the ttand
Ocorgo Is the Insurance agent who wrote the
pollcic1) for Lee Ho says Leo held three , ono
on his own life and one upon Ulcuell'3 and
on Torrcst Smith , a joung mm In lib cm-
ploy. George saja tlut.In . a conversation
with LOJ the latter apke'd him If the policy
would ho paid shculd the Insured pcnran be
killed by being waylaid
Mossplay wau next called. He la the prin
cipal witness and the ono who was Implicated
in the allegeil plot to wreck the train. Mch9-
play tells that Leo offered him $5,000 to help
do the Job , and tint he also told him cf
hlj ( Leo's ) former attempt on Dls-'ell's life
the throwing of the ctone
Efforts- will be miilo by the defcnro to
Impeach Metuplay's testimony.
Pronionl Soliiiol Hoard MIIITM.
PIin.MO.NT , Dec. 8 ( Special ) The regu
lar meeting' of the Fremont School board
was held last evening D. A. Cider was ap
pointed janitor of the Hast School. A.
Qrctzko applied for the position of Instructor
In modern languages. Ills application wo.s
placed on flic Tliu usual bills were allowed
and It vvaavoted to pay the teachers for
Cho month of December before Christinas.
Ciot IiOMt III Olllllllll ,
JOHNSTOWN , Neb. , Dec. 8 ( Special
IVIegivun ) Incitement exist ( here over
the absence ot C. U. Gusavbon , the miller
IIo left last Wednesday for Omaha , osten
sibly for the pin pose of drummlug up trade
with Drlcson Bros' bakery In North
Omaha. Nothing has been heard from him
since. Ills friends aic anxious.
' Proi.ioiit Man Injured.
FREMONT , Dec. 8 ( Special ) John John
son met with a painful accident this morn-
Ing. While at work on a collar and cuff ma
chine his hand wan drawn Into It nnd badly
crushed. The- heat had not been turned on
or ho would doubtless have lost the member.
Consider a ClKaroltc Orilliiiinee ,
I1CATIUCC , Dec. 8. ( Special Telegram )
The city council had up the clgarctto ordi
nance tonight , but voted down a motion to
suspend the rules and place It upon Its third
reading. A delegation of women to tbo num
ber of fifteen attended the meeting.
Are OlHiipi
ST. PAUL , Neb. , Dec. 8. ( Special Tclo-
grani. ) Uurglars broke lute the Union Pa
cific station las night and blew the outer
door of the safe open , but did not ( succeed
In bursting the Inner etecl door and got
nothing. _
Chilli Ivlrkoil to Dontli.
nCATIUCU. Dec , S. ( Special Telegram )
Tllllb Daniels , the 11-year-old daughter of
Trcnk Daniels , who resided a ehort distance
Houtli of this city , was kicked by a horao and
Instantly killed this- afternoon ,
i ; nK u < mu I'arllc-M I'lm-o Iron ItnllH
A o r linn the Truck.
WnnSTKH CITY , la. , Dec. 8. ( Special
Telegram. ) An attempt to wreck a passen
ger train ou the Iowa Central near Lntlmcr
was made last night. Iron ralla were laid
across the track at the end of a carve , where
they could not ho neun from the engine until
: oo near to stop , Unglncer Swearlngcn , with
an extra freight , won just ahead of the pas-
sunger and hlu engine atiuek the obstructions
uid the pawii'iigcr train was not damaged ,
Threu titisplcloua looking characters have
boon loltcilng aiound this vicinity for noino
tlmo and a posset Is trying to find them. Hob-
bery Is Kuppcacd to have been the motive.
1 Teloiiliiine I.lnen.
SIOUX CITY , Dec. 8 , ( Special Telegram. )
A. T. Cutter ot Davenport , secretary of
the Iowa Telephone ) compiny , U In the city
making arrangements for the construction of
a long ( ILitanco telephone ) Una across Iowa ,
connecting at Davenport with the line for
all eastern points unit extcudlng to Sioux
City and Omaha , It will bo built early In
tbo spring.
Mora City Hnll Scandals Coma to Light at
Dos Moiuoj.
Which \4-\r llcaolii-N ( InCl )
NIII- All } Otlie'f
DL'S MOINKS. Dec. S. ( Special Telegram )
Two new i .t minis developed nt the city
hill today , nnd nctuly every departineiti of
too city government under the last adminis
tration Is now "Iii 'procesw of Investigation.
Todnv's ellMovorlos liuolvo the police court
and the ofllco of city engineer. It H the
custom of police olllccrs , who make arrests
nt night to accept cash bonds from persona
arret'.el for inlnoij offensjes. Those who
give there bonds very often fall to npponr
nml the bonds * nre forfeited to the city. Tor
a long time the police have inspected that
not nil the money thus turned over to the
police Judge wtU 11 nd I UK Its wny to the city
treasuier. An Investigation developed Hint
they were right. The police have turned
ojch money over to the clerk of police
court , and It Is .found that In about n jenr
there hns been a ellscropancy of over $1,000
between the mnoun's ' turned over In thlo
way nnd the amount that reached the city
Police Judge PV. . Phillips lave the blame
nt the ) door of P. P Hl > ler , who has been
clerk most of the time ; but he admit" , with
out any explanation , Hint he has not obeyed
the law requiring Mm to make monthly re
ports to the mn > or of his receipts ; he hna
allowed from three to Hx months to elapse
between his rcrorlu.
11 K. Shrclncr , for many years nwlstant
city engineer , was toiliy forced to rct'lgn '
because of developments that Implicated him
In conspiring with contractors against the
city It wns proved bj lettero that were
discovered that he IMS Instructed cower
Inspectors to allow certain con'rnctors on
the cast fide Intercepting rower , one of the
largest public Improvements the city has
ever made , to violate specifications In Im
portant partluilnrs. Ho at ( list denied his
guilt , but when shown the letters promptly
ret-lf1 ed _
Iinll > lilinil In Motiv Cllj ( "
Co n slil ITU liU01111:1 I'M ( .
PIOUX CITY. Dec S ( Sp ? = Kl Telegram )
The mjstcry deepens around the "Mya-
terlous Swede , " who hr.s been spendlns
about $100 a elay In this city for moie than
a month. A letter was lecelvcd by the
chief of police today from G T. HoII of
Ashby , Minn. , who clslms that Stiom , aa he
calls himself , had been there In September ,
had told Hotf that he had got hl3 money
In n bank robbery In Sweden three >
ago , that he had served time In a Swedish
ptlson for the Fame , but escaped , that he
iiad a largo ariount of mone > hid in Sweden
and boilowed $210 of Stiom to enible him
to BO to Sweden to get the monev Hoff
was In the city last v.eek. nnJ claims he
tried to ge t his money back nnd he also
sajs that Strom deposited n l.irgc oim of
money In a bank here. The 111110 kind cf n
letter wns cent to the president of the > bsnl ,
wln > Is n Swede , anil n similar leltei to the
sheriff The iirls.dcnt of the b.inl. saja
Strom has net > deposited nil ) mo.iev with
lilm , but St-om < jys rot denv that he aw
Holt at Ashby anil had something to do
with him. bifr i."iS : ho docs not owe him
in > thins Strom continues to spenl monej
freely here , but1 refuses to say anything
about his last life *
ruoMii.r. ojht. . IOWA'S rut IT HOP.
Ilium * MiiK Uinibli * to AliNiirli tin-
I * linm liNO" It 3il. i
DBS MOINES , Dec. S. ( Special Tele-
gr.iin. ) The anqual meeting of the Iowa
Hortlcultuial society opened today and v.lll
continue three dajs. There are about 150
leading horticulturists present , represcntlns
Iowa and neighboring states. The Most
important mattei taKcn up was the In.m-
Biiratlon of a movement to sccuro cooperation
tion of other vvcstein fiult lalsei.s with
those of Iowa In efforts to sccuie a beltei
market for western fruits. It was shown
that ciops of fruits have been so largo that
the homo maikct will not absorb them
piontably , nnd the proposal Is to have
agents go abroad nnd gccuic for the west
ern part of the patronage which European
countries have given to fruit growers of
the eastern states for a number of > ears
Reports from all over the state indicated
the damngo done hy drouths of leccnt
bushes In the stale
> cars to fruit trees and
Is piactlcally overcome ; that the ciop of
the past season was the largest ever raised ,
and that even In the northern part of the
state commercial orcharding Is an assured
success. A number of papers on horticul
tural topics ware read.
Iliicli i\clU-nuMi ( In Hint SiM'tloii "T
Itivm O or ( InAliittir. .
CBDAK UAl'IDS. In. . Doe S ( Special
Telegram ) There ta the greatest excitement
U Kalrfax , the scene last night of the at-
empted holdup of K. P. licncdlct , the Mll-
vaukco agent at that place , and the killing
of ore of the rohbera nnd the wounding of
he other. The dead man was brought here
his morning and Ukcn to the morgue , v heic
ic waa viewed during the day b > huneliods
of people , none of whom have been able to
dcntify him. The wounded rohocr c > top.i d
at a farmcr'j lieu ii * about thr e miles fio.u
"alrfax this moinlng for breakfast and a
ilcco of cloth with which to bind his wounded
land , olnce.tiHi nothing has been heard of
ilm and It is belleivcd he will make good hn
escape. The coronci's Ji'ij liia exonerated
lencdlct , llndlng that ho flhot In self defenac
Fifty'Years ARO.
This la the ttaran that the letter bore
Which cart loll tic story far and wide ,
Of certain cure fur the loathsome sore
That bubbled ui/ from the tainted tide
Of the blood below. And 'twas Ay er's iiarae
Ami his sarcaimrilla , that all uovr , Lno r ,
That was Just bcfluulns its fic''t ' of fame
With lt curca o ( 50 years EO ,
Ayer's 5arsaparilla
is the original sarsnparilla. It
has behind it a record for cures
unequalled by any blood puri
fying compound. It is the only
earsaparilla honored by a
modal at the World's Pair of
1893. Others imitate the
remedy ; they can't imitate the
record :
CO Yoara of Curos.
ItcHiiltx Soiiti'tlnu'N r ll iv Ila
t\orml\o I M1.
Common soda Is i\ll right In IN i > lnco nnil
ImU&pemulo In the kitchen and for cooking
ami washing purposes. lint It was nc\cr In
tended for n medicine , ami people- who uw ) It
as such will POIIIO iliy regret It.
Wo refer to the common use of soda to
rollovo henrtlinrn or sour Komnch , a habit
\\hlch thoiiMiids of people pr.ictlco almost
ililly nnil nno which Is fraught with danger ;
moreour , the soda only gives temporary re le-f i
nml In the end the sloinnch trouble gets
worro and worse.
The soda actn ns n mechanical Irritant to
the walls of the 'omich nml bowela , nnil
cams are on record where It necumulnted In
the lntwtlne > \ causing deith by InlHnunatlon
or peiltPiiltls.
Dr. Harlindsoti ro-ommonds as the sufo t
nnd surest cure for soiu stomach ( arid d > s-
pep-'la ) an excellent prcpirat.oa sold by elrug-
Sl.-1'i under the nameof StnarftUy pepin
Table's. Tlievo tiblets are largo SO-graln
I07PH5M , very pleasant to tiKe , and contain
fie nutiital acid * , pop tone * and digestive rlo-
ment1 ! c" entlil to peed digestion , nml when
taken after meals they digest the food per
fectly anil prrmptly bcfolo It line time to fer
ment , pour Hint poison the blood and nervotn
Dr.Vucrth state that he ln\arl.\bl > uses
Stuart's Oyrpopsli Tablets In all cases of
stomach dor.ingomontsi ami finds them a ecr-
tiln cute , not only for rour stomach , but by
promptly dlgoptlng tbo fooil they create n
hoilth ) appetite , lncreie fleah nml streiiKlh-
cn I'm action of tl > o hcait iinl ll\er. Thc >
nro not a cithaillo. but Intended on ! } for
stnnnrh dlwiP's nnd weiknei'i and will be
founil reliable In nn > stomach tiouble except
cancer of the stomach
All druggh't" sell Stuart's Dyspept'i.i Tab
lets at 50 cento per rvickigc'
A little brok describing u'l ' form ? of stomach
ach weilties and their cure mailed free l > >
addresiiing the Stuart Co. of .Marshall , Mich
I Magazine
? ©
on Sutulnv Noxrinlw-r M Is itlll open to V
ruulcrs of till * paper ThnusnmU hive ft
V nlli ui ) Inki n , iil\nnliisf of tills offer. V
{ How to Accept J ?
I this Offer. |
A Semi one ilillnr In Meri.rHI. S MAO AA
6 tfl.Ni : nml jiiu nlll id MirMKUS f r ®
.MiiVr nnil Her. mlier nml MiClun-'ji i
6Vm < > r r.itnoiii rrir.i : with a sui > Q
L minion fir IS'17 Outllu | It tinleg - .
0 uljr price of a year niiliM.rlpll m i7
A Ail Ireps , I
A S. S. McGinn : Co. , A
N V. CtJ ,
All Druggists.
And all kinds of
.215 Farnant St-.Orneln.
The onlv cxehiiivo photo . -aphie sup
plj hoiiio in Omulm uml Nobio-jka.
' " " " " " " ' "
n. S. B. COLLINS and morph'.ni.
untldoto Am.n\p. ll.iU .
Four Nights , Commencing
THI USD v ) , IH : < CMi.nit 10.
Jiiatlnoc Siitmda ) anil Sunday.
Prle.e- > -2rc , Me. " .i $1 01 Jl BO *
Matinee Prices 2".e 60e. 75o , $1 00
Dec. I l-lll. > XT T. ( .l llIN. .
Paxton (
Three lilnhlp rommeni InR
AniPrku H IVvorlte CoineJInn
A > Ainitu \
. TIM : it i \ \i.s.
KenU on sale ritdny. Un euilirr 11 lam
' 'J TI.HYlBKt Ml tiTltlil S
L. M. Crawford , Mil I nl l r-'M > -ilti
.Mnllncc T nln > TiinlKht < Stl. > .
The IS'utiubs i.f I'un Mai.ens ,
Beach & Bowers' Minstrels.
A I'nro\\lsm of I'leasura for n 1rlllng ! c\-
penyp I'rlres IDi" , Wo unil SOc bee Iho ercut
iiurjilo at 11 CO n in.
Second Annual
, 8 , 9 and 10.
Admission BOc
Children 28c
Grand Street
at II a. ma
The Only Real Tiling
This Winter.
110 rooms , lialhi , uleitm lieat and all iiioJcrn
convenience * . Hutco , SI U ) anil (2 00 per ilay
Table unexcelled. Kpeclal low ratti to regular
toarilcr . I'llANJC HIL.U1TCH , Ufr.
n-IRISTMAS is coming and do you
" " know any one who wouldn't
like a Camera for a Christmas present ?
Anybody can take a picture now-a-
clays and everybody would like to if
they only had a camera. You can pet
more real pleasure out of it than any
thing you own. You can take snap
shots of your friends you can photograph -
[ graph your pets you can get pictures
of beautiful scenery. b t „ < „ < v * . < „ *
"Tim COMKT" la a Mimll but
porfoi't poiki't in u mi zl no Ciiiuora ,
eaujlnj ; htillli'lont lllin fe > r four
plc'tllll'S VVitllOllt ll'lOillllllK.
Tlio lllin can bu ilovolnpotl anil
ple-tuios pilntoil nt it cost of
about UO fonts ppr do/on.
Tlio Illtistiatieiiis will
an uloa of tlio lxc of
talcpii with ' "I ho Comet. "
If ile'shed tlii'.v can be
at a very small cost.
Four new subscribers for three weeks each
Three new subscribeis for four weeks each
Two new subscribers for six weeks each
to The Omjha Bee , prepaid at the rate of 15 cents a week ,
paper to be delivered in Omaha , Council Bluffs or South
Omaha by carrier , or sent elsewhere by mail
"TI113 OOMKT" Is made of htioni ; material , Is beau
tifully cove-rod with black leatherette and is of the very
simplest construction.
It cannot jot out of older and Is piaetle-ally Inde-
bttuetable. Should any purls of it bo mislaid or lost ,
they can easily bo loplaccd , as all pai ts aic made inlor-
chani'e'able , and duplicates can bo obtained.
"Till : COMKT" will take a picture ! ono Inch bquare
or a round pictuto ono Incli In diameter.
'I lie illi01 lions are s-o hlmplo a cliild can suerossfull.v
use It. Tlio operation of taking : i plotme Is .simply to
point the e-amora and a button.
Its small .sl/o eMiables it lo bo c.iniod with no incon-
vpnlenco vvhon a person would hesitate about : belns
bmdoned with a more unwieldly instiumc'iit.
SlK. of "The CouiLt" is ! Vil9ixinches ; weighs
tlnee ounces.
Eight new subscribers for three weeks each
Six new subscribers for four weeks each
Four new subscribers for six weeks each N
Three new subscribers for eight weeks each
Two new subscribers for twelve weeks each
Prepaid at the rate of 15 cents a week , paper to be de
livered in Omaha , Council Bluffs or South Omaha by car
rier , or sent elsewhere by mail
'J'lio "Proscont" us n Iiltli-Kinilc , Ihbt cMincia Is not only : i hinjirlhe ,
lint a ( U'liKlit to tin1 tliot"iiiils ; no\\
USlll IllC'lll III lllcre'll'llC'U 'O till OtllPD.
It lakes a jilioteixiapli t _ ec by tiircc
Ini'lii'H , tin- sliof I lie accoinii.injliii ;
lile-lnic' . 'rin hloT tlio ctmiiM'i is ( i'L-
b.vI . by I Iiichi s.
The 'Vie-su-nt" Is wmmuted to bi-
f isl-e-J.iss in every p'H licnlar anil equal
to ; .iiy $10. ( ' ( ) hand cMintia on tliu mn :
Tlii > "t'lesi-Piit" is the latest thine ; oul
In die puiii'-ra HUP. 'J'li y vvoie Ihbt
Intiixliiced In October , IfeiHJ , anil tin-
I'liolliHilIM .saliot inoip ( linn L'0,000 tile
llihl month Illiistiatc'i I lie iju-al ( U'ln.iiiil
lor a ) ) pular lil 'li K' ' > ih ( > e'.tinuia.
Tlio "Crt'Si'dit" is pqnippod with an achromatic lens mound Iroin the
finest Imported optical lass , made cxpipxsly for Hie "Ctesc'cnt" camera and
\vanantfd to jlvo rcjiinl if not better ie..stilt.s tlmn tlio lenses found In iiihtiu
munis e-osthiff from $500 to ? 1200.
Tim "CiTM-piit" shutter is piobably the most ppifpct ever usrel on n linnd
cnmcra. It is ndajitcd to lastantaneoiiH or time o.\i > ebiife , and can be chiiii cd
from one to the other In a .second.
Tlio "Urosce-nt" is adapted to either plates or films , but as bolter re.Milhi
are invaiiably obtained from plates nt u let.3 oxneiibovo iccomiiiend thcli
use In the "Ctcbcent , " at least to htait with.
N. B. A now sub-
eoribor unclur this olTor
ES ono who has not been
laUlnff the Dee through
our olllce or It's regular
agents Inter than Nov.
25 , 1890.
Bring In nil subscrip
tions to the business
ofilco of The Boo , Room
JUO , Boo Building ,
Oiimhn , or No. 10 Main
Street , Council BlufTu ,
la. , or ailclrcaa
ffiffij I §
& * $ " & &