Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Declines Over Two Ocnts to th
Eighty Mark.
I.otvor Opening In Ooiite-tlle IncrMii
lilt : After Di-ullnlnt ; Calilr * II ml
Ileen KriMiM'iifl > ' Clrulitntrtl
g Trnilem on
CI11CAC10 , IJeo. 7. Wheat touched th
Ko mark toihty. ft decline of 2'.4c from Sat
urdny'a cloaliiK ptlcc. ll recovered noi
later and closed nt Wc. Corn and ont
vloifil lie lower. 1'rovlslons show but llttl
Wheat hail n somewhat sensational urea
on Wio Hist hour's tradliiK today. Mvcrpoo
nnaln repeated Its scii'ir.v taotlca anil I
the faeu of a milistanllal advance hcio Sat
ur.l.iy sent out opening quotations from
id tn M lower. A wunl : opening licrova
Inevitable and when Minneapolis rcporiei
the leeclpt of DTO cars and Dtuutli 78 cars
n total of 1.013 , aBaltiHt 400 last week , th
price KOI for n moment to iOcor from 2'i
to 2Vic below the closing of Saturday. Mn >
opened Irruuulnr al from Sir to S0X.C , with
no very Reneral demand at even the.
loiM'Ht of the llRurc.1 Riven. There soon up
pnircd buyers onoliKh to tnke the not ver >
heavy offerlnRH at from Mftnc to MOic. am
MAiC was paid for HOIUI . but the heavy
Minneapolis receipts mopped all .such buy
Uiff. and It was not until after Me find been
niordcd that the decline was Mopped toi
the time being. The unexpoetcdlj law do
rreaxo In the vl.slble supply was quite <
help to the murket. ( jplnlon had vailei
on the latter subject lietuecn ft decruas <
of 5W.IXX ) lui. and l.GOO.WiO bu. until Iluffalo
waH funml to have Increased only KiSM >
bu , whereas an of about l"in.i.iK )
bu. had been looked for. The aelual de
iTeiiKe was announced In tin- end IIM 2.C02UK
bu. , compared with a decrease the year be
Tore of only 117.UUU bu. This caused an Im
movement In fne prlco of May to Me. Thc-i
lioth liquidation and short selling Nlnru-i
attain , eneouratfed by the xxi-ak closing tone
at Liverpool , the price breaking to SOe
J/iter. on the report that a considerable
fiuantlty of new business had been donu
for Immediate shipment , the prlee had t
lltllgf to SIC.
Corn was sloxx and weak , bill the derllno
rxas slight eomp.iifd with the Hliunp In
wheat , which matket coin WIIH Inellncd
to folloxv. The shipping demand xx'as Unlit
and rather large receipts are expected to
morrow M-'ix- sunned ! ' - U" ' ' her fit
2Cc , H Id betwo < n 2PAo nt d Z5 . .o , clo Ins easy
nt from S ( e to 2iiyc. !
Oats \\ero Mulct , xvlth prices lie lo\or
at the clm > than they were nt the llnlsh
on Saturday. No features xx'cro developed
and prices llnctuateil within a narrow
range. Sympathy xxlth wheat and eorn
caused the easier tone. There \xan a Kood
cash business. .May owcncd a Bluule loxx'er
at L'lc. declined to 21'he anil reacted lo
from 2l4c ! to 2I1ic , w'lere It eloscd.
1'rovhiloiiH opened eatiy and at a .slight
decline , affected by the drop In xvheat and
lorBc receipts of IIOKH. A Kood demand ex
isted , however , and the curly Io ! > s was peen
recovered , prices holding llrm for the rest
of the KcMslon. .May pork closed W-c higher
nt J710 : .May lard unchanged at $1.07 ; .May
rllH 2'.c { hlKlier at $1.
Estimated receipts for Tuesday : Wheat ,
40 ears ; corn , DOO cars ; oats , 5 ! > 5 cars ; hogs ,
2SXX ( ) head.
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
Article | O | inr | HlithrT Lo\v7Tciuser3.'HM'y. |
Dec. . . 77 TC-78 77H
May. . . . xnHi K1-H1K hll
July. . . . 7IN-73 5-7SH 74 74J4 70J4
Dec 23 s" ' * ' . ' 3
Jan.- . '
May. . . . su
Duc. . . . IBM
Jlnv. . . . -'IK
Hcc. . . . 0 75 n KO 0 7S U . ! ) G 85
Jim 7 fi' > 7 57H 7 fid 7 f.7K
M.iy . . . 7 H5 7 01) 7 ua ! 7 OU
Itvo . . . . n 70
Jan ; i HO 3 n a HA
May. . . . 4 OL > 4U7W 4 00 4 07K 4 07U
Ii 3 H3 3 M )
Jnn : 83 3 MS
Hay. . . . 3 U5 4 UU tij 4 00
No. 2.
Cash quotations were ns follows :
KLOUU-Strmly : winter patents , $1.5001.75 ;
( trnlKbts , JI.20in.CO ; fprlnu specials , Jt.'jO ; sprlnc
patents. ) I.2S ! ) < .C5 ; strnlghtH , J3.90V4.10 ; bakers' ,
; 3.2J 3.CO.
WHKAT No. 2 Bprlmr , 77WB78c ; No. 3 fprlne ,
7Cc ; No. 2 red , faHfjiiOc ; No. 2 corn , 23Mfi2J'c.
OATS No. 2. H > ' ,4c ; No. 2 white , ISJilSHc.
IIYK No. 2. M4c. !
HAHLiV-No. 3 , f. o. b. , 2403C'ic ; No. 4 , f. o.
b. , 23JJKIC.
rLAXSiiiNo. : : . 1 , 77 > .4i73c.
TIMDTIIV Sii-i-l'rlnu : : > , J2.CO.
I'HOVIKION'S Jtefs pnrlt. per bbl. , J6.SO.R3 ( ! ;
lanl , per 1W Ibs. , J3.75a3.77'i : 'hurt ribs , nlde .
loose , S3.7Ml3.95 ; dry tailed shoulders , boxed ,
l4.23Cfl.MI : short clear Bides , boxed , S4.00WI.12K.
I OlTLTUV-Slow ; turkeys. lOc ; cMcktns. Cc.
WIIIHlty DUtlllcrs1 llnlhhcd Roods , per eal. ,
Jl. is.
The following were the receipts nnd shipments
today :
MOW A-oitic ( ii\i < : , M.VHKKT.
< lii < ilii < loiiN nf tin * Hay oil VarliniN
( ? llllllll < Hllll < > M.
NEW YORK , Dec. " . KIXDUR-Recclpts. 29-
700 bbls.j exports , 17.CS3 bbls. ; dull nnd loxxcr
to sell on fprliiKH , but fairly steady for xvlnters.
winter patents , $1.9003.10 ; Mlmienotn patents ,
J4.C084.fO ; winter extras , $3.3I 4.00 ; Minnesota
bilker * . J3.53ff4.23 ; winter loxv Rrades , J2.S3ff3.05.
llyo Hour , steady ; superllne , JiSSffS.OS ; fancy ,
W.IUJJ3.33. Uuekxvhent Hour , quiet ; J3.03.
IIHCICWIlL'AT-gulet lit 35(37c. (
CORN MEAISteaily , yelloxv xxestcrn , C9c.
ItYE Nominal ; car lots , 40ffl2c.
HARLEY Slvuily ; western fcrUlnff , 2Sfl29c ! ;
tnaltlmr. ZSiflCc.
IIAHI.IIV MALT Nomlnnl ; xxestern , lOffoSc.
WHEAT Iteeellils. 44,400 bu , ; exports , 1CI.193
tm. , spot , dull nnd xxcak ; No , 1 hard , b9S9'ic.
Upttuns had n bad break , nxvlni ; to loxvcr cables ,
heavy northxxcKtern receipts , rain In India nnd
liquidation ; rallied n little In Iho afternoon , on
he. ivy reductions of the visible vupply anil small
world's Khlpliients , but closed baicly steady at
l\ttlHo net decline ; No. 2 red. May , MfiS6 l-ice
cliwlm ; ECiic ; December , S7HS < ? ie , clorlni ; S7Jc.
CORN Receipt * . 113.100 bn , ; exporlB , S9.IC3 bil. ;
spot , steady ; No. 2 , 2l > llc. Options opened
steady iiixl ruled dull nit day , \vlth unimportant
chiinie . cloclni ; ncllxc at Uc net loxx-er ; Mny.
31\ttJlT4c. closing SITic.
OATS RecclplH , 110.700 bu. ; exportB. C3.C20 bu ,
upot , steady ; NIC 2. 23Sc. Options ruled Inactlxe
nml xxenker. closlnic MJUe. loxxer ; Slay closed
Z3Kc ; December , 23HA23 7-lCc , closing 23io.
- : | " oj
HOI'S-Qntct : stnte , common to choice.
crop , 3 f7Hc ; UM crop , 8ffl4c ; 1'aclllo const , 1S93
crup. 3fr74c ! ; 1S95 crop ,
Ilini.S-Quli't : ; Oalvcpton , I3e ; Hucnns Ayres
dry. nominal ; Texan dry. ISc ; Culirnrnln ,
LEATIIER-Hlraily ; hemlock sole. Huenos
Ayres , llRbt to heuvy wrlKbts , 194ff20ijc. !
PHOVlHIONS-llecf , Bteady ; family. $90081000 ;
extra mess , $7 ; beef linms. J17.COtri8.00. Cut
meats. eay ; pickled bellies. 4H 5c ; pickled
OILS Coltiiiifi-cd oil. dnllj prime crude Z1O
IlHo ; prime crinlo , t. o , b. . WCISo ; off tummcr
yelloxv , 23Hc ; butter clinics. 2Tc ; prlmo xxlille
276 ! e. IVtrok'iiiu , ddll ; United clou'd .nt'
Itonln , llrm ; Mialnod , cmntnon to Kood. It soft
1.S2W. Tiirpcntlne. itrndy : 27 27ic. .
roTTON liy mciini , c.
O11AIN lly Hteiiin , 4Uc.
lltITTiH-jleccliili. , 7.303 pkim.j nrm ; western.
crettini > ry. Umi'-'l'tc ' ; niulnH. SIHc.
. t'lliiHi-UerrlitH. : : | 8.3V pliBK. ; itrady ; large ,
7i7 ( " " -
c ; rninll.
IXHlS-Rccelplii. 7.MO pkKs. ; sleaily ; etnlo and
eniiKVlx'nnla , lillilOo ; xxeitern , lJ4fi2lc. !
ItU'K-Hleudy ; fiilr to extra , SliffCo ; Japan ,
MOLASSES Hlrnily ; New Orleans , open kettle.
good to cbolec , 26 < i3lo ; nexv crop , 9c.
triilti , $13 ; plates , easy. HiH-lter. quiet ; $ 'l.23.
LIviTpnnl . .
No. 2 red , xvlnter. Ca HVid ; No. l Callfi.inln , 7
Jd. lutiir.'B cpenod steady , xiltli near and dl -
tant petitions ma lower ; closed eleady , xvlth
J1,1'1 ! ,1"1'1.0" * ' ? ' ' ' lottcr nl > l1 'Hituat ponUlonii
IWUItiil loxxer : huilncim henvlent on nilditle po-
Blllomij December. 6 8\ld ; January nml Keb-
' ' y' ' * Ui Mlrcl1' Cl ! a' > ! Al'r" ' ' ° ' "laul ;
CORN n < tpot. quiet : American mixed , nexx- . : <
ll-Kd. rmurcs , quiet , with near and dUtnnt
ponltlons unrhanKvit : cloned quiet , with near nnd
dlntnnl posttlcai lid lower ; buelnen lieax lest on
latest podltlonn : 2 HUd ; January.
February nnd March. ! s lO'.idj April , nominal ;
FLfHHI I'lrin ; poor demand ; 8t , Louis fancy
wlnicr , t * 3d ,
I'EAH-Cuiiiidlnn , 4n 4d.
rilOVISlONa-Hncon , llrm : demand moderate ;
Cinnberlnml cut , 28 lu 30 lb . . 29 Gd : ulioil rlb ,
(0 lo 24 lb . , 29i ; lonff clear , llxbt. U in 38 ibs. .
tit Cd ; IOUK clear , hmvy , 40 to 45 Ibs. , : s ;
rhort clear barks , IlKbt. 18 Ibs , , 28i 64) ) ; short
eltur inlddlr * . heavy. 43 to CO Ibs. , ; clear
Lelllei , 14 ( o It Ib * . , Us. Bbouldcri , stjuare , II tu
18 I- SOB Harm r > - rt cut II to IS lb . 41
Tnl1 .iv line \ . i Hi \P-l--nr , tin 9d. lleof , e\lrn
Inuu im * , d s t'1 luimr luff * , 47 Cd. I'.i.K , men , line ivem.'tri 4 < y ( til , medium west
ern , 4s ! M. Ij ; rtl. dull , prlmo wcitern , TOD 6d ;
Iffino.1. In pdll * . 24n C.I.
CIIEIISE Dull , doinnml poor : finest Anicr-
lean , nblte and oc'orpil ' ( Pflitembtr ) , M * .
HliTTER-rinoil UllllHl fltutM. Mi ; KOtxl , 00 .
lilt.SColtoiiM J oil , ISs 31 ; Unseed oil , Its ;
; * ltolouin. itnncd , CH < 1.
RUfllianilATOR Iin.'If rorcqtinrter , J iJ ( ;
lilndnunitci1. r'Jd. '
MLl.'ACHINU rO\VOER--ttnrdxvood , f. 0. b. ,
Llrpool , i ; ; .
I1OP3-AI Lordonr.Kincoa ( l ) , 3 10. .
< Ji\nii.\L M.uuurr.
Cdiiilllloii of Triulc nnit 4)initiilluiiN )
on Stiiplr niul I'n iic > ' I'roitni'p.
. EOflH-Kresh Bathc'ed. ClffMc.
HUTTKIt Ccir.niLii to fair , iflils ; cliotca to
fnney , roll. 13fll8c ; stparntor cicnmcry , Ilc ;
( THIrrcil crenm. ISQIOc.
QAMtPrairie chlcltrnj. per iat. . WMQt. ! * :
quail , $1 OOtfl.W ; blue wlliKCd tcnl ( lucks , SI. COO
t ; s , Ric'r.hifT. . Jl. : . ' . ; redlirnilH and mallards.
JJ.COBJ.7J ; * mall rabbits , HiQCOo ; JaeKn. Jl 00 1 W ;
f.luuii'U , tM(7ficdocr ( ; raddles , ISfilCc ; e.irciifse ! > ,
llfl He ; antclciic saddlcn , 13fHc ; c > ircace , 10i ?
CHEEJ5E Domrstln brick , 10c : Hdam. per doz. ,
J3.M , club houte , Mb. jar * , per dct. . J3.1S ; I.lm.
bcrK r , fancy , per Ib. , PC ; Hunuefort , ' .4-lb
inn , pr doz. , J2.00 ; Yt/uri ; Americas , lie ;
tixlni. , IC'lc.
VEA/-"bm"- , SO tn KO Ib } . , an > quoted at
7If c ; lirpn and com re. 40r i : .
Dlti : . . ' ! it I'OULTRV.ilclcfns , 5H56e ; tur-
lecyi" t > c Ktfff , ' ! ifn , di-ikn , > o.
I.lVlJ I'flLLTRV-Not xvniiUd.
rionONS-Llxr , 7C rOr : dead iilBteni not
HAY Upland , l..Mi : midland. Jt.M ; lowland ,
14 ; ry straw , ( I , mlor makci the prlco on
hay ; light bulcs tell the l > e t ; only top grades
lirlnit lop prlrci. .
HROOM COHX-rxIrcmely flow * atc ; now
rrnr > . dellx-ored ni track In country : choice creen
If-wmklnp rarpot. per Ib. ivji" rholce green ,
runnlnR to htirl J'ir : rc.-rimr'ii , lSc. !
S\ViCT : I' TATOES-On enters , per bbl. . K.OO.
ONIONS llnoil Btuclc , per bu. , SJU40C.
LIMA tlfANS I 'IT Iri 4p.
MEANS -Hnnit plekcd nnx'j' , per bu , 11.3001. 40.
C.MIIlAUIl-lKme Kronn , per binidrej , COc
Cin.rilY r r dot. . KfiCIr ; fnncy , latge. 4I5J
f,0cPOTATOHPnmM tivk per b'l. , 23c ; Wyom
ing slock , rockcil , "if PT 100 Hid.
OIIAP1IK ( "inlcf , 15 pony bnfckct * . Concords
ami Cnliixxlnii" . per rrntra , J3.CO.
JIAI.AflA flUAl'iS-IVr : kcR. | 7 MftT.CO.
CllANIIiilItins-Cnpe Cod , per bid. , $6.00JC.SO.
API'I.II.H fooldnn , per bbl. . J1.75 : entlnir , J1.75
fi2.PO ; fnncy N'oxxYork. . Jl.'JfiS.OO.
r-AMPOUNIA PHAIlS-I-cr box. | 2.00j ;
Nexv York , per bbl. , J3.50ff4 DO.
Qt'INCis : > cr bbl. 14
OK.\NliS : Mcxlcnn , $3.73.
LEMONS -McFslmis. $5.00 ; choice California ,
J3.Wi.r. : ; fnney , $4,01) ) .
HA'L'.NAHChoice , large stock , per bunch ,
t.C < j r:5 ; medium-Fired bunches. $1 COIT2.0S.
HONEY Fancy white , per Ib. , 14c ; choice. 13c ;
Cnllfuinla , ntnbcr color , lOc.
CIDER-Clnrlllcd Juice , per half bbl. , $2.50 ; per
bbl. . J423a4.CO.
MAl'LE ' ' . - J2.7S
SYRL'I'-Flxe-gal. cnr-s. each. ; cans , per do : . , $12 ; lialf-gul. cans. JC.23 ;
tinrt : ran * . J1.CO
HAUER KRAUT Per half bbl. , Jl.7382.00 ;
bbl * . . $3.00l1S5.
t'lOS Imponed fnncy , C croxvn. 30-lb. boxci ,
ICe ; choice 10-lb. lioxes , 3-croxvn , 12ffl3c.
NUTS--Alinoiuls , Ciillfornia , per Ib. , larRc
rlze. 13o ; Hr.l7.lls. per Ib. , lOc ; English wal
nuts , per Ib. , fancy , soft fhell , 12ffl&c ! ; stand
ards , HOIl'ic ; fllliort * , per Ib. . lOc ; pecans , pol
ished. larse. iSIOe ; Jumbo , Ilffl2c ; larse hick
ory nuts , $1.23 per bu ; rinall. $1.CO.
DATES-Fnrd. I3-lb. boxes , per box , 9c.
llEEF-Ciuo.l . nutlxc steers , 400 to COO Ibs. , C3
7c ; xxestffin steers , Ci5lic ; K ° ° o : coxvs nnd heif
ers , D 54c ! : medium coxxs and belters. 4 > ic ; Rood
fuieqiiuiteia coxxs iind heifers , ! > ic ; Rood
forequnrters native steers , oc ; Rood hind-
iiunrten coxvs and heifers , Mlc ; ( rood hlndqunr-
tera native steem , 8'ic ' ; eoxv rounds , D54c ; coxxr
plates , 3Vlc , boneless chucks , 4c ; cnxv c'mcks , 3140 ;
steer cliuckK , 4c : beef tcndcilolns , 22c. beef
rolls , bonelcm. lOc ; rlrloln butts , boneless , lOc ;
loin backs , bonelers , lOc ; loin backs , fc ; coxv
ribs , No. 3 , 7c ; coxv loins. No. 3 , 9c ; beet
trlniiiilnja. 3'ic ; tump butta , Cc ; shoulder clods ,
1'ORK Dressed IIOKS. Cc ; pork loins , C' c ; pork
tcndeiloliiH 15c ; fpare ribs , Cc ; bam saii'aKe ,
buttp. Ce ; pork shoulders , rmiKb , 4'ic ' ; pork shoul-
dcts , skinned , 4Vic ; pork trlmmlnKs , Gc ; leaf lard ,
not rendered. Cc.
MUTTON Dressed lamb. 7c : dres ed mutton ,
fc ; racks , mutton , S'.Jc ; legs , mutton , S'.Jc : sad
dles , mutton. S'Jc ; etcxx3c : Fhccp plucks , 3c.
HIDES No. 1 green hides. &c ; No. 2 Krccn
ildei * . 4c ; No. 1 green saltetl bides , 7c ; Nn. 2
Kreen fnlted hides. Cc , No , 1 xenl cnlf , S to 12 Ibs. ,
7c ; No. 2 veal cnlf , S to 15 lliu , , 4c ; No. 1 dry
lint hides , 'JillOcNo. . 2 dry Hint hlde.s , SflOc ; No.
1 dry salted hides , Si9c ; part cured hides , He
per Ib. less than fully cured.
SHEEP YELTS ( licen palled , each. 2.17COc ;
green bnlteil. shearings ( short wooled early i-klns ) ,
euch. Kc ; < lry shearliiRB ( cliort wooled early
skins ) . No. 1. each , Cc ; dry Hint , Kansas and
Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual
xvclKht. 4@5c ! dry Hint , Hanson nnd Nebraska
Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3iilc ;
try Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. ,
actual xxelght , 4i5c ; dry Hint Colorado Murrain
wool pelts , per Hi. , actual xx-clght , Siilo ; feet
cut off , ni < It Is useless to pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND C1R17AS1- : Tallow , No. 1 , 3c ;
allow. No. 2. 2V c ; grease , xxhlte A , 3c ; greape ,
vhltp II , 2c ; grease , yellow , 2c ; Krensc , dark , IHc ;
old butter , 2ij2'ic ; becsxx'nx , prime , 15fl2Jo ; rough
alloxx * . le.
WOOL I'nxvnFbed , Hue , heavy , C7c ; nne , light ,
ft9c ; qiinrtcrblnod , 10J712C ; seevty , hurry nnd
cbnfty , 8S9c ; coiled nnd broken , coarse. 7ff9o ;
cotted nnd broken. Hnc. CffSc. Fleece "Washed
lledlum. ISfflke ; line , HdlGc ; tub washed , ICfflSc ;
black , 8c ; bucks , Cc ; tair locks , 2@3c ; dead pulled ,
HONES In cnr lots , xx-elghed nnd ilellvercil In
Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton. J12.00ffl4.0i1 ; dry
country , bleached , per ton. $ IO.Ofl5fl2.00 : dry coun
try , damp nnd meaty , per ton. 1C.0098.00.
St. LiiulN ( JiMlcriil .llllrlifl.
ST. IXiniK , Dec. 7. FIX > UR Dull and weak ;
uitentsi , $4.rojfl.76 ; extra fancy , $4.104.20 ; fancy ,
J.40W3.CO ; choice. J3.C003.10.
WHEAT Futures opened xvenk nnd loxver ,
oxxlng to n Llxcrpool decline. There was con-
Idernhle bearish nexvs and the trading- was
Ight throughout thu BOFxIcm , except In May ,
xhlch lluetuated within a narrow range and
luted ' .iS' e under Saturday. December was
lumlnal ; niot , loxx'ir ; No. 2 red , cash , clex'ator ,
Oc ; tnick , 91'ifi9Hic ; No. 2 hard , cash , 78Ho
Id ; December , l9Uc ; JIny , 89T4S90C.
CORN Less nctlxo than xv.ient , though the
ulurcs clOEed firm at Saturday's cloi-e ; spot ,
Inner , No. 2. cat > h 21Hc ; December , 20 > jc ; May ,
OATS Dull , but Hrm for both Fpot nnd fu-
uies ; No. 2 , cah , 20c bid ; May , 22Hc.
HYi : Uixxer : 34o bid.
IIAKLEY I'rlces ranged from 3le to 37c for
HKAN-Dull nnd unchanged.
HAY Quiet nnd tteaily ; pinlrle , $4.00ff7.CO ;
Imolhy. $ C.W3I2.CO.
RUTTER Crcnmciy , 14919Hc ; dairy. HOlSc.
HAC.GINfl 6'iWCl.e.
EGOS HlKhcr lit l c.
I'OtlLTHY ChlckeiiB. slow ; old nnd pprlng ,
c ; turkeys , Him ; 80 ; ducks , llrm ; TOV'.ic ; gecee ,
nil : 4 f'ic.
LKAD-Ettfy nt J2.72tT2,75. ;
SPELTER Quiet ; $4.10 ni-ked.
PROVISIONS 1'ork , fcteudy ; Btnndara mess ,
obblnK , J7.10R7.35. Lard , Ilimer ; prlmo steam.
J.COceliolce , J3.75. Hacon , boxed shoulders , $4.55 ;
xtni short , clear and ribs , $1.70 ; shorts , $4.S"Vj.
> ry salt meats , boxed shoulders , JI.05 ; extra
hort , clear and ilbs , J4.00 ; sv > rtn , $1.15 ,
RECEIPTS Flour. B.OOO Mil * . ; wheat , 23,000
bu. ; corn , 1C9.0CO bu , ; o.itn 40.COO bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 3.000 bbl * . : xxheat , 22,000
u. ; coin , 100CO < ) bu. ; outs , lt > , OUO bu.
Collet * MurUct.
NEW YORK. Dec. 7. COFFEE-Optlons
pencil barely Eteady , xxlth jirlrvB unchanged to
5 points higher on cables and foreign buying ;
urned xxtak under local selling , fnlloxxln * , flack
put demand , large supplies nnd no speculntlx'e
uppoit ; eloped' easy at lSft25 points net decline ;
ales. 15,000 bags , IncludliiK December , $ 'J.25ft9.eO ;
lurch. $9.3C9.C5. | Spot coffee. Hlo. steady ; No.
. Jobbing , J10.CO : lluolce , $10. Mild , steady ,
'ordova , J15.COffl7.tO. Total xvarehousc 'dc-
ivciles frcm thu United States , 8,381
nigs. Including 7,424 bags from Nexv
' rk ; Nexv York stock today , 315,900 tings ,
'lilted States Block , 351,911 bags : nlloat for the
'lilted States , L'SO.WO biigH ; total visible supply
or the United States , GC1.9H bags , against C41.432
ags last year.
SANTOS. Dec. 7.-COFKEE-illcti good nv-
rage. Santos. 10,800 rels ; receipts , 19.WX ) bags ;
lock. 732,000 b.igs.
HAMHL'lin , Dec. 7.-COFFEE Steady ; 0 pfg ,
dviincc : sales , 12.000 II.IKS.
RIO , Dec , 7.-COFFEI : Steady ; No. 7 Rio ,
0,100 rels ; exchange , 6Hd , ncelpls , 13.000 bags ;
leared , for the Untied States. 7,000 bags ; for
; urope , 7 , CCO bags ; Mock , 3W.CCO bags.
RIO , Dec. 7-COI.TEE Weekly leport : Stcadys
xrhango standard , lo.too rein ; receipts , during
ID xxeeli , 75.0CO bags ; rhlpments to the United
tales , 31.000 lugs ; nloek. : i2.0GO bags.
SANTOS , Dec. 7.-COFFEE Weekly report :
ulet ; good average Santos , per 10 kilos , 10 , kM
ela ; receipts , during- the \\tc\t. \ HS.OOO IIIIKS ;
hlpments to the United States , 7,000 bags ; stock ,
3. , 000 bncs , _ _ _ _ _ _
I'ciirla ririiln.
PEORIA. Dec. 7-CORN-Stciidy ; No. 2 , 2lc ;
exv No. 2 , SOlie ; No , 3 , 20'Sc ; r.exv No. 3 , SOUc.
OATS Slow and Inegulur ; No. 2 xxhlte , 194T
3ic ! ; No. 3 while , lCUtfl7 ! c.
WHISKY Steady ; llnln.ieU goods on a bails
f $1.18 for high.
RECEIPTS Corn , 83.000 bu. ; oats , CC.EOO bu.j
> e , I. SCO bit , : wheat , 10l > 00 bu.
BIMI'MKNTS-Corn , 4.9M bu.j oats , 38,750 bu. ;
ye , 1,20V bu. ; wheat , 13,200 bu.
NE\Y YORK. Dec. ' 7.-SUO Alt-Raw , flrm ;
nlr refining. 2 15-lCo ; cenlilfuKiil , ' . ' 0 tc t , 3 5-lCo.
ii lined , ( julet : ttnndanl "A , " 4VJc : confection-
rs' "A , " 4Vio ; cut loaf , Cc : crushed , 5c ; snin-
lated , 4 ic.
UNDON , IH-e. 7.-8fOAR-Cnne. quiet ; cen-
rlfuiiul Jiua , Us 44d ! ; Murcox-ndo , fair relln-
ilk' , 10 . Heet , quiet nnd prices barely main-
allied ; December , Ca I 'id ; January , 9s 3d.
NEW YORK. Dee. 7-COTTON I' u lures
loved quirt and steady ; sales , 2u ,200 bales ;
unuary. $7.33 : Fibrunry , J7.40 : Match , $7.44 ;
prll. $7.f > 3 ; May , 7.W ; June. J7.C3 ; July , J7.C3 ;
uiu > t , J7.C7 ; December , $7.27 ; middling , 99-16o.
T.-COTrON-Ea y ;
iniJ/UInK1 , 7'tcj ' low middling , ttt-lfo , peed or
dinary , c 11-iCc. _ _ _ _
Hcourlly Market 4l ille IrroKiilnr nn
t llu * .Miiveinenl nf Price * .
NKW YOltK , Dec. 7-Tho stock market today
xx ns h regular ns lo the moxcmtnt of prices ,
A heavy undertone xxns noted throughout the
speculation , nt times bordering on nbsoluto tng.
n.illriit. pending the publication of the president's
message. Subsequent to the announcement ru
mors of a disturbing character In connection
xxlth the supplementary report ot Kecretnry uf
Slate Oln y and the references nt the president
to tiic Union I'nelllo nnd the trusts encouraged
wiling. The mnrkct xvns nlmosl oxcluslxely pro-
frwlunnl , nml only tn the last hnlt uf the llnnl
hour xvus there to he noted nn appronch tu mil-
million. Tlio Initial prices xvcrc but slightly
dllTrrcnt from Saturday's dual figures , but the
npl fiiriuice of foielpn Felling oiuers nnd pres
sure by the bents nKiilnst tlio hluh.prlced spo-
cluHlt'H caused recessions. Consolidated Gas los
ing 2 > < i per cent , nnd Tobacco nnd Mnnhiillnn
iibtitil n paint , Ilutlncm xxns restricted , hoxv-
exer , nml nt the loxv point supporting orders
xxcte Issued , xvlilch stnrled coxerlng nnd mod
erate buying for the long account , nnd cnriled
the lift fractionally nboxc Snlunlio'a llnnl
prlcis. The ensuing dealings xvcro uninterest
ing nnd xxere on n llinltc.l i-cnle until the llnnl
hour , xx hen tome sharp changes occurred. The
l.ito operations xvcro erratic , but u gi'iicrul ten-
ilcncy doxvnxxnrd xvns evident. Sugar , Mnnhnttnn ,
Louisville & Nnclixlllc , the grangris nnd Union
1'neinc ylcliled from 1 tu 1'4 per cent from the
top figures of the day. The unsettled course uf
stocks fHlled tn affect the rnllxvay bond market
and n fair voltimo of lnuliiefa xvns noted. The
cln lng vxna xxcnk nt n not locn nt n point , or
thereabouts , In many Instances , Itallxxny bomls
xxere- moderately active , but generally llrm. The
chungcs , ns n rule , xxere BllKlit , aside from
Atchlson , Colorado & I'acllle llrsts , which de
clined 8 per lent to 27 ; N'cxv York & Northern
llntls , xxhlch advanced & per cent to 118 , and
Northern 1'nclllc consol Cs , the Inst mentioned
being conspicuous on the fiilo of a block of
n'CO.CCO nt SIH. xxlth n Inter break tu C3 < i. The
sales XX ere 11,793,010.
( JoX'crninentM xvere neglected but firm , on deal
ings or Jl.OOO. Sllx-cr certificates wcie sllehtly
loxver nt fi.'iUc , nn rnles of > 10.l 0.
The Kx'enlng Post's I/indon lln.mclnl cahlesrinn
says : The recovery In mines Mlmulnlcd nil the
Ktock inaikctK lu-io today , mines hnxlng been
the xx'enk ppot. The recovery In Knlllrn xxni due
to better leports from the deep level mines , lo
purchases for tlio continent , nnd to cnx'crlng 'by
benrn prior to the settlement , to begin tomorroxx' .
It In Impossible to sny yet xvhcthcr the recovery
Is anything mnro than n spurt. A sharp HFU
in Itrn7.ll and other South American stocks x\an
also n featuic today. Home rails xxcrc dull
through fear of labor dlllleultlm. Americans
xxero quiet , but xvlth ncry good tone , the
closing being nt the best. The tone uf Amer-
leurm In becoming bullish. Short money Isery
cany. It Is believed In good iiunrters Hint If the
discount rate here fnlls to ii ! per cent , large
supplies of American lillls xxlll come forxvanl.
The present iiuotatton la 2T per cent. The for
eign trade returns of Great Itrltnln for the
shoxv nn Increase In Imports of mcrchiimllfp n
compiiied xvlth Noxember , 1(93 ( , of 3,196,000 Ib.s
nnd n decrenre of 1,000.000 Ibs. In exports. Th
noteworthy feature In the Import returns Is in
Increase of 2.1.i3.COi ) Ibs. In the cotton receipt
from the United States. Paris and Herlln mar
Lets xxcrc steady.
The folloxvlng : xx'cre the clnslnt ; quotations on
the lending stocks of the Nexv York cxchntig
today :
OOViitNMi.S'T IIONUS Firm ; Btnte bonds
Blow ; rnllroail bonds firm.
Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows :
Week Opens wiiViiVcry Encouraging Sup-
Of Oattlc.
( Jmitl CnrnfeilLioIforeit lint
Muel ? Lower lluyurn
Try tii'llenr ' HOH , litit
Klnully Fnll.
SOUTH OMAHA , Dec. 7. Receipts lor the
days Indicated wefo :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
December 7 , 2,700 1,730 & 3.1 . . . .
December G ji.soi r.C07 1,1ft ) IS
December 4 3.8SD GS > 3 1,213 . . . .
December 3 2 , 7l 4.717 1.U7U S
December 2 n.vw ! > ,140 1.4CI 2
December 1 " 3,018 12 I5S 1,1(53 (
November 30 2,345 2,075 3GI 3t
November 2S 2.317 4,402 KG
November 27 ! UC 2,772 219
The olllclul number of cars of stock
brought Intoday by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Missouri 1'aclflc Uy 13
Union I'acllle system , . . . 36 Ii 3
P. n. .1 M. V. H. U 10 7 1
C. St. P. SI. Ac O. Uy 1
H * M U. U. U 32 U
C. 11. & Q. Uy 3
C. U. I. & P. . cast 3
U. U. I. & P. , west 3 2
_ _ _
Total receipts 103 27 4
The disposition "of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 117 312 271
Q. H. Hammond Co 2' ' )
Swift and Company 27t5 442 i > Ct
Cudahy Packing Co 270 473
U. Ucckcr & Dogan. . . . . . 4S1
Vansant & Qrtrri / " " 1
J. r * Carey. . ? . . . ; * * J04
l < ohmair& UothSL&.fls. . w7
W. I. Stephens Tl3
Hill & IMW\H \ Co XV.
Hellion & Underwood. . . . IM
Cudahy Co. , from K. C. . XII
Oilier buyers 2 : > S
Left over 200
Total 2.C3D 1.7S3 8.12
CATTbE The receipts of cattle xvere
larger than on Saturday by about 900 head
and heavier than on Monday of last wcelc
by about 400 head.
Among the cattle hero were some pretty
good cornfed steers , but the market on that
klnif xx'as far from satisfactory. It was In
fact In about as unsatisfactory condition as
could veil be Imagined. It was a drag from
start to finish , and the market was not only
sloxv , but lower. "
In butchers' stock there wns more life to
the trade , and coxvs and heifers 'i\cre In
good demand at fully steady prices. The
offerings of about liftcen loads xvere all
taken early.
The market on feeders was also Just about
steady. Thu supply on Saturday wan lust
about exhausted nnd the buyers xvere ready
to take hold this morning freely. The
yards were soon cleared of that kind ot
cattle , llepresentatlvo sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. 1'r.
.13S3 ( I DO
.1:75 4 25
. MO 2 ro
. .1120 2.,0
.1014 2 CO
. M > 3 i 73
.12CO 2 75
.1032 2 K
.1143 2 55
.1127 2 So
.1150 3 00
2. . . . 733 2 73 , 910 300
fl..1.1510 2 75 , S20 3 00
M. . . . MO 2 tO
.1310 2 15 2..147C , 230 . .1400 2 43
.1340 2 SO 2 K . .10.S5 2 CO
.1210 3..1296 2 40 . .I430 2 S5
.1070 2 25 1..1440 2 40
303 2 fO 1. . . . 2CO 4 00 IM 623
2JO 2 75 1. . . . 110 4 50 230 C 23
3 4" 1..1 120 525 < S W
f4COfy ,
2. . . . CCO 2 DO 1. . . . MO 3 00 15..1070 3 45
4. . . . 25 2 75 2. , . . 070 3 00 8. . . . C55 3 41
1. . . . 870' 2 73 l.t. . 910 3 10 15..1020 3 45
1. . . . 700 2 f5 lu.-r. , . 6J 3 : o 200. . . . SM 350
4. . . . 4CO 3 CO 32.i07 ! 330 10 , . . . 73S 3 f,0
1. . . . 5SO 3 00 35 , . . . 70S 335 23. . . . 962 3 CO
1. . . . 940 3 CO 10..t C70 3 40 2. . . . CCO 3 CO
C. . . . 90 3 CO
No. , IV.
1 springer | 28 00
1 coxv nml calf 3000
1 coxv nml cnlf 3200
1 coxv nnd calf > . . . . . 3500
No. Ax % I'r. No. Av. Pr.
1 bull 1100 Jl CO ICcoxvii 100S 13 00
1 Jmll 1SCO 2 CO 2 feeders..1005 300
Ccoxx-8 1018 200 & heifers S7C 3 15
1 bull 1390 2 15 1C feeders. . . . SDO 330
1 bull 1110 2 K 2" feeders. . . . S9S 3 C3
4 bulls 11G2 2 35 39 feeders. . . . 917 3 C. ,
t str. tig..1140 2 SO 20 fee.Jers..1110 370
Ora llnley.
2 bulls 1270 2 10 1 heifer 770 2 H )
2ScoxxB fc57 2 15 3 oxen 1410 2 50
coxvs f40 2 15 11 heifers R13 2 C5
S hulls 1203 2:0 1 bull 10CO 2 C5
2 bulls 1435 2 1 sir. tig..1050 2 75
1 ox 1720 2 0 1 stag 950 3 00
1 heifer 770 2 CO 1D7 feeders..10C7 330
A , K. Marr.
Ibull 1410 2 2S Ibteer 1120 3 40
4 coxvs 1CC5 2 95
James Kerr.
1 str. tig. . . . 790 225 29 feeders. , 933 3 33
1 feeder WO 3 CO 25 feeders. S45 3 43
- e. Ham.
1 stng 130 2 r.O . 17 feeders..11C1 3 40
3 steers 1250 3 25 27 feeders..1003 3 40
r. . L. II a in.
2 coxx'S 730 2 25 1 sir. tlg..HCO 15
23 COXVH 753 2 25 18 cnlves 218 2 75
7 cnlves 154 225 fi COXVH 9C5 2 RT
G heifers 5C2 2 70 1C feeders. . . . S'J5 3 45
2 bulls 1SOS 2 00 52 coxx'S sr.i 2 s ;
1 bull 13CO 2 15 6 feeders. . . 9IG 2 Ki
3 cnxxH 1000 2 25 3 feeders. . . ,1033 3 00
2 bulls 1305 2 30 25 feeders. . . 49S 3 40
12 coxvs SM 2 40 29 feeders. . , 84C 3 40
10 coxvs 973 2 40 34 feeders. . . 8S-0 3 45
C2 COXVB 752 2 45 B cnlveH. . . . 3SO 3 50
13 eoxvs ! lS9 2 70 25 feeders. . . (93 3 CO
37 feeders. . . . 570 2 75 tO feeders. . . WO 3 CO
1 calf 270 275
F. M. Knapp.
1 coxv 7SO 2 00 15 coxx'S , 84S 2 33
2 bulls 1225 205 2 sirs , tig , , ,1160 2 75
10 bulls 1104 2 30
1 bull 1500 2 35 B feeders. . .1050 3 10
7 coxxs &r > 2 225" 22 feeders. . , , 823 3 to
11 COXVH 1010 2 (0
a. 7. . Hanlesty.
1 bull 1330 1 hS 5 feeders. . . ,10S6 3 00
1 bull , , .1540 2 00 74 Ifeders. . . , ior.t 3 K
9 coxxs. . . . ? , . 9CR 2 35 37 nedcru. . . , &C3 3 35
24 cows 4135 2 SO
C2 cows 752 245
' 3i1l > S. Austin.
1 cow 1070 ,2 Vyi 1 cow . 990 3 00
14 COXXM . 1032 J.S JS7 9 feeders. . . . K31 3 33
2 COXX'H 23 feeders. . . .1092 343
1 feeder 940 i
HOOS There xvasiivfalr Monday's run of hogs ,
though the recelJiW fcere less than n xveek IIRO
by about 900 headlSTlio market opened xvlth
buyers talking alioutjic lower , but they did not
succeed In buying many that xvny. The Keneral
market proved W ) ( if Ju t about steady. The
heavy hogs mid ( be sumo as at the close of
lust xxeek ; ttmtlld./ I3.OOiT3.10 , principally ut
13.05. .
- „ , f.
There xvere no cliowe llsht lends here lo put
n , top on the mnilirt , , yi that the sales , taken as n
xxhole , looked loxxTr oil paper. The ileniamt xxas
good and the yards " were * cleared early , Repre-
entntlvn sales :
No. Av.'r. , , No. Av. Sh , I'r.
1 . 330 UiJS.XJ'k ( 44 . 308 . . . $305
0 . 331 10 SCO. t3 . 313 . . . 305
C3 . 313 . . . 310 I 118 . 332 120 3 074 !
4 . KH SO 3 CO 74 . 1.-JS 40 3 07H
2 . 318 KO 300 G5 . 2JO ICO 310
0 . 425 120 3 00 C3 . 273 40 310
3 . 331 200 3 03 K . 329 40 310
8 . : i5 iO 3C. tv Cl . 290 40 310
Jt . 3C3 . . . 305 37 . 200 . . . 310
" 0 . 2o < 0 305 72 . 208 120W 3 12V4
9 . 3CO tO 3 03 Cl . 253 W 315
S . 323 . . . 3CS. 75 . 247 200 315
40 303 M . 235 40 315
314 120 3 d5 69 . 230 315
320 iO 3 OT C9 . 230 315
1 . 2SO 133 4 . 415 2 92'S '
1 . 2SO 1 to t . 412 2 M
1 . C40 2 tO 4 . 321 40 2 ! )3 )
5 . 3CS 2M 4. . . . . . . .220 315
4 . 4C7 2 W
SHEEP The maiket did not shoxv liny material
hunge , values living Just about steady , Hepru-
cnt.-.tlxu mlcs :
* o. i Av. Pr.
IS native wethers . > , . 112 $315
13 corn-fed xveitcrn wethers . 118 3 30
II native lambs . , . . . . , . . . , . . ! K > 425
KIIIINIIN Clly Live Slock.
KANSAS CITY , Dec , . 7-CATTLE-RecelpU ,
, X > head ; shipments , 2,100 head ; best , steady ;
them slow and xvrak ; Texas ctcers , $2.COii3.tO ;
Texas cows , $ l.7tO.M > ; nutlx-e ktrers , 3.1iii4.M ;
utlxe coxxs mid heifers , $1.CO 3.CO ; Mockers uml
eeders , $2.U3.S5j bulls , I2.25R3.I5.
HOGS Recclpta , ,000 head ; rhlpmfnts , none.
Inrket weak to 100 lower ; bulk of tales , J3.16W
,15 ; JieuvUs , 3.W33.10 packcri ,
mlxKl. $3.0fimt Ilitit * . f3.00uiJ | , Yorkers.
13. lull 1 1" , plg * . J.'V'H.l.tu ' !
SHEEP Receipt * . C.OCO head , slilpinriilj , I.CuO
bend. Market steady , lambs , I300tll.M ; unit
tonit , $ ! .OOO3,28.
cinc.vtio LIVI : STOCK.
In Cnltlo Itio neiiinnilYn * Hetter
Tliiin of Lute.
CHICAGO , Dec. 7. tn cattle the Oemnnd xvns
tiettcr than of late , particularly for good corn-
fed caltlc , which icmalnetl llrm. Common to
irooil Flrers fold ery xxell , but generally from
to to ICc loxxer. Sales xxerc m.iite nt from f3.0
to $4.23 for common to pretty good half-fat cnl-
tie lip to from $1.73 to t. > ,2f > for good fat Ibexes ,
xxlth n good Inquiry for ChrlMmns cattle nt
from IB.30 to $ fi.GO. The liulk of the cattle
brought from $1.2 } to $5.00. Hales of coxxs weio
nt from $2.00 to $3.25 , xxlth fat heifers selling
high , Texas entile xveio unchanged.
Notwithstanding the Inrge run of hogs , prices
did not decline In nny InMancc more than n
nickel. Sales ranged iU from $2.90 to $3 J3. the
bulk of the * wluc going nt from $3.17 > i tn $ .1.30.
Pigs were not pnitlcularly plentiful nnd sold
mostly nbox'e $3.00.
There xvns n fnlrly nctlve demand for slieep
nml prices were unchanged , sheep Felling on
n basis of from $2.00 to $2.tO for common to
fair , $3.tO to $3.75 for choice to fancy stock sheep ,
xvllh rnles largely nt $2.75 to $3.40. Immhs Fold
nt from $3 25 to J.I. CO for common up to $5.10 for
choice. e'ecdlnK sheep Fold nt from $2.R3 to $3.10
nnd feeding lambs nt from $ J.f,0 to $3.75. Year
lings Fold nt from $3.50 to $1.23.
Receipts : Cattle , 17,000 head ; hogs , 50.000 head ;
sheep , 10,000 hem ! .
XIMV York Ile Stock.
NEW YORK , Dec. 7. HEEVES-Rccclpts , 4,200
bend ; Fleers , quiet nnd genernlly easier ; oxen
and dry coxx'S. loxxer ; bulls , Ftemly ; Flags nnd
oxen , $175 4 23 ; bulls. $2.00(12.00 ; dry coxxs , $1.50
{ I2.n.i. European cables quote Americans steers
at lOfTlle , drepcod weight : sheep at SJfS'Jo ,
dressed xx-elght ; refrigerator beef nt 7M7e. Ex
ports tomorroxx' , HO beeves nnd 3,000 quarters of
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rprclpts , 11,123 bend ;
Floxv ; loxxer ; sheep. $2.00T3.r.O.
llOdS-ltccclpIs , 1C.S97 head , loxver. $3.00113.80.
SI. LoillN Live Slock.
ST. LOUIS , Dec. " . CATTLE Receipt * . 4,000
head ; Inaikct Meady ,
lions Receipts. k.OOO head : market lOc loxxeri
sht. $3.00ff3.tO ; mixed , $2.90if3.10 ; heavy , $2.75fP
'SHEEP Recelpls. 2,000 head ; market sternly.
Slock III
Record of receipts of llx-o slock nt the four prin
cipal mnrketa for Monday , December 7 , IWil :
Cattle. Hoits. Sheep ,
Smith Omalm . 2,701 1.722 S3.1
Chleago . 17.IIOO tO.OOO Pi.000
Kansas City . ' .i.POO 9.000 G.OOO
St. Louis . 4.000 S.OX ) 2.000
Totals . 32701 CS.722 2I.S3J
A'lsllilc Crnlii Supply.
NKW YORK , Dec. 7. The visible Ftipply of
grain Saturday , December E , ns compiled by the
Nexv York Produce Exchange xx'ns ns follow * :
Wheat. r , ! > .3l2.0 0 till. ; decrease. 2.602,0in ( bu. Corn ,
17,40J,000 ( bu. ; deerease , S22 000 bu. Oats , 12.297.000
bu. ; decrease , 177,000 bu. live , 2,401,000 bu. ; de-
crcnse , 93t 0 bu. Ilarley , 4S34,000 bu. ; dccrcoFc.
t3IOO ( bu. _
Toledo Crnln.
TOLEDO. O. . Dec. 7. WHEAT- Lower ; ca
No. 2 cash , 91'Je ; December. P3K.C.
CORN Dull : steady ; No. 2 cnsli. 23c.
OATS Loxvcr ; Ftendy ; No , 2 mixed , 18c.
RYK-3 ! 4e
CLOVER SEBD-Deccmbcr. $3.SO.
Oil Clly Market.
OIL CITY. Pa. . Dc. 7. Credit balances , $1.03 ;
certificates opened nt $1.05 ; higher ! , $1,01 ; low
est , $1.03 ; clo ed , $1.01 ; no sales ; slilpments ,
122,014 bbls. ; runs , 171.3.12 bids ,
ELOIN , Dec. 7. RfTTKRKIrm : offerings ,
19,200 Ibs. . Fiiles , 8.S20 Ilu. , nt 24c ; 2,700 Ibs. , at
21'&c ; G.7SO Ibs. , nt 24'ic.
MliincnpoIlM AVIieat.
MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 7.-\VIIEAT-December ,
77'.4c : Mny. 79)1079'4e ; No. 1 nurthvin , 9Sc ; re
ceipts , 970 cars.
Dry ( ionilH.
PALL RIVKR , Dec. 7 , Print cloths were
quiet nt 2c.
KrlMco Whenl.
Mny. $1.5Si,4. _
Korclurii PIiiiincliiL
IIEHLIN , Dec. 7 Exchange on London , eight
days' right , 20 marks 4'4 | ifn.
PARIS , Dec. 7. Three per cent rentes. 101f
for the account ; exchange on London , 23t 22 > ? c
for checks. _ _
I/5NDON. Dec. 7. liar geM ls"quoted nt 77s
lid. Gold Is qiinted nt Huenns Alien today at
1S4.73 ; Lisbon. Ml- : Rome , 10l.c'J. The nmount
of bullion gone Into the Hank of England on
balance today Is 7,000.
inancial .Votes.
, $79.SSC,777 ;
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 7.Clearlngs.220.RSC ; balances -
ances , $ C33.C03 ; money , CfiS per centNexv York
exchange , 73c premium bid ; $1 premium nskc.l.
CHICAGO. Dec. 7.-Clearlngs. $15,334,308 ;
money , steady nt C 7 per cent ; New- York ex
change , t5c premium ; foreign exchange , steady :
demand , $4.844 ! ; sixty days , $1,84.
Iliirllnurlnii Train CoIllilcN ixldi a
Trolley oil a liradv CroHHliiK.
LBAVENWOHTH , Kan. . Dec. 7. A
IJurllnBton plug train ran Into an electric
car at tlio Clioctaxv crossing , dcmollslilng the
front part of tlio electric car and severely
Injuring Captain Montgomery of the pen
sion department of tlio Soldlcre' homo at
Fort Lcavcnwortli and
Thomas Ilasltlny a
member of company D of tint Instltotlon.
The other pasaotiKcrs escaped Injury.
Hull a Very Stormy PIINNIIKC.
NKW YOIUC , Dec. 7.-Tho French line
steamer La Champarno , which sailed from
Havre on November 2S , arrived at 'her dock
In thin city at 9:30 : o'clock tlilH morning after
a very stormy voyaRo , during- which Hlio
was Hwcpt liy heavy KC.IH and encountered
nntiallH of siioxv and rain. The steamer
brought 115 cabin and 220 steerage P.'IHSCII-
Kers. Amotifir the former xvere Mine. Emma
Calve , thu opcni singer ; Bishop Graves and
Ulshop Lebracque.
Permits toveil have been Issued to tlio
folloxvlng parties by the county Judge :
Name and address. Age.
Peter Nelson. St. Helena , Cal 2S
Mrs. Sarah 12. Mullcr , Atlantic , la 20
D.ivldV. . Choatc. Minneapolis , Minn 27
Harriett II. Bailey , I'c.icliarn , Vt 21
Killed liy n Knlllni ; Tree.
SAHATOCJA. N. Y. , Dec. 7. Fred 1C. Ix > vo-
land. the and best knoxvn gnldo In
tbo Adirondack * ! , has been accidentally
killed by a falling tree. I.oveland was n
Klanl in Htaturo and possessed remarkable
trcngtli. He was 70 years old ,
I'liyn Ilie UN mil DIvliIeiidN.
NEW YOIUC , Dec. 7. Tbu directors of the
American Sugar Itcllnlng company have de
clared a regular quarterly dividend of n
per cunt on the preferred stock and 3 per
cent on the common stock.
.Murder Trial Put OIT a Week.
DAYTON , O. , Dec. 7. The trial of Albert
J , Frnntz for the murder of llcsslc Ilttlo
has been postponed until December 14.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday ,
December 7 , USti :
E J Davis and wife to 13 M Tzschuck ,
lot : ifl. liloolc 1 , Orchard Hill t 1
J A McSlmne nnd xvlfo to Columbian
Investment company , uml Vn lots 3
to 9 , block 1C. nil block 17 , Wi-at Side
add , and various other lots In said
add and In 1st add to West Side. . . . 1
T D Klnnoy and wlfo to a W Loomts ,
n V4 of o te tax lot 2fi In iri-15-13 1,400
Chris Orotmak and xvlfo to Karl Metz-
ger , lot 20 , block in , Albright' ) ) annex 170
A 8 Patrick to W O Doane , lot 7 ,
block 1 , A H Patrick's add 1,000
Elizabeth Htalon to Frank Ituynolds ,
lot 7 , block 10 , Florence & 00
J A McShune and xvlfu to J A Mc-
Shane , guardian , lot 4 , block 1 ,
Hoggs and H'B 2d add , s > < lot 2 , block
2 , Hhtill's add l
Sheriff to A M Ooodrlch , lot 3. Wills'
nub M7
Sumo to J A McShanc , iiiiirdlan , Iota
lo tn 22. block 2) ) . lots 17 , IK and 19.
block 2.'i , lots 1 nnd 2 , block 27 , lot
17 , 18 and 19 , block 28 , West Bldo add 1.CCO
Total amount of transfcrti I C.GIO
Leiiilvtlle Nlicrlff In U
DENVEH , Colo. , Dee. 7. The atato nil-
Telephone lKt ( ) ) . Oiniiliii , Nub.
, Hoard of Trsd .
Direct wires 10 CIHLUCO uml Nrw York.
Cbircspondcotfl John X Warr n A Co. . ' .
promo court today alllrmcit the decision of
the Park eoiinty district court removing
Sheriff Ncwmnn of Iakp eotinty fiom olllco
for malfeasance1. Imposing a line and sen
tencing htm to Jail for six mont > ! iH. New-
man's ninlfoasanco conolsted In receiving
money from the gambling hotiaex In l.ciul-
vllto and protecting them In their bus- )
Mvrin : r s.\i. ' .
In the Circuit Court ( if tlie Unltol btatcs for tbo
District of Oregon.
In tlio Circuit Cunrt nt tlii > IJnltiM States far the
District of innlio.
In the Circuit OoTt of tlie United States for the
District ol MontAiin ,
In the Circuit lAnirt of tlio t'nllcxl States for tbo
Dlittrlct uf Vtnli ,
In the Circuit Court of tlio Unltfil 8'fttcs for the
District nf Mvonilnc.
( Amiplnlimtit ,
HUN IIA1LWAY LOMPANV , Dofiliilniit.
Wlierx'n' . At n term of the IMrcult CVlirt of
the UnlUil btntra for the District of Orison , held
nt thu I Ity cif Portlnml In MM Btntcnn the lit *
iconth dixy ot July , Ihli , " , nml nl a leim ol HID
Circuit Umrt of ilic United Ktotci fnr the Dis
trict uf lUnlio onthft txxvlfth ilny ot Drci'tnbor ,
IHtiQ , nml At ntenn ot tlio Circuit aunt of Iho
United Ijtiiics for tlid District of Mohtnnn en tint
seventh dny of August , lNi5 , nml nt n term of
tlio Circuit Court of the I'nltul t-tntr fur Ilio
District of Wyoming on tlio Invnt ) si'Vi'iith Ony
of tjoiitrnilior , 1H)5 ) , nml nt n term of tlio Circuit
Court ol tlio United btr.tos for the HIMrltt nt
Utnh on the ll t ilny of Drcrmlirr , IMKl.
Uic ocoili\ln ervcrnl decrecHxiriMlnly IIIICUM
III the ntiovc-iulltlrtl coses then ponilliiR In cnch
of the Circuit fonris nbovo tncntloiml , forccluv
Ins thn mortfniiru of tlm lUtrmlnnt , the On con
Bliort I.lno A Ulnli Niitllicin llnllxxnv CV mpnii ) ' .
commonly knoxx-ii ns Mul cnllnl Ils t\invilUlnlul
Morik-nw. xxhlch muriKAKO tn'.irs ilnlo the lit ilny
ol Auenv , IbM' , nml nlilch wvlil morlKiiKO M tlio
ixaiijollilnloil MortKngo nf the Rnlil Ilnllxxny
Company cxccuteit to thn complnltmnt In tlio
nboxo-rntllliul cii. i3 na Triinteo , nml xxhlch In
moro pnrtlcnlnrly mentioned nml arjcrlboit In
Ilio coiuiilnlnnnt'3 bill of complaint lllcd la the
nbove sex iTnl Cusca ! nml . . .
\Micri' . i . It xxn * In nml hy tlie fnlil fovoml
, , u d
unlit CotKoililnleil MorlrnKi- the nxlil iicitiKlnnt
cnsipixiiy 1-ct forth la tin ) hill ut ( Oiiiplnlnt nloie-
onlil mm o m.nlc nmt e\ecutel ix niore. nil ! i.n.t
t enr Ins ( Inters nloresixlil. xxiy n xnllil nnl mill *
Bis III * morlKicu nml cons ! II mod n lien ii | * > n tl o
inorti.iio I jircinloo.1 , propvity , mill Ininilnsn
tliHi'ilbnl In the snld inongngo nuil heiclnallor
di" 'rllieil ; tin 1
, 1u xvnn ( hrroln nnd In nml bycnlil
pexcrnl ilocreca ntors-.ntil furllicr U > IJU > IKCI | ni
di-crecil Unit nit of Kadi pcnfcity , lent , p" . ,
nnl mUi'il , iiicnt'oncd cml OoMrllil In rjihl
moitn-nci. , lie tlio dlii.riuil ! of tlio
nirlcrHU'iiOil , Jo'in 11 Clclnnd , Commissioner
nnmoil In liy the Mild icx crnl ( IcciriM ns iiboxo
inoni lulled , lliu Nile lo tin nmilo fubliit locoitnln
nnilerljIiiR moilifiicoi upon cefinln pnrnof u o
enlil pmportlci xxhlch nro herolunfivr fpirltU'd
nml xxhlcli HID llkoxrl o iinrllcalnrly M > c < ' ! iid In
nnd liy the mill decrees , tlio prorcoil ol ui h ( wile
lo lie applied in snimac'iou ui u " 'inn M.-xeru
deTom hcielnbeiorn nn nlloncd , n'l ' of xxhkh
xxvro decrees lor tbo snit.o debtnml lu.vxtl . ' .iitlon
uf tlie Intirest therion kiiil of iho costs ol ilia Bald
ttlierein. I.lktnlso It xxni pioxlileil In nnd
liy thu terms of thosntd Cumulldaled JIorlKnco
nmona oilier things Unit Ibo truiteo tmincd tin ic
In , to xxIt , the Amir.cnn lorn > t Iruat Company.
In tin- event of default In Intcrc t upon tbo mid
United Idnivd MorlKnEC , inliibt la Ita discretion
nml upon rnimtnt ot tlio boldi n of one-tilth pail
of tbu I-OIIIH letucd nnd ouutnnrllng wiiml
t'lervliv. > xhlch reciic" | > t hns been duly nmile.
should sll nnd dlapoie of tbo said niorlMt id
promts a by public nuet on at Midi tiinu nnd
plnco In the C'lty of Salt I.ikp , In tlio 'territory
of ( now Mate of Utah i , ns the trustee might
determine , fifth ! trustee tu nmUo xui h ? nle nfter 1C
slmll Imx'o given public notlco thenof and of the
tlmunml p nea ther of by ndveitlMnunt pub-
IIsiH'd In ( a lof tbo cltknof Now York nnd
IJo-tou not leu ttian txvlcon xxcek for foiircon-
emitlvc. xxeekj licit prcredlnz tlio snlo In onu or
more nexiipnpon there ) iibllsiieil , xxltli ixinvr on
the part nl 'nhl trustio tu n > louin ) sin h Kilo from
Hint.1 to time nnd glxx euch notlio of ndournuieut ]
thereof 01 tlio trixtec might think unsalable uu-
der the clrcun-.s nines ; and
Whereas , U xxos further mljuilged nml decreed
In ntid by | ho snld several decrees hLoxu men-
tinned In the nbox'u entitled onii e that t'u * Rild
Iruttej. trie Amerfcnii 1/nn iX : 'lu.M ( .oinpnny.
inUht Imvj leax'i ! n n id Miould Join In tbc Mid
rnlu nml In the noilcvs nml nilviillNimint tl.cro
of by tbu slid njx'uinl deciees die Ivtd lo be ]
the sild sale FO to bo inndc to 1 e inniln fi r Ibo
iiurpos * ut lon.clnslng the hald lei olliinied
K irtiige , In nrcordaiirn xxllh Ibctcimsof tbo
i ild d veral decrees ; nnd
XVhjru.13 , It Inrlber mljuileid niul d ( creed
by Ihosjld MX'ernl dtcuei lln.t the tnlj noil-
g.ic.lpropertlcts'iould lo tujbl nsnii cnlliil.x niul
In oiu lot at publt.niicllon lu the blcluui bidder
tlitrofur , under tbo direction of iin < l nl n diiv nnd
tl'iiu to b > nnnu'il by Iheonlil ron.mU'.luiirr.In II o
Clly of Silt l l' < o.ln tbo Tenltniy inoxx ttate ) ol
Uu'i.tipon a icli tcru.s ns tbc ' ominle-ioiicrnilKbt
iipprux'e : It being llkcxv.KO | rex li'id tint public
nu'.lco of such snio nml tbo time nml plnco llaiiol
bn iclvenby nilx-o.tltciiint mire n xxnk for four
cpnwcutlvo xxeeka in not li > s Ibnn txxo in\\i > -
pajior'j inilillilieil In euch of tbo cllbs of iNuxv
York , Ilniini , Silt Lake , 1'or Innd , OHCOII , i.nd
Oiiabixvlth paxxer to mljomn nub Frlo from
time lo tlma nt the request ol tie tnlil nusiio
c riplnlnaiitsuc.i nolko of tl o adjiiiiii n.u.t to bu
Clx'eii ns tlio tV > nimlS3lbncr inlgbt Ililnk lirsunii-
Jile un.ler tlio clrciinistancef.tlie mill linsiic com-
pliiiannton ILi p.ut to join us IUIKUO In nil
n "Icesof silnnnd the notlco ol niiyn.ilnuljtmn | .
mint , such lulo on con flnnntlon ll. < r < of to jier-
patu.illy bar the sild defenilni t llalluny Coni-
pnnir , ntid nil pcrjont claiming by. tl.tough , or
uivlsr It , from nil right nml Intciiit In tin- said
r.illiv.iyannl iirenilsja bv the di-crrca onieied to
bos , > ld , either at Inxv or In cijulty , It Icm ? llku-
wise dccrojd uion inch contliinatlcn of tale ,
the puro.iiisjr the rent , upon coaplrlng xxltli the
terms of ttio sale , s'loulil bo ( milled lo ricclxo
frJii thaailil { 'uinmitslniKr fuid il.n enld IIIIMCO
comiilnlnint * the Aitierlcnn lean A 'liutt Ccm-
pany , deeils conveying nnd tiKmfeirlng tl.oi-Hld
rnllwiiyanmt promises to the pnrcbn.erbui sub
ject tu oorailn prior underlying ii'oriHKi ( bvti"
Inafter mentioned ; and
XYhorcas , U wns furlher provided by Iho
mid a vcral dectee ) thnt euch enlo E ! nil be irndo
upon euch terms ns tbo ( .Yrjiiulsslu.cT mlgll up-
proveony parties to tbo biilUi iibovu inentlomd or
fho holders nf nny of Ilio C < > nsolltlnte < l IJomls lo
secure which ttio Consollikitul MorlgLKO xxa >
executed , tu bn at llbtrty to bid and bi-ciiiio pur.
cbas rint such fale ; nml
\Vhcroas , An appeal xx.ia taken by Ibo snld
dcfemlint , tin * Oregon bbort Line .t Ulnli North
ern llnllnny Company , from tbo HnlU I'.einv In
the KAld CAIIIO as tillered tn tbc Ulsilct of Oregon
gen , nnd from tlio Bald decrtc. IIH enii ltd In tnld
cauro In Ilio JJlElrlct of .Montatn. and fiom the
eald decree ns entered In B.I Id cm s In IIu Dla-
trlct of x\yimilnir. nil of xxhlrh s.ild several up-
IvoalH hax'o been duly dltrilssul ami by the onlt is
ami decree * nf tlio Appellnte Courts tu xxhlch the
appeals taken In the snld camici , tboi-nld
cauvc-s xxcro rom.imled to tbo ( .ex'eral crnrtafioni
xxhlciitlio said mipiala xxire taken , with direc
tions loir.occed fn Iho cartel nnd to Iho vn-
force mcnt of hnld do.ees , but rcscrvliiR In
the conns from nblch Ibc nppinlH xxera
respectively taken further Jiirlndlci on In tl.o
MvcT.U causes fur Biuli fuilber iiiileiw nml io- !
crcpsnt the foot of Ilie several ikcicc n.i niltht
bo iippllo.l lorhstunll mniteni niitiKljudlintcd
by tue derrcen , and fur fuitber < rilurs ni.d dliec-
tlom to lliu CunimlMiloiior Icuehlng tbo Mild
or tlio temii auU ccmlltloiia thcrcuf na might bo
caultublo ; iind
Wlierens , Mandates from the Bald Appcllntn
Courts IIAVO been duly tiled In the hcvcrnl cnuriii
from wnlch the enld nppoals xvcro dlreit-
Ingeiiforccniuiit of the id durecs , nml pricess
lias duly Issued theruon fri.m each of the Mild
couits , directed nrrl dcllxu.eil lu llm uiilcr-
elKiicd , tbo UuniDilsiloncr llierenf mind In llm
Bald ilccreoi. for Hie prtpcr enfi ncment thercuf
In KCeoiiJan * o tbu terms of tbo said derirost
Now , theieforc , Notice Is lioreby tmvu by
the umlersiKiiol , John 1) ) . ClolnnJ , the foni-
nilsiluner lumoj bythoiuld cecretsrnd by tlio
Aniork-au Loan & Tinst Conipnuy , cuioplaiiinnt
In Ibnsnld cmiHea nnd tnihtco nt t'i R.ild Oonioll-
dutol Mortgage , tno eoiV inisrto joining lineln
uiflernml pursuant lu tbo ti-nna ( b ) Ilio
direction of the enld iJccreei nml berntiiKof ind
by virtue ol power to It Intinsicil by iho loni.s
nnd cun lltlui.a nf the Bald Conollialcd Moit-
prBO , that nil nnd tlngiilur tlio inlluny i roi r-
ilcinnd unv nnd nil oilier property of Ihmro-
Kunhliort l.lni it Uluh Norihein lialluay t'oni-
pany bv It had or hold on th > 1st day n ! AiiRiitt.
It * * , tbo duto of the Ml. I Coli50lui.lul ! .Mart-
pane , nnd all n'ter ncqulrcd pruperlv tl.cicalter
by Uncnulrcd nut comprls UK nil Inn mll nys
nnd other properly uf the nuil OICKOII liliort Line
A Ulnli .Noitlieni lialluay fen | uiiy la He inlil
I'oasol Ida ed Mmt a--o cxpiiHid to loiunviic.l
thereby to tbo Amerl'nn Ixnia , t 'Jim t ( ' ( iniiiinr
as trustee , will bo told on Ihonlnlii < * nv of Jnmf-
nry , A. 1) . 1WI7 , nt the hour of Icn n'rlud. , fore.
noon , nt Salt l.nko City in tlio Mr.lo or Utah ,
fnimorly 'lurrllory of I'tali , at tbo Cior n. tbo
Coutt-bouso ot the County of t-alt J-ake In mid
city , uhlcll raid property lo to bo led ! IH io- !
Kcrlbcd In tbo laid Cunwlldntcd ilottpn o at
"All that line of rail nay , beginning ntn ro nt
on the Union I'acllle llalluny , nt n p ace caiio 1
Urniuer , In the County of Muiiuul.r , iny , , .
( Including broncboi to Kit bimi. In tinCniinty
of Alturnt. ami to lljlvo t l.y. In the County of
A la. In Idaho ) , nnd llu'iice Into tlie Comity of
linker , In uroon , nnd tluant b > purh ruiteor
rinif'S no innv bo durniluul lylbi > IloniU of
Directors of III' ! rnllwny tl o Colum
bia HI VIT , IMKit bound , ortliu JliLlliu Ocrnii ,
And nlso nil that Una of ulluny , exlindliiK
fromnny feasible point nr poli.u IIJKJII tln < mill
rullnnv In n northwesterly , \irvurly , urFonih-
westeily direction , Intn nnd Ilin niihiiinliu ; ,
UUH , Idaho , Oregon , Nr\aln , mid C' ,
or any of tbiMii , lo su > h iilnri H ami on siu h run 11 >
ns tlio Ulrccturn ma/civil or ililirmlne , lori-Uicr
with nucli extcim o'is or biiniilii'Hof mi ) olu-ld
lines fro n any cllululu luilnt ir"lnla | , In Ilio
iiiosi f lullilo roulo lo eucn oihir plnun Injo \ -
mln' L'mli IdabOiMohlnim.Mn.'ihlncloii
{ , , , OriRdii ,
Ualllnrnla. or Nuvivla , or uiiy of Ihcin , n the
said Il..irl of DlriH-inri irny from llu.e lolln.o
ileteruiliio. Anlnlxu nil ( but llnu of rallun ) lie.
Klnnlnvnt 1'ocjtJllo , In tl.o Ciutity ol llliu-iinin ,
In Idilm , itml tliiMKii niniiln ? In n K < n > ml north
erly direction , lliruiuli Hi" Ci.umy of lllniilinni ,
la Ma'ie. ami tlioncj lulu nml II rough lliu
Couiilli'Hol M.idlsoii. HJ.IVIT Jluul , Hl\er I.'otv ,
nnd IVcr ldxe. . In Moiiu > nn , ni.d tlnnco bv the
must ft'nslbla roulo Ihlouji Iho t'l.uiny m ij | , .
ffilila , In Sloiilaiu. In'o tnil tliidiKh Idnl mind
Was ilnsiiun , mil Ihrn/ii h ) IU li rcu'o or roiitia
as tbcsild Il'i.inl ' of Dlr rlon my ( rum Hue in
llmudclenaliio , LinKtuerul nnr.l.irlj , utslirlv.
imrtliHcsaTiy , or uiiiuoniprly dlreeilini ii !
J"uiet found , or to Iho I'adllc fiiun , loai-llitr
wltli bninclitn nf lh .ilillino [ if inllwuy run-
, . . --ouniyof ;
- - - - - . , - - - , . - -
tuuether with auch brnndiiH or
itilcniloni of nny of tlio nald Him TH Iho Mint
Jlo.irl of Hlrwlnra may fiom Ilino In llnii'i.u-
tcniiliiv , 11 nd ll.oixn Into mid u rouuli llm County
of l.lnrolii , In Norndn , to Ilio toinhwciiterii
bound pry t nu of Nuvadu , tot-otlicr wlih binnch
HnitiuxU'iiillntf lulu Iho Cuiiutleii ofVhlto I'lnn
nil Mrv. In Wcvndn , Idfirlhir Hllb nucli rull.
wnjB , brancbiD. or eilMiiloimof thu ald llnc-a
IntoaiiA ihrou ii Utah , Nuvnilu , Arlmim.Orivon.
nnd Cal Ifurnlu , or any of tin-in , H ilia linard ot
Ulrcctora muy dctcrialno. Ami uliw all aua
limn of tnlltvny fin.l limnctirs ntut
extensions thereof Hint the KnlUvny IVmpnny mnv
berrnlter roiistrnet nr require , rttrndlim firm
nny lenilbln point or | iolnl < tipnn nay nf Miltl
lln by the mo t ells bio miito nr rnufe < to ntiy
or nil of mull plixcrn 115 the Otrertor < < uf IbO Itnll *
w. y IViinpany limy lie rniwwoirtt | to folrct or
iloii'tmlno ' by vlttim ol Ilio tlmrlrr ot nttlrUiiof
linvriHirntloii ot the lUtlluny l\ini | < nnynr nnyof
Itno.imlittient c\ > mvri | | inmnlldatid Iblollio
luilxv.iv ( Vinipniiy , nr liy vltine of nny nmriid *
moiits ilioroof , vthlili main line nml liiMiibointn
nlrradv um lriiele > l nnd cnniplciiil to thceitint
oil I.MI.iiH mllci ol nliiRln liurk or llnr. Ami
nlvin I Ktid slnciilnr the Innd * , tlplils of ny ,
nut rivU unit li-iwhold n > t.tlp nlrindy or brie *
nflirtoi > iinc < iiilred by ttio Itnllnny i\ni' ny ,
nnd mo.1 nr Intendeillo InMimil lor the Mildndoxv
ilrs rli'ixl llm > of Tniluny , nr nny Lrmiih erer-
lenslnn tlicrivif , r fnr tlm I'lirinisn cfliimlimt
nivonuiiodtlloni , MntlonstniihmiMii , tnnihlno
MiopA , liiilldlii . Mttiitiltr * , nppu ni I is , nml
\vorxsiir nthrtnli , In ( iiiitn < itli'ii ' lor
nny pnriinsos of siii-h rnilway" , brnnrb , nr c\trn
slim. And nlso nil niul nliiRiilnr II c rrtlurs ,
earn , Mllliii ; m.vk. eiiili | > inont , niirblntry , iwi | ,
tini'leiiienls , mm iliils , iitrnlliire , fuel , Mippllrii ,
nnd oltii't cliatU'M , brlonchii ; lo or liinullrr to
bo miUlrvd | by tn IUtwuy < Coiiipanv , niul In nny
way KpM | > iu > lnlni ; in tin * oald lallunj.s urnny or extension Iliori-of , nr to tbv uniklni ;
( if the xtnic. And nl o nil nnd ulnnilur thu
franclilsos , rlRlils , nnd prlvllrtin Him ( be Hull-
way Conipuny now lm , or mny In nutter urqiiln * .
for or In rc pT | of Iho ald nbovr ilcrirlbxl
r.ill a.vs , or nny lirnncli tvr f > U > H ! > li < ii thrirof ,
or tbv eonsiriutlon , miliilennlii-e , Inipnivirmnt.
\\orklnf , or usit of Ihu MIIH > , leKetbiT with nil
lernlnnl nccomiii ( lnllnn < , MalliHu" , nnnhoiiMS ,
iniclilnn shops , brldfrrn , btilldliiK' , innu-tnrfK.
hpinnclio5otks ; , ( irhlli'ins , i'n cnn'nlii , nnd
nppuneniiim-s to or with tlio Riild pr'inlM ( ! > , or
nny purl thereof , nmv or nt nny time ilnrlUK Hut
cmiilinuncu ol this mxiirlly nppniuliilnj ; or
injoved. "
tld de.v-rlptlon holnt ; Intrndc.l tn dercrlbo Ilio
rnllwayi uf inv s.ild Itnllwuv Company ns tbo
8 > nii nri or bnvo boon netiially conslrurldl , nl-
tboiKli Ilio iuimo may vnry Imni Ilio Konornl inutn
nbu\o deJerlbeil , hlrh nld pi itix rl l < s o nlutx o
ilevrlbed ombraeu and nvr Ihu InllowliiK line *
ot milwny nctn.illy ciinsiriictcd nnd In me , nnd
ile < crlhi > d ni follows1
1. Tiui lln < < i of rail MIIV conslitlnt ; of nbonl lt
hiindnyl nnd rlovon ( Oil ) miles In IIIIRIII , belmt
tlui pirls of tbn tuld inllnnjs o ! Mm MI I if
Hilluuy Cinnp.xny I'Atoiidlmt frem CnniRi'r
In Wyirnlnz tnroiiijli iiinio lit lliinllnfli n In
thi > siato of Ou'inli niul fiom Hmrlii Im to
Krlc'iimi In Iilalui , uhloli .ild lliu.s of mll-
\MW were formerly tin. llno.s nf mlluny nf ceitiln railway loipnmtton kiionn us ami
c.illt-1 Iho OreEiiii Short I. Inn Unlluuy ( mii'iiny.
a 'l\iu rallwiy9 nnd railway pinpeitlis eon *
uboiit four hiindnd ami KlxtMx nnd
oni'-liuii'lri-illlis ( . | C(1 ( in j lullfs In
Iciuili.h-iiu l ii pans of tbuMid iM
mid defendant Hal I nay lomiiin } e.ttiiidlnir
from O.'don. In 1'tili , nor herl.ti'iniRli Idi.I.ciii . )
Hurls ni In M'liitiint , nml fiun : Sll\ir Hoto
Untie ( 'Uy In M.iniana ,1'i'lni ; tl < llni of n ll i.y
form > rly vested Inn certain mllwny ciupnniiloii
cU nl MID I'tnh nnd Northern llotlnii.fnminiiy. .
: i I'lio r.ilh MS aim nillunv priip ) Hint cnn-
slstlin nf ah nil ouu Ininilred nn I muU > .V nlles
III leiutb. ImliK the parts nf the sxld rnl < nnvsof
tbo said defendant ItalMuiy ( I'liiiinny ' e n miliiif
frniiStlt 1-iko Clly In .limb In Utah. and foiincr-
ly vesti'il In n reitnln rnl.t\iy u iptitntlnn called
tbi ! I tab KouUuTIi Hal Iroinl I nlnnliv. |
I. Tlie nillways nml nillwuy iiinnrllra con-
flilllu n ( ahoul mm bundled nnd Ihlttv ( ill : ! )
miles In luii tb. nnd boliu'the pariK < > f Ilie mill
rtillway.s of thti defeiiihint lallwiiy cninjutny ex *
tciiillni ; from Junb lo KrlKi-n In ruth , ubliliiro
fo-in'rly vested In n reitala nlber lullwnv enr-
pir.itliin called thu Utah Minlherii llnllroad i\- :
G. lb > rnllnny.snnd rnl\tny ! propertlrsromilst-
In ; id nbiiiit elirliti en nnd ntne1 > leiir one him-
dr-.ltlislS 1)1) ) miles In lengthbelnc the purls of
tli'H.ild rallua.xs ot Iho di-lendnnt ImMuu ; c m-
piny oxt'iiidlin ; lion Nampa to Itnlve ( ity In wore vested In n i erlaln oilier
railway corpnralinii called tbo Ididiu Central ,
Hi hv.iv * Oiiupany. f
U. Thy railways nnd rnllnn ) propertiesciunlft-
Infill about sl.vt > .oiii'iind Ilium oiM'-lnindiedllis -
( ill ! . ' > > miles In lencth. exiendnii ; Item Ix'bl
Jiiiiellna lo I'lntlc la Ltnb.wlili n bMiiih from
Ir 1:110 : i to ! lv r ( My nnd I.'iitekn nnd Hie Kn-
re'cn mines , formerly called lliu hull Inkcib
Wettern Hall uuv.
7. 1'.ID rail nays nnd rallwav proieilli s ioiRl : t-
Injnfaioiil thirty iilnunnd tilt } one-lnindiedlba
(31 ( fxli miles In leiiKtb , I elm : the pmix nf thn
railway.'o [ the dtfemlniit llniluuy I'miipiiny rx.
! i > i llni frni Halt Like Clly to 'lernilnus In tbn
hi Hoof I'uh.uUli H hranib , nnd fnrmerly culled
tinWln'i .t Ni-vndn Iialluny.
8. Iho railways nnd niliunv ptopeillpsconsbt- \
Ine of n out llvu n-id elibty-llvo line-bill dtvillln V
(5 ( S'imlles ) In leinrlli.belm : Hie inll.sol lliu rall-
\va\s nf fie l-feiiilaiil ) Idillna } 11 nipniiy ex-
ten tlntf from Svrai use Jniii lion ui tuntdly Iti
Divls ( Anility 111 Utah , nnd Immerly enllid tbu
Oxil- i it Hvrmisu Itiillnny.
U. riio r.iiluiivs and rallnny proiierllen of
nbnit fully llvo i IS ) n.ll.s In li-nuHi , lielri ; tliiv
iiinsof lh mid rillwaj.s of the u'ld ilofdidiint
itiihviv ( .vnipiny exiendlnc Ironi ( India to t-alt
Lik-cliy In the M.ile of flub , nml formerly
lull * I t'io ' titnb ( Vnlrul lalhoiil.
W.ileli . "nld lines of rallwnyiie In pnrt mnro
pirtlen urly dcserlbe'l tn and me rcfcrrtd tonnd
< ov T'd In part by tli" iuilvrl > Ii K prior nntlKiiuri
hcrolti'illKr speellln.1 , the prnpeilliB den rlbril
there n b dim In jmrt tins wine proertkn ) id > o\o
pirtlrtltarly lUs'ribed.
T ) { tb-r xv I Hi nil fhntices ol tlm I lies thereof ,
nnd ml lillmis and bran lies Iliuun nnd In nil
part , thereof , al nny tin. ' * mvu ! nr oii'lrm tut
oltlier ity or for mm In behalf of tl maid Uiexun
bhnrt lilno niul Vtn'i ' Nuilhein ILillxxny C'om-
p.uiy ; Ineliidlmc In lliu nltrr ni < | iird prcpirly
inMitkmed above nil propeity , leal nr liminnl.
nepilr In behalf nf Iho On ton Mini ) I.lnc nml
UiVi Nurtliern Halluny Cuaijuny by thu receiv
er * nr ot urvx ( so.
Til ) sil t xilu wilt bo madx , boixever , nml It
conllrmo.l nnd iiiirehnsu umile con pkte by duils ,
Ibu lltUof s.ild m ili.aKed piieilleH | " 111 lenc-
iliilr'l.siibjert lo thu fulio lnu nnilerlylncinoit-
Kiui upon sueh pirlsof tl' Mild iirepcrtlis nn
nr.i cov.-rnd thereby and eibr.ned Ilien In.lo ultt
1. All IndJlltun , ' nf morlpiKe ihiled Ibo HlM day
of N'IIVUn'l'lr. 1K-41 , mid iiinde by the ( lucdii
H'lort I.Ilia Kallu.iy Cnminnx of thnono I'lilt ' ami
Vealerlck L Amt-i nnd Jnbn P. Hlllon , ( llfilfen.
of tlm other pirt. Kicnrln ; : ne.ntlnblo ) lionds
iHsiudnmt nutsuindlni ; nn.ler Hie raid morlpnKO
in the amount thereof iiny : Im usierlalned , xxlilclt
biviljixn ) inyablo on tlie llrst day ot I'ehriiary.
10-- , with In tore.'t at clx p.r einl. per nnmim.
luynhlc s ml-nnnunllv.
J. An Inlonturo of inorli"il. < i dnli-'l the first
dav'ofjily , 1H7H , and made lelxxeeu the Ulnli
tt : Niirthern Itillway Cniepany if Hit * emi part
mil .1 ly il'iulil nnd Joseph ItlehiirdMin. ItutKe.s.
( if Hiother part.wciirin nepd lable iHimls luneil
llu'r.'iiii I.T ainl now niitsiiinilliiK llnnon tin llm
nm'i'iut thereuf m.iy bu iiM-eraliud. wlihb lionitsi
anpiy.iblo on HID llr-t day nt July , HKJH , wllli
Inler.'st at s'X'un per cent , pir nnmim , jiajulilo
a. An liiib'nlnn > of ninrlRaKH ilnled tbo llrkt dnjr
of July , 1HSH , and iimde I.etXMin Ilie Uluh .t
Nurtlura Hallway Cunii nny , nf the cue pullnnd
Ihu Ani' Ixnn > X : 'llii'l Inn puny , tlliMce , of
thu otlur part , ft-'iirlnt ; negntlnblo Innils IsMinl
an I outstanding llieiTiludcr iia the niiioiint II.i reut
nny bonscurtalnel , which bonds mo pnjnblu nil
thunrst day nf July , HUtl , xvilh InleuM ni thn
rate of llvo per cent , per minimi , pnjnlde Biinl-
1. An'indenture nf irorlRnge duliil tbn Ilirt
daof . .liiii.inr1H7II. . an ) nun 11 belxtiun tha
Ut.Vi C'litral Itniliiiat Company , of Ilie one pnn ,
nniltorn-o s. ji. . rlilK-i nnd Al ram ( Linnet.
tr.iDx , of tbo other pail , imnlm ; niitlnbln
buali lisuol mil niif-tiin niu IbeiiniKcr nx thu
amolilt tier > of laav bo n-ioilnlnul , but xxhlcli
iiiiomt no oitstniidln ; thereunder nn It I.I
e'urj'd III I'm ioiidaln | in I'B bill In tills canto
Is t us nn of Six Tinm < and liollars , xxblchtnmla
xx'-re pnyablo Janiiar. llr t , IMO , xvlth liiurmlat
Bit n T o nt. pv nniri n , javab.o H'lnl annually.
5. All Indenture nf n.oitnm ) intul the tint
ibiy of .Inlv , IH7I , mil m.idu l Hue en tbo I tali
SoitliTii Itillroid Cuminny ; , nf the one pail , rmt
\Vllllan : H lloo.iiT nnd llenry II. Hiiinii end ,
Irii'teui , uf tbo ot'ier ' l urt , iicnrlni ; ncKotlaMo-
iHJiiM l4.iul unl uittMidlmi tlnrilllidcras thu
niio'int fii'reof miy bo m rtatned , x\hhh bnndi
svurepiy.xblo nn t.iu llr-t day nf July , mil , xtltlt
Interval nt th ) rale of rextn pir ( tin. per unniiiii.
iii/nbloH : nl niininllv.
( I. An In lemurs nf norlinre : i'nl l the first
dayofjiilv , 1H7I > . mil l , i do belxvun thu I'lnli
rHiJUIL'rn uuiniiil iniiiiniiy , ui me nne juiri , Mini
Willla'il II looier nnd Jnmis M. Hani , IruMus ,
of fioo''i'r put , s > iirliu lietotlidile I oiid.s lu-
Miedaiil oust indllu IhereuiioT nstho iniioiint
therjnf i.iw bo is'crtulmil , xvlilili bonds nrik
p u u ilu on thn llrst day of Jul ) , II ( t ) , xxllh IIIIL-
rj-tatiliu rale of lev en per lent , per annum ,
ii.ivulilo senl-annually. :
7. An IndJiitnrj of inortgiign eated the flrst
diy of July , 1H7II , nml Hindu belxxien thu I'lidi
hoithTn Itillroid EtUm-lon , of Ibe one inrt ,
nnd iVIIItnm H. llunper ni.d Jan.i.i.M. , tri.s-
tu-s. of th ) other nurl , ictiirlni ; icgotlnblo
bond 11-HiiC'd and niithluiidliiK tl.ereiindi r im Ilia
uiniint t'ler 'Of nny bo us erlalmd , xxhlcb Uniibi
nro piy.iblo on tnu lint day nf July , HOI ) , with
lnt.T-3tat Ilio nile of texeii icrccni. iirnnnuni ,
payalilo H'liil-inuiiiiillj.
8. An Indontiiri of niotlraso dated the Iliht dny
ofjaniury , ! Hi7 , nml iiiiiilu IIIUKII tl.c Iilnbik
( Hillixuv Ojiiuny | , of Ilio ono part , and
tlu I/Jia it 'lrn > .t Coiniuny , Iniktie , of
th ) other pirt , sjcurliu nejothiluu hiimlH Inmed
an I oiit'tninllne tlieieunder , UH tlm niiiniint there
of miy bo nsecrlnln-I , xxhKh I mills are imyublo
on lb llrst d.iy of January , 11117wllli InlenH nt
tbu rit'jof six per cent , per annum , payulilu scml-
Tn pu'rcliMcr nt 6'ich silo : xxlll IO rcnulrcd fr
ilinnslt xvlth Iho UoninilBaliiiior.ln muney.lhe sum
of inn liundrjl iliiiu .ind (1IMI ( ( } ) dolliini ,
nml If t'io puruhiiser sall : full to ron.pliiu
Ibo purdi i-so In no orilnnco xxllh Ilie terrni
of tbu silo , mil up in ( unllrinnlloii tliciiof by
tlio court * u idpr xvhosi dilution and dicrert
th4sil3wlll bo .nvle. diiioalt wi niuilii Fhall
tlnr-'uprm In fortcll..l : and 11 null Nilepliall not
bocn.i by the roiirt , mich ilci nlt will bo
return rd to the piircli.iwr. If coiilirined. tbn do-
piMlt HII inn la HI bo iicra-ptul nnd necked nml
upptlul inn pir' of tlu puiihaso price.
Ojnill li'oil b'liiilH of tlio wild Oiegon Short
Lliiuiuil U ili Niirtbera llallxxay Coiiipnny , nml
secured by Iho eonsiilldilid nmlKinte nfureHiild.
may Intmi lerol and will bu leeelxi donncuaintot
tbu bldol Ilu puretiis.'r. hut to such nmount only
nswiiild boniinllciiilu tliuolo bylhe Krii.suf Ihu
ilecriH-s bad tbo cntlru purliiiH < price been paht
In iniiiyfiit ; ; ) fficpiircfuiMT mnn likewise pay la
ni'iiu'y UH a part 01 his pun liaso prlco mi h ollu r
Inrtliurauiui In money us tlio court may I'etcr- '
If llm Kilo flh.nlI n.i connrmeil , nnd thn piirclumo
jirlci mi'hi C'linpl > iu by Iho payment by llm Idil-
der of the ptircham prlco tin real , u ill id fur tlio
pruioriles purchascil will bu cxruled by thn
l'uniiilniloiier : upon ( lie dhecllon nnd ilccreo of
thucunrlH tberitii , In xihlch didl lliu American
1/rin , t Trust Co'iipany. cimipli Innnt and Irustco
( if the Slid consolidated inurig go.xvlll Join , eon-
xeylux lo thu purolnser Ihomld riillxxnynnnil
premises , Ihu execution ( if xthlch byihuiuilil
TrustUonipmy xxlll b midii juiniuniit tu Ibo
( onusand directions of Iho wild ihcnis , niul
piir-iunt to tlm jiowor uml niithorlly upon It
confi'rrixl by Iho sipl consolldntid inortKOKe.
xxhlch deed , so to bo executed , hluill by Ibu lermi
of the Kald decrees convey lo the puiclinwr tlio
h.ild inorlgniiiNl rail win Blind pliipeillc'B , mlijert ,
liouever , lu tlm underlying morlKiiKis Ihereoii
hert'lnlieforo refened to. nml to tbo ricelx'cr *
hlilp charges and otdk-atloiri limio d by
thu dcereof , xvlilch tale nnd ill-id by lhi >
termn of Ihu mill ilcrrwii shall Hn > < limliy
hir Mm difi'inlint , tbo Ongim Hhort I.Inu ie
I'lali ' Norlberii Jt'llwny r iiri.inv. | nml nil pcr *
Bins clilinliu by , ( brunch , "r umlor II , fruin nlli
rluht and Intin-st In thu ould morlciiced prop. '
crilcs. '
Dated Ibis clKhlh ilny at Ikeeiiiher , 1M .
JOHN II. < : iiiANH. : iViinmlxloncr.
[ bc-ul.J Jly H. li 1EAIKHIY , i
1U i > MWen
Attest : N. W. JORDAN. V
Ils Ai lii fry.
F. S. J1USII & CO. ,
No communion , Ola S. HHIi St. , Omaha , Nou.